Huron Signal, 1870-02-24, Page 1oo, yo) -2 sATL,2, rj151=7.Z%-7.':, 1-,7.r5Q WILD Lau -D3 Cr.2. t.0a r;:• -;711 cz11170:11h,71 '2'11 &Z;I:Vn iano-7`-.1 : t••_:"2 t• fc Su ,•'-.T13 tCJcr:=Da 12 l', Ain'IS721.7'.a...C.-.1"..c.l.t.11. cn-tmr appuea. :-•7▪ " c7 g:a c'rtla71%-1), 17-7 a F._": Z.T3ta, oaa -..: c V::: c7 (":.`.!,zbv 0.7" e:21.`c:73:r. 11 onnoono Or. GAIII:l0C". SELL OZ RENT V7 Li' W LOT .,T9 Man.2-11 21:74111T, ticraztt.. ea the .2▪ 'weva DT:07;th cr4 17.7allen ia3W way._ C-=.1 hvz-Zi-ratr.al tau:4 well ; EY:ay. ci3cr.n000t=. Savenly nt...:1 haZna We &---Z. Fez .N.,,zae• en tto pzmnr,3es. CANZIN LAMSON. =. LEM glrea Farm flt Sale. COacess!am. the • cz22L Conig Frame ralra I. Fc-: feor..• •-:sefsa'23ntr:valttleihvimaa WieGIUSIG- ;'D 17.-=.1%r•Is tff. (1,3"at.Fse7-2.2.24, IFSJ. 7.4112M FOR SALL .4444•44Milk WO DI AMER. AND E.,* CV.i. aAa"';'a'UnI7 01 -Mrs. E.7--,-t3L-s-c_=!XlmlSon-tth-a*Tra Atn7L_-vv 1••;: -cm C .as.: -,L21,7.2 Aink.3-1-s127.a ; =0_7, r.lts&33 vral ADf.mta %.W,I2J"vot • To • I3 w4C. FARM FOR Sala, 1--%.e37J- 3C1Ar191-77-4, • crta.1--A n_E.`cs • 3r;;;.:11tc t GaZorieb. Si:SWAM =T. 41rr.c4I-S-tf TARN FOR SALB cra N't,_ (;• ID. W. &z, aa - ▪ T. j3zzm 1.1V-,-> =A Piff:-.3 SAW r=o2 • MU= 131:FaRIN. • SZ:.= c7.=, e rosoollneom, ==z clm- • r..=73 T-.7' 1717'4.T:a e0000000000T nraN.1-8_ S72,1 - • C=* • aDERICEE MILLS - TO REvr. ta A t- t..? =3- E7C-7*. 11:.71.2 1,72-217- iEW CABINET PRObytkatINCT SiOP USWIJAK P MINTRPALz GODERIM Farm for Salo. 4sp.4414,41:11.4 ERIC McK4Y 0172ZED P-17,71-4E.Q.'.1A,M7 c-=sa a . r7 DtZC C3 c -j7.,7 vTL-.=-a Iff2. ta "as,XID Zr'--4"-4,,"• N :74 IIS FLYIET.r3 Fraaltig taiNer. -Feed 1! rteedl 71EISTe.1‘..;.r_a. AT Shephard & StraChalfs, a TONS OF NM% SLATS - WMOI TRW/ Wraim- Sell, Cheap for Cash, G olerich. Jane 17th 1969, 1.1BW PATENT "111' Ei CIT11, Xr. 34,..1L7Th2f; street G.441-7r,h, would ..stwatte "tr;i-a'szTh aring int. S led Carter",s1f.r! Liftc*/.;hey sr* sow •t ed. to fat• tish J at 45,99 circle. The ars lee _it a Vat:era-1 =Tamer, sml est :etkow ;Wye -Tied thPri vest will nir'Lite sa....4 of. the Illte,r las tiodniii, km, Zfa,14SIC ItsC7 %mem Livery Stable KEEPERS AND OTHERS. ring en all Tear Lew Horses. (D at COLBONERCYTTL,Gost T • ATEA," iv wick, after tweary-one roar ;ft propirext to Do.,tor iforiesTOrsilitieswari -gores. iner&sid as to Scosaseas d onee lear Lac ilk. FRESH Writ MRS., ••••••1•••••••••1 I WV IIS day Soo isltkaarre at intS, 'WACO 1: Os ars Aar rmsaw sibs ifith oat tioderieh. Ante 24,1869. w3011 ESTABLISHED 1848. ••••••••••• T H HURON SIGNAL. saatmenn-easeotraut r Irastf-r inanie ==4`..« 'r IMMO1 snosnellonle ado. pia Wit * imago Oft r=11181611fle. end Iteatio... - Wit Was Is llosimosis44=wssInong 'ssalledess lillimisirikunins WS pew • Zditor IndProprietor. , I , - a-, .F":' ...'-- '•''. ,," ,. 14.' ,,,t0hie • . ' fill 4111: ',,, 4,...v 4 ' 4 !. ....• .• - - -,,, .. s , 1 t.... d• 4Zazt.t.,. Yintl•S•il. 1, ) „ ••=41'.,--"` ' . ot,S r•r4;•s. _..-t......#*•• _a•:.. . •"*..4...„ •:..i..,.. ....50'' or- • N.9;111/10, IlOVER'- A.,.,"- 4, v..*:-;" . :t -4i- c6•111V .P- 411 f • i° . ,o 's""' .‘ oN r;- , --,,,,^4%:...,..T‘I;clia.••. icuir tc.- -6.• I Ar. • • _ .1.09P111Z. Aasilist. IN .A.TrirAlCIVIC, .2.0pzi..`r liGIST.p. OF ViaA.11., _ , 'ara • 1 . * ---- ' atISillegri DiretletDs ' ' f Business Eliteitor: ou-sintb.the rs c Bp ____.... P . oz 4 • J• ..W•1 .F.11 Rs. .1.4" ,13111r19E401N1 . . • • ------.-.----- • The Greatest Possible loed to the Greatest Possibleiliumber." VVOL. 0 rAl •• LA - 1 A 4, . • • .1••••••••••••••••••T7 , GOPERICIII ONTARIO, D. C„ tHURSbAY ' F B 4, '1870, 1 • susta7 of 'Hurd . CAN AD'A. Opening of rho I • , • . ?:t BttSineis 3Diretterg,:',. - . PHOTOORAP11$ - mu. Enrton.-it is not in my power to v Mon, as it must he necemarilY be lengthy ; ing in Sidney, eight miles from Be eville, 1 000 ICEEAUD31001•2, 211YsticiA.N.suottOoN reel 111TRON HOTEL, S tOVOS I • Stoves! Wasilingt°14 a Well-kiu"vn matron viet4 'upon the Throne. The members ef the 1 their es,rts is to avail themselves .;1(.; afedical. ‘'• •V•v•..VW,•r.,W.•••.• . non • Doixdrdoit Piarne,- Mg his Royal Highness Pence Arthur:: to:tent, Subsequently I actompeatiedi his liosoo Highness on a tour throug,h the Prooliono onus is tow viale atonid-dan. TIM GOVER.NOR GANSU* SPRacii, of Ontario Everywhere tim pi -MO cR-p•.., $1.00 er • en furnish y . bilities of the country, and the, it -1e comprising, as it wille 01Y. first trtP t° Goa- sift of insanity, hung herself an Thurs- Ottawa, February 1.5th. vigorous industry made the fact attOrenn narration this seek, m time-fo publiee, Aowoman named Eltzalseth Mu? liv- • RAcconctions. Alatiehestet, C. W. w3vr ZURICH, co. mums. Febza2177th.183T. Ek.t. WI.OECOLSON; S1IRGEON DENTIST: Booms over -the Poit Office, West Street, Godericia. Novemhzr 1583. w45-tf Ira Lowrie. 11111.11B/STEll AND ATTORNNY-AT-LAW, sino t-1 Solletor.iti.Choncery Comity Crown AttorneY, Onderieh, CantelaVire, st. Oita in Court Douse. iildia40 1%.T. C Carner011. *XS. .ANDBMW nONOGItt fROPRISTOR. ensmasn" soNsIg."