Huron Signal, 1870-03-17, Page 3• PULIAMENT. Ottawa :thrall 9. ristit`i.as b lein ss, a debate oe- et ;h., a .? • i r, 110 eerresport- q, r reaulions committed :riven fi.derrman iu Canadian - 7.• corer:Thin:I thet the h teem eonimh t d in the Ray i teem i. -a whatever II e the etnenninent hp A. M n 1 rx1'.,ined that ef LI C. ne was to pro- 'ressn. But the Canmiien govern - i no p ,wer t.se give orders to the v sees- is. , T. (I ureed greet caution, and ed cc it 'bout the COI" - Our tviiev must accord e , the I in le ri eovernment. LINO cd p:otseting the 1,1Dr. Tory r attsekeil A. T. • n, eents iine that any fal- .te ateeesseitei en cur rights. F rti.r :nen is a for Canajtan ari 1 unieubn lv ths.• hearts of 'Dertnen i \be e:ad dened by Ouneeenent t f the C an3dian leo - et ptdicr. If Canadian vessels ith,n three nails s of the Ameriean be.sy wsuld le oace stized, .175, ILItitlit;t.:11 and Do:ion urged • ilewe admitted the necee- n sution. but contended that the preteet within our own waters ubted. Mills ri:ad a long spetch on the [ tn. vent iannibers holding gest& Meal leeielatures and in the Ve- t esrliament. Harrison moved the eis months' Wood rep:dled some attacks of n 1 liter recess continued at eee site; the bill and contending ed;hderntien implied the building e _meet natien. He condemned the pts to dedde men into Reformers nee en o.d party issuee. (Cheers). He. any snep.mted the aniendment, t ground diet the people should have ;et eleet whom they please. ea:liberate, l.n this ground, would te: :he amendment, but three years' had net impressed him in favor tse..e representation. A. T. Galt had the same view of the inestisness doeble representation. d riot think the 'mend ministers should ea; e seats en the Honee. He would IT. the Mil. eh a Cartier contended that the n was ene that the loens.1 legislatures deal with. The amendment was St, and the bill rejected on division egainst 69. After some further lensi- sf .ess pot -taut nature, the House rneti at p. tn. Oteae a, March 10. lizekenz.e called attention tu the n :a the Torento L.ode-r, of a e; the N h- West cerrespondence, eitsurd thereon. n. Mr. Hewe stated musthave been end from seam etxtrarleons source. ;J4.hn A. Maedenael moved that the i.,stt...e to whim the cciresnondence- 'e fri-red inqiure into the matter. s is remarked in the debate that the pta b:Lined cif the correspondence :teed some Elaine -S. and statements af- pemens which the committee had seated. John A. Macdonald moved the reading of the election bill. He -10..ed its pruersioas at some length. e‘etissa is to last l'onger than one day • eseectior.s are nut to take place On tine day. talake agreed that the bill shOuld disevie41 in., a party spirit. He d rem oppose the second reading, but tined the measure as not being stif- itly hberal. r. Harrison sepported the bill, and -.tr.ted Mr. Blake's argument. The Miade the electerel system urtifortn el ;lent the Dominion, and as little ex- 1.14,..3ible. ohjected to the cliffe -hfnt k.eetiens bete een the orders in towns [7e/rated and elejeeted to the bill as more ..cted than the present law and more 'esiye. He ad veca.ted the vote by t eel all the elections on the same .12o/by oiNjected to the bill, in that - awav the right to vote from the Oen_ • w he had no legal title, but who assessed and veted at present. Anglin complimented Sir John .A. en the way heeintrodueed the hit fiaind it deprived considerable ers iif the franchise in New Bruns- lle objected to giving offihial per - the right es vote, unless the ballot - iven also. New Brunswick approved e ballot, it worked well there. He cated all elections to take place on the te "debate was adjourned. Ottawa, March 11. ae Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. Fee tune wae oceepied in a discassien question of privilege, the doors being B.yan presented a petition from the of Trade 4 Montreal against chang- the tariff as regarded the United States lads and the use of our lands. eve.ral more petition were presented for `Inutrosition of duty on hepe, grain,flottr, salt, &c., from the United States. Ir. F. Efinck.s moved the House into -mittee on the Bantling Resolutions. eter some funtherdiscussion, the House a inks; Committee, Mr. Gray in the ne and Sir Francis stiggeeted various ameadromats to the fourth clause. discussion arose as to whether the Leos -were adopted at the Lest committee ithent and 4so, cotild. they be recoil- ,ared Franeis Hincks, Sir George E. Car- ; and John A. Macdonald maintain - hat the clataes oould be reconsidered ease they, bad not been adopted. feeers. Holeon, 151alse and Mackernzie 2 that the clauses could not be recoil- sred in this Committee, because they eadepted by the last Committee- cliscession lasted till fi Y DI iikKgC, ne at the suggeetion of Mr.. Gibbs,Mr. wford (Leeers) moved the reconsidera- of the 4th dense. and "toyed en' endment thereto, Making it imperative acalimuet be made withinthirty days- rce23pension, instead of six montbs,and reel the doable clause mono fr. Walran. amendrnent, =Tel that tialtould be made fortliveith. was agreed that ten days 'honk' bathe. it -Francis Efineks moved au amend - t to the Ilth resointion, strilcing • the werds--`and no. proxy for 7-feteng bit io force for MOT& 'than oner year. n its date; and and the words—`sheze dern tabeentitled ta vote shsd1- hold trstoek. for at least three monthabefere- time of - voting ; shareholders rnsT e lay -proxy, aisd no person bale share - der shall ho itted te vete o Let sa- Ft gray, no manager, 4:askier„ bank e lc; or ether sabordinate officer- of a k shal/ either voto personorby proxy nY silseting for theeleetionofdireeberiff t t Twice. of votheg shall ha regulated their chartersrespeetively, unless and; ihe slar,sholders st any gener# Aim& voting accord -Mg to the prove- ta titsirellarteri irtlhat respset$ do-- ninetachange the scale (if or tinta Tote for etadr - ° Ion. Xr. ifiatoct Said is% /tomtit re,,,,,,,,,,roiaMiottaii it frit be was skesissriT oppose to it nov lxisatiwnsogsk wita 0 - ; ." .4 • e' ng che suggestions ot a clique of bankers. NEtU Abbettsentents • He would move the original. elause in, amendinent at the proper time • Considerable opposition was expressed to the new resointion. - Sir Francis Hincks announced that the government had agreed te reduce the minimum amount of Dominion notes the batiks had to hold as a reserve from 50 to 331- per cent, of the whole. The House adjourned at 11:15. HAYFIELD. Co &LING MATCH.—The return match between the Hayfield and Goderich Clubs was played at Hayfield on Tuesda.v 15th inst., and was won b the Hayfield Club by 8 points. The scores were as follows : RAYFIELD. NO. 1 RINK. A. W. Mitchell, Skip. Thos. Mitchell, D. Cullen, A. Marks, No. 2 amt. Dr. Gairdner, Skip. Jas. Macdonald, R. Baxter, A. Falconer, 19 20 39 GODER1CH. 