HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-03-10, Page 3• ;•e you are. ;!-.„ :nflo,en's • as Frs.Lit I.•s•. ttl. i -:'t• .t.1.-ot v agae ae .n re - 4,‘ A r.! sa.1.1-tii .ensi, sAS al IV, a: . • • tl.at : s • r n e•••••-• — , . N k: i , • '. r LAS L . :.-,¢' t;T;A: \\ ..,!-crli : • ti.:ir, silt . f s• i- ,-. : 1 tl.e :•••-fr.s.:hincnt T:.e. 4.,,le .•f silch rt• : ',. ,-...:.!-.,,,..i t•‘ the F i''is sa aasa.--aile: I; mi..- [ ..- r•ae a ill ensare an ' : 1 t. it. t.. the tra,v- • w .. b•.- the nlean-i of I v.:en:. the drinking : n_re...aste alatlit the ,,t ,,,,,r. tY:.:. IN: al, ..3 ed ';',,rt ii- - ••••• T1 _-7i, stlii:.'1!.•.: ..ast s1.171.1- , sl-.. i ay a : er be,:artie -.;.•_4. As in :11:s eirtiatry natea In this enier- e ...liti-t ,.rt.ti In dlogino. [ f .t fc.tilniry : :he pro - t , in tii:ect•rr upon the kh their In.ilers trere •I•ired an& lift Y feet dis- I T.T. St:plat:ea w 1th vs later l.. Soule of the editors u-1 ling out that by the i across the prairies the 'Ty and treeless regions :..nd that rain now falls a.1 the :ir,es. The same 's sa:d, has been observed. I:' arni in New England, ilieraler-storms has been i,shed since the railways & w ;areful meteorologists rYations with a view to t.tr of ;hese statements, r-_,./ service L -r science. - _- X,' 31arch 2 --The sit tier- i.;•ers i,f the steamer Gold-- I:arch from the S:e• ne of lira Morina Bay to meet rtdo ts described :is terri- i. •ng the rmite, and but :with them. Old men and 22 hours over the Rocky 'tinder a burning sun, ana it tB'e' place a destination strated w it h fatigue. Ac - :i., :be n'iin her of pa.ssen- Ile sav 9-0 and some sav 1 :ha:, reso:utions of the ler:aria:ors- of Capt. Corns- , an.1 that only a part of :lie tro:den City approved iver, he shouli Fe given -;,,, rescued every passenger. Oomparison- minister of an Evanr,el- he city of Toronto brought 1,, vigorous comparison in sermon :o Snriday evenino. D ith is an habitral drunk7 :tor ma'n, has no friends ; nuisance and sent gaol. John Somebody - nal drunkard ; is voted a but he is sent tO Ottawa realier of the Dominion.' rine,' says our informant, produced. For several, 7. -as such stio..?r_sed whisp- rine; and winking, as I never before.' a:re-A.-7J prevent ,r J:sease at---r,cr---ents ever aimed at by man Wafers i,ire ciare congr-s. t.;.e tliroot and pratiaary oomplaints ar.1".desr.".-.oy. Severe re.o.,ds if re.c: ;ate:- :ead itzetaab:e ...-onsnwp- n.zta of the strangest soon fans if neg- Its!: awl nest n.earis kr.owo for the -7:aists is Bryan's Pulaaonte Wafers' tr:ed :or the last twenty everheen known to fail_ 'Singers awl a:so .terve benent from tne ei a2 • at liets per lataon in the almber:ess ta Dr. Briggs' A..ecant r`.. 1' a ttre letiOnS, wa=hes. creme:us, y ase 5-r such par - inn f, ts ecrnpcsit :on desighed -AG:- t;eCT, name'v. ihroug ,is La.-% steer) and soothe mdamed and 371d a..!.ay the e:is:r-ssing :tchnigthat • ihsease.s, sad •1-norigh as healthy • diseaste ac•;oit and e^-t.e 'he w.inted smocia el,nelutoa There ,s b.e. as a t eaany and skin : pisanii-•=s stray ail at nrice. Soil ay drugglstS ts:12si Dr I Briggs, Co. DropTleti•TA. Y &ail No. 6 King Street, W: st _ ,r 13-e. sqy .s, aro! inuSl tcondedU: medicine ever discover- ,. care of al= rbeurr.ate oectplatats 4,e. We -peak ot the - =es: -..over ' riot only -removes ail pain ter,: peetameet eures. Sold by a. CressaIRROIAL. MONFTE MARK -PIT by W. F. P. Smart. Brok- Cyr.scierich, March 8, 1870. F.I.CZA-cag GRE:MnRACItS . Canada funds siLvaz 5 disc. -cant 3 ,,,r tor:e-4-rapis ea&IttEl prompt- n,ast faiorah.e terms. The highest • ea,/ 'he prae Raid for P. 1..3.R1'. MILICKErra. GooReacE, March 8, 1870 *0:65 0:70 0:68 0:74 4:00 riz) 4;00 0:28 al 0:31 ® 0:42 ..... • • - . 0:40 Ca) 0:42 0:45 ® 0:50 ' 0:17 0 0:17 0:15' !Fa 0:00 9:00 1:00 5:00 CW 5:00 2:00 2:50 5:00 (a) 6:00 7:50 ▪ 7:50 0:30 ® 0:30 0:30 @ 0:32 1:00 4:00 0:75 (a) 0:75 S31t, wholesale, flo.b. bb r pair Canton Markets. ataLaTetra'a.5 to the "Egaal.." Clirtt03, March. 8, 1870. 0:65 a 0:85 0:65 0:75 ..... 0:25 0:28 . .. 0:42 0:45 -. 0140 0:50 0:50 • 0:60 4:00 4:50 015 0:17 7:54 8;00 • 0:12: 0:00 Seaforth Markets to -fixer 'tips!: Sathrtk Sfarcti-, 8,1870, Noon , 0-.85' (e4 0:68 °:" 41" Sew 0:65 0:85 4:5tY 415 . . . es** 4..u& a 0:30 ........ ese 0:38 0:44 . 0:50 , 0:55 0:45 • 0:56 0;10 (4 0:15 4":15- '-&00 11615 MI$ It t, •• A KNTLI VAN froinOswego. on a summer trip down the St Lawrence, stapped over Sunday at the Dunna- gana iti Mown al C. E.. iu the summer of 1806 - During the day Sunday) be was sei7ed with Criunps. vomiting. violent purging, &ea indicating a disease called Canada Cholera. He dispatched a servant for UiettieltleS to the druggist baron Sundays these Con- servatories of medieines are eh:med.-a pour show for those Nebo yet sick on Sundays. He was et-est:tatty growimt worse, until his symptoms beranic- alarming David Gale. and theu manager. e.alled me andswisheil me to see him. I immediately gave him a tea spoonful of Ready Relief, diluted in a , half tumbler of water In a. few minnteri'. is comae - native wore a lively :tad pleasing expression and he re- marked : 'I feel much better,' 1 feel eassY,' the pains anti cramp are leaviug nie,"s gentle heat is spreading all over my body.' lit the course of an hour- I gave him another dose. la an hour after that, he ate his dinner. In the et elong attended:church. On hitt return to Montreal ne ealhal on Tile and stated that he be lieVed lisaws)'S Ready Relief saved his life. J. RA DW A 1' M D. • On the first symptoms of 'pain or uneasiness in the stoma, h bowels, take a dost,of Ready- Relief • tltis will prevent tttacks of :.:1_,O.era. Diart hca bil'..ous _Pysentry. Fevers. ite. Price 50 cts. r.ee Dr Radway's :lanai- for 1..a70, BIRTH. Brucefield on the 23rd Feb. the wife of James Johns,. Esq., ot a son. - — - MARRIED. — -- On Sunday last Mr. M. L. McG'uire,of the wholesale grocery house of Trumble, McGuire &Co., of Chillicothe, was unit- ed in marriage to Miss Mary Gray, of that place. The ceremony was perform - .44:1 at St. Joseph's Church, in this city, Rev. Father Powers officiating. The bridal party will remain in our city a few days. _ On the 1st of March, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. R Leask St. Helens, Mr. Robert Guthoie, Mercer County Illinois, S. to Isabella youngest daughter of C. Stewart, Esq., West Wawanosh. DIED. At herresidence, London Road, Brighton,_ England, on the 5th inst., Emily, widow of the late Fluckland Stirling Bluett, Admiral Royal Nary. The beloved mother of F. Buckland