HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-03-10, Page 10Y3 rERS. . - _ • ' lte f •ter haa 0 E 74c 1" • ‘1. . .• • • • p. " • \.• 1 F, , • e • ,•'• • • ."! 1. \. s 7-ta. ---'vittuythtuccess, AAtZ4- RES:COM? DREssfig Yre 111 OneBoiatie 3a"" ITS USE Fed Hair tsythfJ quickly Nler and beauty, tile first applicztion a 3 aZ,-.1 dt?lightfu.l fragraniV iaeato the Hair. lafz•t gr Iv on Bald Spatt lavari&at growth. 111. Zs immediately checked. ag;,,-ists. Price One Dollar. . inufaetured by 7iAN DrzE.a co. ionggists, jaset and 40- Park Place, 'aw-Yerk, and • 2albern. Isaadon. Eng. CABINET AND :TERING s DP, 7,7EsT STREET, BANK OF MONTREAL, 30DERICH. RIC PileICAY, %'-LDEES?EtTFULLY A N- •ehe 1.-ts "petted a Larss n ii-vst. street, opposite keep cvnsta.ntly .n....tvr • TRE OF ILL KENDS - an _ass,- - • • ..- Upholstering wepawed. prompt4 all ••rders &tit and E.,..1.1frs7 lloaldirzs on Framing to Order. .•.••t-t..t.,:n to basin 2.ss to ••• c.-44-tf Yr. 512 one, sn: a -.0 , • 400. - • l',.1 , ..!..., S. • ) - --`7.3s, 'ralsta-a••4••- , •rsi a s seshe -venenne; - " s - r... -, tr.:. a" ..-•rss - .:1 e # - i.-7.-. 1::., a..,--e•,,y 1) : •"-ia.asaaa-a..a„..aasaaaa• i AND SEE. ea Testnnontals ere most entrn,ord•nr,,-y cares m Canada by (.t NREME DY T'oey are stern. tan ass......stss.e tugs, sat -Helen! to eouriace a !beGt-eat Co7-, ....poun- azesro ee m the c.rreat ErEES REMEDY tb.s 1 n-crat. Lungs, L.-7er, Thgestve ei; as Serotala, me various suat aists.--a,e& arng from bo.dly state thLt thhs great Eal. BEEN 011ITALLED. lragre ▪ a 're as that the peraon of ge,,nton, C. W.. of Consumption ; or &Imes:owl'. C. W.. of con_ f zroe W ood ,Gf Cuasecon, C. W. id Laver Corap'.aalt, or that of Johri iee, C. W. or bneurtzsm, who had r:rtet.rzes m sone alai! treat - Had .3 now we. Scores of En...encases re we we he Drug' Store and get a Circular or !ce GREAT SHOSL. 1EDY eY1PILLS, and satisfy your ke Remedy in large pints $1 ne esenness =.e Beaters Medi er Godetzeh, F. Sordan aud P er & %IDLE:SALE AGT6NTS: ,:IYFT& warsCoo..N, t fosolvro. - ELA.”.1LTON. l -STARK es, To Messrs. CITA UBE ats.13' S Com7ay P. 0., Connty of < Iannoz.01..tario /‘. Canada_ • Efostin-r3, ,krwl.nce•cfOntn-let, Feb. lttf, 180. fr.rtrly drze..rag the wier of 1866 I wItis a Weal:Le:5S tk.-..? oracles, which zser,exf....es1 to 123y 3-cp.t0=3r Erff27, v.:ma / ber_arze so we iz-walrg„ tics ctr.:^lirmi to ray ctodr. wriZa ess walk coining mn-4,2re,s, Iso,Zaltr:edigzady.Zuem-D:03-- e-.e0otozevIrict reedleines of •pre.Setad byelc-zds,:: Lt.t. of na .3;:c.:t;. =me- st:L.ss2 worse, ussIll the summer .1 was ir....drxefftotryti_\ggreatsho-shoness idingt).-'ec-ares cc:earned, /a0,14rinaolet. toteel the weaknesa In. ray was gslEng_armosthe:pless., I have SnThstosess.- Remedy and- twO riu.sara.,12 ent:re:yrtered to Ilealth. E.cdta get better, bet sfina14 tried the scrtclf,„`-ze tor*. This ease of mint .,-c.raeibetknOetetce oar ri,eighbors it.z/tocray craf,,• ar;eted as / waa, I hays the Sboshonese Iteniedy ;1 believe, it . Xaitt - KtreW,eatafsadoe', 09t1titY P.E. F. 'froonJ. . OZ.!: th,at Uwe lixerwrr 31.4, y Aut. .€-,lestfitkoee yOre ;_ $he aeons= Of I have YuOwn herbefore, believe. her etrtilleate to be lose* thatelnle/gbateese rpelt.sg ; I knOwt that siiehae. gine° attributeil bee recovery, to: th.* Illhatevey may Jae Use pej trzkyr_fil:choe, 0113 thing* Ce '1311141t ;;Ittai acted aloseet 4ke the- perforataece of • . A. Y.; lf:oorii r•WfY0r-ti444410/114;124)rratgOntetia s " • 1 • 4. ,e. .002111.11.•• W.F. 31, nitor t.ndProprietor. $1.00FIEC11. ANN IN A.TIVA.ISTCEC, $2.00 skT EC N.13 OF YE _AR. WEETKIAY El3ITICJIN eve The Greatest Possible lood to the Greatest Possible Number. (3-01),MICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, HARM 10, J870. Busiuess Directorn. HURON HOTEL, ZURICH. CO. IILTRON. JOHN PRANG, - Proprietor. This house is fitted up fwi,h eve -y conven:enee for the travelling pubtie, tar Good Stabling and prompt attendance. Februarv Ist, 1570. w2-tf MRS. DA YS' HOTEL WROXETER. (IN the direct road from Seaforth to ‘./ Walkerton. Every necessary accom modation tor the travelling public. HANNAH DAYS. WrOXetrar. Tssv. 5, 1 5i7. w4 Co an riaerciaMote 1C.117 JOHN FUCKS, Proprietor. This is th argestand bestCountry Hotel in Wester Canada.and cnarges as moderate as any HOU. in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Good ettblingfor 100 Horses Horses and Carriages for Hue, on Sortest Notices • 14:7 COLBORNE HOTEL, CODERICH. E. MARTIN & SON. Good Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. a.3.• This is admitted to be a First class house kept in Good Style. Dece lath, 1S70. sw4J-tf MILE subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal 1 patronage so long bestowed upon him, begs to in- form his numerous customers and the public generally that inconsequence of the late tire, he has removed his basiness to the store formerly occupied by Mr. Booth, West street, nest Bank of Montreal, • where everything n his line will be found and All Kinds of Job Work will he Done the same as nsual. G. N DAVIS- Goderieh , 29thMarch 1 - G. BARRY & B1100 NM CM CABINET MAKERS OOD -TURNERS AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St„ Goderich, WEEP constantly on band for sale all arti- a ales in their line, such as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas. &c., Gip. All kinds of wood -turning done, such a Nool posts, stair bannisters, neckyokes, Always on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a HEARSE to hire on reasonable term Goderich. May 3rd, 1866 15w6nTre GOD E WitION &CARRIAGE MC a, 21 -Ix fa. t c, p •‘• ir HE Subscnber would announce to the pub - lie of Huron and Bruce, that he is now man- ' ufaeturing first-class Carriages, Waggons, Sleighs, CletlettEarenes CroCee which Will be sold CHEAP 'OR CASH. Cc:r Wanted a wood -worker, and two apprenticea--one to learn wood -work and the otheablacksmithing. JOHN PASMORE, Victoria Street, Goderich Coderich,frlav 16th, 1868. w49 TM LORING 1. 