HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-01-27, Page 4•••• a Education of Youth- COLBORNE. The m ti f th re the Editor of the Sigmal. Mr. Editor, as the excitement of the election is over for the year 1870: it may not be amiss to say somethiner about School matters. The subject of education ought to create a leep interest, in the mind of every gead-thinking person in the wiirld. First. Beaanse it raises its votary to that elevated peeition in society; and, as a rule, is a blessing to himself—joy and comfort to his relatives; and a general blessing to the cammunity at large. If we leok at the eeneral statistics of the werld of crime Alla sensuality, what do we find, but, that nineteen -twentieths of those en- gaged i the e (irk of dark ness are uneducat- ed What then, Mr. Editor, is our duty, seeing such is the case ? Simply to use every available means within our reach to cultivate, with the greatest care, to an acroamatical Pasition in. thewerld, the yeuth. But how is this iPsition obtained? It is to obtained, Mr. Editor, by letters,— those lettere with great care put together to form words—those words put tegether to ferm sentences, of a moral nature, into a la bek ; - -t hose books taught by competent parties empleved for that purpose. I ani ll actuay afraid at this moment that we are, with all our boasting, in a retregrade movement. 11 we only take a retrospective view, we shail find the new beeks issued by the Beard of Public Instructien infe- rior to that what they were ten years ae. May I not fairly say, that the gelieral public are perfectly' disgusted with the way things are at the present time — Scarcely a week passes by without our children cominir with a claim frnn the Teacher fur tie :books. If such w ere really needed,tie .aie should find fault; nor a ou'd any find fault. Just for an • example , let us turn to he New Qanadian Series Read- ing Lessens, First Beok : we tina in this very lap .k something like forty pages taken up with pictures. -Not I fear, for moral tendencies, laut to excite the animal part in man. Tins is not right. Again, in the Second Book of Reading Lessons, we find no less than fifty-eight pages occupied with pictures; and indeed in some of the reading matter the foot -print of the Ser- pent is iniceable as well. I, at least, think it the duty of our Government to see that no spurious compirsitt an is allowed 'to be Sh ived npon the public, and I fear all, for the sake of catmint). advantages. I would like to see this very quastion discussed. in a right spirit Pardon me, Mr. Editor, for I am not an ambidexter, and if 1 have used any ambiguity forgive, and ever I remain yours in love for ee'ducation. A REIDER oF THE WEEKLY SIGNAL. The Governor General as a Land- lord. Having published, in a recent issue, an acceuut, from the Times, of an eject ment, about to be made on his Excellen- cy's Irish estate, by hisagent, MrChambers, we give below, Train the sante source, that agent's version of the other side of the question. The public, and „especially our Ca.van boys, iu addition. will expect to hear what Sir John Young, himself, has to say in the matter :— BaILIBBOatinGH'23rd Dec.,1869 Under the above heading ( "a cruel case ") yuur c ,rresporident here and Rev. Randal McCollum have indulged in an at- tack on a gentleman, in your journal of the 20th inat., wha cannot, for a consider- able time, have an opportunity of reply- ing, in consequence of his residing abroad. As I came in for a slice of their virulent and unaue abuse, I take the liberty of placing some of the facts before the public, which have been disingenuously screened from. them. The late Mr Bell held two small holdings, by leases, during his own life, under theRight Hon. Sir John Young, Bart. These two holdings were originally part of the Bailieborough demesne. Mr Bell never paid one penny for the tenant right or good -will of them. As regards improvements there was some fencing or draining done to which Sir John Young liberally contributed some 21 years ago.— Sir John Young reduced the rent from 246 7s to 235 3s 4d, though the original rent was a fair one, ronr correspondent claims compensation for improiiements.— There were no improvements except those Sir John Young ci:aatributed It is not true, as your —..aaraadent states, that there is any intention of evict- ing Miss Bell out of her house. On the contrary, I offered her, on Sir John Young's behalf, the house (a smelt thatch- ed cottage) gardens, Jac., about an Irish acre, rent -tree, for life, and an annuity of 26 a year, or 230, in lieu ot the annual payment. Your correspondent, the Rev R, McCollam, seemed to thing this propo- sal a fair one when I made it to hiin ver- bally. The truth is, -that 'though Sir John Young never made any secret of his inten- tioa to take these lands (which is really part of the demesne,) into his hands on Mr Bell's death, shortly' before that event a niece of his, came fram the neighbour- heod of Belfast to reside with him, solely, as it would now appear, in order to set up it claim to the farm after his death. The alleged hardship in this case con- sists in Sir John Young's now assuming a portion of his own demesne, with which Mr Bell had been accommodated during his lifetime, and on the understanding thatit was only fer his life, at a Cent greatly be- low its value. Yours truly, CHAS. CHAMBERS. • GODERICH TOWNSErts. Ata meeting of the Municipal Council, or corporation of the T'p of Goderichalield at the ifolinesville Inn on Monday the 17th day of January 1870 by appointment of the Township Clerk, and in accordance with the amended acts of the province of Ontario Ace. The Reeve and all the Councillors present, after having handed in each his qualification and declaration of office. It was moved Ise Mr Patton, see. by Mr Weston that J Shaw be Continued Tp Clerk and that his salary be $110.00 fo the current year. -Carried, moved by r. Lomas, scc. by Mr Ford that James tton be Tresurer and that his salary be .