Bluett, of Goderich. On.the 5th bast., Michael James, youngest son of the late Hon. M. Tobin of Halifax 2;fova Scotia. Aged 41 years. - The -remains of deceased vveredeposited, in the Catholic cemetery on Sabbath after- -noon last with all military honors by his companions in arms. The Bat. Band beaded the very large procession, deeply impressing them the sadly solemn strains of theDead March in Saul. '• _ At Viilitewater, Wisconsin Er. S. on Sun- day morning, March 6th, William Jor- dan formerly • of HoLsworthy, Devon- shire England. • Nrro Cabnertisenrents. FOR' YOUR BOOBS NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, &c., &c., go to the Telegraph News Depot, (JORDAN'S OLD STAND ) ORDERS for Books or anything else which is not on hand, will be filled at the shortest notice. VALUABLE FARM FOR -MBE North half of Lot No. 9, and the West haltof the • North half of tot No.10 in the Eig,hth concession of Moms. 150 acres, 110 -acres cleared, 60 acres stump- ed. A g,nerd squared log house, well finished, a new frame house, stone foundation with rood cellar. good well, log barn, good stable. Two splendid orchards, -29 acree offal! wheat in good continent, to be taken at a valuatima The lot is situated about one and a nalf miles from the Gravel Rnati, quite convenient to Stores rind School. It is the old Eilison farm, and is one ot the beet and longest settled in the Towuship. TITLE INDISPUTABLE. The whole or a portion to be sold on reasonable terms by J. SINCLAIR. GoJerich. Goderich 3/arch 8th, 1870, se -7-1m* GIVING UP BUSINEK. MR. ARTHUR HAMILTON, EGS Ta INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT AS HE • is about giving up business. he *ill commence on WEDNESDAY NEXT, 9th MARCH, to sell off the whole of his present stock of FANCY' GOODS 1 MILLINERY, &c., -BY PUBLIC ALUCTION, ' • • 7'":"..-v••,«-• - • Tstw adrertionntuto • 1%T M NAT SPRING DRY GOO.D.S. MONSON, BIRKETT & BELL, HAMILTON, RE NOW Receiving and opening out Their, spring Importations of Dry Goods, and will have their Stock fully assorted by Tuesday, 15th March. - Hamilton, March 4, 1870. w7 -4t. LOVE'S PRIZE ESSAY, ON TURNIP CULTURE. THIg ESSAY IS NOW PUBLISHED IN PAM- phlet form, and may be had from the following persons throughout the COUIltV Of Huron, viz :-From Moorhouse, Butler. and at the Telegraph Book Store, Goderich ; Holmes' Book Stow, Clinton; Logan, Lums- den and Elliott, Seaforth : Jackson, Egmoridville : Marks, Drocelield ; Grig. Exeter ; Grant. Ainleyville: Keys, Baylield : 31ellis, Kippen ; Bonthrun, Rodger- vtlle .1no. Turner. Varna : Patterson'sStore, 3Valton; at the Post Offices. Lowleshorough : anti at Wroxeter, Lueknow, Birth, Zurich. Berne, Dills Green, ke, March 9th, 1170. w7 -3t" LtigARTIES HAVING CLNINIS AGAINST THE eseciaof the 'ate 31. J. TOBIN will please send hem in immediately to. W, SEYMOUR. Cne of the Executors. -Goderich March. 8th, w57,1t THE DRAWING CLASS riONDUCTED BY Miss MCM.illrin WILL k9 hereafter meet every Tuesday and Friday at 4 P. M. Young Ladies not attending her school may thus avail themselves of inst., uction in. this department, w7 -2w Goderieh. February 4th, 1870. S. IL M'DO GALL, PRACTICAL VETERINARY S U GEON. Goderich. Veterinary Medi- cines always on hand. Will be in Dungannon every Wednesday, and at Lucknosv every Thursday and Friday. *a• Horses examined as to sou raluese.••• sw56-2m MONEY TO LEND, LIN FARM LANUS AT 8 PER CENT. k../ to P. F. WALKER, Solicitor, &c.,Goderich Gedrrich 25t an.. 1870 w1 -2m APPLY EARLY ROSE POTATOES ! Waggon ad. Carriage FACTORY• BATES & ELLIOTT TA. AVE pleasure inint Mutt- -LK ing to the public of town and eountry that they have opened a Waggon ard t lite° Shop on st est, (Lewis Elllott's old gaud.) int- niediately adloining the Western Hotel. E. E, attend personally to all the work entrusted Li thelli, and are prepared to turn out I ggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, FARMERS TRY THEM. Y seed is pure and true to name, and t I to which was given the first premium at Provincial Exhibition at London. - And first premium at Goderich Horticultural Exhibition. ORDERS, RECEIVED NOW will be filled on and after the first of April. Price 80 cents per peck or 7 cents per pound. THOMS HOOD, Goderich. Goderich March 2rid,1870. _ w6-tf GOp,RICH AUCTION MART HAZLEHURST & COOKE, WILL COMafENCE A Gi?EAT 3LEARING AUCTION SALE ON SAIURDAY, MARCH 5TB, OF Ready Made Clothing, WOOLEN.GOODS, MILLINERY, &c. Tue Goods are of the very best description (no trash bought for Auction purposes) and will he sold to make room for a large stock of Summer Clothsjust consigned Sales at 1 and 7 P. M. Each Day, _ NO RESERVE. will be: sold below cost Just received and 4 Crates Granite Ware, 3 Bales China Tea Sete, 1 Hogshead Chamber SVare, 4 Case,: Glasswaxe in Great variety 6 Barrels Lamp Glasses, &c., All of the best quality. Call and examine them before the sale. Ir.?. Remember the place, next door to C. Crabb, sign of HAZLEHUST & COOKE, A uctioneers. w7- 2tS 4' lw March 4th, 1870. LIST OF LETTETIS FMAINING in the Goderich Poet Office, March. 1870. Burtch Mr 2 „ Martin Mary Cameron D Murphy William Campbell D McKay Niel Mrs Corbet 'Hugh Neave George Comner William O'Coatter Richard Drayer John Porter James - Elliott Elizabeth Papst William Gribbon John . Raetall Henry Moines W Fred •ek Stevenson A Summer John Seaford Margaret Stroner Robert Sharp Samuel Watson John Washington John Hunter And Hardie mar Halley-& Son and continue from day to day until the whole is dis- Lickfold Alfred posed of The Goads will positively be sold at any,„ -Laird Jane price, therefore parties svishing bargains of articles Leete suitable for the coming season will do well to attend. Matheson Mathew w7 ARCH. DICKSON, Postma.ster. Stir A Splendid Stoc% of Summer Hats, Jackets, &c., in the Stock -638 SALES at 2 & 7 p. m -TERMS CASH /Cr Remember the Store, Market " Great Auction Sale." HAZLEHURST Goderich, 7th February, 1870. NOTICE. Square, sign of & COOKE, Auctioneers. wT-2t MENDERS ARE WANTED BY TILE BOARD OF Common School Trustees of the Town of Goderieh fordo erection of two outhouses at the CentralSchool For information as to Plans, Specifications, &c., apply to Mr. D. Ferguson. School Trustee for St. Patrick's Ward, with whom also Tenders are to be lodged. . By Order at the Board, Goderich, 4th March, 1870. MACKAY,‘, Secretary. w7 -1t f- Chancery Sale of LALINTEP S. IN pursuance of a Decree and final Order for sale made by the Court of Chance y in a snit of Becieo vs. KENNEDY, and dated the Sixteenth day