Huron Signal, 1870-03-17, Page 4Th e D 111 o R vo r B -I.: j-'- 'Rob b r x perit �l I i I I t I I e ba I) k si nco t hilt day, o t ]ter ilot se t do w It in Bi x by's pre-trattine , to Ili ak e En -A.9-ricultura-1 Statistics.
Ur tit -
t "I'llixt is j list it.,'said St [its Bixby, twist- a;,,reeable 1 His very loneliness III 'CHEAP LANDS FOR SAL�
hancuro%%n town-speopleand friends.' tilt, night!s work botli dangerous and dis- IVRES19 oys rieks.
r'c I 'DECEIVEDdally fromBaltimore at?tTRS MA*'K
t use to ar,"Ie the, ing his whiskers redeetively 'they have prospect seem doubly unpleasant. A 69 b!!2 bliahor,,. i'lie report I N
qlIt.stI1l. T'.,! Toe 3 es ,r got soulle aecolliplice who knows the nei JLJi 0 and after Thursday the 26th inst
gh- 'dozen times. -its lie sat ninsind over it, 110 eives the total acreadb_fb�,,1869 under dif-
ade the Th 2 1 1.1 it I rns for 18 -
it, and L "I il� 1,!� 3 have lately U R -ON YOUNDRY! '(1zerich, Aug. 24, 1869. w30tf
borlio,)d, Ind whoin we doon'tstispect. But as follo ',IVs :-Crbn crop 12, OOf,
I Put forth his hand for �his boots with in- fer.nt crops
we shall c -itch him with tile' rest. Tile telit to go, out and frustrate the robbery III ktcrea TOWN OF CODERICH.
green crop 5,065�,�acqel, 4Z :0
fact is, NIr. Iloughton, the Blue River Na- in his own way, regardless of Bixby's bare fallow '161,369 acres; gras!
.... ... It- livit sav tional Bank is to -Tho- robbed to -night. The schemes of cal)ture %nil glory. As many 5,149,532 acros ; permanent 2') 44
We e t7l. i pastur`M� 0 TO RENT., OTS 1323,1324 & 1334, $ 30 each,
plot 41aid, and I have got every thread of tinies lie fell back in his easy chair, think- 811,284 acres.
In 'comparing the returns rark
I,e tit Ilea% ilv' lov F -:i 0 H E a nolersigned Its vi lag tak en the a bove we] I -kno L Lots 2 aud3 in (-Fs A. L'It' lit,, 144alld 150 �Q40.
ing now that lie was- bmind I'li holit Cby his of 1869 with those of 1&8,the tota! acreage w Township of wawaw,sii, N,,ilh :,14
(in h:s i"L-Stt'r 111111,'IltOn "M ')Ile Of A ChISS in T Mitisfato his own bands is now prepared to rtin
taci-, ft9t-colikent with the con3t,ahle, and under corn crops shows ail * nqrease of 324, hern on reasonable terms to some competomt, persoin 100. TownshipufAshit( 1.1, S,)uIll, 11% it, acres ofEast
se of about 22' or one year. Of 8:011th f 10f 1, con. 4 IV. D., Q100.
tile Vill;W0 Wilt) %%ere ha))itually incredul- ailaiti that the wholestory was nothing but, 503 acres, Leing an increll
'I AppIN to
`;ilas llixi-lys achitivements,as ail- t!le frulf; I)t tile totticer's ft;r.ite illiaiiiii1ilm, per cent oil that of 1868. In live stock, For particularsapi,ly to
olls as t.,
't, W31. PIPER.
va the Y"11111 of notillced I)v himself tut there was a posi� and that ouiyJhe inventor should inaLe cattle show a decrease cl� L10,000 in 1869 ('oderich.
. . * t rzz
nine!, t it, 1, 1 All.ilering, as lie rose tivelless it' f� li- , 'i' -J 7 -1 1.. .- - Goiderich. Alay 12, 1809. W -16t Goderich. Dec. l8th ism. vi 41, if. W. I,)
nith �t,r I!v :-, ino,l strix ing to keep ncl assurance about the -cousta- iliniself ridieiflou3 by his credulity. Now as conipared With 18G8, but an increase of Cd 0 r
-In with he %visited his wife %%As at hoitio to make'320,000 its compared with 1867. Sheep Tl!! -MONEY TO LEND.
ble a manner which 'carried convietit
tile %%altilig woments pass more (luickly ; are less. by 1,173,000 than in 1868, but Tilt
out 1-f !.;S I ',I ds 1111 i t �lles. I hope % via it, and lie did not conceal the al;ock which C S�TEAWTNGINE::W
will !].-.1 er i.t. s -:r- v f,,r the tilide%im l"M-1the nefirs"arellim. then that'Harry were there to give the aid larger by 619,000 than in 1867 ; and tl�e
I Shall ellukt, t 1,000,000 T REASONA.BLE RATES of interest, and on a t-001- I[
t#1 I_ts� It trIll I 'Just Nto)li keep very cool, air, and I'll id his daring and tile stinill 'stock of pigs has duclineA by R R U N G I M A N P
. '. k;�. r_t' lg,'\.t VVt ek, It,'% or holess. I tell Y(,Il 'tile whole sti)ry in very few words, Ills uf his . I ysnotice by J. S. SINCLAIR, *2.60
if I ll.i% '. I - bovish. enthusiasin in the stran eeinerg- since 1867, being a decrease of about 35 Barrister,&,c_ oderich
: f�-r I have -,ot one or two thinns to do'be- en' Taniiiary 19Lh. 1861)
and C'� �:11 to tlic cy. And sometimes the old mati's percent. Commenting outhese returns
tore I cateli the burglars, and I have proinis- thoughts wandered, in spite of the excite- tile Montreal Oazoitte makes the following rPO let in the Town of'Gotlerich. foy a term. of year.,; a
Parson Pettell-ill's t of the. hour, to his boy, dancing judicit;us remarks, which we wouldendurse SREREI�Y GIVEN THAT APPLICA I 13ri,,k Cotta�,e with a large onhard and six acres
azi,I doct,tr his sick- horse. The're is two awav tile Ili ti inost unreservedly : 11 be made to the 'parliament. of t1le ofgotiolland For particulars appl)"u).
"'RING MILLS. TiotTl-nii
A h.i.f _r, -.tit , t .t. in'lo lie I'ldtle'l fact. ed t-, I00k into barn men o
1. rt"11,011, uht at Tinh-irough. Ile r GIRIST & FLOU.
I-) f"'Ill 1.11S 1110thCr, V.�Vh Illell ill -tile job, besides somebody in the :alle'd his anxieties over his son*s ill' sip- Tile re port is fuil of valuable inforinati Dominion OfCaiiada, at the session thcruotfue,,i after W. D. ALLEN. iwen fil ton Miley and Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers the expiratiop -of six mouth., trom tile late of this
t -U'S WAS"e sit Is ile"I village here that is workinm N%ith them ations-, his aSSOCiatC8, his growing reckles- and were suchreturnsclilleeted and furnish- Goiderich Sept. 27th 1869
n -1 1 notice by Robert Sharman. of the l'own oifGodericb, i
�ater\lt:\V. I'l t t It. H
c the County of Huron, fora Bill oifDivurce from Alatil-
se'n-UtIv. You needn't . k tile how I Iless of inwinur, his extravagant tastes,the ed by the )Tinister of Agriculture fo-r the da Sharman, formerly 14fitilda Borlanol�FAnd now called IFOR S ALE.
