Huron Signal, 1870-03-24, Page 1-1 T=; _r
m fnr Sale.
k� a C., n a z 6S acres,
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for Sale.
E� :ot 2, 11th -0111.
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1�x-14. ;ood
qw. jz ��,i and easy
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arm for Sale.
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21 2.�,ko !he �Aj �, �.a�nz L, -Z of 5Z acres
drJ. U -W. &7. ae�ef which are
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mak, a o Fir= fvr ne r-n1y
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L �r .5; L�nd Ajtnt, Godpriebt
511111 OR FIENT
L:!) ro, of Hur-en. on the
.tvxe,,� &vtb end Walton, Post
G, -d uard-xe.o4 land.. wel
acres A%traranec. Seve ty
Lnd a awl -n aa. WeA fonced. Foi
To boze on thi�- premises.
bet�een and Walkerton- a
e6n'P:-,s=;; a ffouze _X 42 feet with
ge� 1.) VT_ag�� IF -13 ; five ofthe lots face
!afn --t-elt and tLe e.L--r five = to the
.cft TLr- we-aZd be an excellent site for a
am M or any kirad of manun-�fary. and
npft33 st-,rd fir a Stqre� Tavern. or other
HIC pmperty Will be SUM Cheap fQr cash
Y=e::t- t --e �TM be gh-en %.- the bal
a -t- pard -1— apply -me pzn�
'Wrozeter, P 0
"`=Md good b--Jwood Um -
=2 fire'eLa53 fin, bvns, a
=d Ue:1 w2tered. X=.- ot the land is
La'L-3 fium GoCerf?h md 7.ftm Clinton. I
*ft=' eas-1. good te?_-a wfll be given for
lt��Witf HJUB, P.O.
Mctt� eo--M+,y ef Huron, eon-
am"f-slnmeor1cm Tx.�&mwLubesold
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t-7 �111111
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The areatest Possible 31�ood to the Greatest Possible Number.,-'
W. r. 'Uitor tndProprietor.
)VOL. 7V 1�1 -NTAj�') V Aw C 1r, C., THURSDAY,, MARCH 24,)870.
-as a s(lf-t
more my snm�, -Parker, the iltnPresslou grew
PHOTOGR Iftitland alt Well P10 E T It reaao� to assign for . t to_night. sighatiem 1111y ear, r imr.. taint.,
APH-S, I T 'fHE-HAUNTtD SMP. !I am not feeling quite righ scarcelytudible wail, came Oil U& Wf-
ID0111AGHAD411B. I Bring me a glass of brandy and water- g. I tried hard �to fim-
CHA TER 1. The man obeyed, and when he returned lunbering sense, ?.ras but soig 11111ril0ftr
:uade myself thatit I
.00. Per ozell. "ATR—Dirge o A man is born a s�ilor as he is bor a with the glass on a tray I bade him remain I sty deep,� to which fany lent the
HURON HOTEL9 NOW IS YOU I FIANCE 'PJL 'tilL I had finished my grog. lie glanced -of the 4va,
Po6t - and when a boy's heart turns to the ould
ZURICH. CO. HURON. ocea�, yon might as wall tryp move tlie nervouslyabout him with a kind of scared r a -art, blance to a human voice, but I c
Wherever my home in the wild world may be,
bly hearCs in old Ireland, away o'6j the sea. Pole star from its appointed pilace as seek look, as Iilowly sipped the brandy and not sitcCeed ill my eadeavours- Z At day -dawn I fell into A res
JOHN PRANG, Proprietor. Mong tbegreen sunny hills t1lat look Oov!n on the stream. to force him from his chosen career.. Aly water.
youth . adreaut sked, troubled sleep, in %% hich a dream Played;
cc And the soft dewyvalleys that gJd4* family bad no naval interest, and very 'What is the matter, Parker P I a
Whereshelte eepqu ow g "You
��Ii I th- disturbing part that the gl.-mtiv sounds'
ed i a peace in the d en little property. It was desirable, there- with an assumed tone of banter, I saw a pale, beautifid COrP'3cv
This honse is fitted up 'with every convenience for i've listeuld the notes of the wild� 16rry wren, fore, that 1, should do something to in- look as if you expected to see a ghost.' haddone,and lea in blrwd-, lying
the travellin public, len tresses dabb
Secure the And thought, in my feudnes4 it wadged. tome crease our finances, rather than to incioach i I had scarcely uttered the last word its golc ice-olore truly
AW Good Stabling and prompt ittendance. 4hadow ere the 'Sing Beauty 15ing Love, and Sing 06naghadee, ! �-crallery beside me. Never did I rejoi
t on them; nevertheless, I would go io sea. when the lockers beneath the stern o, and
, as a than when the steward called 111
February tst, 1870. W2-tf I vibstance fades. My breast has an aching -I cannot tell how, jah and a rus- brought my war
Re oning with me was of no avail; and: windows opened and shut again with in water.
a ri
when at last I yielded to my mother's en- a udde n crash, while, wi
to I[ALF DOZ ENFROM BACKNEGATIViS Bat it felt not in boyhood the way it.teels now treaties, and consented to forego my deaT- fie, the-iavisible silk dress d The nextuforning I made stm
MRS. DAYS' HOTEL a, pos age r as my breast Irted past ad heard -in -the
51 c a US. about the noises which I h -
dative 87 cents,:posti e free, to any Which theealth.9f an empirelcouI4 iu set at rest. ?a wts , t e concession cause me to P s to what luld'eafts-
%v 1& 0 X Ift E R. back ne. $10, beart in health, and sink into a state of spirit- With a repressed cry the steara fled mess-roloill. especiallva ing of tile Ila- Of
j.3 address. The undersigned iB prepared to There's a winter in Nature, that falls n -the g udf U
0 li�r into be- from the cabin, "114 as soon pis my sense of ed the openin a 3
ON the direct road irom Seafaith to Ere the hopes of the spring-tidei can fairly depart; less.apathy, which terrified went the 1-bekers ; but I could trace 'to humair'
0 0
D31 Particular Attentil n paid to COPY- FURNISH No. 1 SALT, And I still hear a smallbird, tb� w4lapers to me- comingtherself a warm advucate with -my dignity allowed, I followedhim and yinthematter. ThernenhacTsever,
Wlkerton. Every necessary accom , father for the fulfiiment -of in� yikarning on dock. There I joined Bertram, and oil &.1euc leincy on board ;; f4r.
