Huron Signal, 1870-01-27, Page 1W.f. 131E.. Iitor tad?roprietor. *1.50P A.MNT IN AVIV -AN -CIE, $2.00 &TEC.N.D OF' "x7rc.A.R. sse- .s.V7-77757- ihtiosowithe hes, 3,h:se,: V.57 NCr]E]EreK.1_4-1( ElDirricoN - The Ireatest Possible :food to the Greatest Possible Number.' NNW. Business airectotu. ( Business Director!). ^ A Niclaoricxtall WILL BE AT HONIE FOR CONSULTATION apt° 11 o'clock, a. m. every day. Will visn 'tits at auy hour afterwards, uignt or day w49 4-.(J. .3hrtrinon NI. Et. riTSICIAN. SURGEON, &c.;&c.. GODEATCH. C. W. 13:40 -Iv DR. MeT....1M AN- Pli graCIAle, SURGEON. COP ') NE R. c. Office and Residence third door east of c ntra' School. 49 • M. c 'CC . r ICENTEATE COLLEGE PHVSI, I V'N'i ND SUR-. 14 GEONS. C. E. Restderr-e. house formerly PecTh! Mr. S. F. C. Raldan, Sir,•et. (of McGill College) Tell3IY8ICIAN. SURGEON. &c.. Office, over his Drug, .1. Store, Gederich, Ontario. sw102 I 3. F. Danter, M. D. SURG EONT, ACCOHCH ETIR • Flc,mceopathic E'hysician, and 'Medical Ele tricia a . Examining Physician of the Atlantic Mutual !near - ace Company of Albany, N. Y. Oce and Residence Park st., Si- David's Ward,froclench. Ivw42* lasICHARD MOORE. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND Accouchenr. Alanchester, C. W. February 7th„ 1867. w3vr SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, Goderich_ November 27th, 1869. w45-tf 1. ra. DAntusihR ND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND SolIzitor-irt. Chancery. County Crown Attorney, Goderich,CanadaWest. Office in Court House. v14n40 D SUTHERLAND, DEALER IN Goal. Lumber, Shingles, Laths, &c., YARDS, at the Harbor and corner West and Waterloo Streets. 1:r °thee, on Waterloo street, in rear of the yard. tioderich • Nov. 5th. 1868. 42vr.Stsw. lvr* HAZLEKURST &COOKE AUCTIONEERS. COMERSION NUTS, & t, &C. Crabb's 'Block, (VanEvery's old sta,nd) !KINGSTON STREET, GODERIOH ONTARIO. eshie Sales in town and countre punctual - /attended to Goderich July 12th, 1869. w24 MONEY TO LEND. EASY TERMS. J. B. GORDON. Goderich. Jan. 14th, 1868. 614 Coininercialliotel.M.Itehel IC.11/ , C", Clatrieron. anitenRI'irER. ATTORNEY. CONVEYANCER. kc.. JUIll Kingston st.. Goderich. Ont.. w49 • [OHN FLICKS, Proprietor. This is th h argestaud bestCountry Hotel in Wester "..lanada,and caarges as moderate as any Hems in Mitchell. Stage Proprtetor. G-oodsro_hlingfor 100 Horses Horses and Oarnages for Hue, on S'iortear Notice. 140 Cameron C4-strrow B'ATTas• s:LICTRSllCHANC. ERY: &e.Znstreet, -T 11. a CawastoN. w52 J. T. Gsfisovv. EMOVAL. ALEX. WALLACE, WA.TCHIKAICER AND JEWELER, /..,. ....3hactes-e-oor........-t, WEST STREET, RARR'S fort; ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR &c. (3OE) IL R 10 FL 13lock, West street entrsume first door west of Glasgow 11188 Subscriber having removed to the Store lately °Meru+. C. W. Office. upsiairs Watson's Hosse. w49 • 1. occupied by A. Naysmith, West Street, opposite the Post Office, wishes to .hank his friends and the pubic, .3 win H. (4-)retcro . or the liberal support with which they have favored torn for the last 26 years, and begs to assure thein that TTORNEY- AT-LAW,SOLICITOR IN CH ANCEEY Goderich. 00etfort -ll be spired to ment a continuance of their patronage, his anxious study will be tosupply Nmarv Public, Conveyancer. Etc., tc. , Ont., Office. on the snnth side of West Street, third door from Court-Honse Square. w49 Isaac 1F. Toms. litlitARRTSTER. A'FTORNEY- A f -L AW. SOLT C [TOR D in Chancery. 're, Goderich. Ontario. -Office-- grabb's bloak, Kingston street sw77 13ctytle 14z scnetee, . BARRISTERS A ND ATTORNIES, SOLIC !TORS - in -Chancery, &e. Goderich. Ont. B. L. DOYLE- trk45 W. EL Sotrica. BA. =Lays & Elwood. "DI ARRISTER & ATTORNEVS-AT-LAW, SOL.I.- _LI chant in Chancerv & fn.olvency,C( nye, . cer, &e. Tgone3r to 'Lend. °rams : Crab's SI ek, over Mr. Archiba/d's Store- sw37. William R. 13 aim, 13. A.. rill ‘NCERY AND L AW OFFICE. CRASH'S NEW ki bruldinv. Kingston, Street Goderich. N. R - Conveyancing Money tent on reasonable erms. Disputed and defective tales to reai estate •eieted- Goderic.h. Dec, 24 1866. sw34 P. F. w kiiKEE, 1, Attorcev-at-Law 1, Solicitoi-M-Chan- . eery, Conveyancer, Notary Publio, &e. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Court House, Goder- eh Ontario. sw94 T. B. Stokes, AGENT FOR ST RA.TFORD AG,RICTILTURAL works. (Joseph Sharman, propristor). Residence, sy.tel 1 3 r ad- w11 -1y -Sp S. WInleorason, ilAHRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOISICITOR, tee-, &c. LA Clinton, Ont. Nos MONEY TO LEND. Strong SD Stinier. -DEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS, NO. II 6. Arcade Building, Buffalo, N. Y. J'Attni C. Swum}, Attorney -at -Law. H. R. 8$01ER, Nov. 13th, MO, w43 1). Eloon.ezail ICENSED-ATCTIONF.ER, BAYPLELD, County of ritlf011. Sales ut village or country punctually m- ended to. we -lyre J EirsT •EI A_NJr. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, NSURASCE, L.LND AND GENERA.L AGENT, stretri.ey at 8 per cent. elee-West opposite the post office, Godmich ciactoxiK Axtaii..t.raCTS. GANS and speciffications of Bnildngs, lc. got up in P a neat aud correctrr style. Ofice over J. C. Detlor Co's stet!, Goderich. May 10,1869 Wa,tohes Clocks and Jewelery which will give satisfiction to the purchaser, and as ail work has been done by myself, caramels may depend on having tt well executed. Or A gond assortment of Gold and Plated Jewelry Watches, Clocks &c., always on hand. ALEX WALLACE. Goderich Oct. 26th 1868. " w40 G-ODERICH, ONTARIO, D.O., THURSDAY, JAN. 27i 1870. ALLAN P. yr icLEAN, • (24 YEARS AT THE OLD STAND.) p OETRY. THE CURLER'S SONG. r; CABINET FURNIiIIING 0 — - --, _ i-"<-, hwh-P-'.