HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-01-20, Page 1SALE. 1,11-1- Vi 1ZE'Z - • \ • "1 F FOR SALE, . • : 0}.{ RENT ! 11 7 'a 1 V tz I: E. T. . Pust w :red. wel \A. eceed. For 9te• c. 7•7 rn.ses. N N 1.A Vt::::7•0 . nto, for Sale. • ^ e-. 'n. an tile " -•r ' 68 se -es. t..e. w . ;a. e4 iT,•rn sa.e a •.• t: :;;,• 1) s .+1.1 - .‘.• lir. se. , 1 ••w w3e u. • FOR SALE. %7 - I 3 •i I. - • .• •••••• 3, 7e -I • • ,asta F I N En. _ 869. ION COURTS ,•ittritrs LN THE HI- RtiN IN LSO. 24th Novem, ;. z • een. T. --day 2.5 c• F t:1S ;••-sla y - A : st Decetnber • . ty 2:- .1 • -. F. al 3-d • Dy.sana vv-:!( ! L- tv: . "'pen at 9 , • .1 C C Hurtm. DAN. LAZAR.", : C Pea.H -47 ARRIVED. kNIE TAYLOR, t it European Herb Remedy ng wtti• '7•irtsutropo. rt.E beams- h-eadaene. ,eas of A p- Crtarol and Nceaes .n ;V sed to try tit 4 ernedy, in ; ad :S.t..•.7113.•11 C...filp,3:f1:„ 4t SUC- 1 4.'74 • 1 .. ever and ag-ue»cotd was never k oo.vn to :ail. - ni,nt Eirope. ; . g•s „; net 6,1: .4. of berme4iie:0e /- net' st--Ser w u can zet • ez Madame Tay'er, at room ri :te • C-aler-c'z. Ladies unabie an ended 3i En e!r own tIORCIeS. ta 13ce. w 19 d F'eeclif, . 1:i..EOMI"STMD AT lard & Strachan's, BR1N, SHORTS & Midlings, HICH THElt WILL heap for Cash: ane 7:h 1869. w19 -ti CH PETROLEUM COMPANY Wolf:71Ni: TIP' -4 FIAREFIf.LD- • ne any for the year. ,1.! held ^ ont.:ay In January, nost 7 1. K rn WL _ AMPBV.L. seertear I 'It TO LEND. '-E RATES f arc) on -a J el ‘0_ LAIR, , I riernitt w51 SALT COMPANY ITEETINt. IATHF: STOCK FIOLTi? t 17-7..;rsny hel4 Jaaaary Erth sev,m k J A K E L-14.111, See t,tary 2: -3rd. 1;69 wre-lt CABINET AND TERING S"1011, craw nTREET, AK OF MONTREAL, ODERICH. ERIC MeKAY, WOULD RESPFn:TFULLY AN- TI noiam'e r:, o; he has opened a :ye se pee, opposite ep eonostantly RE OF ALL KINDS. • •fl":'4 4,1 aitilstering ised to bit, promptly all orders of Gilt and Barsewood Mouldinva on Framing to Order. stra.-t -artontalun to basin rss ter on: pzitroaage. 7. IniC9. w414-tf PATENT 0 IR. MK, CHAN Slciil N iN, Nelsee street, Gislerieb, vroadd ants wad others tbat. having iniir- r Carter's ay Lifter, they are ziow 5n. them at /Ann (each. The are - manner, end ha -e given tinixe tsar, linve' tined them. O nt, for tine see of the Lifter i & 'tn. IRO. RANCE• •••••••• e and Life (nsuracees ueesanasez T BEMIS. *mamma. 's Moekeepreer Court Efouse s7 ifk,lerieh. C. W.- SOHN FIALDAN, Agent 11.• UePt.,1866. xf3Gti - w.r. litor ?roprietor. - ft 1.50IT'F:R. NNNT 1..T)N- NCE, eta.00 lEnN-1.3 OF' N'Er.:_--% W3MOTKIIIC 44; • The Ireatest Possible lood to the Greatest Possible Number." wastrel (*ODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, JAN. 20, J870. B115iIIC55 eire,t2rp. Business Elivectorp. GODERICH ROOM PAPERS- E ADVANIMENS. OF ANNE D SUTHERL AND, Maitland Salt Well DEALER IN Goal. Lumber, Shiligit'S, Laths, &e., YARDS, at the Harbor and center West and Wateri .0 Streeta. Mice, en Waterloo street, in rear of the yard. bloderieh. Nov. 1th, 1368. 42vr&sw 1 yr* HAZLEHU4ST &COOKE AUCTIQNEERS, COMMISSION AGENTS. & C,, &C. Crabb's Block, ( Van E very -'s old stand) KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH ONTARIO. Cs.. Sales in town and country punctual - attended to Goderich elnly 12th, 1869. • w24 M CZ, NT "Sr AT A PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, The undersigned is prepared to 'FURNISH No. 1 SALT IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE Lowest ]rice d:FC NTT FROM THE ABOV4 WELL. Fe LENT ON 'MORTGAGE. Apply at ' •WM. R. BAIN'S Chancery and Law Office, Cral-ib's block, Gaderi -eh. Goele-icS. Nferch Sth, lag?. swa Money to Loin on Real Estate, APPRAISER to thaTruet and LoanCompany of Upper Canada. M TRUEMAN, arc). MIrket Sella re.Coderich TO Lamm'. Til let in tie. T;•wn of G;•,icrten. for a tvrtil of ta% irs a Brick Cott with 1 hrze" aml six .tvrvs of g•txxt land 1-7,r oirticularx a ooly,"to. W. D. ALLEN. Gxlerich Sept. -'th 1964 MONEY TO LEND. EASY TERMS. J. B. GORDON. G Jan. 146, 1668. CO - wereiniFlotel.nlichelle.W 1-OHN qICK.S, Proprietor. This is th Are -estate! bestConittry Hotel in We•ter es.a,lasta.and caarges a8 nuderate as any H Dila in ,•litehell eiaee Proprietor. Geod s•e_bling for NO Horses Horses and carriages for Hite, on S rorteet Notiee, 14•3 CHAP LANDS FOR aif: IN TOWN OF CODERICH. LOTS 1323,1324 & 1334, $30 each, Sub-iliviston Park Lots 2 and 1 n,•iin •4. Lots 116. 14a4.1 LA) 940. Township of Witwitnosh. North 24 acres lot la, eon. 1, 100 Township oi Ashheld. S,tu,herd-y 16 acres of East of South lot I, con. 4, W. D., 9100. Apply to THOMAS WEATHERALD.-. P. L Surveyor, Goderieh, Goderich, Dee. 18th 1868. w48 tr. REMOVAL. ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, WT STRE.ET, on ER 1 c TlIE Subscriber having rentoved to the Store lately tie:copied by A Naysmoh, West Street, opposit, the Post Office, wi.hcs to ;hank Ms friends and the publ c, or the liberal support with -which they have favored him, for the last 25 years, and begs to assure them that no effort -soil be spared to es-ru a conttnuance of their patronage, his anxious study will be tosupply Watches Clocks and Jewelery which win give 41ti.ftCtion to ,the purchaser, and as ail work has been done ov myself. customers may depend 014 havtng 4 na.11. executed. zzr A good assortment of Gold and Plated Jewelry Watches, Clocks ans-ays on hand ALEX WALLACE. Goderieh Oct. 26th 1s68. - w40 - • -• - - PINE LUMBER, LATH& SHINGLES. THE subscriber nas now received 1,500,000 Feat Pirie Lumber, PINE & CEDAR SHINGLES, &I _ which he is prepared AT THE TO SELL IN LARGEOR SMALLLOFS Lowe3t Raies‘ for Cas 9 S.H. DETLOR. Clodarich, Ausest ard, 1869. w27 1.1308. ' THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON' AND G LORE INSUR-ANCE COMPANY' FL a peen in existence Thirty-two years, and during that period has paid L -Nies exceeding, Five and a half million pounds sterling, The disbursement ot this enormous sum over a wide area, has without doubt contributed to the e•ta/dishment of this Inetitullon, in the oontidence ot I eiblie Corporations, Merchants, Householders, and business men generally, wherever it is represented. In its ist year. 1336, the Fire Premiums alone amounted to.... .. £9.970 n its Joel year, 1,46, " • " £47,763 4. 