HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-03-24, Page 3I I E
IRa Ra It As sUral Application In the numberless diseases to - Which the skin is Itahte, D, Iva"'i r will YOUNG LADIES' JOURNAL, Thestone which thebuilderar T KERORE A-RHERY FOR SAV V0
the head of the Porner.11—Alm, t&. LA a= .16. orbor
cc-ates or ointments, corer U:) I
-pperts res- a desizi,ed tN 814 " I
pos�, The Allevantor fboi tg?OD WORKING ORDER. u rOT A
S ted Is beoonte rove supenrr to all the p nimeniq. Waggon and Carriap
nonly it. "It Stich pur- Ir e, I_RDS F A C?k2 T -0,R Y'. PIALNOS MELODEON I' Th. hitrI..I tir. th of holy tradition finds an att Coolers, idtoap Curb and 3 to accomphAla a INrofiold 0 hi e d,la 2 He,.,. n &rriess. 2 g-)od new %VS90- b8l flair to
Lakes Erie .,,Irl it GOOD WO e fa d t d .i Refi 1.; Muetration in the, history of Alouddi
Ih'If their emollient properti�s te softell All �salg nehmg thna BOW BELLS, ]Relief 1,1I,,1gWh,,I Barrow, 4Shovels. 6 Pewter Caudit For restoring Cray
irrat-ted surfit -es and allay d,'h BATES _Id dit, 8 I ILIPS for Icy �%IOITI few -nitertilltivrdi-e I-lgh its hes11hy ELLIOTT b in a stand. 2 ClIzin Pu and accompany Jiscased ac"011 a lid Rad ay's Ready its natural Vitality and Nor -
stimulant effieet.o alter eiml,le 'he AVIM pleasure., in tntimat- W I Water Pump and many other appendagestot) EYE Bier
had _beoli wrecked' skin to resume its wonted 411100111 cOlkall'"' I'llere is HARPER'S MGAZINE I Ing to the public of town' oustomentiort. In good stand and will be sold cheav
nothing.odeswableasa healthy ruld tl�nllifalski,i: SUNDAY MAGAZINII I I I - MU'a ]p I and country that they have 'Ila Ta 0 loo on this marvelous remedy was fa-st presented to for cash. dresino, which
that drivutiz R%vay all LESLIES' MAGAZINE opened a WE --d 1'arrlaio- 6:01"notice of the medical twculty- in 1847. n 1:2- 2,000 loads leached Ashes, f7 cents per load. 'old druggist" - fl lolzilh- therefore a reined) PP�dllees it Iggon a the my terious - Elence it exhibito in is at once agrecable.,
'I*t har- ir RS, at the AsherY.
impuriiie;. should be used atoace. 1.avid"s t4t, ATtto�=E := �o in"to .. rue 1� 111.10 of J. BARN
r the entitit %nil country memhanis Dr i Hfigg�& 01. lit * Or RI 'hitt's old stand,) tin- He has raceived luring the past year, respectWI)y begra to jutimate that he is now pre rAiNs, Acm.13, AND &MMMS, = rieLNuv. 2EIA1869. healthy, and effeetm:L I
- a, 6 King btFect, %V, JENTLEN moillately adioining th� Wester" Hotel.
r nv n,3 909 Broadway. N. Y , and N [A.N'SJOURNAL B. for preser
Toronto; attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, pared tofurnish III a few qWmeats after ite uee, 1V c3i rP X C", 30. �c ret t, e and are prepared to itun out Its wonderful 1power in rising the Bed -ridden, Crip- air. Faded or gra![
I- the t , 1,1 t,t,,:n btf-IM nAV3 YU TrIED IT? If not, don't delay ancther pled, Rheumatic. Neural gi c -di vesting the bodies or hait- is soi9h es�torpd
'Canadian Pain Des- :F 0 P. Waggons, Buggies, Pall suffering from Pain, Inflammatio LL parties concerned an hereby notifit'd that Any e 11 ve.,il -1. t�.it ni, ey momept but got a ttit tie of the Pianos, Melodeons. Cabinet Chifrqft Organs El. Weakness, troer ' Ine, anti was Outters, S1, igh's, and ot-er infirmi PA . or bool, f6 its original Colcr
-9 it is far ahead o(arly other inedit ties. curing in a few days the sick monies due to the bearer -on note of hand
V e never known to fail. All aches slid pai IDepot. uEss and diseases of months and Years, and for all mcount, are to be paid Lo bunsf-lf personally. An Telegraph News and everything in their line, ofthe very hest material OF ANY MAKE MANUFACTURED f5ifX dit gioSs 0,, mediately ail,' permanently rtmovmt by it, ordivaiy pains, aches, either Allerpayinents will be considered utill and void. t v L, re u rg- places it within the reach of all. Sold by all (JORDAN'S oLD STAND) and workmanship a . nil at the very lowest remunerative INTERNAL OR EXTERNAf, JoSEPH RERB. frahmms- of You;/-,
Cine Dealers. rates. Ition in this800ti011- All Spasms. Cramps. Inflam U Codericb. Dee. 2,7869. �,tf in the 4T C:)� 13 :13 X IV C;r AT, prices and t3rms which, defy coMpeti matio , Congesfl6ns, Thin fiaif.� is thieL-
affordin- IN,STATANEOUS enso and comfort. it had been A (I'MrLtu.405 oil a summer trip down Promp�ly attended to. met witt tbe'same treatment that Lhe Stone which ened, falling liair cheekedi and baltt�
refuge. day at the Dunna- the builders. thivu their igriorance of its impor- ed
r It the it Lawronee, stopped over Sul EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTE D FOR FIVE YEARS. rWO FA1R1ffS'fbr:9A1E ness often, though not alwitysi our !h r f IS66 ON -HAND, -a large a8softMent of It
n the laotel, ILL Montrtal C. K. -in the stimme - I- � I I I I I tance,rejectLd,but at afterwards W came the head ng the day Sunday) Ile was sri:ted with I ramps. of the corner. OR sale two very valuable FARais in the Town its use. Nothing can restole ,!-e
li,&,� been to drive iseae X 4C'=4 77�L 4WW' 9 FslitpofGoderich. For partivulars app)y tA3 by fire destrOyed�,-
vomiting. violent purgin a ervant f.r "SHEET MUSIC-SUFFLIED ON SHORT NOT A CURE FOR EVERY PAiri. 10SEPIJ SHAILV, Humn ROad Where the f011iCleg
ff he I-ikes. called Canada Cholera. which will be sold Cheap for CELsh or Cerd- hair I
zev�n &ai,i the Oov,�rn- medienne3 to the druggi,t; hat �,n Sund.tys these Con- TO MERCHANTS *4 `rll - Goderich Townsh�p or the glands atrophied and decayed.
ries are -losed.-a poor h f V00CL scovery, combintion. an$
ht of the z servato I`ww5Y JOSHUA CALLAWAY- distribution througho4t all nations Of t46 8alffi November 25th. 1869. 1w415tf But such as remain can be saved fur
%11)ject,but those who Letlelout Sundays. Goderich, Feb. 24th, 1870. Goderich. this marvelous remedy is due as touch to Lhe inspi- 3. rrtivier site should I He was constantly groWin" worse, untilhiss ration and direct will of DIVINE PROVIDE -NCE as umfulness by this applicati011- Instead
bee3me alarming anti then manager. With a view to clear out his heavy stock years it survev had called o -41110toseellial. litillilediately, March, 18ih, 1870. toecielice. When the combination of the ingredients of fouring the hair With a p"ty sedi-
n me anti wiqht ady Relief, diluted -tn a 'NT. of this inervelous remedy. known as RADWAY'S he, had 'Alel.v re- him a of'Re of brown TO R READY RELIEF. vvitscompleted.itsupplied a want and vlgrorou.-.
titalWer �,( water. In a few minates- Vis counte er tile best approvqd ment, it will teeP it clean
Tv, rt fr,n the Chief ffif, that had ever existed. that nei" RABIAN Olt ent the hair
nanceworea livelyan4poit-aiing expression and here- 'in prev
the pains discoveries in Aledical Cbem � Y. or the ittens Its occasional use -%v
s;> n be in the marke : 'I feel "'Ll"ll hetter,' I feet easy, preading Modica. or the ekill oftbe mo.�t e�inent Pbyeicians. FOR HORSES & CATTLE. from turnin-, gray 01- fallitig Olf, gtlill
The andemullare, a gentle heat is s gave could secure to the Human R.,". CaLOKOFORM, 0 baldness. Freo
L all over illy luIdv,' lit the course of an hotir Ether 'Iorphine. Opium. woll allay pain; but an consequently prevent
.16 a. -Id 11111ned-1- I an hour after that. he are his -de.
be subscriber offers the same at a dis- over-di,Le ofeither would cause ath. and neither
th,, NvL�,ks dinner. In the evening he attended't-hurch On his t of these remedies could be used with salety by Lite A, AILING REMEDY from those deleterious substances whicif
return tti NI,,ntre%1 tile anti t.ate� that he A TWO STORY HOUSE, CLOSE TO make some prepa tio
yk,"Icy tin the Sub- count of, the Market Square' S TO C K T AKING Public. us dangerous an
Ix Ileved Radway's Ready Relief saved his life -CO31BINEt ra J. R,k PW AY. Itt D. Apply to, nADWAY'S RBADY nELIEF TWItiVIALUABLEvPREPARATION to the hair, the Vigor calf
�n it uneasiness in the entedichial irtucs of those articl�s whiel, injurious
ae-ai'Ners xantod to kno On the flrst,vmpt,,asofX, a of Ready Relief- this 20 PER U91111*1 L. McINTOSH. ioiig�experieti,-Phasprvedtopo"esibem,i.%lsat a only benefit bat not ham it. If ivanted
stomarla or bo,�els. take a pain of every kind. mulch. quicker. And is sa�e e I"!
-6i A.s. and will rrevent xttaeks or �,holera. Diarrhea, BihousColic, pill uircu"IsLances, aud it pro�es the miraculous flicient pronertirs, (tit too cure of PleAh Wouildr.
S."d i: s, notice wem Dysentry, Fevers, ote. BELOW LkID DWN COST. Goderich March 1-Oth, 1870. w8-tf AT THE powerf 3pranit, Bruises, Calls of all kinds. Cracked Hei-6, merely for a
ge %; in Rt;g
Price 50 cts. Zite, Spitvitl. Callous, Fi6i uln, Sweeney, Int&nl-
r it �,e ansered. Z:eeDr Radway'sAlmauacforI870. PREVENTING SICKNESS, it us. Sezatehes or Greae. strains, lAmenegs HAIR DRESSSINGs
Ashe intends todiscontiane keeping the Menge Whitlows, Qvrnp. Sand Cracks,, Founderee
Ron. Mr. WLIod and EARLY ROSE POTATOES! If exposed to contagious or epidemic pestilences. It Feet, korn Dislempitr, Swelling*, and many otbei
same. DOE only Cures Pain. but will prevent it. and 41 kinds i -ease . s, which hors. -s and cittle are subject to, nothina, else can be found so desh-able.
spoken, the motion of sickness thmL tire conullu", or or , Thi6celebrated][Atiamew Ila- been used for mau3 0
Containin, neither oil nor dye, it do" L FARMERS TRY THEM. E M P 0 RAY, M. yewii, ,Ind its curative propertiei; thoroughly tested 0
T 0 W I T: MY seed is I pure and true to narne, and MUdden Vovvers brought to Tight. irri it is conceder] to he the chenri,.i aial Elitist W not soil white cambric, and yet lasts
Cin,int. for repOrtS GODEZICH, March 21, 1870 abler-medytor all ex!ernal comphnts ever ofler--'
country was Fall Wheat ............ $0:70 (d, 0:76 13ROWP INCS, to which was Igiven the flrst preiiiiiiiin As a Pain Remedy it excels all remedial agents. (-tithe public -it never fails when timely used am 'i Ion- on the hair, giving it rich glosb.li
A WRAPPI atProviticialEy.Ilibiti(inatLoucloii. And and when lir5t, introdliced the doators as well as the 'aithfully appied, 0:76 'a) 0.80 its marvelous curative lustre and a grateful perfume,
PrM9 fro�a 25 to 65 lbs weight first prenduni at Goderich Horticultural people were astouibbed at - applied externally, or To' , btl had alit I I Druggists and Country Merchant, throughout the Dominimi. Price 25c. per bottle
deprecating the diSCUS- Flolir ............... 4:00 R 4:00 rxlvwero furthemomentitwa NORTHRUP & LY51 AN Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. g
Exhibition. ENT Y DROP,- diluted in waLer takeu its a drink,
41 cents per lb iolent pains. Cramps-. pasnatt, RheunieLic, Ne Ont..1?roprieto I'll
-as brfore the proper Oats .................. 0:28 (a) 0:30 the most v 1. wet n t , express 40 ORDERS RECEIVED NOW Neuralgic, aud all unpleasant. feelings Cattle and E pR&CnCAL AND A.KALyTiCAL CjEWST�.,
Peas ................... 0: (a 0:42 ceased. I Sold inGooerichd Pa
0:40 a 6:43 BESI HARD ARE OR SUGAR It & aj �n fr ni Mr. Barley ................ will be filled on nd after the Ust of April. eye 40 1 10 1�i 9P ][A C> UE76 Ciardiner Co. 13a -.1 .:(J; James We sh snbs,,dize an Potatoes .............. 0:50 R 0:50 i3erilbain Rudrerville; J. Pickard Exeter
P A P E R)- Price 80 cents per peck or 7 cents per When Asiatic Cholera appeared. RADIVAY'S 1. 11 I CLmbe, Clinton ; -6eeord, Lut LOWFLL, MASS. make radrad to Butter ...... ... ..... 0:17 (a� 0:17 pound. THOS ROOD, bURING RE, ADY RELIEF was the oral � positive cure; it cured -aforLb, and all DlediCt
-1 eights 5 cents per lb. Goderich. WILL 6FFER thousan/A, and saved millions frona In attack. Then Rfekson, V PRICE $LOG.
ce6stired _NIr. nuall's, Fgp .................. 0:15 0:00 various W I(If cqniring and Hay, V ton ........... 9:00 1:00 E WEIGHT- - Goderich March 2Tid.1870. w6-tf it was that DW.ne Providence inspired lie to end NORTP R7P&LYRAr%, 1%eweastle, 011U, gecrnz
green) .... .... 5:00 611, 5:00 Cr WARRANTED SCAL forth this great retried -y nation on the face o; agents forCatiadn.
