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Huron Signal, 1870-04-07, Page 3
\ PARELIIMENi 07-r t wA, March 31. tee the chair at 3 o'clock. ere-serted a petition from f the Legislative Council of han k e is and reereh:tn • s of tg f r the it<tpasition of a ;rees•;lee several petitions, t•• Cie-el:en prt,ducts and e tang the first ceristes wen Tire in.. si .neset9- ra3 test the Huse IntO c:;c 1-Z71 respecting bunks '' •:t enecised the bill,par ss::e i t small mites by the :, g the l+tq,ciglotta that ilio eta port -see of their reserrCS lee cltar'act Ing it as •f forced leen. fustier replied, and chain hcr fur Chateauguay de- :. he w(r tirl approve of. recessed to a statement ., t? :at the Ontario banks s:'v :ti not ace>ptirg the e: ,eon ander Sir A. T. are: sae` that a they had :aDe leen disastrous to f the ttlouey tnarket :: at ')light have been :,e ..;P �-tlagers of Banks. e• :, al. let aned the provision, :•1t , n «.f small 'thite.e T e t:eVCnIment,atld tD f small Sha �arsct .��PtC' n pl •f lar eshiI, planters- ene, heretell, -was ha- ,. t. Docail ,s the complete orel- 4t;::� st stein, and wtetlld -el. lead to an irredeemable 'ne. ar:.. Giblet pretested is r= Le sinuatinna that the ;-..„s nee nt•t perfectly secure. iec:.' :r1:.' Cent rai`tee, ',Ir. .r. ;n 1 sal opted the -several ereseni d a petition to -.day, ea a ditty urn c(etl imported n:.•..t as w<.uld enable the ”tea :,= coillpe to Witt) it in vitt: eS. This petition Was beta (;Df the Nova Scotia ,r`ci members for CI1mlber- °zr:sla, fnvereess, Ganisbor(> este inietou, Richrn . old re. and by a ia:;re ntinabey of ore:b:arns ,.f Halifax_ The s:e that the:, are of opinion :::sr .•f ;policy is adopt - l:.^: kn Parl:anaerat all hope is y re.:tic:t.,n •tn' a duty se, e A:::ene.tn Geyer/ ent is J :he are fully persuaded .ter •a'i atiamt of the cun- -eferemase to the people of try Rep='bare cresold be unwise The petitiener8believe that p(satcy et ate Government e t1-aele, mannfacturee and ;:Tres of the Dominion use r aces. of the territory l,ntr:.l, thereby tncrea.sing the :ions hetwcen the Upper and bringing thea) into clew tit each other and mailing a*deeenndent of the United moved an amendment, pro tee event of its beingahown, li tion of any balms for al: anutlaifiratiioa of its charter, as the neat preceding sectiorethat capimel sock thereof has been c snt,n shall Le made in the e granted thereon" for a retiuc- h res and paid-np capital, by least equal to the sum by sane sbaiL appear to be so ins - the liabilities of the shareltold s tl erebv be lessened or inter - 8=1 in MD e`.'^ -Se shall the retina - 1 25 per etnt, of the paid-up shah the -name be reduced be- es;` S.20,100. e discus lea, this an.end/neiet - a:re s were them passed down to• peetine the Bang of British rt en zie roved an amendment at after the IstJan., 1873,thia ender all the provisions of the oa ds- ion, the amendment t on the understanding that it -srRmg-ht r,p on concurrence. sealing cla.sases of the bill were - ed the bill reported. Ottawa, April 1st. tiroo Bills were read) a third. raseed n A 51aa1orald— To amend the at ir�m tai tae extradition of cer- cts on athe dereand of the United ee A. 3 =lenald—To amend the ting e1 nelty to anarnals. nes ,lithy ,s L' :eyed concurrence part elf the ('onlmittee of the the Banking Bill rtwright moved an amendment to that, in ease any Bank chose tv circulation and all profits that vell therefrom, it aballl,not be h&Id Dominion dotes as part a reserves, bat may hold gold.— ' "hat he made this amendment rest of the Bank of Montreal, en to argr,e that the Govern - were not as good as gods,{, seeing had been large -deficits every a number of years, that of last gets lily .etre million. Roltton trotnL1 have preferred the whole sermon struck out. tie Minister of Finance for gi y e any reasons for mail — aiti elapses kenziesaid that the whole as Intended to provide, by lllegi eans., money necessary to nteet ^'. g deficits. He moved in ent to the amendment that the 1 >t concurred in, -bat the Bill d tack to Committee with in- to atrike out the 5th eu$-elect*.*'* sector, which provide,' that all holdllzf of their cast; reserveee wan Notes. - se on this ansendnler t was taken `=bte,a nd los:_ Yeas, 36; nays, 'oTt,68. mpg approved of the amendment iaenaber for Lennox in itself, but redthzt if raseed it )night enable k of Montreal to occupy' a position tlgerens to other banks. He �b`e�- heprirncipl`e which tee Heinle had wua bout one, bat it having been - Asia dssirab a to have anon- the cu r an 'therefore he Was oppos- e ndtuent of the member for Intent Post --Yeas 13; nays 128. Lckenee novel that the Bank of !forth h America shall eome under de 1i bi1ity clause after the 1St 1l?7 s. Lostt---Yeas 43; nays Iver mere& an amendnpent for officers f hanks to vote alt theirk. /scat on a -div ision. :ca for thi.d reading. wasireceivesi from his Eiteele h estimates for the year ending :)Exult)$ is a afliritnary of t ' zpendttttre of the Demilii111J ending the 3^ th June, 18•71:-- •= il'e ,t, 0,t1172,955; Civil Gov'erfl ;1,6;5; Administration of Jnst tier, s Police, S42,486; ; Geological Surveys and Obee r -r 418,75's; Arts, Agriculture, alas(£- , $156.170; Imaggration, alai Ime, 49,772; Marina H t P , Ptlit1i�e` 1' rnvolli(eltarteabletocapital-I,1 r to lar ej, S180,000;; Rarsl lamb), to the Pro, es lt- att4 River *` f 341,241; Plinitionli!