HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-04-07, Page 1SAEt ODERICH. h :•• = ••=n FAO: ,•.•• 1 41 `? :5 •• 1, ta • : - . t•'. 1% r. : • S. .5ter,• r. eteee• 4 Tern-, of veal-. eet atta 4.% .1•7v9 .••••• •". . ALLEN. SALE. t'1 F Is I 4,N1,•ai . • • : s • .at, • the nevtl. rU•1 1.; , a te, ertr` rel -c h. for Sales tie on ceeeeten 211 t n e --eh Containing 6S acres. , t7. c7.17 -ed wth peed Frame se, about ee miles /Dem .• • Sate aev y at the D.visem ea set' to 2.Ir. WIcilNu . 21, lzkiS. FOR SALE. DRED _ACRES. OF t;RET. : 11. • ,• , 1'1, f -porn 7' • • 5* r st, at•tept- 7:5:s. L. NI C. •: S s.. ' teederieh t:s4J - — .FOR SALE. t 'e:eel.NF. eefeEe, •t,arn _ •••re' 4L • .; 7 - 7 aed - . ' • front D efEweaT 4 - 203 SAT.T;:. r fee' N eon 10. W. -• ' tele: n0 acres. . 1 s :e a :tvnag • reek CI; aeree M.tai IA LARKIN. w2. fer Sale. • 5E: :et 2, • Tr -;e5 .Irs= Bel- - 170 res . - - •. •-•-„tar and the bal- good •••• ash end easy t-- te, aeetained EN is "PIE e• •••-.• Pe -Least P for Sale. ..••• 'sr! KD Co .1111-1. 1.ft 4r41 -f which are 14 • .7.4 -ret4,.. houttcleti h:sase aled frame the premises. .1 the -e Maneheveer, 12 s:•...; ;2 •-•""f-r• Clintt,r,... The -tee en the County ra:.qprellerge on Let4 3 acres 4.5 aere5 of which are 4.4tr...-re and • Orelaarti The fee: e he had eheare. These ee teee-.N..- F.r rce torte. zxe tsr ean be purchased 111,7 E31 N. I ,rd Agent.. God!erich er-13- tf OE EENT! LP' LOT NUMBER tI1-1T, e•On=tisa.an of Hellen on the a ween Ryth--8 net Walton Post &'i14 barawc lard, veel acre, leararIcc. Seventy a hai in a W& feeeed Foe appy 10 .lose on the pretnes, Bake% K1 N fleit W N \IND PROPERTY R SALE. THE TILLAGE OF WROXETER, ween Seafeethr-md Wel:keno/1. 3 zee:tee:Ise:1i a Reese 3D-2472 frt.. with tve of tht lotsfaze sereett aree the other Itve r= to the •Th.s'atsU:6. -be an exee:lent site for a sr an-: 14:nd manuf11e=7. and seand for a Store,. Tavern. or other 11yel..sp for cash - •nt, tieeee well be g for the hai- r re--tie-Ile-5 apply on the premises ARKER, Joe Wrozeter. 0 R-11 FOR ME. ES MOPE OR LESS, ABOUT Ile ared the taLneegeod hardwood time - fele Flonse red flyst-elase frame tnries, a el v watered. Most ot the land is Thefee*, n Is let ae, fseb Goderieh Dem Goderteh aod ;from Creaton. -e=t-e-o. good terms- well be veers for apply.on the :etses to /OEM. lt,legiZIE- wStf Pte1sR1ll, P.O. 31 FOR SALE. F.-14 coNcEs430,5 OF rBE 2' Hallett in the county a Huron, cone ea mere or Pees. This farm will be sold remainen Enerr.tpge, For teete fSIIS. CAMERON & G ARROW, Herree, &c., Goderieb. ZaBEG, auets:era, Demd-se reea es! Stoves! LOW .A.N7:10.14.1VOIC ra W xt., 31Eil MIAMI Fel4LB AND- BETAW. . 11 Lampe. ao.: Old- Ire*. ey„WootPlekines. awl Steep -Skis, haages syronY. of Oa Large Nil On Barreir Isitelf:47 . dor Real roattates MatottseTrimetasilice*Cth*ItY reciitiette ItOTWEII,Ofe e- • f ;040 Sooterawiatee ft& I - • • • ' • w .r 3 3X, 3 ditor tndProprietor. • 1.or:$P EC R. ANN TN A.1-1-STA.INTOIC, va.o0 &r NE, 014' IrricAre. BIlSitIC95 /Directorp HURON . HOTEL, ZURICH. CO. HURON. JOHN PRANG, - Proprietor. This house is fitt9d np "with every convenience for the travelling public. ear Good Stabling-aad prompt ettendance. 'February 1st. 1810. wt-tf MRS. DAYS' HOTEL WROXETER. _ (N the direct road from Seaforth to Walterton. Every necessary accom modation tor the travelline ouhlic. H NNAH DAYS. Wroseter. Yew. 5, 18A7. w4 COLBORNE HOTEL, OODER1CH, E. MARTIN & SON. Good Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. I;(3° This is admitted to be a First classee' house kept in Good Style. Dece 20th, IVO. ST7 3 • 4, 5 W3E 7BYPIria ' atrr • R • The Greatest Possibl6 lood to the Greatest Possible Nan;tber. 4110•1=11mm immiry) I GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, BM 13uine5s Elirator, Maitland Salt Well WASHING MACHINE NOW Is YOUR. CHANCE Prices to Suit the Times ! A PERFECT OEM. IMMI•011. Priceonly $2.00 each THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE "A little wonder in the Washing Machine linePpatent PLATT'S PATENT.. EVAPORATOR., ed and manufactured by Israel Kimey. of Woodstock. It is the cheapest machine ever invented; can be at ached to any ordinary wsh-tub ; can beadiusted by springs toeuit either light or heavy goods washes as rapidly and -efficiently as more cumbersome and costly machines ; and does less Wine, to the clothes; and leaves them nearly as dryif desired, as a -regular Wringer. Thelow price of $2.00 brings' it within the reach of any family. With it any housekeeper can do her ownwashing without eitliel getting sore hands or an aching back. The undersigned is Prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT,: IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., Li 43 west e, OR 75cts. PER HALF DOZEN. FROM TB..g ABOVE WELL. Large Photograph iteduced,in ..Proportion. GoderiS. H. DETLOR. ch, August 3d, 1869. w27 Also will make the largest Photog,raphsrattcle inGoder- ich, very cheap. Porcetain picture