HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-04-28, Page 4e 0 - • _ - - TWo Eng tishmen Murdered in Buenos Ayros. Particulars hare been received by the mad jnst arrived of the death of NIr R.. Baia, B A., Cambridge, second son cif Mr John Bald, Wells, Roxburghshire. The ti„,,,,s,„1 was cruelly noirdered,on the 22nd of ./annzirv, at his estancia, about 12 miles fr,ein Rosario, Santa Fe, Buenos Ayres, t the evening of that day, two natives arrived and,purchased..1NO sheep, wi.en it was arranged that they should remain er the nti.:hr and remove the sheep next day. On the fi . )) wing day, Mr. taild was found ninr:lered in his house, his body pierced with many wounds. Henry Tait, a boy of 14, who was in his servie., shared the same fate, having been in bed in an adjoining roam. It is believed that the crone was perpetrated between nine and eleven o'c.ock, and tlret Mr. 13,ald was treacher- oiiisly stabbed while sitting at his table, on wiln:la a book was fieind lying open-. He sip; ears to have sprinisr up in order to de- - fend hiniself, as the room gave all the in- dications of a violent struggle, and there were nuinerous wi muds in his arms. TWO b:,xes were ransacked. and several articles, inclinling Mr Bald s watch and revolver, o ere stolen. This diabolical crime has caused a moist painful sensation through- out the province, and the President of the Argeritine Republic immediately offered a reward $.").010 for the capture of the mtirderers. One has been taken, and has confessed his guilt, but refuses to give any information as to his accomplice. r Ed- ward Bald, a younger brother of the de..- c...ased, and who had only- been a couple of monchs in the country, was at Rosario on the day of the murder. He travelled over a great part (if the country since, in search of the other assassin. wn had ,,hitherto escaped detection. The lamentable event hs Leen reported tA the Earl of Clarenr don, nho immediately forwarded instruc- ti .us to her Nlajesty's charge d'atfairs at Bnenos Ayres to atf ird every assistithce in his power in brin_nng the murderers to instice. Mr. Ba,d was a young man of high princinie,of a franaand genial nature, and. of an accompl-islied mind. His many ina'-de qualities endeared hun to his iovn family and a lar,ie circle of friends, by whom his untimely fate is deeply deplor- ed. Jush ae a Philosopher. There seems to be four styles : let. Tritsia %vb.) know it's so : 211d. Them ut,o l'irow it aiut ! 3rel. Thern who eealt the deffere ace and alles3 at tt 4th. Them w ho don't care' which way it is ! There is but few nom who hes character enutf to lead a life of idleness. Trite love is spelt the same in Choctaw as it is in Eagash. These who retire frian the world on account of its sins and peskiness ruu it nea f.weet that they laa.)-e yet to keep comp- aay %vita a person who wants just as much watching as any body else. Necessity be- got invention, invention begot convenience convenience begot pleasiire, pleasure be - go;, luxury, luxury begot riot and disease, riot and disea,se between them begot iverty, and poverty begot necessity again -and all this is a revolusion of man, and is about all he can brag no. Most people dechne to learn only by their own ex- .pemence. And 1 guess they are more than halt right, for I do not spoze a man can get a perfect idea oi molasses by letting another fellow taste it for him. An in- dividual, to be a fine gentleman, ne.vi either got to be born so or be brunght up soften) infaEcy ; he can't learn it sudden, any more than he mn learn to talk Inlin cor- rectly practisen on a tomahawk. I wondetlif there was ever an old maid wfto ever heard of a match that she thought was snitable. If a man wants to get his dimensions let htru visit a graveyard. --- THE Greelishurg Ondiana) Press says th at a gay Greensburger, when he goes to see his girl, a little west of that town, •'earrtes his fine boots under bis arm untd he reaehes the g -ate, when he doffs his otoeas and marches into her presence - as fresh and clan as a new -blown pump kin bless -ma." 7 Preparation of White Wash. Whitewash is oneof the most valuable arteces io the world, when properly appli- ed. It not only prevents the -decay of wood, belt conduzes greatly to the healtn- fuiness of all buildings, whether of wood or stone. 'Out-baddings and fences, when n it painted, should be siipplied once or everJ year with a good coat of white- wash, which should las prepared in the fob.. wing manner : Take a clean water- tight bar -rel or other suitable cask,aud put into it. ha.lf bushel of lime. Slake it by ponr.ng boiling hot water over it, and in sufficient quantity to cover it five inches deeo, and stir It 'orisaly until thoroughly siabled. When the slaking has been tin/roughly effected, dissolve it in water and add two pounds of sulphate of .zinc an,1 one of Qua' mon salt. ; these will cause the wash to harden, Atnd prevent its crack- ing, which ,,enves an unseemly appearance to the work. If desirable, a beautiful cream. color may be communicated to the above wash, by adding three pounds of yellow Jchre ; or a good pearl or lead co;or by thu addition of lamps, vine or ivory black. Fur fawn color, add four pounds of umber, Turkish or American - tile latter is the cheapest- -one pound of Indian red, one pound of common lamp- black For common stone color, add four pounds of ratv umber, and two pounds of lamp -black. This wash may be applied with a. common whitewash' brush, and will be found Lunch superior both in appearance and durability ter the common whitewash. - Journal_ Chem,istry. ---s- • APETL FooLs.-E. Et, O'F., writing to the Mesduc Mnae-une *ells of a sell which was put upon the Montreal Merchants which is tau good ; he says :- A capital and clever hoax was played on many of the principal firms in Montreal on 'All Fool's Day' or lst of A circular purporting to coune from the Fin- ance Department at Ottawa was addressed to moist of the pruacipal firms in the City. A copy YHP.BAT13,1 1 give yuu below ; hAJD1ifie2-NTLAI. 