of February last and the Seventh day ot October last respective ly, will be sold by Publie Auction, by Ma, GEORGE M. TRUENIAN, Auctioneer, at his Auction Rooms in the Town of Goderich with the approbation of Andrew Norton Buell, Esquire, Master id ordinary ot the said Court, on Tuesday, Twenty-ninth day of March 1870, at twelve o'clock, noon, The following property in one lot, namely all and singular that certain parcel or tract of landand premises situate in the Township of Ashfield in tbe Couety of ELiron. being comp.osed of the South half of lot Number One in the Ninth Concession of the Eastern Division of the said Township. The said property contains by admeasurement one kindred acree be the same more or less, of which. about thirty-five acres are cleared and the remainder iatimbered chiefly with beech and maple, .The buildings thereon are a log house and log barn. The property is welt situated as to roads, as it is near the -gravel road to Goderich,•froin which place d is fr the Village of Dun. it is about sixteen. miles is abontseveo miles oat galloon, .• • • • ° The Fuchs:ler shall at- the time of Sale fay down a deposit in the proportion of ten flolIsrs for everyone htindred dollars of his *chase meney-to the Vendor or his Solici- tors, and shall pay tke balance in. one_ month theresfter without ; in ail other %taped% the conditioti$ silo are -the stand - :14 conditions, of sale,or the Cond of Chan - imp. For further ;,particulars apply to item*, McDonald .Is thadwick, Toronto Atreef, irarontot aolicitars orN to the- Auctioneer; Voted this Sixteeitth stsr 'Febrairy; 1870. rw21,11." : A. tr. BUELL 1 and everything in their line, of the very best et -aerial and worktnanship and at the very lowest rem lathe rates. C) •13 XIV C?4- Promptly attended to. ON HAND, I a arge assortment' Lf 31.-aM.r. s 'which will be aold.Cheap for °wile or Cc rd - wood. Goderich, Feb. 24th,1870. ww5y 3rd, G. r1-• CLEARING SALE ! AT LtCKNOW. rtHE Subscriber will offer for sale by Public Auctio on Tuesday 8th, 'Thursday 10th, and Saturday 12th March, : The following valuable Real an Personal Property :-The Tavern Stand known as the "Dominion Hotel," with Stable and Outbuildineand Store attached lo the Bo tel. A now frame Dwelling House and thriving young Orchard, in all occupying three Village Lots; three valuable young Horses; one iron ailetree Double Wagon ; one Bu„,crgy ; one Double Sleigh, one Cutter, one set Silveri:dated Double Harneas, one do. Single Harness, all nearly new. Also, the whole of his present large and select Stock of Staple and Fancy SABBATHSCHO LIBRARIES, MG OR 11 OUSE HiS JUST TO HAND 1500 You! Of New Books Spec!ally ADAPTED for SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES. Q A mEt.A.za--1 SCHOOLS in want of the aboverwill be liberally dealt with. TERMS CASH. SIGNAL OFFICE, GODERICH. March 1st 1870. CARD OF THANKS MO those who responded to my Last Call for money, JL and would respectfully invite the balite. e of :Ty Debtors to do likewise. by so doing would enable ille to pay 20 shillings to the -pound, and sell Goods Cheaper than ever. ' A. SMITH. Goderich, 25th Feb , 1870 sw54 ENGINE FOR SALE A 13 horse priwer portable Engine, as good as new, al, made by, Waterous & Co. Brantford. Apply atthe Axe factory to JOHN MePHERFON • Goderich,25 January, 1870, wl-tf Selling eff Winter Goods I-1 IE A- 7E' ! TO MAKE ROOM for EPRING PURCHASES. ABRAHAM SMITH, Merchant Tailor & Clothier Market Square, rnoW offering Great Inducements in Ready - Made -Clothing-. HATS and CAPS. A splendid assortment of CLOTHS AND FANCY T W EEDS. THE TRUE W. & j. KAY THEORY Or MIME HAVE RECEIVED A LOT 11)3 ibb) NT AN 4:313:1.1:1111.13133.4g Men's GaiterF, Youths' Heavy Balmorale, Girls' BalmoraIs in all grades; , Childrens' Slippers & Fancy Ties WOMENS', MISSES' & CHILDBENS' PRIJNELLA G ‘ITERS k.ND B.ALVIORALS, SHOES, LIVER, KID"ruEDNITEYS, SKIN, Goderich, March 3rd, 1b70. w 13 EXTRA VALUE.. IMPORTED SEEDS. New Seeds ! New Seeds 1 PARKER CATTLE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR ANNUAL STOCK OF Imported Field and Garden Seeds, W hich for quality and price cannot he surpassed by nny r-spectable House iu Canada. - A liberal diecount allowed to 'Cuuntry Dealers. Remember the stand, PARKER & CATTLE'S DRUG STORE, Goderich, Feb. 24th, 1870. w21 Market Square. FEBRUARY CLEARING SALE ! S I IN G Co IT rre BALANCE OF WINTER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIOES IN FURS, SHAWLS, CLOLTDS, MANTLE CLOTHS, NI( OOLEN GOODS, BLANKETS, c• &c. A RARE CHANCE ! Alexander's ICid Gloves $1.00 per FOR ONM MC1\111'1-1 LADIES, this is the only opportunity you will KID GLOVES made, at less than cost price. As be is now prepared to make to Order in First -Clop.' Style on short notice -a good fit guaranteed ca --no sale. A good assortment of . - Sewing Blachines On hand of the Latest style, fer sale on time or liberal discount for cash. 31.7e-lieedles and Machine Silk for sale. Dry Goods, Ready -Made Clothing, Groceries. Crockery, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, &o., &c. The Sale to coatinue until the whole, is dispose(' of. - Teems -All sums of $10 and under cash, for sums exceeding that amount 9 months credit will be given en furnishing approy- ed Joint Notes. A. MURRAY, Proprietor. P. G. WHITE, Auctioneer. Lucknow, Feb. 23rd, 1879 ltw6 _ Farm Lots for Sale in Colborne. DEING COMPOSED OF LOTS 4, LAKE ROAD I/ West, and Lot4. Lake Shore, containing 203 acres. Said Land is all bash and a good creek runs through both lots. They lie on the Port Albert Road, miles North of Mr, A. Allen's Tavern. The land will be sold cheap and in good terms of credit by making a small payment on Cash. Tor particulars &c., apply to JOHN DAVISON, Esq., GoderiehP. 0. Goderich. Januaty 21st, 1870. w1 -3m ABRAHAM SMITH. Goderich, _Feb. 24th, 1870 w4 flak tt XL): jeji h * gi A g a&'i 0 ID 0 m F., ' C:::) r'. 