HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-02-24, Page 4,•-••••-777,- •-• 1 '7," • 1 - 411k* • POETRY. • Janet, that =areal guid ; can ye no' get EDUCATION IN Se D4JDENGLA.ND. - - some niair *It 4Na, na,' quo' Janet, 'I --The Scotch' hail* an enthusiasm for DONLEAVE THE rAltat hao played my part; It's your turn nee.' ',learning which iCalmoet unlinktOnto the C"ine. bova,Ttave something in telivou ; 'Oh, vans weal,' quo Rabble ; 'if it's my English. If a Scotch lad can obtain slew come nese, week) whisper it IOW; - tUtll moo, ye mann list be deid nelt."0, pounder the chances are that he willmse You wet:inking Ofleaving the homestead. I has nae objections,'. quo' Janet I taws them in spending at leitst one session at the - Don't be in a hurry too . English • The city has malty altmettons. ye gitug mut nee what ye can dee.' Off University. If an youth in e But think 0. the vices and sl gangs Babble, and onnneetint the laird jist same position shouldauddenly find himself When once in the 1,ort ex of tiJ,ou, coom hame free a buntin' party, lie says, in possession of the same amount of money, now soon the coarse downward begiits. 'This is a fine day, laird. 'A fine day, in too many cases it trould happen that a, Babble,' sno' the laird. %Go is a' wi' considerable portion of.it would be spent yet Are ye no' coomin' up tae play us a in the public-honse, or whatis perhaps spring onthe pipes the nicht V 'It wadna -worse 5tilI, would--swelL the unholy gains look wed, My taird, for me tae be seen of the betting-man.i-Professar Fawcett. playing on the pipes at your hoose an' my sin wife lying a corpse at hame.' !What is Janet deid ?' quo' the laird. 'Atweel is she,' quo? Habbie; 'and I'm sure it could- na hae happened at a waur time, forthere's neither meat nor Biller in the hoose; and hoo to get hear her decently aneath the yird, I dinna ken.' 'Diana vex yerselt about that,' quo' the laird, givinghim some money, 'here is a trifle to you in the meantime, and coOld up tae the hoose by- and-by, and I'll see what an be dm% for ye.' Habbie thanked the laird for .his kindness, bade him good day, and went awe' hame, gay weal pleased wi' what he had gotten. Janet was immediately_sent oot wi' the bottle, tae buy mair whuskey tae carry on the 'spree.' in the meantime hame gangs thelaird, when the firat thing he heard was that Babble Simpson was deid. na,' quo' he, it's no' Babble; it's only Janet.' It's Habbie,'. quo' the lady. Wasna Janet here this =tram', hersel; an' telt me; and diclna she get some speerits and biscuits, as • she said there was making in the hoose V 'Diana I meet Habbie jist as I was coomin' hame,' quo' the laird, 'when he telt me that Jan- et was deid; But coom, we'll awar tee Elabbie's, awl see what they are aboot.'- In the meantime Rabble and Janet were fuddling awe' in fine style, and laughing at the way they had raised the wind, when Janet cries, 'Gude preserve us, Rabble, what's to be dune noo ? I declare if that's no' the laird an' lady. An' they arecoom- stracht here.' I dinna kepi' vet' Rabble, 'unless we be baith deid.' -Sae int, the bed they baith went, and they were nae sooner there than the laird and lady coOmd in, and seeing Habbie and Janet lyin' apparently lifeless, the laird says, Waes me, is, na that an awfu' sicht tae see. The man and WS wife baith deid, I wutt pe five ghillies this minute tae ken which of the twa deid first.' Tne words were nate sooner oot o' his mooth than up jumps Habbie, crying 'it was me, laird! Noo vie me the five shillin's It is needles to add, that the laird gave Bab- ble some money, and had mony a hearty laughwhen he thocht o' the way Habbie an' his wife had taken to 'raise the wind., k Ton talk of the mines of Australia : They're ecalthy in gold. without doubt, But ah ! there is geed in the farm, buys, If only you'll shovel d out. The Mercantile life is a hazard. Tbegoods are first high a d thew 1 Better risk the old farm a while longer. Don't be In a hurry to 1,4) Tho meat busy town has inducements, And so Ras the hnsie-t mart; But wealth is not made in a day, boys, Don't be in a hurry to start I ' The bankers and brokers are wealthy. They take in their thousands or so : At, I think of the treads and deceptions, Don't be in a hurry to go I • The farm is the sa1st a -d surest ; The orchards are Ioadbd to -day; Toq're free as the air of the mountains. And monarchs of all you susvey. Better slay on the farm a while longer, Thoogh prnsts come in rather slow; Remember,. yineve nothing to risk, boys. Don't be in a hurry to go! _ • Old Dugoodis Dog. Old Dugood came into the bar ro4 the other day and took a seat among the rdiers there sssetubleti. The dog question was under d.scussion, and after listening to a, few wonderful stories; Dugood chimed in as follews : -Now boys, you may all talk as you please about the smart things dogs hey dune, but I can jest tell you somethmg that will lay over all .yer stories, don't ,spect believe a man when he's a tenni' ye's the truth, but this is as true as the Gospal. 'Yous all know that hie yeller doe of mine. Weil that dog is the smartesedug in the drive. He's an intellectual dor, he is. Now 1 know yon won't Uelieve we, bather az- dog's been learnin' tosing.' `Learninl to sing'? -Getout !' interrupt- ed one ef the listeners. 