HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-03-31, Page 3e`e • err`Me ire Ireland • — -,•etees ;ins Sill. reported,chief- :9 c ee:.•..-1, f Meath and West - n is,1 e5. ',A% week, as a farmer •r,s, reseliog near Meehwood,on lee 's esta:e. WAS 0011,7,e:11g on a. :e few acres he had reeently nen, armed. entered the field, t, pa t litrri i•il hts ntlet.S. threat - e. rf lee del net surrender the t -e V.t..;-.....-,..r.'..l. In epenIng the eve .., , ., ,,,, - .., ell l'hiesday, 1- : .- tw.,s r, 7 irreel f. r trial e i . 77.'... r n .1s sa I isfae- • • e_••leee e eever.showed ,e ' ss • , , ,-,.: t, x s.. -t-.1 in the I .:1 e‘ -- :e e .•f ileq there were v e ,,,,,,:. e: 4:lees of tirmg at the •---, .1teeeee no one had • ,,. 11:s Lordship :e.-. i:.- ., "''.i.' Sl :1: ea thy with .e-. e n l‘y flie eeoe:e. Judge ies ,eieree :e the Cey of Lim - .t• .:• e , , es •,•;-;,,,,-.1 1,-.-.'s gratitica- .: • • fee :i c,:erelir that was it tx es, In his opinion, • ,-::v r e • r7i'l t., lave leeen killed t , •••1 . R. r.,„'s i", nnty. Ina disputo ,i y.e.. 1 Fll IN wEsTMEATH. C t% '•:. 2-.7 a r."..ra was fired at I ' • e- • -ei • '• ...e.e at Slane - t, ...tee, ite. Ile -lied en Friday lit'er e: 2:ese :l.e j•,ry having "..-1..7s. .1 1, -s• .1, I.,. namely, that eee re ...ler.e, a steer at which siy ::e. r lean . he received the 0,,k 17h.: re turned a verdict of ,L,e,c- a ee:reet s.•me persen or per- ) el. 17- ere w ere present in the) r 1..- .e : ,rs lase an extremely aged ie ea•er end nephew ef ihe de- i e• et teeee d Rebt. Astin. ar- lese., : .11, rernalne in custody. 1.' il.f•F it IN" TiFFERARY. •.7' :7-,'. • r %‘ aS cern:flitted in Tipp- , NI • • iide v • A farmer named Sae steneate in the read outside ..-.. s S1FlIcs with a pitchfork from Fee : : 'nes entered the head, L9 -,:e ;:s.e.--a::. Teel men have been 'RI...0i NEAR RANICRK. . -_:e" Sr:1;T h , landlord, residing at Kan eurle waseshot ,on Monday, , ee r. er. a wounded in both legs. rt : .1.e: he '2 rut eerved some three - lee rt et e .1y. ana was himself une in tern, to which he paid z's yr 7.- RtER Sr 11UL.LINGAR. 'render:: cei the Dublin E.rpress on Seturtley night, between .hen dada ie a young man le; h Lynda, a miller, was re - :s else a! Kilpatrick, within •••1.;.ar. Cennte Westmeath, issed heise in one of the jumped frem behind a i aska him if he recollect - :lane. He made some reply_ tiate: y second> man sprang out, hen to walk on,allow- i r••ceed few yards. He then • t see •.n his knees, and when iad at him. The shot took effect in in:henna a wound which places langer. He was found on the • itrought into an adjoining iee. w as kept in strict secrecy irreaa..n of the oecurrence.given 'eae,e:ery ar magistrates, and it :7;„:11'1.i‘: re. eht that a suspicion ee urn e: vi ng happened reach - 'aa abu and t bey had Lynch :he intiter ary. The only zee. e en c • ee !tired for this out- rench lately left the employ - as Iola -awl -ter, and. has been late- ; tn another mill. ...Allan Fisheries question is at- eetei deal ef notice among arm S. The New Yerk World's ot. Speeder of Monday contained Pattersen, is in receipt of a let - prominent member of the Cana- ament, in which he states that :claims of that Government to enthin the watere contiguous for a distance of three (3) les - headland to headland, be ac- e,ri'iie bet ween the t wo cotmtries izeelaa.bly result. The Canadian S. it w el be remembered, claim :rave 1 e right to exclude our : from p:ying ir avocatiort 'ree, miles ef the Canadian coast, :a drawn from any points which sse at to determine. This eon - '4.3f the law is denied by the ate= Govmamen t,which .51 Canada to jurisdiction et leagues from land, bat in - the line i hall be drawn so as to irreeularities and indentations •ist. From the tenor of the letter i: would appear that the Govemment is by-. no means nn - lease this mitter to a forcible lase ite deesiands are not compile e;thougb, in view of the parti- Aions existine between the Unit- ahd Ena,land, no great import- t!aohed to the implied threat in the letter. Senaror Patter making further lug:eines into ane, in ease ef ley new de- ts, will bring it up in Congress:' BO gROW131 ti • ' — ,<, r," said Mrs. Green to her bus - 1 morning, 'the meal we borrowed . Black, a few deys ago, is about we must bake to -morrow.' said her husband, `send and Rf a bushel at Mr. White's ; he e mill yesterday.' hen it comes shalt we return the anerowed more than a Month ago widow Gray r !aid her husband, gruffly, 'she can ',it when she waats it. Samboyou -ei Mr. Brown's- and ask. him to hi,,s axe tti CtlOp some wood thist ; ours Is dell, and I saw him hist night. And Jim, do you go ,.,. Mr. Clarke e and ask him to lend - inuter - aad do you hear r you [ weil borrow a few nails while you t it." e boy enters and says : , le sent me to aele you if you had ',h his !lee. which von borrowed a ) fast Wednesday, he wants to nse f 1 . bee hoe, child ' I have not done but if he wants it, I suppose he re it. Tell him to send it back, es scan as he can spare it.' _ a' t dew; t to breakfast. ,, percy I' exclaimed Mrs. Green, [net a particle of butter . in the' Sis, run over to Mrs. Notable's--; has plenty of butter in her dairy k h'er to feud Elle a plateful.' t few rainates Sis returns : Slot:hie says she sends you the ut beep you to remember thatshe idy te.nt seventy-nine platesfute i scored on the dairy dear.' tynaine pliteeful l' exclaimed the -4 Sirs. Green, holding up both ,lit is no sttch thimg ; 1 hadn't half "[pity ; and if I had, what is a gel? I should never think -of 41 aceo. tInt of such a taillffingefrair; i 1 have -a mind never to borrow WW1 creature again as long as L 1 : r pavanes tegtCy carethed nt New York tee& anal miter Statea for pessimist in, t rCaumIrr., legal everywhere, *se n _ r, =-pappeo* ere, ereTaiesa Imam; a eceerge entd divorce ehtalned. Adele* test esta..;'Takett fifteen ream. _ X.norss. Attorney. rea tlirsartestemStteea NeweYork cur ••• eelieree- MLA I 1 Tr RR leaf J t E • —A writer in a French Seaforth Markets . joutail tells a rather hard story of Mehe- met Ali, in illustration of his nice sense of By Special Telegraph to the 'Signal.' justice. Making a tont: of his provinces,in Seaforth, lUarch. 29, 1870 Noon great state and woe. a cavalry guard, he was st ,pped by an old wotnaaa n ho threw herself at his feet. , 'Your highness,' said she, 'one of your soldiers has bought some milk of .me for six pares, and won't pay me.' .Why den't yon pay her ?' demanded- "31-eliernet Ali of the soldier. 