'Department of Finance, 'Ottawa, March 28, 1870. `Sir. -The Government have resolved on o12-cing tha first issite of the Fraetional Currency upon the market about the 15th of April proz.. With a view of getting them into general circulation end expedit- hug the expect of American sileer cenn, heve decided to regitest a number of the mnst reliable firuts in the different cities and towns in the Dominion to teke from es-itl0 to :52,060, in equal proportions of 25, 50, and 75 cent bills. - 'Waal this view, I have to request, if you. will aecept an amount and- eirenlete them emoting your custoriaere. The Gov- ernment will ancept your pro. note et 6 intereet, payable at the agencies of the Rank of Montreal, and any Italance of currency you may have on hand at ma, teirity_of neee.-; will be received in abate- ment. 'Jaye= reply addreesed to the Hon. the Firmatee Minister, Ottawa you will state the amount you are to take. 'I have the honor to be, 'Your obediett sereant.' Se complete Wast the sell, that many of the ast, firma 4:1 the city replied to the chtetrelera, and addressed the Finance Minis - tee at Ottawa, stating what amount of the fraeti.ona1 cnrreney they would take. I LAVe- seen the reply froni the Fillilllee- Minister. buthave not saa.ce to st,,ive it you bete. Thet _whole latiuk. a.eapieetsske, OrtibrOkee 11610,- wilo has-been compelled tv sueennibtnte pressure of the times three or four timesa- 'received- one of- the circulars, srld onee wrote to the Finance Min'eter th th me wies[a capital oaa and in every way met hie appretatia- and - ire order to mitist the Goisrunialt in carS ia, if -at he W9.1.41,takAt $25,too, - - DOMINION PARLIAMEM. - - - , .0mosamoinnoumworamm Lim air .-+ _ Dr. J. Brigs.. Throat, and Lung Healer is pleasant to take) and unsurpassed for its efficacy in curing Bronchitis. ac. Sold by Druggists. CrrAive, APRIL 19. To those who suffer from Cones Bunions, Had Nails, Chilblains Frosted Feet, &c• , try' Dr J Briggs' Cur - The Honse did not commence its sittin s sed liberally ar directed, relief is Muse - to -day until 7 :30, owing. to the. detention rettritZuadirenurc certain. Sold by Druggists. ed the Speaker at Prescott. DiFsur CesolodtaihCeollgh, Bronchit is. Conanniption. and all Tue militia eetimates were all voted. . Throat and Lung ilfiatierC ta.eatzli aLiatingLis .1.(113./liraLeBritgegs j Sir Geo. E. Cartier stated the expenses oar. Sala by Druggists. 1 of the military Schools would be reduced. He admitted that abuses had crept in. The number of students would be limited, and confined to those who intended to 1 serve as officers in the militia or volun- lteers. He further stated that the vote for I the Dominion Rifle Association would be ' gradually diminished. 1 Several other items were pa.ssed through Cemmittee. On the iternifer culling timber, Efon Mr Morrison stated that the Governmeet would examine the question, ano. reform jor equalizeethe expenditure. 1 NORTHWEST DELEGATES. , In answer to the member for Montcalm, j Sir JOHN A. MALIDONA.LD said the Government had had no official communi- 1 cation with the men sent front Red Rivm Frosted Feet. Chilblains, Corns, Bunions, Bed Nails & c., are positively cured by the,use of Dr J Brig,gs Aleviern curative. This Reined), has been .compound ed -with great ease. and used as directed, never fails Sold by Druggists" Catarrh, a disease whieh distresses us and diigusts our friends, e.an be instantly relieved and quickly cured by using Dr J. l3riggs' A illevantor, an invaluable Remedy fur all pail) and inflaininatiou. Sold by Drug- gists. Dr. J Briggs' Allevantor for the Cure of Catarrh, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. &e., ts unrivalled. in a thorough trial of its virtues, all will acknowledge its superiority. Sold by Druggists. If with Piles you are mach afflicted, . And sought for ri cunini vain ; Ilse Briggs' Pile Reined), as directed You will both health and peace again. Dr J Briggs' 4' Co, No. 6, King Street, West Toronto Dr J Briggs' Pile Remedy is acknowledged by all who have tried it (alai their name is Legion) to be thc best. mit snecessful and efficacious Remedy ever used for as delegates. As to their arrest, that was that cusease, :sea by Druggists, I a matter belonging to the jurisdiction of All persons suffering from Piles, Internal, Bleeding, i the Ontario Government, and with which :on eventually mired by using DrJ Briggs'Pile Remedy Exiternal. or Itching Piles, will be immediately relieved the Dominion Government had nothing to sold by Dralii1JIsts do. Adjourned at 1.40. Suffereis from Corea Bunions, Bad Nails, and those OTTAWA, April 20. et:ITT-int:a afilietions, (.Thilblaires, are well recommend - The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. li sre. wel.1.0-1i:anob;t:nDerafigrgatisitt'ss for certain *C7' ie..nfansde DrsJitiI3,retat Mr Junes kLeeds and Grenville) moved Consumptives. try Dr. J. Briggs' Throat and Lung I a resolution declining that the construetien 011.741; rThlrot amt.:ICI iii•e%tite Naeuri Ine u re yi;iut. i For al I d frames Rrilway ought to be placed under thej to beneficial etreets: Sold' bnygsbTrVighgisnfs. can surPL-ss , and management of the 1 ntercolonial direct centrol of the Government. He ' ._:_-.-_ _-_ _ _ ____. spoke at great length, arguing that the] 31"1‘47. EIX7 rT4`:) 1 -4" -A -N Ratavey Cominissroners had mismanaged At Reduced •114tes, on ' their work, and it would be tuore econo- I inieal to allow the. Goverument to have mprovadr co arm &Toe Propedy The motion was put without debate,and lust. Yeas 44 ; nays 85. Mr Hemel moved the adt,ption of the report uf the Conimittee appointed to M- Imperial Building, Savings & quire into the unauthorized payment of Investment Co. sIs0,000 to the late Sir Allan MeNab, and OFFICE -50 Charch Street, Toronto. charged the Government with the res- ponsibility of the payment. Sir John A. Macdonali said the report of the Committee wholly exonerated lum, and he was in favor of Its adoption. The warrant for the pay me rit of the money was issued minute-, enthority Hon Mr Holton said that this report cendeinned the public officer, and 'stigg,est- ;ed that its adoption be postponed till the : id etrce taken by the Committee be print- ed a„d before the Renee, Agreed to. The House rose at six. For Period: extending, from "Three to Ten lerearse to suit Borrower Re -payable in Monthly, Half Yearly or Yearly Instalmeots, by the Humors of the Old Array. Upon a certain occasion, the precise date of which it is not necessary to men- tion, when a detachment of troops was about setting out from the Missouri River upon a long march across the Plains attd when the limited amount of transporta- tion rendered it necessary to reduce the cfficers' baggage to the mioimum regu- lation allowance, the commanding offieer, who was never knoen to consume much 11 timeover books,but seldom deeliued a pressing invitation to participate in a 'social glass, was applied to- by a young I subaltern jail from West Foifie for r er- mission to carry along a smelf paeloge of Ibooks which he had provided himself with • to while away the iull monotnny of gar- rison life. The commander replied,that he was all ready and willing to do any- thing in reason for all his officers ; but, when transportation was so very limited, as in that particular instance, he did nct feel authorized to encumber his wagons with such useless trumpery as books, He was very sorry to refuse, bat it was im- possible to comply with the request. The young gentleman went away greatly dis- appointed ; and shortly afterwards anoth- er officer, a particular friend of the com- mander came up and made application to have a barrel or whiskey transported in the wagons, which probably weighed ten timeseas much as the lieutenant's rej .eted little Parcel of books. To this rcquest he reeeived the following reply : 'Certainly, Lieutenant -certainly, sir ; of course you can take along a barrel or two of whisSy, or anything. else in reason • .t•RustortNT. 'JOHN CRAWFORD. Esq., Q. C,. M. P. -- e'en -PRESIDENT. JOHN .GORDON, Esq. DIRECTORs.' JOTIN CRAWFORD, Eso . Q. C. M. P. JOHN GORDO V, Eaa, Messrs Gordon & Mackay. J G. 11 1RPE E,ce- • Manager Merchants' Bank, .1;0011uNNTIFiztlIKNEENIt, Co. NOAH BARNHART, Ere, Merchant JOHN M ACN All. ESQ Messrs Lyman & Macnah. DALRYMPLE CRAWFORD, Esti., Messrs D Craw ford et Co. G. VA RCY BOULTON, EsQ, SECKETART & TREASURER. B. MORTON. beg. Bankers -Merchants' Bank of Canada.. Dz3-'1'he full amount of the Lath is advanced without Deflection. Conveyancing chaiges reduced to the veil. Lowest Rates. Agent at Goderich. FRE WI). ARMSTRONG, st 10tf West Sireet. ALLAN P. MACLEAN, TAILOR & r- 0 Fri nAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Consisting in part of Tfrest of England Broad- cloths, Beavers, Whitneys, Bearskins, Faecy hInglish. Scotch , and French Tweeds ,Cash meres, Doeskins, and a variety of Canadian Cloths; Plain, Satin, and Flowered Vesting,s, Shute, Gloves, Caps. e6c., He feels confident of giving satisfaction to h Who may favorhim with their orders. TWEED SUITb (all wool) $12 and -upwards. ee'- Y. B.-CUtting doue to Order. la: Goderici, Sent 25th. 1866 w8 CHRISTMAS CHEER ! mHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO RETURN TelANK._ to his customers and the citizens of Goderich, for the patronaise they have favored him with, aud hope.) by keeping Meats of the Best Quality in Season, To still receive a share of their custom. N. I3, -The subseriber would direet the attention of the public to his stock of ClIeristrhas Meat on hand this week. STEPHEN ANDREWS, Market House, Goderich. but the idea of lumbering up my wagons, December 20th, 1869, w48-tf with books is most prepesterous, and 1. inuet sai that I am astonished at such an auction & Commission. unreasonable re qucst coming from any officer of my command.' This :me officer was once presented with a sword by a friend, who assured him that it was a genuiae specimen of the rare Toledo blade. He himself, it is true, had not a very clear conception of what was meant by this peculiar d •signa tion of the weaponaas will appear in the sequel; but he was confident that it was somethine better than the reaulation sabre, and prized it highly. lie eften exhibited the present to his fliends, who generally concurred with him in the die- cuesion of its merits ; but upon one occasion an officer, who professed to be a connoisseur in such matters, ventured to express a doubt as to the quality of the metal, remarking at the same time, that but very few well -authenticated Toledo or Damascus blades ceuld now be found in any part of the werld, and that probably the most of theee were in prisseesion of rich Spanish hidalgos, who could not be induced to part with them at any price. Moreover, added he, the secret of manipu- lean.. the steel trom which these rare specimene of art were produced was lost Ts still in full operation, and is turning out impart° in the seventeenth century. The proprietor of the weapon, at this attempt to casta shadow of deuht upon its of all kinds, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS. 4c, • A number of first class Buggies on hand, 'and for sale genuineness became quite excited, and cheap for cash Prices of all articles in the line that jumping to 'his feet, exclaimed; in a lo Id wig conawrearrakvonra,ablynwt2 any in the County_ tone of voice ; " Spanish hidalgo -h-11 1.,articalar attention paid to Wagonand Caridage Re - 1. tell you, sir, this is no counterfeit, bat a pairing R. J WHITELY. r Sirocu pu:e Toledo blade;: and I Goderich. Nov9th. 1869 ,a w42 pledge you my word, sir, that a friend of old Toledo himself assured me that this MONEY TO 'LEND. was the very last sword the old man made G-0 DERICH & CLINTON stabl i shed 1S5 d••=•1111...... eiZALES of !Miscellaneous Property in C ()demi} every Saturday, and in Clinton every Wed- nesday. Nloneyadvrinced on Property far immediate sale and prompt returns made. Farm Stock and other Sales punctually attend- ed to throughout the County, TILLIEMA N'S Auction Mari. well Markel ectuare,Gudeneh Ontario Carriage Shop, (Hamilton St., Goderich. R. J. WHITELY, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons before he took sick and died "-Gen. R. A T MASON -ABLE RATES of interest, and on a el. aysnotice by J. S. SINCLAIR, B. Marcy, ia HaTer's Magazine for i Barrister, &c., oderich Tannery 19th. 1869 w51 AprEl. 