earne,;t, lualla"ed to overhear their efiance in his face but an Dominign of Canada, they %�oiild be 'of Tillie Hunton theground of adultery. _
all't tell ; you w )Lns, for I look of hiLI'd d Th rash i ng M achi n es, Sepe rators Dated at Qoiderich. the(Aliday of Octoher, A. 1) r
m iu Ills ail ill fci�rd it all in theTift- ft,,ttr or two before.: His heart ye.Irned immense value not only to the Govern- HAT EXCELLENT LOT OF WILD LAN -%S
ein. h si t t e t lire t. !'It, n iL,; he t, o z III- bornmh Trumpt t of the day after to r 1710irse IP4113W 1869. CAMERoA & GARNoW. r known as lot 33 con. 6th, East Wawanosli, con- TOEIN
,I C;46.t irozil tile C', -mor- over the lad in spite of his wild ways, like ment, but to the Boar"I o E Agric ulture as 13X -Ag lfiii,-aws, w3r-tt Solicitors for applicant taining 100 aeres ('& excellent land well watered P,
cb.ak coll' ruw. They aiti reguiar New York cracks- Da"vi,l's over Absalom, and lit, resolved to data on which to baso,any enactments for There is a large creek running throug1h the north end
tinn,-d .,,,nd thev have been stopping at the try the utotlierV nitithod alid imagine ex
the improvemeht of Agriculture, . and also IRON AIII'D AVOOIDEV PLOUGHS and a small One t1irougil, the south end, also, several
o .. .1 Tinshouse
Y,,;; ilk -t4 it r s� r tilt for Ire, o" ve t tit-' VAIIS, pretending to 'be look- etiscs, and replace harshness with indul- to show the Increase oi produce and -the r -failing springs : it is half a wile from Short' Is the travelit
With Cast or Steel Boards, Drill. Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, Saw Mill, and 5 njil�s from Blvth, for %a](- very cheap,
tilt) 'Zi 1: 1 till goll), t,- .11!11,).� Ing at the water-Ilower. `1`0ev caine here gence, ll-.ireafteF. The village bell clanged capabilities of the country to furnish sup- 0 ply to MR. ARMSTRONG, Goiderich. Anr Good
r., I I,, h �v.; tAl t I.,, all
straNt Korr% p�lrpose to clean oirt -the' Blue-Kver 'mit froill-thu steeple Close bv, and Foster plies both for home cousumptiun and ex- Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw cutters, Goderich,-Sent. 7. IS09.
I" 11:11it-, allil Houghton dropped the thread of his re- port. As,* -in all probability arrangements A-��ri,ultural Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wi�gon and Pipe Boxes,
it A :,ro ,It, -I r. I %%ait f.,r davlight 'Do thev intend to hlow open thesafe very wi th a start, and went back to the will be made during the present sessitin of Farm for S8.1e,
I a rl king the
to conit- 1., Tiot Stop 3nd catch in,litired Mr. Hottir iton, who was pacing rob*oery ad in. - Clearly lie was getting the Dominion Paoiament for ta COOXING�:. PARLOUR AND -BOX STOVES urs r53 L.d 54 Bayfield Concession, in tne
a 11
-L" �kt till' 11"Ll$C bCfk,re start- t lie rootti. too nervous. He niust do something to census next Vear,a 0, L Township ei ii derich Containing 68 acres,
0 good opportunity would of' the most improved kindb. Brass Castings- made, and BlacPsmiths' Work and Repairing
'J list have patience, 'Squire,' and Silas shake it off. ,be afforded for the collection of agricultur- done Oil ShOrt UGtiCe. Call ano see the STEEL UOULD�BOARD of I ese over 50 0
v,'ho is PLOUG�S, as You can b ac -res cleared with good Frame
inquir- flixbv.
I 'I thum,lit it best to prepare Von, 111get Harry's '-revolver," he thougllt, al statistics, which we trust tile Miniliter (ret one very �heap for Cash.
n Barn, and Log House, about 2J wiles from N the
ed the fw�!-r, !ii re fr. -tit a it". ire to sit,)%% aild so led i . oil tip kind o' gradual. Thev xvith little ptirpose what he should do ��ith of Agriculture will not lose sighi of. Goderich Nov. 12th, 1867 W39 (Aluton. For 7brims of -sale apply at the D.vislon 0
all int�.rt-it an I 'N ill tile bov f; -,):Il hi, hat-tt gut false keys to -your house door and it; and he took the lattip. and went tip stairs The LUI Court office at Goderich, or to Mr. WIGUILvU Valki
tit odint-s, th tit a:tY real curl."ItV. veoir bedi-0001 door. They are croing to to the boy's empty room. The drawers' TON on the premi8es. modation t,
t, 0 Goderich. On I . Sent. 21, 1868. i
N;C.l V, �'r% h.�dv (.f Inv- S"t, said , The Spectator ridicules the choice of the U.
c mie in at andiii,,lit ar ail hour after, and were thrown open in -I confusion which of -
If trr%, -%icli -A,, neriiii- of 7d- ,,t you an,I volir, wife, and force you at feuded thee t Duke of Richmond as leader of the Tories WroxeO
. -1 1 . -ashier's noat prt�judice4acquircd
De4ks; A-z;vir Bi ks and T, lot So\ tile iiouth ,f the revi,lver to go ever to *Lit the profession. He knew where the pis- In the House of Lords. FARMFORSALE.
ail I Fra a� -;L;kl tl.krris��ll Fry, the bank ail,! open the combination luck. 11 A ROME TERS UN00 T H E R MOMM T ERS
bil wits kept, but its box was einptv ; and The Times reviews and discourages the
if V�,;l % cl! Flit. "li :V !ist.' Your help, they say, has gone aff; and lie exclaimed under his breath,- TWO IffUNDRED ACRES.
attempts to build a Ship Canal across the MADE BY L. ST] NSTED, REGEXT ST., LONDON, ENGLA".
EIIrII,'t,l s4arptv away, bit- -he they secillctl not to be afraid of Henry.' 'That is a boy all over. He goesto Tin� Istlinius of Darien.
'ilenry has (,,)lie to Tinborough,' said boronuh to dance and eat strawberries,arid 22 acres cleared, new trame house, 2448, 1 J storeys
v clit -T volir intilliaev -1 0 0 C L 0 H IN 9
-11 wou Mr. Houghton, ineehauically. lie carries a pistol, loaded I dare say to the' Belleville has g ' ot a squad of new police- log barn, new. 2.1 miles from Airleyville, 1',J from Sca- targesil
II : i i�, -it Pr%. iiv-.v an -I forcvur, I �1 pi;suine thev knew tha HE geiiera"gen-twill, through JosbimCallaway, call tip forth, on the fravel road. one half mile crom school,
V on the peopli of this vicinity in the course of the I Ganada.ani
t too, then,' lillizzle. It is tell to one he willshoot him men, who keep e erything,but the river in u,Xtillonths, with celebra n
a full asiortment of t1tese now ted filstrulnepts, whichwe shall offer at the follow -
'They calculate on self or his sweetheart before &eilin is order. watered by spring creek, and very valuable tim-
-v %v ul� jaid the constable. me half rnile rom saw and grist will at Ainleyville
thinkth,-r' are vo t tit 4s vo!II T REASTOIDD ell in 511tebel
fath-'r 11-1 rrf 1�v Y."11. I h ive s,�eii his forty thous, 9 lug'E::k�trerrielly Y -ow t_3'rices. Plain white Cherry Fratnes.--96,,each White Alaple on Walnut Back,. ber, both pine and cedar. 101) florses _J
W.2 US
dingto tubes Blaek WaintitCaSe.j. with coin mon, glit-44 tubcs.18 ;-with flint bored tubes $101 V%" - ed and time given ifrequired. Ap ly to shortest
-Ind dollars in tl�c safe, govern- over.' The advices from' 'New 2ealand arie of a f""' $6 to $8- ""'0" P4% 67 per acre wEll be accept -
ever v'wi` nt b,,nds and all. Their team is to be As - INIr. Houghton fiinibled ov 'r the' to $20 each according tofinish ; flue Satin Wood frames, $20 each, with thp celebrated Wooden Cistern and Screw e4d, AM TrIk I SIWMWS�_
evLr 'o eanic me Maor
e p.-teific nature The Les are more out at tile end ; Rose Wood Frame with Bone Dials and Franklin Tube *d Cistern $25 ; English Wheel Bar G. M. T
y N, N&AU A= valuator for the Trust& Loan company. �oderich
back fr :I r;ie C:tY. He was a bad bu , ready on the Titiborom,li r�)ad, and they bitreaiihis liand'encotintered it covered friendly, and are unitin with the British inoters in Mobagany Frame, wind dial and level, &c., attached, from� $12 4) $35 each, according to finish,owith a 6oderich Nov. 12. Isog.