'Master,' said be, 'this woman lies ; she has seld ine no milk, and I owe her noth- ine. ' 'Yen swear by Allah that you speak the truth ?' said the Paeha then fo the wom- an. • 'Yes, 1 swear it-' 'And you as well ?' said he to the sol- dier. 'Yes, I swear it.' - 'Very well,' said the Pacha. Then turn- ing to his guard, he added, with perfect composure, 'Take this maa and open !,iis stomach.' The Pacha's order was obeyed, and the milk was ,found. The soldier had just drank it. 'The woman is right,' sai4Meheneet Ali, retnounting his horse ; 'let her have the six paras that are due her.' And he con- tinued his journey. - -- STIRRING PREACHING. — McLueltie of Cardross once gave his opinion of a sermon, delivered' bv thelateDr. Campbell when in Kippen : `Wasna yon a targin' sermon ? Did he no' lay the laws to our backs, as weel tak' us through the heck- les ? Ye wad just hae thocht that he was hanclin' a Lewin' candle owre your heart. and litfen ye see what he didna think was there ; and then he shook ont a' the links and seams o' the pnek-neuk.' COMMERCIAL. GODER1CH MONEY MARKET Correctedfor the Signal by W. F. P. Smart, Brok- er, Wirrt Street. Goderich, March 29, 1870. SMERCIAN EACH CNGE OR OREENBACKs Buying at 88 Selliag at 90 Canada futids SI LVF:R Midge Proof Fall W heat new elpring Wheat Flour Der lbs ?Oats Barley Potatoes Pens , Pork *1:75 @ 0:12 (e\ 0:121 . . _ 'The saints of Deseret make children's ! halls their favored winter sport. Several famthes—two or three hundred—of the 'Hope of Israel' danced on a late occasion. Buying at 5 discount Selling at Orders by mail or telegraph executed with' prompt- ness, and on the most fat orable terms. The highest INT 141 "TAT Waggon azd Carriage PIANOS, MELODEONS 0:65 FACTORY. _ , . - , I- . • 0:65 0:135 BATES It ELLIOTT SI-lEET ' MUSIC,. 0:65, er 0:75 0:85 ''...-.,,...-' •,:„..,,,....,, il AVE pleasure in intimat- 1 1 ing to the public of town 4:50 4:75 00::4289 0:40 (74 0:43 0:50 . rb 0:55 a 0:30 • ,,y% "ea opened a Waggon aed carriage sil, 1.Z,Nikt • e . and country that they Vi;s-alligisy h (Lewis Elliott's old stand,) int. paredilohItutsr nritische-i S op on St, 'David's stt, Hotel. B. & E. hive . WITH SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING THA NKS FOR THE 1,113qRA L PAT B ONBGE ved hiring the past year, reepectfujy begs to ietirnate that he is now pre .. - 0:55 mediately adioinieg the Western .:. . . , 0:15 (al 0:17 ..S UIRYAN's WAFERS. (The great public remedy.) have now been in use over twent, years. lienee it eannot be said that they are on trial. They have been thlkoughly tried. and protionneed (on the authority of those wires° liVes and health they have preserved) to he a cure, harmless and einitteittly s entary pre panttien.. and if taken in season will itivariah'y etire eolds, coughs, sore throat. and alk Bronchial aTe. Cons ine fair trial will eonvince the neezt skeptical. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25chs. per box. HAvs WU TRIED ir If not, don't delay siicther ! inOinert, bid get a bottle of the leanadim Pain Des- troyere it is far ahead of any other medicine, anti was never knoun to fail. All Indies and pains are mi - 1 media tely aryl permanently rt moved by it. and the priee places it within the reach of all. Sohl by all ! Medicine Dealers- Dri. J. BRIGGS' AI:Leek's-roe needs no glerintradver- iisements. r. quires no puffing and tdowine 11 speaks for its. If and stands la-aav unepralleil.-1.1 alleviating retie and tinfillieg its missioh, curing catarrh, iientalgia, head -who, rheuniatsm, c. For sale 1)V druggists and eoUntre merchants eenerally. Dr. J. -Finges & Co. No. 6 king Street, West, Toront >, and 208 Broadwas N. Y. -- - FROM hundreds of repined cases where. patrentshave increased in might from five to forty pounds while us. mg FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPEtosPRITES- no doubt s remain of its powerful action on the organs of niarition. Price 51.50 a bottle ;6 for 57.50. Sold by apothecaries end fer F. Cundill Cis. holesale agents, Montreal. DIED. a , . • At tiranhy on the 21st, in 89th year of age Margaret Veitch, Widow of the late Andrew Kay, and Mother of William and John Kay of this place. At Goderich, on Wednesday the 23rd inst., after a short illness, LOUISA, the beloved wife of Mr. BERNARD TRAINER, Chief Constable of Huron, in the 40th year of -her age. premium paid for bills, and the highest pnce paid for greenbacks. W F. P. SMART. THE MARKETS.. • GODERICH, March 29, 1870 , Fall Wheat FO:70 a 0:76 I Spring Wheat. 0:76 0:801 Flour 4:00 ("d 4:00 I Oate 0:28 a 0:30 1 Peas- 0:45 (c?. 0:471 i Barley 5-0:40 (i? 0:43 Potatoes 0:50 Ci. • 0:50_, Butter 0:17 (i)t. 0:17 Ecres 0:15 'ii' 0:00 Hay, p. ton 9:00 (ii' 1:00 Hides (green) . . . . 5:00 ("e -e„ e'er) 40 Wood. 2:00 (ii, '2:50 Beef, pfr cwt. 5:00 (i4 6 :00 Pork , 7:00 @ 7:50 Chickens per pair 0:30 0:30 Wool 0:30 (te 0:32 Sheep ' 4:00 R 4:00 Apples 0:75 a. 0:75 Goderich Salt, wholesale, f o.b per bb 1:20. _ _ Clinton MaliAetS. - — 4 By special Telegraph to tb: "Signal.' Clinton, Mtch. 29, 1S70. 'Fall Wheat 0:60 tr 0:75 Spring do. .4- 0:70 (.t 0:80 Oate 0:28 @ 0:30 Barley 0:40 (.- 0:43 Peas 0:50 @ 0-55 Potatoes 0:50 @A 0:55 Flour 4.00 ® 4:00 Butter 0:17 a 0:20 Pork 7:75 04 8:00 Eggs 0:12 _ _ — - . NrIn abberttsenleuts. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, and are prepared to kiln out Woggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sitighs Pianos, Melodeons. Cabinet & Church Organs OP ANY MAKE lIANUFACTUBED and everything in their line, of the very best material and worimanship and at the very lowest reptinerative At prices and t3rM3 wticli defy comprititioa in "this section. , • ar 132113 IAT Pro u i!t1 y atte,nded to. ON HAND, a large assortment of 3E -a 4G1- „Hch Will be sold Cheap for Cash or Ccrd- wood. Goderich, Feb. 24th,1570. ww5y DAILY AND WEEKLY' AND 'PERIODICALS 0 Fprjt,l,linkpiltydsat ineti;:ield., a t Publishers' Prices, and AT TFIE Telegraph News DePot (JORDAN'S OLD STAND) NURSERY BUSINESS. SURSCRIBER BEGS TO INTIMATE TO 1 to the _Tube., 1-1 T.3-11 M'Sir 1-31:21C3CE that, sinee 6th of 0,,;_toher last. he has been tarrying on the Fruit tree- business scdely on his own account and responsibility. He is now taking orders fer FRUIT &ORNAMENTAL TREES of every description for delivery in the spring. He begs to solicit a continuance rf the patronage of his friends_ la' ORDERS SHOULD BE IN ON OR BEFORE 10Ta APRIL. All stock delivered will be of the best quality and true t3 name. tiir A YOICE OF GOOD OXEN roR a 0:13 SALE - ARABIAN OIL FOR HORSES it