HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-04-28, Page 1,•2 rbt IODER1CH. ••• ' • 7", lo7.s - • • -4.4.• — 24 El: • , 1 zi•.: As; w1. k•ttFlt xl 1'. L. sa-s-=, o 4.1 tier. 'z. a terii s — ,t,.;:d pe'C'• to. • D. ALLEN. SALE. .7.t,T CY W'i 1iNfe4 u 41" ia; •o!,. sl.t. L a: E'‘, tJ. fr•r vcry ebeap h. for Sale. ;',1 Cm:rest-4:m. 1rtIne acres. • vv,th gocs1 Frame abknaz 2i miles Irvrn sa:e a,z„,y at !te rn or ita- Mr. IN N 21, IseN. N4'35 t_ 'OR SALE, e '1.11111NF.. 100 ACRES, -.L. fnEr n g‘,41.11Iarn _ • ..7`. r wer. b- - •'b. m,, ant r• 7 , ILA 7. ,••• ; • • srEWART sts - r COR SATE •91",.1.7 fl; .9.•,;•••••s. T• r'1•••• 9 v.- a la, MAtql-tN DI -1K[4 w for Sale, r E ..f 2. 41 It. fr,, La •:vs ier an -1 thy 1-32,- t. :se. 181.24. next• Th. ....a Sl•roo, Sao.. ea...2h and easrl. :11,2r • n,a. hp obta;.ned DENNIS • Bylfast P 0 ; Olt RENT ! LOT UMBER EI3HT, pc.-ewoni Holiest. on the te,n B: -b nd Walton, Peat (3-cotl hardwood land, wel ores eeararie-c . Seventy n a. Weil fenced. Fut .pply 10 .hose on are prernrses. RANKIN LA W . si. PROPERTY SALE. VILLAGE OF WROXETER. trt Se ,af azd Walkerton. 1 ).•.•1:-.r•-•-s.r..;- Hone 20s42 feet '‘r sth 6Ne th€ !ats fa. ,•• rill:A the „thee he rn to the be an excellent site for a Far,...v kin -a manufartory and and jr Store. Tavern. or .4her ;trty win te e,14 for ,-ah • 'time nil; t.,e given for the l•al- tmealars app;3r on the premises WroNeter. P 0 — (POB SALE 111017E OR LESS., ABOUT 110 a the halanee ;rood hnr.1w.o1 tim- tad fnsteetzss fraine barn.. a ed watered. /lest or the land is L-kt 1D, Sth con., Coder:eh ?.4;011'elrfth and :from ellittOM . goad terms mil be riven for rtmulars apply on the pr.-urises to 1(.111.-N Mc KEN Z..I itf Porter's Hills, PA). 3S FIRM FOR SATZ s for tae. on `Liberal terms, a tize township of Celhorne. W 13 lmar miles from Goderich. 1 t corn ie beet etay soil, all dented ouse and Barn, Pem• oraharel_ goad water. A e.t:01:1wnald be taken as part piy- !am apply to. il:l3P.EV7 rif*MIC, ctrtorla :Goderteh• 1139. FOR SALE ,ON THE GRAVBL ROAD, sI eanctaesd Goctericht Towtish!p, Twitch are cleared-. a never failing !- the bed. Tee at a siteeted on tz5i5 =des fr.tm the town of God- rfetr clay loam, being very, tea it- tft; growing. The lot war be s&d erms, Pcxse.tsf."er. can be given 1st 1=lars azd terms, apply to Q. H. DAVISON, Esq. Godmieb_ Mist. 150. w9-tf FOR SALE 24. CON 4- cess-ich, containing 80- acres f; 55 aeret clearea, sttl-norsaO usE Gnome Pwtor, Kitthen, Bail and Bed Zle=r, S!tting P.00m, Large Taw tx:r other bedroama ; en the Base. -Frnit redm,Store rocra,Ment room- eet,fromfa,:ton and Zfrom L -4 -pa arern.rd of ote iOO superior . c.,T2 clay ream well -watered by iwing wea. The property is situ. nis Hurna. of which a good view e &or. App5y to James Wilkia- re:nhes-or to G. M. 11RUFMAN Land Office. Goderica innary 1870. wl-tf .SAL.Z. OR TO RENT. r2Lrrn, 14-^..t 337th eon. Township of 2OntaSD acres &land, arit40 tra • The cleared in a good • WeTh situated, beim.'" 3 miles 7=C:into-A- antg 12 from odorieb Csara 27).4. ta the ur.dersigned, 1:EriB.5€31,BBECIN,- Bervie Peet Offit.e. w2.--.3ta• . . IC TOR SATM. _ rtiy.01, MT t, GOSHEN' LINE, StarGey. 4:31a1y o Mires. 120 :It a fitiarshite Of eativatima. The ry...".,randatell tented (agotad board int.)* There are Oil 1 preiwises a i„,r,ebazu S$ Pet. gtaltarY; Eby 24 Set. wed fenced =Wad.. twoliever well. with good thntit latopttry iii*ituattederlagraveli d 1,1706dgraveltroadartitkeilaten a"roisi, sakt toltethe intact the :•arsielletit„ markets Of Bayfield (4 h °Zing -as).- roe furter particur- DougAT.L. Anct,..'oneer,Bsyfseld, or to 'x *RS -NOM MARI'Mf, the prasidoes. e. 9d..w4#410! 3Ft Read 4.6-4,41it .$4144ir 44 to :pow, at 34.1*** Iaicefollirlaistdoti )nderfulthiteetkeste Addrete, F Xaralial . _ ;incr otikt, vog iarEs- nude to tha rarliateeltV of the ti_Sieftliesiaskitthersofsest after `six *oaths fat* the date of this tkarraerGauff.TairittefGedefiek. irt mt, "se.. 1911refDirefeei frow4stil4- srl7Matild3Zocitp4izatniow care& talowndekeilidtetY, of Defolwr. A. D * CANERONk GARROir., - 119ZeitOrs ror au:reariti :••-s • irsaaiP -•"; W.T.10X, Editor tndProprietor. 9 74. • ,-. _ d°A , , • 11 11 11 1111 1 The Greatest Possible lood to the Greatest Possible Number• ." _ $ 1.00.r-mn A.N-rc: IN A.T)NrA2,741-0, $e..00.421•ZON-13 OF' NYIEC.A.11,. • 1 - Business ilirectorn. - Business Eliratorp. E. A. Iflorlougrall WILL B hi AT HOME FOR CONSULT.ATION VY up to 11 o'clock, a, in, every day. Will visu ttetits at any hour afterwards, night or day w49 Shannon 1v1.L. PlYSIC1AN,SITROBON,G&c.;&c., °DERMA, C. W. 13:40-ly 1311t. 1 DHYT-ifiGIAN. SURGEON. CORONER. &c. Office • ancrtrestdeuee third door east of Cehtral School. 