HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-01-13, Page 4s, +al a see/ As u Council, Mortuou Mgeseries. "A, . r4 ...VIM. The Council nit t this iloy (28th Dec..) A Salt Lake correspondent of the persilant t., eurtimeet. All the mem- has interviewed -a backsliding bent prescut. Minutes uf last meetitig ?sIorrnones9-an s Englishwoman -who were•rte: d and approved. Letters from gave lim full particulars of the 'Endow - T Hays, Esq., M. P. P., relative to the ment Ceremony,' undergone. by herself Fortr, e ere read. 1, ter from J S Parrister,Coitierich, in the and husband ( from whom, in consequence mat ter .4 Wm Hogan's assessment. Mev- cf his epolygarnous proclivities, she has ed 1,1 D M, L \ re, sec by Johnston. :ince departed,) sone months after join - that as Nell McKenzie has not finished his ing the community. The rite consists job ,n the load on aeeount of weather, he , mainly in a rigid ablutton fo the;whole be allowed to tinish it utxt smuttier, RHO tody, the operatnr repeating the while a foimula signifying that the patient was washed clean from the blood of this gener- ation, and should not, if she remained faithful,bemade a partaker in the plagues Tied. M" ed bv J J 1Iitfl, see. ny D about to scourge the earth. Having that he w not be paid any money on ac- count wotk uuril :t 15 tomplettd but th.et t, he be paid in full- (arried.- Moved by 1) ieEnvr, see, by A Fraser, that T .1''"Y:oor1ioese be paid $12 23- Csr-, McIntyre, that Sand McW Miley be re- -been at hist pronounced clean the latter had then ber head anointed with olive oil. poured from a large horn explained tn„be the horn of plenty,which,like the widow's. ornise of oil, should never fail as long as the ordinance should continue teb be ob- x•rvi.d. Eyes, ears, mouth, and other Onions of the body were likewise anointed, that the eyes might be quick to see, the ears to hear, the mouth to speak the Oiliness of eternal .1 fe, the feet swift to run in the ways of the Lord. A garment was then given her to put on, described as a sort of shirt and drawers all in one, made of unbleached eetton cloth, opening in frout from top te bottom, aud fastened together by strings. She was, cliapzed never to wholly r. wove th:s ve-tum but to change only one half at a time, and assured that, while weenie.; it and re- maining faithful, she shined h.. protected from disease, te ,1 that it Las lower even to turn the, bullets °eau 011,111y. ,I. )1' .v ed J J..liitstone, sec. by D Meanwhile the meidates of the op - funded one dollar dog tax, Imo me been assessed f..r a 11Og.i21-litaigh LniAtake-•- Carr. Moved 1 3 Johnston, sec. by 11Mcintyre, that C Dona Id, be paid '614 43 as chart - t'. - Carried. - Moved by A Fraser; sec. Patr:ce Clare, that the arrears of taxes chit get' 3:inist the following bits in PIrt A ibert. for tla: sear 1s65, or the year in which thev w ere bought by the_present owners. be tancelled, as chargim.; the same was A yiz : - lot 30.E Sydenham st. 41 E Ai-•117ir st, 41 W Arthur s. 25, 26, 27, J. F Huron st, 37, 38 W Huron st, 40 W Syili.atto st, 37 E Wellineton st, 27. 28. 23. 30 V Wellington st red. MOV (1 by Alex Fraser, sec. by D McIn- tyre, that the amount of back taxes charg- ed agamst Pat'k NIcC1 uire be sti tick utf as he holds a reeeipt in full for taxes up to. incinsit e for N of 9 and E. of WI S, con. 12- -C !med. Moved by J Johnstone, sec by D 1,..1ntyre, that the contract fur thesum o Cirt 111,'Lus to be o vended the 10:ii and 11t1 concessions. ' ' Kerry C7te.k,stantl ort•r nntlir.ext summer -Car- • • ff,^- • • 44.47,....,...".,41-,0,4.44.4.tall4r.....v.4.. . .0".•-•11 v4, 4.• • • FARM FOR SALE. W. & J, KAY, HAVE RECEIVED VELVETEEN & CLOTH JACKETS, oLoni BOOTS, .A.1%71173 351301.AT CONTMTELSSX14CUMES, WHITNE Y PETERSHAM & ASTRACAN CLOAKING %Tool Shawls, Extra 'Value, CI_AIJT .11 631 1.2i CS TN" rilr - A LOT OF REMNANTS AT COST, Pea-ja.ckets and Overcoati Cheap, Goderich, Nov. 29, 1869. w43-11 •, that all contracts nu6 nished in W.iril N 1 .41-111-d ,,ver not:1 Pext year, arid be will for a hen ti nished-Carried. Mov. ed oy A Fraser, sec. hy P Clare, that the back tae* cearged aga;nst N Austin for Ile year 1st:11 he struck otf as he paid the taxes for that year -Carried. Moved by Alex Fi-aser, sec by P Clare, that Mr (-ke oe paid the sum of ten dollars for h od at a li f r Council meetings for 1869 -Carried . nived by A Fraser, sec. by J J-linstone. that the sum of S3.30 be phi the widow of our late treasurer on account ..f loss bv discount on silver - • Carried. 31..ved by J Johnstone, sec by D Nicln-yre, that .T Co..ke be paid•i-.'3,60 for p. ettages-- Carried. 1fed by D Mc- Intyre, see. by P Clare, that this Council do now adjourn, sine' .1.:e -Carried, JOHN COOK E, Tp Clerk. ,•–••••••••—•... Afraid of Eirntelf. ' "You're a coward, Joe, or you'd fight Ben R swdy." " There's only one person in the world afraid of," said Joe, calmly.' " That's Ben Rowdv, tlren; for shame - he's no hi -iier than vois-... I'd thrash a fel! devil. He was dressed in a tight -fitting low quick, it he stole my knife, and then suit, of black velvet, fancifully ornament - lied to me about it."' • I ed, consisting Of a short jacket and knee " I told him what thought of him," said I breeches, cut in the Itaiian style, ei h Jee; "1 tl.