CATTLE. A NEVER FAILING REMEia rrHIS VALUABLE PREPARATION COM131NES all the medicinal virtues of those articles which long experienee has pr uved to posses the most Sale awl efficient pronertiei. tee cure of Flesh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Galls nf all kinds, Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, Stavin. CalIce..,Fistole, Sweeney, Intern- al PoiSoUs. Sciatehes Grea‘.e, Strains, Lameness, Mange, Whitlows, Con's, Sand Craess, Foundered Feel, Horn Distemper, Swell.ngo, and many other diseases whi •h horses and emir are subject to. This celebrated L•nunent ho. been used for many year. and its curative properties thoroughly tested, an d erinceded to be the cheapest and most re. table ramedy for all external complaints ever offered faithe public -it never fails when upely used a_nd faithfully app led. To".In-thad of all Droggists and Country Merchants tarotighout the Dominion. Fr= 25c. per bottle. NORTHRUP St LYM AN, ' Ne • . Ont.. Proprieto rs Sold in' Goaerich dy Cattle mid E Jord9n ; teardiner & Co. Ha I i !CI Jatnes Bentham, Rodgerville; J. Pickard Exeter Ctanne, c !into° ; e:ecord, Luc now; p. Hickson, Seaforth, and all MedicE nealers. • ThE GREA.T FEMALE REMEDY Job Hoses' Periodical Pills. THIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILING in the cure of ail those pinuf..1 and daneenius diseases to svhich the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess arid removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure ma* be relh d - TO MARRIED LADIEA II IS pecutiarlystlited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pals should not be taken by Females during the FIRST THREE MONT,FIS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bringon Misearriage. but at any other time they .are safe. alt Cages of Nerrous and Spinal Affection., Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fan r ue on slightexertion.Talpita- don ot the heart, flystenes. asd Winters, these pi ta will effect a cure when, all other means have failed ; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful's) the coestitu- tion. Full direction! in the pamphlet around each package. which shot Id be carefully preserved. 805 NOSES, NEW YoRK, SOLE PRORRLETOIL $1.00 and 12} cents for postage, enclosed to Northam Lyirem, Newcastle. tine, general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle,containingover berets, hy return mail, NORTEIRUP & 1 YlIAN, 'Newcastle, a. W.,genera agent fort'anado Irr Soldtp Godeneh by Parker % Cattle ano F. Jordan • ,natclinr.r cc Co., ; "James Benthum,'Ilbeeiville ; J. Pickard,i• teteir J.H. ,combe, eienten, S. cord, Lucknow; E. 'Llicki. sort. CieJurth. and nli Medicineekalent, w3S VINADIIN MN DESTROYER -- A Family Medicine, well and favorably -known for the past ten years. never failing in a single instance to give permanent retie ',then timely used, and vre have never knoW's a 'Ingle case el eiseatuiteetten where i be directions have been - properly tollowed, but on the ,eontrary all are delightedAvith its operatineseand speak m the highest thrrasol tts Virtue and' Magical effeets, THE CANADLANPALIV DESTROYER. figs won for itself a repastion , as a blood putt ' 'let, alteranventoinaehtonic,tinsurpanted in tlie histogy of medical preparations.- It 'seldom tans to cure Dys eania, Liver Complain's, Indrebs. le tion, Heart urn, Sick Headache, Kidney Com- plaints, Aci I Stomach Phthisic or Asthma, and restores to tied activity the system debt iitited by teifienag and disease. Its magical and 4 ondertui suceess in donne, sudden colds, Sore throat. Coughs, Dipthelea einem tEi side,lions ind back.neursigni,tooth iclie,rhemeatic Ando' heap:me-in any part 01 b bod and from whatever cause, has given it a. place in eyery household and utast supereed. mg au other preparinions.of the land: ' ' , It at also an effectual' and pkompt remejy ter faaeldge Barns, Bruises, Spraios. Chilblains., - rrost Bites,Crampe in :the Stoinacbi. Dualicea, Lantern motbus, Billious Cholic. Cholera Win* 4 , pin, OpenterY, &e. . _.. Pnce only 2.5 items r bottle. e • -710.11 ,HROP or noun', ,_ - . NeWcastle. C. W., .. .. General Agent for Canada, , rp.q0.4 i' . Oodertrh be Parker & .Cittile and 00. iordant -Bevitbaw4 combe, Gil .a.ka.ct.w. ROBERT GORDON, (Near the Railway Crossing) Huron Road Goderich, 5Iarch 26th, IS70. sw93-tf IE-Xr 'FOP 1....€10...-X.INT At Reduced Rates, on improvod farm &Town Plopevil For Periods extending from Three to Ten Years. to suit Borrower . He-pal:11de in Monthly, Hutt ready or Yearly Instalineets, by the Imperial Building, Savings & Investmmt Co. OFFICE -50 Church Street, Toronto. PRSsinlierr. _ /JOHN CRAWFORD. Esq.., Q. C,. M. P. VICE-PRESIDEIrr. JOHN GORD^N, ESQ. DIRECTORS. JOHN CRAWFORD, Esq., c. et. P. JOHN 005 DON, &IQ., Messrs Gordon & Medias'. J. 0. HARPER, ESQ , Manager Mercliants' Bank, JOHN TURNER 'ESQ., Messrs Seasions, Turner &Co. JOHN FIelEEN, ESQ.' Messrs J. Fisken & Co. NOAH BARNHART, Esq. Merchant JOHN MACNAB, ISQ , Messrs Lyman & Macnab. DALRYMPLE CRAWFORD, Esq„ Messrs D Craw- ford te Co SOLICITOR. G. D'ARCY BOULTON, ESQ. SECkETARY & TREASCRER. , B. MORTON. r.aq. Bankers—Merchants' Bank of Canada. 113•The full amouut of the Loan is advanced without Decoction. ertuyeyai icing chit. gee reduced to the very Lowest Rates. &gen at Goiterich. FRE ins ARMSTRONG, WeSt Street. NOTIC E. MBE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED NOT 1. To purchase or negotiate a note granted by me in favor of Rt..)13 liCR7C IS HOFF', and dated 15th June 1868, as I received no value for the same . AN'PHONY MACK. Dungannon, 98th Plarch, 1870, sv10-tf INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. To • RENT. !saga A TWO STORY HOUSE, CLOSE TO 74 /7 the Mark et Square. Apply to. L. McLNTOSB. Goderich March 10th, 1870. w8-tf TO MERCHANTS. With a view to clear Out his heavy stock of brown W .APP1A0 eAt-PEN@ the subseriber offers the same at a dis- count of, - 20 PS111- CENT BELOW - MTN COST. As he in ends to discontinue keeping the same. TO WI T: BROWN WRAPPING'S, from 25 to 65 -lbs weight, cents per lb BES1 HARDWARE OR SUGAR rAPER, - various weights 5 cents per lb; ea- WARRANTED SCALE WEIGHT. , TERMS CASH - T. J. 1V1.00RHOUSt- 'SIGNAL OFFICE,' GODMICH. Godench March llth, 1810. in the matter of W. D. Shannon t an Insolvent. DAR rips indebted to the estate oi the above named- • Inivilvent areirequested to enll and settle before the 15th April, or legui steps will be taken; This is the last call. JOHN HAL DA N, Assignee. Godelich March 29th, 1870. ii;ve& ar-lt MONT-ItEAL OCE &N STEAMSHIP COMPANY. • ✓ OA TICKETS to and from Liverpool or.London. ▪ derry by the above Steamship Co'r, apply 10 P. FL CARTER. • Agent, Grand Trunk Railway. Godeneh, March 24th. lam . w..01f AUCTION SALE OF ! Close to the Town opoederich, One iHundF,ed Acres. EDWARD SHARMAN, BRICKLAY PLASTEIIER AND SLAT_ER, °TILL continues to do any work in the aboye branch- j.,J es on reasonable terms. Whitewashing and Job- bing attended to promptry. Parties building through the country who desire to put on a Substantial Cov ering, wouid do well to correspond wall the subscriber, and have their Houses covered with Slate's, as they will tind them cheaper than any other covering in the .end. Goderich, 19th 31arch, 1870. w8-31za ar. • - TUE TktTE. 