HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-02-10, Page 1sentiveseee. FOR. SA1E. • FOR SALE. \ !...••ss w ell iscl LL OR HNT ial.Fit 1"Ni F,-..• ;0-- ,, , . htIs , ' . , c s he t., s, t. ; -,,i \-1 a so- . r, ,..1 h. , ; , 0‘. Y.ar-‘.,• ,,, a 0 ... ,.% e T.,.•-rs , en-.17,C•c. SeNer'll, a n a ! , 1 -, \A- e e - -, , ,,j ,. . ,,!...1...,i e T,t• rn ..e. liAN-NIN LAW.)'.. .§7.• '1 Al rm fnr Sale. 4. FoAtie d Coaces..on. In ine (;r -en l'onisolr•s; 6S acres. .enceol vv.: gecti F-ame al-ksot 2i los es ss-,nt re•Fris sa:c a,•••., P-.1*.t.e v sis,on t s.,n, or Mr. WIGGING ses. )n ., I . w3:-+ FOE SALE- .s.t• W'T 2 tNrs3 ! ti'. t -0. MTho •O".•, i.s --,,.• • •;. FRYT FN Tit ITti`,71.7 .1.. •• • • • ‘• r •N N. • .: " • ...s" 7 • •••- N . : : 1,A • A D ,,-AtIER10. A G sw s. ; - r• 7 aki.-• ant ARRIVED •AME. AYLOR • 3reat Furopean Herb Remedy a- .•spe.,. a. hea.is ^e. oss .n. 3,%1 N -es .n re a-4 v sesi - e!ne,.11, in stont..-1 .1 stir - • •.<1 . n' ever a n-.1 a,".7.:3-. co d : was n r kno.vn :ail. P.vs. Alt E irOpe. e !ter tned4cine Lk,neg si3Ter cvm-o you can zet irrsm:!:nz Madame Tayr. at room re H -te COderCt" L..adies unebie eat:easied :nes: .vu 1202-3eS. LthIswS. w 29 ed Feed I T 1R-Earxr AT phard & Straehan's. S OF BRAY, SHORTS & • wawa. real WILL r Cheap for Cash. L;h. June 7th 1869. w19 -:f NEY TO LEND VIM A Penns cf nt.•:-.•-sit. and .-"n-a J. • suet:Le ire Barr:sten , w51 CABINET AND OLSTERING S 10?, wesser STREET, ill BANK OF MONTREAL, GODEEICR ERIC AileKAYV 70E -LD R}.....s7-PECTFELLY N- -1-1 tY Cf.,e that he hs sl••'neti a tine_ on West stree• ..ppo,ate ▪ where he IsiL keep 'nantly ke to order tin UBE OF ALL KINDS - an a-sortmenst Uphoiitertrig wtr. be prepared to fill prs'amptly alirder City Gr Gilt ar-ol Roy...fr.00d Mouldings on clue Framing to Order. str.ct attention to basinass to c rib- tratoe. Nov 17, 1369. w44 -ti ABLISHED 1848. T iH E ON SIGNAL. D-SE.Iff-t7EEKLY AND WEEKLY ,--eernz-/Fee&tv erliton, $2.50 per year TYeekZy edition, only $1,50 " aa,TEs OF ADVERTISING Sets. Pet lin -ent insertion_ Zeta. Marrflges, and Deaths 25 12cts. per lin '-5erizen•Sel'arged by ase.*:e oftsulidnoripare tairezkoreo=mpnicailetta SIGNAL 3013 plied with power pre,b&1 114 possesses every facility forth° -• • host eiectition of every descriP- plairx And fancy printing Prices any establishment. • - • • "s; anweetiee eeeseseeeenete- • • ' • W.1. 13.K. 3iitor adProprietor. • • . . • _ - IP :47e.r,2./r trt ilflEANr EL0IrritioN ,a. "1-11 .17 • . . i''''51-C12)112121.%dW40. •-•-s • sev.n, • The Greatest Possible Goei to the Greatest Possible Number.' e GM. t• Nteleille1WW. L.3oF•firk, 4./NTN INT AV/VAN-CIE. 12.00 E) OF R. Basmegs Mirector. RICHARD OORE. PHYSIC( N. SURGEON AND I lb MAct-our-hear Nlanchster C. W. Febraary 7th. 1867. wlyr N1C1-1[01E,S(-)N. SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms over the Post OfficeeWest Street, Goderieh. November 27th, 1869. w45 -t( era lerevetta. RARR1STER AND ATTORN EY- A T-LA.W, A sin .10 S 'L.:nor-in-Chancery. County Crown Attorney, Gcderich,CartadaWest. Office sn Court House. v14n40 M. Cl Cerrieron. DARRISTER, ATTORNEy. coNVEYANCER. 1) Kingston st.„ G-oderich. Ont.. w49 Carneron & (illrrow. 111ARRISTERS, SOLICITORs CHANCERY, &c. I) Office, Kingston street. Goderich. M. C CAMERON, w52 J. T. Giartow. 1). Shade get ARR1STER: ATTORNF.Y. SoLICITOR. &c. lt G,derich, C. III. Office. upstairs Wat•on'S Block, West nreet entrance first door west of Glagow ouse. w49 dorm 11. 1 -oroon, A TTORNF.Y-AT-LAW.OLICITOR IN CHANCERY Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c.. Ac Godereh. Ont., • Office. on the south side of West Street; third door from Court -House Square. w49 ISPLC14'. DARRIsTER. ATTORNEY -A LAW. SOLiCITOR 1..) in Chancery, , Gderich. Ontario. Office- Crabh's blok, Kingston street sw77 IC1ovle St Squler, BARRISTERS >ND ATToRNI ES, SOLICITORS - in -Chancery, &c. C.oderch. Ont. B. L. Dort -E. sw5 W. R. SQUIEtt. B.A. ritays- & Elwood. DARRIsTF.R & ATTORNF. VS -A r-LAIV, SOLT- .1.3 cit.,. in Chancertl& in•lveney. nreu eer. &c. Moneys to raell OFFR E: Crab's R1 ck, orer Archibald's Stor. Willi arra R. Etsvin. 13. A. CIH \NCERY AND LAW OFFICE. case*s NEW k.,/ buildins. KnntSion, Street Goderich. N. B -Conveyancing, Mouey lent on reasonable erns. Disputed and detective tr!...• to reai estate ttieted. Goderich. Dec. 24 1S66. sw34 - - - - _ P. F W A_LKER,, ,,iitLr-i,,-Chan_ cesv. Conveyancer, Notary Public, 3:c. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Court House, Godert eh Chatario • sw94 T. IR. Stoces, GENT FOR. TFORD AGRICULTURAL s 111. works_ (Joseph Sharman, proprietor). Residence, , ay iel1 r ad. w11 -1y -Sp s. svitcomeon. ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, &c., &c. LP Clinton, Ont. w35 • • NIONEY TO LEND. • strong & Sqmer. EAL ESTATE AND INSUR ASCE AGENTS. NO. lb 6, Arcade B1! ling. Buffalo, N. Y. JAM&S C. Sraoso. Att, srney-at-Law. H. R. Sq1JIER, Nov. 13th, 1369. w.43 • ID. M.rlougtall ir ICE NSRD kTCTIONE ER, HAYFIELD,' County of 1...4 Huron_ Sales ut village or country punctually at - ended to. _ w9-1yrS .1 CI FN- 1-1..A.L DA.IN Jr. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, NSUR ASCE, LArito AND GENERAL AGENT, Money at 8 per cent Mee -West Street. opposite the post (-4fice. God rich L.. I. fjamllrt. cilV1T., ENGINEER ANL -.SURVEYOR, LAND Ageut and Conveyancer. Kincardine. MRS. DAYS' HOTEL ArROXETER. ON the direct road trom Seaforth to Welkertorr. Every pecessary accorn modation tor the travelling eealc. HANNAH DAYS. Wroeter, E. 18g. w4 WESTERN' EXCHANGE, LW 'KNOW MRS. AlNDREVir PONOGH, PROPRIETOR. ' FIRSTCLASS accommodation. The table is supplied wi tb all the delicacies of the season ; and the bar with the best brands of liouors and Cigars. w20 Auction & Commission. GO DERICH &CLIN'TON Established 1.Si5 2AL1S of IVIiseellandous Property in GoJer7ch 1.0 every Saturday, and to Clinton every Wed- nesday. Moneyadvanced on Property er immediate sate aad prompt returns made. Farm Steck and other Sales punctually attend- ed to throughout the County, G. M. TRUEMAN'S auction Mart, w6-1 Starke* square, iluderich Monay to Loan on Real Estate, A PPRAISEEL to the Trustand LoanCompany 11otUppctUaflad. ..TEWEMAIN, Market Square , Coderieh sill,t11 PO' triBE undersigned having purnhase? the Ylain- .1 inghtili and Sash Factory owned, and oc- eupied by Donald Cumming, are Thiw prepared to carry on the business of manufacturing Sah, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings,Flooring, Wing, and all kinds of • 0111C L4E W 1„ ,• Snell as Circle and -gothic Sash and Frames iTkey think from their •Ixperience in Factory rY(ork.thatthey ('an give satisfaction to all who may LaVOr them with a ealt. • ‚LB.Aiberam deount to the trade. 20,000 fee of Dry inch and a quarter Floating on band. JAS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, • WM ROMNSOM. nett. Mrirch,4th. 186n. 'N. • • ste55 SAW -LOGS & STAYE-BOLTS wNTED. 11111ii• GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., TLI.TRSDAY, FEB. 10, 1870. Buitte59 Mirectrn. D. bUTHERLAND DEALER IN Cal. Lumber, Shiogles, Liths, &e., YAnstD, at the 'father and corner West and Wate-loo Strets.--? .irtice, en Waterloo sreet, in rear of the yard- Goderich. Nov. 5th, 1s68. 42wassw lvr* Cons inetcalTiotel.vlitcherle.SV rOFIN !TICKS, Proprietor. This is th airgestand bestCountry Hotel In Wester janada.and onarges AS inoderate as any H ani in Thy -hell. Atage Proprietor. Good en.blingror 100 Horsesgorses and Carriages for Hite, on Saortest N otieee 140 THE subscriber in returningthanks for the liberal patronage so long bestowed upon hint, begs to in- form his numerous customers and the public generally that in consequence uf tjt. late tire, he has removed his business to the store formerly occupied by Mr. Booth, West street, next Dank of nontreal, where everything n his line will be found and All Kinds ofJob Work will he Done the saine as usual. G. N. DAVIS- Goderich. 29tli March 1869 1 BARRY & BRO., CABINET MAKERS W 00D -TURNERS ? AND UNDERTAKERS Hamilton St„ Goderich, VEEP constantly on baud for sale all arti- a cles in their line, such as Becixteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, arc., eja All kinds of wood -turning done, such a Nool posts, stair bannisters, neckyokes, &c Always on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a HEARSE to hire on reasonable term Gederich. May 3rd. 1866 15w6m• GOD ERIUll WAGON &CARRIME Da Et, 13 r .r:5 t 3r Fr HE SulAcritier would announce to the pub- itc ot H.uron and Bruce, that he Sinew man- ufacturing first-class Carriges, Waggons, Sleghs, Ci1..lttewts9 CfCC,./ which wai be suits Olik:AP OR CAS[ -1. Wanted a wood -worker, and two apprentices -one to learn wood -work and the other blacksmithing. JOHN PASMORE, Victoria Street, Goderich Coderich.Mav 16th. 1868. w49 FARM r'OR SALE. Fr1-""E OR TO RENT. -Lot No 6, Con 10. W. D. Asidield, Co4luron, containing SO acres. 25 cleared, with ho.d nbarn. There Is a living creek on the farm..lt is a zorner lot. Price $18.00 pet acre, rent $40.00 and taxes. • MA turiN DURKIN. London. Feb.2. 1868 w 2. Farm for Sale. mem subscriber offers for sale El of lot 2, Ilth con., 1 W D. Ashtleld, distant about 44 miles from Bel- fast, eontainuag 100 acres more or less, graures clear- ed,8 or 10 choppeo. 10 acres good cedar and the bal- ance hrdwood. 4 new frame house, 18.24; good orchard and well, Schoolhouse on next lot. The soil is good clay loara. Price 81000, $600 cash and easy erms for balaace• Further particulars may be obtained from the proprietor, DENNIS SHEA. 25th Nov. 1869. w45 6m* Belfast P. 0 IMPORTANT NOTICE. F. R. MANN, House Sign & Carriage Painter. TNESIRES TO ACQUAINT THE PUBLIC THAT JJ he bas fitted up a shop on North street next to the Wesleyan Methodist Church, with varnish room at- tached where he is prepared to fill all orders promptly, and at reasonable prices. Thankful for.the patrionage of the last ?years solicits a continuance of the same. Now is the time to Paint your Cutters, Sleighs, and Carriages. gar Orders front country Carriage shops attended to with dispateh. Sign Painting, Gilding. Graining, e Glazing. PaRer- hanging. tic., &c. F. R. MANN-: Goderich. Nov. 8, 1869. • wee • NEW PATENT 'P STRACHAN & MoEINNONI Fiveauda halimillica pounds isteylin,- COLBORNE HOTE1,, LACESM:ITIN3, Nelson street, Godereh, would • T11litiburement ot Una enormous sun3 over intimate tofarmers rind others that, having pur- a wide area, has without doubt contributed ,to • - ° CODERICH. ebased therightfor Carter's Hay Lifterthey are now the eatablununent of this lntitulion, in the • •erenaredito furnish them at $.5.00 each., confidence of Corporations, 'Merchants. • • 1114.1m=•11••••11.