'done' Hides G the earth. We were il.soielvedl with fat, th of its infal-
intist be rI1E GREAT FEMALEREMEDY 97o Sold in Goderich by Parker et cattle and
ordan. Gardiner & Co.. Bayfiel- in ties Benthun
.1.1 costs, and Wood ................. 2:00 a 2:50 TF"S UASH. Tflr-.. Bit, XT TENA)A, >1 liblility in saving the live's of ail people against the J I
SPRI G D RY G 00 DS. s and pestilenees that resisted all medicines Rodg,ervillo. J. Piclard. Exetvir. J. 13. combe, Clin
-T;-,�v shitill jeel in the Beef, per cwt . ........ 5:00 64 6:00 P.'thee best skill ofi-II3-sicialls- Wj�huut having Lbe and
Job Moses' Periodical Pills ton. 8,cord, Luelinow E. Hjc�zsou,, 6eaforth,
IPork .................. 7:00 R 7:50 rasurance of one dollar's return. beyond our firm faith all
Ind who had been T. J. MOORHOU34E- OKI AT in the RADWAY'S IWAI)Y RELIEF proving itself Medicine Dealot. until t' --e allront vas wiped Chickens per pair ...... 0.30 0:30 SIGNAL OFFICE,' GODERICH. THEIR ENT!RE,STO W-17
a savior to the aiHicted human iave, we sent forth on wool ............. its mission of cure over HISINV .... 0:30 0:32 ALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILING -se must s,and in his way,- Goderich March 11th. 11370. ClEONSON, BIRIKETT & BELL LL T .1 and dallgenluE 7' -'r I .%as rCCULved with r--newed Sheep ......... ...... 4-00 R 4:00 ONE MILLION 1#0 ' ARS WORTH noes to %vn ich the ferrisle constitut 'oil it; rubject. M.A KI Apples ................ 0:75 64 0:75 Greatly hedaced Prices For, sh 16 Ax E riderates allxcevii -and removes an obstructions.
Ili the care at' ail those patitif
32ackenz,� inade a igorous HAMILTONt BADWATS BEADY REU d a Lpeeely cure ma, be relitd on.
I,,Tanz vfpr,,>niptitud,� and de- Goderich Salt, wholesale, f o.�, pbz bb TO U ATER ED LADIES -IV the Covemnient, declar- 1:20. RE NOW and opening out without one dollar being secured by porch I ase, and It is peculiarlysuited It wtit a short time, bring A ir opringImportations ofDry Goods, having to wait for remuneration until the same was triezy aWthy a road migh- B �RGAINSS Iii,
The the mouillij perii:�i with regularity. I SPEk "Ll L -eign duties, freights. the Spring. Being i4 BIRTH. and will have their l�ck fully assorted by sold. and,aH expenses for foi not betaken by Pemaiks duiing the n agents, advertising hills were paid. and 77wm PiRs shouk! PPXFARE for WIN'rER. this we continued to do tr years Wherever a com- FIRSTTHREB MONTHS qfPMnzini, as.ihey an rt7i ki t4ey I biv ir Ueonge E. Cartier 'Table Linen,, Towels, Tic ngs & Tweecls. immity of living civilized souls existed, there we sent sure to bring on Miscarriage. &*I at an other tinte he mphed that he had oderich, on Wednesdav the 16th inst. Tuesday, 15th Narche tar, At G first. at our own risk, are sqfe. -a censtired bv his party for Pain ih
the wife rf Mr Bernard Trainer, Chief Hamilton, March 4, 1 87 0. w7 -4t. fit 0[ cages orNervotig atto Spinal ffection-, the oil slightexertion. Palinia- emouh and statex], th RADWAYS READY RELIEF, I e Backand Umbs, Fail, s. x t5o ,
Constable C,,. Huron, of, twins, a S011 HUGH DUNLOP7 .1 the heart, Hysterics. &lid White these Pi IS
he had received he be- and daughter. J. C. DETLOR and the'marvelous cures it effe�ted in ASIATT6 u�J,l ffect a cure llall ather means have failed ; ir HE subscriber begs to inform the puble that he
CHOLERA, CHOLERA M011BUS. all BILIOUS and although a flowerrill remedy do not contain iron, is is ltl�arlufaeZ�� lit his
FAerchant T till carrying on the -S-xe
-,ads now bein EIRLY GOODRICH POTAMNIS ATTACKS. DIARRHEA. DY�ENTERY. and every calumet, alltLMDIIY, or anything &�TM to the collstiln- oldstand )a Light House 8treet, Gollurivil. He I
his Shop on NVest street, other disease peculiar to the countries and clittlates tion,
ian In the r, HAVING refitted confident with the experience lie haz. that be can fuT,
North-west. He again Fulldirecii-mit in the pamphlet around each package.
nxt d,)or to Bank of Montrf-al, is now where it was used, suggested its use in rush a better axe than is sold by any other tuaker. -
-it the properrnieatTtved, HE SUBSCRMERS flAVE FOR SALE AT $1.50 Goderich March 11th, 1M. Yellow Fever, Typhoid Fever Which should be carefully preserved. Give him a trial before pur_�basiuv elsewherf- Irvily
preDared to Supply h;3 tinmerouji, BuStomerS, T per 1�u-hul. puree�EarlV Gmurriph Poatoes, the Scarlet -Never, -hip Fever, . aided at Racc)s llew4ro 80re, Clin
h;s lice. 4db zL4C3rr*rT
n.,w pmented by with all articles in fiaest vieltli,ig poisit, growi,. Also,, Clema ard pura $1.00 and 12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrop ton., EDWARD SRARMAN at snort nntice, 3EM,
was able to be Uis sto,ck conSiSts of Huagaian ()rlt,.rs (hr P,,tatoes received -man, Newcastle. On Ineral agents for the now will he filled -ni, atid after th, Ist April. Those allotherfevers; and in this class -filiseases it cured S; L) it., ge er 150 F dit, REDUCTION IN PRICES if Dominion, will insure a bottlecontaininguy
be "ILowed to B R I C K L, AY T-�' R. thers failed, and PREVENTED Attacla
TWEEDS, , OVERCOATINGS, w,shing I, aecur,� red bat' better send in their orders when all o to mail,
rLASTERER IAND SLATEX ly to the subscr;bers or to Ili- Signal office. exposed. uyretu Double prtloStc01--Id1rlce r2 00, RedneedtoVi ft
March 15. above branch- CHECKS. &C , in great variety, arid will be eau STOKES -SONS. The Wisdom of Providence in -selecting the I 111- NORTHRVP & I YMAN, Ingle 'a 150, do 126
QTILL continues to do any workin the BAyfield Road. tors and Proprietors of this marvelous rem.7ye to Neweastle,G. N.,genera
Whitewashing n carry out Ifis will, in placing an antidote Within the
tha: the Bankina, Kj eson reas,�nable terms, El Job- sold CHEAP for CASEI. He hopes to re 3LaTch 17m, IS70. ws-tt -who, 4gattorCanadr JOHN AlePBERSON,
rre �i;wk to C 0 bing att,ende:d to prompt))'. Parties building through W & Js KAY reach of His people of all -naions of the earth
ortimittee celve a full share ut public patronage, as, 13- Sold. in Goderich by Parker it Cattle and Goderizil, Dee. 9th. 1669. w4713w*
the country wli-, desire to put on a Substantifti . - 0 had sufficient faith to wait for their bread cast on 'Co., Bayf- Ad ; James 31r_ Wi,ekn-me twited Covering -would do well to correspond with thf� here'tofore. HAVE RECEiVED A LOT the waters, to return atter triany days." who were F.Jordan; Gaidinr or
11. DUNLOP L o3titent to spread out before the world Henthum, Roget ville i J. flickard11 ceter; J.H.
and said subsciber, and have their'Houses covered with the richness,
it them cheaper than any miraculous quickness
Slates, as t I hey will rin w39 Chancery Sale 0if purity. and of this remedy, Combe, G!Inton, S, cord, Lucknow; E Hickc HANCIRY S A LEW a
-lave daed to take the vote other coveringin th Goderich, Nov. 3,1869 matil such little that its wonderful virtues became 4 1,th ,.�end. w8 -3m household necessity everywhere --- shows thst the in- -son. 3mforth. and All Uedieme-Vealar; the In It.3 original Goderich, h, 1870. _�'e deprt-f-3ted the firiag the strument selected for this -great work have dis- PERFECT charged their duties in this respect- Througl� THE
7 bv an abi�ract reso- S. 1R. M'D0U('TA1L,i infallible curaitive pbwers of Radway's Ready Relief l[rRSUANTTOADECREE OF THE COURTOV
0 the e of all nations have been rescued from the P "IM be ti.ue to legis- PRACTICAL VETERINARY 8 U R- IN p3rituance of a Decr,� and final 0: der Pes e in all forms; and as regards ordinar7 Chanecry, made I. . .use of RO-1 v8 Holmed
for sal- made by tvt. Court! of Chance y ffm s Gaiters, lvile,!0113 SU13STITUTE bearing date the first day of April, 180b. and of an
apply for oderich. Veterinary Medi- PAINS that are common to all, he Ready Relief in Eder ofthe said Court made In the said cause bearing
when they 1, a suit of BLONG VS. KENI;EDY"aud dated a few minutes will stop F 0 R O!
date the 14th day of February 18740. Andwiththeap,
cines al%vays on band. tb,- .14�ixteenth day of February last and th#-. Youths -, k7::; T-T'P-. SIMIC Of the Finance Will be in Dungannon, every VVeduesday, and at beL,t,,oL of Remy Maedermott, D. te
t IS MRS r of the
A, T. ii. Gait expressvd un- Seveuv-t dav ot October last respective Heavy Balmorals es -Mid urt at Godench, will be m one lot by
Lucknow every Thursday and Friday. in all grades; Notwitli-standing the great raige ot Pains. Ach VER
""el Girls Balmorals SIL
lr� HarTm)n thon.ght Hirr ly. will be sold by Public Auction, by Mn. Ailments. &,3. that Radwy's Ready Relief cursy Public Auction at the AIIctIO . I ( I ,h ROOLLIS Of Uccrge M,
Banks issnina the I ir QW11 es examined as to soutialues'l aw56-2m' g orpure
GEORGE M TRUEMAN, uctioneer, at Chilclrens'� Slippers & Fancy Ti*es,;, time and eunvence prove it t) be tho'BEST ancL Trueman in the Town ofGuder
1�j basis w. -s saft:r than the SAFEST CU for ON
h -.s Aui�tion lloontsin the Town of Godprich FEVER AND AGUE9 bricKm platedbythe patent process ofUessrs Ming-
SiES, 019ILD7&ENSI PRUNELLA a. the ver best
,ue- The prii�Lcipal amend- with -the ap "Andrew Norton Saturday he 211d day of April 1C-70
probation of WOMENS11 MIS ton &Co.. and is beyon& all compaTiso,
t'. wece ; That n" new Bank CMLLS AND FEVER9 yed as
E possible ;nt-d certified hv the Treaasury Sip -of the Isigi. Broom. Buet! Esquire. Master in ordinary tat the said article next to sterling silver that can be ewPlo
I SCAFLLET FEV .29 such either usefully or ornamentally, as by no AT 12 O'CLOCK Nt A)N. Court, oii G i I MRS �ND BALMORAtS, test can it be distinguished from real silver. _np capital- of S2311.000 That cleat uf Lhe subsfribed cal�� Tuesby, Twenty-nintli day of Manh, Oodorich, March 3rd, Ib70. w 13 EXTRA VALUE. 3E3111C>`1X93 3P10 SIGNAV'oFr-ICE Goderld). The following valuable parcel of landand premises,
Cholagogne, WHY lor finish "melv.L�otnumbe.-SOintite2iideoncessloiioftlieTo%vn-
In the world. here is no Ague Cure -A etc set. guarranteed of firstal ship of Kin Loss in the -County cilBruce consi5ting of
n3id ilp axinnally. And 'eitick, noon, or preparation of' Quinine, Arsenic, or the many
BROOM FACTORY 1870, at twelve ,o in.1 agent, thaot and =111ty. as follows i13 acres more or less. Thelarldwitich
I v remod for as of Mercury. or, in f"r- tin �eyve to be held by[the Bank3 loam. and of which there are nearly 80
The following e lot, natnely positively, so safely, Ha per cent, Wqperty in on will care this "ease so Thread
ror Purity and Cbeapnesis. It A N D all and singulur.that eertain Parcel or tract Fiddleoi Bead King's antimatter cultivation. Issituated orithe S UNRIVALLED I 's Neady Nelief. old'hilver pattern pattern pattern road, about 1J miles from the bumidary line betwom
March 16. gaves Eggs, Butter Milk, etc., and is warranted to of I Ind and prf. MiSeS situate in thq Township pattern theCotinties ofHuru.n and Bru(-m It is about 6 nificil contain nothing injurious For sale by the Grocer& from the jillage of.Zetland, 7 miles fro
�Psnn intrndt-ced a b0l to ORE Mousairds. from over -dosing with '111 the village of
of Zhl$eld in the Ctiut.m uf H �ron- beiiia, No. not one,. I , StIs. $ cts.
ROWNSON & YA I -E-4, IMPORTED SEED So uinine.' Medic. lereary, bottled in the many Ague ets. 9 eta. Winghain and 8 miles froul the village of Lucknow, bY
of members c(;mprIsled of the outh Wf of tot Number urob a CIVIL Praeiiee. pay the penalty of ell- 2Table Forks 9.00 ...... 950 ........ 1000_12.00 good roads. Them i" Saw Wilt at 7,etlaad, and an -
Agents for Goderich. Ninth Coneet-sion of the Eastern Ii er. at. s leen. disordered kidneys. isaffron- 12 Table SpoEloull 9 00 ...... 0-50 ....... 10-00"12 00 other in course of erecti--ri, within 1i fililes -of,the land,
�-et;n mach abued. r. E.11LUMMEti & CO.. HE Subscribers have removed their One in the The said r e of .00 ...... 6-60 ........ 7-50 "ll Therearo Gristand8aw "sat Witigham andLuck.
--on,) 3eci)nded the rilotion and Wily Chemists, London. Out Bro.mFacto--y Division of the said Towilship. I r e in hundreds of other symptoms M Desert Forks 6 Villages. A log t1wellnig
Tto the premises in rear ef the Store formerly occu- is cap. The�a opts never cure, but 411110thOr tLe� 12 Deisert ZIpoons 6.00 ...... 650 ........ UO .... 850 now and gnod Store's In both Th
ze Goverz:iient shuld take pied b, H, JAMES THOMSON (two d ... )rs South of ii,roperly ains by adineUsureinelit one ise 0, whoroal 12 Tea Slwons 400 ...... 450 ........ 600 ....i550 house and barn bayle bom crectcd 011 Me land - c 6
hundred aer, a 240....240 from Totonjo tEiRiticardine.
p. It Lame out in the dis, APPRE14TIOE WANTED. the tiarill, Hotel), on Kingston street and beg I a in Conthe the same mure or less, of a Egg gilt WwIs 2 0 ...... 250 ........ 280....280 farm jilwithin A mile o*f c pwposed line vf railzoat]l
imatethathaving farilities Jr,r purchasing broom -corn e cleared and RADW.&Y'S RFADY RELIE09 .2 Sauce ladles 200 ....... 220.. ---
had latt�ly been I which aboul, thirtv five ne'res ,it 200 ...... 220 ..... 40 .... 240 The parchaser shall at the time cf sale
the cheapest, market, and bying secured the ser- adway's Pills. not only ci�ire the worst 1 Gravy Spoun - a
tiaii-ered chi,dv with beech t so ...... 90 1.00 pay down a deposit in the proportion of 610
rong vouth turn- the remainler' is 0 attacks of 2 Salt 'gilt bowl
Mr. Huncing- 0 the Blacksmithing business A st vices of a first-class brodmi-inaker, they are now Now Seed Now Seed . 8 1 aided by R
cues-, but will protect the system ag-%-Us ........ 50 .... 50 for every $100 ofthe purchase money. to the 'Vendom
rt::sf,1utioos in farvor Throm thecowitry preferred- Apply to SIBAC14AN ing out and maple, The nuildin,s, thereon are a Ague anti all oLher rever's. I Mustard 40 ...... 275 ........ 300---800 Solicitor, aua shall paya further proportion of 45n for
MCKIINNON, I Floap ladle 2.50,...