49 Nt- IvieN1 C1T:C 'V 1%I.. . • TCF.VTI VTR COLLEGE PFITSICI ANS AND SUR- • GE )N-1. C. B. Residence, the house formerly occuptedby 31r. J. F. C. lialdan, Elgin Street. C.A_SS <4_1_31r, (Of McGill College) t.N. SURGEON, &c.. Office, over his Drug • tore, Goderieh, Ontario. sw102 J. P. Danter, M. D. SITR" EON, A,CCOrTCRgUR. Homceopathic Pfirucian and Medical Electrician. Ecsoiinittillvsiciatt of the Atlantic Mutual Insnr- netCompany of Albany, N. Y. 0-ce and Residence Park st., St. David's Ward, Goderich. 1 yw42* EDWARD SHARMAN, BRICKLAYER.. PLASTERER AND SLATER, CITI LL continues to do any work in the above branch- ° es.no reas inable terms. Whitewashing and lob- bing attended to promptly. Parties building through the country wh desire to put on a Substantial Covetino, would do well to correspond with the subscriber, and have their Houses covered with Slates-, as they will tiud them cheaper than any other covering in the end. Goderich, 19th March, 1870. w8 -3m S. R. AI'DO I) GALL, pRACTICAL VETERINARY SU R- A- GEON, Goderich. Veterinary Medi- cines always on hand. Will be in Dung,annou every Wednesday, and at Luck now every Thursday and Friday. `.• Horses examined as to soundness.*** stv56-2m IMPORTANT NOTICE. ' P.R. MANN, House. Sign & Carriage Painter. ISTeclica,l.c, TjESIRES 70 ACQUAINT THE PUBLIC THAT RICE ARDM0011E. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND 1/ he has fitted up a shop on North street next to the Acconcheur, Manchester, C_ W. .- Wesleyan Methodist Church, with varnish room at - February D.h.1867. wavr tached where he is prepared to Mall orders promptly, . and at reasonable prices. Thankful for the patrionage At -„N.1c.Ficor.so N., of the last 7 years solicits a continuance of the same - SURGEON DENTIST. Now is the time to Paint your Cutters, sw Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, Sleighs, and Carriages. GoderN'ovember 27th, 1869. w43-tf ich. tar Orders from country Carriage shops attended to with dispatch. Sign Painting. Gilding, braining, i Glazing. Paper- anging. &c. , &c. Loaw, 11, ARR1STER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Asti Chancery. County Crown Attorney, G3lerich, CanadaWest. OJke in Court House. vl4n40 C Cameron. 1)1) aRRESTER, ATTORNEY. CONVEYANCER. &c., J..) Kingston st.. Goderich, Ont. w49 Cameron:& Gl-arrotv. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &e. Office, Kinston street, Goderich. M. C CAMERON. w52 J. T. GAB-P.01V. L). Shade BximisTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR. &c. Gadench. c. w. Offi-e. upstairs Watson's Elriek, Wesi street entrance first door west of Glasgow w49 .lort-ri F. t4oroton. ikTTGRNEY-AT-LAW.SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY Notary. public, Conveyancer, &c , Goderieh. Ont., Office. on the south side of West Street, third door from Coort-Honse Square. w49 Isaac F. Vortas. WRRIRT ER. ATTORNEY- t W. SOLICITOR n Che.neery. kc., Goderich. Ontario. Office-- rabb's b1o3k. Kingston street sw77 41. rtoyle 8c Scattier, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES, SOLICITORS- ') in -Chancery, &c. Godench. Ont. B., DOME- sw5 W. EL &mina. BA. ira.ays & -01-wood, ARR1STER & ATT0RIEYS.AT-LAW, SOLI- JJeitars in Chancery & 1n=olvency.0 nveY &c. IdEone-sr to Eseild. OFFICE : Crabb's Si OVer Mr. Archibald's Start. swrf. Wffilaorri R. 13 aim, B. A. fISANCERY ANT) L t W OFFICE. citsaies New a.) buddings. Kingston, Street Goderich. N. B -Conveyancing.Money lent on reasonable ems. Disputedand defective rules to real estate :Wetzel- Goderich„ Dec. 24 /866. sw34 P. F. AVAT_IKERttorey-at-Law Solicitor -in -Chan- -eery. Conveyancer. Notary Public, kc. Office of the C/erk of the Peace, Court House, Goder- eh Ontario aw94 a'. B. stones, AGENT FOR STRATFORD AGRICULTURAL works. (Joseph Sharman, proprietor). Residence, ay de' 1 Sa4. w1.1.1y-Sp . S. -VI.alotomon, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, &c., &e. 1-J0 Canton, Ont. w35 MONEY TO LEND. F. R. MANN. Goderich. Nov. 8, 1869. w42 HURON HOTEL, ZURICH. CO. HURON. JOHN PRANG, Proprietor. This honse is fitted up with every convenience for the travelling public., SO' Good Stabling and prompt attendance. February 1st. 1870. w2-tf Strong & ,Sgnier. ains EAL ESTATE AND 'INSURANCE AGENTS, NO. Uk, 5. Arcade Building, Ballet°, N. Y. I saga C. 5TR3t1/G. Attorney -at -Law. H. R. &Wigs, Nov. 13th, 1869, - w43 II. `'.