1-, ,_ V. A ° 4 Ill c:2) 0 tD 1../ t it. gal CI 4 4.' C..) 0 siti C=) P 0 rx4 2 ' 0 w % Po. w . cez ,.] iri 1)4 iv 64 5 €sz."' '-' E-1 0 Pci 7: tr4 Z 4" PI P 0 ° i° tit ''' N 0 1 4 0 Chancery Sale! —1_ DIIRS1C1ANT TO A DECREE OF THE -COURT OF Chancery„made the Lause of Herr tis. -Lavin, bearing cuite the sixteenth day of June. in the year 1868, and of an order of said Court, made in the said Cause bearing date the 19th day of February, 1870, and. with the approbation of Heury Macdennott Esq., Master of the said Court at Godench, will be sold in one lot by Public Auction. at the Auction ROOMS of George M. Trueman, in the Town of Goderich, on - Saturday, the 2nd day of April, 1870 at two o'clock, aftentoon. the follow- ingvaluable prorerty, namely :-Eighc and six -tenths acres of land. forming the south-west portion of Lot No 9sin the MaltlandConcession, of the Township of Goderich, with the tyro ,story brick Tavern erected thereon, known as •Duggan's Tavern,' anel che frame building mil barn and outhouses connected there- with. The tavern is situated on the road to Clinton, and about tour miles from Goderich, and at the sonth angle of said Lot No. 9, formed by the Huron Road and the road to )3en, Miller'e mills, and from its posi- tion, is calculatedto command a large lauslifess. The land is ofgood qualityand fronts on said two reedit. The purchnser shell. at the time of sale, pay down ,a deposit in theproportion of $10 for every $100 of the purchase money to the Vendor's Solicitor. and shall pay a further preportion of $25 for every $114 of the purehasemoney within one sponge. from the. day of NAIL „:coNTRikeTst eake(withinterestthereon,frout-the day , of Sale) and shall pay the remainder of the purchase money 'by three equal instalments at six, twelve and- eighteen. . months, with interest on 'the unpaid , balance of par- , chase meney, to be secured ,by mprigage op the pro - Godench, February 4th, 1870. Pair. have of getting tho VERil BEST 13. SIVILIP . :!';k vv67 GREAT SEMI - ANNUAL S AT Tzi,Au EMPORIUM ! J. C. 11E9r 1..44:111, Sz Co., NOW OFFER THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY COODS, READY-MADE CLOTHINC, DE ADDRESSED TO THE tOSTMASTEP perm and upon the execution of mich mor.tgage the General, ttillthe received at Ottawattntillabon„or purchaser shall 'be entitled -to econireytuice, and to be • let into poesession. The purchaser at' the time of - Friday llth Match, 1870 Sale shall sign an agreement for the completion of th hese, The rty will besold free- front ea - TEN RS AND BOOTS AND SHOES, AT TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF STOMACH & BOWELS. RADWAY'S PERFECT $ PURGATIVE PILLS. MATERIA MEDICA contains in its repertoire many purgative and cathartic agents that,for ordinary Moose!, open the bowels, and through what in called a " peristaltic " movement, Purgo from the all- - ntentary canal the fasces and this is all. Such agents for the purpose of care. or removal of any settled disease, are utterly useless. Da. RADWAY has completed one ef the mostessen- tial discoveries in medical chemistry -in tho combi- nation of ,vegetable substancei, for the purposes of a PURGATIVE, APERIEN,T, COUNTER -IRRIT- ANT, ALTERATIVE PILL, that can be taken or administered with the absolute eertainty of seeming: THOROUGH EXPULSION OF ALL DECAYED AND DECOMPOSING elements in the human body and also safe to take in the most malignant of erup- tive Fevers ; in cases where tho mucous membranes ti the internal viscera are rearing from Ulcaratiox, IWO lunation or frOM • Gastric, Bilary,.Pancreatic, Complaints. MEDICAL DISCOVERIES. Hundreds of medicines are put up under different amen, all made alike, in imitation of some success- ful originator. There are, however, but very few of these medicines that are entitled to any distinctive or exclusive properties. All these common pills are raade generally alike, with some active drastic drug for a base. RAD WAY'S PILLS possess properties that the Materia Mediae has failed to discover in either the vegetable or mineral kiegdom. Calomel and the many preparations of mercury, for centuries supplies an alterative (and the most popular, for it is admi- nistered in 690 cases out of 100 and Aloes, Gamboge, Scammony, Antimony, Podyphylulum and Writhed drugs. supplies the Cathartic, not only for the medical practitioner, but for all sotto of the advertised Pills, DR. MIDWAY'S PILLS. Rsowav's Pus., [which are the only perfect Purgative Pills] you secure a Pill superior in all its properties to the most choice remedial agents known to Medical Science. They differ in every respect to all other pills in general use, and the only vegetable agedicine that suppliea a substitute for Caliimet or Mercury. In RADWAY'S PILLS you have one mtetkiine that will secure quicker, more thorough and better results than will be given in from three or more +dif- ferent prescriptions of the medical practitioner. -As proof of this : You are seized with a Bilious attack 1 Doctor prescribes Blue Pills or Calomel! next some drastic aloetio pill or powders to work off the effects mat, cased, or a. gentle aperient, whereas ONE DOSE of tire blue pill. This prostrates you ; and a tonic is OF RADWAY'S 1.11,T.8 will do all the work that the thnee or more prescriptions are given for, without run- ning any risk from merCtirializing or salivating the system. livThingerehumareantwboodypr; Yhy Purgation Xecessarj, ? thwehpicrhod:tlii3et otf iiicletaeva-e9111 decomposition, [thoso humours or elements that are rejected by the absorbents and lacteals as refutea the other is that of nutritition. It becomes necessary for the life of the body that the decayed and excre- mentitious elements be dismissed and the nutritimui adopted. For the removal of the first the human body' is supplied with lungs, kidneys, liver skin, bowels, &c., but when, from any cause, tho functions of these organs are suspended, then it is essential to reaort to art or science in supplying assistance, and of ail medicines ever given te the human raee for this purpose, there is none in the arcane. of MATE. RIA MEDICA or CTIRMISTRY that secares these important results so thoroughly, HAPPILY, Ltd with such COMFORT as RADWAY'S PILLS. In RADWAY'S PULS, the true principle of pur- gation is erecured-not alone to the othce of dismissing the Emcee and excrements from the bowels, but those humors that are checked cr stopped in their passage through the Skits, ICidnan, Lange, and all excreting and secreting functions, for if thoe excromentiens secretions belonging to the skip, liver, lungs, aro in- terrupted in their escape, thay becoine products cd decay and decomposition, and must be purged from the livimg body, through their proper channels ; hence the purgative qualitiesef RAD1VAY'S PILLS extend to the secretions of the SKIN, KIDNEYS, LIVER, &ea -whereas, not ono of the advertised PillS &do to act beyond the bowels. 