Unp-n with the Unitcd I Ono Z Cent Bottle of I Sugar Spoon. 50 ...... 5& ........ GO-.--- 65 ever), $loo of the purehase tDoney. sw61-tf Alb, tvm Irtim tLe
Goderich MArch 21st 1970. AN EXTI&A HEAVY BROOM 1.2 bouse and 1o,r barti. The rroperty is Vithillat 111011th
b2.s5 59.25 day of gale) and *;hall paj lks temainder of tic
as it is near the from the dayof sale (with interest tile the Government as well diu;tled as to road. 44.60 48,05
The debate &ravel road to Godiiijeh, floti, whiQ11 Plac` lef money by tras eqW instIllmlents at ATTLF Radway's Ready Rel, purchase I It
onei"A be de -eared by Mong,cgo
Gienburnie Farm for Salf trl-lvs distant, aild it Is or, is better as cure for all Fevers Chills. Ditio" Any of the x!)ovo articlu to W had sing1v at same d JbM ryearg with iiitemi on Vim unpaid
was adjourned to Monday it is about ,tiXteei TQC* Adncke.&e:, than tile quinine Mixtures. Ague Cures, prices. on purchase IllolteY, to E1, n of Such
NIANS'RIP ahout seven miles from the Village of Dun. HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR ANNUAL $_ tral Cho,h,,Ogues. &e., costing $1 to $3, and Radway's Ile propartyi,and upon the execta
OF GODFRICH. BEST QUALITY & WORK I :EST QUALITYCINLY of abovekelli v, the pumlisseriEbAll be cutithed to Z)
March 17. TOWNSHIP y Relief is good for Liundreds of other aliments N. B.-TIEEE B Mor1glil
-Iude(L PrOUts aveyanee Emiltobstet into possession. The 1-ur-
which they are The purchaser sha!l at the time of that thelse arc not. *me of
selling as ch�ap as any manufacturer in in stocIL Inferior goods entirely exe eel
n�r C 'Itirnitteeou the Hop and MILES from Goderich and 9 miles tfam Clinton, Hamiltn or Toronto; - n ported, Field, and Garden Seeds,' R111virmygm Ready ReHef based on the ready money principlo--uOt credit- chaser at tbett the sale shall signal' Rovernent
C'aUed azt--aticzi, in their re- 10 the Gravel Road Runnine from Gode- pay doon a d -posit in the taropur!lti M One 215 cent bottle of -jof spirits. will' give you rot the c(impletion Ofthe PuMilkso, T-ItefarmwWbe
ffituat,ed oil diluted in;one gallon of lir pects, aild
rich to Bayfleld, from which it is separate4 by the Bay- tot- every tine hwidre.1 d..1lars (it his ' I . J
equal in quantity. and superioc in Quality, to iexceptasabovetileritift-ed. the conditions ofealeare
last evening, to the un- tains 212 ac�ss. 110.acres under 18oth WhOlesale & Retail. udor or 1115 Solic' use in Canada.— ONE PRICYj 0 4 LY. told free from incumbrances. in other rem
gleldiRiv�r., It c purchase mviney to Ve I- surpassed br any i-spectable Ho 144 bottles of the 25 cent Pain Remedies, Paints,
r.lf the Ctnadian as feirce, 70 aereA clear of stumps and in a high state of W bich for quaiity and price cannot. he _r nli of tile Atauctug conditions of sale orthe said Ccurt vt
cultivati -h clay Ii.am, l4sh good hardwood. tors, andshali pay the lial,ince in one mon!h at allowed to C untry DeMers. Retnember the stand, !� Killers. Embrocations, Panaceas- Rings- & TERMS CASH.
;h the American producer. on soil tit. A liberal diecou theso remedies being but poor imitations OfRad- T. IJ. 3100RHOUSE Chancery. ITJON� OF SALE AND MATHER
V two living atrearmi. Anorehard They have also purchased the balance of Mr James there4ter without interest; in ad'othel THE CO' D
It is% ell watered b, wjny!yu R�o�y - 'Relief. W40tf Ulm tuay be obtAltM at the Oface of Jobu e batle of Rad—Y's Iteadv RcUeIr, for 25 Goderich. Oct. 21th 1869.
'd e�r (,f the sitting, was spent in a of140 apple trees fit'llearing-fruit very choice: also, a Thomson's respects the conditions of sale are the stai,d pARKER VIATTLEIS, DBUG STOREf conts. s,a pain Remedy. and for 13�lra =ra Esq of theWwm of Goderich, the A'eudor* few pears, plums, peaches and cherries. ud a few ity Purposes, William
�e fSankin- Selteme. e, 32 by 42 feet, ea eTroy
Two story concrete hou stock of Groceri6s ! in- cc,litiltik,pils of said, of tte Court of 011all- Market Square. will Scure every housela Id freedom against siek Solicior, &;u Anth011y L - Esq.. and
Vines. w2l poses. that Qbdeticlt, and Messrs. Budging. Bull
full size of the house. Frame barn 45 by 81 ft r particulars applY to Goderich, Feb. 24ib, 1870. ness. aiid can be used for the same pur had you CANADIIN DESTROYER R Bain. Esq ,of Toronto. and from tile uud�rsiguca, This is a rare opportunity to Secure a good fauqon the and made large additions thereto and inteudtocarry cery. For fui:the would ou2t at least ($25) twentY-five dollars. and NOWMILID&
3ipe and t-115 Fe=auB 14ke Shore, where fruit raising is much more success- onlin his old stand) a first-class Messrs. McDonald & Chadwick, Toront, ti) purcbiu�e prescriptionii, or drugs every time gain, A Family Medicines well and favorablyknowin Master of this Court 'It Goderleb.
all t1le street, T,)rotito. the Vendot/8 Solicitors 01 sickness, or Ing in a Single HE�NRY JLACDFMMOTT#
fal than farther intand. AppIv to r fail Most" fit GomerICIL,
t, Family Gracery Business WM HALL, Bayflpl( for the paist Ion years. neve
jor. the re?Waph. to the Auctioneer. or G. IL TRILTEXAN, Land Agent, boderich -instance. to give Peratanent Jeliti When timelY JOHIq MACAVRA �Goderlcb,
March 17th� 1870 w9tf CASH JPV1NC1PIaP,. Dated this Sixteerilh day of FebruarV, 1870. 'dra bolidtm wt -til.
'N. BUELL ay 8 Emd used, and we have never known a single case L3 have 1o3t all respect for His [w7tdl A. 11adw Re ]Rdiel-
A complete assortment of lupe. At one 'time they W11L AFFORD INSTANTRASE: oi dissatistactiOn where the direPtliunb have beofl advwe of the clergy in an Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Fruit, SALT 50ats PER BARIVEL. FEBRUARY 'CLEARING SALE aroperly tollowed, ba. fin the contrary all are now the bull of the head of WANTED Spices, Flour, Feed, POtAOSS? luffaidlination ofthe KidITLOIS, delighted with its uperatinflat and alwalt in the
the edi&. of the man Whd is HE GODERIC H SALT COMPANY; (OLD WELL) Wommation of the Bladders 11 gliest tkirins ot tis Vinue a4d Magical efft cte.
dealared infallible, i laughed MAN to work on a Farm., Apply at e., always ou hand at the ILiowest rrIdes, Thave on hand it quantity of refuse or diM salt, tion of the Bowels, ZIV DESTROYER r,hancery Sale A township. a Led" whfih they will sell at 50 cents per bbl in bulk at their Congestion oirthe Lungs, TRE CANADIAN PA purt t; whom it is directed, Lot 31, 2nd cou., Goderich delivered in Tilwn. works overthe river in lots5 or 10 bbla 'c&t has won for itself a rePutetiOQ, ad a blood JOELN A. NAYIrEL. Lgre a Con- of 'Salt Kettles. for Sao At 11 riv. Sore Thv�oftf- ]DIM0131t B, -hiingp I
Only om call requiled to sev SW Also s, number 6ei., alterative sto'"aach tonic, unsu
,;Ted In thr
1z ed in their newspaper& Id 21st March, 1870. w9tf tivawx of rublic Patroage- fents perlb. Palpitation of the xlcsx�4 HysterIC29 iijit'ly of medical preparations. om tailb DURSUANTIO AMEW&B OF THE COURT lave not rpason to comp!aInt if January litfi. 1870, U . 0 Liver Complainis, Indigo- I Chancery, inado lit Pe '-Ruse Of Herr T-% La". I.
4 T GREATLY RED CED PRI bearing amte tile rlls�toeuth day of June, in till
qALD CBS IN C=uP, DyPhtb�crAe" to cum- Dy P111151a,
Cox z MCDOT ALANCKOF S9 tion, lifia,ilburn, 81cl-04, year Ism, and of at. order of �said Court mGder
ot f their �at tach Went to th.0 WINTEIL:GOOD F.k Catarrh, Inaidicatz itadache, Kidney 001- �oEc Ch=h thus defy the Kingston Stre0t. B Ilemumueg, Toothache, plaintil, Acid Stomach Flithisicor Asthius ao� In the a9ld CIttiso bearing date the 1911' t1aY
FARM FOR SALE CHANCERY dolli.114teG tile apjj�,baztiou
f; nDr caa Proftestants be X. B.-Farra Produce talum in Exebanip for Goods SALR 1 NeurAJ.-1A9'1Lh01drAfttt2=,9 mrlarps to vital RctivitY 60 systelp Of RebrOSTY, 1870, alld With
magand disease. OfHfury Miti-laermottEgq mastbrofthistailAcourtzt:
by vulle
Leeding mA, the 'thunders vf FURS. 'acluderful sucel-gs in cturinj tiod,erw%, will be sold in Ono 0i THE February7th, 1870. w4O-tf cold ChWs Ague ChUI& I t�by Pubt.1c Auction.
It* magical and U, in the
it: whenthou-4ands ofthose be- -1BAYFIXELD GRAVISL ROAD, __ PUR4UANT TO AN ORDER OF THE, SHAWL89, The application of the Ready Relief to the ?sit or sudden colds, Sore 1brost.'100119118, f)jptbcrja gt Vie Atidtion Roonts of Georp
a Church itself refusi to ro,- parts. where the pain or difficulty . exists, wil alTord pains -in the sider1101111 and back. neuralgia11LOOlt' i.Tdwa of Goderich, an -9 PRIZE ESSAY, Court of Chancery, mde in the matter ICLOUDS, eae and comfort.
of �t3 recog6ized head. LOVK eumatic and,tAher pains in any part el Saturday, the 2nd diy of April, 1870, lao-11-ity CP - - DIANLE CLOTHS, 2o Drolis tick a TeAspoolzftl In Waiter' pelle, rh ba# giVen if
L221 "National! papers, with EIMG lot22, tirst concessimt Goderich Township ON TURN1P CULTURE. ot Thomas Oiiver nad others, infants, beat will thebody Ana from Whatever oausei, afieritoon. the follow- na low moments, cure sdd- at two 6,6:00k, i 16 acres. 50 ofwhich are cleared. a Dever failing ipjj�jejr,, a place in every household and Isfallf OuPer and XIS-tentbas in- dute the first day of February 1870,. OOLEN GOODS,
13 Situated on 0 19=ce Lho Pope in uftweasur 'BLANKET -9, &o., kc. CAJ"N,; sp.O&Trq� Some ar I ng al' I -other pfeparet iong qf ttie kind. The lot In -we-3tportion of Lsit
M3 latia bull a-rainst the creck runs through the land. town of God- WILL BE.SOLD ArRiffRTBUNW, SICK AfE.F.0-ECArR, No. Q.Iu the Maitland Concession, f the Towliubil) Of
the Gravel road about �', miles fr-)m the MS,ESSAY IS NOW PUBLISHED IN PAM— It Is also an FIlle(lual ancl �,-prornpt 1frWeJY tOr acrex-of land formingthe south
NJ, . 01jilblainit,
Te Irish Relti;thli, pub ericb. Thelandiss, rieliclaY loam being ery Suit Tpidet form, and may be bad from the following Scajdti, -Burns, Goderich with the two story briek Tavein crocted
able for wheat or fri 11 I.,. ,lid --Froru Crost. Bites, C to mDA in -
r his at the docu- ait grvwing� The lot wiv =z throughout the countv of Huron,* viz BY PUBLIC co-Lict the floindeb, Diarhaea. thereon, inoum as *3)uggan's Tveru., And The frame
IYork lau4 cheap and on easy terms. Possession c4s be givert Ist use, Butler. and at the Teleiraph Book. Ftore, H A N O -E, -1 rbus, ftillious Wu4je-Cholera. lnhku-� building sai barn sad outhou,BP8 virlywiled therr- )uUly states it would sooner uticulars and tarms, apply to G. H i of George M.,True- Wt�d in the 13owqls,, Laulers. mo oc.tober, for p God%rich; Holmes' Booir Store. Chaton; Logan, LtIms- at the uc A nd All Internal Pains., pint, Dysenterv,. 8ce. mith. The tavern is situated on the mad to Clinton,
cum than 0renediction. FAMON6 Or to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderich. flarth -. Jackson, Fgmorjdville : - - lb r botile and about rear miles frow-Goderleb, andatAlle outh
man I in the Town of GoderiC4, I Pair- a.gleofsaid. TAIL No. Q, to—ad by the 13 uria;a Roo," w9_tf MarksI gracelield : Grig. Exeter ;'Urant. Aiuleyville: er s Irid Glovios $2.00 iloer The above 4080, take every fiftcOft minutes WM rIce GBIY-25 eftnist r1JR1UP!,�*LYMAN,
Goderielt, Much 219t. 1870- Alexand lk NOILI
vror,6 : "ThePoperga6ve Keys, Baytield : Mellis, Ki n -, Bonthro, Rodger- quickly cure - Cholera, Morbus, N�vreastle. C. W. and tberoadto Beu.Miller's unlis, clialrom its PV� =jY to ir3urgent Fola4d,and tie - no�-Turuer- VarnaMtterson's Store, %Valton; On Tuesday, the 51h day of AP41, 1970 Asiatic ChOlerli, Flux, ifort, is calenlatedto cominaud a large business.
v r, Bilious Colic- 6enera[Ageut-forOanlda, - landUi otgoad quality %Zd fronts on sed tw rorib_i,
it tb� post ffice. Un4esborQugh-: and at Wroxete 01111-T Vol And nil Painful Discharges.
c:.,)ztatry i3 lowerthan ever BeHing (',ff Wtntffr Goods Lucknow. Blvth. Zurich, Berne, Hills Green, & c. E6 bottle -of Radway's "-Sold in (1o&rich-bv PArYer & Catile slid The parchasershall-at-the tme"fadc, PPY -_I of the $J[uscovrite. He Sent Much Oth 1870. w7 -3t* AT 12 O'CLOCK NOO, 7ravelers should always carry. 4 willprevont, dardine- C,o_--Bavfield;- James deposit jutAeproportion, tof $10 for tvery QIQW of lbtr
haye of'getting'Ahe VERY BEST: It erwitlithem. Afew drops in Water -110
.r. w.td iltail,
Jefemrr Dav7s, and the -ADTFIS-.4his is the only QPPOrkinflity Y09 Wil Da=hRM 11101MIfl) the Vcudor% Solic
rhe followinc, valuabie lov,in the Tomnabin L sicknem�or pains frdm change Of Water- 0 few, 3 - .1rard,'Uxeter, J. H. PLY u further vilvortion of*125 for every $100 Of - thtf
)nfederaz.f m no, more. Tile KID GLOVES 'ade, AVIeBs than cost ice cktiow; E Hicksori
prt H Blk&NDY 03 BITMUS AS 0 THAN Fam all udilicin Deal �We (with intereatthereort. from the day of ,We) and
Hea,ven for TO MAKE ROOM fOr mm ]pARX FOR SALI OR TO RENT - of V� ..an-.�. Eitnely -wmThe East half Of P; - purebasemoney within one TnOutb from 160 4tlY -'r
-5,yers Lo,t No. 2i� 'it) the 14th cancesSiOn Of thi *hall pal, %U remainder of the _rurclaise moacy by
PUROHASES- 313iimifian on his departure Township of TowushiP Of Wgwant)sh, consisting Of 100 HAT superior Farm. Lot 39 7th cOn. three equal instalmentE At six. tw�lvlu and cightei'D
�st ion the nupaid balanee of jmr-
ML -of Good months, with Intere
he rat=ed to his paternal (;Oder, [ell, containing. 80 acres Orland, sirith,40 The Laud, is Clay Loa Goden9k,Febriary.4th, 1670. Aarjre Bottles --India Rubber FOR 8AU.