‘lo ICENSED ATCTIONRER, BAYF1ELD, County of .La Huron. Sales m village or country punctually at - ended to. w9-1yr$ 1,-13. I -I amnia, flIVIL EN:GI:VEER A_ND SURVEYOR, LAND Agentand Conveyancer. Kiumrdine. 1 JOEUST 131.__•4_14 .A.1•4• Jr. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, NSURA.NCE, LAND AND GENER&L AGENT, Money at 8 per cent. Slee -West Street. opposite the post office, Goderich, ARS. DAYS' -HOTEL WROXETER. nil the direct road trom Seaforth t V Walkerton. Every necessary accom modation tor the travelline nufilie. FIA29NAH DAYS. WroxetPr. Nov. 5, 181. w4 GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 28, • s, •••• 1870. 11 • 6113ille5S Mirettopi. A Choice Piece of Blasphemy. Maitland Salt Well — M. Pamphile Lemay, the poet of the NOW IS YOU& CHANCE co - a 1-3 •,. Z ',;s\, 0 Prices to Suit the Times! Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., OR 75CtS. PER HALF DOZEN. Largo Photograph Reduced in AProportion. Also will make the largest Photographs made in Goder- 'ch. very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar upwards at D. CAMPBELL'S Photograph Gallery. w27 Godericli. Oct. 1915:1869, REMOVAL ALEX. WALLACE, -WATCHMAKER :AND JEWELER, TREE , was- Tagifig G.- 0 D ELI C Subscnber having removed to the Store lately 3.,tecapied by -A. Naysmith, Wein Street, opposite the Post Othcet, wish..,s to thank his friends and the pubre, or the liberal support with which they have favore-d him thr the last 25 years, and begs to assure Mem that no effort spared to ment a commence of their patronage, his anxious study will be tosupply Watches °locks and. Jewelery which will give satisfaction to the purchaser, and as ail work has been done by myself, customeis may depend on having it well executed. A gond assortment of Gold and Plated Jewelry Watches, Clocks &c., always on hand, ALEX WALLACE. Goderich Oct. 26th 1868. PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, The undersigned is prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT, IN ANY QUANTITY AT. vie Lowest Yriee, FROM THE .ABOVE WELL. 8. II. DETLOB. Goderich, August 3rd, 1869. w27 PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. French-Canadian idea, and (be it remem- bered) a civil servant of the Quebec Gov- ernmeet, has assumed the execrable task of setting fire. Guy -Fawkes -like, to the inflammable spirits of his compatriots (?) by a hlasphemous effusion in Le Canactien. The followirg translation will give our reactors an idea of what distorted images may present themselves to the jaundiced eye "in a fine frenzy'rolling" of a crazy I political rhymer. We would rather go down to the grave "unknelled, uncoffined- and unknown," than have our humble name detested as M. Pemphile Lemay's ' The Saturday li—e—viewt, in a plingent fin I" meadow, too, to eat grass! Poor The Court of lo -Day, article on 'high life,' suggested evidentl , .thing! Herb -pies indeed! Herb -pies are by the Morda.unt scandal, observes,"The Y plaing good victuals; not grass •,it's a judgment on her fol. da - court of the English sovereign is now only Harder &tops, thickbootieh steps,lumpy, an historical institution, but it did some then the gate swings, and I see coming into my field a big cow, with a matt lee - good, and now that we have lost it we are 1 hind her! As the gate swings to and fro, persuaded that it did more gond than we and at last shuts, the man stays outside it, gave it redit. It was a standard. The and leaning on the top rail he grime T Crown did give hints about moralities and saw his grin in the moonlight quite plainly indecencies. We used to hear how Queen a very plain -grin it was, and if the skirt of Charlotte and Queen Adelaide managed to inv dress had not been caught in a great convey little. hints, which we never hear of hooked branch, 1 believe 1 should have now. Since we have had no court in Eng - sprung down on him and astonished him. land, high life has sensibly deteriorated. But I had got up into the tree with the Basinghall street s ithe Insolvent Court,) help of a stool and stable, and these being and the Divorce Court disillusionize. Bank- gone, 1 saw niy coming down again was an ruin dukes, spendthrift and prodigate impossible thing. In fact, it was a point lordlines turfite peers, the noble habitues Temper and 1 heclu't considered. This was nice, certainly. A woman perched up A tree with the crainp in every part of her body except her head,and her gown hooked up somehow, but how