HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-01-27, Page 24 parable - nav flaib* tiie �1 oil detectitig .......... he lAt, of his thvilghts, he -had checked -2 ONLY A VXrt:RXIX(3-MAN I THE RE D RI heni, alAdenly, and, turning tin W VER MARTYR I PIOLIOE COURT. K�- The Good Templars propose on the a little during the day, but so little and THE jVOMAN*.S RIGHT8 WOM ZN AT WAS Fl - his heal it too ional r —The Second annual convention being easily arrest -d I had little fear of her INOTON. RVI SuRgilt r4uge in Ilia Study. He had' In OtIr peregrinations, the other day, William- McDougall will now have to evening of Thursday first, (27th' inst) to MOXDAY 24th. of the Universal (WOUlan) Suffrage at first, always -had a study,' being we hut'� safety,about midnightof FridayIfinding the folitaufr-olding'andinsolne dogre, also, GODER10H, JAN. 27, 1870. belles, to' Pass agroup, of four..'voung�' look,"to Washington" ip -earnest. His.- give aultitellectual Entertainment in'their bleeding continued, I sent forDr. Me- sociation assembled in Washington ve, I Tr ii%n author. anti liking wha had met on the side-wilk and unprincipled quest of offic(i ha �- left Btfsk-up Of i House of 111. ay, Ain. Elizabeth Cady g tv- have a retiring', — hii� Fame. newrionts, aboveDS. Gooding's, Law Office' Crimmen to assist me in sectiAng the 6leed- terd 8,tantoii in 2 sp a rollout froill,"up.,Ativ i; the eveiving were engaRed.it near the Post office, God th6 chair. There was a larg, 3 A -r1NG AMONG TH4 BRRA IK- rdayiast there was quiie 'an ex- -r in DRIP vairtIanimated coriversation.. stranded, with only that. white -feather On Satu eilch. Consisjj�g ing ve-mls, ba t the �hemorjhage being so -,,a attendance hiz leisnre d:%ya fr,un town. But in �Id ERS,. No donbt, the discussion "on the cards" motinto'ban easilj� controlled we determined to wait till of the woman's rights woutbu and men- 4 Pr k C61. Dennis, as, a man Fri- vitementln� this -a readings, recitations, -songs,, towif over the breaking tip of choif morning, he Dr. McC. times there had coultnonly been a weloune was the relativq value of the several beaux day, 01 agreeing to remain, 'Senator Pomero�y.. of Karisw3 beimf 9 to 1, duets with suitable accompaniments,, irand Object 1) Te ssalle"'te th'"PO little sofa had beer, Wei publish, in ariothOr column, 'a' brief for a co ' paniow. His old friends, of a ba 11 of ' irls, of the perio(V Thre6 and watch -her, and inform. me, almurld the Bpeakcrs of the day. The Admission 10 cents. The chair to be tAken symptoms babome urgent. The neck v 9 whom the gqirla�drAgged 'ves in their whoia esteem he barterod fok official -dig- or four of h in 'I a 6 21 lac summary of the history of Prince P4 as capti were ordered to leave ad. — P e,l !IV 1,11111 as 1, lare, an t be had not of the convention is the sixtd.eatli am(, ofma itionaltsue in, hjs stully in tha old Bortapaxw, who, in fit ten! train ; for we Were startled by the words nity, w;1ile they pity, cannot but despise. Pr6cisely at half past aeven 47clock, p. rh. very much swelled, I ordered cold appli- ment, or woman's suffirage ; gilt to, carry h town by thii Mayor, but,' not h aylug CQm- days. ture years) may he of Vur caption, uttered by a yound girl, in tbd rejected and Ittimilia'ted Gov Proceeds to go for the building of th cations to) be' continually applied. I re- r 8 401 lie -% 1,1114 have been lonelier now, it througrh 'Congress thoe-e is a shorte Orrim plied %ith hiiordor they were broirght up method thanthis systemofnevereuding if he had utit, been al ),ne. celebrated as the hall. a new turned about 8 o'clock, a. in., Saturday 9 Th Marploit, gifted byHeaven an emphatic vt,ice, with a scornful intonaO Ilia present associates, true tothe maxim yesterday (Monday) morning,for trial the morning, for the purpose of Securing the and still begri tin ing con ventio'lls. Let these T-dav, h—rever, the aon,,J a h talents of no mean order, whose life, ti,,n and a coiifernp�jlous toss of tile that nothing succeeds like success," turn Police fotce.�haviqg,,had a; jnost exciting bleedint arth h. buriei its kleA.l. %ki wit SEAF0iiT11 w vessels, and bad her removed woman a rights people pick out, say tine jO An A quiet three hours, for want of self-control and discretion, has i,ead :—Iz He's only a working rniin!" We the cold shoulder oin the' ainsuccessfat re- - se hundre3 handsome, intelligent, sharp and 11 He chase after the ladies across the commons. from th� bed to the table fortbat purpo n Voting woulen anow Ili tire night had throwna inask over been an titter failure, except in the matter tit) not know the, probably. respectable presentative of royalty, to the rebellious- DrMeCrimmonbeiLg present. I also sent Persu"I" the 13"d Now there was little to be seen f devoted to the 12 ft - %A the Itiore ­btrusive Jesc,lati. u dragging himself and those connecied and viorthy person, a,) unceretuo Quick, trite,to her namej made -2.40 -time, From our owu Ccrrespo�dent She was then -complaining cause, to) act as lobby members f,,r this it. The niously North West, -and for Dr Garner. "qk to q�ddle him with (the same as a fast mare in town but Weather, very unsteady, thawing ona� of gfeat difficultvnf breatbi 1�' 13 48 -1 ) -jig, and-sti - sixteenth antendruent, and this will soon still, hl -11, 811--w wils over all. Q white with him into scrapes innumerable. The tahn�ed ; although, by 14 laying this and the. respongibilitv 0 1 0 - 14 Ice 4�xterwtl vilin ntver t,,Id of the (lecayand year opened fur France with important a V the insurrection. : Constable Trainer, as he generally ao' carrvitthrough buth h -uses. The same th, t as day, intenselycold next. ne8a in the neck. When Dr. Garner came 090".kL" it is far frout ineptissible Probably he heoins1to realise instrumentalities next will caiTy it thmug 15 MIC what it is to under such circumstances, overhdulod her 'Business in grain dull, in po' beigaid he would haie nothing to-do with h rk rather her, but would retu& in an "hour. I.said the required three-fourths of tile State 16 Lal %v11'c:l lit - v a few inches beneath its constitutional concessions, granted by the to collie -to an approximate conclusion. sacrifiqe principle to attain place, "and, within the mile. and'h4d, her u 'der, the JLyq svrfiice. More 1).Arren and deathly even Eulperor ; which, though they did not u - - Monev remarkably sca �e. Lagi"dips, and then women Will be than the dead earth, its exterior %VAS eal- The ideutific�tionof the indiyiduals is a doubtless sighs for the time when �ly re if Drs. Cole or' McDougall were present t 17 De; in a few mi, mer, and its utter barrenness it dlileath. satisfY'all the demands of the extreme very unimportant matter, but tht, i PlIrsti- I charge offri6nd Campaign, in a triw:' R8dNION —The reunioq last Thursday could secuIrc the v -assels untes V n oenti- it theTathoilpoliagal, equal to, men under the supreme law of 18 Hot WAS it -t allobtrusi, e thin,,, as it a %,. a e, virtue and honesty, + - -It issaid; that -this cruel order ,of, t a land. Handsome women are found -1 i,, iberal party, went far to conciligte, for a In he eveniag- was a complete success, both in Fifteen minutes after this she expired.