$'r 113 ,247; ries' f.50. J 'Tinim;1±; 60;9;Sats& n ��....t..r 4 -. •Dai .. ¢ . i �nrt__,,_ J ••• + ♦ . ', .o ..nu .,.++,,. .rya•s....n.. ..-.�.Y.i peat Inspection, 83:121; Indians, $6,000 Amongst th d veraity, upon whom the degree of M. le conferred, we obelerve the name ofAle Sawyer, Belleville. Miscellaneous, 8139,900; Collection of Re- venues: Customs, 8508,831; Inland Reve- nue, 1135,200; Post Office, $8-11',000; Public Works, *903,602; Minor Revenue $100,000; Subsidies to Provinces, 12,597,- 362; total, $23,915,917. Of this total, the sum of *9,498,796 is already authorised by statute: We give the following details of the Public Works :— Intercoloniat Railways, t6,000,000e N. Scotia Railway,. 559,201.1 European and North American Railway, *50,000; Canals (for works of construction), 1344,000; N. - West Territories (for opening communica- tion with the established Government in and providing fur settlement) 81,300,000. Harbors and Piers (re vote), 125,000; Light Houses, $111,500; -Protection to Little Hope Light House, N S, 815,000; PublicBuildings, $652,000;Laehine Canal (Waste Weir at its head), *34,000; Cul- vert on the River St Pierre, $16,000; Corn- well Canal, —; Welland Canal—Deep- ening to Lake Erie Level, $86,000; 1Vaste Weir at Dunnville, t27,000; Chambly Ca- nal (houses for lock -keepers,) *'3,850; Ri- Beau Canal (increase of water suppl $12,000; Carillon and Grenville Can *150,000; probable cost. $250,000. Miscellaneous Works (chargeable to co struction) $151,150 ; Public Buildings— Ottawa Parltament and Departmental Buildings, 363,000 ; Parliament Buildings Library, $100,000; Montreal Custom Houses, 1200,000; St. John, N. B , do. $75,000; London do., $25,600; Toronto) Examining Warehouse, 8100.000; Toronto -Emigrant Sheds, $100,000; Halifax Quar- antine Station, $14,000; Post Offices(Tor- onto, Quebec and L mdon), $155,000. The votes for subsidies to the Provinces were as follows : Ontario and Quebec, 81,- 830,828; Nova Scotia, $451,895; New Brunswick, 6314,637.' The bill respecting Dominion notes was next taken up. Mr. Cartwright moved to provide that when the Dominion notes cease to be re- deemable in gold they shall not be a legal tender, and the hanks shall not be required to hold such as part of their reserves. Lost on a division. The House rose at six. ting$ a can idates at Queen '$ Uni- D Nebu ii bbertEaententa, 1874 SEED S t 187"4, --It is reported thata quantity of arm which th3 Fenians had at Underhill, ne Essex Junction, Vermont, have late beeu moved forward by teams by night to the frontier. 8, • y RELIABLE FIELD & GARDEN; • iD 1-,E "W" ARABIAN OIL FOR HORSES & CATTLE. A NEVER FAILING REMEDY. TxlsVALUABLE PREPARATION COMBINES all the medicinal virtues of those articles which long expericn.•e has ptuved to posses the mos, sate anti efficient properties fur toe cure of Flesh Wounds, Sprouts, Bruises, Grills of all ktnus, Cracked Heels, Ring Hour'. Sfavin. Callot.. Ftetulo Sweeney, Intern. uI Poisons. Scratches or Grea,.e, Strains, Lameness Menge, Whitlows, Curtis, Sand Cracks,- Foundered Feet, Horn Distemper, Swellings, and many other diseases whish harass and elute are subject to. y), Tata cerebrated Liniment iia• been used for al yews, and is curative properties thoroughly testett, an• lit conceded to he the cheapest and most re• table rcmedy for all external complaints ever offend n- faithe public -it never Nils when timely used and flly applied, faithloibut (had nt pll D $lata attd Country Merchants thrtraghuut ilia Dnmitt rot, Faire 25c. per bottle. NORTHRUPE LYMAN, i No vs • 'a Ont.-. Prnprieto rs Sold in Goderich dy Pa Cattle and I. Jordon; Gardiner de el o. Bo et .• et: Jaime. Bentham. Rodeerville; J. Pickard Exeter J. H,.. Ctinb , Cltntorf ; .ecord, Luc now; E. Hickson, Seaforth, and all Medic$ "tea kers. • - vy. `HE GREAT FEMALE RE1IEDY Job noses' PerL4dieal Pills Local Newspapers- The ewspapers-The following is -clipped from the New York Tribune. It is true, and we recom- mend it to every one who has an interest where he resides; `Nothing is more com- Mon than to hear people talk of what they pay to' newspapers for advertising, etc , as so mach given in charity. Newspapers, by enhancing the value of property in their neighborhood's, and givin; the localities in which they are published a reputation abroad, benefit all such parties, if they are merchants or" real estate owners thrice the amount annually of the meagre stun they pay for their support. Besides every pub- lic-spirited citizen has a laudable pride in halving a paper of which he is not asham- ed. A good-looking sheet helps property, gives character tc locality, and in many respects, it is a desirable, public conve- nience. If from any, cause the matter in iocat or editorial columns should not be to Your standard, do not cast it aside and pronounce it good for nothing until satis- fied that there has been, no more labor be- stowed upon it than is paid for. And it •mast be snpported not in any spirit of charity either, but because you feel a necessity to support it. The local press nis the power that moves the world." The first No. of Pere Hyacinthe's new religions paperappeared in Parison Thurs- day hints The Rebels Surrender -Those