rom one dollar upwards at • D. BELL'S Goderich. Oct. 19th. 9, Photograph Gallery. w27 1.00 Per Roza 0 IT AL Call an.d See the Machine AT ROBINSON & YATES' Market Grocery Goderich, 28111 Dec., 169. w49 SASH AND DOOR PHOTOGR,APHS FACTORY. • Coonaserelainot Rebel IC- W roymi S, Proprietor. This is th_ -P largest rl bestConntry Hotel in Wester anada,ad caarges as moderate as any Hus in MU ll. Stage Proprietor. Goodsteblingfor [OQflorses Horses and Carriages for Hite, on horteat Natives rriELE subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal patronage so long bestowed upon him, begs to in form his numerous cussomers and the public generally that ha consequence of the late fire, he has removed his business to the store formerly occupied by 31r. Booth, West street, next Bank of Montreal, where everything n his line will be found and All Kinds of Job Work will be Done the same as usual, G. IT DAVIS._ Goderieh 29111 31arch 1 G. BARRY& BRO0 CABINET MAKERS WOOD - TURNERS AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St„ Goderich, WEEP constantly on hand for sale all arti- II cies in their line, such as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, &c., i'goAll kinds of wood -turning done, such a Nool posts, stair bannisters, neekyokes, 4fte Always on hand, a coraplete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a HEARSE to bite on reasonableterm Gderich, Ma, 3rd. 1866 15w6m' Ontario Carriage Shop, (Flamilton St, Gderith. R. J. wtu..LELY, J882111 still in full operation, and is turning out superio arriages! Buggies, Wagons of all kinds, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, 4v, A number offirst class Ruggies on hand, and for sale eeeso tor cash' Prices of all articles in the line that will compare favorably with any in the County 11 --au work warranted Particular attention paid to Wagonand Carriage Re- pairng R. WHITELY. Goderich, NO-V9th. 1869 W42 .SAIN-OS STR-BOLTS WANTED. TaEsunsctungas ARE PREPARED TO MAKE contracts for the delivery of a quantity of bn, Ash, Beech, Pine, and Hemlock, Sawlogs, als, Stave Bolts - Delivered on. their premises opposite the railvgay station- Also to undertake the sawing of custom Logs For partieulars apply to Mr 'iunn on the premises or e't the residence of Mr James Tomlinson aTANDLY it Co. Goderieh, 23rd December, I869 w4g-tf Feed ".ieed.1 •6•••.r.••=•• yrrew -st_ca) Shepherd 8i atraohans, 0'i-ONSOF 13111111 811.0BS & Initzelr WM, _ ea -for Cas ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, WEST STE.ZET, " fG- r) ic it c IL MILE Snliscnber having removed to the Store lately 1 occupied by A. Naysmith, West Street, opposite nee POSI OffLCD, wishes to thank his friends and the publc, or the liberal support with which they have favored him for the last 25 years, and begs to assure them that no effort will be spared ro merit aconunnance of their patronage, his anxious study will be tfsupply Watches Clocks and Jewelery which will g,ve satisfaction to the purchaser, and as al/ work has been done by myself, customers mil, depend on having n well eecuted. zar A good assortment of Gold and Plated Jewelry Watches, Clocks &c., always on hand: ALEX WALLACE. Goderich Oct. 26t11 MS. w40 GODERICH CABINET FURNISHING WARIE H 0.1J SE. +M.M.M.1•11•0111 DANIEL GORDON, CALIBIN'r UPHOLSTERER, AND Undertaker, &c., &c, Bureaus, Wood Chairs, Bedsteads, Sofas, Tables, Bookcases, ExtensioeTables,Eeey Chairs, Rocking Chairs Wardrods, Side boat ds, Chit/loners. Wash Stands, Kitchen Tables Stands - Sea Grass Mattresss. Wool do, Moss do Bair do, and 4 orb different kinds Spring Mattresses N. Be- Keeps always on hand a large assortment of Washable gilt and Rosewood Moulding -frames, square or oval, made on the shortest notice. Having made arrangements with JACQUES & HAY,Toronto, can furnish anything here or at their Warerooms in Toronto, Has always a complete assortment 01 Coffins & Shrouds in the Latest Style Also, IlLEARSES to hre, 4011.43E1Lp 413.4912. Goderich, February 1st, 1870. w2 iliff AS now on hand a 1.1 large stock of FURNITURE in every variety, which cannot faiLto command the favor of allin want of furniture who may favor him with a visit, whether in style or' priee, such as s THE undersigned having purehasee he otain- ing Mill and Sash Factory owneci,and oc- cupied by Donald Cumming, are now prepared ITALFDOZENFROM BACKNEGATIT.o, al. 