HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-04-28, Page 3�hat I Was obliged to on tT-,e lJth, when, T'a cummenced their retnrntng be 6,und fit �-er flood- tTQ�Q-,n t%pu*e over the !a&n Gp,�-�etovvn and a Miles tilrou-11 water le -op'. The water is or ,Pezting the ae- U! RiaM's and the :tb13 Northwest asa icofhl advent of somo, !-'­ tL­0 people. mwking -�I i1a accor�lance with "im, Riel issned the al,%Cd I yesterday. ir-terviow with Riel; 7Z,or McTavish and P CW11munity believe, IMLO imto the Lountry �rz�M, all the Indiw3; �Uzfte in a Berea re - LZ& -A Canada in the lal�y apprehensive of I EMch a polic5r. Mr h - ard D. ng�ish settlem, '31Z�'Ozwnza to the Pro- � 4111 tkat tf&v would I 4?Mt-rtunity offered. I be Would -nve fiftv �varrheada o1i tho Pro - the McKenzie :Ilusand donam worth P ralls.lm by Gov. lac - Oro W1,14en needeiL I I =1 imprimmed the �rls',T4 Maj�,iT Robinson i-IDnfocv, few hoursbe- take the cath of allegi- igM down &3patche3 11 tb the Uriitcd State3 �im.- 3&PinBt this im- :an citin-ems. �zles the report, from. ,'Q'ntQM z are operating ro� and says that the 10 military expeditiga �=ft,ted to mueter and LZZI =d p=2._.d WrQU army to M3& -a WW, r3 na are &%Pads -of Ulikit- :1D uM W1. t,,) 'Pemb", L --e built for them, for �3=-V=­ peace on the D border. r -w -ruing publishea tTae eve -1 yesterday by p7j- r-. 0 ­ f letters from Rel, vgglean thela#_Iest iz- -the condi-ftoa ofaf- At---. of the Commis - ac Fort Garry have and all the ia- ,bably the emcepticu of F 4 c �3=sr,:=ttrss a -.a ex- :-lement of allmatters �_,D the ft-m-urg'ants anil mment- Thepeop�iex- 4ecn-e sublect to ther ei�t on, the bmi3 cfth* -57rUts,which ri-as wbytelk L, t-liey Lave been led tao a ��i'Jaczept theas terms �raic�b!a u$ sta. te 07 f iszatable to the tzre3enco rbp 1�--hei wlh� has betea -e &�mca his, a=ivaa t_o of jL , a �72_-eablla R41ps Governmeni is �v t-_mpora-�y, artl tole- t2z�-_ the peaple, look for izofauthority by Cam, - S,. -.-.v Company Fa�nrned st. bv permmmaa of ay. we= their crefimmy inum the ra=all prast- aza. There ts, no excitL- lt6e, is --ail� in regard to last few mom, ffis. Life 0� and Riel h3s amly- =,Ierarms 7hay 1wk Pent tD Fect-Garry, but Z=a, they imagins, T3 tLla Settlement from tha rapr=_Ssnted in a vezy 2 are likely to make vrar. Itly moment. They had he st=m of indignation 6W -Aa, conzequent Upon offSeatt7s execution,but = adviwisi they had set- ae C�mvi-.W= that the j0,yfuUyreZ3iVeA tL-e mat* --m of differarze, Rleu is sti U- nominaHY 4nt�& Gdvemment i3 He St , 3t tffi ratam -he an -I is trateI with ths re��2jts but aU lcok for �!Mt What the Ea3UT& _-W,s a& tjtza arre3t, Of tWO alamers and praparat7onz VeZdimg a h=-afo­m--_ of .7 to pannih Riel for the ve= Lez; the Sattlementit- Should Biel be �a Canadhan Goveriam, smt them, he may becomo, -22-23 Of Mdncl the, hOga the r. o-- t, b--atongmig, ta as pre3emt3 to InImns, induce them to atL, - the advaucs of Eae ynig, of cours_,:�, LS a as ZZthirg, is known of ,-I- in camadria at tlaq Fart 1,311, at Draw's Hote3, ay, EhOt MIMI ia3t., W i ata at whtch the business a Und Viaiak Es fa Esq., vras. appoictel c3. Gtreanway- iwa=12ry. 4 M- R of dL.'aussioDt, f t was- Giceeoway, w2i seconded of tha EZ-,Z,e-:r a --A VL-inity, Ora. tala theisabeme- ef the ,r, by tal-Er,- Amen*oas :Oant, of 21 Pe7 =t 031y, ,Va3S5,-,"ed b y about thirty B�411-,, &.,cosdaX by bat the &---realry be in - U 50" bnal-bEs s1ruckani - �pat!ng taia aellfou taka by- 2XI'CI-3 c=santel, to act as, �73­ar by bayiu- up Aul OfIver. IUAXAI��,317� R. J. - X son cl Mr D. Ilat'=, and !"er of seatarth, ��ma ita_l G. W. 0. Tew�ue& 0. cf G. TemfA=,, ta States, =A TJAXF at- � 2:i rad"ges., the Wit Ono :-_a6ar'XcftjTLi0dg6.' in I L-d".z. 31r. X, we, unJer- 4-od xpeAker, and is, very � n 91 r L- "i a n a S - I sa5l a gamb7er on cat deededwitu twor uleeya, lgeat:snlev, I feet The latest horror �e7s of butter i)�# from wosh,jald ap"tho wiCIL file b0tW--AWytbi0r in4tlad ADI a tow, we nay W'raferenea to thobutkr OU2 say an Mimi* ;Umde -of '7- 'W.IC Canadipz Affairstri -the United PSIRFEMICID SPECTACLYa RIO -A well-fittlug pair of Absohits Divorcee legall'y obtained ii York ndis, and other Stples. for pers6us'frout B, t B novsi to orComilrv. legal everywhere, desertionj Aye:eFj &we(l is beb. States Senate. spectacles to Onrb Ofthogreatest boons which modern Indiana. 111i science lt� e0firerred upon Inituainity ; to Insure such. a NURSEY INES 4n The 0690 Otte canitiWdo, betterthall to wmr - the most perfect of drodkelmess, ltbnsu�pn, e;(_-jjuffici0f caus no TUB 9&ULT M MAfU9 CANAt AND TIM RED the kind, as by that means frequent changes are a void- R M I T For au the in vtt. publicavinuc)ia,ge until dlyorce oblarlea, A vice 6t ZA6X!UVa( W head . of the mor -1 ch. ifli-7. RIVER EXPEDITION. ed,which Is iuJurIOuQ to the sight PerfLetlenses fit- ree- Business establielied0leen rews, ted on optical rules. tend to preserve ti.o sight. That Address-, X, HOUSE. Attorney. HEI SUBSCRIBER BF08 TO INT12MAT9 1170 :AX111didill.0. lioerijaps itd ope inedi- ftir b1ste4leal truth OfhObv tyadifldy) fmas all nof to the public of 11RUIR01ST, weariness whiek the wearer of ordinary spectacles Is NO .18 Nassau Street. New York V)AY T eh�B is" thdydroall On Friday night last the United States afflicted with, he can never be troubled with by using HAS RECEIVIRD & JBEtU�CIM that, suire 6th of Oqtober last, he ilitton in the history of the beskmblith are therefore the cheapem Havi I has been carrying on the.Fraft tree business solely j?) evki .. Senate took tip Mr. 10handlera restilutin Ing quirie�' T WN y brougirt the reader to this point we call attention ul his own accoultoand respousiblUty. He Is now taldnj� a Cad*& nor ftgreVer directing the Presi�ent of the United the ealelivated pF a np, e fo 04 #w- i a- ,rfected spectacles anufactured by 6rdersfor ly adoplid W6 use� id ]fteady I(& States to appoinr