-Carried, tinned by Mr Ford, sec by Mr Lounts, that Churchill be Assessor fur the current vea and that his salary be sixty dollars. Moved in amendment by Mr Patton, sec. by Mr Weston that W Hall be Assessor and his salary be $60.00. Amendment carried by the Reeve, Mr Hall legally. appointed Asses:stir. Moved and sec. that Adam Cantelon be Auditor, Francis Whi ttingh am appointed Autlitorcar riedby t ieRei Ira. Moved by/Mr Ford,sec. by Mr Lonias that Erwin be Tavern Insttector for the current yeti, and that he receive 3 dollars front each Innkeeper.- Carried. The Conrail then wentinto the appointment of Pathmaster for theeurrent th year, moved and _see. that e several ffi Returning ocein be paid 5- dollars each for their services foram currerityear.-- Carried: The sect of A-Taybre_fer work dope at Papists' bridge, amounting to $2.156 irtove4 and see. that Mr Taylor be paid $159. --Carried inoved by Mr Ford, sec. by Mr Loirias„ that Kelly be paid$6.09 for 3 &Ws ese.ef his hons.tis, nomin- ation, election and declaration: ---aarrif# The aoct of Matheir Darigh: for building_a bridgo out the 6th co% certified by Mr PaitItin amounting ta VI; Moved and se,c. that bfr Daragh be inivied- by MiLototssec. bv Mr Patton that the Star ofilie get the printing for this Township forthe current year. _=,,Carriad, mare& By Kr Patton, sea. by Mr Loma that !John Caritclos be pita Man. payment for And on; winch a Drill s erected.-- CaviieiL Cosneil then adjourned to ntday Maroh West proxussi 4011N SOW-, • r114, ee rig a e Municipal Coundfl was held- at the townhall on Monday the 17th of Jan. 1870. Present W. Young, Esq. Reeve, and Messrs. W. Halliday, H. Spetce, P. Robertson and J Buchanan as Coutcillors. The members of the Council having taken and signed their declaration and qualification of office. The minntes ot last years meeting were read and approved except the petition of Jas Young and others for alter- ation of their School sections. The Reeve appointed A Reid as Auditor. The Council appoiuted W . Green a.s the other Auditor, it was moved by Mr. Halliday sec. by Mr P. Robertson, that J Tewsley, be Township Clerk.- Carried, moved by Mr. Halliday see. by Mr Buchanan that J Tewsley, be Treasurer.—Carried`.. inoved by Mr Halliday, sec. by Mr Buchanan that J Allen, be Collector. —Carried, moved by Mr Halliday, see. by Mr Buchanan that 13 Morris be Inspector of Taverns, he offering to parform the same for 98, moved in amendment by Mr P Roberteon, see. by Mr Spence that 1. Ilithniug be Inspector of Taverns. Moved in ame,ndinent to the amendment by Mr Buchanan, sec. by Mr P. Robertson that 8 Morris be Inspector of Taverns, he offering to perform the same for the sum of $4 00. The Reeve gives the casting vote in favor of ' -4 Morris, moved by Mr Spence, see. by Mr Buchanan that the time allowed the Collector to collect the bal- ance of taxes he extended to the let of iFeby. next.— Carried, moved by Mr Spence see. by 11Ir Halliday that • Morris be refunded $1 00 for dog tax.—Carried, inoved by Mr Spence see. by Mr Buchanan that the motion to receive the School petition With regard to J Young and others at last meeting of Courieil be res- eindeil.—Carried. moved by Mr Spence sec. by Mr Buchanan that the acct. of A Dark for attendance of J Sutherland in illness amounting to $_14-00 and also for repairing the door &e of Townhall and being $2.25 he paid forthwith. -Carried, moved by Mr Spence sec. by Mr Robertson thet all the timber standing on the Township roads, be sold at the next meeting ofCouncil to the highest bidder —Carried, moved by Mr Buchan- an see. by Mr Spenee that the Township Clerk, assist- ed by theiteeve and Mr P Robertson should assort the Seh Library books, and a portion of the same be offered for sate at the next meeting of Council. --Carried The minutes of this meeting to be printed in the Huron Si.eieri, and the Couneil to meet again on Saturday the 19th ar Feby next, at the hour of one o'clock, JAMES TEWSLEY, Township Clerk Prince Pierre Bonaparte. From the New York Tribune, Prince Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte, whose name figures so prominently in connection with the quarrel arising out of an article in the Marseillaise, has had an adventurous career. and unlike his elder brother Lucien, has chiefly followed military pursuits. He is the third son of Lucien, brother of Napo- leon I., and was bern at Rome in 1815. In 1832 hectune-to this country to join his uncle, Joseph, formerly Ring of Spain. He next proceeded to Columbia, and join- ed the army of Santander, by whom he was placed in command of a sivardron. Soon after he returned to Italy, where he was regarded with disfavor by the Papal Government, which in 1836 intimated to him that he should leave the Papal States. Surrounded by a troop ef mounted police, he wounded -two and killed their chief ; he received, however, two wounds in the en- connter,and had to surrender. After a long detention at Fort St: Angelo, in Rome, he returned to this country. He next went to England, and thence to the Island of Corfu. During an excursion in Albania he had a quarrel with Pallikares, and sus- tained alniost unaided a deadly combat. The English Government having induced him to leave the Italian and Greek coasts, he left for London, after vainly offering his services to France, and to Mehemet Ali, the Viceroy of Egypt. In 1848, tin hear- ing the news of the revolution, he hastened to Paris, recalled to the public the life and opinions