and where she can't screw her eyes round to see and remedy! Nice, certainly ! Worse, it was aggra- vating and awful, because here's - a man grinning on a gate:who may look up, at any minute, and see her. However, the situation has to be borne, so I watch grim- ly. and wonder what's coming next. This is what caine next. The cow -ate --Land still worse habituees—of Cremorne arHiellieis hencthefeoprtrhecbieoubsybeavnettlyingtruoef Canadian.and tempt, and, perhaps into danger, institu- Government official :— . ' and the Alhanibta are bringing into con- ' tions and syisteins.' - - T9 THOSE WHO DEMAND THE Exacurrox OF being afraid of the ice and the darkness Two large lumber vesJels painted blaek, RI_EL. harbor threl other night and scared the tried to allehor et the mouth of Sarnia "Crucify him! Crucify him !" Voltinteeranut of their beds, but not out "Crucify him ! he's a false king, a crimi- of their Wits. The boys were sorry to nal, who apes at royalty! He's a Neale - find that instead of 'blood -thirsty Finneg- gimes bandit applauded by the mob and ails,' the ipspicious craft were peaceful whom it calls His Majesty. _ "Crucify him! I say, or our long pent lumberers.1 . my grass. Chop, -chop, munch, _munch, up tears will break forth from their hidden Watery -4A man, boastin of his tem- chow, chow, as plain as a pikestaff, while wells. Crucify him !, his hands are stain-. prate haUts, said he neversawa glass of the man, grinning like it Cheshire cat, wine ith 4 his ed with innocent blood. This petty king Iv o t month watering. called out in a clear voice: has turned executioner. !" What are those execrations and those Hook and Eye.—A. celebrated wit was `Go it. Brindle ! Make a good meal, old cries for vengeance, which fill me with so asked if he knew Theodore Book_ "Yes," girl ! Miss Tab is greener than her own grass ; she won't find us out yet awhile.' much fear?. Who, then, amongst us is so reaptleis.ed,, hel "Hook and eye are old asso- g Upon that, and whistling to hiinself the ,innocenta that he demaci mg the death of old Fade tune, which they 1)lay at ffelston the sinner? . Who is this brigand king ? and what is Tel:nth% irrencre and Nat Tre- •46'......72. HALF DOZEN FROM B ACK NEG ATIVr.; worthy of death I And who great God . back ne,gative 87 cents,:postage free, to any mourn ? Ah! we know him Well, and we know address. who ye are, hypocritical Jews of these U:fr Particular Attention paid to Copy- days, well we know, why ye make ,this ing old Ambrotypes. rampage, and why ye call for help, and I . • we knevi too the frank, noble, and just on the 8th May, when the mayor dances through the streets, he walked off, while his crime? That he should be thus thought I • loo 'reGow. — , the cow positively made herself at home, Did you ever drive a cow to pound ? and lay down on my grass as comfortable , as you please. e No, of coerse not. Did youn, mother everdrive a cow to 1 was speechless. I was frantic. 1 pound? or your wife ? propped myself against a branch and tore Of coursei not, again. at my gown till it was -all out of the gath- ers, and hung in lerrups. Still that hor- Well, I luive. 1 Tabitha Trenoodle of rid hook wouldn't give way. Then I tried Tregawk, spinster, drove a large brindled to be patient. I shut my eves, and told knot cow toipound.. And since I am neither myself I had not got the cramp, and a first, cousin to Mrs Squeamish, nor first branch was not grazing my back, and a toady to ,1'6s Grundy,I see no reason what- ever why I•should deny the fact. knob was not boring allele in my shoulder, Perhaps tip in England folks mayn't than Robinson Crusoe, or a Casual and I was very comfortable, and better off know What a knot cow is. 1 have heard there's a good deal of ignorance in Lend - and didn't belong to me. They might But it wouldn't do. My limbs got dead on: and peopleat the Weetend can scarcely have been the vim's lege, or the legs of tell A mabyer from a megget. Well, a knot the kitchen -table, for anything 1 knew cow is a cow without horns, having a little about them. knat or knob on the head instead of those appendages. 