Huron Signal, 1870-02-24, Page 37 -T--
AA 0
Ayeej� jQhdM 11�7 .f' IPLESL, NOT 1148"
- larch will con- "h
N A 11 A A RARE. C RAN is Zf tbb ind lArmv;
The "New Dominton-Mouthly" for 3 I<gbi 418betts9ments
LAKES00'RE A-01HElly FOR S" :Brondbild , JJfthZn%"
tain ail arttele written bv T S. Brown, Esq., entitled FEBRUARY " I . I Cciusb,
? APMM IN TM C= Olt =d 00131110Vtim
into 01- 4 `Montreal Fiftv Years ago." In which, among other
=CUTION op MUNE20E interesting Informat i n the census tak- ?
set 0.1 t, Ve MOOD WORKING onnE , u POT ASK KET er before th tfis Whole hi -tan- Of
ii e 1825. EXTEN I 4Sexp Orb and Kettle- 3 S -P =�v
en by therlate'Jaqifes Itger,Zq% SIVE SALE! mmnio.sua wwrpre nseam -due, wonsoWidralyand sodect,w
-,'IV We shall ties, 7 Coul"a; -g-*d new %Vaggona, ]Faj�ol julything
HE CONFESSES HIS CRIME! A paper on the proper armament for'Canads, in view Aloulds, 2 Horses and lxiirness. 2 ence of msnkftkd;'a5rttdSjX-1l�:.t
381 1 b 423hovils, 6 -Pewter candle upoh 01b.c6hAd, 'tints -b Vows
of Ftpiau raids and Indian risingshas been coutiribut- U rJV. T31R. HkMW-4. 2 Wheel RA P metT#f&puhnouaryc0ll1P1 ThrOn-
ti L L, 1 Chain PunlPs for ley re
minion Monthly" for March, in is &J.:1.1st'auds. 3 Illift tilts -1.
d to the "New Do 3 - series ofyey;g it olUe rauei - i
I WaterPulup a] dinally o�beritppendagestoommcr andnion 11110!
ry 15. -'Phe eNe- so iera�ulffhigherinlheire-�til--..-.-.
St. JAn N. B.. Februa forin of a review of Colonel Denison's book on "Modern' MET -CLASS F90T GOODS In good d6d(Tia 1!1# beseld cheap men it has r11301 1,4
cution of Muntroo took place at 8 o'clock Cavalry:' by a distinguished writer and military all- ons to- melillou.
ae ne�,* fee cub. nd,p6*er to cure
REATLY REDUOED PRICES IN SARAPA. tion, as it ligstbwo-me better JmowiL ltslluilo;-.w
thQrity. ALANCE OF WINTER GOODS AT G RESOLVENT. thevarioubaffeolo. -
this morning At a quarter to eight the 3rA090 leads leaelled Ashes, 11 neiftgL Pa load. character a soit llave tnade it Imown as t. r-
1-1 Thooreat mer7icine if of the lungs an -d th the Ashery.
IA- '4 w4l. '1� liable prowtor a t thft. XVI
bell, eomm Iced tolling and blatak flag Another product of Mr. LeMobles antiquarian re MESSRS, HAZLEHURT & COOKE, 1. B reefromZl nauffea- dle
I , to appearin the March number ofthe "New ting or diiao-4010 cftcu 8poke", 0 _k.Dr. Badw R111111i
e GZiduiel-Nov. 2nd 1869. 6 -child I
was hoisted. The prisoner walked to the seare les's daJor Sto- E R milder forms of disease and My
Dominion Monthly, in an article beaded -11 AV ECEIVE]J -INSTRUCTIONS FROM r, URS, at the sainetinte the most ellez
-bg given for incipient consumtion, lud the d
isprepa�-eddna=w principle of Mcclical Chem- gertus affections ofthetbroatand lungs. Asol
a firm step. Rev. M Lathern be. L T 0 CLOVDS, SAMPASILL MOL7Z Wsion against sudden attacks Of Crol-11) -it sh-
v platform with H SHAWIA i. W C311
hboffered a short prayer, and Rev_ '-Nlr Stew- JAMM MCGILL A�Zrl) THE UNWERSMY HE FOUNDI'D - MR. ARTHUR HAN21' isirV,f)-onl gw oteay., carative proliart!6 -if tho Inad
art addressed a few words. A very interestilig article, thus entitled. by J. W'. Dan- cyWiee products of ate vegetable kangdnt. phe be kept.on hand in every f VIL, imdIiZ;;1
We m,%v. on, �b. D., Principal of McGill University, will ap- MANTtE 'CLOTHS, iject to col and coughf,
The,,pallowsuated was a beam poised to pear in the March number of the "New Dominion TO OFFER FOIL SALE Sarsarkrullan and othr Jorei& root$ yielding LL partios conoernedare hereby nptififid that 6113 we sometimes Ent
VVOOLEN GOODS, i this won- monies due tQQig bearer on note of ligad,or book should be p I rovided with this antidote for tLent.
allow n elevati-)n of seven feet, and load- Monthly," with a wood-cut:11keness by Dalziel. &C 411" of - paid Lo himself personally. An Although settled Consumption Is thou --ht BY PUBLIC AUCTION. BLANKETS, &c. ezrac'saa'��t" medicine account, am tobe oftses
while derfuz Blood. at null and votd- curable, still grea
ed at one end with a heavy wei-Ilt d and gathered tulth thee gre'di Idet care other payments will'be Cnsidered _t numbem-ol
are 8dede I j1)sEPHHBRR. ease seemed settled, have beeg doMpletelN 4-41
78071, Rite llative 8014 uricler the
1-eL"eve,; Cie Red the crimiril' was, attached to the other. THE MARKET15 re. Market square, the whole of his splendid the prapdr sc, -4d and the p *cnt mtored to suntid"Pu0ig by t his ate ejicej oatan- fl.deri�h.-Dm 2,3869. _at,
When the cord was t the miserable man stock of rf, peaora. So complew L its Nupervis bn 0 =itployed excluvalvely fa� Dr. 1"dw 4,
cu ANOE -s of the Longs andThroat, t wash- jerked into the air, remaining suspended GODER�CH, Feb. 22, 1810 A RARE CH' over the isordet
the most obstinate of them yield to it. %Vhcn noi, -
about two feet from the platfoo C& 0:65 FANCY GOODS,, )LS; I with the pure.
Ve 1�usllless was rut. Fall Wheat ........ 1 .... $0:60 BERLIN WOC canpovaititV be mixec $aU,00D (thirl jug else could reach theT tinder the Clirri-V 11f, -
fie struggled hard, nd his sufferings ap- d Gloves ".00, per Pair- t,-t-D,R1swoy W ARXS Spring Wheat ........ 0:64 0:67 &c. Alexander"i Xi VJL thosand dolla, IfOrthe T .0 saLLE toka they subside add saplw.