'Yes, sir, that's so, every word of it: and 111 jest tell you how it was. Tether night we had so•oe sittgin' at our house You know our &Rs been goin' to the singin' schools lately, and she and other gals, and the young fellers what go, hey gut SG they can sieniwk like the,very blazes. And so most every night they meet at somebody's house and practice. 'Well, the other night there was a whole crew of 'eon at our house, and they had a big time. Stich a screeching,and asqualin' and a bellerin' you never heard in all your lives. Yoted hey thought that a whole gang of tom -cats had broke loose and tackled Squire Jonee bull, and we: jest haying it hot and heavy: Well, thaear dorg was in the room while they wor eingin' and he A new book of Nursery Rhymes, said to was the tuost interested creature 1. ever be the joint production of members and saw. He watched 'em beatin time and ex -members of the Dominion Cabinet, has going through their matmoovers, and been sent to osier review. As an uncom- 'peered to understand 'em as well as they proniising foe ef theGovernment it would did. At first they sang lively tunes, you be impossible for us to give it a favorable know ; and Futy soon, when they get -notice. .Anyway, we couldn't do it. It tired of these they eommeneed on Psalms doe* to us if the niembers of the and hymns and other seriona things. The GoNierziment would stick totheirlegitimate dog, he 'peered to like these better than business' s and leave poetry. to those who he did the lively tunes, and sot down as know more about it, it would be better - close up to 'em as he could while they for the country. • • sung. We give a few samples et this disgusting 'At , last the gals coaxed Jim Blowhard trash to sing 'Old Hundred.' You know what Sing a song of specie- = old tearin' bass voice Jim has. When Pocket full of dimes; he commenced, the dog began to get dread- renal clause 'bout Never suit -the times. Korn iCobb's Euitorial Table. • - • - - -A wretch of a huaband in St. Paul; whose wife has been in a trance for several weeks, refused to send for a doctor, or to have any means attempted to arouse her, on the plea that he wants to enjoy as long a period of quiet as possible. • - . A Toledo German, tato has beep keep- ing a saloon for the aceommodation of printers, has been obliged to suspend. On his books were found the following named. members of the craft: -Ter Laiin lirioter ;' ,`But Lettle j3rinter..' 'Der Pen Putler-Brifiter ;' 'Der TiveI';"Der Brinter nut der' air ;' 'Der Brinter hair not shoost so re ' --Ben. Franklin once --wrote :- 'He who by the plow Would thrive, • Himself must either hold o rive.' A lady at sea, full of apprehension O- a gale of wind, (tried out, among' other pretty exclamations : -- • We shall go to the bottom 1 Mercy on us, how my head swims!' ‘Zounds madam, never feat'," said one of the sailors, 'you can never go to the bottom whileyour head swims l' 'What, tipsy again ?' said a wife to her husband. 'No, my dear,' said he, "not tipsy, tat a little slippery. The -fact is, somebody has been rubbing my boote. till they are as sniooth as a pane of. glass." iGerty, my dear,' said a Sabbath school , teacher to one of hr olass, 'you were . collide% help bein' good: I got a tiff IST.81., very good little girl to -day.' neck,' said Gerty, With pekect seriousness. muley etas h -Sit 9 4 0.81.1"elji6-' • 0•11•11i• , THE undersigned would beg to Worm hii iumeriais austimtrs and the publia * that hie . ' : • • • New Woolen Machinery is now in-Fukl Operation and in First Class Wor.king Order AND THAT ME IS HUCK RETTElt 1 PREPA1ED TO EXEQIITE FrMER'S ff.041E $1..fEDITIOUSLY than lest season whila tarting mechinei7 all nciw. Custom Roll Carding Zt‘Cloth Dressing 'Spinning sin4i Manufacturing, . will receive prompt .attentiert. Hs, • g 'no onbandthe largest, best and cheapest , • • • steck-of of hointi'Mitig • . TULL MATILTWEED FLANNELS.* WINCEYS,:, ever before offered to the public in this part o e vince, .he vronld respectftilly request those ,wishing to exchange their wool to call andjudge for themselye before appointing themselves elsewhere. P. 5. -He would likewise call the special attentkin of Tarmers to beware Of Wool teamsters and agents seeking their wool for carding, as he has proved it from the experience of former years to be a perfect source of annoyance to them in various ways, that they cannot tee until perhaps to late to gnardagainst In- The highest Market Price plaid featly. qtantity of good Clean Wool. THOMAS LOGAN. East Street, Goderich. Goderich Woolen Works,18tb May, Mt • w 1 . RON 111117.-I, DRY .!It!.' •di "r see a, 1! 11 tui,,,, h pag 111 N I ft It q,i1STEAM 11G)111 -W -R R U N --C IMAN, MANI, A-CTURER OF 4:1 *pet URING MILLS, . iiieEtin Engines and Boilers, • ' Thrashing M adhin es, .Seperators _ ................. • . Are you a sufferer from 'Neuralgia. Uheumatism, or i - Pain of any description ? Dr. J Brigge-Allevanterwill , ' soothe away your Neuralgia, cure your Rheumatism, , ' Eforse. Po ers, Drag Savvs.; . and banish your pain. Sold by all Druggists. . Dr. J, Brigge, Threat, and Lung Healer is pleasant /IRON `A111). . • .- 1004DEN - PLOUGIIS ! to take and unsurpassed ferita efficacy in curing . Cough, Bronchitis4n. Sold by Druggists. 0 • • " . , ' With- Gait', orSteel Bards, Dtill ;Models 'Gang Ploighst Chilblains. Frosted Feet, &c , try Dr J Briggs' Cur- - Cu Itivatoiv, Laiidi R011ers.vStraw To those who suffer from Corns, Bunions. Bad Nails, rttive. I f used liberally as directed, relief is imnie- -Agnoiltural Furnaces, Potash Kettles, SegarKettles, SaleKattles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes; diate, and cure certain. Sold by Druggists. For Colds. Cough, Bronchitis. Consumption. and all COOKING, PABIOU4 ' AND BOX- - - STOVES0 Diseases of the Throat -Chest. said Lungs, Dr J.Briggs of the most improved kindbt Brass Cateilags made, and Blacksmiths' Work and Repairing Throat and Lun,g Healer is a certain and reliable Re .