HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-03-10, Page 2• .----- -,---- A. 41.- a`, .....•=1111...... .:"" - - ..,.....••.....e.....r rar-.......i. ,... Trmir .2. ” .....,,imp..........tar...... — . . . A. I 1W A, arch 31d. all Government interference with, or 1 a much larger area, than at present has - \ The Banleingelatuestione ' Tine PeNere Reeemos, under the aus- . list meeker to..e (I ellen el 3.eit monopoly of, the circulation; and declared been established. pices of the Sons a Temperance, on Fri- _ : Stay Watere you are. MR. Cox. ,Mv DEAR SineL-' -1 was surprise THE FANCYPRESS Cenetreet. announced . — At a meeting of the Workingmen's for Tuesday evening, 1st March, was duly h h more thinly attended it was shown that great distress prevade , ed pn reading your artide of to day on the - `th Union of New York, held on Friday last, and that numbers of mechanics were is alk- ing a.bout the streets without employment, while in some trades wages are being re- , 9. you arelaboring under an erreneousimpres- Eliza Andrews, as "Jack and Jill;" Miss duced. And a clergyman, writing from Massaehussets to a Canadian f-Tiend, says . . • 'Advocate' tana;" and little Willie Ferguson capital- . that it is literally iinpossible to find work rites Fletdher Collins, McKay h ve laid ly got up iu the Character a "Pa'ddy from ;illusion to your journal in the there of any kind, even manual labor; that is not from my pen, an as y fetch bat times were never knoun , t ames Thomson. The following me under obligation to yourself in timoof Cork." work of all kind is nearly paralyzed. readers` in the order in which :-Messrs. Jarhes Young, J. T. difficulty I e-ould bea wretch to abnee your generositiby malignant flings at your old Or The regular monthly fair held. at the audience and thegeneral re- ! ber of cattle changed hands at full rates. ritnous liquors in a of the refreshment i..t.......0.tnh: Frank Bisset, _Mex. Cameron Manchester,. 1st inst., was largely attend - LIQUOR REGMLATIoN. —An order has er and Walterlliek. The sadal. spicy and. valued journal been promulgated the Great Western . ed by buyers and sellers. A large num- Railway to prohib future sale of spi- so encouraging to the promoters, , Your respectfuly Prices • ranged from $6 to 58 for feir to rooms along the liae. The sale of such ilar entertainmeet is intended to Daniel M ORIN. prime beef. The next fair will be held on liquors will in future be confined to the W lways understood that Mr. Moran the first Holiday in April. • Pullman cars, as on the connecting lines limn eer %.1 eetiteens presented for the • hands it would end in an irredeemable cur- high degree, all necessary additional re- flincks, -hes, after a slumber of thet if the Gavernn.ent took it into their Thirdly. That Goderich possesses, in a fifteen daY Fletcher in the Chair,were highly. evening (4th inst.,) Rev. Charles weep. Eoftapiolislidtinorgda, thscevinhcbastthectiamDsr uMr osram.niitseindi 'one dollar' gnestion wherem you y 'rho ree; I^ tl:t• ' he t a speete reserve, as was provnled for, important commercia porn s t e hel , an , than usual, very suceessful. The follow- , That political Rip -van -Winkle, Sir F. ple's ideas, and .we think,' under the cun- the hall beinu nearly filled to its cepacity. 0 fusion, Sir Alexander Gait and Mr. Rose 2:yneareAltrhej may be able to trace feateres of their own they read ng the hon. gentleman if he of salt an ts transportat on o a di i t 11 the . - on Bankinu and currency. Like other pro - table be a large and tnte igen a t udience; ciaculation. Ihave pot spoken disparaging y g f your 'cirimlation' at auy I fear Payne in "Pocahontas:" Mr. C. and Miss in were the prize -takers : - M‘s C. pese.on ot dat.:. 011 Amenean grain retie , years, evolved th result of his dreams Pt° .us eneerted lute Cena- I kne‘-,,, lEow e 3, with all its vil He • wanted to sources and faeilities for the nianufactnre j diverted it to some other use. Mc formidable cumpetitor the Salt works of maudlin jumble of his own and other pen- Beautiful music was furnished by the don as regards. myself. The reprehensIble Alice Smith dressed for a "Turkish Sul - 11 • 1 • t p.tin"e.i :.. -,:-...k..• st.ini.n..., c..titoottees fee! . of some ze,000,000, would be before he :Vestern Lakes, and is therefore the most tee seeet li e es .etep.ed. C trtwrielet concluded by moving, " That , the State of Neu oi let e eve y H,e1 -"ie Tile. .. • ; I en re. teble the ' , e - • ' ' - . ' . ' the Speaker do nut now leave the chair, to contend with. S.r J se .e. 'la dettil I seem- tee1 the We think the intelligent reader, will, trade mei a :. lea, e n re! ii ins f•.r 1StaI. ! t bee that it be resolved that it is nut expe- . ' ' ' ' ' ' dient to issue legal tender notes in the ; manner authorized by the said resteue after comparing the above statements fe.lee n.. .. ee e- el eke res.,. ,in , tl e ' i Lk • • e • . he sehemeas a ductions of dreaneland, t - I I d - ' Lions." He eeas loudly cheered un takinel -agree with us that our Saginaw friends 1., • re re !dress for a st .tereeni his seat.. - have been a little too fast. liale‘i• • t's, Peak "1 ' Mr Bolton see..nded the amendment. per C e.ts eleelent uo wit teelav :end sir F. Huicks replied by ;quoting a DRIFTING ALONG. _____ inet lee I .11. ,...•71,...r.: •1: ICAPe lletWt•ell the uniaber of titleJ. individuals who, he . Faten- -. .•; ;luster :vele J Cainpaell and ' Pelee lie -Loa, •tetwees ef the li n' . said, held similar opinions to his own, and The Government of this, great anelaglo- 111 reiey to S.r Frencis Fieneks, the therefore his idea could not be a bad one. rious .conntry see -ins to be completely Tras:ces submitted a statelnent of le•eil Ele would nut abandon the issue of Do- adrift. Like a rudderless ship in 'mid- eeeees.'s, ereeviee and conlineencies from minion Notes, as they would be of great 1 pu blie serv ice. ocean it seems to be completely at the Mareh le, ISei8, tu Jen. 31, 1-70 : a stete- alr Mackenzie said t mercy of every wind and wave. That mem eee, A ing Ina -ease and decrease in the ''' ' ' he measure was aseets ana hesinnes to the seine date ; introduced tu meet the necessities of the " Reininiscense," Sir Francis also, a s: .tement of • he receipts :me ex- this scheme to cover their deficencies, seems to have no definite idea , governinent and charged.theni with getting Hime s; tiTsteed of me oine th upen any question which it is his duty to vend:en-es ami Cie Cenee-sheet of the -f lly. He ; Trustees ;f -t Ben:, I -per t2,ii.,da. to manfu i called attention to the $4,000.000 received . 9 understand. He is asked what about ttie from the lnsuranc% Companies ; $1,500,- reciprocity negotiations, and he can only 000 from the Savings' Banks ; $5,500,g00 Tile f .lewine aee the totals of the • Jen .:1,t. i,70. bli.a:1,:e -;:,..t.t. Lila before tho Finance aoswer that they are strictly private. He i from Dominion notes in circulation,. and 3Iiinster by the frti.l'ees of t.,e teenk of 1 is asked to allow the House to go into Com - the purchase of $1,000,000 of silver by ex- . _ • , . i cleat:ging Dominion notes first and paying mittee of the Whole on the resolution to 1." 