COMMissionors to en the great RPentacto house, Lazarus Morris and Co,, On t1ke 19th inst., at the residence of. the W M;. W S :V Xt I N G�. S rju C� C, eve When t�bi IEC FRUIT &bRNAIAENTAL 'on negotiations for the OP whose business on this continent immense In this line. - bride's fatifer Vy the ltov.J�flies Bain ll=se 'lug annexation of the 2000 agents are enqapd In the United States, whilat in S, as tbu Lou *be notice or the tinedievA iv -1 m- in Js4 writory of State. tke Dominion of Canada, in every plus of any note, of Scarboroj. William Rutherford Bain, lent ipurgitilild VjQn,,j.jng t.he mstoerious ir. u aco it u-5 ibited iLf AVinnepeg district as a Te -TRIES The obvious rev 'Air. Chandler said he had offered the this flrm have a representative. Their advertising is Esq., barrister, Godgricb, to gilsan' gonis,thatitisaMorcre- ittopilig the I - nest enormous, every paper throughout the Dominion com- IN of - every denription for delivery. In. the spring. He PAINX WET -3, A?_�D ENT rf=-i resolution in the interest of peace and'good Ing in'tor aahare, and to this fact thogreat ments daligliter of Alexander McLagan, Esq., liable and farmoreeffec f bd-s to solielt ii-continimice. cf thq 16 a je to _Vatrenilgeof bit; tual remedy thati spy -TiddW, -7111, will, and proceedeato show the reaaon up- which their spectacles are reported to posgess, is due of Fria-iton Rrm. near Clintn.. STKE d JA I CUM a share of the immense popularity which -their spcq- VANCY D4X QCOJ S, other, Those Who hkVS Itswoulerful Bed ORDERS SHOULD 113B IN ON Olt ]3EpoRt Wth#lt cured th have on which the negotiations -should be Partleti 4 tried it, VICCL 11hoamatlepNour. P W the tild tacles have found wherever they have gone. zni; thosewho, menced : First. That the government had from a distance can have their eight sitited with their MILLINERY STRAW GOODS, 10Tft APRIL not, kao*rct l"itrespleirnelghbors pliftiends, ll sufferibi; froiR Paiff, MEL-luation. ! e It does 4wayS spectacles, by correspondente DIED. ll stock d0liverpil will be ofthe best qUailitymad AindAn knoW f4at what itidoesouct sudotioriarmities.curiMid af0Wd3Y/5 shown its righi to recognition by maintain- with them or their r W1118, who will forward a card with instructions. �rua to nitme, that it never'falls throiLgh sty fau3t oi neglectlIf. ness and diseascs of inototba and TO=, VXd fO BOOTS AND SHOES) osjtloji� -NVe have thousands upon thoii? or4inarypajus, aches, cittez FOR, ­sAndso aerocatesoftheirreineA ing itself for some time against all attenipts Thiscard 13 got up on optical prinelpto, and on It are At Colborne, on Tuesday, 19th inst') I ltq 001T, blecuresof a f n ed 20 years. I j _ -a th =TrEMNIAL OR or iving this,eard. tries which to the smal!est tyg Michael CaMpion, agr A YOU OF GOOD OXEN fell laints but'such6presanknowalu its suppression, Second,� That our Prillted sentences in various sized type: the applicant AaF own free republic, which had invited the 0 re" GROCERIES, &a in 0 Phood,andVo owda c' rdiiotp��bli�hthemt. he can md. at a distaneeof 12ror 14 inches with t e Nprne�ihbor All Rpaerns, Criimm d 9, di ' INSTANTANEOUS eace it onsinlaU CUMR s; whole world to come in - and occup-ve the naked eye, -this, being communicated to the firm. or Adapted AII.Wsandcen ' ot ivitt ibe - their tkqqnt& who will mail a pair that R03319RT GORDON, contabijngneitherealomelQrsLl2ydele ous F in �nt t�at tbo OwEv whi-i. entir continent, could not cou utenanc tf e -111 be a perfect they may be taken with M&dty by any the builders, through their itzacrance iniB*: - fit and are guaranteed from one to five yeam, One of (Nqr the Hatitty lCrosSilg) vilgar boatingieserres them ever sh an tancei reJectad, but that afttrwards h2 0=0 the theory of a Dominion on our borders that this firm's opticians visits mvery agency, three times HuKon Road them pleasant, otake,WhUQbebWP of the comer. any part of thio continent belonged to a year forthe purpose of assisting fit fitting difficult - Goderleb 1 no barm can arise ftom their - in y 8tah;�. and re -assorting the stock. �c : thus it will be ARABIAN. OIL' Very Large and Cheap—,Call and S' Theyoperate by their owe A CURt P09 EVERY PAIN - crown. Third, that the injury inflicted S ee't Illarch 26tb, 1870. s%v;3.tf "nee on a thot the buslnes� is carried on fit a systerarMeman- een InthrEial-iviscera touldfy;theblood and stintiallate it upon us in the haste of the British G ov- ner, and that nothing is leftundond to make the public into he9thy Actioll-remove the Obstructions of the 'We believe that tho ernmenttoacknowledcLrethe�rebolsas bel acquainted with the many qualities of thee faijilond FOR HORSES,& CATTLE. Stf1bution throUghVilt Jill pa�jj Z Urf Tije 'Cai-ffi "I attiftadh 'bowels live; and other orgads of the _qs inuL sPectacles'rnd eye glasses, Our enterprising towns- Godench, Xpril 19th, 1870. sw67 body, restmlag geir Irixigular action tolhealft and this marvelove remedy I,% dup tP tbD liprents upon the breaking out of the re- man Mr F Jordan Druggist� has been appointed sole- ration and direct Vill uf om- agent for Goderich, foi 8 Alling -Off WinteT Good by. corro�dng'whetever they �exlst, such to science. When the combination of the i" r lien 4 bellion, and her spoliations upon our c - the above famous spectacle itiblits at are the firAt ori& oMis 'Al and has a full sepuiv mounted, to sultltho*tasto and NEVER FAILING REMEDY of this mervelous reniedy.huai'm r.3 merce dnnn- the war, must now be repair r, 3finute directions,are kiven. in the wra VIM Of ever,%* one, in -high-tempered steel, silver, gold, od a �Mr 0A ILE ch READY RL these that bad cv,cr c:zisted. that rc!,!