Huron Signal, 1870-03-17, Page 2•
(Ccts:likled from eth page.)
One, two, rang ein frent the belfry on the -
breathless J une nieht. already heavy with
the tying aeg freer the river. Foster
Houghteo felted himself broad awake es.
he c. totted. the strokes ; but even whi:ie ha
thought a wee the clotek that had ;ststurb-
ed him, he felt cold, hard rolg of steel
against les temple. and sa through the
darkness a man by hie beneeie,
"Not ene word, or nou e ill never utter
F•1,1.11 -
der in the slie'itter figure bu'eside him ; but had a glorious time, at Tinborough, you
isiti the
it might have been a pu --of wind across Itnow, and when we were t rung ano ng
the loni drapery. 1 decided to drive home at once. And a A late statement issued from the Pro We had the pleasure of v ng cemnt
'Qs b ow the threats,' said Number two. few miles out I met Silas in his gig driving vinciel Secretary's Office showing the grois School the otheh dtty and were glad to see
'idle man values his life, and he is going like mad, and he shouted 'at me till he was. recei ts of the different Registracs intim that, while bur material prosperity, in enorm
to open the safe quicker than he ever did out of hearing, but I could not catch one pt is
before. Open the door,. young one, and word in a doken, But before anything else, ov nee. ust to hand. The largeet is .spite of the universal dulness of baldness,
days 14.
let's be about it."1'he robber who had I want to beg youi pardon for my rough- *66591 and the lowest (excluding the new is .steadily increasings such an important
not yet opened his lips. and whose every ness last night. I am old enough to know districts) is h358. The Itegistrar of Mid- educational institution as our Grammar etc.""t•
motion the cashiorstili watched stealthily, better,but I was runry when: spoke ; and McBee is the fortunate possessor of the School,under the guidanceof Mr. Preston, ;tin
stepped for ward to the bank door and as 1 have been thoroughly ashamed of myself former, and the Registrar of Russell has the talented teacher, is notlagging behind. gr
darline ' viz: that I had sold my place, and that on
I m IT lin si 1
OLTTLE. TRADE. -The Co. of state in his' next whether .he is aeting as DOMINION PARLIAMENT.
no exception to the rest of the agent for the Baefield people in this affair
just now, with regard -to the W. P. Ottawa, March 9.
or merely as a private indisidual.
cattle trade being carried on in Stanley 12th March, 1870. .
v American dealers. Every few curredtoe the address for corrospone
numbera of cows and steer& are Missouri Correspondence, dence eitspecting derredations committed
ese come from neighboring town-
rom Goderieh station- for Bufialo,
infacrainlf,sarnef 1 oxiarn
me if 1 force myself upon your notice, but
Mu. Eineoes-I trust you will pardon Mr. Rol:titanic complained that the*
Grantsville, March 2nd, 1870. waters.
by the way of letters and papent hy American fisherman in Canadiarr
ontraees had been eommitted in the Bay
of Chealeurs, and no protection whatever
4 dfrZanrifocer.theCudwasiry'
After routine business, a debate ore
prisoner eau tent himself with the miserable pite-On enquiry we found that in, the winter- a.
plow ork State, A- large amount of from Canada, that there are some very
he drew a key from under his c oak the ever since. You will forgive and forget, afforded. He blamed the government
to on
ght another glimpse of the father, won't yoh ?-Hallo I didn't sup:,
singular reporte about myself and- family, .
h tan e of the latter. Such marked differ- term of 1868, the pupils in attendance
nioneinnist have passed into the hands of
for this.
Mary Hoeghton was clasping her son's our return from town after drawing the Sir John A. Macdonald explained that
deed's, my wife, daughter and myself were be duty of La Conadienne was tu pro -
neck, crying as she bed n•st cried that 6ur fa4mers. Another argument in favoe
murdered, robbed, &c. Again, I had sold tect fisherman. But the Canadian govern- -
milt had no power to give orders to the
' f nssessing the numbered 32. For -the present term the
night. •But the cashier, slower in seeing and remuved to Kansas, that the whole of
his way as usnal, stood passing his hand the family had been murdered by the In-
dians, end all the property taken and de- Imperial vessels. -
stroyed. Again, I had sold and was on . Sir A. T. Galt i Ted great caution, end
deerecaled discussion without the cor-
may back ta Canada, and was murdered
respondence. Our Policy must accord
on the road. Again, I was now living on
the 4th farm since I came to Mo. Nie Mr with that of the Imperial government.
Editor, I am alive and well, and so are all Mr. Anglin favored protecting the
my family; and furthermore I am on the fisheries
same farm as when I first came to Linn Hon. Dr. Tupper attacked Sir A. T.
Co. I am tery much surprised that such n i
Lean's position contending that any fat -
them and-eet right those very kind friends "ming invi . e
ted 'aegreasion on our rights.
reports got started, and I wish to refute s . . .
who started them out of whole. cloth; so Mr. Fortier contended for Canadian
that they can devote tbeir very valuable rights, and undoubtedly the hearts of
tiMe to more profitable business than try- the fishermen would be gladdened by
-mete whip Mo. over my back. Mo. is the announcement of the Canadian go -
just as safe a place to live in as _Canada; vernment policy. If Canadiap vessels
, master explaip how that was ? There is the people are as moral, industrums and as •
went within three miles of the Amenean
good neighbors as those there, and as for
fault somewhere, and not retnedied at once,
moving back to Canada to live I have no shore. they would be at once seized,
I .will make known our complaints to the Messrs. Huntington and Dorton urged
inspector and if unheeded by him, to the • notion te so, unless I come after some of
Postmaster Ge.nerala The excuse is that my dues. I ani well pleased with Mo.,
ble s we Hon. Mr. Howe admitted the rime -
He noted the coke even in the whirl of chain he could have sworn to among a pose you, felt so. badly a out it, mot or
the moment, end knew that it was strange thonsand. -
to how r.e turned toward his wife, and The deor syrung open. The cashiers
saw th , n W.:ere was a titan by her side also, heart was in his throat. He had not beard
with ve. e 1 ver ei used ; felt, rather than a seund of Bixby; but be knew the village
33 A th ,t, she had waked e henhe did, and -constable to) well to fear, or hope, that he
wae weinnwseinposSeseed, for whetever was might have given up the chase. All four
to come. as the darkness yielded t„ his entered the building • butbefore the door
eyes. he was aware of a thirdfigure, stand_ could be closed behin'd them there was a
lug at the window. _ shout, a cry of dismay, a rush of heavy
'Perfect, quiet, remember, and we will feet, a flash of light in a lantern which
tell yon what is to be done,' maid the Satilt: gleamed but a moment before it was ex -
voice, cod, firm, with an 'utterance entirely tinguishiel, the confused sound of blows
distinct yet hardly louder than a whisper. and oaths, and the breakino of glass,
'You have nothing te fear if you ohey or- punctuated by the shiwp report°Of a pistol
ders. A knife is ready for the heart of Wester Houghton could never give a
eaeh of von if yon thsobey. The lady has clearer account of a terrible minute in
simply to lie still ; as she will tee bound to shich his consciousness seemed partly. be-.
the bed and her ineeth stopped, that will numbed. He took no part in the e euggle,
ne etey ; and the gag is very gentle, and but seemed to be pushed outside tbe deor;
wid not hurt if she does not resist. Mr. end there as the tumult within began to
Heughten will rise, put on his trousers, at il diminish, Silas Bixby came hurriedly te
draggingsa masked figure by the'
ge with ns tit the hank, always in range of hien
- this pistel and in reach of this blade. The -
keve are Already in •ny pecket. Nitrober 'Houghton, yeti must belp a little. We
Three, will yon scratch a tuateh that I have get the better td'em, and my men
. may help the gentleman to his clothes.' are holding the two big fellows down. But
The figureiii the window stepped noise
lessly forward at the summons. As the
blue flerne. lighted the room, Fester Hough-
ton obssrved that his visiters were all
in 'eked with blaek silk, through which a
narrev slit permitted vision. He noticed
that their feet were shod with listing, se
thick th tt a step male no audible nem.'
npen the strew center,. He noticed th:tt
lone, thin blank cleaks covered their forms
0 the aneles, se thet no details of dolling -
enetn be weed et i lentify . them_ ...end - guided to the collar of his captive,and the
while he ohs:weed thesethinee, not 'renew- revoiver had been thrust into, his right.
ing te stir iintil the threatentrg muzzle There was no neestion ef the composure
was with lrawn. froin his face, he felt his of the robber now. He panted and sobbed
hand tightly clittehed bv the fingers of his and shook, and made no effort to tear him-
self from the feeble grasp that confined
wife beneSth the ceverii.l.