20th year, 1856, " " cc .£0.22,279 ft 30th year, 1S66, c• sr " £S9.332 One year later, 1867, ff •• ..tS18,055 The Fire fleaerv, Fund is now it4.727,464 The Life Reserve Fere} is now 89,282,468 The compnnv is represented throughout (1n, tano*- and ueber, by influential Ags•nts to whom applieation for insurance may be made. 0. .C. SM11H, Resident Secretary, MoNrans T. A. M. ROSS, Agent for Coderich ; B. V Elliott, for Exeter, W. N. Watson, tor Seatort h Goderieh.F 11).11.13b6. w41 SARI AND DOOR F 1.CTOR Yr THEntwer•ierted having purehaaed *he }dem- i n sr Mill and Sash Factory ownea, and oc- ciipied hv Dona!d Cumming, are now prepared to carry on the business ot manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring and al, kinds ot C. I RC I, vc)1Tt, such as Circle and itethic Sash and Frames They think from their experienee in Factory Work, that they can eiveaatettaction to all wbo may favor them with a rall. N. B. -A I ibera derequot to the trade. 20,000 Siding, feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flooring on hand. JAS BITCFIANAN, DAVID LAWSON, WM :ROBI:ISOM. 4th, 186: so -on (lodes -ice. March BROOM FACTORY. Imill!: Subscriber hat ing seeured the exclusive right 1 of the manufacture and sale of Dobson's Patent Broom, are now prepaied lo . FEJRNISH THAT • SUPERIOR BROOM • MADE OF, THE Best Material and Workraanship merchants of the Counties . of Huron and 1.33rutche°. ORDERS SOLICITED. COX & MACDONA-LD Gederich. 0 21st. 1369. tf. FIRE & MARINE Drixsix FIRE :ASSURANCE COMPANY of Lon - I don; England, established in 1782,one of the oldest, lamest and best offices in Canada. HORACE HORTON, Agent , 1-3ROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY cif Canadit; 1 Heed Offic-e, Toronto. Will .tike r sks on Country and City property. Marine risks taken ut as low rates as any other first class office. HORACE HORTON, Agent. MONEY TO LOAN. - $20,000 ,„rroimg,o)ondo I foa tr e isvepc yearn.ur it yp ieu fromere st retained in advance.. HORACE HORTON; Agent. Ooderieh, March 31, 1803 ALLAN P. FILCLEAN, rtAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMtNT OF CLOTHS Consisting in part of Brest of England Broad- cloths, Beavers, Glrhitneys, Bearskins, Piney English Scotch, and French Tweeds,Cashmeres, Doeskins, and a variety of Canadian Cloths; Plain. Satin, and Flowered Vestings, Shirts, Gloves, Caps. 5ze., Sze. He feels trontident of giving satisfaction to a who may favoriiim with their orders : - TWEED SUITS (all wool)$12 andupwards. ear 3.-Ontting done to 41/39ine..=og Goderic Seto 25th. 1866 sw8 STOVE3 ! STOVES ! S.R4PEFI THE subscriber le returning thanlis for the liberr I patronage so long,. bestowed upon him, begs to in- form hin numerous miatorners and the public generany that in eonsequenee of the -late tire, he Iris removed his business to the ,tore formerly occupied -by Mr. Booth, West street, next Bank of Dontreal, where everything n his line will be found and \ All Kinds of Job Vilorkwill he Done : the same as usual, G. N. DAVIS. Goderich,- 29th March 1869 BARRI& BRO.CAT , reiglos- MAKERS; WOOD -TURNERS ? h. AND UNDERTAKERS, CT Apply at the office, over J. C. Detlor &, Co's. store. • .TAMtS SMAILL, , Agent. Hamilton St„ Goderich, WEEP constantly on hand for sale all arti- II cles in their tine, inch as Bedeteads, Chairs, Tables, eoderich,Mav le. 1469. Sofas, &c., - 0.. All kinds of wood -turning done, such a Middlesex Seminary. Nool posts, stair bannisters, fieckyokes, Always on hand, a complete THE design of this Institutionis to -prepare students t - 1., short time and at a light expense for entering ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS Universities and Colleges, and as teachers, Aceount ants, Fee. Speeial attention paid to Um Fine Aris, and a 11E ARSE to hire on reasonable term The Winter Term will commence Tuesday. January - . 4th, 1870. For Board and Tuition in English and tiocierich. May 3rd. 1860 15w6ma missies per 11 weeks' term 930 Scholarship in Com- mereial Dupartment (unlimited) 915 and 920. Stodeata are charged front date of entering. For wines of Professors, ea , FARM .?OR SALE. T ehers foot terms for 51usic , U Puintin nDratving F7ench and German, see river. ORS 0,F, OR TO RENT. -Lot No. 6, Con 10. W. 1) Ashtield, Co, Huron, containing 80 acres. 25 cleared, with house and barn. 'there is a living creek on the farm. It is_a corner lot. Price 818.00 per acre, coat $46.00 and taxes. MARTIN DURKIN. Louden. Fcb.e. 1868 w 2. lJtar. For further pariiculadi apply to or address CROSS & CURRY, Komoka, Out. TES21.3fONT4I.4:-"The Seminary N in a highly prove rons state. Einht pnpits got first class certificates to teachfrom the'Roard of Education in Jannary,1869 - Three were 6,-st. :lied and fourth on a list or thcfer- ere licensed to teach in Au;nist, 18/9."