- edy. Sold by Druggists. - - does on short notice. Call and. see the STEEL MOULDBOARD PLOUGHS, as you Can Frosted Feet. Chilblains, Corns, -Bunions, Bad Nails get one very cheap for Cash. - • are positively cured by the use of Dr .7 Briggs w39 Modern Curative. This Remedy has been compound Goderich„Nov. 12th, 1867 ed with great care, and used as directed, never fails , Sold by Druggists. . ' . .... , -. Catarrh, a disease which distre,sses us and dligusts . by using Dr J. Briggs' AMevantor, an invaltutble 1-11110IVIE TESS AND THERMOINET ERS our friends, can be instantly relieved and quiek1T cured , Remedy for aU pain and inflammation. Sold by Drug- gists. . a, Dr. J Briggs' Allevantor. for the Cure of Catarrh, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, &c., is unrivelled 'In a thorough trial of its virtues, all, will acknowledge its - . superiority. Sold by Druggists. • IIE genera' agent will, through JoshruiCallew .y,-eall upon the people of this:vicinity in the counii-of the Hwith Piles you are much affileted, next months, with a fallassortment of these n w celebrated instruments, which -we shall offer at the follow - And sought for a cure m vain ; ing liCarkremely Lour /Prices. Plain White Cherry Frames.$6, each ; White Maple on Walnut Back, Use Briggs' Pile Remedy as directed. from according to tubes ; Black WalnutCases,•withcommon glass tubes$3 I -with flint bored- tubes $10 You will both health and peace again. to $20 each accordingtofinish- ; tine Satin Wdodframes,120 each, with the celebrated Wooden Cistern and Screw Dr J Briggs' t Co, No. 6, King Street, West Toronto cut at the end ; Rose Wood Frame with Bone Diall; and Franklin Tube And Cistern $25 ; English Wheel Bar- ometers in Mohagany Frame, wind dial and level; ee., attached, from $12 to $35 each, according to finish, with a Dr J Bri...' Pile Remedy is acknowledged by all who fullassortrnent of English and FrenchAne,roldBarpmeters :-Ireeselemeniaseness r INT N.:1 New )114rble 'Works STIIIPS VICTORIA, ST GODRRIORe TOTALLY finoludneal), WIND; RATN-ltnil DUST from Doors and WindoWe of every descriptiom These invaluable strips Mi.seijwiltrirlf au' • _ SittCPCOC1 atjaiel- 111331 FOr Seven' 7V -ears Mar - M. Johiistou On some of -the finest,pubho and private buildings in the United States and need no further recommendation. se -Principal Depot 234 Broadway, New York. 1.1. GARDINER &, 00., • • MADE BYt. STINSTED, REGENT ST., LONDON,. ENGLAND. up at the ceflint and every time Jim came -.woozy ,yon, e, sez she, You git out -I Fsbalet AG. it .' Jest then the dog picked William McD7,---,-11 sat on the fences ; aege away for a while, and. jest then he. bsomethie. g,up in his mouth, and honed out • - ,Qf the room, qnicken a streak. I didn't All the C.B. 's and. the rest of the lot, ;tut d„,4,3;k something in his head.' And -_pny much .01-Cention to it, and , nobody Couldn'ttellwhich way William would rote. tome, 1 round and kinder bit his hind mune, - ... 'Cheri sez 1 to the old woman - ig• .y..jet, te, sez I, you jest 'bet your boot Ao the low notes he'd sorter howl. fully interested. He pinted his nose right -,N 'on all fired fool- you, the dog of 81 io, blast you, the clog. Blowhard h4e li a mighty ! Blowhard?" Who ? Jim l' " P Wilhalll Mc11:-...-11hascautionimmense: Out at-thiRiviere Rouge. And I'll just step into his shoes. .‘ IS playing the de'il, Little Lou - Riell Says he to himself; We'll put Mac, on the shelf, - 'have tried. ft (and their name is Legion) to be the best, . most successful and efficamow: Remedy ever u.sed fin that disease. Sold by Druggist:, - Sold Inr Druggists and eventually cured byusing DrJ Briggs' PUe Remedy torturing afflictions, Chilblains, are•wejl 'recommend-. main fora fewdaye only. Head °pee. foethe Dominion, In Montreal. :Resrpeettlilifie, .• . . . ed to nse Dr J Briggs' well-known,Carative for certain Juno 141809" relicfand positivecnre. Sold by Druggists. . *..= • External. orItching Piles, will be immediatelrrelieved ' Healer. it will relieve and cure you. Por all diseases' 1. Tithe AfercarYstays about29Inches,orintithei ::eiasiid:1-kghingettble,'" witiOnt moVing Mich, rather tip or down of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs, ts beneficial effects. Sold by Druggists. • • _ 2. Ifthe Afermleyrishs to ._;esr above the word" EAU'," flue Weather isat hand. ' Sufferms from Corns, Bunions, Bad Nana, and those 24 to 48 hours in adeance,should avail themselves Of the epportunitywhichan;E:e..BporeswerZtetsenerailf. ThAegenAget fontsreanada.will re-, Consamptives.try Dr. J. Briggs' Throat ' and Lung • - Ail persons ,suffering from Ptles,-Internal, Bleeding, from • nothing can _slyness the weatherwill be unsettled and changeable ' • , • , • • • - .- - '-, , 3,, Should- it happen to rain Wheifthe , If the- Beretutr continnesto rise sloWly--sityloreighte lit: abis-ol tely e tobava•theni work- Coiled -onAhai-DialK - " '113.6'21. fffil assortment of Self Relit:tering Tnernsonmeteran COCenSSZYnttst oil hand at prices fro:n $2 up obtaining one of these usefulinstruments, witielt agentatelitand Invariably foretell the state of the weather from, ' .