-Tunalkix. and it became my pleasing duty to HZ It' Extol- . to her Majesty's Government SE the reitno ericho what 1 sett btotho Fay; how fared, day night last. She leaves it family. This day, at 3 o'clock,• p. m., o The Statement is made that during cite leney the Governor „General 'proceeded in -of my_ aservations that the inhabitarlo Ot.." town, in the latter part of Octoher, Il!de State to the Chamber of the Senate, in the the Doon are wen contentei.1 v,Tet . . k h seat , their enition find that the wish neatcO-O and any first sight ` (or- rather • fl2 sights) when arrived in Mint nein ryo of Prince, Arthur'is receptions m Patiiament Bulking', end. too is Proprietor-, 'Pe — ' • 8 This bouse las tted up-twitli every .courenienca for Lai td MT eisea Sta.blinCand promptattendance. ' February 1st. 1870. - wIkf the travellingpnblic, WESTERN EXCHANGE IMINOW • Singstoast.. Goderich, Ont.. w49 . 13ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, CONVEYANakR, •••.•••••••••• P1RST-CLASS accommodation. ' The ts. 4 Cante14511 (**Wrr"r' 2-- ole;ssupplidwiballthe delicades M. O. Calmuccg. 3.• 111`. OARRoar- kande Of linuora and Cigar* ' w2fto 1311e1118.1Ze:' 0.41.Volrl st°,.Lac,,,,Totacat MRS. D.AIrS/ 110TEL Bo.Kingston, st-ect, Goilerich. • of theiseason ; and the bar with. the best 'DARRISTERS, SOLICITORS EN CHANCE • 13. Shade. ciscoitalic,. Dtac% West street entrance firsedoor west et- Glasgow Ort th di t toad i-roni Seder* to Haase- . w49 ' • C..4-ordon, Aroma elf my old. friende are ve y a among the girls . examining, to see the coming straiiger, they must just 'about bile aloes. ' 'lackey Trus'" apology mut !Blush a Cttle bluish a little! I9wiIl look be mine for this time, viz„ that am English i' Senate beiug assembled, hs Excellency. ranc r. was pleased to command the attendance , which they poising, in order to loOlderne moro trAINDOZ4*FROMBACENEEFAITirt composing it, and,,as e first 'Attempt, l'm , The latest fashimi we hear of is a, fancy of the House of Commons, and that House &portion of the British Etripire,inentili-a7.3';:iii -1-1- 61 cents, putege free. One doten from hound, to -put the right foot foremotst, " of young ladies for selectiitg suits to match t; . - being present his Excellency was p of axed 'their -own choice by limo of their Den the color of their eyes. with the ftniaustwinglwra the First making.. I now leeve you to the labore MP' * address. - . - t ing welt begun m half ended' ho far statement of the Pommy, of Canada the session, with tamest sopirations fen your completentocess, , back - negative 87 eents,:postage free, to any eaT impressions are lasting "Tie said that Q PartiOulat Attention paid. to Copy- to be Aeon, , 0 d full powers cf legishotten AO A letter -from it rominent citizen ef mom rum Tin Timing that may apply m the peesent casere ns p ?11 OTROXETZR. - nN e rec ATTOP.Nar-ATLAW;SOLICITORINCHANCEEY alkerton'. Eve*: neeessary accom oat, ofEeeo, the south sue. of west street, rnodationtor the travellinibIia, Notary likihno, Conveyancer, Sic., Acc., Godefej door from Coart-Hor.se Spare. w45 HANNAH DAYS. • Wroxeter.roe. 18a. vet Isaac Worms. "DARRISTER, ATTORNRT-ar-LAW, eatanooOlt cornmerciallinte1,111telte114MW 1) in (FP-al:eery. Goderiela. OrtUtio. Mee-- Crabb's Eir..ntoa st-aeb' t swrt • "Doyle .Nn PAIN 1110KS, ropri TOI AREISTERS AND ATTORNIES, SOLIOITORS- Jr largestand bes,tO onatry Rote in Wester it -Chancery, &c. Goenc, Ont. enarges as moderate as any Roue Copper.,13rass, Wool belongs.. and Sheep Skins B. 111.. DOT3.0. sw5 W. a• SIVIER.4.136.G. • • •••• • 1.101.tehe . tage rropytetor. tooatrbbnfor tate:am esnhangei mays dalECIwrood: ' Th' 's th 'D A1NTE-01r4.110-se. • ype • For, how idto snblect theme. msyvolg, Letatime Andaman determine,: 'Moment Oi diffieulties, either hy delegates If°1:Iburie aeltliaeln.enconiditf:c t0Se:nutel *AG: the Throne the' Coth'm rwnsA'its:t' :1O.ti ing old Ambrot s. Winthg elated deanery 2 th sttym- intee.easue. toompany government. ed, en the present occasion, a ave muc sa ac g After tile delively of the Speech fool, "Evetythng now loafs fairfo earlyset- wen of the Rouse of Comons,- a sebscriber la returnineetbanlisforthe liberal , t° 'mama present, and the Oppoeitien WAS alc-.) wen there Chamber. An the .linittere tune P erhaps Itw Sec sermomz-Burns. , For eller la), 0 or Small hotogapls. The • to CaBiLda or a, return to the" auction Bay ne b h tisf titan in bein enabl! f Perhapt it mat torn out Amos '•••• d h Cha,pter le,-ur ftret trip to Godee ernini,tineurteCvrteed dieumdOetdtatwoa bthuata ?leo Gemov; ayou toe pethreiodiseollarre n% yrour public duties 3 reenntererieriengtetdhe tainameofrr:tottoploisegseliao, coo would just say that he se e„ euc un- ich, 1 t th • f ti most convenient "" ° • ' k. o patron.age heretofore extended to Idea E. L. JOHNSON politic0,1 leaders and their dangle Sir Charles Hastings Dole, Lieutenant- district( existing unlustrtes have been en- t; tathheet(hvepSositioi:sackeilinibia: ie7e;:tice: whereupon Mr. Macheeee, ae leaflet' time ,its Bauk;its merchants arot melon- Grand Trunk Railway track, . the liarveo with attendance and made the Large