HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1951-06-06, Page 1THE ILYThSTANDAR VOLUME 37 • NO, 36, BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1951, Subscription Rates $2.00 in Advance; $2,50 in the U.S.A.'. PERSONAL INTERES'TI Blyth Municipal Council Mr, and Mrs, James Gibson are vis Regular meeting of Blyth council ting with Alrs, A1ahc1 Armstrong of htld Monday •at 8:30 pan., with all Sault Ste, Alaric, Mrs. Armstrong i; members present, ,\lotion by Richt confined to her bed 'through illness and Vodden that minutes of regular and Mr, and\Mrs, Gibson expect to l:c 'and special meeting be adopted. Car - gone some t:int, ' rias Mr. and Alrs, Merritt Fcrr's of Port Afotion by Vodden and Whitfield Col'bor.►rz visited with Mr. and Mrs. •that Bylaw 5, 1951, as amended and George Cowan sr., and Mr. and Mrs,' now read a third time be finally pas- \\' n. Cow•►u, On their return they sed. Carried, were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.; Motion by Radford and Vodden George Cowan. ( that accounts as read be paid. Car Rev, and Mrs, Quinton J. Everest ricd.—Salaries, 236.05; Alisc, Accts, and daughter, Cynthia, of South Bend, 153.55, lndianna, were guests at the home o1 Motion by Whitfield and Richt that Mr. and Mrs. George Haines, Thins,. we do now adjourn, Carried, day and Friday, George Sloan, Clerk. Air, Kc:th Webster has been ap• pointed chairnl;tn c f ' +:hc Laymen's Association of the United Church for , Christian Vocation Evening ]-Intron County, and will attend the A Christian Voca}ion Service was Conference next week at St. Thomas. held in Blyth United Church recently, Mr. and Afrs. Earl Watson, Afr, and under the sponsorship, of the minister .Mrs. Gerald Watson attended the of the Church and the local young Graduation Exercises of Victoria I-Ios- people's group. The local union had pita! School of Nursing, London, at charge of the service of praise, with Conyocat'on Hall U.W.O. on 'Tuesday the president, Brock Vodden, at the evening, May 29th, when the former's organ. (laughter, hiss Leona Watson, was one The devotions were conducted by of the .raduating nurses, the Rev, C. J. Scott, assisted by Mr, v I Clair Vincent, of Londa:sboro, Community Spirit. Five speakers, representing five branches of professional service, pre - Exemplified seated the "Call to Service" to the The good old Community Spirit still young people, Dr. John C. Ross spoke lives around, IIarlock as the McEwing the medical fraternity; Miss Clare family found out in their recent bout McGowan f..r the Missionary service; sv:+:h the measles, While Jack was in Mr. Bert Gray for the teaching pro the hospital, recovering from mien- Cession; Miss Sinclair, Superintendent nlonia, and the rest of the family in of Clinton hospital, spoke on behalf hedat (tome with measles, the neigh- of the nursing fraternity, and Rev, C, hours turned in with the manure Toad- J. Scott presented the claims of the er, with five tractors and spreaders. Ministry, and put the manure pile out onto At the close of the service a sec al twelve acres, There were, Watson , )tour was held when an opportunity Reid, Les. Reid, Jim McEwiiig. Rt1L was given any of the young people Knox. George Watt and Lep Watt. to discuss these professions personally Along with 'this ' good turn, the with the various speakers. chores ivere done twice a day by the The Blyth group served refresit- neighbours for a week, Watson and ments- to bring the evening's activities Les. Reid, Wesley Roc, and Ward to a close Knox. We just can't get along without Ladies Auxiliary Met neighbours. ._v The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary was held Monday W. M. S. To Meet night in the Legion Heine with the The June --meeting of the United president, Comrade Hall in the chair., general hospital at Niagara falls, Ont. Church W.M.S. will he held in the 25 members. answered the roll call. The on Thursday evening, May 31st. fol. church school room on Monday, June report of the Zone Rally which was „lowing 'a brief illness, from .a. heart. Ilth, at 8:15 pant - held In' Harrison was 'given by Cont- 'c'oiiditiah. This is especially kr the Associate rade Harriston. The July meeting will The services was conducted by the members and all interested in Mission be in the forst of a picnic. It was Rev, C. ; C. Washington, pastor of the work are invited to attend. decided to attend the United Church Auburn United Church, and the inter - There will be a special speaker and Sunday evening service on June 10th inent followed in the Blyth Union 'programme, Also lunch. at 7 o'clock. Would members kindly' Cemetery, A large attendance is hoped for. , meet in the basement and wear their Pallbearers were Messrs. Gordon •v berets and badges. • stiller, Harvey Leatherdand, Robert Y.F.C. Rally Huge Success . , , Danson, Robert Heinbuch, Alvin Chant - On Thursday evening last week the + } ney and Herman Chamney. The many y fire Brigade Answeri. Call very beautiful floral tributes were Clinton Area Youth Fcr Christ spon- To Gilfillan Home carried by relatives and friends. sorcd 4 rally in the \Vinghatn Presby-. teriatl Church when approximately 75c The Blyth Fire Brigade responded Flowerbearcrs .wcrc Stewart and people gathered to 'hear Rev. Quinton to a call on Saturday morning from Graham Chamney, Alvin Leatherland. J. Everest of South Bend, Ind,, bring •the farm home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Lewis Daer, Victor Yungblut, Clayton Ar - the message. Mr. Everest's message Gilfillan, Auburn road. I-lienbuch, ,George Johnston and Ar- was a timely one 111 that he encour_ Fortunately the cause of the alarm, chic Nichol, aged! the people to make sure of their a chimtney fire, was brought under The late Ernest Harvey Doerr, who future destiny now while yet there control by members of the family and . was' 39, was well-known' throughout is time. Jack Van hnpe, 20 -year-old neighbours before it contacted the. this district. He was the only son of accordionist of Detroit thrilled the structure. The brigade did not need Mr, John Doerr, of Blyth, and the great audience with his music, Mrs, to use their equipment, late Mrs. Doerr, and was born on the Arnold Kelly, of Kincardine, sang two ------� Doerr homestead on the Hullett-East lovely numbers which were much ap- \Vawanosh boundary road, the farm Paper Enjoyed By Former now being occnpicd by Wilfred P1un- preciated, t kelt. Be received his early education .District Resident `at the Auburn public school In 1935 CONGRATULATIONS Writing to renew her subscription he married Verna Chamney, only Congratulations t o June Govier, to The Standard, Mrs. Ed. Taylor, of daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert 'daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Caanpbellville, remarks as follows: Chamney, of Donnybrook, Following 1 Govier who celebrated her birthday on "Please find enclosed two' dollars the marriage they farmed the home - Saturday, June 2nd. for another year's subscription to your stead for a year, and then lived brief - Congratulations to Mr. 'Robert Gov- interesting and instructive paper. It ly in Blyth, 1-Iensall, Stratford and St. jicr who celebrated his birthday on is of store, than usual interest to all Marys, before settling in Niagara Sunday, June 3rd. former residents of Blyth, and' to my Falls, Ont., nine years ago. - Congratulations to Mr, John Cald- earlier Forte at Westfield," well who cclebratedl his birthday on —o — Sunday, June 3rd. Congratulations to Lorna Barrie, wlto Balance of Softball Schedule celebrated her birthday on Saturday, JUNE --- June 2nd, - 12; Loudesboro at Benmillcr, 14: Benmillcr at Dungannon, ViMONG THE CHURCHES 15; Port Albert at Blyth. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Union at•Clinton Radar, CHURCH 18; Blyth at Union. Rev, John IIoneyntan, Afinistcr, 1`9; Clinton Radar at . Londcsboro, 2;30 pat,: Suldtty School,. Bemu ler at Port Albert, • 3 ;paw; Church' Service. 21: Clinton Radar at Dungannon, THE UNITED' CHURCH . 22; Londesboro at Union, OP CANADA •25; Blyth at Clinton Radar, •Blyth, Ontario. Dungannon at Benmillcr, 26; Port Albert at Londesboro. Rev. Charles J, Scott, B,A,,'Mihstcr. Z8; Dungannon at Union. Sunday, Junc 10th, 1951, • 30: Londesboro at Blyth. 10;15 ant,:.Sunday School, JULY-- , 11;15 ,t ns.: Morning Worship. 3; Dungannon at Londcsboro, 7;00 pant, Divine Worship, with 4; Port Albert at Clinton, Radar, Jiutior Choir in charge., ; Topic; "D- . G: Londesboro at Clinton Radar, Day," (The Ladies' Auxiliary to .tlie Blytlt at Port Albert, Canadian 'Legion will attend the evert- ' 9; Union at Benmillcr, ing service), ', Blyth at Dungannon. CHURCH OF ENGLAND 11: Clinton Radar at Benmillcr, TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH 13; Benmillcr• at Union, •Miss Alice Rogerson,. Organist, Port Albert at Dungannon, 10;30 a,tt,; Matins, 17; Union at Blyth.'' ST, MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN • Benmiller at Londesboro. Mrs, Gordon Taylor, Organist, 19; Urifon at Port Albert, 12;0�. Troon Matins. • Dungannon at Clinton Radar, TRINITY CIIURCHh BELGRAVE 20; .Bentnillcr at'Myth, • Mrs, C. Wade, Organist, All of , the Blyth Dttkes league • 2;30 p,rn,•; Ivensong,and i-Ioly Bap- games will ape at 9 o'clock under the tism, • • Lights, as will exhibition games fatless Rev.- J. A. Roberts, Rector, otherwise announced, OBITUARY BLYTH W. I. WEDDINGS Dukes Rack Up Double Win MRS, R. E. SiLLIB As B;\ll Season Gets Those who have been unable 10 at- McEWING • MARSHALL Funeral services for the late Mrs. Way Richard E. Sillib, who died at her tend our 'recent and June 1st meetings Al the 13urns' United Church. slut- Under Wd have missed hearing good programs, home on 'Thursday horning, May 31st; b' 1'Ite Junc 1st nlecting opened with lett, Saturday, June 2nd, at 11 am., following a prolonged !Loess, were 'the IIary Stewart Collect, The roll Rev, S. IL Brenton solemnized the held from Trinity Anglican Church, call brought an armful of wash clothes nu►rriage of Gloria Ma.Mrs, w elder Blyofelock�twilhturday the rc►ctornoon, at 2:30 3A. ( 'rf01 the \Vinghant hospital. ,mystery daughter of Mr, e Marshalll, R.R. 1. �Blyth, �and Janes Roberts, in charge. Pallbearers were hs were reported by Mrs. Biggins Alexander McEwing, son of Mrs. id - Roberts, a means to raise money for our re - neighbours of the deceased: Harold :decorating project. The delegates el- ex, Asir. n;;, RR. 1, Blyth, and the Cook, Russell Dougherty, Norman `Fctc<l t attend the ll' late Mr. Alex. AfcEwing. tLogan.o the , , at arc now, on Jou 7, Following the postponement of the schedule -,opener which was slated for the Benmillcr diamond Tuesday night of last week, the lid was pried off the local ball season here Thursday night when Clinton Radar School provided stiff opposition for the Dukes, o a uu le lstrtct Annual There was some doubt whether Ben - and Fred William ham 1 huel, f tl \1r [ hucknow, The bride looked charming in a miller would place an entry and that and J, B. Watson, The many Iovcly ')vcre Airs. Phillips, Afrs. Walsh, Airs, street -length gown of bloc silk taf- was the reason for the game's po�l- floral tributes were carried by ncp- feta with nylon net overskirt and lace Ponenlent, Since then they have ot•- hetvs, Iittterntett was made in Blyth YI efts and Mrs, D. rs.McPhillips, bolers, She wore a blue net picture ganeme• and the postponed fixture will Our President, Mrs. i Fillips, step• hat, and double strand of pearls the Probably be played at a later date• Union Cetuetery, pert clown and the chair was taken I , Prior to the burial the remains re* gift of the groom, She carried clove- making ove- Thursdays Lame between Radar and by ,\ins, io iston who stoke on ions the Dukes was a ten -inning thriller, ed at her late residence where many tic Relations, as Iwman relations ly bouquet of red roses. friends called to paytheir last re- The attendants were Al r, and Airs, studded with every kind of ball, but lltaki e. us more united in our way �„ ,it made little difference to the large spats, of life, \\ atson Reid, of Hallett, The late Mrs. Sillib was born in Mrs. Campbell sang in her usual Mrs. Reid wore a yellow corded .;ilk crowd because it was close and excit- Hullett township, the former Caroline frock with overskirt of net, yellow pie- nig throughout and took the extra in - Collinson, daughter of the late George beautiful voice a solo, accompanied by ture hat and white accessories. Her sting for the Dukes to flake a close de - Collinson Wheeler, The first speaker for bouquet was of yellow roses, crsion, 15 to 14. The winning run was Collinson and Mary Barr Collinson, the affirmative resomded to the call She was twice married. In 1914 she to "Debate," and for about 40 minute; The wedding party were served din of the gift variety too, It came in the married William Worthington Moody, her at the home of the bride's par- last of lltc tenlit after two lucre out, and for fouryears the couple resided at there was fireworks, the debaters were cats, The table was centred with a 13i11 Fisher (lrew a walk,. stole second, P humorous and intelligent, The affir- wedding and when Turnbull, Radar catcher, Kitchener at which time Mr. Worth- mative was taken by Mrs, Oster, Mrs, beautifullydecorated 3 -tiered by to" passed on aitd she she married I(Ihe� C. Galbraith, negative by Mrs, 'Taylor cake. The bride's and groom's giftpegged alatc throw,to Smith sped to tryo b s to their for the put out the ball y and Mrs. McMillan, The judges acre n now bereft husband. R. E. Sillib, and Alrs, C. Scott, Blyth, and Mrs, Camp- '(ttclldallts' were a single strand of through to centre field', allowing Fish - they resided in Brantford until 15P pearls and an initialed tic er to score with ace winding run. Y bell and Mrs; Nesbit,of Auburn, who mala years ago when they returned to take •(settled in favour of the negative For a wedding trip to the States, Radar School got away on top with up residence here, the bride donned a navy dress of net hyo runs in the opening inning, and While health permitted, she was a speakers, declaring that country lite and taffeta with white accessories, and added 5 more in the fourth inning, as was preferable to town life, tray Madsen, their left-handed faithful member of Trinity Anglican Airs, Sadie Curling gave two stir- a natural coloured shortie coat. hurler baffled the Dukes at the Church and a wihlable member of the ring selections on her mouth organ. Onr their return they will reside on,plate. Ladies' Guild. '~the brooms farm on the 13th tortes- Dukes solved his slants its the last of ]Besides her. husband, she is survived Hien came the speech by our guest, sten of 1-Iullett, the fourth and popped right back into Miss Shirley Falconer, giving the ori- by two brothers and two sisters, John gin of Lionisni which had it's begin- the game with five runs, In the fifth and William Colli►lson, and Mrs, Bax- ning in the year 1914 which is credited they held Radar scoreless and put two ter (Mary) McArter, all of Blyth; and to Air, Melvin Jones, of Chicago, NiCHOLSON • BRECKENRIDGE runs over themselves to tie the score, Mrs, Eliza Brown, I[ullett township: (onnnnnity activities were.interwovk A pretty wedding was solemnized at Clinton went ahead again in the sixth three, brothers, Robert George and sin her paper which she will give at the United Church parsonage, Blue- taken a home run by Fitzsimmons le- WYt Archie, predeceased her,C.N.E.le, on Saturday, June 2nd, at 2:00 counted for three runs with a fourth � the CN1'exhibition in the Lions scoringbefore the side was retired, Friends attending the funeral were speaking contest, o'clock, when Rev, R, A. Brook, uni- from Brantford, Dungannon, Goderich Mrs.