rebellion% customers Lotus, Bunion Ingrowing Nada, a.c., surrender the superior and magical influence of 1)r J Brigp Modern Curative. No sooner is it applied, than they yield themselves as captives, leaving poor humanity in the enjoyment of one of the greatest blessings. -sound feet,' which is to those who are obliged to use them much in their daily avocations, indeed a great blessing Dr..I ea Briggs trtsCorask Bain .ns and other diseases of the feet at 208 Broadway N Y. Branch office, No. 6 King St. West, Toronto, Canada. THIs'INVALUABLE 1t1EI)ICINB IS UNFAILING Ile the cum ol'ail those paiaf.I Ind denrerous dieetases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excees and removes all obtlttuctiony and a speedy cure ma• be relied on. R TO MAEIED LADIES It is pecnttarly suited. It will, In a short time, bring (Melee monthly period with regularity - These PITts should sot be taken by .Females 'during the FJEST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, es they are wire to bringoa Miscarriage, but at any other time the are safe. In alt Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain i the Backend Limbs, Pati rue on slightezettion. Pelpua tion tie the heart, Hysterics, and whites. these Pi 1 will effect a cure when all other means have failed antion, o ti alrhontrh a powerful remedy, d"o not contatu iron calomel, antimony, or anything -hurtful to the eonatitu Fulldirectiens in the pamphlet around each package which shot id be carefully preserved. 4OB MOSES, FEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. 51.00 and 124 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman. Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the ,Dominion, will insure a bottte,containinnover 50r an, by return mail. - NORTHRUP & 1.YMAN, Newcastle, G. W.,genera agent foreanadr . Sold in Goderieh by Parker t Cattle ane F.7ordan• Gatdinee ct Co., Bay!.eld; James Bettthum, Rogervalle ; J. Pickard,F eeter; J.H. Combe, Clinton, Sr cord,"Lockaow; E. Hick -.son. 3rt,furttl. and all Medieme.l.leaiers. w311 SEEDS, THE SUBSCRIBER HAS PLEASURE iu int mating that he has secured a supply of ield and Garden 50g:which n.ay he thoroughly deptnided onus OF THE BEST QUALITY AND TRUE TO NAME'' As he purchases only from The Best Canadi- an Seedsmen seer Give them a, trial. . D. FERGUSON, Grocer. Goderich 5 April, 187J, wI1-tf FARM FOR SALE. 'WITHIN ONE AND A HALF MILES OF, THE VV YY Town of uoderlch,beiug Lot No 6. 2nd con. Hay- field road 80 acres. There are fifty acres cleared, and 30 acres bush of bird wood, and superior hemlock, well watered by a swing eretk. without any waste land, There isa house. good -barn and stable. a very fine or4hstrl; which yields ,several' hundred bushels of first class fruit yearly. Thls is a very desirable property, convenient toa good market. and wi ebe sold cheap,as the proprietor is giving op farming: Only a,portionof the purchase money required down, balance on reason- able time, For particulate apply on the premien, Or if by letter, to box 12. Guderlela le O. April list. 1870. wil-Im TO LEAS; THE 0AiDER1CH SKATING RINK FROM 1sT Aprilbo 1st. Dec. in. each year. It would answer well for a cooperage. APPLY Tel D. S.00ODINo. Barrfat►ii-ytttr. Goderieh 5th Agnl 1870 MILLINERY AND. DRESSMAKING, 4 fISSEB Stoddart, at their residence in Ptginond- 1Y� vilte, are prepared to execute orders for all kinds OF. Millinery, Dress & Mantle) Mating. A share of patronage) spectfully a»Itcited. Egmondvllhe 2nd, April, 1670. w11 -4t n AUGT!ON PAI CANADIAN N DESTROYER A Family Medicine, well and favorably known forte past tea years, never falling in a single instance to give permanent relic Rhea timely used, and we have never known a singie case of dissatisfaction where the directions have been properly tollowed,bnr on the eontrary all are dehgh:ed with its operatrnes, and speak in the highest thrms of its Virtue and Magical effects, THE CANADIAN PA11V DESTROYERhas won toritselfa reputation,asa blood port fi et, alterative stomach `attic, nndurpanett in the history of medical preparations. It seldom tails to cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint*, lodetzt.s- t- tion, Heartburn, SteHeadache, Kidney Cons - plaints, plaints, Ac;d Stomach Phthisic or Asthma, and to i restores to /MI activity the system debilitated by tm$errng and disease. its magical and -vs ondertul success In curing sudden colds,' Sore throat, Coughs, Dipthrna pains In the siile,ltons and back. neuralgin,tooth ache, rheumatic and other pains in any part of the body dila from whatever cause, baa given it a place in every household and esfaar supersed- e all other preparations of the kind. It is also an elle( real and prompt remeiy for Scalds, Burns, Bruises, Sprains. Chilblains, Prost Bites, Cramps in the Stomach, Drarhcea, t,nolera morbus, Ktlhous Cholic, Cholera lntaa- tum. Dysentery, &e. Price only 25 cents per bottle. NORTHROP ¢ LYMAN, Newca$ite. a. W. General Agent for Canada. ltSold in Coderieh bv;Parker. & Cable and F. Jordan; Giirdine- & Co. Bayfield; James Bentham, Rodgervtfle; J. Pieter' rd. Exeter; J, H. Combe, Clinton; Secord,L'Icknow; E Hie keno ere :arta and all Medicine. Dealers, w38 At certain seasons of the year most persous are sub- ject to diseases, e.nanating from a low state of the blood. The causes