'o,, In 9
inean to catch the owl train. i oil they ftiiIsK. Even his unaccustomed nose was forces against'Te Kotti. fullassortnient of English and French Aneroid Barometers w4t
!i,N illf an,11 --ther wicked pe-tple," eAculate to leave, tied hand and foot, oil able to reco-ilize its coiftents as whisky ;
S-tid the 1. -v. at ll:s W.ttvh-, - liarry the bank floor, till yqu are found tit ' e in and his re Shocking' -Will the venerable gentle- Every Instrument W_ affranteft for One IFARIW FOR SALE,
er grle't It sugh a disc,)very in his JL -car DRESS194
Fry I, it , It t,f so black ;is he is iminteii. the morning.' man in 'spl:ijes.' who in mistake kissed Miss from datcof sale. Having pror-ured, a correct register of every 6ity and f�wn in Canada, the height above tide
Bii'G I ant ii,,t h,61f as intiviatt, witli Ili,,, iv, Foster H' son's rooin was lost in the joy with which kindly for- !Yater or sea level ; the C-eneral Agent is prvpared to altitude �voiry instrupent for each locality correctly-, which T OT 10, COX� 10, W. D. COJBORNE, loo :jCRES,
oughton stopped in his rapid lie hailed a stimulaiii; so greatly needed to Angelina Spifftoe for his aunt, Iq absol utLly necessary to have them work correct on the Dials. - A full a4ssortment of hlow-1hPle I111n 0'"P R JLJ90 cleared, good dwelling house, frme 22
r 11-41 Self U -i t -nn X36
Nou ant:v: 'tit L as t0 I-kElicr, I J-xn t think waik up and duwn the little rooni,and took put his nerves in condition for the event to I his.nalue and address, so that tiie Thermometers tioinstantlyon hand at prices from$2up 0810.accordfiag ofinish. with a commodious kitchen attached. also good barn
Farliheat. Parties desi�Ous of OILLC and shed accommodation, good beafirg o
kiss may be returned to him? obtaining one of these useful instruments, which aceimatel- and invariap, foretell the state of the weather from rchard, well
bis trear:.Icilt o nie t.)-nig'ht gives hint it his boots front the closet. come. Perlia 8 lie foruot how Ion,, it ivas BY ITS UBE watered by two creeks runningthrough
p 0 24 to 48 hours filadvance,should avail themselves oftt,e opport itywhi itow presents;itself. The Agents will re- e In and
to mzzerfere with my friendhips," 'Fair play, 'Squire,' said Bixby, layina since lie hadcal 'John.' said a farmer to his s"ervan t affl main fora fewdays oulT. Head office fir tile Dominion, in Motitr spectflilly,
led in such areinforcenient; 5 .1 -
a clitun ,it Wells One mile from gravel rbad�h lesfrom
Retir% H ufliton shot his shaft delibor June 14,1869. --Gray or Faded Hair is quickly
perhaps his hand shook ; perhaps he h Goderich. For Particulars apply on the Premises to
I hand oil the cashier's arm as he sat down e was taking.dinn6r, 'do -you 'know how 0. BOWES, General Agent forlCanada. undersigned, or to Mr. D Fer.ruson, cer. Goderich.
atel-, f�ir lie Cnew his Nthar's st-usitive lit- and kicked offhis slippers. Tye told you tholight the occasion requii many pancakes you've eaten ?' 'No res0red to its youthffl color and beauty.
-ed a large dose. Why, General Rules to be 'Observed in Consu� ng the Barometer. TSTEWART.
ture, iii which it %votiltl ranklecrurilv; and the whole stor:, when I might have car- He took a hearty one ; and when he was ' vstays about29 inches. ortbe word ` Changeable," wl ut U101411.1 much. either up or down w3g-tf
you've eaten fourteen. ' 'Well,' said John, rcur abd with the first application a October 11th 1869.
in 3 .11u:11011t; Tie was off, bounding, throu,di ried )lit my plan without t.l�ng a word. down stairs again the difficulties in the y 'You C0111 1. If the Ale beattfiful gloss -and delightfal fragraAce
n nt and I'll eat.' the weatherwill be unsettled and changeable
the low. open wiadow, tit I runnin,, wi 2. If the 3fercury rises to or above the word " Fair," fine weather is hand. FARM YOR SAME. 'ILA,
th -Now what are you going to do?' (of bagging the bur-ulars vaniplied from Ills 'You'll better ask for manners than 3. Should it happen to rain when the 3[creury titands high. it will be I at, and very little of it.
fleet sr-ps do-va the graval sidewalk to- 'Goiva to order'astout bolt put on in y door mind. - Ile was a young inati once more, is given to the Hair.
monev,' said a man to a beggar. 'Faith,aill 4 1 r the .1rcre,try continues to rise slowly-s�y for eight or n days 'ad arrives at or above the line 'Very VORSALE OR To RFNT.- Lot No. 6, Con 10. Vv.
to I Fair," then in summari look f6t drouth-if in winter continue L t will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spot& .112 D. Ashfield, C4. Huron, containing so acres. 2r)
wards the eoni iinii. at once,%nd to deposit the bank keys in and entered in the romance of Bixby's I asked for what I thought ye
5. Wlicill th3AILretin falls, it intlicates foul weather; if the 11 b`e slo, it will rain; ifoluick, It WijI prolnote 1UXUrj=t groWth. cleared, with house and biarn. It'here is a living- reek
The family circle clitis divided was that safe at Fulton's store.' plt)t,, he said to himself, is ell thusiastically of,7 Was the curtraply. had most I it falls very low. a severe storm is sure to) follow. T, it Will blow; and
- Elie 13hie River -N.ttional "You will think better of it if you will as Henry ivould have done. on the farm. it is a aorner lot. Pri!n -sis.
of the vf He paced the 3. When, during a storm, tbeMerciLry is been to ris"little,then rest4asured the worst isover. rent $40.00 and taxes. MARI IN DU N. ere,
Bank of Eluititild. Foster Hmighl;on was a just sit still and hear me throtigh,replied roomwithanelastic stride very different en theMercury moves quickly, eftberup or down. the weather t tat f a FAMNG1WR�* immediately cheeke(L M411 a
0 - - 7. Wit tillow will beofshortd is Londdil. Feb. 2. 186C
Ulan pait middle a,,e, and older than his the visitor. 'Don't yen see that w ice versa. firation, and
ill j list from the nerv,)uiI, wavering step with 4 re-ywt a sufterer frorn Neuraft,,I t. Rheumatism, or v w20-im w 2.
years in app_-ar,--neo.tnd in heart. He had show our hand to the gano, who are on the which lie had heard the fie 0 Painofanv-de-wription? Dr.313jiggs'Allevantorwill gold by aU Druggists. Price One Dolkr. sab�
ws. Bixby and ,O,)l lie away your Neural-,ia, cure 'i�o'xir 11heumatism, A Patm=
I .. - .