Yeass ef fantiliee association had made him- .
If' the cashier had been irresolute alibis
him apt et interpretine his wife's thoughts
awl feelings, withent the aid ef the spoken life, he did not waver for an instant now
word. Either by some treculiar exnr. ssion He did not query within himself what was
in the grasp itself, or bv that subtle mast- his duty, or what was prudent, or what
aerie n which we know exists among the his wife would 'advise, or what the bank
directors would think,
unk tevt7n fercete he felt that there wee
sem:thing more thab the netural terror of . 'Harry,' he whispered, hoarsely, his lips
close to the mask, 'I know you.'
the moment, more than the courage of a
heart ever braver than his own, more than The shrinkiug figure gave ono great sob.
spin) Ithv for his own supposed dismay, in Fester Houghton went right on without
' his ,v iie's snuch at his hand. More alarm- Peeeing •
ed, at the inst imt, by the shock thus given 'Bixby &tee not knew you, and there is
hien than by the more pelpable daneer, he time to escape yet I shall tire this pistol
titreal his head teivards his wife again, in the air. Itim for your life to your horse
and in her eyes and in the direction they there, and push on to Tinborough.. You
can catch the train. May God forgive
gave to his saw all that she bad seen.
The masked figure in the centre of the Yee-'
The flour° caught the hand: which bad
• room, in producing a. match, had unwitting-
ly thrown backi one side of its cloak. By
the siekly fl tine Just turning to white Fos -
ler Honahten saw, thee retealed, the
twisted chitin he had played,with in his own
boyhe, td, the golden crescent with
his mether's hair, the maseive key with
_its seal, _ just as he had seen them on his
boy's breaet at sunset., In an instant
more a taper was- lighted ; 'the curtain of
the cloak was drawn tegether again. But
the seeret it had exposel was imprested
upon two heartnas if they had been scarred
with iron. As drownine man thinks of
the comae(' events of a lifetime,Toster
Houghten thought, in that moment of
supreme agony, of a dezen links of cir-
cumstantial evidence, -the boy's baffled
the tight is not Out of them yet, and you
must hold this little one three Minutes
while 1 help to tie their hands. Just hold
this pistol to his head, and he will rest
very easy.'
Evert while he spoke Bixby was inside
the door again, au 1 the gleam of light which
followed shiewed that he had recoVered his
lantern- and meaat to du his work thor-
Foster Honelitonn left hand had been
ence in t e tem I)
same qualifications, is an anomaly whic• h number is 61 ; showing a very satisfactery
- of root culture and cattle raieing on a large
the Legislature cannot usuch longer tole- increase of 19. Since 1868 the school -tees
rate, The County judges and Deputy have nearly doubled The Trustees for
across his brows for a moment. Then he Clerks of the Crown are paid a salarY the pest two years,have added considerable Our Post Office.
snoke • graduated according to the size of the new furniture to meet the want of ac-
eo the Editor of the Huron Signal.
h unt of work that Is comodation, and, for the same reason,
I Sue -I am somewhat surprised that the
-Henry, where is your grandfather's
'There, did you miss it se euickly 1' I
_meant to get it back before von discovered
it was gone. I will have it. after breaktast:
The fast is, I was not myself when I left
the house last night, with temper, and
Harrison Fry offered me two hundred dol-
lars for it, to be paid next week, and in my
temper I let him take it to bind the bar-
gain. I was crazy formoney, and I sold
him, mypistol, too. regretted ahout the
watch before 1 bad fairly quit the-Sillage ;
couo y,
usually done. In many caees, we admit,. wItat . was formerly the master s private
'public of this town have endured the in -
this is not pronerly regulated; but inno case , room le now turned into a class -room. ,
; convenience for the last four or five
does strehstriking difference occur as sheen The trustees have also resolved to get an 1 , .
Months of waiting from one hour to an
in the returns made ley the Registrars.- assistantmaster, at midsummer next, ifrutt ,_ ,1
bour and three quartere after the arrival of
We imagine that the Registrar of Russell, before. It is high time the Board were . ..
the mail for delivery of their letters. No
has to attend his office as meny days in the taking into consideration. the necessity of doubt the mail -trains being unusuallybe-
year, and as many hours of the day as the providingabuilditig with sufficient internal hind titne ha -squid something to do, with
Registrar of -Middlesex. - Yet the , rape re- conveniencee and with a playground the lateness off delivery of 'Air letters. -
But that is not altogether „the cause. It
ceives 'an income larger than the Chief properly fenced ; so that, both for work
certainly was not on last FridaY evening,
and play, the 4Grammar School might be
worthy of its grend object and our noble ter the arrival of the train. Will the post -
when the post opened nearly two hours af-
County. A supply of new maps, embrac
ing -recent changes of boundary and the
latest discovezies is also very much want-
ed. We are astonished that farmers in
but ho broke his engagement and did not Juatice of Ontario, and the other about as
go with us to Tinboreugh after all, so I much as an ordinary .dry -goods Clerk, or
have had no chance to get it back again DivisionCourt Bailiff: The one can build
till now.' a stately residence in the country, while the
'Harrisourry !' exclaimed Foster Hough- : .
ton ; and his hands clasped and, his lips other cannot on his mcome live in more
moved in thankful prayer. then a fourth -rate rented house. The one
aBut if you don't tell me what is all this can live in luxury, the other can tee more
excitement in. the village, I shell run out than eke out an existence on such a misera-
ble pittance. On looking over the returns
patiently. 'You never untild stand here
and find um for myself,' cried the boy,im- .
ine questions about trifles, if the of payments to County Judges and -Deputy
bank lad been brieken mien in the night.' Clerks of the Crown for these and other
Foster Houghton put his hands on his mindere we fail to discover any such
ave me
the vicinity, who desire to give their the Kincardine and Lucknow mails must au
-have plenty to eat and to wear, some to sity of caution, but contended that the
--children a higher educatien than Common be firet dispatched. Is the convenience of
d • te ea, spare. And if some'kind friend in Cana- rights to protect within our own waters -
Schools are intended to impart, do not a c°111) e ° g
take more advantage of the opportunity lance the annoyance of hundreds who visit
this School affords them. The fee of our, post office every evening between five
and seven o'clock ? It appears to be so.
$2.00 per quarter is very light and the
boy's shoulders and kissed him, as he had ' extra coat of books (except -to the pupils The Northern mai reach Kincardine and
reerked-differenc.e as twe have mentioned. studying Greek) is not $2.01 more than for . L k w in -the ht, so 'that a few min -
he tpok from its hiding -place the watch utes delay would not seriously inconve-
not done since his son s childhood. Then
The amount of receipts for law stamps ie a ordinary country schools se while board in
and hung it on Harry's neck, his manifest pretty 'fair though not an !exact criterion
emotion checnin r th
,,,, e expression -of the f th
o e amount of business done before a turn home weekly from Friday night an nience any considerable number. Why
can't .one of the gentleinen in our post
Goderich is very cheap and pupils ean re -
tad's astonislintent. • James office open and deliver the Goderich matt
Monday morning. Mayor Hays,
'There is much to tell yon Harry.' he County _Jadge, yet if the Junges were to Dickson, Esq., and Robert Gibbons, Es ' while the other attends to those fcrr the
said, ntud perhaps voiewill think -I have
to ask your forgiveness rather than you
mine. But no,- heart is too full for a word
till after prayers. Let us gedoton.?
Then the three went down the ,stairs, of their .,couits. So that we think it eagerly follow their example. We earnestly , -
which she bads 'le is a wrong principle to estatlish the trast the anhool may long exhihit such
hopeful indications of life and growth. ple such apparently unnecessary delays
Yu z-elinquisheil since -income of an officer solely on the extent as. have been of late occasioned. -
ther clinging to the boyh hand,
the 'me
her thot-esubrace. Foster Houghton took of country or -amount of business he does.
da will pay us a visit, I will try and make
him comfortable, and show him as fine a was undoubted.