0;er C..a.ele to :'1_,t January, le70 :---- • t••reste $1,513,,,r 81 a hirge commission. Now they wanted to admit thorough -bred stock free of dutyeto i'.r. a 1,:..:•,.:z,..s (vx,..1,cfsivv of in - add ano:her $12,000,000. making an ;erre- which he answers frankly that the Gov - B deuce te ineot hid ., Ila t.1 011 t, t - and that 'promises to pay', though backed • inent has no.policy at all, and these points appropriate- at will tor their own purposes, a t la mg incl. e . h • ir • 'd nt entitled. One nic that, the abstraetiun of money from the - imake the. hanks depositaries of the peo- lei •itees .eid •esses in cell- . e untry wes eeneraliv len want He araue d 5ettoig Reel Festete, & c. 167,812 81 I' •:. ' " • ' ' - Excepting on one or two points-whech are . d te 1 t preciated from their face-valite. He ques- • ful to a vast majority of the Canadian 'promises to pay' without any re.ga,rd to the Burritt ; and Mr. J. C. Detlor delivered which ' he had named 'A few pages of the 1 gate of $20,000,000, a debt of which "'the ernment has no policy on the subject.- unholy progeny. - , It is pitiful to think that,- after our i American neighbore have seen, and ere . J. R. Mill faction of stilts were seeking to redeem, the errors of a currency that a sini self-censcious interloper should see.k to . which has led to inflation and cursed their be given a andel precipice. Unprecedented circum- - ' WEBLEYAN YOTING MENS' Swam—The creait the world over, an antiquated and stances forced them to adopt the system, Social given by the young men of the con; which has landed them in their present arsnecgation in the b_ asement of the Church, drag Canada to the verge of the sante fin - difficulties. Why should We, in times ef Yesterday_ (Monday) , evening was very peece and vaunted prosperity, mad with cessful and largely attended. Excellent our credit above the par of most other music was supplied by the Misses Trainer, nations, alto w ourselves; to be dragged to Platt, Poole aed Andrews and Mr. James Thomson, assisted occasionallRy ebvy.,Me. svvsis. destruction ? Ma1311, and ' Howell We give, in_another column as full a re- H. Puole, in ft few introductory portas ourspace will adsnit of the triple set remarks suggested' the desirability of resolutions on BANKING,DOMINIUN NOTES of forming in .Getderich a Christian Associa- tion of the young men of all the churches. alie essence Of the whole scheme is to' Mr. Tennyson's beautifel_poem of aLocksley W. R. Sluice read with groat effect and CURRENCY. , Hall a* Mr. Alex. McGaw follow!cl. with Garrow, t an early day. was the reaular correspondent of the Advo - in the States. This rule will ensuce all 'FISHING THROUGH THE Ice, has been cate, and ftilt justified in using the term Dan Moranism. Believing hint, hoiever, successful this seasen. Our market is well the necessary accommodation to the trav- elling public, while it will be the means of we feel bolind to apologize. If we have ever done or said anything against the --__ zn,arweigelltebeabaolulotuthede supplied with fresh herring. checking to some extent, the driuking .Advocate to warrant such an uncalled for STORE -HOUSES. -We are glad to hear .hstaabliitosno! tAholes! hwohwte) personality, we would be glad to hear of that there is a movement on foot te erect a to be sold, as heretofore. it. We have all faults enough, God knows, wad those_ teak who are without sin should nwuamy btrearckof. stiotreis-bhouigshesthimereetyhaneteretuhretruasili.- The United States-wer7e afflicted last su m - cast stone5 at their neighbors. mer with drought, and water became ness hen had such an important matter —. _ -_- - scarce in many places, as in this country Metaciors adisdniee.-Mr. Armstrong, under consideration. ft will be remeni- , bered that Mr. G. McKenzie advocated in the previous summer. In this emer- the question foreibly in the town Council gency, a spring was discovered in digging the* obligiag operator, was at his wits' end, for nearly four hours, yesterday forenoon) a year ago. tor the foundations of a foundry ; the pro - on account of an interruption which oe prietors at once fixed an injector upon the , cnrred in the telegraphic communication. GoDERICH A eater; Mem. -"Messrs. spring, and, though their boilers were He could not find out the cause, until, Hazlehurst & Cooke will have a grand more than two hundred ana fifty feet dis- walking round the square, _he saw two of Auction Sale to -morrow of .Clotbing, tant. they were kept supplied with water the wires twisted together. A mischievous .Wr oolen Goods, &c. ace Give them a call by this contrivance. Some of the editors youth, Who is well-known, was shovelling 1 you want -bargains. _ , in the States are finding out that by the spread of railways across the prairiesthe snow and did the mischief, thinking it was About four o'clock March 3,• si frame climate of those dry and treeless regtons a good joke. Some bees around are get- block on St. Pantstreet was destroyed by is being modified, and that rain now falls ting altogether too boisterous and they, fire vat St. Catharines. The Nook was nc- frequently aloag all the lines. The same particularly the yeah referred to, are be- cupied by Messrs. McComby, Black. phenomenon, it is said, has been observed Beatty, Gerdon Hardy. & Madden, and in Central Ohio ; and in New England, ing watched,tuid if they don't take care Bail, most all of' whom suffered in the re- the violence of thender-storms has been will some morniag wake up iti rather moval of their goods. Loss from $5,000 remarkably diminished since the railways to $6,000 ; partly epvered by insurance. were laid.. If a few careful meteorologists CAN ADA. w test the accuracy of these statements, k b rvations with a view to they would do good service for science. T,,tAl 4SeIS . ..... • . ei;e81;03ieee by the credit of the nation might be de- involve measures_which are most distaste-1in exchange for- practically irredeemable. highest,' from the graphic pen of Elihtt Grind Teta' . . _ ...... $1,681,030 62 eenntry was a direct taxon the community, treated. et length elsewhere,- the tiovern- ple'srnoney, which the Cuyernment may a short essay, full of eloquence and feeling R.,11.2:1•1 the St.itup Act providing that erein- tioned the cerrectness of the calculation iee e7v n 0! ee :eta ales uf exailenge sh mid • that an issite of $7,000,000 would cover. people. Indeed, the Governmeut would net he ye., i t ile vancep,ed Sir F. Ilineks, in a rather evasive way not dere to .go to the country on the cur- neell .t.e: v. Tetley question alone.' We do trust ttat, tried to show it did ; but on beine 0 Mr. tin -er intro ltioed a to amend questioned admitted that the circulation be it for good or for ill, the rulers of the the elete-1: Laws so ...het patents could oe at a particular time amuunted to $14,000, - taken etz for ten, er fifteen years. 