'NO. 1 RINE. J. H. Finley, Skip. Henry Horton, A. M. Ross. P. AdaMeon; NO. 2. RINK. S. Platt, Skip. D. Fereuson, James Young, 31 Robert Gibbons, 8. Total in favor of Hayfield The. e eather was most unpropitions, as the wind was very high, drifting the snow - in such a way that ',the Rinks could not be kept clear and pee -1 eluding the possibility of anything like fine play. .flowever the players on both sides made the very best of the un- fortunate cirhurilstandes and labored fot 4 hours (the time agreed on) to make the small scores_giveliaboye. We venture to say that no match was ever conducted in better humor or a more gentlemanly man- ner. The game being finished, the players adjourned to the "Bonspiel" dinner at Mr, Joslins' Tavern, where an inviting display of edibles was a welcome sight to the famished callants after a four hours' experience of a stormy `Nor'easter con- foundedly .nipping.' Conspicuous among the dishes was to be seen the genuine and time-honorecr curlers' fare of 'beef and greens.' When the cloth had been re- moved Dr. Gairdner was called to the chair, and Mr Thos Mitchell to the vice - chair. The chairman proposed the usual loyal toasts, which were drunk with dne honors. The - toast of the 'Army and Navy' came next,also from the chair. Col. Ross responding for the 'Army* and Cap- tain Jackson for the 'Navy.' Then follow- ed in quick succession the `Goderich curling club proposed bv T Mitcheell coup- led with the names of Messrs J. H. Finle.v and S. Platt; the 'Hayfield by Col Ross,coupled with the -names of Dr. Gairdner and Mr. T Mitchell, 'The Scorers and Jndges, by -Mr. Finley replied to by Cart Jackson and Mr. Jas Grainger, sen. "The Press," by Mr. P. Adamson, Messrs. W. T. Cox and James Young responding; "Our Visitors" Messrs W ening:toil Conner and Wainwrightt "The Ladies," responded to by Capt. Jackson; apd "the health of Mr. and Mrs. Joslin. Several hu morous and characteristic Scottish songs were excellently rendered by Mr. Falconer. The pleasure of the evening was very much increased by choice siuging, of Messers Wainwright, Morgap, Master Thos Joslin and several t youthful members of the Joslin family.— The Hayfield curlers deserve the highest praise for the excellent entertainment which they •provided for t,heir Goderich brethren. At half past seven _o'cloels, "Auld Lang Syne" WWI sung and each gave his hand to his " trusty frien," with the sincere hope that such ,pleasant, friendly reunions might be of frequent occurrence. YOUNG LADIES' JOURNAL, GOOD WORDS BOW BELLS SUNDAY MAGAZINE HARPER'S MAGAZINE LESL1ES' MAGAZINE DEMO RESTS' MAGAZINE JENTLEMAN'SJOURNAL &e., tto., PO Et, M.A.1=2,0H _ Telegraph News DePot. (JORDAN'S OLD STAND) ABSTRACT, OF Receipts &Expenditures OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, FOR THE Year ending ?1st December, RECEIPTS. To balance nom 1868 18 Taxes -Licenses Northern Gravel Reed Not. Resident Taxes Town Line - -Market Re.it _ _ Ashfield Council. I st March 1874t. The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, all the members present. The minutes of last meeting were read and ap- proved. Applications for Tavern Certificates was receiced from Charley McLean, half way house, The Inspector of Licenses mad a retu-n of all persons qualified to receive liOenses for taverns for the present yet.. Lette •s, from Joseph Whitehead Esq. M W. T. Bays Esq. M. P. Pe .,ated Doyle and Squire Esq. were present: Moved by James Crawford, sec. by M Dalton. that this Council solicit the Senate and House of Commons, for protection on wheat, flour, and all coarse giain coming into the Dominion from the United States. Carried. Moved by P. Clare, see. by J. Crawford that this C ouncil Procure and leave in readiness Ion or before the, first of May next, ten atone -hammers for the use sucb of the pat .-tnasters as may nee and call tor them, and that four of them be allowed on the divisien south of Fort Albert to Shepard's corner ; and that each path -master be responsible for thesame and hand them over to his suc- cessor when called for, Carried. on Motion of J. Crawford sec. by P. Clare, the Path•masters for the year were ap- pointed. Oa motion of John A.ndrPw, see. by J. Crawford., l'he Pound -Keepers -and fence viewers were appointed. Moved by P. Clare,see. byJ. F Andrew that agreeably to the request of J. Clare and others, parties living pn the East of the gravel road from the 6th cOncession perform th ir statute labor on the side roads and coneessions east of said road and all vrest of the gravel perform their work on the side lines from the gravel to • the lake and on the gravel—and all from the ninth concession to the boandary per- form their labor east of the gravel on the sideroads and concessions. Carried. Mr.. Dalton disesenting. Moved by J. F Andrew, see. by P. Clare, that we no's adjourn to meet again at Blacks' Hotel, Dungannon, on the third Tuesday in April next, and that the first sitting of the Revision Court be held at two o'clock on the same day. Carried. $s2..52 98i 19,32231 2095 2916 64 1381 00 328 67 877 50 Public Works 1;17 3105 Xlazistrates Fines., Maitland Cemetery ... ' .. 213 00 Gov. School Grant Ititeres, Bat/X.8c. 351409 0000 423,0131 114 79 D••gTax 1869. F,XPF.NDITLI It ES. By C0111171011 Selo els Tuxes Refundea. Licetises Municipal L. Fvnd County Rat VuartrelZeZsi rs. & c Mantis:id Cemetery :Yttlitarv ire Company ... . tee Special Services 44464 64 331 83 10 00 6319 00 4259 09 19 80 2236 59 635 00 330 39 30 00 612 99 121 25 Interest :(Platt's Debe,aures).. 72 00 Sa la ries 815 00 Sztedriea 683 55 Balance Carried to 1810 $3053 241 $23,684,311 Examined, Audited. and found correct, 312'cliaY' Auditors. F. A R,tiBERTSON, , Goderieh. Fel•ruary w8 -1t TO MERCHANTS. With a view to clear out his heavy stock of brown kiRik[P[PgMe. P,IPERS the subscriber offers the same at a dis- count of, 20 PER CENT BELOW LAID DOWN COST As he intends te discontinue keeping the same. TO WI 3: BROWN WRAPPINGS, from 25 to 65 lbs weight, 41 cents per lb BEST HARDWARE OR SUGAR PAPER, various weights 5 cents per lb. fe4" WARRANTED SCALE WEIGHT. TERMS CASE T. J. MOORHOUSE- 'SIGNAL OFFICE,' GODERICH. Godench March 11111. 1870. SPRING DRY GOODS. CHOMSON, BIRICETT & BELL, HAMILTON, A RE NOW Receiving and opening out L-11Their spring Im portations of Dry Goods, and will have their Stock fully assorted by Tuesday, 15th March. Hamilton, March 4, 1870. w7 -4t. Clinton Markets. By speebil Telegraph to the "Signal." Clinton, March. 15, 1870. Pall Wheat 0:60 Spring d -ii 0:7e Oats ,... 0:27 Barley ...... 0:40 Peas ... 0:48 Potatoes . ... 0:50 Flour 4:00 - Butter 0:17 Porke-............ . - 7:50' ' Eggs. ....... . 