HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-02-17, Page 210 EL T_ A 1") U 0 V L CA N A D A - V, awsusSMSGIAwas.—The. Par. Join- WPnOrM Vballoneum 'T U15 001=T*X PA114 rl,110- On idvVSO'hedulesof Convictions 6T -91i Great Britain - Tile Silver.Difflaultwv. raker, of Toront�o, has yAdge of Ontario 'I'loat gull -in e of Lands for Tomes 26A 1 ao derlI Fabi :l2th 1. 18710; The Grand OrAtI90 'on -11 NVA . 81 . - Thadesth is arturaincedof DI. Ku'( A ra who a e4., *icovapf.- We have -read; with extreme r ea- re- I Xi t4W 33-10 'harp's Hall, Sesforth, illo this week. at the age of sevent� 114411011 ci5lolvlall Trade compell all s On pifttiog inn 35"t meets at 80118v Bishop of Munster, Walriam"lowo" SoxforthvVekim, -Aditor Signal, whisky ition, tor take W flqr� their �;m y dim audiences A man named loneb ih de*- V. long OTtIlDle, in - the Expositor*,pt ilth� Sheou Schedulds' of Couvicti01% *0 U-00 A% tott IlUt OU ladiscipla of the one, MY Dau Si� jdffll havoc -among 0DR3131L FEB. 171 1870. -datedAmetican silver, andreblit'whI010- insk, proI to -ans*or - our eXposure. Saftrasy Ing last, at about half phst Mason, is making Vest Buijainy opentions,in Edintur& at 'morill 1�ellevllieliqtior dealers, T641 overthati6f6ther work spectacls, Xtreingly brisk sale mer4lauts, in gold, bav& been Cryinic of the overcharges maxle b.V! the prop C%vmv.-A. vary supoullful skating 01�'ak - most' magnificent axe our a a Ile 'e edding lsat� Out for lean f0f 61lef. Thsamecrltse tor, on, the Coutiti. Thegxpositor obuduaes, 'we hold ouru tarjaival was held on Tuesday evel di ed itself over thO besver-Al from be. Tharero at present,about 1w, patients Present 2Y Ims M - Weekly Sian -al '18' -only UP15Y in the Montreal gneralbollPitAl-4 Agres'61 The Rlinburgh Free VresbYtc Zn . `1 It -wo laricely. attended by representatives nurnber of themayareceivea their in- dained 1f9r ing accounts,'for I the Rev. Charles Be'21I paster - been eChoe(l by 411 Who have been Palt 86A NVI thave t*.tall selves responsibleto the 0bulity �Cuuud of Gamic ind 19oaforth, as irall as Olin- meah aenso mass of da* 01OU40., in the, at -ion at the their Atictuat. the attention of tue Ito the fact 1_16r the -due and falthfuloinP10HOU OfOur ton 'The Aur6r&BoreZ1i588ntit$1l"h- Aes from falls On tbO 15"PPery ill rentafils mpty� year. Mi He has, ap- ti William's own, Wh0`h0AT61ftdt04ett16WltV thatr%ot%A1itb Plintin Contract the ntgn-pox ward -4a - Ing the -sky; like. waves of The st."n4lug AI6Y an ouni of. pue-,� 11 across 1, q vesaran lwgar let Mm-go�' vits.-All Cheapest Inpr in, t grave' �ealoAv4o C toC . DIV. DAVID 114OLW LXGT At,& meeting Of tile 3. resbYterY of - the M1% saW that 33.ainiourgh ig tourth in othe Whou :the Allob -CoTtinti 1 0 evitei upo sea On fire, in variegated. hues, SimilAr tA oiltr6al, tile European death -r' t4D 'h. C -bas bee- we eup theinto tar'aft 410 lecture 0V 4. the beautiful clo the rai boi xnada Presbyteriarl Church* th er 4f s alldothers, On 4 g01 all. who vant to b 0 =of r, flash- CsQ1v that.� I ghest, Berlin sewuf2, mLucl agents mortgave ,ps 1rosviv casgow is hi bags, xaoubttherehazteen, gooagr6uua ingContrinnously -with a, slight ZU Ing r 5 a go, V bird. 5 - the publisheirdf theount to UPPOOM be- will keep themselvs ioun% t 9 per 100 in') -on bi o le di,� wetlay in FAInburg th be given t 7,11 than in L awedeyan � 't' we m iou :41 jaoUe, as I. have, -before witnessed on nlY �'and that asa `t-, U ely nt thaveduct The Vx�wlh*; says that it our 4bousas - go to 7-3 woro than in f retairt to tfi o y; ISS9, in *0 pri- rate of S3,000 per annuill; morthan in A 01 ortation. 'etor ia,a n t (Weekly) mall I tion ii true, -141k On. Mondayj at T-30, 0-5 more tLan 2a of Z_Le Ut�roa q e aed. Xr. Wpes ex) propri San nul%, of - Hamt ton, is to to of 1,ord So&ton, fornmr, GoVeror A *on f Tahourinebei of paris, and 116 ioss than s8temor has, in a me hare,,, but 0111-V of the nd a -inglo.4pro, grq�Wi 0WHIPYI, 0- at Birni'llgham -the dopreciatiORY Drg, Obilmors." Lot the Chief f. the Ar011 e W, 4n The, snoftl of anada. 'I may add -that Vie 'k duced WeAiduotir. gloh loan him M, ind, will- ba finished in de, tune. and Urette -has sea 0 0 at Q11 in the. early PaA of last Wee - W. ut being perfe t PA i6nooba*orkhIkof tilla if.-oftrer 0 1 authorud this 'town) also f A ci-awWra, !he YeterAll Nvolan ve-wrot& last, we we're tharitole foreo� 0 in oiciilau %4�4 Ilev, Mr. Poole?alady, Of being the livat memb an ian qptle.- iv, boiuk e0to! ticolikits might ' � " i _' I bunks for the crew, and the con- ith 18 d this verybeautiful an to *8 PV0fe5s10n- oix.ilivalm, witti-a- view en� pb erWImi publisheri'met with An �tyloi. _V - -1-1 A Q wanesse ur arrived from which are the It or', severe, carriia dowit to poster- erroneouslyrenaeriai'throuill. fireinau.- Wa venture to no ero*, 04 - W"11 � aftei about thirty, -mmutes, was - H R, it Prince' Artb sequenCe40f I 4elieee Mato 'of Tnz Ic vrity�atlie uanehl beaefactor a his coun-1 i,, rtable and the lotof Mr. Goodinjes C�&%Td. J`wePtL4WAI a, darkness covering the- Boston latevalligst blnt"CaL oking at the prviourply Wrxe earilL Fort Wecl li'B fo'Dt in eomlng We, f [ad no w o n lVis pwl* $A6ing" the lak will have quaUy comfo thou& apublish� -sachoute, irtnient Mr. r & a summary 01II jegg, Coliector of Customs at his health, lies' try, wjllyttl�V 6okeg.Wo r4peat )iriu�,odioiis, quarters.. The" comp, vAb, Which We reported). Was 28 heavenfruntil. daylight. downtairs and broke his Slide- The Wfolk slek f tho old au(1 IvO fQel thatioacs.Vero successful din Montreal. in w1dell, we gave. in our last issue, Which I that 4i measuromeitt.% of the adyertising for'the -ni4rluesout4ins so with Your lbodient servant, G&M, asarriVe stheoarumcn-t has been a ebapterf mid", tunts tO thQ that tI6e' M7� wral ta better for us 1 11. .1.11 . I- I . ­ I as any display 01th6:kind_1c0U1dbo;, Last Iseliondon.V711680001e [aisc! to pay $1,50, 'he thiuks will obviate the- diffioultt- , lie gtoth4 plenty jqfL$p4Qo.10,the.CeAUer-'; Tkqkitoen igraflon, t#VA Chambers family,, Mr- D. !