000. Dominion eill cease their re -construction la iinseer to 3Ir. Fortin, Sir -Jelin A, ° Aftersoine further discuseion,the amend- babble and tell us plainly what they mean eel a,,war tn the lity of Chaleers twice ( .t „ ment was defeated by a vote of 110 to 20, oar representative, Mr. Cameron voting to do. Mae, ..tee te , The speaker then left the chair and the The Hineks' Meddle -and-Mtiddle I with the majority.) -- case, the otherwise wholesome provisions, heart.' The creature comforts were exigencies of national and particularly in - increasing the securitY of the Banks to worthy of the intellectual part of the en- teruational commerce. In this view of the depositors and note -holders are only so social. tertainment. We believe the pecuniary many specious baiting's of the trap. result was higher thanthat of any previous We gave our views, of the only nand _ _ = weeke ago and found them corroborated al ways indicate summer,but it is a potable Ronne REDBREAST. --One swallow does not • aria safe basis of a paper currency, a few seasan of the ma:kerel fish- ing, 311,1 was e•eatintieu-ly engaged else- witere e•ale pert uf the Gulf in the preteet. tieheries. Mr. F,rtiti Asked whether it was the in - fact that numbers of robins have been seent al owed to stand over fel- future discussion. leinkable funds with American Silver at nience.and ether contingent advantages of .this loCality for some- days past. Poor of a fine early sitting will be amply justi- duese weut into cominittee of the whole What hae been the result of the inter- by some of the ablest _journals in the Prie- to consider the resolutions, clause 1 was ference Pre‘ious to it, one could buy vince.- We do not undeyalue tbe conve- little tellows ; we -hope their expectaticn _ tentitta of the g•_tvernment to du away Clauses 2, 3 and 4 were adopted. front 1; to 2 per cent discount ; and, as paper money; provided the notes are a - fied ! fel- the keening spring a sufficient foree to Partners who have transferred their shares the supply, through export, was getting ways' and everywhere redeemable in coin with the license system, and to organize Cleuse 5 was atnended by the liability of - b el' ited to one month instead of three weekly less, it was a reasonable anticipati- kept in. the . country for the purpose. This THE SALT DUTY.--2•The absolute nece " omethindto save several of sea - prevent A itenean sehooners troin eeriying * on tishine in our waters, aRd by aeloptine months after d.ate of eransfer. On that, ere this, the much -abused_ dimes that ceurse extend effeetive protection to Clauses 6 to 11 were adopted. and quarters and half -dollars Would have our tieheries. -- The portion of clause 12 fixing the . " Se- John A. 'Macdonald sail it was not qualilications of directors was struck out at been 'good as gold.' .But the Goverement the intention -of the gevernment to issue Present. „ _ steps in and arbitrarily fixes . the -rate at licenses during the ruining season, and it The other clauses were agreed to except which it will purchase the coin at 5 per intended to protect the rigete of Celeelen. 17 and 22 which were allowed to stand cent. and Mr. Weir steps in and arbitrarily fisherinee in Canada waters. over for feture consideration. Int C0111- ' This announcement was received with - mitte then rose asking leave to sit again • 4„ ' : 'a A the rate et which he proposes to Orr -- cheers. and the House adjourned at 11.15 p. na chase at 41 per eent. As the presemp- - e dence respecting reciprocal trade with the 4 . tion is, from the demand fer American Mr. Bodwell moved for the correspifn- . - -- • • „ ' United States. _ . „...i, • , silver on its native soil, that Weir can now ence was c- eilidenrial, and eould nut be he was taking it in at 2 per cent, we word - some margin. Have theFinance-Minister Sir Freneis Hincks said the correspond- •(...ae,13E0 it 10114 sell it to even better advantage than when bronght demi. The government and GODERIOH, MARCH 10, MO, er who is reaping the profit of the hand - people et t. anada were not oppose d e; --- - .---------- -- --...... - to bring that about. and Weir laid their. heads together to reciprocity, and would meet any proposals Saginaw Valley. Mr. Be Neil said the people were ansions We have received from Sagmaw apamph- to renew the reeiprocal trade, and he let embracing thesalt and lumber states' tics- The circumstances certainly bear that in - of the valley for 1869, from which is e ex- - retaliaore eoeee, fleece the Dominion and divide the spoil. thought it would be foolish to adopt a terpretation. If a few independent parties, basis we censider the sine qua non ot inter- tY c' te ter's scheme is passed (which kind Heaven day. our infant industries from American mon- national credit. prevent!) and that in some epring-month opolists is becotning more manifest every Letus suppose that the Finance Minis - our wholesale merchants have to remit for With regard to the salt question the their importations. The Government has' Bruce Telescope says . nearly a dollar a barrel cheaper in Canada, •___eemeeiceatt salt is appropriated aearly all the gold in the isuutdheuretsetailitYobf than it is iu the United States. This is to merchants for the purcIM"ae-of Sterline st p casu tre etshe el 1 P ar inede country, which should havebeen available ealouweffaoctrittatlo Exchanae. The eonsequennb Would be in • crush out the Canadian manufactirer of a 1 erior article. There is no queetion that Canada, as it has been South of the forty- allow nionopolletal wh'o ana a on the whole the Canadian public are gainers for the present • but is it wise to third parallel, that Govornmentgreenbacks protected by a heavy duty, to crush out a theinselves e; being depreciated in the purchase of Ex- • branch of Canadian industry in its infancy change, goods wotild rise and the honest Would not the Caffadian public submit to yeoman of Huron, while his 25 cent shire- paying a slightly higher figure for their plasters would be nominally taken- at fece- salt in order to Prevent the, monopolist perhaps less, of goods for the same. value, would only get 20 cents' worth, or frem succeeding in his effort. If .the The 'leader, with its usual naive simpli- - equal terms, we would say let them fight manufacturers ot hoth countries were on city esays of the greenbacks, "and if there it out, and let, as we said before, the hest is any portion of the community who pre- producer get the patronage of the coin- fer these to the bank notes they can put muuity. But as the parties stand, the them away for safe keeping." We rather imposition of a duty on American salt, it think, if a farmer prefers a "stocking" to would appear to us, is not so much a pro - a "deposit -receipt,' what he will consign to tection against competition as a _peotection that receptacle, will be gold pieees and against a wealthy Corporation enriched on silver pieees - even the muchelespised it nj ust gains, Ming, its influence to destroy Ainerican quarters, becoming the Bank of Issue for the Domi- a formidable rival whose prosperity would We entirely disapprove of Government be a great public gain.' . 529,073 at 20 per cent discount, is meant to frighten nion, towards which this scheme is one Ganea BA.RGAINS.-Messrs Hazlehurst , 407,997 make them pay- it over to the Government Knight that when he wants the "sinews of &Cooke commence Mr. Arthur Hnmilton's FinahAuction Side ot Millinery and Fancy long gee, and trust members on both aides 477,200 people from using gond money, and to of the House will teach the bumptious . 