- 'IN s=\ §,(4 - s he ee !,- ss0,. -01 e- se ht. - h .7.! • ii 1 ' -' ''. #. - = 1. < _ ,... - . m. WARIEHO USE. ri.AS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE DANIAL GORDON, ASSORTMENT OF CLOTTIS 4.).A.13IN E'F Consisting in part of Westof England Broad- cloths Beavers, Whitney*, Bearskins, Farcy Engin:it, Scotch, and French Tweeria,Ce sh metes, Doeskins, and a variety of Canadian Cloths; Plain, Satin, and Flowered Vestings, Shirts, Gloves, Caps. bac., He feels confident of giving satisfaction to all Who may lavorhim with their orders. TWEED STTITs (all wool)$12 andopwards. ter F. B. -Cutting done to OriAr.-ffiat Goderich. Seot 25th. 1866 sw8 111HE subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal 1 patronage sti long bestowed upon him, begs to in- form his irimerous customers and the public generally that in consequence of the late lire, he has removed lus business to tug store formerly occupied by Mr. Booth, West strnet, next Bank of Montreal, where everything n his line will be found and All Kinds of Job Work will be Done the same as usual, G. N. DAVIS, Goderieh, 29th March 1809 Ge BARRY & BRO., CABINET MAKERS WOOD -TURNERS AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton R, Goderith, Stoves ! 0 5 a LTI LrJ 1-a .54 tl oti * Stoves! PP PAN Undertaker &c., &.c., U A S now on hand the Largest Rock OF -FURNITURE in the County, in every variety, can- not fail to com- mand the favor of all in want of FURNITCf HE who may favor hint with a visit -whether in re- gard to Quality, Style or Price. Every article warranted us recommended. Havitg made arrangements with JACQUES ar HAY, Toronto, can furnish anything here or at their Ware/moats-in Toronto, C313.49.st1, FOR egi,eiki. N. B.- Has always a complete assortment 01 COFFINS on hand. Also, HEARSES to hire. West St.. Goderieh, Nov. 3, 1868. NOT I C w2 a 0 ,All parties indebted to R. Runeima n & Co ,• EITHER BY NOTE OR BOOK AC - countare hereby notified, that unlessthey CALL AN') PAY UP AT ONCE g • hey will be sued, without further notice. Q R. RUNCIMAN, Huron Foundary, iet Goderich, Ont. Gem 01E06, 29th Dec., 1868. w49. s When chittering birds, on flicht'ring wing, About the barn doors mingle, .And biting frost, and cranreuch cauld, Drive cods around the ingle ; Then to the loch the curlers hie, Their hearts as 'light's a feather, And mark the tee wi' mirth and glee, In cauldreauld frosty weather. ne. 1iv vicr A. In. m, • GOD ER1Uti COAL OIL, W" ION &CARRIAGE 1860.1 HENRY GRIST, 18683 KEEP constantly on hand for sale all arti- . PA'rENT SOLICITOR & DRAUGHTS- MAN, CAVtet.virst, C;a3;1.a.c1a.,, 4ACTS BUSINESS wiwri Two PATENT Offfee and other Departments of the Government. sarcommirrs ILTD 'Mr ItEGISTRATIO3T OF =Al t MISS 1,3ID DE61.01011910CUSZo. Dravrinico, specifications, and other Documents nec - earl to -secure Piazzas- ovIttvmrnotr prepared on ' -reeeipkof Model ofthe Invention. Ottawa. Decentber 1868 THE LANCASHIRE 4331E AND r..rFB INSUROICE COMPNY. ,CAPTTAL,_ rAa000,000:STERLING. ,;',Naparty was specially cited, in the British House ofesamons.bythe Hon. W. EtiartGlad- '? kneei,i4teCharteellorof,the Esehetiner)asall office of e 'lights Wm -es Trims of March. 8, 1864, SAM1ETPD. R, des in their line, such as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, Fze., Cc:). All kinds of wood -turning done, such a Nool posts, stair bannisters, neckyokes, ite Always on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT- OF COFFINS and a HEARSE. to hire on reasonable term Goderich. Mew 3rd, 1866 15wSm• WHOLESALE AND .RETAIL. ler Coal Oil Lamps, &e. &c. Old Iron. Cooper, Brass, Wool Pickiugs. and Sheep Skins taken ia exchange, J . J ST9RY, r Sign of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, `G ode ric4. ."arch 15t.1867' 6-t sat." 1SECOND BLOSSOM. BY THZ AUTHOR OF "THE HAB.YEST OF A QUIET EYE." This sweet summer (I am writing in the middle of October 1868) -this rare sum- mer seems loth to leave us. The great fervour of heat parted from us, it is true, some, some date ago now; but a tender Our buirdly leaders down the ice, Their whinstones doure send snooving, mellow warmth, sometimes even oppres- sive still, lingers yet indulgently about the And birks and brooms ply hard before, wondering land. Steady, soft warm show - When o'er the hog -score moving; Till cheek by jowl within the brugb, ers, alternating with kind, gleamy days, these have, it would seem, gained the con - They're laid 'side arie•anither, Then round the tee we flock wi' glee, _ lidence of the hesitating and diffident woodlands and orchards; and they have tih y po Wi' canny hand they neist plat, down, clemency of the dying year. So we lee spirit Walnut rest I Away, away, wt Their etane o' ghbber metal; the rare and pathetic spectacle of the babe, haunting loveliness with thy sorrowful make the matter one of such life a.nd death- - In cauld, mild frosty weather. Yet bunkers aften send agee, Spring, upon the lap of Autumn. There beauty ! Away, not'earsoan raise the dead, consequence, instead of letting it pass be - dared to trust he strange an" unwonted, is the familiar autumn look of