�' (!hamberf> donebylAmare coiTectndaccordirt 11 Ion house a pro' <Thfiraday) evening a th ring wUP904 for promoting em the respected headf the Lou( or s2-.oa w1didi i itt 8,4 mn evis-es uilf ni- prorses q expert fromlte 1e0'k1ntq *3j' itthe prels;tbatoi arljoiningivill.becouiplet&iait&o* wq,, iR its. prodecomrs, bol"In. 'nulbers, and ent in Eo! irchicill4tions n Oan. Viryndbamtook are bereavem as zusWaed a fove XT at,tertain fixed rates f dW- with - Dampi by sad' AOMTODUI style: Of droaa�, .` fjlwtoiL - vpi ingoly and -The romaint of Lt- Irv* ;fair and just; and, , t1ur. usaI being,' p on the 12th inst., with loss of his wife, jud3l". Robert ChalnbL the * e till repre'sentid. The UAY 3ud as y1wo at MQUtroal Ildham, srrived'At the in ,�ttho surkotime, to �Countw dopext-to the stricitest investigatioiii conveniently... Gen.lSirChu. Wy ;wCobserved, diedOntllelft st- tia, WS a, Girdlnor� Mrs. Finlay, orning, Tho same train' to Cain a, mimon bito Canadian t t f fro were 74 gro# SUV15r -ana, after W, fixed date, to m4e d ago & � iron, the C�ly4e. The emi- the. -Clounty, ouncil is, in d4ty bound, boilers oinSt Wn 1. Henry Horton and Miss ideot - OU m, EinigilitiOn Ralleliffe, Ma T. Mo.; Bayriald-4%rry to id Capt. Muds- troulL t "Feual to P31Y America`% Silver Af highe" calledupon tosift, the rnattbrto the hot- the event, of an., allpse 10rUJ;kt Lady WYrl"'M *11 _110 � d'a*P month motd,',tho coal _1cGrI a entefptise can a;nd, this jentlemell, judge AD 0 A Guard of 1-lonor of the Rific I L the tom, thjj� Me -1 �&esgr$, IL point you. but as your.papor would be. ,�,f December amounted tO 650 Persons, , 11 eithoi eX- bulli4a ato -to- be�-'; d along 14*K%Yi J- H- ure to -create a religious o0latroTSTSTI de ived the Way, and coI I effee, tT�L.Jt Oble--t'. We. tmst vur m3my tates tb= 20 per cent discount; in, _ IL Ixt ' on ' Wa Tbe R the correa- lractitkval paper our- onerated of a bl4nie,'which �k imposs0e, The 1�re..Iougijie�ha&beeix, ro he funeral moved, from aft about this U018 number as ,'meautime issuing a. oso"n' which, would be contray to our general Street Chapel.- T,,,,,. previous vem. QsnARtt7 WHI ion tho prizas were udiug month Of the two eYou; if 'we had room for it we wait US& not yet bee for the --car in* tj�je �Veuqv to supplytbe vacuum. into &'.ongitti�rooni and can b e timsto ius dfor comen de UP from vr setdowu at -his 0*n contingent as ir eChar- begi to decline' publim- WAX hold an flendersorAs =d 4y, three AveW- Pnr1Mes Cue qfa fire; A eettain air of plakusibility overhangs of -himself, arid - branded I scooid acterl,390 Rebecca BIWO64, ai- ThisfterI10031 An Inquest Messrs. Handyside One now anb3a-ibor witk their ". pective. , . I tious the bayof XrRobwt Kelly, proprietor �rcports and the 'iZvatonA th, al hich has led, evan some to.put, A qu 2n.�ase of 4iak to'PumO. oftheperW4,11 -Geitt in beat char-acteri sssAllan't If tU:V seaa ten o twenty is propos _, w whicI4 ;kill be, tbi inevitable result,. go ever the busline, S_S_AL�n 03trailar enaugv4ta Welcome in Case ofaueho5i�, 'Mt. Ord, $is "COUrtler in the roij* of Of the i3rockville cmtrd ij�;idian, Or, returnsAtowil steady increa X Sifor v eusek. 0 and attemptig to boar so caribeledn.- 0 An& whUe walk- Ar in pxasumingthattli bArl0a Y�m Uh.167 - )m aU tt;G- b2tto-.. the fti, XTVII Girl, in beat Ch lO0tt&W& some dXYX A931 1pur Yers,, the total number beiu principlo of d a ho 21,350; ISM, Is,- 4c.wilf! bl. rider, B in best Xookin for Of 1,860. 27.350 im a Tract MissOot)dipg, i4 tellsatnighthadropI of fheemig!"ats who ca it T3 The vital qnestion ist: 'Do we or Ao-wer al�;� 4�Ck_tQ repel the bo4ders by playingthot To. th a FAb Invin Is eir caicul get as"Johnh ro 300; 166G, 10,000. printin- committee based th character,, Maoter Ssys� your Lpir9d, Ver- i to 'New quire, forour ordinary- nocessitiew of Or - ea-ch's aiattliq 4 o, for the word onths 27th, of Y6tmon% a letter opeared.in 46D the floor And suddenly a: Jailed just month, 560 proce Tile bring -ma direutchnr-a d6ra, of the, teude�s Tec�iv�tl for'1869, QVL. water CA them. mao.0 'MrArabb's priz nuat, an4 y intention on reading 'New Zealand. Thero ar- ne John Basues;.as 'S 8$ne JrQm in. ictodied, frum ap York and 75 to the mount!pfcoined- neit`;6part is t' ias taken by G Cnali= atate=xu I mo Yn the previous Yea?ireqiiromeiits. -Graft-4- of t 6 Qugilio�IIQQmi rio PA -,me House riv, PaRen- B mej?l Wob6lievaboth "As to let # FP1 u4notleed' 3FAny -Pe no 31 B., Feb. 10. ea during the same mouth or Inidst, at prezeut represented.. by the s' "DilapidAte4 nm Wbicll, slt,,�Bnlcl ba thdtouglit iavestig"A iag (which w are k1of pr�p%;ecltd do.vitb:- dividedoffor bbeeponeer-and ocond- rged meto replf, aeopectally" the -statements. met,_ to.do with �Uatomjry formalities. ,Carl Ld ikstors -left the %ink Tory York. "Evary me, at ;all so- Then w the meW4,06111i &=Oct ivspecotors iveredaspeoch gers from New .AmeTI outftthet inform our suppbsi- engineer. sf ba sr'� The Gavernor del Value of land in G -W90 quainted, with the, extent and wants 0 tbat much The Oattalion , Bond, ect, tud one that InUat nia rill be fixed.; It is a vinful subj t' excellout swe. ­ - � . in o. Pawns, fro St., e great increase juthe vailla aan3piracy of whiull it 'ItionI incorrect,. the fact tba : . - . played in its -.QSU 'Pr4lached. withApulac, for the sake Ofthe' leellug"Of A man us ed F In instance of th !�Ica=diau, bihiness, Vill-at once alavverl, the z eri� at, Belleville On 8 )f land in the centr&I J#ushleu pats -01 tho (the was tbb i1irect: frnit has yet n a 0eadea np, f(sr of lie - Of this portion no tho.Px esbillfbiworkdo o* ectforibedead, .7he deTn'sVed vatherines w" *rA%t0d C the livingand In resp oxx'mox the prFor cog antly afforded by t4e Xalo ots ecoritions are blItIOAT, -diaw 10, �yes I , - e h, city was reo Gcorgc E. Carl, idea can be giventrifil the'd charge o t be exr, the Bx]p�fo?4 tender by $25 a. 3 1 ; �140. o7f qftbe. Public; Is not f foiery, pr�fcrrea by aman nam )rgels Place, which r& t_7.�_ heabt �_,Zrj WO Of 6L_ VUE4,10a all, PW tingli.