- General Rifles to *be Observed in Consulting ,theclarometot- dateof sale ' ving procured a correct mierer of every city and town in Canada, the ,,lieight above tide water or level: the GenbiATAgitt is iirep. ixih1tifude everyiktstrtunenfter Oath' loeality correctly, Sehl h Eve/ InsttumenkWartanted:foriOne -Tear .- 4.6cullate7irer::::;likeditetranwnlilabset.175.-ali ! 14.4104.aeecirdingt0.1inish, Farnheat Parties desirous of siolwogaj,l,dt ii7ffilid'vvraineseryst;li, iftotrlgeniaobfookilvt.e:t. • • , • . twmileu-linrabtiee ;en' :Vallael':da __ ,Ittoticed it. , ,crowded tc,aud II !nand commenced flatter- -4lien .tileeek ard finished, all the gals . Little Joe Howe Has got into a row, • mg AT EXCELLENT itor OF WILD LANDS ..!: 6. When, during a storm, thelliercury is seen to rise alittle,then rest assured the worst is o e 1. known as lot 33, con. 6th, East Wawanosh; con- 7. When the Mercury moves quickly, eithernp or down. the Weather that follows will be ofvshro'rtd i> FOR SALE. -__ - Fak.,!y; helithentre Arstienusirenr3erifaloouskjfidrondicauthte-siffo it falls very low, aneYere stern: is sure to follow, . , - ,. , , tr2Odin ' Wax, wilt:a it addenlv we all heard a Through -last summer's trip, confound it ; tabling 100 acres ,of excellent land, well watered vize-versa. . . se. it wes;tute, orfiillest -mixed up - But next week he'll explain • ands, small one through the esouth end, also, several There is a large creek running through the north end .. - • iever anyboOY heard. Everybody •All'about the champagne, never -failing springs ..• it is half a mile from Shorn:- -21030 . . .wassuared neer4-' -.to 'death. Six of the And. ,he views that he then propounded. Saw Mill, and 5 miles from Blvth, for sale very cheap. aPPIY te ' 11R. ARMSTRONG, Goderieb. - 0 . ;gals -fainted away m - -• Blowhaidia arms all . , • , T Louis 104 ! Louis RieB ! _ Goderieh, Sept. 7. 18 4 . 69. , ...at once- . .wirlikingie onto him from at,n slam likestringbegiThey naon a pole. Blow- igaricE la HEREBY GIVEN, THAT APP.LICA II• ....•... Bring your trunk along ! -------- erilitiggithan he CosMERGI LU INASSURANCECO .. . • • • . . •.... , • .. • _ . • • lisrctliot 2174fot. azio.vent or two.; it WAS Come to Ottawa, my son, 1 s tion wilt he made to the Parliament 'of the- - , And make our Cabinet. strong . the expiration of: six menthe- train the .date of this awa itightaff. • - -wbisnent-ionterthe floor, and•. • And, it's -Hi ! Louis! Ho 1 riOulit ! notice by Robert Sharnian,orth6 Town °feed:Well. in . Angi Uld tUnd, and he ' , 19 AND 20, 002, . , :ti ,LONDON,- RiGLANI) dthw. sofaBefore he .. . Listen BOu to me i ' • ' theCOunty of -Huron, for a Bill of Divorce Croat Patti- ' tried toierawluner . l ' Eve thousand dollars ivait you, - Tillie Hunt,on the und of:tannery. ' .. . . '. CATITALIFittlY Sitiscribed) - - •-• - - ,E2500 000 Sterling; - a. Sharman, formerly MatiblaBoriarat and nor/called :. • . . Atit. %%Oen bis head andallouldera under, .And Ministet you'll beCoder!. : Dated at , the 6th da4 of. Octolar. A, H ....,;„, . . She- galsral came -Wand caught hinrbythe •. . 9411E110N A. DARROW xn.y,strern. OVER, $2,00.0,000,4,DAPOSIT P1TND' 'LN -CANADA, 00,006 feetandtried to pull hitt' r Out. Blowbafd - Eigh diddle, dfildle Nolicitonifar applicant' - , , • lung 4311- to the ids,- bigs- and bellowed I 'Who Oa* itecond fiticUe . _ . - • • v !-- .• , :•'' ; 1 TO SBIIII - OR-40NT I' , ' '.': . i -z'-.-. 'y'-- - -Fil-11,F7 afFmtvottivr-• •- - '',, - •, gals screeched, tuid some - . Thedistingeisnab.e principle of —.a Company has been the establishment of an eq...table chisel& . siurder s .a,nd the on fulls ran round the rooninirAtteen finial Just now nine Oonuell of State? Belittle marilauglus :. , krgE WEST HALF LOTEMBERE11341T, . . . ,. . --. _ , • : cation chargingnialicase.s a promulmjnOPOrikinfite to gie HO, : ,• ' .fik Albin*. before they could find ennything - Otto to faint onto- - --! ,„ • -__i.- Ha, -I Mon Wen f_ . - I.- fourteenth concession of -Thillett, on the Thessu00334 whIch-IlnkAllett214-1h0-00MPlitte). operatanishea been such at ful y to realize the going etpectattedeoftheDireChnii,,Whe hit've resolved the -business more -widely • tile . ha* -yard with. two -et-three_ -at the : Walieve itte inbre roota for any more of :9ffice2ch TO; water. ;., 3 rty acres clearance. 115eventy -n:ii:dsdIn2iso.vif offer tothe Canadian public. - • 1 PERFECTSECUIttrY gusiailteealty Iiiige- tuhsorjhS4 ce,14.41, ktiilkliesested- ..„ , -, - - boundary linebetweenMyth- end :Nvalton, Rut • Tpicked up; a caucus auu: Kasha *into- - . Hurrah for Sir George se Grid. .. ...„ Good hatilweed lainit wel .-- :, , a / thisvile-doggere14. and if the book hadn't seven acre and a halt Mejt. Well fenced. Fin ,.1 . • '' ' ' ' ' • - ' - . • 'mantic: st men,-. -and what. do you think: FromptSettlementof Claims.. The Direetoi end General Agents, bong gentlemen/largely in., doin I' .. - notes, itis doubtful if we would have given' . ,, ithsKin tAoto,.4. gaged in commerce, will take alberal arid b, saness•like view of all question' einningitelore them lareamily te those on the meanies - - &War tntorlectnal- old' dog WAS.: . - ' - COm0 to us need", ennkiseff in Provincial anther particzu J:Itieff go& music_ beak spread out before -biro anciWas beatile limo -with histail on this, „ P ' . -• -111W-27thillEiffs, - * - -- - • - -''' . ... • . .. . The trompany efferaterins to flume ,dest mg litreillasitirapdOniaitirpalsed byany Life'Office.' LIFE DEIAR.TIVIE.N.74--',-;,---'5-:- -::: • is tut pats, and whowlie gOld liltusdrad' . . • ' ' Ko Kora Kelm, Jus. . Moderate Prennums—PerfectSenurityE onomy-ot*inti etheht tenant to increase the Bonus ' IfftWellztioasSisoed. 