I- AM SMITFI-i ortit -TheclearEid Iiiiskid. SC cleared,.and MST-CLASSTAW chaw money, to be sPeur4d by inortga;e on fte pro -
it Is wen situated. I wps,- He sent the blessed AD R I cleared, audiza,oillearn ilitrig 3 miles Qnality. About 40 aures are ritv'Orike JW-ffD3rVWX"EUJ?, perty, Mid upon the �ezccufion of such Yrortgazo_ t!,e
S�ltara, state of cultivation, rl purchLje,,IBhalibeenatiedtoacouve% -1
,-(r--- W f3abella, and before arbt 12 irom 'Dods ch the remtinder is coidied -with'Hard- cc, and to be
Merchant Tailor & Clothier H linton -and C-sts., ilia Xgirvir Ralstest I terms let into posse�slon. 71
shO waw a fugi,five cars- the undersigned, a L6z DwellinLy aig sub"ber offersor ftle, on Mors, - a tie purebatier at file time Of
is -W. D nipletion of
8 now offering Great Indt:caments in For f MON, wood Tiniber. Ttiere f6h M_ - tiontaining 3 and 4 times the 4nantitY of Ad 16 oent T excellentfarm, iLL tho township Of Colborne. Sale shall sign an aveement forthe to.
ervie Post Office. lLoo, Barn on the logo. V!h MID He erCoMmUni Umiments, Paints, Killers, Panaceas, made of the being lot 8, calL lotfEW miles froui Godericb. Ite thepurchm. The propertywfll be sold free from It;
n T'wi, Line. biatween Ki I sha iatraa front the, Alp& hin B w2 -3m" l -ed on 'the 0 commul
Pteady Ila& Clot 9� "CEItinty ofBM, CO. -situa n fusel oil ulcohol as a basis. and hav;e all prism itio acres of the best clay -11, RII cleared cumbrance. Itio�her respectsi Xnd, excePt As abov-
toiulitateRadway5i;U"] lEtellef. froilfstumps. mentioned. the conditions r -f S -W dro the stauding
fie. 1,060, hial P been started conditions (if galeorthe said CoutfljfVbatm�,
,Xca=municate loss and Wawatiosby %bout 4 tuiles, distant are scented wit Common TheConditions,
mil, bD-k anti candla light, for and CAPS- a I nd .26 miles -from Goderich, Somb -lily rectified preparp, my r3ttiCUlarS M-1
HAT from-Lucknow, 1�ut dimter, SUE 410 Gra,vel Road, I tion or Arnraonia�- used. in the genuinei Persons be obtained it the offies OfJnIr- ra, JEsq, f ti'd
A iscover Wit iekr atchard. A Town orod,�ntql, the vr!tdoes Sol-cibir, niad frm,t
bartshorn:jp imitation of �6 big
_D e House and Ba ion* be B ma nough; splendid assortment of RU by an exsellent A RI D I using the genuine Ready Relief will at once d7 Splendid Apple i good water. ;onsi The genuine be taken s -part Pay- xuthony,,Lefroy, Esq.. zn,t
ir shAll 4t t e tin �e miFierable fraud in the imitat* John Y. Etwo" Esq..
lthe.naX aill surely herald proit- CLOTHS AND FANCY TWEEDS- h "j� of slalell, house andlot i 'Goderl-b would
tl nReai ,WH. TRF
P -ed W!, Utfli 'N' dffQm the unaeviguedmaiitcr of thlgcourtat(ila-
ZU J my do%# lyRelieflins" ment.. Fqr p2rtic w.,oftlieTowilof t,oderiel..
As he is now 'deposit in t _=d randy. ftuti �uado air-tIghL suceew tio, t1leir -e4 to make to OW i� a India Rubber �Sttiiipe*:Ai4everY UlarsAl,pI7tO- C%Encrotj Gam)
intended prelmr er In First -Claw ALE' he proportiou 14
!2e!l targa;Lza as th* ire are ice -a good fit guaranteed -or it,) AL r -$Io oft for evejy hundred 'doftra, ef, per do"n
of Trice -of aadwn�Vls Revd3l RCU st.:i3odertele ment of trich
over before appeared in the ula. A good wAort Ito the Veit Uttlea, $2.50 cents; Single Bottles. 25 cents. 'Md- wil-It Dated thg 2m day oI February, A. D.. 1870.
F. the purchase '-tabi[ley OP 103 ing Machines 2' THE �,kGNA.T, F, -at, Di- Radwg &.Co Is Principal Offica. -No. 439 St GoderldlL N4*. 19t 1969 at pay A ontir d Caner A;1. be: 9- and,, 4 I the 44 -PAU1 StroaE. ( -dali.and Druggists-im ,-,a' - —1 or R �So telcor at Etoma� Cathulic pub;lcation� Sewi M1 -111dia ofthe TAfA n time or IlMerstl .1 to i ,t ifenUnism hais done =-.h to wtijl�,fdr"160 Far a $36 0 I -L ztorekieepp iierywhere - "Mazent-, SALE -
on hand no mOrthc fro I , - - i
ittforeash. Kuhl" Needles and *zcbIW Silk L er Slitin. 01- n evork &Y and town I the world. Putu.;,yindi- FARM joAN XACARA, Goderich, holl of the chatch ou the Idiaoul 0 rheif.,Ahe- purih shall - t6bt�,na:of- ail, Jang-unes. Abkfor U-,dwlayfa Ifeador's Soluillor. 6 -td
for ssle� �0- 00' the day of Sae, V N paop:e. , The plergy ton lid to g &go, ABRAHAM SMITH.' VAndy Atelfe ING C( GOOHEN LIXF )XPO9ED OF TA)T 21, THANKS B h%b state ofealtiva,tiori. TLe,
t the� fikiwitty would have-sach W4 TIMEIWA- _1 111"._ I t� -1 -
lutin ort "unty 'of Huron' 120
Go"rich. yeb, 24th, 208 G. M. I � .1. - t_;t. #0 11) 03?
lsvezeL TowzrsiAli Of StRuley OF LETTEP-S
& warned thjir flwks spinAti 1i I Ito: A�L. FOR I -IST
te sl 1 or sediiiiing- tilb -arcIrt a"
0 Be iLatLCaU for 3Aosey LCT6, 10DAE"E'S t4rigity -d 6md -4
ended to M* R 'Thero are v4 till ve those Yrho resp - andwallfelaa F bTING In
respectfully invite ills bililalift 'Of -,MY liIoce along the front.)
'by so doing would enable Me frame bam 116 1) gM13arY, q TORFAnd dwalily -tot &.00- a good I e alMgnJA,_W.1t c-iin, "it, sug, �1,7 lceipr�lrdses a
is insixilefed k gage UPOP. notile Goderich Post Gaee, S.
WAY d ii;!rpavahle in aqd woullil t9d Isr ilia bes
eztmt 3hows that air ) at'his To
Public Ailic �"iatl Olt �Ilait, I � . Debtors to do li'ke*jz% dwelling house, tjb4"Inag6 -071 ij hoTA6 iy1th TI renoed orchard of Burteh ur 2 Martin Mary 4 Ik1#Ja;I le, one 'to
FARM FOR pay -20 shillitIgi
tq f4o,, sell Goods stabl a d, It I by 24 liftet. W
ostone cellar., lit the villi%e of - mlll( -datj�rLof I G' iWelt'salt fro 11h. t87O, Lhili , - - 2100 bearin.
VALUA L F L . L I _7 . _pduAfj, g4d : n a ed 05 wtlls with good Cameron D Norphy M4jtgage �& ButTIL 0 eetwo mtver fallffig _McQy Niel 3fts
Go S" W rrdi:16, Houseand -zud;&dmmodI-- d,to e:prep�rqd tat -Al md bs ZP9W L XA floon,t llie ,jzpexkSi� Of !�qh kl!?o SWU Tumps, &e. This ,erty ts situAw on It gravel JamplielID Neave Geor-e
cominiette us at -TownAip, o de" C64tain' byjZood gravel roadi with Clinton -Curbiet HIIFh
0Wto acre 6 t tIM Uringliberal. 00 0ifs"and, iai,e road- and connectA
a road, its' to be the finest in. the nEII)nOr Itif.
701t ., . erWfilmral -
ofthe thpa a kicavy preenctral as S, Con. f- 5-1 SALE (10 Trilles).and by I mariteW of _Baoeld braver John PorterJaries
with ft 6 er)Cdellet ,I!
k; 'T"Ib4ot; IrTOKOOMA oeyraiso �Ji*i4the,-_-Thzt 99�eticr Hundred �tObt, 83 Abclv@�11111 STOjaJrCOgCRETF, HoUl3 cpar fitirther 1)&rticu, rklliott M� p4pst vililan
didtfeeAlfid I - ip,of-- Ural, Mn , It a dt, SS;9.0 a and Seaforth Of d f1i thi-T�-� - h, �1 milosy- izabeth
t,.f 9, *A4 Aeo'Wee tm Ing On saie! are, the'ita n�juj,cofiditidn - AATe Engiae 23 good as ne mil savbeld, or to. %tbbon John
lot X0.10 in $0 Slitio(p. 13 r$6'pnl jj�klll 11tuy
Vk&L ata tU ard. FRANCIS MARTIN,
0 Gderielt Fek., I - -A
ajtr&, 150 acres , -The c L O' Trocu doing on:Uj, Base us Co.' B;i;ild lati the fivinises- Hunter Andrew Sarnmer Jobil
la 116W 'y A" Holtia W Frederick
Aer- ;!Ttsati� &ban &VeU' of, Which Are floori,-Dipw V" AkU so.#Sttv you sroWd feet so, "i, U10 C , g Rodin,11arlori Ki"n, MII antiXe4, t iilr po -nilson
11T,zerracleseed , . " _ , 'a _b� onthe.audandfloiiri, Sittlig '14 ge Fla IppyA A 4. Cle" .,� . ; ; � : �. -I I ", 1. I . n DL8 �'.l
back Bill maileby Watero -it Oct -L4* H0, al'd A, good #4uared 1 Barn J1* Baroom, A jrgpw jlTvus silmla fqtt, dAtida, With Aw use of: 'Dairy Mom, Frult rooiin,%tore roort -7
At do— You. Uve, 9: ostkbw:; f4ork-t e4l6ri - - On the Fr6Ml ty, iddfort Aidul f, Meat robut-, ATA Ity to HERSON Uifk Margamt Two, v&"did archar S, t thi'Tolin i6f. nent;i jt�'J - JOHN MCI` BayfieA. Ith Doe- 1869- .A6 Zvi d �Fr _Miles Stritner Rabc
_et"V �eAcr?i,ao le "e ell ALE; doderich.25 - JAZIUM-ILS70- zharp Sauluel
sW a -aper or Welj kV bRru, gOod stable. 1�igalOriiharil, �iicsiri 0 ft#fip 10. qukk. Jsa"tU r4W sad as- and Ssay�W4111- b -f - _ ntm, tken at t the A& 60a. __ -ft a. soaspootiftit ot Dr, &WS- %do rot is mtoiated abilat ,warei I( Goderiihs A et. 5oIF-;�Qe60,'c '11). w -wateiiiA,tt Read Wrdfarie RI C nil
00 A
f F.Dlidi pp1V
PftzTkr.a#2&4LUr4,Uft1W it V*UalotL ovii,quite cc%mieut to M000 This,is s, 4 'oppo tim y 12 =Rea A D, 11670i: fruit tre k9fitillo I *[a_'-V6lL he prperty Is situ! lat MONEY TO LND Agentsy -TS A 24AI�--%Ry of Leeic nueKtromilknomirelp Wg*ntb&gr&je1x6&d he 8Lh diii cif-Airc ig� T r 1 HALF OTO.T NO. 18, 4W if miles frontlAUaIllift, Of w 'ch a good y3eit ftowl Iffawano3h, go acrog- 'unly two ptiles from -C ArPLY AY AGEN -allow 9 IBM ,camintuiou Matheso katLew ''T -A Apply -:W, -k, -tsq,, or to ENT. xpe
A" Is," �w Iftyartzar, ta, am :&ad 1, wid lk One Of rhIc _boot, U is the, cdd FAliam fara l4iid zlbout3 ratio groft�AWW;iid, - - L
Can�b&h&d fronithaLdoor. _nses, or
Orel wonderful Inventions- Address,
4W &*to 0, the PkiIiiii. to we village. Apply thlsre�to S.' Polkii ON pARM LANDS AT S'PER w A' 11, DICZSU- wabt;
I TER30 i0ty P. F. WAMMI_t� TLTLEIRDISPUTABLE. or S0121 'Tau X C. to Goderich .. .... �G. 3L KkAN ic GAJ& adderich w4lt_ 14
3 Sba, $06 on L4ud QfAce: Gadeflolk Galerich 25t -an., 1970, $oRW A wP4 t
secarecl - 1U.S. -td , - -
togi� W1_tf G dden Go4ench 2fth lanuiry187.0. 'Pr on- the, emis
IRa Ra It As sUral Application In the numberless diseases to - Which the skin is Itahte, D, Iva"'i r will YOUNG LADIES' JOURNAL, Thestone which thebuilderar T KERORE A-RHERY FOR SAV V0
the head of the Porner.11—Alm, t&. LA a= .16. orbor
cc-ates or ointments, corer U:) I
-pperts res- a desizi,ed tN 814 " I
pos�, The Allevantor fboi tg?OD WORKING ORDER. u rOT A
S ted Is beoonte rove supenrr to all the p nimeniq. Waggon and Carriap
nonly it. "It Stich pur- Ir e, I_RDS F A C?k2 T -0,R Y'. PIALNOS MELODEON I' Th. hitrI..I tir. th of holy tradition finds an att Coolers, idtoap Curb and 3 to accomphAla a INrofiold 0 hi e d,la 2 He,.,. n &rriess. 2 g-)od new %VS90- b8l flair to
Lakes Erie .,,Irl it GOOD WO e fa d t d .i Refi 1.; Muetration in the, history of Alouddi
Ih'If their emollient properti�s te softell All �salg nehmg thna BOW BELLS, ]Relief 1,1I,,1gWh,,I Barrow, 4Shovels. 6 Pewter Caudit For restoring Cray
irrat-ted surfit -es and allay d,'h BATES _Id dit, 8 I ILIPS for Icy �%IOITI few -nitertilltivrdi-e I-lgh its hes11hy ELLIOTT b in a stand. 2 ClIzin Pu and accompany Jiscased ac"011 a lid Rad ay's Ready its natural Vitality and Nor -
stimulant effieet.o alter eiml,le 'he AVIM pleasure., in tntimat- W I Water Pump and many other appendagestot) EYE Bier
had _beoli wrecked' skin to resume its wonted 411100111 cOlkall'"' I'llere is HARPER'S MGAZINE I Ing to the public of town' oustomentiort. In good stand and will be sold cheav
nothing.odeswableasa healthy ruld tl�nllifalski,i: SUNDAY MAGAZINII I I I - MU'a ]p I and country that they have 'Ila Ta 0 loo on this marvelous remedy was fa-st presented to for cash. dresino, which
that drivutiz R%vay all LESLIES' MAGAZINE opened a WE --d 1'arrlaio- 6:01"notice of the medical twculty- in 1847. n 1:2- 2,000 loads leached Ashes, f7 cents per load. 'old druggist" - fl lolzilh- therefore a reined) PP�dllees it Iggon a the my terious - Elence it exhibito in is at once agrecable.,
'I*t har- ir RS, at the AsherY.