31:k 496 TM IS DpETUTINS HIS MOSTSINCERE THANKS Lest° r t he very flatterin g e n con ragemen t he hat., leceivedsinee heuommeneed business in Gode- - rich, notbeing able to execute over one -hal o heordersbrought to him listseason ;having mow secured c aeilitiesaa, Laitymg on Business Extensliely , , and emgarng none bat first-ciass tradesmen -.admit:Li:snotty !n- the Province,havingeamedon Andes . believeshisexpenence as Cutter is • husinesseiteasrveiYanclsuccessfullyinfiamilton; princip.a4first-elassanatomers,and having been Catterinene of t he Principal Establishmen a •E,dinbargheScotrands he eariesslystate to a s diseermag public that 1,1A01,011,10. CAN BE- MADE a iivisstabitslimen e gun if 0= kt7iPes Establish. saentia,Torogto atilt° ntre al. a • ' Godench. Oeto r ; 1863e 11 Business 113irectorp. 1 PHOTOGRAPHS I $1.00 Per Dozen. St oyes ! Stoves, • Pr A.1•••II3 VA.N CY' pEr ALF DOZEN FROM BA NEGAITirt; Al- 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from back negative 87 cents,:postage free, to any address. ilar' Particular Attention paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes, For eicher large or small photographs. The subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, would just say that he has made such im- provements in his gallery as will merit a con- tinuance of the same. '12.1 Pla I Great Reduction on tl Large Photographs. E. L. J OLINSON. rn • • Goderich. Oct. 26, 1869. w44tf. %I 1V" li7t7 ▪ M, COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Stir Coal Oil Lamps, &c. Ste. Old' Iron. Copper, Brass, Wool Pickings. and Sheep Skins taken in exhange. J.& J. STORY, /55Z5- Sign of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, 'G oderten. Match 1st, l S67 6 - NOW IS Y'U Et CHANCE ro cn 1-i s - o z ORABB'S - Secure the Shadow ere the Substance fades. 0:2 /-9 Prices to Suit the Tines! Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., OR 75cts. PER HALF DOEMS. Large Photograph Reduced in ,Proportion. Also will make the largest Photographs made in Goder- kit, very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar upwards at D. CAMPBELL'S Photograph Gallery. Goderich. Oct. 19th. 1869. w27 "MI -1M Oldest Establishment in Town. MARTIN AMANN DEGS TO INFORM HIS OLD CUSTOMERS I/ that he is till able to sell for cash, at the ow est rates, ILL RINDS OF FURNITURE, At his shop on Kingston Street, opposite the Huron Hotel, Godericb. Give htm a call. Gedericl, Oet.3. 1868. swl 1 w37. Ontario Carriage Shop, aravaiton, Goderich. R. J. w I:LI J. n.LY, IS still in full operation, and is taming ont snperio Carriages, Buggies, Wagons of all kinds, SLEIGHS, CUTTEMS, C. A number effirst class Bu=ies on hand, and for sale cheap for cash Prices of all. articles in the line that will compare favorably with any in the County All work warranted Particular attention pald to Wagon and Carriage Be - R. J WHITELY. Coderich, NovIlth. 1869 w42 SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. THE undersigned having purchased the Plain - .1. ing Mill and Sash Factory owned, and oy- copied by Donald Cumming, are now prepared to carry on the business of manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring. ng, Sidi SAW -LOGS & STAVE -BOLTS WANTED. Ash, Beech, Pine, and . Hemlock, HE SUBSCRIBERS ARE PREPARED TO MAKE contracts for the delivery of a quantity of Sawlogs, also, Stave Bolts Delivered on their premises opposite the railway station. Also to undertake the sawing of custom Logs For particulars apply to Mr Gunn on the premises or at the residence of Mr James Tomlinson STANDLY & Co. Goderich, 23rd December, 1869 sv49-tf REMOVAL. ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, WEST STREET, GI' 01) RIO H. mem Subscriber having removed to the Store lately 1 occupied by A. Naysrnith, West Stre'et, opposite the Post Office, wishes to thank his friends and the pubic, or the liberal support with twhieh they have favored lum for the last 25 years, and begs to assure them that ,no effort will be spared to ment a continuance of their patronage, his &RIMS study will be tosupply Watches Clocks and Jewelery which will give satisfaction to the purchaser, and as all work has been done by myself, customers may depend ..on having it well executed. VT A good assortment of Gold and Plated Jewelry Watches, Clocks &c., always on hand. ALEX WALLA.CE. Goderich Oct. 26th 1868. w40 WASHING MACHINE! A PERFECT CEM. Priceoniii $2.00 each nenE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE "A 1 little wonderin the Washing Machine line,' patent- ed and manufactured by 1-srael Kinney. of Woodstock. It is the cheapestfmachine ever invented; can be at ached to any ordinary wash -tub ; can .be adjusted by springs tosuit either light or heavy goods ; washes as rapidly and efliciently as more cumbersome and costly machines ; and does less injury to the clothes; and leaves them nearly as dry. if desired. as a regular Wringer. The low price of 82.00 brings it within the reach of any family. With it any housekeeper can do her ownwashing without eithei getting sore hands co an aching back. Calland See thellachine AT ROBINSON & YATES' Market timely, w49 Goderich. 