HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-02-17, Page 1'Oft SALE - t •_'•4 •••• j I rr WTI rs 1 %NM / Wan -•! .att'rPir 7 1:.. L rth end )1,11 • \ • h. N, T!'i‘T krtnic.4. . , ., • , , ‘‘f the „,.., ,• . ..... , • , r: ..I next after . x t , '3,,, of this . 'i : '• • -. e 1,-..n, Matti - k! .... ,.,.. , n, n • : `ser A, D %FaiLIST IL OR RENT! HALF LOT Nt'MKEK ot EnPett, ell the t we, i1 K.{ r W a itoet5 Toes ttartlwt andweI ✓ seers ..:es -a nee Seventy . We; , fe need . Fos • s pyv . ose on the premises,. li.kNKIN LAW:40N. 67- 7.QTAL • , W. 131, Ilitor. Llid?roprietor: a , • . •. VirJEWJEKIIV 301:10IPIC-PIN The Ireatest Possible lood to, the Greatest PossOle Number. $11..00PIR A.NN 82.00 T E2ND 00 ..rin for Sale. F.,. tie d Cop., es...ion. In tree h tg68acres, 3,,es en red oii h good Frame 21 miles from • sa,e ape:y at Ice D. vision .o 1r. W 16.61 NG ac„ses.. `1.r.pr. 2i, I rzt)S. ..w35 tr. RM FOR SALE. 11i-NDRED ACRES. LTT1. TAWNsTillr OF GREY, e ' • .1,0. storeys 1.7• k r s, • 1 -- 17i 'him Sea- .ne ,•• from s, hool, • ,-..1 ..• at A'nterville ; rsirri : an.? ..77.• As:71314e - ,r l'rt• ',v.°1, be accept - Ave', v. rat- Ev.tv, • , t Merida F • wts FOR S AT :E. s CTODERICH, ONTARIO, D. 0:,THURSDAT FEB. 17 ) 1.11•I•M•MllMiMMI•••.IINLII•1•••• E 0 TA: L Business Directorn. D. SUTHERLAND, DEALER IN Coal. Lumber, Shingles, Laths, &e., YA.R.Ds, at the Harbor and corner West and Waterloo_t_4treets. ta- Odice, on Waterloo street, in rea r of the yard. Goderich, Nov. 5th, 1868. 42w&sw lvr* qtatainercialllotel.11itebet1C.IN - (OHN FLICKS, Proprietor. This is th targestaud bestConntry Hotel in Wester Clanada.arid coarges as moderate as any Finns in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor, Goodate:blingfor 100 Horses Horses and Varrisees for Hue, on Shortest Notices 14:7 Business ElitectorD. 1 PHOTOG4AFITS - 'Stool Po Dozen. - Stoves 1 Stoves! <if , --'.3. 0 : IZN F.. 100 ACRES, - .):• slso good burn , - 4 en .h..1:11, well .the farm, and - •front the pr. r..ises to 13:, 11 r1,u Godei icb. C STEWART. Iva o carriage Shop, ramiltore.StGtaierittia. • 0 i HA'• g .1 cents, postage free. One dozen from back negative 87 cents,:postage free, to any address. Da' Particular Attention paid to Copy- ing old AmbrotYpes. • - 1 VOL NO 4 • JI 10 The , Toronto City "Cotillion has unani- mously Passed a By-Laiv, Voting -a Venus 4 ALEX. WALLACE, st00•000,, Aatextraordinary e fa several .feet to the Toronto and lifiuskoks WATemtAKER Railway. Gr 0 re - Robert Cassels haswritten Ong letterto AND JEwE LER, has taken place m the . w era of Lake • WIin" smear, Mr. Capreol, advocating the Huron and MBE Subscriber 'having removed bathe Store latly oecupied by A. na.ysmilh, West Street" °Pgisite -ntario Ship canal. . • or the sepponwith which they have favored Post Office, wishes to thank his friends and the publ. v- Francis McCusker died it Streetsiiilie hap fur the last 25 years, and begs toissurelhem that r. no effort will be spared totifent unmans a 1' esterda at the advanced a eof 105 PDOZENPROMBACENEGATIVE Patronage, fill -anxious study will be tosupalY was ill only two days -and retained. his For either large or small photographs. The Watohes Cloaks and jewelery- faculties to the last. ' a The Dominion arbitratore Invin . . . coin - work bas been done hi, myself, customers may depend pleted their labors htive left &nebec I) Ottawa, ht which will give satisfaction to the purchaser, and as ad• on having it well executed. • for Montreal. • te A good assortnient of Gold and Plated Jewelry. Watches, Clocks &c., alwaisp ys on hand. :was roug Infore lYlr• O'Gara _Police Magistrate On WALLACE. I ALEX Godetich Oct 261h 1868. w40 ct) subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal 1.g patronage heretofbre extended to him, . pi would just say that he ha :i made such im- •- 1.43C3B. . . . g rovements in his -gallery as will merit a con. THE "LIVERPOOL & 1_-ONDON &ranee of' the same. • I AND GLOBE • /13' A Great Reduction on INSURANCECOMPANY „ Large Photographs. • - }Ls been in existence Thirty-two years, and E. L. JOHNSON.- viduring that period 'has .paid Lotiace exceeding , Goderieh, Oct: 26, 1869. • w44tf. ' I ve and a half Milhon pounds sterling, • Thedisbursement �t this -enormous sum over • ' a wide area, kas-without doubt contributed to NOTI ,,,.., -ri ‘ cathenfiedlinacbelisohinvinlieofoothrpois rlatnisottntsurer, in n k../ -10.1 A Householders, and business men generally, M. chantfse, . wherever it re represented. . ., In its 1st year, 1836, the Fire Premiums • £9,970 - alone amounted to... Al/parties:indebted tOR.Itttneiman&Co In its 10th year, 1846, cc -.cc cc £47,763 c, 20th vear,1856, " g• fg 4222,279 . . 66 30th rar, 1866, c4 cc ' rr, 4889.332 countareherebynotified,thatimlessthey The Fire Reisem„ Fund le now S4.727,464 CALI, AI PAY UP AT ONCE - The company is represented throughout On.. The Life Reserve Fund is now $9,282,468 hey will be sned, iviahotit l'urt-ber notice. tano arid Quebec, by influential Agents, to ITN IT ED STATES. EIIROTE :a • 0 , A Cengressinan fro-niAlahama !tried to pmch the gaslight out, but found some hadateien the wick.' ,: Prince Arthur visited the Ladies Club, 1 in l•ew York and caused an immense :dea- tructionof hearts and toilets - . ghe Anti -Mormon bin introduced into , ,_.: • Congress Proposes to send • the army, pr 20;000 volunteers to EMI, to uproot polygamy.