•t know that it's my business ' black stockiiess and slippers. He at once to punish him. He'll catch it from his i proceeds to -make himself agreeable to father, though." I Eve, whom he meets.whiletaking a walk "It isn't fair to call Joe Dunn a coward," :posite sex were receivine the rite in an chember. A mutual present- ation taking place presenttY caused general atnusement from the eccentricity of the costunie-alniost the same in both cases -and the absurd appearance of the oily faces of everybody. Several of Brigiatip'S daughters were among the neophytes and giggled quite irrevereedy with the y ung men of their acquaintance. Suddenly a voice was heard speakieg to some person who misled, both being concealed from view. The voice was supposed to b. that of Elebim in conversai)on with Jehovah upoe the subject of the Creation. Out New York contenipotary gives fuil dL- tallsoItheecnversati011 which decent rever- euce compels us to omit. It is enough to say tlat Michael the Archangel, Adsm, Eve, the Tree, and the Devil are all brought on'in si quence, and lady speaks of the last named personage as follows: 'His Satanic Majesty is ably represented by W. W. Phelps, who looks every inch a spike up Ned Lamson, the smallest of the group of boys who gathered round the stove about -half an hoar before4ch ool. - "Don 't y At know how he thrashed Jitn Brass for tipping over Aunt Judy's apple - stand and poisoning her dog? Jim is a •od deal bigger than Joe." "No, it isn't fair," said several of the boys at once. "But who's that one person you are afraid of, .JoeT' • "The devil, I guess," cried one, and the boys laughed, as if they thought this an excellent joke. "Nu, I'm not afraid of the devil," an- swered Joe. The boys grew curious.. One little fel- low spoke up, timidly, "It must be God, then 1" "No, I don't mean that, either," re- plied the mysterious Joe; "of course I ought to be afraid to do wrong, but that's not being afraid of God, is it ?" The las7ys lookedpuzzled, and would have let the conversation drop, but Joe added, Why, you're not afraid of your mother, Ned Lainson ?" 'No, I love her too well to be afraid of her; how could L?" "That's just it," said Joe, 'love drives off fear:' "Come , come, we'll give it up, what is it you're afraid. of? tell us." "1 am most afraid of myself," said Joe. "Ha, ha, ha! what a joke. Afraid of himself ' Did you ever give yourself a - thrashing, Joe? Did you ever wrestle with Number One? Who fell under? A great ktke," and the boys began to go away. " Not so much of a joke, either,' said the schoolmaster, _who had just stepped in, and heard the questions put to the 'little preacher,' assome of his pupils called Joseph Dunn. 'Let me tell you how a lie,y can wrestle with Number One. It is nut easy to throw one's own bad temper. You know how angry Chauncey Grimes was the other day, because the shoemaker had made his boot% too small, so that he had to wear the old onessat his birth -day party. He went dowu to Mr. Crispin's de- termined to give him a large pieee of his mind. On the way he met little Billy Crispin trundling a load of 'turnips in that rickety cart he thinks so much of. 'Nov here's a chance, I'll bring those turnips to a jolly market.' It was Chauncey's worse aetf that said that,or as Ned Lamson would veil it, •N nmber One. But Number Two's better.self spoke np. ;Yon have no right to tease Billy on account of hie father's mis- take in your boots.' 'I don't care,' said Number One. '1 guess Old Crispin will swear and break his awl when he finds out that I can lick Put Billy.' (Pet Billy was a nickname which the boys had given the eon, bemuse the father boasted rather too much about him before the little fellow's companions.) 'How mean to tease a boy who's smaller than you, and can't defend himself.' said Number Two. 'Better save your spunk, and spend it on a boy of your own size.' This rather touched Cbann- cey's pnde, se he hurried past the eart without even joggling it. That was some- thing gained for Chauncey's better self,ntit Number One was not yet thrown. All the way- to the ihop his worse half tried re nember something saucy to say to the - shoemaker, while Number Two kept say- ing. 'He that ruleth his spirit is geater than he that taketh a city.' - As Channegy came near to the shop. Number Two, said, 'Dobe a little gentleman,' eued Number One was fairly stripped and fell under. " Good morning,Mr. Crispin. You have made my bootstuo stnall; can youalterattem right away? Yes, my little gentleman, right away.' "Chauncey did not know whotheeerMr. C. was joking or not, for it was only a moment since he had given up hiseplan, - which was to be very surly. But he ^is proud of being called a.