28th Dec.. 1869. ROOM PAPERS ROOM PAPERS. A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Three Different Kinds of Papers iiotadraor. For Balls, Parlors, Dining Rooms *and Drawing. Rooms, ALL 1,42, ow PATTERNS Good Stock -and declared by Painters and Paper Hang es.3 to be the most beautiful designs, The Best and Cheapest PAPERS EVER INTRODUCED IN GODERICH. FOR SALP, AT BUTLER'S. Goderich. AFril lath. 1869. PARLOR GEM PIANO FORTE. MANUFACTURED BY Marshall St, Wendell f Atha ny. and all kmds ot CI Re 1_4E NV C0 such as Circle and Gothic Sash d F The Work, that they can give satisfaction to all an rames y think from their experience in Factorty, may favor them with a call. Farniera Livery Stable grsits OTHERS. : - . Ant. an all - Tour - Lame orses. _ -1,114f (Hovel, capitasse„;,e,a• Hefeelacenfident of giviugaatisfactme to el Whe May tenothim withtheir orders. -- N. B.-A.libera discount to tha trade.; 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flooring on hand JAS BUCHANAN, ALLAN 13. 11711CLEANI 'DAVID LAWSON, - WM. ROBINSOM. Goderzen. Mareh eth. 1867. 'web .0 re 'LIVERY Instrument is hilly warranted and ha LI the modern improvements, full iron frame Oir strnng bass and bushed ivory front keys. For STANDING IN TUNE, guarantee these Pianoes second to none. Pianos, Melodeans and Organs Tuned, EALICLIFF, A gent at Odder Or Second hand Pianoes taken in, exchange. oderich, 17thl Sane, 1869. w21 -61n CHEESE, CHEESE ec • 0 ,‘_ - -4 . .-t Shephard -Strachan, "e -t- A / - _-/ ' 4 eL: cRpegit,s, GoDERica. .11 . „ ••• A LARGE 'AVE; been enetiniointed sole agents at tag .itigt4tuBLVA Godeneh for the sale of the celebrated Exeter Faetery Chew., ' A.SSORIlittr 01' CIPTHP 11•211011MMI Immows. )VOL. - Methodist Eptscon'i Entertainment. Lord Monde onlOolonial Defence. _ GODERIOH This gathering yesterday evening (erd on February 14th, our former Governor In the debate in the House of Lords GANNET FumfisHING inst.) in the .New Connexion Church, for the purpose of supplementing the salary of i Ge,n,evraiscl,:uptoiktemasofnocllkoaeo-s :u -i --d the respected pastor, Rev. JosephBrown, I speak from was a happy and successful one, The ! fseoemliengpracin Cticaalnadeaxperilieencheadoafntotesiatal state DANIEL GORDON, ladies of the congregation and theirfriends,, had found many things there of which the (-7A-13IINT1-Ir la-A-I-K]E. -it provided a sumptuoua table. Mayor Haya occupied the -chair in his usual able and Colonists and England also may well be ! nection with one of the Colonies, and be . UPHOLSTERER, est to the speech of the noble Earl oppo- site mariner; and all the speakers cern- proud. He had listened with some inter- plimented him on his, good -looks and site (the Earl of Carnarvon), and had to urbanity. Mr. Brown apologized for the confess some of the suggestions thrown out _ Tr A8 now on hand a prevented, by sickness, from being .pre- ! acted upon by the Government of leaving absence of Rev. W. H. Poole, who was I rather surprised him. The policy being LI. large dock of ilitheeirboewstnthdtt sent. Rev. W. Smythe, though not ex- IltohonueeelCdoiblnoenit!Atmsoeptotoepdfriopaveniadre wfNotorasuld effect much In every variety, which a-peech ; animadverting on the extrava- 1 :lion in the anadian Dominion. If a pecting to be called upon made a pithy , i the way ot eating a proper organiza- __aa- the favor of all in want of furniture who may future period t would be well known that I gances of fashion; advising young men to it was gentlemanly i separation weye to take place at some I favor him with a visit, whether in style or price, such as 7 give notive to P urging them to beHeve I the Colonists wtloireki;deaand Cane Chairs, Cupboards, Lounges, that usefulness in life was a greater orna- necking Chairs Chiffioners, W A`RIE H SE. a•••••••••• AND Undertaker, &c., &c., FURNITURE cannot failtoconunand Bureaus, Wood Chairs, Bedsteads, Sofas, Tables, Bookcases, Extension Tables,Easy Chairs, Wardroes, Side boatels, Wash Siands, Kitchen Tables, Stands. • Sea Glass Mattresses, Wool do, Moss do Hair do, and 4 or 5 different kinds Spring Mattresses N. B.- Keeps always on hand a large assortment of Washable gilt and Rosewood Moulding -frames, square or oval, made on the shortest notice. ment than soft bands and fine clothes. - The chairman said he took the speaker's remarks to heart and hoped the audience would do so also. Rev. James Seiveright forcibly illustrated the beauty and fitness of the "common blessings " the Creator Havmg made arrangements with JACQUES IlAY, Toronto, can furnish anything bdre or bestows on us, and said that if we would at their Warerooms in Toronto, only look at our position in the light of Ira- Has always a complete assortment of what it would be if deprived of these, we would, less often, be found comilaaining of Coffins &, Shrouds in the Latest Style "hard times." The Rev. R. Ure followed, sympathising with the congregation in Also, HEARSES to Hire. their struggle with low finances, insisting, 32.4E)415ti]r) FOR ilEidlEjlk. in eloquent terms, that the highest clay W2 of every minister and every christian was to endeavor to assimilate his character to _ Christ's spotless humanity, and, if imagin- FIRE & MA RIN E Socrates watclung over him, was te a heath en ing