�cr the best al ed and made good. 31r. Chandler con- and shell fra�ies: also the tinged eye -preservers. F or, r'rRIS VALUABLF, PREPARATIOI�, COMBINE 8 TO; MAKE ROOM for. SPRING Fifta apidly cure:- 811ort-siqlited PCrSOLS the, eRlebrated riding -bows 'He all tjie medicinal virtues of those articles Which t ph%vici tinuedatsome length in enforcement of L discoveries in Xodical or the For 4t lEsidiff'Ostild's, 11rAstle"o Dledica or the shill of the mcA eminPn bw reeeived full optical lus#uctioaq for the adjustment ong experienve has pruve'd to posses the most safe and N PURCHASES- 19041111, lit'se And 34OW Of AR0.461", they could '-urg lan -Re- of the leases to the various rangLs-of vision. efficient properties (or lite core of Fle.4h Wounds, shoiII4166"taften moduateqy id sdinji[iits the gtori* set, _tolho 11un Pain tat it Ilis propositions, closing as foUowa : Ether. orphine. Opium woall all, .' ;b a ferring to the existence of the Canadian Sprains, Bruises, Galls of all kinds, Cracked Heels, sea and restore its -healthy t6n& Andsetion. ovor-dese rf either Would cause dentli. amd noither Domm'0ion as antagonistic to our institti- "-An insane'woman in Baltimore cut Ring Bone, SPavin, Calloux,Fislula, Sweeney, lnt�ni- ABRAHAM SMITH9 reirXilver. Oul=a1st Add its Various 8711113- of tbeso cemedies could bo twed UithtaLy by the" I at Poisons. 86miches or Grea�e, Strains, La tonisi ]BI[Hous �e tions, he said that if the British Govern- the throats of four of her, children a few Madge, Whitlows, Cornp. Send Cracks, j?,jumiide`r'e`d, A CHOICE SELEC-11 ON. of NEW and BEAUTIFUL GOODS Is JUST TO HAND Merchant Tailor & Clothier HarkefBqn-are,. SK 11itfs 811010 IK"Ldisebie, public. Jaundice or- 4Rreeid, 41illickinvistit 'Onjous ment designed to continue indefinitely her days ago and fmished off on her grand- Feet, Mire Distemper, Swellingq, and many other - . r i C2 dircases hich-hors--ii, and cittle, are subject to. 8 now offering Great Inducements In Calliti Mid B11161its lFidVeiri,they s6lild be jn- - RAMA= nZAM 33ME? away there she must be prepared to main- mother. This celebiated Liniment ha- been used for many JOHN HARRIS. dialoaslytviki!dforeachmetDcorreetthe&seased taiD it by such force as would withstand For liiiyseutery� or. 111orr4itge cause III stops pain of every hind. much auicl;cr. nwl is sftf % but daO jild under 00 circunis=cC5, ana it 9wovescho &Lrocalund yeata, and its curative properties thoroughly tested, Goderich, pral2thI870. W12 Ready - Madq Cloth! - Ac"o" or reme the "tra"o" which the govarnment of the United States. He an - it if conceded to be the cheaposl and most re. 119' dose is generallyTeqWked. power Of COMMEROIAL- iableramedytot all external complaints -1 - ok hoped, in the interest of hnnianity the Aithe rublia-it--neiier 15"i when tAmely liked and AATS and CAPS. �For �Rkeusndstksas, QAdif,,0ra* ,, tattals. of itIke Jiffam Iftin in to Aid PREVChTING SICKNESS. .-;A:ipIehdIc1aiiiortmentW ft Tumor of Vie setting out of an armed force faitliftil y applied. Bikek and. Mislus, they should be Celli if to suppreq the Red River insurrecitionists GODERIOZ MONEY MARKET TO;bt-thad of all Druggists and Country Merchants tikkon,asrequimd,to.ch=othedifieu Ono ect notonly Cures Paill. but will picrent it-antInutkinds 4 chativ them c 31111PIalow of micknovs tb;;§ are. pr ir throughout the Donsinion. Price 25ce per bottle. cLOTHO A'" _rA`0y 1ff'_r1?Ds' would not prove true, as their ultimate NORITHRR�� LYNIAN As be Isnow prepare I d to make to Order In Pirist-Class disappear, atmospherig. Corrected for the 516-nai by W. F. P. Smut, Brok. Ojdt..�r-prictors Style on short notice a�a good fit Lrustranteyd.,or no For JDrozw-r and tildt Aestructioii. would certainly follow. An r. W,,t Street. Sold in Gih d P Cattle and P Je K A Y aftle. Ag'qodasgortm�ntof hould-be tiikin ialargeshdl�oquent�doses to pro. army less' than 100,000 British regulars W Is - . , .: . - Mdden PoWers brongixt to 2. tTt!, would be utterly futile, and if the A . - GoDzRicH, APRIL 26, 1870. lord -in ; L+a�rdifier & Co. Ba if.., Ia. James duce the effect of a &aado V '661t6uldbe meri AMERMAN EXCHANGE OR OnERNBACKh Bentha HAVE RECEIVED A LT Seing Machin6s TVA,ppremlois a Ian -No taken As a Pain Remedy it eneeb �all remedial ngeutd. na. Rodgerville; J. Pickard Exeter' On hand of the Latest style, for sale ontime; or liberal as Itproduces 06 desired effeet by -sympathy. and vrben first introducol the do-zOr as as the ,can people atitoold protest even these would J. 14. 0(,mbei Clinton ; t5ecord, Luc* discoantfor cash. Kaeblue Needles and Moldne Stlk AS a DInner PiR, take one or twopjav to pro. people wate rLstotalished at its marvalions arzaivo -9 at ................. nol no _ mote digestion andxelieve th6 stonalich. powers -for thomoinent it wa.- applied - * ... . . 90 Cunadafands 'lealers. -for sale. A-upecisional do -so gtinulates the StoMach and TWENTY DROPS diluted in asadrush. referred to idie facilitv with which Ameri- Bugi at ........ I ...... my . Fit A h D-� �Ojj A B RA AM SIM -1 T M boweV Into healthy aedon, restoreathe lie movitviolent Pains. Cramps Rheutuatiu, not be better than a force of 10 He then ei .1 pr; E. HicLson, Senforth, and all- Medieg F Bn..d 0 E.$,, Goderleb., can volunteers were disciplined and inured uying at .......................... 5 discount Feb. 24tb, 1870 W4 and Invigorates the system.. Henze It is a ta Nouralsic, and all unplerieant Kelivipccaxil. to the hardship of war as compared with elling at .......................... 