`little gentiiman,' and determined from that day forward to do his btet to deserve the title. But he very often remembered how near he cauie to being a little scapearace, and this made hirn afraid of himself." "Oh, yes, I sae," said Ned Lamson 'look out far 'Number One means te; manageone's own temper. When a, fellow gemmed, but keeps it under,he licks him- self." • in the garden. He flatters the unsophic- sticatea" Eve terribly, and as this is some- thing which she has not been accustomed to receive from Adam, she seems to rather like it, and evidently considers the devil a splendid sort of a tellow.' Finally ail sorts of oaths are taken to obset ve poly- gamy, and feafful penalties -invoked upon ' disobedience, and mysterious symbols of reminder givi n and explained. The 'Third degree of Melchisedech priesthood' is the final stage, in which representatives of the clergy of all Christian denomana- times are confounded by toe Devil who makes them squabble horribly, but is in turn driven out lie, Peter and James_ and John. Lastly a new name from the Scrip- tures is whispered in the name of each, who is charged never_ to reveal it, except, that a wife may do so to her husband. The name given to the narrator was Leah. Husband and wife then_ clasp hands across the altar and are sealed thenceforth tor time and eternity. Such is a brief abstract of a marvellous story. The mysteries of Isis or of Eleu sis, or the sacred ceremonies; of the Stria Dea, probably never presented anything half so grotesque and revoluting. It is difficulty td believe that Egypt, Greece, or Rome, could have in their worst dais of superstition furnished any prototype of.such mummery as dis- honours America. It is only to be heped that the days of Mormonism are already numbered, and that the Pacific Railroad is to prove the true herald of decency and enightenmeeit, before which such noisome ribaldry shall bo swept from the New World for ever. 4;0 AT A DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT,' MANTLT1S, MANTLE CLOT Ha SH AWLS CO 0.3 coa . AT -A REDUCTION OF TEN PER ('ENT. 4•=4**mam•••••11•114.444.• J. C. DETLOR & Co.'s GRAND HOLIDAY'S SALE .A.'T TII 3 11/: 15 OR117 FOR ONE IVIONTH. 1_1 _Lit S S GI- 0 O S ▪ Great Bargains in Prints, ET) Ehirtings, tti tIlli Pz) Flannels. tri F-3 and Blankets. 0 P, 'READY-MADE CLOTHING, 0 Towellings, PiIlow Cottons. — 'D At 10 per cent discount. Just received a lot Of Canada Satinetts 113 • at 50 cent.' per yard. The sale will be during this month. Bar- • cnies will be given. Just opened a great quantity of _ Star CHRISTMAS P1R.T_TI'l'S -eax We call special attention to our Tailoring Department. Having secured a first class Cutter we are prepared to execute all orders in the most fashionable styles. J. C. DETLOR & CO Goderich, D'ac. 3, 1869. 61) GODEItICIR WOOLEN FACTORY, New Marble Works VICTORIA ST., GODERICH. (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) 4 iNG-LAIS Sr SONS, ESPECT FULLY intimates to farmers and others that they are prepared to fill LI) all orders in ROLL CARDING, MANUFACTURINC, • Cloth Dressing, Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satinetts, Fulled Cloths, Winceys, Frahnels, Blankets, On the shortest' notice. Parties wishing to exchange their wool for good ltome made goods, will find it to their interest to give us a call. as we are satisfied we have the goods you require. Parties coming from a distance with wool to get carded way in nearly every iiistance rely on getting their wool home with them the same day. ter AU. WORK WARRANTED. Goderich Woolen Factory, June 8th, 1869. wil A..I.J4Jhnston - UONUMENTS., HEADSTCNES, I able 111 tops, Posts, Ste ,Tombs, of every descrip tion and style of workmanship, furnished on short notice and at the lowest prices. Libe ral reduction made for cash. All orders punctually attended to. Deeuns of MOP ments, dice may be seen at I -he -shop. Goderich, Dec. 19,1865. w47.1 30 WI' .A.13IXIFJr) 1E107. THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY. 6, HOSPITAL STREET, MONTREAL.. METE continued successrof this Company us only attributable to the 09.14 and purity of their Teas. Over a kart - d red thousand boxes of Tea have been sent to different parts of the D•tini °ion, and upwards of a thousand testimonials can be shown. bcaring testimony to the quality and purity of the Tea. A great saving can be effected by purchasing direct from us, mutes of 5 and 12 lbs. ,and upwards. Every package warranted to give satisfaction. C I ub together and send for four or five 51b,catties. which will be sent carriage tree to any Railway Station M the Dominion. The money can be collected on detiverv.• ra- Try our tresh ground steam Roasted Coffee, in 5 and 10Ib. tins and upwerds; the flavor of which is wally excellent. and every package warranted. licr 20Ibs. Tea and 5 or 10Ibs. coffee, sent to any Railway Station carriage free. Tea and Coffee delivered five tunes daily in the city. • 131_4A_CIK English Breakfast. Broken Leaf, strong Tea. 45c., 50. •, Fine Flavoured New Season do. 55e., 60c. and 65. ; Very tieu Full Flavoured do 75c. ; Sound Oolongl 45c. : Rich Flavoured do 60c. ; Very fine du do. 75c.' ; Japan,Good h0c.. 55e., Fine 60c., Very Fine 65e., Fincserfic. Gr- 'FEA.. NEW LAYER RAISINS FOR CHRISTMAS, NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS FOR CHRISTMAS, -NEW VALENCIA RAISINS FOR -CHRISTMAS, NEW CURRANTS AND PEELS FOR CHRITMAS, NEW UGARS, TEAS, S'2ICES, &c:, FOR CHRISTMAS, YOU_ CAN GET - A.r.jr jut )3120 litswrIZANNTScF01 s$7.11. s_ptjyti3767 • 11 lbs VALENCIA_RAISINS FOR R. B, SMITH. Goderich, Dec, 21, 1869.- Tvrankay 50, 55, 65; Young Hyson 50„ 60, 65, roc.: Fine -do. 75c,; Very Fine 85ct ; Superfine Choice $i; Fine Gunpowder 85..,; Extra Superfine do. 61. 