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from back negative 87 cents,posteg,e free, toany address. pa' ParticularAttention paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes. For either large or email photographs. The subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, would juat say that he has , made such im- provements in his gallery as will merit a con- tinuance of the same. :13- A Great Redaction on Large Photographs. . E. L. JOHNSON. Goderich. Oct. 26, 1869. w44tf. TE Oldest Establishment in Ton. itAlt MARTIN • AilIANN B"sTO INFORM 1-118 OLD CUSTOMER that he tie till able to seil for cash, at the owest rates, ILL KINDS OP FURNITURE • Cane Chair, At his shop on Kingston Street, opposite the Lounges, Huron Hotel, Godench. (Sive him a call. Capbeards, -13 Asi 4.4 0 VI C) Godertch, Oct. 3, 1868, ' *eget I m37. NEW PATENT _A. ""F 0, it IC, STRACHAN & IsIcKINN9N, DLACKSMITHS, Nelson street, G » -h, would intimate to farmers and others that. having pur- chased the right for Carter's Hay Lifter, they are now prepared to furnish them at 65,00 each. The are made in a neat and substantial manner, and have given great satisfactionto those who havensed them. An agent will be out for the sale df c.he lifter in a days. Goderich. Jan. 25th, 1969. FIRE & • MARINE - IN SIEJ.11..ANCE. PRZENIX FIRE ASSTMANCF COMPANY of Lon- don, England, establfehofl in 1782;one of the oldest, larnestand best offices in Canada. FIORACE tIORT0111, Agent llti ROYINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Canada, 1 Head Office, Toronto. Will *eke r sks on Country and City property. Marine risks taken at as low rates as any other first class office. RORA.CE HORTON' Agent. MONEY TO LOAN. $20 000 on good farm security pas -aide from frorn one to twelve year& No interest retained in advance. HORACE HORTON, Agent. Goderich, March al, 1868 auction & Commission. GODERICI-1 &CLINTON Established 15. ALES of Miscellaneous Property in Ccelericti very Saturday, and in Clinton every Wed- nesda Mone dvanced on Property for immediate sale and prMiept returns made. Parra Stock and other Sales punctually attend- ed to throughout e county, G.M.TREMA.N'S Auctioi Mart, w61 ket square, Goderich I to carry on the business ot manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, and alt kinds of Cl]E?CL.E W�11• , such as Circle and Clothic Sash and Frames They think from their experience in Factory Wrk,that they can give satisfaction to all who may favor thern with a call. Rise and Progress of the Great Hu- - ron Tract. VOL. XXILL—NO 11 POETRY. WOMAN'S RESOLUTION. tell you of a fellow, ' Of a fellow I have seen Who is neitherwhite neryllow. But is altogether green, And his name itisnot charming, 11 18 only.common Rill, And he vrialied me to wed him, But I hardly think I will. .., Oh, he whispered of devotion, Of devotion pure and deep, And it seemed so very silly, That I almost fell asleep; And he thinks it wouldbe pleahant, As we journey down the hill, To.) hand in hand together. But I hardly think/ will. He t,o'd me of a Cottage, Of a cottage 'moug the trees, And don't you thinkthe fellow, Tumbled down upon his knees; Viiple the tears the creature wasted Were enough to turn a mill, And he begged me to accept hiin, But I hardly think I win. He was here last night to see nie, But he made so long a stay, begin to think the blockhead Never meant to go away! At hrst I learned to hate him, And I know I hati him stiff, Yet he urges me to wed him, Date hardly think I will. I'm sure I would not choose him, But the very deuce is in it, For he sue ill refuse hare . He could not live anitinute ! Now you know the blessed Bible Plainly says we must not kill. BD I've thought the Matter over, And I rather think I will, N. B.—Altbera clis.iouut to the trade. 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a -quarter Flooring on hand. JAS BTJCEANAN, DAVID LAWSON, WM. ROMNSOM. Goderic. March swim PREPARE for WINTER 411•••••101•MIN• UGH DUNLOP Merchant Tailor, 11AVING refitted ho is Shoo n West street, "I' next door to Bank of Montreal, is now prepared to supply hie minierous customers, at short entice, with all articles in he lice. lelis stock consists of vv_zzDS, OVERCOATINGS, CHECKS, &c , in great varietyr and will be sold CHEAP for CASH. He hopes tore ceive a full share of public patronage, as heretofore. DUN Goderich, Nov. 3, 1869. • tLv3°91'. • 7 Stoves I Stoves ! • LAJN .A.2•7D PANCYY 1V TNT COAL OIL, WHOLESA.LE AN -D RETAIL. tar Coal Oil Lamps, &c. &c. Old Iron. Copper, Brass, Wool Picking. and Sheep Skins taken in exchange. J.& J . STORY, Sign of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, Gonenet. Yra.rch ibt,1667 6. , • • • - • = • • PRICE REDUCED FOR GOOD DRY PINE LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES. AND, GEDAR POSTS TAI NG1 3. .AL X) L 1112 pip &WRNS HIS MOSTSINCERE THAN it, fort be very datteringencouragement he ha5 leceivedsmee he commenced business in Gode- rich, nothenigableto execute over one -ha 1 o heordetshroaght to bun lastseason :having .,ElOW secutedracelineefie ROOM .PAPERS°11. allsiness txtellsivel Sled eroploymee none but first -mass traoesinen And a" DA believe/ibis experience a.s Cutter nein the Province ,hsivingearned on The subscriber Das now on hand ,500000 Feet Pine Lobel, EDIR • SHINGLES , BY JOSEPH witraalesoN. (Continued) We must pass the beauitiful Lakes, without one word ae to their sublime and _ natural grandeur, in our hurried efforts to reach Goderich ; but we wlll try to des- cabe them in another chapter afterwe have had