-(Adver, Net-, • anniejta, Ont, Noir 23e1, 1860. • w46 3m$11 _ .. akrOTICE.-A note made by Wm Rintoul iu fator o II Adam McKay for 915 00, due mime or oetheer last, havin; been lost all perees are hereby caatiOned aselast nw,gotiating the same - ADAM MeKAY, Water, 8t'a Dec..1399. vr47 at* Farm for Sale. TUE suboxriber offer -silo itate E4 of lot 2, lltheon., W. la. Ashlield, distant ahottt miles from Bel- Evit, eontainintr, 100 antes More e teSs, 30 attres clear - t0 chopped. lobacres grind rata and the bal- ance hardwrsaL 4 new frame:house, nixes: gam °retard and well. Sehr ol honeeon next lot. The soil giNatIVI;RV Innin Pried. 91.068, 0600 cash and easy men -stir ba'attee- FurtImr u itular:4 may be obtained trona the proprietor, • nElests SHE 1. 1501 Nov. 1469. w45 fints Belfast P. 02 NEW PATENT .A. F Os, 11 It. STRACHAN & McKINNON, BIAACKSMITHS, Nelson street, Goderich, would intimate to farmers and others that. having pur- chased therightfor Carter's Hay Lifter, they are now prepared to furnish them at $5,00 each. The are made in'taneat and subst.intial manner, and have given great satieftletionte those who have used them. u anent:win be out for the sale of the Pa"...er in a °rich. Jan. 25041869. • LTh3ER AtID.CEDARPOSTfi, DISIEDIAT LY after the.opeuing of Navigation. the L subseriberwill be prepared to -sell the largest lot of Pine Lumbee, Slibigies, Cedar Posts. &e., ever offered O in odeneh. JAMES SMAILL Cloderich. 4pr114,1869. 1w40 tt a R0 PL. AIN AND IPA.NCIL7 git 1\T 'VET —0— COAL MI, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ileir Coal Oil Lamps, &c. &e. Old Iron. Copper, Brass, Woof Pickings. and Sheep Skins taken in exchange. J. ‘t J. STORY, fter Sitm of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, 'GoderieL. Idiarch 1st, ;867' 6-t • _ (24 YEARS AT THE OLD STAND.) CABINET FURKISKING 'NV A 11.-E U SIE DANIAL GORDON, CA.131 INT E' IN/IA.111i: Undertaker, &e.,.&,c., ef#0 eat 11A S now on A -a hand the Largest Etock oF FtRNITURE in the County, in every variety, can- not fail to com- mand the tavor ot all in want of FURNITURE who may favor him with a visit—whether in re- gard to Quality. Style or Price. Every article Wal ranted as retenninended. Havitg made arrangements with JACQUES Sr HAY, Toronto, can (littlish anything here or at their Warerooms in Toronto, Clae.stro FOB tEidilai. N. B.- Has always a complete assortment ot COFFINS on band. Also, HEARSES to hire. West St.. Goderich, Nov. 3, 1868, w2 IMPORTANT NOTICE. P. R. MANN, House Sign Sr. Carriage Pointer. TISSIRES TO ACQUAINT THE PALIC THAT he has fitted up a shop on North street next to the Wesleyan Methodist Church, with varnish room a-- tached where he is pTeptved to 1111 alt orders promptly, andel reaaonable prima. Thankful for the patrionaee of the Mat 7 years solicits a coati utunne of the same. Now is the time to Paint your Cutters, Sleighs, and Carriages. 82' Orders from eonntry Carriage shops attended to with dispatch. .930PaiMing, Gilding. Craining, fi Glazing. Paper- hanaing. &ea, ex. Goderieh. Nov. 8,1-669. F. R, MANN. . w42 FRESH OYS rERS :DECEIVED daily from Baltimore itt MRS. MACES On and after Thursday the 26th inst.' G_odetieh, All 44, 1869, • wflotf • . ROOM PAPERS. A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Three Different Kinds of Papers , REQUIRED For Halls, Parlors, Di aing Rooins • and Drawing Rooms, BY.ANOTHER POOR. YOUNG MAN. X- )VOL. XXI1.—M) -- — 'to keep the peace. The 100,000 Sioux the widow of a Presbyterian minister with Indians of Rupert's Land and their breth- four children -were left in possession of ren of the Western prairies bloodlessly two farms of land, held under the Right exterminated. The penitent and recon- Hon. Sir John Young, Bart., her Majesty's structed South kiss the loving and mag- Governor-General of Canada. One of the . DEAR Starsul„.-1 notice that you some- nanimous North. The East a.nd 'West sisters is over eighty years of age, and al - times permit's "Poor Young Man" to ad- I sink their old jealousies and join hands in most dein-eyed ef sight ; the other istqual- from the "land of liberty," will you allow la covenant of eternal friendship.' The ly helpless and infirm; andupon the niece - dress your readers. Having just returned me to speak, through your columns, te fervency of universal patriotisin ana depended the management of the land for brotherheed thaw out ice -bound Alaitka the maintenance and support of thodS' who the and Labrador, and melt the R. 1001111- were thus cast upon her care. inhabitants of Canada, before the -Liana- tains. The foes of Newfoundland disap- To the surprise aud astonishment of the LATEST INTELLIGENCE. GREA r BRITAIN. POLITICAL MEETLNG Hi BIRMINGHAM. BIRMINOIram, Jan. 11.- Thn nienaher8 of Parlia.uient for Birmingham addresse,t their constituents in the Town Hall t• night. Mr. Bright, on this oceasi .n, iiitule his fii st appearance on the platform since his entrance into the Cabinet, and he niet moderated by time and distance ? .