=...YENNAMIA ANAMSAMMIOM — - - - —• — — - Buoiness 1Diettorp. HAZLEHURST &COOKE CANADA. NeW,7,0,./WW70,c1,.. UN ITED STATES. ,XUCTIONEER, _ _ — The Dunkin Bill has been carried in the - The lilac bushes in sheltered, sucny Stoves ! -Stoves! COMMISSION AGENTSA.C„ &C. township of Murray. 0 txj 1-4 • PLA IN AND FANCY' 90 DiT W ..ek • COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Crabb's Block, (VanEvery's old stand) KINGSTON STREET, GODERIOH ONTARIO. Ar3 ().• Sales in town and country punctual- . -attended to Goderich July 12th, 1869. • w24 ger Coal Oil Lamps, &c. &c. Old Iron. Copper,- lirdss, Wool Pickings. and Sheep Skins taken in exchange. J. de J STORY, 13Eir' Si -n of th - Large Coal Oil Barrel, 1Goderice. eterch 15t,1S67' 6-1 NOW IS YaU OfTANCE Prices to Suit the Times! PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. fl ALF DOZEN FROM BACK NEGATIVE Ai- 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from back negutive 87 cents,postagefree, to any address. rr Particular Attention paid to (opy- ing old Ambrotypes. For eiiher large or small photegraphs. The subscriber in returning thatilok for the liberal patroliage heretofore extended to - him, would just say thin he has made such im- provements itt his gallery as will merit a con- tinuance of the seme. Da A Great Reduction on Large Photogaphs. •• E. L. JOHNSON. Goderich Oct. 26, 1869. ts44tf. NOT C E. All parties indebted to R.Runciman & Co RITHER BY NOTE OR BOOK AC- "coun tare hereby noti tied, that uhless they CALL AN') PAY UP AT ONCE hey will be sued, without further notice. R. RUNCIMAN, • Huron Foundary, Goderich, Ont. Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., G ederich, 29th Dec.. 1868. OR 75Ct8. PER HALF DOZEN. Large Photograph Reduced in Proportion. Alsowill make the largest Photographs made in Goder- ich. very cheap. Poreehtin pictures frorn one dollar upwards at D. CAMPBELL'S Photograph Gallery. Goderich, Oct. 19th. 1869, w27 TEE Oldest Eslablishannt in Town. ,,,egfee MARTIN AMANN 1. -Ens To INFORM HIS CUSTOMERS I) that he is till able to seil for cash, at the owest rates, ILL KINDS OF' At his shop on Kiegston Huron Home Godereto. Godencl. Oct.3. 1868. FURNiTtritE•. Street, opposite the time tom a call. Swl W7. Maitland Salt Well PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, The undersigned is prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT,-.' IN AN) QUANTITY AT THE c) west 13' e, FROM THE ABOVE WELL. S. 11. DETLOR. Gode- rich, August 3rd, 1869. w27 CHEAP LANDS FOR SAL:Ei', I N TOWN OF CODERICH. T OTS 1323,1324 & 1334, $30 each, sub -division Park 11 Lots 2 and3 in con A. Lots 116, 149 and 150 840. Township of Wawanosh, North 24 acres lot18, eon. 1, me Township ofAshileld, Southerly 16 acres ofEast of South* lot 1, con. 4, W. D, $100. Apply to THOMAS WEATHERALD, P. L. Surveyor, Goderieh. Goderich. Dec. 18th 1868. w48tf. THE LIVERPOOL-& LONDON AND GLOBE w49. ROOM PAPERS ROOM PAKIIS. A VERY LARGE V ARIETY Three Different, Kinds of Papers REQUIRE". For Halls, Parlors, Dining Rooms and Dr.lwing Rooms, ALL NEW PATTERNS, Good Stock and declared by Painters and Paper Hang ers to be the most beautiful designs, The Best and Cheapest PAPERS EVER INTRODUCED IN GODERICH. FOR SALE AT UTLER'S. Goderich. April lath. 1809. w]1 - ALLAN P. Pillt,CLEAN, ea 0 -J 1- '831H1013 I:LAS JUST RCEPir ED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Consisting in part of lanestof England Broad- cloths, Beavers, Whitneys, Bearskins, Fatcy English. Seoteh,and French Tweeda,Cashmeres, Doeskins, and a variety of Canadian Cloths; Plain, Satin, and Flowered Vestings, Shirts, Gloves, Caps, Sec., &c. He feels confident of goring satisfaction to alt who may tavothim with their orders. TWEED SUITS (all wool)$12 and upwards. ten .—Cutting done to Order, -55a Goderici, Sent 25th. 1866 sw8 GODERICH MILLS TO BENT. 11111E undersig,ned having taken the above well-known 1. Mills into his own hands Is now prepared to rent hem on reasmmble terms to some competent person or one year. ` For particulars apply to Goderich. May 12. 1869. WM. PIPER. w-16tf TO 1MT. P let In the Town of Goderich, for a term of years a 1 Brick Cottage with a large orchard and six acres of good land. For particulars apply,t0. W. D. ALLEN. Goderieh Sept. 27th 1869 w36t MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED FAhMS, AT 8 PE11. CENT! INSURANCE • COMPANY Some to Invest in Town Propert) • Barrister. k.c. ,G oderich J. B. GORDON, dltirsilignetebrt np:rxioisdteibiense Tpahoirtirzzoes yeexacrse,edainn: Gederich.Seot.13.1-84 . qw.n.t • made in is neat and substantial matinee end Sesee.wil tionseholders, and business -men generally, • nitig sunset/0E0,s ARHPREPARED TO bLitE great-satior factionto those who havemsed thein. 2ARTIN & SON. contractefor the cleaveryof a quantitj of Ali agent will be out for the sale en theauterin a wherever it is represe,.ted. • • - , •• ,• • • ln italsi year, l86, tbe Fire Ptenumus • Eta, Ash, Beech, Pine,. and- Hemlock, oderih. Jas. eeth,1860. alone ....t9.970 awligt, also, Stave Bolts iroCit • . 