Photographs. - - - • . fisheries unusually. productive. It many ues it* festivals's and t etr leaders its We understand that laeutenanteGeneral ,-Goderieh idciety at that aud north of the Great Western and vious The noentyof Providence crowned wirteh we maet are in puny respects anis. the front Opposition bench. Tho LtcznbeY6 provementS in hie gallery as vnif merit Si con- Chap. 2nd, The patina hasinies of its grant shedsat, Toronto on the Garrison o- to yourseves. The -circumstances under "11$ I Great Reduction on ulleP- 3rd aud took their scats. The Piemier cocoa elected since last union were irtroduci.4 serve immediately west -of the old. tort, Ainuance of the same. • . • noetterYe ' • Godelich, Oct. 26i 1869. • Chap. 4th -TheCnadaompany their Govemorfovahcotiahastormllyasstini- largesi ana new en'tfrPrug4 have started showing what had been the cO-orne Of the f the first settlers the Compel" Ameri in sucecessionto the late Ilea - oir treat- -edcommandottlieforesui British North into activity, furnishing fresh avenues for !too commerce end adtlitionsl employment for referred oe in the Gavel:Ler giait•-,r8 vernment on the Red River tonotioLO Si‘11- BULT' men" - • .1GS & ST__ _ .01isiter and. how they carried. 't out; &Few CharleS Ashe- Wyndham, and our people, whilst every day new sections ' Speech Eh° - • Commismonere awl Agents- th a ma.. Inv WLIOLESALE AND RETAIL. uld first be presented ao lab of the husbendinan. The trade onlin hfacclonald premiseil to givo • words about their toofeeOotOliitot; that001, Metall-tn, of the RoYaMtglneers of the countrY -are Iseing opened to the , House for its guidance and illtift10.12,1 eqUal IdUilil5tiratl°71* illthoe the publiceerice.' XV. alzt increase, lila the Chap 5th -.our first acquaintarices, has taken over the commaud in the Pro- "s WANTEDwho they were and how Mony remain ut Times of Quebec- an n hnd wealth ef the Dominion are On the all the information 4that ift)1114. not Noy- coafon amps by. 403. ota iron. „ 100 Horses Rome, and Carriages for Hue, ea J. STORY Shortest Notteeo I4r ‘0., • , DARRISTERA A'rTORNEYS-AT-LaVir;RoLT.. • tier Sin 10.1- Large Coal OR Barret, Money to T-asid. Ogyiesrt GraWs 4„ orer- • 'Oodenoh. March Ist,16674: 64 3..) =ors la Chaneerv Insolenc,Ortivev- ecer„ See. Mr- Ar.'11ZWI'S swat Vcrinimin. It. Bain. 13. A.. rff,ANCEIZIr AND LAW OFFIC. citasiPs wEvr • - Li buildings, KinVon, Street Geodetic& N. Et. —Cauveyx--enz, Money lent on reasonable ' ems. Disnntedand defeative tales to real estate tre. Dec. fa 1860. swat • 0 Attorney -at -Law Solicitor-in-hatt- c-y,,Co=;eyancet, Notary Pnbli,Ste. OT-zo of tts- Merle. of thePeace, Cort House, Goier. •rA Ontario • awn T. 33. tks • A GENT FOR STRATFORD opeactinoranton 4-1, \rem gersepaShargaan.proprztar). RemdenQe, w11.1y-gp liEstaornsO-o.,. • • NOW IS YOITR, 01PTCE the land of the living; our first opinions eneration, our first emplo eve and their view of last evenno's -debates in petite- coutsact,s for the delivery °fa quau joyment of the general sense of security. urgedthat the extraordinary circutuoi.oncoe Too d F b 15 -The Times in a r. the Lows maintains as heretofore, the en - 1 bave watched with much anxiety the 1 sst tb,e case justified him in tlemandmo si tor. Unfortunate misapprehenelon. Of ' rafted iu the demand, and, admittiog that possible particulate. Hon, Mr. lic,itcri cootie of events in -the North West Teni.- thought to be acquired by Canada have raight be amturY proluethiii ofpapete, It ersek e plut the Intentions with which. the rountoy wu the led to complications of a grave ammetr. ' a departure from the ordinery rule. Fie. tended that the nature of the ease regnirea in usual premien, eoro thought it desirable t e -exhaust every precedents tut' tiot minethm the cense A& verified after the_ lapse of more than a , Tag guracimEAS ARE PITEPAS279 'HAKE g Mutant LI us auxin a lig.mirif of tbeee moot , rejoices tharthe Goiernment hoe Eini:,-Asb, Baja, pie% and sewenekgs: asthw.'" whogan a :00 our neigh-.iopted the i.dehe,:wio long advocated obipstsi Sawlogs, a - ' from Catiada The Times admits tbat Chan. 6th o -Our purchase of lands m ee-Theni vis t Dowered:on their Promises 4-T(vdte ranws7 hors were. theirreligions politico and na- Canada is the •c'elY Beallsh colony la e Ise, Stavo Bolts the station. Also to nrt,dertalre the sawing of custom Logs A 1 to he invaded in ease of war; yet peace is late apply to Mr tinnn onthepreinises or zlollautles nueir moustrY/ ante otoo ootou- • . • • so aseurenthavit is foolish to provide now for it,s rupterot. For at the rpidence Of James Tomslinsva,on.D.14y -Our insoketm- pir Internal lnprotrements; soeety end amuleniente flodereli,'23idDecember, 1869 w49-tf among the G ermanoand Scotch. of North R I'I°'• . . Chap. 8th, -Our returroto Gellert& In leaders, and peace-matere, anclSouth Bastimpe Townships; a nybrook Fair" in Stratford; its prinoipal '35; the isteamboat laid on; Sunday allibe ALEX. WALLACE weelr. Taylor's Bank still good; -despite its WATOTINIA RFS : toes -these were mercoints. AND JEWE LE, Chap. 9th, -Tho Rebellion; its ,effects GO 1) ice isenezerx„ci feonathaendPrfeaisereestrieeopaif caovurantart:adjb'ecy etnhte;c0t4te._ menders to get themselves in a eummisiim mut Sabscnberhaving removed to the Store lately I occupied liyak. Natsmitlq West Street.OPPosite the at the tosmifice of the Country end the S. BAREMTER,ATTORNEY, SOLICIT014:3f.,..to. CAM" • • patronage so long bestovie upon him, begs to in - Strang 86 Semler. imp:thus' -numerous eu.stomersand the pablic generally that-inconsrence of Vitiate ilea, helms rempved hx.s yrices to Suit the Times Photographs redeeed to $1.00 per D2Chap. • 10th, -,Volunteer 'ContingcnO eneo h 01 k - Trawl* nogic,.; Reduced ion hirsIng ttwell executed. . SO . 