of his father, who had always en- tertained republican principles, and ob- tained a military appeintieent. He was elected in Corsica to the ta aastituent As- seinblv, and was placed on the Committee on War. He usually voted with the ex- treme Left, and against having two Chamb- ers ; for the right to labor; progressive taxation ; amnesty for - the transported prisoners ; and in favor of the entire re- publican constitutien. On many oecasioris he testified to the sentiments of his cousin, Louis Napoleon. After the election of Dec. 10,he continued to sit with the Mountain party, and disapproved .of the expedition to Rome. The democrats re- ceived a consistent support from him ex- cept in relation to personal matters of the President. Re-elected for- Corsica,- he acted as one ot tne mostardent adversaries of reaction. The anger of the Right* was often excited by his democratic ardor. M. Pierre Bonaparte also energetically denied that any projects were entertained respecting aeoup d'etat in rather unparlia- mentary language. He showed the same intractable disposition in his military con- duct. In 1849 he left for Algeria, where he assisted at the first operations of the siege of Zaachta, and then, betore the assault, and without permission, he return- ed to France. The Minister of War de- prived him of his military rank, and this measure which was followed by a duel be- tween M. Pierre Bonaparte and a journa- list of the extreme Right, received the ex- press approbation of the Assembly. The coup d'etat having placed in an awk- ward position the members of the Bona- parte family who had pronounced in favor of the maintenance of the Constitution, M. Pierre Bonaparte retired to private life. At the reestabliihment of the Empire he received, with his brother, the title of Prince, but without being any longer one of the Imperial family. Be does not much frequent the Court of the Tuilleries, lives sometimes in Corsica,- to gratify his taste for hunting, and at other times at a count- ry -house at Auteuil. He devotes part of his leisure to literary pursuits. -N. Y. Tribune. JO — Intelligent Fish. A Cambridge (Mass) lady has had aome manifestatians of a hurnan symt3athy and intelligence insome gold hah of here. The Boston Journal gives.the foLlowingremark- able account: A lady residing in Cambridge, well- known for her extreme humanity toevery- thing that 'cannot speak for itself,' has for pets three fine goldfish which she has cared. for about sal years. A few weeks since a friend presented her with another one, much inure beautiful to look at, but de- ficient in good manners, for it very Soon commenced to bite the other ones, and soon afterward the largest one jumped out of the globe on to the floorseyerely Ditten ; but, as it was wit nessed, was immediately returned, and in a day or two the hand- some, but 'colored fish;' was placed in a separate globe; but the old resident had found he could jump, so he tried again, as was proved by the lady finding it, when shec.ame downinthernorningon the carpet apparently dead. She took it up, and find- ing it dry, laid it down and left it, feeling sad that.the fish had nct died naturally, but greet was her astonishment, a half hour afterwards, When taking it up to .show a inember of the family, to notice slight pulsations, indicative'of life. She directly placed it in its natural element, where it lay quietly, perhaps an hour, very slightly gasping, while the other two fishes were seemingly 111 sympathy with it, gliding smoothly above and around' it every little while moving it along on the bottom of the globe. ;--and afterktine little time one of - them glided npe.plaeed its moutb close to the nniutli of the sufferer, and there,quiet- ly, as a fond mother would if she could save her breath to keen life in the child of e, so the fizh brcath- ed Of its life and vitality to tho relief and evident benefit of - tJui other' for Nil sii minutes. This was closely, observed„ opd .after a time the piscatorial Companions And -friendi in grief had thogratification of see- ing the fish rightitieWatid-it is new doing well althoughsamewhatinjured Ireful iti 'flight in the air I' Who Shall say thare is not an instinctthat leadsnilliving things to know the right And human beings 411- witriessing oven a little ineideut like . 41114 bo forcibly impelled to 'love the 'things that GOti ,created,! 41140H. 'William,' ilitiniI,'sititereituybody u iedvis. trntlinleringQtlioltinerl but, William, if the Mayor of the city Atere. to come to nu,, .and say; -'Joshua, r *Ant, thee to find me the-1;iggeat, liar in ill phitadelphie,' ,r 'would ,eemsta -thee And, put nit hand on thyshonlder and aay to 'W.Rlifim, tlIelleyorwants to a.s a 0 a Rules for a Printing Office. - The following are the commandment* adopted by the 'craft,' and expected to be followed :- • 1 Enter softly: 2 Sit down quietly. 3 Subscribe for the paper. 4 Don't tiitich Doker. 5 Engage in no controversy. 6 Don't smoke. 7 Keep six feet from the table. 8 Dan't talk to the printer. 9 Hands off the paper. 