'Sing Beauty. Sing Love, and 1§lng Ounaghadeel that I should. hearJ of a ghost L
modation tor the travelline imblic. Prices to Suit the Times! ing, old Ambitypes. IN�,ANY QUAN71TY AT THE desire for a sea life. Hop yielded to her his e?cpressing some surprise r1A',4NAH DAYS. I angely enough, neither the
For eiiherlarg6ur small photographs. The Ah, me I shall Inever return, oter the main, advocacy, and I entered the Royal Navy, 41 be still up, L told him of my anigular ad- 9tr
o -he
Wroxeter. F -w. 5, ISAT. w4 Photo-raphs,redaced to $1.00 per Doz., subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal Ir -j- 40 W 0 F!5 t ir 0, To my home, in the north of old ireland again ? and served for eighteen f venture, but manifested no astonish- his fneud, who had sailed ")any times ill
years in some o, had again re-eutored ItOT--
WhAre the cot of my litthers for es hath -stood the finest sbips in her Majestys- service. nient. the Viper, and
patrotiage heretofore extended, t6 him, 'FROM THE ABOVE WELL. cyou had nained the tubject to the
Coin mere InIllote 1.1%ltellel IC -W OR 7-5ets. PER HALF DOZ3N. would just sdy that he had made such im- Unstained by dishonor-unrava ed by feud I 'Captain Alford,' he said, gravely, I queAtioned Parker clsely, but coul-l-,
provements inhis-allery as will merit a con-, Where she -my fair Nora -my liMs proudest jsy I 'At the end of that period, however, I are a most unprejudiced witness to the
1arge PhotogTaph Reduced in thitiance a 'Neath the green mossy tart of the vailev doth lie fo,ind myself on shore, on half pay, and only got from hint 'that lie h.14, seen th,-
of the same. S. N. DETLOR. truth of a fact to which few people would
OHN 11ICKS, Proprietor. This is th roportion. Goderich, August3rd, 1869. W27 Mongstthe wild pretty flow'rs w ere & often with me with no prospect bf getting a� ship. I had ive credence ; but every one who sails on lockers open before, and that he knew the
'Bang Beauty, Sang Love, and &-mg gonaghadee. been made a Commander, and was less rd - dy haunted the stsip, --but th-A
tar-estand bestCoantry Hotel in We3ter Also will make the largest Photographs made in Goder- D3' I Great Reduction on goa the Viper soon finds out that she is tuttrdered la
ich. very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar likely to be needed -in my new rank than I he did not luind it atter the first time-'
moderate -as any 14 -jus upwards at Large Photographs. I love thee my country I bow foiAly and true I haunted.'
Canada.and co%rges &s 'Haunted !' I exclaimed. 'Absurd, my
should have been as a lieutenant ; and, As He owned that his comr(le also knew
No realm in the wide wood, so rLy as you,
inAitebell. tage Proprietor. Gooduttblingror D. CAMPBELVS E,L. JOHN-SiM I have said, I was totally without naval in- about the ghost, and wunld not venture
100 Horses Rorses and Carriages for Hne, on & 10 i good fellow.'
Photograph Gallery. oderich. Oct. 26. 1869. wUlf. The' Tyrants oppress thee� and wards beguile terest to push me on in the service. It 'And yet, Captain you confirm near the atess-room, if he could helP it
Shorteat Notice-> 14 1 -1 Goderich. Oct. 19th. 1869, w27 G And the stir of thy freedo% see clouded Jthe while, ' Alford , P but he declared very solemnly duLt Wither
was a sad nosition frr a young mail of my the fact by yo ience
Yet, deep in my bosom, one so a I oyn. ur own present exper
age, ; and I chafed sorely at my enforced of them had anything to do with *the open'
Tis the hope thabthy dhay of Ui rtune hath flown, he said, sarcutically.
FREDE RICK idleness,and banishment rom the quarter- night.
And ajittle tirdnear me, proud-)erch'd on a tree deck. The sea was as dear to me as ever; I felt that I had only repeatAd, like a ing of the lockers on the pre -enpxi b&A
p Donaghadee. addedthat the3ihad both bR.
parrot, the ordinary remark made H ,
Sings Beauty, Sings Love, and 8 ug i tirder, said
'Via. BANNATYNF. and I yearned for the ripple of the water to such assertions as his, and that in my the Viper at the time of the in
near n -help
iy pillowwhen I sank to sleep, and cc that the 6�could not having a kindly feeling for'
I Aghfield March 7th 1870. secret soul I had a firm assuran
ALEX. WALLACEs for te fresh breezes of the ocean by day. sounds that I had heard were supernatur- the p9or lady.'