• Campbell and Mrs. Nesbit, of ted in marriage Ronta Leona, second Notinoineth the the Dukes tied it up Kintail, London, Toronto, Seaforth and Auburn, and Mrs, R. J. Green,of Ag -(laughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lee Breck b eighth inning at 11 -all. Woodstock, midge, 1st line of Morris,to Air, Radar scored twice in the ninth to run incourt, who has been a nlcntber oftheir total to 14 fighting Sympathy, is extended to, the beret the \W.[.• for thirty-five years, were Gordon Nicholson, son of Mr. and tied elle score ittptt let last htinhalf. Theys husband and relatives• visitors, and about 43 members were Mrs. Charles Nicholson, 6th line of set Radar down in the extra inning. present Morris. ` '� then Fisher came in with the clincher. ERNEST HARVEY DOERR Airs. Higgins and Mrs, Sundercock The bride wore a street -length dress It was a nice one to win, Funeral services were held at 2:00 served a tasty lunch, of sky blue silk crepe with white trim- o'clock on Monday afternoon from ming and a corsage of Dawn roses and Madsen went the distance on the y o_,,,r„ mound for Radar, with Turnbull be - the Arthur funeral home, Auburn, for lilies a[ the valley. Miss Wilda J3reck- hind the plate. For Blyth, Whitmore Ernest Harvey Doerr, who died in the +, + enridge was her sister's bridesmaid, started on the mound, was relieved by Niagara , WLSTX'IELD dressed in a midland bloc linen street - len nth dress, with white accessories Tunney, who in turn gave way to I es - y .fr, and Mrs, Ebner Horne of b sclwood, Gray and Fairscrvice divided and a }gitite_corsage, ., , �'�Jw(lsor ,spout tllc,week-end` With -Mr: the CalCI11itI,'' C110r1'9.' - • -•• - frie Mrs. Douglas Campbell and other Mr. Bert Elliott, brother-in-law of Linc -ups friends, the bridegroom, was best man, Clinton Radar; Pype, 3b; ritzsim= : Mr, and Afrs, Roy Noble, Air, and Following the ceremony, a reception mons, cf; Powell, ss; Turnbull. c; Afrs,-Norman McDowell were London for about 50 guests was held at the Smiths 2b; McDonald, If; Mills, lb; visitors on Thursday. home of the bride's parents, Annalce Frame, rf; Madsen, p. Farah, Guests were received by the Myth: Fisher, 3b; Gray, c and lb; Mr.eand Mrs. John Gear and chit-. bride's mother, wearing a dress of dren of Kitchener, spent the week -end Madill, rf ; 1-Icsselwood 2b • Watson, with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Smith and navy blue with apricot, assisted by the cf; Johnston and Brown, ss; Fairser- other friends, bridegrooms mother wearing gray vice, c; Doherty and Armstrong, If; Miss Hollis McBurney, Airs, Rich- with a coral -colored corsage. Whitmore, p and If. and Bailey of Michigan, visited last For a trip to Niagara Falls, the Plate limp; Murray Lyon. week with Afr, Armond McBurney. bride wore a skipper blue gabardine Y DUKES 28 • DUNGANNON 12 suet with white accessories and a wine On night the Dukes had Miss Elsie Patterson of Toronto Monday visited on Tuesdaywith her aunt and shortie coat, little difficulty in disposing of the vis - uncle, Mrs. Clarence Cox, and Mr. the their return they will reside on king Dungannon squad, and although Cox, the Gth line of Morris, the boys from Dungannon showed Mr, and Mrs. Norman McDowell Guests were present front Camlachie, at times in the games earlier stages, attended `.'Open House" at Godcrieh Blyth, Brussels, \Vingham and \Vrox- I they went into a complete tailspin in Collegiate on Tuesday night, etNfatty Air, and Mrs, Melvin Taylor, Mr. friends in this district will ,the later innings and practically gave up before the game ended, The Dukes and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr, and Airs, join The Standard in extruding best slammed the offerings of both Dun - Ivan Wightman attended the 25th wishes to the young couple, gannon hurlers hard and far, and al - wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, "".r though their fielding was bad, many Harold Cardiff at Brussels. on Friday MARTIN • TAYLOR of the .errors they made were very evening, hard hit halls and in the frigid tem - Mr, and Mrs, Neal Robb of Belle- A quiet wedding or interest to many venture they were that much harder ville spent the first of the week withBlyth friends took place at Brenton to handle, The Dukes stepped out in er Mr, and Atrs, Maurice Bosman, 'Street Baptist Parsonage. Kitchener, front in the first inning with five runs. Mr, and Mrs, Harvey, McDowell onSaturday, June 2nd, when Ethel, Dungannon came along in the 4th to were Kitchener visitors on Thursday, younger daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Do into the lead briefly 7 to 6, but Mrs, Thos. Henry,b, Taylor, Godcrieh, was united in rya who has been visiting at the home of her brother, marriage to Air. Mose Martin, the Dukes, sewed the game up with 6artin, son 0t runs in the ,fifth inning, and 11 more Mr, Earl Wiglinnan and Mrs, Wight- Mr. and Mrs, E. Martin of Elmira. ill a free -hitting error -studded rsixtlt ntan hasThe bride looked lovely in a street- , gone to Kingston to visit her inning, The final score was 28-12, son. length dress of peach crepe, with Whitmore and Tunney worked on Besides his wife and father, the late Miss Elaine Walsh of Belgrave vis- series, white coat and stat, and white accts- mound for Blyth with Fairservice and Mr, Doerr is survived by a family of ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al- Gray dividing the catching duties, six children, the oldest of which is 14, va .McDowell, Attendants were Rev, and Airs, Hackett- and Fisher. pitched for Dun- and the' youngest 5 years, They are, Mr, and Mrs, Meredith Youngand Kenneth brother-in-lawof Detroit,'. sister , Mitchell, gannon, with Eedy behind the plate. Joan, Shiela, Gerald, Ronald, Bryan, family of l-Iullc�tt township visited on and of the bride, The Blyth line-up was jockeyed n- and Harold, all at home. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Following the ceremony a wedding The considerably;.to allow everyone dinner was served at The Pines", to get In the game and keep warm in Friends present for +the funeral Bosman, , were front Stratford, Milverton, God- Miss Mildred Thornton of Win sham Kitchener, to immediate relatives, b Afterwards the happy couple left the cold temperature, ' ecich, Niagara Falls, London; Auburn, visited on Friday with Mrs, Harvey Lineups: Blyth: Fisher, 3b; Gray, Blyth and district, - McDowell. on a motor trip through Western Doherty and Madill, lb; -Johnston, ss; Canada to Banff and Edmonton, The sympathy of many friends in Mr, and Mrs E,;phriant Snell of Lon - On their return they will reside to " this district is extended to the (ata- desboro visited on Sunday with Mr, - vice and Gray, c; Staples, If; Tunney, ily in their hour of sorrow, . and Mrs. Charles Smith. Kitchener, p; Whitmore p, and if ; Madill and Mr, Ross Taylor was in Chicago for . Pollard, ,rf. the week -end. Built Own DreamHoilse The next home game for the Dukes Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Speiglcberg,•will. be June .15111, when Port Albert NIT, and Mrs, Gordon McClinchey\tilt and Allen, were Godcrieh visitors Last week .a London elan, known is' st,hedule'd for Blyth, The Dukes wish to announce the engagement of on Tuesday, • in The Standard Office, because he visit Londesboro on Thursday- night, their younger daughter, Lillian Jewel, The. Y.P.U. met on Thursday night called On Us for some time as a paper to James Alvin Plunkett, son of Mr, with a good attendance, The program 'supply representative, won the Kit- and Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett. all of was in charge of the executive of the ehencr Dream House. Auburn; the wedding to take place in Huron Presbytery Young People's Un- A. local young 'roan, Gerald Watson Schedule Knox United Church, Auburn, a n ion, The president, Harry Spading, went hint one better, and built his own Following is the schedule of games June 23rd, at. 2;30 lint, introduced those taking part in the "Dream Iifbuse." which is now on dis- for the W.O,A,A, Juvenile Hardball Mr, and Mrs, W. C. Bennett of Program. A lunch was served by the 'Imlay in our window, Tlic house, of group, in which ,Auburn expects to Walton announce the engaagement of Westfield Y,P,U, coarse; is a miniature, but is. complete have a strong contender this year. their only daughter, Shirley Eileen, to the'last detail, even Wired for elec. JUNE: ' to Mr, Bruce J. E, Walters, son of Yom"-""' tricity and equipped throughout with 12; Ayton at Newstadt. Mr, and Alrs, Elliott Walters of Mc- MONDAY WAS •PARTIAL venetian blinds, 18; Auburn at Newstadt, K11op township, The marriage will Take a look at it some time when lc); Clifford at ;Ayton. HOLIDAY you are g y 22 Nett�stad+t at Clifford, take place the latter part of Janapassing b , ; Mr, and Mrs, George Cook of 'Bel- Moniday, the observance of the 25; Clifford at 'Auburn, grave, wish to announce the engage- King's birthday, was a holiday for the HORTICULTURAL MEETING 29: Ayton at Auburn. tient of their daughter, Muriel El- select few aroundtown, Enjoying the JULY; aine, to John Henry Bosman, eldest long week -end were the bank and The regular Horticultural ineetigig 4; Auburn at Clifford; son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Bosnian, post office staffs, the school teachers, will be at the home of Mrs. C. Higgins 5: Ncwstadt at Ayton, R.R. No. 4. Winghatn. The wed;l'tt;1 a:•d the students, The remaining citiz- on Wednesday, June 30tH at 2;30 p.m, 10: Newstadt at Auburn. , will take place in June, I envy worked on as usual, Please 'note change of date, 13 : Ayton at Clifford.. 14 Auburn at Ayton: W,O.A.A. Juvenile Hardball More Money To See The Circus Once when I was thigh -high to a grass -hopper and had earned a whole quarter of a dollar picking potato -bugs off our potatoes at five cents a cupful, my father took me on his wide knee and told me how he earned his first dollar. Father was a small boy then, no bigger than I was that potato -bug day. But .he wore trousers down to his ankles, for that was a long time ago, just a little after they discovered gold in California. Fa• thcr, with his short legs, had no hope of getting as far as Califor- nia and the gold, But something more exciting, than all the ore of the Pacific Coast was going to be right in the next town, only nine miles away. ft teas the great Phineas Barnum and his show, fresh from Broad- way. My father yearned so to go to that circus that he ached all over, and he could not get his Saturday morning hulled -corn down, though it was covered with molasses. He would never have dared to mention to his father his thought of going to see such a wonder, so expensive, so far away„ "\Villiar, you have been a good boy all the Spring and lugged in your tvood without being told, Here's a silver dollar for you to spend, You take the steam -cars and go to the circus, And have a good time." William found a shiny brand-new dollar in his hot hands almost as big as he was. 11e had never had so much wealth in his hands before, He forgot even to say "Thank you, sir." He grab- bed his hat and coat and bolted for Cousin Trustum's house. Wil- liam never thought of having a good time without having Trustum along, To see zebras and Tom Thumb and hear Jenny Lind sing was the Promised Land of Canaan. But to ride to them all on the steam -cars of the brand-new Portland and Ken - Le Bed Star in Decorating Dramas In this bedroom, the spotlight of attention is thrown upon the bed, which gains importance because of its handsome spread and a furniture grouping planned around it, nebec Railroad was heaven itsself, The dust of that sleepy village street turned to a baby cyclone as R little bey flew along on his bare toes, Trustum's father could not be outdone by his brother. He fetched up a silver cartwheel from his jeans and gave it to his son, So the two small boys ran hand in hand to the depot and the won- derful iron horse that snorted out steam and sparks, But my father stopped short just at the depot and dug his toes into the Summer dust. "Trustum, you and me are going to walk to Brunswick and save our dollar to spend all on Barnums1" It was the dawn of genius. It was right then and there my father started being a man of wealth, — From "Maine Doings" by Robert P. Tristram Coffin. TABLE TA; XS elates Andrews. They tell me that there once vas a Cookery Column conductor who took a vow that never again would she print a recipe for Strawberry Shortcake. She got through the first season without too much trouble; but when it came to the middle of June, the second year, and still no S.S. recipe—well, something happened. Whether the lady was stoned to death by angry customers or just went and jumped off a cliff, I've never been able to find out. * But before paying tribute to an inexorable custom, I think I'll slip in a little item, entitled "STRAW- BERRIES," which I clipped from the editorial page of The New York Times. I only hope you enjoy it as much as I did. There is an Indian legend that the Mighty One created the first strawberries to tempt an Indian maiden running away from her husband after a quarrel, The ber- ries, says the legend, had to be so beautiful the maiden would stop to pluck them and so tasty she would forget her anger. So the Mighty One gathered sweet mist from the mountains, dew from the sweet grass, honey front the bee, colour from the red bird, bright speckles from the trout and beauty from the hummingbird. The berries' thus created stopped the angry maiden's flight, sweetened her temper and led to a legendary re- conciliation. The berries, of course, were wild one; and their lineal descendants are in blossom now, gathering all the elements the Mighty One pro- vided in legendary days, Also in bloom are the tante berries which impatient men have developed and provided for our gardens and our tables. Some of them are as good as the wild ones, and all of them are much bigger, One gardener we know, a senti- mental kind of person, some years ago sought out a few wild straw- berry plants and moved them into his garden alongside his domesti- cated strawberries. He didn't really expect the two varieties to set ex- amples for each other, though he hoped in a most unscientific way that they Wright, Instead, he now has two strawberry beds, one for eating and the other for tasting, and he thinks he is fortunate indeed. Which he is. Anybody is fortunate who has wild strawberries taming Garbed Galva—A modern "Lady,Godiva," wearing more clothes than the fabled lady of Coventry, rides a golden palomino horse up to .Los Angeles Municipal Court o defend herself against charges of doing an indecent strip -tease. This "Lady Godiva"— Ale refuses to use any other name—was nabbed by cops at a Hollywood club. ala::; ,,,ii:,,. themselves in his back yard and paying tribute every ,iune for that privilege. And now for that shortcake, It can be made of rich, crisp pie dough or of light, tender cake— whichever yon and your fancily pre- fer—and, of course, topped off with the red berries with high piles of snow-white whipped cream, If you happen to believe that the only proper shortcake is made from cake, use any simple cake recipe. But here is one you may like: STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 2 cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt ,44 cup sugar 6 tablespoons shortening 3/4 to 1 cup milk Sweetened strawberries Whipped cream Method: Sift together flour, salt, baking powder and sugar, Cut or rub in shortening. Add milk to make a thick batter, stirring only until flour is well moistened. Spread in ungreased 9 -inch layer cake pan. Bake at 450 degrees F. for 20 to 25 minutes. Cut into pie -shaped wedges. Split crosswise. Spread bot- tom layer lightly with butter or margarine. Cover with sweetened berries and replace top. Cover with more berries and whipped cream, Makes six servings, h * * Most folks like chocolate and here is a change from the usual chocolate pudding or pie. CHOCOLATE DUMPLINGS Chocolate Sauce: 3/4 cup brown sugar cup cocoa 1 tablespoon cornstarch Dash salt 2 cups water 2 tablespoons butter or mar- garine Combine brown sugar, cocoa, cornstarch and salt in heavy skillet and stir in the water. Cook until mixture begins to boil and thicken slightly, stirring constantly. Add margarine and niix well. Remove from heat while making dumplings. Chocolate Dumpling's: 1 cup sifted flour , 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt / cup sugar 2 tablespoons cocoa • 3 tablespoons shortening 1 egg cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift together flour, baking pow- der, salt, sugar and cocoa. Add shortening, egg, milk and vanilla. Stir to blend ingredietits, then beat for one minute, ' Return skillet to heat and bring chocolate sauce to boil, Drop dumplings by spoonfuls on chocolate sauce. Reduce heat, cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes, Serve warm with cream, Makes six dumplings, PICNIC LOAF !'Pound ground pork 1 Pound ground smoked ham 2 eggs 1 cup breadcrumbs 1/ cups milk 1/4 Cup minced onions / Cup minced Pimiento • 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper .1/4 cup brown sugar 1/ teaspoons dry mustard 1/4 cup vinegar / cup water Mix together the ground meat, eggs, breadcrumbs,'-milk, onion, pimiento, salt and pepper. Form into a loaf and place in a 10x5x3 inch loaf pan, Combine brown sug- ar and mustard. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) one hour or until the meat is done, Combine vinegar and water and baste ham loaf as it bakes, Ten to 12 servings. This ham loaf packs well for picnic By EDNA MILES LOOK at the room at left! Like it? Chances are that its clean lines and Clark walls will win your approval at once. But what is the center of interest? The answer is, of course, the bed. Few homemakers realize that the bed, too often thought of as n necessary but unwieldy piece of furniture, can be the star attraction in a decorating drama. One wily to "build" your room around the bed is to cover it with tl handsome and well -lilting tailored spread. Whether you choose n feminine or masculine pattern, be sure the colors tic in well with those chosen for walls, rags and accessories. Where to put the bed is the next question to arise. A plain wall, unbroken by windows or doors, urn be utilized as a particularly effective backdrop. For added 'dash to the overall decor equip the bed with n sleek low headboard. Moderns also, favor a low roll bolster. To give the bed that close -to -the -floor look, choose night stands no higher than the headboard. '1'o carry. the eye upward, choose tall lamps for each stand. These will not only provide illumination for read- ing in bed but will serve to frmne a grouping of pictures on the wall above the bed: At night, substihile buoyant pillows for the bolster to aid you in laking advantage of the comfort offered by your decorator -beautiful bed. travelling. Slice it thick for hearty picnic sandwiches, CHICKEN CASSEROLE / cup fresh or frozen peas / _/ cup chopped carrots cup chopped celery 1 cup chicken broth or chicken Bouillon 3 tablespoons flour 1/ cups cooked chopped chicken 2 ounces (/cup raw) macaroni, cooked 1 10/ oz, can of cream of chicken soup Vs cup diced pimiento /a cup sliced canned mushrooms 1 teaspoon pepper / teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 cup grated sharp cheese Partially cook peas, carrots and celery. Thicken chicken broth with the flour. Combine all ingredients except / cup of the cheese, Pour into a'1% quart casserole, Top with remaining cheese and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 45 minutes, Serves eight. Dead Rats Payment For Income Tax The whole thing appears to have started in A.D.5, when, as the Bible tells us, "it carate to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed" (Luke 2.1) —and, ever since, kings and chan- cellors have been cudgelling their b1•ains to devise new methods of stinging the people. For years British chancellors have toyed with the idea of taxing cycl- ists, but each has finally by-passed the two -wheeled brigade for fear of losing 10,000,000 votes. Yet, in Vienna before the war, the author- ities imposed a tax of about a dol- lar on each machine and swelled budget by over $1000,000. In the old Turkey, where the sul- tans were never satisfied with their wealth, new taxation had to be thought of every year to fill their 'coffers, In the eighteenth century when collectors called on the local pasha they were given a free meal, and one sultan conceived the idea of collecting "teeth money" for the wear and tear of the officials' molars in masticating such meals! In the new Turkey women were westernized almost overnight, and officials, feeling that make up and new fashions were setting a had example, promptly ordered that teachers in girls' schools be fined if they used paint, rouge or even powder. A tax was placed on the wearing of coloured finger nails, jewellery—and short skirts! There are numerous precedents for new taxation, but chancellors "Your true garden -lover lives in must walk warily. Henry VIII tax- the present and for the future. There ed beards—and beards vanished, arc no backward glances, except for Pitt placed a tax on hair powder the correction of faults." and another on certain styles of —C. B. Mortlock. hats, and women defeated hint by discarding powdered wigs and adopting new styles of headwear. Mitten were first wort only because leather gloves were heavily taxed. In Belgrade the town council Once imposed a "dissipation tax" of R penny for those who stayed on in first-class cafes after eleven, and a halfpenny in workmen's cafes, ' This did not deter the customers from "dissipating," but provided a steady trickle into the Exchequer, In many Continental countries taxation of dogs varies with either weight or value of the animal. In France you can keep a mongrel for a few shillings, but a pedigreed animal may cost $10 or more. In some countries even the lordly cat is taxed. Entertainment tax is by no means new, for Charles II decreed that "everyone who resorts to any of the playhouses and sits in the boxes shall pay one shilling, and everyone who sits in the pit sixpence; and any others threepence." In.,Bombay, some time ago, the authorities decided that defaulters could settle their tax in rats—ten dead rats equalling one rupee (20 cents). 1f Ottawa adopted this me- thod it might clear the country of a lot of vermin, But very likely some sharpshooter would start breeding rats, and cashing in on them, Maybe You Don't Read Fast Enough Few people read with the maxi- mum of comfort. How are you holding this paper? If it is farther than ten inches away front your eyes, and your eyes are normal, the eye muscles are being strained, for the normal eye sees clearest at ten inches. I -low fast do you read? You are much more likely to grow tired if you read • slowly. Exceptional people can read at a speed of 1,000 words a minute, but 400 to 500 words a minute is a good speed for efficient reading. The average adult reads at about 250 only, When you arc reading how often do you move your eyes in the course of a line? Scientists have calcu- lated that most people take• a line of type in six or eight "jumps." If you can learn to take it in only threejumps you will read a great deal faster and with less strain on the eye muscles. Reason why most of us read so slowly is that almost every man and woman over 35 was taught to read by the oral method. Our teachers made us read aloud to teach us how to pronounce, Since we pronounced only one word at a time we learned to see only one word at a time. As a result, most of,us read about half as fast as we should—and with twice as much muscular work for our eyes, Caught In The Act — Perhaps hoping to make his "coming- out" party a private affair, he little fellow, above, found that he was the center of attraction as he saw Tight of day for the first t,ime in Perth. Folks Scandalized By Awful Dance The jlreamy, romantic waltz, the most popular of all dances, was once described as an incit.:nrent to sinful passion! It was horn in Vienna as an ► xpre,sion of reaction from the Napoleonic \\'ars--just as jazz cane after the First World \\Tar and boogie-woogie after the last one, And the rest of Europe was scam alined. 1;crmany spurned it as int• moral and a hook was published under the hefty title of '.\ Proof that the Waltz is a lain Source of the Weakness of the Body and ing of our Generation." 'l'hc dance reached England in 1813 and there was a general out• cry of horror. "'Phis fiend, destitute of grace, delicacy and propriety" %%as, one outraged continent. Feeling ran very high and it was not an uncommon thing tvhcn an orchestra played a waltz tune for many people to walk out. Danny Burney, the novelist, rais- ed her hands in delicate horror at the thought of the daughters of English mothers with their partner's amts around their waists and re- ferred in hushed tones to the way such freedom was encouraged and even returned by some females., Endangered Virtue Both Church and laity agreed that it endangered virtue and that the homes of England were in danger, Lord Byron shouted his de- nunciations. IIe wrote a poem called "The Waltz" and in it showed viv- idly the effects on a good husband who sees his wife with her arms half round a man he had never seen before, and his arm more than half- way round her waist, turtling round and round to a "damned sec -saw up and down sort of tune." And so, in good society, the waltz was banned, Then the world shook when it was whispered that a man named Strauss had actually played a waltz tune at Buckingham Palace, That was shocking enough, but nothing to the shock received by the aristocratic guests invited to Queen Victoria's first State Ball, when they actually saw, with their own eyes, the young and lovely Queen turn to her husband and then glide away in his arms—to a waltz. The Queen's Ankles The whole Court was scandalised that the Queen's ankles and calves had been visible to everybody, in- cluding the footmen and members of the orchestra, Icer action set the seal on the waltz, No longer dare the aristocracy refer to it as im- moral. It was Strauss senior, the father of Johann, who conducted the or- chestra on that historic occasion, Johann wrote the "Blue Danube," but by that tints-1867—the waltz was respectable. Its very popularity killed Strauss Ore, for everybody wanted a new waltz for every occasion and Strauss used to clash from cafe to cafe and from ball to ball to conduct the orchestras in each new one be wrote and the strain eventually proved too much for hint, The waltz killed Johann, too, for Ile caught a chill after sweating from the exertion of conducting a new waltz in Vienna and died front it in 1899, ON THE SPOT A bus -driver was trying to inter- est passers-by int his sight-seeing trip at a holiday resort, when a quaint figure came towards hint, An elderly lady, tall and graceful, she wore a black lace dress tical almost touched the ground and barely re- vealed her old-fashioned buttoned boots, A crocheted cape hung over her shoulders, and a large black hat bobbed up and down with each step. The bus -driver's eyes brightened, "See the sights of the town, madam?" She said, with dignity, "I am one of the sights of the town,.' He Says No—Oscar-winner Jose Ferrer, testiying before the House Un-American Activi^les Committee, said that he was never cr Communist. He told the Hollywood Communism investigators thu'• he had been a victim of "Communist big -name hunters," Sulphur Shortage Really Dangerous For the past few months a sol• plow famine has been threatening modern industry and causing serious set -back in production, Cuts have had to be imposed ou u>cri of ,ulpinw and sulphuric acid, with the result that the production of such things as steel, textiles, fertilizers, insecticides, motor tires, synthetic dyes, batteries, disinfect- ants, gasoline and a hundred outer commodities are being retarded, For civilization cannot do with- out this important chemical. It is used in so many fortes for such a variety of purposes that it is quite impossible to find a uni- versal substitute, There is not one of us wlto (10CS not handle something every clay which could not have been niadc without some forum of sulphur. One sulphur compound gives the familiar Clark anther colour to glass bottles; another, when mixed with a certain oil, enables the thread to be cut on the smallest screw. Yet others help to fix iron rail- ings firmly in cement, and perform jobs that range from the fumigation of wine casks to the preserving of dried fruits. Without ;mother compound nam- ed sulphur chloride our lives %you'd be very different, for this is indis- pensable for vulcanizing motor tires, electric insulation, and all the domestic uses to which rubber is now put. 'But the most important of the sulphur compounds is sulphuric acid. Without it, within a very short time, our great fertilizer in- du>try tvould have conte to a stand- still, for it uses millions of tons of sulphuric acid per year to make sups -phosphates essential to the farmer. Fortunately, scientists recently •di<_covered a method by which they ran save a quarter of a,niillion toift, of sulphuric acid by substituting nitric acid, of which there is no shortage. Nitric acid had been tried before, but the resulting phosphates were useless because they absorbed water and hardened when stored. The latest nitric acid fertilizers however, are as good as those niadc with sulphuric acid, Tit other fields science Inas not been so successful, No workable substitute has yet been found for sulphur in the newspaper and ma- gazine industry. • This paper would not only be of a very different texture if sul- phur supplies were cut off alto- gether, brit it, would be entirely without photographic illustrations, which are dependent on a chemical called 'hypo -sulphite for fixing pho- tos. Chief sources of the world's sul- phur are Texas and Louisiana in the United States. A single sulphur %veil may pro-, duce as much as 500 tons a (lay and the Louisiana deposits are esti- mated to be about 40 million tons, SO that America's supply at least would scent to be assured for a while, I:apid rearmament, however, is making great inroads into stocks, and even the U.S, is not mining enough of this important chemical to keep her industries .going full out. SAIIY'S, SALLIES "Calci yourself, darling! Thai's the very first principle of price control," How to Clothing Trouble 'On the Double' I!, shouldn't happen to the K-9 corps, the things they do to GI clothing and equipment at the Army testing center. There, to test durability of uniforms, groups of rugged soldiers crawl hrough barked wire, cement pipes, gullies, thick brush and artificial rain to speed up the wear and tear of experimental Army gear. Here are some ex-' cerpts from a day in the short life of a fatigue suit at the testing cen'er. In green fatigues with white fronts, GI's crawl over cinder -packed rail ties, then down cobblestones. Over a slate rooftop through a downpour of controlled "rain" . . ,.. , and now through a cement pipe. Vs tough on men and clothes. A little early, perhaps, to talk about picking peaches. Still, the way the days, Weeks, months and CVC11 years stem to flit • by, maybe these hints from Fred R. Dreiling, noted horticulturist, as reported in "Coun- try Gentleman" might be worth noting by some readers. * Your peaches—Afr. Drciling says —are almost certain to sell better if the buyer can be sure of two thins. First, a peach that's been picked from the tree at as near its peak quality as possible. Second, one that hasn't been bruised in handling. * i, 4, Perhaps the best time to harvest peaches for quality is when the ground color is just beginning to change to yellow (or white for white varieties) and while the peach is still firm. Sonie growers pick their trees at least three times to bit this goal. * * 4. Growers who are most successful at marketing their crop ttsually will tell you that good picking is the re- sult of a smooth -working partner- ship between grower, foreman and picker. *: * * The pickers themselves •can be more elTective if they start at one side and circle each tree in the same direction. If a picker first pulls the highest peaches within easy reach, he will find that many of the low -hanging branches will BY HAiOkD ARN.ETT SCREEN- DOOR NOOK AltO Mt CLOTHESLINe • , CLOT+IES LINE , 'HONKS .!kiE HOOKS TIED TO ,'!' ' 4 PROVIDE EASY F.0 ' P!'