4 ThE GREXT FEMALE REA vantageous where'no serious erangenitent exists.' . - - Orders by matl or telefralib executed with prompt� 3P T1L]QNMg 4NP FLAGIG313Q. Oe-vilible.1solerablweU ftenfindi; tadose S ofthosep-iM lilmQdeoldedly tha the soldiers of othe5 nations, claiming that ness, and on the most avorable terms. The highest - - mid keb, betterL#Qrq When Api !q &ofot�a -9 the United States to -day was the strongest Pren-Aunt Paid for bills, and the highest pnee paid for Job Moses' Periodical PiRs. their cleklising dud renovating efleat '14 -Oared. RADIVAT.; Mpi-a thvn;�- posilivaaw -. itjc?2rP,l 419e]!4 ltrADYFU1;, greenbacks. tive apparatai. xnilitary�pawer on the earth, and only 1%T,'3M '%?V ;MIliotts fro-il tin atwrl-. Then needed to manifest its strength to secure a W F. P. SMART. HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE 18 UNFAILING Youths "Navy Balmoralst- 0 0BZ. C. AYBR & Co., PracMg? CheptijW, it ST" *at Ditift Pra�ldciicu ittmircil " to ziend favorble hearing by foreign governments.. Tin the cure of ail there Ninf.1 and d4ligeraus G.ir& Balmoralls-1 ffi -all grides. W__ a gon ard Camage fbrOiMs gretLt rouidditoeverynaiou tin tbo face gif diseases to which the female conlitimi ion is s4bject. __9 th0o,1711. Wo were inspired withl fhth of its Mr. Ramsey inquired of the chairman hilitz- NORTH R1JP&LY1lAZj, L%eiveastle, out., geeran libihty in sowini; the lives ofall jimosle against the, It moderates all excess und removes all obstructions, Frjlrj ; I plagues aM Ilestilences that resnte Z11 tnedwinee n and a speedy care ma* be relied on. ens' Slippers & Fancy AiV i and the of the Committee o - Foreign Relations THE XAMLMMS Cild F -A C T 0 R Y - tcentsforCanaft. - ! E3' Sold in Goderich bj, Parker cattle slid assurance of one dollar'stretitra. beyand ourfnn Eli: i TO MARRIED I A ES i -F. T. T�T A IT' T" Gardiner & Co..�Bayfleld. James Benthun 4Mr. Sumner) what disposition had been Goderi4 ApRit. 26) 18710. ited. It will, I . n a short time, bring WOXENSt,..MI1SSE1S.& CHILDUENS"PRUNELLA BATES ".&,r 1 1: iodgerville. J. Piclard, Exetr. in the RADWAY'S MADY RELIEF 1proving iLv i made of the resolution he introducedsinu It ntpeauluirlysu J. H. Combe CH the nillicted human ra2o, *o cant; 1,,rLh ulf lar to the onenow pending. He thought FM Wheat ............ $07 0 on the mouthij-period with regularity. a savior to AVE pleasure in jntlat� wn. SPeord, tucknow E. HIckson, Sealfu its mision of cure over '80 1H -.oftovm Lit Medicine Deale! r. the stitbiject would ere long prove of at Spring Wheat... 0'705 0:80 These PiRs sh6tdd not be taken by',Femaks durfus the G A ITERS IND - BALMORALS, ing to the publit gre FIRST THREE MDlVTRS of PregnwgV, as Wy an and reentry that they have ME M=10N DOLLIM, WORTH importance. The action of the British Flour ......... ::::::. 3:50 4:00 sure to bringon Hj,=7TiaVP_ but at any'other tithe they Goderich, Maroh 3rd, I b7Q, W13 EXTRA V#LUZ. �opened a Wagt-onardvarriapi 1111- oats .................. 0:80 0:35 are safe, .13hop, on St. 13sviWs st. autho�ities in organizing the Canadian a A* O"F11ZFr litia, in sending over British regulars and Peas ................... 0:47 0.5 In all Cases of Nervous avid Spinal Affection% Pain in (Lewis Elliotfs old slgl�� APPRENTICE WANTED. 0 & vvithoutneollar being neared by pnrebate. trZ 0 the Backand Iimbs, Fati-,ucojislightexertion,RWpitit- njjujjj;ijg t119 WVOXn Llotel. rl. " F in calling in the Indiana between the Fest Barley ................ 0:40 0:4 tion of the heart, Hysterics. ard WhileA. * these Kill attend I ers9nally id all the work entMsted to them, having to wait for remuseza vozi nutil the tcr!'30 -V1 as- co3st of Lake Superior and Red RiVbr Potatoes .............. 0:45 0:50 wh[ effect a care wl,-pif all pilter iinegus have -failed, andarepreibaredtolutnout '1110, the Blacksinttlilng business A -strong youth Bold. end all expeaso fitir lbre*-&m 4116P�k, *Dtghls, commission agents, advortising MIN- Were vn1d.-4:t 411 would *quire the attention of tht Butter .......... ..... 0:17 (jo 0:1 and although a poweilul I --edy, do not conthin. iron, -1-fronithecoputtrypreforro:1. Apply toSrR.ACIFAN is v.6 -cr Ameri- - .7 calowel, allumonT, ortwytbiug�hurtfgl to thv constitu. Waggons, Buggies, th continued to dQf03 rs 'Eggs .................. ();10 (1:oo m inity of living civilized souls wdsted, INIVwo scup ,can Government. CARDS.t. BILL 11EAPc Goderich Illareb. ME . 1870. 6W61 -t firitzt our ovm rlsk, utters, leighs, Mr. Eloward desire to know whether the Hay, V tou ............. 9:00 1:00 Full directions in the pamphlet around each package. ateriall Canadian Government were enlisting In- E . [ides (green) .......... 5:00 C& 5:00 which should be carefully preserved. and everything in their line, otthe very best in RADWAY'S REAbY REUItUFF JOB MOSES, r.EW YORE, SOLN PROPRIMOR Plain =4,VAncy, I'vinted at'City Rates and workmanshi and at the very lowest remunerative, OAP -Dor TEI"KS di, Wood ................. 2.00 a 2:50 rates. %ns inAheir service. $1.00 and 12f cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop 0 those who respoti-led to my Iwt jOall for money Idid the marvelous cures it effeeted in A-QIATJ�f Mr. Ramsey replied that there was 'A no Beef, per cwt. 5:00 g 6:00 & Lyman, Newcastle, Out, generul ag-,uis for the 7 C:11� �3 33 X MT 4CA- Tilud Would respectfutlylorge -the: balance of my VIOLERA, 40HOLE1. MORBLT nil Uluou-'.' Pork. '�f-00 (a) 7.70 Dominion,-wilt'insure a boi6containJu%cver60r1IJs, A 2� THE- SIGNAL OFFIC-7. 0 ATTACKS. DYSENTERY. end over5' doubt of the fact, and that the zomina, ........ Promptly attended to. �f Debtors to 4o hkewlse. by so oing would enable in other disease peculiar to the countries and cUmatce by return mail., Goods NO, ON HAND11a largd'nisortme 11H. where it was used, itugmted Im un in Chickens per pair ...... 0. 30 0:30 2 ' ing's to"' Pound, and tell conflict tbreatened to involve other L RTHRUP 1. YMAN, Dt of Ili' y A.. SBT .......... 0:30 0:32 - 0. r tba OW54 - Wool ....... 'NeWcastie� t�..W.,genera 4M_ Mh� *5 iierl.oh,427t Veb , IST(e) Tphoid Foviw ...... 4-00 4:00 miii7 Zianson our frontier. He also called Sheep ........... agentforCauade Feror, M 1EX M which will be sold Cheap for Cash ox- Cc -V,.g&jM 44� -'9LqC-1=V attention th the report that the expeditlOn Apples ............... 0:7.5 0:75 "- Soldita Goderich byFarkerA Cattle one �ivooci. 1V 4c)o IV X 30 s elni;s n! diRo"es 4ctlm voAtoproceedbyway of theSaultSte. Goeich Salt, wholesale, f o.b. peT bb F. J ordan ; (�w diliftr cc do,, Bit# M -, J ames jjy -Goderich, Feb. 24M 11IT0. —5y i6en all oth6rs V2 Marie Canal, in the State of Michigan. 