Petted his onl'v s -)n in his chillhood watch, and they will only leave E - Imfield himself, he thought, wouLd be enough to and banish your pain. Sold by all brugg6t-s. ctured by Farm for Sale. i form Us Ian
en nigh to -p,,il ui,)st oovs, and n-ov made and rob some other bank and mak
e their overpowerariy three burglars. that int
the 441ance even by rw ressin the exii- i' r+!, ? -it 1 11 Then his Dr. J. Brig.- Throat and ],ling Healer is pleasant IL VAN DUM & ()0. HE subscriber offers for sale Elul!' tn 11
r nes t reover, t 9 pot, never ea was eavj, and -Lie ielt drovisy. To to Iake an -i JL W L, , M Con., West bL-deft
I nn�llr assed for its efficaey ftl curing - D. Ashfield, distant about 41 miles from Bel-
berance, of hisymith 'with a sharpnesssonle- would be believe in the village, and such be in proper condition for the - emergency, Cough, Brunchit V. Wholmle Druggist,
is, � sold bv Druggist.. fast, containing 100-scres more or less, 30 acres clear- X his line 4
ma ed, 8 or to chopped, 10 acres good Cedar and the bal- - U
thosewho suffer from Corns, Bunions, Bad Na and 40 Park Phim, auce hardwood_. A new frame house, 18x24: good A.
times nc, �iio- e hall iliSt, s-,met.nit a queru- a . way of rneetinoo it would 0 ke no sen- be reflected, be needed all the� sleep he T,� ii., � T 8 E C 0 9 "E"Na 2C I A` L U ININWA-S�URAXGE- GUMFY llar,,hy Itr,,et
Imis and lin.-vasollabie. Tae buy's grand- sation at LII in print. �Xo, Mr. Houdliton could get. . The resolve was one to be exe- Chilblains Frosted Feet, &c., try Dr J. Bri",§I Cur� Orchard and well,
0 r olive I fuied li herally as directe,l, relief is JmLie- New -York, and School house on next lot. Thesoll
father, old Peleor Houghton, who dit�d a you are cashier of the bank, and it is 9 is good clay loam- Price $1000, $600 cash and easy
eirms for balance. Flq�ther Particulars maybe obtained
7 _your cuted as promptly as forilled ; and a few diate,a':id Lure certain. Sold by. Druligist.s. 19 "D 20, CORNHILL LONDPN, ENGLANIJ. 266 High lfoiboi-n. London. Enz. from the Proprietor, DENINIS SHEA.
year before at nintity and over, had almost business to protect the prilperty. I am minutes later the cashier had Iocked the
For C -Ads Cough. Bronchitis. Cqnsumption. and all 25th Nov. Is6g. w45 6m* Belfast P. 0
worshipped Efarve.y. 4trl,,,n his death-hed. constable at Elinfield, and it �s my duty to door, fastened the lower windows, and was Diseaso-3 -,fiheThroat, Chest. an&Lungs. CAPITAL, (Fully Subscribed) X2,500 000 Sterling.
Itad preseiited h % ow -i saperb Fn,dshani capture the burglars. I propose to do # stiugly in' bed. DF J Briggs
r,,,.,jAt;Ln,l Lan-, Heater is a certain and reliable Re 4
watc1l to the lad; and both fatner and in such away that th# whole State shall, Agently tinkle 6f the door -bell ar 1"NSTED OVAR $2,000,000,-DEPO�IT 1) IN CANADA, $50t000 NEW CABINET Farm for Sale.
ousedi elly- SAd by Druggists.
mother knew he imist be deeply mored to ring with my brilliant management le him ag
t gain, beforebq had fairly closed hi& Frosted Feet. Cbilblait% Corns. Bunions, Bad Nails
.speak s,) li Titiv at I-F-0-tina with� it. - matter, and yours, too, of course. so far as eves. 'The robbers at W - '. V ,
c at,' he thought & c., are positively cured by the use of Dr J Brinq FIRE DEPAK,,, MENT 1AT su�e
fe tr Henr�;- is ,ettim in a kedhimsellf for the' 'rior Falin Lot 16, 6tb con. 11. D. C.
very bad your part does. The pro Inme is all and then he rebu VI odern curative. This Remedy has been compound Thedigunguisnabit- principle of the Company has be4h the r-stablishmentof an equitable classifi. UPHOLSTERING S -.jopl T borne 4 acres (if laud, 60 acres of which are
w Oiton, -loq ed with great care, and used ,a directed, never fail,,, eat "In, chargog .turn 1)
I ar would Sold bv Draggists Web Watered bV a living creek, and bounded
av, said Mr Hoog -)rnily, atter complete, and you ha,4 only to fall in-, surdity of stiliposing tit . in al I cases . pr, pro onitinate to the cleared,
at a burgh 'The succPts which has attended the Conipailyli operationsrra� been suctio as ful WEST STREET by che River Maitiana. Good 1w house
a pause in which the sharper click of his 'Well, Mr Bixby,' said the elder gentle- annotice his coming by the door -bell. 'it C,tarrh,a di.,eas'e which distresses us ano dilgasts mosisangulne expectations oi*the Director- y to realize the and ftutiia
wift's needles told that her thoughts were man,acrain surrendering to his coinpanion's is Bixb , of cours" 8, wl;o have renoil4i to extend the busin barn 3405. vith a good orcharl on the Premises.
0 y e,' be said tj himself, our frii�.nds, can be instantly relieved and quickly cured aacl now offiar tothe Canadian public. e-sa more wideli I)POSITE BANTK-OF WNTRUL, Ttuatd one inile from the vinage f Xancliester, 11
busv. " He ,.)es to tile 0Eher cKurch tou, superior force and determination of charaq� 'canie to own he wasa fool and the story aliles from GOdirich and 12 miles' 0
ltv titing Dr J. Bri,,gs' Alllevantur,_ an invaluable
Remedy for all pain and inflammation., Sold by Drug- from Clinton. The
property is a desirable investatent being on the county
Gravel Road and possessinga sa
--tintwa, Rheumatism. &c., is unrivalled. in a
Perior,midiprivilege on
-peatedly told hita hf-w the habit 'As far as you are concerned, simply to turned thekey,andsaid in hisfiereest tou�. rectors and General Agents, being gentlemen largely en- ot of 53 acres
have rL a i 'boribed Capital, and Invel6ed
gramme T' all nonsense.' But he paused before he gists, Unds. GODERICA.
)ften to begin with. He smokes, after I ter ; 'and what is the pro, PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by large S
hurt ine i n ni Dr. J Brig!zq' Allevantor. for the Cure of Catarril. ProniptSettleonenEofClahns. The Di the River Maitland, also the adjrining L
y boyhood, and what a fight remain pas.2ive,* said the rural constable- 'Who is there F gaged in comme4ce, Will take a liberal and busuness-fi4e view- of all questions coming before them the Property Of Mr J. B Old, 45 acres of which are
I had to break it off. He is alt,)gether 'You are to show no knrwledge of expect- 'It is only me, Fester,' said 0111g, trial of its virtues, all will acknowleage its cleare(L with good Buildings and OrcharlL
the sweet The
too intich in Harrison Fry's company - ingthevisit, and after a pv,per display of I superiority. 'old by Dru=ists. LIFE DEPARTMENT. ERIC) McKAYo FravoleBara being 5ox5o feet can be had chcap. These
out ; aWl esirinz Lire'Assuranbe n nsurpassed by any Life OM OULD RESPECTFVLLY AN- party,
familiar Voice of his wife, with The L;ompany odbre. terms to thostit d two Lots -ould make a desirable Pam for one
t If with Piles You are mach ftfflieted, as- the two cleanup aretogether, or can be p
in Moditrate-PreiiiiurnQ-PerfectSectiritv.-E,�otiomy 0 1101111ce that he has opened a archased
He has been twice before - to Tinborough, reltic ance you are to go with the bur-lars when he had admitted her she told him;0 (4i. 9�w
And sought (ora eure in vain ofthose on pariwipanng scal�, am management, tending to increase the Bonus separately.
new shop in the aborve line. on West Street, opposite
On;, who"' 60 per c�nt orprolits are liv.sible. G. M. TRUEMAN.