--pe-mes 0 " 1. 1Z - --
annex- peared to be terrible. Munro made a con and PubUo Spealkers ftd gTeat pr,
fessio-n to Sheriff Harding, in presencel Flour ...... 4:00 4:00 It is minces ssary to describe tile stock - in an adver- itaS s�curcd In teAt!-9=1 ft.
But the %vowleifa [70h sale two very valuable FAR *S in the Town
Oats k ................ 0:26 0:28 tisement, as it is well known to be of the the curative railge o(J.&- Itatigbay's R,;niedfes, more ship or Goderich. For particulars upl� to Asania is always relieved and often vrhe:*1-
nzzt-n. iq to be dir�lan- of Messrs. Stewart and Lthern, on Feb. eWl:cially the 70SEPE SHAAV, Huron Road. cured by It.
14th, IS `70, to the followin Peas . V� .............. 0:40 0:41 nity you will -have -of getting the VERY BEST . . I GiKlerich Township Bronchitis is generally cured by "Ang C.Ti-
King- g effect :-It Barley ................ 0:4o o:42 Choicest Description and Qaality. LADIES, this is,theonly opportu SAASAPARILLIAN RtSOLVENTV Jw4fitf Cherry pmtt� in small and frequent doses.
ZD I November 25th. 1869. so to virtues lmown that Nvo ne-4
Aw3v With the dis- was durincy a trip to Fredericton with my i Potatoes .... I ......... 0:40 0:45 Cost price. paVs fc.,r the cnitlay nt,p? mad over agia ; for nevel' generally are I �
0 nee in tle historyof "&c(ttanc wds suh a uwdicine that s ofthem here, or do n -V
the spot previously The sale will COmme KID GLOVES madO at less than
wife that I first thouclit, I - walre8 sowid, tiblish the cwtilleate
Butter ............ 017 0.17 vo contpletelit bulitle 2,
visited with Miss VAil, an*j described at strong, hear hy, vigarnies, and bi.-autlfa
Eggs .................. on Saturday, Febe 5th tp, rqpalrs, and � assure the 'public that ita �ualiti2s are fai-y
0:15 00 Z' withal, the t2ined
Fz;,-.. tx Jud"- the trial, was a suitable spot to comulit a I ay V' ton ......... L"' 8:00 (01 * 0 7bad act. I went out again with Miss Hides (green) .... ..... 5:00 5:00 and be continued from day to day till , t . he whole Is Goderich, 1'7-ebruari 4tb, 1870. sw67 D)-. RdD 11/�d rS ARABIAN OIL Ay- Agud Oure,
AS ead disposfd of.
Vail on the Saturday following to about Wood ............ 2:00 2:50 g.T Ladies are particularly inviied tA attend this
the same place. , We went off the road a Beef, per cwt. ... 5:00 (ii� 6:00 sale. 14-ESOL FE-ArT. For FVver and Ague, Inter*-Ittent Fare-,
arrived 'rernls Ca h UAL 8,AJU19 tbent Fever. 3)n--.,)
littl wa3v together and sat down. I went; Sale at 2 and 7 p. in. ZE I ANN Chill Fever 318nu
-e Arthur. Pork ................... 7:25 (a) 7:50 4 s GREAT- K LING JJE�ffl)y, Ague, Peri;kiesl Or Bilious Fever, L --
into the bushes ; the child cried. I came Chickena per pair ...... 0:30 0:30 HAzLEHURST & COOK --Important Chemical PI-inniples suppliedto A 'NhVElt FAI awd indeed all the affectiorm which =Bn
r.�n has t lit e b er It its- out again nd was angry. I strangled the wool ................. 0:30 0:32. - Auctioneers. the wastin body through the *0M Trialario4% m=gh,' or n2l&=111�0
R- - 9
Ls -1> and a.1I thriling child. I do not know that it Was actually Sheep ...... ...... 4:00 4:00 Goderleh, 4th rebruary, 1870' w3-tf AT T39E EXPORIUM! SARSAPARiLLIAN RESOLVENT rrHIS VALUABLE PREPARATION CO3MINES Poisons.
dead As she (Miss Vail) Was rising up I . L all themedichial vinnes of those articles which As its name Implies, It does Care, and does rint
Apples ............... 0:75 0:75 ]it supplies the 14-wj lorig experieuve haspiuved to posses 1he most safe ano fail. Containing neither Arserde,QuInine111smut'l:
L. is instrue" by shot her in the head. I threw brus'h over I GODER103a AND (or tile cure ofple& Wounds, Zinc, nor any other mineral orpolsonous substail-6
Goderich, Salt, wholesale, f o.b. PeT - bb IT ONTAINS efficient pronertles wked Heels,
the Swanip lands her face, some over her hands, and left atJ Spiatn5, Bruises, Galla of all kinds, C #MtdVer, It in ziowisp. Injums any patlent. Ti
$1:20. ithe With cat"lle Prbe4lil" Rmg.Bouo, SPavin, Int -m- number -and
in the -taut
n, nce. I previously had some of her money Scratchef or Greabib, StfallIs menese CUT
X a] E =rIaneo- of Its oun
CASHMOET R1 ISHING, trictB, am lite I beyond aceoun and vre-belic, P
-perhaps half, or a little more. Cannot 71 atel dftx- M"ge, whillb%tm, Come, Baud Cracs: FoundereA Without a paralle in the history of Ague medich;-
ITI. D., min- (Ainton Max1rets. It all zin'live ul�,or
-efi, E.11. 3, U1011 T;"0a4 Feet, Horn. Disiemperi Rwellmg�, and many other
ens�s of thc E� Our pride is gratifted bylthe tack
say that moner was nct one of the motives W A 0 U SIE - and Skin Units ae,412 dis;,as,l; which hors�s and cittle are subject to. receive or the radical cures efreeted in obstin"
- s Montreal is for the act. I do not say it was in sell- 1-i d&-, 404D. r many cases, and where other remedies had whd.'))- lfbtile�'-
By special Telegraph to the It Increases the -.7elzkI This celebrated Liniment ha- been used in
t1.1. . A ve properties thoroughly teaed,
defence I killed Nliss Vail. lt was the Clinton, Feb. 22, 1870. IT STOPS ALL WEALESNE yeam, anif im curatt Unacclimated personst either i!�esident in� DANIEL GORDON, GES. 0 it 14 conceded to be the cheapest and most re- _ %vellitig through ullasmatle localitie-5, T� Ill be Plv-'
Cir- money, my anger with her at the time, ar a 0:50 4 0:80 It inc! e ��&es the repairs and dirninishos the -for all eXternal complarrits ever offered Fall Wheat ............. tableremed% when timely usci] and teeted by t6kin g th from torpi .11-i
exercised con- bad thoughts on and after the trip to Fred- IF- I 1P INI -A� 1K. 1E ]Et NOW OFFER THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF h ithe public -it never fails Fbi Zirer "'ptaints, arising
Spring do ....... ...... 0:65 (a) �0:75 Iexturiialaft"mi; tbt-' P104W.11ti-til Ofoe-ILY. faltliftilly app ied. t is an excellent remedy, stimulatin;t
@ 0:27 ntry Serchants
L tken by form- ericton, working together, caused me to Oats 0
do the bad act. . The letter written tb Mr. ......... .......... 0:26 UPHOLSUERERJO T.cui-oas, X-?JrsTf il 'AC Lan-klls- i'U'ibLIhad Of ail DrubTist's and Coo Or healthy activity.