111E011 OF PEROITION „ APPLECD TO TRH LIVER, KIDNEYS, SKIN, SToMiCil & 'BOWELS. . e al - DR. RADWAYS PERFECTt EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOWFIVE YEARS:. SHEET MUSIC SUPELIED ON SHOAT NOTICE. PURGATIVE . - JOSHUA. CALLAWAY. March 1870. a Goderich. e 9- m ScTOCK TAKING AT THE - 1E' III PORIU - ; a. cc. rouriviE,cort, WILL UFFER DURING Co. T-H-EIR ENT!E STOCK, AT Greatly 1-teduced Price's Fpr SPE 'IAL BIRGATNS Table Linen, ,Towels, Tickings &Tweeds; J. C. DETLORIL CO Goderich March llth, 1870. r --••• -*a-4M PILLS, MATERIA MEDICA contains in its repertoire many purgative and cathartic agents that,for ordinary . purposes, open the bowels, and through what is cancel ' a " peeistaltie " movement, purge from the ali- mentare canal the faJee3 and this is all. Such agents for the purpose of cure: or removal of any settled disease, are utterly useless. Dn. Mower has completed one ef the most essen- tial discoveries in medical chemistry -in the combi- nation of vegetable substances, foe the purposes of a Cash ! & K A Y HAVE RECEIVED A LOT ,111 r 033:13r3i:31,913n. Man's Gaiters, Youths' Heavy Balraorals, Girls' Balmorais in all grades; Slippers & Fancy Ties womENs% MISSES' & CH1LDRENS, PRETNELIAL G ‘ITERS ND BALMORALS, Goderich, March 3rd, ,lb70. w 13 EXTRA VAI.0 IMPORTED SEED kew Seeds ! New Seeds ! TS UNRIVALLED for Purity and 'Cheapness. It 1 saves Eggs. Butter Milk, eta., and is warranted to contain n.bthing injurious. For sale by the Grocers. ROISINSON YA.1 Ei, Agents fur Goderich. E. PLUMMEtt & w8y Cheinists, London. Ont. ' APPRENTICE WANTED. MO the Blaeksmithing business A 'strong youth 1 from the country preferred. Apply M STRACHAN & MCKINNON, Goderich March 2Ist. 1870. sw61-tf EARLY ROSE POTATOES ! FARMEKS TRY THEM. %IT seed is pure and true to name, and ”' to which was given the first premium ' at Provincial Exhibition at London. And first prehnum at Goderich Horticultural Exhibition. ORDERS RECEIVERNOW will be filled on and after thefirst of April. Price 80 cents per peek or 7 cents' phr pound. — THOMS HOOD, Goderich. Goderich March 2nd,1870. w6-tf Will be sold by Public Auction at the, Town Hall, Goderich, ON vRIDAY, APRIL St 1 _ The "Bottth-westerly part of the River .Militlatid Falls Reserve, Township of Godeticb. TERMS OF SALE.—One;fifth dein.; balance in ten annual "r-tiaralnienta, „Or longer if recuired -by tbepurnhaSer. inth . . terest at 7 per. cent; annualte CU mound _eardine? & Baygeld; James Crvillefd. Pickard, Enter; J. lig ton; Becord,isnekneisV; k Hickson all Maiioist. Deem's. ar38 principal. Sao to coninnencei it 11 clock, a; mi B.A.LEXIttRbT &UOQIciti I docieriel, 25th Marsh, Atieti6lieer15` isro. *164$ PREPARE for WINTER • EIUGH DUNLOP, Merchant Tailor, AVING refitted his Shop on West street. ••••• ,next door to Bank of Montreal, is not, prepared tO supply hi3 nnmeroast customers. at snort- notice, with all articles in h:s line His stock consists of TWEEDS, OVERCOATINGS, CHECKS. &c , in great variety, and will be sold CHEAP for CASH. ' He hopes to re eeive a fall share et public patronage, as heretofore. H. DUNLOP. Golericb, Nov. 3, 1869 w39 -S. 1‘11)0 GALL, ORACTICAL VETERINARY S R- L GEON, Gnderich. Veterinary Medi- cines always on hand. • Will he. in Dungannon every Vvednesday, and at Lucknow every Thursday and Friday. 11.irses examined as to souudneereeee seeeent WANTED PARKE:-% CATTLE Imported Field and Garden Seeds, HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR ANNUAL STOCK OF E. Which for quality and price cannot he surpassed by any'respectable H Aloe, in Canada. -1 A liberal discount allowed to C Juntry Dealers. Remember the stand, • PARKER &CIATTLEI,DRUG STORE, i Goderich, Febe 24th, 1 870. v;r21 Market Square. FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE' II S aLd I N. Gr T1 rr. BALANCE OF WINTER GOODS AT GREATa REDUCED FRICES IN . FURS, SRA.WLS,/ , CLOUDS, MANTLE CLOTHS, WOOLEN GOOIcS, BLANKETS, &o., &e. A RARE CH 4110E ! Alexander's Kid Gloves $1.04:, per Pair.. 01\TE1 1VICIWTT-1 LADIES. this is the only opportunity you will have of getting-,thc VE Y BEST KID GLOVES made, at less than cost price. 13. SNLIZ`1-1. Goderteh, February 4th, 1870. sevA7 PARKER& CAIhria NUOUGDEPECIALLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE pUBLIO GENERALLY Pr to their superior sfock of TEAS, 033.41.0 oms, cszc., Also having just received a large supply df *V.I1NTiBS ][.T 441:10.1Et MAN to work on a Farm. Apply at Take great pleasure in recommending them for parity and flavor, *ilia eannot be tossed Lit •Lot, 31, 2nd cou., Goderich ton nship. for medical or. family ate, JOHN A. NAFTEL. w9tf Burp 21stiMarch, 1816: Goderiph 'Nov, 80, 1868. PARIR CATTLFig.ti - FAItil FOR • ON THE BAYFIELD GRAV.EL ROAD, " • • SAIX ?AIM FOE, SALE •••••=w••• „ . LOT CON4. wadi/Ai/kg 80 area . 13-EliqG lotei; first coneessiotl"Goderich Townshep, Totvredop . of azdarriejt• • , 110 acres. 60 ofwhich are eleandea Bever -, falhe3 e reekettni through thelahd. The lot is situated en - abou,f. 45 acret Cleared, . . ni 1)STOILlt "ONCRETH HOUtea 'IN THE GEOUN theeehavel madabottt bodies frare tiiii,,towit erBod,, - Vre-hii•,,'/„ZIE:ttl-cd,:it.„ailigmek,„titt Ici,gi, 'lir fti'irlitri,j,d- •R ficial; ,P dingwom.: Dolor,. Kitchen; Hall and Bed fi'irEltellroain alidIciiit otlier bedrooms • on the Base clieePana on Mug eerms: Yeattelisibli, eau be giv.eueee ' 'Obtfliielt, fOt Pettix 'ailinettersianeadieleweennee eeaPeL17,4,„"), '3" 11' TI ink -Ditty ibioneiTialt rootri.stive ror;ne. meat 10011i- PAR'Ith'''S' 9r " st"' -- e'''''''-'-'''''''' ----""'"--"-' • .."'" 