` As To breezes from the shores of vehement indignation of all who are per- ia by spicy emp crumble to sonally acquainted with the family, the Ala. Stange Delved a vote of thanks to the with an enthasiastie reception front his ports, with which that foremoit nati ee pear. The cold western winds be teniper - inhabitants of Bailieborough, and to the the earth has inspired me, have een ed dust:with the'uEvery C' motelnadian stump of Id -worlds, r '11- agent, Mr. Thomas Members, has served the ladies with notices of ejectment, and ministers for their general policy, and especially for their course in reg intends, in the coming January, to evict ard ti e Mr. Bell. valuable improvements effected by the late the work of reform and amend the Irish resol coons. A Id. Sturge expressed the out the slightest compensation for the hope that the government woeld continue _ Irish Church. In a speech supporting the them out of house, home, and farms, with - Many people here are of opinion that this unprecedented and atrocious piece of tyranny can hardly have the sanction of teach a good landlord as Sir John Young has hitherto had the reputation. of being. However this may be, the greatest con- sternation prevails here, and it is oelieved that in the event if the ejectments being carried in January, 1870, and such& dread- ful and tyrannical edict be executing, a petition on the sebject will be presented te the Commons Rouse of Perliatnent. -We trust, however, that public indignaa tion, both in Great Britain and Ireland, at a time when the Land Question is the political difficulty which is engaging the minds of all our statesmen. will rise to such- a pitch as even yet to deliver the widow and the aged ones from a persecu- tion worse than death. To the Editor of the Irish Times. Sia, -I have read of late with deep in- terest your commissioners' reports on the land question which is at -present engag- ing so much of public care and attention. Pio the tenant-farinera of Ulster, a settle- ment of their right to the money and labor which they have expended in build- ing their residences and draining the soil, - is a vitel 'question, and as a case in point have just to mention an ejectment which conies on at Bailteborough, in January, in Which Sir John Young, Berta igatto figure as an Ulster landlord, whit:I:Les not re- spect tenant right in this case, but who ejects without cause the sisters and nie.ce of the late venerable Mr. -Bell, for over half a century Presbyterian Minister of = Urcher. near Bailieborough. This gentle- otia:n' died in June last. He lived on Sir John Young's estate and to the astonish- ment of parties here, Sir J. Young is about to eject, at the next quarter sesstens'Mr. Bell% aged sisters, and take from them their beautiful cottage home and two farms of land, nver 30 acres, which Mr. Bell held by lease from the late Sir William Young. it is not usual on this estate to eject respectabletenants who are able and willing to pay their rent as the Misses Bell are; but strange to say, Sir John Young has issued his =otder to his agent, Mr. Thomas Chambers, at Bailieborough, to allow these ladies no tenant right„ but, toreject them forthwith, contra jus et Ps. It is to be latnented that a late Act of Par - 'lament gives him this power. But what humane landlord would ever act upon Bath a. cruel and exterminatingact Mr Bell s niece, Mrs. Barklie, called at my residence here this morning to show me some half dozen ejectment processes just served on all Mr. Bell's relatives, and as the matter will come on for hearing be- fore the assistant barrister here early in January, 1 will thauk you to give pu Olicity to the case and thus prepare the way for a pettrion to Parliament in order te prevent tyrannical landlords acting in this reckless manner. They talk of Mr. Scully and other heart- less landlords in the south acting cruelly to their tenants, but here we havetn peace - fill county Cavan aricutrage about to be committed by her Majesty's representa- tive in Canada, and that, too, on the aged sisters of the worthiest and best of Pro- testant clergymen in Ulster itself ! Were such cruelty to be done on apriest's sisters in the south, and his nearest and dearest relatives ejected without compensation from cottage,-hoine and lawn, and other improvements made by him on land, the landlord who would be guilty of the thing would be held up to public odium and, his tool of an agent hissed out of the country. Hitherto we have lived here in peace and security,but if Sir John Young carries out his intentions it wilt be but the begin- ning of the end, and that end will be the disselving of the ties that now bind us to our beloved homes and our native land. I am sir, your obedient servant, McCOLLUM, Ns_ every slow-paced citizen, who witthes to dice. ,ALL NEW PATTER ln firie, swords would be beaten into 5 keephanging onto theapron-strineDs of 'per- ploughpruningares, spears into pruning hooks, GoodBtock and declared by Painters and Paper Hang ers to be theanost beautiful designs. fidiMIS Albion," I cry -be convinced of and the sunshine of perpetual peace gild i !- a freeandglorious Republic, habitable and The Best and your error, and shout aloud for libertti Cheapest inhabited from the Atlantic to the Pacific,. . Worship her semblance, whether it bit an and from Panama to Parry's Sound. Who PAPERS EVER INTRODUCED 1 empty cap on a pole, the harlot of a Fr A ch Will longer fail to hail the Lion -heart IN GODERICH. FOR SALE AT BUTLER'S. Goderich, April lath, 1869. w11 - To all whom it may Concern. l'jlHEltnlersigned is prepared to receive orders for 1. Lumber in large or small quautPies. White AskPine,Whitewood and Cedar. ALSO . LATHS, PINE & CEDARSHINGLES, delivered on the opening of navigation. Parties wan, - Mg bills cut to any particular size will please send them in as soon as possible. Plans drawn, Bills and E.stinuttes made : a the vaii- ous kinds, sizes, and- quantities of material