555,690 - payments are rapidly being resumed in the Parliament, as his Pledecessors have done 7 p. 01.. The stock is to'be ',cleared out at - Goods on Wednesday r(9,111 March) at 2 end 1474,721 • war, 'he will have to come squarely before in exchange for shin -plasters. As specie - and ask for supplies. ; , - any price. with means at their disposal, would enter Sir Frencis Hineks said it was impossible tract a number of facts which will prove into the business and buy and sell at for this H.ouse to give any encouragement interesting to many of our readers :- el. assurance that there would be recipro- ' It is shown b th f 11 • t bl th t y e o emu(' a e a 0 market -value, they would make inoney,for city-. the Saginaw salt interest has fluctuated we are sure the public would give a wide berth to the unprincipled speculators now. the helm. The silly proclamation issued Barrels: at 4,000 by the Govemor-General (which is practif 125,000 cidly- meaningless) making $10.00 of Ameri- '' 243," can silver a legal tender after 15th April, 466,356 Mr. Yeting moved the House into Cern- considerably since 1860 :- mittee of the Whole on the resolution to admit thorough bred animals for the im- . in- ,veinent of stock free of duty. 1860. -Sir Frencis Hincks said the Governinent 1861 - could hot at present announce its policy 1862 • upon tnat or on any other subject. 1863 After seme further discussions- 1864 - Sir Francis Hineks said the Government .1865 might possibly remit the duties now im- 1866 posed. • 1867 Mr Yonne: moved an address for the re- 1868. turns of the amounts paid by the Govern- 1869 2 ment to the Bank of Montreal during : The fluctations in the salt manufacture, States, American silver will soon be at par there and for every dollar th e Canadian unpleasant quarters. RED RIVER. — , Surrender ot Major Bouiton. ST. PAUL, Mi1111.., March 5th. -A letter — the 1st to the 5th March was 006,541. Sew FRANCISCO, March 2. -The suffer - The Customs revenue at Montreal from. dated Pembina, 'Feb. 21st, brings the The voting on the Toronto By -Law, ings of the passengers of the steamer Gold- en Cit!, on tbe march from the scene of startling news : the disaster to Santa Morina Bay to meet concentrating and occupying the lower to, Simcoe and Muskoka J unction Reilwav, the steamer Colorado is described as terri- ble. No water along the route, and but , Major Boulton and Dr Schultz, after granting a bonus of 5100,000 to the Toren - stone fort moved! on towards Fort Garry took place on Saturday. The result more little hard bread with them. Old nien and with a force of nearly 200 Canadians, Eng- than Justified the expectations of the pro - children walked 22 hours over the Rocky enough to attack 'Fort Garry,they billeted the By -Law, 996; against it, 498; majori- Mountains, and under a burning sun, and lish and half-breeds. Not being strohg moters-the poll stancliug at the close, for 500 men to attaele them; but finding that A deputation from Petrolia has arrived on their arrival at the place of destination little resistance Was to be expected from at Ottawa, to urge on the Government to were entirely prostrated with fatigue. Ac - themselves near ay. Riel collected about ty, 498. the settlers, Majpr Boulton with 57 of his repeat . the excise duty on petroleum.- counts differ as to the number of passen- Portage Canadians surrendered to a force They are to have an interview with Sir F. gees missing, some say 90 and some say of Riel's They were marched to Fort fliacks in a few days. 100. It is stated that resolutions of the Garry, While, the others, under Schultz passengers, condemnatory of Capt. Coma - retreated to the 4tone fort. On the 19th table citizen of Montreal, died on Friday of them. Wm Ludlam, an old and highly respec- toce, are 'unjust, and that only _a part of Mel despatched 100 armed men to attack at the advanced age of 85 years. those on board the Golden City approved credit for having rescued every passenger. However, he should be given Schultz. Wm paudy, one of Schultz's scouts, was captured and shot. Later re- The Newfoundland Legis• letnre is at a , . sperts say 'Dr Schultz heel left stone fort dead -lock. The controverted Election act and was making bis escape in the direction requires 20 members present te strike the aia A Comparison. ,, of Rainy Lake. Another letter of the - committee The Gnvemment can only muster 19 and the opposthon will not at- . • . . A prominent minister of an Evangel- - . "--- — same da,' te shys this evening's mail brings ical church in the city of Toronto brought Red River news ,up to the 19th. Mai Boul- out the following vigorous comparison in fur Preirie la Portage. Before reaching Moore's Elgin Hotel, Fergus, on Tuesday tend. he is yoted a public nuisance and sent ton finding; the Scotch and English would SUICIDE IN FERGUS -John Fernenn, a the course of a sermon on Sunday evenina not rise as expected, becaree disgusted and farmerfrom the Township of Proton, coin- la . „ st `John Stiiith is an habitcal drunk° left Schultz and started back with 57 men witted suicide, by taking poison in Garret - ' • ard ; ae is a poor man, has no friends ; . the Assiniaboine. they were met by 30 of evening. Deceased owned 100 acres of Ries men, to whom Boulton surrendered land in Proton. He was married about ignominiously to gaol. John Somebody - on demand, without firing a shot. The six years ago, after which he went crazy, else is an habitual drunkard ; is voted a public nuisauce ; but he is sent to Ottawa writersayeeWne Dhase and his party have and his wife had to leave him, but sub - and made a Premier of the Dominion.' taken the -oath of allegiance to the Provi- sequently returned to live with him. Be- sional Government. News' a few hours fore leaving home on Tuesday morning, 'It was wonderful,' says our informant, later front Fort Garry to the effect that deceased was seized by a crazy fit, and 'the sensation it produced. For several, MajoiBmilton a as court-martialedat Fort while it lasted he beat his wife brutally. minutes there was such suppressed whisp- Garry.and senteniaceaTtEo Rbe.shot on the 20th. He struck her seveml blows with, an axe, one of which made a gash in her head,over ering, and staring and Winking, as I, never ST. Pare, Minn., March 5. -Fort Garry three inches long. On Wednesday after- saw in church before.' dates 22nd Felaiary were received at St. noon deceased's father-in-law arrived in - .-;p-re' vent or conquer disease Cloud this evening. They report Major Fergus with a warrant for hie arrest, and HEALTH IS STRENGTH 11( ulton in ne danger: he is well, and will returaed home with his corpse on Thursday 1,30o„f the and Byran's Pulmonic Wafers will as sure cure coughs. grandest attainments ever aimed at by man — colds, tickling in the throat and pulmomuy complaints be well treated. Nothing further about mornmg. ' as war and pestilence will destrOy. Severe ccolds if not any fighting. attended to sooner or later lead to Incurable consump- UNITED STATES, tion and the strength of the stiongest soon failsif neg- • — - — - LOVE'S PRIG Essay.