'i•arne- ern 5202 feet. 7 miles -from rIlietonand 7from ' Goderiebi starch ntst;'1870; '' •,. , ' lig-TA Ooderic . Goodlarge orchard of ove- 800 ar.perfor fruit trees. Soft. aeep,eley Mane wen -watered ay ' spring creek enceilowing vial. The ptoperty is situ. Agentsg.Read This! atedetmgeefterkLfteXtutonieet wMeli .a good vier q iC1414,1sT:Zt.1213131 1 64.43'PlTst° I'eS Wilki: OS Til AN • W_tlie litattatensea-or allow b large enemas:Mu I 07 Xa : W ,WAGNER-& CQ.. Marshal Isblie cl•Inte:te Oofferitui wl.tf to seBdur new Wonderful inveatiOns. Addresi • , - • j Goatiriels*th 'Unary IVO. FARM FOlt SAL.1 Olt TO RENT free from DVSPEPSIA, INDIO TION, Cupl- f3TIPATION, COSTIVENESS, ef.c. TsetT superior Ferny Dot 39 7th con. Townshi? of cleared, d d b it. Th lea d is in a ood A RARE CHANCE. LAKE SHORE AMERY FOR SAL1 , N GOOD WORKING ORDER, 11 POT ASH K ET ties, 7 Carders, / Soap curb and Kettle. 3 t-oai doulde, 2 Horses and :.;.arness. 2 glod new Wis,,,,ssons 4.1ileighs, 2 W neel BarrOws, 4Shovels, 6 Pewter Candi. 11,auld Stands, S Ibin a stilud. 2 Chain Pnuors for le) Wa!Cr trinp awl limey Other appendaeestoo into atm to Ireuffilvr. In gdod stand and wilrbe sold &load fur eush. 2,000 loads- Le._scherl Ashes:CI eents per lo• ad. Hnquire of 'J .,-"ar:PE. at the ASIlerf. Goderiel .Ne.. 1169: w4Ir DM. inenieS due I., tie bearer ou note lof hand. ar beak ' :teeount, are to be paid ;.a "Jensen. pee-eine...71y. An T.E. parties coneerned are hereby' riatiSed 13tat Goderich. Dee. 2, 1869. considered null JOSEPH NERD: .vss other payments will be TWO FLUES for rOP. sale twe very valuable FATtuS in the TOMD E ship of Goderieh. For partieulars app'y to •OSEPH SHA Minna Rood. Goderiell Townsiap November 25th. 1869. 9w4fitt CHAN GER, Y SAI E R, -1.A NT TO AN ORnER OF THE Cha eery, mad, in the matte! ot Femme 0 ive and othees, infants, heal - PURGATIVE, APERIENT, COUNTER-IRRIT- law date ti e first day of February 1 870. ANT- AL'rERATIVE PILL, that can be taken or administered with the absolute certainty of securing, THOROUGH EXPULSION OF ALL DECAYED AND DECOMPOSING elements in the human body and also safe to take in tho most mai igna.ut of erup- tive Fevers ; in cases where the mucous membranes of the internal viscera, are suffering from Ulceration, Infismetion or from Gastric, Bilary, Pancreatic, COmplaints. lUDICAL TISCOVERIES. Hundreds of meclieines are put up under different names, all made alike, in imitation of 801:130 success- ful originator. There aro, however, but gory few of these medicines that aro entitled to any distinctive er exclusive properties. All these common pills are made generally alike, with some active drastic drug for a base. RADWAVS PILLS possess properties that the Materia Medica has failed to diecover in either the vegetable or mineral kingdom. Calomel and the many preparations of mercury, for centuries supplies an alterative. (and the most popular. for it is admi- nistered in 920 cases out of 1000i and Aloes, Gamboge, Seammone. Antimony, Podyphylulum and kindred drugs supplies the Cathartic, not only for the medical practitioner, but for all sons of the advertised Pale, DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. in RLDWAY'S Pitts [which are the only, perfect purgative Filled you secure a Pill superior m all its properties to the most choiee remedial twins known to Medical Science.. They oilier in every respect to all other pills ie general use, and the only Vegetable ALedicine that supplies a substitute for Calomel or Meg -my: RADWAY'S PILLS- you have ono medicine that will swim quicker more thorough and better results than will be given'in from three Or more dif. ferent preseriptions of the medical practitioner. -.As proof of this : You are seized with a Bilious attack 1 Doctor prescribes Blue Pills or Calomel t next some drastic aloetie pill or powders to work off the effects of the blue pill. This prostrates you ; and a tonic is next given. or a gentle aperient, whereas ONE DOSE OF RADWAY'S eILLS wit/ do all the work that the three or more prescriptions are given for, without run- ning any risk from mercurializing or salivating the system. 7rily nirgalion APecessary ? There are two principles which exist in every living human body ; one is the product of decay ce decompolitionAthose humours or elements that are rejected by the absorbents and lactetas as refuse,) the other is that of nutridtion- It becomes necessary for the life of the body that the decayed and excre- mentitious elements bo disniiseed and the nutritious adopted. For the removal of the first the human body is supplied with lungs, kidneys, liver skin, bowels, &a, but when,' from tiny cause, the functions of these organs are suspendekthen it ie essential to resort to art or science in supplying assistance, and anti medicines ever given to the human race for this purpose, there is none in the arcane of MATE- RIA MEDICA or CHEMISTRY that secures these importditit results so thoroughly, HAPPELAY, and witb such COMFORT as ' ItADWAY'S PILLS. In RADWAY'S PILLS, the true prineinfe of pur- gation is secured -not alone to the officoof dismissing the fasees and excrements from thebowele, but those humors that aro ebeeked (2 stopped in tlfeir passage through the atikin, Kidneys, Lunge, and all excreting and secreting, functions. for if these _exerementione secretions belonging to the skin, liver, lungs, aro in- terrupted in their escape, they become products of decay and decotnposition. tied must be purged from tho living body, through their proper channels ; hence tho purgative qualities of RADWAY'S PILLS extend to the secretions of the sKrN, KIDNEYS. LIVER, • ,-whereas, not ono of the advertised Pills claire to act beyond the bowel% tKvaintaq_ There ere meny conditado of the ayrean frherr graining ',leen at stool is heriful. elpevially pereene sullen ne. from we 'illness er (lista ses the h ID- NEVe. BL1BDE it. WOMB. UTEILiee. le RENA Y -- DI Feel C ULTIES. and rel Po ' N TAB Y WELICEN- ING DISCIIAW; ES of the GENITALS. LADIES Annoend with we:A:flees or falling ere he tie ina, LEUCIlultItlfieA, anti in all ease.: re-rw dischnreee, should, if they flat ttny tree [lee ei • dismissel of the. Ace ..7s;• who ItADWAY64 P1LIA. in suffletenequantity (2 to 4) to a,...etir3 nee :•,.1c thorough dieellaree, withoet being eom, to str 11. RAD \V PILLS cv ill assist L'oei4ARHA., PAM LI, I AN II LN T. in strengthet ng the secreting functions of the i luraiscd urgora., that are too weak to hold their constituent saeretion, a.s lu caees of tavola t itary Ein issions of .7 p rin. or tip. fluid of tele, veal In 1...e:is:inn-rhea, 111 Di••hea- - tee, in constant and painful di.,...e..largcs of teeter le drops, also in WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION et the Auction Rooms of George M. True- , man, id the Town of Godericb, Oa 'I uesday, the 5111 day of April,187C AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, he followhig valnabie lot m the Towtiebi of Vi awe( osb, namely .