required for buildings, bridges, &c.. gMAILL & CROOK, A rch itec Offieeoter J. C. Detlor & Co.'s store, corner of North trent and the Cott rt House siniare. Goderich Janinarv 29th 1869. Itt5Stf NOTICE. All partiesindebted to R. Runcima n & Co prTahR BY NOTE OR BOOK AC- "countareherebynotified,that unlessthey CALL AN') 'PAY UP AT ONCE hey will -be 'sued, without fu ther not;ce. R. RUNCIMAN, Huron Foundary, Goderich, Ont. Cc lerich, 29tis Dec.. 1868. w49. GOD ERIW-1 WAHN&CARRIAGE fibir-y• • t 4. - a 1.1. tr3 t C:a y THE Subscriber would announce to the pub - he of Huron turd Eituce, that he is now man- ufaeturing firstela,s Carriages, Waggons, Sleiglisi Cut -term, which will be sold CHEAP -011. CASET. pi- Wanted a woodI-worker, and two apprentices -one to learn wood -work and the other blacksmithing. :‘c JOHN PASMORE, Vitstoria Strict, Goderich Coderieh.Mav 16th, 1568. Es -v. .xiEb1t.i.i.sps4'x WHERE DID YOU GET THE FRESH SEA -?ISH? AT 1E. iALM IS, UE has Haddock, Cod, andu Lobsters fresh. Also 11 smoked Salmon, Kippard Herrings, Yarmon-h Bloaters, Finnan Haddies„ FRESH OYSTERS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT E_ 33 I N H M S Westside of Market Alquare, CoCerich, Jan l9th.1769. TC:) Farmers, Livery Stable KEEPERS AND OTHERS. Bring on all Your Lame Horses. revoltifitin, or the spread-eagle that c ws as the saviour of his country, and put the like a barnyard fowl! What thatigh helm of state into the hands of so expe- rienced a steersman? What a destiny Ma liberty be extended into license? Wor- Canada to be a little unit in the happy ship her! The voice of the People is he family -an infinitesimal fragment of such voice of God, even in the form of the a boundless domain of liberty ! drunken howl of a Tammany -hall mob._ The rhapsody, printed above, has been Religion is unimportant, morality vain, , sen us, by e party subscribing himself security to life and property an,empty ! ", other Poor Young Man." In describ- dream, and light taxation a mockerya a ing the license -which every Christian and man ought to be at Ulm ty to shoot, with philanthropist regards as the worni at the impunity, the scoundrel who insultingly core which is to destroy, by internal rot - refuses to drink with him ata public bar._ tenness, the fair promise of the neighbor - That is the testing question of freedom ! ing .Republic, "another poor young man" Who would be a "lord of the crea- has, contrary to his apparent intention, tion" if the punishment for beating clearly shown that "annexation" would a wife to death, were greater than not be an "advantage "i but the greatest tho relaxation of a six - months' . ire. disaster that Canada could drift iutti.- prisonment I' Who but would become Let every moral, intelligent and lau- a member of the Coalebs Society,if he could abiding Canadian bless the natal star not, by an Indiana divorce, exchange his - which fited his home on the Ainerieen wife, at least once a fortnight, with ar Coutinent, in this Northern latitude, without provocation 1 The clerical talk, where religion and virtue are respected about the sanctity of the state of matri- and justice administered, under the be- nign sway of the representative of our monyandthe life-long nature of the obliga-' be - tions contracted, is an unpardonable loved Queen Victoria —Ed. Si,tat. infringement on the liberty of the subject, that cannot be tolerated in a free country. raE MURDER BY A BdNAPARTE The age of chivalry es indeed gone, where . _____ PARIS, Jan. 12 -The Marseillaise news - two parties cannot, without the Uri bertinent pa per was published in m miming yesterday interference of the myrinidons of tne law, and contained the following leading article settle their private differencet with bowie knife and revolving pistol. Sunday legis- printed. in large type :- • lation is a iiegrace to civilization, and I "The murder , committed by Prince Should like to sec a Statute Boot prevent Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte upon M. Vic - emu. acylesibaestiacavier‘y‘ hporpeiti'y a live Yankee from raising a dust on that or any other day if he is so minded. An isni g het raanhdh LHes waelill, othnetiPiericnicteizePnieurrierieN(aipeolreoolni vBe joinlea.parIteh tatvte- tor Noir ; the attempt to murder made by enough as 'milk for babes.' The sons of had the weakness to believe that a Bona - freedom demand the 'strong. meat' which parte ceuld not be other than an assassin, is served to them, in spiced abun lance at the French masketl balls of the large I have dared to imagine that a fair doe: cities. Over these assemblages, the mighty was impossible in that family, where pier - Bird of Liberty ruffieshis s feathers,flaP ; his ler and waylaying are traditional and wings and screams aloud in lustyjoy' habitual. Oui c ,-laborer,PaschalGrouSsette There the women are not afraid to show agility by kicking °tithe silk chapeaux of ourdearTend V ict:or Noir, assassinated has shared my error, and to -day we mourn their points and paces, and illustrate their their rivals' fancy -men. And if a rallick- y » Pierre N apoleon. Bonaparte. ing blade takes it into Ins head to pitch a For eliejtlee ytearsdphast Frame has been neighbouring female, over it height of in thesbloold.ins :Jim: t hands of those cut - twelve feet,on to the floor; why, it's Only throats who - c the ent with grape -shoot - a woman dislocating a shoulder, fracturing ing reptiblic'en; in ie streets, allure them a rib or -two, or breaking a lee ; and this is