. AND TAKING ef)W I "; lift enough so Ire have to sloop. After he has all of the ripe peaches that can be reached from the ground, then it the lime to set his ladder for the ones on top. (: 4, 4' Pickers should take hold of the peach so that the cushions of the lingers, not the tips, touch it. The fruit should he removed by pulling it outward aid giving a slight twist. The peach should be placed, not dropped, in the picking con- tainer and there shouldn't be any stems or twigs attached to it if you want to avoid cutting and bruis- ing of other peaches in the con- tainer. 4 4: is When the fruit iso emptied, pickers can help avoid bruising it by using their hands to keep it from falling and bumping. A. picker can stake more money if he keeps his hands close to- gether in front of him and keeps glancing ahead to select the next fruit to pick. And he can save his back by not stooping, reaching or climbing when his picking con- tainer is nearly full. Start the diffi- cult picking with an empty con- tainer. i. 'k 1' Let a picker set a pace lie can keep, then have hint keep at it steadily. One important thing to remember is that picking clothes shouldn't have trouser cuffs. It's too easy to catch a heel in them and take a bad fall. # * * The same magazine also reports that middle -western -dairymen are finding that the right moisture con- tent is more important in top- quality silage than the addition of preservatives, It is generally agreed that 65 to 70 per cent moisture is about right for most grasses and legutnes, * * * Art Giese, a highly successful dairyman, has a rile of- thumb for moisture percentage. He gives a handful of chopped forage a good squeeze, tlten releases it, If the material' slays in a compact ball, JITTER it probably has more than 70 per cent moisture, t00 wet to handle without a preservative. If it gradu- ally swells and breaks into sec- tions, moisture is about right. If it falls apart completely, it's too dry and should he made into hay. *: Afore than half of a group of farmers surveyed last year made grass silage without procreative by wilting to 65 or 70 per cent moisture. 'Those who added mo- lasses or ground grains to forage at that Moisture level did not int - prove their silage. 4: 4: , Farmers ensiling low••utoisture forage actually cut quality as 150 to 200 pounds of grain added per ton ,may further dry the silage by 4 or 5 per cent. Pr'eserv'atives were useful when forage, especially that from legumes was put in the silo wet, 'Hie re- sulting silage was more palatable and better -smelling. Ground grain and molasses, the most popular preservatives, also reduced seepage loss and boosted feeding values. * * * Silage made with choppers set for a as -inch cut kept well on most farms when moisture was at 70 per cent. When wilted below that level, a i(3 -inch cut was better, * 4: Over three-fourths of all grass silage niadc in Wisconsin last year went through forage harvesters. This method takes about' half the time required with the hay -loader and silo -filler method. New Paint With Magic Qualities In a wonderland of colour, chem- ists are performing feats of magic with modern paints, Spotted paint is their latest miracle. Brushed or sprayed on from P. single tin. this gives a polka-dot effect, a light color being speckled with a darker one. Another new paint is called "brit- tle lacquer," It is now being used to show the stresses and strains on pieces of machinery or parts of air- craft, ships, cars and weapons. The lacquer coating cracks into a definite pattern When the forces built up in the material are acting, and thus engineers can plot what they call a "stress Wrap" of a piece of machinery, which shows the' parts bearing the greatest strains. Previously these stresses and strains could only be detected by using a complicated electrical de- vice. 1 A life-saving phosphorescent paint is another of the latest wonders. A staircase treated with this appears quite normal in daylight or in arti- ficial light but in darkness it glows so that evert stair can be seen. l,igltt switches, fuse boxes. the names of streets and numbers of houses, signposts, time -tables, are just a few of the uses to which this "glow -worn'" paint can be put. Theatre exits and fire equipment can be painted with it so that in the event of a power cut or failure they will still be, visible. Green and white paints—once the first choice of those seeking bright- ness and relief from fatigue in fac- tories and workshops—are being ousted by pale primrose, shades of peach and lemon. Long tests have proved these to be the best produc- tion boosters. 'The traditional gleaming white of hospital operating theatres is giving place to cool pastel shades which reduce glare and prove restful to the surgeons' eyes, iii hospital wards it has been discovered that the usual "buff and white colors tend to create a feeling of de- pression," so a warns rose colour is being recommended. COURTSHIP has been defined as that short space of time between lipstick and mopstick.—Afasou ('ity Globe -Gazette. RUN iUM1 Gordon Smith GARDEN NOTES Still Time For Garden There is plenty of time yet is any part of Canada to have a real garden. Practically all sorts of hardy flowers and vegetables can still be sown and they should con- tinue to be sown at intervals of ten days to two weeks until well into summer, Spreading out the garden in this way makes the work easier and tarot: pleasant, but it also spreads the harvest of blooms or vegetables over weeks and months instead of days. In these times of high-priced, scarce vege- tables there is a real dollars -and - cents saving in having a plentiful supply of vegetables coming 'on right until fall. Suitable Seed In seed, for instance, it is impor- tant to use only those recommend- ed for Canadian conditions. 'Those listed in any reputable Canadian seed catalogue will be suitable be- cause they have all been tested for Canadian conditions, The best seed costs only a few cents per packet but without the best then it does not make Much difference bow well we prepare the soil or look after the resulting growth. But cultural directions should be followed. Watch Out For Datnage If insects or disease really get well developed in a garden there is liable to be heavy damage before control can take effect. To guard against this, experienced garden- ers are always on the watch for signs of pests and at the first in- dication they open an dffensive. These experts arc suspicious when they see a wilted or curled or eaten leaf, even if the insects responsible for same are too small to be no- ticed by the naked eye. Generally signs are easy to read and cures are readily available. Holes in the leaves mean that bugs that chew are present. These are destroyed with poisons. If the leaves wilt and dry up, sucking in- sects are extracting the plant juices. Sprays or dusts that burn them, but not the foliage, will control. If leaves turn reddish or greyish 'this usually indicates. the presence of a fungus disease. It is common with climbing roses and hollyhocks especially during muggy weather. Finely ground sulphur and other chemicals will check it. One can unix his own sprays or dusts but as a rule it is cheaper and also far more convenient to buy ready -mixed preparations, Many of these are combined to control sev- eral different types of pests, the newer DDT dusts and sprays being particularly effective. * 4 * Keep Planting Too much stress cannot be laid 011 COlntinuous planting of the standard vegetables like Lettuce, radish, beans, carrots, beets, corn, etc. These taste much better when they just begin to reach proper maturity. Beans, lettuce, corn and such things begin to get tough if left too long. In most parts of Canada it is quite possible to keep planting many vegetables right up to mid-July. Communists' Cadillac?—The caption accompanying the Soviet - released picture above fails to tag a price on the Zim, auto- mobile about to roll off Moscow produc'ion lines. But judging from the grill, which bears a suspicious resemblance to that of the 1951 Cadillac, the sleek Russian car is probably beyond the ' ` means of the average Ivan. 1'Vii GOT To LOOK. RIGHT TODAY.. HAVIN' LUNCH WITH THU BIG 8055/ JITTERi GET DOWN BEFORE YOU BREAK SOMETHING/ By Arthur Pointer e . a j 4 PAGE,4 ' COOKED CHEESE Pkg. 18c (WITH CARAWAY) Arnold Berthot - MEAT • --- FISH +++++++++4+++r++ •+•+++4++-�+•++.+.--$ • •+.+-4 +++• 44+.++4:' Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 • BLYTH. TFIE STANDARD +++H+++4 I S'•'S'1'i+'+1 t•-^•-•-•'TT�-•-•SJS 1 ~iii fl Ylluii • I Blyth Branch No. 420 Canadian Legion 5th Annual Telephone 10 --- Blyth. FERTIUZER . Due to existing world conditions it is ex- pected that Fertilizer Materials will be in short supply this coming season. WE WOULD SUGGEST YOU GET YOUR ORDER IN NOW. WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING EGGS FOR SEAFORTH CO.OPERATIVE. Please leave at Cheese Factory or have Truck Call. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE head up, ycntr brain clear and your A Uig business film holds a Freckly . feet square on the ground, Fred was luncheon for its sales staff. Every- !sit ':very_ the first to ask George if he might ' sit beside hint because h.c really did one drinks except George. Ilk friend not want to drink, It was not long Fred asks hint "Why?" "I3ccause I've before George and Fred were joined During* the electrical storm on Fri- Scen too much of the .harm it docs'', by others, till there was one entire Wednesday, ,Ttuie (i, 1951, Adel „,, , . nlI , .II L...'Y .I 1.L La N. I ,044I.44NJ+NN14.4~#,H4M40.#0-#04P, MM# Mt~M.4tif M/~~. FROLI COMMUNITY PARK, BLYTH, ON THURS., JUNE Zist -- PROGRAMME --- SOFTBALL GAME, co:rlmencing at 6:::0 HAPPY. COUSINS CONCERT TROUPE, Elmira, A 0\1:-1101'R SHOW CN 1'.111: GRGU\1)S, Music, Vocal Solos, Quartettes and Comedy, GAMES AND MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS. DRAW FOR $500,03 IN PRIZES: 1st: 7 -FT, REFRI:YERATOR, 4th: 1C3 LBS. SUGAR. 2nd; KROEH'LER ROCKER. 5th: EMCTRUC TABLE :r.►: P'. WOOL BLANKETS, LAMP. On Display in Tasker's Furniture Stvo W'niow after Mrnd,y, May 25 Tickets may he procured from any 1..epion Member, 25P. each. 6 for $1. Band in Attendance. Dance in Memorial Hall After THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD REGARDLESS OF WEATHER, I.r .. ,. . 111 . .1. 1. .I.,.a I .,1,l L.► .1. 111 .I 1. .II.IL..YI IL 4114 11 11.1., ly.. .04 111. 14.411 m1. 4.11 .I tI,INNP. NJINNII i.PD4# I' NIv.N NOTICE A meeting of the Blyth Agricultural Society will be held FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 8, In the Library. PLEASE ATTEND -AGENT F01 - CENTAUR "AG" AGRICULTURAL TRACTORS AMERICAN BANTAMN FARM MACHINERY. Centaur "AG" Tractors are powo••ed by the (..mous "Lc Roi" 143 engin: and equipped with Monrcc" Hydraulic System. APPLY TO GERALD WATSON, I NMPhone 40R4, Blyth, 22, NI.NI NJMNNNNNNN I ♦a AUBURN of the 1)earn'ry in Brussels, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Robinson spent! \liss Mary E. Asquith, cf Stratford,) • the week -end in Toronto. day Mr. and \1t's. C. E. :\slquith. day evcnin; a large tree was bit by \tr. and \Irs. Harold Nicholson, of Seafortdt, with J1 r. and Mrs. Wesley I ' 'ilsou George answers. Ile adds that he al- stable and every man tut that table 1:ghtn`ng near the residence of the 13\rtubnock :1 (1 o. J. \1. l.tant S. Ct•ai. of \Ienford, with ways remembers the adw:cc his lath- � said "\o thank you, when the drinks late Marry \\;agn11•'\ tnd Mrs' \1'. . Craig. a \lr, J cr gave hint. "George if you want 10 were gong aroiind. \len need not act Several men from St. Mark's Angli • r. nld Ross of Galt with Alis, succeed in any walk of life, keep your like sheep.-Advt. can church attended a spring meet - Fred Boss. L.ades- ENJOY THE SUMMER WEATHER WITH A PAIR OF WHITE SANDAL', WHICH COME IN VARIOUS STYLES Priced From $3.98 to $5)0o WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF SISMAN SCAMPERS FOR BOYS OR MEN IN CREPE AND COMPOSITION SOLE. Madill's Shoe Store Blyth "Be Kind to your feet. Wear Madill's Footwear." eeeeMI MeeeMIMUNINNeeeeed NININI�'I.III�'�'N,IIMNJ. The Needlecraft Shoppe BLYTH - ONTARIO. ' Ladies' Cre-p-e lace -trimmed Slips each $2.89 51 gauge dark seam Nylons in new Spring Shades, Per Pair. - $1.95. Aprons $1.29 and $1.39 Waffle Pique Dresses, sizes 2 to 6X I.... each $2.98 Panties for girls, in rayon and cotton, sizes 2-10 yrs. BUTI'ERICK PATTERNS. I.I.IY►NNN.Il. ~.INIIAI".... I.~••IIMlNJINtIMI•mm...NNN+NI .--•-•4•44-4-•-•-•-•-• •-•-•-•-•-• N -M+• •-••-• ++++1-1++1++• 1+-1 •-•-•-••••-•-••-• X11 \I r. anal \lrs. J. C. Stoltz frith \t r. I.+. 11,11 _d and \Ars. I:Id:m Stoltz of Aurora. I '; Mr. and d \frs. Marry Moss spent • the week nt their home in Bright. I Mr, and :qrs. Maurice Bean arc on a trip to Rolthton,' Ont. this week. ani will also visit friends in Ottawa, • IGARRh'1"1'-ln loving memory of our IN MEMORIAM father, NH. John Garrett, who pas- sed away one year ago, June' 136, 1901. The roll:nt stream of life rolls on. But sti:l the vacant cli:dr, Recalls the love, the v: ice, the smile. Of one who once sat there. _ -Ever reincntbcred by his daughters, SPRING CLEARING S.LE OF SPRING GOATS, SHORTIE COATS, SUITS & SPRING DRESSES OWING TO LATE SPRING AND COLD WEATHER, WE ARE OVER -STOCKED, AND MUST CLEAR, REGARDLESS OF COST 8 WOMEN'S ALL -WOOL SHORTIE COATS (regular up to $22.95, SPECIAL CLEARING PRICE . $16.95. 2 SHORTIE COATS (unlined) reg. $1495 SPECIAL $8.95 3 GIRLS' ALL -WOOL SPRING COATS, sizes 8-10, reg. $18.95, SPEC. $13.95 6 MISSES ALL -WOOL GABARDINE SPRING SUITS Regular $4995 SPECIAL $39.95 8 WOMEN'S ALL -WOOL LONG SPRING COATS. Regular $32.95 SPECIAL $24.95 38 WOMEN'S and MISSES PURE SILK CREPE DRESSES. Regular up to $14.95. SPECIAL (at the ridiculously low price of) $4.95 1+++1 44+14++ -•+-+-+r4+++1 •-• •-•+ FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY ONLY - Pr.Famous Make sub Nyl FULL-FASHIONED OF THE REGU LAR $1,75 LINE, °1 PER PR. 1 • t.......44.+444444•-•444-•-•4. f++1+N+#4-N+ ++--N 1 N-44+++++-+4+1-+-+-+44++444-1-++0 *++1+++-1•, 12 WOMEN'S CREPE (Half Size) BETTER -MADE DRESSES, Sold regularly up to $24.95 SPECIAL $12.49 15 WOMEN'S WHITE PURSES (slightly soiled) SPECIAL $1.00 LADIES' SILK PANTIES AND BRIEFS SPECIAL 49c CHILDREN'S TRAINING PANTIES, AND VESTS WITII NO SLEEVES, 3 GARMENTS FOR $1.00 LADIES' COTTON. BALBRIGGAN PANTIES, in small, medium and large sizes 3 PAIR $1.00 The Arcade St re With Branches in Blyth and Brussels. Telephones -Blyth 211; Brussels, 61. W 0 1 C TO ACCOMMODATE YOUR HERDS. S'\1:\1.1., MEDIUM ANI) LARGE, • M 1 L K E R A COOLER THAT WILL DO YOUR JOB MOST EFFICIENTLY. FULLY AUTOMATIC AND ECONOMICAL. LEWIS WHITFIELD IN MEMORIAM TELEPHONE 130 BLYTH, FOR -INFORMATION. 130\\iI:S-In memory of Tyr. Arnold ~`~44.4+4++++4+4444 +.4 -*+444+++ +++ + `'- 1). Bowes, who was Killed in Action And silently you passed into a better But what a gloriatis morning June 111th, 1944. land. • I When we say I•Icllo, instead. a On Sunday evening when all was still God called you without any warning -Ever remembered by the family. God gave His great command, Our farewell was never. said, J 36-1p, AMENIMININIMENIMI SPONSORED BY CLINTON ,LIONS CLUB CLINT Lions Arena .I • 7.2 Including $475 Cash Prizes. $60o Jackpot (CONSOLATION PRIZE OF $25. IF JACKPOT NOT WON IN . 