leisure to see them prperly. We were agreeably sue/Jr/BSc], on -our entering Stratford, after eMerging from the Blak-ash Swamp; for here we found a village with all the appearance of in- dustry andciVilization, 'a grist and sew - mill in operation, several Stores andone Hotel (the Shakspeare by Seigeant,) then a -plastering, where we dinedl on potatoes and vension of the best quality, the only fare wegot froragehner's to VanEgniond's, just forty miles of -bush, • %Yeenjoyed our repast delightfully on a.edountof the polit- mess of the Landlady and -sister (soon after Mrs. Jackson) whose h.usbalel succeeded the goodhearted but unfortunate Sergeant. Jackson was an Englishman, the other Irih. We were pleased with the flying sign in front of the inn; foron it sat the immortal Bard of Avon, pen i in hand. Vt*e met and conversed a while with the Messrs Stinson and C. W. Daly C. b. agent, who was most courteous and comMunicative as to lands and localitie. ae (of course) recommended the vicinity oil Stratford as the best place to make a hone. • We took his e advice a few weeks afterwards, by purchasing Lot No 6, 1st con, SouthEast- hope, at the price of four hundred dollars., It had sixteen acres chopped all told, five of whicli was cleared with a brush fence Sebaugh's seven miles fr m Stratford, 1 round it. Our next restin place was at- wherewernet Richard Darlington late of Colborne township. He 'eca.s on his way to Hamilton, to bring hi ii family from thence to Goderich. Mr. Darlington made the night pleasant with bib relations of horse races, steeple chases, _and hunting 'in Ireand. Mr. Sebaugh th ia occupied a most wretched shanty, floo d with bass- wood slabs which served fo seats at the fire, which was down in a hiele at one end of the buildneg. The old gentleman told us that he had nine boys,and related many of the hardships and priyhtiens of him- self and others the first setilera, who were the'teioneers of1828 and '39.f Mr. Darling- ton and ourself were bedfellows.But sleep on account of a lihndied other bed- fellows was out ofthequestion. Webothgot up and sat on the floor by t le fire till day- light. My agreeeble lomeattion proved hiniaelf by far the bettgrhaed at roughing it in the bush. He offered the Landlord 50 cts. for leave to search for whisky, and to the old man's surprise found a little • jug containing a quart of peer stuff, which was hid beneath a Peet of bark in a corner. We left early next morning for Mitchell where we breakfasted with Black John in what had been a board shanty. John was the only settler inMitchell. He made shingles in the woods and carried them out on his back -from the pine swamp. He was the strongest rnani of his size we have ever seen, and as kind and generous, as strong. He was a Spaniard. There was no house orshatity from Mitchell to River for navigation purposes. He thought , Ill a So.; der—To authorise the Cor- Carronbrook five_ miles, where a Canadian ten feet of water was quite enough for any poration of the Township of Collingwood named Teeples kept in a (better building of our canals except the Welland, and he collect tolls and harbour dues and for in the County of Grey, to impose and but -with fewer edibles, in it. The poor was satisfied that that depth could be oh - i man had lost his wife by the 'cholera some tained on the Ottawa. time previous. He showed us -her grave oMhart.:disrantat ntinotef thoenotttthaweaadrvoauntetagoevietii.. , Hoh.,Mr. Carling—To Incorporate the other purposes. children in the heart of the wilderness and ' the Welland route. near the barn yard. He had a lot of. small 1111 Detroit River Transit Company. very little for their sustenahce. It grieved Mr: Young approved of the Ottawa The following Bills passed through us to see them- Mr, Low l then hoed at ronte as a egeat through -route to the oce- Commit tee a ..d went for a third; readino. DOMINION PARLIA30Ni., Orrxwa, March 26: The House met at twelve to -day. MieMackenzie presented apetition from ithe merchants of Halifax for the removal of the duty on petroleum. - - Mr. Rymal Census should, not be taken later than the down, and before the budget speech, he absentees. The Bill was reported and fix- the night was extremely cold, gentleman, of the seats contained two gentlemen and presented the report of the lot of May, and it was understood that the eentletuan oleo/tree would ; Committee on the McNab land purchase. names of those only who were in the Do- lady:Th one e , , , not allow the lady to take an exposed In answer to Mr. Holton, Sir F. Hincks ' minion on a certain ;light should be Wien, le As. 1 and no inform:wn given respecting the said when the - estimates were brought seat; she therefore sat in the milid . would bring down a statement of the re- ed for a third readin. „ The Bill respect- ntunber one qeietly passed his hand (I* ceipts and expenditures down to the 30th ing tiaeaks andBanking was read a second remarkably small hand bey the waY) of