1:20. Itenthum,,11o.-eiville, ; J. Vickird,k ceter; J.H. Combe, Ghnton, & cord, Lucknow; TORONTO -D 1.1partles concerned are hereby notified that an h -18(20 0 rG Re read from pTivate letter in cor- E. Hick& WALL PAPER 8AND.T0B,&r(;(?, 'A Y T o W in fP son.0nuforth. and Fill htediojne.Ve�llarv. wSS mordes due to the bearer on note of hand, or book tors and Proprietors of this imar7cloas reinedy to roboration of his statement, to show the GAR ZXV unt, are tobe paid to himself personally. An AND acco curryut 'His will. in placing an gntidato within the NOm other.paymentsvill be considered pull and void. reachofllli; people of all -nadens of &,o onrth-who difficulty of transportation for the ex- --0-0-0- R JQSEPH HERR. bad sufficient faitth to trait fer their - ba-cad,cast cil pedition in any other tbn American WEEKLY PAPE -8 Godericb. Dec. 2. IS119. w4A CINDIAN HIN 'DESTROYER A CH -010B A94ORXENT the water to return after many do"_" wbe were wntent to spread ont lefec, tbo woril zbo iiebncA-. vessels that might be chartered fbr the T14E LAND. QUESTION ADD RICHARD PIKE, ty, and ndraculous qnickmcn of this rc-m6dv, A Family Medicines welland (avorablyknown U X , mufar-turor of and d . ealeria owls the ib - 9 ll such time that its wonderful virtues he ters --�sh ,pose. of 1RELAND beia a series of let rb�rttiepasttev% yeoisoieverfalling in a single household necessit overywhcro jbnt OFFIM 8SSUran struntients iselected for 9bivgica't work Lava diz Mr. Howard expressed bis duti instance to give permanent relic ien. timely ee published in the NEWPATTERN."911. C I G A R S a , I �s in this venlec& TLrough th� that qhe Michigan State authonties used, 4 Six I a Jb c ve ornadwafs Ready rolieff. f NDON TIMES' �,nd We hasre never known a iking!e c�aae 7 ie ,woufd not permit the use of the Sault F"EjtSr ' 0 colco RFD I)ccb reEnLed fren, tba LO IN WALL' to di dissatisfiction where the (firectivits have ben ANID i .8 to aua as --a ng Alto ill the4eaAl .8te. Marie Canal in rartherin- any from their own Apetial CoMmisdoner with croperly followed, but on the viontrari aft are A S th C"Or tosli, he vady Zeller 1W military operations by the British auth- a Reference.Map. delighted with its operations, and speak in the JUST OPENED. OUT. P"Ms. Plug. Fine Cut, (1hetving fjpiii,ini� litpg Stop I ili�it !IND KAGA� OVITABIX for Parlor, D Room; Bed Boom & orities. The country need not fear any PRICE 30 CENTS. highast thrins of its Virtue and Magical elrecto, 0 Rau. wid Smoking Tobacco. assent by the State to such an expedition. THE CAArADIAN PAIN DESTROYER OFFERED AT LOWEST PRICES Simla Ailments, &e:, that nadway's Ready Belief en"Ir fok mle at the Telegraph News Dep t. h astirtim,foritselfareput9tion,asa blood purt �Vime. &nd emience rove i�*) bo4e BBST =4 He wouldgo further and say that he had frej,afterative stomach tonic, unsurpassed in the FOR CASH. SAM, 'T OU . for FV-ERYDESCRIPTI it from an authoritative source that pre- (OMCB OF THE MONTREAL TELEGRAP CO-) histoiy of medical preparations, ft befflorntAllit AND AGIM mission would not be given by the WEST MARKET SQUARE,. to cure Dyspepsin, Liver Complainots lndi"- AT M0aRHQU$E,"5.. Ripes& Smokeirsll` Fancy_490od CIEW60 AND 3PXV1Q14s tion, Hearibuen, Sick- Headache, Kidney Com- Umited States aVthorities for the MOVIU.-, Gederich April 26th, 186.0. W14 plaints, Ae.d Stomach Phthisicor Astlimb, and OAK, MARBLE & SA ' TINTAFEfi JIANGINGS etc., � etc., NPARLIni rp-TE111 -of troops within our limits. -Great restores to vital activit the tein debiAittiled 0F=LATUTsTyLW A. LARGEI-STOdE: 'OF .By$ I I il by siiffonog and diseasye. Qq Britain had no right to ask such license THE BEU.LBRAffDS Its magical and uto0derful mceus3 In ouring for Parity andAMexpinoil, It re sudden colds, Sore threat,. Coughs, Dipthcria ALL- PAPE�S. ed artiCles 4tlWa3ins On Lvev, Kg6,­Bu1tcr 3111k, etc., and Is wa or preparation tf QuluinN er �bc) mony Oil SAL E "llited to forms of 31orcu* and he r 'dicted She would not. ATX003ELHOU191175. W of all the above nain $.UNRIVALLED eye is L Mr Sumner thought the apprehension' 0A11M_ F 0ains to the side,lion and back. nouralgi%looth 'MitalliAothinginjurfolis. Fo'rAIebytheGpCC1L =Mat ache, rheumatic rind therpainsin any partol-T11-B PR JtQljj4K50X 4; will care this diicaso Eo positively, fo ao BY ETTIEST, BRIGHTEST, W hand. ,which had been expressel would prove the Wy and from w tever cause, bas given.1i AT T Agents for Goderich. unfounded, and that it was not con- ace in every hou hold and Is fast superft�d- A BEST & -WIDEST SUPME'S -OLD SAND9 Y. I'LUMMEt & 00., tempiated by the British Government to Public Auction i -iopglall 9ther preparm no of like kind. MARKET SQUARE w8y No. not ne. Thorsinds. from ovor-dosli:a witli It ti­alo an vfte�(-Iu I and prompt rem0y for 10C WA1L:PAPER- 'STAR 0MQE 130OR Quinine. Arsenic. Alorcurv, toitled in the =any A. -ma Mse the eanal referred to. He itated that Scaldiii, _1�urns, Bir ties Sprains, Chilblain- AT WOORHOUSJES4 GoderichApril. Ut, 1870. sw64-3m Uares and Private Practive, pn� ilie itenalty of �-n- THE J?ZRFECT sorrsed liver, f4A. Ei,,Icen. diiiiW, cred kidneys. raffiran-. 0 BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTIO' ON Crest Mies, Cramps n itte stoinaicb, Dwbjwa,' r_ thd resolution previously offered by Ur. colured Ekin, aud litindredu V1, %her hympton"s Of . T Unoleramorbue,BilliputCholie.Cholora fitau- Ranis on the same subject was pending X" WANTED. �d* tri 3. These agemts novor cure, tatantother tha ey 'Es:1 jut SUSTINTE d1swaL be.. WEDNESDAY, 25th MAY, 1870, pn,=ente S RADWAT78 P*L ADY BELIE V, before the 'Comm5littee o _,n e- illy ry, &i!