HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-03-24, Page 410J10.7, +......�..- ol..u..:67.+» jp;:gi,ap_ The Dutchman's Soliloquy- • Speech of Mr. Zaoharlah Spicer. - 1 owes QUESTION. !WHICH ENJOYd THE BRowv 3 cot shall I can de scat idh so low, OY THE Q� 1.11 1 ! And .le tunes p' ••• htt..l anandaves so much lets• (GEE l,Tt;ST gl►IOtrNT'OF HAPPINESS, , I winds ni,t mut druht.tes ceueher 1 > p els. THE BACHELOR Oil THE 111A B.- y And dr own yr t 1 salt, da��dn poorer 18 RIED hIAN ?° • 'A' time n — shot �• ,,n i • ane, a , lu moved to Ven t m ` •DIr. President and Gentlemen I rise t dray think 1 1•: n.•�t all rot sntE+puetty�o+sn• For erne land .:+.1:.o ks.Kdat de a eat dal, would brow Wouiale:.t pints, + muntsh as plenty as inti. idi5,i'oeate the ille of 4h I claimsd men. + know Don i goes down tot town, and 1 telly de man aare- Patt-Ito t.w.i soma tools for to v.rk nut mime farm, Dat ❑tun - ::::::: pay him ad up, dant twou:d do him no harm. WINDQWBAN.DS � t! hshould n • • from Doors and something about the institdl'tLon—! o. Will any gentleman pretend to Say I do U''1'ALLY exclude COLO; WIND,: RAIN and DUST me home. Let � Windows of every description. These invaluable atrilla Da d nIiCN,Mdsfallandtos'an• not ? Let him accompany me confront him with my wife and -seven- g� �7�, ��r. 1', Q O C1• 'Cb.e T ]E'+ a T me von trig and von hoe and von , �l lr tl teen siitall children and decide. High the And 1 trivet ,t ac home shust de happiest man was Adam ere he' got acquainted with Eve? On • some of the finest public and private bullrings in the United Statesan Canada, the Rocky ilSondtaina tower above Mississippi Pallet, does the elr , Whaant tor : Seven Years s tower above that of the bachelor, nes Ste Ise time and he sells n Den l deywhtn, sera lull for tevagoutbox'ill and dray aid ani su full dra aline cab 'Uuw , dots a- d I re Dat de vtsa.ta .� er 'net on tie road What but a poor, shiftless, helpless c And .a_t 1 la• my le1i I'll do all dat a calf be d with his need no further recommendation. 1hutit b• rnt:r dr pestcn,g hem dat neer diol grow. But de rains dey come on Lien de vest look as nice_cataract of Ni lApplau9e] And de ground g t all soft and gin to feel bad.>�a And vin harvest come on de bandsvanta so much price Gentlemen l there was a time, I blush Dat 1 gets all de pleu's data ratan ever had towhen I was a bachelor- and a more Uwe? No more to compare wr after -self than. a mill dam to the . roaring Principal Depot 234 Broadway, New York. Market Square, Goderich, Ont., say, w expect rte stack miserable creature you could hardly p and at Bot t gut mine veat ural anti all put int , And yen de rain stop, den 1 trashes him out, to find. Every day I toiled hard, Dem 1 goes rap to torr. anti take sou1n in a stack. night i came home to my comfortless garret Zed says .at vill you give for 3e pest tett spout —no Castel, no tire, nJ nothing. Every- Dottie mans all cane ,tpand dey climbs onmine veel' thing was in a clutter, and in the words of tk 1 ti+ ks date 15811 d. nor a d nzen or d den talks to . Dena, looks at it koot dry o furs me forty eeuts aryl no more, suites, the poet : 'Confusion was monarch;of all I surveyed; Here lay a pair of dirty pants, there a p, 1 never can dell you how pad I dud veel, dirty pair of boots, there a dirty play bi Van dey dell me dal teat ra-+h SO tory dotcn as dat, and here a pile of dirty clothes. What Fur anile telt now to pay I must everting sell, And den :n de on 1 would he poke u eat, wonder that I took refuge at the gaming dries .til d fall thn.l, to get de pest pt ice never do gentlemen, and in a lucky ea so table and bar room. I foudd it would Now l + -leu e - , Now de se -it ash s:! t+.:atan.l I dr11s you now dwtee monient t vowed