4DCoFFEE. No. 1, 30c. ; No. 2, 25c. ; No, 8, 20e. ; No. 4, 15c. per lb; A. I( A. 11, S JR, i 1_. • The Montreal Tea Company :. Montreal, 1868. GENTS. -11 is nearly a year since 1 purchased the 'first chest of Tea from your house. I have purchased many ',ince, and 1 ani pleased to itiforin you that the Tea in every case proved most satisfactory, as well as being exceed- ingly cheap. Yours very truly, ' F. DENNIE. and Very • Montreal Tea Company: Gernmemsec-The 'fea 1 purehased of you it March has given great satisfaction, and the flavour of it is very tine. It is very strange, hut since I have been drinking your Tea 1 have been quite free from heartburn. which would always pain Inc after breakfast. I attributed this to the purity of your Tea, and shallcontinue a customer . 7ours respeetifully. FRANCIS T. GREE 154, St John Street. Montreal, Montreal, April, 1868 -To the Montrd Tea Company 6 Hospital treet, Montreal :-We notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we have fonvarde for you to different parts of the Dotninion, and we, are glad to find your business so rr drily increaslng. We presume your Teas are giVinggebeialsatisfaction, as out of two large amount forwarded we have only had occasion the return one box, which we understand, was Beet out through a mistake. G. CHENEY, Manager Canadian Express Cb. Montreal Tea Company: GENIEHEN -The box of EtorlishIBreak rest and Young You may expect my future orders, Yours, &c., House ofSenate, Ottawa. Hyson Tea which you sent oie gives great satisffiction. SKINNER. FOR SALE. rrHAT EXCELLENT ',LOT OF WILD LAN -DS, 1 known as lot 33, con. 6th, East Wawanosh, con- taining 100 acres of excellent land, well watered There is a large creek running through the north end. and it -small one through the south end, also, several never -failing springe : it is half a mile from Short's Saw Mill, and 5 miles from Meth, for sale very cheap, apply to MR. ARMSTRONG, Goderieh. Goderich, Sept. 7, 1E69. - • rieware of Pedlars and runners using our name, or offering our Teas in small paCkages, Nothing less than a catie sold bY this company. NOTE THE ADDRESS. The Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal gg" Silver taken atpar. For Notes and Pas Ogle° Orders the Compauy will add the premiumf .n Tea to th Montreal. April I, lgfie w37.1y,- THE STANDARD LIFE MERANO CONPY ) Tstablisii.ed 1825. 0 ivITH which is now unded the Colonial Life Assurance Company. Head office for TY Canada: Montreal, -Standard Company's Buildings, No. 47 Great St. James Street. Manager -W. M. Ramsay. Inspector -Richard Bull. ACCUMULATED FUND $20,000,000. ANNUAL INCOME ...„. 2,500,000. Tte Company having deposited the sum of 8150,000 with the Reeeiver General, in conformity with the insuratice Act passed last Session. Assurances will continue to be carried out at moderate rates and on all different systems in practice. Referees :-Dr. McDougall, Dr. McMicking, C AME into the enclosure of the subseriber on or about the first of September last a Steer rising 2 years old, spotted red and white. the top °Tone ear eut off, and a split in the other The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take him away. - Colborne, part of Fit and 2nd eon. near Mantandville. NEIL bleQUARIE. December 7t11.1869, w47 3t• vol. xxi No. 49. C.A.LLOWAY, Jr.! . Agent for Goderich. NEW STAND, NEW GOODS! INT -vvr 0 THE NUMBER ONE GROCERY STORE: NTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT APPLICA tion will be made to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, at the SeSSiOn thereof next after the expiration of six months from the date of this notice by Robert Sharinan, of the Town of Goderich. in the County of Huron, for a Bill of Divorce from Matil- da Sharman, formerly Matilda Borland and now called Tillie Hunt, on the ground of adultery. Dated at Goderich, the 6th day of October, A. D 1869. CAMERON & GARROW. w38-tf Solicitors for applicant CARDS k BILL -HEAD Plain and: Fancy, Printedatt City Rates AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. The Chief Onus° of Idiocy. Visiters to the Earlswood ldiot Asylum and persons who read the reports of that valuable institution, will have gained some acquaintance with the exceedingly curious species of physical degeneracy known as 'permanent childhood.' Imagine an in- fant, pure and simple, of the mature age of twenty-two years, perfectly formed, but in vrowth, intellect, and tastes exactly *re- sembling a eltild of twelve months. Some remarkable particulars with regard to this were given by Dr. Langdom Down at a meeting of the Pathological Society. An illustrative case was exhibited -that of a child of five years,which had intellectually and physically the condition of nine months. This case, Dr Down remarked, sag a typical one of a class,all the members of which possess the same characteristics, •and form la sort of natural family. He stated that he had sen a 'permanent in- fant' of upwards of twenty years of age, just able to-sland by the side of a chair, uttering monosyllabic sounds, amusing it- self with toys, and. otherwise comporting itelf exactly as an ordinary child would, that was making its first attempts to speak and walk. The doutor has a theory of his on-andhe is eutitled, front is experience in such matters, to form one -as to the cause of this extremely curious and pain- ful s.pecies of degeneracy. All suchchildren he has found are the offspring of habitually drunken' fathera-the 'arrest of growth -Slid development' is the result; and thus, in the tnost literal sense, the 'iniquity of the father is visited upon the children.' Those gentlemen who are waging deadly warfare with -the alcoholic 'monster' ought to be grateful to Dr Down for the sharp Etrrow which he has added to their already well -furnished quiver.