are various. but itis only necessary - in order for the prompt purification of that fluid - that the patient should use Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, with all assurance of obtaining the desired results. This Syrup will strengthen the organs of digestion, promote healthy assimilation_ nourish the muscles, and renovate the nervous system. Price e1 50 a bottle, 6 for 37 50. Sold by apothecaries and by F Cundill 4' Co., wholesale agents. MefitteaL OurFr,r Traders end Trappers are fitting out here. and Ayer's medicines one of their mcst pro8tabte tlrticles of traffic- Around Stave lake and the wild regions of the north. the Indians know they uses and have an abiding faith in them. They say : 'Ayer - great medieine-care sick man. -and his remedies. for the diseasea from which they suffer, will often bring forth their stock of skins even quicker than wampum, rum. or tobacco. Savages are not fools if they are un- sophisticated in some of the arts of civilization, (Montreal pilot, - Twenty years experience in using Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers have proved them to be the most effectual re- medy far coughs. andirritation of the throat, caasi#d by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs ; pub- Ite speakers. and singers will find them most beneficial. The entire freedom from all deleterious ingredients _-renders Bryan'$ Pulmonic Wafers, or Cough and Voice Lozenires, a safe remedy for the most delicate persun, andhas caused them to be held in high esteem by all who have used them. Sold by all medicine dealers at C5cts per box, What is Best to be Done -If sou are suffering from rhenmatotm, lame back, sprains, strains or bruises, sick head ache, tooth ache. cholic, bowel complaints, bnrus, frost bites, ice decidedly the )rest thing to get is a bottle of the 'Canadian Pain Destroyer. The "cost is trifling and its effects certain. It is a never failiag remedy. and no family should be without it - Sold by all Medic' me Dealers. - A ea11111gi'J corse. There is nothing that can contribute so much to render the horse beautiful and elegant, to.improve his condition and stake him all that is destratle, as `barley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Re- medy f ft bas been used by many persoua who own valuable and other horses with decided suc- cess, and so we 1 pleased are they with it tbatthey al- ways keep it on hand in ease of emergency ; it may be given at ail times witn perfect safety Remember the ntn aet and see that the signature of safety__ & -Co., is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada, Sold by atlmedicine deal- er. Red River -People will prophesy that ifthiasettle- ment is take *enemas, it should naw be prosperous andserf-supporting. Stich folks forget that Ontario wag aided at its settlement by a genaroas Government for three consecutive years, and is it not now a suc- cess? The virtues and advantages of a colony are not so easily tested and established as are the undenlahle curative properties of the great Sboahnees Retuedy. for the respiratory and digestive organs. For saleby Druggist., DIED. At Seaforth, of brain fever,, on Thursday, - 31st March, Daniel, second son` of our old town/imam, - Mr. W. Malcolm, -•aged 17 years. 0011b![ERCIIAL• G©DE-RICH MONEY MARKET st T Corrected for the Sired by W. F. P. Smart, Brok- er, West. Street. - - . GoDzRICH, APitIL 5, 1870. A$ERCIAN =CHANGE Olt os estaseas Buyer at ss Selliag at ' 90 Canadafunds sums Buying at 5 discount Belling at. 2} - Orders by mail or telegraph executed with prompts• aese, and on the most favorable terms. The highest tremittm paid for bills, and-thehtghest price paid for eenbacks. W - F_ 1'. SMART. Ib #tC AdvertIIltliignfli CRABW VICTORIA HALL, ONE NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY APRIL 8ru. GRACE EGERTON, Mrs G. Case AND MR. CEORCE CASE. Will present as above their unique, elegant and refin. ed entertainment. SKETCHES OF ODD PEOPLE, As performed by them with so much success- in Great Britain. Austealia, India, Ch.na, California. and the Western cities of the United States. Duringtheir stay in Australia. Mr. and Mr,. George Case were patronised on seeral oe.caslons by His Ex- cellency Sir JOHN YOUNG and LADY YOUNG. Admission, 86c.Tteserved Seats,50c. - Tickets and places may be secured at the Book -stores of Messrs J. Butler and H. Armstrong, Doors open at 7:20, to colt mace at 8 o'clock. Goderich Ppril 2nd, 1870. sw65-3t B. Me(ORMILK, TAILOR, &c. (McLEANS OLD STAND, EAST BT;) PREVIOUSLY CUTTER, TO J. 0, DETLOR, & Co. TESTIMONIAL : ttODERIC1119rg, SEPT. 1869. Mr, McCORMICB Uf has been in our employment as Cotter fol. over I year. He is capable of cutting for any first class establishment. We beapeakfor him the confidence of any who may employ Win. JOHN C. DETLOR * Co. wIl.tf OF MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS. SALE Messrs HatlehUrst & Cooke lerfliVE received a consigrunent of STRAW GOODS AND MILLINERY, of the very best descriptions and latest styles, which they are instructed to sell without re.terye. The sale will take place at the Auction MaXt ton SATURDAY APRIL 9th, AT 2 & 7. Ladies are invited to call and inspect the Goods previous to the sale. Goderieh April 5th, 1870, sw(15.3in STEPHEN COURT OF REVIsION. THE