Deceinner last. His statement was now time with the understanding that the <ha- the lady's muff. As the muff was not ready to go to the printers. cussion, if any, should take place in co- fier taking the census be fixed at a date not Bill so as to leave the question of fixing other side, and found gnetletuart number - very capacious, the lady quietly removed The House then went into committee on inittee. Sir John A. moved that the In a the Census Bill. one of her hands from the -same. House go into Committee on the Election ' t on the Mr. McKenzie suggested that the time Bill. Mr. Ferguson tweed to amend the few moments she felt a movemm later than the Ist of June. facilitate the signing Militia Commissioni. rt • LAMMING A joIKE TOO FAII..--SOMO Census *Bill, and adopted a few amend The House went into committee on the meas. To the items of information to, be _ young ladies and gentlemen who were taking advantage of the fine sleighiog not included in the Census, was added the longeince, in attending adoreation,surprise aggregate value of property, real and per- or wedding party. something of the kind. Bohai. Another amendment was that the were obliged to sit three on. a seat. One. • the franchise to the Local Legislatures.two attempting • to poss. Ins hood into the kr. HOn. Mr. Dunkin said he would confer Mr.' Ferguson's amendment was ruled out tnuff on the other side. She then qeietly with his colleagues as to the 'propriety of of orderon the ground that it gave instruc- drew her bond from the muff and allowed adopting Mckenzie's suggestion. times to the committee to do that which Orraw.t, blarch 28. they had the power to do without instruc- him to do so. What teak gime in the The Speaker OA the chair at three. tions. The House then went into Com- a the reports of the Engineers on the ald argued in favor of uniformity of frame ported to a small muff afterwards she is unable to say• cifele of friends how Hon. Mr. Langevin laid on the table mittee on the Bill Sir John A. Macdon- Dut each of tl.e gentleinen privatrly sub- ject of harbors of refuge on Lakea Huron and Erie. On Lake Fluron, the reportenre favour- able to Goderieh, Saugeen (or -Chantry Is- land), and Inverhuron. Goderich to cost 6300,000, one-third to be contributed by the local authorities • Chantry /stand., 6300,000 at least, and if an additional break -water, &c., be added then 8230,000 more '• Inrerhuron, $280,000. On Lake Erie. the Engineer recommends Rondeau as the most fitting place where a harbour of refuge could be constructed, the cost of which fully completed, with lighthouses, &c., would not -exceed U65,000. Mr. Street called attention to the om- ission in the general returns of insurance companies laid on the table of the Canada Life Assurance Company at Hamilton. He was informed by the Manager of that Coin- pauy that the return required by law was sent to the Audit Office in July last, and was acknowledged hy the Audit Office. Sir Francis Minch said he could find no trace of any such return in the Audit Of- fice, but would endeavor to find out the cause of the omission. The following bilis passed through Com- mittee of the Whole. were reported, and fixed for a third teading Mr. Snyder—To authorise the corpor- ation of the township of'Oollingwood,coim- ty of Grey, to impose and collect tools on harbor dues, and for other purposes. Hon. Mr. Carling—Te incorporate the Detroit River Transit Comyany. With reference to the first -named bill, Sir John A. Macdonald said he had grave doubts as to whether this Parliament had jurisdiction in the matter, and said it would be well, before the Bill reached its third, to pass some rule definiug the juris- iction more clearly. Hon. Mr. Carling moved the second reading of the Bill to amend the Act of Incorporation ofthe Greet Western Rail- way Co. Mr. Cameron (Huron) raised a paint of order. The Bit gave the Company paver to narrow the gauge on the main line ase well as on the branches, whereas the notice published in the Official Gazette asked for power to change the gauge on the branch hues only. Mr. Shanly said it would be a great ad- vantage to the country if the gauge was narrowed, as proposed,- and it would be well for the country if all the lines had narrower gauges. After some discussion, the Speaker ruled that the Bill sheltie be referred to the Committee do Standing Orders to consider the point of order. 