� th ant involved, in tile daniningsentence— he was prosperous 4ud,regpected. The Mayor broke up two or three Tlrri�ges ; the very larg6 attendap and thesuperior These are the facts of the case from the irresistible in running the lubby for men 19 001 shad , a r-sy,mamills edged by th�a b1pe slanting time, the popular sentiment towards the he's only a w(irking-man !II—is1`&t un- inaenioua tripl eel 'then -should they not organise to ru a 20 QU, a ; -,r here and there stretched away Imperial dyna-sty. 1VT. ollivic e --shuffle by which he blitin the interests- time Iremoved the tumor uptuthetinte in a plain, --f driven white, sparkli r of'justice few will talent displayed. 6f her de.th.'oue week after the operation., it for th6ir own great cause of WouLans 21 Be( nZ , 'Was worthy of consideration. Very likely, meant to retain his seaFinParliament and think' s ail authorised to form a ininis he was wrong. DANIEL HQRAN.—On the 27th inst., the Let us noty look at the result of the over in the in-irning still. Anti it was, try on a con- this Young girl's own parents sailed front his ministerial port -folio, by forgetting to n- 212 Hw rights 2 That's. tile quesiian.—N. Y. pleasant, if vour heart Nas in gow tilne, stitutional basis, the censtitshi Ab 411 events HatTiet Quick Rerald. it of the L:verpo('jl, thirty ye ..Lbuisa friends of D., Moran intend giving him ii, quest. Dr. McDougall, 6roner having 23 S. Summo motion, to, see tile giee )f the chiidren over ill-,- Pres3 was abolished, and freedom of debate 0 ars aggo, in the steerage resign them "ilp at the same time accept, -Lombard, and Elita Brown, were 416rked benefit in the shape of a Re ned Drs. Shantion, AlcCri A, one of those lurtiberiog, old emigirait ing the Governorshi?, will add to his. dis- �unlou, in 24 We first sti-m of the winter. in Cie Corps Legislatif permitted. Of these V late the Dan' yesterday. murning,, and after Sharp's Hall. McKay, McGregor and Garner to make a THE ToRTURE IN S-YTZICKLAND. -It ap- 25 Geo essels, which landed theru at Qtiebe4 af, g'ra a. . The following extract (rom the admitting that it was so, we ',and recLteF�j beaforth have promise'd mentioned medical gentlemen with myself soners, in order to make then) confess, 26 PLO( But Wtrtnq paced gravely on, looking two latter The ablestapeakerisingers post-mortem exa . tination. The four first pears that the practice of torturing pri- neither t4) C(Incessions,1 Henri Roebefurt re on the in this Side or that ; never re- ter a tell weeks' pas&lua. Va likely, Almoute Gazette forealladowsthe reception direction of Mayor Hays, sent down for their assistance. 7 1 went- to the liouse where deceased lay. :27 Rat proving the a,) liewhat unruly glue of the and tile Passionate youngrepublican Gain- this Young girl's parents set their feet 'On' his futimer constituezits'will give him if he one mouth each, at )ta a labor, excepting .-Dr. Vercoe will remove from Fgmond-. Dr. McCrimmon having, made an incision nations, still exists in r which has been abolished by most civilised but never -'showing the le;tse betta availed �hemsolves to the verge of in- Canadian terlitury, with just 16 bright half- should Venture to mak Switzerland. X 28 Glol symp.fthv with it. Tile Christula.3 bells temperance. Rocliefort's Marseillai8e: a hiw appearance in Quick, who will have two months of it. vill, to Sehfrirth on the 2nd Feb.' parallel to the one I orginally made,found Borel, member4rd the Ass'embly qf Lucerlie, were iIlliv en -u-41i ng)w in thestill, frozen crowns in their pocK-ets. But her father North Lauark:-- ARE n1?`TazFT. A-Grpipol, Masquerade Carn I iv.%I.. will take an'ce cu . t. and u1A be 29 Lea air. H I v glitol they were! R4;.v plaintr'62"e! was a workilig-iiian and her mother was a "Of one thing' Drs. Sh 39 An( thundered its vituperationi from thepress, -there had been no blolDp vessels of import- has proposed that inforination sho just armon,, Mc,Kay :,nd asked fr6m the Federal Council as to the we are certain, was Mr. Robert Renwick and Robert Hyslop -place on Monday evenin Y next at ille McGregor had --of a prisoner in the Canton of I i L H,,w likit-ITICL With inunuories! fl..vv at . copf d '&a tile editor did personally, in his place working-womail, and they ;abored their McDougall. to colne before din electors of were atth'e a ime'time' 9 in ret, I arraigned: before His,,yloto I Rink, for the beneifit of the satisfied themselves of torturing ,retsl kii,woppresivelysadli llng"_to asa deptity,withollt fearer discrimination, way w this Riding to -morrow, so utterly has all rLa this in p'ortaiit fact when Dr. Garner4p- Ztig. The man in question was accusedof a sad he estward. Through privation and Wrorabip, on -'a charge of 6reaking into the Egm pquied I on ' ..rt was thtar unutterable sw�et-; au I with no little rashness. Employing fatione an C, )hfidence in his actions an ondville band. the fapis andafter making a theft, and tw-knowledged to the criminal S2 7011 �83 Itan at stron 'b.en destroyei, that VAide from personal hop of Robert Carman, on., SEAYORTH LIT careful examination persisted v ness ! I think they* h. -td a secr �110 dh nel of LAmfrb- , d, la POverty, they hewed cOmPet d judgment' Butcher A " in sa' ing court that he had appropriated the missing — intilliti-e- upon thein built, and a Corse. ence out of the for ERARY SOCIETY,- The de- that the cut; made,by Dr. ReCrimmon was articles, but he refused to adinit that he 34 160 (A tbei eist. By.aud� bye, her friends, fie would not Poll fifty votes. Elec- Hamilton street, and feloniously abstrac- hate last Wednesdayevening was hearts, sw-4 ir were, to i; must, of which the Prince Pierre Bonaparte published brothers and sisters became working -men tfirs pertin' 'Resolved the one made, by, n'. re. 7 his accoiluts for had stolen them,,and insisted that he had 35 Soo equa an fly enquire, "can a man who ting therefrom a quantity of beef, pork that the pjn has done more Q4au the plat- =Ithe difference of 6vidence of the medical accidentally found them. The cOurt then 36 Bell words were ta he glveA, presently. 