4 . good rtmeaf at Gold iodinated iewelty lieW they sought redreis,land why the, Post Office wishes to aide his friends and the pubtea HMI Of a fest; the winter: the "Home no effort Will be spared. it, mentacontirtuanee of their guard -room; how they were paid, and what patronage, his anxious study will be tosupply for, . C-int.on„ Ont. Guard;" the waermens barracks and • o MOSSY TO LEND. THE.gabscriber ieturthnitbang* for theaiberal luta for the -last 26 years and begs' to assure them that or the iihgrs1;upport with which they have favored REAT,EsTATE AND- INSURANCE AGENTS,' NO. wbusinstreet„ess to "tette stoBranko formore5rlytonotrecerwed4beryeldreve.tpoythinothg, Wato es oo a au ewe e Atea/aBuilling,Hanla, - _ est treibriedateethso lifaatini°T311tcfttullounireellasers..Tigear:`Ati laDNYing87)111,igYP11111.610138h1113111;inBe:nrattiellitii8-fit14.htnarT5 a(aanyba: „ylogr; 0. smoaa, ty-ateLaw. B.StIvratultita, 31 hishiseiallbe round and • • .A11 Kinds of Job Work will be DOW Large Photograph 7110130111Z8AP the eacielLS 11811aL Prporti.on. - Wat_ches, elwayson hnd. 1,,,---N--331'sges'Ir-sraar-,'"g.-13.Aroonoirlimmoom*cia4ev":"., iT /&,,,ho'will make t,helargestPhotographs made in °Apr! , Arxx wATAAos. gotn..07.e; 7The Onienlliviteatuthra4ter wo-tyr* Goderieb.29thlurch _ tiZsYlehit eap. Porcelain lectures from. one uouar Goderich OM. 68. • 40 en -delta. • • -3C•FII`T MEATALSILISTs *la*. - - • G. t - - Bay, Feb. 14, 1870. h9th8r11211 '31°7 1 FFlEDEflICIK , i.„ ionDooes,,,r, Soir. tahl,e. 4th „, io.LT3 inanAliipa "do. ir m. - . w7..40.0., , - "'Voter's' effusione' being "psi.; oltillS 2: lit la.. Town. , ....„ ..,,_ ...„,...,. , . 4-- :.--,,, though, perhaps the diffieulty lies in hiia -oe _ i• , ----rot, ---.-; not being able to eitisperstitialenongh. Mr. L. would like t *noir ivho "Voter" n • o 3c • .4 4-cs anti 1 ani "Voer " -He talks of beior well, 'must tell hi thet "Voter" is I. o c . c .19t12189. OFFIOI/A-.1s ASSGNEX,. - BBB der.. t folca-"W3t Street,opposite thepost "ld....niela 1111111 • Oltiast istablishrao CABINET NIAKERS iaamitst* GE.tinitAltAGENT; Money at S Ter cent. ATM u LAlas " WOOD -TURNERS_ CL Age q_tantt Conveyancer. Kincardie. VIE. .11tTAV.X21.1:t.IY-40. t 1 • S.INIALIETra t4 CIEWOIK Th ARt,t9-reffs AND UNDERTAKERS Prztir:IttsgffecatZge32-und144ke*g4urill - • K. it • ' - . IlAMANIE amilt St ft cl h .A TIBT. Olas over J. Ca'sstare, On ono 8GS TO 1 igEORBI GIS OLDCUSTOMERS IMPORTANT NOTIE, des inther liney mieli se t_ - ALL KINDS- OF Bedsteas, Chairs, Tables, • . sofas tco- P Street,. opponte the • Gad:eh. Mx?' Ich3-864 that ha is tiit able to sell for cash, at the ICEFPconistantly on hand forage all aAt hs rta. ovicatrate.s, • -; • - 5 5 • 'Ionia Hotel. Goden h. Glee him anat.- state that all whn Wish to purchasejewelryfor pr Bents With a view. t° their remeral 1 hare John A. Macdonald alleged Clod Xrer,:in4 M. D, Thompson, writing master, who, tertained by visea by the hon. gentlemen opposte, boO 'Trust him not The St Kitt's Journal meansof eoncilirtienbefore adeptilead ng other, • everywhere he goes, swindlee his ppil' promised that everetbieg shade be acme warm the public against a certain 'Prof." ineasitres, and the latent vices to expect that the and. landlady. explanations which l' bave caused to be i toniwoveodn the Th R6enuoagtloearrk`rintifaitirPV; have given. plaet to a desire to to the . a portien of the inhabitants groundless slums en- I to put this House in a posftion to tudge cf the matter fairy. Sir John A Maislinald give us the light kind of ,legislation fcr throughout can searcely fail to sccomplish I 4 0 overnulfint appointment of the Stinding Committeeva, was eonsiderably in -excess of that of 1868; which he,* salinisted InY 1870, we shall beable ye show for thie year an equitable and peaceful solution of the ter which he moved the ii3Oljo irnmeut ef as UL further increaseof )A 11111 12eedy incorpciration of •.the North-West eeisiting dificulties, an therebysecure the the House. The House rose at 412,6,_ and if the Dotriinion Government will Terateries with Canaa', an object ao ear- The House inet:rr3A2V"c4lOcrke.b' Mr iic->3 neetly desired by the Empire end the kenzie sehmitted a petition from. the Lao --Halifax Citizen. Mayor WerkmanatidAld. Reddenand Dominion. As the Act for the temporary' 4if Two 31ountain 'Wiens for restersolset David left for Ottawa this morning, to re- government of the