• . The new wean eme t for a postal ser- vice -between France and the United Statea - recently 4oin mewed by the Rrenchigovern- -- anent, applies Solely to prepaid letters afia - not to thodeaon-prepaicl, mama been pub- lished: The steamers carrying the malln • wilf call at en Englishport both ways. : Paris, Feb. 6. -Messrs. Thompson and I I ...M4M411 "The lieW liatioal2' awa!--that way by 'himself, has he f I wish .4 had Oliot himself. "Ali," said he, ".gane i moats willisu6b beadingisaxi !The , Thethird number 'dated .2.1.st Jitimaryt -, ponent, „whit, in a fit 44 mentalaberrati.on is PneatlifttellUal:,71.'-4:1t.Ff :41:::}teloatc:e6nitiellallgeeTelm*einilit:irtaellle.efinilit! • ' Great Britain. - Akeen politician in the eityof -Gimp* . heard -one day of the death of a party op- , "A lady of noble birth " has leased the " e .rilliPirel 'Ainetican Continent,' One liag 1 that he had teen twa-three daps Ishoothe -ntl',.? saloons of a Loudon theatre for the par- ! a which'natural rules' mutt prevail a among hisiriendsbefore he went 1" - wpoosrehrnofegnivoirtghtehdeoephro-Apitsrialtheshdise viewea in th,e light of the fact c ,i I a, z ergn ea _a i Thei0thataILI n ae Redyme In gui :x11)11; set ecliit.ts tli ii ape n sa st fa sti 1 w.i:i tIlia ref re a ri i ,Z, she tvanta—cauts -quo mute." — , the Catiedita. 0annniOsionnr, ot bar" in toll dress, with two pageu Misit,Coutte hasan income of X500,000 !SWIM' Txts . 71p A BReoun.-A and playing do' iiditlieiginavethaeslimmoselet A.a4rilit;leyniLiesd ctredi' lute- s year, and can afford to have whatever 'which pnieeacre Dofromghetedatin, Ira eglaX.,itenuapat: cauurilovusla 1 3troblielimmaziFin:tireelstlifitii:;:trol7Etn:inti,t:74; a charge of manslaughter preferred by • Vauehyate, the agents for the Amer • ieau woman; she took it to a dealer in oldaron publish it below ; ordlunnarhing thattho Mr. Jordan, father of who was poisoned on Friday night; The on. Mr. Macdougall left Ottawa for St. Mary's, to visit his father, .who is Cable Company, have 'returned from the and marine stores, who allowed a shilling Official advices are received from. San , origin, no doubt written by fha American opinions expressed are*Ineriasn in their ' Hague with the concession for the landin h "find " E li g or er . x.amining a ttle more of anable from the Datchlgovernutent. elosely isitspected had a peizei wen- • dweasrfuishl rweowrdkmaehonusgithiptoshasywit ittshealft, tai laotlfig, etoitizers :f twhheeiejoeleall;talinelisrinetiliPalerefTePriened • D • th h H • J'. WHITELY, ciaruno.u. and ts mng ant superio es, Buggies, Wagons EsIMGEIS., Cl. J. i b.RS. V. ederst . Buggies on band, arol for h art-b-tes the line that k'avterat.iy olth any :n the County warn. nted pal.d. to Wagvn and Carriage Re - R. WHITELY. 19 w41 Ai CABINET AND )1aSTERING WEST STREET, FE BANK OF MONTREAL, GODERICEL ERIC McKAY, T BE subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal .1- Patronage so long bestowed upon him, begs to in- ' form hisuumeorms customers and the public generally that in consequence of the late lire, he has removed Ins business to the store formerly occupied by 3,1r. Booth, West street. next Bankie Nlontreal, where eyerything n his line will be fountrand All Kinds of Job Work will he Done the same as usual. G. N DAVIS. Goderieb. 22th March 1 COAL OIL, WEIOI.ESALE AND RETAIL. iter Coal Oil Lamps,. &c, &e. Old Iron. Copper, Brass, Wool Pickings, and 'Sheep Skins taken in exchange. J. di J . STORY, Sign of tit Large Coal Oil Barrel, Vodench. March lst,1867' •64, NOW IS YOU CHANCE 41h. htl O. BARRY & BRO., lissa tom CABINET MAKERS IV OD - TURN ERS Prices to Snit the Times _ ANDUNDERTAKERS, Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz, Hamilton St Goderich •=••••••1.1•• OET-D RFSPECTFELLY A N- nommee that he has oporied a ptto above tine. on West Street, opposite irhe he will keep eoastanUy r 7 -It,. to Emlei, Itrrwiti OF All KINDS- h.L-mi asscr=ent of Uph,,Isterirtz ie be piepared to promptly all orders rantay of Grit and Rosewood Mouldings on eure Pramirg to Order. by ,arf.,..t ete.d..0 husinass to 1.7e inl)e. T:auonab-re- Sav LSO. w44-tf ta on 75ets. PER IIALF DOZEN. EP constantly on hand for sale all arti. Large Photograph Reduced in Voles in their line such as ,Proportion. Bedsteads, bhairs, Tables, Also -will make the largestPhotog,tapbs mode in Goder- Sofas, 8ce., el- All kinds of wood -turning done, such a Nool poste, stair bannisters, neckyokes, &c Always on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a HEARSE to hire on reasonable term Goderich. May 3rd, 1866 15w6m• • GOD E R10.11 WAGON &CARRIAGE ieh, very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar upwards at D. CAMPBELL'S Photogiaph Gallery. Goderich. Oct. 19th. 1862, w27 'T M Oldest Establishment in Town. r•ema-ke Testmorcals` ed most e extraordinary ernes Cana by .1 INDIAN RE.VEDY. They arestem. nn a.contesnit!e facts. sufficient to convince °that the Great MerEernal Compoun. ter for anes uovr at:mailable ma the. Great HOMES REMEDY s ot the 'threw, Ltmgs, Lsver, Thgesuve &c, as csell as Seroin, the varnaos , Rtz=ors, isid all (513,-mm:a arising from a/the Flood, we boIdly state tut this great NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where ever web a awe aa that the prison ai maze mean, C. W.. of Conastunprion ; or ec2er, Dern....0,.00ro, C. W., °rem- oras:of Acthrose Woodiefecuseeon, osia ind &mar RomoNunt, as that of John Napanee„ C. W. or Sheumainsza, who had en on crutches (os team, in state °fall treat- . Etat! ix coo toren. Scores ofsuch cases atonal had we space. 