0:13 xsamnsp• LOVE'S PRIZE ESSAY, ox TURNIP CULTURE. W Waggon aul Carriage FACTORY• 411•11.1.1 BATES & ELLIOTT T.J AVE pleasure in intimate 1-11. bYg to the public of town and country that they have opened a Waggon a -dr aria= Shop on St. Islavid's st, (Lewis Elliott's old atand,) im- mediately adioinIng the Western Hotel. B. & E. attend personally to all thq work entrusted to them, and are prepared to tutu out Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, SI, ighs, and everything in their line, of the very hest material rates. and workm=ship and at the very lowest remunerative eT Mt 33 X 1\1" -CI- Promptly attended to. a large assortment of ON HAND, aaR Lei -Tr7:11; which will be sold Cheap for Cash or Ccrd- wood. Goderich, Feb. 24th,1870. ww5y TO RENT, A TWO STORY HOUSE, CLOSE TO the Market Square. Apply to, L. MoINTOSH. Goderich March 10th, 1870. w8-tf EARLY GOODRICH POTATuES MILIS ESSAY IS NOW PUBLISHED IN PAM- phlet form, and may he had from- the following persons throughout the county -of Huron, viz :—Froni Moorhottse, Butler, and at the Telegraph Hook Store, Goderich ;Holmes' Boos Store, Clinton; Logan, Lums- den and Elliott, Seaforth : Jackson, Egrnondville : Marks, Brucelleld ; Grig. Exeter ; Grant. Ainleyville; Keys, Hayfield Mellis, Kippen Bonthron, Rodger - vine Jno. Turner. Varna : PattersotesStore, Walton; at the Post iffilee. Londesborough ; and at Wroxeter Lacknow, Blyth, Zurich, Berne, Bills Green, t: e. March 9th 1870. w7 -3t° rims SUBSCRI3ERS HAVE FOR SALE AT $1.50 1 per 1-u.hel, pure Early Goodneh Potatoes, the finest ielettng potato grown. Also, Clem, Red ptir • Hungarian Grass -Seed, Driers for Pota•••• s now will he filled on and after the lit A • II. 111 wishing to secul,, sr•ed had better iheir orders early to the subscribers or to the Signal office. eTOKES 6- PeONS, Ba;field Road. March 170, 1570. w8 -ti LL P eRTI ES HAVING GL ‘IMS AGAINST THE ti. estate of the ate M. J. TOBIN will please send hem in itaineiliately to, W, SEYMOUR One of the Executors. Goderlch March, 8th, s w57.4t Chancery Sale of ANILOS. N pursuance of a Decree and final 0:der for sale made by tee Court of Chance y in a suit of BLONG vs. KENNEDY, and dated the Sixteenth day of February last and the Seventh day ot October last respective ly, will be sold by Public Auction, by Ma, GEORGE M TRUEMAN, Auctioneer, at Ins Auction Rooms iu the Town of Goderich with the approbation of Andrew Norton Buell, Esquire, Master in ordinary of the said Court, on Tuesday, Twenty-ninth day of March, 1870, at twelve o'cloCk, noon, The following property in one lot, namely all and sineular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate in the Township of Ashfield in the County of 11 .roti. being composed of the South half of lot Number Otte in the Ninth Concession of the Eastern Division of the said Township. The said property contains by admeasurement one huudred acri s he the same more or less, of which about thirty five acres are cleared and the remainder is tiMhered chiefly with beech and maple, " The buildings -thereon are a log tiouse and log bern. The rroperty is yell eitueted as to ronds, as it is near the gravel road to Goderieh, from which place st is aboue sixteen urles distant, and it ei itimut seven miles from the Village of Dun- eannon, . The purchaser shall at the time of Sale eay down a depOsit in the proportion of ten dollers tor every one hundred dollars of his purchase money to the Vendor or his Solici. tors, and shall pay the balance in one month thereefter without interest ; in ail other reepects the conditions of sale are the stand- ing conditions of sale of the Court of Chan- cery. For further particulars apply to Messrs. McDonald & Chadwick, Toronto st,t)retbete, ATuacitmionit,oee.'it.he Vendor's. Solicitors or Dated this Sixteenth day of February, 1870, [w7tcle A. N. BUELL. THE DRAWING CLASS rtONDIJCTED BY Mies Milieux, WILL ko hereafter meet every Tuesday and Friday at 4 Pe 31. Young Ladies not attending her school may thus avail themselves of insti uction in this department Goderich. February 4th, 1870. w7 -2w S . B. M'DO GALL, pRACTICAL "VETERINARY S lEJ GEON Godench. Veterinary Medi- cines always on hand. ' win be in, Dungannon every Wednesday, and at Lucknow every Thursday and Friday. **as Horservexamined as to soundness.*** sw56-2m EARLY ROSE POTATOES ! DISSOLUTION OY PARTNERSHIP IHE U NDERSIGN E D. WHO HAVE BEEN CA Rt ▪ rying on buainess butchers, under the style of Carman de Marsh, on Hamilton Street, hereby give notice that the partnership existing between them is this day dissolved by mutual conse.nt RoBf. CARMAN, FRED. id &Rail. With reference to the above the undersigned begs to say that the above business will be carried on by him in all its departtnents and he would respectfu.ly a continuanct of publicliatronago. ItOBT. CARMAN Goderich. 4th Tan. nito Nv50 CHANCERY SALE ! pURAITANT TO AN ORDER OF THE L Court ot Chancery, m .de in the matter ot Thomas (Myer and others, infants; heal- ing_date the first day rif February 1870. WILL HE SOLD BY PUBLIC.: AUCTION tt the Auction Rooms of George M True- man, in the Tows) ol Goderich, On Tuesday, the 5111 day of Apti1,1870 AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, The fellowing valuabie lot in the Township of Vi awanosh, moneiy . —The East half of • hot No. 22,- in the 14th concession of the Township of Wawanoeh, consisting of 100 acres. The Land is Clay Loani of Good 'Quality. About 40 acres are cleared, and the remainder is cove, ed with Hard. wood Tiraber. There is a Line Dwelline Iloase with a Log Barn oti the land, which s situated on the Towii Line between Kin oss and Wawanosh, ebout 4 miles distant from Lucknow, and 25 mhes from Goderich, by an exsellent Gravel Road. The Purchaiser shall at the time of sale, ;way down a deposit in the proportion ot $l0 00 f -or every hundred dollars of the purchase money to 'the Ven• dor's Solicitor. and shall pay the faith- -r sum of $350 mae month front -he day of -Sale, when the purchiser shall es entitled tis ,a conveyance and to be let into possession upon his execating a Mort gage upon the said 'mid, for securing the resi:. due of the, sail pui chase money paya.ble in five s equal annual instalments with interest, such - Mortgage to be gettled by the Judge's Secre, etry, and to be prepared at the expense Of - the purcraser In other respects, and ex. - cent as abase mentioned, the conditions ef sale are the standing conditions ot sme of the s iid Court of Chancery, Thecenditiona. of Sale and turther particulars may be obtained at the office o f John Macara ot the Town of Goderich, the Veridor's Solicitor. - Dated the 8th day Of March. A. D. 1E70, T. W TAYLOR', ' judge'e Secretarv, JOHN MACARA, FARMERS TRY THEM. VIIY seed is pure and true to name, and • Ysi to which was given the first premium at Provincial Exhibition at London. And first prentiumit Goderich Horticultural Exhibition. ORDERS RECEIVED NOW will be filled on and after the first of April. Price 80 cents per peck or 7 cents per - pound. THOMS HOOD,. • Goderich. Goderieh March 2nd,1870. w6-tf 0:85 0:80 0:28 0:40 0:52 0:50 4:00 0:20 8:00 a, 0:15 VALUABLE FARM FoR 1=6 .11.1.a , •••1=.10.••••••••••m fillIE North haltof tat NO. 9,011d the West hitltofthe 1 North nal. aim No. io hi the Eighth eonee teem ofliforria. ten aerei, Ito acres eleared.60 acres left!). ed. A geed *oared hig house, wen finished, a new frame house, etone row dation. with rood eethin good seeereareiteueheelericaseasatare• ,11€ STOCK -YAK l\FG- e AT THE EMPORIUM ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I) U. rriLl 0 IR, & WILL uFFER DURING fa T TEN 1 Sel THEIR ENT!RE STOCK, AT Grently Reduced Price's 'For Cash ! SPE TAL BARGAINS Table Linen, Towels, Tickingt & Tweeds. Godcrich March 11th, 1870. 