AIT, Mills read a long speech on the
farming and stock -raising county as they
bill to prevent .inembers holding Beate
could wish to see. And now I will close by
both in iced legislatures and in the Do -
saying I had more confidenee in the good
popfo et eh e tpheeoyp lfeo roaf
mHoamy etootw wnsohio tpd thhaen- •mibuiicrn. Harparsliaturinonent.
moved the aix months'
lieve such foolish reports, but I was sadly heist
the weight of their iufluence to spread Mr. Wood repelled some attache of
mistaken; when the preachers even lend
them. I would request the Waterloo Mr. Mills', and after recess continued at
Chronicle to copy. this for the benefit of my length, opposing the bill and contending
friends (who are many) of Waterloo co., that Confederation implied the building
and thus relieve their anxiety about us. up a a great nation. Ile condemned the
Yours respectfully, attenepts to divide men into Reformers
' and -Torre* on old party issues. (Cheers).
- Air. Beaty supported the amendment,
Rodgerville. . on the ground that the people should have
the right to electIvhom they please.
. Mr. Chamberlin, on this ground, would
* Cnness Fecroser.-A large and influ- support the amendment, but theee years'
eeperience had not impressed him in favor
of double representation.
Sir A. T. Galt had the same view of the
injudiciousness of double representation.
He -did not think thelocalministera ehould
liave have Beets in the House. He would
support the bill.
Sfr G. E. Cartier contended that the
question was one that the local legislatures
should deal with. The amendment was
-carried, and the bill rejected on division
by 82 against 69. After somefurther busi-
ness of a less important nature, the House
adjourned at ten p. m.
Ottawa March 10.
Mr. Mackenzie called attention to the
publication in the Toronto Leader, of a
portion isf the North-West correspondeace,
ands debate ensued thereon:
Hort. Mr. Howe etated it musthave been
obtained from some extraneous source.
Sir John A. Macdonald moved that the
cemmittee to whom the corresnondence
was referred inquire into the matter.
le was remarked in the debate that the
portion pebliehed of the correspondence
appearances Mr Mateo in . is likely to re-
m and greatly oblige,
oura truly,' C. E. LESTER. esive ah extensive' and generous support containecome names and statements af-
We wish him success.-Oont.. fecting persons which the committee had
• ____ -
q'' North? If this is a distibuting office for
be paid on that basis, some orthem•would have handsinnely. offered to give prises at
the next examination , an we expee , all ritirthetamails, and these must be dis-
be paid no more in comparison with some patched first, then I would suggest the
of their brother jtidges than any bailiff now that these gentlemen have taken the
initiative other prominent townsmen will employment of additional assistance rath-
th further inflict on business peo-
This musebe remedied or I for one wdl
know the reason why. A StreFEREE.
Lecture on 'Thomas Chalmers.
the massive Btble as was Ins daily etistoin Of course it is -a very essential element in
_ _
and read the chapter upon which rested ential meeting Was held at the call of Mr
tbe mark left the morning before ; 'but his regulating the income, but not in fixing it. The 'Wesleyan Church was well filled on 0 Edwards Lester -a wrong to the
Malcolm, Dairyinatein the above mention -
voice choked and his eyes filled egain when Then the Registrars argue that they pay the -evening of Tuesday (8th March) by a
. ed Villaree, on the 12th, for the purpose of
he came to the lines : ' out a large amount for assistance. No highly intelligent audience,whe assembled New York, 87 3rd Ave., 1 makine the necessary arrangements for
'Tor this my son efts dead and is alive doubt all is not profit, but can it be for one to listen to a lecture 'oo "Dre Thomas . March 8th, 1870. convey:trig the business of a Cheese factory
again ; he was lost and is found.' To the Editor of the Signal. which is -now being erected bv him. Thos
Silas Bixby galloped inti Tinborough moment coatended that tbe pyportiou Chalmers," by the Rev. David, Inglis, of
,Mn. Ererou, -For years seedmen have. Lamb, Esq. was celled to the chair, and
been doing a wrote, to the public in my Jas Elder, Yr. appointed seeretary.• Mr
two minutes late for the owl train • aud paid for assistance by a Registrar with a Hamilton. The lecturer, who had been at
the fugitive was too shirp to be caught by good gross income of 86000 is ally -thing to ene time, a student of theology under the name, by advertising LESTER'S PERFECTED Ballantyne Mitchell was then introduced
LAI lornpared with his, whose income is only far-famed Scotch Divine, treated his sub- TOMAT0, while, for the most part, they and he th'inivered a very able an.d
the detectives who were put on the watch t
for him by telegraphic messages. In a a3000 2 weresellino spurums, mixed or degenerate interesting address in which be gave a
few hours all Elinfield had e iscovered that M f . copying ject- con amen ; and- carried *hearers
ost o the work Is mere seed. After lono culture, I produced my detailed statemeneof the manner in which
e; new varlet and ga,ve it free to the world. Cheese factories are generally managed,
1 • an boY who writes a fair hand can along with unflagging interest 4
released its hold as the words were speken, Harrison Fry was missing, and inade tip
and kissed it. Then, turning back as if its mind that he was- the escaped confed- do. The duties of the Registrar are simple, traced the boyhood of Chalmers in the; Its superiority was at once acknowledged advised those prompt to support the sys
woon a sudden impulse, the robber noir- -eratenn the burglary. The Bine River and of a routine character, yet by the em- pions,lovingandstrict,partriarchalhome at! at home and abroad. Bet ithad nearly tern ; and. sfoke in very complimentary
inured something which could not be National Bank offered a reward for him, ployment of. one on two extra, clerks at Anstruther ; his youth at the St. Andrews disa.ppeared. To save it from being hist terms of 31fr Malcolm's ability. Mr Man-
- . and tile public from further imposition, ning of Exeter and Mr 'limey from
salaries averaging $6 a week, atm man is University - the mental stru oles with. •,. . -
, • ge t started a few plants lest season and en- Thames road, :deo spoke in fever of the
understood, and thrust into thenaelluer's• but be has never vet been found. The .
habil a, mass of chilly metal which his ito zealous constable found compensetion for
trust them to .Mr. J. Payne Lowe, (Lit- system and highly recommended Mr
tntion rather than hisamech reeognieed as the loss of one prisoner iu the ;discovery allowed to coin money oat his brother ofs doubt and infidelity, through which he
Pelee Houghton's watch and chain. He -that the other two were a conple ef the ficer squeezes out an existence simply. passed before he could give his assent to tle .11 ha New Jersey, or pi 0. boa 3242, Malcolm both as to- ability and honesty.
New cirk,) who raised from -them the The necessary arrongements were then
leul presence of mind enough to conceal it met skilful end slippery of thernetropoli- Such an anomaly can't much longer be the truth of the Bible ; his early life as a
in his pocket, and then -he tired his pistol, tan cracksmen, kitown among other aliases (ftreoluiy niiiirianioeupeerifie tits:: da Is ekendos and the efollowireg Committee of
end he heard the sound of flying feet and as Gebtle tian Graves and T Aleti Ben. tolerated in an We preacher of morals at Kilatenny; his subi Ivnafinf')aciland ummailage ement pappointed., viz: Mr James
- calved due tribute from coin's , preris,and Gospel s and his gloriens -aareer, there Bo, tingthisyonwillsavethepubliefrom. and Mr Airm Stu/mull. - Judging from
'That in thunder ! did he wriggle away public during -the trial that ensued the next law fees to a great extent are now funded,
after, in Glasgow and Edinbur
gh. Th dem
. -
from ye? why didn't you sing out sooner?' m eith in the Thiborough Court House • haye the charges on each instrument paid
, i k to-tny house and release my that Mrs. Houghton was not called to the thelund thus created pay each Registrar a life of die 'Apostle - of Non -ham -don- in a fir
had which I will be responsible for. Lang. Treas., with Mr Alex .Buchastan
rattling wheels' as Silas -Bixby accosted Silas Bixby's courage and dis" r.etion re-- think the proper way is to fund the fees, as sequent cenversion to these:tenth of the any
'1 think I am getting faint. het -leaven's and by some influence it was so manageu-4 in stamps properly affixed to it, and out of jecturet illustrined the inner end.. outen
wife and tell her all j.8 sa.fe. The fright of stand, nor was Foster fl ughto cIosel , b erous ane
desire for looney, his angry werds, his Y reasonable salary and increase such as the I Ity
evil associates, his missino revolver, his these shots will kill her. dotes both quaint and pathetic ; and dree
deliberate explanation of a nighoteng abs forcible moral to young .ine of th
gnestioned in regard to the *Wanner in
Foster Houghton sunk in a swoon even velich the third robber had escaped from usual extra amount of work would justify.
settee, his intimate knowledge of the affairs as he spoke. auh only the quick arm of his custody oe the steps of the bank. The diffieulty would' be no greater than a ve-3".