things, only and death has come between thee and met fore the smoke had turned into a giant ? "Now strike -no -draw- come fill the quieter and less disturbed this year; the Although they weel did ettle. Away, or at least take any form but that! But he had made it of this importance, and port," That a sorrow's nowilik'retnetubentig 'That ts, truth, the poet sings, it was too late to cry over spilt milk now-. Si, it came to that pass,that an ultanatu in hill -sides with the utany-coloured rebe, in For t.11 - stand out so conspicuously; the fading e 1, or when the mind's powers are actively happi.ei things then in cold, cruel :king And that tbh was delivered, first by word of mouth, and • which the dark' yew trees are beginning to And in moments when memory is drugg- They roar, and cry, and blether : larches alongside of the rich, green tirs; enlisted, ic may depart, that haunting face ultima* tum was rejected. the brown madder, crimson -splashed here of an old agony, of a dead life -joy. But and there, of the ,dogyvuod makes it dis- Come a lonely hour in,solitude, or a lonely tinct in the pale hedgerows, and the flush- hour in society; and lo 1 the aistful Bor- ed copses; the chestnuts have been obliged, row of theshattnting eyes again. to let drop their wealth of ripe nuts, and All this Paul Waring felt, -but no, are trying to -hide it away under a heavy somehow people did not call him ever by coveringof broadleaves; the apple -orchards his christian name :--all this Waring felt, have that quiet, waiting look, in the %arm all this he had cOnstantly -felt, for some misty mornings, a look as of work being years now, and overthis he still had brood - over, and be it much or be it little, there ed, alone in solitude or alone with others; are the yellow, and green, and red apples arguing with himself, upbraiding •his want scattered or heaped over the still branches. of energy in that he could not lay his The broad -fern has lost heart arid vanished spectre by the force of will : -but ever, as from the lanes; the brechen has 'rusted ou Paganini did, playing a thousand wailing the crag,' or grown yellow in the damp notes upon his single string. hedge- the prickly -fern, and the bard -fern, He had been sitting by the fire; an un - Ind the lady -fern, which all mean to brave read bouk open before him. He would )VOL. XXI1I.0L — - - - - " vrith wife and children and friends about some half -challenge thrown out to hives- -- the table : through the summer -evening some little galling, defiant word. And les stroll, or the winter -evening gathering. brow darkened, as he -held out his hand,for Too late! Too late! And during the talk, the letter; which was then peremptotlay and at every pause, and in moods of stern refused to him. Was it not a small rant- aoquteseence, with the irreparable, and in ter? But it became one very serious an -1 moods -Of woman's yearning, still, and important soon. For his lip (he telt. >grew again, and for ever. Too late! Too late ! white, and his hand trembled, but !ki‘f Too late 1 voice wavered not, as he steadily insishel 'Let the dead past buryits dead.' Why upon obedience to his will. Alas, it Ince- harp still uhon one jarring string ? Why now an open and stubborn rebellion, awe ask any more a question whose dreary an- war was regularly declared! Why, sear swer was so got by heart Why keep on did not she yield gracefolly, seeing hee touching a tooth whose dull aching did but important thepoint had become in his increase to an anguish by this instinctive and be held at once in the arias that eve.... seeking the nerve? Why not acquiesce in then, as ever since, upon her yielding., what now is too late to avoid 1 were yearniug to fold her to his heiuh-h_ Nay, there are some ghosts that refuse But the devil of pride had coine new it • to be laid. The stab was given; the reinforce the imp of wilfulness in the wifchs. • thing is dead. Yes, bnt its perturbed breast, and the gate was locked, and the • te d wn Wily why did he eve,: As round the tee we flock wi' glee, In cauld, cauld weather. A stalwart chiel te redd thewice, Ihives roaring down like thunder : Wi' awfu' crash the double guards .At ance are burst asunder; Rip rapping on frae randpm wicks The winner gets a yether ; Then round the tee we flock we glee In cauld, cauld frosty weather. Our chief, whase skill and steady arm Gains mony a bonspeil dinner, Cries, "Open wide -stand off behind, Fy, John, fy, show the winner; He goes -he moves -he rides him out The length o 'ony tether, Buzzes wi* glee rise round the tee • In cauld, cauld frosty weather. the winter, have got their russet ripe- now dismiss the subject :-and to aid in .this resolve, lie laid his book on the table, But now the moon glints through the mitt, greenThugaawrbe.have the Autumn landscape, as and began his moody pacing of the room, The wind blaws snell and freezing, in other years; only quieter, more peaceful also a doubly absorbed contempleion of To where the inglah bleezing ; But now the strangeness is the timid in- now, and sped backinto that Past, thumb - the past. His thoughts left tho present When straight we -bicker aff in haste and unhurried. In Curler Has' sae bem and snug, trusion of Spring into all this set Autumn ed and tattered, as it were, with his con - About the board we gather, routine, reminding us a little of Esther's stant turning it over. And here we come We