drivinc, hoine across country in the -rray with your keys in �your band. If 10were' her quick way, that after she bad watched Use Briggs' Pile Remedy as directed Claims paid one niouth-after proofol'deach. the Bank o0lontreal, where he will keep constantly
of the tivenin,,. An, I this pr--ject of doing to arrest the rascals now, I should have with rhe childan hour or two a profess:oli- You wilt both health and peace again. on hand or make to order A'UctiOneer & LaladAgent. Goiderich
A na other advani ages wh i( -b inay be seen in the Company's Prospectus. Apr 24.1869 y
alone bl� Lake George on a week's trip is nothing to charge them with, and could al nurse who had been sent ior a week be- IhisConopanyllas deposited $100,000 (iikgold) with the W-13-tf
p 0 Dr J Briggs' 4' Co; No. 6, Kins.Street, West Turonto Fillfance Minance, at Ottawa., 'no sp a
Ositively ridiculous. only frighten them jut of town. When fore bad -arrived unexpectedly, and that DrJ Brigt;s' Pile Reme4y isacknowledge,l by all who security fin it seanada pulicles. eci FURNITURE OF ALL Mbs-
"Vt�r - likely %-oil are the best jud,ge, ray th have trie I it (and their nanie is Legion) to lie the best, VE . EP
e bank"Js entered, the crime is complete. she' had been glad to give tip her vigil and Having on hand an assortment of Uyholstering TO SEL L OR BUBT I
mustsue,essful and 411--acious R niedy ever used fool. material, he will be prepared to fill promptlyall Orders
dear," said Mrs Honghton. She always I shall boon watch, with two stronor fel- conle home. that,lisease. Sold by Druggistse 4L.
ifforlaij4-. Watson & Co- in that line. HE WEST HALF LOT 14UM13ER EIGHT,
FRLD COLE. Secretary.
began in that way when she meant to w Drove Iowa,med'who served1nmy FOster Houtthton r,�r did anything rnal, Bleeding, l4f. Paul Street. Montreal, General 41entss lor Canada.
I ti� All pprionsariffering frdin Piles, Inte Office -355 suit 31s7,_ Ttiourteepili concession of SID
to I fully agree with you cbmpany, stout, afraid of nothing -,and not witboutthinkii'lo, twice ey t it, if 5urve 91- A quantity of Gilt and Rosewood Mot Hullets. on the
him otherwise ab, not F"ter".11 14. M yor. tidings on boundiaryline'lletween Blyth end Walton, post
or Itchiu,, Pil�i, wil-I be immediately relio4ved Inspector of Agencies. hand.
about that rec�less young Fry. But as to smart enough to claiiin the whole credit more ; so it caa an -1 ev-situaliv cured byllsing DrJ Briggs'PileAlmiedy UNRO,Xonireal. swI03 , 1, Officeie-ach way. Good hard -&d hind. vrel
me about that �rhile he Sold by'Druggists T, C. Lf V INGSTON. P. L. S. tjil-jul
-Order. clearance. 29eventy N002 pos
Harry's goini, to the brown chiii-ch, and when the job is done. When you are balanced in his -mind 6-H. DETLOR, A-.ent for Goderica. Lt Picture Framing ta watered ; thirty acres i
his visits to Tinborough, I think the same fairly inside the bank i the pros ani cons as ickn�w,kincgrdire,Soutbaniptoiia.ud Walketton ilevenjacres and a hall in all. Well feneed. Full
o we shall pop out to revealing to his w fe the secret which Stiffereis from Corns R unions, Bad Nails, and those
cause is at the bottom of both. torturitag, afflitions, Chilblainq, are well recommend- �3- He trusts by strict, attention to business to turtber particulars apply to zhose on the
Grace fr0m, behind the bowling-alley,� guard the Bixby had conffded to hint, and thus giv- mer a sl�are of public patronage.
0 e,I to use DrJ Bril;4.,'ivell-known Curative forcertuin Premises.
Chamberlain has been iin.-inor in the choir door, flash our lanter nd ing her a fright in advanbe for what might reliefand positive-eure. Sold by Druggists. Goderich. Nov. 17.1869. W44-tf Mav27(h. 1867. RANKIN LAWS01q. ASUS
ns in their faces, a
umptives,try Dr. J. Briggs'Throat ai
her aunt at Tinborough. And as to that, short now ; but it will easily fill a columa tired lad went sound asleep ; and t Heater It will reli,-ve an -1 (:ure you. For all
y hus
she is doin'- withr her atint a family to Lake in the city papers.' '11r. BixI5y,1 said the so -le was turned in favor of oftlic Throiki, cheit, and Lungs, Tiothin;i: can surpass
Gear -e t,) spend July, and I suppq ts b-lieli,-ial elfects- Stild bv Druggist&. G1 PLENDID PROP
ztinned drowsi
over there this 3pring, and now is , isiting. oyerpawer them at once. It sounds very prove to be a false alarin after all, -ohi'e 'Cons 241JA H
with a. -good deal of Perhaps tLe husband's co ERTY
of i - �c 11 1 AvAl
so they Foster Houghton, U 11
0 -
have expressed a wish to meet hi.ii there. deliberate emphasis, `Ihave always thought neis 0ontributed to the resolve also for
1 think so now. Do his eyelid"s ill drooped witU strange in his numerous Customers and the publie
Grace Chamberlaiti is a very pretty girl; you a mail of sense. - T11F, undersi tied would, beg to infor FOR SALE.
t I Ma'rble JVOrkS 1 that his IS
and Harry is like wbAt you were at his you suppose that I am going tq stand stinacy,,andan influence wore powei ui Now,
age. quietly ky and see a eouple of ruffians tie than even the apprehension - of danger New WoAn3ldchinery Is now in Yull OperA OR SALE, UZ THE X-ILLAGE 0
tion -alld in First Mass Working order Fbillf way between Iseaturth
VICTORIA ST., GODERICH. V splendid property, comp
Bless mv pnl, Mary, "said the cashier, a gag in the mouth nf my wife, at he' t nsformei his terrors into'dreams again. -and Walkerton, a
r acre ra
AND THAT HE Ming a House 20x42 feet with
"thwi whY didn*t the boy tell tile what he when I know and can prevent it before- (Goncludea oit 2nd page.) IS XUCH BETTER
was drivin-, at I Chasing acroas the coun- hand T fStOre frontage, and 10 V Bugs lots ; five Ofthl! 'lots face
the end of MaW street, and the other five ran to the
try after a pretRy face is foolish en"uh, at � 'No, air, I expect no ruch thina ' said PREPARED- TO EXECUTE FARXE�-RJS 'WORK EXPEDITIOUSLY 9 River Malumd' "This"I'llthe an iexcellent site for a
Grist orEammu.1 or any End of
e Xpected Murder in Ireland. than last season while startin -uld be a capital r mallufactory, and
his ad , but it is not so bad as goin: to a Bixby,not at all embarrassed. 'I e .. 9 his machinery all new. f . basine tand for a IStore, Tavern, or other
watering place merely fur the fashlion of like as not you would bring up some such * T4e property will be sold cheap fol. cash
Custom Roll "I.,
Carding, Fiffl* Or, On P. "ayment, tinte wUI be gi
it, like some old nabob or professional objettions. so I have provided for it in ad- 'rhe discussion of the Ins ing� & Cloth Dressi n for the bal-
It land qaei- ing ange Porfartherp4ruculm ppyve
dandy. If Elarry had toldme he wanted vance. John Flatcher's little girl is. very tion bas. birout, Spinning on Me P*mjses
to daingle after Grace Chainberlain, in- sick ; they have 01ft"Up some curious statis and lff�tnuflacturing,
gotie the rounds of all the ties. It having been charged there 'were' will receive promp-t attention. Having- nov� on hand the largest, be t ancl C 'STOP, IND' SEL '0' W. BARKE42
stead of talkint, in that desper-Ate way folks on our street, taking turns watchin iheapest I
o 9 eighteen agrarian assaissinations in Ire- stock of of hotue inaile RE fbtlowing- remarks on Testimonials a must Wrareter Feb. .4, u7o, Wroxeter, P 0
about the watch. I nli,,bt have received it there ; to -night they came to me and said,
`2 Tw6nderrul and extraordinary cuifes lit Cmada by
"erently. There is a charm on, the chain 'Bixby, can't you find us land during ilie year .1865 a correspon- W34
somebody to . n P FULL CLOTM-TWEED919 FJ�ANNELS, & W1 thcGREAT INDIAN REMEDY. 11ey are stem, un
with my motheFs hair, thal I wouldn't watch P and I said I knew ju dent writes to the London nmes to. say NCEYS deniable and incontesuble tacts. Aufficient to convince iz
at the one L. M. J "hnstu-n ever before offerel too the public In this part of the Prdyinte, he would resp 9 most skeptical that the Great IM edicinal C - FARIK MR sAu.—
that there were but six of these murders I ectfully request those wishing to 'hlelned after for aires is now accessible in tX1M-r%1,1n_
have go out of the -family for a fortune." that would- be glad to help a neighbor. So exchange their wool to call and judge for themselves before lappointing themselves elsewhere.