1 J. C. DETLOR & CO & J. K AY HAVE RECEIVED A LOT • 6 fliM c:)31;ra.r•risiiiag _ M3n's Gaiters, Youths' Heavy Balmoral& --Girls' Balmorals in all grades; • Childrens' Slippers & Fancy Ties WOMENS', MISSES' & OMLDRENS' PRUNELLA G ‘ITERS BALVIORALS, Goderieh, March 3rd, lb70. w 13 EXTRA VALUE IMPORTED SEEDS. .> • ;.;,s, PAR COT E HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR ANNUAL STOCK OF New Seeds ! New Seeds ! Imported Field and Garden ,Seeds, W hich for quality and price cannot he surpassed by any respectable House in Canada.— A liberal diecount allowed to Ceuntry Dealers. Remember the stand, PARKER & CATTLE'S DRUG STORE, Goderieb, Feb. 24th, 1870. w21 Market Squahe. FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE I S IA IL I IN' E;- lj BALANCE OF WINTER GOOT1S AT GREATLY REDWED PRICES IN FURS, SHAWLS CLOUDS, MANTLE CLOTHS, Vtr OOLEN GOODS, • BLANKETS, &c., &c. 1 A RARE CHANCE I ATexander's 'Kid Gloves $1.00 per 1VICIst 'TH LADIES. this is the only opportunity you will have of getting the VERY BEST KID GLOVES made, at less than cost price. SIMEIrrIa. Pair.. s Godertch, February 4th, 1870. sw67 Sign of the Big Broom. BROOM FACTORY A N D GROCERY STORE_ ' Goderieh, Vendor's golicitor. w8 td LIST OF LETTERS - -DrmAliaNG in the Goderich Pest Mee, 3rd March.1870. Burtch Mr 2 ' MartimMary Cameron D eMurphy Minna ,JampbellD McKay Niei Mrs emit, log barn good , TVItti splendid orc r Corbet trugh Neave Deerge a vaeation. Thelot is situated abnut one and a bait Drayer-John Porter lames ()Teener Mallard Rattail Henry . 20 Serer of fall'wbeat in good condition, to be. Olken at Cormier William. mites from the Gravel -Road quite conveuient to Stores Elliott Elizabeth PaPet Winton): andSchool IS is the old Skein farm, avid is .one ot Gribboe John -the bestowal longeet settle4 in. the Township. Holties W Prederiek. Stevens.= A e • TITLE immisput&BLE. linater'andreo Summer John • thsrdie Mark, Seaford Margaret %tit whole or &portion lobe sold on reamnable terms Halley & Sea , Stroner Robert Goderieh. 'Ara:Jane Wats= John - bIldelif patenli 'near -Enterprise Linn G°de,TS14141'h"41-8.1°2 w Mathssen Mathew AVLsing tnIfiss Mary Penhale 7." 'actITICE. 43 SF3TCLAIR: LickfoldAlfred Sharp Samuel - Oa Val,. 1114th stb. reeidenee of the ' e I,eete T Washington 301M V.,cieeMo. U.'S. by the Cald- - - w ARCH, DICKSON, Postmaister, HE Subscribers haveremoved t eir Broom Factory f th ore formerly occu- pied by Mr JAME!" THOMSON (tw ors South of the Hama Hotel), on Kingston street and beg to in - bog: tchhaeztt hatslaignafagettleasur hpauvrehassiengurdoounite-esoemr. vilees of a &It -class bro'om-makenintley are now turn- ing out AN EXTRA HEAVY BROOM arta., "N767-33..iss- ter Tim BEST QUALITY 81, WORKMANSHIP which theyare selling as cheap as anymanufacturer in Hamilton or Toronto; Both Wholesale &Retail. • They have also put -Chased the balance of Mr James Thomson's Stock of Groceries . aud made large additions thereto. and intend to mini on On bis old stand) ailretechtss Family Grocery Basinenft on the C-ASII PRINCti)LE: A complete asatirtment of Teas,, Coffees, Sugars, Fruit, Spice‘.TIour, Food, Potatoes, .&c..&e., always on hand at the Ieourest Prices, aud delivered in Town. . Ode one call I-eq.:Aral to secure ,a eon- tinuance of .t'ublic .Pcitranage. COX & McDONALA -Kipgates $treet. Is',13.-Faien Produce taken in Exchange- tot Goode Yabru.sry7th, 1870. 111101iSS SILLE VOW. tUCTION_s ALE -OF- Farming Lands ! —0-0-0-- G. M. TRUEMAN Is instructed by Mr. Joseph Herr to sell by Public Auction, at his Sale Booms, Godetich, on THU,RSDAY, MAACH 24th, 1870, Commencing at Noon. That Superior Farm, Lot No. 1, Con. 13, —nen- e Z•1` /31 17iT CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES A.PPLIED IN THE MIRE OP Chronic and. Westing Diseases. 713 R. R.A..13 SARSAPARILLEAN RESOLVENT. N.B.-The great medicine (free from all nausea- ting or dizagreeable)egectespoken of here, Dr.`Rad- wales SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT, (*prepared on a new prineetple of Medical Chem- istry, from the active curative properties of the most choice prtyincle of the vegetuMe kinocient. The Sarsaparillian and other foreige roots yielding extracts that eider into the composition of this won- derful Blood, Tissue, Heat, l'at-making medicine are selected arid g _altered with the greatest care al the proper seasons from the native soll, under the supervision of intelligent agents --experienced botan- tete, employed exclusively for Dr. Radway to that no .spurtows admixtures or wortttless roots cairpossibly be mixed suith the pure. It coats Dr. Radleoy & co. over $V),000 (thirty thousand dollars) per annum for the services and experkres of satentlie Botanists in this branch alone. But the .wonderful iniprovemeats it has secitred in the curallve range el Dr: Radway's Remedies, more especially the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT, pays for the outlay over and over again ; for never in the history of medicine was such a Medwine tluzt so completely builds up, repairs, and makes sound, etrong, healthy, vigoroue, and beautful witluzi, the weak and broken-dowo conetitution,s, as Dr. lidIDTVW rs 8.4 liSAPdIR IL L RESOLVENT. 1rnportant Chemical Principles supplied to the wasting body through the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT It supplies the blood with unitrish meat. IT CON T AINS T A KJ NG AND PLES H.M AXING WI A LITI It supplies the systeot with caloric or heat inacuregloinalfg PmErje;.....rtiptree and Ulcerated dis. cuiefe of the Eyes, Ears, Meath, Throat, and 014n ana bt . It Increases rim evetztet and aproetite. IT STOPS A WEAKENING DISCRA.R. GESi It in::: else* tile repairs and diminishes the wasies. It extepainates the products riffle zay. It reaol-Ves Tuntois, Wades, liar; It inaiLei the • eicar anal bea.etti.i!ul. It heats:Peace Sores and u I -e• s. It cui esi Gravel, Glect, awl ktritture. It makes the water clear and pass freely. It clues Barrenness, an.t lures:is with the via -gor of noushood those VrtIO, from. VteP • Awes or dIseasei are cleticieat or exha te Et rescues woman trout the perils io• ilent to change oi lite -cessation of Menses. .ro Mose" who sseek:ffealth. The!' it not a inan. wo:nan or child. however wastedby disease>, jf their aysteme are vita in a eon- deLdittvi o jei yitote eid( Dtchei vEepYrO4neeatisnrsd: S el lofl nt h p"Vai 1:;41:1;ni:rallpic;altbjlrN: ea( 5; Of sustaining the reparative proce.e. of RA D W AY '6 Sarsaparilliezig Resolvent, but can be either restored to health. or the wasteg -and decumpoeitions etopped, and the elements of decay that now exiSt be dieenceed from the ke4tein Extreme cases. where the Ella G,S. la ID eh 1 S. and other organs are %vested. ulcerated. anti their f nee tione interrupted and meretions ielterel beyend the reparative power of medic.ne, may. and will. by the um of this Sat sapariiiian Jiven t. eoniinue ee live perhaps