price 25e. per bottle. 14
er Complz-&N; it'
*Several Barley ............... 1. 0:40 R 0:43 Ittinna--es tilf. aa, throughout the Dominion. For Billous Disorders and U,
memhers lise deeided to treer was written by me and mailed 'in Peas ................... 0:42 (g 0;45 AND It hea3s Fevor S11V1 aad ul....C1. NORTHRUP& LYMAN, anxecUent; remedy, producing =uy tmily r
DRYCOODS9 it ectiesGravell Gleet,aft I StArtu'ro. Ne -,-,s Ont..Propricinn marImble eares, where other medicines bad flle�
It is Mport- Boston by a friend 4�i mine'. I. never ill- '0:50 1-t clear an4li pasa ri*eely. Sold in Go6erreh lZ Pa Cattle inid k Prepared by DiL J� C. A3- M- & -ni
�-f Potatoes ................ 10:50 (�o 4- Co;., 111metic
ed any other person or child. rtaker, &c., &669 VIX1 the's s.,mnd fold
�e. - Flour .................. 4:00 a : - Uardiner Co. l3ja vi eld; Jamec and Analyt slievrell, Mas
in n ffie , 400 Unde j ord.,n _ ical Che n1sts
(Signed,) JOHN gar Of maalkond vrvp 2 RodgerVille; j. plel,-gra Exeter jill round the world.
'I be compell- MUNROE- Butter .................. 0:17 AS now on hand a C.L'THINC ne" or okisca", are tleficlent or exh%ttstal- Bentham,
-,e pet Us fill: i'lent ombe,l Clinton ; Secord, 1,uc
The CH".. STEWART, 8:10 H PjacE, *J.00.PEV
Pork ...... ............ 7:50 large stock of It ircsV.&Ses %voinall twoulk th to H I C Soaferth, Sild all We.dicE
-ander Galt, for JoHw LATEmRx, Witnesses. AND change 01 liZe-cessattan of b1cuses. now -,'E - Hickson T -V- NORTH R1YP&-LYAAW, he'wcastle, Ont., Seer--%
Eggs ................... 0:15 0:00 Ole
lo thoe ;vlzo seele'ff Lqauts forVanada.
in everyveriety, WhiCh wv,6r Cattle and r
Thorer'ir not a; man, woman or chil. ho 13- Sold in Gode !ell by Parker -1
-FFMALE'REA1EDY Jordan. Gardiner& Uo.- liayfield. cannot fail to command SOOTSAND SHOES� The curious bit of gossip to the effect TTA T. HURST & COOK'S AU0 I I led by d'*La,-e. if' heir systems art: ttill' T11E GiBAT'
thata certain dowager ambioness, the the favor ofall in want V Rodgerville. J.-Piclard. Exeter. nove, %nd McKen- TION SAT REGISTER, te receive noue.shmenL nd th-ir LU,
of furniture who May ton, bacord, Luckno at.d
Vl vant vi confidenco AT TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT POR CASH. E. Hickson, e;eafUiiy.
widow of a Scotch nobleman, has recently favor him with a visit, ed beyouLl, the -process of repair, or if eapable of I Job WSW Peflodleal Pills Medicine Deafen.
Italian courier, At Mr. J. Watson's Cabinet Shop, Kin- who her in style or ld�
bestowed her hand upon her Such as sustaining ibe reiurat;re proce- of RADVAY's
s 'A) eopies is generally suppised to refer to the cardine, Feb. 22nd, 23rdand 24th,$4000 price, -Wesolye;zt,' -FAILING-
v:1 10,3t Cane -Chairs, t THIS INVLLUA13LE MEDICINE IS U1.
31archioness of Queensberry, whose strong worth of Household FurnituiZe. Sale at Wood Chairs, or the wates the'enre, of ail those painfal and dn-enim:
Sofas. Lounges, but can t� aer restored to be -Lith, "t"m is riiibjeel. FARM FOR SALE. -
Cupboards. decompositions --tol
Fenian proclivities are well known. 10 a. in.- Bedsteads, Bookcases, pped, and the elements of discoes to o ich the fellifile cOustitu obstructiois,
Tables. deca that now ex;st be dism-Fsed frorn the sy.�tem It aloderates all exc"s and removes all
Ranfwld At the. Auction Mart, Goderich, -March E es,tasy Chairs,
-z4 his dinner, t...iouTabl Rocking Chairs
A little Glasgow newsvendor is dead, - Side boaids, Chiffloners. Extreme ouses. villiere tile LUSGS. KID XEY.s- and and aspeedy eum ma- -be relied 01L F 147 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ABOUT 110
He was about three 23rd, Mr. Donald Fraser's Farm, lot 8, Wardroes, UCTION IN RICS otherorgaus am wa--te.uleerated. and 'heirfnu- TO Win LADIF9 10 acres cleared end the bal=ceZood hqr4wolld tib
named 'Wee Willie ' Wash Stands, Kitchen Tables, Stands- GREAT XED
stab- ht,and was Bayfield Road, 130 acres. dale at '12 Sea Grass Mattresses. Wool do, Moss do 6oll,- interrupted and becrefions altered beymidths. It to peculiarlysuited. it will, in a short time, bring ber. a tworufort.ble house and firstch%ss hume bam. a
reparative lmsyer of medicine, may, and will, by Lbe
.salvc -ith regularity. a9 Mattresses the innuthli period cood orclL and well ivatered. Most of the laud in
U orts' whiskev e feet two or three inches in heig hair do and 4 or 5 differcut kinds Sprin Is rtment, of 1� -0 of the Sal satlaillut"t at '11t. coatinue to o
unable to support himself without. ciutch_ o'clock, noon. D " & BRE At As,r SHAWLS W. 'excellent cla;r. TheE;i�is let co, 6thcon., Goded,it'
N. B. -t Keeps always on baud a large w
is agam under fall frames, square S' CLOU live )erhaps foi- jars ; for no matter how low the 77ww pilb should not betaken by Fi=les during the
-Rosewood Moulding- 0 LADIE =j, as they an Township 0 miles from Goilrich and 7fion. Chuton.
es. Washable gilt and -vit:? forces may be. it' the EYAOM'can be brought FIR&T THRE-B M0NTRSfPTe9n" till paymentof part cash, good thrms will begiven fi-,
MARRIED. or oval, made on the shortest notice.
commendable honesty. A THE BALANCE OF OUR BROCK OF BL&NKETS T COST. undeithe influence of this tisue, anl fieiii-In * IN sure to'bringon Hi=rriage. but at any other stint WIV thelialance Per particulars apply on the Ifirr-mises U'
Rare but HaviLg made arrangements with JACQUES medicine. flie repairs will be greater than te -0 are safe. JOHN MCKENZIE.