to 'reform. Scarcely Dat de more veat L seilden de poorer 1 gets. bad the lucky .promise passed my lips, when a knock was heard at my door, and ty, vat shall be done for poor map like me. in Came Susan Simpkins after my dirtily ish a question 1 asst to myself every day. e)lithes. And 1 1 ea none vitro as ever 1 ease, y- 'Mr. Spicer,' says she, 'I've washed for For 1 cannot see yet how mina Lets I can a yon for six months and I haven't seen the For de grain as 1 sells for to nay all mine teta. t N I- T ED ST k T E S . first red cent in the way of payment. Now I'd like to know what you are going -to do abort it.' A. tiriter troth Chihuahua, Mesilin, says I felt in my pocket -book. ook. There was he ti.tteude-d a dance where he saw a sign nothing in it, and I knew it. over the door which said, 'No gentlemen 'Miss Simpkins,' said. I, 'it's no use admitted without pants on.' The 'demi- denying it, I haven't got tli@ stamps. , I ,cans are a eery proud race. . wish for your sake I had.' Salt 'Laze, in Utah, is seven lest higher `Then,' said she promptly, 'I don't wash than it was ten years ago,and is constantly another rag for you.' - rising. it has been urged by those::who 'Stns.' said I. 'Susan, I will do the have paid attention to the subject that the best I can for you. Greenbacks I have rise of water there would produce a sulu- alone ; but' if my heart and hand will do, tion of the Mormon question before Con- they are at your service.' gross would act upon it. 'Are you in earnest,' said she, looking a A California paper says the Japanese little suspicious. ' will' win universal respect by a sort of 'Nein rseso,' a aS t2iereseemstobeno ori sh habit they have of minding prospect of says my pay any other way, their own OIiS1Ile3S-' 1 g cess I'll take up with your offer.' .1'he male Citizens of Zanesville, Ohio, Enough, said L We were married in a have petitioned that women may be in- week ; and what's more, we haven't had vesteal with all the rights of citizenship, cause to repent it. No more attics fur me, and also with all its duties"; namely, that gentlemen. I live in a good house and they be liable to military, jury and road have somebody to mend my clothes. duty ; liable for their own and their When I was a poor, miserable bachelor, husbands: debts ; and that if a woman -re- gentlemen, I used to be as thin as a fuse or neglect to provide for the support weasel. Now I am plump as a poker-' of her husband and family, a. divorce shall In conclusion, gentlemen., if you want be granted, awarding alimony to the hnisbe to be a poor ragged fellow. without a coat > , your foot ; if ire and (lodericb, November.l6th, 1869. H. GARDINER, & E°•1 Agent w43tf • .ff easerassualeoonsar-1y�ti...as ut-ar/iyi.W.'YtwNC centoff•LttTs+'-.Orr . n na rill' 1l,t 171?r 1lillSTEMPENGiNE-WORKSt RUNCM MArt.NGNACTIT-RER OF i i �l _ �d otters,: �i Steam Engines an$ .. ° Maley: sect Sash Samar -21a.- . - Machin es, Seperators Thrashing ' Horse Powers; Drag ;awe, • uys,tp✓.n'.i�xYCrarnxt/•'.smfi-/.ef✓tiYY {i %FRESH Oi $ PERS. cHEAp L DS F Q7i=ii IN LCEt ED daffyy r�roiriBittiaiore a 1i�R$ IVO& On andafterniuraday the2.6th Inst - * Godeizcll, Alio: !4.,1$6x. w3'Jtf TOWN OF CODER1CH. GO»ERICH MILLS, , '1['OQ BEAKS'. gEandendgnedhevinS entheabovnoir.-, 0W Iseprepared nda iso ha toh wn �. uta i n T� ,hem, on -reasonable •'terms to 'some competent person or one year. For particatari apply to , WDI, PIPER w --16t • f3oderlch. May �+ i869: PARKER& CATTLE! IRON AIM . WOODEN PLOUGHS ! Cultivators, I.and Rollers 'Straw Cutters With .Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, , OULD ESPECIALLY CALL ntz. ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY Ag,ruulturaltFOuttees, gotash-liettles, Sagarisstues, Sait Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes, CodfoOntue0eoto t improve▪ d kinds. Brass Castings made,- and Blacirsmiths' Work and Repairing, rt notice. _Call and see the STEEL MOULD -BOARD PLOUGHS, as von can get one very eheap for Cash. ' . Goderich,Nov. 12th, 1867 w39 BAROMETERS AND .THERMONETIRS MONEY TO LEND. A T REA'SOl�ABLE'R�ADESSof n interest, and on a (� syaaottee by Barrister, 3°e., oderJch - Tannery 19th. 1869 uvtl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT APPLICA tion will be made to the Parliament of the Dominion Of Canada, at the session thereof next after the expiration of s t months from the date riehhin OTS 1323,1324 do i334, 090 each tinb-division Print Lots 2 and3 In son A, Lots 116,149and 150 $i0. Township of wawanosh, North 24 acres Iot2e, eon.1, 100. Township ofAshfleld, Southerly 16 acres ofEast �ofSontb pot 1, con. 4, V. 13.; TSOZ1iAS WEATEfERALD. P. L. Surveyor, Coderiche' tloderich, Dec. iSib 1868, ¢r48 tf,; TO notice by the Cbunty of Enron, for a 13M of Divorce from Matil- da Sharman, formerly Matilda Borland and now called Tillie Bunton the ground of adultery: Dated at Goderich, the 6th day of October, A. D w384.1 Solicitors for applicant MO let in the Town of Goderich, for a term of years a Brick Cottage with -a large orchard and -six acres - of good land For particulars applfte. Goderich Sept. 27111869 ws6t, FOR SALE. to their superior stock of - • Also having just reeeived a large supply., of Take great pleasure in recommending them for purity and flavor, Which cannot be surpassed for medical Or Last 22nd of February', being the anni- you want to grow old before your t versary of Waahington s birth, a young be uncomfortable generally as a 'hedge - and enthusiastic Philadelphian displaired hog rolling up the wrong way.' 1 advised her pataiotism by rising before day, and you to remain a bachelor; but if you want wreatbiry4 with immortelles the- monument to live decently and respectably, get mai- of the hero. ried. I have got ten daughters, gentle - Mayor Hall, of New Yorli, has accepted men, (overwhelming applause) and you an invitation to ride at the head of the may have your pick_ procession on St. Patriek's day. Mr. Spicer sat down amid loud and Oil City, Pa, March 11.—A laron fire is !continued plaudits. Tne generous, pro - across ' pesaLs with which he concluded, secured burning here. The Irge oil tanks"' family use. Goderich ,Nov, 30, 1869. PARKER & CATTLL, MA.DE BYL. ST1NSTED__:o, REGENT ST., LONDON, ENGLAND. THEgeneral agent will, through JoinaCallaway, call tmon the_peoPle of this vicinity in_ the' course of the uert months/with afullassortment of these now celebrated instruments, which we shall offer at the follow- ing Illatremely 1.4o-tv 'Prices. Plain White Cherry Frames.G6, each ; White Maple on -Walnut Back, fAm late $8, according to tubes ; Black Walnut Cases. With CAIIITIUM glass tubes $8 •, with flint bored tubes $10 to $20 eseh according tofinish ; fine Satin Wood frames., $20 each, with the celebrated Wooden Cistern andScrew- cut at the end ; Rose Wood Frame with Bone Dials and Franklin Tube and Cistern $25 ; English Wheel Darr ometera in Mohagany Frame, wind dial and level, &n, attaeled, from $12 to $35 each, according to Satoh, with a fullassortment of English and FretiehAnetoid Barometers' , .:".' Fliers! T.nstrninent. Wirtrted for One Tar ent, of Belf Registering . Thermometers constantly on hand at prices from 82 -up to 410, cording.to finish. Farn at Parties desirous of is absolutely nbeessary to have them work mime , u (KNOWN AS PIPER'S 51 ry,$) obtaining one of these usefulinstruments, which ticeirstel‘t invariably -foretell the s to of the weather from 24 to 48 hours in advaneeishouldevailthemselves of the opportu ty which now presents:itself. The Agents will re- . ,, main fora feivdays only. Head_olficelarthe Dominioa, in Mop Respectfully, J. G. sowps,General,AgeutforCanadzi. • ESPECT F U.LLY intimates .to'farmers and others that _they are prepared to ffil ._ . the weatherwill be unsettled and changeable 1. If the Mercury -stays about 29 inches. or the word " Chan ble," without moving, much. either tip or down 2. If the Mercury rises to or above the word " Fair," iine Weither is athand. , . 