that the pure spirit .ef such an one as IN SUI-L.A.NC.E. philosopher an incentive to writ] e, ho w much more should the knowledge that Jesus was ever near us, be our incentive to virtue and godliness. Mr. D. Fisher, Colborne, on the call of the audience, made a very humorous speech, for which he was handsomely, rewarded in roars of laughter. The usu-al votes of thanks were given, and on the motion of Mayor Hays a special vote was given to Mr. Richard' Parker for furnishing the musical part of the enter- tainment; complimenting Mr. Parker in very high terms, on the perfection to which he has brought his juvenile choir, in the very short time he bas had the girls under his training. West Wawanosh. Goderich, Febrnary 1st, 1870. Dn./ENT% FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY of Lon - .1 don, England, established in 17Aone of the oldest, lamest and best offices in Canada. HORACE HORTON, Agent 110ROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Canada, 1 Head Office, Toronto. Will site r sks on Country and City property.. Marine risks taken at as low rates as any other first class office. HORACE HORTON, Agent. MONEY TO LOAN. $20 000 on good farm security parable from from ono to twelve years. No intereat retained in advance. HORACE HORTON, Agent. G odericb , Match 31, 1868 Maitland Salt Well PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, The undersigned is prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT, IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE Lowest FROM THE ABOVE WELL. S. 11. DETL011. Goderich, Aug-ust 3rd, 1869. w27 Auction & Commission. G-ODERIpli & CLIN'TON Estaiblished 1852. 4,2AliES of Miscellaneous Property in CoJerich k-1 every Saturday, and in Clinton every Wed- nesduy. _ 1VIoneyadvanced on Property fcr immediate sate and prompt returns made. Farm Stock and other Sales punctually attend- ed to throughout the County, G. M. TRUEMAN'S Auction Mart, wbl Market Square, Goderich 1 NOTICE. All parties:Indebted to R.Runciman& Co 'RIMER BY NOTE OR BOOS AC- "countareherebynotified,that unlessthey CALL AN1 PAY UP AT ONCE hey will be sued, without further notice. The Council met this day, (Feb. 25th) pursuant to adjournment -all the mem- bers present. The minutes &last meet- ing were read and approved. Magis- trates' certificate in favor of Jas. Bruce, of sheep baying been killed by dogs, on or about the 14th of Dec., 1868, was examined and ordered to be paid out of dog fund for 1868. A synopsis of the Treasure's accounts was rresonted to the Council. The Auditors were requested to furnish, in duplicate, a statement in detail of the receipts and disbursements of the Municipality, tor the year ending 31st Dec. 1869. &loved by Mr. Stuart, sec. by Mr. Mellwain, That John Wilsen be appointed Inspector of Licenses, in piece of D. Cameron, resigned -Carried. Application for shop license by D. blcDougall, of Lucknow, was re- ceived -certificate to be granted on receipt of the Inspector's certificate.e-- Tenders for the Collectorship were received as follows : - From Donald Grant, $95 ; Jos. Malloagh, $50; H. Mathera, $40; Jno. MoRoetie, 645; A. Pentland, 05. Moved by Mr. Gaunt, sec. by Mr. Wilson that Hy, Mathers Esq. be appointed Collector in terms of, his tender -Carried. Mr. Gaunt reported to the Council respecting e'broken scrap- er mentioned in minutes .ef last meeting Moved by Mr. McIlwaini sec. hy Mr. Stuart that as the scraper tn question was borrowed without the atithority of the -Council although the townSbip had pro - sided a new scraper for the special use Of the village of Lucknow ittisnot expedient to pay the sum demanded-eCarried. A By -Law was passed for, regulating the height and description of Lawful &noes -The Council adjourned to meet again when notified by theClerk. JAS. SCOTT, Tp Clerk, Northern Railway Elevator Burnt - OVER $200,000 WoRTH PROPERTY DES- TROYED. i From the Leader The old elevator belonghig to the North- ern railway, and situate int a wharf to the westward of the Brock street station, was completely destroy&I byi fire last night. The origin of the fire is c othed in mystery -inasmuch as the watch an, Mr. Patrick Garvin, who was on d ty at the Arne, R. RUNCIMAN, knevinothing about it till he was informed Huron Founda by some parties from the outside. The eer, flames were first observed in the ctipola, . Goderich, Ont. and it is therefore inferred that it must Goderich,29th Dec. 1868. wen. have originated from ' frictioin of the machinery, as there was ho fire in the eng- T "iga in ashort time and at a light expense for entering of thls • - • • ine.re9m. The alarm W3.3 given and the the disaster, but they were pertectly Fire Brigade turned out very promptly, and conveyed two engines to the scene of 1 Universities and Colleges, and as 'Teachers, account - powerless to stay tbe onward march of the ants, &a. Special attention paid to theYine arts, flames, and the elevater and sheds ex - en, 1870. For Board and Tuition iti:En3lish and ,. . tending northward to the esplanade, a The Winter Term wilt Commence Tuesday, January melaeressiiacst Dpeeprartm11 weetlets(u' nitefited$30).sigealinodla5t2s0h.ip in Coln- alStanCe of several hurdred feet, were Students are charged nom date 0 entering, For completely destroyed.. ,The elevator was homes of Professors, Teachers and tutus for Music, crammed full of grain ea your -there being oti. Painting, thawing. French and German, see eiren I anent 150,000 bushels Of the former and lar. For farther partimillus apply to or address over 820,000 , worth of the latter in the . --CROSS & CURRY buildingat the time, and all was consumed. TesrmoroaLs:-".TheSeminelyisinKa°hiighicaly' P9-zons.i,o ge number of cars were on the track teach from the Bowl of Education m January, 1866.