-at;ori -�,f r�e �ee:lng of the gentleman has 0, the 10th itistt-, by the Rev. W. Smyth, & rnish anything, here or LOOD 11 ILL receive that i h. do e� f and Spinal Affectioil Pain in
generously iven to the ,JAY, Toronto can fu and the D nouriFliment to e le it in All Cases of Nervous 22udJan..1870. Witf Portees Hills, P Mr. 31.:D.)u- . e the Backand U 'tiolL Palplls-
gall was y Raggged- at their War6roo;ns in Toronto, Cloth nt; strength. purity. and ilouri imbs, Fall-, ue on slightexel
Paisley infirmary and the Paisle Mr. John Elliotb, of Goderich Township, it, bealLjlful soluti(in all its cousLituen , n 5 [ystenes, and Whites. these Pils
�,hn Maelonal.], who in School E2 5s. each. beina a sum of R4 10s. to WEss Annie McCullogb of the same rk Has always a complete assortment of process vfdoeay and derumpoiiition. tiont the heart, E ifoiled FAR FOR SAUO
him by name, iim by Mr. Alex- & GENTS' FURS AT COST. will efTect a enyt! when allother mearis have
�$ and although u powcrful remedy,,do not 1contam iron,
spontaneously remitted place. CoffinS A Shrouds in the Latest, Styl e LADIES CONSUMPTION, SCROrttl. Bright's disew calmt!�j mitimony, of anything liurtful to the OT 15, IN THE STH C0N`CFSS1ON OF TU114
I ad the poison of
not tonam!! a member, under Muirhead, of Canada, who left Pais- On the 11 th inst., at ]Ehirnside McKillo�, the KIDNEYS. a cousthu- L township of Hullett, in t4e coutity of Huron, con -
_O years a in payment -2 *it to hire. Venered. ftredevelope4 throuall 'the proee-s'iif do- -his farm svill be so'd
ley upwards of 3 r. Archibald
tis constita---ney. It has goo, by Rev. Wm. Graham M A180� HZArsE-, posit� liom tile blimil either -*Ili the Lungoq.,�kin. Kid- Poll directi-mp in the paulphletaround e4ch package, 'RL& Co -11tilar Tissue; atid the�e is- which shoildbecirefully preserved. cheap iorcash. or partay remainon mortgage. Fur
thIs tliat the Cabinet of rent of a field then owing by 'Mr. Muir to Miss Margaret, Elliott, J. C-,DETLQ SoL ftopTon.
McGregor, noys. Bladder or UL partJoulars ly to
head to that gentleman's father, whodied emes in their advaticed stage can JA)th Le chuuked Y011 MOSES, ]�ZW TO -UK, NIL' Sits, C-AMEROi
sixth daughter of the late Robert Scott, Pon JLe. s1d �% & GARROW,
$t.60 and 121 cents i Barristera, &c., Gcderlelt,
acro, the gentleman was not w2 and cured Iy tile ute of the P for postage, eneldsea to Northrop
-j the papers several years Esq., both of McKillop. Goderich, February Ist. 1870: Goderich, 28th Jannarv, 1870. s& Lymaa, Newcastle, Out., general agents for the
aware Of the existence of the debt. WARK TIM CHANGE- Dominion, will insure z1ottlecontainbWover 60 or MESSRS. OBLEU BEGUE,
At Kincardurie, on the 16th inst., by the FOR, SALE. Barristem Durtdas-
A verson seized wiffi any C21ronic drsexP (if the uy return mail.
Rev. Dr. Hodgkins, Jas Y, S. Kirk-, Esq., Lungt, Liver, I I NORTHRUP &I YMAN, January 2M - 18M.
The Rev. Dr. Cumming 'of Sootland,' 0 1— it
ot �9 It to Mn. J. Keyworth, of Newcastle, (;. %V.,genera
zht that the cntracr him. is about pub- of Goderic' 10L also a good inarke'd cjlfl,ge fn agentforCana& ]ENG M FOR SALE
D and An:zu.;t. ou the Inter- as the Pope designates. Kinctardin dwelling house with we 'KAY, 9 ep ru-alill. , ro, fit, bette,
Iishincr what he, consid6i's to be his opus QTORE and in the villnge of Illaillandyttle. one taking the SZ%.rsaPar1lllan Itne s 11- rp soldin Godench by Park�r N Cattle ana
0 stoue cellr.. ? nee, ricit 81 Iff, and Mur -
0 . HAVE RECErVED blood beminev 'nor' tition ibr nalarat IS horse power portable Engine, as good as nevro
be forfeitd through viagnum, concentmtio'n of many years' n I e from Goderieh, in the centre of the Goderich salt ishitzg, and i.,; eitabl, rJ 1?.Jordau-, Cla3dine W Co., BaybAd -, James A rd. Applyattl;t
works. HouseandStore entirely newi.�andcomm6di- the dep dpas 11latter and made by Waterous; a �Co. Brimm
Try ot the eantracL -No study. This is 'The Fall of BabN-Ion, as DIED. ous, and lot irl excellent condition. Terms cub, cay im,aoweiville;.J.Pjckard,l�ieter- 11
t Be,"Pthu - Axe factory to
f. -:low, especiafly foreshadowed in History and Prc�pbecy. Mm Further particulars apply to CLOTH BOOTS in the Langs, A -i)& 011d Cumbe, GlInt0ii-S' cord, Lukilow; E. WSS, JOHXMCPHM-�Olk
At Goderich on the 20th instant. RTE & CLOTH JACKET89 be diminidied I -Medicine-Dealers. WI -if
Mr " SPENCE. vELv E!N and earh 0 "'i ISwercle gon. Bmfurth. -and a I
A deputation from the- Permissire Bill 2 Colin Buchanat-tt-ged 73 vears. M-altlandville, GoderkliP. 0, f these Of secreh if Itritte,
w5.2m* wM CXV73F,3TL9S3EXC:)l3Mi9V id otherj1a6b heiAg
:3 the coming m2n for tile Association of Seotlad had an interview At 'iJoilerich, 23rd February, Charles the cireulariolt, these xecretions soill be SIM X
GodericliFeb. 19ill, 1870- Bile, the Pancreatic Juice -
Z There is a with the Lord Advocate on Jan. 24th, in Mclntvre,4tbsonof Mr. John McIn- ahsrwbed hL THE PE
dircetedfor the 8114elff Uirongh thei RFECT
-PETERSH"&ASTRACAN CLO IfinedichieftillN ill
reg tyre, Count� Tyrone, Ireland-aed 31 proper ehannel&
a favar, of a JVcstern man. ard to the suppression of the rraffic in WHITNEY AKING
on t1w slisteln, o corret ffise sem*el1011 Its. HEREAS, I)EFAULT H -%S BEEN 'MAE IN
inroxicating liquors. His Lordship prPmls- years. SUBSTITUTE tile vaym -fit the moneys zeru ,
Dr. Tuppar. ed to bring the matter before the Govern- sist each organ or secrethift gla7L4d ill "S W - eat redbyacerU--.