11Y intemperate and vituperative 'and working wompp, has sho little judgment in his o-vn and i ' n and aided' thtir mutton, on. the'morning of Sunday gientlemen, Dr. Garner making oath that or-lered further inquiries to . be made. Ai-&y4.,,v, she. crept tip nearer to him article. On the 12th insb., Paschal Grou- *parents to acquire wealth. Then When. affairs bwenasofit person tu'r6present our in-- f6rat for the'advancemeut ofcivihza�tiono last. Renwick pleaded guilty and Hyslop the wound -was from five to six inches in 'From the 26th of October to the 10th of ag.UIL tiii- 14,uk his arm,- which fva!s sette, asst;ciate-editor of the Marseillaise terests in the Commons f". The mentaa Affirinadie gained. The subject for next- 37 biln c- 1" dly, hat, 14 ;,,urse, at her service. Wh.k she--theewe-lattib of the flock -appeared raply may be not His Worship, on hearing the lenri, 38 Lnu easily ilkiagined. We Ina -guilty. th, whilst tile others swore the wound November the risoner was put on bread sent a letter, by the handso'f his co -labor- i - nighi'is 'Resolvid that niarried life is more. was only trom two and a q tiarter to two a ktl..tvs I sao 1-inged to press it On the scene, she was teiderly swaddled herepoint Out tile folly of'supporting were evidence, against Hyslop, deeimeditbfsuf� conduc od water diet but fie made no confession. 39 Sevi a (If wal k i na to- ive to happiness than sinele." and a half inches ie fen h. He Dr. Thumbsurews were then applied to the- 40 Sen to her ti. as tit old da%� era VicturNoir and Ulric de Fouvielle, to and lovingly nurtured and taught accouil political adventurers, triaka6ra Of t ficient importance,� to require hint -to send he bily 9t suppl gammoi RSONAL.-W. T. Hays Al' Garner being unab a gether. Bat titem- wa& it re;II'alit the Prince, demanding a reason for the in- plishments, and ied with I stampi who dare net a straw. for b Pth fok trial to the next Court of compe- . PE P P. will I I , even with twenty prisoner, but still he made no confession. 41 ISE en, tit) re beautiful five years ex�crience as Jie says, is - constituents or constititelt6y;iave as a step- tent j urisdiction; and they were lodged in ytease.'accept alusiy's thanks for tinguish a wound maae, Pei -days before stick ; he viritbed and groaned,, but de - there wmiid have be a, oil Ili; jurious article mentioned above. The ronianeds. Now Mr. U -to d" Six blows were next given him with a part lie w.uke�l �n,,Avelv on, with iu�aatir- Prince refused to explain, or to accept the she is rather,ashamed of ping done to some fat berth- in the ship of gaol accordingly. Parliamentary papers received hi., t, session. death, fro ght 42 Tom ed steli - evei tient oil the ground- And the horny hands of the old man that gave state, men whom We would never haveseen, hing more than the bril-s" S'eelzlilla full (If all earnest yiean- challenge to a due] sent him, said he would her life and would MAGISTRAps. -The i6llowinqgp� in one niadethree daVa after, the. clared be could say not 43 D'A mee shed hts blowl for her. had the exigiancies of place-huntin not Roohqfort, Tried and Ocindemned - _.it*em% profession will be able, to distinguish the what be had said already. upon which six 44 Ton it -it a language -which are appointed t6formaRelicii 6p , value of such Z, would prefer that her mother's tn�ck driven them in this direction. it is Paris i a1T 2231d. iggistrates evidence. The report.of the more blows were administepted. 'If you iltg %V[111:11 114-1 tRochefortbutittitthe "carrionand She but a 45 Pai( vainly srri.ve ft)r a tile bells re- wretches," his tools, and followed up his re- was not so much poor compliment to the elebtors of Central for Seaforth�-A:.- 8irong, A. G* j, 4,pDoug- Dust -mortem was to the effect that deceased kill me, -Mr. Judge, I cannot say anything in the shape of' a Canada to see one after the 6ther of these Henri Ro canie to her death from less of blood, and else.* The prisoner was then brought be- 46 A w re v- v 47 Rat! prn)-whe-1, ev treateoll expostulate l.pleaded, ply by shooting Victor Noir dead with a bent bow; all gbeflbrt has been tried and ail, Jolu-Beattie,an.&Edward -Ri&son. infiltration of blood int,) the cellular tissue fore the court, and once more earn R - filli of the Christmas meassacre, that d that the joints of the tua- meteoric grentlemen coming'forward with found guilty. Ilia sentence includes a RuN*-0-_A_i -Last Thtirsday�a teamian gw estly 0 1 ay eck call I hearts which were shut aainat Z�epting I af and firing at Fouvielle, who, how-'- ternal fingers were not quite so� like the of the n 0 the proffer oftheir valuable services to the fine of three tbonsand : francs fr suffocation and not questioned, but headhered to his former An ever, was twinjured. The intensity of pointedapex o5fatriangle.She is quite will different constituencies., -and too often sue-- Z' turne'd4owti- Main streiitlita-feA on being iinskilfully per- -atatement. Upon this the Prisoner was 49 EL -19 it, Yet could nut excowe a cemait, in- (about era theAarket, up Market sOeet and front thq operaci sit g mprisonment, Knocked down cue team 120 sterling) six months i tf01 -rate. formed or any ilitreatment on my part, to again placed on the ordinary prison diet., 01 _41orses7'_ on, it vient­-to:­C4irh1EhaeL*8 a Jury retufmed a verdict in ac- ceeded in getting their axes ground, while and deprivation of eivil rights. This,we the 0 , 50 ACc a prucess re.n1ting in aseusitive- the consequent excitement it is impossible ing to meet her workinq brorhors and sisters, we have among on melves men of 'worth, are told, does '"uring which th 51 Dom not affe9t his- position a -cmdance. Dr- Garner however persisted So they entereJ tile' a a Tavern, t0l-W-d round and' eniei-,pd lt 52 San( 1 7 ; was rather i9e. more hirm was not done, as, Mkin street operation. a 53 264 a Vi0Ar wou'd have inud )ref e ,A f The latest no I . a th it I err d ar seized by the.anthorities. 