20th year,1856, " 1: ie. . .x2,22,279 Room. • •In it/ lOtt year,y+46; CC Xe17,763 Gpod Acconlinodations. Ample Stable Stbe, 30th rar, 1866,- • • • • Or. xs-anae • . • 4".. house, kept in Good Style. Farmers wery a .-(Me year ter„ 4867, • 0: 4g 481g,055 ;• 03- This -admitted to be First class • iiiivered sin ifteir eireinises opposite tbe railway • 7er persiesaara apply to 3tr aunn on the premises or ()TUBAS, ,ThetiPieifiR.gtirsirvitona js 5%.127 16684 •fin comber 20th,1870. . • tigerestdeues of Mr James Tomlinson _ sweetfe T e . eaetve un fie now , :Station. Abate undertake the. sawing of cestom- togs•. • — • - eTANDLY & Co. ' '•The reiliesentetf throunhoitt (TO.. • ;,•;.-A-- • teildS • sodericb,saraPecamber, 2860- v(49-tf 13ring Oa 21 101L- tame Ilorses. •tino. and. Vire b inthieritati Ants, ; - • -• whomsPpliektfon,for instiranee-may bonde. ArltgalSr ER or Impruvcd Farms and Vitt(' iE,TdiYli()R;-stCOLBORSHOTEtBod (*.. G.2MI_TitestdentSacreutrv,,,. O'N Teri reasonable terms. Apply.! •e Land- Office, 44 • • cliche after twentyroneyear • . • awl' for Sale, teep_erienceleprepared te Doctor nonsesforallalseales A. M. ROSS, Ag_eai for C4fertch , B 11'13:1. DYLE, • , ek. M. Tali OMAN, N M. -Horses examined as to Stinndneati =' Elliott, for Exeter, W.N. Watson, kirSeatorth „• • • Savage new Bleck oterielt, March 1.1867. Mantel Square '3°4°14°4 loth Auc- 1869. aodench,rdb.11.1bs. w47 etoderich, gni isn• 1865. -POOR copy. places, in New York, are A colored clergyman recently took his little leaves. green with bud, Mr Disrxli is reportedconvalescent from ) text from what he called "Paul's 'pistle eo the Canadians." -a- A 'youthful negro is in the Albany ., . . The Hebrew workmen in London are 1 agitating fur leave to %vork ini the Sab- i rapidly drawing to a close. The etraord- The salmon spew -tan' g geszeti' is' now while the rose bushes are putting out an attack ..f geut. The Montreal Presbytery tried to cen- penitentiary, for selling a dre'Ssed cat for F'atii• I ber and beginning of October stocked the inary run of salmon in' the end of Septem- failed by 7 to 5. Mr Macdougall proposes to establish a - An industrious old man in Co t' ' • ,• York. nnec 1- Pings is aunouned. Deceased wa.s SO years The death i ,f Adniiral Sir Thotras Fla.st- Tay, Earn, Almond, and' other streatns, sere Knox Ohurch for using an organehut a rabbit to one of the filet families in New I cut,. whose early education was neglected. - ' of :te with breeding fish to such an extent that the present spawning season well be, if n out whitewashin done in here" to have sent tit his resignation, is 80 yeare casualties occur, the most produces e ore day Review, to discuss the North-West has put out 'a sign announcing: " Go weekly sixteen -page pper, a sort of Satur- The Instep efSt. Asaph, wise is repla,' record. and politics generally.in ;of age. 1 Since Fehrtia London, Jan. 29. -It is reported to -den" the B in It fel Colonial Eau' t‘.e.it F, (1. „f that the Pope has yielded to France, and It is reported in Ottawa that Captain witb this atrocity" Haveh - The Courant tantalizes its readers I have been pent ry last, 3,16 emigrants tett through the wettcy lead to the alter one of the accomplished how did he get shot 1 He bought 'em." got shot? Got shot 1 No, It is now staled that the Duke of Marl- you heard r is aigra I 1 en borough will assume the leadership of the withdrawn the project_ of infallibility. datighters of Ron Wm Macdougall. Conservative party in the House of Lents. , Ex-Gcvernor Darling of Victoria Seymour, of theRille Brigade, aill shortly of the man who : . . . his career as a pirate 102 years ago Hans 1 date have been exc rrge dead. working order, and mestisag es of to -day's North Lanark is anxious about Mac- , Besit- fee estalsnehieg steam life- boats at an y. The Overland Telegraph to In ta is in Dore is coming to America. ts hoist the papers say :-" He commenced , • - In New Orleans there -ifs a man of dougall. - ' and the where shipwreclis are most ftequetiti se paints 'if the coast of Great Britain ; Faithful unto Death Donald MoDonald d Bombay. ha clbetween-Londoti A tutu' has been started by Capt., The bankers are baiting Hincks at Ot- ' now at the age of 118 he is a dock rat and ' tawa. Sandfielcl helped to arrest a runaway - It is asserted that Rev, Dr, He,,cock, bartheo, ate nee being built on the 'Mersey Fochabers, died lately, and left a favorite 'Int i large steamers, each of 4000 tons with Mr. Sutherlaxil, at Tannaehy, nat' who had been a shepherd for some years a river thief." thief in Toronto last evening. of Buffalo, said in a recent discourse that for the IS, at 11:1:1,1 SWanisliiii ciiiiiiaiiy, collie,which appearsto have been devotedly Hamilton boasts sand -paper worka.