-of this-boayou Sunday, Ron -day. such mattels 1Ih;adba trle& edUrownofKapapee. ParsunSwAstSken property in St. Gwe( This itapparent, from tte fact, that Anco of whiell, oxces�' witire occisiougcL not by- _completed-. AD-thevartitiousliwo-cleared says1t I ance upon theplice ke tails -from one, Wt. night in charge of a crust- alized an eltorwous, adv awl we Charge I -Am with and tuedaylait, were,lorgelY,attended inxeieranceto my led to Napanee. further imortttona were prohibited by be work b '04 114 paid for it only three or ;-he wholo trouble, by sett. e X-tra rk ot iudlitd- ofr the (lack, that the'vessel, ms w�cola* $(WliqWrjustitirnot,,iei=ot-wer)to be- tried. four vem sp, e pe orin ce.of The Ser- slow, TAIC at lead, seems able, khere he will the �Weik haso'begnit exporting, eture- od foro-and Aff" to- b� suluxe -- the 'Cabinet earmnt to work,fi tariff, and advntage, and Ottawa, I Another has imt Caine fto our knowledge. - the '"di'al Profos lo. -All au mons;,on'Sprl"Y, werapre4olledbyBeIrds. J;more thsnl' dov4rmvll-� last ed in etouder, utbvfMudillentin nMr. David 3110ibbin has, within the - a 3 - )r be a puraly French the discount, Um foorl to �a pe r cent i thd Prillct W�L_riudallof- flowjok and X Salith, of *ungu tinie. Ministers are in town ment ofsp esed in advertisin "and ther When CQ Afrzd * .. As the session aeuga _forlbw p�h�lnce, holding 2t, sit t ?,Q, c,5neludeathepurchaseofthAt x�anni4�=�guug andfion­pUtedall St.� XF iiih-wast comer which sho-y�al-conclusiv:tiythatthequantilry 1, Y �yio. - TlJD �nlijsjou&I meeting the reti�ence of 31inisters day or b -kiudrla We.do ot t .1 on jahis own bsald� draws nearer, in h4 Almonto speeb, vaguely va 1, � fous" I *M becomes gurrea r, * few weeks ago it was of buildilIggs"lle so preseittly in the country is absolutely ne- Opposing, that, over- � Sho,�Flll then 7be: a f6rutidable do- Mondak was address�d by Rev. Xr� Rob- �, -A, to penlonal attacks And Insinual nt Streets, fc=a ta tla f3zt, b'Qt LA not sufficient we are aritable in 0 a To -er so 1 nFresi ont. f, ignit7*0f S possible to get an inkling of what was of Blichanatt nd St. 'Vince 00A �;rj foUqeJ'.o Coast. 3fi�.$MPOOU) of 0 th6Uoa.erencoRev.W,..WaivbLllcono4erAtiong, sy beneath the. di 34qk1Zb2_ cessary to tho, prol)er moving d produ -a- is -Xt to impossible. facing the Western Club, At 4 price Of wlign, sucb, A overcharger _ rna& on fU#,,=10,t4e&,=duuwodhyoronetomaire- The going on. Now it is ne 230,0N, r upwards of 11e, -*as- of oposition. And no dealer woutc! oje4t. to pay slarger I that 'cau, -be to'sted the, i;xnairking is, perfo,rming:fAhe tow I. 'Tiles . 0, #14 and the somewhere about is is. we belie-te, the ireeoitTuas- remov jumr fxom miss savages mect- was The ll,eagura tha -ai of f&e� a &tv finally se fa fba the Lieut. discount onoaforaa u be a- bj,ecf t ofintea work, itt- an efficieit tiust W�XthY b crowd moresorlow thai taking oira, thIgh or in am. Toll speechyrepared. There will be a good 250 tbm square yard. Th 811a.9M of excess are easily ace and.- rought together A � very larp ound in the rre- Poaramme to give pieupv of work. thehighest price. et paid, for b, oaftnal deduCtill, Of MIX Only 2 perl for b� -and, in additiori to thespeakersWtilamek 4usibeiww Cwave=ar iuts tk e t QiTito;y, Sir Geonp Lt a still ulor6 elastic prirciple having maull'Or. anbe The site, however, is onsf the -,-h L4 M�$Une% had get ho the Rev.* eneol of mIplie:tpan one medical they -On G'sagow" A-dothe' Plovier at Rest. -The Milt ana � dol. cent, on, eveiy amount he J13% to mado:o ptQoured, as unf�w leatiousmgvsvise, that r Geor, attioll rollin- 'charige" been applied to th _e Keu, most valuable in the citY. James Seive'riglit, c�f St. A#&ews. Churchk weea como a. -Cham*n has the following.- - POLICS (70 URTI, - - !: - y unable to hold st4commau .Cannot 7�_a ii) easilY ink in his xisual onepersou. nedy, Eoq,,'tbe founder of the;Zuge of Mr. . U. Paterson, JFie of the litergy geatly 11143m stories,� into, gold. subjected to a tesL,'. tb� nip �FIOAI he kmir -Tauld rouse the jealous staff of the 'Melbmrile Argo, a eim of The next questiort is If we send the and . vigorous p3z3ious of a, shmple pei�jpk were en- That fha'amporfaut matter of meamnee- eb. interesting that Georgetown,aud, Otte (iftheold@stre pubiishedthelirst newspaper W 41a Merit oula be-' ins thePeratIMA One- 26th Paterson who 1 a -be 0 avr Pro: inou Americau silver out of the Country-, in Wire !Creatr& 'ontf rtsweroill ressions9y;. Mr. Editor, it Wat W006 than A of Zsquasing,,died on Wedresdiyhe vas recently jWy devaledto oful t be clearly understood pTint McCaig was. arraipe forahis� 4sired.- We congratulate the "m b., igod over *70 years. About fifty e printed 3Kilularnock overnmental issue 9f, -was. 4- x6dical. blunder, wideb, resulted in ull ver the proposeii G verbatilm� the BkPQ34tQe8 criticism of our Worship,, the Mayorchargdd with stealing riexin b tE6 sue6eis of their meetingi,, A - crime, If. Clilb to Esquesing, then at- presened with i testimonial consistig of years he ca -plasters,` be in the xhap4 -of a social h-inkEtondna a Pam of it iudebtvl fq� bi% P �Ion artil paw fmfiona arrency, or shin made by him Bud was witnes of all an elegant einu j: iuvestigatio%into theehane a pocket-t-ook, W Mr., Arth�i jffarailtbll`� bapp thgi 'zoof the awildnerness . . - W larefireneeldthesi womid made, rstated most f Sir Geor-,4 was reprelaeu- an-- equally saUdactovy substitute for it of,couviodonx met 1p a nes� 'y to �Cyspqselj %Mg- pil improvemen" whichhave 100 graineas, 4a his refirlug frQla the Bub TL' cml-la a printing the Schedule in t13 e*trems; bt for at was 'g to Mrs. ritzley. She ihat jt.� hout live iftelies and the changes a! ttl; it nis, formed ore, beToI elfbiest and ediforaltip of the Agu4 in appreeiatioll Of multesitatingly anew -no I for gone of the -men, WAS so. made Baquesin p�ed not guilly.: b; b �gb of Ili* scihorae fdr oustut- Sir Irolm er, -need townships in Ontario. His the ability and tij. displaed 'A; -*tatemeuf about "imint is extreme- most ailiva I gatting worn.