. froth the lessons of the life of the 'old
of the bank, except the secret combination Silas Bixby saved him from a fall on the Harry Heughton went to Lake George that of now regulating the salaries et
man eloquent.' - The. lecture occupied (To th
of the lock which he had often teased for river two heurs in ;delivery and Mr. Inglie be
stone steps. that summer, starting a day after the de- County Judges, Deputy Clerks of the
in vain. Two things were stantped upon Crown, Custom and other officers. The wits very warmly applauded on takino hi I
was ehauene got those fellows tied up tight, one of yon year they go together, and the prograinine e who
'See -here. boys,' said he. - 'If yon have parture of Grace Chamberlain ; but this
that his wife eJuld knew the horror of but anomaly , existing as to Registrars was seat. Revds A. McKidd and E. L. Elston
favored the meeting with a few- persona ,
his brain tegether, and he
take 'Squire Houghton and bring hint to, of the tour includes Niagara and Quebec. to pr
one of them. and I'll go over et hie hens° and uotie his • - •• • . , seen in the post officeentstem. Why are
reminiscences and on the motion of Mr- tv:' d
His own sOu was engaged in a plot to wife, before 1 start after that pesky little e ..
e the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingaton, McKidd seconded by Rev W 11 Poole the] and
rob the bank, by thrata of assassination rascal tint bas got away. lf I had 'a sup-
posed he would dare to ride the pistol I
Anton Otqual,
against those who gave him life.
He himself was irrevontbly enlisted in a should. have ming on to him myself. M ike.
plot to capture the rebbers,and so to briug you just keep your revolver cocked, and it 1.1.0D
re than winks shoot
Lester will please accept Jur best
for a -small but sufficient package
bove seeds. -En. S.
diorpf the 'Huron Signal.'
Your Bayfield correspondent tone
at the meeting', evidently wishes,
oke a controversy with soniebody.
bt hia talents are getting mouldy
t airing. He writes two letters
STANLEY'. Sir John A. IVIacdonald moved the
second reading of the election bill. He
T.he Council met on the 7th inst. all explained its .proyisiens at some length.
the members present. Petition of N .= No election is to last longer thanane day ;
ro and 11 others of theVilLage .of Brude-- but all elections are not to take place on
field, praying to be allowed to perform the same day.
their Statute labor on the streets (if that Mr. Blake agreed that -the bill should
Village. By -Law No. 3, limiting the not be diseressed in peaty spirit. He
number of Taveresand Shops in the tewn----would not oppese tlle eecond reading, but
ship, passed. By -Law No. 4, commuting eritieized the rneamire as not being suf-
Statute labor per day, passed. Moved by fidently liberal.
thanks of the audience were conveyed tri in a ppann eneaningless style, in one of Geo. Castle, secondedby Thos K.eys, That Mr. Harrison supported the hill, and
Toronto, - Hamilton end London eost
• `Musters not paid a per centage on their re- Mr. Mayor Hays occopied the which 'he attaeks several meMbers of the 83.54 back taxes irregularly charged A. combatted Mx. 131ake's argumentesh__The
Rutledge, be refunded -Carried. Moved bill made the elect:wit system =form
ER1OH, MAR cg 171 1870. chair m a very agreeable manner: The
favorable receptien of thie lecture and (if Coungii, and they having treated him with
by G Castle, sec. by V Keys, ThateMal'm throughout the Dominion, and= little ex-
ceipts, but a salary 1 For the very good
tne ievious one by Dr. Onnistow h the cootempt he merits, •he then attecks Campte ll be appointed Patlimasteripplace pensive as possible.
reason that their ,incornes in that dise ,
his boy to infamy and a punishment worse e
than death. hien where belies.'
Hawing thus dispnsed of his forces,and
The discovery compete a pause m the
Provided for the guard of the prisoners
-vs. • .. •
would have been out of all prt•portion enceuraged the Sons of Temperance O one 'of humbler position. And were it ofWin Montgetnery--Carned. Moved by . o
th it brother post inasters and would arrange lor one more simila.r treat. Wti 'not epossible that outsiders unacquainted W J Biggins, sec. by Dr. Woods, That the 9uali6cations between the orders in towns
fi. Id.' • t be meor ended and villages
. .
narrative. It made none in the actual - a understand the next lecturer is to be tba ,
h 4 with the writer (who evidently knows that Pe
and the restoration of tfie disabled, tie Our readers will pardon us for giving up swallowed up a large sum novr employe
p -ogress of events. The men who had comMander was off at a run. Half Elm- our space, in this iesue, to the, important
s token motioned the rise, and field seemed to ha,ve been awakened by the parliamentary reports, to which we would
. , and he was m_et by a half-dozen
direct their attention; particularly the de -
twisted hie trembling hands in covering shots.
Ins limbs with one or two [mimes o c ot lightly clad- men and.boys whom e sent
granted, and they be allowed to work their Mr. Dorion objeeted to the bill as more
• eloque t, young Wesleyan Mtnister, •th
his real name would neutralize the effect)
giving us additienal postal faeilities,end
statute labor for the Vill 1 te f r ted t la d
age es -en° arm es _ e preaen w an more
owigg the Government to page, higher lite Al 'd Sutherland of Toronto, wile
nas engaged to be on fiend- about the or the accused, Mightbo misled; aod were property included -on the streets in that-
er centavo to their as deserving but less middle of April. Further particulars; it net thin these erudite epistles zontain Village; alsh that Thos Kinnard be Path -
ing. The one on the opposite side of the on this e ndaucl that, tee open. the leek- ,leate on protection to native industries, centred brethren. Suit ehould be with however, will appear mettle tune.
'bed, moving qnicklir and deftly as a. sailor, no under the engine-honse, to harness ;the future action, in regard to which, is of all officers of. the class we heve been re- -
bound Mrs. Honghton where she lay., with- horses for the pursuit, vouchsafing only vital importance to the development of ferring to -pay 'treasonable salary and te- Literary Notices..
out a tench et oideness or indignity be- grave old Srtch fanner trays tet tainY cons. for the present year -Carried. -
very curt replies to their eager questions •
'this section of the country. It will be gelato its increase by the amount of work !Nonni Blume/ REvisw, L. Seat. Ptah- lying Mac. obody minds him.' But this Moved be Dr WOods, sec. 'by W J 13ig-•
knotted handkerchief from his pocket was perated on a ninia at Foiter Elonghton's , observed that there is a very'geoeral feel done over the average, and by the amount lishing Co., N. Y. is before us. The paps Boanerges, not content with attacking guns, Thet tbe sum of 475 be appropriated
yond what his task made necessary. A as to what had happenech He was exas-
tied apron her mouth. The third figure dwelling, to find the door locked and the ing in the Housea-as we-belireieethere un- of assistapce required. But We call never ers, although good, are too heavy for cum People throgghl anonymous epietles, must to each *Utile following concession lines,
stood aethe window, either to keep a watch windowa fastened. So. he -raised a• sten- 'doubtedly in the melte), ...te favor of 8npport the perpetuation of a system wh• h
w nry readers. The contento are ; Babysnals.'
atteck home m a pithtic bar -rope) : 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7, f3 and 9,
C d edb WJ B'egins
many falsehood's and ruisrepresentations,
sec. by G 'Castle, That Wm Pearson -be
neither would Hose time with him. A Road Commiasioner onnthe 2rd ant:13rd
minor, epnhete, which would make an old 10 and 11, 12 a,nd 13,, L, B. and L. R.
mt ng
h t took lace • 'It' all--ri ht- Mrs - meeti the A.mericans on their own • enriches one man, while 'his equally'de-
. Ionian and Assyrian Literature, Swift, thdi fisie7Wife blush: Aad nit, forsobth, hes' W. Also a like amount to the village of
within ; but Foster. Houghton's eyes mild- Hotighton. fnibbers-Canght--and-no- gron we do not believe lei any such serving brother Regtstear. has to live on
discern no -tremor, nh sign of remorse or body --hurt f separating hir words care- policy if it could possibly be avoided, one fifteenth of the incot of his more'
expensive: He advocated the vote by
ballot and -all the elections en the same
Mr. Colby objected to the bill, in that
ettook away the right to vote from the oc-
cupiers who bad nix legal title, hut who
were assessed andnvoted at presents
Mr. Anglin compliMented Sir John. A.