1-8aicernuswco.Grottlen NATL.. • --'' - 48- • . S'heybeff.nti I ant•bandaome yet, . A. PuzzIoN witizaSuggeseivelKoraL : .. "" , T ers:53 anct64;Ba-yfield,C -LA Township or t+Odeueli. Containing 68- tares., :' *'""ThisiChialianitliaii deposked ‘100,01#.(td: gOittlwith the Le:mance r, .Farnr fOt Sale' - -- - -- i. . h. - -.--- e - ' • 5 eracestion, hi. Ine.--i. -,eifind Other,ralltaliteget Which may.-tealganz the Company's Prospectus. • ' • _ . - : - 'plaints paikone-month stierprobtoftleatk. • . _ . . 0 - otthose on seab, among...W..90000er centofprofits are tlivitable. . , _ , ._,• - 4.#1!FiCit4 pArTak not ?Tema : 23stisingthe-Virizicle orililabble511111;0` - Alava ihel *dies say:- - . . , _et -these over -Minorca cleared . with good Frame , seurityforitisCiigadapolirazik A " ,: ,11--i '-'.- - -- '... ' - : , flarni, and Log Eteese, - a.bout gj mile* from .- • . - ,„,,,- , . „ . son andbtli;Wite: 1341#1. -'Pe ' • ear ONO', ea at au Moon. --Per lariats 0(500 atiWat-the Division ' ' ,-,.„,;- .,...' -z-:'''' ...,1',.:':' -...1 Morland . WatsonsA Co.,' - id - -- "Dol - • ' Vied --1- dal • . —....- Gre.srayeting &Ovary day 17-- d rt office .ct - fric - or to r . - litr..1) 'CM. 'Secalt.-;. '.- - • , - ' ,- - General' Ifgents tor Canada,. ' 1110.0- nae <loot but ye'ive it” lieardtelLo/ And whent" hey, as kme, tAty outage, :Toll oi,thiptiiiinfieS: ... '''' ..";''''. .. ' ' ' - I- • 'Mice...485, ,.. ,,.ti.lid ,3#70t.:1.3.4311 threlklitojilmaic • - -- ,- ....„.,,- ...„....,.. „ .. ,,...., - • KieWit0131.hitigelt, the piper 0-!-Kehatelestet ? - '1Eloirare ycfr'nfreediro labs 1'. • „ .'1 Auden Outci..Sept21,4888.. wab t4 -. ' . ' ' gioveYolf-.2 -7.' - ' • - i. : '... .. ' , , , .,, .. „inspector o1Agenetea, 3 • ;'. T .0.1.1VIEGS1Plf t‘t• S' tiastainyibailint, gem de' tell. Ya abOtt ' I paicitir Prinicre Wis.'. 'ILOWITlift944tontnttd;'.--,-. .".,'''.,:, ::•--,:lvalOs • - . , fi - . — ---_-.-., _ _ • , • • tat ?tot ile,thitlifitg ctlaWyt, ever beer& Li •wayiku)swei ..; grit 145004 :-, l• :'••••-••••••• -.- , — . • .. . - - . - , • • , . -7.831,11t FORSAX,X. - -.A.-EVDETT.100; ant or snob : Lucknovt ‘Kintiiirdinii Southampton and 1 Los . , Can't imprcve on shillings: Greenbacks all my ,eye, Take advice, Sir Francie, Have another try. Goderichi Novembee.16th, 1869. MONUMENTS, KEADSTONE,S,Iiibre M teps,Posts,icelTombs,efevery deeerip puede,. Sion and style of workmanship, furnished en shortnotioe and at the loweatprices. JAW) ral reduction made for oast. AU nyder' punctually Attended to. Designs of Itop mentos as.. may be seen at tbealiop. Godench,Dec.19. 11365. - Market Square, Goderich, Ont. • Agent/or Huron and w43tf & CATTLE WOULD•ESPECIALLY CALL Tin ATTENTRiN OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY to tliftir superior stock os _ 4 11133..ea.S, T 033.A.0 C OM. SI c5:VO" Bc0., Also haling just received a large 'saiiply of :W N IQUO Talos t pleasure in recommending them for purity,and flavor, which cannotbe aurp for medical or family use. " a PARKER & CATTLE. qoderAch kov, 30, 1869. w45-tf . . yewpoie 101% UBE Gray or Paded Hair lagni restored to itorentgalialorajai beauty. Gopown WOOLEN FACTORY, 1,==.7"`"'" (KNOWN AS .PIPER,'S MILLS) 'lesiva to the kair. " N La S Az 0 Tc %, D EdiEOTPULLY intimates to farmers and, others thit. they are prepared to Ilt irders•in • • LV ttii 'ROLL CARDING., MANOACTURINC, • •;• • Cloth Dmsing, Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satiletts, Palle& Cloths, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets, Dn the ahortest notice. Parties whiting to eichaiike their wool for good home Made goods, !Will find it to their interest to give us a call. as we arenatisfied we have the goods pia require. Parties coming from a distanee with wool to get carded may in nearly every instance -rely on getting their wool lion4 with them the same day. • • 1- SW pas WOBli WAREANTED, Goderp. h Walden Factory, .1 *Tune 801, 1869. STA _ wil OODS .CM0,11 It willaseellhir t4; growea Boalliets. It will promote Inxnxiant mirth. FALLING HAIR Is immedlittelythested. iokl byall Druggists. Price One Dollar. • Nonfsetured by 13. IL VAN Dem A co. Irholeole Druggists, Thattsy f3treef and 40 Ps* Pis% ' levr-TorX and. - *met Ham, Ueda, Ititi L • , var..:follovinte rethinks Ara Wesijrainials ;of inost - ;-- - 1 -tvcciderfularidestraordmmr-Cares in -Canada by - E NUMBER -ONE GROCERY STORE‘-'• teSiadiee7.2ZsuIrefirr212illnels=sefe ..,,,,....i, pticsdeatthe Medicinal ora - 'M- IX VIMEIGAIS-0.1101". ' ' SHOSINIEBB REMEDY , _for Diseases ot the -Throat,IMngsi Liver, IhEesims Ac„ as wallas tiortitula, the various WEED MIT TELL HIS OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS THAT BB ALWAYS Om MOVING FO H %Skin Ihseaus Rumors, and all - itraraoes arising funs known._ superior quality ofhis goods, Taro -waking hits.Priceis. Hie buithieSS having grown yearly' Tear.: rsmenyhat NF,"V.Hil BEEN OQIISILLSD. ere IA wartenlarging his stock, increasing his facilities, and, as far as conipatible,--with maintaining the well unpudoeeefite plead...we boldly atm Itit-I,kis greal this inereasedamount he turns over, enables him to reduce the per ceatimiegf profit. The, large patronage helms wasniere.ever alias oat* is - Ara In Ihe_Siatlea 321 received. bflueeithim to believethat he . , WitionStormsof Drighton,C. W. of gorainceptioni. or i , 1,tliatof.Feter C. V. Miller„ Bantestown, C. W., arCon. COMPARES- FAVORABLY Willi' ANY STORE j-11 THE SAME LINK 40.