10 Eves off the manuscript. Gentlemen observing these rules when. entering a printing office will greatly oblige the printees, and need not fear the 'devil.' The ladies, eho sometimes bless us with their presence for a few moments are expected to observe the rules very striCtly, although it will be very agreeable to us to have them break the eighth as often as convenient. " Boys, unless accompanied by their fathers, are particularly requested to keep their bands in their pockets. BAD TIMES R uss IA. —T he cholera and cattle disease !lave ;both re -appeared in Russia simultaneously -the one ag- gravtet1 by; filth, and the other by star- vation. The London Times, speaking on the subject, says :-` With cholera, raging at Kiev and Tule, and the cattle plague rampant in several Russian Provinces-. ..tuottg them South -Western Poland -we have to prepare for the arrival of these unwelcome geests on this side the frontier. Already measures are being taken to stoo intercourse between South -Eastern Silesia and the neighboring districts of Poland. Lo believe intelligent Bassi in farmers, the friquent recurrence of the cettle plague of late is principally caused by the emancipation of their peasantry, or lather by the consequences of it. Left to them- selves, the peasants have become slothful, until their neglect of aglioulture- has af- fected their cattle, and tendered the poor emaciated beasts doubly liable to the infec- tiousegencies always at work in those puts. An order for steel was recently sent by telegraph from Boston to Sheffield. W cnty- one days afterward, the sti el, whieh had to be manufactured, was landed at Bos- ton. The cultivation tit the Chinese bamboo n Callornia is exciting much attention. It can be put into many uses. Its app earance is beatiful, its shade most grate ful. The Chinaman sits under it and upon it; he cats in it : he sails in it and by it; lie is rocked in it ; his furniture is made of it ; he is buried in it ; he writes upon it and with it; he clothes himself with it, and spauks the eoung ones with it, In fact, the 'graceful bam- boo is as useful as it is ornamental. "LORD" HUBERT Ainsley, Alias Dick Radford, who recently married the rich and b 3at, ti Ail Mies Martin, Staten Island, has run ; way, taking with hiedhill" wife's diamonds, end the lady has gone back to her pr rents. The population of the village of Petrolke is 3,100. Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Corns. Bunions, Bad Nails are positively cured by the use of Dr J Briggs Modern Curative. This Remedy has been compound- ed with great care. and n.sed as directed, never fails, Sold by Druggists. Catarrh, a disease which distresses us and diigusts our Morels, can be instantly relieyedand quickly cured by using Dr. J. Bris' Alllevantor, an invaluable Jternedy for all paiu and inflammation. Sold by Drug- gists - Dr. J Briggs' Allevanter. for the Cure of Catarrh, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. &c., is unrivalled. In a thorough trial of its virtues, all will acknowledge its superiority. :Mid by Druggists. If with Piles you are much afflieted, And sought fur a cure in vain ; Use Briggs' Pile Remedy as directed You will both health and peace again. Dr J Briggs' §• Co, No. 6, King Street, WestToronto Dr J Brirres' Pile Remedy 13 acknowledged by all who have tried it (and their name is Legion) to be the best, most successful and efficacious Remedy ever used fin that lisease. Sold by Druggists. All persons suffering from Piles, Internal, Bleeding, External or Itching Piles, will be immediately relieved and eventually cured byusing Dr1J Brimp`Pile Remedy Sold by Druggists Sufferets frinn Corns Bunions, Bad Nails, and those torturing afflictions, Chilblains, are well recommend- ed to use Dr J Briggs' well-known Curative for certain relicfand positivecure. Sold by Druggists. Consumptives, try Dr. J. Briggs' Throat and Lung Healer it will relieve and curceyou. For all diseases of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs, nothing can surpass its beneficial effects.. Sold by Druggists. The following Remedies are all old and well establis ed and thousands have been benefited by their use, They are for sale by druggistsgenerally. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP. a protected Solution of the Protest& of Iron,supplies the blood with its Lijh Element, lame, giving strength, vigor, and new life to the whole system. For Dyspepsia. Debility, Female tfreakneseee, etc., itis a specifie. A 32 pag ePamphlet containing a valuable treatise on *Iron as aMedicine,' with certificates and recommendations. da., will be sent free. . J P DINSMORE, Proprietor, No. 36 Day St., New York. Wistars Balsam of Wild Cherry has been nsed for nearly half a centuory for Coughs Colds, Consumption. and every affection of the Throat, Lunge and Chest. It curiae Cough by loosening and cleansing the II1P"S and allaying irritation,thus remov- ing the cause instead of drying up the cough and leav- ing the cause behind, SETH W FOWLE & SON, Proprietors, Ne 18 Tremont Street, Boston. Grace's Celebrated SalVe. 1, works like magic on Old Sore ', Barns, Scalds, Cuts. Wounds, Bruises. Sprains, Cha ped Hands, Chilblains, &c.. kr:, It is prompt in action, soothes the pain.takes out soreness. and reduces I h most angry looking swellings and inflammations; hus affordingrelief and a complete cure. f " Only 25 cents a box, sent by mail for 35 cents. SEEH W FOWLE & SON, Proprietors. - No 18 TremontSt. Boston. SAW -LOGS & STAVE-BOLIS WANTED. TBE SUBSCRIBER:4 ARE PREPARED TO MAKE contracts for the delivery. of a quantity of Elm, Ash, Beech, Pine, and Hemlock, Sawlogs, also, Stave Bolts Deliveredon their premises opposite the 'railway station Also to undertake the sawing ofcustom Loge For particulars apply to Mr -Gunn on the promisee or at the reeidence of Mr James Tomlinson, • STANDLY & Co. • Goderich, 23rd December,- 18139 • w49-tf Patent Crank Loom for Sale. taiDDIrtina'aninED OF—FE 313 FOR SALE CHEAP 1. for meth or on time. a Worthen's Patent Crank Iiftoartit;swirtigid,consntd$t100. loom, Warper, Grinding Ap• A good ?'working prdwee litaireeskr all I4!?P314et.e.and."1 UM. J'EPPERSatia. cr'°IborBn• 28th Ded mop, th* - - Ontario Carriage Shop, = Vranatibu St, elodcric,, J. C. DE7LOR & Co.'s GRAND HOLIDAY'S SALE, EMIUFORIITIC lir, E*1 FOR ONE MONTH. IP G- CO Cik i) s _ tJ 0 AT A DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT. , 5 R MANTLES, MANAE CLOTHS & SIIIIWLS TM Iv. AT A REDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT. Ili Great Bargains in Prints, 0 t. Shirtings, IA w 'Pillow Cottons, 14 4-3 li 1ickings1 g I'd 0 Towelling& LI 1 n Flannels. b gand Blankets. 