WANCIMAKER My father had now been long dead, and al. I then examined Joe Sims. lie w" a
ir, te V tj
< AND JEWELER, Godeile my mother, whose means were very limit-. itis report of the very singular fe)10wt quo a F5011 t re
'Were you aware of t
WLk, 9 V?A---.T STREET, ed, had taken a cottage in the village vessel being haunted when we left bfilford much as an old Puritan would have done,
this day (14th) a
where hbr elder brother was the �quire a- and did not hesitate to inform me hat he
0- ID IEP..0 11 C 11. The Council met at H41mas%ii P. ) ' Haven Mr. Bertram T' I aked.
0 i1111111a. aV'
cording to appointment. iresent the Reeve and Conn. dull little place, My Joy in 'Yesl weel kenned in the remained on board the Vper for the Soler
HE Subscriber h ing remov d to the Store lately .4a , air ; it is vara
cillors Ford, therefore be imagined when one morning navy,'be replied. 'Ye must have heard
Tnecupied by A- a smith, We t street, opposite the WATCHMAER, IEWELER5 &c.. P4 ;1 Weston, and Lomas, MovalbyMrFord, purpose of seeing 'the L)rds doings in tlw
44 V earin-, end.' kywhich [found
Post.Office, wishes to i ank his fri ndg and the publ*c see. by Mr Lr)wqas, that the Clerif be Instructed to:notl- the post brought me a large �letter, b of the 'haunted ship,' only ye didna recog- that he meant
orthe liberal support with which they have favore"a �WEST ST., GODERICH,
fy Henry Lippet to remove lus nee off the side -road the inscription 'On Her Majesty's ServiW the final discovery �ind punishment of the
him for the last 25 years, and begs to assure them that $4 it I niBe her under her new name. Ye have 3,utly believed.
no etTort -ill be spared to ment a ontarmance of their runniogbetween lots 10 and 11, In the Isteon.,-so that on the envelope, and I read my appoint- I heard of the A-2 murderer, in which he devi
and 1 Started. 'Of course,' said I. 'And is
patronage, his anxious study will e to supply Near the Post Office. P4 dM persons and cattle can iiave ijigkess and egress to ment to H. X. survevi , vessel Viper, I I cannot say that I was convinced there
my exami-
from said side -road: and also, notify Mr Isaac Sal- which I was ordered to join immediately. the Vi,
I Ter that evil-renoned vessel P was no trickery at the end -of
Watches Clocks a Jewelery P4 0 (0 '
0 keld and Mr Andrews to San the.
Surve 'Ay Sir said he - 'but it was found im-
ying. was not exactly the kind of ation, but I certaittly couldotdetect it,-
ich %vin give smi-faction to the purchas J-1 sincere thanks to the people of Goderich and -I should have chosen; but I had rinined to be on the watelf
(=> P W Rawever, I dete
wh er, and as all pEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TO RETURN HIS 0 G.Pal d. Moyedbymr service possible to get men to @nter for - her, so
between lots 5 and 6. lot
,w,nrk has been 4one by myse , customers may depend cD Ford. sec. by Mr Lomas, hat E4 Graham be -refunded so long vainly importuned the Admiralty lords of the Adm7walty have re -named for a4y future signs given by the ghostamd
rVEIE subscriber in returnin,, thanks for me liberal having it well executed. . icinity for their liberal patronage during the past 8
d ad Plated Jayvelry years, ani now that the holiday season has arrived MY
-S to in- gsortment o ol a s4 $3,72, being overcharge o. back taxes on N pt o
long beitoiVea upon him, be AW A good f lots, for employtnent, that I accevted my fate d this time endeavour to detect their perpetrator.
1oiZtiSoaM`er8o Watches, Cloc %vith all its Social enjoyments and amenities, he would he,, and it was hoped she saile
E�nerally ks&c. alwa onhand. In tbe,3id con., being 19 scres. lbr the yeor 1161,,--l- thankfully, and departed with an possible under more favourableuBpiceB.'
us customers and the public Lhat all who ivish to purebaseJewelry for presents 104 4 had lanthingexcept them.
that in consequence of the late tire he has removed his state 1 40 ried. Moved by Mr Lonift, see by Mr Weston, That
ALEX WALLACE. or otherwise of warranted Material and workmanship Z Mr Burnett he paid t I patch for Milford Ha0en, where the 'I remember,'said 1, reflectively, %aving That evening, while Dcamatid, fforftuywr
business to the store formerly oue�pied by Mr. Booth, he sum of $8 for paying the Des I es
West street, next BAk of %lontreal, where everything Goderich Oct. 26th 1868. V6140 would do %yell to buy from him,at rates comparatively bill for Johli bangburne, an iudikent person who frac- Viper was then stationed. ill seateit at dinner, a distinct
cheaper than that asked for worthless trash. . beard of the 'haunted ship' some years and I were sti.
n his line will be found and tared his aim in Auust,,1868-Carrled. MovedbyMr
42 The pride and affection a skilir feels in back ; but Iid not listen to the story. rustlingof silk was audible. I mustpremise
All Jeweljy Sold for Gold Warranted. ce Lomas, see by Mr Foid, That Dr Shatmon be his ship hav'e been said to resemble the
AU Kinds of Job Work will �e Done 00
irk sum of $5 for attending Harriett! Wait In her -What is supposed to bavecaused the phe- that when he spoke to Desmona of the
the same as usual. 0 ment while sUppping at the house of Thos McKee -Car feelings with which be regards his wife. I last nighV marvels, he lauglred, and do-
0::jF- Repairing done in the best style of Moved by Mr Lomas. see by Mr . That H Cook be a nomennn?'