Territories wheunnited of lands fend removal of Priests sof Semite present Montreal at a meeting there to- with Canada will expire at the close of the liZy. Mt, Helton drew the attention cf. morrow respecting the PooPosed Canada present sessiona, measure providing for the Rouse tothe question of NirbteDougalle / Centralitailway. . their government will be submitted for seat, of he aaa legally Appel/Two io auto - The coal trade of Nova Scotia for 1869 made to them. Efforts made in. the spirit parliamentary papers Enu „1,,, for tbo tik „"istabbed in the datk." It seems he is - only sorry to be obliged to do the - et - . JEWELER, , st.. bhig in the &wk.!! ' As forbeitiseitconnt,er- WATCHWR z lett of Baleares ass, 'Water" wilt. leave WEST sp, GODERIOH, the public to ug. whiah is the greater Near the Post Office. 4.9. of the two, Mr. Love or "Vter'" ing the rules followed in. Bee= ea He -strongly rates youe-Mr. Stirof, for spect to the execittion of criminals in pri- measure upon this subject will be au BEctiszosr RESPECTFIJ .,1' th Ppeoir leooroddetth ang, do seem. like doh, 'and make 'him better the Dominion, arial recommends that the Parliamnt, passed in the year -1869, to ' 1. enioymentsond amenitios,,be would he himself would care following rules be made by the Governor amend the sbipping laws in the British yearsotea Boo that the holiday season has arrived tO be. But not wishing to waste/ yonr vittelityle:tectr toliberatronale duriag the past 5 'lamed' than even in Council pursuant to the provisions of plaesaions, a period of two years was given time, nor putt/Ir.:Vs. iteurage too much 32rtd and 33rd Vict,eala, chapter 29, for to the several Provinces of the Empire to make provision for t'he reguletion of their to the test, I will -close fay attack, iiiping 'regulating the exeoution of capital senten- Mr. L. well keep Win," 'tion on the subjdet withia the potiod ifor ' • u o ces, thatis to ow -:--1 For the lake of coasting rae. In the absence of iekisla- I remain . un nutv, the exec tion sh uld take / . Tours, ipe, ' plaCe at thee hour of 8 a. m. 2. The mode OT E It" of execution and the eeremonialattendiog will behi force The extent and value of named, the pr./vino:us of the imperial law ifealeyan-Xethodat Church, with =wig* r°°111 st,' and a HBAXSX to -hire inreasonableterm - . • • eno- noa...Lug done in the beat Style of „,„,_ -Do_ .., &last remali‘Pn-continuance of tC same. to be your caul leration. accepte& the oftice of tooverner tho It is reported. tbatlf.r.l'apper The -charters of most of the banks -of the North West, the positioti With a ery pc, appointed 14ieut-G°vera" of IsT"a Se°tit Dominion were last tension extended for a culler one, and, a soon lie committee* unureci. peruse, with the view that were struck he would move thet the papetz to replace Gen. Doyle, who matinee thief .o the interval the questions et banking and connected with the appointmeut be red military Comraand Of the Dorainion. Animpertant legal decision. The Su- currency ,should receive the consideration Wood to the Coxmoittee ou privileges 014 perior Court has just rendered an import- o which their importance demands. Ames- elections. Mr. Mackenzie isakeel i.11C antjudgment,to tenantson the CAM of the tine intended to ensure safety to the eom- departmental reports would, be publiaoda Quebec Seminar/as. Poitras, holding that munity without interfering with the legi Sir. F Ulnas could stet sa. bir,kiexander in the event of 'property being destroyod •timate operations of the Banks will be Galt suggested that the House shotdd edo by fire dozing oceupatiti, the tenant is submitted for your oonskteration,anditill, journ tili tomorrow fer the diaeUllision liable to the landlord for the lois, unless trait, be fouud celculaled to place thou the addrees. Mr Mackenzie mai the e he can show not only that every precaution important interests upon sound and Oa- position was always prepored to proceed lead been taken, but also how the fire oo- bie basis. The Is,ws foroe on the sub- with business but if the Goertm;ent eurred which in nine cases tad ten it is- 'a of ate elective frencliise, Ana the r- specially wishik an adjourriutennhe weeiti inmost impossible for them to do, but gula.tion Parliainentary elections in the suckle the law. Exiscuonts or Coreentato-The Mink- - • tor of Justice has recommended the Go eminent to passim order in Counadopt- several Provice, of the Dominion vezy numb in their operations, and it is impor- tant that uniform. provision should be made settling the franchise and regulating elections to the House of Com mons. A mitted for your considemtion. Under - - • . Printing "personal and uninteresting mat Tate. veperts that the same' so far as the operation of tbe Act of the In • ter e, cortainli Itfre L's interest/lug renutrla muted. to Canada should be adopted by aton c oretherWle` e of warranted material *ea workmaeuille r R TotiiN tdritkinds of weed -turning done, such 004:leach. Oot.3k 1868. si1w37 • oulddo well. to buy from hint at rates comparative is • Nool putse stair hanniVern IleekYelKeel ' ewheapor than tfutt asked for worthless tran. Ifooe Sin- & 1,tarriage Painter. Always On handta, complete ROOM PAPERS All ,Tewely Sold for Gold Warranted: xtuxs ACogstyr Tan runic Tfuer ASsORTBLENT or canna nous fitted up 15op on. liortlx.strett pestto the pFRS workmanshi, Goderioh.Dc, 20th, 1869. tw39-11 • A NOM PA taCheaVitere 2rpar8a°- c'earfiTcPriti4 Goderich;star 3rd, . 