impuriiie;. should be used atoace. 1.avid"s t4t, ATtto�=E := �o in"to .. rue 1� 111.10 of J. BARN
r the entitit %nil country memhanis Dr i Hfigg�& 01. lit * Or RI 'hitt's old stand,) tin- He has raceived luring the past year, respectWI)y begra to jutimate that he is now pre rAiNs, Acm.13, AND &MMMS, = rieLNuv. 2EIA1869. healthy, and effeetm:L I
- a, 6 King btFect, %V, JENTLEN moillately adioining th� Wester" Hotel.
r nv n,3 909 Broadway. N. Y , and N [A.N'SJOURNAL B. for preser
Toronto; attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, pared tofurnish III a few qWmeats after ite uee, 1V c3i rP X C", 30. �c ret t, e and are prepared to itun out Its wonderful 1power in rising the Bed -ridden, Crip- air. Faded or gra![
I- the t , 1,1 t,t,,:n btf-IM nAV3 YU TrIED IT? If not, don't delay ancther pled, Rheumatic. Neural gi c -di vesting the bodies or hait- is soi9h es�torpd
'Canadian Pain Des- :F 0 P. Waggons, Buggies, Pall suffering from Pain, Inflammatio LL parties concerned an hereby notifit'd that Any e 11 ve.,il -1. t�.it ni, ey momept but got a ttit tie of the Pianos, Melodeons. Cabinet Chifrqft Organs El. Weakness, troer ' Ine, anti was Outters, S1, igh's, and ot-er infirmi PA . or bool, f6 its original Colcr
-9 it is far ahead o(arly other inedit ties. curing in a few days the sick monies due to the bearer -on note of hand
V e never known to fail. All aches slid pai IDepot. uEss and diseases of months and Years, and for all mcount, are to be paid Lo bunsf-lf personally. An Telegraph News and everything in their line, ofthe very hest material OF ANY MAKE MANUFACTURED f5ifX dit gioSs 0,, mediately ail,' permanently rtmovmt by it, ordivaiy pains, aches, either Allerpayinents will be considered utill and void. t v L, re u rg- places it within the reach of all. Sold by all (JORDAN'S oLD STAND) and workmanship a . nil at the very lowest remunerative INTERNAL OR EXTERNAf, JoSEPH RERB. frahmms- of You;/-,
Cine Dealers. rates. Ition in this800ti011- All Spasms. Cramps. Inflam U Codericb. Dee. 2,7869. �,tf in the 4T C:)� 13 :13 X IV C;r AT, prices and t3rms which, defy coMpeti matio , Congesfl6ns, Thin fiaif.� is thieL-
affordin- IN,STATANEOUS enso and comfort. it had been A (I'MrLtu.405 oil a summer trip down Promp�ly attended to. met witt tbe'same treatment that Lhe Stone which ened, falling liair cheekedi and baltt�
refuge. day at the Dunna- the builders. thivu their igriorance of its impor- ed
r It the it Lawronee, stopped over Sul EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTE D FOR FIVE YEARS. rWO FA1R1ffS'fbr:9A1E ness often, though not alwitysi our !h r f IS66 ON -HAND, -a large a8softMent of It
n the laotel, ILL Montrtal C. K. -in the stimme - I- � I I I I I tance,rejectLd,but at afterwards W came the head ng the day Sunday) Ile was sri:ted with I ramps. of the corner. OR sale two very valuable FARais in the Town its use. Nothing can restole ,!-e
li,&,� been to drive iseae X 4C'=4 77�L 4WW' 9 FslitpofGoderich. For partivulars app)y tA3 by fire destrOyed�,-
vomiting. violent purgin a ervant f.r "SHEET MUSIC-SUFFLIED ON SHORT NOT A CURE FOR EVERY PAiri. 10SEPIJ SHAILV, Humn ROad Where the f011iCleg
ff he I-ikes. called Canada Cholera. which will be sold Cheap for CELsh or Cerd- hair I
zev�n &ai,i the Oov,�rn- medienne3 to the druggi,t; hat �,n Sund.tys these Con- TO MERCHANTS *4 `rll - Goderich Townsh�p or the glands atrophied and decayed.
ries are -losed.-a poor h f V00CL scovery, combintion. an$
ht of the z servato I`ww5Y JOSHUA CALLAWAY- distribution througho4t all nations Of t46 8alffi November 25th. 1869. 1w415tf But such as remain can be saved fur
%11)ject,but those who Letlelout Sundays. Goderich, Feb. 24th, 1870. Goderich. this marvelous remedy is due as touch to Lhe inspi- 3. rrtivier site should I He was constantly groWin" worse, untilhiss ration and direct will of DIVINE PROVIDE -NCE as umfulness by this applicati011- Instead
bee3me alarming anti then manager. With a view to clear out his heavy stock years it survev had called o -41110toseellial. litillilediately, March, 18ih, 1870. toecielice. When the combination of the ingredients of fouring the hair With a p"ty sedi-
n me anti wiqht ady Relief, diluted -tn a 'NT. of this inervelous remedy. known as RADWAY'S he, had 'Alel.v re- him a of'Re of brown TO R READY RELIEF. vvitscompleted.itsupplied a want and vlgrorou.-.
titalWer �,( water. In a few minates- Vis counte er tile best approvqd ment, it will teeP it clean
Tv, rt fr,n the Chief ffif, that had ever existed. that nei" RABIAN Olt ent the hair
nanceworea livelyan4poit-aiing expression and here- 'in prev
the pains discoveries in Aledical Cbem � Y. or the ittens Its occasional use -%v
s;> n be in the marke : 'I feel "'Ll"ll hetter,' I feet easy, preading Modica. or the ekill oftbe mo.�t e�inent Pbyeicians. FOR HORSES & CATTLE. from turnin-, gray 01- fallitig Olf, gtlill
The andemullare, a gentle heat is s gave could secure to the Human R.,". CaLOKOFORM, 0 baldness. Freo
L all over illy luIdv,' lit the course of an hotir Ether 'Iorphine. Opium. woll allay pain; but an consequently prevent
.16 a. -Id 11111ned-1- I an hour after that. he are his -de.
be subscriber offers the same at a dis- over-di,Le ofeither would cause ath. and neither
th,, NvL�,ks dinner. In the evening he attended't-hurch On his t of these remedies could be used with salety by Lite A, AILING REMEDY from those deleterious substances whicif
return tti NI,,ntre%1 tile anti t.ate� that he A TWO STORY HOUSE, CLOSE TO make some prepa tio
yk,"Icy tin the Sub- count of, the Market Square' S TO C K T AKING Public. us dangerous an
Ix Ileved Radway's Ready Relief saved his life -CO31BINEt ra J. R,k PW AY. Itt D. Apply to, nADWAY'S RBADY nELIEF TWItiVIALUABLEvPREPARATION to the hair, the Vigor calf
�n it uneasiness in the entedichial irtucs of those articl�s whiel, injurious
ae-ai'Ners xantod to kno On the flrst,vmpt,,asofX, a of Ready Relief- this 20 PER U91111*1 L. McINTOSH. ioiig�experieti,-Phasprvedtopo"esibem,i.%lsat a only benefit bat not ham it. If ivanted
stomarla or bo,�els. take a pain of every kind. mulch. quicker. And is sa�e e I"!
-6i A.s. and will rrevent xttaeks or �,holera. Diarrhea, BihousColic, pill uircu"IsLances, aud it pro�es the miraculous flicient pronertirs, (tit too cure of PleAh Wouildr.
S."d i: s, notice wem Dysentry, Fevers, ote. BELOW LkID DWN COST. Goderich March 1-Oth, 1870. w8-tf AT THE powerf 3pranit, Bruises, Calls of all kinds. Cracked Hei-6, merely for a
ge %; in Rt;g
Price 50 cts. Zite, Spitvitl. Callous, Fi6i uln, Sweeney, Int&nl-
r it �,e ansered. Z:eeDr Radway'sAlmauacforI870. PREVENTING SICKNESS, it us. Sezatehes or Greae. strains, lAmenegs HAIR DRESSSINGs
Ashe intends todiscontiane keeping the Menge Whitlows, Qvrnp. Sand Cracks,, Founderee
Ron. Mr. WLIod and EARLY ROSE POTATOES! If exposed to contagious or epidemic pestilences. It Feet, korn Dislempitr, Swelling*, and many otbei
same. DOE only Cures Pain. but will prevent it. and 41 kinds i -ease . s, which hors. -s and cittle are subject to, nothina, else can be found so desh-able.
spoken, the motion of sickness thmL tire conullu", or or , Thi6celebrated][Atiamew Ila- been used for mau3 0
Containin, neither oil nor dye, it do" L FARMERS TRY THEM. E M P 0 RAY, M. yewii, ,Ind its curative propertiei; thoroughly tested 0
T 0 W I T: MY seed is I pure and true to narne, and MUdden Vovvers brought to Tight. irri it is conceder] to he the chenri,.i aial Elitist W not soil white cambric, and yet lasts
Cin,int. for repOrtS GODEZICH, March 21, 1870 abler-medytor all ex!ernal comphnts ever ofler--'
country was Fall Wheat ............ $0:70 (d, 0:76 13ROWP INCS, to which was Igiven the flrst preiiiiiiiin As a Pain Remedy it excels all remedial agents. (-tithe public -it never fails when timely used am 'i Ion- on the hair, giving it rich glosb.li
A WRAPPI atProviticialEy.Ilibiti(inatLoucloii. And and when lir5t, introdliced the doators as well as the 'aithfully appied, 0:76 'a) 0.80 its marvelous curative lustre and a grateful perfume,
PrM9 fro�a 25 to 65 lbs weight first prenduni at Goderich Horticultural people were astouibbed at - applied externally, or To' , btl had alit I I Druggists and Country Merchant, throughout the Dominimi. Price 25c. per bottle
deprecating the diSCUS- Flolir ............... 4:00 R 4:00 rxlvwero furthemomentitwa NORTHRUP & LY51 AN Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. g
Exhibition. ENT Y DROP,- diluted in waLer takeu its a drink,
41 cents per lb iolent pains. Cramps-. pasnatt, RheunieLic, Ne Ont..1?roprieto I'll
-as brfore the proper Oats .................. 0:28 (a) 0:30 the most v 1. wet n t , express 40 ORDERS RECEIVED NOW Neuralgic, aud all unpleasant. feelings Cattle and E pR&CnCAL AND A.KALyTiCAL CjEWST�.,
Peas ................... 0: (a 0:42 ceased. I Sold inGooerichd Pa
0:40 a 6:43 BESI HARD ARE OR SUGAR It & aj �n fr ni Mr. Barley ................ will be filled on nd after the Ust of April. eye 40 1 10 1�i 9P ][A C> UE76 Ciardiner Co. 13a -.1 .:(J; James We sh snbs,,dize an Potatoes .............. 0:50 R 0:50 i3erilbain Rudrerville; J. Pickard Exeter
P A P E R)- Price 80 cents per peck or 7 cents per When Asiatic Cholera appeared. RADIVAY'S 1. 11 I CLmbe, Clinton ; -6eeord, Lut LOWFLL, MASS. make radrad to Butter ...... ... ..... 0:17 (a� 0:17 pound. THOS ROOD, bURING RE, ADY RELIEF was the oral � positive cure; it cured -aforLb, and all DlediCt
-1 eights 5 cents per lb. Goderich. WILL 6FFER thousan/A, and saved millions frona In attack. Then Rfekson, V PRICE $LOG.
ce6stired _NIr. nuall's, Fgp .................. 0:15 0:00 various W I(If cqniring and Hay, V ton ........... 9:00 1:00 E WEIGHT- - Goderich March 2Tid.1870. w6-tf it was that DW.ne Providence inspired lie to end NORTP R7P&LYRAr%, 1%eweastle, 011U, gecrnz
green) .... .... 5:00 611, 5:00 Cr WARRANTED SCAL forth this great retried -y nation on the face o; agents forCatiadn.