- leadin, ,g to the elevator, but they were rous state. Eight pupils got first class ceitificates to trhX'ef3 were first. third and fourth on a list of thirty- gummy removed nieder the direction of six licensed to teach, in Au,sust, 1869." --(Advertiser, Mr. Harvey anti Mr. Maedonald, and other Koraoka, Ont., Nov., 2Srd, 1869. - yv45 aut$A employeera of the eonieany who were Middlesex SeminarY. ould be prepared for such a possible eventuality, and that the sepa- ration should be effected without the establishment of any ill -feeling between the Colonies and the mother Country. - To provide against such an eventuality and to prepare the Colonifits for such a change the policy which the Government had determined to carry out was the best that could be adopted.' DOMINION PARE IAM ENT. OTTAWA, Feb. 28. The Speaker took the chair at 3.20. Mr. Cameron nron), petition from Huron am_ Bruce, for leg,islation .r .he protection of Canadian manufactures and productions. Hon. J. H. Cameron -For an Act for Alaenamoafivommamtieorneeo.f the Gore Bank and rregFu ting the inspection of oil and fish. m Henry Fry (Quebec), for an Act I 11n. Mr. Langevin laid on the table the retu ns relating to the construction of the bate colonial railway, }Tient intended to erect the new post office ,n Quebec. Simard asked when the 42Ievern- Hon. Mr. Langevin paid negotiations ma been going on during recess for the prchaife of a lot of land adjoining the sresent post office from -Judge Black, and that the appropriation would be made 'or that purpose, and also for the construe - ion of a new building. In reply to Mr. Stephenson. Sir J. A. Macdonald said the Govan - meat had a plan for the remuneration of post -masters outside of cities, which would be shortly announced. • On motion of Mr. Magill, the Select Committee of last session on hop -growing and -the salt interest was re -appointed. Mr. Dufresne moved an address for the names of the contractors of the Intercolouial Railway who have thrown up their contracts, and Other par - dealers. Mr. Walsh said no coetracts had been thrown up, but some had been annulled by the Commissioners without releasing any of the contractors or their sureties from their obligations. The returns be- fore the House would give fall particu- lars. Mr Holten asked if the Government intended to bring down' a full report, re- garding the progress of the Intercolonial Railway. Sir J. A Macdonald said the suggestion was not a bad one, and he considered that, though it had been thought that a return was all that was necessary, the House had a right to full informatson and would get Mr. Mackenzie hoped the report of our Chief Engineer would also be brought down, as he had heard there was a di- rect issue between the Commisioners re- garding contracts. The motion was car- ried. Mr. Chamberlain moved for lists of persons who have passed examinations for employes in the Inland Revenue Depart- ment. Mr. Morris said that one hundred and twenty-four persons had passed recent examinations, and the fullest information would be given. Mr. Cameron (Huron).-Addressfor in- structions given by the Department of Public Works, ecc., respecting the harbors on the east and west side of Lake Huron. Sir F. Hincks expressed his exceeding regret at having the name of the Hon. John Young in the debate, which he bad not intended to do, and had only done ito on pressure from the member from Lamb ton, and accepted the statement of thas gentleman as to his views expressed in the private conversation referred to. He was more desirous of making this statement, as it had been said by the hon. member of Shefford that his (Sir F. Flinclisnstietement would blast the character of any man, and this he did not wish to do. He was sorry to say that there was a direct issue be- tween him and Mr. Young as to what. Mr. ioung did say, but he considered that a man's own statement as to what he, had said shouldbe accepted by every one. He then read an extract from the letter of Mr. Young to the Globe, showing precise- ly what his views were on the subject. Mr. Mackenzie hoped the report of the speeches on Banking and Currency would be published, as Mr. Rose had prcnnised. Sir J. A. Macdonald said he khew no- thing about Mr. Rose's promises, but would look up the reports. Mr. Mackenzie enquired if Arthur Ran- kin was employed by the Government as agent at the North-West. Sir John A. Macdonald said Mr. Ran- kin had offered his services, but they were not accepted. Mr. Cartwright called attention to the fact that in the official Bank returns, there were no returns from Nova Scotia Banks. These would be of considerable value in the diseufision on banking and curreney. and he would be glad if they were brought Sir Francis Hincks said the returns would be laid oa the table, including tlae Dominion notes in circulation, the Domin- notes held by other Banks, &c„ and he ponclents-had obtained copies of the Reso- lutions on Banking and Currency before the -members of the House had ere them. Sir Francis Hineks said that hohaddone all in his power to preventany newspapers getting them beforehand. Mr Mackenzie said it was a gross infrac- tion of