'Straining lirizryt4. ' There are many conditions of the system where draining when at stool is hurtful, especially persons suffering &Om weakness or diseases of the KID- NEYS, BLADDER, WOMB. UTERUS, UHLNAeY DIFFICULTIES. and INVOLUNTARY WEAKEN- ING DISCHARGES of the GENITALS. LADIES Annoyed with weakness or falling -of the womb, LEUCHORRHEA, and in all cases of wenkenistg diecharges, should, if they find any trouble In thr, dismissal of the faces, take RADAVAY'S PILLS, in sufficient quantity (2 to 4) to secure a free mud LADIES' CLOUDS & BRE A.I(EAST SEE4WLS strain. RADWAY"d PILLS will mestst the SARA A - thorough discharge withont being compelled to PAR1LLIAN RESOLVENT, in strengthening the secreting functions of the impaired organs, that are too weak to hold their Constituent secretion, as in cases of Involuntary Emmissious Of vertu, or the fluid ot life and in Leuchorrhea, in Drama - Les, in con.staut and painful discharges of water iu drops, also in THE BALANCE OF OUR S fOCK OF BLANKETS AT COST. Ladies' Jacket Cloth at Coigt. LADIES' & GENTS' FURS AT COST. J. C. DETLQR 4, co Goderich, 28th January, 1870. Sign of the Big Broom. IIITJEDIAN'S SALL ROOMS. BROOM FACTORY AUCTION SAL E N D Farming Lands ! GROCERY STORE • 11113E Subscribers have removed their Broom Factory JIS to the premises in rear ef the Store formerly occu- pied by Mr. JAMES THOMSON (two doors South of the Huron Hotel), on. Kingston street, and beg I o in- imatethathaving facilities for purchasing broom -corn n the cheapest makket, and having secured the ser- vices of a first-elase broom-makets they are now turn- ing out . AN EXTRA HEAVY BROOM OF THE BEST QUALITY & WoRKIVIANSHIP wbich they are selling as cheap as any manufacturer in Hamilton or Toronto; Both Wholesale & Retail. They have also purchased the balance of Mr James Thomson's Stocz of Grocelies and made large additions thereto, and intend to carry on (in his old stand) a first-class " Family Grocery Business on the CASH PRINCIPLE. A complete assertment of - _Teas, Coffees, Sugars, 'r- ruiti Spites, Flour, Feed, PotatoeC &el -Ste., always on hand at. the Lowest Prices, and delivered in ToWn. • 07$ili one call required to secure a con- tinUance of "line Pearcrauge. - COX.& MoDONALD, " ' •- Kingsten Street: ylste,brusg.;-:iirninah.Proincloi:Ce Mien in.!xcluinge fwo4o.r Goodti _,_ . ewe PrePe - • cumbrance, In other respects. and,except,iis abote for the conveyante of her Majesty's Matte, on ryropo ed ith 6 Pli r tre tt Qatt of ala,are thesrstauding ed Contracts for form years, as tinder on and item VI con tionko Sale or e said Court of Chancery. - LitAprit'next.'between Bandon and Seaforth, three The Coedltionantaele ands -further patticulare may , tidies week each way. canton and. Wingliarmaix leeebtained.it th times and Exeter and taut e o cc otJeihn Macara, Esq., of the ley onee do. -Printed. Tetra oftloderich, the Vendor's Solicitor, and from _ Elw Esq.,. nthotiy,SiefrOya Exp. '-wed oe proposed contracts, may' beaecn, Mid blank fotitat• Slessrsscettlfreri-et ParrOW:-OfilmTovin of '-tiOderith, f Tender maybe obtained at lige POit ofe!,11.1: abt1•45'-and frau the undimilatied:Mister Of this con at God- mentioaed; mid Attila tate ofpa saWriber notices containing further infotmatiOn aiteteenditioler joan pod.' " . D th pegataface Insneetor's Office PostOfffee Inspector , JOHN RACARS., Goderich, 3-- 0'. Vendor's 13011oltoni sod e 28th civet February, A. D.:,18/0. GILliERT -GRIFFIN - nEsay miciabrosorr. Master, at Goderieb. •LOndoisi antuiry 187 PQR- SALE. • t `OTORE and dwelling house Ali lot. also a goo& 1.3 stone crater, In the village of Maillandville, one mile from Gederich, in the centre of the Goderich salt works. House and Store. :entirely noir. and commodi- ains, ,esid lot iti excellent, condition. Terms cash, ' 'Further partienhun apply to. Mt...it-SPENCE, ' Maitlandrille, Goderichr. 0. - Gocleriels Feb. 19tb, ".1870-: wa..2m* —0 0 -0 . G. M, TRUEMAN is instructed by Mr. Joseph Herr, to sell by Public Auction, at his Sale Rooms, Goclerich, on THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1.870, Commencing at Noon. That Superior ,Farm, Lot No. 1, -Con. 13, in the Township of Grey, containing One Hundred Acres, more or less, about Seventy Acres of which are Cleared. IOn the Premises are a Log House, Log liarn and small Orchard.; the soil is of the Best Qeatity ef Clay and Sandy Loam. , .- This is a good opportuniy to secure a from Seaforth and about 3 miles grodn Ainleyville. TERMS. -1$20 Cagt for every 8100 of the purchatie money ; balance payable in in- stalments, to au.'.e purchase:. secured by a mortgage on the premises. w4 -td Well situated Farm, being onthre reel roads12 Miles FA= FOR SALT OR TO RENT. 1 likT superior Perin. Lot 39 7th con. Township'of _t Goderich, containing 80 acres °fiend, with 40 bleared, and good barn oil it. The cleated ra in a -good istate of cultivation, it is well situated, being 3 miles -from Baylleld, 6 from Clinton rad; 12 iron' Goderich For further particulars apply to the undersigned, SAMUEL SMMESSON, Ceounty of Bruce. - Bervie Post Office. - w21.3m'• . One violent and severe strain when at stool wiz; rupture and destroy the healing process of a montiVe medication. Persons of costive habits euf- tering from these difficulties should never take the common drastic _purgative pills, made of the common aloes disguised under a cout of sugar, that scour and produce violent yet not thorough discharges; such pills OA these are at att tinze2 hurtful, and will especially in all cases where there is weakness ire the secreting glands, destroy the repaired struclure, and in all cases of fever, of an eruptive character, tes any doctor will tell you, prove very dangerou.S.- In any condition of weakness RADWAY'S PILLS are the only purgative pills that are safe to take. This fs shown clear to the understanding of all, from tho peculiar combination of the ing,redj- ents of their composition and the medicinal reee. perties secured. One or two of RADWAY'S PILLS as ordinary assistants when the bowels are. cosi .e.e will remove all dead and detomposing and restore reeularity to the function.; of Isle La: VE.R, SKIN, IFSDNEYS, BOWEV, • A RARE CHANCE. Ayees Sarsaparilw„ LAKE SHORE AsHERY FOE SALE IN GOOD WORICIN.G ORDER, 11 POT ASET EFT- , tles, 7 Coolers, 1 Soap Curb and Kettle. 3 :emit Moulds, 2 Horses and laaniess. 2 good new lA'atotts 3 Sleighs, 2 Wheel Barrows, 4 Shovels, 6 Pewter Candi, ilouldi Stands, 3 Itain a stand, 2 Chain Pe nips for ley 1 Water Pump and mauy other appendagestoo nt liner ons tO It:cerium. in good stand suid will be sold cheap for cash, Li'. 2,000 leached Ashes, '7 rents per load Enquire of S. DA&NE,S, at the Asliery. Goderiel_ Nay. and /869. w41 HOW TO TAKE RADWAT3 PILLS. 