- there is as much reason for demanding the rhey will he i lie largest tile eception of the Great was lying in his co next eleetion. he Bible in a planing mill or Nerid. m it b. xffin the woolen factory as in the coninem schools. Eastern. steeiners in the attached to his master. When Donald These are to rub Sandfield down at the reading of t faithful dog wag The flight of geese northward is already - A South Carolina paper declares that observed to stand up and place his paws on . married another while friends were mak- sir tleerga Francis Seymour, G.C.B., tbe edge of the coffin. Ile gazed for a con - winter is over. ing preparations for the funeral, and with G.C. H., died in London, on Jan. 21st, siderable time on the face of his deceased annoanced. The birds evidently think a young man who lost his wife last %seek A rumor prevails that six companies of his bride bele wed the remains sorrowful- aged .83 years. Ile was the eldest seri ef owner, as if taking a final farewell, and, Ad lead Lerd Hugh Setanotir While singular to say, he accompanied the the R. C. Rifles and a battery will be dis- ly tu the graNe. quite a led he tittered the Batish Navy funeral procession to the burying ground m, patched to Red River, via Fort Willia 1 _ inge, fought in 1806 on board the North- four miles from his master's residence, in the spring. . - The earnings of the Union Pacific Col Begot, ot the 69th, lost all his ward- Railway fur the six months enditie Dec. timberland. He was at one time comman- Two days atter, the poor disconsolate robe, civil and military, by a fire in his pl, 1869, amounted to n 4,011,161,033. der -in -chief of the Hoyal fleet in the Faunas. animal was observed scraping upon the quarters, at Quebec, on Monday_ and the _mould had been so far He was so lisepiently transferred to North gra.ve, The Grand iver has everflowed its pounds, and wor - A solid lump of gold, weighing 96 America and West Indian waters lia Nv. th e22,000, enind in a s cleared out that he coffin was exit el. banks in variou places, and caused much 1 Francisco. 1866, he wes appeinted A.diniral. He was The devoted collie was removed with din damage to property. mind of the eetied Kniedotti. The de_ uncommon attachment to the sexton- ficulty, and he has since then formed an California mile, is. being exhibited in San also a L .id ef t Ise, Admiralty, and Vice- Ad- . The Kingston daily News has reason to , . . — A project le on foot to beild a Rail- ceased .,fficer was a grandsen of the fitea Dundee Advertiser. abandoned the intention, formed some , • time ago, to disbend the Royal Canadian tAtawa Railway. ma, to cannect with'the Brockville ad . to I, Lai, tit e. NI ' f El ef d • d 1 ' • a - London Jan. 28. -The Pall Malt MriDease was elected M. P. f r Queen's bama claims question have been suspend- ! Gazette stales that negotiations on the A lab believe that the Imperial Go, erntnent has way from Morristown i arqIILS 0 ei et. an mu prestimp Ito U. S., to Philaden si • • 1 Rifles. ' -Since the 9th instant there ha,sbeenan The statisties ef Belfast show c eat/lima ed. Comity without epposition. 1 he London Fret Press deprecates 'par - appalling mortality near proofs of enterpriee and prosperity. The land belonging to the Estate of the ties. who have forfeited che confidence of ail par- whitesYand seventeen hia.cks. S liege de- • ee Ale" !Pn'''. Quincy, Fiorida. Alice M Gum weed 10o years, and ..if returned by order of the Government. , e seized by officers of the Crwn, has been, ty.' This is always the way with those s sr toi,...repor s le death ' late George Peabody, which was recently Te ent four deaths have eccurred- seven Th T c Coot't t• t ti • raises are positively known. There are Atishael Hamill, aged 103. A Toronto„correspondent of the Otiawa reports of the deaths of many more negroes Mr. M'S wines', a county magistratentas Cotton spinners,in theFactories at Wigan Lancaster, are on a strike,and. 3,000 -hands Free Press speaks of the Telegraph, and • in the country. The mecheal fraternity been deprived cif the Commission of tale are idle. pap*ers of such ilk, which floui•ish under enotitinate the disease meningitis -in- Peace for swearing and using offensive the shadow of Jeln S.'s shirt collar. fiaffiniation of the enveloping membranes language to Mr. Dunscombe, a Protestant Sir John Duke Coleridge, Member of On aceteunt of the sensation created in of the brain -and spinal affection. clerg,yulan, and the Macroom Board of . Perliament from Exeter,addressed a meet. the Cabinet by exposure by the Evening - mg of his constituents last evening, in ati Mail of Sir Francis Hincks' intended int- - Guardians. Miss Grdinr who was file 1 at and important speech, defining and defending At the Iowa, State Fair of 1866a man . received throtints I mistake four dollars more. E E AN. Great Britain. VOL. XXIII.—NO 7.11161•1•111. I 35 marriages were celebrated in Silmar- , nock on Old Year's night, the greatest number celebeted-on the same night since the Registration Act came into operation. and parteapeted • it tlae battle of St. Dom. at Chapelford. in the Enzie, a distance ot position of export duty on seasoned lulu - than he was titled to. Hd woui it:ld in Maymis progressing favorably. the policy of the Ministry. her, he has withdrawn it. e moveto and -endured„,,,, guawing No clue whatever has been diseuvered as PRAXCE. ' Pennsylvania., -ethe s A correspondent of London Advertiser, the perpetraters of the outra,ge. Some of conscience till the Christmss of 1869, overheard a conversation between ter) friends of John Sandfield; who said he . minus the interest, because 'the mistake wheu he remitted the amount to the society, - furth-er a.grarian eutrages of a severe