1=1 r/2 " READY-MADE CLOTHINC, cfr At 10 per cent discount. Just received a lot of Canada Satinetts at 50 cents per yard. The sale will be dining this month. Bar- Tat gaius will be given. Just opened a great quantity of Stir 01-11R.IST1VI.A.S PRT_TIT'S -(64 We call special attention to our Tailoring Department. Having secured fi first-class Cutter we are prepared to execute all orders in the most fashionable styles. J. C. DETLOR & CO Goderich, Dec. 3, 1869. GODERICII WOOLEN FACTORY (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) T. I N iSr S C) S, ESPECT ULLY intimates to farmers and others that they are prepared to fill a all orders in ROLL OARDINC, MANUFACTURINC, Cloth Dressing,- Custom Spinning, .Dyeing, Satinetts, Fulled Cloths, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets, On the shortest notice. Parties wishing to exchange their wool for good home made goods, will find it to their interest to give us a call. as we are satisfied we have the goods you require. Parties coming from a distance with wool to get carded may in nearly every instance rely on getting their wool home with them the same day. Dar AU, WORK WARRANTED. Goderich Woolen Factory, June 8th, 1869. w 1 1 NEW STAND, NEW GOODS I NEW IPIZICES!! THE NUMBER ONE CROCERY STORE - 0 13. FE11.- EED NOT TELL HIS OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS THAT HE ALWAYS KEEPS MOVING FOR LI - ward, enlarging his stock, increasing his tunnies, and, as far as compatible with maintaining the well known superior quality of hie goods, 14owerirag his F'rices: His businass having grown year by Year, the Increased amount he turns over, enables him th reduce the per centage of profit. The large patronage he has received, induces him to believethat he COMPARES FAVORABLY WITH ANY STORE IN THE SAM F LINE. To enable him further to enlargehis business and accommodate his friends he has rented and fitted up 18 th most convenient umuner The Large Brick Store in Horton's Block Hamilton Street (DETLOR's OLD STAND) Where he expects th see the old familiar, faces, and would solicit an inspection from thoae who have not ahead dealt with him. He has on hand AN UNSURPASSED STOOK OF TEA THE BRIGHTEST SUGAR EVER OFFERED, ALL THE FAVORITE BRANDS OF LIQUOR, TInb.; vs71.1%/F:, A.L.0 AISTT) PCP rtrri:/, UNRIVALLED SMORING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. And all the other necessaries of housekeeping. The assortment of Crockery, Lamps, &e., is very extensive and varied. embracing everything from ornamental China to plain and useful Stoneware, all which, from his enlarged accommodation, is so displayed that every variety can be seen at a glance. 113- Particular attention is paid as heretofore, th the Irlortr and Peed department. - D. F., for the eonvenience of his country customers, has laid in a stock of SPA-PLE 1311.-17- (4-4:301)S, Such as Plain Dress Goods, Cottons, Flannels, Skirtings, Prints, sec.. &c..which will be found excellent in quality and reasonable in price. tar' Farm Produce. as usual, taken in exchange for goods at Cash value. D. F. ventures eonhdentlyto assert tluttof all who come to see him NONE WILL CO AWAY DISSATISFIED. Goderich, Sept. 9th, 1861 w33 - E MARKET GROCERY North SLIe Mark3t Square. BuyX TT 1=1. 1%1- 3E) M 1Z) _Or ALL KINDS, A very large Stock of Crockery. Canna, Sets. L MOCERD 'or 4-1.1 CHEAP AS APEST. -Platform and Counter , Scales- of 'Make "' lima*** ROBINSON *Sz YATES. Goderiob, Sept. Mb, ,y47 awn Sav!ngs Socie _ .. . .., _ ..- . f.'' ...144-1.7XEK1T ''-',,-.'.-.,.. Ohl; iilici) terttliftifittlaPerlo ' iiiiatill frefail opera ... 7...,, , . ..--,_,7, carriagesi----vitagons- • Ruggles,,..,.:.... , .;9f4.au,ia:nkystskrizt„:34131,046:kt 6114; cBtrri.4141100..6.7.11A04;‘a,..i;.,ii1,4' chaspforessit -Prices of All lutists* 1nthelino }hat willconipersikvorahly with_ any in'thrt County - 111,Altworlaiwarranted - • • raetionlarat,tsaifoitpald to Tragetiand C.Smittge Re. pagriag_ - - ' . • - frovitat: 1$60 - - '•••••••••••••••■=101111M•L Li IAIING VetlYI ebra tiarficeeCt vritriVerlirtIlf -111 °Aare -er that we ?scat sa. atyL, AAFOOL9 9 0 THE undersigned would be to inform his, numerous customers 1 that his New Woolen Machinery is now in Full Operation and in First Class Working Order AND THAT HE IS MUCH.BETTER PREPAREDTO EXECUTE FARMER'S WORK EXPEDITIOUSLY than last spason while starting his machinery all new. Custom Roll Carding, Fulling & Cloth Dressing Spinning and Manufacturing, will receive prompt attention. Having now on hind the largest, best and. cheapest stock of of home made DOL and - the public FULL CLOTH, T w iiDS FLANNELS, & WINCEYS9 ever before offered to the piiblic in this -part of the ProYince, he would respectfully request those wishing to exchange their wool th call and judge for themselves before appointing themselves elsewhere. P. S. --He would likewise call the special attention of farmers to beware of wool teamsters and agents seeking their wool for carding, as he has proved it from the experience of former years to be a perfect source of annoyance to them in various ways, that they cannot see until perhape too late to guardagainst it. The highest Market Price paid f4r any quantity of good Clean Wool. Goderich Woolen Works, 18th May, 1869. THOMAS LOGAN. East Street, Goderich. w HURON FOUNDRY! CD p=i c.D cB 4-2 ^1100.fme ;_CP/42117414,::1:1:1.:Wirr4.75.. . ;r4.11146, • ,111196`.."11 0 I 13 bit' 111 iiH 1IPAISTEAtirt NG I NE -WORK S1 1.4 t2, esei Fowl CD PC1 R. RUNCIMAN, MANUFACTURER