Court of Revision for the Tow nship of Sutphen, will be held in the Town Hall Crediton on Saturday 30th April. Commencing at I0 a. m. C. PROUTY, T`p Clerk. Stephen April 2nd, 1870. sw85-td POTATOES. Harrison and Early Goodrich potatoes for Gale by the subsenber at 81,00 per bushel. WARRANTED TRUE TO NAME Orders left with Mr. George Grant, Grocer, Goderich will be attended to. GORDON YOUNG. Carlow P. 0. Colborne April 1st, 1870. - w11 -1m• EARLY GOODRICH POTADIES THE SUBSCRIBERS HAi'E FOR SALE AT 51.50 per bushel, pure Early Goodrich Potatoes, the finest yielding potato grown: Also, Clean acd pare Hungarian Grass -Seed, Orders for -Potatoes received now will be filled en and after the let April. Those wishing to secure seed had better seri d in their orders early to the subscribers or to the Signal office. STOKES t SONS, - Bat fieldRoad, Mercantil. 1:70- w8 -u WALL PAPER —O-Q-e— A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF ? EWPATTiERNS 7 IN WALL PAPERS, JUST OPENED OUT. SUITABLE for Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room & Hall. OFFERED AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. AT MOORHOUSE'S. OAK, MARBLE & SATIN PAPER HANGINGS . ' 0TTn5��LL1UT8TvLffi �il�s E' AT MYiOORHOUSS, THE PRETTIEST, -BRIGHTEST, BEIiT ',tt WIDEST 10c -WALL PAPER o*HOU 5"Es. NEW . sr.CY1.410 O I' WO DON BLINDS AND ilORDERINOS JUST TO CHEAPFOR A.SH- AT 1V1.0 O.IR.H SE'S. #SiglaIOfce;' Airlk let 487% mow t ()cops I 141TE W -()OD$ : a ARRIVING DAILY ATka '1. 0. DtTLOR THE, MARKET - - - Goderich, APRIL, 5, 1870. Fall Wheat (i:fit�l 0 - ; r S siring Wheit f.,.., 1, 0:75 o:es- Dress t i cep 1LOW EltyieS, : 'Mantlea .ten CO.'S. JUST OPENED SEVERAL CASES' OF OUT. 30 TPt. . 0:45 • ' ( 0.474 Barley - .-. •: .. ' 0;35 ( 0:40- Potstotes ..,. ♦ , 0:45 ®- 0:60 ......„•...., 3:80 a 4:00 00 o Butter • c : ....ie.: 0117 r ,.Atli.,..(. 0:15 .♦�..•. w res ... ZOO .frw, ts. i ..ts' f t f • }}&&�.:�(r0O S - 0:17 i ALSO, TO HAD ye p 6;00` A Facet EIIIawitatt zltli 7:70. 0; 0:32 #1 `:1 03 0:71,1C ' nts, Al xlasx,cr'bsPea # fbb (iodate- 541; 487± ew .Tree named Tailors ap the-Tsiloring .c; a �pftiim�n"t, , 4 66 r. Yi . 'h-te 9 Printing Office Has Removed to more convenient prem ises in Cameron's Block KINGSTO",J ST. Where in connection with it :a large stock of t atizTner, -31' AND FANC.Y GOOPS, 1 rt - Will be found:" Lei Thei Mock consists of everything found in a Stationery and Fancy Goods Store, such aa, SCHOOL BOOKS, Copy Book.. Writing Papers Pens, Penholders,' Biwa ,Bogks, S 14 A r and Slate/Pencils • l 1 ra ers small advance on COST P kartitiike attentien is direeted to this *le; pertinent. Al/ thele g supplied* e few dayi- A. Call isrSil 0443P ir NURSERY BUSINESS. MEE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INTIM ATE TO 1 to the_ erablic of Id G MIEN" & that, sinee 6th of Oetoher last, he has been earrying on the Fruit tree basineits solely on his own accountatid responsibility. He is uow taking orders for FRUIT &ORNAMENTAL TREES of every dew/1;410n for delivery in the spring. He begs to solicit a continuance ef the patrunage of his eje ORDERS:3130CW BE IN ON Olt BEFORE tern APRIL. All stock delivered will be of the best quality and true ta name. ger A YOKE OF GOOD O-XEN FOR SALE. ROBERT GORDON, . (Near the Railway Crossing) HUILDI Road hlerch 26th, 1870. Sellipg Off -Winter Goods TO MAKE ROOM for SPRING Merchant Tailor Al Clothier Market Square, 113 now offering Great Indrcementa in Ready - Made Clothl_ HATS and CAPS. A "Splendid assortment of . CLOTHS AND FANCY TWEEDS. As he Miaow prepared to make to Order in First -Class Style on short notie.e -a. good fit gtudante,ed or no sale. A good assortment of Sewing Machines On hand of the Latest style, for sate on time or liberal discount for cash. Rachitie Needles and Machine Silk for sale. ABRAHAM SMITH. Goderich, Feb. zab, 1870 w4 rkir -vv Waggon and Carriage BATES & ELLIOTT 1.1 AVE' pleasure la inquiet. and eonntry that they have ink to the public oftown opened a Waggon vet vantage Shop on St.. David's est, (Lewis Eltiotes old stand,) and are prepared Mt /ant nut mediately se:training the Western Hotel. B. & attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, slad everything in their line, of the very Lest material and workmanship and at the very lowest reznaaerative Waggons, Buggies, ' Cutters, Sleighs, Promptly attended to. ON HAND, a large assortment cf which will be sold Cheap for Clash or Cerde wgb°Goded-rich, Feb. 24th, 1870. ww5y nN the 30th March, a Brass The finder will oblige by handing it to the own 'NIES. DUNLOP, Gederich April 2, 1870, siren tf• CIGARS AND TOBACCO, RICHARD PIKE. Manufacturer of and dealer in AND Plug. Fine Cut, Chewing and Smokjng Tobacco. EVERY.DESCRIPTION OF TBE BESTBRANDS of ail the above named articles alwaye on hand. SUPPLE'S OLD STAND Ayer's Cherry Pectoral), Per Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, melt , as eoliths, Gals, Whooping Clough, BrOnchitis, Asthma, and Consuniption. Probably never before in .the evhole history o medicine, has anythimpron so widely and so deepl spore the confidence of rosnhind, as this excellen series of years, and among most of the races of meh Rh= risen higher and hi,gher in their Mims. *ion, as it has beeame, better known. IM uniform character and power to' cure the