-Birmingfium.Daily Post and Journal A young contemplating matrimony was one nen ning handed a testament by her father, with the leaf turned down at the following patssage ; 'He who. giveth jn marriage doeth well, but he who giveth not in MaTristgo u.'oeth better.' Shekimediate- Iy returned it with the fellowmg reply written underneath : 'Dear father, I am content to do weil ; let those do better who 4r ANOTHER SEARCH FOR LEICHARDT, THE AusTamaAN ExpLokza.-7The Melbourne Age says few months since some blacks in Western Australia told a story of the -death in the wilds of two white men and their guide an aboriginal. Believing thesemight be the remnants of Leichardt's party, Mr. John Forrest was sent out by the government of Wept Australia to see if he could find any traces of them. Again has the enterprise been unsuccessful,- and, as before, no foundation whatevercould be _found for the story., Indeed,the adven- turous little band had a narrow escape from destructibn ,themselves, the natives they metbeing savage and unapproachable. In theirjeurney they camped on theshores of a. dry salt lake, which extended beyond the line of vision, and is situated in twenty- eight degrees fifty-eight minutes fifty seconds S., ansione hundred and nineteen degrees. tlurtyrnme.mmutes...E. Thus the fate of lieinhardt still remains a mystery; and we have now -real cause .to fear that it will never in our aye, be solved.' . • gessemegmannengsnalE1111•111111111IIIIIM PARKER & CATTLE WOULVESPEC1AL1Y CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY VY to their superior stock of TOM.ACCOES, aret, Also havine just received a le-ge supply of WINES Az LIQUOkIS, Take great pleasure in recolmending them for p.urity and flavor, which cannot be surpassed fur medical or family use. PARKER & CATTLX5._ tf Godericb Nov, 30, 1869. BROWNE'S METALLIC WEAMEll STRIPS a. IV 3:1 WINDOW BANDS ! ToTtrLY, oefieelvt ledr Oy CdOe , .Won. , and ipti IIT hese inAvIalluabaiensf!rilisUST from Doors x-x.a.Nrxrq•or "tc:)c)ci the via For Seven Years On some of the finest public and private buildings in the United States= and Canada, need no further recommendation. StrPrincipal Depot 234 Broadway, New York. o. H, GARDI-NER & GO., Market Squire, Goderich, Ont., Agenvor Huron and Bruce. w43tf Goderich, November 16th, 1869. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ) P &ERRE, & 'CATTLE, OULit CALL THE ATTENTION OF THEM NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS TO their Urge assortment of 0 'aigemla 0 i. FJE 11G US OW, Farm for Sale. TWO rirNDRED ACRES. T oTs 2 AND 3 CON. 5TH. TOWNSHIP OF GREY, JJ 22 acres cleared, new frame lionse,24x1h, 16 storeys log barn, new. 2i- miles from A inley vine. 176 front sea - forth, on the gravel road. one half niile from le hool, one half mile from saw and grist mill at A ; well watered by spring creek, and ery valuable 5,-1- ber, both pine and cedar87 per a. -re will be acct -pt - ed and time given if requireAl. Apio G. M. TRCEM A N, Valuator for the Trust & Loan Company, Goderieh Goderich Nov. 12, 1869. w48 TIAT superior Fatm, Lot 16, 6th con. E. D. Co borne, 74 acres of land, 60 acres of which are cleared, well watered by a living creek, and bounded by the River Maitland. Good log house and frame barn 34x25. v ith a good orchard op the premises. Situated one mile from the village of Manchester, 11 miles from Goderich and 12 miles from Clinton. The property is a desirable investment being on the County Gravel Road and posse.ssinga superior mil privilege on the River Maitland. Apply to G. MiuTeittiuonEemeraz' Land Agent, Goderich .April 24,1869 w-13-tf lti;•; EED NOT TELL HIS OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS THAT HE ALWAYS BEEPS MOV V0 FOR LI ward, enlarging his stock, increasing his facilities, and, as far as Compatible with maintaining the well known superior quality of his goods, 1...owering his Prices.. His business luiving grown year by year, the increased:amount he turns over, enables him to teduce the per centage of profit. The large patronage he has received. induces him to believe that he COMPARES FAVORABLY WITH ANY STORE IN THE SAME LINE. To enable him further to enlarge his business and accommodate his friends he has rented and fitted up in th most convenient manner _ • The Large Brick Store in Horton's Rock Hamilton Street (DETLOR'S OLD ST.ANID) Where he expects to see the old familiar faces, and would solicit an inspection from tho3e who have uot already dealt with him. He has on hand Vases . Combs, Brushes. Perfumery,‘ • Toilet Preparations, &c., Whick they will sell at a veretemall advance upon cost. . PARKER & CATTLE, w21.tt Goderich, Nov. 30th, 1869. AN UNSURPASSED STOCK OE TEA THE BRIGHTEST SUGAR EVER OFFERED, ALL THE FAVORITE BRANDS OF LIQUOR, rri W I 1ST 1E7,, ti.i PORTER. UNRIVALLED SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. And all the other necessaries of housekeeping. The assortment of Crockery, Lamps, &e. is ,Nfensive and varied. embracing everything from ornamental China to plain and useful stoneware, all fi -an los enlarged accommodation, is so displayed that every variety eau he seen at a glance. trr Particular attention is paid as heretofore, to the lrlour and freed department. D. F., for the convenience of his country customers, has laid in a stock of srrJL.41 13r1. -v- 42:1-t.)011S, • Such as Plain Dress Goods, Cottona, Flannels, Skirtings, Prints, .Sc.. &e..ivhich will he found excellent in quality and reasonable in price. 