3 at the Drug Store and get a Ci or centric:tees on the Gif.F.AT Sid .. ltEMBIDT and PILLS,. aad satisfy your rtiee of tke Ress.dy istarge pints Sli bysit Druggists and Dealers in Medi • atsicirGodeneh, F. Jordan and Parker & IVEIOLIWALG AGENTS gracjart:k Co. (OSONTO. UGH k WATSON. S5 CO., & TON & 1.114WIT.TOIL To Messrs. Case az B.LAIN Sr ta..s, Cmwray F. 0., COMaty of Lencox,Outario Canada., Maness,. County of Ilastint, Provime of Ontarkr, Feb. Oth, 1848. tooextlYthatdurnag the.whater of 1866 taken with's. weakness of the ancies, whieh , dniatta ti)e- spring of MT, extemded to nay aa tonly hips, and 1 liesme so weak tiotvia.4,. but was confined to my chair. twa years. wide' AblaWealaness Sas- costing afterwirdsjscoi,gktraedicaladvice.essloy- tinies,tbareedoctem... tud, medicines of pteseribed byfriertilig la. torwimail. • -, 't Wane and worst. verm. the -gunner hem, iwss Maned totrythegteat8luashoness yreadingttecuresperformed, in a panaphiet. welhad begun tared. the wealcayss in my fact' was utettWilaltest helpless. 1 have tibertees olOse EV shoeless Remedy and two the awl ani entirely restored to health. ...delta get better, but sharply tried the as a soft Offorkossilopf. lbw ease of mine dsesbutkisownlo all ray neighbors .iiiiiitrianyosealticied was, bate try thtSleailoacse Netnedy: beheve it yam Maier ANN Doman'. tobeforerseatitsoioe, eoulitar of Hastily" lay otrelonmety.180h SF; Woop,.1- Rice: certify thataleIVIJOIrs Xrs.- Xstry Aais tbataelsatottetareent; she* ic-Wes itf attest*. I have kTIQW/I: bog terore.auring. her iltsliesar1ste certificate to be trypertletilsir. bionrilistwitilaillberesse cm; asetIVaZir that she b s at slim savoy altrilattet reeovery to the messeft. irlitterar any hat ortaisileetiesee; oat tbisg _ oat Stliseeetest elliessigliketlig_perfornsimeasof A. W0410,1, Voir* ofltdOssii.PASItieriefOstakr, -Arany, _ r t c) v , rr HE Subscriber would announce tp tbe pub. .L he a Huron and Bruce, that he isnow man- . nreeturing first-class Carriages, Waggons," Sleighs, ' ttipris, which will be sokl CHEAP 'OR CASH. tel. Wanted a wood -worker, and. two apprentices --one to learn wood -work and the other blachamithing. 1 JOHN i'ASMORE, • Victoria Strebt, Godench Coderich.Alav.16th. 1868- w49 • IMPORTANT NPTIOR T.R.MANN, Muse -Sign & Carriage Painter. IIESIBES TO -ACQUAINT THE PUBLIO WELT helumftttetlepat shop cut North streettextto the WealeyanMethodist Church, with. varnish room, tett; tithed -where he,is proem(' to Snail orders promptly, and atreasonablepnees. Thankful forthe patrionage oftbeisat Tyears solicits,. contintumce of the, sa.me. Nbit is the time to Paint your Cutters, 0 - Sleighs,_ and Carriages. a • ZrOlderti front comitzr-Cartiag' agave attended t'a; • wisistitdjuiPalatiagortaka. Gilding.. Co:alObBileilszbig, gaper - •'banging. &c., &a. , Ooderka.._Ncer, -8; MA11)1112', rand' Office, ' .0451STER trepro,iia: rating annt_lin ,teadfer Sale- - , • MAxiN AMA1NTN DS TO INFORM HIS OLD CUSTOMERS I/ that ha is till able to sell for cash, at the ovaest rates, &IL KINDS OF FURNITURE. At his shop on Kingston Street, opposite the HOMO Hotel, Oodench. Give him acid!. Godench, Oct.3. 1868. swllw37. Maitlind Salt Well 1,1 EITHER BY NOTE OR BOOK lie_ One year ater, 1867, " •• £818,1)55 • • • R. RITNCrMAN, . - Huron Fonnaary, Goderich, Ont. Eit"-K,4 U aderich, 29th Dec.. 1868. w49. God whom applieation for insurance may be made. .C. H, Resident Secretary, MONTREAL 4. ROSS, Agent -for Codench ; B. V , for Exeter ; W.14 . Watson, forSeatortli emit „Fab. 1.1.18t8 w41 ROOM PAPERS • FREDERICK, • MORI !FERS A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF' . Thr Different Kinds of Papers ee REQUEREL For Halls, Parlors,tioing Rooms and Drawing Rooms, ALL NEW PATTERNS Geed Stock and declared by Painters and Paper Hang ers to be themost beautiful designs; The Best and Cheapest PAPERS EVER INTRODUCED IN GODERICH. Fi4R SALE AT . BUTLER'S.. Goderich..Aprli 12th, 1869: ALLAN P. NiCLEAN, 0 cc 7c* p.A15 JUST RECEIVED A 1:WE ASSORTMENT OF -OTHS of conscription. _ repo e tiLerous yi . • Two of the Quebec newepaper editors have quarrelled, and one spices his attacks with a charge that his rival' ';been en- gaged in thecontraband operation o smug gling French liquors. As the alleged of•-• fenderis the representatira of what the telegram, calls `ahighetonedChtirch organ,' it is just a little cruel tobring his private peccaddiIoes thus into daylight. • At the Capital, the gross neglect of Ministers to attend to biushiess, is a by- word. About 1500 invitations will be issued for the reception and ball to- the Prince at Ottawa, 'en the roth inst. A Gertnan pedlar froiu Buffalo, named F. Schnpkegel, was killed on the road four mites east of Dunnville, by his -sleigh 'up- setting and thre-Wing him: oat.. A woman riding with him was Unhurt._ A boy of 10,. son of Mr. I. F. Coulson, was drowned m the river at Owen Sound,. while Skating. The Red River