for years ; for no matter how low the vital forces may be, if the system can be brought under the influence of this tiesue anti tiesh-making medicine. the repairs will be greater than the wastes. and the BI,001} W ILL reett:ve that high degree of strength. purity, and nourisbinent to enable it to hold in healthful solution all its constituents, and stop the process of decay anti deeoto poedtion. CON UMPTION. SCROFULA. Bright's discreet of the Kt Nei's. Sunny moil- ,Svrillids, and the poison of Vener al, are developed through the provaes: of de- posits t out the blood either in the Lungs. elOn. Kid- neys. Bladder or Cellular Tiesue anti thee° els - easee in their advanced stage can both be oheels.ed and cured by the -use of the SILL7Silkalitiinn solvent. MARK CHANGE. A person seized with any Chronic -disease of ate Lungs, Liver, Skin, Kidneys, Spermatic Glands, Wonib, or Crinaly difiletillies, wile experience a marked ehange in her healtiv fin the better after &dam' the Sarsit.pnrillinal Resolvent. the blood becomes n fore part, rieh. eirong, aiact nour- ishtng, and -is enabled to hold la solution lis wattled constituents, the deposite of Tuberculous nittiler and other elements el disease, decompositionund decay, will be diminished in the Lungs, latineys, Skin and other Cryan! ; and each of these Organs will secrete their proper constituent secretions. Ineletui of Wine, Bile, the Pancreatic Jurce and other fluids bring t absorbed in the circidation, these secretions will be directed for expulsion front the system through their proper channels. If medicine fails in its influence on the system, to correct these secretions, anti to as- sist each org«n or secrelltig gland in diseharg lug its proper functions., health can never be rodored : .for sufferleg humanity, Radavay9sSarsa.pa. rillian Resolvent secures this important wind that hos heretofore existed in all these remedial agents adverlized as Blood Purifyers. No matter how deeply seated Or engrafted in the tissues, cartilages, glands, organs, or bones disease and ea2e-uptIon may be, Me influence of thle powers fla agent on, the blood and other flitide that eupply the living body toWt repctirs, will so charge the sys- tem with such consblitenle am to resolve and exter- minate the dead and decomposing and sup- ply Us plase with sound and tivingstruclure, nour- ished by rich, pure, and strong blood. By the chemical aetion which the Sareeparillian Resnlvent has on the substan.ces taken into the stomach fill/lOy its iwocess of digestion into Chyme and Chyle, Wore it ie made blood, us well as the nourishing coneti- tuents it converts into blood, and its epecifie action when entering 1.11 the circulation, it exterminates every atom of vtrus from the 'goof, anti reeolves away all deposits of disease, whether caused by the action of eome specific poison, or virulent dizeaee, or Mercury, COrrosive 'Sublimate, 1. e. the ebrrosive Chloride of Afercury, Calomel, and other agents that may have =wait/cited in the bones, tissues, cartilages, or joints. or frODI some tram:milled family complaint that may have run through lug( do;leenr:fe;:a712iCO:14isertmptions s yphilia, uncured and badly treatedVenereal in its many forms, Ginn:1111er Disease, Ulcers its the Throat, month, Tumors, Nodes in the 1.11ands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes. Stn.. mous Drisclutrges from the Ears. and the worst forms of Skin DiSeases, Eruptions. Fever Sores, Sertitt Heed, Itittgatiorni. Sall Rheum, Beysinelasj _Uate, Illnek Worms Iia Ow W ,,,,, °on Canters In the tlir: si the curative r• ange 4, _of elle SniVOIPRPIIIIRII Resolvent, mat a fewitirty69 tole will prove to any person using it for either of these corms of Diseases ats potent .tower to care them.. Vactired veneresa-sateet, Strhitetrest wad au templaints of the Urinary Or. ga7....".s, Bladder, Kinney*, Womb, Dropsy, Dianetet, and all who are ince...lire. stienced by Stoppage of Water. or Palo. ful Discharges, are quickly relieved mad effectually cured through the DARSAPABILLIAN BESOLVENT. ne...J.Cturess refer it ihy E..11. Chapman. Commercia Traveller, Montreal. G Denault. of St. Thnothee, County of Beauhar- nois. Canada: East. had for nine years TWOIAltit E ULCERS. one un his thigh, the other on his side. teat resisted all kinds of medicine and the skill of the most celebrated doctors in Montreal and othed parts of Canada. Last Fall he commenced the use of Ilauway-9s Sarsaparlillan Resolvent, aided with Rruhray's Pills and Meady Relief. llo used only three bottles of the Sarsaparillian Resol- vent. and two or three boxes of Radway'e Pills, and used. 8.5 a lotion, a wash of the Ready Relief and Sa:sapatiillau Resolvent, diluted with water. which completely cured him. Here is a man that had previously stent hundreds of dollars, doctored tor nine years, and oured at a cost of less than five " ONE SOLID SC/CB," SCROFULA 017BED at Wells Elver, Vermont. M. Durant, one of the wealthiest citizens of Wells River. owner of nearly half the town, besides a nutn- bet of Pa er Mills. Hotels. &C., told me of bis know - I, ledge of y ur medicine. His son. aged 13 years. was covered ith one SOLID SCAB, covering the entire body—be d. trunk. chest, legs; and all. I saw him in Semite bar last and he VMS the most revolting and- dideased ebiect I ever saw. At my• request he wits put unde the treatment of Itsulavayes Sersapa. k 'UMW esolvent, Reetly Relief and Pills. One month since. on returning to Canada. I saw the father. who th.en Mid me that hisson was completely cured I know of many who have been cured of dollars. in the .Township of Grey, containing One Hundred Fever Sores. Eruption of the Skin. Boils. Ulcers, Sore Acres, more or less, about Seventy Acres of which are Read, Sore Legs, and in foetal" kinds of sores. Cleared. On the Premises are a Log House, Log Barn atd smallOrchard; the settle of the Best Quality of Clay and Sandy Loam. , This is a _good opportunity to secure a SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT well situatea Farm, being on the gravel road, 12 miles TERMS.—$20 Cash for every $100 of tho Dr RADWAY :—This is to certify fill"31.1wilaliPt;a6ten Threatened Ceonsurnpticuie Night Sweats% Bleeding front the Longs, cured with one bottle of It ADILVA.YsS------ from Seaforth and thont 3 miles grom Ainleyville. ST,e1ION, Ontario, Canada West,— _ vrith bleeding at the lungs, Mid night sweats, and purchase money ; balance payable in in was induced to use your marsupssitlian at stalnients. to suit purchaset secured by vent. After taking (WO doses I was enabled to a mortgage on the premises. w4 -td nlYnT ttnebtilal°rthlerbweledIzios.astbankful. After vr cured. and the night evientseeased I contintual to use tax bottles. FARM FOR S ALT OR TO RENT. and now att !Sens of sieknessedisease and threatened Consumption have dtsaspeared. I feel my health N. II—This gentleman was well known to have tally recovered. J NATHAN FREELAND. erHAT superior Farm, Lot 39 7th eon. Township of been under the treatment of tbe best physicians in Goderich containi 80 acres of land, with 40n" r i ng eau ia--he eee ved rio benefit from any medicine cleared, and good barn on it, The cleared is in a good until he commenced using your Sarsetpowilltas* atate-uf cultivation, it is well situdted, being 3 toiled reeewee,,,nee GEO. MORTPMER, from Hayfield, 6 -from. Clinton and; 12 irom Goderich Commercial Agent for WWI*. For foxther particulars apply to the undersigned, SAMUEL EMMERSON, PRINCIPAL DEPOT, Bervle Post Office. County oil:truce. w2e3rad 439, 3T. PAUL STREET, mblinna. Vir Sold be; Drugging sad general Storekeepers, PREPARE for WINTER. "4110 Per bottle, Or It5.00 for 6 bottles. .amismum••• )=)'. -CARD OF TEA.NKS rthose wbo -responded to my Last Call for money, .Debtors to .dit hkewise. byso dol-inici, would enable me .111IGET ITNI t)P and would respeettmly invite the -balance of my • * . 