'done' Hides G the earth. We were il.soielvedl with fat, th of its infal-
intist be rI1E GREAT FEMALEREMEDY 97o Sold in Goderich by Parker et cattle and
ordan. Gardiner & Co.. Bayfiel- in ties Benthun
.1.1 costs, and Wood ................. 2:00 a 2:50 TF"S UASH. Tflr-.. Bit, XT TENA)A, >1 liblility in saving the live's of ail people against the J I
SPRI G D RY G 00 DS. s and pestilenees that resisted all medicines Rodg,ervillo. J. Piclard. Exetvir. J. 13. combe, Clin
-T;-,�v shitill jeel in the Beef, per cwt . ........ 5:00 64 6:00 P.'thee best skill ofi-II3-sicialls- Wj�huut having Lbe and
Job Moses' Periodical Pills ton. 8,cord, Luelinow E. Hjc�zsou,, 6eaforth,
IPork .................. 7:00 R 7:50 rasurance of one dollar's return. beyond our firm faith all
Ind who had been T. J. MOORHOU34E- OKI AT in the RADWAY'S IWAI)Y RELIEF proving itself Medicine Dealot. until t' --e allront vas wiped Chickens per pair ...... 0.30 0:30 SIGNAL OFFICE,' GODERICH. THEIR ENT!RE,STO W-17
a savior to the aiHicted human iave, we sent forth on wool ............. its mission of cure over HISINV .... 0:30 0:32 ALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILING -se must s,and in his way,- Goderich March 11th. 11370. ClEONSON, BIRIKETT & BELL LL T .1 and dallgenluE 7' -'r I .%as rCCULved with r--newed Sheep ......... ...... 4-00 R 4:00 ONE MILLION 1#0 ' ARS WORTH noes to %vn ich the ferrisle constitut 'oil it; rubject. M.A KI Apples ................ 0:75 64 0:75 Greatly hedaced Prices For, sh 16 Ax E riderates allxcevii -and removes an obstructions.
Ili the care at' ail those patitif
32ackenz,� inade a igorous HAMILTONt BADWATS BEADY REU d a Lpeeely cure ma, be relitd on.
I,,Tanz vfpr,,>niptitud,� and de- Goderich Salt, wholesale, f o.�, pbz bb TO U ATER ED LADIES -IV the Covemnient, declar- 1:20. RE NOW and opening out without one dollar being secured by porch I ase, and It is peculiarlysuited It wtit a short time, bring A ir opringImportations ofDry Goods, having to wait for remuneration until the same was triezy aWthy a road migh- B �RGAINSS Iii,
The the mouillij perii:�i with regularity. I SPEk "Ll L -eign duties, freights. the Spring. Being i4 BIRTH. and will have their l�ck fully assorted by sold. and,aH expenses for foi not betaken by Pemaiks duiing the n agents, advertising hills were paid. and 77wm PiRs shouk! PPXFARE for WIN'rER. this we continued to do tr years Wherever a com- FIRSTTHREB MONTHS qfPMnzini, as.ihey an rt7i ki t4ey I biv ir Ueonge E. Cartier 'Table Linen,, Towels, Tic ngs & Tweecls. immity of living civilized souls existed, there we sent sure to bring on Miscarriage. &*I at an other tinte he mphed that he had oderich, on Wednesdav the 16th inst. Tuesday, 15th Narche tar, At G first. at our own risk, are sqfe. -a censtired bv his party for Pain ih
the wife rf Mr Bernard Trainer, Chief Hamilton, March 4, 1 87 0. w7 -4t. fit 0[ cages orNervotig atto Spinal ffection-, the oil slightexertion. Palinia- emouh and statex], th RADWAYS READY RELIEF, I e Backand Umbs, Fail, s. x t5o ,
Constable C,,. Huron, of, twins, a S011 HUGH DUNLOP7 .1 the heart, Hysterics. &lid White these Pi IS
he had received he be- and daughter. J. C. DETLOR and the'marvelous cures it effe�ted in ASIATT6 u�J,l ffect a cure llall ather means have failed ; ir HE subscriber begs to inform the puble that he
CHOLERA, CHOLERA M011BUS. all BILIOUS and although a flowerrill remedy do not contain iron, is is ltl�arlufaeZ�� lit his
FAerchant T till carrying on the -S-xe
-,ads now bein EIRLY GOODRICH POTAMNIS ATTACKS. DIARRHEA. DY�ENTERY. and every calumet, alltLMDIIY, or anything &�TM to the collstiln- oldstand )a Light House 8treet, Gollurivil. He I
his Shop on NVest street, other disease peculiar to the countries and clittlates tion,
ian In the r, HAVING refitted confident with the experience lie haz. that be can fuT,
North-west. He again Fulldirecii-mit in the pamphlet around each package.
nxt d,)or to Bank of Montrf-al, is now where it was used, suggested its use in rush a better axe than is sold by any other tuaker. -
-it the properrnieatTtved, HE SUBSCRMERS flAVE FOR SALE AT $1.50 Goderich March 11th, 1M. Yellow Fever, Typhoid Fever Which should be carefully preserved. Give him a trial before pur_�basiuv elsewherf- Irvily
preDared to Supply h;3 tinmerouji, BuStomerS, T per 1�u-hul. puree�EarlV Gmurriph Poatoes, the Scarlet -Never, -hip Fever, . aided at Racc)s llew4ro 80re, Clin
h;s lice. 4db zL4C3rr*rT
n.,w pmented by with all articles in fiaest vieltli,ig poisit, growi,. Also,, Clema ard pura $1.00 and 12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrop ton., EDWARD SRARMAN at snort nntice, 3EM,
was able to be Uis sto,ck conSiSts of Huagaian ()rlt,.rs (hr P,,tatoes received -man, Newcastle. On Ineral agents for the now will he filled -ni, atid after th, Ist April. Those allotherfevers; and in this class -filiseases it cured S; L) it., ge er 150 F dit, REDUCTION IN PRICES if Dominion, will insure a bottlecontaininguy
be "ILowed to B R I C K L, AY T-�' R. thers failed, and PREVENTED Attacla
TWEEDS, , OVERCOATINGS, w,shing I, aecur,� red bat' better send in their orders when all o to mail,
rLASTERER IAND SLATEX ly to the subscr;bers or to Ili- Signal office. exposed. uyretu Double prtloStc01--Id1rlce r2 00, RedneedtoVi ft
March 15. above branch- CHECKS. &C , in great variety, arid will be eau STOKES -SONS. The Wisdom of Providence in -selecting the I 111- NORTHRVP & I YMAN, Ingle 'a 150, do 126
QTILL continues to do any workin the BAyfield Road. tors and Proprietors of this marvelous rem.7ye to Neweastle,G. N.,genera
Whitewashing n carry out Ifis will, in placing an antidote Within the
tha: the Bankina, Kj eson reas,�nable terms, El Job- sold CHEAP for CASEI. He hopes to re 3LaTch 17m, IS70. ws-tt -who, 4gattorCanadr JOHN AlePBERSON,
rre �i;wk to C 0 bing att,ende:d to prompt))'. Parties building through W & Js KAY reach of His people of all -naions of the earth
ortimittee celve a full share ut public patronage, as, 13- Sold. in Goderich by Parker it Cattle and Goderizil, Dee. 9th. 1669. w4713w*
the country wli-, desire to put on a Substantifti . - 0 had sufficient faith to wait for their bread cast on 'Co., Bayf- Ad ; James 31r_ Wi,ekn-me twited Covering -would do well to correspond with thf� here'tofore. HAVE RECEiVED A LOT the waters, to return atter triany days." who were F.Jordan; Gaidinr or
11. DUNLOP L o3titent to spread out before the world Henthum, Roget ville i J. flickard11 ceter; J.H.
and said subsciber, and have their'Houses covered with the richness,
it them cheaper than any miraculous quickness
Slates, as t I hey will rin w39 Chancery Sale 0if purity. and of this remedy, Combe, G!Inton, S, cord, Lucknow; E Hickc HANCIRY S A LEW a
-lave daed to take the vote other coveringin th Goderich, Nov. 3,1869 matil such little that its wonderful virtues became 4 1,th ,.�end. w8 -3m household necessity everywhere --- shows thst the in- -son. 3mforth. and All Uedieme-Vealar; the In It.3 original Goderich, h, 1870. _�'e deprt-f-3ted the firiag the strument selected for this -great work have dis- PERFECT charged their duties in this respect- Througl� THE
7 bv an abi�ract reso- S. 1R. M'D0U('TA1L,i infallible curaitive pbwers of Radway's Ready Relief l[rRSUANTTOADECREE OF THE COURTOV
0 the e of all nations have been rescued from the P "IM be ti.ue to legis- PRACTICAL VETERINARY 8 U R- IN p3rituance of a Decr,� and final 0: der Pes e in all forms; and as regards ordinar7 Chanecry, made I. . .use of RO-1 v8 Holmed
for sal- made by tvt. Court! of Chance y ffm s Gaiters, lvile,!0113 SU13STITUTE bearing date the first day of April, 180b. and of an
apply for oderich. Veterinary Medi- PAINS that are common to all, he Ready Relief in Eder ofthe said Court made In the said cause bearing
when they 1, a suit of BLONG VS. KENI;EDY"aud dated a few minutes will stop F 0 R O!
date the 14th day of February 18740. Andwiththeap,
cines al%vays on band. tb,- .14�ixteenth day of February last and th#-. Youths -, k7::; T-T'P-. SIMIC Of the Finance Will be in Dungannon, every VVeduesday, and at beL,t,,oL of Remy Maedermott, D. te
t IS MRS r of the
A, T. ii. Gait expressvd un- Seveuv-t dav ot October last respective Heavy Balmorals es -Mid urt at Godench, will be m one lot by
Lucknow every Thursday and Friday. in all grades; Notwitli-standing the great raige ot Pains. Ach VER
""el Girls Balmorals SIL
lr� HarTm)n thon.ght Hirr ly. will be sold by Public Auction, by Mn. Ailments. &,3. that Radwy's Ready Relief cursy Public Auction at the AIIctIO . I ( I ,h ROOLLIS Of Uccrge M,
Banks issnina the I ir QW11 es examined as to soutialues'l aw56-2m' g orpure
GEORGE M TRUEMAN, uctioneer, at Chilclrens'� Slippers & Fancy Ti*es,;, time and eunvence prove it t) be tho'BEST ancL Trueman in the Town ofGuder
1�j basis w. -s saft:r than the SAFEST CU for ON
h -.s Aui�tion lloontsin the Town of Godprich FEVER AND AGUE9 bricKm platedbythe patent process ofUessrs Ming-
SiES, 019ILD7&ENSI PRUNELLA a. the ver best
,ue- The prii�Lcipal amend- with -the ap "Andrew Norton Saturday he 211d day of April 1C-70
probation of WOMENS11 MIS ton &Co.. and is beyon& all compaTiso,
t'. wece ; That n" new Bank CMLLS AND FEVER9 yed as
E possible ;nt-d certified hv the Treaasury Sip -of the Isigi. Broom. Buet! Esquire. Master in ordinary tat the said article next to sterling silver that can be ewPlo
I SCAFLLET FEV .29 such either usefully or ornamentally, as by no AT 12 O'CLOCK Nt A)N. Court, oii G i I MRS �ND BALMORAtS, test can it be distinguished from real silver. _np capital- of S2311.000 That cleat uf Lhe subsfribed cal�� Tuesby, Twenty-nintli day of Manh, Oodorich, March 3rd, Ib70. w 13 EXTRA VALUE. 3E3111C>`1X93 3P10 SIGNAV'oFr-ICE Goderld). The following valuable parcel of landand premises,
Cholagogne, WHY lor finish "melv.L�otnumbe.-SOintite2iideoncessloiioftlieTo%vn-
In the world. here is no Ague Cure -A etc set. guarranteed of firstal ship of Kin Loss in the -County cilBruce consi5ting of
n3id ilp axinnally. And 'eitick, noon, or preparation of' Quinine, Arsenic, or the many
BROOM FACTORY 1870, at twelve ,o in.1 agent, thaot and =111ty. as follows i13 acres more or less. Thelarldwitich
I v remod for as of Mercury. or, in f"r- tin �eyve to be held by[the Bank3 loam. and of which there are nearly 80
The following e lot, natnely positively, so safely, Ha per cent, Wqperty in on will care this "ease so Thread
ror Purity and Cbeapnesis. It A N D all and singulur.that eertain Parcel or tract Fiddleoi Bead King's antimatter cultivation. Issituated orithe S UNRIVALLED I 's Neady Nelief. old'hilver pattern pattern pattern road, about 1J miles from the bumidary line betwom
March 16. gaves Eggs, Butter Milk, etc., and is warranted to of I Ind and prf. MiSeS situate in thq Township pattern theCotinties ofHuru.n and Bru(-m It is about 6 nificil contain nothing injurious For sale by the Grocer& from the jillage of.Zetland, 7 miles fro
�Psnn intrndt-ced a b0l to ORE Mousairds. from over -dosing with '111 the village of
of Zhl$eld in the Ctiut.m uf H �ron- beiiia, No. not one,. I , StIs. $ cts.
ROWNSON & YA I -E-4, IMPORTED SEED So uinine.' Medic. lereary, bottled in the many Ague ets. 9 eta. Winghain and 8 miles froul the village of Lucknow, bY
of members c(;mprIsled of the outh Wf of tot Number urob a CIVIL Praeiiee. pay the penalty of ell- 2Table Forks 9.00 ...... 950 ........ 1000_12.00 good roads. Them i" Saw Wilt at 7,etlaad, and an -
Agents for Goderich. Ninth Coneet-sion of the Eastern Ii er. at. s leen. disordered kidneys. isaffron- 12 Table SpoEloull 9 00 ...... 0-50 ....... 10-00"12 00 other in course of erecti--ri, within 1i fililes -of,the land,
�-et;n mach abued. r. E.11LUMMEti & CO.. HE Subscribers have removed their One in the The said r e of .00 ...... 6-60 ........ 7-50 "ll Therearo Gristand8aw "sat Witigham andLuck.
--on,) 3eci)nded the rilotion and Wily Chemists, London. Out Bro.mFacto--y Division of the said Towilship. I r e in hundreds of other symptoms M Desert Forks 6 Villages. A log t1wellnig
Tto the premises in rear ef the Store formerly occu- is cap. The�a opts never cure, but 411110thOr tLe� 12 Deisert ZIpoons 6.00 ...... 650 ........ UO .... 850 now and gnod Store's In both Th
ze Goverz:iient shuld take pied b, H, JAMES THOMSON (two d ... )rs South of ii,roperly ains by adineUsureinelit one ise 0, whoroal 12 Tea Slwons 400 ...... 450 ........ 600 ....i550 house and barn bayle bom crectcd 011 Me land - c 6
hundred aer, a 240....240 from Totonjo tEiRiticardine.
p. It Lame out in the dis, APPRE14TIOE WANTED. the tiarill, Hotel), on Kingston street and beg I a in Conthe the same mure or less, of a Egg gilt WwIs 2 0 ...... 250 ........ 280....280 farm jilwithin A mile o*f c pwposed line vf railzoat]l
imatethathaving farilities Jr,r purchasing broom -corn e cleared and RADW.&Y'S RFADY RELIE09 .2 Sauce ladles 200 ....... 220.. ---
had latt�ly been I which aboul, thirtv five ne'res ,it 200 ...... 220 ..... 40 .... 240 The parchaser shall at the time cf sale
the cheapest, market, and bying secured the ser- adway's Pills. not only ci�ire the worst 1 Gravy Spoun - a
tiaii-ered chi,dv with beech t so ...... 90 1.00 pay down a deposit in the proportion of 610
rong vouth turn- the remainler' is 0 attacks of 2 Salt 'gilt bowl
Mr. Huncing- 0 the Blacksmithing business A st vices of a first-class brodmi-inaker, they are now Now Seed Now Seed . 8 1 aided by R
cues-, but will protect the system ag-%-Us ........ 50 .... 50 for every $100 ofthe purchase money. to the 'Vendom
rt::sf,1utioos in farvor Throm thecowitry preferred- Apply to SIBAC14AN ing out and maple, The nuildin,s, thereon are a Ague anti all oLher rever's. I Mustard 40 ...... 275 ........ 300---800 Solicitor, aua shall paya further proportion of 45n for
MCKIINNON, I Floap ladle 2.50,...