—The essay of 11. cure of these complaints is 'Bryan's Pulinonie Wafers' lected The readiest and best means own or Love.Sen. Esce, on Turnip Culture, is to which have been thoroughly tried tor the last twenty hand in pampti7et from. lt isa A aluable- Poneekena Me., March 4—The city has• years. and have neverbeen known to fail. Singers and treatise end should be in the possession of . begun paying gold or its equivalent for runisebillpmeakuLerts301„byab3o dmeerithe yeiltrzradetalbenere.eltIrt25froereptheer every farmer in Huron. See the adv. for municipal coupons according to the decision box, particulars. As to where it mayebe had., . of the Stfpreme Ceurt. _ _ _. , t . The House of Representatives has passed As aLocal Application in the. numberless diseases to - pungannon- a - bill authorizing the construction and whicb the skin is halite. Dr. Briggs' Abeyant r will , prove superirr to all the lonons, washes, intimate, A Soiree was held in Dungannon on the pose. The Allevantor from its composition is desiguest maintenance of a bridge across the Niagara cerates or ointments, commonly in use for such par -- 25th ult., under the auspices of Lodge Y. March 5.-Severa RiRov ere.:tE 8BTuEfRf ,aloN. , i emollient properties lc soften and soothe inflamed and to accomplish a twofold object, namely, .through its No. 354 B. A.O.G.T. The sum of eighty business houses in thi's city resumed specie • irritated surfades and allay thc disiressin ltchnigrthat accompany all eruptivediseasesdand throtlgh its healthy dollars was realised which completely stimulant effect at alter diseased action and enable the liquidates the bateau) of the debt on the e nem_ nothing so desirable az a healthy and ji.eautiful skin : payment to -day. &mei resume its wonted smooth condition There ts beantiful Temperance Hall lately erected impurities, should be used at once. Sold by druggists Three babies a night is the even"; therefore, a remedy that produces it, driving away aft in tbis place. The society is in a very ber at New York Foundling Hospitial. and country metalling& Dr J Briggs & CO. proprietors. 1 John Hartwiek, of Saginaw, aged only 208 Broadway, N. Y , and No. 6 King Street, Wt st Prosperous condition. John G. Truax is W. (a. 1'. for the present (planer. On Toronto; 11, set a building on fire to see it burn. 1866, '67, '68, and '60, orderto ascertain of Onondagahowever,have been still more what had been paid that Bank fer services observable, as will be seen from the and other particulars. Sir Francis Meeks SCH.5 willing to give following :- - all information desired. Hen. Mr. -Galt movedfor correspondence 1808 relative to the admission or exclusion of .1811 American fishing vessels from the waters "1819. of the Dometion. He presumed the policy *1822, . of the Canatliau -government must have 1824 . been agreed to by the linperial govern- 1826. me it. 183-5 Sir John A.. Macdonald said the corres- pondence Iva% not completed, and it might not be expedient to send some of it down, but what they could would be shortly laid before the House. Mr. Blake movea for a list of the cadets wile have passed through the several mili- tary- schools of the Dotninion. He thought the expense was very great indeed aa present, and that the schools did not new accomelish the object for which they were institrited. In 1868 there were some 3 253 cadets, enough to oflie.er • 100 regi- ments. Sir Geo. E. Cartier said a oreat deal of the information desired wont% be contain- ed in the report of the Adjutant General, ebut additional facts wanted could be fura- eished down to Jan. lit, 1870; with the additiorial of the numbe Of pupils new in the military schools. Mr. Blake moved' for 1836. . 1839 . . . . ..... . .. ...... . . : : -. 2,864,718 1842. . _ . 2,291,903 1644 . 4 003,554 1847 . 3,951,355 1849 . ..... ........... 5,083,369 1857- 4,312,126 1858 .. . 7,033,219 1860 5,593,447 Bushels. 319,618 200,000 .548,374 481,562 816,63a . .8 L1,02a 2,209,867 1,9 ta,858 Gavernment takes in they will actually receive $1.05. Our fellow -citizens, for this, will only get uational 'promises to pay,' practically irredeemable and useless for purposes of trade with the States or any other market thaw our own ; and the government will have the opportunite-' of squandering, the money without let or hindrance, It is a remarkable fact that, if additional Dominion Currency is allowed to be -issued, the Government will, with the deposits of the Insurance Companies Saving's Banks &c. have contracted a debt of $20,000,000, the reserve to meet which which they can manipulate as they please. It is high time for Reformers to be u p and doing. "The reasons for these fluctuations are to be found mainly in the varied relations of demand and supply ; but the rapid de- velopment of tne "Great West," and" the convenient access to all quarteis -thereof, throaah the port of -Chicago has opened a salt -market seen:timely equadto all the pro- ductive capacity or this country. In 1864, 675,619 barrels, of salt were received at the port of Chicago, from all sources •, 343,887 barrels of which or an excess of 31,170 barrels over the receipts from all relae ing to the demancl other quarters, were receivedfrom Saginaw Valley." , M. P., against the Government. Carried. Mr. Blake moved for a statement rd the The statement that 'Saginaw salt is pure debtof the late Province of Canada,giving and as efficient au antiseptic as any mined the items in dispute. ormanufactured.elsewhere,eitherinourown Sit: Francis Hincke said it would be dif- or forehan countries has been demonstrated ficult te give the items in dispute. In fact, if lie were not trreatly mistaken, it wus still in dispute what items were in dis- pute. (Laughter) ft should bo remem- bered that items of debta and liabilities were constantly springing up, and had to be considered. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Blake moved an address for the correspondence respecting the complaints of Nova Scotia in respect to confederation. Carried. Hen. Mr. Tupper moved the , appoint- ment of a committee on the reporting and publishing el the debatee of the House, whieh, after a lengthy debate, was agreed to. Mr. Helton pointed ont the fact that there was no reference to fractional cur- rency in the Banking and. Currency Reso- - havens. He heaed that the Government had already prepared fractional notes, and wished to know if the Gevernment con- aidered that they had safficient anthority froin existing Acte to lame such notes. Sir Francis replied at theGovernment ha& sufficient anthorit he statates. The Houseadiourned at si e correspondence Rae by Jas Beatty " Small Potatoes and few to the hill." THE EVENING 1.11ERATeDa ACCIDENT. -Mr. Thomas McKee, ( f , — - Goderich township, had a narrow escape Our old friend the Londop Prototype has from instant death to -day (Tuesday) by the put on a new dress and assumed the above upsetting of a load of wood upon which he name. The Herald is vt up in a manner was sitting. He was considerably bauised about the legs. that does Mr. Siddons Much credit. 