G. IST DAVIS- workmanship. refunded the sum of $I. overchatogen a dog for IM9 felt - al most inclined to ackilo wledge the 'A murder ef great atrocity,' be replied. clared that he loved 'the -sweet creaturwi
ilD Carried. Moved by Mr Lomas, Sec b r Ford, That truth of this assertion as I paced the deck 'The vessel was at one time a packet, con- so well thatven a lady's ghost was better
Goderich 29th March 1 PARLOR ("REIN P100 rVATEt Goderich,Dee, 20th. 1869. W39-tf E benezer Ru.nball be refnuded the not of 8139. being -my own deck now -of the smart little im between hfilford Haven than no lady at all. I But he zhanged
MANUFACTURED By ovvorc 2 --e for taxes for 1869-Ca.r, The account of veying passenge
Ham'sson was presented. $10.50. ordered to surveying vessel. The number of her rew and Donaghadee. -About tenyearx ago- colour now at the zound, and glanced
BIR11V & PR017 Marshall& Wendell f llbanys:- Ir I-1: I S be pLd-, Moved by Mr Weston: -see by Mr Ford, That was not yet complete, aa -the Viper had -just as she was about to nervously -round him.- B
the e be instructed to prep�re a Deed f, r Gabriel , - a so runs.the tale -tion of
]Elliott of a Road allowance ra"ing between lots 32 been towed round 'from Chatbam by start for her destined port, two pusengers quiet gaze was turned in the Aired
W extra men - sigIL At that moment the locke-re -
VERY Instrument is fully warranted and and 33, in the Bayfleld con-, audYeeeive payment tbere- steamer, with -only a fe on
the modern improvements, full iron fra ' 'a for, as the same has been advertised for sale and old came on board her -one a Aark, middle' the
E -a Oldest stablishmo in Town, board ; but the two other. officers had d again opened and Shut violently, -mth ir -
strong bass and bushed ivory front keys. For according to Statute -Carred "Moved by Mr WesOn aged man, the other a very young an
see by Mr Lomas. That the &v4itor's Report having ined before me, anJ, gave me a cor4ia lovely woman. The lady was richly dress-, uddencriah. Wi3alletarted-to -our feet;
STANDING IN TUNES been read and passed by the Council, that the Clerk i0orvption. The lient4nant was a fine, ad in.adark bramded silk, with handsome and hurried over to them, opened them,
we guarantee these Pianoes second toions' Ctv'o 0 copies printed for geuer4l distribution-Caed. ung fellow, a I n Irishman, of bracelets, a jewelled watch, and round her examined them very carefully -it was St -ill -
ed by Air Ford. see by Mr Lomas. That J Hicks be handsome yo
CABINET MAKERS, Pianos, Melodeans and Orga&i Tuned sum of $1� for keeping 4 foi�d rie. gold cross. -found nothing to accoyAcM,
C.Irug,for sixteen the name of Desmond ; the mitater was an
this sum paying up tothe 14th _h 1870,infall nick was a r for the phenomenon.
elde I and 'canny'- Scotchmau, called She r6mainedon deck for about an hon
R. RADCLIFF, of all demands --Carried. The account of Mr George
Agent at God Weston and others. am ork B
auntiu.' to $10.25, for w
-W 001D TURN ERS v gW Second hand Pianoes tali e 0DERWEL chatting wiW her -companion; thi
oran as the gazed at each other in amazemeni.
u in exchange. dope at Hairs bridge, was t;rdered to be paid. Aec't From thb size of the vessel, there was rinj Parker, A ho was waiting at L%bl% Stood
of Jas Patton for $10, fbqstatiqnm. &c., ordired to rougher'(for it was very ato
oierich. 17th June, 1869. w21-6 in on for its ; and Sep grew lonking at us with an a ed exression of*
Moved by Mr Ford, see by Mr Lomas That ()nly a mess -room in com weather), She became uncomfortable and w
IWARTIN MANN it was but small, as, bulk-head.orjpartiti- We vott fl, rer
CABINET FURNISHINI tbhopa'-de- for collecting the taxes be farther e;;ended .,r
-ANDUNDERTL AIKERS ea -sick, and wentbelow. 'The vabili as-. countenance. relied Am dly a
Alb - - for -two weas -Carriad, The Council then adjourned on of wond, cut off from its d' ftd over again for any :sign Of a istring at -
M WS OL 1) CUSTOMERIS W A IRIE 1-1 0-U *S E to meet the first Monday in May next -said meeting to I I igned for herse,-,sir,'was tbe: one now al
N 9138 TO 114FOR each,side the apace allotted for our sleep 0 tached to Ae Lockers 'We7malle Parker
0 T A U E- B that ba iq, till able to seit for casht at tliil be Court of Revision. -The stewardess followed
HamAton St,,Goder ch, owesi rates', T. B OTOKES, Tp Clerk. cabins. My own was on the right- -thither,and ent backwrds and for-' iurn out his po, kets- in vain I There
DANIEL GORDO'N hagnd side, my messmates' (two smaller %a no trace of any m%caniicd agoney in
wards, rendering her assistatice, for Some ' w. 4j�
KINbS 0 FURNITHE one�) on the left ; a 'riow of 1.)ckers (re- ve the fact we had witnessed.
P constantly on band for sale all arti� LL "hours. I -The w4oman made remarkstose
Repollt of the Latbles;3- Benevolent s,mblinii ld-fashione w about the beauty and -splea- YU maY
d window seats i ral-ofthe ere imagirle.our perplexity. %Ve
toR.Ranciman&CO Athisshop o, Kingst,on Street, opposite K eles in their line, inch as All partie�lndebted Huron Hotel.iL_ 13 th t Society for 18.69-70. tui-nantical. reaier) ran under the stern ;did littire of the lady ; but added ithat "ahe returned to the table, -and discussedt-be
Beideteads, Chairs, Tables, oderich. ve him a call. UPHOLsumR.' 0 1. .