35 NUMBERS) 1 FOUR SPECIAL GAMES". $50 $75 $150 AND $500 JACKPOT . 16 -REGULAR GAMES FOR $10 EACH 1 FREE GAME FOR $15. Admission; $1 for 16 regular games; 25c for extra cards; 25c each for each. • of four special games. Doors open at 8:30 o'clock. Games start at 9:00 (DST), . REFRESHMENT BOOTH. Wednesday, June 6, 1951. Tilt STANDARD 1 r.;`- PAGE 5 BLgT - ELECTRIC Have the Answer to All Your COOKING, REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE PROBLEMS, with WESTINGHOUSE & C.B.E.. PRODUCTS. OIL BURNERS INSTALLED • iN COAL FURNACES, Water Heaters Installed on Request. We Service Our • Appliances. 1 • 1 LYCEUM THEATRE • WINGHAM—ONTARIO. i two Shows Each Night atarting At 1:15 ;Changes in time will be notedbclow Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 7.8.8 :`'The Fuller Brush Man" • Luc°:Ic Bp I, Eddie Albert Mon, Tues,, Wed,, Jane 11-12.13 (:\dint Entertainment) "The Breaking Point" Jo;.n Garfield. Phyllis Thaxter - 'Ilium.. Fri., Sat., June 14.15.16 - "TME PETTY GIRL" Jean Caulfield, Robert Cummings FOR SALE 1 Cabbage plants, Copenhagen Market 'ii and a Special Baldhcall, 1 doz. 18c, 2 i ,. . _1 t: r ?5c, 3 for 5':c, (i for 8;c, and 10) FOR SALE ,fur $l.0:); ('atlliflnwer, st'lectcd Sttdw- Vcga cream seperator, almost new, ball, 2c each, treated, above and be - For particulars telephone, M I„ lute. \I, Holt/hailers 1113111.3621>. iicffron ,phone 117, Myth. 1'i-1. ticnatetta4KKKtttf►•utvict4Ktat4KKKK►Qttltaw t44 ictit4(KntKKtBt[td+48tuI tatcwittf t ctot ztetaxti iter txtimitatitimatRteteictatacteeSvKtQ atilt ffK aimierusa f I OX X 'l'IlhATrtL, THE PARK THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTotr GODERICH. 8EAFORTH. --.—.-------:--. GODERICH •• PHONE 1150 ___ I NOW PLAYING (June 7.9)t' "GAL ---_-_ -._ V" . •- �„ NOY PLAYING; LOUISA , a fun• NOW PLAYING: "He's �A Cockeyed NOW PLAYING: "DALLAS", in 1 ,ANT BES -n Color film with Rona'd Reagan and Ruth I Wonder" with Mickey Rooney, Technicolor with Gary Cooper and Mon, Tues., Juno 11 and 12 ► __ _ Ruth Roman. J Hueeay.`^ (cr Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday 1 kIE MILKMAN"Mon., Tues., Wed. • Adult Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday -- The The most rollicking,rollicking coni- Cause For Alarm" (( » f "Inside Straight" East Side, West Side scop of the day, s.arrin;, A letter falsely accusing a wife of Jimmy Duranto, Donnld O'Connor Down to San Francisco for a colorful murdering her husband becomes the A matrimonial triangle in which the __and Joyce Holden. ine!ot;raiva, woven around its old Bar- fecal point fora tense aini exciting; philandering husband and Itis wife are Wed. and Thurs., (Juno 13.14) bary Coast and the nefarous gambling drama, accused of liquidating the other "BREAKTHROUGH" palaces. wonta0 BREAKTHROUGH Loretta Young, Barry Sullivan and Barbara Stenwyck James Mason and A story of the 1) -Day inbasion of the David Brian. Arlene Dahl, and Bruce Cowling. Van Heflin, Barry Sullivan. French coast. ___.__. _- .._.._____— Thursday, —_-� Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday Qav:d Brian John A^ar •and Th d Friday, S 1 d 1 y "Chain L1'riltning ,'here's a. chilly shrilly, rib -rocking Warner Brother's greatest musical; a I Fri. and Sat. (Juno 15.16) I' fi' '' ' Ililarious situations develop when a This is the thrill'ng story of a jet pilot eeentig of fun for everyone as the singing, dancing story filmed hi the nival co:unandicr a;,p'.ies shipbca'•d tvho made aviation htstcry following, clown princes gent mixed up with a great Americo: Military academy, It's efficiency a n organization io the run-' World War 11, haunted house a grand show, pin; of his Bees. 'I'hc result is Humphrey Bogart, Ele3n r Parker Bud Abbott and Lou Costello James Cagncy, Virginia Mayo and Gene Nelson. 1 ., urs ay, rt ay, n ur ay d( 2 • ff Frank Lovejoy. „ Hold That Ghost""The West Point Story "The Skipper Surprised _ _ and Raymond Massey COMINGo ';The—Return of Franker; _ ____ COMING: `'The Brciking Point" with stein". The Monster returns for a COMIP7G: "Woman of Distinction." John Garfield -ADULT, new thri'l. Rosalind Russel, Ray Millandt Robert Walker, Joan Leslie (4<Ct4tgt6►Oata+&tG+P,+:IlitatRk:<Cw.ti'<G'tate[0at4t4t8t4<Cts+C+C►at6t�'.tgtCy.'tCtek:C'ftaK!aN"xtatYtatatak'tatatttf;,tChit tat.+C+R+$:ata►RtatatatatatatatatRtata+P.<GtatP.ta+P<QtatGta+&+4.t£taICtCtlt&tC<C+QtP.tatatatC3f His Wife" FLOWER SIIOW AND TEA FOR SALE The Myth Horticultural Society will Gasoline washing machine, 2 year; hold it's anmutl Flower Show and Tea old, good condition, Apply, 11'eldon in the Illvth \lcntorial Hall, on Sat - Tyndall, phone 246, Myth. 36-1p, urday, jute 23rd, 352,. By R©e Farms Service Dept. 1 Qt8 L Ofqil W WF Q C C v c = = t O S W IIId♦.oNtMt#IN•1 NN~#####N FOR SALT: CO cycle Transformer welder new transformer motor. never succi; 1 oxy-acty cutting and welding equipment , torch, new; portable grinder with new qtr. (:0 -cycle motor; 5 gals, No. 20 motor &I. Ftic per gal; double steel bunk beds. Stewart's Welding Shop Phone 86, Blyth, NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Emma Wright, late of the Village of Auburn, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the sante with the undersigned Solicitor for the said -Es- (tate, on or bcforc the 25th • day of June. A.D. • 1951, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the panties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of lune, A.U.. 1951. F. FINGLAND,' K.C. Clinton, On- tario, Solidtor for the said Estate, ?t -i-3. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings -Province of Ontario SEALED ','ENDERS addressed' to the undersigned and endorsed "'Ten- der for Coal" will be received until 3 pint. (Ii.D.S.'1'.). Thursday. June 21, 1951, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings through- out the Province of • Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions atttached can be obtain- ed from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. Ont. Tenders should be oracle on the .forms suppliedl' by the Department and in. accord;tncc with (lepartntentat specifications and _conditions attached Thereto. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful tender- er, before awarding the order, a se- curity deposit in the form of a certi• fled cheque on a chartered bank in Canaid:t. Houle :payable to the order of the Honourable. the Afinister of Pub- lic \\';arks equal to 10 percent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of tthe Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent cont{zanies uncon- ditionally guaranteed ns to principal and interest by the Dominion of Can- ada, or 'the aforementioned Bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guar- antee .for the proper fulfilment of the contract. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting 'Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, \lay 28, 1951, 36-2. • "This is PAT MURRAY. We'd like to welcome you to Words and Music each afternoon during the week from 3.05 to 4.00. Our aim is to bring you the world's Finest Music during those doily periods of Words and Music, Join ust" - 980—CFPL's Pat Murray. AUCTION SALE •. Of Househo'd Effete, in the Village of Auburn, on WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13th, at 1 p.m. Beatty vacuum cup hand washing machine, with wringer ; 2 dining room tables and 6 chairs ; small tables; 3 arm chairs; 3 bedroom suites; 1 bed; 6 kitchen chairs; :pictures; 2 antique chairs; 1 buffet ; glass cupboard; 'rockers; 2 hanging lamps and other lautps;floor covering; creeks: sealers; electric radio; 1 Clare Jewell cook stove (coal or wood); 2 -burner hot plate ;. Quebec heater, TERMS CASH. Proprietor, Estate of late Harry \Vag- uer. . Auctioneer, IIarold Jackson, Sea - forth. • 35-1. FOR SALE Good 14 -inch grant roller. Apply to Walter Mason, phone 11-23, Illyth. 36.1p. FOR SALE S-2 Creast Seperator, McCormick Deering, in like new running condi- tion. Apply to Earl Watson, phone 40r4, Blyth, 35-2p, HELP WANTED Girl or woman as clerk. Apply to P,artliff's Bakery a n d Restaurant, Clinton, Ont., Phone 1, 35-2p. TWEDDLE HATCHERIES Offers Government -Approved R.O.P. Sired Chicl4s, Day-old or Started, 13 pure breeds and 15 cross breeds to ;choose from. Order today. Phone or see our representative, J. Armstrong, phone 170. I3lyth, 36.2. AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects, of the late Mrs. Thos. Noble, in the Village of Blyth, on SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 1951, at 2 .p.nt. The property consists of a seven - room frame house with bath, hard- wood floors, built-in cupboards, base- ment, hard and soft water; stable; four lots, garden, small fruits; also household furnishings including' ches- terfield suite, dining room suite; ex- tension table and chairs, china cabi- net and buffet, coal or wood range, quebec heater, coal oil stove, small'" tables, couches, spool bed, springs anti mattress, three beds complete, dres- sers, washstands, and many other ar- titles. p.m.o a pint. TERMS machine; wringstudio couch; lib- 7 p.m. too 9 p. The prtiperty will be sold subject to rary table; cabinet battery radio; 3 kit- Telephone 33 -- a reserve bid. Terms to be made known m. then cupboards; chest of drawers; bed on day of sale. Chattels cash. linen; pillows; blankets; dishes; cook - Mrs. C. Rath, Bclgrave, Proprietor. ing utensils; !pictures; sealers y crocks;Wm. Morritt, Auctioneer, 36-2, �� ��� sewing machine; 8 -day clock; arm Bros. chairs; 2 small tables; lawn mower; floor covering; lamps; Other articles too nunlcrotl to mention. TERMS OF SALE: Sold subject to reserve bill and certain conditions of sale. CHATTELS: Cash. Rotate of late Mrs. Emma Wright. Executor: Lewis Ruddy, Auburn. Solicitor. i Frank Fingland, Clinton, Ontario. Auctioneer: Harold Jackson, Sca- fortlt, 35-2. 'Jordon Elliott J. H. R. Elligtt ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency BLYTH. I'HE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES FOR SALE:. 1'/2 and 1 storey frame, asphalt shingle clad dwelling; hydro, small frame stable with garage attached small piece of land; situated or :west side of Queen Street. 1 storey, frame, instil brick and metal -clad dwelling, good well, hy.. :aro, full cellar, cement and frame stable, about 1 acre of land, situat- ed on north side of Hamilton St. 114, rtorcy frame asphalt shingle• clad and brick dwelling; :water pres- sure, 1 i'dro, stable with hydro and water, about .5314 acres land, sit- uated on north side of • Boundary Road, • 1'/(2. storey, frame dwelling with hydro and water pressure, stable 33x26, and lien house, about 1 acre of land; situated on west side of Queen St. FOR SALE Duck eggs, 7 cents each. Apply, Rus- sell Bentley, phone 34-33, Blyth. 34-4p. FARM EQUIPMENT "New Idea" tractor mowers, side rakes, tedders, new and used manure oprea�Iers, hay loaders, horse mow- ers, booms wagon unloadcrs, • Gilson refrigerators and electrical equipment. New Idea Distributors; phone Carlow 2821, Goderich, Ontario. 34-3p. AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects. Its the Village of Auburn, on SATURDAY, JUNE 9th, at 1:30 p.m., as follows: PROPERTY: A good concrete house, approximately 28' x 26', six rooms. Also good frame garage 14' x- 20'. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Bedroom suite; 2 lieds, springs and mattresses; R. A. Farquharson, M.D. dining -room table; 6 chairs; 3 rocking PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON chairs; 8 kitchen chairs; 3 -burner coal Office Hours oil stove; Quebec heater; Clare Jewel Daily Except Wednesday and Sunday. cook stove (coal or wood) ; washing Reid's POOL ROOM. SMOKER'S SUNDRIES Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop, and Other Sundries. FARMERS Be sure to get your help in time. Small and large Dutch families are available for Harvest. Apply now. C. de I-Iaan, Bclgravc, Ontario. 23-8p. FARM FOR SALE 50 acres, on the Auburn road, 11/.i utiles west of Blyth & close to school, Hydro available, good water supply. 20 acres spring crop. Good farm build- ings. Possession arrangements call be made. Apply, Airs. Mary Siding, phony 18r5, Blyth, R.R. 1, Auburn. 33-2p, FOR SALE 1927 Chev. Sedan in gond running condition. Just the car for to and from work service. Priced right. Garnet E. Farrier, Whitechurch, phone 711J1, \Wingham. 35-2p. SEWAGE DISPOSAL •I am now equipped to pump out your septic tank; Also do all other kinds of pumping, such as flooded cellars, etc. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, phone 75r4. 34-6p, G. ALAN WILLIAMS, OPTOMETRIST, PATRICK ST. - WJINGI-JAM, ONT, IEVENINGS .BY APPOINTMENT. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. Professional Eye Examination. Optical Services. OPTOMETRIST ,JOHN E. LONGSTAFF ' Optometrist. Eyes examined, Glasses fitted Phone 791 MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Hours: 9 - 6 Wed. 9-12:30; Sat. 9 a.rn. to 9 p.m. Thursday Evenings, By Appointment, Blyth, Ont. 47,52p. SEE! Stewart Johnston �o W! For POWER PACKED ATLAS BATTERIES , Get greater power capa• city, get better cold weather starting and longer battery life with an Atlas! WRITTEN GUARANTEE With every Atlas Battery you • get a written Guarantee backed by Imperial Oil. It's made good by '38,0,00 dealers wherever you go in Canada 08 the United State IY,II,It Esso out' MORRITT & WRIGHTMORRITT & WRIGHT Oliver Sales & Service Dealers Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth. Inquire About Our Line of Machinery: --- Oliver Tractors, 4 both wheel tractors and crawlers. Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and Hammer Mills, Also Renfrew Cream Sep- arators and Milkers. Fleury -Bissell Spring ----=-�-' Tooth Harrows, Land Packers and Fertilizers 4 Stewart Johnston s Spreaders. Massey -Harris and Beatty We also have repairs for Dealer. Oliver-Cockshutt Tractors Phone 137-2 - Blyth, Ont. GA GE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A. Specialty. Agents For Interitational- Harvester Parts & Sup jies White Rose Gas and' Oil Car Painting and Iloarting, A. L. COLE! 4 R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Goderich. Ontario - Telephone V Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT Officers: President, E. Jl Trewartha, Clinton; Vice -Pres., J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Manager and See,Treas., M. A. Read. Directors: E. J, Trewart'ita, Clinton; J. L. Mal. one, Seaforth; S. H. \Vhitttore, Sea - forth ; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. M'cEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; \Vnt, S. Alexander, Walton; Ilarvey Fuller, Goderich, Agents: J. E. Pepper, Bruceficld; R. F. 1\fc- Kercltcr, Dublin; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth; J, F. Pruetor, Brodhagen, Selwyn Bak- er, Brussels. Parties desirr;:is to effect . Insurance or transact other business, will be protnply attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respecti;a poet 04- This superb tea guarantees the f favour of every cup PP MOUE lilEOE ANNA HIRST _yarn Fam4 [bu«.,edot.