'ath ness f.)r the utxt impres,,4"111 which might to describe, and tile entire issue of the at tile old houiestead'or on their )vvn 3ruis tat - at and pAitical honesty, upon whom deputy. The six mdaths incarceration--- stable at ftill ga the in having rec,;rded in ' his evidence th STOMACH. - be brou4ht Eo� be.ir upou thein. , hiireh.,,.T1iis M41-3eill"'i4e, which appeared next morn- in the country, whence she got her father Iva could depend, but who are shoved llop.''I'lie46nderi HOILSE-FLESH FOR THE not a k: was ing"copimentiu- violently on the murder, and mother to remove, kut * would 'ad _'i" that was unwarrantable in g The 11'rench Societf fbr the Propagatio lil3t, no doubt aside io make room, for smoot-h-tongn however, must, one would suppose, Ina performin L U41 ser- discharge of waadtowded with tearns.� paragon of per s&%te that Qiis of floue-Fiesh as an.&rticle of Food has 54 An r -sqt are with vicbs, and-unlimitod in.their promises fired tile body just published the following note: -,The heartier service -thhn tho t it t-legraphs bring the tidings that P t walk round the Market I declaimc�s, 44ud boasters of their past vitably- interfere with the would a 0 1 Xpe he fection ext 55 M, M eb -Last Satuiday jor woman after death, previous to the inquest, re- consumption of thi. jas, Yet. He Was Pierre Bonaparte is to be tried fo pr a dient to atteinp, rince for Parliamentary duties. - Or as the Fren Losir. I I tl,,m. And when a young man, who soils the future, promises c -L they neither have a comical way of treating poItibal fr4P, tbe. countrYsold lierp6rCafthe mar- moved the clot azid otherwise maniDulated Court of J r mur er, I his hands with work, dares, now that she attempt nor intend to fulfil., - 1. Cori tinues to in- 56 Bilk, before the Higit offenders, will the deruty, be k k6t, she had h -bent Ettiope. The qatinti- not oac th-,ae ni,:n wlio, f,jr some mere d meat pt in oust- er'son wL who the wound, contrary to law and ad 95 57 om d, t u aspire to a dthive the pork to thee s6rohI�p . ty sold in Parisuring the three months que,iti-a ecele--�"tik:al propri,.�ky_nu ustice, at Vee- is on the verge of wonianhoo estab- crease thrbu really vit.d inatter-wil, sailles. The illttllie�ice ha P- G Si) FANUY odysomewhere.onthe premises, and -be ted thd7�ruoneyv' j -re- lished customs ofthe prcfession. This 58 A Ph: ,a out $50 drovehis ma�v account fortheinjury done tothe ber and IVOvember, P1111111a their a also collie to her affections, the wrathful verdict, a -DRESS CARNIVAL. -The prodoeed by his gaoler whenever he is c4' of September, Octo Parish into a turmiAl If dissensi.,11 split it hand that the proposed arraignment of plaudod by her coripailim in the Skating Rink, oni team to stible, whefi be found'he had lost thyroid glad. 59 All I is, is Wed- moved topeak or. wanted ccupied so �:neutralize their 9wit Pr to vote? It his pockef�,book -rbritaining t4p -60 Wc - whole of much of your spaco I will -but brie* glance produce of 565 horses; in the samaperiod ocur- nesd y, 20th inst., was in @vbry respect, a would be amubin- to have Rochefort'if the $50 two sharply-deflited partills, and Rochefort demanded by the Ifaving now o 1868, was 226,000 Pounds. being th at an ful ear -General, for stirring only a workin&-mn!' Putir,mik,,ttioled,silly with re,,ard 61 n ti rat--, to otne haif of up violence splendid success; and, being' --the fint of running commentary on affairs, spiced - �To,3* atone or trwo remarks in his shallow letter. of' 18611 it increased 200 girl' Havesuch ,e_t u,eutdlon the part ufa had 62 Him SIKA)'.U. ere is a habit -among First, he says " he -wished tobe as lenient pounds, and 383 of those animals, o I their pe�lple. S4), 'having, his own pr against the Emperor, has been authorized the season, wu a satisfactory inauguration with th irritation occasioned - by the Pork buy - to 273 C_ too-large-q!ass ofyu a k 02 r an L titelo, anti bided his by the Legislature, by a vote of 9* ung women in Caunda er to shows their.stna,rt, aspossibleto ayoung 319dical practicioner.) augmentation of47,200 pounds and I . 18 63 Air time. Bailig a wise man, he know well ties against 34. -26 depu- awrthing to do with the Laveuder-kid,z t- Of this amusement. Over 300 spectators restrailIts Of imprisonment. Th -u French n6ss, andperhaps get the best of. a bargain, I thank him! ! for his 1�nity as but remind horses. The development is Rs great 64 A Im to bify-bythe'lump, that is by the sleigh him that a man on h oath has no right to In the' course of the de- Wn-llow,or Broadway -style of a deliahWd wi Government have not as yet learned t is that the vv,4�d nlo%es oti, and that the bate, Rochefurt made a " brief youth that is were present, who war tit the he load or offer sc much for a load withouV show fear, favor, or partiality to Z5 The: Pine move with it evE�11 artof'successlulTy quieting demagogues greatest obstruct* but bitter roppingontso luxuriar brilliant scene on the ice where over 175 o a tr,.)uble, of weighing it: As all I demanded and courted was a fair, the provinces, and w-uld be still more so 46 AW i tinconsciti,tislytt)theniselve.,;. He certainly speech;" Gambetta was very violent; the y in our midst. ladies and gentleman disported -Globe.' -tb but for the obtaeit�s created in certain the buyer Comes off all right honest, open and thoroup nd we h investigation. town -s b -i- the administration, to the dtt, thing about ft ful costo me. Th6 prizes of a pair of skates' T Whether he gave that%r not the other rimentl the pubite health and the wel- -48 warr had once made an effort for a surplicea House was a scene of great disorder; a We fear they have ! Thank Heaven, that in anci- go' t cho,ir, but Warmu, Was the Squire of the attacks on the Government were fr,,- a prescrving savour of sensible young men Srno but when the seller -the parish, had at us. We do not expect by Mayor Hays, . P. P.,,to the most- fron[RedRiV6r. * the beit of it, then -O then. determmatelv set hi - and women is left Medical men and jury can testify. fare of the ueedy classes agai against the ides, that the worthy Priem -quently applauded by spectators within tastefully dresse�d lady skatei;, and an"ther A farmer comes in the other day with ust the sale 60 Ken Wd loads of splendid pork-wasefreired so Buro hauloneudiv said that it was but forthe Yardiner, !:sq., t6 the gebtld- THE POLICY OF HE INSURGENTS.- mi . or oads He says he did not deinand the inquest .71 Tld at the building itself. those who 'pt on airs,' turnup their noses pair by #. f of this alimcuL' had grrae4ul.ly waivea it. He had ood. Outside, crowds of at honest labor, rush after light employ- man ass trations 20,000 pe,)Dle made great demons timing the beat character, prodne- tell V theAwo I without Weighing. from-- spite 22 wby thin was be so urgent 'The farmer accepted the another to pr6vent , ion, buyer made his appearance, and tiffered-t Dr. -McDougall front holding 772 Trop 5(), and that�he did in favor of Rochefort t hroughout the an- 'or less el@gautperso ore elegant and grotesque, -and the judges E­111'Java, a bride present th'at he I merits where they can display their in ed a marvellous - vakiety of costume -both -Indepen offer, but a n,,t oubt but that the Squire be inquesp, he r III bujferNo. 