-., r bottle 111-0 - - 0 u Foreio 25 c";1?H'R0P LYMN WIEW work on a farm. Apply to RAIME? Iations, awaiting official information, upon AT NOOXBY NO I SIATIONERY 01: ALL KINDS, TOHLNCKS. FO 11 .0 the Wong t -which the committee might bass 'its MR, G. X. TRUEMA-Nz Ne -0-3P I I I Rose- aided ty nadwolq pot tjql� cui Genera],Agent for Canada.6 VERY LO WAX T�E .,arlknd Oottage. atwill.pivlee SiLiT E R il 49" UO fill 'other F00ars- ,action. M -Sold in Coderich bv Parker & Catile and WINDOW BL INDS Goderich4th April, 1870, sw C5 t The- asussioa terminate by the At Lis Alaction Rooms In the Town ef Goderich, those F. Jordau; Gardiner & Co. Hayfield; James I . W. � . . I � I TSitoatlngtifpure One 25 tout vatilqd* On Motion of valuable parcels of land, being lots 38 and 39 in the Bentham, Rodgerville- J - Pickard, Exeter; J H TAR OFFICE I.., jisilverovertheErsT re&mnee of the resolution, Maitland Concession of theTownship of Goderich, con- RINGS JUST TO taining 149 arees mom or less. Combe, Glintop; 8�W0,Lt&kno*; E Hick;;�, AM -330=E- wczujr� plateilbythe patent ftocess almessrs Ming- "91 lef Mr. Chandler, to the UOMmittee on and all Mad ton &Co..4rad Is beyond alleamparlson. lbovery best Over 100 acres are cleared and under cultivation- tz-% foan WA* lers. w3s Is. better es a cm for all Fevers. Chi:14. Biliong Foreign Relations, there is on the property a -mill sits- there is a good 1300K STOIRIE-11 rpE[E public aeereby cautioned Rgainst article next to sterling sfivertbat calibe employed as such eltheitsefallyorornamentally, asby no PDssible Mack& tbnm -1he 0 C�Cnre,, road in front of the land which Is 8 miles from Gds- p3inific Agv the follow- test cau'ltbedisgnguishedfmmrealsilver. Cholagazues. Ac., COAttia 01 to 6& and rich, and 3j miles from Clinton -there is a Frame CHEAP FOR OALI;-AND,�E&' pumhashig or negotiating Roady Relief is good for huMdrcdsoT0ZLcr nlittiacmd, Froul the earg ezpw1oraMw, txermud r&Vzrwory House and Barn, on the property. There is also an Noft ing notes lost by the subscriber SIONAL"OF110E Goder1ch. that these ore nt)t. orchaid on the premises. MoopHOUSES., power oftULuz4,,% and the ren>ral of wrdaUon. mani- GlidaillibAyM 70, 1870, A complete set, guarranteed of firstiluality for finish Ono 25 coat bottle of Radwaylis Ronfly 31C710,4 The property will be put up In one lot at an upset Jaremiah Langford in favor of Kidlisel and dumbil.10. as follows diluted inuo gallen orqWjof Spirits. Vill Livo eto COURT OF REVISION FORTAE T( Signal Mice,' April Ist.1M, Dalton and endorsed to the subscriber fast from cessiation of Cough and other alariningismp. ?WNSHIP tomis.4ftraiiingFellowts' Compound Syrup Of ny- price ot $2,000. The purchaser will have to phiy at TIEf Stanley wiU be hold at Varna on Monday the 16th equal in. Tiantim and stiporior in 1* v, to 2151 it, popbcsprAtes, it is clear that the formation of tub time of sale $200 -and the balance withiii one mouth Donald 'Murchison in faveir of FIddleol—Bead ' "jin-Fa Thread 144 buttles of tbo Z cent ftin 111c:ncdjV!!. Pl.mtr. "r- thereafter with interest from day of ale or at his o WLLLIA.Nl FLUX KETT, - John Brady 8110 ; Leonard Peck in old silver colons matter is not only stopl*d, butthat alreadyd, p- 3fty. at the hour of 10o'clock a. W. Killers, B mbrpeatipps. Panaconf'. &e.. III posited is being carr -d away tion, $1000,, part ofthe balance, may be secured by rp CrerI6 pattern, PattOm pattern Pstlerl' theeo remedies �bdu . � but poor -imimtjo= of XZKa�, Price $150 a bottle ; 6 for ST 51. - gold by apoth , Mortgage on theprendoes for 5 years at 8 per eent per Totistip Clerk's Offi& of the sqb§priber $35. Any person Wai-Is acad Itellef. e� Ono IiLtA3 of RadivaVis Rca ]Rclief, fe? annuin from day of Sale. negritating the same will be prose- 6 cts. $cts.41ets. arf-tind 4YF Cmadffl &C&, wholesale agents, Mout- Term, and Conditions of Side resde known at time Varna 151ilt. Aprid, 1870. cents, as a Pain rLemedy; aurl -for real. of f4de. For further partaculam iapply to the Aar TELEGRA:FHNEWSJD7EP0T TO FARNERS AND 0MRs- cuted according to law. 12Table Forks * q. 09 ...... 950 ........ 1063..12.00 wilLsecur 12 Table Spotious 9 OD ...... 9.60 ..... :. 10.00.. 12 VO A j!vpty Lonsebold freedom jnZaia at jjjc!�7 tioneer, fo A. -Lefroy, Esq., BuT%ter, Godericb; to 31URDOCH MURCHISON' 2 DesertTbrks �6-90 ....... -7.50 ... 41.60 ness.ontlicap be medleftho 6-istio jourli4ites.driz HTAF ISSTmmGm.-Tdpreventorconqaerdisme Me$= Blakle & Alexanderl Toronto, nd.to the would costiat t _11t, -isione ofthe grandest attainments everairtied at by man vendorj solicitor. TELjdGRkpH Co.) rVHF UNDERSIGNED HAS LAI�qE BUYS OF 12Dpssert*4poonm6.100,... 6AOt ....... 750....8-60 Vs urchaea roBc7ipl ra" jovery tin;o Irlin, (OFFICE OF THE 31ONTREAL ell as.. Asbfiela 15th April 101D. 12 Tea Spooiis 409 4A9 t ..... 500._fito 1310 CEO jor 1.-i C b IS J� pipricy belfinging to private.,partls, �" w aw68-3" �West-Slde 2 Eggglit bowls .250 and Brau's Pal-oule- Wafers will as sue zure coughs 240 -olds. tlekling in the thwat and pulmonary complaints JOHN HOSKIN, Markt Square, Goderich. Conlpa��jes, for -axwAitfailpestileactivrilldestroy. Severe coldilfilot Vendoes Solicitor, -.--0— 1 Saue-, JAdles 2 0 2 ....240 attended to sooner or IaW lead to Incurable consump Toronto, April =nd, 1870. IiiVostmejit.oplipprovtd:FarMs, Si n of -the Big. Broom 2 Gravy *Spoon 200 220 ........ 240 240 w24 4t rD, ILLUSTRATED LONDON tion, and the strecgM of 'be strongest tition fa -;Is if nex UST RECRIVL Boat dt bowls Fo 0 ........ x0 :::1oo Way eady 111dief lected. The readiest and best means known for the _jNews, News of the World. English Weekly, Bud- P06 0fbfffed frOM 8 tQ 10penent IMustard 40 ...... 45 ........ 60 .... jig ]ftad R gdt,.Ch&Tnbees Journal. Bow Bella,. Young Ladies 1 Woupladle 2.50 ...... 2175 ........ 8130 ..... M C= Of these complaints is -Bqwi ruimonle Wafers Vournal, Gentienttn's JournaI,Zod1ey,LexIIe,Demorest r �S'e�irly, -with the ,which bave been thorougWy tried for the last twenty per aunnin. payable halfyearly 0 A P. 6,Sugar8poon. 50 a ........ 