=Was, OnTenuant filled that 3tfW1U-U3H ant th: sirpmule To supply the want Of 09i00G110K_- �nd taes in hand the Schedule to their ing the ten years he C�ffiee. The& Fritzleyi in of ZVM14-ps. Aiggeutous and u* Alhlraud�l acarcelythAk koi=u be Molt -al remains were wcomparliea CQUI inta a4 Ow L =4 we� CIO; �qt won- Am" silier exP or, ted, and the temp arch and -by. a method,: ly gjuliounhasjuit imp 'EFAM11ton!lf store' yesterday. aftetnoon�- oroto�theezoutefbtsowuoperatiop. nerawas last resting place,by a large and sorrovqul Sir James 01 orted, der at Lim gsling, td 31 honotable, ishowathit 25MOM of Z� whoushe we4t in. Nis Mr. WetLtherA14, ZAJAU o any length aw"ntwhflebeing.0oineflintvC-an&dian morecuniainj H&a a pocket earleft Godoich c than ,1vok eAeMalbrabout two and a beiripches in length direct from Sks itcontifted 67-t lines. comes Othlls�,' for tHePurpose f ax- a out p oneextendingbaek below 00 skin about 1,1w & geneve, anasolelly silver, of sl,000�00% of this� flia Govern- sea it at the cou4lar, there- -was a 15.00 9P the I and�L.deei, HIGHTY DZ9TnL8LZ--Wo are; pleased, grande truite d, the disereliguoT, in measuring for us the bill *it And 25 cents, in silver. . Did amming spemps in Gray and, Moillopi i ptzy linger into it before I" U salmon bmses at Ro"Ahu. esame lie 7WA learn that a ludged them i TBX D1. -very 'algiewdly (Q-'Aud '6ontruy to no' With &L vieW to their -drWinage by the%de" face, sUd he Was loqlAlng At mebero sud then. Asto 4*Ya t in orifootstTaronto to estib- in fifteen to ment. would have to im fractional notes a Beriew: to Tlaig superb trut runs fro -movement Uld probably abois- usage camuUtis. on the length of * line of #peak to M paxtutent of public works T,;roirEo. What . �xlmari; about mynonfouding the two u, �i of5100G000 and wo Mcgogabotitit. TAorewsa his antconinjuniakfiontmtween twenty pounds in weij-lt and is not le"-. lish a lins, of ate The Perviltera of Perth entertained. Mr' the ordinary Dofidnion notes tar the our.'ardifiary news measup, perfeatlyr-66 about th Wy swomps I DroXeCrimmou, it of the 7&ri- �belebrated for it* exce&nlzia on the iable an no body *eut ou 'but Xf�s-McQ. at the by blut and- the- other by gi�rdlessf- thisclival nudiberof columns Idipso, sathe side ot theeek Lake On.tarlo Ports and th.w. than for its -great size. 1dwara Blake, N. P. br. 'P. P", at a oxtnt of *2,000,,'M. We .4iniprovd, aton y tor moment pro%inem This is a move in the f those whiddles, whicb� by -the timi; Dict Act sooer fike, the pocket� to the wag, and X did not see time in one 0 do was tornal ally riglit. I *ibric di. -mer in Stratford on thevening from the, beginning, of� -issue of. 1 Wxs1&Y".)1. AxN1VZH5AX1r.-W4 1, lh&C JWbody pur- grection, Rua we hope it will he Disease is Prevalent among filleen and nine, whereas' ouf- generous, Q) book. it ths-10th- The affair was, a grawa a Itftm the divine of the 101A sna ecL ^,n.e great &-Pmback attle it, various partsof GaHoway., IaL,Domudon ualies, wi+hout &,$anuineand Iti2711ammakes, itfoui, nd mie-fourth. V Mary as Roixdi. � iworIx. X"ig 40- Inotics heartily sustain- 'Stirling Castle, an aricient and highlv- have to updogise for - omitting succisaful trade be - once Irgetifled. myrror, �4,presqnt existing to it". -i&buut everywhere, accessible, gold orsilver basis, any person sufficientlyintotested, A very got 'Aama* liamilton?i boy the Tea 'eginig in the W. M. Church in b well aware that I at ru han.go'frour- . no artery cut twtutheeaste and vrepterriParts0f the. interestingfortaltee, onef the f0ar"Wid& little cal;tdatiou will -suffice to ah4w- how M In lolctter lie #Atesthst there was Mr. bUkes speech was kiri4ter-piece of r The., creditf to, country maybe sound and lot some fall. Sho. A&V thi Kondq­glst January." and the bloeding was uo is the want of cheap and ready by Act of Union is to be kept up iU $cot much of an. overcharge was � mada VY this . pick up, h a t 04 D, ov� tgrtatertbag he expeeted�- DominjOn. alaquence and logic. The, principal points � I Itoblast2tedent-l' nication. A line of ate all,- I laud, has long pre 5 ente d 1 It egle CtOd AP- cuou* and make an excellent foundation method of reckorting. lilstk leather rocket-boI She thoultht The Itev. gr rhiFv explanatioll Ig. Pool& AUverea.. an juiely I)r. Tennant IM givenno hee, meaus of Commit js�- mad* weIre in. regad to purely constitu-f to 11 the other it wssherowiI, and took ito more, notice of lentleci a on'tt Rev. NOALStr,1998irt thodidiantinorethan OnUae,07 boats plying Steadily luring 11"iLfatiOn i pearance diseredita7 le before visiturs,from, of internal appliesi. eel ar * cumney for urposes, �& ' matter oroffuldn'-but to a fact. I bet*een thc;eastaud west-bringinWHall- I d,-b4s of a Five3 court encumbering ti�� WilatiorL aI no parH2Px-v0toe_;F. ortwo "Al, Ithe reammem. -tat suppose we had a serious seliedules,?`­­ thinksahe walked ofice. fono*ea itb, a bigily in. gvietr that about 4 far and St. JQI intr6 'Constant cOmmuui- theouter dlt2l it. She t 1 1. A representation having A. HAM., -Vattersenon his cath ?I , b..rd �r,' , * 3oilpits what has been saic1by thoTele, ling rK ing beside Mrs., MCCv*. er.estilai aij4 inggeative'address ou "AlPo q4pt ief Llpoalll6wed fwM t116 Woud. -where did ation - with HumiltOn and Toronto an" in- beeia 111 -with oureiihilo , or - The Colitrity 061 will notice that a' 'Shc was x�t*ni� C UA -to ade of this obje tio ble state of jog some of the recent this bi quantity termediste grq*, ist ita usual Chaste strle, Mr- Blaki any party ii, power was iRdu1gm&'ia a PA44 :.,of the 9z aShe mistaken inMra. MCC. tronouix:1 amwy, o"EkO.Irr(Rul Could SUCh IL ports -must rapidly increase t_hjuga by.jrjoluelSir J. E. AtexawlerlI he i�#,O :in 5 injured -vessels?- oulds-deep incision large showed that Neura- Itc-KellaramdUMITen- - W. a. COL dience, Ana eloquently trqmtAl - I our inter -provincial trade- It is under- has beenalforated that Lis comniullicaflIOR ourw of reedeak extravagancawhat WOU14: columusiboth in the ia vertismg. and.U94s 'Rotor X sworniv--Does 'not disioveiiet in the: a k to remove a tumoras big as & Auck ew, be - mnis 111 on V sudfen to nous, tood that -a PeedilY to be has been forwarded jo Uolonel, Whyte, the 2is-w"S' stilli sUnuch 9`1 trus' to their be ouralation to tile, - -markets of the new )IS;; a woman �ick dircotio-Aheattear . rthi ge C.R. . in Scotla- ud, think maddlntb6 most vascular part of the 3WX without formed to accomplish e -object we bave reqpeefing his *1- Hisexpossof tio, &�blick-purae - in -Arthur 11smiltI the Gjreo4t kithor *rL Sal. .60? Itissimplyimpos-sibl.6. Was .