Unp-n with the Unitcd I Ono Z Cent Bottle of I Sugar Spoon. 50 ...... 5& ........ GO-.--- 65 ever), $loo of the purehase tDoney. sw61-tf Alb, tvm Irtim tLe
Goderich MArch 21st 1970. AN EXTI&A HEAVY BROOM 1.2 bouse and 1o,r barti. The rroperty is Vithillat 111011th
b2.s5 59.25 day of gale) and *;hall paj lks temainder of tic
as it is near the from the dayof sale (with interest tile the Government as well diu;tled as to road. 44.60 48,05
The debate &ravel road to Godiiijeh, floti, whiQ11 Plac` lef money by tras eqW instIllmlents at ATTLF Radway's Ready Rel, purchase I It
onei"A be de -eared by Mong,cgo
Gienburnie Farm for Salf trl-lvs distant, aild it Is or, is better as cure for all Fevers Chills. Ditio" Any of the x!)ovo articlu to W had sing1v at same d JbM ryearg with iiitemi on Vim unpaid
was adjourned to Monday it is about ,tiXteei TQC* Adncke.&e:, than tile quinine Mixtures. Ague Cures, prices. on purchase IllolteY, to E1, n of Such
NIANS'RIP ahout seven miles from the Village of Dun. HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR ANNUAL $_ tral Cho,h,,Ogues. &e., costing $1 to $3, and Radway's Ile propartyi,and upon the execta
OF GODFRICH. BEST QUALITY & WORK I :EST QUALITYCINLY of abovekelli v, the pumlisseriEbAll be cutithed to Z)
March 17. TOWNSHIP y Relief is good for Liundreds of other aliments N. B.-TIEEE B Mor1glil
-Iude(L PrOUts aveyanee Emiltobstet into possession. The 1-ur-
which they are The purchaser sha!l at the time of that thelse arc not. *me of
selling as ch�ap as any manufacturer in in stocIL Inferior goods entirely exe eel
n�r C 'Itirnitteeou the Hop and MILES from Goderich and 9 miles tfam Clinton, Hamiltn or Toronto; - n ported, Field, and Garden Seeds,' R111virmygm Ready ReHef based on the ready money principlo--uOt credit- chaser at tbett the sale shall signal' Rovernent
C'aUed azt--aticzi, in their re- 10 the Gravel Road Runnine from Gode- pay doon a d -posit in the taropur!lti M One 215 cent bottle of -jof spirits. will' give you rot the c(impletion Ofthe PuMilkso, T-ItefarmwWbe
ffituat,ed oil diluted in;one gallon of lir pects, aild
rich to Bayfleld, from which it is separate4 by the Bay- tot- every tine hwidre.1 d..1lars (it his ' I . J
equal in quantity. and superioc in Quality, to iexceptasabovetileritift-ed. the conditions ofealeare
last evening, to the un- tains 212 ac�ss. 110.acres under 18oth WhOlesale & Retail. udor or 1115 Solic' use in Canada.— ONE PRICYj 0 4 LY. told free from incumbrances. in other rem
gleldiRiv�r., It c purchase mviney to Ve I- surpassed br any i-spectable Ho 144 bottles of the 25 cent Pain Remedies, Paints,
r.lf the Ctnadian as feirce, 70 aereA clear of stumps and in a high state of W bich for quaiity and price cannot. he _r nli of tile Atauctug conditions of sale orthe said Ccurt vt
cultivati -h clay Ii.am, l4sh good hardwood. tors, andshali pay the lial,ince in one mon!h at allowed to C untry DeMers. Retnember the stand, !� Killers. Embrocations, Panaceas- Rings- & TERMS CASH.
;h the American producer. on soil tit. A liberal diecou theso remedies being but poor imitations OfRad- T. IJ. 3100RHOUSE Chancery. ITJON� OF SALE AND MATHER
V two living atrearmi. Anorehard They have also purchased the balance of Mr James there4ter without interest; in ad'othel THE CO' D
It is% ell watered b, wjny!yu R�o�y - 'Relief. W40tf Ulm tuay be obtAltM at the Oface of Jobu e batle of Rad—Y's Iteadv RcUeIr, for 25 Goderich. Oct. 21th 1869.
'd e�r (,f the sitting, was spent in a of140 apple trees fit'llearing-fruit very choice: also, a Thomson's respects the conditions of sale are the stai,d pARKER VIATTLEIS, DBUG STOREf conts. s,a pain Remedy. and for 13�lra =ra Esq of theWwm of Goderich, the A'eudor* few pears, plums, peaches and cherries. ud a few ity Purposes, William
�e fSankin- Selteme. e, 32 by 42 feet, ea eTroy
Two story concrete hou stock of Groceri6s ! in- cc,litiltik,pils of said, of tte Court of 011all- Market Square. will Scure every housela Id freedom against siek Solicior, &;u Anth011y L - Esq.. and
Vines. w2l poses. that Qbdeticlt, and Messrs. Budging. Bull
full size of the house. Frame barn 45 by 81 ft r particulars applY to Goderich, Feb. 24ib, 1870. ness. aiid can be used for the same pur had you CANADIIN DESTROYER R Bain. Esq ,of Toronto. and from tile uud�rsiguca, This is a rare opportunity to Secure a good fauqon the and made large additions thereto and inteudtocarry cery. For fui:the would ou2t at least ($25) twentY-five dollars. and NOWMILID&
3ipe and t-115 Fe=auB 14ke Shore, where fruit raising is much more success- onlin his old stand) a first-class Messrs. McDonald & Chadwick, Toront, ti) purcbiu�e prescriptionii, or drugs every time gain, A Family Medicines well and favorablyknowin Master of this Court 'It Goderleb.
all t1le street, T,)rotito. the Vendot/8 Solicitors 01 sickness, or Ing in a Single HE�NRY JLACDFMMOTT#
fal than farther intand. AppIv to r fail Most" fit GomerICIL,
t, Family Gracery Business WM HALL, Bayflpl( for the paist Ion years. neve
jor. the re?Waph. to the Auctioneer. or G. IL TRILTEXAN, Land Agent, boderich -instance. to give Peratanent Jeliti When timelY JOHIq MACAVRA �Goderlcb,
March 17th� 1870 w9tf CASH JPV1NC1PIaP,. Dated this Sixteerilh day of FebruarV, 1870. 'dra bolidtm wt -til.
'N. BUELL ay 8 Emd used, and we have never known a single case L3 have 1o3t all respect for His [w7tdl A. 11adw Re ]Rdiel-
A complete assortment of lupe. At one 'time they W11L AFFORD INSTANTRASE: oi dissatistactiOn where the direPtliunb have beofl advwe of the clergy in an Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Fruit, SALT 50ats PER BARIVEL. FEBRUARY 'CLEARING SALE aroperly tollowed, ba. fin the contrary all are now the bull of the head of WANTED Spices, Flour, Feed, POtAOSS? luffaidlination ofthe KidITLOIS, delighted with its uperatinflat and alwalt in the
the edi&. of the man Whd is HE GODERIC H SALT COMPANY; (OLD WELL) Wommation of the Bladders 11 gliest tkirins ot tis Vinue a4d Magical efft cte.
dealared infallible, i laughed MAN to work on a Farm., Apply at e., always ou hand at the ILiowest rrIdes, Thave on hand it quantity of refuse or diM salt, tion of the Bowels, ZIV DESTROYER r,hancery Sale A township. a Led" whfih they will sell at 50 cents per bbl in bulk at their Congestion oirthe Lungs, TRE CANADIAN PA purt t; whom it is directed, Lot 31, 2nd cou., Goderich delivered in Tilwn. works overthe river in lots5 or 10 bbla 'c&t has won for itself a rePutetiOQ, ad a blood JOELN A. NAYIrEL. Lgre a Con- of 'Salt Kettles. for Sao At 11 riv. Sore Thv�oftf- ]DIM0131t B, -hiingp I
Only om call requiled to sev SW Also s, number 6ei., alterative sto'"aach tonic, unsu
,;Ted In thr
1z ed in their newspaper& Id 21st March, 1870. w9tf tivawx of rublic Patroage- fents perlb. Palpitation of the xlcsx�4 HysterIC29 iijit'ly of medical preparations. om tailb DURSUANTIO AMEW&B OF THE COURT lave not rpason to comp!aInt if January litfi. 1870, U . 0 Liver Complainis, Indigo- I Chancery, inado lit Pe '-Ruse Of Herr T-% La". I.
4 T GREATLY RED CED PRI bearing amte tile rlls�toeuth day of June, in till
qALD CBS IN C=uP, DyPhtb�crAe" to cum- Dy P111151a,
Cox z MCDOT ALANCKOF S9 tion, lifia,ilburn, 81cl-04, year Ism, and of at. order of �said Court mGder
ot f their �at tach Went to th.0 WINTEIL:GOOD F.k Catarrh, Inaidicatz itadache, Kidney 001- �oEc Ch=h thus defy the Kingston Stre0t. B Ilemumueg, Toothache, plaintil, Acid Stomach Flithisicor Asthius ao� In the a9ld CIttiso bearing date the 1911' t1aY
FARM FOR SALE CHANCERY dolli.114teG tile apjj�,baztiou
f; nDr caa Proftestants be X. B.-Farra Produce talum in Exebanip for Goods SALR 1 NeurAJ.-1A9'1Lh01drAfttt2=,9 mrlarps to vital RctivitY 60 systelp Of RebrOSTY, 1870, alld With
magand disease. OfHfury Miti-laermottEgq mastbrofthistailAcourtzt:
by vulle
Leeding mA, the 'thunders vf FURS. 'acluderful sucel-gs in cturinj tiod,erw%, will be sold in Ono 0i THE February7th, 1870. w4O-tf cold ChWs Ague ChUI& I t�by Pubt.1c Auction.
It* magical and U, in the
it: whenthou-4ands ofthose be- -1BAYFIXELD GRAVISL ROAD, __ PUR4UANT TO AN ORDER OF THE, SHAWL89, The application of the Ready Relief to the ?sit or sudden colds, Sore 1brost.'100119118, f)jptbcrja gt Vie Atidtion Roonts of Georp
a Church itself refusi to ro,- parts. where the pain or difficulty . exists, wil alTord pains -in the sider1101111 and back. neuralgia11LOOlt' i.Tdwa of Goderich, an -9 PRIZE ESSAY, Court of Chancery, mde in the matter ICLOUDS, eae and comfort.
of �t3 recog6ized head. LOVK eumatic and,tAher pains in any part el Saturday, the 2nd diy of April, 1870, lao-11-ity CP - - DIANLE CLOTHS, 2o Drolis tick a TeAspoolzftl In Waiter' pelle, rh ba# giVen if
L221 "National! papers, with EIMG lot22, tirst concessimt Goderich Township ON TURN1P CULTURE. ot Thomas Oiiver nad others, infants, beat will thebody Ana from Whatever oausei, afieritoon. the follow- na low moments, cure sdd- at two 6,6:00k, i 16 acres. 50 ofwhich are cleared. a Dever failing ipjj�jejr,, a place in every household and Isfallf OuPer and XIS-tentbas in- dute the first day of February 1870,. OOLEN GOODS,
13 Situated on 0 19=ce Lho Pope in uftweasur 'BLANKET -9, &o., kc. CAJ"N,; sp.O&Trq� Some ar I ng al' I -other pfeparet iong qf ttie kind. The lot In -we-3tportion of Lsit
M3 latia bull a-rainst the creck runs through the land. town of God- WILL BE.SOLD ArRiffRTBUNW, SICK AfE.F.0-ECArR, No. Q.Iu the Maitland Concession, f the Towliubil) Of
the Gravel road about �', miles fr-)m the MS,ESSAY IS NOW PUBLISHED IN PAM— It Is also an FIlle(lual ancl �,-prornpt 1frWeJY tOr acrex-of land formingthe south
NJ, . 01jilblainit,
Te Irish Relti;thli, pub ericb. Thelandiss, rieliclaY loam being ery Suit Tpidet form, and may be bad from the following Scajdti, -Burns, Goderich with the two story briek Tavein crocted
able for wheat or fri 11 I.,. ,lid --Froru Crost. Bites, C to mDA in -
r his at the docu- ait grvwing� The lot wiv =z throughout the countv of Huron,* viz BY PUBLIC co-Lict the floindeb, Diarhaea. thereon, inoum as *3)uggan's Tveru., And The frame
IYork lau4 cheap and on easy terms. Possession c4s be givert Ist use, Butler. and at the Teleiraph Book. Ftore, H A N O -E, -1 rbus, ftillious Wu4je-Cholera. lnhku-� building sai barn sad outhou,BP8 virlywiled therr- )uUly states it would sooner uticulars and tarms, apply to G. H i of George M.,True- Wt�d in the 13owqls,, Laulers. mo oc.tober, for p God%rich; Holmes' Booir Store. Chaton; Logan, LtIms- at the uc A nd All Internal Pains., pint, Dysenterv,. 8ce. mith. The tavern is situated on the mad to Clinton,
cum than 0renediction. FAMON6 Or to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderich. flarth -. Jackson, Fgmorjdville : - - lb r botile and about rear miles frow-Goderleb, andatAlle outh
man I in the Town of GoderiC4, I Pair- a.gleofsaid. TAIL No. Q, to—ad by the 13 uria;a Roo," w9_tf MarksI gracelield : Grig. Exeter ;'Urant. Aiuleyville: er s Irid Glovios $2.00 iloer The above 4080, take every fiftcOft minutes WM rIce GBIY-25 eftnist r1JR1UP!,�*LYMAN,
Goderielt, Much 219t. 1870- Alexand lk NOILI
vror,6 : "ThePoperga6ve Keys, Baytield : Mellis, Ki n -, Bonthro, Rodger- quickly cure - Cholera, Morbus, N�vreastle. C. W. and tberoadto Beu.Miller's unlis, clialrom its PV� =jY to ir3urgent Fola4d,and tie - no�-Turuer- VarnaMtterson's Store, %Valton; On Tuesday, the 51h day of AP41, 1970 Asiatic ChOlerli, Flux, ifort, is calenlatedto cominaud a large business.
v r, Bilious Colic- 6enera[Ageut-forOanlda, - landUi otgoad quality %Zd fronts on sed tw rorib_i,
it tb� post ffice. Un4esborQugh-: and at Wroxete 01111-T Vol And nil Painful Discharges.
c:.,)ztatry i3 lowerthan ever BeHing (',ff Wtntffr Goods Lucknow. Blvth. Zurich, Berne, Hills Green, & c. E6 bottle -of Radway's "-Sold in (1o&rich-bv PArYer & Catile slid The parchasershall-at-the tme"fadc, PPY -_I of the $J[uscovrite. He Sent Much Oth 1870. w7 -3t* AT 12 O'CLOCK NOO, 7ravelers should always carry. 4 willprevont, dardine- C,o_--Bavfield;- James deposit jutAeproportion, tof $10 for tvery QIQW of lbtr
haye of'getting'Ahe VERY BEST: It erwitlithem. Afew drops in Water -110
.r. w.td iltail,
Jefemrr Dav7s, and the -ADTFIS-.4his is the only QPPOrkinflity Y09 Wil Da=hRM 11101MIfl) the Vcudor% Solic
rhe followinc, valuabie lov,in the Tomnabin L sicknem�or pains frdm change Of Water- 0 few, 3 - .1rard,'Uxeter, J. H. PLY u further vilvortion of*125 for every $100 Of - thtf
)nfederaz.f m no, more. Tile KID GLOVES 'ade, AVIeBs than cost ice cktiow; E Hicksori
prt H Blk&NDY 03 BITMUS AS 0 THAN Fam all udilicin Deal �We (with intereatthereort. from the day of ,We) and
Hea,ven for TO MAKE ROOM fOr mm ]pARX FOR SALI OR TO RENT - of V� ..an-.�. Eitnely -wmThe East half Of P; - purebasemoney within one TnOutb from 160 4tlY -'r
-5,yers Lo,t No. 2i� 'it) the 14th cancesSiOn Of thi *hall pal, %U remainder of the _rurclaise moacy by
PUROHASES- 313iimifian on his departure Township of TowushiP Of Wgwant)sh, consisting Of 100 HAT superior Farm. Lot 39 7th cOn. three equal instalmentE At six. tw�lvlu and cightei'D
�st ion the nupaid balanee of jmr-
ML -of Good months, with Intere
he rat=ed to his paternal (;Oder, [ell, containing. 80 acres Orland, sirith,40 The Laud, is Clay Loa Goden9k,Febriary.4th, 1670. Aarjre Bottles --India Rubber FOR 8AU.