18-4;00furiiis bargain. NO 1 following b,,,, P( self urge upim him, its.ad as uickly as the military dispersed the an gravitate towards cities,by preference, 1 at a conclusio g Canadian Prisoners on their Way Kome Its warrant? To G. W. Berry. washes his fect, as a sigra of subjec.tiQri. 'would him- tire evening, in all p11rtS of to us infashionabe attire, must have found diflic ty in arrivin erry with t o kneels before the coin at the altar, n option,as the time he city; and d a;nd terve Aif B Sava.ge &:� others, Take notice. The An Illinois father who has just married ags in one quarter, the people col- t4EK(On taus. The realities of life win the evening it was announced that 2 with. the loads hinking he had made b*od 75 L -pe went b , y. People were being ill iip�rceptibly gatheri In the course of accepted No 2s offer, � and awav-went o 7-4 Sarbi lie said, educated,and the cnitnection b - lect.;ti in- e- other streets, in spite A nume- wake. them lip. We would adjure o' the Mayor had generously resolved to give PITBINA, January 10 quite a haul. Y of Miss. Savage now laying dead at liis daughter, expre.,43iy stipulated -and L or But alas- tween Puppry aud 'a wlu'e linen garment rous arrests made, shoutincr for Rochefort. Ud other tw -and one via St. Cloud, the house of G. der arrest 76 W4tb i prizes, one for the boys "Thebest laid:jklaqn.41 mige and men his wishes were carried out -that the France, Pc for the girls. he Lady-Judgea ; I . - - - by 0. Tait �Scott-Associa;te Coro .6urse Thus, once more in the bilwy of Iarrived at Pembina at 5 -o'clobk tho Gang, aft- agee was daily becoming less a matter of c young iriends, who desire to he re8 Minn. '21 1W Berry is un Were Miss Der for the I oil After weighing his pork: and "cal'oulating 78 irels to the thinkin- mind. That which, twen ty the 1b4t3 are drawn. The of and respect -able men and women, to be Fletcher, 'Mis3 Wilkinson a U rities of Huron presiditig clerg estiny of the mail closes in half an hour, yman should liot require years age, gh Churchmen would not Empire is trembling on the balane nd Mrs. T. & Bruce. a, and it afraid of nothing but vice and meariess; Weatberald. and ther Gentlemen-Judgea, Twelve miles front here I met Mr. his profit. his face Pagan - to Signed, the biide to -promise to obey the liege have a very '76 As to snow, have ventured to attempt, was dune nc,,v will depend on the result of th:e trial (if to embrace any department of honest labor Messrs LWord, Tome and Waddell. The Snow and party, consisting of J. A higubritAi 14)p 0. TAIT SUOTT iord. fle furthermore elicited a solemn earah, when be found thst per. j. ff. GAR"p mpanions,for prizes were awarded as follows.1-Lad Alulkins, Mr. akin- o% e: - i ty dollars by hi, M. D go CA1W of principle, thertAforre he coul4 wait, Miss Sarah Andrews as 'Pocahontas' tfie Nirilmons, Mr. Grant, 81 31ass ne of Henri Rochefort for seditio whether their honestworth and not and Mr. Hamilton SIddrtliess and g-.)od judgment, he was senting to the marriage that he would thing was a matter of preference, not o co Soto%, Mr insteail. of in pledge from the bridegroom, b. -fore con - even at some meetirig-houses. But the Prince Pierre Bonaparte for thurder, and within tf.eir reach; to seek Ottawa, ; J. F. n, fie or not the presFtnt hostile attitude shall for meretricious Indian ilaiden en. ro*e for Canada. Gentleman­-Uharles rom the use of -tobacco had a keen msthetic ta - culminate in a blo�dy encounter. The surrolludinas ; and, if circumstances' actuall It 0 ste. and he was ac fo y Y a loser to the itice ttle antou t f forever abstairr I re Andrews, �s "Captain Jinks- tif the Horse d am, dear siri anguage 01ain-st them for a time, 'to dare be poor Marines ;" Girl -Kate Adelaide Lester, mons were prisonerg the latter.eso4ed. Yours &e-', and would treat his enstamed to contend that ther beauty of "man of Pecember and tyrant of the a. blessrs. Mulkins, Hamilton and Nim- an ollars No 2 then waxed wroth and profane 1 8310,01 threten;c I to sue the farmer, upon ife p Lis equal, disclaiming - al! owner. 84 Ft. V r JO service was no mere indifferent mat I ter Tuilleries, "has no hold on th�e affections of for alAhat.l We know the result if"th , in Buy a Broom- -1 Boy-Alexandell Twelve more Prisoners are on their way what grounds no one but himselfcould see. HN S, TENNANT, M. D. ship in her as exd1usive p, 85 Prim Count,';' The 33rd 'already roperty- bravely, strong, or weary, trust in Pliza. Cknow, Jan. 17th, 1870. apossible, excelled itself, nd the rest of as we are, the faculties of imagination which, thd fir -it Napoleon could at any time a and do the right.' They will get their in the music which it discoursed, an The glinpowder Plot tWn"3 out false Luckxow. Aice, a helped ON by externals; that, ct--nstituted diers with theenthuslasmand e8rit de corfa G d Battalion Band, if been released. h Lit ��hiat devotion was really stirred, awakened; his subject,. He cannot inspire his sol- footit ey Satinders,&s a "Youn" fiom Fert Garry; the twelve w I RRKARKs- -We publish Dr. Termaut' bet, �ad� nnd, call congratulate them - t d a Ong 'love and appreciati4in of the beautifulan' elicit. The riddle of the destiny of the rewa -d in due time, in, the�esteem of all ening the spirits spebtators and ly -the'store were the arms Bt 0 d, is wrkin-' ed towns he �l _ , Ives t 'I ing lurope seems very near who know them,�tleast,aud they y also Into the: motions uo'4ing to do with the merits offhe the fit, oug . all t-3 be nlisted, together political Sphinx of F of th th th things iia replyjabove. only excising a few sentences 41h ht ma p6tilin, speed and grace of ose assembled ro the Wtor of tile Signal. ng evening -with the more spiritual element, in our its solution. ft in to be feared Ledru- find t and , 1 . : -James �Ss a the oath of al - of the skaters, a taker, DEAR the twolast issues of worship, and that each would be found to Rollin's prayer fur. "liberty clothed in question. tained a b help, the other t� A littlt boy was washed and dressba white and not in purple 1, Will hardly be- wedth. legiance, o, t