-gri-oe-!0•44ibroPelvoodPreaw., .., t • , of Isla and laver Cornatiot, cr that or Iplan TO enabkiihn fart' ler to enlargehls business and accOmmOdate bill; friendeXelfas rented and tited xi) In 4,.--- eeniyilifesenaracerne'teter 413:ktrearsjekinianimillpue !oft° weamdt.. The Large Stick - Store .--.1n .Hertotes Bill& llaidlten Street 'Bigiiiimlitiottriger-Ler....11snitsIt=etnieeli alt-apriresularnotts 1 1 • most con.veillent minuet • mentberetoiere,stedie now well Scores ofeneheases • . (DETLORIS Oi.iD 'STAND) • HONRES REMEDY and PIMA 'tint araisfy 1.Wherehe expects tone gable familiar faces and would solicit an ineectiontromthon who bive /14 lareli4171- 13ficedikiRentea' ' j;;:1;this wifelanak , Welt, ye see, it - • ' It: t -ix/ thiliEfiblire, like. vont, Oir an& ' -The post ofricadetartmenthatidee.idecl '• TYirO1WXPRED AOREPC' - •,•• .!.. .7,. '.. ,L. I I of tho.tbine;t. end,' et the sterr.- ongs,,,on4 104 A1900114:4idlina'Amtabhsh, 0*. wfflf.'74r line 1212'1!itT,itt°11ffltialvti'till'igfit'tleit;. _ , ,...--,.,,..- ..„ .....„•,. ,:„, . n:'-,-",'Tdigi, vim- . .. gay mitt_ Iona ea': wija dill- I; r1.1411. t4 iiit. .-Letili#lss.. idt-to„the,-,, (elk, icor. .a., -,,. ,,,,...,„ ,..., ...„... . : ,, .., „ : , sit _ leo 1,4 wire; , Very eteeleihhappenetIthat iffeWOolruittreod''''-f#,,F04*-Villitin-neXt- lOglferil.itetv, 2i mile3frOniAiniertaile ye 'voin"Sea- -!: 7 ' Wh - .11 thin • le t ' - 'fuddle '-ilatisits- 'the • antotner. -- '-- ••- -- '-2_-*1_:. 7 "'".`;'‘Ortkott the gravel road, ono 4iitlitfrom ,)tehootp: ..yokot it, tam. -tine,- li,/s, -411.-. * , -."40.8,,,vlice,ese _ukeiceiolx. is sale 8.93 i.u• well vow& bysposzeyeek-suriv - . xabitteletteee,r e„.. we-- - - -L/ - iiid, - -scotch mt.,- .4-1.- .. -_,-... - ;8- 8..-- f2.-. .- - - ......,‘... ,,,L! , one 4,toriotefrola_saWanitio14,iilplunity,duc._ Iliyit4.-tin. niiiiittCsiitij, .. • .. . _ . . that 4whelf aTatindle ‘. wittiercietlf ScilMri;liltaivels. Attack on . 11.0;;Zeith pint flea' :4ar._ 57 per te:slairi...speerpti _.v..4C,11,1Vrs.,%ii::' 7: r'qc;; „ (Amid. tinia_given frequired. -only cr . - . - . ...;..... -- •,- - - - -,L_- . - , -- - • , , - - . - -- - _ , - „ . • _ Aillialtift-4-bOakSialtiAtia 6*111490‘61- .104 ' *i'll A44.111 -4414'7- . . 4 ' -' ' : - - th1,,.4''''' - ' -.*- , 4, „.„,gov .1FalalttviEtt.vigx. tzt14;i4,,,i 4,74 _7, F c ,:!iiviveittit, 4 •!,-27' ortill74.1}14: ii nvitsze:iredetAinthe.prptiont 0334 LOT *- ' ---- . '... ,` „ - ":.-' ITAliiittorfor taeTristk,Zesecoolvany„,..oileitCk I ' Ifabbie wattlieninthemorme after &bard : • 'A Mani* ealdieliztYeappuect to a atiWm.' _ 1gad._ pric__.1i,-.Noy.12,426p,-.;, • , .. , - . „, _ . ;:.8, -.pd, „:„.,, _ i3 ...,1 _„ _ ... F,,ki,•101,q41,)„"11.104.,ev,i(kr.tite 1,‘,1);4,00,14.04,dalvory.;._,..,,,,,,j,i, u 1 , . litilititir." pi_Sthe-'0oun-..-t r-:-.•-: ' ' •*.--7 ;:'-'1*.ARIVI;I°t' SALE ''''.. . 1.; i4.- iip: il' . • b. .64.4'..1.:014‘..tia.ele'ili'Wtiit-iiii‘iii:3;:;....-..b.6...f"iiiiiii,4.1si . ' . fade, gays tae-jenek.. %le, wantan; an. !town nete.--ehavar.til!.:Ai.a.actliiklan *note cif: ,.. ... - stwho - . seeifoe*a#et raishantagili for, tili.l':Iny .the anienntef f71$• having twenty inciathw '-' ....:', :,,-• ,,, . . ,,-.._,= ...,,,•:,--, . -.., ,,!, . _. , .., hood is list likeit titi split8'.: '1.1ant_algill)1 - to- run. ':-9Id-, rai.,Iity'ler-M08-asid that , iiiii t..- ,,tii-iiofilt.-,..ic:,. *: Y. oot,116 'Nil. ACRES,r:----- '.. •4'04. 444-1P.B.W0L....'OtAji:gemi-iiifsP9tLedk,e.Puto*31-1111"ortA- ' I :: - „ que lomat, :4whanrwuti- I gat iti,;yr.belt- • scenetunet •• one._ ,torg.. time . paper,and . .90 cleared,-... goodildweRinz -.. house. Irma 22x8C ` , . ;, _ ., ........,-....;,,c. • - USEerft. re li-Viackin- or ilit-110006 tout 4 '01411---4freitr:tlie. :'ilisos.urit:-.4.P. Ave:, Per ,:700..tka-.:0°. :"45,1-441in 01'1"-odidt01*--. attaelled4YO:"10eglbani; '-- . - - - -- " - fi'dj7iend-rhee4,12e13111/100,1'44-tli;7th4i-elrliarlTanliLEct 4riftlity of Tea each manlier Wants.: 'Their. - are fai,,_:takiL,„„„lt-11-°12/--i,74t. TE°4 te,11:_r•Sit.,,clea.1,Ai°61:°1 ,e,t4e' -44,4ell*tfiLinitetbrit-t.,e°1L°Ei:°*,,L°*4-/efi„,--,,,„,„.- t11-" > '1.1..:1(444sietecirli7f:riit'- irrtntfit:ttortglir'.farm,414**.*1 -44:t °lit' get up ' ''''' a leisj I§ s„!.!# is pati-),11-hrorglyrtr -teecItitname igentr. t-4°1-rtiefititttlfroltrgitttiltinFo,rtl'grallt.:*k't. bi.i..", quissrwsg•r- Gli*Ilt J...., ..••••• ..".=* ,---It ' .---en-----.'7,..7-"••••• -7•V?-1:', io--,-7=. .--"'''Of ' ...."' :WOOdVella., '.QIIandldirbti*:gravetroatt" s.raileifetonni. than =US frebbiti, sktg-il,‘Yekitnr4war amigo ,f_eveiPsn'4-iilkaltaal4a-ahetit year ?".flres, r ,:,T.z- ersi-Oorqr,P.P"- .- _-..r.-• -., ,:q4.94sPi46ritiit,itclirek: . •-. --„ . - -,_ : -- ,-, - Ji.xrips -,,,:-.4111p-:•-z.tdoEs.- .....,..., itsleler tiali, $014._,zariot,„: ,Iii.tvatoonier...ite..,001.: _qua* loir. thitty;; ,..,a - -s-r.:yorTflith.itriF apply .,), thikpiNtioiee-t6,, :.--,,..,--, ...-,,-,,,t:•:--,,,,-;,-- -.,,-;:•"*.f.,,,+-• • '- • ,-•,---',' - - 'c--osig.7-.:400::- !s: 7-50'.,-.1!,00,., - seescsi Istfults-nae- wax • ate 014. t was the-teplyiliaiiiiii , it ;•. orer: ,-'-- 'That ._':•,.:O4C4:koi• ilt•ik," PIO: - • ,•.-:. , -•.•• - -,,, - ,,:, -_-..:----, •••:ssit',1:- . : - . ,3F11,f_kek Tensttpolicbini. sooifiop..SA0-.83.