I will de4ver the message to Mrs. Hought- in that period, and that the records show ONUMENT& -'HEADSTC1NES,' I able p. S.- He would likewise call the special attenti I I ()F 147 ACRES, BloRn OR T
dh of farmers to beware of wool teamsters and agents seeki 'EBB,
Posts, &e , Tombs, of every deserit) 'their wool for carding. as be has proved it from the experfen1ce of former years to be a Perfect source of annoyance for Diseases oi the I lisvitt, Lunga, Liver, Digetillve her, 4 comfort2ble house 4nd first-class fm
owerful, nervous haud were at the knob. Inu Ion . ofhomicide throug SH09110NEES REMEDY acres cleared and the bala ADOtrT 110
Jnst here the door -bell ran-, as if a
p on, and you needn't have a rnite of anxiecy a rapid dim Oh- hem in various ways, that they cannottee until perhapstoolate a aga it. ng
about l;er, up there as iafe and comfort- - �iontoapnsi style of workmanship furnished on toult to gu rd inst 11cegood tardwond tint. A mcalla
Mr. Elout,litton answered the rin- for out tile island. His figures, obtained I 'Orlpons, Kidneys, &c., as u ell as Scrofula, tile various good olmhaid, jaheaptor
ot E137 hest, Narket Priceo pid fir any quiptity f 11im Disease. B..r- and all disaa-es arjsi -d 31cst of the land'i; WM Cora
able- as if she were twenty miles away.' short notice and -at the lowest 2 - -4nd well water, Me bmw a
prices. Libe
ng from eycellent clay. The farm is -lot io fith
their one domestic had been called away 6om, ihe eminent'Englislistatisticau, Dr. ral reduction made -for- cash. All 6r�ers Impurities ofthe Flood,'ive boldly state- thLt thi Con., Goderich
et o good Clean Wool. t miles froin GodA.h awnd 7from. Clinton. 11 ViTti
While har husband yet hesitated Mrs. Hancock, ni.ay be thus summarized punctually attended to.. Designs of Mop retnedyliss; NEVER BEEN EQUALLED of part cash
bmistress of the hQuse was 'gettin(, alntig THOMAS LOGA' waa there ever such a care as that in the 1z li 90od terms will be given f6r
a Trials fbr personeoll To 71b- or pArtic tars a an the
by a message front ,I sick sister, and the Houghton re-entered, the room. ; and N. o -
al Bix i;, quick to secure an advantage, was Convic-. Etecu- ments, &a., iiiny be seen at the shop. Wilson Stormit, of Brighton C. %A'. of -Consu!nption -or
one' for a (lay. So. when her quick e.Lr East Strept, Goderic premises to
rea( y Murder. Godencli.Dee.19. L86b. Goideriph WoolLn Works, 18th May, 1869. h. thatofPeter C. V. Miller, igamestowa, C. W., OfCo, 'TOWAICKENZIE.
told her the visitor was come to see her I at the moment with his petition. tions.. tions. w47 u. 22ndJaiL.A870. Witf Portees nft, r,().
W1 sumption, orthatof Ambrose X%lood,ofCousecon. c.w.
'Good evening, Mrs. Houghton. Been 1826-33 ......... 1,676 )52 103 of Dyspe
husband on busluess she quitted the room f"a and Liver Comr,,aint, or that Of ivh�'
waiting very patient for you to come in. 1s84-38 ......... 1,588 137 75 C) HLLEER osey; o Na nee, C. NV. of heumatisin who had -
y been on crutches foll VCarS, in spite �f all treat, rA,
to set away the milk and lock tip the rear I called to see it you felt able and willing 1839-13 ......... 851 85 28 CHRISTMAS anettial heretofore. and ii now well. scoresofjBucheasex RIff FOR SAVE.
doors of the luouse for the ni-ht. mentioned bid we space.
might be' )T 15 TN THE -g-wN C0IqCF881OX OF THE
to set up to -night along with John 1841-48 ....... : 631 104 4? ' HE SUBSCRIBER 131PGS WRETVRXTx1ANX, a Gircularou Ill.
Theraller-was Mr. Silas Bixb�. He Fletcher's little girl. The -child don1 get n- Call at the D tore and gel wDsLIP'lif HInfleft. in the colinty of guru
1849-53 .... ... 543 81 .33 Tte his cligtottriers and the 6ieizefis ot Goiderich, for. unitestionable centilim.8 on the GREAT fin con -
would have been a sltarp, man in Elnifield any better, and Mrs. Fletcher, she's just _oS. WIlingl0liscresimurearl"s. Thisfarmwitia' sold
HONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and satisilr yoar chm%pfor cash, or part:way remdn on niorAm
1,454-58 ......... 226 24 9 the patronave tho.y 4aye favored him with, and hopew THE- TORONT-0- TEA COMPANY selve&
estimation. who could predict the object of about sick abe& herself, with care anj by keeping particalars a F to 0, For
one of Silas Bixbya, calls, though there wOrrY.' 1859-63 ......... 175 is MUE,
o i P�ke of the Remedy in, largepints $1
I I Meats of the BPst Quifft� in- Seas ' i 8"- CAn' Roll & GARROW-
I E 64-68 ......... 110 16 8 on, IT� -E LOWEST POSSMLE PRICES, TO Gr" TEMbf A .1 For Sale by adl Druggists and Dealers in Aledi ior 3Mow. osLtR DEG HE
were few doors in the villaue at which his
'You know I am always ready to help a LL WEEG WISH To GE doderlh.
To still recelive a. share of their litistom. e it T GOOD T13AS AT 71� same Is 0 C ne. Agents for Goderich, F. Jordan and Parker a Un,
face was not frequently seen. He was the N. B. -Th SO"MIC-1, Ill ling asstired tbat-tbeir superiority will be seeq at once. Wheri 16 lbs. is ordered, the BarjUtera, Daudas.
neiahbour in such trouble-,' said the lady carriage THA InEg
s bscriber would, direct the attA3tion of the pu bile to patil,afid, It not remitted flak before hand, can be P�jd to the express agent on delivery, ent attle J'aimary nth. 187o.
constable, but he was also thesuperintend- th the prom& -1826-63 ......... 5,800. 611 314 his stock of,Christrillas Meat on hand. tfiis, NVHObESALE AGENTS -
graciously, wi acquiescence W f 4CUJP��Wm It
ent of the Suriday school, a -id the assessor week. STEPHEN AXD4P.78, Fam QS ju the CountrV to car
which people 'In'the c4inutry give to:such Next to the gratifying decrease exhibit- LYM A Ni F.LUoTT & Co
of internal revenue in the district, to say calls. I foltoNTO,
! 31litkbt ktougoj Goderich DUNSPAUGH Jk WATSi5k,
'And now.1 think of it, Mr. �ixby ed in this bloody'r1coord, the most remark- Dec'embeiMIL4869, W48-tf Supplied by the Tbronto Tea Company with Teal? at wholesdie prices. They have only to try them to see the say I. WINER& Co.,
nothitlig of his being, the agglunt of two or I have another ea,11 to -make on your Oreet. 1 able thing 4 small proportion ef execu- Ing to be effected, and be suize of getting genuine good Tea Pure asi tuport4C�f, HOLBROOK & 14TA A Bas
three eightaen. *r. BtcKrE & Sm RKi
one canpt up a-VIub and send the names, with the kind and quality of Tea each member wants.