—The E tat hall le a No 22, In the 14th concession ot te Township Id tVawanosh, consisting of 101 acrt-s. Tho Land is Clay Loam cf Goo Qnality About 40 acres are clesred. - t.he .remaitider covei ed with Hapi wood Timbe . riFre 18 a Loe Dwelline House with a Le 7 Barn On the land, whice is situated on the Town Line between lin.- loss and Wawanosh, about 4 miles distant rota U16:flow, and 25 miles from Gotlerich by an exsellent Gravel Read. The Purcleeer shall at. the time of sale, :lay down a &posit in the proportim $10 00 fee every I =eked done. s ef the perehese money to the Ven dot's Solicitor. al.d shall ay the fulth- er sum -of ,f350 within one mor.th from the day of Sele, when the purch ser shali be entitled to a caeveyailee and to be let into poes, sdoti mein his executing a MO/ _lege upon the said land, fur securing the Teal. due of the sail u. chase money payable in five o•tkual annual insia'inents with interest, suc'• Mortgage to be settled by the Judge's Secre ary, and to he p epared at the expease ol the purcenser Iti other tespects, and ex- cept as abo e mentioned, the tonditions sale are the stn.:tibia:conditions et thee of the s iid Court Of Chaticery. The conditions 01 Sale and Welter particulars may be obtained :1 the office f john Macara nt the Town pi Goderich, the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated the thhel.iy oT March. A. D. 1870, T. W. TAYLOR, Judge's Secretary, JOHN MACARA, w8 ei ' Goderich, Vendor's Solicitoe. THE PERFECT' SUBSTITUTE F 0 R SILVER -.muter mew- ' TS coating of pure J. silver overtherseser SICKLE- plated by the patent process of Messrs Flking- ton & Co.. and is heyend all cotnparison the very best article next to sterliug silver that can be employed as such either usefully or ornamentally, as by no passible test cau it be distinguished from real silver. •• SIGNAL" OFFICE Goderich. A complete set guarranteed of firstquality tor finish and durability. as follows :- - Piddlete Bead Mae; old silver pattern pattern pattem 5 ets. 2 Table Forks a 00 9.50 1100,0000::1122.0000 9 50 12 Table Spouons 9 00 12 Desert Forks 6.00 60.8500 ........7.60 ... 8.50 12 Dessert spoone 6.00 12 Tea Spoons 4 00 250 . 7522578000 .. : 8. 522 4585 0:0 4 50 6 Egg gilt bowls " 40 7.2 20 2 Sauce Ladles 2 00 1 Gravy Spoon 2 00 29200 ..... .....12 040 .,......12.4000 2 Salt 'gilt bowls is0 1 Mustard ' " 40 65 65 45 60 .... 50 2 76 36000 300 1 soup ladle 2L.50 1. Sugar Spoon 50 — — — Thread pattern ets. Gets. ets. 44.60 48,06 62.85 69.25 Any of the aeove artieles to be had singlv at same prices. N. B. -THE B CST QUALITY ONLY of above kept in stock. luferinr goods entirely excluded. Prollts based on the ready meney principle -not credit. , ONE PRICE ONLY. TERMS CASH. T.I.T:11001111GUSE w4Otf Goderich. Oct.. 21th 1869. Stitstipic NOR 1211T/tIEFIThiv dbik Etlf90 ceeasThIlene.t_re:i3remeduthe"ietbit: encystrosee maniedeyrivatedwfrohichteritsatt casmarVelles Of°ns-Seee. seemed, eatierated i31Veig eorruptlen; have disur:ordfucderlouatenffm.ndhTetiej: weettederobIenzigttlf gravated try.tete porofie ions contatninationruntir they were painfully 111111cl:in& have been radically cured in such great ntuabers in almost' .every ear. - tion of the countryithat the public) scarcely need ter be informed of its virtues or uses. Serofuloas poison is one of the most destrateri' enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt' tenant of theorganism underminee the.cmistitmtionf and invites the attack of enfeebling or fafell Mee:leer:a Without ekeltingasuspicion of its presume. Arable et seems to breed infection throughout the bodyntint then, an seine favorable occasion, rapidly ileinlbit into.one or other of its hideous forms, either oii the ctirfane or among._ the vitals. In the latter, tuber.; mes May be suottetety deposited in the twigs or heart, or tumors feinted m the liver, or it thews - its presence be eruptioas on the stem or foul oleer: talons 0II some part of thp body. Hence the beta: Actual use of a bott/e ant' thiS Sarsaparilla is ma visable, even when fie *lice symptoms of diseaee pear. PerSIMS afflict/I with tete followina, cone: p es generally find =mediate relief, and, ea length, cure, bv the use of .thaz SARSAPARI.L.: I.A: St. Antgony's Eire Rake Erysipelas, Tater, Salt Rheum, Scrild Heat?, Rtnytcorro, Sore .Eyes, Sore Ears, and other traPtions ore - visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, a73 Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart DiSease, Epil epsy, _Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous affections of the =men- larSyanpdhinters o°r12;esYsizette•emsniand Mercurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long tirup is required for subduing these obstinate tranladiee Fre any medicine. But Icing continued use of this medicine till coy) thumerationse complaint; anLetd sTeorenrialicemuireetiffporrisetWeteafilislitscie nu! niinedtear'Imalbter:: rirml ;Pe; fo-g:roa:tranns.dreeuilliiRsevig:eviepaadreroiaafaltisrn and Gout, whet tIclulCod in our Almanac. sup - caused by accumulations of exatancons. moners in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Lister snaCmntiollo4Ifithts eP 7L7Pverld, anitdJ(7::tgirietie°.2w1 nTheajnovilkensin2g-, as they often do, from the rankliing: poiS6he hi the blood. This SARSAPARILLA ts tifet re- storer for the strength and vigor of the- snetena: Those who are Languid and Listlet,ss, Desykin- dent, Sleepless, and troubled with .Nerrous Ap- prehensions or Pears, or any of the.affeetions symptomatic of Trealreress, will find ithinediate relief and convincing evidence of' its reetoratsver power upon trial. PREPARED B Y Or. 3. C. AWES. slic CO., Lowell. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS a. v lama: practical and -4,2alytical NOM' It.'!P &LYMAN, is,ove_tsilt-, out., goerau igent s forCanada. Sold in 60.h:rich by ParLer ri Cattle and Jordan. Gardiner a I, o eta. J.,11,. s idliun Hodge' ille. Piet ord Eaeter. J. it. t rel ton. 18; Imeko. sr E. 1: tekson, hlea.,,,ne Leate' w -17 ktiGEBY St Lf..g :PURSUANT TO A DECR El: OF THE ep NI Chary -cry, made tie a cause of Rt.