char- On acter have been rep irted frotu the Cuunty Victor Noir, Marshal Canrobert, the Mayo. the day of the funeral in Paris of felt nervous about Meeting the last Sesee .c.omrnander-m-chief of the force' abrent the' was the society's, and not his.' sion of the Ontario Parliament, and would Mr. Walsh, an eeg dealer, was rec-ently city, was asked what he would do in eEtse „_. -Prince Arthur is winning eidden °pin- probably' dissolve it during the summer shot dead near Tuatte He is stated to of a riot. He replied, 'I shall shoot down and hurry on a new election. We, er,, En_ ions in the United States, and is being re- have been a very inoffensive person, and 40,000 men if necessary, and I only ask von, are ready any time. ceived with the utmost courtesy by the the only reason that can he assigned for his five minutes to quiet Paris.' Look out for counterfeit $10, Bank of lic. murder is envy of his great success: 'He Paris, Jan. 30. -The organization Of the Cotnnierce Bills. was shot for buying eggs at too high a new company for the canalization of the It is reported that Senator McPbersen -A sehemis on foot fur promoting an Price.' held Pour isthmus of Darien, wag completed last even. will support Hincks' financial and curren_ extensive emigration of St+ edes to the An imposing elmanonstration was on ing, and the capital all subscribed • cy scheme. Southern Stats. A native of Sweden Friday in County Meath, at Wein'', near French bankers and a dozen American capia-e• the borders of Westmeath. A farmer, talista are at the head ofit. Such are the The Pope has issued a Bull against the owning land in Mississippi, has advanced namn ed Maenaeara, who held 200acres,was powerful combinations exifsting that they Fenians in Ireland and America. sufficient monen to enable the first party, 200 in numbe-, to sail for New Orleans. A. Levinge, the On ner and as there was mus. lucobtTahine tteovecrnonnicessentiowniu of ethescalgretah: evicted by the Sheriff. at the suit of Miss It is reported that Hon Wm McDongall They are to repay his advances (Athol their has placed his commission as Governor of labour. , reason to apprehend a riot a fore,e of 150 The company wait the report of the United constabulary was present to enforce the States exploring expedition to go ter work, habcre. 3iacutathara had a lease of the The journals to -day state that the the North-West Territory at the disposal The Watertown mid Rome Railroad of the Cabiuet. et in se ew York recently killed a passenger lauds at los. an acr. When the lease ex- French Minister of the Interior, in reply *telegram from Montreal of the 29th for the first titne in eighteen years. pired he was called upon to pay 30s. He to the demand of an English Company for says : "Two human hands which had been skinned, were found at the door (if a nine -CommodoreVanderbiltrefusestontake got into arrears to the exteut of firer 300/. the priviledge uf laying a cable front nery, in St. Jean Baptiste street when the a will. He desires that his youthful wife (a year and a hails rent), and to avoid a Algiers to France, replied that hereafter porter opened it this morning.” shall have her full legal share of lug pro - The Montreal Customs' duties for the • petty. She will be heir, therefore, when month of January amounted to $169,940. he dies, to some $53,000,000. The Quebec Chief of Police's report for -Small-pox is very wide -spread and 1869 shows an excess of 856 arrests over fatal in New York. A new, disease, the 1868, the number being 2,909, of which i relapsing fevef, has also broken out. e seventy-nine Episcopal w York city. ta of the New York theatres, ifor the past y at were $3,001,751, and St John's Wards, with none in St Lewis; three in Palace two in St Peter's, -Therelis notnuw asingle apprentice itt and but one in Champlain ward. all the ship -yards of NewYuk. TORONTO, 1869. -Tavern Licenses, 220; . the revenue from which amounts to $13,- -The last spanof the Ohio River Bridge 200. Shop Licenses, 56; revenue, $3,360. was completed yesterday. The bridge .s Saloon Licenses. 8; revenue. $800. Total one mile in leugth. 2,125 were of males, and 684 of females. -There a It sets down the number of houses of ill- churches in fame in the city at 126, of which 120 are in St Roch's, Jacques Cartier Monthalm -The recei revenue, $17,360. Revenue of previous _The joint owners of a house in Paris. year from some source, $16,030. Increase III., couldn't agree on the matter of inov last year, $1,330. ing it. The one who desired removal Mrs Howe, wife of Hon Joseph, nar- thereupon sawed the house exactly in rowly escaped being killed at Ottawa yes. halves, andcarted off hie share in triumph. ,terday. A riniavvay team dashed into the sleigh in which she seas riding, smashing it to pieces, and injuringher about the head. . The first of a series of Fenian mass meet- ings, to be held along the Canadian fron- THE PEABODY FUNERAL. tier, was held in Buffalo on Saturthy.- Exciting speeches were made, and much enthusiasm was displayed. Death of Gen. Wyndham, A telegram has been received by Mr. Brydges, now staying in Toronto, announc- ing that the illness of Gen. Sir Charles Wyndham terminated in his death last evening at half past 8 o'clock. He died at Jacksonville, Florida, U. S. St • DC:Dining°. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. -The steamer from Hayti reports much agitation on the Same- na question, and that the provisional gov- ernment will probably assist Cabral in a movement to defeat the plan of President Baez, of St. Doiningoiof selling the bay, or otherwise parting with any portien of it, or the neighboring territory, to the United States. A French war steamer had lost 40 of her crew by yellow fever. Mexico. San Francisco, Jan 29. -Mexican aclv i- ces state that a pronunciamento was issued in San Luis, Potosi, on the 30th of De- cember, declaring the independence of the State, on the ground of repeated violation of the national Constitution by President Juarez. Paraguay. • Lisbon;Jan 30.--Thehnail steamer from Rio Janeiro has arrived. The Argentine troops had returned from Paraguay to their homes and the .dra,zilian volunteers were expecead to arrive in a few days at Rio.. Reported D,ea,thorDr, Livingstone. (By Cakle Telegraph). • LONDON. February 2. A letter has been received here from Capt. Coda ane, of the Royal Navy, com- manding the Petrel, stationed en the Afri- can coat. He reports that Dr. David Livingstonehad been burned -as a wizard -by a chief iithe interior. - Mr. Dawson is ;getting a number of :boats Made in TOronto for road -making purpoSes in the North-West They will 'arry from 30 to 40 men each Me. Chin iqUy spoketo a crammed house on Thursday night itt Montreal -the neciiiimi being -the Anniversary of the French Canadian Missionary Society • . - • DISEMBARKATION OF THE REMAINS. THE PROCEEDINGS AT PORTLAND PORTLAND, Me., Jan. 29. The Maine Legislature accompanied by many ladies arrived,here at an earlydeeir, going on board thp steamer Mahoning and made a trip around LI 4teet returning iu time to be present 'at the receptient. An immense crowd covered every point of lookout, filled the boats in the harLour and swarmed in the rigging of the ship- ping. All the vesseLs in the harbour die - played their colours at half mast and busi- ness was suspended throughout the city. At 11 &clock the Monarch fire one guu as a signal that the remains were disembark- ed; which was follotted by minute guns from the rest of the fleet, Fort Profile and the arsenal. The boats of the fleet were drawn up below, south of the Monarch in two lines, each headed by a long boat. At 11:15 Admiral Farragut's flag steamer, having the remains on board, guarded by the officers of the Monarch, two companies of the marines and the baud of the Monarch preceded by the steatner Iris, with the band of the 5th Uttited States artillery on board, playing a dirge. The Monarch steamed slowly up througn the double line of boats and proceeded tip the harbor, fol- lowed by two lines of boats filled by men seated with oars a -peak, and Admiral Farragut in the steamer Cohasset bringing up the rear. Upon arriving at the wharf where Gov. Chamberlain and staff were stationed, the body was taken on shere and placed on the car. • The procession then formed and marched to the City Hall. On reaching the Ball, Capt Commerell, of the Monarch, delivered a feeling address, and transferred bischarge to Gov. Chamberlain, who made an appropriate i-eply. The coffin was then placed on the funeral car which was drawn by six black horses, with seizure 1 ad all his chattels removed tattle all monopoly in telegrapinc cables wonld lends. The process was carried out with- be abolished, and that even private plaice out any disturbane'the police force being were at liberty to lay cablett. too strong for aur attempt at resistance. Rome, Jan. 39. -The exeGrand Duke There are 1.018 Latter -Day Saints itt. ee Seotlaud. Tuscany, Leopuld the y-estet- day, aged 73 .) ear. . It is proposed to form a new literary society in Scotland, having for its object the publication of a uniform edition of the • - Cuba Scottish histories. Havana, Jan. 28. -The Diario publishet a report, by al eye wituess, ef a !many eta-- At the meeting of the Edinburgh U. P. gagemena on January 1st, which resented Presbytery, on Tuesday, the Rev. Dr. in great destructton of life, During the Johnston :ailed attention to certain state - night the insurgents constrneted a line rif aten's by the Rev. Gr. Gilfillan, of Dandee, entrenchments, and the Spaniards being to the effect that the Standards of the Church contained wttat was dubious'false, •unaware of the fact, were surmised with a ileav v volley of musketry and cannon.- and mischievous ; also that that the Short,- e er Catechism was full of blunders. Ijr. The troops then stormed the ntrench. Johnston suggested thatthe Dundee Pres- ments. The rebel loss is estimated at over ebytery should be communicated with on 300 killed, and the Spattish hies at nearly the subjeet, and tabled a motion so direct - 200 killed and wounded - ing, but delayed by discussion till next KEY WEST, Jan. 31.