convention Of delegates is still in session but no decision- bas yet been come to. Dr. -Schultz. eut his waj• out of prison and is still at large. The Montreal Gazette comesoutin favor • WATCHMAER, JEWELER, &e.. WEST ST., GODERMI, Near the Post Oifice. BEGS MOST RplipeTAr LIN TO PLETUR'N atts sincere thanks to petiple of Gederich and vicinity for their liberal patronage dui 'ng tho past 8 years, ani. now pat the holiday season..bas. ar,tived with all its social enjonnettis'and amenities, he whuld state that all who wish to pro ohaseiewillryfor incsents otherivise of wartanted and -workmanship -woad dowen to buy from Mtn at, rates cOmparatitelv. cheaper than„that asked for _Vfortlaesslarash. All Jeivelly Sold for Gold Warranted. (*- Repelling done in the best style of , workmanship. . ISAAC FREDEitiCR; Goderich,Dee. 20,1h. w39-tf 'CHEESE CI-IEESE • Consisting in part of Westof England, Ewa& cloths, Beavers, Hrbitneys,_ Bearskins, Fakcy English -Scotch,andlrrerich Tweede,Cashmeres, Doeskins and a variety of Canadian Moths i.. Plain, Satin, awl Flowered Peelings, Shirts, Gloves, Caps, i&c.,fize. ' He feels confident of giving satisfaction to -all who mayfavorhim with their orders. - TWEED SUITKall wool)812'aidup_wardse I gar; Y. B. -Cutting done to Oilier. Igag, Goderich; Sent 25tb. 186'6 sw8:. ' 4 ' TO I..:MTi!'; Shephard Strachan, GROCERS, GODBRICH.- DiffAVE• been re,appointed sole agents at 11 G-ederieh for the sale of the celebrated Exefer Factory Cheese. _ Local dealers- supplied at the ;Factory Prices. , SEAR) & STRAC4 reierich. Mae2.7. 1867, , ivigtf °dui° Carriage Shop, (Hamilton St., •Ooderioht The friends of McGill I College met in Montreal on Thursday to ,consider the best measure for securing an addition fa. its endowment fund. • The Grand Trunk Railway Company have commenced hoekingthrongh to China and Japan via Grand Trunk, Michigan and 'Onion Pacific Railway, and Pacific Mail Steamers from San Francisco. The places they are at present tietting to are tokohonia, ails:11E0r, Japan, and :Hong Kong, Shanghai and Nagasaki, China. First-class and emigrant -fares- are as fol- lows: la gold, to Yokohoma, 8370- and 81.35,1. Hiege, $410 and 8150, -and to the Othera.8420-and 8150. fite.amers leave San Francisco for China and Japan on the first of each:Month:la The trip takesabout three weeks from Montreal to China. The, LondoUrrototype• in -to change - it 1 "name to..the Itercild and be issued as an eveniug instead of a anorniMgpaper. It is understood ADA the Hincks' silver scheme will come lute „alteration aboiit the 25th.of April next. • Reviewing the Red River bungling, the New Yerk Suit truly Says, ‘theopart. played by the various tricksters now misruling the Canadian- people appears MOM* but creditable, and their, rule ought- to be speedily terminated AYoUng Min named Henry James; <son offered to assist the revolutionists in the thin &coop:Tingly g . f. overnmenthacl tulles no importance to the inforniation. 1 . - the metal was not goidor silver, the^ work The revolutionists headed by Primertal are was some g uncommon. eriterion of oepularfeeli flere it im---- marching north•west..4 They have. captur s with it or a 1 s. e e came whenne o _ £300 were offered for it by a public muse- • *hick iCanade, has perpetrated in her at - f 2' PO Th tim • 0 f the most htexcusable blunders - Four American citizens were fired on, . f unr, and ow by -ti private collector.' It tempted acquisition of this territory, n ed Guaijol)an. and three of them woanded at Havana, on* was the 'celebrated "Tara" brooch, one of blender =hating irleall:WitY An Otter, &bat 7th inst. because they wore blue neck -ties. -the most remarkable Pieces of goldsmith's a tack of common Stenos 110 total iS that 4 work known to exiit. It is formed. of accepting, maim true eentimenin of this Waite bronze -this probably saved it from pttople,' those uttered by the gamtiatie Binghampton, N. Y. Feb. 7. --The real.' the melting pot to which countless tree- Canadian partrs which -144 the fuunda'' deuce of Col. Walton Dwight, formerly oe.- sures a gold and silver have been ,consign- flea of .our present troubles, Any other envied by Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, was ed -the surface overlaid with gold falli- Goicermment than the wretched abortion burned to theground.on Sueday morning. gree work of surprising intricacy - airia 1 toite-h they eaten AatninisttatiOn, winild Loss on building , library, statuary, fora- maxvellous aeliatcy of execution. Smiths have ilureght:a4loast of adligatinz tiolt13- titre, &c., 870,000. Insured for 864,000. its excellence, that one of the mixst at- so..tent or esnrissioner to inspire into former ropmbhc. The administration at- sus wisx rammer "OTTANtek• h raised its rice, and at length parted Peter T Washburne, Governor of Ver- complithed living goldsmiths -declared that the -sentini tital wants atul *1'449 mont, died -on 7th hist, aged 55 -years, he could not And workmen, with every of a people,Whom thPy expect to rule; tut The drought in Southern California fasts. great that sheep are selling at 50 cents a apparent advantage Of modern knowledge to them it appears it never occurred. To and appliance, competent to Mike Stich theni the suave -Me beauty of their ExeCu- another. It now -ttlepoeited --having five. the heatifin laveliitela of their renal head, their owners fearing otherwise a d 'fetal loss A party of half-breeds just in train favorable terrws---in the museum:of the dent talent of time' empty-headed LAP' been obtained from its -possessor on - very . Zudittary, and t e glorious an reap mer ItAiyal Truth Aeactemy in Dublin. Litttie, WaS so perfectly patent, that tke Indian camps on Mariss nver report that The British Parliament meton8fivinat , idea of the fifteeuthousand inhabitants- of the Indians are dying at the rate of 25 per -11.4 ; itela to spare their lips.