new government. Cold- your paper, I find my -name somewhat answered. Will it be the Emperor an SOUTH HuRoN AoAIC'ULTURA . L SOCIETY Well has s$�Id out to stultzan, who 4811 prominently brought before the public in one Sunday morning. and sent to Sabbath tion of tl But Warin—whetber that the totuat d staprted a New -Mation. weddia 01] uonnection with an operation which I per- -alifornIA. of his own imagiriativeness and warmth of the military against the people, or theeo- THE RED RIVER. -The aArlual meeting waseld at Bruce- T strangeness of 0 -school, beill- wanted. not to pass the I 011owing is the declaration of the small -pox hosi the custoi 177 Ina rgen a : 0 -had been really sealed, or from, *hat- rc field, on Thursday,, 20th inat. t Something as f6rmcd on the late Marzaret A.,Savage. How different'in all respects from umi heart ple- aud the militarlr against the Empe tal.. Duriug the exercises or will tito Emperor yield James to our policy i the di bar, and we Th a -pox a lid eveith viea.r's argum' d ad the Society to be $10,00 Bition. in iiih Lnd -scurry. -and change, often many times: h kind way.negatived the fovew of tihe tine, an glorify 11enri Rochefort by our 1po, nd vaccivated )late- ho1ousin at the guillo- Banda delegation to the -Can ian Govern Report Showed proceed briefly to define "'a' 6 con"P� hay ­�tized. Small light fa to the popular it tumored that the insurgents will Dicksoot Esq., � presidurig. The Financialz*ill be expected in,, this ii 4,first letter I -would have tr at 4 with N,w -E' t1gland ere the winds burry, been b, evereanse-couldnot concede this; andinit's desire, itumi oar the tea -her asked Georgia if he had ever grave. unts. eresolved to pay eing uppermost Ele worrid rrt obstruct quittal, a0- nientto treat'for teraw. commou'Vrith the inajortty `j but'he would not help ; and lie bein tj appease the angry Sp Vicr-General. debt which Mr.t,_ Of1his Settle-,. no attention to anony rath2r too _uAhe boy's mind, and Hosker a irit of )Dickson, with his usual ment. mous scribblers who a dav ; there they unebarigin I bl being fAn-, -to know the difT spared tc an gy OW in the Thiebault and Colonel de Salaber one 4i�,eetiorl forlsix Innoths and then the eu baptized and vaccination' their one in . in the parish,and employing mot I)emOcrACY? Whois wise enough to fore- ry have generoaitylliqtiidated.MrDiok8undbHvere-d We regardthe Hudsori Day Compalleg generally have mare time to write than 'h' I lbrence betwe of the labour obere, and influenqkg shad6w the- end of such' ?_ bad an interview with Riel, axd the above a' I and to the great re. government as obsolete and never to be re- talent, more brass in their compsition than Opposite nt s. Here the earth a -d being ashamed to be thoughtignors, weddin all the a beginning n eloquent address, Sa ni, 9 lariqars and shopkeepers, thearish a igbt I'lle. thunder -clouds have closed over rumor may perhaps be the result. Surppiies, gret of all the members, con usciated., The Dominion. Go rests in Vvinter, tE ere they ba he protuptiv a be considered to be against the plan, if cluded by vernment, ve no- winter ad somewhat. pompously the ident, as he to this people, av mer. Here we Squire was. And thegood--Priest cared when it rands tw�m I an at by, its criminal blunders an and her rest is Air Burn- replied Yes, Sir,.1 ha' TEE CA France, what sight will the Sun witness which bavd hither to be' brain. As Junius says, these cowardly,' olen fr6in'the declining Ire -election as prosi b 'a fo base assassins stab in the dark without ve been baptized Hudsons' Bay rever ilieniated have storms, and he 11M. - at, and 0014 � there live or six times but it never took." 8: too much for his own influence over the Company, will n t last foip had not 7ime t attend to tile ditties. 'The them, and,- by itsiorfeiture of all rights to xin� the courage to sign their real na they ji�vixi,oi6rms or rain id Q, ha. mes a verand Riel'sranks have every hkelihood f0110win irectors. were elected. for the our respect, will,�favent us in future from to their malevolent and wiaked produc- and only rain in hearts of his people with regard to vital An 0SW890 Journal on salt. g, 'D he Red ital i portancihowe The Oswego, -of rations The Imperial Governmeris, we eunsider'to cl tiozuL 33ft aa'thelastha4 th ir �avea there they wear their matters, to allow of his risking it for that g as 'soun as currai# Yeak. either'seekifig or Oermittiug�its protection. 'i nier. Here our� trees which was nat of v from one who Shed A-N AAILMMW Smy.-The passion -for face indit In ver Advertiser a,�d Totes begin to get short. At last he has Prbsident, George Andefso oinot I ' no , r varnishe cover' - the y While I at Vice 31� Esq'- be too far dittini Ultd1ligently,to admin .(whether ju6tl� can ear round Our remarks yesterday, our attention dred -'Sin6e the publication of only been supported by a fe� hun A. Bishopi Esq. is- for gain without labor must be spreading conaiderAi it mig-lit be a thitg esirable- Tuesday Says : gambling which has its root in the desire -characteri has a rong rch French half-�reeds, the ther inbabitan 2nd Vice -Profession em, 11W( ih b This, however, by the way. The chu ter ouR affiiirs. ansver) to belong to th.4 Medicil Some of th' 9 tb - Gen. Sproat, Esq. 16d 9nddrona, with frightful rapidity,if we are to judge was been called to the fact Ithat the people Of Secretaty H " The question arises, then, what form and. seems to cast- refleation, on me for per- shed thoir-W,-& janu piparlou -4 of the territorybeing unque ugh Lime,'getir, sq I . ally, ana I-eep-6a, by the constantly increasing appeals which -&-fino building, well and recently re- this State, who make a gratuity of t stionably I a], Treasurer'. E of Government- is beat adt' stored,and the ancient pse of an extem�ore beir Vy E. Cresswell` Es Lpted for the forming the operati' their. brgh property in the Onendaga Salt Company and if the V.i=-G' q- n..,vithbut. the assist , greer,,waxen leaves. Here are made to it under cover oftrade.- shrubbery,along the qisles at Christmas oneral should, as is very DmKoTbRs. -Me developent'. of the country'? ad we re- -stice of another Aledical pfac tne t% 004pecker go, �s io I he old - tree" Grabbags " ind "shares") figure or too time had7given way to the more modern of are compelled to pay thai comp sixt' Or Wise, ply, unhesitatinily, that the. '% titioer, I . and , any V probable,, detach from the cause the iii- Wilson United States knocki -and wakes 1P the. worui, frequently in ehurcli festival- -those cost- Pick6d, Luxt6plfunter, Be!4,. States Republic offdrs to -day en that System ly and easilV-0tused expedients for is' PCMW -ni texts, all firmi-ne parts of rticle -is frnished to foreigners. And such insurr6tion will Adamson and Sweet. of Government w Gariik's i�tter and the - a pecks in.