9 A. Thieves Supper. -Ned Wright, the WASHING -MACHINE converted thief,encouraged by liberal eon- tributions, which he has acknowledged tn the London Times -and to be thankful in that wav is the way to get more -has A PERFECT CEM. given another thieves supper -this tithe ', " to two hundred malerascals, with reporters and other pious pehple en the platform. Ned caught some of his birds putting Priceonly $2.00 each bread in theiepeekets, and 'he made them sing without hymn-books,because on other -accessions they were not returned. Then he read and expounded the story of Abe frHE SU13SCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE " A • it valuetion. The lot Is situated abnut one and a Milt ' ' , - crucifixion, dwelling on the two thieves in el alnittle wonderin the Washing Machine lineopatent- miles from the Gravel -Road, quite Convenient to'Stores _ d manufactured by IsraelKinney. of Woodstock. and School. It is the old Ellison farm, and is one of ' Op ERIC II ' WO 0 LEN FACTORY. A ; told them -bow he itimeSht over _two it is the cheapes.t maewhasinhe.etvaehr;inmtventehed ad j; cannstbel bayt the beitand longest settled hi the Township. ached to any ordinary TITLE INDISPUTABLE. - . hours and twenty minutee, when his ut sa flogged irt the navy ; gave an account of machines ; and does less injury to the clothes i and by J. 9 SINCLAIR. . . (KNOWN .A S PIPER'S MILLS) . . .. e i rings tosuit-either light or heavy goods ; washes as was broken the first round ; how he was 14-4 diyand efficiently as more cumbersome and costly Ths whole Or a portion to be sold 01;C -reasonable terMs - 1870 SEEDS 1870 LARGES11 BEST t AND- CHEAPEST RELIABLE FIELD & GARDEN IN ANTICIPATION OF THE EXTENSIVE BUILDING OPERATIONS SEED S, I contemplated this Spring, the subscribers have laid in tin unusually rARN FOR SALE. I I II 1 THE SUBSCRIBER 'HAS PLEASURE iu intimating that he has secured a supply of Field and Garden Steds which may he thoroughly depended on as - COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS Dar and every thing required by Carpetters, Painters and others, -taa All which they have marked at the Lowest Possible Rates, expecting that by doing so 01' THE BEST QUALITY they will double their business. As they deal exclusirely with the best Houses in • the trade, their assortment is not only the cheapest but AND TRUE TO NAME. As Le purchases only_from The Best Canadi- an Seedsmen. gda- Give them a trial. ..sPdt D. FERGUSON, Grocer. wIl-tf Goderich 5 April, 187J. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PART - IN nership between the undersigned, under the style or firm of Stewart & Gordou, as Fruit Tree Agents in Goderich, was dissolved by mutual consent on 6th October 1869. Goeierich, lith April, 1870, JAMES STEWART. ROBERT GORDON. Witness : GEMIGH WILSON. w12 -3t FARM FOR SALE. wrrurN ONE AND A HALF MILES OF THE Nv Town of tioderich, being Lot_No 6. 2nd con. Hay- field road 80 acres. There are fifty acres eleared, and 30 acres bush of hard wood, and superior hemlock, well watered' by a spring creek. without any waste land, There is a house. good barn and etable. a very fine orcluird which yields several hundred bushels of first class fruit yearly. This is a very desirable property, convenient to a good market. and will be sold cheap,as the proprietoris giving up farming. Ouly a portion of the purchase money required down, balance on reason- able tinie, Fur particulars apply on the plsrelinLisiems„ Or if by letter, to box 12. tioderich, P. 0. April lst. 1870, TO LEASE The Best Obtainable Anywhere in the County. CARPENTERS TOOLS, COOPERS TOOLS, PAIN rs AND OILS, lipBD AND WHITE LEAD, GLASS AND PUTTY, NAILS AND SCRE WS, GENERAL HARDWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, &a., &c., &f:s You will save your money by Going to the LAJE-t GEST CIIE_APESP, Goderie'h, 1st April, 1870. 11. GARDINER & Co , Market Square, Goderich. w43-tf PIANOS, MELODEONS, SUET WILISIC. F1111E-SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING TH A NKS FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONRGE -1- He has received iuring the past year, reepectfully begs to intimate that he is now pre pared to furnish THE GODERICH SKATING RINK FROM lee • 1. April to 1st. Dec, in each year. It would answer well for a cooperage. Pianos, Melodeons. Cabinet & Chu.rc.b. Organs APPLY TO D. S. GOODING, Barrister. Goderich 5th Ariel 1870 wIl-tt. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING, 'SST'S Storldart, at their residence in Egniond- IY1 ville, are prepared to execute orders for ail kinds PITso 4 OF . Mantle) Making. A share& patronagel spectrally s Melted. Egmondville tad, April, 1870. w1I-4t NOIICE. m ENDE RS will be received on the 30th day Of April 1 at 2 o'clock for the Erection of a frame School House in Section No -5, Colborne: Plans and specific- ation to he seen at the residencerofW .114:3N ICS' 8th eon., where the tenders will be received. The lowest tender not neeessanly taken H HORTON J. LINK LATER J. REATHERTON, : Trustees. April 8th, 1£170, FOR SALE. aw66-td* A QUANTITY OF SWEDE TURNIPS AND S UPER- ior Timothy Hay. Allay to LI HINCKS. Esq. Rosegarland Cottage, 4th con. Goderieh T'p. April 8th, 1870 w12 sEEDst. SEEDS !! SEEDS !!! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at the Seed Emporium, just arrived a large assortment of fresh. seeds, also Garden and Field Potatoes of the latest variety, Early Rose, Early Goodrich, Peach -blows, Han - son's Me.sha,nnocks, Early Handsworth's for gardens, is one of the best kinds in cultivation, we have only a limited num- ber -,send in your orders early, 100 bush- els clean Timothy, 5 different kinds of Clover, Flower Seeds, and Flower Plants, at the seed Score, Clinton. SEARLE & DAVIS. BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL ' GODERICH. PHIS first cla.ss Hotel haying undergone a thorough state ofrepairs and refurnished with new Furni- ture, is now open for the aceommodation of thelpublic. AV- A in ple accommodation for Commercial travellera and Summer guests. JOSH CALLOWAY, Proprietor. J. H. WILKINS, (Late of the American Hotel, Warsaw, N Manager, sw68 TENDERS WIT L BE RECEIVED BY THE UN - A_ dersigned until Friday the 22nd day of April, inst at 12 o'cloe.k