- The report that day of small pox, and begging the whites a • opened by Royal Corantiesion account of the statoof the -Queen'a health, adoration and awe, Was too ridiculous to -this country not-ay....gat OW% 111 - The liberal tarty overwhelmingly strong. he for n moment entertained, All *et LONDON Peb 7 -TherTireca this m.orw- Mountitin Chiees band land others ha,d de-- - was -requisite wets to draw tneir -dared war proves wh011y untrue. • • t 'ttto our Midat -decorate !it • of the mark. Something new in this line The Engliso. hinds are advancing on the disOOVetea that the beauty of their instile- opinion that -ing-TePrillts a'treatPortion of an editorial ' lubgernau i : . _, , i general principles he was, perhaps, riga ; - article -from the .New,Yere Times. of 3 ann.. ? with 'e,mPtY Procuss, tna, ..411',..ns•311, el-ittit a, 24th+ and iPirilitients Rkirovingly kin : with Prl3P4seatail-w-40$1-mci public 111113""` tirilYelattei,!s assertien that Ame ' n credit ' Lleuts.,-,.A..a.u.,L.4 ve-"uldPrccItole, Oinfeiv*, NEW TORE LADY 'RANKER& King Seloinon-was of the . there, is nothing new • underthe sun. ,On and modifications of olathings; he was 'wide- - - • is skim in Europe bees ruffians it '-- 'neat" bil" vihwial and 14144444 Iv#111 • • How Matural, to suppose, after lutying but when we come to specialties, details ,L.t Roth; - ' . - delighted. at the honor. is turning up every A ay, and ameng the expectation that there will be a leary,4. flout had never beconie apwant to latest, the most interesting, the most mtg. flow, of bullion inttothe Bank of England ; that the benefite 10 1.41 4eriViiid. fain things is the female binekhai firth in Broad- Varzwria, -Feb. 7. -There hi' Is, tota.-1--in-- ccat"tnefY :dtheisccrnetilinsIt4fhatagletaille21‘41r" . gestive and the Moat promising of new &la week. st. of Woodhull, Olathe & Co. They have t,erruption on• the -Irish telegraph lines, reageneroeityintalang es in,a.n.aa000peseg created a ' new sensation 'on 'Change,' not cinninunicationeastWaraisentinitymitoff. - •Chanze of us, was nut appreciated --that . PLATT'S PATENT' EVAPORATOR„ ff10 let -in the Town ofGoderictt, for -a -term (divan a . . . : - . :.., , • 0: .-.• J.. WHITELY - ;.. -71. Brick Cottage with a tarp orchard and slx acres, 14.1-1,4,-,0 ;h. pa:0:-4riratipi",4mcri:j's turning out shi,erta '. geed land. For particulars -applAto. W...- De ALLEN-. • . „ Carriages. -: Ruggles, 'Wagons: The uncietaigned is prepared to ' Goderich Sept. 27thl$62 - .. _ . "Q' _ oraill.audE4 ,stBrmis, oxity,ttm 4.e.. .-:, , . -1 - -- . • ..-:-•-..-- •AnrunberMfdist elastBliggleicoir hankrtridlOr sate YUAN ISH No 1 SALT' --9.-- - -- -- •-. l• Bliddlesor Sominary.-- .._. Cheapfor bait Prices of all 'Articles:In thalkie that, Will_efautparefayorehly with -anyni.thaein14T- , - MEE design of Orli twin -1001s tOlirePirce stii•'-uri•d6 - ''',• •-• -I'X'A-11-Werk waritairUd.'' - ':!-• -•• - _ - .'.--,•-, - IN ANY - QUANTITY 41,-. THE • . 1.,jCI NV-el:5 it- pw 3r-ivia te, i. itc...hoitti.eand.t.&,x0 -et:pen:se for'7'eritoting,: . . . Uxiiversitlesand Colleges, Micl-as leachers, Aectiunt 7: FROM THE ABOVE WELL. ' . :811`rie Wein' teSPreTei4i?wil-411tIrmatIPtisset°,:lrgitbesdarinreilrisatteatrII, .4th, 1870. ,For Board' and Tuition. itt ShIgliiiit:'Snd.,.. " •'• -' ' - ,_...... ....„ ,, Classksiie*Alweekektarti430. iScholaishipin Cona- 9,. lip Olairri4.0.1*-6,.' mmaiaiDepartinent (rmiguitod),$.1Alintiogo..,... -. .. _.: Goderi_ohi. AfP, gn:._at.-.:Pr.r..dt '18.6,-, .. . '' vt,21t. lattlea.4,1.°4t-lo sislsors-rf 1. see!1"rrisra-44:46.14)Osa":11,0 g4:tale: , .thillairktilit,c itfravaiba,,F*611-jutitgegmati-i,0007411, f 11 .11 14 i.i.,Ai\111; N ., !Ati gq,rope::7_tlagglittos ta.tpopb f itxdpritictiet i -- ,:.: , i'ia ni.itt. "'t- Iirs41,111 Teff?.; . • • --. ' -- '--. ---------z._..,,...Ropicika.,0,...., - . 'ERISSIO.•OPRRE,.:.:, . ._ , "te*fronv,thalidatd.orEditgrz,. ., iiitit 0 ,..thirt,i.,. • se violent as, ha.more profound -then, the 'Quaetivieferia is at Windsor castle; 01 corner panic of that awful 'black- . dealers in bills„, bends, stocks, 45c:,* appear ' and will re -mem -theta till the 3.5th Prem. Another Atlantic Cable, thisone tO•con- lViclay; -aid these* lady financiers:: an , tote so firmly seated in the saddle and s necivilabisimdIthimic Ishlud ill Prciectca confident and go well,poetedthat &emotion '• Although Englisla Goveriteient only 1 prevails • aening the hum ducks and .01a- assumed -the control:of the -telegraphs on foxes cif' wan street that Vand.erbilt th the lst hist the number fsd m r tel e . ,, o V OIS 1.0 41- . . they should least propoialtheral7,4* plea of goverinnent. But ao, this gena - tion of wise menat Ottawa -I. -wise beyteid their day- decreed that we mast be ads. tate& up to the staild point of luitonieg our own wants before W4 are fitted to an - Joy the righte. oven ,of elective franaltisaea" We were abet -civilized meet pie, whie eldest fox of -them *bleat the -bottom of 1 grams, antler tyl. :44ittionce of 8 *rode -994 '. muit be fold. What IIPAS 10/4 r US, 114 the experiment. • No :Matter. The experiA tariff, Iwo already increased- oneXhird.