into baited traps for the purpose ofslaug,h- jolly fun to the sons and leg of tering them 4 home. of People f F • liberty. Then at other balls, the sport is have you not had decidedly enough of nothing, unless the waltzers dance five this? hours and three minutes without stopping; ‘(Signed) HENRI ROC REPORT.' until couple after couple drops on the The Marseillai„se was very violent again floor in a dying condition. Those obsolete this morning, and the entire issue was institutions, of trial by jury and legal therefore seized by the authorities. _ execution of merderers and horse-thieves,Statenent of de Fouveille. are smiled at, as barbarous relics = of PARiS,Jall. 12. -The La Marseillaise medieval darknese, by the enlightened also publishes the following stateilient of people in whose midst I sojourned for a de Foam, Lie : On the 10th of January, paradisaical fortnight. When any • such Victor Noir and myself repaired to the deed has been committed, they forin them - residence of Prince Bonaparte. We were selves into a vigilance committee and conunissioned by Paschall Groussette to stringup the first innocent man they meet, demand of Prince Bonaparte a reason for to the nearest tree, just to give him the injurious articles against him in the Javettir 'opportunity of taking one last, long breath de La Corse. Atter a few minutes we were of thefree air of heaven,in a higher atmos- conducted up -stairs to the first floor, pass- phere than he has been accustomed to,a.nd ed through the fencing room and finally to minister to the greatestgoodof the greatest entered the drawing room. A door open - number by sacrificing one individual; to ed and Pierre Bonaparte entered. We bestow, for ten minutes, a blissful sett - advanced toward hitn• and, the following sation on a thousand tender-hearted words passed :-`Sir, we came '31t behalf of • spectators. If a man is privileged to ac - Paschal Groussette, to deliver a latter to quire the affection of his neighbour's wife, you.' 'You are not come then on behalf of there is no stupid tea -table .scandal about . 'Rochefort and you are not tools of his? the liaison. The neighbour coolly divorces `Sir, we are here on other business, and his wife, shoots the lucky dog, and a, I beg you to look at this letter.' He read spiritually -minded clergyman to pave the it and returned toward us. '1 have pro - lucky dog% passage into the innerisanctuary, yoked M Rochefort,' said he. 'because he performs tne rite matrimonial between is the standard bearer of the rabble. AS him, on his deathly -nuptial couch, and the for Grousette I have no reply to mike to yielding fair. Stich in episode is foolishly him. Are you the representatives of these called immorality by the diminutive rem - carrion ?"Sir,' I answered, 'we come to nant, still extant,ef the sect of the Pharisees you to fulfil loyally and courteously a cote - whit pride themselves on being purists, i mission entrusted to us by our frIends.' while,to unprejudiced and liberal minds,it 'Are you the representatives of these recommends itself as a delightful practical 1 wretches 1' Victor Noir replied, 'We are illustratian of the beautiful philosophy of Elective Affinities. Then there is the the representatives of our friends.' Then I glorious national debt. A country is never I suddenly advancing and. without provoca- tion on our part Prince Bonaparte stopped great, or entitled to the respect of -the Victor Nair with his left hand, and at the world, 'unless its consolidated' liabilities 1 , same time drew a revolver of fax chenibers, sutra up to billions of dollars. Americ,a,in ! this respect, has erected, in the shortest 1 w4ich he had held concealed in his pocket already cocked, and fired on Noir. Noir space of time, the grandest, memorial to . staggered, pressed both hands on his breast liberty the world hatoever seen. If liberty 1 : and sank down in the doorway by which is worth enjoying,it is worth paying for, and I hope Canadians will yet be generous i we had entered. The cowardly assassin then turned upon me and fired, I then =enough, to voluntarilycuntract to be taxed I seized :a small pistol which I had in my 612.00 per caput for the privilege of be - pocket and while I was endeavoring te free coming a pendicle of the United States. ' it from thesheaththe wretch rushed on "All workeind no play makes Jack a dull , i me, but when he saw that I was armed hie, boy,"therefore the election of the President ; retreated, stottel behin•1 the door, and of the Union ,is so arranged that his 1 aimed at me, It was then, compreheuding employers have an entire cessation , of ! the ambush into which we had fallen and 'work' and a imiversal devotion to the reflecting that if I fired there would not lia'iteartwe BB n tOv on Le ,vGe aod r ,T. TAYLOR-aet6ThL. 0 NE experience is prepared to Doctor HOTECS (I'M 4es N B.-Horees examined ea '..o1;ntindne,se Goderich. 10; h Ang 186n. — - FARM LANDS FOR SALE. Lot 22 1st con, Township of Goderieh 22 2nd " " " " 4 Lake road west Colborne " 4 Lake shore East int lot 8 llth con. Ashfield Lot 27 5th enn. Smithy For prices and terms, apply to GEORGE II. PARSONS, s Goderich p. o. November 19. 