& very 000: world, if the worth of our paper was based -the C-90utt CofiI14 9%, gallible, so to, be- store.' Posi notkuow who the woman wss. catuns sou�e artAri referredto,andit.isexpectea that millers ljntiouto$he wishes therein expresse. sant evenin- vrea 'It - XOVMMM+A WXX Meiyffid Wi* r01111" Of ia P� tqgt he �6nd others, intere ed n the Nova 800tI& it isadd./,l hope You win find theta nothing uof the, oy lieft, that every time he introduces a title , Rar. A mexidd,, swora.�_Was iq., ssiblefor . Dr. Tennant to secure at progress i4 into SILO raidC keady applause. We regret very much � 110 of X Celli will stippl the carried 011t when next y Wat Of lfr�xlat- tW0:iUc494UdJL An vtj visit Scotland. deprecate further MA lie has% right H4=_V00!8 store yestera Vag utterly unable to **, in the kole d Now Brunswick tr84B of space provents. usfrom giving Mrs. MeChtig *rlel MrSprittliY war& thbra. tA L largest part If the funds necessary for the I feel sure the &,uthoilties will do what is thAt ant the x4me falge direotion. If we do, not ames'llpace? - - enteting� the door of hWde0_0,-=d farikel, 4id uOtHecure those he fIght, up Stirling Castle in a �t* Mae thdra pay for two CQ1 purpme ne to own -repoited by-ftiond X". according to hi statemet 'Hohoulahaveney- cessary to kee hjx apooeh�irt fult take tare, w may hy ancl bye fhad our- . woworiam, what the -XiPosiws ordiur7 xoe� was payng fo herhouse,,on, the evening of the 8th inst,;' '41.1agot. . she left the PIXI WA* starld- er,,IoudtheineldoulMIielitdihewtvncs tied. He creditable ]state." solves placed orithi very Ron Mr:--Aitkens has beenin TDronW �s, the eldest daugh - nuntisfactorY t -botislipped. Ir &dvbrflsoT& -f rarild, toaltch�lagorile her I om under, her Xud'. she ahouldba�a had n� tavernouappenini, I)utbsva been med, to Three young kdh I*oor old, eftte CordVall am, ing in, 1!en ntaot bje 0 see Whe during the eeks. but has returned'to . She immediakt*ly jeft. lie fell,forwa-rd,- her.hea( Coming in ID Itissaid greenback looting of our Amorlem niigli- 'TheM;Vositor has the bareficedimpudencI4 bent own. fteelihoblood6gadod. Howmany an lie avoided meeting his ersof 511r. AlexanderSteedniall, inerchint, John S. &lead owthe eening-of tler . ' SXW.Mny Rea is ttawa. bor&and there . 6id hoxyd, harL with, the-oharpdge of the door -cheek, in-, arteries thoro werain the -whole two anda blqflucl cre drowned in LWIdeven OIL our-wemitionAl credit Nured ta say deeold Reform much aspossible. Kinross, w thatbecause'theform of 1 bche- friends As loth. Of I in -her forehead, an itiength whfie enjoying thera- degrie ap theirs; accompanied make the lame atAtomOntake did now. no oneknows. He, is Asia to feel exesedingly uncomfort- 'I Saturday afternoon, di4e of Convictions requires to.b4aivia�a Bazde' Dr. Catubbell I again tate, tI6%vDr, -Teunantr sny�othermedtcal n the 'lee. 'I!W40 10f tbeL 'Were J4D nor lnsleighs J�y tba inenta!ble hurst, sworu.----W4* Anctio dernoralsation Ck off by a CerW say X Th e whole towa WM frill Qf r4b,6r of ueshas i of the North-West 11 Ian Muggr alone ifta ablgince the. return Mrs. of Senforths called in, and dres36& the gentlemancould not beJusuffeit iu*Pdxpn period!CZ at A Hamilto f the have been married very shorfly. _'gold COI W yesterday, aftersoon. uch a ew when others,, to devide *641-MaodooAlds. in ftcf4 woonlysaw one_ the 11MUS, 'wle so Governor, because of the attitude rural W"dweat out of 400 whom name a hope '0= rightto chirge-ior-9columus'whert the XXaig was there -the. .;01 ime. - Fle, wound *biCh'ix now doing, well. 618 t Cabinet. ome peQl)le, not often wrong Anid, soldier of the name of John 2Xess - , , ' _ I L - obtI - reforin brofhrerr W cot eula iho rafers -ad -7 dUct a ruedli shortly. -nd bis n was rot s*e occupied by theSch to MAN& K= McCaig.,; a after idie- It& .% to my looking at thi- xic* -of the n guessing, pre was not, 31*c&aald. a missed. - k 'Dtrm.� --AaLuj�._A 4eut tior "from !died at St.. Andrews on Wednesdav mom - left, - 3fts. Fritzley Wid the at ninety year's of age. He Jklisald 3161D*�" Allowing "our . Government. to is only, accordingo, h6uest, measarain deceased, I b ing. He was , gtoreMindhimthat1did P . ocket-bo6k. "a . . moment ago.j 'fie stok atterson. IusedoWbein removing W03tA-w BMMXD TO lXATH 1W DUNDAS. I md "erioh,��mpomedof.Nfao=,WTUttY sencef Iii whattret, that tb= -Tho Bann I was serxemat �f the 71st ffighluidus at His sposek was, as nual, fragmantavy, further -in a policy by which, Ahey can, bi whichevenhed6is no0hpa�,4i colutrk'n& Mceaig,.'as P th- clot; and had- no- 1&-� er says that a woman nmed hk sale antl -vent d for IsiWio Carlingi M. P. P. i Dr. XIODon would be -Au !Aoeat, but as the woun lool confused, illogical in, a h wis found lying horribly burn- 1 Waferlo0- 'salf'91*r'fY'ng' W*['LlittlehOle-sn4-cOruOrde,&'ugkee t am- H Mary- Xane Raid. said she saw her talE6 it, gallo I Robert Gibbons, Warden, and ; S. wal anxious to Iand used Ann'Burns - we bound, however, to declare our, disbe- correspondent intra im wfltes ,Aths �sdves liberally supplied With fund*,�Y hielastiagit isaccordingtorusago.'Whell She Aoniedbairiug "taken 1twidsaidwbat Sinclair, had: sit intervieW with ther Attor- not sk CIO of violence about It. 39s #-diuuk- ad in berbose in Dimclas on Tuesday! A bd in the report that he madeuseof tion, themanipulation.oftbe thyroldgluid.1% at iglit.' it appe%rs that the deceased, had -,There *as slight earthquake here o without requiring the atooped down fir, -­wvwhor hafidker- Gena.ral tin Notiaity. with the' object tie'L Alkik A JuattCrAt WMAU I tlivery, or that he wom a shirt C01- issuing Dominion iaotea� an honorabI6 newspaper proprietor tender# liar i t unded, uncoiatteoub, been'out visiting oi the Monday evening -fnes&y of last week, January eMef - wh of ttin-, -the 131indAx Ated in 9 to is its 414 Oro JaIrmidable tharl 1�a ask for �P&rli&Mentarjr allowaft= ich ilia saia she -had over y1nut loc go � g -Lottliankmi for my lenity and if rauch 3) enA oes Ur atifiar, biiher, or m to Advertise st so per line,. he me"s arm. -1 This the' had not.. It 'jals not� 6 thii town. - The -Town, Councifffer 50 r. ud having returned toberhonle, where 31r. Gladstone is much. inroved, in we "consumed all our'o*n produce at the Vy,, a 1410 a spw,4 the width of Idndlk Worm, me of-myWaty on my oath,'I wasever mial on the i4casion his Ordinary he lived all alone, had fit -a lamp and sat -health. minutes from thitimelie, missedMrs-MaC.' ItIcres: of unafor 6.6 purpose. bad runket prices, -.of th* I *arld and Column.sotin tue-t-Y 'Tenriant Inhim *WA Wbrdb, that down at the table where she bad placed it, The Right Hou. E. Sullivau is Santied po which be protexam till 31ra, Fritzley said, she �ad, led her Towwoar-�-A special mI '1&ft1r.hft&t* oen and thorough Invatigaioie, of when by somf.