W.0iol Sawlsq 16xtra Value properfalerron., licalth ran neverbe Irextelred: 181(ft. Indenture ofXortfrage. litaring date thefolirthday tl�
9alffor su.Terlofr hulnr),ily, FOP. November,
Mucks made a regular ment. hundredana ohn ill, e
Mew IF Xtsterl ill atl thae, rchiediai agents the township of waWaNsh, In the Comfy �of WHurm'.1
the frightful state of his advert17
ed a -v nloort Parifyers. LVER :and Province ofCamids. vzonuai,eftheErst part, n"A
the fise� year iDesthlof Dr. Livingstone. 08T, Ar. atter how dcep!y--,se(ded M. en rafted in that
OP gonex dbwtse
A LOT RENKANTS AT C - Peter A- Purvis, of the tOwAshill Of T61190, in
end of I ist June, he does not T$a4coatingofliure- C.i3attyefLudsandProvincenfore'sttiti
wapilott 71,4ry be, /lie in-Ilvence Qf BrIx polver- A silverovertheZi=
and co thesecona part� upon all 4td sing0ar liaileertz-110
Pubie Azzounts wi3 bea Jut at the time it was believed Dr. Pea -Jackets and ovrcoaft CheaPp ffd aqwd oil Ifie bhod andther flflfty-y their tiply traet4.orlan4 situate. lyiugan4 beft, In t1w
,asks-popieto bedave that Ltiinesto'ne was safe, and would soon re-;, the livitig body with rtImirs, ulill so chIrt) iacziz pUfealiythd patent proms ofNef
kft- - I w,434y,. &,ni with Such a' to rethvIre cuid exter- ton & Co.. and is beyond all comparison province of Ontario.(thenault") being e=pliscd or
turn, -having made an important addition - Goderich brov. �16.1.1869. �((llre,and aj)- artfeleneit to . can be employed 4M
n M Vilh zortild and living 7tuar- ialuentally, 1111
Taphical knowledgp the'news has of M I C milufe ihe dwil and drcoPnPno.*19 ?h sterlingsilverthAt by no possible - the --rAstbAlf oflot number twelity-threct thesecon-1
PW il�s plase z suchAither usefully or oxv, oncessium of tile said township f W4*a1mRb- to cren, w/ bloofL 111f the guished from real SlIxer.
mmerce held Z5 ishe�d 6y r11,,h, pure, and str, test can It be dlstln�l - tambigby adme"urementnehundred acres offend to-
unmaur ol co 0 HOT EL 261101 the . 1dXAV,0FV1CrG
hm oil the mbsiances takmt into Me 40111ach durmy
L(i CV11 JrJrr , A, CoMpleteaet
JJC� br �oarrteed f frSkuRlItY 10r finish underand ty virtue ofthelp1wer of sale contained in
authority, that n African KEEPERS, ift process qf digestion inin Clilone altr - X -
�umnuy nd Bankin- ques- ON od, as -2ocil a,- the -no' 10161(f ano darabuitir. & follows e siddindentxurcefMortkdge, the said 41)ove e-
n There 3-.10911 1 ft is 2nae bT =land and VtemIE0 will be gold Zt-Cm-coupt
d him to be burnt as a WiZard. ADIRD LIFE ISSURIN" juents it cv;lv&ls pito blood, and i,
Fridany 2"ternon and eon been sent us, upon apparently reliable AT thesame more orles& -Nobee is licreby gftep tht
as --d is:SUT- of fi-actfonal ne a chief con dem SHOP AND SALO MIT Fiddiser Besd
the story ; the elderilky in flj�t ciroidallon, U Houw in the Town �of sGolerlefi- In ths Vounti 4)1'
is uotbiD- improbable in Hunizi, sfefesaid,
on tho Bankia-1 ques; wolreq
-ry atma 0 the Wool, alla W
JE:rtablishc*d evi I vi2 ela silver pattern ratterli Pattern,
only wonder being that ha has escaped )f illsease, tokeftick IN Me.
:1.1nimousiv resol-.e that any 17CE, that no certificate for a License awaij all depos/16. -dr vixident diself-ye, 01' pattern BY PUBLI40 SALE,
t*ion 01sonte speo
0 i. c. Vic cb)-r6iim ,t cts. S- cu. $ ota.
Y'stem, 1,-y the death at the hands of the black saVagOS T'sUiNbsgranted unless the applicant has first CHEAP XUBC 0— yJapoison,'
3 Company, Head office fo Mercury, Cb?70311�e 6WbIfinal OnFriday,,the25tbiayofFebruaiyl*ngl,
so lon.'Those who have read the histor petitioned the Council, nor until the said appdeaut is WITH which is nf')w united the Colonial Life Assurance r. et a)ld other agents 1-0 00 .am
y *St 1 Jamff Chioride 91 XcroWlY, CalwAl V.00 ...... 1950
Gova.rnment notes for r pers . on to have a License, A.T 3100UH0USF-7;F lid. 47 jGreat - 4s- Street, &,tat play Jurm 4ttecurnalated. in the I boltm, fixf1te.4 2 Table Vorkil ck, noonmnleasthe
Which he published re equi,ed by him. Canada,! Montreal,-Siandard Company's BuildingAl jotyds� or front 8onte iran8nillied l2TabIeSf40)G01ls 9 00 ...... 9"50 7 1W... &.50 at tweIva o'clo
of his adventures, .Yrted as a fit and prope 2211
-i3n, or by compeRia n B -Auk,; hasthe accom:tdati,-il r Manager -W. Buti. carlijagt%g, oi )ugh half a lesert orks 6.00 ...... 6-tiO 7 besooner paid. M. Ramsay. lnspeetor�;-RiCbaid family coniplabit died May have -run thn :5
Some years ago, Will remember that there The Council Will meet on Fridazly evening. the 25th 12Dc ert-Spoolls6-00-660 ........ 50 A
T :126,000,000. dozen gerierations. 12 Tea Spoons 400 ...... 4 50 ........ 500 ....550 Dated this fifth �WOCF41ruary, . D.