'We rt,-- palitical ideas, asset forth inhie prospectus Board, met yesterday evening (3rd ins» in BOARD OF • SCHOOL TRUSTEES -The wish, however, -that ue could say his were a little less like the creed of the cele- the Board Room, all the members present brated Mr. Micawber, whose only definite except the chairman and Mr. Elliot. Mr. policy was : 'Waiting for somethingee, Crabb presided. The minutes of last turn up :' In referring to the presesent meeting were read and approved. The state of politics in Canada, he says :-- offer of the Mechanics' Institute to hand selves 'the great Reform party,' are a party over their Library to the Board was ac- " The opposition in- Ontario,ealling them- witheut a pulicy-without a single distinc- eepted ; the books to be kept and used in tive principle as a bond of union, unless it the same manner as the School Library, be that of opposition to the men in power, but the Board would not be responsible whose offices they thirst to fill. for their future delivery, if required by Although this is their actual position, the Institute, in the same order as re - yet they descant loudly on the necessity ceived. Mr. Bisset was requested to call on and advantage of a return tb party govern- defaulters to the library and get the hooks ment, pare and simple. They pretend to Orthe value of them fromparties Marrears. ask for a party government, established The Contingent Committee was requested upon the basis of a bye -gone state of things to obtain tenders from the Printing of - and. denounce a coalition government as fices for certain School blanks, and togive subversive of political morality and as an' the printino to the lowest tendei . The 'organized hypo gritty.' " Board agree% to advertise for tenders for It the opposition is a party- without a t h. ei i . e rr ee es toil ount i oo fn t wwoasonlotopredes.a iproving of . policy, we should like :our friend to in- the authorized text books in Grammar and form us what the policy of the coalition Arithmetic and of their introduction into governinent is. In our tumble opmion t le School as soon as possible. The Board it is office, office ! The tory policy which t aen adjourned. _ keeps back the public accounts, spends Tu the Editor of theApal. 510,000 of thepublic funds inreeonstrvetion DEAR SIB., -I see in your last week's and makes ft regular- mess of the Red Signal an amount' from the Clerk of the River matter, is one of the strongest argu_ Stanley Council, Wm Plunkett, of the meetina which took place the 7th Feb., ments possible in favor of a good solid 1870, at Elliott's Hetet, Bayfield. In 0 party government, no matter what its which he has given a false color to the' etition of aehool SectionNo. 8, signed by complexion may be. The Herald goes on to P Jas. McDonald, an Plunkett says, 25 S0.3T :— The agent of the Clinton paper in going about the country drumming up new sub- scribers -is -an the habit, -as we are prepar- 'ed to Prove -of advising gentlemen who have been long suascriaers to the linaoa SIGNAL to give it up and patronize him. - As far as we can learn he has received, al- most invariably; a severe rebuff for his impudence. We do net, cannot, think that the proprietor of the Era counte- nances such actsabut we must say that an auent who is capable of such unmitigated by tests so thorough and general, that meanness is well worth watching. It is there 'tem further eavil on this point,' we always, as far as our experience or obser- beg to contradict most emphatically. In vation extends, consideted bly business deed, . a glance at the analyses of the men a most dishonorable act to. build nts Saginaw and Onondaga thine as comparea one's fortunes by belying and undermin- with that, of Goderich nntst satisfy any Mg his neighbors, and yet this Creature is reasonablemind of the truthfulnessof what capable of both. We do not thiplt we have ever asked ten persons to take the Signal; end, moreover, we defy any one to prove that we have ever turned over our hand, (so to speak) to injure a competitor in the race for popularity. I'Let every tub stand on its own 'bottom," and "fair play is a jeveel." Tbat is all we wish the we assert, viz :- -That Goderichsalt is by far the best,- because/ it is the pueest known. Here is the "Comp( sition of the brines taken at the pump house, on the 5th of July, 1862, at Syracuse, and from Lee & Leayitt's well at Saginaw, in Octo- ber, 1862, analyzed by Prof. Goesman. Leavitt and games or comet parte. Syracuse, Lee well conjecture that all the liberalism it has tiulphate of team public to keep in mind. • Satarday Evening the 26th ult. a number Ris pyrophyilietie taste now keeps him' in .. t IS IT OR IS IT NOT TO Ba -We ray it is, and must be of themem bees of the Presbyterian church jaiGi.erman papers say the emigration to ed for the radical cure of id; rheumatic complaints in Dungannon, visited Mr. Alex. McPhee son bringing with them well filled baskets - ever. America will be larger this year than t considered themost wondeiful medicine ever discover- corghs, colds, sprains, bruises. cee. We speak ot the , 'Canadian Pam Destroyer :' a not only removes all pain ,. &c. !The evening was pleasantly spent. • Medicine Dealers. instantly, lint effeets permanent cares. Sold by a. Bef re leaving, one of the party in behalf A magistrate in Worcester, Mass., re- e . • of t e company presented Mr. McPherson Boqk beautifully bound in morocco. foll wing address. The preset': was accompaMed with. the previouely attempted to blow out his GODERICH MONEY MARKET ....,s,,,,,,,,,,f0MMERCIAL. — -- wit a copy of the Holy Bible and aPtialm aently held a man on his own recoenizance- ' • et 'in $5a0 not to commit suiciae, he having braIinnst. he house on Wednesday Mr. Con; ere, cgoeittegor R. MCPHERSON, Str, With mach pleasurehaveweassembl- t.he Eigriat by W. F. P. Smart,,, Brok- others. Mr Editor, am happy, Sir, that " Our course is clear as regards the' On- you are fond of fair play -which is bon- tario Government. It has, by a wise and nie play. Mr Plunkett must have found . liberal policy, coupled. with an economical a new rule in arithmetic,- in which be our voices are heard no mop in the church adminstration of the public revenue, so shows your namerous eeaders by his ap- militant, emay we, our farialies, and ou fully met the requirements of the Province, plication of numbers that 7 and 2 means 5, beloved pastor be permitted to join in the that we hold it fairly to have earned the this is a pretty rule Indeed -If he had ming of the church traimphant, for our, confidence of the countra." given credit for 55 to the petition instead Redeemers' sake. • of 25, it would he more to his honor ana credit, -Why, Sir,'. Mr Plunkett made TIAY COtTNCIL. .._ every manifestation of kihdpess to sonie a the Bayfield people in the metered this petition; but he soon showed the cloven foot; the moment he was asked to teed when he read a few of them, he threw it Carrick that A Berry be Minden be r0"untled $1.00 being overcharged on dog the said petition; foribsteact of reading all it down on the table, and said : that will aixof1869.-Cieried. J B Gather moved, see. by w the names, as he saould, to said petition- te fair play in sthooI maeters, George _rsohaadtzbebtwe epeanidthse0.3 e 4 con. at lots 22, and that Jacob Ferguson moved, sec, by 3 B Geigher that the road 72 balance on plank.