1 - B. Should it happen to rain when the Mercury standithigh. ityrill be forehand very Mae of it . 4 Mini Mercury -continues to rise Slowly—say for eight br tlit' days—and arrives at or above the line ` Very w• wiealiththreretrf the r°11set slow, it will rain ; .if quick, it will blow ; and theareat assured the WorSt is over. 7. Whed the Mercury moves quickly, either op or dow,pithe *eather that follows wiltbe of short duraw2to.loban, and rf IHAT EXCELLENT LOT OF WILD LANDS 11. known as lot 33, con.,6th, East Wawmiosh, con- taining 100 acres of excellent land, wa There ma large creek running through the north end anda small one through the south end, also, several never -failing springs : it is half a mile from Short' ' Haw and 6 miles from Blvth, for sale very cheap, Goderich, Sept. 7. 1869. Farm for Sale. Tprs ,e3 anc1.54, Bayfield Concession, in MO IA Township ca 4.4•oderidh Containing 68 acres, of these over 50 acres cleared with good Frame Barn, and Log House, .about 24 miles from Clinton. For Terms of saleapply at the D.vision Court office at eoderieh, or to Mr. WIGGING TUN on the premises. w35 Godencb, Ont.Seot. 21, 1868. FARM FOR SALE. TWO 1:11.1241.1 ACRES. -r OTS 2 AND 3 C017. 5TH. TOWNSHIP 014' GREY, LI 22 acres cleared., new frame house,2430-8,3i storeys log barn,new. * miles from Ainleyville, 1.7a from Sea - forth, on -the gravel road, one half mile from school, one half mile from saw and grist mill at Ainleyvine; well watered by spring creek, and very valuable tim- ber, bah pine and cedar - $7 per acre will be accept- ed and time given if required. Apply to Valuator for the Trost & Loan Company,. troderich Goderieh Nov. 12. 1869. • w43 FARM FOR SALE; • GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY; dateof sale. Having procured a correct register of eyery p ty. and-rev/a in Canada, the height above tide le el the General Agent is prepared to altitude evtay instrument for eaeh locality correctly, which - the creek from. Gale H use have exploded him five sons -in -las''; - and the oilia burning furiously. An.en- The 318;rtim-lienry tire train of oil cars is on fire_ The great - I . 'DIMS% Otyie in oneBoLat all orders in ROLL, CARDINC-, MA cloth Dressing, Custom Spina' Fulled Cloths, Winq On the shortesniotice. Parties wishing to exchange goods, will find it to they! interest te give us a call. nearly every Instance rely on getting their wool ho Ser AU WORK WAR Dyeing, Satinetts, s, Flan.nels, Blankets, their wool for good home made as we are satisfied we have the with wool to get carded may in me with them the- same day. Goderich RANTED. N troyed.. -and testing ot the Martini-Eletry rifle over STAND, er part of the city will probably be des- The first course of experimentel firing Nfiw The Louisville Jou, nal hopes there will the army shootirg ranges at Browndown, ' be a strong effort made to find out who is near Gosport, has just been concluded, Alm the au or o ‘-h Fl ' ariii that then and in the general results is very favoura- Mr. Seward s'mpped at four public hous- Snider. The trajeetory is lower with the some body will shoat him. ble to the new arm as compared with t a NEW GOODS rm than with the Snider, and, with THE NUMBER ONE CRO es during the enure route from