bonis, would be was therpin narrated ail instance, perhaps instant. - JAUES TROMSON. NEWES MUST OUT
--Town Clark. ACCUTUVLATED FUND .... I .............................. jilkyoruT.40011sumptiong Syphillsq.-imenred P40 ...... 269 ........ 280 .... 2130 JOSEPH 3*AM
ti - - 20
injure trale =1 commerce. ATMOOIDUOU INCOME .............. ........................ 3:,�00,000. Egg gilt bowls � 0 ...... 2,2-D ........ M ...,240
we should say proof, of the s sw53-2t AMM4 62 Sauce -Ladies
I Gravy Spool -220
t Wa3 abaniinusly re- uperstition of Goderich Feb. 24, 1870, lk tile Tfariing - :.::::.110* WS-st
r of Africa, that -die ,leiver Genijil, In tonfop.Mity - GIntualular Disease, Ulcers 11 2 200 0:-T241
Sea, ia cu -the natives'of the interio TWe ()ompany haiing deposiW sum of31t0,000 withtlieRe NontI19 Tinnrit, Nodes lin tile ;
,.if ...2.00
-Nova -continue to be'oarried 4D
-rreacy since the days of M uugo nee; Act passed last Session. Assurances WWI out at qtil�qr parts of the AlFstel'19 140're 45 ......... -50
Park there had MAIN CERY SAIE. =01scharges trom Ole Ears% allot III& soujpwle Zo ...... 275 .......
e,i2vel'ient than t"t of the C wit�k 6a idaura ct I -X0NZYT0L=Di 0
ineutal t in MOOR HOUSE 5 tive. foralksot-skin DIG-ses, Brulluougg lsuggrbpoon 50 ...... 55 ......... 60..... 65
vemen l�derate rates and on all differeat-systmits in pri
been no moraL or I - —
'm 0 Referees -i -Dr'. McDou-, 1, Dr. AtcMickirre Faver Sorcat'Sculti, uca,it ]Ling — -N 7AUX ZANDS AN S pER, �,Ieq an SMiiar to the pro- .9 0 _ %vorms Salt
&stone OF SSORT BryX wintilp Acne, ll!lack Siml,69 400 48,05 52.
aatio-�al Currency. uo change them. A letter sent to DTTVitig Ts OFFFRING HrgLARGS AND WELL A T. -CALLO r. I D ers Ill tile 85 6925 to
IVorruslinthe lesligTrinicirsq-Caur
-Some discas3ion took was entombed in a rude cemetery of I ED stock of Select Music, comprising all the newes UlrGoderich., Wotub, an.11 all'sycaU"1339 and pabifial Dis- "erIA 25t -an., MO. ta, having been Vol. xxi No. 40. articles to be bad duSIT At same
SONGS, !afs. Loss of Speralli A2111 Any of the 0qve
fitones by the neggroes un chargelig XLght 1;
l� FraetGual etirreacy Scheme, am, he foun4 the auvafitcx�of ifle Et. a Pi1nelple are Wthill prices.
a resolution paQain, With directed by some of th IN --TBMT0WN8HiP OF GREY- INSTRUENTAL PIECES AT aye 'ra.14e f B.�Tffg BEST QU,%ZTTYVNLY of above kept TOR SAVE Olt TO LM -
0 cil"M Tn mm, lt�osolvenfq,aild a stock. Jnferior goodsentirely, excludetd- 111rolits
Most ofus reipem- AS 'It'"BENT --4 1 ill" '—' ot credit.
place and t It ; _and P y Veli -sen naing it. for cither ofthese for1l"A basid on the readYiiiousY1l1I1191pI6-U
votes against the issua OT �Olr T01'a NiD*, * T -If
touching y of being at - HALF PRICE, FOR CASH. Ducaseklits.p6ullit poxvcr to citu THF.TMT,&GL
ber , flark's stor., of Dwellin 4uj� bftb%,*
&=enoy ofasmalerdenomi- U&5UANT TOA DFCREEOV TgECOURTOF IOE ONLY. gandiStomith ood celhir.
five dollam tacked by robber I, and at first den,-Ued P on�cery made in a �ase of McGillawee vs Moore ea.1--Glettg cravelt Sta-leturelig 0 NE YE,
of every irestige of clotbing with -the eX There *ill be sold by public auction (with thiisll- PA.RXER �TLE Uncured V.enel laillts of the Urinary Or- -1qg marlgpt I V1fiP'e-,'at.VriiehtorcupW by Mr. D. UT1
of G. W. Lawre e, Esq., Master of the CAT Aina an T E 1i 31S C A S 0- lat 1616 AVOY to
4 eption Of` his hat, in Net Square 14 the Town, BI ILWUcs-%NVoMiJ ROORHOUS11. fr.W.,0ore.CIhlton,,%t9 will Abe* so rrl�mfses.
Court at Stratford) at the Mz
the crown Of which Probation :—
be kept his , memoranda, and which! Was, in the CountY otpelth, TO w4otf For parUcularsopply tuJobu Hunter neart;O&M
4 OTJLD CALL THE ATTENTION OF THEIR NUMEROUS 0 ONERS ellicarl'by Stoplift 21th 18119 -
of Stratford -40 of Wtktcr
0 N U�L4 quiliclay relieved and W
TED STATES. W d tinvujila tile
in conse( aen(l(l, pitched back to hiiii, be- �k will be proenred- topr#er on the shortest Not in it6c ir larxo assortmenid
fore they felt compudcti all to in- Satarsdaythe'12th day of March, f870, p.sdbIen0tIC8atI0w(1SVTates- T. 2ft, W, P.
on enou Vag Feb. 16.- The btiler in the
-s exploded to -day, kWin-. duce them to return him another rao, or
-two to .- elter him frog df*the I I
ork A -T -2 G'CLOGK F- M' Coinb-S Recrat
aud injuring., otheza. -h -a the heat Arllshe%
- cin- ulloch duly appointed for that Purpose Goderich F6b.