14:17 (c) c: 30. ALL parties concerned are hereby notifies/ that any rJA monies due to the bearer on note of hand, or book account, are to be paid to himself personalty. An other payments Neill be considered null end void. • c JOSEXII HERR. floderich.rDec. 2, 1869. se46 Twb FARM& for .SALE VOR sale two very valuable FAR tiS in the ToND ahip of Goderielt. For particuiars apply to JOSEPH BHA vi• . Ramon Road. Gus/each Township • November 2.ath. 1869. lw45d 3D.A.R,IaMYJS AltABIAN 011, FOR HORSES & CATTLE. A MYER FMLING REMEUT rrelIS VALUABLE PREPAll.ATION COMBINES. 1 all the medicinal virtues of those itriic1s vi hid. long experienee has proved to passes the mos, sate me efficient primes:ties tar tee cure of Fleeh Wounde. Sprains, Bruises, Galls of all kinae, Cracked eels. Riug sepaviu, Callotean.utb, Sweetiry, intern al Poisons. Scratcliee or Greate, gtra me, Le nienee• Mange, Whitlowg. •Corne, Sand Craeke, Foutideret Feet; Wont uweinper, ilea...mid ot filet -toes which hooes, and e atle are subject to. This celebrated Lmuneto ha• been used for intuit years, and its emotive properties ihinoughly teeleti, alto 0 IS cenceded to be the chertpest utM most hr table r-medy tor all VE'effial CoMpli.iiits ever oiler, 'tithe public -it never -fails when timely ueea al, faithfully app ied. To'gbi !had Druggists an4 Country Merchant, throughout the Donatiiidt. Price 25e. prr bottle, NORTHRUP & LY M A N, Ne w • n- Oati..Proprieto TS Sold in Gotterich dy Cattle and f Jordan ; rainnliner at Co. Re % I t id ; Jame, Bentham, Rodgerville; .1 ickerd Ester 1 1, H. CiAlloe, Chilton ; t'ef:Ord, now; E, Hiektion, Seafoitb, and all Bledicl oealers. • f' RADWAY'S PILLS are so nicely balanced in their ehemitcal equivalents, that any person can obtain such oifects that are essential to the condi- tint, of Blair system to promote health. 1. go brisk or thorough purge (by the word tho- rough we mean to convey that their -purgative qualities be applied to the delayed or checked ex- crements of the skin, liver, kidneys, as well as the retained fceees in the bowelsj is reqntred, four to Its will free the system from the presence of all matter ready to be purged out of the body. 2. If a mild sand gentle aperient and laxative actloriis required, two to three will produce this 8. If merely a dinner appetizer, and to promote healthy dieestion,oneptil two or three hours tea fore dinner. .74eir daily Use. In doses of one or two pi? by all persons of a 11111 habit of body. subject to ddiness, rush of blood to the heads palpitation 'of t e heart, and all those subject tonts, will not only keep the blood from becoming congested or clogged up in the blood vessels, but will equalize its circulation, and pore - vent audden attacks of appoptexy, disease of the heart, congestion. Peraons who will take one of those pills every day will not suffer from Head. *ekes, Dizziness, Hysteria, Fainting Seethe Pains around the heart, ands hundred other Wsayseeable symptoms. PREPARE for ol Atilt. DYSPEPSIA. HUGH DUNLOP, , Merchant Tailor, HAVING refitted his Shop on West street, vt, 'ILL next door to Bank o Montreal, is now prepared to supplphia e ,` erous customers, at shors 'sluice, with alt ',rtieles in lits lice. His Ettribir coo lets of . , , • -1.14#1 "-still% , OVZOOATINGS, plums. tee ie great y:riety, and will be told CHEAP fo' r CASHi He hopes to re- Ceive a full share!. of prlic. patroluvre as . , 0 , heretofore. .k - . ' 4 EL DUNLOP. Godericb, /sIov.-3, 186$ w39 • fliE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Lb Moses' Periodical Pills pliIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILINC in the cure of a I those panif.1 and dstigerom liseases to %vetch die female comanution 18 ruljeet It moderates ad exreses. and removes all obssructuoir and a epeedy cure no he fella or. TO MARRIED LADIEs It 15 pecuttarly suited. It will, a short time, brine en the monthly period with regularity. These Pas should not he taken by Females during th, FIRST ThREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they or, sure to &Mean Miscarriage -bat al any other time they are safe. hi ell Cases of Nervous and Spited Affection., Pain the Tiack and Limbs. Fatique on slightexertion. Palpita- tion tit the heart, Hynenes. gird Whites. these mil. wilt effect a cure when all other means have tidied ind although a pow erful remedy, do not Contain iron, calomel, initimoliy, or anything hurtful to the conetitu- • don, Fulldirectione in the pamphlet areund each package. which sho Id be earefully preserved. JOH MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIRI•OR. $1.00 and 12it cents for postage, enclosed to Northror & Lyman, Newcastle, Out, general agen te for thr Dominion, will iueure a bottle,containing over 50 r.115 uy return mail. NORTHRUP & 1 YMAN, Newcastle, . .V.,geners agent foreanadt tr-/- Sold in Goderteb by Parker A Cattle and C.Jordan • Garrido -a- et Co., Bayesid ; James Benthum,Kosteeville ; J. Piekard,k seter; Combe, ChalOn, 5. cord, LucknowL Hick/. son. 5.e.r.forth. and ell Medicibea)ealere. w35 THE PERFECT free irons DYSPEPSIA, DIGESTION, CON - before der, taken daily, III keep the system One ot rkA.DwAvs 7,two or three -hours 4 STIPATION, COST1V1IN ' &a. SUBSTITUTE F 0 R SILVER TS a coating of pure silveroverthesase NICKLY...fdated by the patent process of Messrs F/king- ton & co- and is be)-und an comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be etfiployed as such either usefully or ornamentally, as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver. SIGNAL- OFFICE Goderich. A complete set. anorranteed of firstquality for finish and durability. as follows :- • Fidcllecn Bead King 'e Thread old silver pattern pattern pattern pattern e ets. 2 Table Forks 9. 00 l2 Table Sp000ns 9 00 l2 Desert Forks 6.00 12 Dessert apoons COO C c ts . $ 0 tzi. $ ets. 9 50 10 00..12.00 9.60 10.00..12 00 6 60 ..... 7,50 ... /1.50 6 50 750 8 50 12 Tea Spoons 400 4 50 5 00 ....5 50 6 Egg gilt bowls 2 40 ....., 250 2 SO .2 80 2 Sauce LaclIes 2 00 2 20 . .240 ....240 1 Gravy Spoon 2 00 220 . . ... ...2 40 ....240 2 Salt -gilt bowls 80 90 1 00 IMO 1 Mustard • " 40 45 .. .... 50 1 eoupladle 2.60 ......... 2 75 3 00 300 1 Sugar Spoon 50 56 60 ..... 65 — — — — 44.60 48,05 52.85 59.25 - - — -- - - - _ sin 1 t same prices. k_. N. B.-THR BEST QUALITY ONLY of above kept in stock. Inferior goorls entirely excluded. Profits based on the ready money principle -not credit. Any,of the ahoye articlee to be had g y a ONE PRICE ONLY. TERMS CASH. Goderich. Oct. 21th 1869. CANADIIN PAIN T. IdOOR1101ISE. w4Otf NIORS t... •. MULE 111..00111 The reputation t1*- ex, celleut medicine • . isrnandeyrivoedf wfrhitictini mancaseSeolif°11sSe.roftlovul,e1X-°- • diSPeurineasTrftlicrnssdersanavaltrahice:ebretiw°derirbseyna:g't.