1869. w4stt. • • 'play' of electioneering, one year ou every four. Thus a man who has lived ross the line,to the age of 60,has spent ab fifteen of his youthful years in amusemejl, ing murder. As I went out a second shot and of the remaining forty-five, fifteen followed me and passed throuh my 'oat. more have beeu devoted to election recreaa • g In the street I found Noir, who had had tion, and only thirty out of three score altogether, consumed on the treadmill to strength to descend thestairs and who had fallen dead. These are the facts just as labour. Don't you wish you were in they occurred andll look for and Dixie? I wax pensive as I think of *promptexemplary justice for his crime. hard lines I have fallen upon tinder the lion, and o paw of the Britis"("(Signed)' ULRIC DE FOUVEILLE.' h. f the mine , : niurn that wonld dawn on my poor cour- - 110. acres try, if thefearIessbird,that can gaze in the A Cruel case. face of the sun, would but spread her 1 talons over Canada. Shame it is, that the ! hero, who hoisted the Star-spangled ban- ner on our Municipal flag -pole, amid the darkness of early morn, on last Dominion - day, still remains unhonored and Unsung. Perversely blind are my townsmen, who allow the gallant Lion -heart, meet succes- •sor to the first apostles, to toil on at an J o. bsoure and lowly occupation, instead oL raising him to a seat among "the masters GO DE RTOT-1 & CIIN'TON i ffiti ed. 1Sr; t.3'..• Israel," in the County synagogue.- Estab, be wanting those who would say we . had ut been the ',aggressors, I opened the door t, which was behind me and rushed out, cry - 80 " 100 103 " 100 " it Auction & Commission. - Nature has fitted him to be a fisher of met, and, if he were at the helm of affairs a... a••• ' , 44,1ALES or Miscellaneous Property in Godench ten Per cent interest would flow in usi-bn LJ exery Saturday, and an Clinton every Wed- our traders, even though they had no nesday. . . capital to invest. The prospect so dazzles safe -and -prom& returns made. nerves with XXII. drops of morphia W- ray mental vision that I have to 'steady my Monevadvanced on Property kr immediate ed to throughout the County, 'fore I can proceed. " Quicker than a Perm Stoek•and other 8ales punettiallyettend- blackeateafflick its eir,"thefollowingimuth p.m. TAUEM A NIS Auction Mart. toibe desired eventswould be accomplished wfil • market Seuaae,thidench , facts. Wilco acquired and bound over From the Irish Times, Dee. 20. BAILIEDOROUGII, Saturday. This peaceful town and neighborhood has been thrown into the greatest possible excitement by an act of unparalleledcruel- +-.r which is about being perpetrated on Presbyterian elergyman, parish • Shircock, County Cavan. Derry, Dee. 16, 1869. We copy above one out of many instan- ces, transpiring at present In I reland. of heartless acts of tyranny perpetrated by landed proprietors. This " cruel ease" is one that ths Canadian public should be in- formed of; as it is on the Irish estate of Sir John Young, our Governor General, in Co. Cavan, that the outrage has been committed Irish Canadians will -expect to hear from Sir John Young whether the ejectrneut hag received his Excellencs 'a sanction, or if it is an exainple of the petty despotism which the agents of land -owners are too often ready to indulge in. Mr. Samnel Sloan, Produce Merchant, of this town, was intimately acquainted with the :parties concerned, and places the most implicit trust in the Rev. R. McCollum who writes the above letter.- Ed. Signal.' . THE POWER OF ADVERTISING.- MTh en trade grew slack, and bills fell due, the draper's face grew very blue ; his dreanis were troubled through the night, with sheriff's bailiffs all in sight. At last his wife unto him said, "Rise up at once, get out of bed, and get your paper, ink, and pen: and say these words unto all men,— Ittud laws ; give to the people the ballot; reduce expenditures, and diffuse educa- tion. Mr. Bright. on rising to address the meeting, was vehemently cheered. He thanked his fellow citizens for the resolu- tions, convey ing as they did an avowal of confidence in the giverninent. He be- lieved at the end of the next session of Parliament a similar vote would be earned and received. He proposed no retrospect; he preferred to look forward. Yet hy touched on the law in regard toconapoiind- ing rates, and alluded also to the disestab- lishment of the . Irish Church. On the latter measure he said liisc1nstttnetits had spoken loud enough for all tlo hear and for all to understand. It was one of the coin- pletest measures ever presented to the House of Commons, but a difficulty occur- red in a place to which all could go when in London -the House of Lords, a place of the greatest antiquity and of the great- est influence On this occasion there nas more passion displayed than is generally seen there, bringing the occupants of the benches to the edge of an ugly precipiee.. Passion, however, cooled, the wisest a e - fleeted, and, after mutual compliments and congratulations, the bill was passed by the Lords, who thus admitted that no institution, however ancient, grand itt701 historical it migtit be, is safe, if opposed to the convictions and voice of the people. Censidering the constitutional training of the peers. their friends might well rejoice that the Catholic grievauces were extin- guished. The Irish grievances only were left now He asked Parliament to do something now for the Irish Cathelics and law reform. The difficulties of the ques- tion appeared formidable at a distance, but were easily surmountable .m approach. The state of Ireland might be painted in a few words. The land had a few owners, while half of the population were tenants - at -will. The owners neglected tb cultivate the sod, but fully collected the rent. The industry, hotue and life of a tenant