Macdonald on the wey he introduied the
bill, but found it deprived considerable
numbered thefranchise in New Bruns-
wick. He objected to giving official per-
origin of American State Rights, Antie came these gentlemen cannot see the Bayfield and ranges. Band 9 tc u e sons the right to .vote, unless the ballot
fully to insurebeing understood; and then because it smacks strowiedy of the blind favoured one Merry Re. strap; through. biovrapby, Cecentralization in France and.: proPrieey of 'destroying the whole of the sidelines to uoshen--Carried. The Conn- was given also. New Brunswick approved
of the ballot, it worked well there. He
'Now cashier,' said the one voice which scud at full speed back ntraard` the bank legislation of a, nast age.- But we must their friettds in Parliament may continue 1" s • 11 f L dT
istory o rut an emit exiatingechool sections in the Tpvinship,i0 cil then lourned.
The debate was adjourned.
t the motion' before Dr Woods had
hesitation, in ita bearing.
rii , if , enlarge the ona he speculates on property N Id. PLUNKETT, T'p Clerk. advocated all elections to take plseeonthe
alone hart heen heard sintie the stroke of again. Hemet half -wan an excited, talk- remember that it takes two to make a 0 ienore au chan e but it is so vicious
t e 3, g , The Repentance of the Tory Party, fle
--ihs' in. This Boanerges states that 'The Reeve Varna, 9th March, 1870.
i , one day.
tiu .
time te write an amendment I The fact is -----te- '
1)r. Weods wrote his amendmeot which
your lyrist to save you from any datger'Ths Houghton himself was now able to release to their senses, a retaliatory p y -would Hints to Correspondents- * • al was wort ess wannug a secon er e en
• temptation to try -a side street. Nutnher' his woe, Bixby ranron to the -green, and ba quite proper.
. 'Ith P h Polley. well aware that we are at all times happy University Tests : Earl's Dene ; Thth
1 • f
the clock, 'you will have to consider yaur- ative little group. the central figure of bargain in ai cases. ree ra e on o e that its unt ion. Y • q
self ready, for we have no time te spare. which was tbecashier of the 1)ank. restored side alone, is no free Wide at all. The time. temperary Literature. -
I feel sure you know what is healthy for to life, tnit still white as death, and sup- Americans appear determined to shut. ns- ; "BleaeleWOOD FOR FEBRUARY -ASO . tp4'
you, but still I will tie this rope around ported by friendly hands Assured that net of their markets, and until the -Come ; •
- heye fronnthe saine.firne. As usual, old • hi
d h th
• Two. you will go below., and see that the in five minutes more was settledio his gig, Our friends and petronS generally are; later as to. its. toryism. Thercontenteares1 while doing sii the motion vias put-. The Twechildren were nearly"ost in a snow- :elm&
Ebony 18 racy as t; its literary articles,ah went to work to write his proles% and CANADA.
, question of privilegeothe doors being
Ottawa, Mereja
The Speaker took the -chair at 3 o'clock.
Some time wag ocenpied in a discussion
=dine Mr. Ryan presented a petition Henn the
Ilteeve gave every opportunity to all con- drift, a short time since in
coast is clear.' - • and urging his cheerful little bay, Morgan
WW1 one ntore look at his wife's eyes, over the road. to Tut' borougla mentally
The Amerie
in winch he saw outraged motherly af- putting into form his narrative for the
' lug noth. o er o c
fection where the strangers sa,w only fright ovumpen,
and pain, Foster Houghton suffered him- as he went.
, agree o fair terms of reciprocal trade be.: Huron *Signal. But there is' (me thiug . Down ; The COnting Sumo. ; Upon the. bit
l bir. F. }bucks moved the House into•
c. , i wen, T.
After some .furtherdiscussion, the House
d d d tlirou h _ _ _ this -scribbler says 'the Clerk made every Indian all t,heflour an poi , e require
Takeo(' Board of Trade of Montreal againstelian
. publw or local questions through the inocraey Beyond the Seas ; Cornelius q. um um was put -from the chair. • Mr. ts
; De.: earned'. The merits of the prayer of the township, but were providentially
pet ion were we a ii
, t; ll dic ssed before the by an Indian, who teok them to his wig -
am 'and his aquatv attended. them care-
' N d I t to their armee;
eoal. salt, etc , from the United States. '
the impair f d ps, grauellour
ing the tariff as eregsaeril:clothte Tin:dated. Matt
prodttets and. th et f la
have t witted us with hay- to present their views open 'important Opening of the Suez Canal ; John
P SeveraImore petition werepreaented for
as if they would not gam by Reciptheity as to say a word about it ": There is an althorn Comedy ; Postsdipt to "Lord Byron ao -
-;Fl guilty a any suc . , ,
' • prow has too high a respecnfor hint- telly. ext ay ie wen
' D AVoods is not the man to allow it bet- husband, wit
h indiscretion - and if he grief. Great waso hreetrororecdef,afatvnr &Taal ha! • .. . .
ween the Republic and the Dominion ; tha a v r ti• 1 Ymeet f Rhymed Verse n us, la d found the mother nearly ittsane with
1- '4 Y
robbers had preceded hint imie held him
Thus it came toeout that it was Foste - . • .
self ta be led from the room.. One of the_ CHAPTER, 111.
t h s often exed our soul an we wish Eat o E en t3t self and the people of the ownsnip
d th ,d Committee on the Banking Resolutions.
The father gone the
I to pass unchallenged. In his next epistle ing in vain all ni-glit.,
did much as we would. This -avaricious and universal tenditn_cy to prolixity. An idea his Calummatora."
tightly by the wrist ; one, the one whese
Hotightonlimself who unloosed his
presence gave the scene its terrible terror,
bondw-bending his gray head; a,s
remained only Ione enengh to extinguish
the taper andiolocE the door. The outer e"F to Print a kiss 015°11g/wan
. •
mamifistation of kindness in the matter of on a hand -sleigh, and found he children event into Cenumittee, Mt, Grav in- the
avirig a tear I the expectation that it would force the
empathy unwotthy policy was openly advocated in -
sense of the writer ia smothered in a mass
several mortal Penes of foOlecap, until the - •
through Mr. T. J.
03.- We haveto acknoWled,ge.the nostril
. /
d d bi b °kr'
woaa:noslottan r eui
of verbosity. The -cure for such on evil is volume of MessrsJathes Campbennt Soto!,
Moorhouse the firet .otheristapotettattiaotn‘tfose. hlyvreartt3lastresecalella
Bayeeld school, and of course I furnished over all_ .
th:erVilig grielt eeP$
g ear b I Mu
ver a endments to -the fourth clause.
simple entitigh lf eesti have iesoniethine ,'Ceeediem priers_ Stiedey:Sehool Boultt theM with allthe infortnation I possessed A_ large -detective ferret is at -present en- coulees -see s d
intereetingtoliag;, say it liyaltereins," Ina is eatery tatitattilif hehit-ult teoh, t „r 1 gate like statistics tol parties front the gaged night! t th . . re opte at thelast ttee
on her wrinkled cheek, an
door was fastened behind -them alert ; and
then the neiseless little proees ion (for the the,rRe
helpless Panadian infant to throw itself on
e has escaped.'nhe said ,and Leon the
ceshior had been permitted to pnt on his , the tender mercy of its oinnipotent neigh-
rooa to tne darn.
etockinga-only) filed alono the gravel. walk,
h e overtaken 1' - hor. Uncle Sam is now opening his eyes
through the pitchy blacknes.s whtch mist .
gtVesto a moonless night, toward the solit-
ars, btiek building ocefipied by t4e Blue '
River National Bank.