-GoazaloCastaron, meeting of Presbytery. editor of the Voz de Cuba, while standing en the porch of his hotel, was attacked by . On Wednesday afternoon, Bailie Lewis, several Cubans who opened a fire oil him of Edinburgh, read a paper on the Scottie's. with their pistols. He returned fire -and Poor Law system. in the Law Amendment Society sRooms,PrincesStreet,Edinburgh. had wounded three of 'his assailant, when he received a shot from the effect of which Be maintained that the tendency of the he die i in fifteen niinutes. Several arrests Poor Law of 1845 was to foster pauperism have been made. The editere of Key Weer and to degrade the poverty-stricken. He Despatch in a card withdrew the artita considered it a lamentable fact that no which they published this morning on au fewer than 223,215 persons had been re - 'approaching duel fer the reason that the lieved by the Paruchial Boardsof Scotland during the last year -a number consider- statements made are inexect. ably larger than the population of Edin- burgh and Leith. or in the proportion of The lost Steams!. United Zinesetntit one to every 13i id the entire population of Scotlaud. This, he thought, showed The Cincinnatti Timescontains the fl di() VA7 withunt controversy the necessity of im- mediate and combined action for the re- i d ng letter hwn, ,New York :-"A . pri- cancer. vate ietter received ctIof the loss of the Chit- mre says parttent.are ove' or mitigation of this great social have been receive ed Kingdom, which sailed from ltai3' Pan G "TI tlii see leops rite itamka ainntdeg dupit,o,hatutthiattihdeouirne iasanreeaLsta5h0a,g20000waioafina wards heard from. The steamer strack an April for Glasgow, and was never after iceberg in a dense fog near mid -aware ami made iSs appearance in Glasgow, in a dairy went to pieces at (nice, everybody verbal - in Cathie gate. sad cases of death from indulgence in drink apnicdketdhenu The Glasgow papers report numerous lashing hintsell to a spar. He was not 4re d)era ingghetdela. yils oaftewL, , ing except one. sailer, who succeeded in taken to England and remained insane an- phr afbesceovtenne at the New Year season. til three or feur weeks ago, when' he re- At the eighth annual soiree ot the Glas- gained his senses, told hes story and fate go w - United Working Men's Tot ti Abstinence Society, held in the City Hal, sater et name IS given asslienry Ebelein" of the ship, and died the satne day. The • the chair was occupied by Mr Thomas of , • JEN-SINS AegoAD.-,,Thetoliottinwcurions• Mackie, President,- who was supported onl stecitnen of Russien Jenkensisin islyellish- signed the pledge in 1869. the platform by the Rev. Dr Wallace, Res. _ _ F Ferguson, Mr. R Stevenson, &c. The ed by the Toniboff Gazette under the head chairman stated that 6,500 persons had perial Majesty deigned to wake at 7 a. in. Walker.' Sae completed her 103d year DEATHS At BrYce's Land Govan on the of "Court News' :-"Yesterday his lei_ an after a frugal breakfast, was graciouslsi 31st tilt., en old woman known as ?Granny ing the wood with: his snit, a bear, named apparently by A happy instinct to recreato abont until within a few days of her death. on the 'shortest day, and was able to walk eleaaed to go for a bear hunt. on the mind mind of the father of our holy Russia, She was a natiVe of Tarbert. At No. 3 EastCrawford street, -Glasgow, (the houge tsse of his daughter, Mrs Pick) on the 341 lust, immediately came to the s.pot where, line e Angus McKinnon,an old Waterloo veteran majesty had posted linrir. Paralysed at, of the 79th Regitnent, aged 83 years. the sight of the ruler of millions. of being - who )(lease him, the bear stood still, an.. it was observed that instead of the fie,y Greenock from New York in twenty-one days, having accomplished four voyages The iron ship Abeona recently arrived at usuall chant t ' cl h' aspect bwhich thi ' ni . • y s savage anise- 34, La turning from the chase, his majestv catintn: across _the Atlantic and home in nine subject, to the 'lapin:1m of being put ere as if he were looking forward, like a hsyet, bore ao expression of ieliseful anticipation, sable plumes and sweeping covers of black broadcloth. The .xatege arrived at the •months and five days, including th death bv his gracious sovereign. On fee City Hall at 12:45 p. m. Notwithstanding tervening detentions at each Tuef cold ; bat the usual remedies haring bee and marines drew up in line arid reversed arms; e3itlehetedoeffirnzast-henbo a heavy fall of snow at the time, the streets - Abeena was the winner of t e ontread were packed with spectators. The soldiery offirneeialitputehnrfaimegrhs three voyages to the St. Lawrence an back in six and a half months4, Freemas,..nry is rapidly on the increase He then went to bed, an%1 tie xt moriainz, ho ocean race last season, ba.vmg accomplished applied .t,i hitn, he deio-ned to feel better. latO4kaeelle" pall -bearers. The ceffin was silently placed East Neuk. a long defunct lodge has sprung of the City Government follewed by the in the ancient kingdom of Fife. lathe was gracionsly pleased t upon the catatalqne which was surrounded •fp with renewed vigor,and all over 'fair hy burning . tapers. '. • _Fife' the Order prospers. In the `Ls g The new Warden of Lambtorj, The guards- were , placed, and Capt, Loon o Kirkcaldy' there are two lodges- Da,waragave a dinner Lest night in Sarnies Commerel, having fulfilled his trust. the 'Kirkcaldy, No. 72' and the 'Oswald Mr. Mckenzie, M. P., and Mr. Patdess accompanied by Admiral Farragut, retired. of Dunnikier, No. 4682 P. P., were present. s---ers •- • - 1 A •