- "Dear Anne IIirst: For a long time, I've been trying to get up courage to write you , . . \Vltcn I was 17 (eight years ago) I fell in love with a young man who I thought was all I desired. He en- listed, and when he cause back he seemed so changed. "I•Ie got in- volved with a married woman, and had a child by her, whom he has to support. \Vhen I learned this, 1 would not sec hint again, "N[eanwhilc, I met another man with whom I've gone steadily for three years. Ile is wonderful, and wants to marry Inc. "But recently I ran into my first friend. He told me he is sorry for everything, and wants nit to be LAURA \VI-1E1.I.14 Baby's fust bye-bye outfit is so darling! Easy to knit — cap and jacket are each straight pieces. Use sport yarn. Drop stitch atm garter stitch Make jiffy knitting! Baby -set Pat- tern 798, knitting directions. Laura Wheeler's improved pat- tern makes crochet and knitting So simple with its charts, photos and concise directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Tor- onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Send Twenty-five Cents more (in coins) for our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book. Illustrations of patterns for crochet, embroidery, knitting, household accessories, dolls, toys . . many hobby and gift ideas,' A free pattern is printed in the book, CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I, Very warm 4, Rob 1, Distant 12, Be Indebted 13. Poorer 14, /leverage 16. Coat with metal 17, Snuggled 19. Answer the purpose 21, Gluts 22. Arm covering 24. Persian 25. Southern state (ab.) 26. Repairer 28, Creels letter H. Danish terri- torialdivistons 33. Performed 34, On the orenn 75. Affirmative 30, Soft 38, Near 39, Mix 41. ScottIsh noble- men 43, oil or rose Petals 46, Short 46, Bishop 48, Approaches 51. Err 52, 9.'111cc 51, Payable 55. Poultry product 56, Finished 57. flowerer DOWK 1. Jump 2. Nocturnal bird 3. Coax 4. Move aside 5, For 6, Sea eagle 7. Peer Gynt's mother I 2 .3 12 15 22 23 19 {rix: 16 +tis wife. 1. told my boy friend, and he said it was up to mc. "I'm afraid I will never care for anybody as I did for the first boy. 1 know he has done wrong, and if I go back with hire I will ruin my reputation. Can you help nae? "Sometimes I wonder if being a nice girl is enough? I have hurt my boy friend, and most of all, myself. When I was younger, I could always face a problem. Now, at 25, I could just run ort on it all! ANONYMOUS" WHY TAKE THE RISK? * Above all else, an intcliiuent * girl must starry a man she can * be,proud of. That means that he is hottest and upright, has earned the re- spect of all who know hint; it means that he honours goodness, and avoids evil. Can you say any one of these things about the boy you used to love: Cculd you marry him ,and go through life defending him: More than that, could you ever really trust hies again? You tvould conte to (hate hint, and yourself too, Saying that he is sorry for * what he did, is a weak apology * for his sins. 1t dues not guarantee * he will not repeat them. ,\hays 4, you would live in fear, wondering * how long he tvould be true to yon, 4: ;on are luckier than most 4• girls tvho have been heartbroken. * You have a choice. —A wonder- * ful young man who has all the * virtues you admire, who sin- * cerely loves you. who for three at. long years has proved Itis devo- tion. Why throw away such * a chance? Yon may never have * another. * Charm and passion have their * place. But, as I have said be• * fore, it is character we have to * live with. • If the boy you loved turned out wrong, put hien out of your life. And if you are fortunate enough to find a better man, hold on to hint , , . Anne Hirst's counsel is safe to follow, Write Iter at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St.. New Toronto,,, Ont. RETURNED WITH INTEREST :\ boy left the farm and got a job in the city, He wrote a letter to his brother, who elected to stick to the farm telling the joys of city life, in which he said: "Thursday we auto'd out to the country club where we golfed until+ dark. Then we motored to the beach for the week -end." The brother on the farm wrote back: "Yesterday we car -ed to town and haseballed all the afternoon, Then we went to Ned's, pokered until morning. Today we muted and trac• tored out to the cornfield and ge- hawcd and hummed and roared un• til sundown. Then we suppered and then we piped for a while. After that we staircased up to our room and bedsteaded until the clock rived." 8. Minor 31, Stand 9, Hesitates 36, Long, abusive 10. Opposite to speech aweather 37, Merited 11, Revolutionists 40. Flat cap 16, Abounds 42, Prepared 18, tlrchitt 43, Part ea 20. Seller church 22,1011 44, Procine 23. halt 45, Loolc after 24. Interfere 47, Number 27. Clamor 49. bledlelnal herb 29. Chief 50, Place 30. Grain 53, Symhol for 32. Relishing selenium 4 5 6 7 8 -'; r9 10 11 17 14 IS 20 21 24 25 31 35 45 46, 51 55 26 27 25 29 0 3?, 33 34, 36 39 40 7 45 37 48 42 38 9 50 5? 54 56 51 Answer Elsewhere on Thts Page ' How To Keep Thent Down On The Farm—Model Mickey Moser, putting it briefly, is enlivening milking chores for Stanley lichten- walmer while from his 'ractor Horace . Kirby beams approval. Mickey's visit to the Kirby farm serves 'o illustrate the latest merchandising method, bringing fashions to the farm. I RO !CLES INGERie t',Nttnnrinifr o P ('1r` t'l%t' \Vell, here We are once more, out in the garden, busy %vitt) paper and pencil again. Last week the country was lovely but this w eel" it is beyond description, Cherry :utd apple trees, and lilac bushes are in full bloom, and flowering almond anis japonica gay with blossom, Besides that, everywhere you loop there is a host—not of daffodils— but a host of golden dandelions. And they au•e•as bright and cheery as anything one collo wish to see. Little green and yellow canaries are back with us again, singing their tuneful song. Tulips are out but daffodils and narcissi are past their best, This year I alt goint to try a new method in dealing with naw bulbs—at least it is new to Inc. Until now I had thought that spring -flowering bulbs had to be left undisturbed unti the green tops had died down. Recently I hai'c learned that better method is to dig up the bulbs, heel them into a trench already prepared and leave then( until the tops have wi- thered away. Then dig up the bulbs again and spread tllent in a shady plaice until react} to plant in the fall. That method gives you a chance to clean up your borders and get itt a few annuals where the bulbs were lifted. Another thing I am glad to re- port is the fact that we have fin- ished seeding. Johnny came home and helped Partner get it done— so that is one less thing to worry about. The next thing is to get the fences fixed and the cows ottt to pasture. I shoilld say "the next big thing" because there are unt)• teen little jobs still waiting to be done. a: 4 Last Tuesday 1 went to Guelph —couch against my twill—as my sole purpose was to buy a hat, and there is nothing I dislike so much as that. However a friend in the city helped me' over the ordeal, al- though we had co visit four stores before finding anything that would suit Inc. There wer: plenty of hats that the milliners would have been happy to sell me but few that I would have been happy to wear and f had to have something as one of our nieces is being mar- ried next Saturday. Lend me your . sympathy, oh my deat readers for fussy affairs have never been to my liking, Maybe 1 shouldn't call this a fussy affair as it is supposed to be only a snail quiet wedding. In which case deliver me from a big ones It is funny to remember our own wedding , , . Partner and l were Married in a churcih that was prac- tically empty and the martial tread of Partner's army boots echoed to the rafters, We were. even late for the event as in London was got into some kind of a mix-up with train schedules and had to send a wire asking the rector to postpone the ceremony for one •hour. We finally made it—and it was a beau• tiful wedding, in our estimation, After it was over my mother had a wonderful lunch waiting for us —cold ham, salad and deep apple piel At short notice it was all that war -time rations would permit. And it was short notice as Partner arc . ISSUE 23 -- 1951 rived ito:uc ou I(.avc from Europe almost a, soon as tlic wire tvhiclt announced Ili, cooling. t , But I digress . . . let's get bac(: to Guelph. Naturally before we could start hat -hunting we had to park the car—by a parking ureter of course. \\'e were outside a fur- rier's shop where my friend was talking her coat for storage. \Vhile arc tvere in there 1 asked the clerk if she would mind dropping a niche) into tite steel contraption when the hoar was up, "That is, if we are not hank," added my friend. "Back!" 1 cxclatintcd, "Look, I'm shopping for a hat—can you pus• sibly imagine that it's going to take less than an hour:" \Veil, the park- ing ran into 1$c altogether—and one violation at that. But no ticket, thank goodness. Of course it was- n't all the list --we et•'t our lunch Out of it and a bit more shopping as well—and there was the time it took running back and forth. to the meter to fill it up again. r: Next evening I was out 10 a soca! evcniiig to tvhiclt I had been invited and every tl`ing was most enjoyable. The sun was setting as l drove up the mountain and the country was so beautiful° it almost took one's breath away, It was nice cooling home, too .. ,swan p frogs singing in the moonlight .. trees and hedges silhouetted against a summerish sky. I enjoyed every minute of my evening out. Only one thought disturber; me . , . so mulch peace and beauty—and yet how c:oily it could all be spoilt by a few stray bombs—or even one bomb if it happened to be of the atomic variety. \Nits., oh why, should such things be? Women Have More - Fat In Their Heads Baldness has intrigued men for centtn'ies. f{ten Charles Dickens offered a solution, lie theorised that as shaving tended to thicken the hair on the chin (a belief since scientifically disproved) Nature replied by taking it away iron) the head. Science, hot•evct, has sought something sounder than this be- lief, which still has some prevalence —one research % orlcer attacked the problem from the female side. He worked from the basis that, as women are less prone to' bald. Hess than men, they must have some special physical quality. His research showed that women have Itlore subcutaneous fat under the scalp than Wren. When, in the case of Hien. this fat disappears with the passage of time, the scalp presses more firmly against the skull and strangles the tiny glands through which the hair emerges. Study its Skulls This happens less frequently 'to women, so the theory goes, because their thicker layer of subcutaneous fat lasts thein until late in life. This theory provoked one rude chap to remark that, 'anyway, it was always known that women were more fatheaded than men! The theory, however, is closely related to the discovery of Dr, Frederick Hoclzcl, of the Univer- sity of Illinois Medical School, who made a study of eighty skulls, He found that in cases of bald- ness an extension of the bone struc- ture of the skull (called calcifica- tion) Itad cut off the blood supply to the scalp, Furthermore, the de- gree of baldness was proportionate- ly related to the amount of calcifica- tion. Otte other theory on natural bald. Hess holds that it is simply a tnat- ter of heredity, being passed on, not only from a bald father, but from a mother. You Can't Stop It Women, though not perhaps bald themselves, are capable of trans- mitting baldness, -since it is a reces- sive characteristic tvitit then) and at dominant male characteristic, Though dermatologists may not be united in their views on the cause of common baldness, they at•c agreed on one point—that nothing can he done to repel it if Nature has decreed otherwise. However, the inevitable may be postponed) 1)s• careful attention tt) the fundamental rales of hygiene, The hair roots depend for their fife on the nutrition corning from the bloodstream, which depends in turn upon the body's general condi- tion. 13 that essential is absent, the life blood of the hair is affected. And the owner may become one more in a mounting company of over 100,000 who have applied to the National 1Tealth Service—for wigs. Millions Of Marbles Schoolboys bought 50,000,000 new marbles last year, Eine glass mar- bles are being made in Britain for the first time, using a secret mix-, titre which blends the glass and pig- ments. Until 191.4 the world's manufac- turing centre was near Nuremberg, Germany, though the gauze carne to England, not from Gentians, but front Rome, • It was introduced here by Ro- man legionnaires, who used round, Crater -worn pebbles that could he easily bowled along the smooth - tiled courts of the villas they built in Britain. Demand for marbles is constantly increasing, for they are not only, used by schoolboys. During the war skilled mechanics 'perfected the lit- tle glass balls to such a degree that they could be suhstitittetl for ccr• fain steel hearings. 'Irons of glass marbles go to li- thographers and engravers to be used in smoothing the s:u'facc of copper printing plates. Special marbles are track for this purpose to withstand the wear and tear of being rolled back and forth over the metal surfaces. Maury are made for inclusion in the game called Chinese Checkers, which requires sixty marbles for each game, ten each of six differ- ent colours. In the oilfields of Texas and the Middle East millions of marbles are used as filters and condensers. Eish hatcheries ttse them on the bottom of breeding tanks, claiming better results during the spawning season. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking 3 9A a 5 CM na;'t3S� ?1V3INI 3 1 a a:S:3S SI 21 I V1 •211 V s31N3J. 3 'S V a la OHI v S 3.LV O 31,1S 9'11! x3 213aN3 3VOA 3A S ' l a A21 N ?Id V©1V A ©QW ' V1 3 3'19 39 4N Se 3 d O M 3M O V3 lS 10 H Etiquette In The Good Old Days "1f you get drunk often, you'll be disgraced," Such was the advice given to young girls in the fif- teenth century. Standards of ex - peeled bchaviout' have changed amusingly during the last few hun- dred years. One of the earlist known books on etiquette was published before the Norman Conquest. Its author named 1lardicanute, admonished: "Clcnsc not thy teethe, at mete with knyfc, stile, or waudc, or drink with food in thy mouths. After mete, when thou shalt wasslle, spilt not in the basin." flood table nt,9tillers must Itave been the exception rather than the rule, for in the thirteenth century a gentleman called Robert de Blois recommended t. h a t tablecloths should not be used for wiping the eyes or the nose. Mind Your Tongue Feminine characteristics seem to have changed little since those days. 1t was unbecoming in a lady, he said, to talk loo much or to boast about the attentions paid to her by the opposite sex. In 1430 a book called, "blow the Good Wife Taught her Daughter," rendered this advice for young girls: "Ill walking, don't toss your heats and wriggle about your shoul- ders. Don't sweat'. Its town don't gad about or get drunk on your clothes money, 'fake 110 gifts; they're the ruin of many a True woman." Thirty years Tater it was the turn of young turn to come in for a little ;attention, when the Marshal of Humphrey, 1)tike of Gloucester, told them, "1)o not cough or spit or retch too loud. Do not lick a dish with your tongue." Bones, he added alight be gnawed, but never thrown on the floor. That Etiquette \Vhen we get to the nineteenth century we find complete prudish- ness and an elaborate code of be- haviour which it is social suicide to transgress. The women's magazines were full of helpful hints, "Peachblossont,'' for instance, is advised not to at- tempt the climbing of stiles in a crinoline. '1f she suffers too much front the comments of vulgar little boys, con- tinues the editor, it would be better, in a high wind, to remain indoors. A paper for girls says: "It is not merely a breach of etiquette for a girl to take a country walls alone, it is absolutely unseemly and dan- gerous. There is always at chance of meeting tramps or drunken Wren." A book of etiquette published in the first year of Queen Victoria's reign reflects most accurately the current artificiality of behaviour. Ladies are told exactly how to cut an undesirable acquaintance, and stow to treat insinuating or ambigu- ous remarks. They mast appear not even to hear them! In Ogden, Utah, a man was asked to step up on a platform and draw the winning ticket in a $1.000 bond �raflle, He reached into the box and incredibly and gleefully drew his own number. ( Ile kept the bond). Light fine-teured BUNS So easy to make with new fast DRY Yeast! 