-andget4i 'in ;,there The -wood- In btcents per barrel more for Salt that the same lluence okbe clergy, the. design to roly- appears- from Dr. and, th hich would best promote vi(fdnde he gave me ey ra one well-consider8d whole. Arid the o ' III is the case. The people of aisume -gridually decreasing pr6jurtions. order and *regress in our niffist, ana ope 8;� -the Favd�Idles-iu the great 0 n Gif"lit in bave-been padkef borod�� erprises," w familiar (Aristmas texts seenred indeed to New York are n at; ihIb­inquest-that th6 "hehd atia ft�ut cf nera-houses horses, and robbed of their -just revenues for the benefit The -Globe recommends General Dt!yle as SALT �Busmss OF 1869.�The following up rapidly a country of ma pine tree, into eac Of which he thrusts promised fora song, pictures we guificent re- my pffending' wasnperfortifflig tf ia per- an,alorb are. repectedlv sprung thb allvc give that i lauguage for which the bells, had of the moutopoly. and a recompertseare ohe who would be an acce . t4ible G figures ghov� the quantity of sah Aipited sources ;- but -in our present dependent Into whi h the -miller been anxiously seeking� ' PvAee and gon4, a' P oOrnor _atiou without his"as3istan'ce this is0bare fier -e-gg greedy and gullible public. lu ble an& rt frout Goderich from wilt ;' 'Good ' ill and peace ;' 'Peace and hij� per cent more for if he would acceptfilkepost. At allha-z'ards POsAimi. we-�caunoj Obtain, what we--naptlia Lod whi -vocdpecker calls charged more ly;n t bei1860 jauu�� to '31st t6tlrectitiu�laiid h" a- iy�e'will h6l' 41ropi'. If such be tower of a certain 4 I on a I Wartfo ill to alw their salt than �Cn d- across the Lak� pA' Decent enc the spleen comit an of- rds -0 are told, every tenth cue- sud�beaut good W I mankind.' And the hymfts the North West must d it and takes, after t as become a good ealer�getsa tort ofproal 010 lized worm. The blue jay is arrayed in and the whode service se Me reason, probably; of the reduced price bibouA� a A of the to be our duty to adr-wate Independevi% fence- or a crime, then I will. neither at- '-I fr nothing. Nabob Smih w1% is alwip Icirculatea emed redolent to Oanadians, is that in thosa' Provinces-. 0011feduration. As the Advertisereduclude' ' Barreii 4071 for the pedple of Red.Rivek as a present tampt to palliater or dexty, as I performed a stra,4&e dePsj-,and chatteirs in notes a No. 10, while Teferenoe, a, 0 in luck is almost sure to b 9 with the imported an article on the subject :- �� # * . . cure fm -public RIB. with this Christmas savour of Peace on the Onondaga compete water ............ earth, and mercy mild.' Our � ann - ex&tion to ib"Attliout! himi -4nd hav6 done at) nineteen eqtiall 'The lark Widow:f.nescomesjustbefo:eorbehindhim iacts And ayticle which, comes there free of duty. Tho people Of Vauada the States Will fono _y strzt'nge tely,'a'rd'. ! � win tione, and, bring istrige in sweet- audhasto paypartDithectialmeraiiptactift, Total. with it the bec6ming aroused to,the 60 566.-1 advantages' thi land, so re_ time during the past summer successfu er ot,es? but they.are altnew. - Ucra the- t6herwealthyneiliticr Not longazo,some -for the seed of tha sermou� Foi- to 0anadiani g sixty c6ts per barrel legs Worth West to the welfa bringings-ome $72,600.intalth -quires." theiefor content myself ow.1 lives-inAlte. hollow tree - t All these thbigs, no donUt. prepared the If6t if Onondaga salt c4n besold in Oswego �e and future great e town. I Will by- laying - here -be bur-� Prominent tabatconists played skffifuly� h er of the facts of the operation, and, its af beating ti�he another, and forgiving 'one than it the Dominion. They ldria'i ater rows in t Vlfground with the stralage,grey upon the passion for narcotics and uneara- n no fifty" 6,me to -and yqu a profit, is it not plain."that our own citi- humor to' hd 16ilod by ambitious . hil WZSLEYAtf M. ANNWERSARY.- I ground-_q!�irrl. or-In,Jhekol6�0f tb anoith6r'-�-,t is was the theme -is sold to our citizens, and still at ness of It viuld nuderatand'why, tile bells WeAe coa� zeris", 6 a We have butitiel gave POrtarry on January firsti, �treatruo*.UpArolhe..time of her d in* ad wealth at the same time, by packing peak plainly,: are irobbed bi the- -4reeds,iucoinpetoht(;oVernormitr�itcher6u' 'Pleasureiri-ballitig Attention. WtheUtf." them ten midittes to think , , . .-, i . erAt- f6 about whet.fier they ;thbprlifeisi ving,them, hinting seemed now ta'have f6und-an would start or.not. FO. , , � � 'In -an re the elder.is i th wares. And now it Seems that "'prize sta- Th, They thouAt- itiout ii,to.pk sOm'e prdspnt�, to arbitrate in the matter. A bush dro 1-havo r earnest mon6polists I' Ministers of the Crown, or haOf4bb prairie �do, greentiat1s and meerschatime wtth their tent to be quiet - tow � f -,r the� It is well that our A Tuz NORTH inebri�te the Jazinual, anniversary ieini a& of 11 Dnery adequate exprInent. Wittiout an id 1119rican Cousins ara IVZST MU -4T Wesleyhlilffethodist church - i' On Saturday -seen -it a tree,vhos�_� frank IS o --only twenty-five cents a inack- �LND ICIALL BZ evil$_". w1l'N' and went howhiswords went homet/)some indi begin eproac r ult.,' I placed the aeceased on.the diam age!" -and "'Prize candy" -sweetened eter. He vidual. Aingi, even it this late �hour, to. dis- Od onSabbablt�- 30th,itis -W 016vvece The orlsoners: we mot are, loud, in their fopera, - t re thq.1emon-verbonA Is ft with vAluable prespnts�_­Only ten Cents a But hearts, ac, t1pok up that persuading aulf cover.thatthey. are the -victims, -of an, 11n-' de4urtdi . itioijoHlieco-kiduct'ofho king table in the house of G. W Berry f1d 4 0 "lint `tlierg is�i bus& ninefedt _X the bells had begun Nzw SALT PArs T, by t" 'M and Sin, *9 ake !'