1886 15w6m* • a ' • ISAAC FREDERICK. ct of -the last 7yesrssolic Now is tho time to Paint your (iters, Sleighs, and Carriages. ear Orders from country Csaiige shops :Rule to with dispatch. Sigs Psiotiog. Gilding, Orsinin gif 'Tuba. Pier - &i., ac. , Goderich. Btor. Ifet. w42 RIAZLEEITRST &COOKE AVOTIONEBRS, 000181011 kGENTII, LEI U. Crabb's Block, (VanBrory'soldstad) KINGSTON STREET, GODERION, OTTARIO. Saleaixt bons and. country punctual - attended. to Godericlx July12th, 1862, w24 • WASHING MACHINE I A Pk Mi• AWRY' LARGE V.ARIRTY OF Three. Different Xing of 'Papers VOr Hall4PSFICFS,Dillillg ReOMIS • • and Drawing Roam, ALL' NEW .PATTERNS; Good Stock and declared by Painters and Paper Bang erstobe thereeit beentitaldeelip.e. IstEtik xi ix VcS r` the Beitt and Cheapest Tax Subscriber tiouhriinnouncti to the pub- Pi.PER$ .ki/ kg. INTR,ODUCD • Carriae, Waggons, Sleigkst F°u 01- Wanted a wood.worker, and tWo he ot fitirlosnzdirtiuggl:11:teigno7 man- • Th• GoDERfar, le,U.tteiVeit Ct leo which Will be sold CHEAP '-OB Qom • 4PPrenticeok-one Isere wa-work and the other bckenuthmg. , OHN' PASMORE„ ER IS Goderich. 1869: - . ALLAN P. NA.CLAN, victoria treet, Goderieli 0 EIFECT OEM. coeitik.mar silt 1868* 1,47 amm•••••••••• Priceon17 02.00 each 1••••••••••••=•••14. 11157 71177=127115 orris FOR WAX "A 4, tittle treaderia the Wotan Ifeeithselter= et sad sieratettitted by Dead Unity. of it' It ie the abeipeVasethias ever lavelded ; at soliot to sal **au/ _wookt-tab ; osa be adjusted by pe either apt et Mary pole ; weber *A ZXsad reteleaily as seire anabereeree sad redly usehiaes ; salt deo lees *Any Rie ; ASO haves them mar* as dry, it deesem. a* a melte Wriape. ow" pries fit pAle hasp it alibis the Tostigtignkiniagaimariih lor li say eini de hoe alibis pates pee bade et an Plan Cali And See thellizable AT /LOEMSION YAM , MOM Illeieley. flOairl*. OM las.. MR CHRISTMAS tin PIM ••••••~1111• reilL51"14111111 A.notIon. 14 Commssion, GODERICH &CLANTON 3.80452* QA10 of Misoellaaeous Property ut Godench 1...1 every eutesday,and in Clients army Wed. today. Plosaryadranoect on Pro_perty for immediate ,dosed prompt retun* iads. Yarn Stook and other Sales puuteanyattend stetkromniout the ceesty, _OM friCiletin theTom ofOodeicii, fora term ofyears a Mr. James, /Mended Illy r. 0 y, 1. Brick cottage with* large orchard ang. six acres orgood land. For particulars applfto. 10 87 be refunded to, Richard James, for W. D. ALLEN'. three days statute labor, for the perform.- itoderich Sept. 2th1e69 . . '556t once of which the pathmaster's certificate was shown, and for arrears of tames for 1 , . - - 1862, Which were unjustlypharged to him n-4.- • I:1 4 'cli.: - Carried. Thos. Anderson made applies.- ulibur10 uarriage.on0p, tion t,othe Council for peiviimion to 'per- tii-oe,000no st a.nderiek , form his tentitte 'shoji:in his road stress ---'' ' lot No 31 COM 2 witen it wee resolved - • _ to be the gstait eaherettoorein use. a. our internal commerce render Iegisletion on this subject desirable, and a measure ' BAST VrA.177.A.NOS11. A black dagto be hoistedat the moment ---4 of execution, iip ono staff piee,ed oa an witri regardto itiill be submittal for your 1870) pursuant to adjournment. Present, displaced. for sat hour. 4. 'The bell of " the The Council met, this day, (Feb. 8th, elevated rot of the prison and to remain eonsideration, The amnion of a Court of Appeal, under the powers conferred upon Messrs. Hlps., James, McKay and Gra- prison or; if arrangements can be =defer You by the Union Lot, is deserving your ham. The minutes oflast meeting were that purpose, the bell of the ?trial or any Attention. A measure will be eubtaitted yen for the establishment of such, * visa and approved.' Us; Gariek, who other neighboring church to be tolled for '° was nominated as Auditor last meeting fifteen minutes before and fifteen minotea Cour, and for sionforrieg upon it certain declined, te act. The Reeve thereupon after the -execution. juridiction. Theyear1871istke one which nominated, Jas. Edward as Auditor which the next aecennisl census is fixed. by law was approved by theeleuneil. Moved. by ----- ------- - - - — - - - to tate place. As there are difietent laws not object. On the 1114145R SirJohn Macdonald, the eoneideration of the Spekaat was d rred tomorrow aud the House rase at 0 miuutes D, NOTICES OF MOTION. Th N ITED STA.TES. ou the subject in the several. P,rovinoes, it is.A15 JUST Illt0EP7ED A us_gn ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Consistivisr pasta` Vrestof England Broad.: sloths veers, Whitney*, lisapiane, Fancy Sail Seetot,sadifreaanTweeds,Ceshesereas vs end a yaffecy of Canadian Cloths; Plain* eltie, and 71ovrered reatinp, Shates Ohms, Cap, a _ foots oolaidentwithof gryibeier utisfardics etioa to IR 21 "A' 2r 4 It 32C* bYreoev; SI 002 Oacii•d MoTeil by Kr, that such, ------ t bd allowed until the read was conveyed ito the eOrporatiou. No, 29 wen read . and passed. • Moved. by Mr. 0010 seconded by Mr.] McKay, That there be 20 scrapers provid- - ed in tame for the performanoe of statute, labor, and that the mombers of Council, who shall have the opportunity, inquire hen, they mu be preenred,, best ana eheapest, and report at next 'sleeting- .1;-TELYI urled. movet by Mr, Grailsat, Second Witt bit be allowed until the first efApril next, Carriage* BlIggleff I wagons (or until the job which be has on hand is red try the Itead Clommissioner) to pay ed by Mr. McKay,. 