Various affections of thelungs and throat, have/nude it known as a re. liable protector ugainst.them. While adapted to milder forms of disease anti to young children, it is at the, Seine time the Most effectual remedy tbat ran be given for incipient consumption,- and the dab gerpus affections.ofiliethroat and lungs. As a pro YISIDA against sudden attacks of Croup,it shout be kept en hand in every family, and indeed as al .should.be provided with thia antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought in curable, still great numbers of cases where t. dis- ease seeraed settled, have been completely cured and the patient reetored to sound heelth by the Cherry Pectoral. so complete is AA restatery over the disorder» of the Luegs and,broat, that the most. obstinate of.thenkyield to it. When noth Mg else could reach them, under the Cherry -Pees &oral they subside anti disappear. Singers awl ZubUo Speakers And great pro- tection nom It. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly curedBrobneYhititis. la generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in sm.ali and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates oftheni here, or do more than assure the public that Its qtutlities are fally CHEMICAL PRINCIPLE: APPLIED IN TEE CEEE OP NT 1 • extracte that ears- into the composition of Leis wie- der/al Blood. Tissue, _Heat, ledentiking medice are selected and gitileted with the gee...gest ewe e' • Wet employed exclusively for Dr. leadulay ..e Ca. - so that tto epuriosts admixtures or wereldese roots : Can possibly bc mixed seals the pure. • , _ ,, -thousand &noes) er annum for the seeteees and i pay"Peei fAallor}(111:2etcoPmeAlay over and over agate : for twee: - 1 SA RILL1AN fIESOLVENT:, in the Meters, of medicine sows steal a es-dwitte keit ao ccenpletety builds up, repairs„ anti Ittreeee lotto- t, - strong, healthy, trig -motes, an 1 beutderul withed, tee Dr. 14.4DTIfel Y'S A3rer's Ague.- Cure, Por Pierer and Ag_ ,e intermittent Paver, Chill Perer,_ Hemittemt Pierer, Dumb Ague, Periodical -or 33Hions Paver, &o., and indeed all the affections which arise twin raalarions, marsh, or miasmatic As its name Implies, ft does Cure, and does not Conteiningnelther Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance tvhatever, It In nowise injures aty patient. The numberandimportanee of its mires In the agnedis- without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments wo receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate eases, and whereother remedies had wholly failed. Unac,climated persons, either resident in, or travellin,g through miasmatic localitie.s, will he pro- tected by taking the AGVE CURE daily. - For ,Meer Complaints, affeing from to Idity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stim ' the Liver into healthy activity. For Ilitious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producine many telly re, markable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Dn. .7..C. Area & Co., Practical and Analytical ChemMts, Lorre'', Maas., and sold al/ round the world. PRICE, *1.00 PER BOTTLE. NORTH It/JP &LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., geeran ascents forCatiada. fief' Sold in Goderieh by Parker & Cattle and Jordan. Gardiner at Co., Hayfield. James Seabee Itodgeryille. J. Pickard, Exeter. IL Corabe, Cli all Malkin° teethe:. wen LAKE 110RE Asian FDR SALE e NGOOD WORKING' ORDER. if POT ASH KET- ties, 7 Coolers, 1 Soap Curti and Kettle. Soap Moulds, 2 Horses tad ...erne's. 2 geed new Waggons, 3 Weigle', 2 Wheel Barntws, 4Stiovels, 6 Pewter Caudle Mould Stands, 3 Mtn e. stand, 2Chain Mentes &river 1 Water Pump and mail other appendagestoo nt mer ens to =tattoo.. goodstauttand will be sold cheap Tor cash, n•• 2,030 louts teaseled Ashes, /7 tents per load. Raqaire of 3. I3ARNE8, at the Ashery. Goderiel .Nov. 2nd ie69. eve. IMPOLTANT TO FARMERS. WE are prepat cd to make arrangements with a few T V responsible fitrmeni to grow the RAMSDELL NORWAY OATS for us on conned for the crop Farmers wishiug to grow a ;meltable crop should address the proprietors. 171 LakeStreet, Chicago Ills. TWO FARDISI for SALE' [TOR sale twe very valuable PARKS -in the To`an IL' ;ship ofGoderiele For puticulars apply to MiSEPH SHAW, Huron Road. Goderieh Township November 25th, 1869. w45ti rrinsubserjber offers for sale, on liberal terms, a exmllent farm 111 the township of Colborne. rv. D being lot 8, con. 10,four miles from Goderieh. cone vises 100 acres of the best may soil, all cleared free -of satraps. Frame House and Barn, Splendid Apple and Pear orchard. good water, A /aoaseandiot ireGodericli woald betaken as pert pay- ment For partlealars apply to. ANDREW RVicItorialEMSLE.'esoderiel- Goderieh Nov. 1st 1S69. w4141 FARM FOR SALE. MARKET SQUARE. Dem COMPOSED OF T 21, GOSHEN LINE _LI Township of Stanley. County of Eurou, 120 Goderich, April let, 1870. sw64-3m acres, 113) acres are in a high te ofeultivation. ,rt -Mad is of the best qualitysadaellfenced Osgood baud feuce along the leant-) There are on tbe premisee a dwelling house, frame barn 36 by e7 feet, granary, stable and sbed 105 by 24feet, well fenced oreleard o J00 bearing trees, tembever (siting wells with good pumps. &c. This flue property is Situated on agrand ON BAY-' road. and connected