OF GRIST & FLOURING MILLS. Muley and Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Seperators Horse Powers; Drag Saws, IRON. AHD WOODEN PLOUGHS! With Caat or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, Land Rollers, straw Cutters, Agrieultural Furnaces, Potash Kettles; Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES of the, most improved blinde. Brass Castings made, and Blacksmiths' Work and Repairing done 'on short notice. I Call and see the STEEL MOULD -BOARD PLOUGHS, as you can get one very sheep for Cash. Goderich, Nov. 12th, 1867 w39 BAROMETERS AND THERMOMETERS MADE BY L. STINSTED, REGENT ST., LONDON, ENGLAND. T" general agent will, thro igh JosbuaCallaway, call upon the'people of thia. vicinity in the course of the next months, with a full assortment of these now celebrated mstraments, which we shall offer at tbe follow- ing Extremebly Low Prices. Plain White Cherry Frames.$6, each; White Maple on Walnut Back, from $600 $8, aciordlng th tubes; Black *WalnutCases. withcoramon glass tubes $8; with ffint bored tubes $10 to $20 each accor1ing tonnish ; fine Satin Woad frames, $20 each, with the celebrated Wooden Cistern and Screw cut at the end ; Rose Wood Frame with Bone Dials and Franklin Tube and Cistern *25; English Wheel Bar- ometers in Moliagany Frame, wind dial and level, &c., attached, from *1200 $35 each, according th flnlsh, with a fullassortment of English and French Aneroid Barometers Every Instrument Warranted for One Year from datecif safe. Having procured a correct register of every city and town in Canada, the height above tide water or sea level; the General Agent is prepared to altitude every instrument for each locality correctly, which hi absolutely necessaryto have them work correct on the Dials. 11:3•• A full assortment of Self .Registering Thermometers constantly on hand at prices from $2 up to $10, according to finish. Farnheat Parties desirous of obtaining one of these useful instruments, which accuratele and invariably foretell the state.of the weather from main fora fewdays only. Head office far the Dominion, in Montreal Respe. ec 24 to 48 hours in advance,should avail themselves of the opportunity which now presentsAself. The Agents will re - June 14, 1869. jt19101WIV'ES, General Agent for Caned*. General Rules to be Observed in Consulting the Barometer. 1. If the Mercurystavs about 29 inches. or the word "Changeable," without moving much, either up or down the weatherwill be unsettled and changeable 2. If the Mercury rises to or above the word" Fair," fine weather feat hand. 3. Should it happen to rain when the Mercury standshigh, it vrill be local, and very little of it. slow, it will rain ; if quick, it will blow ; and 5. vice versa. hthenertihien lisfueintemute,r, fauloosk, fiotr idroadiueathte—siffoiuni lriveantethrerer if the fall 7. When the Mercury moves_qtuckly, eithertm or down. the weather that follows will be of ahortduration, and 4 If the Mercury continues to rise slowly—say for eight or ten days—and arrives at or above the w2o_line I'm' Very It fa11. millseave, very oi aa severe storm s• ttrinMeisresary itsosfeoelnl otow. rise alittle, then rest assured the worst hoover. THE GOIVI luau. mem ASSURANCE COW! 19 AND 20, OORNHILL LONDON, .ENGLAND. CAPITAL, (Fully Subscribed) - - - .£2,500 000 Sterling. INVESTED OVER, 82,000,000.-DEP0SIT FUND IN CANADA, $405000 unTdhefi.dislinguisnable principle ot the company -hat been the establishment of an equitable class& cation, charging in alt casm es a preium proportionate to -the nsk, Tbe success which has attended the Company'operations has been such as 001 y to 'realize the mostsanguine expectations of the Directors, vibe hale resolved to extend the business more widely mut now offer totbe Canedia'n public. •s PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by large Sabsertbed Capital, and Invested FIRE DEPARTMENT - PrompeSettlementof Claims. The Directors and General Agents, being gentlemen largely en- gaged in commerce, will take a liberal and business -like view of all questions coming before them LIFE DEPARTMENT. - The twill pan y offers terms to those desinne Life 'Assurance nnsurpassed by any Life Office. Moderate Preunurns—PerfectSecurity—Econoaly ot management, tending io increase the Bonus otthuse on participating scale, among whom 80 per cent of profits are sliy.sible. Claims paid one month allerproof of -death.. And other advantages which may be seen in the Company's Prospectus. This Company has deposited $100,000 (in gold) with the Finance Minance, at Ottawa, as special security for Its Canada policies. PRLD COLE. Secretary. Office. -385 and 387, St. Paul Street. Montreal, Surveyor. Morland Watson & General Agents for tainada. Inspector of Agencies. H. MUNRO, Montreal. swl03 T, C. LIVINGSTON, P. L. S. 6..13.5DETLOR, Agent for Godench. Lueknow, Kincardine, Southampton and Watketton I I NI 11.111 THE TORONTO TEA COINAPANY !I . . 1soir rtwR,, itlTtETnZTEtkTTRE W2STven3LEP!271187NELIz,egassedhtgesupeiwgleseeatonW.bL!5;... carriage paid, and if not remitted for before hand, can be paid to the express agent on delivery, Families 0. the Country - Supplied by the Toronto Tea Company withTeas at wholesale prices. They have-enly to try them to see the say ing to be effected, and be sure bf getting genuine good Tea pure as I mported, . i gar WATIIS TRIP THEM lam Any one can get up a Club and send the names, with the kind and quality of Tea each member wants. They ,are 'put up in any size of package with each mernher's name on them, and where the total quantity orr ered is not less than 15 lbs., it is sant, all in one box. to the club agent, carriage paid to any raBroad depot in Ontario. KINDS AND PRICES. _ • t 'Black Teas- Congous. 