'Mat Duncan Isstul tell 0Perstiazt, *Ai is turning ant:uvula of all hinds, SUITORS, CETITTSS. taloa 02)upOn givin an. approved will therefore be misogamy to piss a gen ral sot to establish a uniform and aocurste , A "Ited-IleadedMan's Ball" us toshort- system throughout the Dominion. Steps ly come off at Bridgeport, Conn' ' have alreedy been taken to secure the 00- , The following notices of motion* havi been. given Mr. Mackenzie -For an *Admits to the GverorGenerlfr a co oy •&f tile comms., Sion issued to Mr. Macdougall, aud copies of all verrespondence connected with the utablishinent of a Canadiau gevernmeut iu the North -Wiest territory. Ur. Mckenzie -For an address for °ogles of correspondence int the new fowl.- cialarrengemente aitlasTova Scotia. Mr Mackenze-For an address reopeat ing the oonstruetaou of a road to the North. West. Mr Maeltesie-Por an address for copies et the correspondetiee, Ac., placed bitore the Dominion arbtrators, with the evidence taken by them and their award. blockenv.ie -For copies of the cor- reapondenee between the Dominion got onto meet Mid the India* of the inouutailit respecting the surrender ()etude' of their Leeds. Mr Mackensie-For copies of instruc. tions to surveyors sent to the North-W*4 with the reports of fetid sureyors, d.c, Yr Blake -For -copies of the correspon- denoe between the Imperial mid the Cana- dian governments respecting -the later- eolonial rsiiway ; also, 4.,•-,noerning the Ay pdcation of the premeds thereof, Mr Blue -For an ' address for enve* of all Orders in Council mat of ail oorreepoutio ewe between the Helier:14l and Caliachen government* and between the Osteelien and. Prince Edward lelaud govenneetoo end between the governments 4.4 t3atotaa, as in eddition to their interest and lagoon general grounds, • it most be reeollactosa that upoe. them depends the re -adjustment minim of Print)* Edward. Wood. or of anBraitisBhriCtualolumCuli theti)lihnirliu'giestle iek2e; (47nthettene Paxlizofl:HtarioasenofprelleliComenoitstat7-- Mr. Biake-Au taidress for 00pies of all toms ef suck s.dmiseoo. I have directed that the enemies of tbe Order* in Council atici ef all oorresok.. last yew shall be laid before yo. The denim between the Imperial and Canadtate estimate* for the present financial ,siar government* and between the goi trainee t 4t, number °flint class Buggiee,on hand, and. orma* •0111t ode • and that Time. and Jas. Vow- chesporavni 1,siviem in artistes in the lists that 1 , will comparefarombly with Any in ths cavity op be allowlio. the same urea on Tao same ternia-Curtede *seed by Mr. James) That Thome' trial work warranted- Particalar attention pig to %rand Carriage Re- ...tad int 34 messy, his Tbo 14 B government is experimenting operatieu of Newfotindle.nd on a shot thatoan be thrown eight miles. Boaero lean& Imo I trust aoronosouoe feomor rere!usitig siring in retponse to an monis in all Her Alsiosto's B.N. Amerion possessions. need not expatiate on the The beet timberea um& in main, are importance of the information which the offered to actual settlers at fifty cents per iables atlu, "emus nye teleuleied te Affor/ Carlotta Patti was histad in St. ,Lonis when one /system will be made 'intuits; It. J WHITELY. Finis& be allowed fire mos pay perms auderfahafavgfA4se9 , wo taxes 09 32) uponAtiving an approved Fenian prisosimi who recently ' jeint note te law interest at 10 per cent frem Australia. A pontifical 'High -Oarried. Auditors Report was readand will be celebrated in the Mechanics' Payi NEW PATENT ad Moved 14 Mr. ham" seconded lien. On Tuniday next the Feta= refu- Ka That the -Auchtere each gees will be entertained at a ball, in which all th.e Irish organisations ef California, will participat. or Tempted by .the hire of a bonnet, the pries of which was above her limited means, $, Louisville young lady last week sacrificed her " beautiful golden hair." Passengers arriving at San Francisco by the Pacific Railroad raped that the route is clear of mew and the trip is pleasant for this seasoner the year. Ike British iron-olad Moon& is pro- nounced by a Yea*, aommaader to be "the most formidable and efficient iron- clad vessel of war for ocean disevice in the world." Extritordinary preparatioris are making in San Francisco for the eelebratien. of St. Pstriok's day, the interest in the neessinit being enhanced by the presence of the 16 GMTttEMAWSAttetionitart, - erlooteerteverhiet to r 3."