bygood gravel roads with Clinten 00 tulles) and by a amd, said -to be Um Aiiest in the provie 2ce, with the excellent markets of Bayfleldui4 THAT DESIRABLE FARM,- FRIE TO REIT. miles) and Seal -or& (12 miles). For Nether partic - field road, being Lehi 3 and 4, 2 edn. arsapply OD, McDougall, Atzetioneet, 'Hayfield, or to 1Goderich T'p. Containing 164 acres, of FRANCIS MA.RwT46.61N.m. on the premises. which 100 are cleared, is to rent for sueh mute& eth Deee met eel iod as maybe agreed cu. The land is e. 4 good, tiny loam, and the buildings coinfort- able, with a large orchard in excellent hearing order. The farm is well watered. For further particulars applyetti the premises to April 4th, lf.70 NAN WANTED: p0 work on a farm. Apply to itARITEY Rose -garland Cottage. Sig -A of the Big Broom. . BROOM FACTORY GROCERY STORE nil us finbsetiliers hase removed teen Beim facto iy to the premises in xear ef theStore formerly men- • pied Kr. JAMES TITONSONOwn doom Soath of the Baron Hotel), an Kingston street. and beg to in- imatethathaving facilities for purchiesing broom -corn n the diet -Pest market, and havin,g secured the ser - sleek <ofa fitif-class bealnemaker, they are new - nig Otit AR EX— TEA- HEArt EROOld 'JEST OIJA.LITY ft WORKMANSHIP which Beware peewees eheap anyinanarecturer in e Hamilton or Termite; Both Whole3ale & Retail. neyliave also purchased the. balsam Alf ...3Er .tames Thomstes Stock of Groceries.' and made largetdditions therete.and Jutted. to Carry on (in Isis old stand) *.tIrsbelisa faiily Grocery Badness on tke comPas sateananet Of c• Teas, Cofteet4 Sugars? Fruit Sat!lee.e,,,awts; .r.F.,ale:tur.a,a*Ftoefiettr, rweetattfts: az.doiaz-de:gicidonelize.roluir;dmot-ovo-,sectzuwe ,con, tinuates of i'-uhlic Patronage, Kinston Street. - N.71—Farnirrodeee taker; irk Enema's for foods 1 mons*, Inman & BELL A RE NOW Receiving and opening out "'Their apringImportatiensofDryGoods, and will have their Stock fully &nor* by Tuesday, 15th March. Hamilton, March 4, 1870, w7 -4t. CARD OF THANKS rpo those who responded to ray laiet Call for atom I and would respectfully invite the belsetee of my Debtors to do likewise. by so date would enable me to pay 20 shillings to the pound, and sell -Hoods Cheaper than ever. A. SMITH. ENGINE 2'011, SALE A 13 UM* poster portable Engine, al &oil as-iseve Axe fattory JOHN MCPHERSON VALUABLE' rArtm FOR ft AL Xs 331. frifile North helforLot No. :nand the Wear,t.r.'Sof I. North tali .1f rot No.10 to the :Mena concersion ofMorris. Meares, 110 acres cleared.60 acrea stumps. frame house, Pulite emodation with rood celLar.gnod well, log barn, good stable. -Two splendid orchards, 20 acres offill wheat ingood couditiun. to he vacua.' a vat/intim The lot Meditated abhut one and tenet miles from the Gravel Road, suite couvenient to Stores and School It tit Me old Ellison Amin end ie oue of Thiheabe•vtd:9.1::::::tothide eetroxr•ea joustaasuitato. ruts iMpitlifitAttk. S. SINCEA/R. FOR SALE. TONE &id dwelling house wlth let. also a salmi:eller. In the village of Madlandville. tans mile from Goderich, in the eentre of the Godende salt works_ House *ad Store entirely new. and mestatell oils, and lot in exitellent condition. Terms libegal. Mr. It SPENCE, olp BLAIIKIE .& ALEXANDER, pURCHASE 140dg/ton and teed MOM r/Parrible its five year*, or by instalments. 23" Rates a per Ina •-e-ehargas -reduced, or 9 pee _ stent—all ehargee land by 4. k =mkt dna tp the beerereantdieflwitid. tit book f Ooderiobe Dee 2, 1869. via Gaderieh March 21st. 1870, sated • • Important Chemic..el Principles supplied to the Wasting body ehrougli the It suppliesettie, blood irith n 3O• ill' lament. IT CON TAINS T Is ..11.msei AH:NG AN D? It impplles tire system mitts nt atoile or heat -- making properties. It cures on .1tenotive mod 1.71,-e-atted dis eases of the Eyes. Mug, Mouth, '1.`tarsaz, It increases the wetzlit and ti•J) lc ate. GES. It resolves Tumors, NoEfes., L It makes the ssau clear owl he toilful.' It heals Perer Sores a.ntl It cures Gravel Glect, au/ Strietin-e. It makes tire trate,- clear and pass freely. It eines Barrenness. nal I -As -cats with the .gor of manhood Close arm), from lures - Mess or disease, ore de:hie:a or catta oasts . It rescues tronum from time er to idosat a.? abstrage of lite -ressirtion of Menses. those who se f.?.. Jfealih. There i8 not a man. woman or child. howorof • wasted by disease, if their -s3 -,tons tctili in e ens - LIVER. si.DNEY:1:-• and tithe.- r.tal organs /to;, bnyond the process of repair. os tf capable .1.: sustaining the reparoace psoces. of HA DWAY'S tut can be either restored to hscel el r - the entetee vital forces may be, it the Fyste.e • 1,i 1, ., herarate under the influence of tine tieette an - et -in:tete: - medicine. the re.pairs will be greater at . i vat wast,,, and the BLOOD ll iLL rase. re flint li . , degree of in healthful solution di its .edistittleuts. and stop tee promes of decay and documeeedien. CONSUMPTION, SCROFt'L A. ll r:elit's disease of the KIDNEYS. SKOICOAbY "C,Vtlia.as. and the poison -; posits Mita the blood either in the Leagii. :-Ilia.E ..1 nese Bladder or C..elinlar Tiesue ; arid these di- ereses in their adsauced come eao both be cheek. 