'Referred accordingly. The following Bills were read a second time: Mr. Seri ver --To incorporate the Montre- al and Champlain Junction Railway Co. Mr. Pope—Te incorporate the St. Franc- is and Megantie International Railway Co. Mr. Wallace asked if it was theintention of the Government to plods in the esti- mates for the year a sum sufficient for the construction of the steam fog whistle at Cape Enrage on the northern coast of the Bay of Fundy. Sir John A. Macdonald said the Gov- ernment did not intend to do so this year, but hoped his honorable friend would be more successful next year. Mr, Tortin asked whether it was the in- tntion of the Government -to introduce a tneasure dining this season to assimilate the law relating to pilotage in all seaports of Canada, with a view to the adoption in all said ports of a uniform exemption from compulsory pilotage for al' vessels ofCanae da of or under 125 tens buthen, thus put - thy vessels 9f the Dominion, frequenting different Ports of the *provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunwick, ma an equal footing, as regards, said exemption, with those frequenting the port of Quebec. Sir John A.. Macdonald said the matter was under the consideration of the GOV- ernment. Mr. Wright (Ottawa) moved for the ap-. pointment of a Select Committee on certain petitions praying for the improvement of the navigation of the Ottawa and French rivers -and spoiee of the importance of the subject in a military, oominercial and nati- onal view. Mr. Shanty seconded the /notion, and urged upon the House the importance of pushing this matter upon the Government year aater year, and of collecting informa- tion respecting the capacity of the Ottawa chise, he intimated that the previsions of the bill might be changed, which forfeits the franchise totenants under lease less than fire years, as in some parts of the country it was common to grant alMeases Lir one yearonly. The House continued itt Cemmittee until a late hour. Finally Sir John A. Macdonald moved that the Committee report progress and ask leave to sit again on Thursday, which was agreed to. In answer toMr. Blake, Sir John A.. Macdonald said the Government had no official or reliatle information as to the execution of a person at Red River. All he could say was that they had received a message from a gentleman at St. Paul marked 'private,stating that it was said a person named Scutt had been shot by the Provincial Government. What was the foundation for the statement he (Sir John) did not know. Mr. Mackenzie hoped the Government had taken some means to procure accurate information, for if the person who had assumed authority at Red River had proceeded to the lengtlaof tak- nig a Canadian life he hoped the Govern - went would notfail to do their 'duty. He wished to know whether the Government had taken raeans to ascertain the accur- acy of the statement. Sir John A. Mac- donald said stens woula be taken by the Government in inquire into the truth of the matter. Further, in answer to Mr. Blake, Sir John A:said the delegates from Winnipeg were expected hourly. A report on Prisons and Penitentiaries was submitt- ed by Sir John A. Macdonakl, and the House adjourned at midnight. Ottawa, March 30 To -day Mr. Archibald introduced a Bill to amend the Act incorporating the Merchants Rank. Halifax. Mr. Blake moved that an address be presented to her Majesty prayiug that she will cause a measure to be submitted to the Imperial ee.rliament, providing that the Canadian Parliment shall not have power to disturb the financial relations established by the British North America Aet, b tween Canada and the severe Provinces, as altered by the Act respet- ing Nova Scotia. Be argued that the special -object ol the Confederation Act and the intentioo of those who framed it, was that the DominionParliament would not have power to alter -the financial ar rangements as fixed by the Act, and as - soften that., had such pow.er been claimed before the passageof the Act would never have before, assented to by Ontario. Fie was willing to allow the Nova Scotia subsidy, granted lastsessien, and to secure it to her beyond ihe possibility of it's ever being taken fa -way provided that by the samer'Aet Which gave that security, it wasprovided that ,the Dominion P.tr- liniment should not have power to disturb financial arragements. Mr. Connor opposed themotion,and said that it would stultify Parliameot5 and said the subsidy of last session prevented a rebellion in Nova Scotia. Mr, Jely denied that the subsidy had pacified Nova Scotia, and recounted his experience in Nova Scotia last summer. He feund most intense feeling among the people against Clonfederation, and no signs of conciliation. Mr. Archibald replied that it was natural that small people should feel ir- ritated whorl annexed to a larger pop nIation. Nova Scotia he helieved would warmly the lady had returned the pree- sure of his hand in the muff while the lady privately reported to her drum& the magnificeet sale she had made of heal gentl e mein —Saginaw Enterprise Sad case at Suicide in Boston. There wa.3 a ripple of excitement at the St. James floteloueevenir3g lately, caused by a sad case of suiide. The party who thus sought olallvion of this warld's gores was an elderly persoaoee, say fiftv years, named Benjamin ATISmith. The eir. ennistences attending the death of Mr. Smith are of' a sad charater. V lien he commenced hording at the St,2 astee be was reputed to be a wealthy merchant from New York city, and this report