Chicago, through California, Alaska, Mexic_o, and a strong wind blowing across the range, the NV est Indies to New York. the shooting is incomparably the straigh- _The sword bayonet fitted to the Milton, Me., annually cuts four hund- ter - Martini -Henry is also considered to be a red cords of beech wood into shoe pegs ; much superior weapon to the old bayonet, as well as being more available for genera uses for troops in the field. The length of the Martini -Henry rifle also enables the two front ranks to fire standing, a most important c,onsideration in the opinion of many military men, now that infantry are armed with breechtloaders whose rapidity of fire is being every day increased. The defects in the new rifle and its elnipments appear to be a; smallness of the chamber as compared with the size of the cartridge used, a -weakness in the spring which can - it is thought that if all these cords were riot cut there would be mere sewed shoes. The California. Legislature proposes to abolish pretty waiter girls. New York, March 11.—The steamship- Smidt, from tiremeu, for which serious apprehension had been -felt, has arrived. She has been out fifty-one ,days. Chicago is to have a new million -dollar hotel, to cover- an acre and a-lialf of oiled, and to be completed in 1872. • The French papers plead the cause of fires, and an utter unsuita y 31 Lincoln and. express the hope that- •ses miss. for service in the field of the partitioned a pension will be granted -to her out of re- gard for her martyred husband's memory. Miss Nellie Raymond, the newly elected engrossing clerk of the Missouri SenAte, not yet kyreet sixteen. In Minnesota State University, one half of the students are ladies. Chicago girls, when Out of fends, bet kisses. The•y da it only out of fun. St. Louis, March 10t—Tha Mechanics? Band resumed specie payment tti da,y. It liAs about 6500,000 in circulation, , Washington, March IL—Terence Cas - *illy, who yesterday threateneclPresident Grant with assassination and used Abusive language while the latter was walking on Pennsylvania avenue with -his' SOM. was to - da ronounced. insane by the police- MIT - ammunition nouch. Th., first defect may easily be remedied by either making the chamber of the rifle larger or tbediaineter of the cartridee less- than at pres'ea.— Now, the slightest bend in the cartridge, even. of so small a nature as to be invisible to the eye, rendera loading impossible.— A slight alteration in the power of the 'spring winnows., the fault of miss -fires, and the partitioned ammunition- pouch will simply have -to be discarded for one that can boinorereadily filled and used in the 11. W. Beecher anent the subject of (ju- dicious -flagellation,' says that he conaid- and, like kissing, to be used, rarely, arid 0 • THE G0111:7111CIAL UNION ASSURANE.C1111/11* 19AND 20, CORNITTilT, LONDON,' ENGLAND, CAPITAL, (Fully Subscribed) - - ,500 000:Sterling., bation, charging idalletteea a premium proportionate to the risk, - - The success which' has attended the CompolY/s operations has been such as tut y to realize the taostsanguine'etKocations ofthe Directors, whi-.) hese rencevel to extend -the business more widely - mid tfOw offeraothe--Canadian public. PEIWECT SECURITY guaranteed by large_ Subscribed Capital, and InVested s:Pr▪ onapt-SettlenietitdClaims. The Oirectors and General Agent's,. heng gentlemen largely en - Ogee ttkenteinerce;-Will take_a liberal and buspiess-like view of all questions coming before them • EED NOT TELL HIS OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS THAT HE ALWAYS XF,EPS MOVING' FOlk IN ward, enlarging his stock, increasing his twilit -lea, aod, as far as eomp.atible with maintaining the well known sitperior quality of