1 and cured by the use of the taarsapaoltils.o Ito: Si A person seized with any Chronic etmease Qr or 0 Lungs, Liver, Skin, Kidneys. Spernuetie Mamie Womb, or Urinary deelettlties, will experience .i , marked change in her health Ite Iht leetee aft, , - taking the SaveapavitItaas Resole -esti. els tee blood becomes IDOPC MOT, rich, Vi-Ony. and 21‘Mr. eater elements qf &nese, decomposition und dere e. will be dins:eddied in Ow Lungs, Eicineys,Skin cf. t other Organs t and each of theleCirgane will Seery/. Bile, die Pancreatic juiee and ether finales hen- 1 obsoleted In the emulation, these secretione tent te directed for expulsion from the system -through ihi.); proper channels. .11 medicine fails in its (Netter', , or. Vse euelem, to correalhese secretions, caul to .. .. sin each organ -or secreting gland inellsasarying as proper functions, Itealelt can timer& metered: hat - pit et for suffering humanity, Irlialevayve Semipro., lurverlized as Blood Patel:gem IVO malte_r how deeply aeuled or engrafted en the _sand corruption may berthe influence of Vita pone . - tut agent on Oxblood and other fluids Mat eupp e fhe living body with repaint will so c &age the spo, tens with such constituents eta lo read& and ewe, - minute the dead and decomposing twiner, and toe-, ply tte plesee with SWIM, and living structure, men e exiled b.y riek pure, c out strong blood. By the _ has on the substances taken into the stoingeh dare, , Oar process of digestioninto Came and Chyle, roofio• - it is mettle blood, as well eas the norneshing eante - ItieSSIA it converts into blood, tind ile epecilbe twee. i Wien entering in lise ,eireulatione ft reeeriniette A. every atom of virus froin the bloo.1,, caul rrapir.re:!; away all deposit.' s of dieease, whether 01141E4 by Ito. e eau)" n of some is-peel:tic poison, or viritlent disease, eel Mercury, Corrosive Sublimate, i. e. eke Cherosieee Chloride of Mercury, Calomel, tad other eteeetter-' that may Aare accumulated en the bones, tient. s, cartilages, or joints, or' front same transmits, .1 family complaint (lad may Aare ran iitIVJUgh /tali a and badly treatedVenerenttt Its Massy *trio ., Glandular Diseaae, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, 'rumors, Nodes' is the gianda AM t worst forms of Skin Discaece, Eruptions, 1 Fever Sores, Scald Head, Itingsvormo Sau ILIreula, Erysipelas, Acne, Blaek Spots. Worneariu the Fiesta, Tumors, Congers Is s we elstoges, Night tisveals, Isom of :Sperm, as . all wastes of the !die Principle* are .wit lit , the eusgtIve -range of the Sariaparillia o any .person custag 11 for either of these Outgo -of Disease, its potent pewee to mire them,. leacarred Venereal-G=leell Gravel, Strict tines, wad all Complaints or the Urinary o,... galas, Gladder, Kidneys, AVonsb, Drops s Diabetes, anat. all mew wite Jimmie-. e e .allenice:1-by stoppoge or Water. or Palo y Cul Disehargss, ASV euieate relieved an S. effectually cured th.rottgh tits *went Cures reported by Chapman. tools, Canada East. had tin. rsine years ilVc LAW: I.: parts of Catiada• lent ho commented the 11--.t vent. and two or three Roses et lieilwaea Palk au -1 vied. its lotitit. wash of the Icicatly Metier Seism/grill/au Resolvent, diluted with ante. whieb completely Mired hint. lien: is a man tb it 0119 of the, Wealthiest citizens uf Wen. ledge of ;emir mralleirie. eon. need 13 yeara. covered srith die SOLID SCAM eiteceirg tee emit, body—beint trunk, cheers lees. -arid el( I eawli k In -September loSI. -and he was the tetti revolting a is diseased objeet crer saw. At ray request he m One month amee, en meeting to nainele 1 saw hither, who then teld ate that hi,: eon -wee complecei)• cured. I know of IIIO.Dv whe have been eurea Fever Sores, Britntion.efino eine. Beiltelleare, Sem/ Read, Sore Lep. and na fact oil kinds el sores. Threatened Consumption, Night Sweats, from the Lungs, cured with roue bottle 01.11 ADWAVS linteli 11, tele Dr RADITAY :-Tbis is to cirri's. that i trio taken with bleeding at the lunge, and tegia etrease„ nwt was induced to use e -our rearea ;muffles Iteenta vent. After taking twe ifesee Amy: ..enamcd t,„ sleep, a holm for whit+ I teas thankfts1 Atter wing ODD boats IhS Lisedit4: was cured. and rite night aneats ceased 1 root limed to ram sis bottles, and now all teens oneekliess. di -case -and threatened, Consumption bare elimppeared. I feel my healahs flab -recovered. JONATHAN FREELAND. N. B -Tide gentleman wns known to bays - been under the treatment of the beet physlejlene bp - Sarnia—he received ao 1:41)43:4 from any medicine.= Commercial Alert fur Ontailee- PIIINCIPAL DEPOT. 439, ST. PAUL STREET, NONTREA14-- ledif• Sold by Dmggitts sad general Storshospemo at $1.00 per'hottle, or ga.00 for ti'bottles, Glenburnid learnt for Sale TOWNSHIP OP GODERICH. myyjr:„8 from Goderieh Jed 9 miles from Clinton, ill situated ort the Gravel RoadlOnning fromOode. rich to Hayfield, framed:deli ittsseparated by theBey- field River. It contsins 212 was. 3.10' acres emcee fence, 70 vets clear of stumps said bk.,h state eit eultivalion. soil rich day 1011M; Iota enod terewooe. et to eel watered. by two liying.strmum. An enchant few pears, =plums, peanies atid ebonies. mid* few -cellar full size.oethe house. l'recee barn A5 by .81 ft. This le ware opportunity to keituIS a good faagion Cie • ful than farther inland. Amer te or G. 31 TRUEMAN, Teed aeset, einerine March 17th 1870 w9t; •