--a11414 6:3n. t°41ra*r."114 °Wm.' Ind "b4" thit' /i"big w'r" tabling the minute* e last year, Trealnizu ohms& theiggistfor Oartsesatsisuftseiessy mcw Abstraok &col, fsw By-issws, sad & great emismastalters who hay* used nom. .1 PC, JAS. ISDALE, kum Poisoned The wife of Mr. B. Enka- dara•derich, 2411.160.11100. tegil Market liquaresealieriek ino••••••••• TWICE!) SUITS (alI woolA1.2 andupward STRA,CRilf lioRmiNoRA McKay, seconded hy Mr. Graham, That BLAcicurrBe, Noloou end, Godorkb, wolda tlis Mork get 20 pintirlets rinted, eon- MiddlesexSemlfl _ saa =cut rilt.r"4" ii .a". a ibis fammairatricerapresinamta ia ashen taa .o_, aka Va repow tor mrlarime *a Special Ow tts, las 'Maier Term wit peewees Teliase, 4 lit 1700:414 amid Itialareisiat Fey Mimi= ••=p hew sad tenni fee We tet or is* d os hi olt 4/4 Inn. Tr Boot sal teal • • ailkiiii#11111111.1.111•111.1 - esoistdoiroineel40.41.114 tog. • • soescia, sent nesb.isee N T 1••••••••••••• C E =re Mat substaatiod saiumer, an'il hare aim shortaistraotof tratienlAct---!+?!Tie'd: The Council then journe to AO wort will be for *koala off tha Marta ths sd Ttiesdo (8t.k) ontarluZzr The .itrticulturist says one of the Ameri- can seedstnen has sold all his stock of old seed pease to a dealer in "Pure Java Cof- fee, Drinkers of toffee may draw their own oonclasions. will also be abinitAed. to yea. They have of can$41, and any of the prtieuesse,tou been framed with everyregard to evenemy ing any legislation of any of the province and compatible with** efficiency of the -including any instructions to huiltacti., public servioe, and yen will, I trust, be of lency on the suhject of prevInceal liateeik- °facPittuo;y2 ishattatet,heatfirnialmd that than: win plowshichilatoati,t tos:3:144sesikacia_Bialeliidatidtvriaisusadtaatwildliorete4:4fierostmieop:41iestti:1:iiL: without ineonvenitnsea, afford for the se- _ correspondence between the goerunkiiti, vice of her MajestYthO .suPPlieli will be the duty a the Government to ask OrOCili0131 of the , int respecting le‘ you to vote. Honorable aentuniet of ate &nate ala - paid therunder, with th* dares of 61catteffltm of the gout C("""&" ilege tvernmeat gave note.* of a bi,i fen.teorithrese Dopeetniiinsionng has not flanitead to irentiteprreitssir4ojisa0:htan-eationHA viA:adoissite t.peopiuktitt, ILI gni Ygrat uvin1thuYnlitseil:frytio0:L: Vfthilotirk"hardaiglvsiarri:iriintailii.":16:4 astabtiirttitutau.At Kaedoss14-01 a wpm! cobtu: rt1 ttiive t.-omin us and the law of election, fut esturemettkehrianefanduthugesttanqtasiuutoninduaer:Inuativdwthathet: mvaxws aorrianaby. D4mriianymar.4.rpsysideetawont soma Lit:: b, promptness oh ologY "sass satire intia eireameamtem &nw At. if tbuledn einbefoeocasion,reeiat themeolluitofFolanaty,marsod.rson Immo 001aisab:y000thefortositheditheensogiatapsrainesir A liaaof esrummetisatzstinet. of the °pantry. if Port Burwell, was fataili Wiwi!" I h e observed with iiret eltlit"la or nem Hamilton, with ower te sd f. 111."4"2". Saturdaynight luthYtasulgat the 'les which have been made .111 pommel ____„„ea men t--------nittot • it 10401 lyilsr hulas"' re/lent:LT *eyelid of the Provinces Ned""i, soonest of Meson IMAM. Ito0 So*tche. Farmer% Livery 'Stable . The 334:41Weli B"i41411 Mad, MiltaL iam.'" Wall • to foster and osoottriell Sellgrs640.1 6° 6"-- Boon, Merriam, (Niagara) Merritt aiel 0. ryelinme, Kit111111,8 AND °TUBS. Mt= of the 03.ev Walter Soott, of shores. The tad p!grees Mum bs" It Was evidently behaved, in Woodibit pehhe werhe le many Mai mower. tithe eon* A mid f top' ' fiammatien the Scott was tan that all treames, eurreaders f lean* or tiff UP AT MICE J. TAYLO udiemor *tau Mows %-ozwor*Ji- trir000 row tai,,,1144! th• Canada Pee!hTteriell had the advantage in the mining in black- work te intending euereate, and alt was ',Mitt isti in war ten them. If thee, *ugs are to " awl -Drng essamest and autumn 1 boa mr. inao- Tor the re-appintee«) Vipt=i; DOM AO- Wig Olt fa You taw Horn. t= :il* Peme SliturdaY Gee Butler and Kr Samuel Cex in sirord the epperweity sea Ail partiestgatei tabisebsfstkeo beriiirennliamliiiiennuleeethey WSW bat* Oa tam Crown and an of the Non- Pee- forward with emilidenas to the addition et tribe* Indians Isestoi sitierin 7,004010,1017t 206. bona" tthe7oarbiAltity:-bullallt ark"Ithoeuhle"ailsrharaie sosiallgirtordmionsad viiimAlesdurimitreeigned "Wreasoul". prutheDentison,swg sssnsusits ounwridisii ovitum, Alitomit NOWA' Mal& ..-.41tessesinasetaet se to lieu Mews 64 das itosilltzottur. itisf_imstte, thir..raiskuta eimies, which. 1:10assiiimn °D:11:1:0wiLlessof mon; *sof thooppnrinoonteitineiunofvitprooesdoding *dioms:IT:0T com t' tolastht sr:rof �1t -41:14::UWercre",31:ktarketraiszitsitsAsess2 "w-assmesrousiusg000saY'"" ecavidt4edi ebebbeei-all. byforjtriaL,"ant Beliker'.-6, whines_ deraralows. oers. and *Ws. Quebecsied Riblifax, thence tonladthetiktrikottortkene oflarovinow/roosir.1 rokt`Zem=011.64... A muss ...A* tit* Trastand A.....0esepany zit. and jgatz lr„mo ware masks ss, 004.66,1111* Doi, lift. 4 5- • • • • • -