45e, 50c. 55c, 650. 70e, 75c, 80o, and 900. Souchodg, 60e, 55e. 60c. 70c, 75c, 80e, and 90c- Enliish Breakfast, 50e, 55e, 60e. and 65c. Very Fine Oolong, 10c. Orange Pekoe, 70c, Green Wens -Young Hyson, 50c. 55c, 600,_65c, 70e 75; 80, 85c. 90c, and it. Gunpowder. 80c, 90e, and $1. Imperial, 80e. 90e, and $L— .J ars rim Weasi-Uncolored. 50c, 55c, 60, 65c, 70c, and 80. --It being ...reconomittoithe lower grades ef Teas" tfuinthe above, we prefer to confine ourselves rally to Teas which we ow will givelistiszactionto consumers. - nig BEST comp,. And the cheeped is to be had from the Toronto Tea Company. AlLivhe have tried them are lond:in their praise. Combining great strengthaad fine flavor, arid tot being mixectwIth'any unwholeseme ingred • - ients, they go =Inch frirther and please better than muchof the Coffee now °tiered to the pnblie. 1 FoilloliCS-40e, 250,20c, itint 135e, per lb. Put up also intim of 19 awl ao Ths. ., WHAT THE P ESS SAYS The Globe of August 6th saye,:—It will be seen that e Toronto Tea Company are prepared to supply mulles in the count in clubs with teas andtorees - WHAT THE PEOPLE, '19All IN Toronto Tea Coni 'ft is no Uncommon thief _for- the eustomers .of the - THE t:TRY I • • MONK I 4 ew Marble Works VICTORIA ST0, GODERICH, M. .11cohnston ILIONLIMENTS, HEADSTONES,- able 111 tops, Posts, Are ,Tomb, of every deserip tion and style of workmanship, furnished on short notice.and at the lowest prices. Libe ral redaction made for cash. All orders punctually attended to. Designs of Moe ments, &c., may be seen at the shop. G °detach. Dec. 19. 1865. v47-1 FOR .SALE. r PRAT EXCELLENT ,LOT OF WILD LANDS, 1 known as lot 33, con. 6th, East Wawanosh, con- taining 100 acres of excellent land, well watered. There or a large creek running through the north end. anda small one througb the south end, also, several never -failing springs: it is half a mile from Short's Saw Mill, and 5 miles from Sloth, for sale very cheap, WAY to MR. ARMSTRONG, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 7. 1869. OAME into the enclosure of the subseriber on or about the first of September last a Steer rising 2 years old, spotltd red and white. the tope)! one ear cnt off, and a split itri the other The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take him away. — Colborne. part of 1st and 2nd eon. near Maitlandville. NEEL McQUAllIE. 'December 7th. 1869,, w47 St. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT APPLrCA 1 tion will be made to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, at the session thereof next after the expiration of six months from the date of this notice by Robert Sharman, of the Town ofGoderieh. in the County of Huron, for a 13111 of Divorce from 'Matil- da Sharman, formerly Matilda Borland, and now called Tillie Hunt, on the ground of adultery. Dated at Goderich, the 6th day of October. A. D 1819. w38-tf CAMERON & GARROW. Solicitoraftm applicant ' Farm for Sale. THAT superior Faun, Lot 16, 6th con. E. D. Co borne, 74 acres of land, 60 acres ef which are cleared, well watered by a living creek, and bonuied by the River Maitland. Good log house and frame barn 34x25. vith a good orchard on the premises. Situated one mile from the Village of Blanchester, 11 miles from Goderich and 12 miles from Clinton. The pmperty is a desirable investment being on the County Gravel Road and possessinga superior mil privflege on the River Maitland. Apply to G. M. TRUEM AN, Auctioneer & Land Agent, Goderich April 24,1869 w-13-tf The Las Suecessi 4.4A. Yw.pielimatenall REsToRBIt IMIR DRESSnia )iew0ty1e inoileolat BY ITEI USN Gisy or Faded Hair is quiekly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given,to the Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Sold by all Druggist& Price One Dollar. Manufactured by 8, B. VAN DU= & CO. Wholesale Druggists, 35 Barclay Street and 40 Park Place, New -York, and 261, High Holborn. Iambi]. Enz. -pun foilowing remarks on Tesumoroals of most • wonderful and extraordinary cures tu Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stena,•un deniable and incontestrble tact& sufficient to convince the most skepticalthatthe Great Medicinal Componn. *rued after for asies is now accessible tn the Great SEOSHONEES REMEDY Inc Diseases in the hunt, Lungs, Lrver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys, &c., as -well 15 Scrofula, uta vanoas Skin Diseases, Humors, and all •diamises arising frost Imprintiesofthe Flood, we boldly state that this_great remeayhas NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever sach a care as that in the person of Wilson Storms of B righton, C. NY., of Consumption or dieter j'eterC V. Miller, Earnestown, C. W., ofeort. sumptiomorthatofAmbrose Wood,o1Comiecon, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, C. W. ot Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches lot years in spite °fall treatznent heretotore,tuid is now wen. '8cores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. ty-Call at the Drug Store and get a Cimalar or untastiouable certificates on the GREAT -RHO& HONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and satisfy your selves. Prie' e of the.Remedy in largepinto$11 .rj- For -Sale by all Druggists and Dealers' Mach ;matte Agents for Bodench, F. Jordan and l'arter & WHOLESALE AGENTS: LYM AN, ELLIOTT& t;o., ) emironres,,. DUNSPAUGEt & WATSON, "'""'" J. WINER& Co. HOLBROOK & S'rARK,_ T. BICKLE & SON. inAstiurox. El MELTON lc 'Crn To Nesarj3. cneueeaeAna fitta.s, Conway P. 0.. County of Lennoz,Ontario Canada.] ° Vane% County of %stings, Porrinee of Ontario, Tett- Ptb, 1888. Tws is in certify that duringthewinte r ° 11,f 1 was taken with a weakness of the atteles.1' gr.dually, tinting the spring of 1887, extended to my ea!, and on up to my hips, and 1 became ao weak thatl could notwalk, but wits confined to my chair. th Tea we seltat 150; is jtisti-airgoodas they -used to- Inz. difterentjimes.th 75c, and 80e, for elsewhere other* erohto, to_ admit thst the Time, andafterwarda,lsoughtinedicaladvice,emnloy- For abouttwo years. while is weakness was coming in such quantities as clivIduals imeatrequireatatimtno &I'Y Jiff and where the total qtiatitittorde by a clubls lbs the finete.i vre sell atS5e Li 0:141"edanng 4 and over, -that t r P ese y friends, In. tot nOavalL expense to any Mead statIon.,,DLOntario. 