117. Farm Produce, as usual, taken in exchange for goods at Cash value • D, F. ventures confidently to assert that of all who come to see him NONE WILL GO AWAY DISSATISFIED. Goderich, Sept. 9th, 1869. 41111111111111111011111311Will• • w33 THE IFORONTO 1E4 COMPANY! CIOLICIT ALL WHO WISH TO GET GOOD TEAS PT TAB LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, TO GIVE THEM A 0 trial, feeling assitred that their superiority will be seen at once. Wh'ere 15 lbs. is ordered, the same is sent carriage paid, and it not remitted for before hand, can be paid to the express agent on deliv4ry. Families in the Country supplied by the Toronto Tea Company with Teas at wholesale prices. They have only th try them to see the say Ing to be effectea, and be sure of getting genuine good Tea pure as imported, se- VMS TRY THEM -at Any one can get up a Club and send the names, with the kind and quality of Tea each member waits. They are put up in any size of package with each member's name on them, and where the total quantity orr ered is not less than 15 lbs., it is smt, all in one box. to the club agent, carriage paid to any railroad depot in Ontario. KINDS AND PRICES • .331seek Teas- Congous. 45c. 50e. shc, 65c, 70c, 75c, 80e, and 90c. - Souchodg, 50e, 55e. 60e. 70e. 75e, 60e. and 90e* English Breakfast, 50e, 55e, 60e. and. 65c. Very Fine Oolong, 70e. ()range Pekoe, 70e, 80e.— Green Teas -Young Hyson, 50e, 55e, 60c65c, 70c 75c, 80c, 85e. 90e, and $1. Gunpowder, 80e, 90e, and $1. Imperial, 800. 90c, and $1.— J apan Teas -Uncolored. 50e 55e, 60, 65c, 70c, and 80. -It being poor economy to use lower grades of Teas than the above, we prefer to confine ourselves on12( to Teas which we know will give satistaction to consumers. THE BEST COFFEE. And the cheapest is to be had from the Toronto Tea Company. All whb lave tried them are loud in their praise. Combining great strength and flue flavor, and not being mixed with any unwholesome ingredients, they go much further and please better than much of the Coffee now ofiered to the public. r•R,IuintSI-20e, 25e, 30c, and 85e, per lb. Put up also iu tins of 10 and 20 lbs. WHAT -THE PRESS 'SAYS The Globs of August 6th says :-It wi 1 be seen that the Toronto Tea Company are prepa ed to supply families in the country in clubs with ttas and coffees, In such quantities as individuals may r4quiro at a time; and where the total quantity ordered by a.club is 15 lbs and over, that the Company forward tlle same free of expense 10 any railroad station in Ont4trio. By thie means any one can be supplied as cheaply as if they bought from the Company•personally inI Toronto. We may mention that theToronto Tea Comp ny aredoing a very heavy business, and stand well in the estimation ofour citizens ; and the large business they are doing may betaken as the best evidence that ltho people are wellsatisfled with what they purchase filoni them. We -feel pleasure in saying that any busin s which our readers may have with the Company ma be done with the fullest confidence. The Telegraph says :-TheToronto Tea Pompany have sold Teas atsuch astonishing low prieed, and of such excellent quality, that all who invest tharein have re- turned thoroughly satisfied. If they de not snit you, we do not know who can.d- WHAT itHE'PEOPLE SAY IN ' THE Err", : It is no uncdmmon thing for the customers -of the Toronto Tea Company in Toronto, to admit at the Tea we sell at 60e, ix just as anodes they used to pay 75c, and 80e, for elsewhere, othenteg,ain declaring that the fine tea we sell at $5e, is as good as -they used to pay $1 00 forper lb. in other stores. The -reason is we sell at wholesale prices. , IR COUNTRY. Out of many letters of sindlar import we publish the following extractst) show how our Teas are liked in the country. LANARK, omario, 10th Ang., 1869_ " The tea that we received from -you is giviir, every satisfaction. All are well pleased with it I exTieet to have another order next week." .Ahneyvitte,iltit June. 186 "The 85e Tea received from -ye -6 gives very good saai faction, and was all disposed ofthis morning. All srho have tried it are willing th buy it, if' the quality is Its good in the next lot, now ordered." The same partywrites again on llth August, as fol- lows : "Every one that tried the Tea, liked it very mueb in- deed; also the Coffees." The Toronto TeaCompany guarantee to give entire satisfaction to all Purchasers or return the money Address- all urders tc Sept. 20th 1810, THETORONTO TEA'COMPANY Ise, YOUNG STREET, TORONTO. the Las Succem IMPROVED ILFAIR RESTORER RAIR DRESSINg Awotyie in oneBoide BY ITS USE Gray er Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. rt will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. Et will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediatelyChecked. gold by all Druggists. Price One Dollar. Manufactured by S. R. TAN DOZER & CO. Wholesale Diuggiets, 35 Barclay Street and 40 Park Place, New -York, and 266 High Holborn, London. Eno. FARM FOR SALE. T OT 10, CON. 10, W. D. COLBORNE. 