11 that brindle had had girl Temper? Why doesn't she come and 'Geed gracious !' I said: 'Where's that horns, I don't think—well, yes I'll con - get me down? Why didn't I think ehout fess it—I don't think I should have driv- en her to pound: the getting' down before I got up? No, Temper won't come. I remember now I I object to horns. They have an ugly ordered her not to show her nose here for look; and they give me a sort of a ripping _ the world. I was to run in and tell .her feeling, highly unpleasant, in my back when Nebuchadnezzar came. Run and And Riel, who swore before a free peo- ple to inaugurate a reign of happiness, he bone. Moreover, they make me say over he the ei_ tell her! i wish I could. I shall -never to myself all the ‘ifie-und 'ands' whose heart knows no vibration but to the run again; my legs are gone. Where key ot justice and of honor, could not phabet. d were my wits when I got up this tree I 0 make this man respect the sacred diadem, qf that beast knew his streugth, and Tabitha I' Tabitha ! I never know you on the noble forehead where it had been just took it into his head'—then a cold were such a fool!' ' shiver, and I feel very glad I'm walking a placed ; and vouchsafed peace to a people A cold perspiration broke over roe when who love him even though it eost the life lung way behind the creature's tail. I thought of Temper dozing -by the kiteh- of a vile spy. In another minute I'M conjugating 'ifs' -emnyfirreet'uilinetraNnqouiluneungasy°tliheoitnugdediatauittilinige But tell me, by what right do you de- , again, because the atiimal has turned and looked me mildly in the face. sire that 'our masters should avenge the would rouse her. 0 no ! nothing would death of your friend? Fort Garry does ' 'If he means mischief now by that look not belong to you ; is it then by the right I catch up my long dress, and that cinder I hadn't got 'to throw. . but a red-hot cinder thiewn at her, and of a traitor,_or by the iniquitous right of • and—' " Mercv,alivel" I groaned; -"I-shall be wonder, after a good run, whether I could take the next hedge at a flying leap. Then . - the strongest? I begin thinking if I could climb a tree. or here alleiight, I shall be here till neXt Ah I stop your execrations, human fa.c- if a woman ever has climbed a tree, since week, 'T shall be here for ever Isbell be ed tigers 'in sheep's clothing. Blood must Eve clambered to a top branch after that it few bleached bones upa tree when the please ye greatly, since in your I ate, ye end -of the world wine% What'o'cicck is unfortunate apple. That's how I go on, if would erect a scaffold. it? It's midnigh Ite.three o'clock to - Oyer I'm near a horned creature. So, in What ye regret, is not the execution of town I daSh into shops out of the way of morrow mulling. It will be daylight your traitorous and venal friend, but the horns ; and in the country I.tear off at full soon, and tkat horrid man will be here for sceptre. and that alone,the beloved sceptre his cow. What shall I do? I shall have speed, with an imaginary horn in my back, ous rival I . all the way till I drop. As a child, I ran to forgive him. I shall have to scream passing into the hands of a more prosper - That which ye demand in your blind from a horned snail, and a stag's horn out to him to take pity on me, and get me down. He'll stare. Henn grin. He'll beetle I once touk for a small devil, out rage is, the Canadian French, whose for a walk without his 'nursemaid. triumph. I shall go out of my mind. NQ; generous spirit, o'er shadows you every- Ill never bear it. I won't. I'll do some - P ve got a little meadow at Tregawk. r rn where, should. be trainpled beneath the feet of Englishmen. 51 cents, postage tree. One dozen from is the innocent victim for whose death ye For either large or small photographs. Tbe man, ye 'wish 'to crucify, as se also know pet r osubscribereegeheretofore t heaxntkesn fdoerd t hteo liberalhimthe ignoble victim ye desire to deify ! Riel has been nothinated sovereign by would just say that he ha,.1 made such im- the voice of the people, and do ye consider rovements in his gallery as will merit a con- this remarkable that the people should tinuance of the same. ask that his guardian arm should. be ex- tended for their protection. Ka' I Great Reduction on 6 -I -TWO FARMS far SALE Large Photographs. inn itself beneath the herbage, and unfold - Like the nest -seeking serpent insinuat- SM A3[1E-AL eSsZ CJ1 ELCOCOIC. liltAinXi:MaGirr S. LASS and spec-Dile:dons of Baildags, tco.pt up in _l_ a neat and correct style- try- Oce over Detlor Co's Goderich. May10,1869 store, COLBORNE HOTEL, CODERICH. . E. MARTIN & SON. Good Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. n- This is admittectto be a First class hoes° kept in Good Style. - Deee 20th. 1870. 8w14-tf ROM inereininOtet.Illtetielle•W 1111ZI,EUITB ST &COOKE AUCTioNEERs, wouffamoN AGENTS, & &O. Crabb's Block, (VanEvery'soldstand) , XiliGSTON STREET, GODERICH ONTARIO. 