seemed to be regarded as true en account of his being engaged in nopartieular busie ness in this city. Yersons acquainted, with him took it for granted that he was living on ihe interest of his money. But during the past few months it was noticed that he drank considerably, and at time exe, ssively. About five Or ten minute* before he tock his life he was in the bil liard room of the hotel, and he was noticed to remove his hat and coat and than leave while in a state of intoxication. The report of a pistol was then heard, and the man was found deed. On Lis body was found a small four -barrelled pistol, three chambers of which were loaded, The untortunate man has a fsluilY In New York, who were informed of his sad fate by telegrah. The deceased left, the followin note in Ids room:— Homeless, wifeless,childless, penniless. hopeles. right arm nearly useless,almost friendless, I close my career- on earth. Some kind hand will- place nie quietly at rest at Mount Auburn. I feel that my mission is ended and that the Almighty will pardon me for thuvearly laying off the great burden of my life, • BENJAMIN A. &Cali. AMNON Extraordinary .Adventure or et, Member of Parliament. The Waterford Standard, in going over the enddents of the late election in that city, says :—Perhaps not the lead WalW87. ing and interesting feature in connection with the dreadful attack made on Mr. Commit's' hotel was the escape of Mr. B. Osborne, M. P., and his friend and sup. porter, Mr. D Carigan. When the first attack tnade ou the budding had termin- ated, and the mob had been dispersed, those inside did not feel the least security that they were safe from further moleat ation, and the fact was to e certain extent verified by the report reaehing the hotel that Mr. Owen „Power's store bad been set on fire. The party, without sitting down to finish their diner, began to con - suit on the poseibitity td escape. -14i'. Osborne, followed by Mr D Carrign, rushed to the top of the hotel, and, gett- ing out by the skylight, monuted the roof of the building. In the _darkness, and avoid the frantic yells of some thousand* of persons who were longing to have the treeing of them,the twogentlemen scratch. led cautiously along the rout', dreading every moment to be precipitated below. Having reached the adjoiuing they mounted the roof, and were eau, tiously but silently pursuthgthejr upward never be conciliated by any grants of 1 mouse, when one of r. Lok's sAsistants, money, but by just legislation towards who was near the top of the building, were bur, on railwaysafter thebasisononfederation had :e:: fithey were recognized, and fearing exposure _ heard them, and, fearing 4ey lars, raised the alarm. Perceiving that not have been cherged with mona Mr. Carrigan implored of those withiu the het. Re ar,gued that Nova Scotia should had been decided upon; and i building to afford hint and Mr Osborne been done she would stand in as good protection. Mr. Osborne here whiapered a position as under increased subsidy., ttohisceimpstitermppoonit'sof mueyin, ma an 'Are inawl ,ott fitment had power to dispoge of its sur- f He also argued that the i Dominion Par- hishouse of the assistants, orethearingthe qnoetitua, t replied, 'Yes; you are safe here.' The pine funds as it pleased and moved in assistants then exerted themaelvea anti amendment that the House adhere to the succeeded ingetting them into the laiiitd. policy of last session in this matter. ing through thskylight ; but when, Mr. The noose rose at six Osborne was leaping through he jumped read a thud time and teased : Al ter recess, the following Billswert utwpotoftiztrziastwirieraelauargenwatetritatuk.bTachke e pu n o a bed -room. By the time that they had obtained refuge from the perilous flight, the mob had recommenced their attack on the hetet. Finding that if the hotel was broken into and they missing that sus- picion might rest upon their esca p e into the establishment, the assistants' begar. to fear for their OW11 safety. It was first re- solved to put them up on one of the toP shelves, but that was abandoned as ime - Mr. Work -man —Respeetino the Grand i pfracticable, owing to the portly dmensions, or near Silver creek - the fathdr of the an. Co. of Cant7da and the , . • o the two runaways. A large drawer wee, CfD A R POSTS , &„ young -gentleman of that nainit not loon Mr. Macdenald (Middlesex) Wae °epos- - peeek noway sinc.in Sherriff Mcdonal 'a- ffiCe. The ed to the appointment of commissioners Buffalo & Lake Huron R 1.3 -a way a. . was apparent. The only -alteruetiva nest thought of, but the same ohjoetieue -which he is prepared old gentleman was Itightqintellioent - and on this tnatter and held -that the Govern- s .1, TO SELL ARGEOR SMALL LOIS an excellent seaker. It. runk and men t should commence the improvement te er— o incorporate the Mon them vacs to keep there till the worat wee • Rednee Prie ROOM PATERS. familylivedat what was then vaned zhelong - jivas of treal & Champlain Junction Railway Qo. known.