7 ' to pzty '20 shillings to the po and sell -Goods stable and shed 105 byt4 feet, welt fenced orchard of Sale shall sign an aurreinent for .the complet:nn of - 4004 II1AVISTG: refitted, is Shoo on West street,' Goderieh, 25th Feb , 1870 Merclur Tailor, 7 - A RIME CHANCE. ,ayer's *rsaparika, LAKE SHORE AMERY FOR SALY, "AI " " " e N GOOD WORKING ORDER. 11 POYI &SU CLET- 1. tles, 7 Coolers, 1 Soap Curb and Kettle. 3 :soap Moulds, 2 Horses and -....arness. 2 raid new Waggirte, 3.Sleighs. 2 Wheel Barrows, 4Shovels, 6 Pewter Candla Mould Stands, 3 lb in a stand. 2 Chain Prmps for ley 1 Water Pump and many other appendagestoo nt mer one to mention. In good stand and will be sold cheep , for cash. 33- 2,000 loads leached Ashes, 17 cents per Toad. I Enquird of J. BARNES, at the Ashery. Goderiel..Nov. 2nd 1869. w41 co °PI C:30. ALL parties concerned are hereby notified that any monies due to the bearer 013 note of hand. or book account, are to be paid himself personally. An other payments will be considered nob ond JOSEPH HERB. Goderitaffi,IDee. 2, 1869. ws6 TWO FARMS for .SALE VOR sale two very valuable FAR aS in the TOAD ship of Goderich. For particulars apply to 70gEpH siEbN iv, -Enron Road. Goderich Township November 25th. 1869. 3D A.11, .11=1" 'S ARABIAN 011 FOR HORSES & CATTLE. A NEVER FAILING REMEDY TRallistiNie'AffiLetidiAelBuLaviPrtRuE,,sPAoRf AtiTmIsOeNartiCe01..letB,..„7,5,. long experieu-e has proved to posses the men sate aite efficient pronertieti for me cure of -Flesh Wounes. Sprains, Bruises, GOB of all kinds, Cracked RingBone, sprints Callons,Fistulo, Sweeney, Intern- al Poisons. Scratches or Greaae, Strains, Lunteuesa, Mange, Whitlows, Corns, Saud Cracks, Fmnidere• Feet, }lent Disiemper, ami many tithe, diseases which horaes end emir are subject to. This celebrated L lament ha, been used for main years, mid in curative properties thoroughly leMeti, ano a is conceded to be the cheapest end most re• table r.•tnedy tor all external complaints ever oder,. 1 -lithe public—it never fails when timely used nuil faithfully app ied. To:lathed of all Druggists and Country Merchant, thrmigheut the Dominion. Price 25e. per bott.e. NORTHRUP & LYNI A N, Ne •.- Ont.. Proprieto rs Sold in Gooerich dy Pa Cattle and a !oaten ; tisrdiner & Co. Ba.t ict Janie, Bentham, Rodgerville; .1. tekard Elute! .1. H. CtAti be, C le n ton ; Zieeord, 1 to now; E. HiekeonoeSeaforth, and all Medi( 1 .11ea lees. 1 GREA.T FEMALE REMEDY Job MoseS' Periodical Pills 11111S ENVALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILING • in the cure of ad those painf.l and dangerous xliaceses to which the female constitution IS subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure ma- be relit d on. -To MARRIED LADIES D. pecetarlysuited. It will, tn a short time, bring OD the monthly period with regularity. These Pills shovid not be taken by Females durint the FIES7' THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they an sure to bringon Miscarriage. but at any other time they are safe, In all Cases of Nerirous and Spinal Affections, Pain In the 13keicand Lambs, Faitrue on slightexertion. Palpna- and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony,. or anything hurtful to the constitu- t1270.01 the heart. Hysterics, and Whites, these Pi Is will -effect a cure when all other means have failed ; Full directions in the pamphlet around each package. which should be carefully preserved. 11013 MOSE8, NEW YORK, BOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and 12i.cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle. One, general agmus for the Dominion, will insure a bottle,containingover 60 eue uy return mail. NORTHRUP &I YMAN, Newcastle, t.; . elingenera agentloreanade Er Sold in Godench by Parker Cattle ano F. Jordan; Gardiner oz Co., Bap' eld ; James Henthtune Rogei vette ; J. Ptekard,F teter • .1 .H. Combe, Clinton, S. cord, Leeknowe E. 'FIrcki. son.3enforth. and all Medierne_Dealars. w38 THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE F 0 R SILVER Ts a coating of pure overtheanse exam platedbythe patent process -of Messrs Flkin,e- ton & Co.. and is beyond all compares= the very best article uext to sterling eilverthat can be employed as such either usefully or ornamentally, as by no poasible test can it be distin,guished from real silver. " SIGNAL" OFFICE Goderich. A complete set, gaarranteed of firatquality Mr lintel' and durability. as follows id- _ Flddleor Bead Kinefs Thread old silver pattern pattern pattern pattern ets. ets. Seta. I ete. 2Table Forks 9.00 9 60 1000..12.00 12 Table Sp000es 9 00 9.50 • 10,00..12.00 12 Desert Forks 6.00 12 Dessert Spoon.* 6.00 750 . 8 60 12 Tea Spoons 4 00 6 Egg gilt beagle 2 40 2 Sauce Ladles 2 00 i Gravy Spoon 2 00 2 Salt -mit bowle 1 Mustard " 40 I sonp ladle 2.50 1 Sugar spoon 60 4 60 260 2 20 THE BLOOD. The reputation daises. Cellent medicine enjoye, 18 derived froni its cures, many of waste' h are truly marvellous. Inveterete cases of Scrofulous tits. ease, where tbe eysteen seemed eaturated wito eetraption, have been miffed and cured by tt. rotations affecCons nit d disorciers,which were ng- grayated by ths Ions mantataination un;ii they were painfully afflicting, /Ave been radio:11;v cured in such great numbers in ahno$ every f.el, tion of the country, that the public starcely need 1 beSeroinforliuloerdisopfolistsovnilitsnoenseoorfuthsees.most destinactiee enemies of our -race. Often, this unseen and Ont le tenant of the organism undermines the constituti o antalnvites the attack of enfeebling or fatal &seas e without exciting a suspicion of its presence. _,Oga. it seems to breed ittfeetion throashont the body,: ; I then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forme, either on ti -e surface or among the vitabe In the latter, tuber- cles may be enddenly deposited in the hinge er heart, or Anmors formed in the Bret, or it ellen its presence by eruptions on the gamer foul ulcer. ations on 601ne part of the body. Renee the men. sional use of &bottle of this Sarsaparilla is eta vieable, even when iao active sym_ptorns of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following cone plamts generally iind immediate relief, mad, et length, cure, by