- . r• I Wini s bearing date the first day of April, 18 of au order of the said Court tnade in the said eat... 1,..gritr.: date:the .1.411itiarof i•ehruary 1870. And 0 it ti Lae al., probation of Henry Macclermott, ..f 61.0 said Court et wid sofa lti one hit by 2ii ic Auetion at the A tic, Ithoins uf 4 11.:Orge f reeman iu Towa of tiodeneti. ON Sitarday the 211d day of April 1E:70 . AT 12 O'CLOCK Nt_ON. The following valuable parcel of Land and pretnises namelv Lot au ni her 39 in the 2ud eorte.ssiotiorthe Too u • ship of Knauss in the County of Firms consisting of 111 acres more f...r less. The land which is of gjesi clay loam. and of a Mel] there are nearly SO acreV Means! ' and under eultivamou, situatod On the etitic ession road, about 11 miles fermi the boundery tedwpen the Counties of Huron and Ilniee. ft is elaut 8 Miles from the :Hinge of Zettand, 7 mites born the Illagebf Wingliam and tulles frone the village of imeknow, good roads. There is n Saw SIM at Zetlaull and at' other in course of ereetiou, within 1/, Wiles of the lanll. There are Grist and Saw Mills at Winghani and 1..nek. now and good Stores in Mrth lallages. A log dwelling bonne and barn have been erected on the laird. This farm igtvithiu a utile of the proposed 'Hue of Inalltbad from Toronto to Kincardine. The punthaser shall at the" time of male ray down a deposit in the proportion et $10 for every $100 of the purchase money, io the Vendors Solicitor, and shall paya further proportion .r..125 for every 5100 of pui chase motley. within orA month front the dayof sale (with interest tnereot from the day of sale), mei shall pay die remaindEr of the purchase money by three equal inntatint-41t4 00 one. two, and three yearn with interest is.fi the unpaid balance uf purchase numey, to lie secured ey Mortgage on the property, and upon the exeunt' n of suela dlOrtgage, the purchaser shall be entitled to a convey:wee and to he let into possess -On. 'The pur- chaser at the tirue of the sale shall signal% 'agreement for the completion of the pureliase. The fasm be sold free from ineurnbraneen. in other respects, and except as above mentioned. the conditiona cfeale are the emitting conditions of sale of the s -aid Court ot Chancery. THE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND FURTFIER jiartieulars may be obtained at the (Mee of John Maeara. E_sq., of the tacit of Godericla, the Vendors Solicitor, from Anthony Lefroy, and 'William R Bain, Esq , of Gellert. I., anti M&srs.'lludgins. Bull and McWilliams. Toronto.ond from the undersigned., Master of this Court at Godeneh. HEt:TRY ItiACDERMOTT, Master at Gortertch. SPRIF. ci DRY GOODS. CHM' SON, BIRKETT & BELL HAMILTON, A RE NOW Receiving and opening out L-A.Their springImportationsofDryGoods,. and will have their Stock fully assorted by One violent and severe strain when at stool 70114 rupture and destrnif the healing pileeess of a montles modicetiote Perim's of costive bi suf. tering from these ciilliculties should ilever take the contnum dras':e pnr:fatere pilts, made of the common aloes ilia -eased under a cola of sugar, that scour and proeuce riaant yet not thorozegh discharges; such pills as these arc at alt. Clews hurtful, and will especially in all eases triaire there is weakness in the teetating glands, drearoy the repaired strueatire, and in all e.i.os of fever, of an eruptive charatter, as any doctor will tell you, prove very dangerous. ' In any condition of weakness ILADWAY'S PILLS are the only purgative pills that aro saSe to take. This is shown clear to the tuiderstanding all, from tho peculiar combination of the it:Iva:B- ents of their composition and the medicinal pro. mattes secured. (Amor teroof 11A.DAVAY'S PILLS as -Ordinary assistants when the bowels me costive will remove all dead and decomaming Momenta and restore regularity to the functions ortho • SKIN, KIDNEYS. BOWELS. HOW TO TAKE RADWAY2S. POLL& RA.DWArS PILLS are so nicely hainneed in their chemical equivalents, that any Person can obtain such effects that are eesential to the condi- tion of their system to promote health. 1. If a brisk or thorough purgeeley the word tea - rough we mean to convey that their purgative, qualities be applied to the delayed or checked ex- crements of the akin, liver, kidneya as well as the retained fceees in the bowels) is required, four to siz willfree the system from the presence of all matter ready; to be purged ont of the body. 2. If a mild and gentle aperient and laxative aetion isreouired, two to three will produce this result. 3. If merely a dinner appetizer, and to promote healthy digestiou, one pill two or three hours be - core dinner. _Their dagy 17se. in doses ofone or two bY perso'n.s of a fallhablt of body, subject to tidiness, rush of blood - tothe head, palpitation of t e heart, and ail those - subject to tits, will not only keep .the blood from becoming congested -or ekeeged up in ate blood veasels, but will equalize its etre-illation, and pre- vent sudden attacks of appopleXy, disease of the heart, congestion. Persons Who will take ono of those pills every day will not sutler frora Heads aches,. Dizziness. riteterles, Fainting Seelle, Paine aroutid the heort, ancIa handred other disagreeable symp.toms. • DYSPEPSIA. One of RADWAY'S PILLS two or three hours . before dinner taken daily, will -42e the systena aro—e eGoderich, • eontainepg 130 acres cif lande wit 40 state of cultivation, ft in: sittiated,.beinEt 3 miles RADWAY'S PILLS -are the only ptwgative that Sear in Mind: - Tuesday, 15th March. w7 -4t. Hamilton, March 4, 1870. JOHN MACARA, Solicitor. w5 -td Chantery Sale ! DU118121ANT A DECREE OF THE COURT OF' I Chancery. Made in the i_ause of Herr es. Lavin. bearing date, the sisteenth do) of June. hi the year lass, and of ai. order of said Court made In the Bald Cause bearing date the 19th day of Febrdrity, 1870, aud with the apprquatioe of Beery Macilennott Esq., Master of the said Court at tiodench, will be sold in one lot by Public Auction. at the AUCtluil RuOILIS of George M. Truesnan, th Town of Goderiele on Saturday, the 2nd diy of Apt, 1870 at two o'c'ock. afternoon. tee follow- ing valuable proiarty, namely :-Eight. rind six -tenths acres of land forming the eouth-west portion of Lot Ilo 9,in the Maitlandeoncession, of the Toenehip Goderich, with the two story briek Tavein erected thereon, known as *Duggan's; Tavern,' and tbe fraine buildin' anl barn and outhouses canneeted there- with. 