noon, for the erecting, furuishing and finishing the Carpenter and Joiner work of a manse tt e town'of Gederich. Plans and specific.ations may be seen at our rifle°, over J. C. Detlor & Co.'s store. Tenders will also at the same time be received for the painting of the same. SMA1LL CitooK, Archi 'recta. Godeeich, thea3th April, 1870. w13 -td TOWNSHIP NOTICE. /111HE COURT OF REVISION FOR THE TOWNSHIP ▪ of Turnberry will be held at Ross' Hall, in the vil- lage of Bluevale, on Monday the 2nd day of May, cone. meneing at 10 o'clock a.m. Any person having any business with the said eourt is hereby required to take notice and govern himself accordingly. JAMES JOHNSTON, Township Clerk. Turnberry, April llth, 1870. w13 -2t SPRING & SUMMER TRADE. The Subscriber- has now received a new and com- plete stock of, Cloths, Meltons, Light Tweeds, Checks, &c., &o. From the Best Markets AND IN The Most Fashionable PATTERNS. PREPARED, AS HERETOFORE, TO MAKE LI up the same on the shortest notice. and the low- est prices, and in the latest style, HUGH DUNLOP Merchant Tailor. (Next door to the Bank ot Montreal) WEST STREET, GODER1CH, rt.- A good workman wanted immediately. GoderichApril 7th 1870. w3ti-te OF ANY MAKE MANUFACTURED At prices'_ and terms which defy competition in section. this EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, SHEET MUSIC SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE. JOSHUA OALLA.WAY. March 1870: Godericle. 9-m TTTE MARKET GROCERY North Silo Market Square. sb--- c) -rx 3:1 MI' M oF ALL KINDS. A very large Stock of Crockery. Splendid China, -Sets. GERIERtIltll Oil/SIMS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Platform and Counter Scales of best make SAAL-E. ROBINSON & YATES Goderioh, Sept. 29th, 1868. w47 1--] GI A. IN" A. .130 Pernianent Building & Savings Society IS PB EPARED TO MAKE ADVANCES Or APPROVED REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN WESTERN CANADA, ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS : 5 years. 10 yeers. 15 years. $12.9b 8.62 Atnolin t required to redeem each $100 advanced In . ... ... If pay able half -yearly 26:b5 16.4b 13.34 6.50 If payable yearly The above instalments Include a Sinking Fund, which nays off the Principal, as well as the interest Loans at proportionate rate s for -2, 4, 6. 8 or 12 years, uf the loan, so that at the expiration of the term agreed upon, the debt is enirely. wiped out. The full amount of the loan is advanced. and no payment is required befOre the end of the half-year or yeat . Payments may be made in advanee, and interest is allowed therefor ; or the mortgage may beredeem- ed in hill at any time the borrower desiees, onequitable terms, EXPE.5.ES S7RICPLY lisTOD ERAIE. For further tatormation,apeNiY0(parepAaid)ctoE .A11PpraRiser to the Society.Godencb.- , TON ESO.. . . 1. HERBERT MASON, , Secretary and Treasurer, Toronto. Goderich. 16th Oct., 1866 w38sw IMPORTED SEEDS, New Seeds E New Seeds ! eATTLE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR ANNITAL STOCK OF Imported Field and garden Seeds, Which for quality and price cannot he surpassed by any respectable House in Canada. - A liberal discount allowed to Country Dealers. Remember the stand, PARKER &CATTLE'S DRUG STORE, B. Mc:CORM:1K, TAnott, te. w21 Market Square. Goderich, Feb. 24th, 1870. 4. I • 11•11 i 81 I • .THESTANDARD—LIFE ASSURANCE CON'Y • .istablishc„,_ed 1_825. any who mayemploylum 'KILN; C. DETLOR& Co. TETITH which is now nnited the Colonial Life Assurance Company. Head office for vv Canada : Montreal, -Standard Company's Buildings, No. 47 Great St. James Street. Manager -W. M. Ramsay. Inspector -Richard Bull. VALUABLE .FARM F0 ACCUMULATED FUND $20,000,000. ANNUAL INCOME 3,500,000. (McLEANS OLD STAND, EAST'Sr.)• PREVIOUSLY CUTTER, TO J. C, DETLOIt, & Co TESTIMONIAL : (10DERICHlern, 'SEPT. 1869. Mr. McCORMICK ;Jr has been in our employment as Cutter for over 1 year. He is callable of cutting for any first class establishment. Ve bespeak for him the confidende or1 a AL. X.J M'. . The Company lAving depopited the sum of S150,000 With the Receiver General, in conformity • with the insurance Act passed laat Session. Assurances will contlnue to be carried out at ma E North half of Lot No. 9, and the wag, eaefeetee • moderate rates ,and on all different systems in practice. - _t_ North bah a lot No.10 in the Eighth COMO 411011 of Morris. 150 acres, 110 acres cleared, 613 acres stump- ' Referees :-Dr. McDotfgall, -Dr. MeMieking, frame house, stone fourdation with good cellar, good JT. CALLOWAY, Sr.2 ed. A good squared log house, well finished, a new .20 acres offalewhcat in good condition, to be taken at TO. xxi No. 49. well, log barn good stable. Two splendid orchards, . Agent for Goderieh. leaves them nearly as. dry. if desired., as a_segular . ve7-1m* Goderich. —. -1 some of his triale for burgfare; of his con- wringer. Thelow price of $2.00 brings it within the ' Gederic.11Mereh 8th 18'0 a. LINTG;-1,xs (Siz S 0 INT S5 herownivashing without eithin getting sore hands ca ' ' ' :. II . g . , preach in court houses, instead of standimee . in the -Prisoners' dock, and had always a , an 3ching back. ' . - ' S'rEPHEN COURT OF REVISION. ESPECTFULLY intimates to farmers and others that they are prepared to fill good suit of clothes and a few poundif in Callan .See-theMachi.ne an orders in, „ .. , . . .. , . , __ . i - ... AT ROBINSON & YATES' THE Court ot Revision for the Township . OLL CARDINC MANIJFACI-U14INC9 his pocket. lneendiarismand burglary are rife in l a worse as. than ordinary sinners. __ ___ ...,--, _ _ • - wise the 'N'etyfoundland sealing fleet this 0pring. Of these twelve are steaTers. 164 vessels, manned by 8,219 men, come TATE WILL PAY AGENTFX.A..SALARY of_ 430 Agents, Read This I .Market orocery cA•omomfet;tocipiii,sheipia,t 719illaal:emiRheoivd Tiny:heswT65.o. w4s Hall Creditou . on Saturday 30th APril. Fulled Cloths' Winceys . Flannels, Blaakets, . • • • . , , 41 Cloth Dressing, Custom 'Spinning, Dyeing,' Satinetts, i ' St CatherineS. The 'Saints' seem to be in- Goderich. 