1-Icre, at last, is fast acting yeast that keeps --stays full-strength without refrigeration till the moment you use it! No more spoiled yeast — no more slow yeast! Get a month's supply of the new Illeischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast! 0 Combine a c. water, 3 tbs, gran - tinted sugar, 1 tsp, salt and % c. shortening; heat, stirring constant- ly, until sugar and salt are dissolved attd shortening melted; cool to luke- warm, Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl / c. lukewarm water, 1 tsp. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved, Sprinkle with 1 envelope Fleischmanu's Fast Rising Dry Yeast, Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. Add cooled sugar -shortening mix- ture and stir in 1 well -beaten egg and 1 tsp. lemon juice, Sift together / FEATHER BUNS twice 2 c, once -sifted bread .flour ,and ;a tsp, ground mace, Stir into -yeast mixture; beat until smooth. Work in 1 c. once -sifted bread flour to make a very soft' dough. Grease top of dough, Cover and set in warts place; free from draught, Let rise until doubled in bulk.. Punch down dough and cut out rounded spoonfuls of dough with a tablespoon and drop into greased ttiuflin pans, filling each pan about half -full, Grease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk, Bake in a hot overt, 425°, about 20 tninutes, Yield — 20 medium-sized buns. 1111, .1111 Catty BUBirtess Lawyer Woodbury Rand has riven his five Boston relatives a shock. lie had promised to bequeath them $10,000 apiece. Instead, a co- dicil to his will cut them off "be- cause of their contemptuous atti- tude and cruelly towards my cat" --and his mongrel cat, Buster, has been left $50,00(1 to keep her fed and housed for life, It scents a lot for a car's life, but catty standards are rising. A Siamese cat, Prince Rahnla, recent- ly sailed the Atlantic with his own first-class stateroom and private hath, and the stewards served him breakfast 111 bed. Fuzzy, an ancient cat of twenty, has lived in equal state in a New York hotel ever since her'nlistress died fifteen years ago,• No rat is lapped in 'such luxury in Britain. Thousands were destroy- ed during the war, and yet it's believed that the pussy p0pu1a1ion is up to strength, There's never been a cart census, if the cat popu- lation is near the expert estimate of 8 000,000, a cat license could contribute $12,000,000 to the Ex- E'xchcqucrcr. Roughly one-third of Britain's cats, however, are not idly domes- tic but work for their living in dockyards, factories and ware- houses. Several hundred—listed on a feline Z Reserve—are being call- ed up to safeguard food stores from rats and mice. At the other end of the tiles, of course, are Britain's 60,000 pedigree cats, Siamese, des - echoed from the first couple brought there seventy years ago; exotic Persians, Abyssianialls and other breeds presided over by the Gov- erning Council of the Cats' Fancy. Some Siamese earn good money when exported. Manx cats are very popular in America; but the least - loved waif is the strange hairless Mexican cat, with just a single tuft on its back, A South Ameri- can species neither mews nor cries and the Paraguay cat is only a quarter the size of cats anywhere else. There are cats from Burma with natural knots tied in their tails, and African cats from Mom - bas, sometimes called "scrubbing' brushes" on account of their stiff bristle -like hair. Not that any commercial popu- larity awaits these oddities. Thirty varieties of cat are recognized by the Cats' Fancy, and few cross- breeds are effective. The hobbyist who mated a prize Manx with a prize Persian was glumly rewarded with a batch of backyard tabbies. Red Flannel In the years when red flannel was a panacea against colds and chills, some charitable soul laid 4lown in her will that annually "two yards of red flannel are to be given 10 deserving spinsters." 13ut it was disclosed recently by a committee to the House of Lords that flan- nel of any colour is so dear that the funds enabled only one yard to be given to two deserving spin- sters. Flannel was made originally in Wales, the name itself being a cor- ruption' of gwlanen, and the belief was fostered that there was more virtue in red. flannel than in that of any other colour. This old -wives' belief has now been found scienti- fically true, for red retains warmth more than any other colour. It is due to red flannel that an attempted invasion of Wales failed for, ih 1797, when French troops landed at Fishgaa.rd they mistook the red flannel petticoats of the fishwives on the cliffs for the uni- krms of redcoats 'and, alarmed at the great force opposed to them, surrendered. Quote from Jimmy Durante: Man s the only animal that can be skin - sed more than once. Learning All Over Again—Harold Chisholm who used to lead an active life in the north woods is shown above learning how to walk again in a "walker" after being crippled with rheumtoid arthritis. Shown with him is Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society physiotherapist Doris Frame. The Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society is campaigning for funds this month to estab- lish more clinics and mobile units to relieve the pain and suffering of more than 100,000 Canadians disabled by the disease and to expand its program of research and training of doctors. ORT As we have previously explained, the circumstances under which this column is written and published, make it impossible for us to keep in any sense abreast of current sports happenings. That is to say by the time our continents reach the eyes of our readers—if any—what we were commenting about is a week or so in the past. . 1 * * Not that it matters particularly, as some o1 you are probably re- marking. Still, we think we owe it to you to pass along the most strik- ing remark we heard in connection with the latest running of the King's Plate—remember i1? * • * :1 The race was just over• and the jam-packed crowd at Woodbine was busy getting its collective breath after the great stretch run with which MAJOR FACTOR, coining 'from a country mile back, had caught and passed LIBERTINE in the final sixteenth. Nobody, ap- parently, was paying much attention to any of the field but those two. * * * Then, as the numbers of the first four to finish dropped into their slots, we heard a husky voice, some- where to the. rear of us, say dis- gustedly, "LVcl1, them that has, gets, all right." * * * "What do you mean, 'Thent as has gets', you nleathead?" queried another, even huskier voice. • Nina For The Stretch—Dr. V. C. Fabian indicates the auxiliary wind pipe in the neck of Beaumont Hanover. The stainless steel lube was, inserted after it was found tho the horse was having breathing difficulties in his home stretch drives. Owners of the teven-year-old gelding hope that the tube will show bright results by seasons end. "I mean tha, gut'. E. P, 'Taylor, of course," replied the first. "He not only takes the big pot with that FACTOR gelding, but that mare of his has to last to get fourth and win him another thousand bucks or so. And him needin' a thousand bucks like I need another coupla mothers-in-law l" - * * * We wrote, recently, about sign - stealing in baseball having' become pretty much of a lost art. Another form of diamond pilferage that seems to be sinking into about the same category is base stealing— and if you think this is only an- other example of an old-timer squawking over present -(lay condi- tions, a look at some of the figures might convince you that, for once, there's reason in what we say, :( * * The greatest team of base -stealers in the American League during the 1950 season was the Philadelphia Athletics. Altogether, the A's stack- ed up a total of 42 thefts. Yet in a single season Eddie Collins of that same club ;.tole no less than 81 times, 1` * k New York Yankees were undoub- tedly the best team- in baseball last year. They proved it by win- ning not only the American pen nant,but the World's Series as well. The combined effort of the Men of Stengel, along base -stealing lines, totalled'just 41 sacks. Fritz Maisel, one-time wearer of Yankee spangles stole 74 bases in a single campaign, all by his lonsome. o * :y Not to snake too long a story of it, let's briefly take the other teams in the American loop, and give first the number of bases each team collectively stole during 1950—then mark some former member of said team once chalked up, * * * Boston Red Sox -32 stolen bases. Tris Speaker, one season, 52, * *. * Chicago White Sox -19 stolen bases, Wally Moses, one season, 56. * * * Cleveland Indians -40 stolen bases. Ben Chapman, one season, 52. * * . * Detroit Tigers -23 stolen bases. Tyrus Raymond Cobb, one season, 96, * * * St. Louis Browns -39 stolen bases. George Sister, one season, 51. * * * Washington Senators -51 stolen bases. Clyde Milan, one season, 88. * , * * Turning to the senior circuit the discrepancy, between the modern "fleet -foots" and those of other days {F not quite so marked, Boston Braves stole 79 bases durilig the 1950 running, whereas the best re- cord of any. single Brave was that of Ralph Meyer with 57, Brooklyn Dodgers—they ilave Jackie Robin- son—accounted collectively for 77 S.B.',, just ten more than Jimmy Sheckard's bygone mark of 67. But those two --Brooklyn and Boston—were the only National Teams of which that could be said. Having gone so far to prove a point which needs no proving, let's finish out the route, + * * Chicago Cubs -46 stolen bases. Frank Chance—and he was no Mercury—one season, 67. 4 * Cincinnati Reds --37 stolen bases, Bob Beschcr, one season, 80, * * 4 New York Giants, 42 stolen bases, (Probably Lippy 1,co thinks base stealing is "bush league stuff"), George Burns, one season, 62, 4 w * Philadelphia Phillies—thc "youth trust be served boys" --33 stolen bases. Sherwood Magee, one sea- , son, 55, 4 * * Pittsburg Pirates — 43 stolen bases. Max Carey, one season, 63, * * * • St, Louis Cardinals — 23 stolen bases. Jack Murray, also Frankie Frisch, one season, 48. * * * So there you have it, friends, and quite enough of it, says you. 'fhe moral is, of course, that the boys nowadays are aiming for the fences, and little things such as a single base advance arc too paltry for then to trifle with. And if the magnates keep adding rabbit to the hall and, at the same time, moving those fences platewar(I, we can fore- see the clay when they'll be playing "Four or No Count," and any play- er getting less than a homer will be sent to the minors. New And Useful . Too Quick Shave New plastic shave tube has round sponge top instead of a screw cap, 13y squeezing tube, cream is forced into the sponge which produces in- stant lather, for quick application. Plastic cap protects sponge when not in use, Ink Stamp Ink stamp has good adherence to all metals, especially aluminum, nlagllesiunl and stainless steel; is also said resistant to cleaning fluids, oils and greases. Non -smearing, ink quickly dries by evaporation and re- sulting ink film resists corrosion. Product conies in many colours, and by adding aluminum powder to starfiping pad,. shows up on black surfaces, * * Siamese Pump New service station gasoline pump is two in one, taking up only slightly more space than a single pump, yet capable of filling two . cars at the sante time. Twin pump is said to offer maximum gasoline serving facilities per square foot of driveway in station and increases the traffic -handling capacity of multi -pump stations, n * +r Makes Bows Simplifying gift wrapping is new plastic device for tying decorative bows. Two extension arms are used to wrap ribbon on; when ribbon is tied, slipped off the arms, it is ready for gift package. * * Delayed Action Detroit company has prodbced a handy household light switch: turn the lights, off and it lights your way for about a minute before actually going off, * * * ,k Protects Wood New substances when applied to wood protects it from water, mold and mildew, company claims. Pre- servative makes wooden crates, pal- lets, etc. last longer, reduces swel- ling and warping. Claimed to be non-toxic and odorless, liquid con- centrate is made of zinc salts and water-resistant materials to be mix- ed with ,,mineral spirits for spraying dipping or brushing on wood. NO LEEWAY Out-of-town young man (to New York City minister): "Do you think could lead a good Christian life here in the 'city on $20 a week?". Minister (smiling): "My boy, that's all you could do." May Be World's Wealthiest Man • The bearded Sheikh of Kuwait, ruler of the tiny Arab State whose population, 150,000, is no larger than that of Brighton, is probably the worlds richest man. His income? More than $12,000,000 and it is likely to get bigger every year. This 56 -year-old ruler's income comes from the world's largest oilfield which—luckily for him—is located in his own country. His enormous wealth has not turned his head, He is no lover of luxury; he has erected no magnificent man- sion or palace, does not over -eat or drink too much—lives, in fact, an almost 'abstemious life as a tri- bal ruler, The Sheikh has one burning am- bition—to make his State the most modern in the Middle East. Already he has installed a water plant whici yields a million gallons a day and started war on tuberculosis by ..Classified Advertising.. IIAIIV CIIIC118 OIJ,t SIINiS'rh:It of Agriculture nage we have a shortage of laying pullets In (Jnnndn, lagan are being Imported from holland, Dont be caught short of laying pullets this Fall and 1Vlnter. The thou to make money out of anything Is when It fs In short supply. we can Kivu prompt delivery nu all popular pure breeds and crone breeds, Non sexed, pullet], cockerels. Also 'Turkey PoUlte. Older Pullets. Free Cnlnlo;ue, 'rwaldln thick 2f atcherien Mottled, Fergus, Anlarlo. YOU can eceure 15c to a dozen nano for your rage It you will contact un immediately. %Ve are Interested In secur- ing some more Mirka for the 1952 befell - Ing season to supply us with cairn. With mumu breeds wo will he able to take wage the year round. 1Sc to 25e a dozen extra for your rage the year round Is a nice profit in Ilst'I1. For full details apply: Itux Number 12, 123 • 16th SL, N.nv Toronto, IF YOU �A1lE IN'rl 11IsSTED In making money this In the year to get In tho Poultry Ilmetnesn bigger than ever, 'rhere will be a demand this foil and 'Winter at profitable prleen for nil the rage and Poultry Sieat you can produce. Also 'Tur- key 1'ou11,, Older Pullen!. Free Cata- logue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario, BUSINESS 01'I'ORTUN111ES . MOS'P modern fully equipped 5.tnhle pool room and tobacco business, Nine year lease. I'rlce 513,000, 01.1 entabllslied 9 - table pool room. Lunch counter, tobacco. Price 121,000, terms- 1•:Igle's heal Estate, Chatham, out. _ ItEA1. Es'r/1'rJl IF l'I' IS ILEAL ESTATE BUSINESS of any kind In which you are Intereatal either as buyer or Feller — houses or farms — write to Philip Young, Realtor, 67 Frederlrk Street, Kitchener, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING 11A VE you anything need, dyeing or clout'. Ing7 tVrlte to on for Information %Ve are glad to nnlwel your questions Do- purtmenl EI. Parker's Dye Works Limned. 791 Vence 81.. Toronto FAlt31 run SALE IN Muskoka, 100•acre farm with buildings, 81,200 George Ca Hiner, Port Sydney, Ont. GOOD dairy •farm, electrically equipped, about 100 acres, good buildings, brick 7 -room house with bath, three miles south of Ottawa, 520.000. D. C. Keenan, City View, Ontario, PIM SALE GIANT White Pekin day-old Ducklings. Available weekly year around. 