mirth and glee sirloin the tee, fearful entrance into the presence of upon him,pronouncingthat he had eertain- In cauld, cauld glee, weather, Ahasuerus, ready to faint, and the unless ly been to blame for that past, and this he hold out the golden sceptre and reas- present, but summing up regret and re - In canty cracks, and gangs and jokes, sure her with his smlle. The great heat, morse with that heavy, fandliar knell, The night drives on wi' daffin', and then the showers, first put the sdea 'Too late!' And mony a kittle shot is ta'en, into her head- and then the smile was so, Why had he • opened the floodgates of While we're the toddy quaffing. eindly, and the sceptre of golden 61111110d this sad river of thought, whosefull waters We heavy heart we're laith to part, so graciously slanted down to her still, that had been now for senile time, (save for a even his wife did not suspect this) a broken But promise to forgether, she stole in nearer and nearer, and oith constant trickle.) steadily kept in ? He life, a dreary life, a lonelylife. Around the tee mist morn wi' glee, confidence grawing more entire, so that could not close the gates now, the flood Ah, those Christmas bells again! Thee In cauld frosty weather. now we see her at last standing unchanged was too strong; but how catne they open? musings came somehow vividly to his mind - , _ in the grave presence of Autumn. So 1 Well, it was the work of the Christmas this morning. But where was the use? It, have seen, as the train whirled nte by, a bells, that came suddenly upon him with was a peculiarly lonely grief. To no other . larch greve in new and tender leaf) after their sweet, pathetic gladness, while he than to his wife could such a matter • ba- the burning drought, and after the rain- was dressing in the morning. The Day; honourably spoken of. And it/is evident scant; scattered, no doubt; the ghost of that would not of itself have wrought thie that his wife was the last person whose Spring; sadder than Autumn we should effect, for the very gladness which was assoc•nfidence heeould seek in this matter. say in same moods. Over the carmine- eropeny of such days and-seasonsof meet- -Children they had, but there was not Tor - streaked chocolate of the come'. and lug hearts and hands, having died out of - him much happiness in them. Thecon- -among its jetty berries some bunches of them fotthise, had indeed left a twofold --straint which bad arisen between his wife delicate white flowers sense of depression in its stead. But those and himself I ad spread also ever his coin - 'lave surprised me, sauntering in the lanes; there are pieces, bells -they melted his hearth sternness, munion with his children. He had become (e. g. Taunton,) where the cheseuts, to and awoke the slumbering yearning and told to them, estranged from them. He their amaze, have found their hal*. just tenderness of it. Was the future neces- had acquiesced in the fact of there being a. emptied of ripe nuts, filled all over the wilt', a blank ? Had the past been a well- real, thoegh not an outward separation bee tree with milky spikes and emerald leaves entashed thing i Could anything be done tween him and his wife; and thence Tie latihne. ItIonIntnyo8uelzfh` have arena, fyroeutantrithacoplivs in the present ? Often as these questions tacitly concluded that they would be of had been answered° and dismissed, here her.patty, and not for him, if not openly So the life was a blank life since. LI • was settled down to now : had been settlie down to for this long time. In vain had overtures been distantly made, in the legs - that submission would follow ; the fietel of stnbborness hart obtained absolute puss- - ession of the beleasuered heart, and tit • wistful watching outside the walls as alt .- gether in vain. So by degrees the situation had been mutually accepted. Love and caresses were of the nest ; hwe no use keeping the shell when the nut was gone. But a decent outside was to be shown tu the world, to the servants, to the childrens They were to acquiesce in a stele of virtual separation ; a separation, that is,of heartss though not of lives. All was to go, and. indeed went, smoothly with the w But in each heart, -at least in the heart which we are now considering -life was an unutterable blank, and.death a sighed -for relief in the far distance. The duties o f life remained. The joy of life had gone. Well, well, it .was settled down to now. It could not be helped; why recall the irreparable past?, But so it was that be was not the matt to forget, or to become really indifferent, or to acquiesce in a state of things so alien from that which heel been his ideal. Sensitive he was; wornae- hearted, far -all his sternness, and the iron in his -character. So his life was (however, The Interecdfaniat Stvincue. IMPORTANT I NOTICE. Yesterday we referred briefly to the 1'. R. MANN, Mouse Sign 4, Carriage Painter. Carrigges, Waggons, Sleighs, famous Board of ° Commissioners are at Tha " 11' •ca at ca. zu disgraeeful incapacity which as emetic terised the governmental management of THE Subscriber would announce to the pub - he or Huron and Bruce, that he is now man- ufacturing first-claas the Intereolonial Railway, and which is already beginning to bear fruit, The SilS11 AND DOOR F ACTOR Y., preseht in this city endeavoring to per- IhESIRES TO ACQUAINT THE PUBLIC 'rush C•LXi-te:sX•eht, LI he has fitted