his goods, LiOWOrirlg his Prices. His business having grown year by year, the increased amount he turnstiver, miablea libinto reduce the per eentage cif profit. The large patronage he has COMPARES -FAVORABLY W1111 ANY STORE • IN THE ..SAME LINE. BY ITS USE Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restoxed to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first appricatip a heattliful gloss and delightful fragrance givento the Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It will proMote luxuriant growth. • FALLING HAIR is Immediately checked. , Sold* all Druggists. Price One -Millar. 113,nufactiffed by Wholesale 'Druggists, • 35• Barclay Street -and-40 Park Place, New -York, and 266 }Ugh Holborn. 'Landon. Enn. II 90 cleared, good dwelling house, rem 22x36. with a commodious kitchen attached, also goodbarn and shed accommodation, good bearing orchard, watered by tele creeks rumanagthrough the farm, =and October Ilth 1869. rent$40.00 and taxes. London. Feb.2. 1861 To enablehim further rto enlarge his business and accommodate his friends he has rented and fitted- up be th. most conveniedt liner The Large Brick Store. In Horton's Block. Hamilton Street Where he expects to see the old familiar fates, and Would solicit an inspection from those who have not already . dealt with Min. He has, on, hand, geousi and -sent to the Government /tisane oittbful parishoners will perceive that, the AN UNSURPASSED', TOOK 'OF TEA NDS ticNort; TILE BRIGILTEST .ALL TH,E FATORTFE BR TILE: ECES'ir A. And tell the other neee,ssaries of housekeeping. The assortment of Crockery, Lamps. &c.;is very extensive and varied, embracing everything from ornamental China to plain and aseful Stoneware, all which, from his enlarged aCeommodation, sodisplayed that every variety can lie seen at p",glance?1 . • .-, Moderate Prennums,ferfectSetterity—Ecdpanny ot management, tending to increase the Bonus Claims paid one niontfi after proof of death. f •.• - . i ' " : This Company has depos:ted $too,Ooo On gold) with the Finance Ddinimee, at Ottawa, us Special security for it sCanada• policies. FRU) COLE. Secretary. . - -General-Agents Tor Canada. Office.,2-385 and 387, St: Pful Street. Montreal. Mansion. • The Oreovri Princess of Denmark is de- Serihed REJ the Most lovely revel dame in Europe; and yerShe is brutally treated by - her' husbaxid. /Her father lit the Sing of Sweden. • Henri,Rotillifprt is ill. His friends are he is suffering fussiest sceneil ever secel wuz two old. maids within' °none sick -widower.' •!' Great Britain. The Court of -Queen's Bench has affirm- ed the doctruie- that magistrates can: coin- pel abusban& to maintain his wife* nut- withstandingthat she refuses to return to his house, if she has been drivenfrom it by his iii-treatiaent, News from, Melbourne is to- the- effect been ejectedfrom office. n tenure.. `.ThA harvest was ,good. rg -shipments of gold arc: -reforte&Thoi December. R., 011 New_Zoalandliat- Mr. Otway- the ,,Under,Searetarr for Maim- itifirrinia the 33011gt Such as Plain Dresa Goods, CottonaMatuiels, Siiirtings,,Prints,<TOLAii7swhieh 1;i11 be found excellenin quality end reasonable In prim la' Farm Freda*, as usual, Olken exe,hange for goods at Cash value. D, „F. ventaresconfidentlyto assert that of all who come to see hint NeiNE WILL -G4 AWAY131SITATISFIEEK--'- tion if the Irish. 'People -4%U* -aufbiact,- Are yeti a soothe away your Nenralgii, -13r;J:„EilgitrY;',*iiisit;' and Eris* Healer is pleasant 60: the ' lIttited ,States. 