60 of; ms: year4anilihaveneverbeen known tafail. Singeraand "IMEWID2KMGCLASS-Weawnb"repaodto AiMefeadilig Magazines aud;papers; crin- oftion,of payipig the mortgage (any tiOie after the end OM 1_"_rX"%.JT0RY — — famish allelwommith conouitemployment a sta ly.on baud. Ordorafille4trith promptness; attf� o .3 jeirs) bygivift three �iiopths notice or of paying 450 4R7j Z66 .59-25 Uft"nmtlo" 16fithe pubtliq speakers will also derivd great benefit from the. wMeop 0 useoftham gold bY all Medicine dealers�at 25otsper- 1161A. hatimearforUissparemomitite� BI despatch. In any fluill af $100 or over on. account of Principal, A N D litifti-i-ation of Me 131adacly Orafilable, - I.tereFt being ch"ble, - Y.. thin Of the nowcis, baz .11IM-atotil5licreve anditijproordwalanin yderodug April 18, 1870. Dn the balance oull' UE")1imik theirwholeffinotgotyeltituinim Ag&aV4jiLrIswnnV- The subscribeisloo londsmoneyrreqayable, byan- STORE Anyathi above be 'aadalnglvab same ulavAk"mtn. 2%aanwhomw 3101itimWxendth r nual Instalutents, 'GROGERy prices. C0l19e3�1GUoftl&oLungajp The Rebels Surrender -Those, rebsWous customers, "andlat ths busisesi�,W& wallis this unp Difficult Elvatblag, Corns. Bunion Ingrowing Nalls, &o, sarreader tii oo!rii , I ouchasarevotwellssfidmi wew-illawd7 tow Aj?ly to N. B. -THE BEST QUALITY ONLY of above kept fbellietroubleoftrifing; JFtdLiZ&;l&ry REDE ]Palpitaflon of the 11cart, Hystexlief 'the sulftlor and magical Ifilluence of Dr J Bri RICK ARMSTRONG. in stodlL Interior *goods ntirely oseladed.- Profits e fwhiebwUldotacommenetworkon, dscopyof.TAS Agent for the CanadaLanded Credit Company ModernCurative. Nosooneris itapplied, thant y Is, WX Zitawr Ctimpaxiomo­-me onfa based o4 Vis ready money principle-lict cq,,djt, allblilb the t and -Also the Imperfid InvesvCcrip,14- -119 vfAld themse4ves as captives, leaving poor humanity fitakn-T neiroMen putillilied--till oent fiv=71 itnall. MEW Subscribers have removed their Broom Faeby;y fil- M!,,19 . or to A LEI OME PRICE ONLY,�- yol MW - the enjo ROSE 'POTATOES) FROY, , West Stiftet, Oodarleb. prment of one of the greatest bleisings.. L to the promises in rear of the Store formerly4cau which Is to those who an obliged to use el�ich April 41t�, ' 18TO, pled by Mr. JAMES THOMSON (two doors South of '8011124twt V12-tf '31rithoirdilly -avocations, mdeedagmt IT B them ;;��c the Huronllotol),,on Kitigstou street sad beg lo In- ]i 08 10 ik 9 H. oRX"BRIERISCOMING "Od ImlitiethathavJin 1"itles for pgreb"Ingrolint-wria blX�JtgBr1gp trestaCorns, Bunispandother diseases 11ORs e, at 10 ]Ringham's! A quantity of n the Plicaost makket,o slid having stbu* the air- T. 11, XOOnHOUSH th Thes plicationof410 Readynellortotba '=Z�Gv, Ia POTATO. grown from the original vice# of aat-clivas brouni-maker, they Xr6 JiMy turd-, G6 of The feat at 209 Broad*syr N Y. Brapch Offloe, No. Opel rtk D. parts, ere the v2id or diLaualr czzEm, WE 4 King SL West, Toront%, Canads. 4dmulne.- Also EARM�GOOD- MONEY TO "LEN mg out derikh. OcL 21th 1860. RI from L A. proce.4 Co., seed. merchants, me and comfort. 20 J11ropor to a Weaspoovany 11�1vatcr tow. ON REAL ESTATE '7V_&M0JLTS Will, in a few &OMents, cure A questlon.-Why wMrople keep four or five ill. MISS SKIMMINGS4 AN FXTRA HEA#Y BROOK - L 0 the work th2t one good -No voking-slekly horsm to 0 - :B I IT S , nurse might perfolin I jifthe horse hits the heaves, is MEMBER. of Music, (Planciforte and Cabinet Or- D. FEI'GUSON 6Pj1Vff81 DF awmcl 'VV331m2& brokettwin,Yed ha4 a cough or cold, or his wind IlLany Xrgau.) Wer=usV,00perqr- Jn advatic Weststdc of Mdrkef quarat ARFOArRUR..- RICK wayraftelted - E h1s; appetite is bad� Goderleb 20th Aprill, 1870. 0- OF TYE ST,"CATEERINEqu NUMERY 1:03M300W. L) or his digestive Goderi&, ApM 18th .18TO. -OZER-ame-8, lo;gmderainged.hua rough skin orls h(de bound we iaiLUC&Wsrwnmmendtheruxs,of*DjLrley's&n.-MJLL-TNER4y.-,& I)RESS M I IN . DRESS M G. �X-X AL, 'Apply. to., ]BEST QUALITY & WORDIANS11ir CATBIM, UAVING DISS diflon Powders andArAbImIt."ve BeraW-4triever 'P A'13'V Rig I OLVEDPART- Wind in the BGWC12. WDONALD (MADW-140K. tnin rye r. GorAo%, Is now recelyin r�lerll ln.lc�mo 1,10j=& 0 ------ 01- which tbeyare sellItigzar cheap as &Uy029t4o In rshil? with M Hamitto op Tqrp4ta; sprial-delite UM and may be The akove dego every fifteen =juutcy*1j# falls -to beuefitL=dalmonalwaygreTpovatbe&sme; It is fras from anytblug that can. ry ju H"on, p;nceitu'd Kft und at all times with satety. Try,41tand yott will b to f A" BAMSTERS, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. virlartbe 11 to to the HE ftltissev 95te Bot 0 T hWholesale.&Jletaii, i ViT mcybw, sattailed. Remember the name, and sft that 1210 pubIte of Town and Count hat ey� sre now TORONTO., natureofHnrd&OD..Lson each Wkage., 1�orthrdp all kinds of" &Ljmim,Xeweut1e,Ont., vropnetors ft Camldji� doing ANCY CdODS �j 110NABIX: T CK OF Tor6n o Apnl 26tb, 1870; BW69tri And all Pnir-ftil 1)L-cbarGis;- MILLINERY, DRES AXING, RJZfJ T Tbeyfigyajilso purchased the balance of 31(r Istnts Belief with theltY. Afowdruji3inT7Ztcr'wlllp47(3vcn-. 7A,LT,, DINING, PARLOR, DRAWING -Room Thomson's Qrj;,A:jU fraM ehaMgoof W=jr. In First-chas stvlo, anikst =(Q?d cbATXeL J_L Papieft Wa sotice in the published fo MANDY da PITtLES &5 JA ,ruluU of one of the -RE D __R1 I VE Fr UT= W Ja , oic -of _0lUtb6TC11kb1ejnwwj�PAf In9st,#xft*s1v*-.m;nufwture* bf- 14axiiispartl1r, Fee. VIARIETY JY'W.Beadle,Zsq.,*tft.' tora% &c.,tlmtx combination of &rsA StIllfrigaes TRAFALGA STREET and mad.6 large additions thereto. and Intend to 4-Y Cathedues Tron,Podoplillum isciampounded and used under the. A"'DRY _' on (in lits ola-itand) r first,619" weektromthis date an!j5Ucbase,-sdTedesImdt0;r&*M i him -Ith their comnutfift pergio "diffKURIPTRIft- ardly at XA daldvIlle�, nam ot SarmparlILL'for the cuts of cbronle dfwAm. (Next Lot to lRuilit a ud rAwson!x- suit ALL 11,0K SALE a valawlim. Anil* mottles-Inatia ihatkili Rt0ffljj(tr,._P_Xq jjRFAr AVO Family, Grocery. Apoludsisf on the or �7 Posta dotierieb P.p. �on or Wam-&UWky ,yoducattid yidersamusb1noirtlitits,ecimbl- B"t"AW 11i style, colors plessing-itind. well4xed; -all, piii0fi sod in 16tli 1ust._ -All stock wilt be delivered in pod dtd& wity of the X"Jr AIMMP. InucirrofmiumIt with vegetables fir incompatible- k T-RrA S SOLIOITED. direct from the makers, and will be sold at Toronto - the, -FOR TMDAT-s ASI -1 P!