28th Dee.. 1869e - ' liT Yreek and expenies er allow /name cOanndsitToli'- I Stephen'Aprit Zad; f810; • !p_Clerk, . wt: .._ -On the abortest notice: Parties wishing to exchange their wool for good honie made . A Confederatomedioal offieer has esti'. to'mell our new w;evrldwerfi1AGIiiinmbvenkiecons...:iAteiddiaaresisi,•mo, _ : ,, , _11_,..L _ _ , . gondsf will find it to their interest to "Me us a call, as we are satgi,:fticedarwdeed-1Tanlar:vtlittei ..i. . . mated that the' iviale- innnher of rebel* wri-in j• ' ' . x -OR SALE soods you require. Partres-coming from a instance wrth wool to . killed during the war *ae,053,773 and in-. - . .4. , 4 d1.4 , nearly-orerritistanetrrolyvA: fotting their wool home with them the Fame day. • . ... .,_ • -veraiont and how he was now invited to reach of any family. With it any housekeeper can do ( chiding thoite TehnerEed. Of !di$0440, 'Hifi ltioneytoloanon,Reatslagate.,,TRE SOUllflIATSOF LOT NO.28, Tar TIrt tst _ _ l'er'AGL WORt WARRANTED number lost- wsts- I60.000; He Bars the A grR41,8Elltiirelie Trust and Loa neotapan, ..L.,eaeaee _NswIwy,iirrcill,:riefi,sergienplYont-:ko:-En'.411e.S.:01ptom ., _ sauna, . ' • ._ . , ,:lthilee009,:000sil.ahlree.e.foree Oldie -Confsderates Latio.IPPPS--r-V"ada• aet7,:ea , • , 5a - e 4E' C. CA nyrioN. .. GoderielVWooleti-Tatt_ory, .,1--- .„ - - 1 '''''" ' '';/, i . ': .:1-4; '''' vf,,, 1 14'''Mj7itafqlreT4SAAilu4e"%re"%'2deriertl , e ., •ee. • ..,e - f':._. r.' Godegeh wn4 t June 8th, 1869. _ , .. • et 1 1 EING COMPOSED OF LOT 21, GOSHEN LINF:, .e.) Township of Stanley, County of Huron, 120 acres, 100 acres are in a high state of cultivation. Ile land is of the best quality and well fenced (agood board fence along the front.) There are on the premises a dwelling house, frame barn 36 by 87 feet, geanary, stable and shed 105 by 24 feet, well fenced orchard of 100 bearing trees, two never failing -wells with good pumps, &c. This fine property is situated on agreed road. and connected by good gravel roads with Clinton (10 miles) and by a road, said to be the finest in the provine,e, with the excellent markets of Hayfield (4 miles) and Scaforth (12 miles). For further particul- ars apply to D. McDougall, Auctioneer, Bayseid, or to FRANCIS MARTIN, on -the premises. Hayfield. 7th Dec. 1869. w46 -6m• FARM FOR SALE LOT 24. CON 4. Township of Goderich, -containing 80 acre, about 55 acret cleared, s) STORY CONCRETE F1OUSE. ON THE GROUN ‘e floor, Dining Room, Parlor, Kitchen, Halt and Bed room on the second boor, Sitting Room, Large Farr ily Bedroom, and four other bedrooms ; on the Base ment, Dairy Room, Fruit room,Store room, Meat room. Frame Barn 52x32 feet. 7 miles from CM ton and 7 from Goderich. Good large orchard of ove- 300 superior fruit ti ees. Soil, aeep clay loam. well watere,d by spring, creek and flowing welL 7'lle property is situ. at,ed miles froni Lake Hurrine of which a good vieu can be had from the door. Arply to James Wilkin- son, Esq., on the premises or to G. M. TRUEMAN • Land Office, Goderich Goderich 2,5th January 1870. wl-tf FARM FOR SAL2 OR TO RENT. II AT superior Farm, Lot 39 7th con. Tovniship of Goderieh, contdining 80 acres of land, with 49 clearer!, and good barn on it. The cleared ia in a good state of cultivation, it is well situated, being 3 miles from Hayfield, 6 from Clinton and?. 12 ironi Goderich For further particulars apply to the undersigned, SAMUEL EMMERSON, Bervie Post Office. County of Brace. w2 -3m" FARM FOR SALE ON THE BAYFIELD GRAVEL ROAD, DETNG lot 22, first concession Goderich Township. _D 116 acres. 50 of which nire cleared. a never failing creek runs through the la d. The lot is situated on _ the Gravel road about b les from the town of God- - erich. The land is a rich clay loam. being very suit- able for vineat or fruit growing. The lot will be sold . cheap and on easy terms. Possession can be given 1st October, for particulars and tends, apply to G. H. .PARSONS or to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderich. Godefich, March 21st, 1870. syktif FOR SALE. eZ.TORE and dwelling house with lot. also a, good IJ stone cellar.- in tile of Maitlandrille. one mile from Goderich, in the centre of the Goderich works. House and Store entirety new, and commedi ous, and lot in excellent condition, Terms liberal. Further particulars apply to. Mr. le SPENCE, Maitlandville, Goderichr. 0 Goderich Feb. 19th. 18701 w6.2tnt HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. MBE SU BSCRIBER WILL SELL THE BUILDINGS Je and Lot atpresent occupied as furniture ware - rooms cheap, as he wishes to build Larger and mom Suitable premises. The buildings are in good con- dition. and woummake a good dwelliug house at small expellee. DANIEL GORDON. Goderich April 8th, 1870. swil6.1m A RARE MANCE. LAKE SHORE ARHERY FOR SALE N GOOD WORKING ORDER, 11 POT ASH HET- I- tles, 7 Coolers, 1 Soap Curb and Kettle. 3 Soap oalds, 2 Horses and Iciarness. 2 glod new Waggons, 3 Sleighs, 2 Wheel Barrows, 4 Shovels, 6 Pewter Candle Mould Stands, 3 lb in a stand, 2 Chain Pumps for ley 1 Water Pump and many other appendages too nt mer ons to mention. In good stand and will be sold cheap for cash. 113- 2,000 loads leached Ashes, 17 cents per loaeL Enquire of J. BARNES, at the Ashery. Goderieh.Nov. 2nd 1869. w4d IITORTANT TO FARMERS. IrrE are prepared to make arrangements:with a few 11 responsible farmers to grow the KAMSDe,_ LL NORWAY OATS for us on contract for tee crop Farcaers wishing to grow a profitable crop shcAild address the proprietors, as :ollows, • D. W. RAMSDELL 86 CO., 218 Pearl Street, N. Y., or, 171 Lake Street, Chicago Ills. scv64-2t FARM FOR SAME. 1-1F 147 ACRES, MORE OR. LESS, ABOUT 110 acres cleared and the balance good hardwood tim- ber, a comfort_nle house and first-class frame barns, a good orchard, and well watered. Most of the land is excellent clay. The farm is lot 30, 5th con., Goderich Township. 9 miles from Goderich and 7from Clinton. 1 On payment of part cash, good terms will be given for the balance. For particulars apply on the premises to JOHN IV eliENZIE. 