privilege. He hoped it would not occur again. Sir Francis brought forward resolutions on bankingand currency in a speech which less an amplification of the details of the ponsible for its advances, and may decline resoltitions. He said his Ovip opinions ; to transfer the shares of any such debtor or were decidedly in favor' of the Govern- party until the debt or advance is paid. ment Bank of Issue, the profits of which No dividend or bonus shall ever be made - would go to the public, but these could net as to impair the paid-up capital stock. now be carried out. If any dividend or bonus be so made the The following are the Resolutions intro- Directors shall be jointly and severalty inced by Sir F Hineks. which are to be liable for the amount thereof as a debt due, discussed in Committee of the Whole en by them to the bank; and if any part of Friday ;- 1 the paid-up capital be lost, the Directors I shall, if all the stock be not paid up, forth- ' with make calk upon the sharehelders sufficient to thence good such loss and keep the paid-up capital tinimpared. And such loss shall be mentioned in the return then next made by the Bank. A Bank „shall alwaya - hold at least fifty per cent of its cash reserves in Dominion notes. shall the Directors, including the Veen, M- ent and Vice President, hold in theeage grega.te less than five per cent. of thee capital. stock of the Bank ; and they sbal be eleeted annually by the ehareholders, but shall be eligible for re-election. A Stink shall not make loans and grant discountson the security of int own stuck, but shall have privileged lien on the shares of any of its debtors or parties tai whom advance.s have been made, or who are res - BANES. That it is expedient that no new Bard, be chartered,' or the charter of any exist- ing Bank renewed, except on the follow- ing conditions, subject to the modifica- tions hereinafter mentioned, with respect td existing Banks The capital of any new Bank shall not be less than one million dollars and the whole amount shall be subscribed' for, and at least 20 per cent, thereof shall be bona file paid up before the Bank shall issue any notes, or commence the business of banking; and the whole amount shall be paid up within five years from the date of the charter -twenty percent. at least being so paid up in each year. The capital -of any existing Bank may remain asit now is aubject to being increased at the re- quest of the shareholders, by the charter continuing the existence of the Bank, or by any supplemental charter, as herein- after mentioned. Baas shall satisfy the Trenury Board that the coaditions required in its case by She preceding paragraph hava been compli- ed with, and it shall not be held to have complied with them or to he entitled to the rights dependent on ouch compliance until the certificate of its having done so has been granted by the Board. The amount of notes intebded for circu- laden issued by any Bank, and outstand- ing at any time, shall neger exceed the amount of its paid-up capital, and no such note for a less sum than fotir dollars shall be issued by any new /sank, or issued or re -issued by any now existing Bank; after the expiration of its present charter ; all such notes then outstanding beirig called in and redeemed as soon as practicable. In the event Of the property and assets of a Bank becoming insufficient to pay its debts and liabilities, the shareholders of the Bank, in their private or natural capa- cities, shall be liable for the deficiency, so far as that each shareholder shall be liable to an amount over and above any amount not paid up on their respective shares, equal to the amount oftheirshares respect- ively. And if any suspension of payment in full in specie -of all or any of the notes or other liabilities of the Bank shall con- tinue for six months, the Directors may and shall make rails on such shareholders to the amount they may deem necessary to pay all debts and liabilities of the Bank, without waiting for the collection of any debts due to it, or the sale of any of its assetes or property ; such calls to be made at like intervals and for like amounts as calls on unpaid stock, and payment therenf to be enforced in like manner • and any failure on the part of any stockholder lia- ble to such call to pay the same when due, shall operate as a forfeiture by such stock- holder of all claim, or to any part, of the assets of the Bank. Such call and any further call thereafter being nevertheless recoverable from him, as if no such forfei- ture had been incurred; provided, that if the Bank be commandite, and the princi- ple partners are personally liable, then in the case of such suspension such liabilities shall at once accrue, and may be enforced against such principal partners without waiting for any sale or division of the pro- perty or assets of the Bank or other preli- minary proceedings whatever. Persons who, having been sehareholders In the Bank, have only transferred their shares or any of them to others,orregister- ed transfer thereof within three months before the commencement of the suspen- sion of payment by the Bank, shall be lia- ble to call on such shares under the next preceding paragraph as if they had not transferred them, having their recourse against those to whom they were transfers. -- ed, and any director who shall refuse to' make or enforce, or concur in making or enforcing -any such call, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be