13:3•• Sales in. town and country punctual - attended to. Goderich Jolanth 1869. w24 I. FREDERICK T'OHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th argestand bestCountry Hotel in Wester 3anada.and coarges as moderate as any Hong in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Good s•e_blingfor 100 Horses Horses and Carnages for Hue, on Shortest Notices 14:7 STATCIIMIER, JEWELER, &e.. WEST ST., GODERJOH, • Neat the Post Office (UDE subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal 1. patronage so long bestowed upon him, begs to in- form his numerous customers and the pu i generally that inconsequence of the late the, he has removed his business to the store formerly occupied by Mx.Booth, West street, next Bank of Montreal, where everything n his line will be found and All Kinds of Job Work will he Done the same as usual. may tavor them with a call. 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter G. N DAVIS. N. B.—A libere. disisount to the trade. Goderich 29thMarch 1 Flooring on hand. JAS BUCHANAN, and with the first application -a G. BARRY -4S1- BROo , DAVID LAWSON, beautiful gloss and delightfal fragrance WM goniiis-olt. Godenen. March dth, iSh'.. 13# NOS MOST II,ESPECTFULLY TOr BBTURN BIS siniwre thanks to the peiople of Goderich and iialaidYfar.theiptheral netreeage daring tte east & hat the holi season has arrived • E, L. miNgoN. ing its slimy rings, waiting for the birds' weed. sleeping, time to surprise the nest amidst F"'IWO very valuable FARAS in the Town ship Goderich. For particulars apply to Goderich. Oct. 26. 1869. the :foliage. YOSEPH SHAW, Huron Road. iboderieh Township TEE In this manner did the infamoas Scott. November 25th, 1869. w45tf 3.1308. THE LIVERF'OOL & LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY has oeen in existence Thirty-two years, and during that period has paid 1.tostes exceeding Five and a half Million pounds sterling, Thedisbursement ol this enormous sum over a wide area, has without doubt contributed to the establishment of this Inatitution, in the confidence ot l'ublic Corporations, hlerchants, Hou.seholders, and business men generally, wherever it isrepresented. in itsist year, 1836, the Fire Premiums alone amounted to ... £9,970 In its 10th year, 1846, ce g, £47 763 %hose scrrowful execution, causes ye such Oldest Establishment in Town. profound grisewf;orfilledswtoithihnsialiZriSi:ios plunge his d, i sovereign MARTIN. AMANN BEGs To.1•IFQRM HI3 OLD CUSTOMERS that ha till able to sell for cash, at the o west rates, ILL iiI,NDS OF FURMTUBE, At his shop ou Kingston Street, opposite the s• 20th year, 1856, " " " •c_2:3,„21t,,27,9s, Huron Hotel, Ulodench. Give him a cal!. " 30th year, 1866, s• " " ''.1-.°.'' podench.Oct.3, 1868. ewl I w37. One year later, 1867, ss .• ss £318,055 ; The Fire Reservi., Fund is Mow cit.727,464 The Life Reserve Fund is now 0,282,468 The company is represented throughout On. tano and Quebec, by influential A.gents, to whom applieation for insurance may be made. 71 G. li .C, Satin el, ResidentSecretary, ONTRe.A T. A. M. ROSS, Agent for Code ich ; B. V lo Elliott, for Exeter ; W. N. Watson, rSeatorth Goderich.Feb.ii,18438. will SASH, AND DOOR FACTORY trHE undersigned having purchase(' *14 rlam- ing Mill and Sash Factory owned, and oc- cupied by Donald Cumming, are now Kepared to carry on the business ot ntanufaeturtug Sash, Doors, Blinds, MOuldings,FlooringSiding, -, and all kinds ot Co TtlEC, such as Circle acid Gothic Sash and Frames They think from their experience in Factory Work. that they Can give satisfaction to all who twOtyig in oneBoL g BY 1T81 -USE Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, sw55 is given to the Hair. - Et will cense Hair to grow on Bald Spot& CABINET MAKERS Stoves!=Stove . . , . . WOOD -TURNERS it AND UNDERTAXPtg, Hamilton. St„ cioderict, EP constantly on hand for al all arti- cles in their line, euelvais • Bodeteids, bhairs, Tables, Sofas, &e., All kinds of wood -turning done, such a Noel posts, stair bannisters, neekyokes, Ice Always on bancl, a complete ASSORTMENT Or corrixt and a HEARSE to hire on reasonableterni Id Ooderith-.-tfav 3rd. 1866 -, 16w6ini! S tin promote ntai t growth. i FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. t1.1 Sold by all Druggist& Price One Dollar. _ liminfactured by I VOL, X Xill.