FwIIw37., gallery windows, ln the ecrttxe of the ular event again and againt *�Ile t appy in Sing
The Committtee b to report that the i ining-table, a la, f am-enipsnimentQffaitsigim nul
Sofas, &c., EITHER BY NOTE 'Olt BOOK AC- (k0denf-h-O t 1868- eg was.sure the poor thing was i�o h
room stood our d trip her Till sort
such a countareherebynotified,thatunleasthey , AS looked so anxious.'
0::)P- All kinds of wood -turning, done, NEW PATENT amount placed at the disposalof the So- ing above it ; iiiy Davenport was placed 10ilayed by the �atormthe vemldid not: the distinct rustiling -of -a dregs, blpgaed at
stair- bannisters, neckyokes, &c Undertaker, &c-�q &ca. ne tination till 0
Nool posts CALL ANI PAY UP AT ONCE -:p c) I=L 39:, ciety for the year was $198.24, which in ar -the- -lockers. I am obliged -thus reach -her des tit two elock in tervals with te-4anversation, wl&b bad --
I - - AS now on band a - -- . ; and so greilt 4
Always'on hand, a complete minutely to describe our apartments in mrtainly becoine-of aghostly audsuper-
ley will be sued, without further notice. a balance in-theliands of the 6n the following morning i
large Sock of eluded order that my stor may* be clearly er- had been the danger forzsome hours previ- ustu
AT OF COFFINS STRACHAN & McKINNON, ralharacter, each in Iiis tum recalf--
ASSOILTIY[F the previous stood.
and a HE&RSE to hire on reasonableterm R. RUNCIAIAN, JDLACKSMITES; Nelson Street, Goderich, would FURNITURE Treasurer of 812.34, from ously, that-theyoung Qy passenger vlas Ing the f9rgottenStoriwof haunteiMouses.
intimate to farmers and others that. having pur-
us Ay collected for a as aw forgotten, both by the crew --and by the eicetera, which W been familiar to his
chased the right ft)r Cartees Hay Lifter, they are now in every -variety, whih year. Th tb�i sum actuh, As oon the tin her of.our or was
15wft* Goderich, Ok red to Ynodsh them at. $5.00 each. The 'are caunotfailtocommand the year just ended was $M.90,'of this complete,-wewere to sail alongthe4oasts. stewardess. it was quite dark when the boyhood. At length I rose,, anil Saying i
Goderich* May 3rd. 1866
=m a neatapid substantial manner, and have given the favor of all In want ected in St. An— Of Wales and Ireland Onur sury9ying ners lauded, and in -the con- preferred the 4�Zi to the cabin, w#h its
Goderich,29th Dec.. 1868. w49. great satisfactiolio those who have used them. of f7arniture who way wiiawnt $67.90 %ere c611 duties. There, ort only two of -the olff cupautl went
Ali agent wPF4 gut for the sale of tile liner ift a favor him with a visit fusion, hurri,aind even eril,of gettingthe. pratent ot - , -_ drew's Ward; $5�. 60 in qt. deerge's Ward; crew who -had re-entereathe vil sel-the at ladd wd was -followed by my come
h days. hether in style or boats, with them ofL no!oue remarked th er,
Ontario Carridge-S op, price, such as
66derich. Jau. 25th, 1869. $30 in St. Patrick's Ward' $30-40 in St. captain's sjeward� und one able -bo -died the young lad.v was not Seen again on pamorts.
(Hoiniltoit. St., goderih. th vf them elderly men bearing dck. Ieinained on deck tillmidniSt
ROOM, PAPERS 3ureaus, Wood Chairs, Cane Chairs, David's Ward. The amot'int expended up �eaman, be - - t�
Bedsteads, 13449. Liounges, end of February 4 SA4.80, leavin 'a very high character. Itwas ispine hoursafter daylight before -was a starlight -night, -clear and
Tables, Bookcases, Cupboards. to the
ExtensionTables,Easy Chairs, Roeking Chairs of I soon tlisco�ered t1fat-tliese-two men the steWardess -(who had herselfouccumbed WitliOlit a muon. The wind pied Slivill
a balance -in the hands of die Treasurer - u fio-
Wardroes, 8 Gbifflonors. were great friends, having been for many to the iiu�su it of se Udroas tIG booming sea likes � 40,frm t
les,_ Stands. years messmates., in different ships ; and, her a t ger) vigit 'bsent ; aar 0jr, �the lights. 0,12,
RnftM PAPERL �d4oaT ELI itAin.� the ves 1, and
I Wash Stands, Lea is $93.44, which vill enalal the Cc I ost and a
VIEVIE & A R I N E mmitteet h * dan ed the lady's
Sea Grass Mattresses. Wool do, Moss do
eetti Allan Bert liey . ca
I- air do, and. 4 or 5 di&reut kinds Spring Mattresseq to be chosen at this m g, to carry on I learned fewil rain that t bin wit.1t the intention of setting it in; shore were vhibl� winkling on the horiz
VERY LAAGE VARIETY OF WIN U ItAIINTC10. -sortment of We were nearing Ponaghadve. L
N, B.- Keeps always on band a large a 'to read the Bible and Sing rde -instant afterwards her loud on.