—Carried. R paid 85.00 for 'work done on do. . AO. of course, the greatest enetny • . - uder -the ea here this evening in the name of our ger introduced a joint resolution for tae congregation te thank you for the interest Goderich, Mar& 8, 1870. erection of a harbor of refuge on Lake youhave taken in leading the Choir of our Huron Michiaan Buying arliCIAN EXCHANGE .OR GREENI3A.CIE/1 Sellii.g at 87 chetah for so Many years, and as a small The United States debt has been de P Cs • creased by the sum of $6,500,000 during 859 caaisaulaconnfund2t tolten of our gratitude, we now present you with thia Bible and Pseliti Book hop- Baying at ing that we nsay long retain your service as the past month. The amount of coin in Selling at a LO.der of oua choir, and wishing that the the Treasury is 102,000,000, and of Orders by mail or telegraph executed wit% prompt - Promises contained in this Blessed Book ness, and on the most favtimble terms. The highest may be ever aours richly to enjoy. currency $10e000,000. premium paid for bills, and the highest puce paid for There is a temperance revival at Balti- greenbacks. - W F. P. SMART. Mr. McPherson, replied .as follows : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Itis with great more , station, and all the saloons have thank you for this expression of regard THE MitertiCETE. pleasure I accept your present. I sincerely been closed. - and manifestation of your apprecation of The proceeds of the sale of' timber on Goetze-ton, March 8, 1870 et ---- my humble services as precentor. I value this Book as a gift from God. My prayer is that the Bible may indeed be to us as a congregation, "a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path" may it make us "wise unto salvation;" and whet SILVER. The wisdom of the Ontario Government is rather apocryphal, end we shrewdly C.itoride of calcium......0 0795 2,6436 - ever been credited with may fairly be at - Chloride of maguesium..01449 eeroxyd of Iron 0 0029 15,3570 Salute matter 16.1590 Water 83,8410 1'0685 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF J. B. GOUGH.-An trlieuted to such men as Blake, McKellar ram° agent is um/an town taking orders for the and Mckenzie, who, in the midst of a 27;7.-81 above book, to be delivered in a week ,`? crookedand perverse (politicaligeneration, 100000 two. It will comprise over 560 p. p, anth have. proacd themselves true to principle . '78,6799 Now, Prof. Goesman in his painphlet and Progress. However, we wish the 100,0wr illustration's, and will undoubtedly be L a copies Prof. Hunt's analysis of Goderic • valuable addition to any library. The Herald a long e,afeek of prosperity, Orrewa, 4th ltlarch. brine as follows :- 4 ftCte:fe 1: tir3,1sevreltIlViT. tntee IT seaayt nieoctoirnegr Thespeakertoek tale chair at 3 oailpels. - Common Salt 259,003 The beak Will Meet with a large sale. . MILITARY ScHooxs.--31r. • Blake has Sir Maccaniald advised the publica- Gypsum made tavery necessara motion for papers, with a few er.ceptions of a private nature. tt Magnesium, - 01,8285: T'elegraeli Company has made all nem,: liwas abese inIstitoions-have been preufia tion of papera,refeering- to the North West et -deride of Calcium eae TELEGRAPH EXTENSION. --The Montraal for the purpose of ascertaining what re- , _ Correspondence- -respecting' the financial ' sary aira'naitments for telegraph line . - - arrangements with Nova Scotia revenate_._____,---- Salina mattea, 261,568 rota roate r a nava el "Pg. ara a " been °nought° turn; Out men 'in plenty to f W mte 1 131 1- at h rie o . - wo years. of their existence wouldlnwe •., .0 returris,and tarforeseea expeneeh'aetounts-, - were laid on the table. e -. `' .. :We quote still further ;;-- 1-ii:of-e—'-ssor Theswater, in the County of Bruce., 1 e offir Our volunteer militia. Theo furth, M Mackenzinask d whv the paters re- Hunt adds, !it appearie that thwine pint of nue, ii: pe . , , , via be in- o ration in about two ee • , - er contentrance es only enCouraging the Laing 20- the ntereploniar Railway had than rinee eve _ :gra nit 0 _a ee., mont from WIG • - cultivation -of' the uselesa liemiemilitary, . r t. e - e b will Id. a260, i f alt not bees bratiht dowa ; and Sir J. A. and that ;21.6 gaw,i3.3 will .gi,yea boshel- a. a aviell,wheis afwaysanniiiancia _. The tax- Macdoiudd remised. tte Lien to the unit; (MI peewits) of,salt,' &c,, &tie Taking into c. . , s_, ,-e... (?e, , e a _ea ee 0,,,,,,,ei. aeters sbould beat once ae 'eyed, pf. the. RE 4 AT e --e e ea eyan ppe . . 1.. , r in i ir Ai •th w 1- — iktiatie elYeen kV) el °41-0..i• " '.aaa' "a•aa"a- a* iirden Of s.ilpportiiig-these eapensiae Mid ter, P aaa - • voneideration, tinder such eiraumitances ' ths -e; avieioe- lyeulte flea' geologinaleella(Tader .0f iktderielt awl of !idles- °i.-].".414' °Cul 4Stablisliments. . ante" cetomettat„ to ooteadea. bra Bankikee ,sa quite, haelr iatereat W4feIt, tver-q-1*--f.P113Q-C1-."';t11-!) . „_. - Aind that. on24t1iXarek Trusdnan's- .7the Vistatatbelepg aja aa a ea r - _ _ t pf the 0:wue PleAnewit ktlityulmu et:of , This Councilmet in the Town, Hall on Tuesday the 22nd Feb.1870. The Rceye in 'the chair and a fat Council presept. Minutes of last meetiog read and approVed. R Ferguson moved sec. by J 13 fieigher that Ces,t1e; got holt1 of the petition; ana yet, • divisions now late , out, e 1011 dust' leave his own seal and over tee Cas - Mi. .Plunkett was not satisfied -for hel assessment act of i869 and in wild land sections where tle in a hurry, to show him that 011e Peter 1 Desiny'd name should not be there' the there are no read divisions laid con, the Council expend etattne labormoney in accordance vtith the said asses..i- Disititlery_Seizure. / . _ _ _ quadruped that cartied Baalam 4:440e........ ment act of neste-carried Mr Carrick moved, see . Windsor, March 3. -- Yesterday; Dia- , - , .. , 040 tor, buChis interfering in this that- irrelijaale'r leuir tileolejektut:NunritViuteligui.:icivi DM' heTrhe from men inthecapacity qf Clerks,andismi! Fesrgason tuoVed, sec by 3B Geigher that a Bye-la'w be triet Inspector Romaine, of the inland IaTens Lleau:iee-oeeneterrylariveerneombeitsInocrier.certiefrvrring• thijil passedittanting_TayerpLiee_nsesto Cavell:1Di Derria pson Tnivellers !Rime laWS, Revenue Department, seized Rae's distil- ef°vralaueviolatthialle p6rof perty in the the -revenue , Such': work is", unsolicited,. XT. ." Editor ter, Waver, IS altogether -insignificant, fteynoldti Farmers Ina & W Sim the extreple.__ tali mil i: shoos ivuraitances.--Aesai 1 a ou h therelhav this L'auncil gran , nothing has been elmte Seafogth Markets and hisacts invidious: ill:. 1 . vestigation for a peried of ten days, but Bad eattwearein -Bayfieltly n11 we ask le, ing mpg: for 186; tie bemlninin5 itli bletpaidriT.42fortre. s d to prove that • fitir paaa—a-wha Titan° More —and will riot wiliaaa-rleewnikivita..6. ey.ataeali,etteriaat the aura of 350.00 be,,gtanted for ' 1 a 4 atl. & - Walpole Island, in the St. Clair River Fall wheat 4:00 ® 4:00 0 :70 le $20,000,) are to be disoributed among mow , the Indians of that Island to improve Oats .... Spring Wheat .... .... 0:40 ® 0:42 $0:65 0:68 (which will arobably amount to $18,000 0:28 a 0:31. 0:74 0:40 . ® 0:42 their farms. Peas . , .. 