—NO 14 buy to drive that cove topounclinitid 11, oht hie tongue."' awbele c.i514 °g. mile's to the pound: And a graetineehae, ialikeest "There'a Mara bey &do efe ts three , :teed' on the =Or amain father's boy, will go." - "Uncle Dick, the 6unner, #tatrri= Be was called the Gunnel' feesanie W was blind ii one' eye, Which he kept shut,- "Thic clopping toad said, 'Pemper.' (1"rHume'dble_mdakraer: v fie: noose of et, itire 'nuffe Dot and go one for six milese -wt onicl "He's spry enough, is Uncle tick; h� do,i4.4"; raecam, areymazedt Andthd i lashes of, rain coming en; it's fine and -slot- tery: trncle Dick can red Warn ritompey through Clidgyelane, and over ,Gallishe moorf than he eau fly in his gashly sad green breeches to heaven." 1llentd I'IJ go Beif'" said c°17criP* ly:A 1 went down to my meadow, and drove out that burglarious cow; leaving the gate open, that her thieviug owner might be Inn settled in his mind, and fly hither and - thither after his strayed property, Then through Clidge-Iane—so called -because the mud in it is stickly as treacle—and all along the dismal moor, Temper and I fed -- lou ed that fiendish brindle with all the spirit we could muster. Once we nearll drove her down a shalt, If TemperhatIn't pulled her back by the tail, AIM Would have gone in slam bang, and Iliven 4:thine-- peered for ever. I named cold. 1 felt like a murderer. I began to repeat. Thebeastr was not to blame, and the driving of the innocent creature interthat snare veiled a pound troubled my conscience. .EspeciallY as the rain came down upon us, as -if the cow was goingstreight into the ark, .sucl there wasn't much tithe i3 get theini, tnNot that the cow cared. 0 dear, no She grazed, and stood still when she liked; which was mighty often, I piished, Ana poked, and slapped her on the tuff with my handherchief--witha knot in that didn't improve the pace a bit. 'I know how it said Temper; 4thie cow has been used te swearing. Uncle .Aratr cusses awful,' 'Hi! Hip, hip eip f The only reeey to this was a studded 'whoop from the cows tail, and the sound of munching. `Go it, Brindle I cried, remembeiecita I had heard these words „Irene her mese ter, She did go it; but then it was only inte the ga•ass by the wayside. ,1•• 'lIbayeetthr., .yougot a_ knife, ma'am? If wd cut down a stick, 1 reckon tee shall get along No, I hadn't a knife'. I had a ttiluble, thing desperate. I'll come down from this -- rather proud of it, because n.'s the best That which ye demand, is that the Cath- land and grows the best grass for miles tree if it tears everything off my back.— olic by whom ye were always well treated, round. The granite doesn't show up 'No, I can't. My hands are too cramped through the soil iu ever so many places at with holding on to this branch, this evil should 0 fanatical sea, expire on the cross branch. This is a bad tree; this is the once, as_ it does elsewhere in the parish. worst 53f trees; this is the very tree that like his Christ of Golgotha ! Now when a person has got a meadow Satan put his forked tail around. 0,1127 Dry ! 0 dry your crocodile tears, cruel .vith good grass in it, that person doesn't did I get hooked in this forked branch i= asssins of th,e Aylwarcls ! Justice has like th- to be eeten u night after . it bodkin, and a, email pair of scissors in a morocco ease. They wouldn't cut sticks. Hi! Gee 1 G'long ! Yi ! No movement except of the tail and - jaws. 4 W011111 you mindetreating a bit, Tetna red?' I asked pleadingly. 'No, minus, really I can't. 1 Wae con, verted only three Weeks agone at thio Re- vival, and I earaldn't swear ao soon, 1 durstn't, ma'am, irideed I/ 'Then, confonedthe cow, and you too If I cried; 'Al do. it inyaelf it And I did. Such awful stilt 1 - neer spoke before nor since: Mrio Squeamish would have' dropped, , Atid I Must aay,the next Sunday in Martell, when Mr? Daniel read.in the Epistle, 'Sweat' net at all,' 1 thought it very rude on bis part to look at ' me as he did. eAh l' I said to myself. '1 should like to see you drive a cow to pound, I should.' - She went now, like the tviird; if Asa stopped a bit, I ttied Uncle Nat Trelool/e receipt again=--reltictantly and to Tempeni- horror—but there wall to help for it. One o'clock in the morning ;, and herd*. the farm and the pound. 'Now, Temper,' I said, 'PO done ail did swearing, and the hardestpart of the work f it is time I retired into the backgromidsand pushed you forward_ Go and wake ur the farmer's man—you understand theta folks better than 1—and hand over the cow into his nbarge. 