They pegged the 'lama -house wire'
Foster Honghton had carried his
dezen years before with a bri
primer cluteltedinfrightened r
• ,:,
thou, tho deeolate o/d- rn
father. whete thelad h
worshipped as fere
little farther oth
y a • e ar amentointidtugs.. meeting, and it so, could they .4"henir000l n-
. , ,. ,
'everything for nothini,' with the -ague,' • , , - .
of -preface-use plain Salton words„oebee ,, - e. e. •••• t - .-
go ;iiixt.iiii0..ttket?,.;1!tib je,„4,,,5iihIlit_41,. -1v,p,t,..4, prin„citp,A,,, aithin hinding„ . le reallY eticellent, adjoining section, en, wish the Bayfield . The Royal Canadiait Rifles are to be atte.idmeree, dssrettu. II. oitor:zeianice aneorgar,semwat,oe ni.idenziersdoar_
artictilar aeons 'ro r tiames-eanda Otisge 'eftneriistitititr..rt,,e-bave. n9 1°‘''3 ltle 4' • th int rest ends there. I did: imagine
;.I 4 ,. : ' - ' -It ligh we have not yet had,the pleasn,; , , , _ . ,
... . -. - .. c.,,, lightened ot their heavy school ;tax, bot
' 1 people well; and would like to see them
understoed that the officers are to be placed tor . and Sir sfohtiA Mead
- ,
ditibanded en the Sist of this month, Itis • Sir Franeis Hincks Sir G at
s. cause ey ba.d not _been. adopted.
t: axe vptreet)dn:reitiasalmee.d Linii.
grown strong and_ wum, Arid' ineends ,‘ in 1?.... li, .e. : --- "‘ ..• - , - `1`4 : ,,' - :'" .11 ' - ' il . '' . ' .-: '' l'. a -it ' - - '
_,, 't ii niti a yen - hihe Sit -
- . , - . frey-atir atty. trot -eras inrgipp;inteiriir....oeeni:e., tetaustt4.azre t in allowing a bilis
that -the Bayfielil, Trustees were indiscree
committed for
tering) •bombastteadvee- A
ititiiintitodeal itth ilie, (i#'ert.'ina-,4 „,Oict :411049,040-.:-011. P2014PC404ii,17agaiiii.',-Cilf---tollath.1
-. .. - -- -- . a e• e., ,.. t...- - . h turerh(Whose° extemisionor .• dis la ore
ot. He has a fair' start, and in astonishment to find that his little
at is at stake n and the train pass- neighbor who has . hitherto given =hire
rough before daylight.' - e -
Then the wormas heert, which hed
borne her bravely op so -far, gave wasearel
Y a slitobrotte into terrible soh:yawl the Juli-
e "CM\ band who would coinfoie her Was. himself
a unPrli vercome, by the cone mon griefe-anitcould,
. (4148 "4:_a not speak a rind.. hits Suffered-
eeo :petted -ST!tk
he- chritelt, t)gethert Isfressinglian4S. nntiltheentoring,
tight isf daaviererntededthenitliiiheteitthia
tip ate at 'home ;
-day hid &dais -and' erhiptinew perks tif
• . A -
Y on half -pan. The Whole of the mess ateres ed tlihat the dans - Id be°ntad niaiateln.
generosity of childhoed, has -unexpectedly - • I) -Pe ' • • Whittier '
. •
e elausgs,:7,1d. :utt:sciibeuse• ,tat:
het ex.presSeditsjintentihnthlisee-hridaredh• • - s n 1W'tn e - I - - firmed, le,my -feehng,sewhenI found that L'Ann a,ii"eds.cahl:a furoutm sit'intraeotfhoOrdenjanearden_ held the_ t th
/ were -adopted by -the twit -Committee
, „. thit ev,ery iniPeRttlotte ttaittatiiihttuitettce) 7"--; • - -` fro la be a P anialttamnlilayths, 11100Z-
g91.1t 15.'ownpriAftmes nethipg . lefepougallie. sermesly ill, but 'ea t y uguage t u gluz, sense) to re- .11 eridered in this Co
Seine innWeS • ' amid :danger:Art.:apprehended. present them at the Council. I. was con-
"tint- onfv'o o d :of '-th ober • -
; , , . le gee esee.
- • s. „, the -whole -statistics were iropswid and the- Punshoniann a tour in the South. He• 'Oce dtsculision lasted. till
- •
ve• -*Wool;
erg_ keensett,iit. fotufel,, snd to wetientiOreigu = •
bAby' had bapttzdd, wherethe
lectures in bt Louis, Baltimore, Cincinna-
• order plann.ed IDY a wiser man ; bet
semen.. ...They dead eearefeetimele dells ;ease fsef -; (-.1 'adinn; es -4 :1;";ii..0,Ort'ait-4e4st.0.!-foo,TrWett4mittaken, t easor ergt s , Boaner es arriwates to 12 fin bus fird
a kf- F toitte -- •
ti and other places and is expectedli
w en, at theauggerstien of Mr-rsibbs,Mr.
Crawford (Leeds) intoned the- reconsidera-
g tante' s . - s" . - -tine ef the 4th anise e.nd yea sar
gentlt had chefed beneath .diata.stefel .44-f isesseeeeeieeiseteguitoeeeeithitietit et er g••=n _ 4,63yetItialiat..crit)ts.,..wouict•go Pelfortiei'e, OW, Ii"irtfh letter, the force and. tkarneit.of. the- In week' amendineuttherete, Inakingit iblin°pe-ratilto
eirers -.thatnallitiust rued. e-Withinthirtydsys-
•sertenes,-=-`..itewhitestee t g • - h h • . ' tttlaahet
;•thtt eVetif of the isiftli a -tal-kin tee (inite4fghe I wi; not,believitin 11 • '-ttiliAL4-iatn'laulaTtues chi te:iiove= a Conce4 while, reality, they were previonsly, eon- . Iesdinglictiee in Kingiston
pie Jost in- the up.
- :in Carniehthok, on Tfineaslay 1_1th Mar 1-r esseaa .by'ettothereandhefewat merely the purchase large_hainoutitsof Americanailver afterittispenision instead of six m the d'
eeeicashonsre Within, ivhose wale the getenede 'Ae-ehey.:Oreiterile'Fostor.zoug -401r-Ttotec4.- foin: _t, .e.e„, _ ;: i?,•71t.,... , , . _ ,,,, „,..., •„. , ,„_. , , „,,,,., , .. _ _u , ,...,..,,, , _,,__.,.,,,,. . , ...., .,,,t ,,- ,, - - , ., - , , -
they. They heist& net lie lengle _ ,, .,‘ t *,ii bit elle. ,'`.',°11.,, si.tiae, b ' ' " at' h the ." : e , ' - -
per arknessee 4nd., ai fele emu& Veyenct, ,ge ' .' ft ',undid- At tns t r . aFt - - agthe 9 *, . '. -;- - , .
fieh ;gins is e gaturee af AI) o , -.. : .,,, Boots ,.it,difier= ..., . L:r, . - . . . --„,- cats -paw.- The clerk's charged with reade at -4-iper cent. s . 1
, . . . ,-
. test:tier bath Iiiterierberitheneft-pride toe, .iiiit ton e-ai enable'-detWieltta'delitineehing resigliber . derinitidel'.thaf.sWe .:toMP-Yearsteehtiereetteteeesethrk ttererelts- .„ - Aeteeteette.
. eteeeyeaelettueseedeelarriation of. Mut, rteh any detaittherecen sic-- the' auk ' asa. h- ' ':" lf ' a .
.1- on 'an •
Making. the -
htiteedaY11.9th)etlitire ing oply a few of tho names on the
Oil the 24th Alt., lir-John ,Smith, one- ;stringent. .
' t" - This is Inc,orreat sal read every Lae wee' ' ke
a b shrs,, rigt_ iy,carry,,c,s,titari4„-of-,footri- '-'14-1,04asied:;:Wasjinite,:an4xci.tiakhorild-race,:lletwnen- Palti - - - = of the eerie- ?atheist An w athis la, , =amendment-. 'move& that
e - - • a 'see Mune-on the petitiOn andsetmnted them - • - eh: ei s -th - stall IL ad 1, rt,h
torm of _to-7,tonts teceeseage. feeenesseese „witawo.s4eTaidee..41-07.*.beeeeiessese.gsteniveents..:emehengee, enna:nente,Ansiii#, ,#-.;..s.F;ng-fn• ,...xii. - )s--- be ii -al-,' ::•,te/ia'ot*-- .-Inems-- ens r9.44- ,,f,1.-'!•tre.,.1,sileel;senglin.fkst-nsinernine,iid nehe ..pretete neeta, . rn ad.. . - , ' . -1. -- , - - - . - • Mee An -- a - 4.)wzia Iv,: . , un. _,..enik- g_ 0 ..e )11 a o with.