per! Banally responsible for any damages suf- fered by such default. And any assignee or other officer or person appoinhed to wind up the affairs of the Bank, in case of its insolvency, shall have the powers of the directors with respect to such calls. Pro- vided, that if tbe Bank has been a com- mondite, liability of principal partners and of commanditaires shall continue for ,such time after their ceasing to be such as is or may be provided in the charter of the Bank. Every new Bank shall, and every ex - biting Bank whose charter, so continued and amended in comformity to these re- solutions shall,from the time such amend- ments take effect, be exempt from the tax now imposed on the average amount of its notes in circulation, and to which other Banks will continue liable. The total liabilities of the Bank shall never exceed the aggregate amount of the sum held by it in specie and Dominion metes and three times its paid-up capital, and the Directors knowing any excess, and not forthwith protesting against it, shall be responsible for the same. Any suspension by the Banks of pay- ment of any of its liabilities as they accrue, Directors of airy now existing Bank, being theretinto authorized at a general' meeting of the shareholders called for that purpose, may at any time before the ex- pillation of its present charter notify the Minister of Finance of their intention to apply for an extension of its charter, with auch amendments as will make it con;form- able to these resolutions, -and may apply to the Governor General for a charter granting the extension, with Such amend- ments as the q_overnor in ()outwit uaa,y grant on the oepert of the Minister of Justice ana of the Treasury Board that it- is in conformity with the law; and any persons desiring to establish a new Bank may on like conditions apply for and ob- tain a charter for such Bank. The charter so to be granted to any ex - listing Bank may provide for the incremie of its capital by. grant less that OT supple- mental ; and a charter may b6; granted to any Bank now existing or to be chartered' as aforesaid, providing for such increase, which shall in wry case be paid up a ithin five years from the date of the charter - providing fcr it, twenty per cent. thereof being paid up in each year. No now existing Bank charter shall be. extended nor any now Bank chartered ex- cept on the conditions above mentioned, nor shall any such charters be extendector granted beginning the end of the Session commencing next after the first day of January, 1881. The privileges granted by tbe Act re- specting Banks, 31 Vic., Cap. 11, shall net after the lat day of June, 1870, extend to any Bank wojeich shall not have had its charter amended in accordance with the foregoing resolutions, nor if the charter of such Bank extends beyond the end of the Session next after the litt of eanuary,1881 unless it be limited to that date. But such Bank shall have such rights and privileges only as are given by its charter, subject to any amendments thereto which' the Legis- lature or authority granting it may have reserved the right to make. TREsoLIITIONS ERSI ECTINO DOB 11fIrN HOES. 1. It is expedient to amend the Act to enable Banks to use the notes of the Dominion, instead of issuing notes of their own, by repealing the first seven sections thereof, except as to the orrangernents with the Bank of Montreal, whicb shall re- main in force until terminated in accord-, ance with the terms thereof. 2. It is expedient further to amend the said Act by providing tnat Dominion Notes to the amount of four million dollars may be issued and -remain outstanding at any time on_the security of debentures of the Dominion to a like atnount, which issue may be from time to time increased to an amount not exceeding 67,000,000 by orders in council, such increase being so authorized for amounts not exceeding one million at one time, and at intervals of not leas than three months ; and no such in-, crease being authorized unless the Receiv- er-G-eneral then holds specie of the amount of one-fourth of the aggregate amount of such increase of debentures already held by him as aforesaid. 3. It is expedient to provide that if eln y amount of Dominion Notes be issued and eutstandin,g in excess of the ainoune then authorized to be leaned and outstanding, on such security as aeuresaid, the Receiver G-eneral shall hold specie to the full amount of snob excess for the redemption of such notes. And that any amount of such notes which the public convenience may require may be issued and remain outstanding, provided the excess of such amount over that so authorized be re- presented by specie held by the Receiver General, 4. It is expedient to repeal section nine of the said Act, except as regards an existing arrangement made under it, Which shall remain in force until terminated in accordance with the terms thereof, and to provide that the Governor may in his dis- cretion establish branch offices of the Receiver General's Department in Mont- real, Toronto, Halifax and St. John, for the redemption of Dominion notes or may make arrangements with any chartered bank for the redemption, and may allow a fixed sum per annum for such service. 