-e; 7Q.CMO1390;,0s4C140e; , ili tow aullkEe 40 tase-iss *mar- VIV - ISgst(it 10#: righq said : the litk101917 -,.0-", ,• -,"- .-:. •-,-. . • -.-- • .1 = • •::. - '-',' :- -.-; '"•:-.•:., '...-:.,-. '-` 'aZriZii.;6-1:4419t-O°Itkli-tekelltItt:It, ill featItoe're-- 9,was°---;(**-5,8°-c'. c tle4,6;7itgoi,scii, iA-Taltionir3);!!adektr.--.-:Iti,rnct. ftsaye-wiuLt r/l8do,"-•ydnoi 3'1044 gill Altai _lettnietly looked lip the note andivetit- en : • • _'-' -_. - -11AltAt-IOR SAtt -..':•-•-' idle th.-Zatia'it Joitnfitont, are 111 tell 'Mtn ;.fcittlang oit•b*S44itt, teash, ,.-: -:.:..-:,f::- ,.•...--,.-3, ,-,=:--..::- .; . ,1...- -,,,,,.._, ,• .-:, r.. - -•-, ....,H '::,,Mrill.Pli.,...109;i1f4v1Pte,tiitrOtt_litTeaift*tthtitto,i--prefcre-.tticonfiatrOftrsaiyettp y...;,tfolTenalwitieli ,. lei - tbs.. 4. yirvadmid,.. and ss ye.ra a great foot .• , . -• : ,. . ' , - - ,.._ . _„; i.. - -,‘ .4;iniii4t4i-,i3, -*-6-1/044,E4i4,1,-Ti;:,--,,- -ion 8-...° ',..ii -7,, -,--ri„i,::: „-.:.<_7-..,7(......,!,,..Y... !,•,!".7,,,.!! feCO3..u.t.ff-`,"70-3-'-.!-,---,i.T.,..K4.. ', `-'''''::'''...:::;',.t:'";;;',.'7-1.:':-.4..„--=•*:.'5',".7',-. ' ' '. - ' ' . ' - *" - - 'i ' "•allifteld,--.01*--.Unicii,..-nontaining 130 ,B;eres' ' 25 ' - '- - - '-': ' - . -, ' • '": - ''':•:.limsirvo -.-isiitsostisis,;: rs4;-.0„sam 1.14,•••get,, ,04rteit, fraei.da.6..• : v7.. .6#• .4,,.!5:::#114 :thratiii to key. beryl i-.• p Yeet SO m. mAtbelli incluirea-21-g * 'cletredi: Yeitbiltese- ,304-ki n;t- 7.Preiji 'resr,C'-;-16-$41gle-"'glereibeiT:L -An:<;t11e-..c.11:relp6si'll:'-f;Obeha. ' dfreinthe:-TeMdt0'.;.T*'CO-inital- ii......;10i' 1-'111)4triedill," tYkM*-1941044rdsts..- p.'.., ._......2 'o flair - Janet tea ta.an',. Oalla" ItAta•'•11e,tvan.,j_„t-;' ':-Ires,i,.43,_fi`: '!)--i-j4O_.00:ila-ts4•47v1,174!_-•-,141it'rINntift . - -'':- Co biliiiiirgrelt'istiangtliandiraelitVO4-raid netAilinr•iniZed.tritlisayieryholespme ..ragresliente, -4.0an -.anteh, UP164a545',00 taird,"11 .11 itooso_16"4"itttitiMit , at-egli ,N4--ta-,:•;,t-re'e-a.r,,.,--„yolir4 --1,- sem ilia note. -but ..ilatiw.,t- ",re_311011.4".-fekt,48141..---,,-;... ' . - - -:"' • • - -in and:,-pleinni:,better than littic4of the CidreanOW0flered.to.the bit • - - dont AV.* 01)6404 by thss- . yl,:. arlisevaceilig: tiliirklifireall-reittlita- Paret'Svasl__ it'l OX- ,-, . - - - - - ' • ' ' ' "- - - _. - • 3,3 • • Ca.?, tif dealt With him.: Ea IRS on 124nd. ; parsnip brauproggide end opium Medi .A.N.ITNampismisvitit 'OE TEA zeds asemsforAtteericli,F. Jordon _and Tarter Ak ALL THE FAVOENE *.,A1sIDIl OF •ITQUOR J.wissaa Co. I (*FARED,' mum -gams AGENT8.: BR,IGHTEST. SUGAR -1.2-MAN,ELLIOTT A /mom. - : • - - - ' - 7-?Dliffsps.uatit WATIMA, - •"- - --110LBROC/N_IaAll_t_ABIE, 84,.muircr, 47131tE BEST WINE, .Lekti,EOtt irmiw, 7,:faktitrA„,., - uwv*.apZ.ED ISNEOK:Ent-AND:variitlACITOtiVeCt - mei all tle other necesaaries ofhoitselceeping. Titaniwornaentet Crimkerh •-inin121..:124:1117131.2-eitsastve and varied, -em eisnytiling from ornanientalChhiatixplain.andmiefulfitonenire; VI..4.111911•1k0M-1112 cntarged accommodktion, soilisanisLed that every variety eaii. beim** 11-Slance; - D. Rife fhb convententeof his daunt* customers, has laid in a stock of 15 fl plenlaratten paidae heretofore, to liferftlour and Veci.t.40gOrimente ‘4,-4;#4.rx.4E.0t,e4.-601)s-,. i 1 - . ' Such as -131;iin Dress 000dfiCetterts, 'Flannels, SkirthigsgPrints,-itc., fec..-which*Illbe foimdexcellentin quality:: eind. teatime:MS •lit _price, rptirarin" -Produce. ,,as tumid,' taken in -exelonge for gaods at -Cash -value. • D. Y. v tnrcatonfidentlyto assert thatofellwInteonke feeetildne, , • , , ,„ 7%. .:„•, . _:;... ; : . fitiiiNtWILL, CO AWAY Dissiell-i0Piga. Goderioh, Sept. 9th, 1869.. i , hitt ‘1".:.-41P3M8-200,260,2005 afictil5a,Ter Put uP,a1SO-lathle ie the Shore ouything While I ilanst 1d the the.genikaNni; w4r so. -- Farm r, Sale. irreeglig"P:bedate„,4 that4•14141abote eeela &woe kilts rnoirsha axed nittf*Wiee "there. -mY itEilubaireZer-'04Voiforsarth-nfot,t'aii tietoz.„ P -p -.`ESS SATS_ ,25".77_ isr•--1E-c yam the "rotornizigr *Wools: _ _ _ odeoldamolgiooprisramooriesit atom iti.1114tGle/?etrtilli 49.110t4t 10;,itliirraSscan thtt6, JUIS WO# *a& tur-- 114 the wol kolcsicifosisstig-hovit.„4-*!1,34!froin. Bei; IttrtgRa14.°°41214P:PAGW!raltalittaV'°t ttE E Jannet, dials*** her etativint lier time. %Vag ‘1114= 010 WY* ;14141 * Mirlady,- for 14ettgx t l'iiltiseatb"Tin= -grtr:orlin°1iagikrt21"akticteMatitibta4ted- Ituti9lier;11196A2g446"1*(1.414-"Ene;h*i3f ' '''llaY/11°"611401" Otier?3,tOreS• 'irli ' setrietise. 'Aweet* wait is Ists, Tie lee,* .011 St Lowrralwit; VW atimb.Y a Ma' rriilig OF'ArlyXIND$ _ -thssessios. 44 arty= Losss this Twent . ./0.44azeintunif.t-ii-ott -...-.1..5.thigo,vi-6,.9_;::- -•ir45 eatii, •-i _Baru, it4;.-,4_:Ust, 4-0444:s7anawitoraeritliieltiitolt.le-:. :,..114-1_tt:IleisitZlief-, 'iiii:,:'14"‘ jt- :.jae;es:3"P,..:., " we Wien ,itaktik, file,Asit ein• WAKE rot vane - *ler i aik :&w., that .fiftrie -it should 11„,,eseee,wheoy worse;•aeltititisrietetas.'• • -‘ -Ica : :to' ot let it lib .taiu: k ow , - lei intisfii4withwhit.46 Arehale IMP lik" ,Iffe' -Batistact101- '4411WeViellOteste44. it. .•r exPe-at 1 E -a o lowers faeticn‘and Ita1211-dralzsied Of MO- ADM InGinlittOt.14e_loanit actesuily4 , zIP'xistteiastas imayniti therefor • or the nage Tedoew, , 41.60 Lek_mum. , wait Per *form . nopply . ed, vex° ohopped.,20 If.cre*Anio(Drear and thebal. .M11 55 . - tsar tradwOcd. new n'one- tone(' - Jana: noun •tiaaintd'Ool WSW° rage just copillio - • deil‘r (14641? glue the DtglY M. • A'"fri'la"ti°41*"6"-' eoh-1-01 Eta 1014.