+ means it had upoet, the Matter of the Rlis, li�laud- a the Course of his spoacii on Manufactured evory article wereqn1red at to; make, thext*nU=d0f` I& PAVeS. purse. Mary Jane Raid said At hi,tim�, I GOD'XV-10H 'be held at,k1*lMoS e*WWy befores re,4=ble Jiny� m1sht entZ of the lamp L being spilled on the .,k . ing of the Council is t -ry difforent ftom the 11rot one. cont dilix, 041tot vi gbt Xr. Blako thought propor to, !ia McCaig Pic itp ni t1I what ha toraW the X(j_paty, . tbo Cheapest rates, and W no Commercial that she isw Went to 3 . fro ille, on Mouda, February, r4th, foi the ""it Is extremely auseemly, such lettem as thoue from upper part of her body, Vh1jah being MM Lefray has resigned Lis seat in Vi moo.* one prafessimAl man to a 4) 'in University. t The 41;pMor stifies 60 D.Tainorxworp nother, and especially ovr,'r parlim t f r Dubi �nob,atitibutiugto�tintercoun6outsMe;theuDomWon pro- 'Of 4poilliting a Mrk. . from the burninst iVick,had qui . Ion cry at ftmaildomble If bousegialdywa horte.givothe Purge purpose the &Ad. Tbarelitivesbavebeenbermved. andwrit- IgIlited kly us aW of type he used in the, 1899 mitut"r Overpowered Mr, CharlAs Barry his been sworn in vA ammuor in which it was U&S12 UP bY 1111*0 to PSY,,' would perhaps iogwer, t1%s up. if ifie W-' it, � She add she W not got ingon the sul4cet,l teelirAudQ no 904 now; nor 2U . thedecessed. -Hdrfa6earms -and jgv#r t6ud b�m for the purpose of Spinning Qat WU $0 001C up, maky ann Smith., whose imprisonment hdrbAek from the and neck were terribly burned. Attomey-Geueral for Ireland. ti* poo* ibe success of the Goverrtment so it, - irtd all xhi 4aoPe4 aQ Yon shalt tearhom ze again. Mr. VA - in it convent '160ause all(! left iha, 043ho- tor, on this In Lord Xlspier of Mag-dals will succeed Now, mtha 41rpa-Aty yect,anduenherDr.Tennautuor'TrutW, - The i%* Ptemity to the prig o"Hy handled. Bu4 while our ovit berof,pagea*ud.gettingaitaximpiieo, by war 0. 5 colit Pi 0 4 �uebee AMroni* tays Our Pluck prubolpid, sm xsyingthattheCoilnedorderedtTztilamatM . His Worship - said ha� was odpellod'to lie to attend roh, caused ,hall likely r4 rorfix more, 41though I have not aid . Sir William Xansfield as C-rmmander-*- is val thak we Aoia feetsomo. makets, and the markets of tho world half that lnf&t tally be ta% on the subject, I a- little friends, the British sparrows, so Chief cf,the Xrmy In India. to for 1870. Weappealtatho'couhall whother send - Mrs McCaix'to trial. Hal felt o6ri- ex6item_entA*e*rortwoag6 has-ocaped, fte and eelebraW in iom sh" it should not bo anism interdependent ofi each otbor,, it ought ngo, Isart so allied to KrJury, and inAn f4ttWO ease, 0 a Bung in rhyme ?Jr. �Qdington goes to Canada to urgle be our o4*t to socuro an aver-increating the minutewpontea by holft,nd­ware not vbaceXof the irufhfuluess of Mary Jail` ff om St. X�rylj Coniont at soltuth-Om to act the Matta. prose, eare bravely pasaing through a preftow or oversw0j.", Reid -and on the strength of that lie W &1fADn1�nr0en:1t0yWtt thinks him*W aggrieved by rJ Te- ;the Dominion Parliament to complete sh supply know- Always anfliciutly esdaMe.. The .-fact, . N. 11. S110 --is now living' under the. pro- deeeas dis- uguadjan winter. They seent, indeed, to Oh, Orickey., Mr. YTW Pis. An if ev- of ths most universally -he' sorry to �e' com�eUod to -Commit bar. toetion of %.Prof'eataut, f marks, I advise him to bZvb Cue. Eoy of ig under it, for they look mor railroad through the Pruvin�0'00. lodged 'and leastfinettiating utediums, of aMily in Ne reshin e that the Council 'was pleased �o be, a lit He was' willing to.- accept bs 1, lit 'm _quirycommEncod.when hecan be ffourishil ary(ma 04 your readers does not, know therefore employ the 'tie, i ra 0- imvezutlLeextrasaftuxetwiglber4oremun�Wsed em boll Voint than limt year. Xauy 'kind I Dr. Rowlaua Williams� one of the authors exchange, Let Yorlr. issio is melely a G al'or 61travaiml for 1870, does not jnAify the Usig in the iluma of #M and two your ,idy friends give them a helping bAncl and we of A,Xusys and Reviews;, aiea at Broad - SW wall tM4 "No-PSAY oarnment tostrAe evro4butende . I J . -to this in I in %F100 wh. 'Mrs. MaQvig - (OiMr* being I hope you _ivq 2 few jUy ago, of bronchitis. patty ploce-of tricker �Yace . going further inta the Z y by x"& LsoTtlax.-Weare, vironutedpqperatid oblWe need hardly may that crumbs and other chalke a w6sa to keep them fr xpMtor in 1118 co"r for the rank t-ryism you are Ashm wargod that anything she said would be obedient servat, donations are thankfully received. The The Archbishop of y(jrk ilas ratumed busil-Im of Uanking than t4ey bay* 646447 which he xacoI in -getting for hi I h- h so M_ hardiness of the Anglo-Saxon ingsaxwers to clerical petition*- f.,d 16 avow o9mly! For shame! taken diwA)protested agplust a or"A P requested to notice +hst It 0 ns of Te 30 &na. It ews 0 344 suore Paython be would- have -secured hy taking the evidelim of inch a *an I 'Persnov were unavoidsIbly oouVelle�d -to Inergetie to be share& 'by 'the littl asian Creed. TwA s"T,_ln oar humble opinion redIeentable paper eurralley to- 9=8 _K gir )Vue "eras 6 * use of the Allen nable **a of tipo. Wuld. against hir. - His ftrshi �Ybo hiA po "tpou$j,�o1eCtnjeQ;1 "Tomas pbalm�rs` �Ror lwe Aral. Atmuge Mr. Gallen, Member of Parliament for ug in Goderich for P060tically iriedielin", when it U imsed re"o ra. sboWiwa VWW openi the Council have suggested the use of this doubb-of the trath no faraad however 4m ftinjst �r-step, sitting lonely ; As Amoubomro of rime table alsIt. of by & QaTarnment as loyal toWer only ziglit, to next Mon4aY evening, At the do( Dundalk, announces his intention of der - own the evidence, wasompolled to &I lk in,Kuox� Churchat 1.w The 4JUly MO -Me only mutding Parliamentary investigation into convertible at ona, - or two plom the 1nj type if they had ka the trus xtst& ED STATES. a UNIT COUNW, a ftir fine "It is made by the pro- entirecountry. of iflairs I We tbink uot. Rev gentleman - wait as far on his way ' NVait1lig for m my little ban 'lay last the wifid as T6 glad me in my new-foundlarld. the ocalditionf the inipriwuod Fenians. DAYonnotra.