-;--evith papandkept in 'S Sigh* Ilet lig - inent is ' one of great importance. If Mile oiay secs:Milt for the. delays and .isr- ittottid gekilittO mischief ; artaCanads apt a I imeoessful it elicits a new , and .leomadlese parent -difficulties; of 'working referred top , to be our ,goarailot„. cone,div !hese 10.0/0 field for emPlriyinetif to women -a regular 'recenteable despatches.- - territory •would not be a hack yard. for eery .. California' gold lilaeer,- net MAY In New ' The Oxford University Boat Crew has future laokulation, the forniof Govern York, but in- every city amtlfowa. in the ,accepted the, chellenp of the Camblidge '-tnent Alto Chose for us, exhibits hey as la- Unitail States mut in, both hemispheres. Crevr tor the ..,.,..t.... ,..n race. --. - 'capable of fain:Ilia largo ompire; Alia minacation to the London -Mote. =gluten '14 she liaa tile *x41714 a 'the unit" 'of-- the, new benidek fink, they say,' are backed by:a capital Of half a Inilli011, and ' ..the Gaireinmant sotematizea• emigration '. Stittnit 130112b1.114,1 130 Orb her aapon,tha like the experiment' as a new thing. and we as a sanial. reileE 7 ., , , _ i - treatment of now territeries. A gov, .thaftheyeaniuit fait- At all events, But_if it should fail I These ladies' Sir John B karslakeheawrittens,coin-' this incapacity the' ulc're 11Bleu'lable isi-.,•eTwheys.-Nr,ek'sliontesrlr•S, en. thaleuthe,anitoolrititalityt tat; rompaerairiji.91,ng.- jleeIihne,tmaki:oNtrith. :eare.selyetetenc4h:ci IntgoftteinpPtiacoW:443oruirlailatiators. ita,t0 nthWhosot'itsristriosethsputg-1404177ppalei-toYfiy:1111,44.4' --3ya was- li-itaueccsa;* -FkILITOE• :ewe ittattUtiotta, nor the eotensost AnteriTin hirrialif an Nnglish newspaper, ' t "t to ire 'titian and the defend- o future weal. . - o nut ; in 1,1T of Mr. Wilhamjames merReeVe of- West . : 'tithe case of ilinfi Rochefort, tio,44 *meet° Frothily semi example is heady York, was instantly killed at -Ins* fare' On last Monday by the-upsettineol kileigh. and a heavy saw leg, The nufortimatez Its editor -in -c . tef.ag ,an ,gaiglishmapt- the - : log. wpasececrusasah4edwbasenoeratmhxtehmiertight_ boarithsei_ .itavao,4400,14.,i,oer:saextIti; .:b,b4,1s.•alt.., ,cotintan-0413teveonrIfteletts5; cd!O surrender hunts; , If and his loss will be - by' riumeinn_ if. - eg - ail' ' r if -, Gi- - 1 "al i°,- .,. Imam- /- ate. EL- 0-ite's leer - friends. - - . . . •-f - ',.. •• -• -11'-er!soenfgliiilisliman,theday -editeriii on, ___, . ar-se 74.64 - • ' ' ---4 ' other -Englishifitin the might editor hiji",--cazt•-aPPesalsd'On WhAaa_. Y' Ith- -4' -all:1410 ' . • They have ueprecittaenteclilwiillaltireitlii` canidia : • A:- 0, 1 fn - -... ,i ••teristic article oyerthegignetarintif A-040.. er in Nova,Scotia this Winter.' -The etli n ; Etn- °11.47 -1.' 13.9w-.,mi?''''Yell/' f 'Eh' -et -• 1 ii I . - - • - either regularl or "adagio any to, lade qr Ins- .P:. le a Ye 0 a =OP Ile ea . ?articular attenidoalialato Wagoitand Ginkgo -Re-! R. 3.-wtattrit God,e46; Foam - "- • , - - . CODERIC lishrlereowns:role ro- ieilintichdiamitt211- on 600' A_dinVirtis.er Rota okarctirt,'Npv.,23rCIP6P.•:: q _ _ = Oita, lanli•dliliailiark 004Prid* March. • Marketsnoar.v- ToTga_823,1eht-& "34 .* _ _lattLidarofelligasiTOats21. =4-.141.1,4=':240: Er 9 TER - - . Q011.1)(33T. irk it doderiche San. 14th, 1.86S,._ . inglimmet &COO IONEEAS::' " THOMAG''WEATHERALD,.:_,-J-., day a dandelion • fullblotim-was gatherecl• - • • • 1 - 4 ' d Id to ' Ayr -totes of importaDwkig Enidiskruali- serve tipon on or.ering m coreiti- near Halifax, and Mityfieviera were -gab ered in the vicinity Windser.,- - _ Stanley. ' Council Met • pursuant to adlOurninent- ItteMi. Pillions' Hotel *Agit' on Non - day,' the -7t11 Feb. -1870. All the Menthern, present. - Reeve -in the chair. Minutes of Rap Rtvent--Mr. Wiliam G. Smith.lee. rotary, -writes on the 11.8th of 3annaly front the HLudseri's Bay Smog to the Lenalien prate sit raider It shosild. leextionea that New Tea cable despatah.had presented the mum* at Fort Garry- of 2200,00 by the "irh0 &Mt. Ansa* the fluasoo's Bay Oompanysittiwor, ized -met° state that ao information haa -resoled the menipany. respecting the or roach of a IA014.4 x to t.h* River Settlement, es Aultb*Aeilla * tetertm fro* View York, vibmgled news of t� -day. The report** SU* ore -a a large seas of money frOM thaa?In4 001 '-Athliktrditus,- irl'ettrutil; t'!iitaturtra.,14: n°1isoirnist-„„iii.erfeea:tieurtelliifeeingelATif' trui:P4'-r-12°11-rtner;11B •Q°13edid24all'ieni*wit'°Iidlibra i • an as oh, f20.,,••t1, i4pror71;ii-_0,7,44:11,.,iiwix. 7,;,,iii.ogr,:itibie,s7±0.:n.:04-,,_:.:. 1:401,:hif,ael'rea,• u-inicilitsItt„;:its7szphuiter 11,i'llet"rimillrel.4:4:'0114tigit - COilgieNe On tb.4 'liar. ., , most come prePared to toe forte.