0:45 a 0:60 There is considerable activity among Barley 0:15* @ 0:00 the Spiritualists ; new circles are being Batter Potatoes ton .. 9:00 ... . 0:17 ® 0:17 organized in all the western and northern Elaggays, r 25: 1 Chickens per pair .. 0:30 ® 0:32 12575000 portioneaof the State. 5:00 ® 6:00 There is a hen in Flint that lays an Wood. • Hides (green) . . . ,. .... egg with a double yolk ovary day, Most Beef, per cwt. Pork Wool 0:30 a 0:30 eggstraordinary, ain't it. F ale Colleac at Jacksonville, was des - On Saturday morning- the Illinois Sheep . 7:50 a 7:50 0:75 a 0:75 4:00 a 4:00 troyed by fire. The building belonged to Apples Goderich-Salt, wholesale, Posh. per bb the Illinois Conference of the ' Methodist Episcopol Church. The furniture was 1:20. all saved, though in a damaged co!idition Clinton Markets. There were about 150 pupils in the By special Telegraph to the "Signal." building, all of whom escaped uninjured. Clinton, Marcb. 8, 1870. Loss $40 000 • insurance, $35,000. Spring do Fall Wheat Oats .. Barley - -,....... 0:25 a 0:28 _ 0:65 ® 0:75 0:65 ® 0:86 Peas Potatoes by Mr Tutubull that Mr Bussenberry be. granteda ..... 0:50 11011, 0:60 Same as, if,- Mr 'Castle wtts inferior ;o the Flour • 0:40 ® 0:50 0:42 a 0:45 : seizure will exceed $20,000. Mr Romaine' because his rinsinutitiiin ,aaae.,,, the License forTravellers Rome to be for six ritonths J1J4.5,1"." for whoo.--cmried Mr carrr 1;11E2 m000vrenduseccalany Welaiumeo-. has been prosecuting a very seerchipg Butter Pork -Egg? 4;00 ® 4:50 . 0:15 I@ 0:17 7:50 ® 8:00 0:12 a 0:0a be zont.041i7J0.41Wthig-lea* - prizesle ereVewIt'sluP .; ours r. ere Cie _ Schoof Hicambiation, and that aarrichnioveesec: terife g ebeen irregulaeities and has been any fraud practisea, and By speciarreiegrapho' The 48.igua.:0:45 REbfkrtiR,tr-liiViijirefejstioep 's,„eaPyao,eeCae errYiiturtiOarrt iliClea that W43 Witseithe 11141e* HE salaam Ideate SateXeatate-hite eatriee Turnhiiitinoved seetivIdeiodeerr Fete:gust: --ere" ' ' • 4 ' bollectorbe..granted 85,110foreatra service and loss 111 • • • - tba ve Conned be a committee/011841st the: -rintandents ba ern fe.e:ace:treltd4t:leitIo:drrn:tisbilthiltiesi i mistakes qf a somewast serious characteha_ Reviatai at 'Ottawa. ' Itliaaveetobseuepnpliny hadiseciwistommilerras uesiluaalta, ewMrith-* out interrupti&i. pending the f urtilur in- Oats . 04':25°8 aa 04'0.o:1:L15501 .DRPlorinnrgpWer w heSeatfafouratirh.,_Ma...rc. 0008:6::,61515587(04/700:on heat...., 0:65 0 0:7'7 0.38 -who --iituse unes commits an ,,,annoymg. I there is some other Ivey ?f gaining a :orrikeY 119; tcr:igLh:21?`122°42:: n:thed seev:Y:::baeecigieh:rg.th:thilleeuisC:llueoltiell:onttohws .41 ,-e9 e- ext. at10 o'clock a. m. for the.Court ff$ any inan's career is` that wherein he fan- Butte-...... • 04;:zz5: 017 55 081 15:05 _ , , „, . _ adinum in went gam in iht; town Ham Tues04,2ke Horate 45Cregej tugs the darkest day in Pp:taast°e8 • 1mA .0 dollar than bp Equarely•earning , , W A 'WON 41.0 . we are informed that.liberal arrangements - • • - - 'naturoanlid-the oztentAf; tbArtessy je nine' - 411114 :t5:11"4:°f. 440IT -=affeq#4511 tei,F. .°NE Iva° w" TUE. MbEPNG' e le beheld in Zurtch acme time Mayfield, 24a -rebel 1 . • ildoenextatif which farther notice Talte giVerr, an tesohitions. - - :s4a,poreonallool.otiquirrin-rogard-tco'sho e.W.011-P-Ps. :°-.Yfga.12-t--- 7r.ng1P-Finir (di..,-iThoge..: -interested's/ ,-pletie beer :" tfr Cartverigli 'rose .esTid iittacted .thq salt region -deoideeX*upone '-Ttie*-reaultie'theiv•PaAt.?Fa . .*--....,A9, a' Wia, 0 'Pr', -X, itahrle 1 ean.esepre oat atiereappn • thatthe BoOkd bee -hatted aiJetin unee 'lithe year: 1 estiga on -of the eas . • - - - re y eguntorreatentsiye bui ding epee', doveroment for its vatilliation and ineon- far atatyea at lay- himself , nifty be . eney on a -Imports en elm stemmed in o o g B p e celled the spec' itt' attentioye -of 1-Ofe' 'awn- y -Thalltesed brut' e Ottdartah ad' - - dent tliat Mi Librariscicrthe_ccy,pla yeast if salary of $1, au „ ti e by the lanister of ist nts b th: 11 Win istAtiniPilt;- il`fte -aisfaet• thatigniiielhort' moat' s, n,4 only. onei mostcwveittrated - - - - ' - - figeresi a7-0.1 and -We aremet at Misfire s, Itsot 'ealleCtitite lite 48014 1.11•69•-c•igr • t1611*-4.11rii)g*1.4111t1P104(4)10M19-:11(00 letawitk Bar Jahn Roaa'a epeeCh itiliertn` kuoiyy4 pm: 'FOttojk-Esq.11114.thergatet/h .1c mock ad: *--41uicitaki''en-thePa Revision, ame a urea fa - ree ortiliegroun an taste eoleatt th__e aalayarnment. leadt raiarprr_thruisetevartaacalu4a-4 Balk, .0e. the °unction of -a large r10 b -brought in, measure- entitely di -Tema Lica Alas ti alias °gun' liecanaerno-oopy of them isosont ui.. Introvert the- propositions or -,appArently .azterids for linoraL,,%- than tyska did' contarnotion !Eggs 51.1-44.ter gataarallY- mifiet$ of atiderich fhb& &Kari onHainilten from the Lita 311luittefa., than pro:- Seconay„ That the salt bearing .regiop. joining essrs. Ore,a Orem _ -frama-atc)rei late reapeotecl -clerk- a , reguairkr. titaikeitatt Ahe • •-• an? A GaiTLEILAN from usu. the St Lawrence, stopp gams Rotel, Montrial During the day Sundav) vomiting, violent purjita called Canada Cholera.. medicines to the dra&,ist. aerratories of medicines a those who eet Inch on Stu bee3Hemweaselarreccustataieptlyogroarlf called on me and wished gave him a teaspoonful n half tumbler of water 1 nance wore a lively and pi marked : feel much bet and cramp am leaving nt all over my body ' lit Os him anothet dose. la dinner. Lu the evening retana to Montreal he w.1 &Dewed lladway's iiwTOlittniaapt:hvectlertrboulrrer1K,I'nta074 Dyset,eenDrtiy, FR.,deve:JsteA.la Price 50 ets. .At Brucefield t James Johns, On Sunday last wholesale gn McGuire &Co., ed in marriage that place. Th ed at St. Josep Rev. Father bridal party ail days. On the 1st of at the bride's fath St. Helene. Mr County thin youngest daug West %man .At her residence, -England, en th of the late Admiral Bore mother of F. .Goderich. Onthe fith inst., Soli of theiate Nova Scotia. Thenemains f tin the Catholic -noon last with all companions in laeaded hhe very.1 impressing them of theDead Marc At Whitewater, day morning, dan formerly shire England. III I. 1 1,1 WM 21 FOR Y STATIONER NEWS /kg Telegrap (JORD ORDERS for which is not MI shortest notice, VALUAB MBE North halfof 1 North nab of is of Morris. L50 dares, ed. A good at; trame house. mom well, log barn, 29 acres ocean whoa a vaumtion. Tee to mutes from the Gray and School. It is th the bma and bingesi TITLE The whole or pc Godedch March GIVING MR. AR TepEos TO INF Li is about givin WEDNESD to sell off th P A N I 3•11 BY PU- and continue fro - posed of. Tim Ge thcrefox suitablefor the gar A pleti Jackets, SALES at /3- Remember " Great Auction Goderich, 7th MENDERS j. Comm= forthe erectian For informiter to Mr. B. Fe, Ward. with wh 2y -Order Goderich, Cha IN pars for pale in a snit of the Sixteen Seveeta d ay, will be GEORGE his Audio with the Buell, Esti TiLeadaY, 187 The follow and sin of latd an of Ashfiel cemansed One th Divisioa repeater tared which al the fetal and inapt log bo well ele grave:. ts e.bo aboatse gamine. The p Tay dew dollars pnrclms tors, an there xeS inZ 4" ger y Iteurs. street. to -the Dated