�- are -having q ona R -Weanders n rn tand that Azuggidt: dbbut1l, em" a. in. Having hJ t a, mi� uite a run. The Lit 0 pri. lbeFrtno-antinerableress of love.to B. Seymour, has sent toOttawaapplica star&� seea-._y'-1el(k a juvenile veridors of these poisoned pack- Wolves a %fed 6a0itdl__0f S61,90016M, biall under chloro&rm, I cut down on -a Is hird and ciuel argamenis'..,w'th "P 10 tion. for a��Iaf;ent"fo, Iui uir�nw,,Jajj ;�a' ut' er0t js,4 ---Oft Eeven- s, are apeculators u miniature, nd 'Goa ir the I r &.0aw apparaths for- I TH; OtmT, tumor situated in the anterior feet ere vre-'hake- a few trOris are of the same spirit with to the, '_ oti of partners ; both the one of IrAN Played; o* the Rfij Stb, written by i , a I IN�T A letter -fj"�pbrnbina, which i6fraligenvent wodid justify. i4elf. 91 lVidendi; transferred I ihe nisnufactu d r a %hee 'This ig the Chrikinas re of, Salt i4&, vd,;46; &fed January SOMP1110115. Onqjpoly, 4hich has- iiart' I- tllue� he urked. t a of'ti�e ne wiiiai Is S-1 a M ery theie P.0 k,'iufh0 Drill. Shid A uceiede&in thos. fOolis who are soon parted from their My sba, ou wij). 'the timeof fwre� theiprinciple dofthe-rebehl; BXY6: The timer tat and being-thatthe, viithilf4wit 6f ad It IfoifdAy ad ya thd- money'ventures in st,,6- 'Little Tht A pa#y of"aimed, ndians -had, ing in Slug a V�tne� and gold. Comparatively new unkii _Y dividends -having been extoWj& . ?:-,, �. I rrived at i re - mov in a few* minutes. No artery Idnesq, aif(l t�d I -­ , -I 0�k, ­-, 11 :' b tih� bdat' YaT4. - 94inblers and .'bi&, gamblers. They are rO- from thacrinsuinei-S, of-ihis-becesa�ry of' fdll6wi n4.4: alai Vtththe same stickf" and ape in: Ant vertirrig t* Id kindliness and tendernesa. 12ad FdOb iirn --a being out, and the -bldieding, no great GIs by a wcrae, pesa. rat a er er boufifyirte-,,ataingleptrlor� h-you� The fintefoiturning- kthepage#off a A Adam* t sir-cimp, aftee eia7Te3% h bicausi. M� liari :� . t b' �` - , 1 assuring' tand d equal need ef i0ison b ey� the we It ap- the. FrenCh� will find,��.W�;d istrictand wholesome legisla, Pdat. El at Is Asy- to u4n., tha-t;*Gf system, d4d nearly�jll, Wold. light, fOr-them-shouldo"ffi Id 3t an arroW and i in a siugl� -UX t'on'-C�ArW Ultio 'Th, 0 wAx shootirl tw4v. "bberyj�. that -,t e 0 !edilumpkiworill blow venture et kn' Vn t; in this cold afi4 saVwla br.tho ya ey. �be h Americareitizens yard� gjm ,)ro a ad t I pg� tinO were bei �0.3� 0 y; u �a o0ka like eed3mt look t�38yr n, b ea ritcrrupted wire', sh" bat, I on. a i efor. iu W. oAs"da.-otdisseusion wotIer repam throukh lid ifinddlibli 09 held evil world wingf err, 41ferflyingabout likely �Let the6 a 4ifferent parishes -by� English speak- antuie Ethiopian ealla bloom in the. con*-' th6ii fi- 0 a a the g in ab' lafors to- hei- sAil'itw" hArdl)r 31 . .. 915. and giving butc4qbi hour.; %4111ien xeirtayea to there e , , If you Will ][iqldy�1;rQf MI: ­50ttlers -to discuss �.,the it blooms that they Mad found lodgment in vd- h .pPoppepy- pf la d3very7grAvpyard and at A your eArb Th' 3%r4 cold a mg -commoh cause with� tho.. Fr h . ai�' eAt' -w'e're Ls 0 ice c Uper I040ftodlk& thei�,' ba . f�rr free jh' ra. Aft I there, rckyht be­-41ierqbii0it qf, ute E in hl:ve- ffiniw' treely,, and Inoyp, �14,pjdly u will Zn4 Zabe, n duty %w. 1jer several times t nx younarnis i 0johnst tvery rasinufacturerg, t4lLypt, have 4he altri g.tye. Idthr ! green ijif -on ver_v 'best loerl_l: On §I;t*. vom� ur sail the - -' u Q fair -and Well -kept Alfre* -colia,itidil it 1D?,r,e#aeht fweAk­ there,thby fha' Feir tuttoxeo were bX� Vo-nojdrf -and b-Ot examine.L IR F;Y, -iids af escapk work, I t h - lion; dAigute ing explai"d ta,thpui bat that now-wem- all. overgrown �Argwfiigk t. oss Adl, Fr - witk thit �Vil art -0 of blood whi'Ut ou enjq at ti rid'iftock. 'In the WS'An 4. "HICIA P. -opera, toxi a � 't-suilif gyrrifiacles a 0alifornia. profeftion aza; aof s9t at -an equit blaft.dvaoce -OIL t 'g _Here. thesuifpti for -many year's m4 O:k -1 tilSe being hi but as a a nice h "_ ; h, grasq P wem sa idden; apd- face; nts -016, us dared her a sedative. M IS superior -to ondaf - YOU sd� 'f I - TU 'deal , any�o -the; _jrtific'ja The bjst� 16. -The Depaet- -be I Were& i Cathartic and -Cuts no boy exce t an It '-ust A' ' � 14Y-, and 'hour durirlg oim- od LETY'� �Uljy i. -of health ibQevemaikj�g C4 its;AeglooW, thit once the- '66r tiurno it h ciom- JM& 86: 4 orsuU6*thamjje t6be lieexprissea- herself a great t . arniere4re were xo, pre rest,-; the,karil' GTON, IfferArn W 0411tuniti,landwiuter, for ps and thras d"Cl9ok in the -morning the� lig thlodaj;_ -,for invalids fron't 0., lbe,field& and TIT tbrws the 10 -to 11 - -Aiid-xom6.h"rt*tAl' A.Isatap --forsome time,-.Wednes- U 1, Went of- State �h And sbi re.. V a w11c1aiues!mtnwI� and $list rt whf011 them� be PeOPle of iverage strengt1i, is from 7 to a 110flu ON espatch from'. ........ - *',Vi;qdiV t 4 - M , , � supp�j' jes; an4-rea Lawis and --myself lav 1n,W C ty as -walked arotU ratrij FdrekObd t �Wo]A f US i . I bagik,-down inre. Irt &-,repo jQtt4' 4-sid vi;ui�d* me p bfl Un( 610kiu& ieij healthy i� d our ommon more tllkn -a eftation w1fich p6WIR 1"afinuat - �010#tihg- 101 to lie all, junini,[ thousand th the, happiesl tev we], !ys, _1'"V r era ur it. v vVill h, J told. in-gstone, bear- 1114:64 Would YPU 4" -Of is it not cold @K, hat f6i -O&Wi"ut By hit, X T "'. folp . 6 e -tain-mr dew- cola 11- thelli "Wit 0 a , aim a few; dayAsi, Ag it. Iiiake your tooli there �carious ieft"twillie blir"eople b, n have i are clanto saw., I'l., aus foralargepark, whic); t t M; , - , jog", Pec ovq W 400a _0 '6 irli �PAtk 4vhiph at. their An hL gI _U9 ted tea wrxisk, with if y IWO br hi%Wfia �Oarxaff, in4k be wwv; -thil lhoxtfi verx. pp ore -ever -ne in ,b _ , _�L �4 , r '-During, U me%% or J OmL' Lt .1 0 - - 'Fol Is opera on t, ere,ww S- fi"#;- trkmq!�;te fi m 1 4 ;h -axe beautiful k I birr, t tr spo e 'T' _0A % �_ a Sunrl, in rjom�la�-j ;1 �-10r.A&e-bnd Fwv�" W le-- JE1 thiii-istmall.. doors should -..,nevi -bevhitea- bVtbe 4W saij," tb# wt�of ih d h ncdd,-- his h taai* 4d4 , *dtyidjfi­_,6f -0 jr4terer,7.ii 04 f, morningwilks' AL Opielt!r, ani "_4 On d 0-toun .nor -any 8.111OUIT fear* -we -In an LQU 'PAR this insy- biL dei" _ g 1ict4dhif a oil pQr�. lal ng vsnerjer,, that wj-�cxn reball,-- at ju#6 ##;d �of,,Ti toT ji 0 own Oft d icq 4n 1j. nfiVj_�",n .'h'L Ing acrowt 'her ks, W, (anow &-viiiii 00,# a pa r appQ teZt-delug4od in b 84 n A re int, Min -7 ith 'J wid tit Orl b1i ulage jamo. the 61 wu Tai elves. -Dr. -Dea.L ` %W iiri't . 4, e T)_e h " , " . �as iA , - _h R ' 7&.A"4&',i'06rV�iftdibi.�-the7�-' 1 wir, Tfisf*v�b,t iiAi1fi oq4 A. 11 I�Ppue�; �311 '1W PPrsen- --Out for 14onstitutionali "With Igo, thatjow Ab CUOL41114 0 ,*W -hot i 06. wliw talk `V"y t4 k , or j or_� Mrobid!T WT 1 of A404 W, aayt� itill t fe Y, Adop tea lid C1 110 Mo. =6 M. L very cowa rd) ivhp backe --o am -of r - 0 4a a , pot Oink, ITZ on, ofw Vy 4f d, ut- 044 we i�halft. JA w Ch i h p een grape -v n g #iand e�YQU Pt 41 t