22ndJan..1870. wltf Porter's Hills, P.O. STOP AND SEE. rIzIlt following remarks on Testimonials of naciel .1 wonderful arid extraordinary cures in Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stern, tin deniable and incontestible facts, sufficient „to convince the most skeptical that the Great Medicinal Compoue_ arned after for ages rs uow accessible in the Great -SHOSIIONEES REMEDY for Diseases of um Ihreat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, &c., as web as Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases, Humors, and all diseases arising from Impurities ofthe riood, we boldly state thet this geeat remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person of Wilson storms of Brighton, C. W., of Consumption ;or that of Peter C. V. NI iller, Earnestovvn, C. W., of Con.; summit:in, orthat of Ambrose Wood,ofConsecon, C.W., of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Mosey, of Napanee, C. W. of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in spite of all treat- gwSelsoPr:ceaild get a Circular ot mentheretotore, arui is now web. Scores of such cases mitta.ght beerdneiel.ittletnheedDhradu unqestionabie certificates on the GREAT SHOS- HONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and eausfy your Price of Mt Remedy in large pints 81A seraffivgg. Por Stale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medi eine. Agents for Godench, F. Jordan and Parker & Cattle LYM AN, ELLIOTT & Co., 1 WHOLESALE AGENTS t. c COIL -ONTO. DUNSPAUGH & WATSON, J. WINER & Co., HOLBROOK & STARK. T. HICK LE & SON - HAMILTON. A.E1 AMII,TON & dn. To Messrs. CrilliBERLAIN 0 S I Les, Conway P. 0., County of Lennox:Ontario Canada. Menet:, County of Hastings, Province of Ontario, Feb. gth, 1868. pHIS is to certify that during the winter of 1866 I IJ. was -taken with a wenhikplas,esasnradf Ithteeeanenteetess,0 wwhe,ilekh gradually, during the spyb uritnNvg col8n6fi7n, e en.; teton clmeyd tochamiry. tkhanetes1, saanniddonnnutpwmalkm For about two years. while this weakness was coming on me, rind afterwards, 'sought medicaladvice, enanloy- him at difterent times. three doctor., end medicines of different kinds, prescribed by friends, be. tot no avaIL I continued toget worse and worse. nntil the summer of 1868, when I was induced' to trythegreatShoshoness ` Remeee byreading theatres performed, in a -pamphlet. At this time I hafi began to feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was getting almost helpless. I have taken two bottles ofthe Sheshoness Reniedy and two' boxes of the pills aid I am entireIy,restored to health. • 4 CHEAP LA.US FOR SALE IN TOWN OF CODERICH. OTS 1323, 1324 13o4,$30 each, gob -division Park Lots 2 and 3 in Con A. Lots 116, 149 and 150 $40. Township of Wawatioth, North 24 acres lot 18, con 1. 100. Township of Ashfield, Southerly 16 acres of East of South lot 1, con 4, W. D., $100: Apply to THOMAS WEATHERALD F, L. Surveyor, Godenche Goderich Dec 18th MS. vi 481, rr 0 .3.arr., n10 let In the Town of Goderich, far a term of years, _L Brick Cottage with a large orchard and Mx acres of good land. For particulars apply>. W. D. ALLEN. Goderich Sept. 27th 1869. tr36t FOR SALE. flpHAT EXCELLENT LOT OF WILD LANDS • known as lot 33, con. 6th, East Wawanosh, con - Mining 100 acres of excellent land. well watered There ma large creek running throngh the north end and a small one through the south end, also, several never -failing springs : it is half a mile from Ebort' Saw 111111, and 5 miles from Blyth, for sale very Cheap apply to MR. ARMSTRONG. Goderieta Goderich, Sept. 7. 1869. Farm for Sale. T ()TS 53 mad 54, Bayfield Concession, lin the Li Township al Goderich Containing 68 acres, ot these over 50 acres cleared with good Frame Barn, and Log House, about 2i maks from clinton. For Terms of sale -apply at the DIVIEROD Court office at Goderich, or to Mr. WIG-Ulata TON on the premises. Godench, One Scot. 21, 1868. w3b FARM FOR SALE. OT 10, CON. 10, W. D. COLBORNE, 100 ACRES, 1J DO cleared, good dwelling house. frine 22x36,, with a commodious kitchen attached. ahitik good barn and shed accommodation, good hearirg orehard, well watered by two creeks running through the farm, and good wells One mile from gravel road. 5 miles from Goderich. For particulars apply on the premises to undersigned, or to Ala D Ferguson, grocer. Goderich. C. STEWART. October llth 1869. wf,Eletf FARM FOR SALE. riORSALE OR TO RENT. -Lot No. 6, COD 70. W. D. Ashfield, Co. Huron, tontaining 80 acres. 25 cleared, with house and barn. There ie a living e reek on the farm. It. is a corner lotmA. PariTeleri$D/u8.1300KaperN. acre, rent $40.00 and tares. w 2. London. Feb.2. 186I Farm for Sale. rr HE sul3scriber ONUS for sale. Eh of lot 2, Bacon., • W. D. Ashfield, distant about ea miles fewm Bel- fast, containing -10o acres more or less, zo acres elear- ed, 8 or 10 chopped, 10 acres good cedar mad the bal- ance hardwood, A new frarce house, 18s24; good orchard and well, Schcolhouse on next lot. Ths soil is good clay loam. Price $1000, $600 cash and easy erms for balance• Farther parEculani maybe obtained from the Proprietor, DENNIS SHEA. 25th Nov. 1869. w45 6m* Belfast P. 0 TO SELL OR RENT ! MEE WEST HALF LOT NUMBER EIGHT, I. fourteenth concession of Ruben. on the boundary line between Blyth and Walton, •Post Office eacb way. Good hardwood land. wel watered ; thirty acres cfearance. Seventy seven acres mid a hall in all. Well fence . Fos further particulars apply to those on the premieres. ilANKIN LAWSON. Mav 27th, 1867. A SPLE101D PHPERTY FOR SALE. r1OR SALE, IN _LEE VILLAGE OF WROXETER, 1' half way between Seaforth and Walkerton. a splendid property, comprisIng a House 20a42 feet with Store frontage, and 10 Village lots ; five of the lots face the end of Alain street. and the other five ran to the River Maitland. 