the nse of this SAESAPA_RI1_- .LA: St. Anthrmy's _Fire Rose OP Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Bingworn, , Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other eruptdons or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in nee more concealed forms, as .Dyspepsia, Dropsy., Bleart Disease Pits, Epile, Neuralgia, and tbe Vati.01113 ilicerous _afections of the muscu- lar and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and .711ereurial Disecescs are cured by itethougb a long time -ie IreCiateti for subduing these obstinate m al adies bv efoy tnedieine. But long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint,. Letreorrhoea or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, are cam - moldy soon relieved and ultimately cured by Ste puri-ing and 'invigorating effect, Iftnute Direc- tions for each case are found in our Aimanaeseup plied gratis. Jakeetwiatisra and Gout, taten caused by accumulations of extraneous mat -tele in the blood, yield quickly to it, as al= _Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion or IntIant- *nation of thexiver, and Jaundice, whemansire, as they often do, from the rarklIng poisons in tie blood. This SADSAPARIZ.LA is a great no norer for the strength and vigor of the systere, Those who are Lestueseid and IAstless, Demon-, dent, Sleepless, and troubled wilt Nervous ,Ar- prehettsiosts or Pears, or any of' the affeetons symptomatic of Weakness, will tind inimedinte pr eol iwe e rt anupdoncotriaLnyinc_ ing evidence of its reeteratave PREPARED BY Dr. Jr. C. AIMS sac Lowell, Practical and Analytical Chemist*. ' BOLD BY .ALL DRUGGISTS esoeseno vs se tux agNenTiTroHro-Ranitalle.LYALIN, heweastle, OaL, asasaa 33• Sold in Goderich by Parker e0 Cattle toed? Jordan. Gardiner Co.. Bayfield. James Bannon Rodger -villa J. Pickard. Exeter. J. H. Combe, Clin &Manx. Sedieeocinrde, Lipeockezzon: E. Hickson, Seafortin and w-17 AXE MA KING. THE Subscriber begs to inform the public that 116 ▪ is still carryiug on the Manufactory iu old stand on Light House Street, Goderieh. He te confident with the experience he has. that he ean - rush a better axe than is sold by any other maker. - Give him atrial before par Alaska, elsewhere. ge My Axes eanbe obtained at Racers Haute -ere etore, Clin ton. REDUCTION IN PRICES 1 Double portion Steel -old price 42 00, Reduccdto81 5t. tngle do do 1 50, do 1 29 JOHN MePHF,R•SON. Goderich. Dee. gth. 1669. w47 Sm' FARM FOR SALE LOT 24. CON 4. Township of Godcrieh, containing 80 acrer abvut 55 acret cleared, i) STORY CONCRETE HOUSE. eeN GROUN ,Je floor, DiningRoom, Parlor, Kitchen, 11517 tad Bed room ; on the second fioor, Sitting Room, Torge Farr ilv Bedroom, and lour other bedrooms ; on the Base ment, Dairy Room, Fruit roan -Odom room, Meat room Frame Barn 62x32 feet. 7 miles from Clittonand 7frotat Goderich. Good large orchard of ove- 300 soperior fruit bees. Soil. itieep clay loam. well watered to spring creek and flowing well. Tjui property is situ. ated if miles from Lake Huron. of which a good Vie* can be had from tbe door. Apply to James Wilkin- son, Esq., on the premiees of t4.1 0. M. TRUEMAIll Land Orme, Goderien Godencli 25th tannery 1870. wit!' CHANGER Y SALL DURSUANT TO A DECREE OF THE COURT OP 1 Chimeery, sna_de in a C111180 of Ross vs Holmes 280 . .280 beanie, date the first day of April, 18las. and of an order (*the mid -Court made in the eatd cause bearing date the 14th [ley of February 1670. And with the a - 2 20 p 40 . .240 - probation of Ilearyeldnedermott, Esq. Master of t e , ,e, said Cotrt at 6ederica, will be sold'. m oee lot by 90 " ' I 00 '`'`-""-- ' Public A.uction at the Auction Room of emerge al. s45 60 . . 60 2 76 Trueman in tho Town of Guderich. _ 65 -, -.8: 8°°65 ON 44.60 48 05 52.85 59.2e - Saturday the Snd day of April 1870 Any of the aliove articlee to be had eingly at Balite AT 12 O'CLOCK NLON. prices. N. B.—THEBEST QUALITY ONLY of above kept The following e-alnahle parcel of landand -premises-, in stock. Inferior goods entirely exclude& Profits namely Lot number39inthe 2aid concesslonef the Town - theca on the ready meney prineiple-not coedit ship of Kinloss in the County of tiruce consisting of iteacres more cr less. The tend which is of gond cla ONEPRICE ONLY. loar, tdr oeftsiltile,alittotialris:;,1-: num tilyonI0the conce'ssion mad, about 11 miles foam the boundary line between TERMS CASH. the Counties of Enron and Bresee. It ie about 6 mike T. 1J. MOORHOUSE. from the eillage of Zetland, 7 milas -from the village of Winglisan and 8 tulles from the village of Lack -now, by Goderich. Oct. 21th 1869. . w"" good roads. There is a Saw 51111 at Zettand and aro other in course of erection, within la miles ofthe land, Thete are Grist and Seer Mills at WiUghalli and Luck - now and good Stores in birth Villages. .A log dwelling house and barn have been erected on the land, This farm is within a mile of Lhe proposed line of railroad from Toronto te Kincardine. The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay down a deposit in the proportion of $10 for evesy 4100 of the purchase money, to the Vendors Solicitor, and ahall paya further proportion of 425 for every 4100 of the purchase money. within one montli from the dayof sale (with intermit thereon trona the day of sale) sud shall pay 'tbe remeatder of the purchase money by three equal instalments at one, two, end three years with interest on tiaernapaid batausse of purchase money, to be secured by Mortgage on the property, and ripen the execute m of such Mortgage, the purchaser glean be entitleil to a conveyance tied to be let into mesession. chaser at the thne at the sale eball simian agroculeurt for the completion of the piirdhase. The fane will bs sold free from ineuinbrancele in other respects, and except as ebove mentioned. the conditione °reale are the staneing conditions of eale of the meld Court et Chancery. THE CONDITiONS OF SALE AND FURTHER partici:ars may be obtained at the Office ref John Maeara. Esq. ,.of the town of Goderich, Cee Vetiders Solicitor; from Anthony Lefroy. Esq. and William It Bain, Esq of Goderiee, AUDI Messrs. iltaigins. Bull tied MeWilliams. Toronto. and from the undersimeed, Master of this Cotut at Geduld), HENRY MACHERMOTT, CANADI1N PAIN DESTROTEff A Family Medicine, well and favorably atesten for the past ten years. never falling in a gurgle tnstance to give permanent retie when timely used, and we have never known a eingle ease otdissaustaction where the directiens bait been uroperly tollowed,but on the contrary all are delighted with its operations, and speak in the highest thrms of Its Virtue and Magical edict*, THE CANAPIAN PA11V DESfirtoYER has won toritself a reputation, as a blood port ti , alterative stomach Ionic, unsurpassed in ehe bistos y Of mediae I preparations. It seldom tans to cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complainis Indigese tion, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Kidney Cora - plaints, Acid Stomach Philusit or Aiithma, and restores to vital activity the system