%INCJ1P.LE' qtb r Will dolls very utmo, so Also:1 the combigittlon ot a powerful Purgative, Priceillitilkits: Alioii,kreaevviefyofFaiteyGoodsot 3.15 Cnift, i. XgrT, -Xc *11111 in felts" posseltsingtdterative� Gkiderich April 1970, WHOLE OF THE STOCK0FJDl3G0 � 0, diuretic, ander. St. A3ES-T M AN P, ont nuance Oi the plit.polme toy -frlmds it an& 4 times lftpropertl",dof;,nedfd"tLoafte,abwbents "d Ia plifatingareivquest- �r Hillers, 4,� sderetiossof themkillg7infilskc, ths only medium L 13r a Ua AlTNE Z6WZSt;PAIM9t'A`ND A, f4m an 0 1 96lietW and all wooutemp tba seases !ud R a4y�m&deClotba' _*fA, � ortment f edtocallandsciethc gteimsbelorepurchw S -0 through which cbroidd ircrofulous and skin 'di rs.hi. dedgus In Illack, Goldi, 51fvar, '011 F;2cliei is A kav clua be edred. Tbe drAvlopurgative ad 80;-:V�ood.,'.- �7 Coff jb properties being, Critekery. bes? Sugmts, Frqit, Ingeise-herti- . t4lb -it - *Md f -h RJK1SVa3'!'# ICC its lathe cm ofths, formulsir under consideration, to ounware, -JAXES STEWART. T OFL Cribiecalea -13 HE 01 -The Aoi -mill lb 'sol iat*,cnofzhlfai;7rc2"�,,E�'edr.rera.-a- much gre4ter thin thealterativis, emles off throu R REVISION FOR THE L loirer than oota slid Sboss' Flour, FA61L, P0t&t068; 319diPilvills, 11014YU, 1670. V12-tf im -OR. 11�usellold.Furni - I - ­ the i�Llja-Mcd in o Tdon T -baud- at the ljowest Pritzesi =Wro XHEH� as-. 4�r_, alwaysn. -CF 'roe tboallitirstilre litiforatkasboorbents ara actedupon, in- -Solm dheidimentn7cauld,xil the medicinal propertlesft T ownship or'llay"Wil thef. Haxpilt6l�ibr_ to Prim. - Drveqdypelief win (30!tW itTuesday thelithotmay '-AT Ahe WkERIG R AIJO-TIO N if ART i -dolly -d (!OLBORNZ eilses wbere Wit des[mblarto flitritish vatbatics. Ia thclivionle dissaw, t yaliQuJidbegifea sepantelyamd- Be at 10 0?c1ock A. M. The publWAriabereby Informed, thtt. At belfig The ini. Only one caU required'to swure -a con- dy at leat sit botimripArL No pbysicialawould give _XXV. . 1. 1 - 'beflo tent 'WILLUX wiiSON, *A ;Jejaiij of My Cqdke, of the GbilericyAlictAtin Mitt tinudnce of rblialPatronage. '11HE COURT dradkcsthilrtic�stthe same time headirildsteredblu. : I elinam- e -ext OF RE tit, - 60 Cf 01TAY4 neady RCUC4 P6! 88 ore Qn lVe idditiontd - liver, thif*b­110 -Of the inunease ttles 2 c6pts; SEnglc LoMCsj:;) ants. 4540 to proreod, to Red I atintfoiied *91, bji Miered for ihe Township sto 'tL 4 sy the 7tay * y at 'fie "TOWn- His or etdomeL. Af the sick Psa, affeAlid with chronle T'p 01 TA MY COX & MCD of Col'o W isaii boW'by Public Auctio Stfeet. 8 TIM INN e, will be:held r. t. -,r -DRYGOODS. 3IRrt, commencing this �fty- and continn[WrL front day, uW raduaZs L antiL priviltb Ato At'ths- OXALDI j0d ftklhxfle� use Ufaxl It y. U wish Hey 16th Aprilii 1870. sW104f ; eat., On 18aturd Xaf Sold Idwar thlim. [ever. COMIXtItI011 is t4a (M40r,, Kingston Stri It V, i8iiij at th -of 10 01610cli; storekeepers eve*-Whe7e. 7% WLI b6 fc:1n,4 Its _O Ott to day till -the whole Is disposed of.. oodx are of jq,13�_Varutprodc, tikiiji"=bjg, fit Goods th s �tjill, at t 0 r per bol 0 e for itutV Usatt&at any in every city and townia the world. pot;lp indi, i 7tj 87 W4�tf rections of $11 124U29cm; Art fcr 4&aXW&y-"V rice,in ardEr to*lnd*u a budit"s f i V"141 PC 1 0- 0� R,4dji Relief Z C,U per botft FiRs 25 & E 1, T $be ve"yest'de"c"O"10A per FRUIT TRIKES,,'. C. T: I Lut., Ire,. AKES TEWSLtY, and , L - . ' Z L;4rIIMWT IffercinsiLL At - Dr 0.- MGM FOS. SAIM Township cierk. way 'Aprifl . _ , , - 'L .,- Warekot!w, ST TZM flubs oderliiii., Ah lsii4 Wn MentreaL UWiYond Bf ftV1 at April 20, 1670. Is horse portabls . EagWe, 0 good as zew -AND. - 8101NABLE., DR�$S­__tOODS 0 Ar R"a F""dq FA NOTICE Amadeby Waiterolts ew An f- FAST-0010RED -PRINTS tal$mVe Farm for Sale. Sim ZOHN v4pHrjt8 PAMBL, ON be saut Ton. Godertcli. 25 JantilifT. 1870, EW] -DURABLE C&TONS L A mote fbrsto Itst by Jars AlcCrat.jr "STAPOCKET-BOOK4 r0-,NTAUf_ Notitts she riever i%Ledi its uzze. 3a5a xi; rVW0 Inile the. Toin. ing notes of bana ' d cash to a 6n- 8 Aptili. MID, ­ 1. -1 Wdd cm P"a do U det6rinlood 71110114 20111 tO b9st Ali 444W'WUthar tliiiReelproell�r �Ahio 6f ?Stawl6y, Cckm -far - TV111"YJAINW11101slorsdeUtiamttoths. prospaityto fall Value f(iridliho,ri, tjWAnftJC=GoV%.*gM4WtIth SMtjfyt* to SM beiniui Oil B%Y561d ad, 810"rAf h, 6htainv ey 4derabli amounts* �b*ween Onflerich and ing or --prodilat AjjdL_ Sh&t�0s`X0-"t&"W&T2U"Xt&1ft view *ad ft a Jorelit ad - janeakh r: _0 Goodrldh =tIftes- tor zab by Alex;. -Anuana's, 061bonie, an AS after. e;fs,.j.0 'vall'at -the 14 $LAX Pw L, Wedotilitft filider I 4thinst, %%is larl bodys Th Ad d ed urelyvegetable an qwmtity Idd th ch powerii; twus b M De$tr0;=tk4bs4'tMw ur gQberfm Also.Orful 'X'o XTRZA L V 019 Canadim aireir Alm i9ftP014, d=in* frilize biwft�, �sbe&' &a. bo sudost is oat tho tore blifitig, the eursof Couabs, 0ooddichard, jop w�jer; &c. 4V k W.&P.1411TED. TILUR 'TO NAXE. *iliieosivi-thamboa reward on .1exvitig The 'C�nrtf Revylon fnr t1jeL fjalivrA�irjt W" Rumm"'k. W41" wnlolm cut� Vneltirt:X-ft. - . L . WfdWawanosh wfil,bebeI4 nn to 1 1 - ffie Isitne ii* R#,WnteU& At Aeniy 3jaj. 14AMILTON :&T MtT 4k'vtbe 9th of Mynext g JOSS It tius, TobverA at Ut I 1 7 06ii, A eelk 11, goatiGI6 *h*U asked [nil to, froin M. at 14t n"Con, 43. GOERICIR. OM JjUR()Hja,3:R 441tyly ihs 116y* Sailmb* -to dft= fotr� V10de Of X%Wnj 0 rVjj9d, bir W A I 1916. 1>, 'AL 4011fielta 15 &pr!U