A 4 Wasbable gilt and Rosewood Moulding.:frames, square the work of the Society until te time were woni ! r An m -g on atarbo�r -q�arter.
al, made on the shortest notice. hymns, together,.in, as he said, lavara erieBalrinedthecrew. Thecaptsinhur- was Stand* the d
AS$ f Lon- or ov -arrives for another appeal being made, to praise-wolsby manner.' I cannot say thaf -9 sea, when
Three Diffeient Kinds of Paims NI FIRE �stab f t ae oldest, q with JACQUES .,ried tohe spot, and was hornfied at be-, Vzing flibuglitfully ver 171
rdsolnrE unkement,
41and, Haviig made art I liked either �of them-onur first:acqu- ortram, touoUd. py aT�m with I&,teleae
bes 01 ca '-JAY, Toronto, can flarnish anything here or the public. This Society, as y(jur Coin pasienger lying on
REQUIREL Hopt4CE holding his beautiful
ORTONI�Agent attheir WarerooinsinToronLo. mittee would remind -you, has been ift ex aititan e ;Jhey both -had agloomy 1o6k, thefloorfthecabirins pool,of blooa, pope.
Has always a Complete assitirtment of isten-ce fof the.ibstfouik-dars. Throu a44 M�ot tbo' tMuk_merry.mauit9rof the %vith b6r throat cut frolu 00rt`0 ear-' Qaptain Alfo4I hesaiia, 'just look at
R. J. WMTELY9, For galls,, Parlors, Dining Booms gh seaman. I shuddered; and after a niomenVis that liglitn the larboard paddle:box,'
$albty during tha whole of
Coffins & Shrouds in -the te -pbriod-, important I
8 still in fall operation, and is turning out superlo rawing, Rooms' P Head Office4 Torouto.. will -ake r sks on Count7. La, st Style �euefits hive been W,.sailed at leng mMllfordHaven, my compa . mon continued.
-and R. this th foD I otom
ad City groVerty. marine riski talten at as low rates PILuse Iturneat ly, anA stood transfyiec?,
Lonmartyindividu'als--and-f i �and were soon in the Insh waters. We
asanyot er first class offi6e. Also, HEARSES pire. conferrec ami- with horror andamazemeltit. lbeheld.c,
Carriages, Buggies, Wag6us ALL'NEW PATTIERNSt iion,6�-PE HOUTON., Agent. lies. , Your Committea� hav'e used their harboCr on tOf course very inquiry 'was ma, le at Pale blue, flickering bgbt, in the entre of
A&46 - hoped - to put into Donaghadee
Of all kinds, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS. �e, 4033L ELVV. FOIL. Clgx�s23L best enddavours to dispense judiciously t1le morrow. and aaJ had been very much onoo-todisebrer the Person whohad -com
d for We Good Stoolk and declared by Painters and Paper Hang w2 the funds placed at thei - disposal. An)' occupied di�ving 'the day, with my new mittod this hideou; crime. The young which stood - the -form ofs-woman, wit -U
A number of first class Buggies on hand, an era to be themost beatffifal designs. FebruarV Ist, 18rO. oe-bn4 clasping herthroat, froui which,
cheap for eltsh Prices of all articles im the line that MO"EY- TO- LOAN., Society ;bin,., for detailf i, watch, andother jewelry
member of the daties, I -sat tip late. to write a letter to my lady's braceletE red drops appeared to Ooze throagh tho
WHI any in the County g000.fitrat security payable'from thing was fonnd in
MAII w ru -nest $2o o0o n ma, obtain the informationdesirecl at anv dearniatfilirp which I hoped to be able to, bad been taken.,
The Bfst nd- Chen ftoin one to twelve years. No interest ]F_K]PJM]0S*, I
DP "to of the monthly pieeti tip of the Commit- Desmond had gone to 'her packet. It wag surmised therefore delicate � 1i igers. I could fte 'lier face
Jar attention yald to Wagon and Carriage Re- 116tamedinadvaoce. post the -it
pairing pApERs EVER DUROD :13 HORTON9 tee. di d by 'it was* Bertram's watch, and,, hat robbery had been the =6tive,f6r1he distinctly. t - ivas a lorilly, but mouh.
R. J WHITELY.' HaiRAC . Agent. The accounts ha 9n an his berth as countenance. W-everari 1 -never lare I
IN GODERICH. Godericl,, March 31. iSG8- srs. Win Xay and o B. on, was; bushed'and still. Not a murder ; but what had be6ome f her com-
Godericb, Novgth- 1869 w42 04 mis . the vessel , forgotten its exprespiou -at lor3foundf
and found correct. Is r� sound �roke,,tbe silence except the tramp panion ?,Why had he gone Away- without
FOR SALE AT "Suspiciont once fixedonbint-astbIS y4ar"Ing-regret, -The 4ark, teii4jr-gfay
it. ipectfully submitted. rhead, and the
WD Ion &.-Commission. of the efiagretitreadove her ? eyos looked �& very wail t
BUTLER' ffARY MAMP'NALD, Sec'y. avle4 t mssin,aud the police, whoadbeen sent
sft rippji�g of the w agains the a4 -tosp
to �captsin, Aeclated tbAt they-htd roproachfulappeal. I meant _ea� to