'Die tavern is sttuamd on the road le Cliuton and, about tour miles from Goderie.h, aiii) at the email angleof said Lot No. 9, formed by the Huron Read andthe read to Ben Miller's nulls, and trout its posi- tion, is calculated to command a large business. Tim land is ofgood quality and frontson maid two road A. The purchaser shalt/It the time 'Abate, pal down a deposit in the proportion of $10 for every $100 of the purchase money to the Vendor% eoliettor. and thud' pay a further plovertien of$25 for every $100 of L.A. purchase money within one mouth from the day of. Sale (with intenatteeram, frees the day of elale) and shall pay the remainder o' the roirchase liF three equal inatalments ids, twelve and eig iteeriB • mouths, with interest on the ittareid Meanie of put chase money, to he speured by mortgage un the' pn - EARLY GirDIII011 POTATuES let into possessiiin. Ihe purchaser M. the Hive of perty, and upon the execution of such mortgato the purcluaser shall be entitled to a mauve -lance. cafe tb Sale shall eign an aareseneut ter the comprotion or the parehase. The preperte will be sold free Proln cumbrance. In other respects, and, excepeetia Janne mentioned, the conditions of bale are the steurhug °auditions of Sale of the said Court of (Thatibety:" The Conditions of Sale and further partletilane 'leap be obtained at the office ofJohn Maisons, jesta"... of the ImeFfire4Y.r'neGE°midiurriopcull 21Gtagorro"VtAevin.idet:hfn'atlishYe7Leatiar•t!Yer5: Iftat'74*erdec13.- and from the andersiguoil Master ot -Sea Clean at God- ,. eriDclal:ted • the 28th (tarot LiFeEbLaRaryy ,I1A4,..c.B..E118171300. TT. JOHN MACARA, oneeriele 'dexter. otihsiteriert • TOWNSHIP OF GODIKRICIL PRE SUBSCRMERS HAVE FOR SALE LT 51.50 1 per bushel, pure Early Gooanch Potatoes, the ellen yielding potato grown. Also, Clean and pure jeungarian Gros..Seed, Orders for Potatoes received now will be fil'ed on and after the 1st April. Those wishing to secure seed had better send in their caters eady to the subscribers or to the Signal office. STORES g SONS, March nth, 1...70. sa-u arenburnie Farm, for Sale 16 viLEs from Goderich and 1) miles tram Clinton, i situate(' on the Gravel Road Running from Gode- rich to Baylield, from Which it is separated by the Hay- field River. It contains 212 acres. 110 macs under cultivation, soft tie& elay Main; bush good hardwraa, It is well watered by two living street/is. An iir.diard few pears, plums. peaches and cherries. and a few of 140 apple trees 4n bearing -fruit very choice; also, a grape vines. Two story concrete houst.e. j, rnP'245byby 81 ft - 42 feet, This ifr lit rare opportunity to secure is. good feta 00 the ewe': sf :I rel s .itewho ef rtehrre ithito Itisuse. ii: :as n•rnieuch more success- ful thanotrarta.hei-x..inlantitanyAAwpple, Latond Agent, Gaderich "WM HALL, Hayfield, wetf March 17th 11370 CARD OV1 THAtIES 6 -td -'1110 those who sewn -Mr -4 b> niy Last flail tar meney 1 and would respectfully lulta the balance of toy feace 70 acree clear of stu-rups and in a high state ee, Debtors -to do likewieee ay so doing would enable nia to pay 20 shillings to the potted, and sell Gouda' Cheaper than ever. A. Mild t1 Goderich, Van ,1870 vr54 ENGIN.E FOR sALzi- FIRST-CL fISS F ARM FOR SAT.P. , ' Man selocriber offers for sale, on liberal terms, a rn'llE North half of Lai No. 8, and the Res; 1.-.•• of th - I exreilent fann in the township of Colborne. De U 1 North alb of tot No.10 in the Eighth entire <sad betel; lot 8, eon. Herder ndles from Goderich. [teem of Morrie. 150 acres, 110 acres cleared. CO nen- A glom! .. PASeg 100 acres of the best clay soil, ail tAtared free of stumps. Frame House and Barn; ed. A good squared log house, web finished, a new. Splendid, Apple and Pear Orchard. good water: A; t2m0,maremnsti•a-,llellovhn,eoftotunewmadauoicoi notraitchimeni, et.oi che:Lteork.egniti: houseandlot in Coederich would be taken as part Pee-: wellelog bane goad stable. Two splendid orehardr, ment. For partiers apply to. A 13 horse povrer portable Engine, ae gc'ad 0 new, Ja_ made by Waterous 6; Cc. liSantford. Apjlly thu Axe factory m JOHN McPBEReole watt Goilerleh.25 January. 1870. VALUABLE FARM FOR ANDREW II. GREEN, , a vn motion. The lot is situated about °RP and a bait 1 Victoria St.eGoderlely watt teem the Gowel Read, quue eativenient 1..81.de* , wo.... and School . It is the old Ellison farm, sisal is one ..4 Goderich Nov. list 1689. " the he,,Intru longest sealed in tbe Townshie. • -, FARM FOR SAI,E. TITLE INDISPUTABLE. The whole or n portion Ito tn. sold on reasonable terms by 3. 9 SINCLAIR: from Hayfield, 6 from Minton andl„ 12 irom o erich will Secure an altmative, &Emetic, sudorific, ape- OF LOT 21, GOSHEN LINE, GoSeneli. BEING OteltIPOSED Per fdrther particularalaelde to the tuidersign Tient and tonteintitionce. Tow-eel:tip of Stanley. County of Huron, 120 Goderich Mena thh,4-1870, _oniTheiermalxreertheiny.e oily Vegetable slthstitutete for Col- aere.s, loo acres are in a high state of cultivation. The co'upty ofarre. B4ZMiliral°Berville P134t Office. land is of the best quality and well fenced fagood board • on the•secondfleer Sating lamin, Large-Fana • _ . 7 They Prelliete the secretion Of blle and Withdraw fene.e Along the front.) There are on the promises we Chyme and chyle, atyi gastaojuiceS In the pro- too bearing trees, two never fatale; wells fh Ittrinneirculation. • dwelling house, frame bana Se by 87 feet. granary; w(--* gon-i-- 'TORE and d ihey are elegantly coated withgnin,PrIerECT. stable and shed 105 by 24 feet, well fenced orchard at ' aTimy assist through their nutritious p-ropertles road. and connected Wetted itrivel rod& ntb Clinton mile from Goderich. th the ceiitre of the Gilder' - roa SALE: eesa of digestion. a • Ook (SALE. wellin house with t 1 . 5 00 a -rAef s. &e This fitte property is attained onsuravel stone cellar. In tee villa.. of aiarsandedie.%,, Ir 63 - tasteless and free from smell. (le miles) and by ri road, said to be theofebeet th: works House and Store entirely new:and emoineap. 'T" SOUTH-EleX.F 0,5 LOT NO.18, elf 'ittE 1st PRICE twenty-tivueents per box, or five boxes province. with the welled markets Hayfie d ons. and lot excelept conitition. Terms iibereL Wassanosh, 90- acres, only ewo miles from foroue o r. waysns or miles)and Seaforth (12 miles). For further Puttee - „Further particalara apply to Ivo4, t teen and at Dr. 'ex.hray's 4.), Mon Mice -waapply te D. eleDce4agalleAuetioneer. Sayfimd, or to_ Btetelit,7tletree. WO; wcs-sai• Goderich Feb. nth, 1670. 2'sgss Vis village. Apply there to S. Pelle( k, Esq., or to and see that the 1 ttemrR.H.H. are on one side o O. CAMERON. label, and the wardde Ftadway's Regulators, on the li Slingfccw. FRAINCIS MARTIN, Godarisih other, Sold by all drumests and general seore en the premises. Maittendville. (IF d Ila Ai ' le f RADWAY'S PILLS, t, . st.• *ounce'. a a C3