are at his mercy or that of his agents. The own- ers are of the same race as the occupiers of the soil; -the only difference between them is that of the treattneat of the law and politics. The Catholic tenant and the Peotestant owner might be friin Is aud yet feel the rule. Irish proprietorship la really confiscation, which is the result of conquest, and is only justifiable 41.8 con- quest. To this wrong penal laws have added vastla greater ones, 'Parliament is called upon to give rights to the tenants, but.save the property of the owners. All would be right if the Irish would be as eager for reform if they were landlords as if they were tenants. The reign of discord must be stopped; the three hundred thousand policemen and soldiers must be withdrawn from Ireland. The question was the hardest ever presented to the people or Parliament. The government was preparing measures of reform ; serious popular consideration was invoked -for them ; there was no party question te- speating it and a party fight would be un- patriotic. Nearly four years ago he had blamed Mr. Gladstone for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus He had also blamed Mr. Disraeli for not producing measures of amelioration. He knew that an unreformed Parliament must refuse action and therefore he pressed reform, a wider franchise and freer representation. Ecclesiasacal Escapade A WELL KNOWN CLERGrIIAN ELOPES WITH A Youno LADY OF HIS CONGRBas TION. (From the New Yu,* On Friday evening, a preminent clergy- man in this city, who has hitherto been deemed a godly man and true, appeinted a meeting with a young lady of his cougrega- tion, and itnmediatelAproceeded with her eoutewhither, but where no one knows. It is believed they left the eountry. The evening before this departure he packed his trunk, andailter hisfemily liqx1 a•tai supposing the good man of the &era, e preparing his sermon for Sunday,lii ee:ete ly took his trunk ont of the front dea . had it conveyed soinewhere, to au a t hia arrival the following night. Friday Vven ing he remained out quite late, and at midnight, as he had not returned, his wife became apprehensive of hie welfare. At about this time the mother of the yoting lady, who had not returned, also heard of her pastor's absence, and that fact, taken in connection nith the fact that for some time past he had been quite attentive to her denteiter, forced upon her mind the n npleasant belief that the missing parties had left in each other's company. Further revelations made the uncertain conjecture a veritable fact. Saturday, everything was quietly kept from all ears. But yesterday the flock gathered in their church without their shepherd. The bishop of the Diocese took the pulpit, and asin,)nnced the mysteriires disappearance to no one. A pretence was made for his absence. which satisfied the parishoners. The clergyman is well-known in the city, and his genial and courtly manners have an ide him numerous friends. He is a fine looking man of thirty years of age, tall,and possessed of magisterial dignity, n ,anakes him distineve. The lady is quite pretty, andbelongs to a higlily respectable and wealthy family. Her another had "My pods I mash to sell te you, and. to emidently intimated to her that the attin e - your wife and danghters too ; my prthins of the minister were more than aices he had, his hills are so very low, that each wdl buy before strictly pastoral ditty called for. but the - young lady heeded net. She (ince teld her they go.' " He did as his good wife:m:1- mother that the pastor was quite flattering came and bought of all were paid, bis dreams were glad ; and he harmful would grew out of it wasted, con - will tell you to this day, how tall did sid.ered, nor did it enter into their minds printers' ink repay. He told 'us with. a te comprehend. The clergyman has a wife knowing ink, how he was saved by pilli- on one of the tnost respectable and re- ters' ink. spected families in the place. belie his professiens. Never has his le me The Rev. Wm. Bell, a minister of the -Hair cloth skirts, to ta-ke the plate of been associated with anything that could blemish. His friends can dwell fin that hoops, have recently- been imported. only as a fond memory now. His wdeis General Assembly of the Presbyterian There is a flounce around the bottom, in great grief, and thinks that he must le Church, died in June last, in the eighty - round plaits, on all except the front bread - first year of his age, and the fifty-first of in I his ministry. His life was one of imarked th, and the upper part of the back has rolls temporarily insane, and that it is not the (i consistency, piety, integrity and benevol af the material, tor a quarter of a yard, hi development f an evil heart. . imitation of the bustle. ence. and, like the most of those who de and MO children, whom he prefessed love devotedly, and his actions dil not i the calls of charity, at the time of hie de- THE Betuauri MATew.-A telegram 1 ty, I Sir Samuel Baker, Lady Baker and par- 1Lanaein. They will cross the dos 'rt. left Cairo on 2nd Dec, en :Mite for mise he had hardly any means to bestow from 'San Francisco, to -day, says that upon those depending on him. . Deery won the great billiard match on the I The surviving members of his family, 8th inst Deery had 1500:points, and Dion ; Grisi, in the delirium of her hist houna consisting of two agedsisters and a niece- had 1492. sang Casta Diu% from Norma. _ a-41111 a vote themselves to their saorea office and