13y thiP segat wheiesidapeeas, , - - --- 7.---- ... ' We °f 1E48, when I NU induced totry egreat oshonoss mpany forward the sanitiTree of pay $1.00forper ie.in ...Greene,: ' Tileemefe i.. . --et warse and wnrae' until lig esamm r --rt--111 g " theY seii tor I continued tog Mean* anTone can be supplied as cheaply as if they ' "' Ar !worms- .., ....,: . -: Iterne0v byreadingthe cures rf ed it biitightirom theConlany personally in Toronto. We " -1-""l'Al' m--- 1, 9/ 'I reedoetote, aid medicines of erentkinds r ribedb . (into? any Itittenrofsl lin le • /lint! 41274'112d begun to 711" 141:11:1'Paril ulY iefidfattinytinii the lierrovear- eittroiti_enee_.,414_,,..„44-100.1jor -10q-1117.1119,7) atnporiOit Ate' 10801 advanced, and tin paymeitiitireqiurectriefoketherrinid ,or theAlf7yeaex:keiti; -01d 'Teas at such astonishing low privet ante -of *sae ,tuilItyislia this 't°ans'allIP"ril°4411*sai°s-fer'*i'4i' hri2•kia$;, Ileittpnadeiielt 1t-pititable.:year ka .;• 134...4. • , . •-• - , 4. wego nozaabw who eitej • • tifoureitizel4 ;.,a4the-lar husinse* they are 40:lugainect- the.T. i turned !won -rsa e,xt?, • ; _ _ • i :t; _prob vni urin d that ple are on Aug., Igo: I neVerexPectedto get better, but slinply tried tam -iiIii,,-'iiiiii:eititis;•413%16717f.tx,ti11t-,Inna,- Igo OM -to itaytrinthe°81hoshoness Beinedy: I -Wks* It I 114:1(31A0:2.1t!tb.t=i27t,„.,.A.„:.-3Viiii.zireftoreg, ig! ri . deed , - • an n as XVI:ia OM THF -very heavy blisinest,' and,itaiid.we . mationa fonowin . oiel..t.s..sh..._,.... ..___ _ _pciT we pulasi. tlii_e: ukentwo bottle, °paha ese;instiorneeyss Reolizty atataut;o. _ . payft 0 al,ear y;,,,,..,,.i: L,.,.g.„ ,..,,,!...,.), ir.: -..ii: .,,...,S..; , 7,--. LI: i 12191,7,.. a16 4b tifaokaa... aaw, lwatifeel potelesaureitiity ii4nities josatiintliguitatia4-nianiziirstailKostv,sidwatclepne_wienthr a•-1 ban another orderve_nwexerwtiolatteogikivAtb, it.,L-r.,,A,,,,...roct.:14',,.; iwnesd,ge4nadpori;vkatedotneany,bu.otnimu.ownevetedto Alia; anyx ,w4%litiiihhaborave e ae from eie, e utufatitni. . 20,. . _ v .from:you. sexing ev,w4, medicine as a sort of forlorn 'hope. This tate of 'Wine the °min • . 7- f -7. uPw..7-1:- . . : • ."`"P., ..x.o.8 ofthe Pills and I am ti 1 t. :my. from yon v., ' • war - . ii ThiabOverastobiymbitailade iy. SiOking Pen_cf.whiehniiiiloff thiti!imelpekiliteell mitftelittemin ,; ..ti?, r 7.: ',,,-, -,l,',7'''''- , • . . Man_ r Ann Do eathailairaltia 'Mint, at the:6401dt otiOf. the-tormiteree,d,qpoit the debtia,enireiy,avitedOti t. 'The -full, zThenTeerceiksalm:"Llhel'orOrit0itla ClimP109 have Ifrativelkeditalttaxt111114-iiii;rnft6att"--4:s f.“gr'''''—rnhtir,arrPad-.Allgaz. _8.7-eriitoll)abefore tile at,liado4. CotnitY ofmiliztingi, ,ed P -11111001a4/4- Inttd011tluivituittll. agdeiteria4.1**ItoWedtseoree'f..eetileitioriffrieev be i-edee,i,.. eironigi (pal, eatlii:depo.litntiest'ey leiirette lialve.,.)re- 1 - 1owe."!'ll'!-PaY . ritei!:,,,Siin on tatIii:,4,-,riaii . -44,4ii" polarity t° certify isst litteetrclars 'theerle svenrfan of 47:0:::........g.,!:p, _:::... :i7orpt.addrect924,q5,04:nup,a,i)id_reguir4.46. it. . tel:togt,B, orre. 404gritc. ;t-timi.,,I., ,. every cular. !know thstwhileiliherease -THE-..T9al.;•14„ITTEA•compAt4-y7'-, tvtietg=egirlaztrAget-',egp,..,.-tehaa ' • . r. a ea niay mention that the oronto Tea Ciiingittye easiroing s: n tilt/as getting ahnottlielpleas. / have R S nit rtnititre.lio redvem con hill adVanCed fa 0 • I ••-4 aids 0 yegra 15 lea re h lf' 1 IIERBEET MASON , abietle comei.,„ ea, ed twee/31'4*u. d el ce ne Ibeliere her certificate to be gpr;,,:"ut,et t!ktheSuelety; G.. end. lateen • Aitiori_41404,14:ToiikereiT;4..'reientit'.. 'God b alitliVel 1 6 • a i •• ' ' . 'Ir38sw f 18b1 was declared opOess ; afid I know that she has, saiee aerrecovery. always attributed ler recovery to the shoomiceat Remedy. 'Mutterer may lit the peculiar 1 1-101AOTThre ff11115 • - 1•911.452i*O4 0 ItheCouna, far.. andracle. A. F. 'Vow, J. P. no . , ce° vaSly ; cands, 0. eo • * _ 1.50PE 11 A IS EN1 iBusine,9 T ma! OW. Lumber, 1741A,DS, at the I Mei WitiCiao Stree'.1s.' * _resrocae .erieji. -Nov. 611:1, 4.00110terelaille /ORS HICKS, IsrEaatacti best Osailsis..aacl gauges Altiktrll. Siege •Pr PI gorses liorses Inertest Notemz En-F2rairer travM saicapice by 6, Nays Ofre, wig'b,mt.0 itn arta Ithemi snwcis 1041140rthe /est5 years, • eirodwiil be cyare-J sl lratelleB 0%6 sishiskwiligiveaktiefacli ws* kiss been dorm ty 4* gnweUexeect ireetamicliassertmeil Clocks ALE; dilisilsrich Oct. 211th it I.B E sabscribrr In patronage so long his nutnearastas ineensclizence of lividuess toCzo liticref "'it street ner43ric a 10 line sli befcr..L All Kinds ,ofiTo Ite - iDodeficia„ Vatliic _ .--... IL BAR 11110% CABINET 'WOOD - AND UN Ramiltop, KEEP eenas.nill. ties 'albeit- Bedetead,s ekinas of Nool tOtit8, 'EU& Always ASSI)107" , sad I IMARSE I ▪ rich. gas S S unnersigne Mill and y Denak1 care), oe the Sis119 Do Moul Siam. g, ELC 4,1a, ascircles 14-itenk f „dilative/ e lonylavortbra 20:000 rect Mori Thr sal NE *a -4.141- e !tint PAPERS IN, E� ALE A ?Armor KEEPE Bring a all TiNti experienciIsPreT N 13.---30784's Goderich. Gt