'lake tare you don't wake the bull -don. instead <tlietn itas * terrible wild beast at this farril of that epecies); he might break his chain And hill This is the hook that could not take Lena. us.' sceptres are but poignards. ' , night, nclody knows how. At least, 1 thanabut it has taken me- me, an Mere Delivering the cow's tail into TemperV uever been known among ye, and your don't. My maid suggested: hand, I retired to the shelter - of a moon When the African lion is disturbed from 'Evul snerruts ' -cent spinster, who never did any harm.— stone, put over the mouth of an old Shaft? his repnse by the sanguinary tiger, he as- e •I I am going mad 1 I am certain of it 1 near; andthere I waited the result calmly, serts his might, when in his ragehe bounds ' I said, 'Stuff . Evil spirits don't e . _ __ a_ ,, • at shall howl soon. I'm a worse maniac than _ Apparently the farmer's man was bard ta grass ; they devour men.' tke parson's wife Look at that diabolical upon him and crunches his bones.- Tome, -for I heard streams -and bellows and Then she said : 'Veers ' We are like the lenient and redoutable cow, licoe she eats to aggravate me ! 111 sBhasothsiteii.errongli to' waken all the' balls of lion, ,in his just and noble rage,aud ye are Now I believe Veer is a grand name in hbeerremvsesniege.d on her. ,t i1.i hbe revenged on However, I remained tranquil but like the ineatiable tiger who would live England; and I have heard of a Lady but by the terror he creates. Clara Veer de Veer who, cut somebody's III. pinned u in a tree b the win s — r i won't stayere like a scare- and serene. feeling Thad done my duty, . But we fear nothing. We laugh at the throat in a good way, and wasn't found crow, d.p y g . At last through the glimmering encnirilighf chains ye are forging all around. If ye out. . But with us veers are little pigs; come own. I'll smash all my bones . Temper.came ;Muting breathleiss; h heifers are called but what I'll eome down.", ... - qt's all right, m'm I -The man Vain are numerous, we are the bravest. We - p True to my word, I tore, I pulled, I fight the good fight. eers too. Sayou see it is not such a noble True I made a desperate spring. I got Go most valiant apostles elsewhere and ame with us', that I was going to be start - my head and the tips of my fingers to the spread abroad your black venom, X tm- ed at the idea of a veer eating up my grolind; but my wretched feet -were lodged cloak your designs ancl defend ours against 'kgra88' ' position I hung so long, that I thought my Huron! What think you of the above, men of PA MP El ILE LE MAY. aoz,zled tip.' 'N'ebuchadnezzar,' said my maid. . 'Nonsense ! He's dead and gone these head was bursting, and balls -of lire ran along the ground out of my eyes. among the birds' -nests. In this dreadful your inhuman projects. 'No signs Of 'em,' I answered. 'Nothing _. hundred years.' • "Jerusalem!" I cried, "here's that em- s - - 'Not him. Her—the passon's wife.' and took to building. He's me, No, he peror come -to life; who turned heathen, A. ROYAL Act OF 4 OSTIOE.—The This seems ridicelons. But it was not, isn't. I'm Absalom, only my cap aught because that poor howling maniac fancied Queen of Prussia was, the other day, the herself Nebuchadnezzar ,• and she was al- te be where my shoes are. Pin turned upside down, and my ideas are •eonfused. heroine of the following little adventure: ways trying to get out and eat grass. She She was walltioo• with -one of her ladies on took to calling herself theRing of Babylon There's a Inciferenatch manufactory in my Th The ' h fire I hall sleepy as a owl. He carne -to me with hie eyes as fast as a biled pig's; but he'll sea to it, he says. He's a imperentgattleure f He axed where the young nutu Was wha drove the cow—in coorae, tottldn't sal you Was the young mart—and he' grinned like &dog in it boss leoreiennisseg nte 1 here's lashings and pins of rain r We eltalt Ere in a litty shaape,by- timf eon/ we've fatehedlioam, Don't-ee lust illefer masim, no longer, plasea rin feared of tuy life as it is, and I'm as IM.14-trif wet at atild shoe Evidently Tempel' wits &plat to heir name to -might ; / refrained from Tag 0.3 ieet btielosinsasfladlehsli linen. There are a hundred PlY. and needles' in me and I'm , • and spouting whales, and waterm. inpete Welt! It rained. drowned cats and dogs, P4 Wholesale Druggieti, Potsdana, When she slw an old so'dien pies she ate down in Cornwall, and who had lost one leg and one arm, Sittina cattse her husband's name was Dan spronting all Over with acorns 'My nose , • by the wayside. The old man looked very .- t ..• .1 • • and fire -engines, all the way, as we walk, O