Ift.- 1869� wn. OFnOE BEA,"Rs side. for by tl to jwk Ifer-poor.. desolate SJS_ff AND DQOR Godrlh. April 1. - - GODFRXCH &0Ij1NTQ_N. UgWd a cigar.; and no doubt that he was giffitir of tbd�inriler- e'Pre8ide4t, Mrs. Rich;; My letter ended, I I at in. what we could do for herfuture -rest ; but
although it was now near I midnight, isat Fverysearch waamadefor-Ilim, b
1Fw§1t�b1ish46.d 'Vim Praidimt, Xrs. Johipstone; tbe-mords. would it colne;iwianthing
reaming, as* was. very-, often eflectuaLly ; not �one of thevrew had men
FACTORLY0 kAeEln; Smoking and d obolmA my vice. I Struggled with ti;00,
]Feed, lFeed-1 1. ,
Oillaneou� erlibb Treasurer,,Mr& Prestpu; -my wont. Neve'r was a'man less,.indlined, �im go on shore, nor had -any one seen oppression but 1succeeed in
S. o2ropert y in C oJ
1ts of ghost' -by pre-diiiiosiqpn of the - him land detectives-sipally
"every Sat r gy, and in. Clinton e Mis. Mactl6iialdr to Isee a gasping out, P the liht and the
very Wed-' inshoxt-the
unusuc efrorts ito,discover-the sum -
HE untiersigned hemag purrhasee the klain- nesday. mind, thaw -1 was then. I.- was d1j.' failed im- their fliZuro AloWly -faded outotfight. 'Then L
ling Mill aird Sash Foctory owned, and cc rahced on Property for immediate
- nded,aud4ppy# -Uikeii my emP[05_f� sin sud-Irom that time I
T n( "The- InfhUlbiftt� conte bo this thO Piper
eupli saten -promo the fuiui�, has boon a1auuted ship.' hearit Bertritm speak and his voicaxotand-
Aby Donad Cummingv are novir prepared Scheme. . _ I
ment. 1hadhope,.now, in td afar vff,�aa we -hear soupas in
n the business of manufacturing AT Farm Stock and other Sites punctually attend,;, stor.y,*, said 1, - f% dream -
to carry 0, 1witli a
wasbuilding most fautastie -'A very singailar
e .tti-t4roilgho�t the"County, On Monday a scheme Dn iltffidliVilitY Was Fibofit which 1 11 sin afraid I startlea you, �CaTwdtr
d 6
-Is the
Shephard &-Strachan!rj, "hegiri-andutyrbierie. Was all, slight shiver. spiritual manifest
Sash, Doors, Blinds, _YOU, to members of -the Counzil. It castles in t, Alford 'he Baid.
&;rose,. vvb e tiononly-that
.�TAWZMAWSA W.URAID pxlo,:� pr _d&UleUr en I was staftl�(I�by th' vith which I havejust been
asserti th e abs oil] _pme 'Startled me :exc1dime4. wim
TT.'V lici- , i6undf,a. l4w, aeel) sigh, close. beside; me., farourad 11 terrible--awful.11
T Txxtk RES9 JA "d complete
M0U1d'n99.9F100r1n9- 20 T0N90Ft_Bn1., d�iieh- at th' Ulibich p4sses
P d thit-thi pri
I Churh, viis re- 1-lookell piRd, purPriBed, but could see replied my Ornpanion. He looked at me with ahmremien�.
tie dniv&, lio -one. The next moment a still' louder timia�,' when nearing Vie porb - where' the
Siding, . i I - vara singularforthis�
ed vKaJI, mvilidbr musi havo -�eommitted, the '-t was
and all kinds ot 'AT eeivea #ith_'Tj1ehitucT,6 u poivorsffoln the
L whointhe. soun Ing &otvh 11r.1wf;
r, of hexepAied, in his rowl
succ tons y 'but I eamot think - t
W=_ wmcu� THE19 G diesputb
ling a faintj�yv�pprea beog
-W C> 1P. Y&:, Lord himself -W -*8f otioil. Icph-,J"yliseeuouth adalebox-atleastso
e dire to
Aigo. Pontiff, is the 60A --from
a a t it 4irilible. I
(lashe 0 ' ' - 'thit Desmond was
de hat
jilell jt* Circle and (Zuthtc Sash and Frames itp for sm;iked '..�ZaU Z d x-rhoutli. of - faith must be: dual a' th i distutbect L- -1 have heard, but Icatiluot speak seen -the .-Uke ilk the 31f'j1itel;raneau
par HerflUgsL de
r thilart from thei M&AIS - i�dbnlyap.--4Qwuobse'rvatioti. I i*ed, you kunw,
ir Pxperience in Factory by nightmare; aii(TINafthe s6l
The, %vojlr�tfiat thpy can give satisfaction to all wito, lowdr,- etd6thd vlo*dd 11164T
aoilew i'tilid'Pli 1869.. �401 often.'
Go E, UR CaptainAlford znly s4eek b be your�
_,.R'S. I 'WOUIrd -belr�
. �ve ditrdga aff0sth to' "A ghost in +,he '31,aditerran�?n them with a eall. B peared to bernear �ui� thiarefore T-went1b) I
favor, fillitie seen nothing Of
May 'y the
0 rrr id
see, �Catholidltid:ildhim
-ouilt to the trade. commL I -� eard sud
'Sy .
JR, I his berth,,i%n.(1 s6ftly -openeld ther. door,.' seifai harak
__X,.:&_AHbera disL 10 nor
rich, noibem&kL4tqrt0'0XqCff e Over One- WIMLESUMIND RF.TAtL, -has ilwap bed full
'20" -ttavm � - v J w, tA? y roinhearsay. i wasinfarifiea thakit was
J'j -him fromthedreamraony the ghost. My knowledge
()06 feet of Dry inch ana a quarter W ASIU Oro Y' �solyixig tP rouse'i 'A ghost, #ir a. "withequal
-we, h"S�y the
jht t blin J#4Jt;3ea8Q;)1. t ; �T n, ,of only- in 4ris w
iii the moitlacid
t1" astonishment, he'Uj
a onno, , i
le-mant; ones.