up a shop on North street next to the form the same tntellectual feat that once Wesleyan Methodist Church, with varnish room at- which will be sold CHEA P "708 CASH. and at reasonable prices. Thankful for the patrionage eh'se Wanted a wood -worker, and tvro on a time distracted the youthful Mira- tached where he is prepared to fill all orders promptly, 'ME unciersignedhaTtng purchase(' the ing Mill and Saab Factory owned, and oc- cupied by Donald damming, are now prepared to carry op the business ot manufacturing ' Sash, Doors, Blinds, w Arent for Goderich Mouldings,Flooring, THE undersigned is prepared to receive orders for of the Last 7 years solicits a continuance of the satne. apprentices -one to learn wood -work and beau, -trying to make two and two five. . . Now is the time to Paint your Cutters, -the other blacksm:thing. Sleighs, and carriages. tar Orders from country Carriage shops attended with dispateh. Sign Painting, Gilding. Graining, Glazing. Fairer - hanging. &c., &c. F. R. MANN. Nov,8 1869 91.42 But the sum won't work force it as they will. Under the specious plea of economy JOHN PASMORE!‘ the system of giving contracts to tile - Victoria Street, Goderich lowest tenderets was adopted in the faiae • were all in pale, fleah-pink flower, and they were again; made not -unreasonable in the attnasphere of the music of those So hahad been kind, but cold, hes ed tree in full- reay bloasem; the bilberries against ,him. w49 or the declaration of Mr. Sandford Flem-. even in new he th be • undemonstrative. Ile was loved., per pss C °aerie!). May 16t12. 1868. Christmas belle. green berry; e reap riles ing, that it was utterly impossible to per- ' Adam McKay for $15 00, .tn., middle of October form the work at the price for which it N°TIM -A note made by Wm Rintoul in favor o last having been lost all parties are hereby cautioned was given. Now these gentleman, so Goderich, , . against negotiating the same. aims& WRAY. juhilant a few months ago, come begging ROOM PAPERS ROOM PAPLRS. A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Ulster, 8th Dec.,1899. w47 St* .ta Ottawa for government aid, or failing in that, to be relieve' of their contraets. Farm for Sale. Now, when the contraets were given to these people, the.commissioners and their . THE subscnber offers for sale. El- of lot 2, llth eon., . W. D. Ashtleld, distant about 4h miles from Bel- masters knew perfectly well they could fast, containing 100 acres more or less, 30 acres clear- not be perfcrmed for the money, and it ed,8 or 10 chopped, 10 acres good cedar and the bal- ance hardwood. A new frame house, 18%24: good savors of - share praettee on the unfortus- orchard and well, Schoolhouse on nexto ate contractors, o worse—covert designs Three Different Kinds of Papers 1:ArsdfoTaa onacemt..F PrliciecrtOgi C LT:Inc: sy lie aonbdta easynd on the pubic tre ury. So wholesale has from the proprietor, DENNIS SHEA. 25th Nev. 1869. w name of various schemes of economy, that NEW PATENT it is but reasonable to look for another m..i .44%. -cz- F „4,:;) p, 3-:K, big humbug in connection with the Inter- , — , colodol. The personnel of the commis- • STRACHAN & McKINNON, sion, it must be confessed,is notecmposed LACKSMITHS, Nelson street, Goderich, would ,. th that baying pur- Or men who possess the entire confidence REQUIEM. For Halls, Parlors,Dining Rooms and Drawing Rooms, ALL ittAr, PATTERN'S Good Stock and declared by Painters and Paper Hang ers to be themost beautiful designs, The Best and Cheapest ' PAPERS alvER INTRODUCED GODERICH. FOR SALT; AT BUTLER'S. Goderich, April 18th. 1869. w11. - PLASTIC STATE ROOFING MITE undersigned has been appointed agents for 1 Plastic State Roofing material and they are now prepared to furnish parties with the material or put 1 on the roof at so much per square. For Roofing it is Highly Recommended by both Minders and Architects for its lightness and durability, it being perfectly fire proof and not ready to get out of repair. It can be used on Flat or any kind of Roof. Nearly all the best tmildings in the leading cities and towns are roofed with the Plastie State. , SMAILL & CROOK, Arehite.cts, Goderich Goderieh, 28th May,1869. w18-tf N -rr IC E! To all whom it may Concern. FREDERICX ARMSTRONG, ifi10_ NT, VALUER, Sze. _Et c LAE ANT a.-ALso . anotherlot of Siding, and all funds ot 45 6m, Belfast P. 0: been the jobbin perpktritted under the intimate yo arum chased therightfor Carter's Hay Lifter, they are now 0 or the Provinces which they represent. They in my heart to alter my prologue.— great satistactionto those who haveused them. 1 t • th t - n them time either te assimilate, or to aPinues -0 . made m a neataud substantial manner, and have given Indef.(' few or them can ba said to have fis ep m peace, prepared to furnish them at $5,00 each. The are those street van give An agent will be outfor the sale of ke lifter in a a perfectly clean public' record, and their tants, under apuresnew-pall. and n th. I trust, more grim than pale snoawdrioug' discover the hopelessners of a life- long st- ays. tempt to do so :-circumstances had inthe entire subserviency to the Domininn d-Goderich, Jan. 25th.1869. 