100 ACRES, II 90 cleared, good dwelling house. frme 22x36. with a ememochous kitehen attaehetialso good barn and shed accommodation, good bearirg oreliard, well watered by two creeks running through the farm, and good wells One mile from gravel load. 5 miles from Goderieh. For partieulars,apply on the premises to undersigned, or to Mr. D Ferguson, grocer Godmich. C STEWART. Octobar lith 1869. wafi-tf To SELL OR RENT! 'THE WEST HALF LOT NUMBER EIGHT, 1 fourteenth concession ot Huliett, OD the boundary line between Blytk and Walton, Post Office each way. Good hardwood land, wel watered ; thirty acres elearance. Seventy seven acres and a halt in all. Well fenced. Fiat turther particulars apply to .hose on the ,prennses. .EIA.N KI N LAWSON. Mnv 27th, 1867. rata Farm for Sale. T OTS 53 and 54, Hayfield Concession, In the 14 Township ot Goderich Containing 68 acres, of these over 50 acres cleared with good Frame Barn, and Log House, about 21 miles from Clinton. For 7hrees of sale apply at tbe Division Court.office at Goderich, or to Mr. WIGUING TON on the premises. Goderich. Ont.Sept. 21, 1868. w35 u. FARM FOR SALE. TIRE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE. LOT 3 j. 10th con., township of Ashfield E 0, si mil, from the Northern Gravel Read, eontaining 80 acres well watered. There is 60 aere.= at, ..-^d under mites, tion. 25free froin stunipe 1 end log barnem, orchard of assorted fre, t I • . 7, one half cask balance in four years. 111601 G RI FFI N , Belfast P, 0, w38 -21n• STOP AID SEE. October 141h, 186.- 1 8 6 z IMomminom.1 DIVISION COURTS TIMES FOR HOLDINGIDP7ISI0N COURTS IN THE COUNTY OF HURON IN 1869. let DiVision, Godench, Wednesday 24th Novem, 6th ,‘ Dungannon. Thersday 25 •• t c• Hayfield, Friday 26 41h cl Wroxeter, Thursday 30 2nd sealonh, Wednesday let December 3rd tg Clinton, Thursday 2nd (.? 5th a Exeter, Friday 3rd • The above Courts except the 1st Division will Open at 10 a m ; the let Division Will open at 9 a m (Signed) S BROUGH, J. C. C. Huron. Certified DAN. LIZA ftS, Clerk of the Peace, Huron. Uoderich, I3th July, 1869 w47 Tfollowing remarks -on_ Testimonials' oi most wonderful and extraordinary cures in Cana& by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stern, un deniable and ineontestible facts. sufficient to convince the most skeptical that the Great Medicinal Compoun- anted after for ages is UOw accessible in the Great SHOSHONEES REMEDY JUST ARRIVED. MADAME TAYLOR for Diseases of the 'I hirett_jsungs, Liver'Digestive Organa, Kidneys, &c., as w ell as Scrofula, tne various Skin Diseases, Humors, and all diseases arising from impurities of the Flood, we boldly state thtt this_great remedy has NE'VER BEEN EQUALLED. Where Was there ever such a cure as Mat in the person ol Wilson Storms of Brighton, C. W., of Consumption ; or that ocPeter C. V. Miller, .Earnestown, C. W., of Con- sumption, or that of Ambrose Wood,ofCansecon, C.W., nf Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Elosey. of Napanee, C. W. of Rheumatism, who had Store a.ctually been on crutches tears, in spite of all treat - mem heretofore. and is now well.Scores of such cases umnil r3..qg eh sb t Call ei al; tt octnheneed Drughailtheat ewspace.sread get a Circular oi on the GREAT 8E108. BONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and satisfy your selves. Price of the Remedy in large pints SI ' jer For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medi eine. Agents for Goderteh, F. Jordan and Parker hi Cattle WHOLESALA 2E nGroAE:NoTILNST11.00N.. LYM AN, ELLIOTT & Co. DUNSPAUGH & WATS0ie, t J. WIPiER & Co., nommoort & STARK, r.liteKtes & SON, . El AMIINON & On With Her Great European Herb Remedy THOSE silflerine witi.Consumption.lthetima- tism, Dyspepsia, headache, Loss of Ap- petite, Bad Digestion, Catarrh and Noeies in the Head. are advised to try this Remedy, in Bilious, Liver. and Stomach Complaint. it suc- ceeds when others fail, tuf ever and ague, cold sweats and chills. it WM never kno am to fail. ttecommended by Physicians throughout Europe. This is no humbug as one bottle of her medicate will prove • Do not suffer when you can get ease, by consulting Madame Taykir, at room No 8, Colborne Hotel, Codench. Ladies unable to call will be attended at then own homes. (..1-'odech. 10th Aug. 1858. w 29 To Messrs. CFIAMBERiAIN SILLS, Conway P. 0.. County of Lennox,Ontario Canada. f Feed! IFeed.1 TtTST1R,M0MI77-MD AT Shephard & Strachan's, 20 TONS OF BRAN, SHORTS Et WHICH THEY WILL Sell Cheap for Cash. Goderich. June 7th 1869. w19-tf MADoe. County of Hastings, Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1868. TMIS is to certify that during the winter of 1866 1 was taken with a weakness of the aneles, which gradually, cueing the spring of 1867, extended to my kuees, and on up to mils laps, and I became so weak that 1 could not walk, but was confined to my chair. Far about two years. while this weakness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sought medical advice, emuloy- ing, at dittereut times. three doctoie, ani medicines of different kinde, prescribed by friends, bi- tof no avail 1%ontinued beget worse and worse. until the summer o11868, when I was induce to try t he great Shoshoness Remedy by re,ading theeures °ruled, in a pamphlet. At this time I had begun to fee the weakness in my hands; in feet I was getting altubst helpless. 