A PERFE th-sinkig to*, c% t 0
-tht the riper is :fluid w1d& rosi;44 juinuteA e seems opp�ewed b- isUrpriw, speakibg'of
isderived only , be re�'Cate
F16roro, on hand. aters
o on the lar-
-houla C
D&VID LASON, iil:, sid �,Heigltef sLahel 1, Othat *no 11 _boardraddlevboxs - I'hvAi uen itflick r -
ECT -A `X_ N0am5_w6reP
to whom ing At the -mrist-head -!%ouli�times in th..
of �biv Come t4i be tormente; 31iditermnexn,as I sai1,-tut in 0 -1 _r.,a*46y, fromilie s@.o it , - --said-bithe _ J
W X. ROBINSOM. �-Iaith tb 1byawoman
in o
gen 7 wrong
tter is. JAVitudes before?
ndtst4nc#y..z'_- nowense, too. Of vourse -the -murder As
t Igartstipre
j,Mwch-1th.18&1.: iWas 0 11e, at, r othili-ttifilponle.
f1sed' his dijolt,. and wpw ,one hu ddne.-no,
RX iioCeii -A gination;
an0 4Thenyou. did- not s
J '.' _ V_ mkisea
P 9viii�e7.1 for"IilljR 0 ?,ishd the givei�birth to;the-S in the lim
qp( -Al el"ed. tko lady T I e.
be -eotindtf 4 light footste# V -e. And, �oftb6;se men, aj�dsbmerleverl eep
abe lad 111te Ani -ed - na indeed. r
'A -0 h beir tho Wood -
P* o ar on saliby TA
MAD it I- up' Von TOme
gomm the joke.
t4ualfthio , 4 yui,
-k 'boa otap i,� e. e,4 a boo -,g
-Z 010dy lei ,into my 5160it) ncabi
Lo Ifly! _g tbe `0 mmoll
A AWlitoting bu light. D
nlilit: n; I eewizbt b
_W 6 jjSr__6rWj'.'� I . I Rpil. infall bility ispinct, ear-, eside 11
_v HE,?- StT, SORIt Mae liosk; Ad fferl ChJ 11 - L.- yof t a -won, i quiteti auy, I bave s
Elie-infa it .:Alp. ��Iawes _-Wdslth. It A Ix
peps1w, e thei
T-Uttle wbuderbi th6 Whibi AgNs udson board - I wa=* knOw t -Ow explamed to Will
Loss *,b6h �hill�dm� %166a, safisea,i6e; - ut it, yzi) dofi'bt,*tGimW%g 4b
ters to
u an
. ild"No' is applicable. -if, it e mUt 1 -Ind xmn, -for I'feltillAU(i faiull�
M5 In moment Alio �bevlt the- Viper- We 'best to Ai
'It to the" ohpapest inblft'e"r 1AYSUMS �Bgd,4 1gimlodi"V t it 00 . 'i foi!h` must -do Vur
4 ARE'VREPARED tull.; _can Aro-10ofmolitriith- .11 llfwbidj -
"ttep co r jj* -try r. - . -_, I r e
-AA�rfdf ou ra 'b' Wore I hna.
jl�gtFBS090EA8 a wish Aarotwlti t9p, wp,*ed iapidly to 0 0over- WIM is playing -Upoh and hsd to ask for-brafi
witrds, m
ne- -1nore that, -hint6d at the v1siM 1, tad be -
J, 'T-to#uit61thDe_ ijhVothA*W- 90GUI MW 35
- - ' U& - tj _G(A riQ
d yalldifleU,
the an p ib, t -cri
�Reech, Piner, and HeMl -VM�P, alhes, -'imdtloosiV,� in fir W_ thil 40 9' ' ot 0 M t Wag M spWn; bela-' Ifelteardme with
-4iP&il9u#,Pc8'f,d rue
vident incrodulky. Madlenot also bem
but roplied: BoArsm -.6though -1'0Ou
ff$ iih,of aiedn*a1dth,'
h 4i b &e. 0 Ing, 0 Seen 111 *In C
V wid
-in 'HE 10 myl)attol1�1P 31,01,
dryi, It dd chilli, jV� ralk agaili
'rav -the rust1g; itrine .1up Ition, J!n e bad
7nothiig aanj_hao�be -Afoultia stidible.- �bu
'b _ode1:Wttl6-6f`h6t inoW
"This it, fit) 11 q foil 0 H--7ht i MOTM �-w 011 tit nail
yo Anlgjj,*1th mp k' ig the matter P01r.Ael'
roncedlo, b ult mgame-,:Tky @n,,Akt-,rooiA-, -erp. e:
-,'b Ong Ing7_ a' hca 'k,tal it
'V - -tioar.
WAS tir
nI to it excited I
SOM0, 2MPSU Ing red
'ght Ine te
U% St J0 ye� thbuf
tin 'Tatjoea�. 'te ut not, Mid,
b W6_ i4
1�kdb" 0 tt 6 OL 61
f TO d' me to
4T,&N I
went Is I
PO t
'The next
'Q�en� the 1W A6ifi6 J�L�
the, e nJoe �'th&t _Cal b -rites'-the POsta96.-b
in1i 00' a mos ere milamorldl Jw
'0 _ 'r,
edh pervikile the little
dZ to the
y N
V ma
r 6 Won.- 0
wee -the eitcepdip -W�
_W U I or�
a" CAW "at
V 41i 4 Olt!
-tL AiidvveryrtOV*Udth0n 411- 011111,
luted my bei
EX-of'4160 lifu
Ut hito as he
-A Y, V
'War W� t
y )If
to in �Ai
rarrT000119 1�1 unaoily
n o, b"be
. .... r9.0
J ''4t
'S t 8
'y knowit,,
Li -,7�, 7'n