-On Fuc Pa I "M PCOOM Of prodaction1l but to 811WO: Tba fiskia-plaaW proposed wold be xia, but found that on Warrival,,by the Wg are a& a low to understand hic so -1 suddenly shifted to from he X. GrMt Western, the Orana-Trunk train, the minstrelly The widow (of Behouil the walfknowu "44 maspojo with the beat lay#rpool ad'DruaticaBy such an bvedoemabl curnmr; Wled explanation with reference to lot from the, show with -which it is advrtised to oonu6cb,had f t 6 dark ni htis mystery Atchisou3 Karim, Feb, S. -Francis explomr of Eaptian autbluides, died on liable besides, as Yink"'. oxporiesm trhO W... paUng. tho lake * hi Rutter more shothis wifeto-day, inflicting the I%h, ult's OW *yVeswo -Itabje," it will to neeemary, YOrY . Charge he nUA6-for advertising "Lands for g V in Jersey. She Was 88 ba shown, to be counterfeited. ber of our fisherman, ot left. We hope those who pro osea to at-,. m6 foli the 21 lng - dan ry for kiln drying and - Eta seems to say that line.. A nur slowly dying, gorous wounds,'and then blow bisown to at up mwxilw What oan be done to keep, within the Sale for Taxes. tend lot night WiUbB On Eaud, next thi night 'win brains out. Mental darrangemout was the years old. the Treasurer asked him to tell how 1111104 wishing to lone their tsckl*�. took boat, rMs farewell or, Moud.&I 91125"is to each flow cseUpwwds of 1,000 menare to bedischark This inlachinery would u6t be, the American silver at present and at the "me time the advertising would Cost per lot. The, _ctv" the opon SPI 'water, audhorbd ping muic *W 444 bower. A . 3an Francisco, Feb. #.-A. terrific �d from Poeamouth Dockyard by gradual s&"pongive, we beliee, and tkdm iS 70:t% 1, A S W to sloop; wind XxPosikr cannot use the pup. , 16 ths, its V lf*�t ish%iihing thoi instalmouts between the promt,time, still "b4 bot it would be & poying o1wists the fluct"Upw it has been subject He "Idedilow, aud 111"timAtes, pd pjooaadsd to thei . r 004 and t1hose, who laugh, and those who weep, sterm p"Poa over VirginixIia, yes* the end of Karch. W14 a r table to and the oonawWy recarring loss"' it and charg" SIKIY. Thim w6 uss. After t�fllng for some hon4 they Po*,& ALMT Feb. 9thy 18�0- Whiloat the doraters Ish, lonely tarclay.' Iffousk were unroofed, chimneys In nor$ 9pas21&m, it properly Sri snud up fo 000"i0a T gat them -up, but after:wading �lmoat oonsequenee of the frequent rur IT= he inioe he,asked forsdertiving only rae.-me, On Y_ blown down, and several rsons seriously ugo, Goderich "It would be unsurpau*d We" w4pold humbly 10"t Qua gar MY V"x siaiux.-As you. always- *Ake Of ill health of Pius JX, the pitblic mind by amraift of the kioA in tho world. sad Governasitut should bogm to think of the Tax IA,.eds was not rookoaod by the waist dee t* where the boats were, #ey J. B. BLUMM. injured. One tuanwas is busy with the names of caudidates for )* W, do*?Dt it would mea wM a Ameriomosilver, sa so much bullion, froib sp^ce used for tW purpew but 011wd0ta-4mu4 -th&4 embarka" was & howzdaus an interest in the wellfava of your readers, baeridh, Feb. 12, 187,0. Portland, 11IA4110, Feb. 10. -The Ray- the Pipsay. Tue election of Archbiskqp thom .. Itically lumped --the result as usual beivig expecirrieut. Spme of them had to throw ut our "Is Men fmul AuKiee, a" treat it aeoordin&4�. 'It lay before thesa, tho" few don WO strong, yesterday X&ARiNig is Strongly AaYMW in ElIgIAUd. ro*4y ano. !At amb Me tkisk oirsiAbo sub*L Lai 010 suanot wilkister arrmp with the anorverkarpouthe0ounoil. Theinsin- away tack1s and fixh in ordqr tb $sTo thek oftaps afternoon went down in a steamer to visit What&* results of the s"ar"ina of Bleaks. ko treaual liatiou that the 84%41 6YOr BPr"d thit lives, which they all succeided ist doing, from &jaxPh 4 �he podWr Sinailf V, few the Monach. Churoh and State in Irelaud might be, ly pur&"o American milortisement over UnX4060*017 a" is we are gW to say.. wooks AI when DougUerty flung an axe The Bei4w bas been greatly int- ey were courteously ro- PlItIONIMU in GVA(- NUTW, Ak all their Agemiss for fk. aa we deer Ibim to mys it. at him This village was nant thr"31 in- Ceived by. the 0 rX. r exaunn�ipgomld not fativ be understood; but if, PTOT*dl lately. Afw CWWW" r4wr the ship they sang several pi Of MUSIM AS he hoped, and felt sure would be the ria wbo, abovat tj�*�M of 110. D.," 000taW AOQU= .-Mrs.-Ifoug, charged with to excitement on 'Ronday, tia's 7th inst, tortudry has been started. thq haw at presmW io M6r WPM; fixing I Por work wthfully porformod we Wia Irl Captain Coinmerell ths them In A case, ProtestAntism !a Ireland should be says the ffXP0*Wr yes and few ths aoo y of a purse, dTgppod bya Ma; when soma, f llows Hying foar or five miles b� -Menra. Laidlaw & Robinson., brief address. To day the officers of the strengthened by that messur asdiacomas io a vo As will4woA to eaver chage thD4 indulged tfiemaolvesin drink- o, he hoped board, ight no tho b"&.ftenay, ths eost of Goini th work j�t performs Pritey, Iso" brmot befors, the County nafth ut and on and trus", also that the day In t _4,at invat ing and pZ�mbliug;afWrw&rdain quarrelling 0::Y' The County (Jouncil bm decided Monarch IPTO a dinner on MM406 Of n000saWy SWAMI)t into Canadian Zvor, Ily jA& This 'work fsidftllr per- jw4e in interim CourtI, on Uonfty,, and h that hereafter, no sh killed by, ctolp, Friday noon& hop. OuSundaytheMen. be jar "tpmt when therb Would be a se. the *%pan" ot pwah"Ing *0)4 with OM84's i6ths few wl2k1l he printed, and thre"Guing.; auA lastly two of t em be paid for.. VT& will XaiL hoovor h* is) aviden kuosrs "d =6 - wit ]I� tb* County, OsIrd pawwo of Church and State ill England "uittoct--thevidence xot being &awsd ted Wyes at each other. Whether of yari- tbo 8&aduk* pr"M xaas, to be struck jULO OD rwdea. for Mr. I mu* t say. Kft�aairdine Its antirely at the mar- 'New York, Feb. W-For'xeyral wealm- -and in gwtlaud- (Land cheers-)-Afr- a biralyular lamoluli they have any wounds, elei aftreajoto if thiX uipw FPO conalusUe. Am . Th* lax cy Cd the lbst are that breaks out -no fire past Aftotiations have been pending be- PoRw at Rooklak. An" About the mo"ic Cosmogony. g** air Pro* Hiucks, y, we would P" presaviork, know oue of thain, the father of 7 or. I mift& no hooks urladdenv*d no tween, the Baukers Telegraph Co. would b4v* ac W raure sonsibly if he NNW 0OXXXXION jrrra &ax. -We cUldrart, ant home with his vest s*A bell, no - - �ud Tim Hsarw oir TnxQrxxK.