1)- 111 the garden had so early taken ea 0 begin again, that some ripe fruit was laid breaking out at intervals,) their influence little sign given; He saw them cling to y her, and huh when he came into the room, oil my plate eh the result. And amid the, remained. A tender influence, a kindl russet fern -leaves, and overthe blackened, influence, a hopeful influence. Hence, he (though in truth he never chilledor check- - had been led on into thus going over his ed their pleasure, only held aloof from it:). burnt growth, vivid soft baby. fronds sur prise and gfedden the meditative•eye of aceountsagain-with the old result of and he secretly and bitterly felt how well -such a thing may be said to be), edging the finding himself bankrupt. founded his suspicions had beer.. ' old roots and stones -beside the track Those old daya ! The bells brought So his was a lonely life. A life pervadedr through the wood; while ..here and there them back 4 and everybody el he w- happy, with loneliness that every hour was felt -- evenspecially with home-hapitillese at Christ- A fife that never became indifferent to the - a pale dog -violet peeps out from a brown,mossy nook. ' ma -time; and it seemed to come with a , pain and desolation of its loneliness. A. sort pf surpriae to his heart, that all was life that could not forget ; a heart -that And, sitting down to toile simple Christ-. so different with him, How was it? And would not become indifferent ; a solitary mas story, all that I had lately seen of in his moody pacing he recalled the sad crag that, longed for the fair island from. this second blossom seemed so to fall in day of five years ago ; just before the which 4 had been rent by a convulsion., with the tone and character of what I had it with a record of those rare beauties. that joy of that happy season. He recalled it, and so darkly Wetting out the But neither heat. nor rain, nor thunder Shall wholly do away, I -ween. to tell, that I Could_ not -choose but preface - aristmee, • They stoodeloofethe scars remaining .1- -with, before the birth-behs of Christmas mo n sorrow than in anger. vainly, he felt, but unresistingly now, and re i d if the husband hold the authority For married life is an intimate "templet' ; The marks of that which ouce hath keen." old Winter would have made short work herald the dirge -belle of the summereyear. A day preceded, heralded by smaller and 11 t th Nor can 1 novS, howsoever the pressing troubles, patteringdrops before tile storm. e „tarns_ ya ye e !Roman's power isethets wealth of Christmas has jostled my An older man -older- than his years - married to a wife younger than hers- t• If 'be he.ve a sensative and loving dish story into a suminer month .of 1869, sitton)h-that. she can utterly wreck:the. fte short en etment which had not And after they had ceased, (yet '1E111 more than he knew, but timidly, with Cabinet is a very poor guarantee of good ghosts haunted thtir leaf -hidden graves ! first instance been against them. And LUMBER AND CEDAR POSTS. conduct. 1 hey have besides a hole and Spring flowers do n, t often come twice in the yeer, far less, snmmer-fruits. This coming from apremature old -bachelor life, corner way of doina business, which is not s. year, 1$68, however, witnessed the realis- ne doubt he had been, (he felt,) too exact - calculated to raise the blia co fid ing • no doubt he had ex $ pected too much MMEDIATELY after the opening of Navigattion1 tthoet wShillingelepsr,eCpeared to sdil dar Posts, &c., ever _offered . . JAMES SMAILL th and the pack, always in full cry at t eir pu n ence, ) sometimes, if not often the same thing e , f In Memoriam Pine Lumber,subscribe? heels every one of' which is provided for, may lia_Ppen in the yeatrof the heart's brief in Godeneh. Goderlqh, April 5.1889. . ' Sw10 ti ' life. Whether it was so in the case that I owned, in small matters whose concession efficiency of their staff, 2...t' nothing, dee: ain now contemplating ; whether a tender would have won her te take -a pride in is r. pleasing, indication of the number and clinging closer to him. Aud thus it came But in the midst of bis bitter tintspokete clouclhad overcast 'the bright days and with c erry-cheekea chnreli wholesonse:y i . , drolight, and whether it met withsunshine -- • - • ation. of this rare phenomenon. And lienes many,littletineomfortable clashing's: 1 had set h "11 hist hers he bitterly CHAPTER II. - Ydee four shauges on, the wiad- That now dilate. aud now decrease: Peace and good will, good will and peace Peace and good will to all mankind. - This year I slept end woke with pain. I almost wisinsino more to wake. And that my holden life would break Before I heard those belle again.' blossoming did endeavour te sur,ceed about that a sort of soreness hadarisen ; a senior, the bright little wife bustles in, Itliddlesex SeminarY.. maa, THE design of this IPo.torsexfaro: setungerintsng HARD TIMES IN THE WEST. A show or with frost, the course of my gory sem even years of their filet married life. lie cold, and all ready for chureii. was conscious (a.s, likeNapoleon, hefought There was, I suntan sometliitig of a Universities and Colleges, ancf(etchers, Account In as o ._ Minnesotapaper asserts that while 'Hard ants, loc. Special attention paid to the Fine Arts, The Winter Term will commence huestlay, January Times' is the prevalent ery throughbut classics per u weeks' term130 ' SChoIttrabip in Cone the West in.that State the cry is echoed 4th, 1870. For Beard and Tuition in English and mercial Department(nnlimited) $16 and 820. , with peculiar emphasis. -Wheat, the names of Professors, Teachers and t,erms for Music. great staple reduction, commands only Students are charged from date ef entering. For - oil r Intin thawing. French and German, See direr, from sixty to sizty-fite cents, per bushel, ••••••=r over again the lest battles, and saw where _ haggard look In hut face as he turnea here or or "'there another Movement might wards the opening door. His spirit had have changed all h he was conscious of a not gone back from the windows quite in growing sternneiss and even harshness ..to. time to escape being seen. At wily rate, CHAPTER 1. wards her; an almost nervous looking she -came up to him, and laid. her band, - out for oecaaion of asserting. hia marital anxiously on his arm. 