0 T'-,unijeisitTql,. would beg to inform hie nquierous -customers and t e.publie New WoolniMaehinery is now in Foil Operation and* First ()lois Working Oider AND THAT .31E IS MUCH BETTER ' ' •, Will receive prompt ,a,ttention. ,, -Haying, now onhandthe largest,- beef and cheapest FULL OLOTII TWEEOS, FLANNELS,'& WiNetti -e-v-er heron- otienVI to the publleln this—part of the Province, he would respectfully_requost &sits 'wishing br, exchange their wool W call and judge for themselves 'before 'eppeinting themselves elsewhererf, 4. P. S.- He would likewifie call the specie:I attention 6f fanners to betthre of wool teamsteis and agents seeking them in vitricins-wayi,thaktheyeenriot(s0 -until perhaps too late teguarctaiiiinstit. n, '--• ,- : -- - -: The-highestilatkit ifie‘ paid-. far.; anyiliantity of good Clean; WooL ° NEW CABINET AND WEST STREET, OPPOSITE 13A.N$ OF MONTREAL, Farm for Saleo_ TIELEsubsenber offers for sale, El of lot 2, lltheeri., W. D. Ashfield, Aistant aboot 43 miles from Bel- - fast, containing 100 acres more isr less, 30 acres-clear- ed,8 or 10 ehopped. 10 acres good ce4at and , ance hardwood. new frame house, .1.8-A4; good orchard and well, Schcolhouseon next lot. The Soil is geod clay loam. Price $1000, $600 ,cath sad „fay mans for balance. Further particularszearievbtained from the proprietor, • DENWIS 25th Nov, 1869. w45 Belfest P.G. Farm for Sale: rrHATIMperior Zuni. Lot 16, -6th eon, E. D. DO bonleff4Arres-or landi 40 acres of which an by the Ilit-er MaitlautC ;_,Grbial, Dig house and frame -oiteatea.one nine from the Tillage Of Manchester,11 pertyie a desirable investment bejngon, the Comity 'liver :Maitland. also the.adjetningEaere-$3 stinIS eproperty B Old, 45 zeroed .whicli ere eared. 'with gotal Buildings arsit- Aiello& The bein,00•450Diet Can be haettheaft These ERIC P/IcKAY, trio Lots would make a des rabic rant for nnePartY, V If- rimmed thafle•bas opened a „separately. MAN Alm 21. w.18 -1f new shop inthe above line. on West Stmet, oppo the Bank of NIontreal. where he will keep constantly on hand ors:lake-to order FURNITURE OF AIL ICINDS. Having on irud, an 'assortment of Upholstering material, he lieyrepared to fill promptlyall orders kr A quantity cif Gilt andllothrodllouldings on Picture Framing to Order. Efe tru'sti; by strict attention to business to Goderich, Nov. 17, 1869. w44-tf iner a share of public patronage. houndittY hue between Blytb end Waken, fall1 Vfficeoaeh way. -Good hardwood land. irel Watered.; thirty °acres clearance.. ;$eveitly SeVen acres and a haiku' alb Well fenced. Fot . May 276.0867. 'FOR SALE- .12 half way between Seaforth and -wrikerton. leadaproperty, comprising House2Ox42reet with re fttntage,end10 Village lots ;live-ofthelotsikee theta& &Vain street, and the -other -fire „rut tothe River ltaitlaad. This would bean Excellent Site fort -143.risti3OWSinr;tooll.ne11141$1".,,,,ivrpithilln:i,.:11:407:4:7413:eKiviti,18114a1Yeuielf4dal.aroWillil: jlie,aben:rlf:liaAVveilura7--jorthPe,,174.hereoisiHtubbalaild: wouIdlbe a capital stan4 for *Store, Tamil; yr other North The Chamber& of Commerce. o and odaig6w have remonStrated against for Limerick; sustainedginIgiikLand Bill, The BirmitigkatO Po* amerts- that the tender era Pearne crhsralletcy. bas been made Whir. D'Acene. A Mr, Perry 1tso jiist -died end- left Dr. Ogees* the hadsmase 010001 fits anis* of US tespect one who has sonsently Stood spinstbigetsT. sod it, totarsisse. Wo have -beard. of another 141f0eY 4 0100 Weft Pala,' loft *14 that the et- lairleansiew econaannicatioa 14 the Mao Dissases of the roac 01111. vr .1 .4 Modern ftraUteis.lbli'llentedy brut beet "cottiOndid cittuCbHist thor-oneatrisio3 itii Tian.* all Will 44139I11449:-* with Mee yeasts urnell _ Una EILlahlttwaNsaym,-4400toa lievetried ft (Sad theft *Sir I_Aogian) VI* Usk bask inieesserat sad eilleaosses noway ever- tot *et rit•Yri4:0 ftaiorta hisesidiiibety followed SPAteritiSWW.Cisra Renee* )34.4. %ow,' r, 31D L KINDS. ,froderkili;Wo`olei WoHni, 18th May, 1859. 