of the Tinbf,rouch Tntinpet He owned a My -TO LEND �-y- cLuEs- TRY T"Em -ft
se wing- machine firms, and -onti life I thin -k4 ill walk ni) with you, anlLd 90 tions to crimes -about on
e in
insurance company, and theearrespondent gei round to Fletcher's at nine o'clock- Alluding to this LordCairus; formerly a
it husband has7several'Utters write, so Patup-In any Rze ofpilckage with each mernbees name on;them, They aie
farm, and managed it at' odd hours H. he judge in -&-land lately reterred - in the ON IAIPROVED FAUMS. than 16 -lbs., It is sant, all in one box. to the club age t, eat
will not misi me.' and where the total quantity oraered is not less To Messrs.
e paig �oauy ra - . I I V 44C IT
riag ilroad depot in Ontario. ESTABLISHED 1848.
gave some of his eveuingp to keeping a Foster. E(ouRlitati sat in a sort ot in [louse of, Lords to the diffidultyofobtain- CHAMBERLAW
az(o PR1% CENT I KIN
writing school, with which he sollietinteg Jn obtaininu, convietions there in a way to IDS -AND PRICES.
while fate thus arrangea affairi; for him' 331
profitably combi
fl ned a sin--inc, school, with thou,,,,h th, ey tended. to a consummiltion lead to the"intQr erence that mo$t of tb(- Sonle to ELe k �re- Coingous. 46c, 50c. 55e, 65c, 70c, Itfie, 80e, and goo. Souchodg, 60c, 55c, 60c. 70c. 75c, Sop, They 4b
ertyand,90w Znglish Breakfast, 50o.'55e. 60c. and 65c. very pine vollong, -lue. worka
Ureen Weas-Young Hyson, range Pekoe, 70c, Soo. BILLS,
-to his mind, hdinicidesi being of- landloras or agent'r 50e. 55c, 6oc 65C 70c 75c, Soc, 85c, 900, and St. Gurip mayla
Irliftative doncerts at the ;nd-of the term. which was far (rom. welcome 111VOSt tfi 1-010 Tiop
Yinpany, and owder. 80c,.9fle, and
He was the clerk of -the fire c( His wi& w6nt out. for her smelling -sal ts, wen regarded as praiseworthy rather' J.Z.'GORDONI IlL Impedat, soc. vve. anui_ -J-Payi Weiw-uncoloired. 50c% 55c, 60, 65c, 70e, and SO. -It being Conway P.
41 or eqononny tio3ise lower grAdes.of-TeaR than theabove, we prefer to confine ourselves only to Teas which -we
-4 never had been absent from a fire, though her spectacles, and her heavy Barrister. 46.,Goderieh C -0-W wal,give satistaetion 0_1
t:13,18F4, 4wi-it to consumers.
ing through the neighburiltig, towns. iii his sha wl ; &nfl than otlierwiso by the country peopje, who Gaderichsell
-some of his manifold drties, kept him rid- Bixby au#chvd thebriefopp County of
.1 hivo told -honce fifled, or were unwilling to testify.
you everything,' Sqiiiire,
a great d6al of time.
!�gh _ -know. Ke6p your mind THE BEST' COFFEE. ontittrio
cumpan Re had that you need to NEW .,PATENT- I .. I T HIE
gig And the cheapest Is t4i bethad from thi Toronto Tea Company. AR who have tried them are loud in their p . . i
sea a y and conlitnainded it, in eaay and _yppr head -cool, aitd the whole Scrantorill Pa., -Feb. 28. -The boiler of 1 -1 A P. . .0.-, 3 -Coulbinflig great stren U miss Canada.
the nine mont6' army oF r
Mill of the Lackewauns RACEIAX& MCKINNON Hastim.-,
0, 39e, and 35c, per Ili. Put tip also in tins of io and 2o lbs. Province oif4ontario, Fety. 9th, 1868.
LACKSMTJIS,- Welson stieet� GoLriA would
h of the Railroad Lren 1 . � '� 1 . offee now oftei-ed,to the public�
one 'as easy as turning yofur plewirbeWrthau�inu64af&jo
He I � gt Itud. fifie'llavoi, taiL4 tiot-lbbing mixed with
kept a thing may, lie d i,eating rufnace -, --wholesome ingredienti, they go much _M"00. County of
little book-atore in one corner of theviRage hand oveff. ' Rementberit is the only way 206,25
quatflrangle, and mauaged a very small to ifare the lr�nV,' in'd eitch the den that Coal .00. of thi's city, exploded this, after I --01V SIGNAL
'HIS is to certify thabdurnig the winter of mil I
if -I, UAL i. rl ,,, +,1- g�u
cirsulating. library, with th4. 'aid of the Ma "ho iti-on - A --io Bintfulate tQ farmers ina 6therp that. having pir. A'
y 4� - ave an a. . D-o-tior, r- 4091" W alL inated the right for Carter`4 Hay Lfftlir, w a W-1-1tells of the aiwip; wilich
olde3f, of his teu - chUdreu ; and he vias itir out (if t1i -,-h - -1; - , - . - - . - they ars now I
6 6:kWagain'tW bpipy'tirnbbr�, slaf ' ' ' ed.10 fur0sh them hf. $.5.Witiaiih. �Ibij are A T-_ - TH �WMAT THR PEOPLE 45AT ]IN graduffily, duTing the spring Of 1867 exteadeato PUBLISHE
equal partnerin the now fact isViAning, a T. *o., was blown prepar 1 1 1 RJPRI99W-�9JLyS � : knees, and on uP to my 'hips, and A=0 SO we'Wa AND 7VUUy
or - enterprise you madet, 'fieatatidi'4b#abtiiili�aiiner,.Ona4avegi THE CITY': that I could -not walk, but -was coufted to
at the FAM. go Mr. Houghton did not &fween t4al,�O-ancl Ila I . -
7 - -yen SAW
_WiU excite ffluspiezion ari;14.di�the game. 16',_tlip iir� 'and kell with a freiiii6fi-Aaris rw.The Globe of Xugust oth, ys'-'�It wiU be seen that 'For about two years. while- this
pa my
iiitey4x� -may ex N-rin' the Toronto'Ted Cid It is nQ uncOmmon thing for the customers of the w4ealMess wasconting-
,,t cra8b e- meu "re kiUed butrighti Ali agent *M.b4.oiif.for the.jajeat the Iffter in a lii�ian � I)Drointh Tea Wnpany In Toronto, to admit thst the an me, and afterwaras, lso�ugiit wedicalit
Venture to guess on what arrani 11r. Bix- Y are prepared to supply
and sonte- kvrpI1fy_*_ in th d farailicib the couj" ellilig.wlith teas and coffees, 1,111 we 80 601, is just as goodas th
7 C, an eg, for e sewltem, othbrsaga� differentkinds preserlb b
ividualsway " I _1110ctull-, Ind -in
your corapany atillre1j, UPOU WO in hid- Ahers bilried '(Zd,rIdh,-Jau. 95th,1869. ell t ing, at difterent times. t olvice, emnloy-
Ikslach quaft#ttils as md -relluireatiAtime; d licine, of
L � until the sw=er
ti 'andlbyeir', that the CZmpany roiward the same free of I P Y $100 forker Ili. in other stores. oll'186%wheillwasinduedto* 81
a req. J.:A expenseto any, rallroact station inOntarloi. By thif- 1 sell at wholesale prices.