5. it is expedient to repeal section eleven of said Act, providing for the ap- pointment of Commissoners, for ascertaing -the amount of Dominion notes issued,and the specie and debentures held .for their redemption ; and to provide thattle Res eeiver-General shall publish monthly in the Canada Gazette a statement of Abe amount of Dominion notes outstandittg (01 She last day of the preceding month, and of specie and debentures then held at each of the cities aforesaid, respectively. Stich Statements to be made up from returns te be made by said brench offices or bank to noaimnn ninety days,yon'operatent e ac ns forfeituren sa' elftholetf provide for a uniform currency in all the The resolutions respecting currency re -issue ° eispecie of insolvent,of notes and er masking oper- Provinces, based on the British sovereicrir the Receiver General. nittsionchaartennrd. tshoefanr: ris.ars:sailthreemisasiuret oinr valued at four dollars ei ht -six te' force only for the purpose of enabling the thirds cents, Canada curreanc oDtiirieerctniergsaloaruttibleorasitysilifenenyo rhfappointed, assignees,or. fi rastilovfeJr.ncllyoin18 87n0o.w current in Ca:natia or wtre lifter J ITST ARRIVE D. promptly on duty ; and did everything in fi ientl for the reception of the steam Mr. Cartwright remarked that these re- to malse the calls aforesaid, and wind up use in Canada., shall be a legal tender to their power to save ereP6etn- BY the time, e would enquire if the return would include • however, :that the track. wns cleared suf- eeturns from Nova Scotian Banks. _ in -such manner as may by lew be provided such coins as may hereafter be struck for MADAME TAYLOR, . engines the flamenhad Obtained suchgreat turns' had not beennegularly furnished by its "easiness ; and any such assignee or as- the amount of ten dollars, a an- cropper coinl Withiler Great European Herb Remedy l2eadway that it was found' utterly Nova Scotian bankers, who, perhaps, sig,nees, or other legal authority, shall for to the amount of twenty-five cents in env .1. tusm Dyspepsia lieadache, Loss of p - THOSE. sAutifiering ,Consiihmpfidon.:heunAian: voured everythingbefore the was nothing else to consiime. The huilding Hon. Mr. Howe said that the cause cf No ,divisioneof the profits, either by way be issued after the said nay, fix the scale ) petite Ea. igestion; t;ntarr an oises ossible to suppress them and they de- jeeted to it aset piece of Confederation. ty- _ such purposes have all the powers of the one payment. this RemedY; in was Partially insured, but it is feered that returns not being made very lately was Deeirdsecet:en. m till there reline, Her Majesty may, by proclamation to ds or bonus, or both combined, foreign coin's and v,oins of the United -the Head. RIC advised to try ain and flour had little insurance on teat the Banns had been se so satisfactory exceeding the rate of eitht per cent, per Kingdom shall paas at in Caned d St mach Complaint it sue- the cease -01-aen others failonfasver and agile, them. Nearly every grain dealerin the a state for the last twenty or thirty years annum, shall be paid by it bank until it Local dealers supplied; the Pliant)! roasistin 'in'plirt Whetef England Prieee. . Whitneys; Bearskin/4r FancY Gourieb. Strs'ir,127,A18R6D7,&STRA•CHAN, -1)"Inaig01/764a'stac:an9,utdc:niIandYietirnecilr:dr"ted.cravIntpiadisg;ac0isfullPmil°2eultrellse; TAYLORs=12=ron ,• prepsredto Vector EcitSesfor diseases 7 eye= 171.114.13.-11 orses exonfied as tO8nnadatin . • fiselaehiluldtk Plea ;84a, . • , Lana °Zee, .• TWEETtBlETITS(all weel)$12 anduPwards• , VTiId RE0181'ER or lniProTed Ind LAW! l'Or Sale. • ' _ ;: Kir 3:-CtittividOne-.totipaar: - - - - atatvirl 180 - *tarot ifeeare Oodsrit,benent 260.1866 - 0 sweatsand never -1'4°11# t° 'all' city will be affected hyethis calamitous that the Government got careleas about MrMackenzie raked whether the debater shall have it rest or reserved fund equal to Mr Galt spoke in favorable terme of tbe y regretted it clie not go IteconiineMiedbiThySic fans throughout Europe. calculating the amount of mich rest. reported la.st sessien fend 'edt fire and indeede it is feared that a few of returns. Hon. Mr. Holton, ducting all bad ;and deubtful debts before far enough. at least twenty percent, of its capital, de- scuhthemiseisaunbidectont easee. by coasting Mania' Taylerd This 13 no humbug as orie bottle -of her m eine will prove . /..)o not sinner When you can get them will be entirely ruined. Atithe time in reply to Ho at 'Mr -the fire -broire mit it !Wee toand impos- IdaSyirn:.:eicBksans:iingd haenidutecunrrdeedn:enreosnrrinow__ prese 1antnetiboyn b(ii-laDwireinstot rath,ewnhiumnh arhaaundnor bemrltinented. be ks • 6 replied that it could azotto' thp whole The House ad4oerned at 4:20. ation of Preselent, Vice Preaident and the I Minister. less than five ir more than ten; remuner- found among the papers of last Fiumc! garketelt(ittiftsee4neeeh.! mg, 77" -'fiisiLoan,Conipary it found necessary to remcwe a large rs 00,113..yerLauxadi:,iiitrisuN- 3: froim.th:i "art to in event her , At the opening of the House, Mr Mae- - L Real Eatate were destroyed less than an konr ; and kenzie complained that hewspaper eorres- h OTTAWA, Marc 1St. Vice Preaidert shall hold less than five t onsand:dollars ef stock of the Bank ;nor' nay. The Haus Adjourned at 4.44 till Th on , y , _ Directorts ; but no Director, Peesident or , No 8,Colborne otel,Cedericb. a 'mune le . Ito move the House into committee on Fri- Shareholders sha,11 have cwer tongue. o to can win be atte'nded at,their room hones, to-obkain a list eif the sufferers. It, 121 - ' huilding and Sheds connecticjA with it tion. • - • - Vi; 29 .0.7LIS regiarkable fact that G•pderich' lath Aug 1868. .• :11 ne. i I