--Shortily after t4eir,e 0.40easula EATLY cross way Their kindness to Emigrants the opution that without the expenditure but at the Walnut Street Theatre, last week, to mob togainassudnislepetrarseuda, uir as3.ptelieetictbtey,exbeLit for as . nor will MrsJtuik'si performances on the could not be obtained in the Ottawa - . Ch. • will long be remembered pith gratitude, of tan tuillions of dollars. ten feet of water .A. performance of "The Latlyof Lyeres" tureinge 0 clock ou tivichw munkitkg, permitted remain thexe twit about twor J. 0. musical glasses orpiano fdrte depart from i eight feet could be obtained, and th4 was was 'marked by a comic incidh ent. Mr. therecollectiou of theyouAhof the,country enough. He argued that the Government Fletcher was playing Claude Melnotte. whom she oft -tunes *lighted. Mr. i give grants of the canal to companies will- The Post says —"In the fourth act a very THE ECUMENICAL-COIRCM, --.AP A. dmeern arts pruicipatiyarist-ctasseustoraersAnd having been • co- Apply at the • office, VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Outteiisione Of the;:Principalstablitihmen n EdieiburgbeSeotlend, PerielielysPite, to a nig Detlor & Co's. store. • Wesley kept a smll' Mere, eonsistueg mg to go aheatlevath. them wishes. ammo scene occured where Claude patch represents events in Reline rie CLOTHING /32 MADE .TAMES SMAII4L, principally of infer* groceries and worse The House rose at six'. Council have signed a cleuaanci flir the liecrireREL . ionnuerritorlanntrefil. t. Celkinhonn brother-in-law toDoctor IVIr. Macfarlane pesented the report of came so indignant at the conduct of inomediatellisenesion of the infailbilitcy Geetil:Oct OberSiaL 193. awl/ Chalk .kept tivern a:: log building in the Committeeon Standing Orders, to the Beateseant that in the very height of the • hispstablishmen equal/to, e En la Agent. whiskey, kept in a very rough log house. Orrawa, March 29. ofBeauseaut Sorae chap in -the gallery be - rushes in to save Pauline from the insults Three Different Kinds of Pipers hi' ' eeominggraver. Forto members of the For Hails,Parlors Dialog Rooms OcderichMav10,..1.86 iv52-tf •*f • alareure. The likes= 3610ir Were there effect thet the potice ed a Billto empower scene hyelled 'Vet (Mt of this, you son schema It is reported that the Frelch . wing .401XIS - -- • triprovements. They had been there two change gauge was ifficient, and CHEESE; ' CRFEE- .at &et tirne and had Made considerable the Great Western Railway Company to of a gute which convulsed the audience Ambassador has left for Paria, anti that 1 41 , = • • ' . : • AtONEY TO- LBW!). , . reported. with laughter.' the Austrian Minister hat hint itporriet.„ ATT-.103:PTITIMNS- -sh---it 1°- -Stracha. - ' ' . • ' threeyears weknew theto only byname the Bill, 351r. Mackenzie prettenteda pe- The Prescott Tel h records n ea ecnellardingArlig- aresentation in ihe Council. - or it el) eirsEAsoNABLE RATES of iutereit, and ma tun; bee WtY :BaY ow with honetit Utley from Joseph Key and others of - udde ths Mr eiraP three ed to sustain the French demand for re- - •-J• 1/341-deClare4bYbililt;Th' otyapergillg - iy830t4Oeby , SINCLACH„ removal of the giae of Peescoti, died in bed fro narriateretze.,^ riderieh pricie that we know moo of theta and all Halifaxi-praying for the m a Op- p .v.r4t Jurio 186%. 3491 • • • , GROCERS, 99DgRIC = Tgmv 9 8 9 1 4,51- et the right sort. net' stand in beautiful ex.cise uty. .. ea lezIe 07-• Zaward 3fdke°n fallow ta ann heal Thyself. Within oee contra:A With itniVrilino omieda friends. Bill to amend the Act Incorporating Inet-ve:ry luickletaatid the Air.. Joseph, e -Best iattit,chitiest:4141ir% been reAppotifled. sole, agan „a • • • Mr. Carlingmoved that th de chfor he sale f the ce rated We stall take the hberty G t Western Railway Co. be reed a sec -1 Gore, fairMere Edwardsburg, died with h• Week TnoffieWl, Willeffe Sareaperilla mina of saying some. rea ° 1°1? ig about -the ltroir m connexion ond time to-truirrow. Carried. e 1°1- smirody an hones warning every t in„ way, tellooe • TPAPERg zvort, DIT0M) ,-11xefesTFdtti Chie' 0 IN GODER1tmj.- Local fleniern kupplied at Factory ttea. 01ETADStRACHJPT. GORDON. sight of the teldlfemes le.ttich TO amend the Aet respehtingthe office of this summer. They sail for Montreal ibout)$eotitt, cures everythig And Swain, arbeeo '_fi•• • •s,- with the VanEgniondos 4.8 1.110.rare both lowing bills were read a - third. tinie-",and an; • and -h08- 'Passed • Sir John A---ResPeetime - the The Canada ShippingeoMpany will hae- Pima:tea tures everytlduo Pi almost tektafifilt. We are ROW 111 coasting trade of Canada, • • A tiorneiteed his' has passed in Nora. accomp 1 Mr Mo 'five clipper ships the Canadian trade •--_ktericliOttkr170861r—i: 7J311 6 need our clits#05:. • gneen'sPxinte; Sir Geo, E. ttertief—Tct the 25th of hlecrelo • . • - . - '7- . _ I . • • le,t .. , . - . . '" •• ...• ,.5.. • ' - 77 7 1 ( •-•