oormajoir,eineroitaT.,. ' lieliwinglikathe* cool!ntotort ityitia.p040--ther-f:_Wat.,011i.sffla :itifitTEiviiich itlia-raaantieln'i4,00-1-letiesb.04'. es- iii-:-:-(3iii'.01-1-.-at _..iaL '''''-lieti;,;-,zic Bi-:, :1'44:1P.i)-1.S;i:t 0*.;40.410441.-i%*11°?-1(:11-(11: 4:;(9;r5;4!::!ia's,s4.7itue;t4TZejaria':...ty;hhee:aci'tri.,„ ,i7-anDt.r,.: rand, anis, ynnee 40, . re ., - -: - ' ' . T. - tminae ent, t -ly t:le:tith rese.. - lutin eosi44-711:°Tukitillin
, tiling!' esseseleseeeee, tnoogh sis "gene hither:. taohlesatreata,eleUess, .., e , •. -.. „tee, - e Jesse: -e. iseerleeek ,gerteleeettrnaltatste herhahtheltnes et. - -ea- ses- __e- ..e hese sa e eat , areeee• iiiih' *14kaiwa--.';':4414a411='.1fot - z° . .-. 1--seete, , „tone, litiosi_ !that iiriall'uot45 Mae e -e • - . , - , e „es, - - „.. ,_ . - ' _ - -
eretedte-ahis Part. of 0 . froin• Bonne ltavenaereeatnot te esa
tnonghta inegea lir PA( nlina4 -6'14 I* - 'fie.:giviluelhi*-isiiiilli,141:14,!, 110,'.1141;.• :lii'veifitiii4iiijiitaii400-1-Pila 3v- 44.04 1.0*0-,;,a1T '2P-.,.T.!?X.To.:-,7.-.r.,!!:.... i. ----, , - _. .- - . • - ,' tme*ppo- ' *Ada a-:,40C.--ef..0."-.9.13 ee.--# ir . tin W ev-li do, Oin ' 'Castle did- not' : ; en•li.';ieeeliezetteliaPPetiati sttewoet.'xiigt, ro_ont .coiltni;telineine wunisord5_11:unaktu.ompori376:7szforatavoe:::g.
wondered:it toirithon letterbetaidavit Iti! avaiy..*0-,rd: ".a!antzl *.i.311 1401: Houghton -41104v.,frit:whieb'ther -.41.441e 40.48.,-!4,464,-„,,v1-0;i#.:.,*,,pi.oisi,#!-,-.k:a:Ff,?m ii coo- itt.),?itk, ,ilsofiti.t,,,:,, ifr;,,,,,i-r1,-,41,.‘„vet,11,-,10016:iisii.ii;co, At „.7.7ete: e.„,.a . -1 - ee. , - . , . - - a - . tie- - A 1,---- se,
WAS WV* witheaUelt retabliKanoetf: 00;* -u/,';'- prOsedii lto,..110r Ifelvt.t.0 Ti.r-ft*.,_.-;-..41,1-ill'_".-*-.7.i.:''060.64Y--.-:,-Yr.q,t-'4Y,P.,1:#°-:;.•_!.100E-_,,,f1-1'-'11:ftliFilOit:',:'..ii::t0,C*4.t404,Y00';:-4 ta - eitinntionto _any ;nertietin the- .petatitiotte ttetztnetr".. thu8te't .Z.:'-wYrritngiuM:glininlitinn4nin .. . . , . .. . ,.
.' silent forney.. _' ......' . • - . : step,: -eonilden-Oxl ,.thes-tatnette, Sloe ,ittfieettY.- !;trettelx:;:one Aneenicatt 1Pg0-4,1-• ir',U141!7.0,, .-tiste.'itnne,..ette4nelnefreeThenonnin 9-skt1
.,,,,ii.teo,:iii-,44,-mortvfent,f5,0041101.0.01b..vatulotifie ppm tc,,,t.0,9.,;,..„'"_;,)t..!'...r...i. 7d4soll?'-'4;; inenion-ibe"i itallichStwieste, de: the_ nt.... -nun and bruisedlifrin
_ -in' S'e-"ent, .litirTee, ntI-.4reatsliii..bhaSti-teeiin) .14 ne. , i. ,fieldnieetioree--; . - - - 'Doi tod t 4"va
erelyetteked•if- theyeali-helonged the • „Loll ins.. ibtales.„:700 togior 7 a: .5•44,f4:,
' ty ol rti ir de! 1•••1-! la ,
. ' wile beetrefein esletaseeeeteiriedtherta ) :' etWhat abattisn'asyt -011,e-itsiretti.. -. :-'..- -,.-:'.-- ' theY - 41.0:-.titit Tery,40.natyyron:, , n; yeeeltI. Has e .: - s - ., _s. , :see , - ,. es „,.._ --a,--:
_ - Before ' tiler. rettelleht the -blink tlieenahe . -"ehruefab intia, *elle,* . .16.. , : . ' •- '-..,`. •. ?.. ;;._ t''.::. pole -.their. ‘rishrtn.go4.14e2:„.,,.,,,r,..,„.„..._ ::_,,,,,,„„,,,,:,_:,,,,, •-tIA ,,___,.; 1-..„, ii.,..i6eti-
. ._ - . ,. - . .
r e A
, o. . . stoc eaa am_ tabs before-
lif'9i eindil:rie...teiti,..,:r116,--tia iiii:L111,7,:b.h:
,. atoll Itold
- sAll right lineable Tero,tetaidebnibetIe.e -we te
, than. hie.. - confederate -It ; '-.:(iiipth*g TOor0.4* , 1.12Lai :step di.0,w.vt P.I.M0-19-* 1110-35 - - rie .... ...aluliblr4.E..f gur;0404.. ; ,r, ,, i -,n7.,, ', iinglout the,on s:'.A,.,::: ..,fk,-;!,..nrcl7f-- .a=.1..t..,--i itifssoisutoiviiciiiaratteo.lons;-.4ondatrtrtaV - le. nra:-. tievRetuany rnennig into ex.:- lasted ot ena.t,9_:m Awl . and- Itoltstnni:11 vote hYvrexy, -and ne Verson hut a Share-
bilt wait :-li 004010'1910Y and. utterOcellarthaheiV he'rePI4ia-::::--',.'=?--, in--.Siss-ls.,,:ee lottltint after 7etif-Sfottneinternitts-nellent Heeiliviiiittiffign4S't -htatnern"nlintteettt! entratentiotateatotatIttealatatWstholstest1911Ontnflf... - -, ......
.. illtnaoltrenarteauitt: ativirrolii;;Ag-ottlibithe14.-413Ift,iiiitalitrtoeed;41.4 Stpriadashietilt onanna•Wdi*:;_tht.ute Iro-irn4-ttitiVr.°(;)-4-.1)0.- Isa-nedr7; leeeelikVe-et.welufediwictelet.t.4.6.4tattilifis;410;atte:!"-00;t--e„ie.= .--i'SettroeirItiYalari inittilittoThltofi-t,itiitwnsituaevii, 0410,V1,-. VO-80:1106-ilkir-*ir•trikePt401494' ',SO '-'.--17i77-4-4111'
Abide." - - : '- ± - :t ' .. ...- -- .,.,:., -, - mi-lind:'1Urry- '-'.0004149*. Tan,404-4405-otirix..triett t0-4xtingnittii dOr Siliginug.'IntV---z-lhey, :gait iiiidkii ••=.....,- ..... - -=.:--, --- -- -
.it is fidt suivuett_ he #4.--fn,slowtensi,_,-.,-,:tt danockno,Ir. „. •„-Ifeayety, wilhee.d.,sieeet WO ..thet: stesasideelajeotto', waY.-.441.iim-i_cp- #itty:i2...1)52::',1?„1...i-„t„,'711...,-9----6,-,i4,-.0:;-°8-i*.-.144....-Y.:11:-.."2„._;:7. _ ,. .,. ilaii,1_63,43:::":11heillr:thetql:nal:01;::',:aes7::::_!:zi, St46:2'--FP:iwilz 1 iv, elita"i- iiiis..-on. :,:-"f- .66,lide:70,4d._ .:7"::,:-.iiiiittiaci- snif ,,,soell_. ilah-',e-,:78,044-1,1ret:11;_liia--1.„6- Tli--111.7._:_':aAre:::::itill::::::: „the, tiraio 44, Toon . „ iiatth Id
_ e
• - - ‘- ' - ' '' '. '' ' '.• • he- ' tetiehtsfereotthe--..*eniug,hischseelia inittkilleritheir -orrnata-lekni.therthint :,;,,-,:---:;.-.:.,',-'..,-;-
au, hike a -rapixiiide,-- 101,. tj70,'..t101* 'Mercantile :Uterine. --af AIM': :- Worid; . '=,Atid -='. . - • . . ,...-- . \ . ..
eore n ores 1 , 4 tfi. - --6.- . ' -. - - -,yr -.6.- LI t7thi,-y• , ,-_-':-,,..7,77:- ,i, ,',:',4', - ,Iiii-'..:-:*ff'-'1--'-'''' ---kt,..i'. - taketitteessOuv4itiatartehlyenre•Otttei.0000N.01-8 Z WA. ,, -.1:11. coo -. wo- e , ht. - - 1. 0. - - - ,,- _ .. _7„-- . :2 - ,., • - .. 1 , , , g 4 J._ : 0, ers easy
. - • - MO OXVI10 Mk .., . ease •. „„ . se.
en" 4eitletnins, .:-.e. s , T 1 ., ',' - .