1 have taken two bottles of the Sh shoness Remedy and two boxes of the pills and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn hope This case of mine was ncia a private one.but known to di my neighbors and friends •; and to any One tarticled as I was, J have only e Shoshoness Remedy : I believe it will eter:aioutry th . MARY ANN DOUGHTY. Sworn to before me at Madoe, County of Hastings, this 9th day of February, 1869. A. F. Worm, J. P.&, Thereby certify that I have known Mrs Mary Ann Doughty for the laid fifteen years ; she is a woman or probity and truth. I have known her before, during, and since her illness. I believe her certifie.ate to be true in every particular. 1 know that while ill hercase was i1' -dared hopeleas ; and I know that alie ha,,. since her reeorery, always attributed her recovery te the Shoshonees Remedy. Whatever may be the peculiar proprieties atlas medieine, one tither is certain, that in her case it has acted almost likelihernj rofn onapnee of a miracle. i Warden o lthe County of Hastings, Province of Ontario .Dominionof Cana& w33 ly GODERICH PETROLEUM COMPANY TtE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLD- ers of the Goderich Petroleum Company for the election of directors for the ensuing year, will be held in the Town Hail on the second Monday in January, (the 10th) at half -past 7 o'clock p. in WM. CAMPBELL, &enter Goderich, Dec. 21st. 1669. w48 - MONEY TO LEND. A T REASONABLE RITES of interest, and on'i bk. daysnotiee by .7. el. SINCLAIR, Barrister, &c.,0 oderich Tanuarv 19th, 1869 w51 DOMINION -SALT COMPANY THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD- ers of the Dominion Salt Company will be held In M C Cameron's office. on Monday January 10th 1870, at half -past seven o'clock p m J A likKELLAR, Secretary Goderich, Dee. 23rd, 1869 w40 -4t 'NEW CABINET AND UPHOLSTERING S BP, WEST STREET, OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, GODERICH. ERIC McKAY, "WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN- T,' nounce that he has opened a new shop in the above line el, W, ,• street, opposite tin Bank of Montreal. wit, i•• le v.;;1 keep constantly on hand ern:take to FURNITURE CIF ALL KINDS. Haring on hand alm atiertment of Upholstering material, he pr, pared 10 1111 promptly all orders in that line A quantity of Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings on hand. Picture Framing to Order. Ir2" He trusts by strict attention to businrss to iner mdiare of public patronage. Godefich. Nov 17, 1869. w44-tf NEW PATENT 1=2, STRACHAN & McK NNON, BLACKSMITI18, Nelson street, Goderieh, wonld intimate to farmers and others that. having pur- chased therightfor Carter's Hay Lifter, they are now prepared to furiash them at $5.00 each. The are made in a neatand substantial manner. end have given great satisfaction to those who have used them. An agent vrill be out for the sale of the lifter in • days. Goderich. Jan. 25th. 1869. IN-SURAN-CE• Fire) Marine and Life Insurances EFFECTED ON REASONABLE TF0111S. Office -Key's Block. corner Court House Square and Wes: St.. Gosh -rich, C. W. JOHN HALDAN, .711. Agent Goderich, 27th Sept.,1866. w36ti -t• f w. 3X, ?..Iito R. 4s...NTN- 1112.00 .0.171/3 MY!. _ 0115iiieSS D. SUTHE DE A LEI Coal. Lumber, Sibiu yAR.Ds' at the Hari end Waterl toStreets. 3.1 street, 10 rear of the yard.' Godench. Nov. 5th, 156 HAZLE4URE Avonoi COMISSION AG Crabb's Block, (Van: 'KINGSTON STRE; 0 N T A el. Sales in town an attended to Goderich July 12th M 4C) 1N AT IJIIG-i-iP F•M LENT ON. 31( Apply at Chancery and Law °Es Goderieh. Goderich. March Rth, Money to Loll/101 APPRAISER to theTru oat pper -Canada. -1. M. nu *e. Mar TO sees swam II I Tlet ill flw Town °Model-. Brick Cottnae withr, lara; of good Land Vor.particulart W. D Gaderieh Sept. `Nth 1869 MONEY TX EASY Goderieb, Jan. 14th ConamereSuIllote [WIN FLICKS, Prop J argest a url best Conti Ocinada.and cnarges aa in Mitchell . Stage Proprie 100 Horses Horses and C Siortiest Notiee., ClighP LANDS IN TOWN OF C LOTS 1223,1324 & 1334, $tail Lots 2 and 3 in exit: A. E Township of Woonnosh, Nor 100. Township of Ashfield. of South f lot 1, con. 4, W. Apply to T11051Al. Gederiels. Dee. 18t10 11868. REMO AI A.I G- niElE Subscriber having ret I occupied by A Naystrailk, Post ()thee, wishes to shank li or the liberal support with o him for the last 25 years, and no effort win be spared to mer patronage, his .ansions study Wateb.es Cloaks which will give smisfacatou to work has been done In alysal on having it well executed. IV- A good assortment of Watches. &Incite 4 e.. altvaya ALEX 1 Goderieh Oct 26th 1868. PINE LI LATE ttst] Tap subscriber 13118 nel 1,500,000 Fee . ..9../5 PINE & CEDE I which he is TO SELL IN LARGE AT T Lowe3t Rate eV- Apply at the Detlor & Co's. store. .TAMES etaterieh,lilar le. 3169. Middlesex MICE desig,n of this (militia in short time and at o alinnicerlitiessapu,w inietorititt,o -gei.vo.,7 ts.,t 'Inc Winter Tem will e•-er mC4ttaters.eis-lae7s10/1;.*:praFirt"irc'ree,tra(.71:iiritettarril‘ti nitudent, are o.:JArge4 tro LsnPir Ol • Te.s2t Nowt Sem mass:Ate- Eight palm- teaehkain Botea E 4.; Three vere 6•11, -1,.--) aud f tee lie tea,13 in A,: Eotoolia, tat, Nos 1 ATOTICE. -A not, made n Ada,. Mericav for 61.1 last, ham in:, been lo•ii oitp • against 11-.401.4. oig s:•cm Ulster, Stli Doc -,18"Y). Farm fc TqE sub.:ember oilers for 0 Ashtiel.i. f•st,, C071t4fItHif: 1,0 ta'1,4S tri e4,13 i • hopped I,J aert ant? liar Iwo si A nee f ara i,l ut. gaa4 Pro, € eras for ha d fr.r.n The orop,et,•,. 0 2111, N.di le1. V. 4}