- 'Ireton- thotoson-tai•itot.'""vtie seartualtausatisteasa. itmeesazionettezzatittine;„: '„.-10a,:atte-seVer;eli4v1Wraitillieti. Anclarragdial - tibe-minktai *pad cut roatt price *moo; s-000,:paidk and,exey .and-where•thetatatiplinititylirderedb tellibis it lbs. •,-.,thti-finetiiiwirtellat 8fie " kraal in they :viol to' °lb Nein& CtinratinaLant fit tozensy. - Vemity of tonnox,Oniarso irld.. : 71, vrotsicenwith oaten - eh 41=15111.tonertfr tinring -1.866 I 1.. _. MAI>PCvuz. :woe:4141c, Untyihevf000ttitelleattngeirbitobffanc;_iti .. ,. - ' wic CAW Fe seg. : -gridlual.Lziaiiiiianatt4iiiirtilta ,themsFrinEr limeafltribeelinefltended•402ewooktn, ' 7tliajatIb9t°°41fierezttuillttivII:ItY,teirstlinetw"W,thrITethidoes'Ireiltbeliknalginet:17zoedieinrailrafx*"12114'ellare:- ' ' ortineamd afteniardsffirafightmediraladvice.ranoloy- " abide, preiraribedby friends, bi.tof WOOL . leoutinnad to -get wore Ind. -Worse. tratilthe stunmer -; 41868,ralien 1 was indneedtotrythe&watiNioshonets Atthilltiteree4Ibadingiratleretefleelleel 'elneithe"41realoramin*I*Mlia IdiPlibt 1raida T, in facti---was gitthigiditiosthelpleit. - "1 have .,, Mhen two betties of Bus figrAlionets Remedyraid two -3i.ozeteftlutpilliraid I km entirelyzettrired.0 heel% inewraexPectedte get.' -better, botsboisr:tries Bus . ...medicine -is -a ,sortof forlorn lave. Illingwielor tea. - wascotamivateonelbutknolm_to all a3' ng , sail•Ai;andtdanvollelittltoted :aii 2 was,' .1rave : -4'78.1rt'orZbert':.1741Watt"i0gadoP,7-;ran*edt:4-of1--Hasthis:33ellem 4. wutettreven. - - *Xlar Alm Tobtrinqr. • 012 WI AV of il'en't.ISO0. '4. Y..'ffoop,,_ ,..i.r.i ; 7, - -. Iliereby.cerUfrthatiliaveludwii*rar. Aim/ •Ana line li-Overypnliculim -1 know -Via' titirallaill,herosse Tionglitr fOr thelsattfteraryeart; she.,ls &woman of . -probityand trntb. 1 havelmown lir hifore, -daring, „ •:, ,rawleistee her ihneta, lbellsve her certificate to be .,rer:' 090onses,proprietilts4TOCOverT446411:00Betn,..!""Wlyamedleini47, aimatribt$044te,olv7thini,i_rfinuewatharreopi:411...titilaa'rY.coiarto;ldriaatheeet , ht: -bar 1rate,102.11 OW -114.9iitlike . OtratariA .- irairacle, . - -- - it.._ • _F. - °on, J.F. • _ Warderiti iiilliantrefIlinnings,FrerinceofOntari0 : PIIII*11°P-, - 04;144444. :- - • 243.4 •s• !"; • - • alea ern rz• odet4eiri-Sept.-29th `1.868. manen. 4. inws•=:0 •Ip pm:pm/pm ,To xis= .;w47 • oie WOMBBAN BI ET NO -SOP, lyze, antzw, F 10 DE Ars) AMC IVIoKkirp RESPZOrzotrzvr Atv: nikoio-Intita nbnrelint, on We/ ttnikit op'°PrOdeilea the am:k orMoutowt. arbors Isa,wtit cosom_41y. as salakiraoiketo,ontst iliewirO*' .1"ill ;eakt whiter =v. tokt..=at ; argitaaexTetaeseeoe., theta whowet Oak rat *mays. VIII 0.t.r 4C411S1261f* y eriverf„ =it -mote ROA" 1 gad et Belief, Sit' isa will so* what OM 11)* cit In ration... kr algae ver the lad ,, sad ' ingissaka.., here, limen Ma& • v itii a *Ka os the A" tHiltMet speeidingelk* Sitsiabst awe rade-from Oho Rodin* brid12 mike bear I inn t etaist iltstre ITBATE-. fkr 'WE§I O...0111) THE. TE -RMS . sal , linty Meationthatthe oroutovro =g following extraotaftssiworhoWonr -Tess aro:liked In „ tabs* lies. ra41ZOG Ma& 11* ISOSOrtatat -111 ragienag r import -we pnblishtita- he lull ks prepared tolillop4i Mtn:a 'for • e - T.estylitudite4*-atal staititieell the. th-e ; -4; .,`„=.. • Country. , xicttre FittnIng • Skeeititrif 001 MB IrderX04/.7gi ' I ituna ken. --11130or slow m2)444011 its best 6 0 ,tbscse are .q.be t,,aa les Ted frem yonni .every ss,v.imsinew Mkt- Inkve atiethererder nextweek.” ""hckentsiactudesSin4Ing Pond, wfilak reincjaavreusatheisteros is basis ts for - - • - - • '--etottroit4sens lafpneettaatlhaieahl"."ingdawn-1.4h Aug. issa that re,w " P Yable haflearlY• 4`.4-7.":441"1 26.bo 18.45 n41 o Maouu eirtic 3134334dIlrlik lode othonl; 64 aares -of wilt* Ars sugartleelim:ige 10 ** kale eiikrier • in it SUP001-. • 4 • -thaftillest ;miss° Teareeeivedfromyrajtenn1004 -tift 11:4144° -oed .eed vilest isrequirad the :cod the -year et you **climbs:tot pstroosto. ' to' cho 3Uver Hattland, Rood 1 house . and franni ViiI2ff* 117 by tivita; treett, anprcmusea d hennaed inv„bcdone_wahn . ,Anurroann tun Jona, igoe, ThettboYeta • ',the sfrood Ivan the debt of wAttt-rout. Thera als• Haim:stir -strict attenticia . mis - - * • Oa at the maaranon term tefore -rizezejs4: Sold exnell -bsystrieaeyrinialcteiqurit •Ir theiquality stf.4 frarisauko;!ST- • 0 TAMP t- • • • _ - ' _ . Ft"- #4111a.lcs4atOrCa .fisv0 goottmrieztloknow micro& ofulitOtnbe mdei ytime PrIeSix 1111224114PFV44440*_4414!'"11.$1.1u1k-44 -7.41t41.Ev AGE Ho E , thiettlbletawsetaisittbetaluti ithat till W110 '111,44 ther44 luk* 4*e" nkeditirciryin.flob < - selidning7.4 et If *Was %Stott on. -7 eiretroaaithat tried. wedohrit • " . , - • . d ,,,,..elootheoterses,1 • , • - ERICH Mamas. .4.5 .444waserto SooletT,eadeneh. itigrtir8 , Ckigga• Alarastefor ami ere ' 4{.XTe rniaPrgeerett'teet-A7tgele 1alfortYhTeeernOgtite-t140befki rwthni the 1)1 eretOrt1)1. Or Puolt _ZIO . , AcisirPall 411 °Mars ' ' 1".rskilr' WM:kW. -1 THE TORONTO TEN COMPANY,, - AltaffInn4a14,TAIXIAgank„bolintich, , vw1,411 AS0 YOUNG STREET TORONTO/ Art 2411,1*-. 4r-IPS.tf -7 I . _ RBEItTlIASONI, retafiand Tivaatirer.,Tckrontot. eil 16t1i Oef.: 1866 ' 1••'1' •al Tagistraleratignedbarhiglakilathettorewell-kiioirsi consumable tams to arana corapetiratputoU.. 14.17 Pailgo.P0-to tuyEit. ettn May *pos. - WM AMU -into bit own bands la siowprepsoxi 't