11x -Spring Farms halted, Uxbridge, Ontario. —HARDWARE BUSINESS FOR SALE Established 1808; also adjacent plumbing and tinsmithing Whop—with tools, With or without building. Apply Box 195, lTnwkee- bury, Ont. G17NERAL Store, 340,000. Down payment $20,000, balance terms. 518,000 Mock on hand. Carrying complete lines of ladles', mcn'a and children's Ready -to -Wear an well na groceries, hardware, etc. Heart of tourist dlntrlct, I'hone Minden 42 or write Wm. Penrose, Minden. BEAUTIFUL, 3 -storey log lodge, 25 rooms and contents. Hardwood floors, all city convenicnceg, and 12 housekeeping cabins; 360.000, 520,000 down, mortgage or terms on balance. III health reason for sole, William Penrose, Minden, Ont, POMERANIAN Pupa, pedigreed, male and female, Apply King„ton Pomeranian Kennels, 82 Sixth St., Kingston, Ont, CIIESAPEAICI.1 retriever Pups registered. IIunt thin fall. Write J. Lockle, 3219 Dun- das St. W., Toronto, MILK TRANSPORT, PCV.E GUELPH MARKET 7l1)SINESS INCLUDES nearly new 2 - ton truck, hauling up to 90 cans daily, over 54 miles gond rend,, ROSS McCULLOUGIi, R.R. St'. 1 GUELPII, ONT. YOUR NAME on a rubber stamp, 85c. With ono line address, 11.35, With two ilna addrenn, 81.85. Knob handle. K. S. Russell Agencies, Oakville, Ont. BRITTANY SPANIELS, Ideal compan- ions, excellent far hunting upland gnome. Pupplen available, sired by Champion "Sandy of Ingleeltle.” Write J. G. Ma- gee, 11.R. No. 4, Mallon, Ont. FLAMnEAU SOYBEANS, REGISTERED 'No; 1, 35 per bushel, H. G. Strang, R.R. 1, ltennall, Ont. PONY, MARE, dark bay, 11 years, quiet (Reposition, saddle broken. 5125, Harold McClung, R.R. 1, Midland. NEW YORK POSTMARK! Letters Re- melted 25c each, confidential. We pay Postage. Write today. 11. Romano, 412u East 116th Street, New York 29, N.Y. COMPLETE Concrete Block Machine — Wettlaufer tamper type — 6" and 10", large apado mixer, 2 electric motors, belts, etc. Everything for !natant opera- tion — practically new, D. Graham, P.O, Box 655, Whitby, Phone 873, SPECIAL above tread dealgns 600 • 10 114 95; 460, 67045 816.95. Used Tires 100.16 55.95; 59.50 and 511.60, 150-16 48.95 and. 612.60, 650, 660, 170, 700. 710.16 58.60 and 612.60. Tented Tubes 11.50. Dealers wonted 25% deposit re- quired with your 01 1 or remit In full and save C.O.D. chargee, Flank's Tire, 142 Catherine Street South, Remittal', Ontario. building an up-to-date sanatorium. He has also built twenty-five schools and plans many more. Equipment for at these schemes comes from Britain, for the Sheikh (whose name is Abdullah Al Salim Al Subah) likes Britain and Bri- tish ways. Every time he wants additional staff he advertises under box numbers in British newspapers, But in ,Moslem Kuwait two things are likely to remain unchanged. The country' has no movies and its women remain in deco veiling. SAFES Protect your DOORS and CASH Iron' FIRE and THIEVES. We bare a elle and type of Safe, or Cabinet, tor any Purpose. Visit us or write for prices. etc.. to Dept. 1V. J.acJ,TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS' 140 Front St. E.. Toronto) Established 1555 FOR SALE JOHN DEERE RAILER W1'17i MOTOR, automate wire tie, pick-up, All In note condition, Box number 76, 128.18111 8t„ New Toronto, Ont, AIEIIICAL CRESS C0ltlk SALVE -- for sure relief. Your Druggist tolls ('TRESS, PROVEN REMEDY — Every sufferer of Rheumatic pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid Sl1FIRllEltS from Rheumatic or Arthrltia paint': if you cannot get relief, write: Dox 123, OVlnnlpeg, Manitoba. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH IM torment nt dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Pnat'e Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment. regnrdiesa nl haw stubborn or hnpelenr they seers PRICE 61,00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Free nn Receipts of Price 880 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan. Toronto NURSES Gi0NE1tAL DUTY NUIISES (2) for G0 - bed hospital. 18 -hour week. Salary 8125,00 per month with two annual In- crements of $6.00. Full maintenance, 4 week,,' vacation at the end of one S'ear's service. Apply Superintendent, General Debella!, Gederich, Ont, PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES QiJALIFIED STAT'F NURSES required for Peel County Health Unit, Salary range 32200.52800, Allawancn for ex- perience, Write 7,1.0,11., Court Ilouse, Brampton, OPI'ORRTUNiTIES F011 HIEN tL WO31EN BE A HAIRDRESSER LOIN CANADA'S LEADING SC..IIOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hnlydresaing Pleasant dtgnlfled profession, good wages Thousands of succecaful Marvel -graduates America's Greatest System Iilustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Oioor St. W,, Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor—Llat of in- ventlons and full Information sent tree. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Atter net's. 273 Rank Street, Ottawa. FETHERSTONIIAUGH & Company, Pa tent Solicitors, Established 1890, 850 Day Street, Toronto. Rnokle' of Informs* tion nn request. PERSONAL HEALING, deliverance from all diseases, afillctlone, oppression', Gospel music, musical Instrumento, Write; Goepol Liter- ature Crusade, 83 Forest Road, Galt, Ont, QUIT CIGARETTES — Tho easy way, Use Tobacco Eliminator, a sclentiflo treatment, quickly eliminates the craving for tobacco, ride the es'alem of nicotine, King Drug Pharmaceutical Chemist'', Vegreville, Alta. Write P. 0, Dox 673, London, Ont. STA 31 t':' THE STAMP HUNTER PAYS 81,000.00 and up for Canada 12 penny stamp (not 12c), good condition. 550.00 for 1019 55.00 green war saving stamp. Good collections also purchased. The Stamp Hunter, Station 13, Winnipeg. Canada, TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED Protestant teacher, for the Township School Area of Chamberinln. Distract of Temiskaming, School 11 miles from O.N.R. bus line. Teacher's cottage on tho school grounds, Enrolment 14 pupils. Applicants please state qualifica- tions and salary expected, Duties to start Sept. 4th, Apply; Aire, F. 3t. Colquhoun, Sec.-'rreae„ Krugerdort, Ont, WANTED—NURSES MATRON and 3 graduate nurses required immediately for 16 -bed hospital; salaries 1200 and 8160 respectively plus full main- tenance; 1 month's holiday anti 1 -way fare from Toronto refunded after y'ear's satis- factory service completed, with oppor- tunItlee for increases, Apply Mr, L, Fet- ter, Secretary, Eastend Unlon hospital. Eastend, Saskatchewan, REGISTERED NURSES General Duty Nurses needed for Lady Minto Hospital, Chapleau, Ontario. Salary 1140,00 for 7.3 and 8160.00 for 3-11 and 11-7 per month will full maintenance, Apply Superintendent of Nurses, Cha. pleau, Ontario. WANE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— Without Calomel—And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out about 2 pints of bile uice into your digestive tract every day. It this Weis not Bowing freely your food may not digest. It may Just decay in the digestive tract. Then gee bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pinta of bila flow. Ing freely to make you feel "up and up.r1 Get a package today. Effective In making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Live/ Pills, 354 at any drugstore. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices, We manufacture in our factories — Harness Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blanket s, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ISSUE 23 — 1951 TIIIISTA14MARD Wocllimlei how. ()I 1951, "wow 1. :boirmidier ikm#H#m*H•summowessem•Huonetomrm 'mow"?' W ALLACE'S Dry Goods --Phone 73-- Boots & shoes Housedresses in Prin': and Broadcloth. Silk Headsquares and Necksquares. Lingerie by Mercury and Kayser. Ankle Sox (wool or cotton) . prices from '25c to 98c Girls' and Boys Jeans -- Boys' Scampers. Men's Overalls, Work Pants, Work Boots and Rubber Boots, all Reasonably Priced. WE AIM TO PLEASE, PERSONAL INTEREST \lr, and \Irs', Leslie Na(tel and son. Logan, of 11untsvillc spent the week- end here with the latter's mother, Mrs, \V. 1,man, land in Godizrich with Mr. \aftel's mother. - I Mr, and Mrs, Earl C. Bentley, of London, w ere here for the funeral of the late. l:rr.est Doerr held from Au- burn, on Monday, NIesirs. Albert Reis and J ack Reis, •cf Mih'erton visited on Snitlay wilt Mr, and Mrs, John Doerr. \larj:rie Stewart is a .patient in the CI'nt,tf hosp:tal. Mr. an': Mrs, E c •ett Hoover of St. Louis, Miall., waited with \i r. and \Irs. D. Mc�a'L:nn over the week end. \I r. R. I):''b' yn of London was a week- end visitor in Illy th. Mr. ,lack \Vatscn of Lindon spent the week -end with his parents, M1. and M rs. J. 13. Watson. Mr. and \Irs. Stanley Riyal anri son, Bob, of Creemore, vis:tcd on Sun - _ i I uli I. n#########~044NPII St1p@rlOr ' �� WOOL -• FOOD STORES -- Talisman 3 Fruit Marmalade 24 oz. jar 32c Oak Leaf Golden Cream Corn , ...2-20 oz. tins 27c Gold Seal.Fancy Sockeye Salmon , .7 34 oz. tin 45c Oxydol or Tide large pkg. 41c, giant pkg. 81c Aylmer Peaches, Halves 20 oz. tin 29c Allen's Apple Juice 20 oz. tin 11c Primrose Sweet Mixed Pickles 16 oz. jar 25c Brunswick Sardines 2 tins 17c Aylmer Tomato Catsup 11 oz. bottle 19c Fresh Fruit - We Deliver. Fresh Vegetables. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 ##44.# ... ~#41..,,., .4.„#4,4,4,.4,.,.. Groceries Fruits Vegetables Cooked Meatg STEWART'S GR0 CERY Blyth, Phone 9, We Deliver' CARD OF THANKS we wish to extend our sincere a1?- prr,eciation to• all the friend and neighbours who were so kind and thoughtful during Mrs. Sillib's sick- ness and at the time of our bereave- ment. --I-iusband, Brothers and Sisters: 36-1. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank ••I1 those who remembered me with cards, letters and treats and sent gifts to the baby while I was a patient in the Clinton Public I-Iosvital. Special thanks to I)r. Ad - CARD OF THANKS \Ve wish to extend appreciation to our friends and neighb:urs who sent cards and treats, both to home and hospital, also special thanks to the neighbours who slid our chores. 36-1. Jack and Janie \IcE.wing, Caught Big Brown Trout (Latcknow Sentinel) Hugh Canting hooked a brown .trout on Taesday evening that made fisher- men's eyes pop. it was over 18 inches t:ang and tipped the scales at 2 lbs., 9 ozs, This catch is proof that the re- stocking of local streams is paying off. thigh banded the prize beauty with an o d bamboo pole and a worm for bait.• .I -Ie got 11 -."in town";. Hugh. an old Blyth boy, learned all his fishing tricks here in Myth. where they're always catching the big ones. Even • W. J. (Jinn) Sims. of Seaforth, has to conte back to this district to catch them. Ile was seen on a district stream not too long ago. and tried to buy a "big one" fr:in one of the lads he met up with, Forum Group Held Annual Picnic chson and the nurses of the hospital 1 The Live Wire Farm Forum held staff. ll' their annual picnic at Harbour Park, 36-1 p, Mrs. Ralph th Caldave.Goderich, on May 24th. with over 50 CARD OF THANKS I present. The results of the afternoon We wish to thank ,the neighbours sports are as follows : Races, under 6: and the members of the I3Iytl► Fire Bcrtrce Dunking; girls, 6- to 9, Janet Brigade for their prompt assistance Duizer ; boys, 6 to 9, Billie Crawford. at the time of our chimney fire on 2nd,Charlie Crawford; girls. 9 to 12 Saturday morning. Donna McDougall, 2nd. Audrey 1)ui• 36-1, NIT. and Mrs. Geo. Gillian.' zer; boys, 9 to 12, Donald Young; young ladies, Maxine Dunking; young CARD IF THANKS • I men, Gordon Howatt; married ladies • We wish to thank the neighbours Mrs. Len, Archambault;- blind men's and frier 1s who were so good to help 1 race, Gordon Ilowatt ; ladies' kicking during our ' bereavement. 'Their ( slipper, Vera Lyon; nun's kicking slip - thoughtfulness and kindness was much per, ,Gordon Howatt; wheelbarrow appreciated. I race, Gordon Ilowatt and Len. Ar - 36 -1. —Mr. and Mrs. John Doerr. chambault; Pegged race, Maxine and Lorne 11, Boacbara ALGA. day lvitlt '1I r, and 1lrs, ltuy \Ia'11I1 a►'rd f►nnily, Beauty Shoppe, GET AN (Individually Patterned) PERMANENT' AND HAIR CUT. = to keep your hairdo neat day in and day out at alive McGill BEAUTY SHOPPE - # phone 'Blyth, 52. I. I i . ,. 111 I. 1 • oI WANTED RAY'S BEAUTY SALON Look Attractive All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is Graded in Seaforth and full settlement made for them. H. M. Jackson SEAFORTH. Phones: Days (81-1V; Nights 3.J &IIII . . . 1 . with a NEW PERMANENT Machine, Machineless, and Cold MM. Shampoos, ' Finger Waves„ and Rinses. Hair Cuts. PLEASE PHONE, BLYTH RAY McNALi, ONCE AGAIN IT'S ,"INSECTICIDE TIME"— and we are ready wth a complete line of insecti- cides, mothocides and flyocides: Havok Crystals 59c Larvex 93c Moth - Tox 49c Napthalene Flakes 25c Havok Fly Spray 25c and 45c Havok D.D.T. Surface Spray 25c and 45c Aerosol Insect Killer $1.49 Tat Ant Traps 35c Woods' Moth Blocks 15c and 25c 6-12 Insect Repellent .. , , 59 2 -Way Insect Repellent 39c Sprayers 25c, 53c and 35e Vow R U. PHI!_P, Phm. B. DROGS, A1.1NURJP.S. WALLPAPER—PHONE 20. Vodden's Bakery FOR THE BEST IN Bread, Buns, and Pastry e mRY OUR •.• County Council Meeting CRACKED WHEAT BREAD • The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing TUESDAY, JUNE 12th, AT 10:00 A.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 9th,1951. A. H. ERSKINE, County Clerk. Goderich, Ontario. 35-2. ExceptionaI Value! � Pc. Chester- field quite IN GREY VELOUR • NOW ON DISPLAY $135.00. Lloyd F. Tasker 1 URNITURE — COACH AMBULANCE -- FUNERAL SERVICE Phone 7 Blyth Delphine flunking; ladies' driving nail HOSPITAL PATIENT M rs. Clarence Crawford. Airs. \Villiant Bennett, of \Vinghanl. Ginner was enjoyed by the gathering formerly of Blyth, is a patient in the which broke up before supper. \Vinghanl hospital Keystone k of Main Street The towns of Canada are vigorous places. Early scitlers built them beside great oceans, turbulent rivers, towering mountains and rolling pastures. And each town's character and industry came from the .« surrounding countryside. - Helping to build the industries of many Canadian towns is your bank . , , a branch of The Commerce. The manager is a neighbour, a Professional man who gives service that comes with long acquaintance. Canadian towns depend on each other, and upon the men and women at The Commerce. They are good people to know. The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" t. • Igh II I .111 The HOME BAKERY H. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario 1 Speiran's Hardware PHONE 24. BLYTH. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. Garden Hose , . 14c ft., coupled (50' lengths) $7.75 Wagons and Tricycles. Window Screens, Screens & Combination Doors Electric Fans. Carpet Sweepers. SPECIALS: HAND SAWS $1.95 - • HAMMERS $1.09 - SCISSORS - 75c - IRONING CORDS 49c HOUSE BROOMS $1.00 • I I il. Y I i 1 Holland'sFood Marko I.GA1 Carnation Milk ' 2 for 29c Del Maiz Fancy Corn 2 for 33c Monarch Flour ' 53c and 1.72 Fluffo , , 38c I.G.A. Peanut Butter 35c I.G.A. Coffee per lb. 96c Kellogg's Rice Krispies 2 for 31c Old South Grapefruit Juice .. .2 for 29c Rinso 41c and 81c Lux 41c and 81c Matches - .. • 3 boxes 25c HOLLAND'S Telephone 39 -- We Deliver CHURCH OF GOD PASTOR REV. G. -I, BEACI-I, Blyth Memorial Hall SUNDAY SERViCES: Children's Meeting . at 2:30 p.m. Prizes givetl fol` Attendance, CLASSES FOR ALL. Service at 3:30 p.m. SPEAKER: Rev G. 1. Beach, SPECIAL MUSIC Airs. Russel Cook, Soloist. Sgt, A, R; Persan, Violinist, A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU. SPRINGTIME IS ' - DECORATING TIME. As always we are in a position :to. give . you prompt service in both In- terior' and Exterior De- corating. If you are plan- ning spring decorating we Will gladly give an estim- ate and show you samples. F. C.PREST Phone 37.26. LOUDE8BORd 1