-The Laft- on sikv, by an aaions� ft a Y, Ither whick "Id Dint sI JX afe"lug I ed st= aurue Queen has been safering A 'am put the osao plsinly to brother Mer4ury omitted 0 notice r of the awrt tom u n4pL I wish suI charsetws water Jiupp7y. their employees, withU view to t "at th it Axwri"* an for this mulou '=. And h$t him Judge fr pwUvs eyoning *u vat7 Uww. "=ooul dw- Ok em@b"4d by the wonla stay at home, vA give ux l::)- Kliboadine longs to b000me a ral- 46 Una tO tIhO IsAw- Mw x the poist few zaa ths or himself. Ckmuwd in the sat* of a* si rer -aingnsw= *119 MIA h1kof1%, 14L P&*Mr APA his I eallestj 'hope fhe neighbours will seek way terminus. It would be the best thling us Almost 00mPlets- from seek is, affocttag diGront PAI count. is Wt a hwr an"Imi It wo SX0400ii �20 ot. sw" 'Juvouils chair. 164 had to Xv"'Gimd ths4 evor happosed to it. IN91URA�NOX CH4NGS It Ono* wo, I a gwd far 712 13UMNAR ON OVIU AND CANAPA. Now of this boo, and severe euough to serious - Val&= A!V-- siot Imm *0 ly istestap with rest. Her lisjostv has and, silrw a4*4 - "W64 im- ii rose, WWWWW ­,." I - Immanso aumbers of 4"nod hop Yo* Ireb. 10. A Worid fta,&Sam ow a Yom The Pr*vloeial lwwrams Company hay* Of the b"-' 9� �Ws wI tba*4 V"*#ff dmdiW A SUEWIRMER- and livo o*Ule havo boon sent Sam froma has interviewed Seuailo.* lgnt�sw, aud ob- I from a reaurroloe if tLe Ulnea his views o3L Bruce, this year, by way ofGodarich. the topic of the 1301 jtppeAute4 ax aasaftw. tho well known Ift P- r point W =4 Tba IWd Navw 04��- Thw have been a stwilaN aftacking the f*A* severelv­ of who lived an a farm ODPL on of Onimn beUigenuoy. Jrhe ttributed to dia- Aribuir HarrOYAho bu*or of that TahmUs to oonvet Domed (;oUlieb I I P�­Wil ­ - -nition nervous ay&Wrjkj due ij is strong[ d to r000g Ww* ad informau00. the yor boA and into Whish w* Am "=*& nais.lsorhoad of HeI Town- SeliAtOr Y or excitement. lkw sow years. *a w9vo bs*A ot the VX :="AMDA expowa, worIT, Jr* Xpoks, ship ol.Normaaby hung himself led week 45 the was nvw 1 4MM 4H mat live cal &0, beg To an jWied� DoWtomot *4 Ottows. tenow- Tvm Naw Pxms k3x vik avA hr oeuva� violenoe ill s. mww sed oftg of tho wmmi4ft of the Irish lit it. We belie" tra of rewm* that, ag wiU W absapWod in tianZa, 401 -,.ua ism" VM*4 term With, A*q&wm* Taitud Lasowne was hold at DubVm on Jan - 3" dde appunbwm6 we wo plftwwOR jawal praoisaj hm&� A#. .,to CLUX49. cAwid to lboar boas oant to OW611 SUtMd 46 fiDaMW OMi4 WOO" 9`11#1010, 1thA woult nary Mr. Tristram Kommody presid- the Governumat to on" the os6stifm 41 capbsift 0. Y. VWMAW SpA4 bo"4 Atlet to Ajid sureties to k"p AAWAO th* ago" h* T Cuiacke L Mackay, of Fermoy tko 40wk is as ixosamt job &ad ot Tol"aw ft smosed um tt��' JJrj4uqw* zwFired Was very is not me lotilm to the efoct that the I* b*4* is *b* rwtipr in pon"Oft bom *16" Now *111r* as to an rt 41 honest *Forta to .W .4 b. &JA low bo � Am*'*" firut INA 1A 44 PPO 204 TV Xurag 0066WA betwom tko uihi, ob -light, but would not be VS= it" I" &AV* 04" smobt wbo "aw4aft'-sw blued a saw siterm The Wuss "A mob 'to 1060� Is "i in the *Teat at a It wabsua, SfA 4W VW iaAWkertm m Now anything shon of wurkr ly �w an 000100, to %am ROW* yaboodag. (NAZ 44 1.11514 iad stat" aaad offlabL. JIVIIA *ad "I be bAw *Wut Wedusaday. We lad wook 4= "I bosa"a.- heI lair no 6L Unding to the paomb*. annexaa to No uxion co of Insh inambers at his way boa* wit 46Z slafrd ah Guisr� Ablidili -. . , . I )a _, _ was" *400ts le his Will, aw w9ft some , %vA bung Iriddla ton yews, *^4 did *0 " *Am t000mmende& them to work in p"s- 4 ik is ftiA, lis vib, bei kh kiss, akmmb Ksxi 64"W44 1paiok said the. 0010 461; goasiw at bdr; Apyoft, -"t a the Lowe, and "not to ft&* ad AwaW landaw 'I *Ad Mr. 1AW, 41110ft*; ­ff. a - . Aftm ** quarrel, &C wbi*.ho.*m sent to viwkofZ =Amorwa omj�t. Infam the 00vamment. M a #A aL t live at %Noy -4 tbo. A&W 4*11W -we 'po4'svA rda" io 0000 he& am did some time ago, of what b wa. Ho was in PO4 to " scabusado had to as *b*16 of son &a* ta 0( tkaeouvil aft He Ia na9vo of Pobmd. hamiRAW4, Md we 4WI ooquift both. eir repr"ext 0* INS 4% -day 0 th th on Brigs t to GONEDT1 announ C Ir. (W brand" bad 'at an -a F,:1 Z _-ALM, CT:a UZ -%cx! no 7--e 7- _�a D 17C7,1 Is 7zow to<:-, 4'�D re a ycaTq i iff ft fo r Z L C C Euq - C�l -_::fJ 7-V V L=1!�c, cs 'A ES L_: !Ca5L%, C-35--css. FG. -L at, Las 20 C? Z� n Too h�� cY ne,_ ig"r,:z 5 -IV F vien Tl�tv= rq L (:icsn 1�, —cs 1r; 'ale -Ir- 9 t:3 C =Cnarc-'Is zv�'__!Iol - -4-4 -4:: 0 1-"+- L V I 17'_ 7' R-'i-Pv"j-'�rIT iaz 1-17, Gg CIL o Oifa a -I c"Y: In _,_2s 2�.' I' aris I 2)0e,� wilik V H cr FAII,, ri at wh-i fl,� vm! cY T,,nc-.-z�Ac fit h-.3 J, !r* CrId a Ard-ing SE a r -al to .-Z Cue mriu vi,:kc .2 fir, C 1, V: fs W, as I FTr�j Eir. in the 't'I F6,Q *!-.a Fo Ila vu WEIS F."Uff" fil:d I V '_ki Zi - 11 -avert" ir 42 - CA Cie r,"".YA f"k Oil: 6jiLlo F T-) g Egn, 3 f� vvp-lc ST and f,-;. jj� I 't ilk inle uiigumium xrnt and V ki'i a cver ma,16 ts dr, It it, siawd till ff,() JW-) jlreiL7,,� t ifi. ni iW-u ilio t97 --i -The iie ii-. ii 'Verted iuto W 3 L : i V, U -Ttit, Dwi_ 1wr, adc, 4,ttdi Y'diffird , a 14 tw coailt� ti; Lwriuz rvw rAv r 4r A. ljou�i T -1 -Jaw 46* d5if *rid evec quotea by (�d b#A ecILPOW U1 -lie v o blast elf -Tarefte smd pit at L W roof of ON A