Something fias By John MCC Lalf 0th, 187 1 0 of Bpaulfak-� 31 Mnlg- crqv t Timothee. Couo
rp Ili theBast I G. Densult. 4S e Summer of!S?6. E ALT C 0 M P. N, T
'er"fuluery, d beradd e3s to Botll-P Owr -,,r dir
sun. There amst be Auctioneer, theinterest0f �4e MIA, whollpedinTars.1lith
`Tew York tare. Poor )Inn- of lot uniaher thirty o�ie-, itE- thIl �iwcon(Tcotieessloiiiiif,-.. ast. b -,id for p;We years T%$70 LAR
of the N tLtino, in Aftlean adven nois. Canada 9 0-, Atfound she T 11 Junid a quantity of T011069
I heary some b]
Lynch Law as the pannacea the Townshiil ofGrey. in 119 Monty 'Of frarou con-, S &C., ULCERS. Gpe On his thigli- the other- on bi iide. 14 sen ring-tob lbb, ,
rtal w Twohistalments have been *paid to f - ir bb]
tiIngso "I that rcs�te,
eafter underoin- more than mo T6110t Preparation l 2l1l kinds of. medicine and the ckilluf I I v
of murder and assas ination. 0 sale Is the right the moteelbrtPi'ductQrs in-31ontreat andollier W�v woks',overtbeyt
to be cap9blc Of the Crown. and the interest offered for ,Sound�2 I " ' -JVCJ for ealo lt,31
iffan might be Suppozed . 0 q ofCin4a., Last Fall he commenced Ole uso Ar Alab
-6- - - Wbich"-:bey'will sell at a very small kdvauce,idpon cist. 'i Itesolv6419 aidc;I
-ent of the 1�alanco due to the part,
ppers say that the number Winning ft�naaie and to* a patent an Vay LAW BLANK OP. wzo : --a�ntsperlb-
endurifl& and after jWo;� which is about 8160'090- ent of PARKER CA! ; � - - �4*, � , -
amon- the aeggroe3 is much kvL- satisRed fin ord- rEcipms 01W S rftEj., : ltiffieG sAjb 0 -Ten. per e ylls i� aiv21-tt t,uised i N Ti- let
me wbi-h ratcrIft hE )01y t1iree *bottlO-of the Sarsiliarilli
aa the purchase-monev payable at time of sale, and the BUDS, MORT-GAGES, LEASES, &e. An alillost G derich- UTH KAT F OF LOT X& 18,
me The oi�; les ftl�ra
r1y. appear to be inary individual went to Africa odee too balance in three weeks without interest. Thoother Dinduite variety pf IAW Blanks of them9st reles vent, and t o or three boxel 6FILadvilles llilts� a
con., 8, go acres, only two mi
ble Rin(r W `-Oww aii=
of We are those contained in thegeuprill printedon superior paper and At,WOfferats used, as a lotlim;i%=�hofthe Itit-wly 1mlief an., SAIAL
niber his 6istory conditions i Ai:sokeelik,14 diluted with Witter. them)
Sai-sapiza-IlUatu fie vlift$e, M
rsandiecluditmLS Xil e%vollodr, Esq., or to
ften. r6r if we reme elders of the(Cdur�.- F.urtherparticula priv�* op 696 at a man that
of sale may be obtainsd on,1111flifulition to Messrs- AEfor WiFfER. which cf,mplQtclv iured hint-Ilare is
Feh. 19. ds -fright- tile natives who lined G. W,. WARElk, had previously sent hundreds ef dollars, doctored OG'.drl GTHENOUTU UALPOFIAVU IN =0
—The Warl "Dealer in Law
Eirristir%Str - Messrs. CdIllet' Bfaiid ld at. JP wr44 EIN
Atr4jil.,' RUR I L PRF for nine YeirS. aud-ctit8d"it a cost of less than fire B
-t sawys:—A movement �Jisher, OURNA.
:w which he o ingi, wQ0ds&] - M it Elwood Baftliiers ortheiV,
the f]'Lve h t liffirl. on &0arrow mid essrs aye Countr
yprderi; promptfy-Attended to, Toronto.
4, and Q(tlie.Auetiolleff- vs 4t& Febragrylich, 1870' tood y, --ter, Ved bu%UnV,4
do to eo3so�"Idate the �Repub- lued'him Godcric 6sv 1 numv 7
I 100
& FISHER. ter
iters. Masteel at Stratford. QQDr,]UqH, #h J`anqAryl,18Toq BGW` BELtA
k ,1% k-tRItAL, , 'OP6 ano nt6, A X -Now in 'Dro WOODS T PUJA CUB 7v
With missiles which t
0 gi 1�ft, a d tBe idea is RUGH.�DU ANL- MAX XG
I- V- I . I I I i3ay
-hot say cui no Vendors Solle M '11 'uak'oie ofthe wealthiest citizens of Afolls li�anuxry, M& W"t 1
Livingstue may we w5 -td GCODI WORDSi -Merchant. Tailor;,� kr. 1. .1,
eat Grant tht by this d me afhis k-now,7
-d th -ears. ass
0 be ble to triumplL Oa -It would be -all VerY welltO find thelsoatce D&W.this Uth daT 0f-76ib-ArA -8UN.QAY zMAQAA112�8 -W FOIL ;SA
Motors -a of $our e. His so% axea13,�
DT IS --T he ,ft i% undeentood that the ,of th Nile, that mysterious Aiir, but, is -�OoNiT. covered with one,60LID SCAB, cuVering tile entire
melt, to pei Of Gaderiph e:wds custoulers�f '-,bGdy-hoad, trunk, chest, legs, 41nd all. Tsaw him FA X.
it ri;ght for IL owl -NA h;tline. tembar lamandhe was the niostfevolftg and
� t , ; I lut
ril. their neirdoor to Bank. oftKontreal, is no*, led.
ould be able to b�.at all these PUANCERY prdvared to supply his unt4
prWr for even the. GeogOPUical AS. THE �LECTORS OF. T alijkM request ho%vas
-byovell,50,0()o 31ajoriSy. dibeiii6d'object I over 5ay. At my
e�y t6 Isd6m,
. b 1 -- G 04, boo qoA�qnsa and vi VQp J19BRUARY laill stocic Confulitil'Of 4 put under the troatftie% a t 24.
con4tenanco To'er. --sust- _
kTATnd#ZA:PV%1 � 'll , -id to or indude CON 4-
UnOT, hitTeAlifts plac me n vo; oil re bf�tefe&j 4=tainitPJ a04
P� -do in a cause" o vo, Rt D 5 �, OV -TINOS,
�. t FLIO. 9- 1 V E D Due ;Q11th dt) Sq. Mer 'vil Irolle JUST" ERC, OA ent is En be favored bv do * b Wb my owV
who bas, so far, -iVea no 'ely, lt a inatter of C yvd, ,T4 A DECREE YiT -,ALECTIM- UZI
ilia Tat ma"ii op To" AND COUN ky MORE Gem in
first,day ofApril, anufseturin ciothts� in.great vaflot b*'4f inany who have -blie that
igate his f beneW7 Therk a WQUI a' uture which can be of no reil an in, making BY-10-w8a .1 AT -MW eured f
and, de ' ' I ,� 1 , d- _A=e Itanufutor y In I&, r& -r ofthe add e- Id 04U5eb6QnU.g voure'a con- _y, and, will evir Sores. Erttptlblibftbo:�kill- Boils leer.% ikire B b,,1Vr*,Pto inforlitiber Im -F
bearing date th JdA Eu
f Kabifiaw 1870- -��"aLlwlthtbeop- jinuallect of p�bllc &trohage, lfdlree my -ugou#6
a. la is u3i t lihe;y he will be. deal oftrathin what. B r t0w te Arr'A
.-. yron court made In the sk ;o H ,
is a good a, and in fact all kinds T date the Othday 0 tudivi t WM Street. -Goderidl�
says 1-0 of thk. ug. and;aip lit
-f "the manitfWelturs, or ClothL 'at,
Ifly, iiL. staai� 1WWh rinott, In a - Aft' ilitafe o ic patronagp, as He *�d t"r.-Kfttlie
hilde ffarO T*ph News, ItAild. oil � Xi
probation,of Henry Mhedej 44 1�atioljp Teleg eeive 1614, j*rjeacO hSIM rouln jon th
leon, idd Coto REA W', 9LI4,1iPtr2a -4tcob"APER. )AN'S ()bD.�V& eonfidslitr4t fiveedrocan-amii.j,
DETER31�2j�`�i`6 MA - I - -1 Wbreattened by any titbur esM
11t.10y an* ;V ONZM�j 6ont thre
TrambuU and Conk- Star., rhavon'' Lop. -�meufjD.si1y1iQom. 09, era be writes of Napo Aluctioli-at _tW A= thAll,
h GOO- Tg,. 'haidw elsewhere- SW
Vc i _e N&rkJL-jAtATii 189" on
.her4a gfe tM or0*j;RQ0ATS-4 aderich,,Feb. I W
-bfGC jff. bUl stre -sto-ro, Cuu-
will lea L thOVOW4� handA 0 lefore 11UP
rO�Ub!i=. aad vote With hat 1!j�mptflal4te rt at Coderlch, will-beso in On shatu cant
aan and 06rWing I' W39 up Goderiell, ooaaz
...certain thinea that ral w0aX psoNpTLY EXECtrTED 2 ould 1e&V&qvdbner, - ton., U.