11- TORO 41eidableiindineontestible _tants. snffiment, to -convince .,,,kel.Tost skeptical that the Great 'Medicinal Compouii. arned-afterforesteris•uow .aecessible In the Great remedy haS NEVER BEEN2 EQUALLED. Where was them ever suclin pure es Glavin . the pe-tForhol .of Dyspepswand. Liver, Complaint, or that of John gooy,,ef,Neptinee, C. W. ot Rheumatism, %Vito' had aetuellyheen on crutches foi veers, in spite of all treat - might be mennoned bad we, space. - "r3r, Call at the Drug Store -aaa tee a Direular SllittortADI, WHO WISH %a bar °bop TEAS-Atiligumisterossitim i'DICES To.GIVE7_, A: carriage paid, and it net re„aiitted'fror hefore hand, hen bipaidtothe-tnipree4iigentinitlelliery, trial, feeling assured thefthei Superiority will be seen at Once, Ifliert,I5abs.. isatrdered, the same is sent. -. Any, eineraii-get uP *Club and Sentl:Lthe natiee,•Witii hie. kind' artd,-ritialitylif Tedeeteh inenibei Waists. " theyere ' '`' ` eine. Agents for Goderich, F. Jordan and Parker 4 TIOLBROOK STABS; 'tit in eny.sitti:ofAisoliagewitheteRiniimber's teme On them; and where the total -quantity ore ered is not Use poortOontimt tonse-lowergradieed:Teaktininthealiovar.e.yfpXtetT44Pmfintl_laufaelves Only LIO Tete Which we further and_pleaSe. better tha:limitehef the Ooffee antr ollpredleAwpttblio, •:,3',,, -,? 4 ;,-,'-' ' ', '_''':",*-L.:. ,‘ . end. where the total quintityOrderedbY a doh is hilt from' ther..outtan▪ ykswiy-bu Ur -onto., 3711:12riet net reel &satire saytnytttat• -b40#10311101111 netireglti-14.141/..~ZOntO 0014)411y -iota Teas itahrhastetluw, 13r1984:-. OA- II Isrodsuittiquire4t Wee 90 $164 --(Wine • , - iimat*rbe°rIltrlitiltal;:eln:1141-13176ePrill:141417144*.1*;IPnitAlrelli°11- 64. triret:73644411re;licitelr9:' -nlihihIre481-44:'""-11771:10°9'01 ges:4141C,112't;:beadr leate-arr:b.D111: ' E.!• ?teld'drees su , . -0 ORT SSW --Tea-we sellat wit • if11' 4t ACRES.. MOPE OR LESS, ABOUT 110 gooderehafd, and well watered. Moat of theland la mccellent Tim fermis lot 30; Stheon.,Goderich On iiajititetit partueli, 'pied tams will begiten 2-2143-011--187e. let( Portcfsllills, FATtlir TOR --SALE; -r_07 15, IN triE &II CONCESSION OF TO al township of Hulk% in the e.ounty von - Fire) Marine -and Life insuznees, —7' llama S1a_Aorl_oert1P7,3EADD-Layjntheeelt,..41C4)=43nuartYthePPRwlsebTli;&811111863Y:'13111:11611-:9:I 7411:141-°11°-.:::::;:14-14J;(2.-2t13.114-816D6A. yras,WW,11/13,11.1} weelotess of the "metes, which diV°04:ifelnr,ertmeliaittei'ationtliere:trr4sfUn:i-I'•1"4-Pptiresel:11:14:ibed-cLareerbils°111euPlibytg:111'1:eteltfiteiglaltitsni*:11:1:cale,beesialeladee;1146113°.v1184mtoalTstoe-cenimineWtsvilta:Y:::',1 r.WABLISIllin 1848.. T ITE SIOX/q.11,. '75.e' end' 41)9i Itii-Al"witere-isf)iiiririgaall their.; aet;c1 Of1113148, wh I wisSedue.ed totrytheeratShoslionesa - • 'rifthe'pllisruta ism wooly routorod lig-11405E0,44 ia. iihteintos WILL BB all ifen tientaalamViiiiitriketiat lhan aetReetleneellardslaer aSPAITTetigt;;I:4:":74ie: * "Zre:denek'N.:0;11-41 MinuainiegthrsieleasYth 43°a' 70:114mber'eliSk,1:11;6' .11. bloomy Rant...Cony, .0atl, atee,on the so ft ItWoyiel ,I11) iii-fliwtrery,-lio: ...I3 yhortin Chancery EXOney to X.rers 41,. '' Arr.'Archibahrs Stars. - 4 -' laritiiitari El If, II- -,C3u Janelnit Irmo, DisTratedaud 44 Iniast • toOrietleinftloWiliedicsinivelle Wog 4erts ,.that _press* end possesses every femhtY or e larded o 0414 refgAsegg !,1',Onattcrittario tien of plain ind fancy prm IDS 4 lest; Vonirlialeer, DIINT TOS -ST Watts. coseplIS_ KOS rgtr 1114, lomitin DUST. 10ENSED AT Xi _Eaton- Sales Ih ENGINE *testae j.Von, tr Caen over , BAZII OARS diaWa tended Lt House kollOste ehigaette RIES tuptaa Dy _Jo 47ar.tyaa eatfil suchasUi Tkey slunk Worsithati