-1 ease, where the eystelo seemed sari:rated wen corruption, have hecti gravated by the eerofe Ions contamination et. they were pahifkilly afflicting, have been radies • - cured in such great numbers in almost every i dowel the count7, that the public scarcely need Ls, be informed of its virtnee or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most de5arnetit ....- enemies of onr race. Often, this unseen and tut!, • tenant of the organism undermines the eon stit utie. andinvitesthe attack of enfeebling or fatal diseaP , withent exciting a suspicion of its presence. .A • • r seems te breed infection throughout the body,: i then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly deveee into one or other of its hideous forms, either on 17 a surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tube- - cles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or ttunors formed in the liver, or it ehov. 3 its presence by eruptions en the akin, or foul ulcel - slims on mime part of the body. Hence the °Geri- sional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is :al- visable, even when no active symptoms of disea -e apipear. Persons afflicted with the following cor -- plaints generally find 'Immediate relief, and, . • length, cure, by the use of this SARS•IPAR11 St. Antluntys Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tette?, Salt _Rheum, Scald Head, Risigicertv. Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other erupticins r.r vieible forms of Scrofulous disense. Also in tic more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Drops?, , Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia , and the various Ulcerous affections of the muscu tar luad nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diffearg,8 are cured by it, though a long time is required fi subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued uee of this medicine will cum the complaint. .Leueorrhcea or Whites, Uterine Ulccratitrns, and Female DiseaseJ, are com- monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect, /minute Direc- tions for each case are found in our Almanac, sup. plied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout. when - ceased by accumulatione of extraneous matte) s in the blood, yield _quickly to it, as also Lir, /- fltaC°InttelloifuthIsel IsirofTesi.a,anitycl'JC;Lingdesiceri°,71whrenDitirriTinrii: as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great ri•- storer for the strength and vigor of the systers Those who aro Laurruid and Listless, .71espov - dent, Sleepless, and t.roubled with Nervous A7 - prehensions or Fears, or any of the affectimo, symptomatic of Weakness, will find ininiediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorahre P7er 41).41 triaLPREP- ABED EY 11Sr. Z. C. AYIEMS dig CO.,1Learell, Masa.. PraeticaZ and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS t _eats a sa Isms. NORTH RUP &LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., geeran agents forCanada. icir- Sold in Goderieh by Parker ee Cuttle and F Jordan. Gardiner & Co.. Bayflehi. James Bentham Redgerville. J. Pickard. Exeter. .1. H. tranbe, Clin =ton. &mord, Lucknow E. klicka0n, Seafortit, and 411.1dedicine Dealert. w-17 AXE MA KING. ,,Ot014 41),\ THE Subscriber begs to inform the public that he is titan carrying, on the A. 'se Slanuraetory in hie old stand on Light House Street, Goderich. Ele is ',diffident with the experienee lie has. that he can fur- nish a better axe than is stud Ity any other maker. - Give him atrial before Ina •Itasitte elsewhere. :kr My Axes can be obtaine.1 Raecyte Hardware store, Clin ton. REDUCTION IN PRICES ! Double portion Steel -old price V 00, Deduced toS1 50 angle do do 1 60, do 1 25 • JOHN McPHERSON. Guderich Dec. 9th, 1869. w47 Sin" SALT 50ots PER BARREL. GODERICH SALT COMPANY, (OLD WELI ) 1 have on band a quantity of refuse or dirty salt. which they will sell at 50 cents per We in bulk at their work, over the river in lots 5 or 10 bids. AISO a number of 'Salt Kettles fur tole at cents perlb. ,January llth, 1870. w51 -t FARM FOR SALE LOT 24. CON 4. • Township tif Oodurich, taittaining 80 acre: about 55 acret cleared, 1) STORY CONCRETE HOUISE. •N THE onorri Ai floor, Dining Room, Parlor, Klichee, Hall and Bed room ; on the second floor, Sitting Room, Large Fan ilv „13edroom, aud lour other bedrooms ; on the 13.ise ntent, Dairy Room. Fruit rooni,Stone room, Meat nem 'Frame Barn 52x32 feet. 7 miles front ton and 7 frem .Goderich. Gond largo orchard of ove- 300 s-aperior fruit trees. Soil. oeep clay loam. well watered by spring creek and flowing well The prtiperty sitm ated miles from Lake Huron. of whieh a good view .can be had from the door. Apply to James Willsin sou, gsg., on the premises co to G. M. TRUE:MAN Land Office- Goderlee Godench 25th January 1570. wl-tf CHANCERY SALE. aDURSUANT TO A DECREE: OF THE COURT OF aja Chancery, wade in a cause of Boss ye Rollie, bearing date the first day of April, 18Dt. and of an order of the said Court made in the roid cameo bearina date the 14th day of February 1870. And with the ap- probation of iledry Maedennott, Er'sq., Master of Hai said Court 'at troderich, will be sold In Oint lot by Public Auction at the Auction Rooms tif George 131. Trueman in the TORII of Godersch. ON Saturday the 2nd day of April 1870 DESTROYER'1 AT 12 O'CLOCK NCON. A Few ly Medicine, well and favorably kaown for the Inuit ten yea rs never failing in a single instance to give permanent relie 'then timely used, and we have never known. a single case ot dissatisfaction wherwthe directions have been eroperly tollowedshw on the lOctrary ail are delighted with. its operations, and speak in tbe highest Lanza ot :is Virtue and Magical effect's, XHE CAN ADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has wan tot itself a reputation , as a blood pull fi et , alleviative stomach tonic, nsurpassed in the Is tato. ss or medica 1 preparations. ft seldom tails to ooze Dyspepsia, Liver Complain's, Indums- Pion., Heartburn, Sick Headache, Kidney Com- plaints, Acid Stomach Plithisic or Asthma, and restores to Nita] activity the system debi•ndted by buffering and disease. lts magical and w onderful SUCC0811 in curing sudden colds, Sore throat, Coughs, Diptherni pains in the side,lions and back. aeuralgia,tooth _Dear in Ofinel. • RADWAY'S PILLS are the only ptmgittive that secure an