ad rty is =--Anteee�LXot- votes but'CA-sir requir, AVIOD'k
Th, jolling-piacalp next door to ntrIN TRIM
Fenia-m the, 2 "day 9
help, thinkW—we Saturdsy nd- chatilge; -.a &fed If p �gobertq6i Is P RIDWAY.-Thi is to 00
AN .bhild
take plao�a at, ana wel.�ilan-wAreey CIN11011 nSteel�41dprlcet 0les sIrrom the oor,
returaft, ffig'sr and th( '01bor4k
CLOG "WC. ON. 10ft -ivith�bleedbig at th
12 k I rittitall
w—that Dr. o -lungs, and -night Doubli3lortte
-haVe thought all alon, A faVdra �Jor Sali the :nZ
was sappraas3ed by' wap
tinqo�p�m�; ever dak-LM
I-, was indr.'eila to usq your at -a
rent. 'After 'tilkiiiii two 1du,-9A I im- 011MI'lud T0HN-
folf -*112bl W L
-sione, wa�Tunuecessanly venturO�ff, 1. owing pW4
d. t oftheTo;Mt
_tiu� _ - , elf
Th . - -
perma e, Goderiek,-Mlcr wn, and I resk. 'Thi7landwhich
barno ij��Zy h I itcre BEWZ31 and 1At 4,1ilki Sh60 i:411 -Eft lbg actes. using "e a hi#ot-Wrilossla, tit 'relici -�OV Lora A
ft � On �Wo someflmei- bear jor `0�dcr - amperaginthi-2ndeoticession.., - , - . . L ' 'r for which I IV.
11; to gettle'- itt- y. t� . , " -, zM- sleep,
mwbimtr -,0 4�:,cowstms
7 y d, OlkPOSED bQttle
'rit 01 e0odiv 'ch itwo ei 'Is irigote br i an wi�l ease Cow!
a singii ett, 1
-.AfficM.apdntonw tchtwoet k runs tbrOaglt Lro.nearly,,O; 't- f t R Where i RSrp AS
11s a.goodl,creel sidi-threntoned'
t�er< -�a7appe= to be fp0m itle ilipectiojis.have beeu�� 'e ots�-,,� Wel , eonthe'Port AlbertRozd�lj m".6s calth
b"orhow to d of which -there I -and no* all signs ofsickiiiiss; diselL-
team, an Couslimptiu 1ave.disappeateul. -.1 fed[ 110F b
t d'
et f.6,diffar. Ituated on the do -On t0a, deefL Prop andundet eliltivatipa, 1199 road, gbooli-mile
a&- -well -known ;*opmy tolub, 'FABELAIND.-
i9fY all 9 -ft �K6i�hof'3(i�-A7'AlleWsTavehL,!X land-illbasol
but Me
-,aeLt2; irmady 3 fro on out a recoVered.
'a lapl.r
hX 22, It IS'AbOl 4rhW ln,gd -jantl6mnn w=,
Persons- tbe Aud Th, era OrL",4s,
ww. Vial -r;lucult �thtgroilt"ofXuroUand'Brilce Jernui-
9 CasT4 'y Pulmonhi4ak _ ' -- i ,, or, M V a
-,Tn f rtibi!i , been -tinder The treatmontof
atioaX,1Ajd,,.,sl?dak in
4-aWatim o�- it. =d and
is a
mml srec)tlonsi fw1h the if ),6f"Iokiiew, by
t'fArmln #k
Sq ts`� en
01 "JOS b0lr,
Brow 7
-tory- 01- IngCoug I age, tfrom-AnY
.4obeerfaXth*81filet Proverb- 'fn Win diind 9 idles NOdthe Vill -and _$arnia�he �reeeivedmu Us
'viltil he pommonced using you ap- 6etland,
vollilult WAfera ruadif;�' Thera -fa,& Saw Atilt at',
they theW'M= it 060 It rjeu*
06derielt.';Auli -d
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ft 0
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arAC=dJ'.j= P40V brita
tba dowip noWL I I -House
bousaan usru have been er NT and
0 A io880000a UTNE MIT- CIPAL .ror theriaittwon
itho t Alimber- -A. VD -U-5
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V)* VWX20, embers! o(the- med Ilpicadid, A
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itfittiti elk?"
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chit" �Tbw -;;8 - J)'ams in -, - - - t no to. GW T-11
;,'! , th 0111 -,
lk C.A.fa oAfdbj.*epe.nded, tiponjor fty, 41� )Y� f6ran0e to. eaboyd
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oftiff, %Wor, MML'&' -vas,;.gtVvnj. say 06yd
�-Wlri ell XPOM01? 'tV21, OMH& Ll
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roperty', 'And --111". -WO W Ilk I!Qla vf'p
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&!�oor 000 forr Ifel ions brlhe I - 0XzTEW D '-Towushlp, -0 Btimle% X" oUTender In
rAIADOMY0f, onto if %ft .13 TwAdl?".0v 1n
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Sn eelo"Otaiijil --7-prdfii, 0 13 AaWeft�L andAtthe *S&bftMAnWrf1!et-
poft SX 1b=%_zMWVd efty"4ligaL &ua-W;b"er-,J4T0 ALF m ga, -wswitea,
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Ir i b*6�0T461tt &n4Lftndx1 11" VW
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wR "w trYlPf 10 W— �Iplet'aredTall
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