I- AM SMITFI-i ortit -TheclearEid Iiiiskid. SC cleared,.and MST-CLASSTAW chaw money, to be sPeur4d by inortga;e on fte pro -
it Is wen situated. I wps,- He sent the blessed AD R I cleared, audiza,oillearn ilitrig 3 miles Qnality. About 40 aures are ritv'Orike JW-ffD3rVWX"EUJ?, perty, Mid upon the �ezccufion of such Yrortgazo_ t!,e
S�ltara, state of cultivation, rl purchLje,,IBhalibeenatiedtoacouve% -1
,-(r--- W f3abella, and before arbt 12 irom 'Dods ch the remtinder is coidied -with'Hard- cc, and to be
Merchant Tailor & Clothier H linton -and C-sts., ilia Xgirvir Ralstest I terms let into posse�slon. 71
shO waw a fugi,five cars- the undersigned, a L6z DwellinLy aig sub"ber offersor ftle, on Mors, - a tie purebatier at file time Of
is -W. D nipletion of
8 now offering Great Indt:caments in For f MON, wood Tiniber. Ttiere f6h M_ - tiontaining 3 and 4 times the 4nantitY of Ad 16 oent T excellentfarm, iLL tho township Of Colborne. Sale shall sign an aveement forthe to.
ervie Post Office. lLoo, Barn on the logo. V!h MID He erCoMmUni Umiments, Paints, Killers, Panaceas, made of the being lot 8, calL lotfEW miles froui Godericb. Ite thepurchm. The propertywfll be sold free from It;
n T'wi, Line. biatween Ki I sha iatraa front the, Alp& hin B w2 -3m" l -ed on 'the 0 commul
Pteady Ila& Clot 9� "CEItinty ofBM, CO. -situa n fusel oil ulcohol as a basis. and hav;e all prism itio acres of the best clay -11, RII cleared cumbrance. Itio�her respectsi Xnd, excePt As abov-
toiulitateRadway5i;U"] lEtellef. froilfstumps. mentioned. the conditions r -f S -W dro the stauding
fie. 1,060, hial P been started conditions (if galeorthe said CoutfljfVbatm�,
,Xca=municate loss and Wawatiosby %bout 4 tuiles, distant are scented wit Common TheConditions,
mil, bD-k anti candla light, for and CAPS- a I nd .26 miles -from Goderich, Somb -lily rectified preparp, my r3ttiCUlarS M-1
HAT from-Lucknow, 1�ut dimter, SUE 410 Gra,vel Road, I tion or Arnraonia�- used. in the genuinei Persons be obtained it the offies OfJnIr- ra, JEsq, f ti'd
A iscover Wit iekr atchard. A Town orod,�ntql, the vr!tdoes Sol-cibir, niad frm,t
bartshorn:jp imitation of �6 big
_D e House and Ba ion* be B ma nough; splendid assortment of RU by an exsellent A RI D I using the genuine Ready Relief will at once d7 Splendid Apple i good water. ;onsi The genuine be taken s -part Pay- xuthony,,Lefroy, Esq.. zn,t
ir shAll 4t t e tin �e miFierable fraud in the imitat* John Y. Etwo" Esq..
lthe.naX aill surely herald proit- CLOTHS AND FANCY TWEEDS- h "j� of slalell, house andlot i 'Goderl-b would
tl nReai ,WH. TRF
P -ed W!, Utfli 'N' dffQm the unaeviguedmaiitcr of thlgcourtat(ila-
ZU J my do%# lyRelieflins" ment.. Fqr p2rtic w.,oftlieTowilof t,oderiel..
As he is now 'deposit in t _=d randy. ftuti �uado air-tIghL suceew tio, t1leir -e4 to make to OW i� a India Rubber �Sttiiipe*:Ai4everY UlarsAl,pI7tO- C%Encrotj Gam)
intended prelmr er In First -Claw ALE' he proportiou 14
!2e!l targa;Lza as th* ire are ice -a good fit guaranteed -or it,) AL r -$Io oft for evejy hundred 'doftra, ef, per do"n
of Trice -of aadwn�Vls Revd3l RCU st.:i3odertele ment of trich
over before appeared in the ula. A good wAort Ito the Veit Uttlea, $2.50 cents; Single Bottles. 25 cents. 'Md- wil-It Dated thg 2m day oI February, A. D.. 1870.
F. the purchase '-tabi[ley OP 103 ing Machines 2' THE �,kGNA.T, F, -at, Di- Radwg &.Co Is Principal Offica. -No. 439 St GoderldlL N4*. 19t 1969 at pay A ontir d Caner A;1. be: 9- and,, 4 I the 44 -PAU1 StroaE. ( -dali.and Druggists-im ,-,a' - —1 or R �So telcor at Etoma� Cathulic pub;lcation� Sewi M1 -111dia ofthe TAfA n time or IlMerstl .1 to i ,t ifenUnism hais done =-.h to wtijl�,fdr"160 Far a $36 0 I -L ztorekieepp iierywhere - "Mazent-, SALE -
on hand no mOrthc fro I , - - i
ittforeash. Kuhl" Needles and *zcbIW Silk L er Slitin. 01- n evork &Y and town I the world. Putu.;,yindi- FARM joAN XACARA, Goderich, holl of the chatch ou the Idiaoul 0 rheif.,Ahe- purih shall - t6bt�,na:of- ail, Jang-unes. Abkfor U-,dwlayfa Ifeador's Soluillor. 6 -td
for ssle� �0- 00' the day of Sae, V N paop:e. , The plergy ton lid to g &go, ABRAHAM SMITH.' VAndy Atelfe ING C( GOOHEN LIXF )XPO9ED OF TA)T 21, THANKS B h%b state ofealtiva,tiori. TLe,
t the� fikiwitty would have-sach W4 TIMEIWA- _1 111"._ I t� -1 -
lutin ort "unty 'of Huron' 120
Go"rich. yeb, 24th, 208 G. M. I � .1. - t_;t. #0 11) 03?
lsvezeL TowzrsiAli Of StRuley OF LETTEP-S
& warned thjir flwks spinAti 1i I Ito: A�L. FOR I -IST
te sl 1 or sediiiiing- tilb -arcIrt a"
0 Be iLatLCaU for 3Aosey LCT6, 10DAE"E'S t4rigity -d 6md -4
ended to M* R 'Thero are v4 till ve those Yrho resp - andwallfelaa F bTING In
respectfully invite ills bililalift 'Of -,MY liIoce along the front.)
'by so doing would enable Me frame bam 116 1) gM13arY, q TORFAnd dwalily -tot &.00- a good I e alMgnJA,_W.1t c-iin, "it, sug, �1,7 lceipr�lrdses a
is insixilefed k gage UPOP. notile Goderich Post Gaee, S.
WAY d ii;!rpavahle in aqd woullil t9d Isr ilia bes
eztmt 3hows that air ) at'his To
Public Ailic �"iatl Olt �Ilait, I � . Debtors to do li'ke*jz% dwelling house, tjb4"Inag6 -071 ij hoTA6 iy1th TI renoed orchard of Burteh ur 2 Martin Mary 4 Ik1#Ja;I le, one 'to
FARM FOR pay -20 shillitIgi
tq f4o,, sell Goods stabl a d, It I by 24 liftet. W
ostone cellar., lit the villi%e of - mlll( -datj�rLof I G' iWelt'salt fro 11h. t87O, Lhili , - - 2100 bearin.
VALUA L F L . L I _7 . _pduAfj, g4d : n a ed 05 wtlls with good Cameron D Norphy M4jtgage �& ButTIL 0 eetwo mtver fallffig _McQy Niel 3fts
Go S" W rrdi:16, Houseand -zud;&dmmodI-- d,to e:prep�rqd tat -Al md bs ZP9W L XA floon,t llie ,jzpexkSi� Of !�qh kl!?o SWU Tumps, &e. This ,erty ts situAw on It gravel JamplielID Neave Geor-e
cominiette us at -TownAip, o de" C64tain' byjZood gravel roadi with Clinton -Curbiet HIIFh
0Wto acre 6 t tIM Uringliberal. 00 0ifs"and, iai,e road- and connectA
a road, its' to be the finest in. the nEII)nOr Itif.
701t ., . erWfilmral -
ofthe thpa a kicavy preenctral as S, Con. f- 5-1 SALE (10 Trilles).and by I mariteW of _Baoeld braver John PorterJaries
with ft 6 er)Cdellet ,I!
k; 'T"Ib4ot; IrTOKOOMA oeyraiso �Ji*i4the,-_-Thzt 99�eticr Hundred �tObt, 83 Abclv@�11111 STOjaJrCOgCRETF, HoUl3 cpar fitirther 1)&rticu, rklliott M� p4pst vililan
didtfeeAlfid I - ip,of-- Ural, Mn , It a dt, SS;9.0 a and Seaforth Of d f1i thi-T�-� - h, �1 milosy- izabeth
t,.f 9, *A4 Aeo'Wee tm Ing On saie! are, the'ita n�juj,cofiditidn - AATe Engiae 23 good as ne mil savbeld, or to. %tbbon John
lot X0.10 in $0 Slitio(p. 13 r$6'pnl jj�klll 11tuy
Vk&L ata tU ard. FRANCIS MARTIN,
0 Gderielt Fek., I - -A
ajtr&, 150 acres , -The c L O' Trocu doing on:Uj, Base us Co.' B;i;ild lati the fivinises- Hunter Andrew Sarnmer Jobil
la 116W 'y A" Holtia W Frederick
Aer- ;!Ttsati� &ban &VeU' of, Which Are floori,-Dipw V" AkU so.#Sttv you sroWd feet so, "i, U10 C , g Rodin,11arlori Ki"n, MII antiXe4, t iilr po -nilson
11T,zerracleseed , . " _ , 'a _b� onthe.audandfloiiri, Sittlig '14 ge Fla IppyA A 4. Cle" .,� . ; ; � : �. -I I ", 1. I . n DL8 �'.l
back Bill maileby Watero -it Oct -L4* H0, al'd A, good #4uared 1 Barn J1* Baroom, A jrgpw jlTvus silmla fqtt, dAtida, With Aw use of: 'Dairy Mom, Frult rooiin,%tore roort -7
At do— You. Uve, 9: ostkbw:; f4ork-t e4l6ri - - On the Fr6Ml ty, iddfort Aidul f, Meat robut-, ATA Ity to HERSON Uifk Margamt Two, v&"did archar S, t thi'Tolin i6f. nent;i jt�'J - JOHN MCI` BayfieA. Ith Doe- 1869- .A6 Zvi d �Fr _Miles Stritner Rabc
_et"V �eAcr?i,ao le "e ell ALE; doderich.25 - JAZIUM-ILS70- zharp Sauluel
sW a -aper or Welj kV bRru, gOod stable. 1�igalOriiharil, �iicsiri 0 ft#fip 10. qukk. Jsa"tU r4W sad as- and Ssay�W4111- b -f - _ ntm, tken at t the A& 60a. __ -ft a. soaspootiftit ot Dr, &WS- %do rot is mtoiated abilat ,warei I( Goderiihs A et. 5oIF-;�Qe60,'c '11). w -wateiiiA,tt Read Wrdfarie RI C nil
00 A
f F.Dlidi pp1V
PftzTkr.a#2&4LUr4,Uft1W it V*UalotL ovii,quite cc%mieut to M000 This,is s, 4 'oppo tim y 12 =Rea A D, 11670i: fruit tre k9fitillo I *[a_'-V6lL he prperty Is situ! lat MONEY TO LND Agentsy -TS A 24AI�--%Ry of Leeic nueKtromilknomirelp Wg*ntb&gr&je1x6&d he 8Lh diii cif-Airc ig� T r 1 HALF OTO.T NO. 18, 4W if miles frontlAUaIllift, Of w 'ch a good y3eit ftowl Iffawano3h, go acrog- 'unly two ptiles from -C ArPLY AY AGEN -allow 9 IBM ,camintuiou Matheso katLew ''T -A Apply -:W, -k, -tsq,, or to ENT. xpe
A" Is," �w Iftyartzar, ta, am :&ad 1, wid lk One Of rhIc _boot, U is the, cdd FAliam fara l4iid zlbout3 ratio groft�AWW;iid, - - L
Can�b&h&d fronithaLdoor. _nses, or
Orel wonderful Inventions- Address,
4W &*to 0, the PkiIiiii. to we village. Apply thlsre�to S.' Polkii ON pARM LANDS AT S'PER w A' 11, DICZSU- wabt;
I TER30 i0ty P. F. WAMMI_t� TLTLEIRDISPUTABLE. or S0121 'Tau X C. to Goderich .. .... �G. 3L KkAN ic GAJ& adderich w4lt_ 14
3 Sba, $06 on L4ud QfAce: Gadeflolk Galerich 25t -an., 1970, $oRW A wP4 t
secarecl - 1U.S. -td , - -
togi� W1_tf G dden Go4ench 2fth lanuiry187.0. 'Pr on- the, emis