alterative, diuretic, sudorilic, ape- rient and tonic influence. They are the only vegetable substitutes for Cal- omel or MercurT. • Tiaeypromotethe secretion ofblle and withdraw it Item circulation. They assist through their nutritious properties the chyme and chyle, and gastric juices lathe pro- cess ordigestion. . They are elegantly coated with gum,r.mts.r IX tasteless antlfree from smell. • 131tICE twenty -lave bents per box, or nve' boxes; foronedollar. Alwaysask for RADWAY'S PLLLS, : • and see tbattha letters MLR. arc an one side of • label, and the winds Radway's Regulatois, on the Other. Sold by all druggists. and eneral store keenets, and' at Dr, Rachray's on 021co -ABt.. Paul et.. Montreal - The followiug valuable parcel of landand prelniees, namely Lot numbms9 [tithe 2tid concessionof the Toe n - ship of Kuiloss in the County- of Bruce cone:sting of 113acres more or less. The laud which Is of good clay loam. and of which there are nearly 80 acres elearcd and under cultivatton, , is situated em the CORtieSSitiii road, aboutli miles Baku the boundary line betweeit the Counties of -Huron and Bruce. It is about 6 mile?: from the rfilage of Zetland, 7 miles from the village of Wingham and 8 tulles from the village of Lueknow, by good roads. There is a Saw Mill at Zetiand. and an- other tn cottrse OfCreTtioll, within 14 tuilcs of the bawl, There are Grist and east Mills at Wingham and Llit.1- now anti good Stores in both Villages. A,iiig dwelittig house and barn have been erected on the land. This farm is within a mile of the proposed line of railroad front Turonto to Kincardine. The purchaser shalt et the titne of sale pay down a deposit in the proporrani of 1310 for every 8100 of the purchase. money. le the Vendors Solicitor, aud shall pays further proportion of e2:-., for every *100 of the purchase money. within one month from the dayof sale (with interest titere in from tie: day of sale) and shall pay the remainder of ttte purchase money by three equal insmtments at one, two, and three years with interest ou Ole unpaid balanee of purchase utonev, to be secured by Morrime,, ache, rheumatic and other pains in any part of on the property. and upon the exeCution of sit,st, chaser at the time of the sale Shall sign an agneeluelit the body and from Whatever cause, bas given 11 Mortgage, the purchaser eltall be . entitled to a for the ernupletion of the purchase. The fann will be conveyance 'and to be let into possess -on. The our a place in every household and Is faio eupereed.- 38,aStp: ikon:d • . h , , i , , a , ...,„ except as above mentioned. the condition,' of stale are st :wadi: ,othpetrupnrse:fitivratt: jos: It is aka an aei tual and prompt reme..ly tor tilTe HEtanE CciOirgZInTdI 10tNi°Sus0°Fr ssAalLe Eo 1 tAliNe Deairdi:CRuTuri tiEuift sold free from incutubrances In other rerspects, mid Prost Bites, Crampa in the Stomach, Diarlicea, ' particulars may be obtained at the °glee of John (Antlers morbus, Billions Cholic,Cholera linen- Chancery. Macara. Esq.. of the town of Goilentilt, the Vendors tuin, Dysentery, Ste. Pnce only 26 cents per bottle. 11 Bale, Esti , of Godertra., and Messrs. iludgins. Bolt NORTHROP 4. LYVIAN , and flout the tualersigned, Solicitor; fram Anthony Lefroy. Esq., iind William Newcaetle. C. W. Master at Generiek. (7-eneral Agent for Canada. and MeWilliams. Toronto. st ter of this Court. at Gorterich F. Jordan; Gardiner 454 Co. Hayfield; James Benthem, Rodgerville;J . Pickard, Exeter; J. B. SrateSold in Coderieh by Parker As . Cattle gird -as- • Vendors Solicitor. w5 -td _ HENRY MACDERMOTT, JOHN ilLsCA RA , Goderiell. Combe, Clinton; Sword, Lneknow; E Hickson .es form and all Medicine Dealers. sv38 fTRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE. MR". subscriber offers for sale, on liberal terms, a 1 excellent farm itt the township of Colborne. W. D being lot 8, con. 10,four miles from Godench. It COM prises 100 acres of the best cuty soil, all cleared ffree of stumps. Frame House and Barn, Splendid Apple and Pear orchard. good water. A house andlot in Goderich would be taken as part pay- ment. For particulars apply to. ANDREW H. GREEN, Victoria eit. stioderieh. Goderich Nov. lst 1869. se4141 FABM FOR SALE. DE1NG COMPOSED OF LOT 21, GOSHEN LINE, .0 Township of Stanley, County of Huron, 120 acres, 100acres mein a high etate ofcnItivation. The land is of the best quality and well fenced (agood board fence along the front.) There are on the pi:erases a dwelling house, frame barn 86 by -87 feet, gransay, stable snd shed 105 by 24 feet, well fenced orchard of UM bearing trees, two never failing wells with .good primps. &e. This fine property is eituated on a gravel road-andeonnected by good gravel roadavith Clinton (10 miles) and by a road, said to be the fitted iti the pmvinee, -with the excellent markets of 15a.yileld kt mlles)and Seaforth (12 miles). For further particul- ars apply tn-D. McDougall, Auctioneer, Bayfield, or to FRAI.:iCIS MARTIN, • eatbe premises. Mayfield, 7th Dee. 1869. w411 -6m* Agents, Read This 1 'TILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY of liS0 week and expenses, Or allow alarge commiseione to sellout. new wondered -inventions. Addrese, - w4,7 la W WAGNER & CO.. Mershal , Atte • 2 CHANCERY S.tt LE, CF FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY. DU RSUANT TO A DECREE OF Tee COURT OP' 1 chancery made in a case of MeGillawee vs Moore There will be sold by publte auctioe (with the ap- probation of G. W. Lawrence, Esq., Mnster et the Court at Stratford) at the Market Square in tee Texts% of Stratford In the County of Perth, Satusday the 12th day of March, 1 r, 0 AT 2 O'CLOCK 13- M - By John McCulloch duly appointed for that purpose Auctioneer.the interest of *he Crown in tbe East hail' of lot nuraber thirty one, in the second conceseton of the Township of Grey. in the County of Hurensem, - tentage° aeres. Two instalments base been iLid the Crown . and the interest offe.red ror vale O the night ,cto;rnawnpttehineht isonaboulpayetiv.ettoofothe balance dne la.. th.l'epuErenli•taMomtPy rat:1,111'e ajr-‘t balance in ttrree weeks without Interest. The other Carelitionts of sale aretheee bontaitted the oeriere waters of the Court. Further pa.rilmulars and csa:71i e e of sale may be obtained on appliantida to Messrs Woods& Fisher, Barristersstratiord. Messrs. Came. on a- Garrow aed Me:Hrs flays re Elestud, Earriste„,d Godcriela and uf the .Auctiuucer. WOODS & FISHES. G. W. L % VeR: Vendors Soicitors• Master at Strath. a Dated tWs 15th dat of Feliraary• 1-314 . w5-tra,