'This would be an exeellent sitd for a Grist or Sawmill or any kind of manufactory. and world be a capital stand for a Store, Tavern, or other business. The property will be sold cheat) for cosh • or, on part-nayment, time will be given for the bal- ance. Forfurther particulars apply on the premises to, W. BARKER, .3.n. Wroxeter, P 0 Wroxeter Feb. 4, 1870. ev3-t FIRST -GLASS FARM FOR SAT.E. -rm.:subscriber offers for sate, on liberal teems, a excellent farm ill the township of Colborne. W. D being lot 8, con. 10,four miles from Goderich. It com prises 100 acres of the best clay soil, all cleased free of stumps. Frame House and Barn, Splendid Apple and Pear orchard. good wa 'Ls A house and lot in Goderich would be taken as part pay- ment. For particulars apply to. ANDREW H. GREEN, Victoria St.:Goderich- Goderich Nov. 1st 1869. w41-tf GODERIGH MILLEL - TO RENT. THE undersigned havinAtaken the above welldinow Mills into his own handa is now prepared /to ren hem on reasonable terms to some competent person or one year. For particulars apply to ' "F71.1. FIFER- Goderich. May 12, 1869. cr-16t FARM TO RENT. ripHAT DESIRABLE FARM, ON BAY- -1- field road, being Lots 3 and 4, 2 con, Goderich Tip. Containing 160 acres, of which 100 are cleared, is to rent for such period as Way be agreed en. The land is a gond, clay loam, and the buildings comfort- able, with a large orehard in excellent bearing order. The farm is well watered. For further particulars apply on the premises to / OHN SALK MD_ Isw65-11 April 4th, 1870 Glenburnie ram for Sale TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH. 1 el MILES from Goderieh and 9 milek fraca 11.) situated on thetiravel Road Running from Gode- rich to Hayfield, from which it is separated by the Hay- field River. It containe 212 avers, 110 acres tinder fence, 70 acres clear of stumps and in a high state of cultivation, soil rich clay loam: bush good hardwood. It is well watered by two living streams. An orchard. of 140 apple trees in bearing -fruit very cholera; also, a few pears, plums, peaches and cherries, and few grape vines. Two story concrete house, 32 by 42 feet, cellar fall size of the house. Frame barn 45 by 81 ft. This is a rare opportunity to secure a' good faun on the Lake Shore, where fruit leasing is Much more suceeee fal than farther inland. Apply to WM HALL, 13 yfiald or G. M. TRITSMAN, Land Agent, Gedericb , March 17th 1870 NEW CABINET AND UPHOLSTERING S 1070 WEST STREET, OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, GODERICH. ERIC MCKAY, OULD RESPECTFULLY A N- neunce that he bee opened a new shop in the above line. on' V7est Street, opposite the Bank of Montreal. where he will keep constantly on hand ormake to order FURNITURE OF Am, KINDS. Elayln;,- on hand an ne.ortment of Upholstering materiel, he will be prepared to fill promptly all orders. in that line. D'.1" A quantity of Gilt Rosewood Mouldings orr hand I never expected to get better, but sfmnly tried the Picture FrainiEg to Order. medicine as a sort of forlorn hope. This eaSe of mine was note private one.butknown all my neighbors, 13-"Rie trusts- by strict attention to business to and friends ; and to any one afflicted as I wart, I have mer a share of public patronage. onlY to say try the Shoshoriess Remedy : I believe it Goderich. Nov. 17.1569. 1744-tf will cnre yeti. Asur Doroary. Sworn to before me ataladoe, county of Hastings Doughty for the last fifteen years ; she is a woman of "SP. I:to Mr, this fitit dayof February, 1869. A. P. Wool:), NEW P4TENT I hereby re y that ye known Mrs. Mary Ann prebity and truth. I have known ber before, daring, ,herrecovery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoshonees Remedy. Whatever may be the peculiar 1 propnettes ofttris medicine, onothing is certain, that fu'her ears' e,it has acted elmost like the performance of amiraele. A. F. WOorle2. P. Warden o fthe County of Hastings, ProvinceofOntario Dominlonof Canada. 14,33 ly and since her illness. I believe her certificate to be true in every particular. I knoW that while Illheresse was declared hopeless ; and I know that she has. since 1 STRACHAN & MON11,71q017,' DLACESNITTE.E, gelson street, Godeelch, would .D intimate tofarmers and others that, leaving pur- eheued theright for Carter's Hay Lifter, they are now MaNe in a neatand stieztaatial Terence sad bare given, L . . e are great eatisfrmtion to tho.ee N./bob:aye teed them. An agent Nvill Scout for the:sato of ths lifter in a days. Gederleh, San. 25t5,1859. • ee 0 - r7, J3Z, 11.031PEC .A.NrN El2.06) 4A..1" E 1ED z • iinoinC09 D EDWA.13,D S BRICKL. PLASTERER LI\ TILL coat:naps e . de XI'. c -V`" esua reasmehee t,e-eco Leg aere,udel tie 4e0e.apt thecoantry wfie rice -ire Covering worli ucd; satter-dher, and t. -J. -e• Eio,r ates, as net. tud 1.: 015cr covering in V.. end Older:21,19th ls.70 S. R. 2rd...1301 prtAcTdCAL VETE P GEON, Gederich. V 011153 always on hand. Will he tr. Danger:nen eeere Emehnsw every Thursday and F. ***Horace eavemmed ae te IMPORTANT r. R. MAI llons9 Sign & Cul TO ACQU 4INT ' 11_1/ Le Las Etled up a shili t Wesleyan Methodist -1,, he is iles-pured 1,- atliRereasanabis priess. Than' Of the last 7 years selieits a .oat Now is the time -to Pa Sleighs, and C Orders from country Car with (its' nateh. Sign Painting. Gilding. Gra; tinging. &e. r.,cderich. Nev, 18:11. HURON znuca. Co. d JOHN PRANG, This house is ffeted tip 'with, the traveNing public, Good Stabling:and prom Febrnara Ise. 1870. MRS. DAY wRom fIN the direct road Welkortee. 1:Iodation tor the travelll Wrenetee. Isnv. Ee- LBORNE CODE E. MA19.,TE. Good Aceoremedatio Recta. rer'This is adraitte house kept in Good S Dem 2325.1870. Com tratereSalltioze erase,: 7e 11011N RICKS, Pre et/ argest and hest Cont Canacia.and enarges in . So:1;re Prep.?' 200 Horses Horses and O.. S'Icarteat olace subserlber rettin .1.1. patron:1,re so long baste form Lis nun:emus CIISEVEU that inconsequence of Lb, bu.siness to the store. fornas 'West street, pert Hank of :a his line win be forvad art -ill Kinds of Job the earns 21;tle Meech Gs BARR =ft CABINET WOOD -T AND MO Hamilton [(ESP conatantly o 41 cies in their lice, Bodo,teads, ( Sofa Ze. All kinds of woe No& posts, stair be, Always on ASSORTMEN and a HEARSE' to Goderiche Mav T AI 33). ETER NS 1-1 S 1,4( for t h e very tialtert eceervedeene.• Leeman- ricb, not hemp able to heorderetcrough to • COLT Seem., Jt]m and eraployang none Li !oda° D. /I. eelteres eee_ond to rIORC tee F lhaamessa mien:river y priteipaNytarst-classoc Cullman one or tie Pa: ke'arabargle, Soo:kind , a:seedling nohlte t ha CLOTHING hat, tatar3listinen eq man ti o T.wentoorM( Gira,rieb.. October a Land A a-,7a7elsrla la of 11.? rt. Land tor Sa!e. A.70. Oo ler , qare b I in)