- •• • , ' ' , -,ii- .. - ' '• - ' Ruiners are abroad that the Prince : • . . . • TEE Nnie/..Youit,:lierald'a Washington :-- , . - deiPetoll) -defot:14040ay, oars .:-•-• . - , says thlifterteirsiniir'o fobulindattlitienin°4f4er4gr Lieini."141i°' -.froapbtot:Dcitiglosaild1C-ntlieric-Celdeg test vote au the mom to -day s, on the ?Tariff- 6.11t4ave, 11°U.A.enir is ri° I° -I"' wilted • lull. I's tre'amiTY eilII ba" 1M 10016.144411/ 1Brit theetinoread-•& approved. ' A Petition .. !There was what •Outv , be.-,r.egarfied- aa ii.: -., aid ta'iiiieti'isiiiiroaelfrthiiS9,1ila111.-Pialliso)).: -1. 3tui07,iiikagaiiv:Ice.,;teof#,i;ouitsmidietter4:onff.er:::: i•Ina°,3er '-wt,itol:;;18.:Tvhesail:g4Leozaiin'ir*Petavmege,49.11fficiejr,7tt-h,p'aibeTnisilibuttic4lat ..,- •-nfroinaemn Junin, thura.slattoitheti."6"11;fra artoe. Ase0YrthardstirthillyollilitaNzr"ty.V/001: A petition froeiJitiOnMePonalci and_ tfi. Mari -hall;.- of illinOis,- who il **ember Of : - iesoiottanAadaringl .,41anihatatiaathattariir:;astrottOmerifrein his office of . director ' Of '. •Doegtubar 1_ Sas Maly -4e.pradat:iciao by. •ii.iillii,oteillaiatit3,15.1,...aratafgottanvp64:70.;h13:4,4rajoltptitiff'orr. ttitistienletiPeoxianiilji°1reirr'S:ntrYtis'or vaii*aelthillfige Ine-i4.---- 'IlithaselnlireAeg,takliehalfnis, -briedlatanantitY'Cli:Slat the-te4430121**7.1r111 toolilte,t. vaniitiiit"ilieg4a0eived,t.:04:ebatiyi.v7e044,i, :otntetoi..yDleira:.:101: ..nfooenrel,pbaeliry, .i.7.1a, tent with his dutioa ve an : previsionii, end a few Indian geite. cificer Of thegoVernment_. .. .. .-- - - ' - .etelurithin;endthshe peinted net eeraral a peNia.3xemewocovot f40:for„..gravel,-be.- ,Thergiseliition.,:iaaregar $'17taitta:':'40rtiOat;.*-tig4:11,0e0:-: 044E* . .0461 aa,:tivarty'llie*atira, 4141,4 leatt oat - The Irrencli laidater et -3dniiich iiis 4 rent ts38 ) Others.- praying that Scteit- Section :No. 8 '(Bitylielaseetion)be enlarged: -- Moyea by caatl,e;:nee. '43'.!_ .vr-40(1a., That ,the petition:of Peter ether,* be grantecl so aithe istatatterlaber for this year is concerned i':;aliietliat410-be grant- ed :to -open -saikroad,!7:-"tiarriea: /Waved by no% Iceyei•fiec..-byDr.--;Weada.--', 'That fortlie toff -men; _but: tbe free _freak", Gen...1Efeinaleit ?WPM -lamas to cenduct polled, teem • iula mom, the explorationsOf the new Darien Venal Went r•crold pet in this one, ana. Wet . -the' e tire a e,-.141.4';'.X.'13ighinUrt'-tiiat PrOellif :DeIROOOASI‘fr001 Pennsylvania ,T0t0ti 10/i. inatrticted., *ay, to Bavarian !"- whY/.thnYllrePerfedlY4Q4nal and 4-10 PetitiOnere:Of*,Seelcel.,S;13.e:otOntoa,'. 441, the *it -44 . „Ohl of 111:6101 Alfa:ire AA az:person- j..40 %wince plugging.' - but thatthel,ieliee1Stictian.remani_laii :at thatafiff.MinareeoMiiidekabIy efgavernment 64: la Freeee know They are sound iynt X *tot Ob. Vreselit4'It-•-•Pariiede•Protestliypt.-,1004,• --edattlie prospect, lona -feel encouraged allineYAskentator of ini,,14,11shic'n, ?mg' JisT4 41441- wit4. -I,Pretest- • I afriattenrerfratity,••' - - . , _ a - _ igainstthe beetyscUon etthe Council !But it is a pity to spoil them,' replied ire -1 Marine an▪ -, '141f1r- titiratee. deeidin aela,schn - ,BeeliefOrt was atriaterleni *tenday. - '40 dentist. - seci one : - Avg NEWtY'marriea.lailY In :Phica8Oconi.- hexintenteringa mootioiz, +1,Taiernand iwaat -t ..t, ry!_ r_veriirtuer recewitirp,ti:x ,34131929n.,100.uli:exmceit vinfierent.,ewt4040041004julmvar4)._ jesekz,_ abis with ttirw000lutettna,ilielitIsoms0., ay's,B1OCk4 OOrpti Omit goim spaiksbietille.40fafthe&lear taireart est-Tst.,,,G04ertehr, _ 181 may 41**,04 , enlaintOm Iiwyersk immune:Ong terini for . charghig harridadee extemporized --they have decayed and not ferthepurpoga tea itt 47;:47**,a7divorce.. -'Soabaurd, you know, nia, be- by tite people Tho troops were itt great of bemg fuhionabla.-biit lid not - jetirnfte-:-moif • • - - - _ " - - • t 40 - march. 2. ;Ili,. Mr rephearala;(atho _ ,beentwiesdivorcea) Very, eetiousconseqtkades linnet aritici- 'Yes, and there ie net -ono but Treea !6-- 'but safe,pateil. Ara :htindrod 401.bire tobaeeeabeegti., - ith • ,Ittay Ow, NAT,: .as9fai 4tt a. year .or - -Government 1133 elduded piper =ion- ill teeth as yett have got -4 . . _ - _ , lerk. ten: • , ny from ijoaoioa .o'irodstioa. Irieuee. - if i* the case` , gees* wilt - , not h.avis -Mine interfered with RINE Tits Perz-oiii.litaith.sflieterk-'.Ex- Pri.nee Pierre Bonaparte 11114 tOtight soy- - ext-ihe bee • Orte ;11th gent 044,1 -•••••• -P.L..8nYV.eYtar; Godericht . 110h alisabusod of tile error -e erlch. DM161311868, • . . 11RE ,33.7tisiOass,'-nIgn; P°P# sn.terearii,refrettlY, rawonvreedtte;-aawsetiteortirtihe lif;41.4.8enaleoA unt,„47.0. deitrilwoddearotionPtornie); beakaviatufddet.titomthinai haler to lie 'the thine in 10Cittry..:, ta -veisati9.° 4Peakin-xn " t- a tbite with Lind. oeury4:10 AVM . IINE - -110TEL„ diabb's Block (VanZveresohl-stand). Mill .Saik•Pacterrowned+-ancloe-:-- and ,• --, • • 0,„01.0; nookg rssf!, r to Carry onthelnisozemeriinaimiecterisif,., - Blinds, ouldings,Fl 99 7.01D11114414EVi ned7i111.4, .1"9gBoston *he. Pr= ojamee• ea ' -• -Magda's,- X. P. iras atal•anels during hie lifetaro ; _11 that Pltigged 'teeth ere wore os 4.12 -ArfaolO • _ ytt,t-= _ Ito inwkica 1111 WA15 LI15111011 and not 2.11 itecomity startthg 155 r ifibusinesCertIrrrileItItivietter:- honorectby the Ilope ePOSitil ,tyith M. Rene de • ono dip 'ted aid comphmen a cote -trelancl.,-.Ca4e. tiourik,,,' tin A presen nant'Inquired m. ore n• _ , h Oat satiate -et -ion Lapierre, who was sti ulna r. -General -Ahnontia - the. - • NOATEr P01*.1---Nr. Z. Iran ISah. Doors. 