'Are vou unwell - %ire is stormy and youth is won, authority, against,' (he now atirs;) slight dear 1' she said, resuining for a moment . • CROSS &CURRY, and in some portions of tbe State the prick Andto he wroth•with one we love , and harmless whites, petulancies, fancies, ale tender word whcse use had been now Ian For /miller tartioubirs apply tO or address ' Komoka Writ" • r t..„f VAS Titiuous figure. • poth work like madness in the brain:, 'Like a roatieleaf I will crush thee 1' -this for long, by tacit agreement, laidesicle. TUTTIEONIAL5:—"TheSeminaryisin a highlY prospe 18 1 . - sror rens state. Eight pupils got firat class certificates te Strange as it may seem, one bushd of Yes, he wastoblame, very much to blame in the matter, He felt that now, had ward bus eel* t114,troyn, efoafirInsy Lminein,1 lasdt her potato& will purahase One and' a, half of teachfrom the Board of Education in Jammu, 1869 Three were first. third and fourth on !! list of thi y- rth nearly as much often felt it since that sad day. He had name was really, Lilian. • eoforiewuramenianessosrtanodf rpeesteuniatmneeent,uadan wheat. Oats are we wheat, and corn more thsn Oats. Of six licensedIo teach in Migust, --tadvertiser, had not enough understood the necessary' Komoka, Ont., Nov. 2,3rd, 1869. amilq as been too exacting ;had expeeted too much the latter articles enough is not prodacecl igive and take' of married- life. As a pleas- grown up in her, tomeet this morbid at- ineArenasa down from his e,yes, and he replied in his 4For who would keep an -ancient fond ThrOugh which the opint breathes no cadre Are you unwell, dear 1' with hand lyiug on his arm, and -anxious upturned face. But his soul had had time now to get IRU 4 . • , . in the State for home -consumption, and ant fiction, the autocracy of the husband thede of his mind. Partly (he, love of usual grave quiet way, ‘No,-Liliatt thank thisTact tie:punts for their high prices as is all Very well ; as a conventional matter- . pagraramleounqta,eanteianadouthbta. Itlessne two arts ) . teasing, partly that contrariety effaehlurka a it was, anda strange wistititelew softened , ., yon, I am Well. ' Is it time for es to go?' a trance and Is in fact the , , whieh is raised aotfr-ceontirsg wed,. mAtnuidt bit paramount, , tein oirdurfulnese, of each townrd the other. And bens h. one part e at any rate the her eyes (was this also the She& of the h But he slid not seethes ; he was e eat b - " m ^r - - PP •• • ' • ' - 'But thennot at/questions should be treat- result of it all wasa sort of antagonuun in , . : • . • ., onlyAanicliriat affording a itufpliis, for' g - toyed DY unwise treatment, ,mto Jaecom- thus the little rift had begun, of which one ed as grave matters nor every ' loctking out of the window with that . -and Clitb Skates, holding beck their ;wheat crop, tints -Mitre But suppose this unwisdom has been little thing = the mind habitual to him now. So her hand fell, porta-that. Farmers who ban op so rite , ., , , dreamy absent look which had become W ing a large thing. anathey started en their walk. . -filheeial Agents . - , . , - . _ • poSibilale 'that they shetrid hold,. back long, are made after and not before the occasion aingshe , Aini ever widening -slowly silence au., That by-ind-byt will make the music mate, 'It is the. hole nft Within the line MOANER & to selEfor:priees.that will scarcely /myth° ... Cost of predection ; 'Mad yet it...Rept:ups --Ommitted f Suppose theisiswise retteeticins - Lumber in.largeor quantities. • - For a -moment she kept her ;used wh.ere D AT GARDINER . nature ; thong as, p com"pared with .wheat, 1,VItite Ash, Pine,WhitaWood-atut Cedar. Sun RECEIVE -vvivErr'or-, 4',:.!-0PIE.P.au.:711- such as diacle and Outhtc. Sash and Frames ' - LATHS, F & CEDAR SHINGLES, may favor them with a ealt. . them.ia an souls as possible, ,....--.• .; There had been sharp October freiaxies, INT.Ey. that they can glVe satisfaction. to all who 7. big bills cut to -au Varticular size *ill please send. VorbeW Spring The think from their experience In Factory- deliveredon the o ng ofteavigattria. Parties want, - ' . for -the canidik- ded Credit C,o1 174.11.-7,-klibera discount to the trade. - . FransIlMvm; Ellia and Estimates matte: at th° vial' ouskinds; sises, an ,nuantitios of material rcquired: • H. G ' - Lin& Patents taken out. •• Debts • , , IOW' %gale 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter ter buildings, gee c.. • for them? Suppose that, gradti SMAILL CROCtii' " • • • "' hdohnie AnifortiuMtely,..a tinge 'proportionAnd,,this begun, it hair even suffices to one doh November and keen .biting c�11 'Ts418419.. eiehaf , Flooring on hand, ; • ••'-' „ , ALSO JAS BUCHANAN, '-ortheninre in'debr having kinprondently . fig si h. bring on the fatal and irreparable cleft. froets, beforethe year 1sta. coma to wear - along thesee -. ArehlteO - Oh -VD LAWSON', oitic Deno &•.10 ts store, 'mazer -of, North • - • -frail and tlehcate febrad of married happi- • • • . 