Amesaptirtitittott algiethrestr:t ilteOrr,Pre-sktirOiett b Ilttlit :41t- hill -7: tii; 41718 .111i*()plA ail ye 4" .!-.14311th.7:nli1784Ve9p11::. .1i..ael!gi,..' .1.11,-80itttilsPaTiulle(1.':Thtittilft*°O Plitteltli'llttl:et; Etitit belearitilleall2grligitieb°terdinins-petersOnafaCeorbyresaeoglyi
:iii:*,:.;z1the-.4074:11;:ti:e.,:lo.t1,:_-:ti,tiooribori_the:•,t,:itotli_ei.,-y.,40,,B4tiits:00_iii. ng .ao ---. isieeye . a,nd tutster• , , - - -
- ' ' :.Irkt - olr • wilt -
. , ,.... ___-,, - •,e74,... aner,' ii,iliiiitet '- tinte,---'14. 4,41;.: Neat.Aika)r-t- 'little,: 4eriisOn $lett, anCli-piee4;atnine manager; -cashier, bank
ea',: -;-41;f, nne: -.lila-, they practice soma AfesOra- 3/1Orrii: iirawfotd,.,Beatyi-Itarri-;• holdereeliellbe perznitted-to vete or liet -as-
- Ibitt"-tf* a l'_' -'g wmic t"1441'," ""'"*--,---w` - -- - ' ,t t..--ivitaerekil1110-41 tsith- a-IteW-ITSini litiiwilahingsawa.:-.410iiilY::;.--.(100.4.i--...-.41/.6.0..' :-.' _,,:c' ii ' ' ' ° - ' 11,- I ..-t '''' ' .1 d- - wieria;:e.athethittehlha;-
• eklitittlYhtta Pc°mPtlY -not stilt* 4 Y°14' ve.e.n."-tea be 145We ,_ hits*. WItii-jas' :4101.- threatt are OtilY,:aolind -and-104'4 -- 'T ' 'r-,'''' ,"14. -
' Jit* 4°1° sw5g- Ivi4 be in 44 "ir'7-ele eget' ''. 'mit - '-' ''.. es ' : :.". : '-' 7e -he - While otte ehinaleitaihee/eariti4tiatteia ..tii-iiitiiiiii:,--:..f4NOW- ow '- ito.-, 11:417:41.14471tiloiivi-Ti-ifiatt;:,:ithottaturli,otodj--
41+414 COlienTo*' *10 * 1***,01_,Ptillitienryirt' 'Ing-.01weg labor-- .10,0'd,-- - - '' r grt«isi. . .',81;00'441,. -1-011i. - . - more- --' ,e-*-te. irs' it*'.•4,111i0.-.1:',0- ve-t..--:-T-00Iri--'%'-‘18-::' tdeti , ' an'''Ontr ‘c::;;;Ttit3i:r.a?,.,t,:ie.„0;:ca7,1:,':0,7415-'10.1Y.' ,a1II:li-,:e4tizestitfl:ss'tii:444:741161ortitteluan:4:81;iiiitioloothlisittia6401:06S-!tci't:iir:aei,rixsittis:14:6•142-1:1-:e 64--,°-=iiti,-.:,..,lie.lintaTiliaisie-elt:aeiiildin,;ilet,iti'icad*aellt'lleailieirAttiee'froeltei.1.12Bitiss94,Coa!liretn114--eeedie:e. ititontio*til.:3-ree:?tt"uw PirulkilerIttiAltiherricto e-rttfis'-i°6141eitIllY,ItIegesnalalenctd.
ceUstently.-deThtu'rhiog- thenn-tn-raiiloi te-d...1..,V tai.tentouitfrate:.agauf ti:tir,..7.,,,,„:„giig.....,„..,,„,,.............for ..,..,„....°,..,,..„
, ,,............ .4... ...., ,..,....,,....,.,.., ,,, , _ .h.,,,,,„,„,. , „,a„,,„„„„,.......criirtira eist,tie *0-.10411i-4- -.6qiiitluiwittir -bialt,:'#edidlit-ttkat.,i'.'14i*.:1):00V*004-11-10i 'Italie iiikaitlt0',Srvt----ttlitiitiiiiiiiimf7111416' 'ilcirstt.4 V:11:14/44*Yei'l*elf 4:40111/41441"le-* ta.:F6tt WillianiT ''' . '' - . ---
Itszai,__,..sio‘1,12.). harb_461„,.., ..I.I....,itrt„smoik.,., .itteenetti, enetifittylerte 14 , , ,,rotitiosTiltek -10;g:;;11044-figs;sittiaswa aboaninotn;iiiningin en_ ,.;nchte,s :thiss._,,Mso4i•-,,,Ttos...:011).,Or ._.1W,.. : O, ..,.,.‘fortettf:trgointit•e.(112i1,_ka„'dioteasAlvo."Itooli*2tfr.!!he_ Dr;te74..l ..•le.b.t.°767'0.!.8:::•_:i.:- ,o2y,::,-.44,!tSt.w#:17.40t)iosi!,r1..icifi,,,,:t4. - ';'1)1
. ...... f- . .
will this Ignite' bo itt• 70010 -in prir heart, 'Asa. ollo•Wk- , . ,,;,:.....i,„11-,...," :4,,,.iever, ' , tht.- - o„ :-., -::- :•.:-.,_,:.,.:., -, i ,... • .. - -....i-,... "..-',-,. .-. • :.--.• -- -- ' ... I. iiiitf kiiiiii.„iiita,-*i4-6.-=.ttifr - ' .svitu .- - b'itatteetlitif:tellet-SO Aiattortat-
ar .. . . .. -.
Tent we shells** ost ow way 'batik and sot ling to, ii,v, grinut,_,Iqgs, ..-‘4. --.77: P,.. 0-,. '4-, :, ,-. 7 • ,';:.- - - 'f' - _-'1'r• ..--.,_ -------,..---=. r., ---,.'-'-::.:-'=-;:i'; -011P1,,,--- - . -- '---:, __. _..- --,,,- - -, - - -- ---, - ----,- ,-,di-aii 4,Fi:-A151-14'‘..RgengtlifttS - ' "" '''' - '
year **age Olk Ste. - Oar letrast will btl Pitussult tur *imur."'',, ' is.,..' , 1,,,,a- Hii-ct ine, *ha e . -4.:Rivin- - ein titesre. _stmt. la 4,,,..... .. licit ...„,,,..i„-- -.4 us,AftspAn44.00F400#40,Terti-,----iiv, 10g0 , 0
44411"4"-- *id. *41 ki"sursoW 41* 43:***C1414"44. . I, i nost4W13111amfb ilit 11112;f0'Meriv""77r.4/.1ta ' .*hat' ' .1% •Itil:- ill/01404H lir."0‘' 71*Et.' 41- me.ii:tri.robicte-r-tiaii- :iiiiiii. - -•14:9-: - u- ' *--, ---14,:;-:16.--'11.--be;i-----.;**4--,---filil,, :'
X hare avers ts ite there.sseh strata *hid* tank 400 I Did Open:ally. sa we publiab An, ilbunitive toes,- It mut og:ar
Iroftinifte fooka , toast MAW "tew yoo tizeistd*Ipm. t ,aire,,ieliti.t?.1! 40; same --- 1 owy,w44404:-. _
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AAA namia- ictarpinter,
righting. .at Collingwood, committed Jai --
aide lije 'hinging himself. The unhappy
mantseemeto haveheen-led, to tWilt-41.
PeolActm tAle (ireffinotiby foolulisTY .literdges+
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eVnipnli: lit • 7 ,
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