1324i00., -„,-the New Yorkelerc " ea t Ulla it was gr of young Boston what la ° -ch • and Parhae --camp 'to 4.eltiddlaillODANTATEIV-41in ITU" Ikaalicabevelages,-- -aisestt.ef- tat:IMO -taSeisifat", -4-1 haw net exa4t1Y deelaed 'replied She eels.ca that e .Government_ Puritan; 4brkkla,XP.eat to Bettie into 111611t Plgialliad--of late -evinced- areal. 1634404 OX-Peatian. - viz I eala .*& -anxietytithtdtaheaat seAllmillylv;seandsntliad tgaiineerPhadtle .theer14,1neapertelAgin-lle: the 30thArger etlexpe-edIP*ttionrtorir i4hexelaAreltretegtrimax ee- Gov- w°11 snd his plan, le stated byhimself is to redocinga measure f tummy. aS1014 Unit tit, • itTcili STREET, PIERIO 40 43 NT -kit sf 1 ch laCireferiad (lettne aestand Frames and elf be -7-alE3-W0 . 44k Fmtri, - Vick will lig -glad tck:see•lier•;.eittl_ -ctustomelitattheNewritillategazt•tausoldataira.i :Mat 2104,1869 • ' ,,W4tf young 110I110.40Barbilinas , living honostly.' spm nes learned With leasitra, that -tess of* discusekeof fh* clown& a PAPA_ h + an 7. f gikt Ave „wosni Ifeliger. 0 ,s.v,p tells each -one 4; Ilte&TUOir, rigged -Qua * 1, each manned by' innch 441 4115 'An honeat living;'.rtis teal the Os.: -:4iiniattent were ithoutint experience in Factoiy - Ample St**, .atti4 art ' "4141if1)444141:- thh-41.14i Wolk tow4. -a- • - - ' In/m Ink irf •et,'• •,: • ',I, itilplieetlieil,Viiiin:74st •t.•e•-19-"*. tit; Sinn -NS aremosTsinenn 1C-$. t° *Pralli 4°11: of the AliliMr11 11613 u tw"dturPaeedia 'later 4 lailinigoosaiIrn =ntly believe 1 Ina 43,..xxi-aosiret-:- - -• - • Sala 6 New....Yfirker,:_ of -the laua-,au u 1.4 - the best wishes for itisoeness - --I:101101NA that tut. Via treaty ot peace be een twelve .1404. a Mir* .11eaarsndslunahamannenaini inuunaia United State* meetWith snail m_ ease 't - ttended with fOtheiteryfiatteringea-Oei;ragAlatilih*4- congratulate °will-Eu*28 nota city Tato execute - niev ene4ialro loge ,,20-4,0104000 your: 44401.1of_r of 41.n- : ....i ....1 that woe - - - Good Aeoommod3,ti011. Goderisalt itiverilcibelaeoe 13°' fig4ea Ole totela the North Pole and return. isso3"*"'"!•""T-• - in three years but should I tied tlist - as stows regattre one or two additional rare 1. 451 ,000 fbc't Prtulah a!,-.1`' ..teeteeeeoe. :nevem busintoe 17 ,fertntithe people-- - ,Led- adetittielinlee * 1106 cUsil • - - ke,ordetaurl'ught • taitoitiow. 7.-77p,r1 fe, $0141ectiu inadtteBIS „los biller° to follow - n Trie.04 .••t z - otrihaad- w**146111 4".Y14Y toln *a • Floormg . OD& STAVE MOSS, tutinsivoil beets* -- - kor4ixt Otial 44171.- BUCEIAITANt - - r. t .goos6 Artep,r ,0011.1 ugn -0d1•) in good srpix1-1" • Pa • So IL • -*ow _ . eeey intt w sua 14 mama pant lor rY - ioodteinlOyitt"MatiltiOg the beg Ti** and oar.linaaria. new. work its describe& fe4760) -Goa' Iseibeing sone long, bitter,: furious attack on to gompieto the Alieet a Mtn TOT I Will oontinue that time, the Mrisiatt.k °dad; Tilte saw 15ileitb 190,101. . 77.,ThELVID 1.A.W80A. WANTE ,...vitit; -ROBIN-SOM. e .14areh40..1136"., _ S your holier t • ir mate -eon ye a. dirty COrteeir • 1111* *MI* b11; 11011reterre tritleamell 114,1Peen tratterT What 3‘6111alft I"; tbitir-likat $40 ilik,1141811. Was Alt ugh% low b be - copy of the Itermietlie day of its " rnt nf ge°10141 OS 1111.PROVAD AT 8 _PE6 80*-0brat Tont • DerrItiot. 111.1E44. -MR Atli P3APAB2D TO Kurz ieakrtlbe thetftryetiktpeetey et B0011 Re010014 seedemis 3 i33,10 Ski iovatlaT pia ON INTONMO at Chatterf and Law= efil floderieh., Goderist, Van* SO% feat - - Aida/ .. 0/etievisbise eeas Cniter is. Ver'peal-- at 'tt .4 leilieC At/11004 Whit* It inn* ....)T en it - . 1 -, North reae, emi secpeditions here really -.- iteeenitenmteintirePre *.lisitegearreidee Private Kiilloy-=,-"Ailay" 1.-- only thought - :waxier thetheuefist 11,106PUt WU! ,.?, POInV .13.FE‘` - - - ' freTh OM.** tiald) boolltryin to reach that bownettia**.**"1"14-4-Ininpn, it? - -0iitoora147.--"1ieti 'tit, harm, Ito long as tt7- - - , .,_-. - '---. . Tiorootetee that the Emperor never pinetfor over three nenturies, i tray be- Ordtariaolteof thaP ' al blts1untat eta ' ' - l'-'"' -= : - gives; lege than 403 _franca ler s lox at *BY- Belli -44 if Cuultreaa Ana ir/YErOntost wilt 141a°43147-atarntralgrikanagbecn ye don't apake it" Priiate-o-Thin 1- , 11 Sun4lunal Jia -uufficlfirkato Pe; s f*7 thi,3* 1..,t‘fierPril-i ..14.V.:-: . i _ giatier.lady, afterhetemag of the Theatre& ' . (lid We ill. tilt! =small expedition ntquireti dosniiing:pplain-thitt ' , .. _ : , _ , i, extravegant yarn ef seli-opliesperre _ and I set about to go to 'Washington tatty -A • IOW as Isar ' • irould allovr,saidto for time -ea) the. stars and ett-pee of my _ _ -" -100wArl-frm41----4300"T.J- 10004154 yeentre- will seen have the ;total farina. 'ft- --k?Ilastobonv..eq, L92 -- The teet,4)-ii trOlifinaZ -11#11*St "!1°- _irlaeftA.PWitiel6 113314 he, • Vra-h11`11 bin*, tee-iteretiont-,00/0 nAIN'- when *owe 4,0 incesegy ity advertisement. He eellnig -the newest . Asti ltosolot discoveringandposeeednact 1&1N'& - savertiiii r to in dull tiptoe 4 Ulm willeathalf awl 1-eut a dam because ti,e ;raterslow. , Goileriolvtott V3W tber3rd.,1 - 4 4 • • 51 • iek '1151 3