A- 'r*er na -4 &,ohn�Plemsinn:130IS014d Renaed-v lby'readingthecures.;p4ailit W -Uy edition, only�,.jW
V1 A e
n$ -r( r t#n W- T —IRE A :;I tAIqqaAt1ty..ordera`bj-a club is 15 lbs 'a fine tea *6 sell at s5c, is as good a, d worse� n0avail.
chair in the twilighted sitti and vf�here tbbU, a declaring that 7 continued to%et worse T frienda, bt. tof
bi came to see him.,�aud showed hint taa Mum is the w6rd. ,r ey used to pay brep led
CIOSOO 00.1illic th'
HQU h as 46ko g e� th
)0m,, with a: used to
- T I I
faqe composed to decline uest to R he r&. is w per year
Goimt,a note, or U, join With �nt means anyone call be supplied as cheaply as if they M4 ?A a Pamphlet.' co
erwtm. the weakness in nkv
Ap -W flu y0tr bought from thp Company personally In Toronto,' t We hands; in was, getth4.iijulost
aversation on the Sunday echo . Or BExby ; cali't you I' dome baok in F&gus� on Tndsd lifonthititieToroAt Outof many lettersof similar import we pubUsh tl�c taken two bott e Itelpless. I have' Elm,.
14con2e, dit, It 11imself 6i atrychnin�j fii� ii- h�t,l IN THE C61UN7197F. At this Ume T had bbgun to rg6l
said Ute, awhier, T�aU.on4pi,4 are'doing a full wing extractpi;3 showbow our 8 Of the Shrishquess Reinedy 4nd two
r, 8@11 plredili 0 =ttz
a report on- tber Ili" engLie,,_I,,th, t6 sjuguIar.a greff On RATE8.0j? &DV2RTJS1XG
to liate a it), firer very heavy basluess; and stlind- Tiell tit fhZ estintati Teas an. liked in boxes ofthe
;t jklg6nk to Ma UR_ -;I,;ni o ur I aud,the stared to.healt
1114.1-WILAIS A84 ANOF C the country. pilis and ram elitirely ri,
tnlil ;norixiing befdr A'�_y Of i j&%e-1137iness they,are doin 1"A'Ra,
fUUdVnt1t equal qjSe an(I alacrity. 'E� Plloin, Enilluld, establuilied . 17'8 , e old4st en heliesfsvidelif e that the lieliple a'g Ontario, 10th Aug., 1869. 1 never expected to -get Uttef, but simply tried libe .........
b. .IJeEjftV
.10inug om lt�,,tl Tirst1wertion .....
acked hig V. 875i re . _4.
e I if Is i t they phrebase from theiii. We "Tbe tea that we received froni you is gIvWg every Tnedicineas'a fiart
4 -Mest and best oftes in Canada. of forlorn hopp. I)erlift
11 fi L Jim satisfaction, All aTe welLpleased with it. lex
ble, to ii- a t any .1tinainess.which our
!It Vj6fi1(1* have. anothei oldef next week,,
&0% 'this ill�.imy*'ybe�doine%vith,
-at onc6,
31r. -Billay lodidd about. him to see, flint 'Not -for the4odcli�`rep.HQI AM: apifiAr, Wif -.24 fie This case of ndnja� FACh Bubsequent
lxe�. and Tioudd6diBoi " wasnotaprivalitione,unt 0 10 In litsertion me4vew_
11timewasinhearing. 'Yleuf!11-excuii�itid, IWA"F5 O1qr pect to and friends im VEIL au y lie jhborp� 2ctlL
luow '!squire, -if r .0 %0 bUr hand 6 and to any onet affileted as ........ z
haVe�"T0ftcftofB-ftbs Havlage.,
ipo -ft7 the Shoftnesii Xemedy:
iI y Ce to SAY 'I believe it, Businegs N6ffepl ....... *tit*
a eate n Am--rza nttk itme. Is6g,
P40VIRCUIL 11011HUNCM COMPAWaf Canada,, e85e,TearAceIve4 from Yougiveave ' ' "t
it it M14 be h - r3r.-O.d s4tIs- =,cure yon- nets.,per a,
fOrtihla boatcoidd, iioa� to on,* 1?$k- joilly. e presenCillilitary.. eStablishment, of AWN DOUGHTY.
-4uoh - - - Reo Offlce,, Toronto. , .'Wil I %k"e r. sks bU.CoUntry&
aotl�lt t6 pro ad to- be't Ilk Iae slid was all dlspoi�eol ofthis morning. A-111who Swom to beforildil aflijid6e. County of HilatIUM AU advertise
'27f'officers -gdrfiti�iiakr ed:it arii willing to buy it if the p.&C
hU ing U116 j this fth day of Fehr '. 1869. ' A, p, WOOD.
-�Lntlelpxie Wft,hohaA tq th a otiijt6d, 8taiei `6ndgti of 2,
gndQiWp n at low ratee The Tftm^mys ;-TheToro;#0 Tea Company have _aai7 ""Otic
4 - . i - - : ,, i -
wo �.o e. 0
fUl0forcL *Itr*a vkbrmifib A Y"V791 - 't and 35,106'e' 6111el - _� ana ofsuch 4�UlMhy is as I hereby efirfiffy tbjLt I bai�s_Uo*n Mrs. ell of unplitiaboinumnicationa
Its n1istid' ax�thy�otharfirat Olds sold Teas atsad4iist?sh goo In the'ndxt lot, now ordered.
Doughty f0the lastififteen jean - Mary
htlilvfelli. they 'Wirlio invest therein have re- same party writes asin on nth Amgustlas fol- she is iiwoulan of
PQy'QItT1nQW'rt01di70U,- 'Ur'. We- a ow :1pr b
re ogi-an&j?,(�f.e ItoU HORAVR-',401ILTON�q Agent.:. turned thdrolugli� satisfied.- 'it
tit h oner..,_�!c -a SoWn, Ot SUL Youl, nod y.glid. trath.
I have AMOM ber W6ff� g
we ot one that tried the Tea, likedit very laucb ju- an lalleeber Mites& 1 believe her cert!
'i de coffsea."
r enterecT - do It know wh lap, It thef do n
VX a aim Mtk,Wkwret.�, 9W
4U*X0r0A& -flh=44M -%bouk. tqvj*,xnck tfttA� Aruaken.,,map) Ae.t op -,Of trme-laevery particular. . fkfio*th, &-�Lte to be
il 0-LOAN1111 I *sS Oe-Claredbopeleas ; Andl Int6w
WVA nofj, 4Vjjj4j twhillill1herVA61i ve,
PYOU11-0yeba Vats arrei6lifo. -A herrIledvery, always attributed her
bitt a Mau of
skea Tort t�766 P�d'_U 44� -the, �--.�6prjdor#,, A'A Oil goodi #Ihrm: sepOritt pirable iftin -The, Toronto, TO11, C�IXIPAnV 9U=At6et0 giv,8 entire satijifac lito.411purobasers or returuthe thAt she las� since .10
Y' Money Shoshonees biniad ITCOvery to the
Or cro ord 'a Wt a blkd Q rolu,0110;6,tvireltiyea;� IV, 0 '11. virdaw tc Y- Whatever may be the Teculfar
4 ... 0 interest
61:7 - Walk en -1 7- ul�adft4c&., i : - -1 ,, - . I M RruprIeties Oftbib Medicine one thlng
MARY01i bear *44OW-46f 014 1 tbef iont -.'Ifijgkt� sh &`e� i ii h o 0 Aftwo a
V9.1tualub6rI., it v 41 In her ease, it has acted Z3ost Uke the P'fa 4uppliod
I— 'It - they, dhot the. 111110 zoo is certain With POWer pr
MAU . - r 1, _ "W"Wd _ - - THE"TORONTO E COMPANY IL Miracle. ver3 enes,
*eiga� Iddistat6fulto P0 r, -HOILAVE U011TON 'Agetite, ;�U-hee or p0fteWei;
Sild ATW tlAt thilmha�,Uqt tl� 'that`pftWes and _d
-6com 111696 YOUNG STREpT; TORONM2 On Of 6yery deamp.
p$� t IMMiyfor-the
On jiflliAht 0 A. F- WOOD, J. -P !%pid -znd:�Lftt -ex"It
RK ri Warden o Ithe County of Hutinp, province
W Daininionof Cana_;b
a -tiou Of Vlain and faii
printing gt
RAI lew an any eet