delnetated by sullenng and disease. Its ruagical and nondertul _success in curing sudden colds, Sore throat, Coughs, Dipthena pains in the side,bons and back. neuralgia,tooth ache, rheumatic and other fauns in any part ot the body and from whatever cause, bate given it a place in every household and Is fast supersed- ing all other pre.parm ions of ifte kind. It is also an elle( Waisted Pfompt remedy tor Scalds, Burns, Bruises, Sprains. Chilblains, Prost Bites, Cratrips in the Stomach, Diarhtea, tmolara morbus, iiithoul Chnlic, Cholera Ifysentery, &c. Place only 25 eenis par bottle, NORTHROP a. LYMAN, Nevecaelle . C. W. iieheral Agent for Canada. tErStiild in Codeneb by Parker & Cattle and F. Jordan; Gardiner & Co. Hayfield; !guiles Bentham, Rodgervale;J.Pielgard, Exeter; 341i. femme, Ciinioe; Secord,Incksosv; E Hicksan terta and till Medicine Deateis. airts FIRST—CLASS FARMFOR SALE, flizt.'irmbscriber offers for sale, on liberal terms, a L excellent farm in the township of Colborne. D being lot 8, cop. 10,four miles friMeGoelerich. It com prises 100 acres of the best may soil, all cleared free ofstnmps. Frame Houseand Barn, Splendid ApRie and Peer oreherd. good Water. A hontie andlot Ultloderloti would betaken as part Pay- ment Far particutere apply te. ANDREW B. 'OltEEla, • 'Victoria Stin'G6deiie'h- Goderieh Noy. lat 1869. w41 -ti TARN TOR SAT:r4 DEING COMPOSED OF LOT,21.,e#01*kEN LINE, JO Township of Stanley. County Of Huron, 120 acres, too acres areip e hialeirtate htcultivation. Tee hind is of the best qetalityand.wellfenetid eagood beard- ferickaloitg the front.) There are on the Trellises a dwellittg house, framb hat1116 by. 87 feet, granarr, Slaster at Gocerich. JOHN ACARA, Goderielo Veudors Solicitor. vs5sttl Chancery Sale! —.—.4 : 4— DIIRSU AN T TO A DECREE OF THE COVET OF Chancery, nude the -Lames. of Herr co Lavin, bearing date the sixteenth dee of June. in the year 181B, and of an order of said Court. made in tee said Cause bearing date the ton, day of February, 1870, auil with the approbatton otHeery MaedermottEsq , Master (tithe mid Ceseet at Ooderich, will be sold in one lot by Public Atm:on. at the Auction Rootlet ofGeorge M. Traentiol, In the Town of Goderich. on Saturday, the Snd .day of April, 1870, at two o'clock, elftentode. tbe follcw- ing valuable prorietty, namely .i—E-eight end six-tenthe ;area of landoforming the south-west !torten of Lot - No 9,in the Meitlandeoriteession, of toe Toweehip of Goderich, with the twti itory brick Tavein eretted thereen. knewn -Deggan's Taverra'and elm frame Imildirir IsaM ind outhouses connected theree with. The taveria is intuited on the road to Clintrth;- . and abont tour miles from Goderich, and a the untie teasel tot No. 9, formee by the Duren steed an the read talkie Miller's =Ilse and teem its first- Comistalculetedtocommand a large has -Mess. The - beadle ofgood quality and fronts onsaid tworosta The purchaser shall- at the tuareofstale, pay down a deposit intheproportion of 410 tor every stoo cf the purchase money to the Vendorn Solicitor. atei !shall pay a.farther mommtion of 425 ferevery 4100 of the purehasemoney within cree month 'from the elay et Sale (with Interestthereon, from the day of Mee) azd shall pay the reniaineer re the purchase meney by three equal Metaltnents at slx. twelve and eighteen monthis with interest en the tunnel Interne of per- -cline money, to be securea by rmartgage on t_ho perty, tend epon the execution of such reortgare, the nrehaser shall beentitied acenrevance and to les - et into possession. The pandrassr at the thr.er of Cheaper than ever. • A. SMITH,. . 100 beariok tox.,a. two never foing vele, with good the pareitase. The property will be sold Mee tom in. mentioned, the conditions cr :sale are •ettieding road. andeonnected bygood gravel roaxls with Clinton next door to Bltsk of Montreal, is now ENGILTE TOR SALE _ Thu glao vroportylo sitnat6d on *gruel cwathranee. In other respectensed,excea as abine etepa.n.n. reoeniteenead by a road, Baid to lie the anest in the conditions t Sale of tbe said Court of Charm • betthfortnerlyed Huron Co Ontario., • - 'Farm -Lots.for Sale la_Golborne. A 13 horse power portable Engine, &sped u new proaince, With tfie excellent marketer of Bayfleld The Conditions or Sale and testae? partieniars entay on the peemises. Yia • Agents, Read IrhIst pen:tared to supplytirs enraerous customers, beobtained at the office (dicta! Mears. ; Esq. ete tise • 0 _cry. madeby Waterons & Co. Brantford. Applyatthis miles)arld Seaforth (12 miles). For furtherfietertolarn • 'town orGoilerish, the Vendor's *elicitor, zed home, • . at shore =eke, wigs'''. articles in his line. FOE SALE. awe tot:mists of Elt - TENDERS-Atint'-'9,ANTED BY BOARD- .0B` „ , . - - cairn oe lees* e. own o e . _ auw.mauttitzttututo "fertile erectioneeeticrouthonses anther Cent,ritiSeheol 1)ElliGe COMPOSED OF LP', rf3 4, /!ICH BOAD • no ACc. S ly' West. ante Lot 4. Lake Shore, coatauneeeeseerete. thro sarinr.ormationuto Plans; ifica o , to mr. D. Ferguson, School rgtstete foe st. PatriPSOis Said Landis all bush and a good area ru 'Nerd, with whom, aho Tendere orate be lodged: both ate. er e k ns n 1 Th li on the Port Albert Road, -1 mites "' " ' T ' Theland *late tioltr osEtTOLEND -..14:ordezoitheAwdi - h , ort S. avern. .0*1431: AT TEft CENT- -APPDT a rasscsks-Y",,, chespaird tacet terms of Credit by making a avian • alto lete - vri-ast „, — hays paymentoirOaah. 7„or articular ., aptly to - e to • • - F, WALKER, OICHIWtgaI4thlrAT,614,Rlik.- *Tat 4 ' "1.)0Etpr Dalagett, - Cie/arida, CI: 8olieltorefteaGolfeetch. _ e lletlerick - • . • OTOBB and dwelling house with lot slab a good 0 atorie et3tUrs, _In the village of filaelandville. one Mlle from GodeWch, lathe can, tre of the Goderieh tau ii:oyarthrks. e:partausedawndtrififioa4rispleinitoutie:new, and c‘ oremodi- oes, and Slot imexefillent Terme cash, rfilEtIsndt'Ule, GoderichP. O. 2m: , sh' "- ,OpcIgioIL•tanekkry$lat,„1870. w1-3ni Goderici fob. 19t13, 1,1810. • vis• . • ..„ - • • , tC • _e- e laefe.oter, tO Sp It bOATINGS, Godericb428 january.1870. CHECKS. ',he on great vareaty, • sold CHEAP', for CASH.- -He hopes to re - JOHN NePliERSON wl-tf SALT 50otS PKRBARREL ceive rt full ',share t public patronage, as —. , heretofore. i • fp aE GODEBICH SALT COMPANYeADDD WELL) have on hand -a quantity of refuse or dirt, salt, hi h th will sell at 50---Onts per bbi id bulk at their rwo ks over the river inlets 5 -or so bbls. ' Also a numbs: of -lilt Kettles for sale At li outs parlb. hatiarylltb, 1870. srAl• DITNLOP• Gederiela, gov. S, /8039. w30 ars apply to II HeDongall Auctioneer, Bay , to job y. Etvro3d. Anthoty fiefroy, and' klale3iCIS MARTIN, Meti:re.Cerneron & Garrow. oftne-Tewnof -bodes:xi), and from the undersigned ser. thieCourt at God - trial Dated the 28th day ot Fetneary, dela, 1870. HENRY MACI`EIL51017, 1 WE WILL laAWY AwGA.Ersz:1:03AL.A; matihaRAYddrotst $14 mie0 wit; mweeklitd expenses, er allow a large co mpsiong soxp ;a „ JOHN BACARA, Goderith: lieudoes Solicitor.; Master, at GoGettob $44 see . – - '