4:44°°ans. used, after his, Goelarics-f&ferck4tba4g(*a ' ' ":11w55-1- Gc44rerit':‘,!1*.1 .1472 " • ' •get 'Without eotild they have ' e"" r Tile;-'10te'rtitent.lhild Lantern „ ,„„ - - : *machinery,- tnat they 'Weald have Coatrra - purchase _ ▪ g gYard"teenrdwajailoWa.aritngid lihaciad• ilrea:teda mialthorsti f rat" ; a ATP" yALL- AND 'SEE' - • * '14••• along t (hen?AY, ;theanewer came like = • • aa-• Olt , . t•I tt ,t:.1 • , " Wit* EA e baJIILAIA;/`' -looked clearl into theiCature the 1 1th ted 126F8' - • Y ' _ . retum . -61*Vg*--'-11 of PaSS- belie bitterly thought, as he miserably tbear g ed alkthe Old, dear, and Ideas/tut tausio of whteh, m Hus case, as an amoment,adens - their" iinieluipph "marrieth life. ;ROBINSGSV =4;trest aiettae Court Hourrelisic3plarrs. wise , negavsshattered ? t then f tiimary•of the ;heavy intia-upon the heart, that, asking Slight ineidents • seeming too trifling to the bit/chatted summer ?lowers.-- eettrn;. • ' - - s • • - ally bten ng it to the e e of da er n • • ' s " fq111431 at laSt giVilig °ne rasli aild "ugh" Pu '1th° Andz• hair it was, the veraest trines the calm outside which at wove to -day., • Earl olritrr s , • --ehhss. • a;:viinti‘ha ; xf _ mg' bells--whichiudeed, -a.4past, ,bell sea ore eohhee mosey Dame& s -ons, SH with a thin white rune' espon Hits- elrueced annuals' of that wretched diti. surface. Ile had seen. the rigid. : 0 X - „ , • - 0.4tB ()It rDIT. • - • 1-11131-44-- `." rPRITPATIQII ,c0P: r v„1:41.4.. now in oinr tinge. cline with a died, are-nive • . -• • - . - a; • -rt R eie :con toi- • triaAatiar-tamzum lelio wale - ftwiio ' . mug, 4ehfield; Cos„Hurorr -„,containing;Leo,t acres, air jooderiphtpeattrripp„. 1 Li r faas...ss, - itowing • , riwt;iree', -.t14-e-l! 'Yee- 3-11°Pluil el4WriPhil'atI.9°thenvile'llty'Ahnytil,c-ilt-P-ats"t4)citoottheisante- 156',41(il,r)veltlettlf ePa'noDirgh.built eYwe4 Ulu all carnal unoliened thes°0-buds thanged. /nth th- -tad -1'1'; fe t.• 11, TtECEIVED daily rrotananaserscata: adearsa, vilm louse and ,tax. admg to dahlut, stallna gaunt withered lily ss tees - fart And atter Tbtalidel Vie trtr; thtiatzta"lt bit °°171s.r- 1°/' rriScou 7 ;Creighton; 'Town !leper) era „tor, TWO .nece.ilary *scorn 0001 DEitgrik*I' 'There- -creek , • VAk - - • .f.ricl*"`A*,5; 24; 1843- w -'04*•10.,9.0fata taxwaa - -Females under 4) ,282.•; males hen.' 'TO", too late, It had -erten been, in basorehfin, thirising-, in the morning art silent iiiiterable 'Kinn( --oaseia been.,aanned pearanceof ilesalfbash--evaia the olirefaiai- thernums phielied .into dirty eiynher rosettea. And one of the birds that heal tried to outstay the summer time lass frozen to -the gravel -path, the thin legs.; turned upwards, the quick avinga - tender trill* ef song hushed. He bad brooded over all tack death that s KNOW. - 1•• rat- - •- • -over, as now, lonel y by the study ‘fire. - " "inn /-• • ma es 01/Of , ;$ •:f • "''17e he family euhle,s(ttlail; thatthese thauld s purposes traciatt/4 1100Pr g`I‘tif,e,T,alePA.V.X9410:',7_ $. $ ionely.1 oftenest it had been .thought Sweep till -sappy. home *waft OVEiti reasoned --out, -this problem ; • about hina ; an t 'Who has seen 6e rsengtossent than_ 10-rienaci iTerriOne4 • IratrifIled'ind 'wvela-risoinn 15 late "414 d Anil glill lingekil I:N*6e maiPrargta:' 4:tino late A.bout some letter it was,• this was the had succeeded to tb.e Edtaiblooni, ,a, ocatiticasfiais*2.40,- Tr fStlit43111" bs" inthe."habl"rene°u'aging B t t'llth t vitabl dir 'in! arcane— . , - . u s t a. tile e. ge.• w . • gas's'', Y Lad followed life, and thie desolation • sriEt.aiitillisTRACHArr. '-i‘loo-t7o7I1-7411dcagint:111;neellin. leas' 1:11atia.Likinci.°1 An.d.-t°6aglin and still reel -imams through the wedge which split the rift into a eleftb half instinctive sense of sympathy tem • .•-• -1- LUC lyogyr.Doxcio.f4 - -G-14136 trhpibia, isvoppleiwitalaXithe delicacies leasbira beg- sesisaiiiirfi out ttiforn, I I I dersignedhsVingtaitheteehboyeerenhnown• HE tm bezaiMX04110501elrartart- tO;110114.-501•1111,,,,, Is0 Mills into Ida intratendi lifinfrp-rspared_ - "Taaff,PP-- b " e - ata, paratetwaassaffr !as, 't of the ce e mas - :,.aataas„ , gode-rie•14 sfaaa d • dici.; youakriartstlie or ono -rata - •s ar " from fcruld'.3s917q1A, beeit -Pbt.tuankrlYPfainta af view. been EitS rctoDEniOli.c4,, re-. litter hour -before afening would leave - the comforts' and the Confidence of home drttle forehoding that on- T jai 3 204 • I 1 walks, ' 1 1 • •-- ' -16 877- o viewedtn. one y in one y lines tn himl e amen— _ - - .• FRREPIPTROVR - Lame. Of at-D01.430B1fP.ROWS1443411._ 'Orlehl after, twenty-tatezev trnsotorliontestoraltdistalai -- , on Et 't , A PPItAiSEttfo thecTras1-#.4,40li.. glin0Y. 1143,04,, prepared • I '13' '2-1Tj-PP4rUI.Itnadifas'ilt.6' ESIAN . ' s' \ .13'-i°ries-:------i- ' Gni i li 3far 27,, 13671t, W ed tut U. BOUlidnedia " . " 91' C • ' Market Square Coclerieb. G144410? °t4/4114; glit itonnytoTioail-0 ofi 4. '1`• ; , -t • , esinallitheteeselneuseee ▪ alb for them twihslit at;idy musing, through the meal Some trilling matter, some laugh of hers) fellowship. Ho had talseil iu, lett tsees s-