HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-01-13, Page 3*ij 1`• • at, "t e , s 4. obi ; • • .. _ . by the 2,11th 1st -ale -se' :Lae Mary of 1st • _ , • it or - •-,01 • . t: . It 3 • • • LS • '‘,.• • ••• - ft..1 le4e4s1; ,•• e C. E -e;edy . • i I. :tie se tars ..Se• _ - F. prin VI !el RUP. , _ -tea - • - .spe Ag, :_' 144 II D44. • -, • -- Y rk. tee Baleam of Wild Cherry - - .e. - •acee ce1. prated salve. • _ A , : - • ts e - s-• : I urtiscnunts Eel F. 4•:;,. J in aarv. 1'470. the Electors of the, lyn of Goderich - tF 7. • . :••• e I 2:7- - t %PER e ;et - g - - M e 5. 3 ... ABRAHAM SMITH. N. McHARDY, eT. FIELENe. ' e -Te IN 9 t ,o. issso 1./(snety to Lend 27 '1 N t altriY. a-51 4t NTY . LLT 50et8 PER 33 kRREL- 41. '` WEIL, , e: t.. < • : J. • -rf NOTICE. E. I. C Co 15 -N C.a of the t;:e•puration uf the UNIW OF B.URON WILL :T IN THE :301.:RT IN GuDERTH. t- Pt 0N lile trjtil day ofJetaaary, :inst. PETER. ADAMSON, COunty Clerk. :y Clerk's Otli:e, ; rich ,8th J 187e 3 w51 -2t AST OF LETTERS A I N ; NG IN GO DEEICEI PoST OFFICE , jam -erre le:ts. 0,r.;• r2,47114.1 43 -,•fge a • I All a J W "sect.,al d W I 1.111.K a 1.4 • --1.0 Mee .5 0. erray -' 1.:3 Mee er Eeztbetn 3theetre J tea M ..r Waesai Mt Keear le 4, CdpE M 1/40- .1 ma M J i,ftt let James; Mr. PI M J Mrs Porte W & 61,sr.tb ,!1 }they Hui:ran Wasen line - A It'.:'.H. DICKti()N, 51 -3t Pest 3Iaster. --- ,N-TF11). of:A no PRI V ATE F-13.1 y atea. 4,, C. ‘e.lerich P ar, 714. IT20. ew4o-it Nomoz ;;Fite 1NTE') BY THE Bit k RD oF Cn11- s ',steed freePess. Lie .o., •,' lerfea, for ary •ire t:eittra. ree. ,f 75 e esle tereeet te.e ead ftee fr , aretie AEA limhs. et -tee; be neer:tat the etie -,,,,eriett till the bieeser r. is &east h if, SeeretarY. s.:e, laza Jan_ 1870. - - FOR SALE CHEAP. :RUE CV...IRS/I-PAWL E HOUSE. si temp aed etahle. ra the it settee of the feet tee- ; ,ef B.ytts. Fee .1weruitz house is t* storm* seertee ranee and a kits -nen- It is linmLed t tmst 'oyes, The .hop w - !eerie t efe tire eietrie Mere The stabie is ale tee frame The lot is half aa ie -re with a baa.r- - .retr4 of eireereele ereeeted fret; tires Iffiere P-ruari atid i -very r .e.nvereenee ate -• It furedeete 4 ia••O4Z ea, ot op, fer 22:0.13 or map of Fro +11273. resene eel 1,mrts, atiappiy if ],y hater. postr. ,. Ad. trg,-....).n;F.. i P ; Ac,"! -.^4, IS.ta P. t. ree-r sit .44, 2 • a_a_ • ColgtottNe.—We inadvertently omitted Sudden Fright ito Veal tul h.roadtS- NDITORIAL A Levay Driven insane, HOLIDAY PRFENTS to mention in our last. that Wm. Young 1 94‘ 1 • Esq., has. neon re-elected Reeve of Col- I Du k e of i 7,et1"3 • borne. Mr Yeitng is a good man and will 1 Italy refuses Spain. i do good service to Ins township. A case of sudden or violent fright oca 2 Spanish ministry resigned._ 3 McDougall left St. Paul for Canada. I " curred in ourveighboring town of Abingdon . - - - - . 4 St. Paul brings water sopply 2 miles. ! LUCHNOW Jauy. Sth 1870. on Monday last, whieli should prove a sad Ste :— I saw a statement in thee:Huron and impressive warning to all who aro 1W 'ITH A VIEW TO MATERIALLY 5 Mia. stoe e's defence in the l'ress. I partial to indulging in practical jokes. It L reduce his present large stock, the i • seems, front what we can learn, that on i d ` b . . . .1? font the Galesburg ( Ill) Free P ress,-30thut ; OFFERED Al COST - 1 6 U.S.s: inpathise ith Nur' West.rebel.s Signal of the 6th ins•. wliich seemed to subscriber will offer for the next point to me as one who is afraid of or at that day a party of- boys, disgu se CArtter is at Ottae a. fleast wishes to shirk his duty when on oath.. hideous masks and grotesque garments, .4 R I: I ntlians hate annexation ileas. 9 Sir'.I. Young h4lrecepti.m at of tawa... I Your correspondent who signs himself called at the resi mice 0 an t,s mie. e 10 Rankin expects N. It. cellectorship. i "Truth," has certainly niade no grave plac. , lady Mrs. Oeuvre 11. Marshall, in that I i liamilt,q1CounciltrAve Mayor 88(0, '69 - mistatements, and I wish he had come -They eaered • neiselessly at the York. back door, and succeeded in ftightening an forward in his own naine.—That I shirked ! infant almoat into aionvulsions. Mrs. M., . 12 F.•chtvr the traectlian's in New 13 Aikens will resign tu McDougall. I my duty I deny, but that I was,as lenient.' hearinif the horrified scream of her chit& . 1::.; Telegraphs broken all ,:ver. I shiel,d and protect it fmtin harm. In Ion-- iigt etri-) when giving my evideace, I admit.—I de - la Petter speaks sanguinely of Grand T, efieill yi public opinion • as', openly expressed . the floor. She was shortly afterward tstrhees:aulitietil efanien7i: 'Banded the inquest for two reasons. First.- i, erytthgetomlliteskrecd‘hitildg : to myself by very Many, and Secterd, . found by her friends, and proper remedies 11 wished no slur cast on the pro- 1 were at once a.dminstered, but her revival f 1 i I h bl b h if i f t that she 14 We 2N1,111,1 like to see hitn. - itnmed ately hastened to its asaistauee to las possible tu a young medical practitioner 17 At half,- v earle meeting in London. 18 Gee. Doyle held ter... at Halifax. 19 Twe vessels wrecked do oust., burnt by lightning do 21 New liquor law a dead letter do 22 The Cabinet deserts McIamaall. 23 serves Min right for joining it. 24 Quebec .1fereeee in the bhies says : 25 Business diminishing poverty increas. 26 Greely is to have a shrievalty. 27 He is one of the " nine martyrs." 28 Bishop of Panama is dead. 29 More "de" struck in Petaolia.. 30 A whiskey detective in Hamilton. Snyder cf Cialt s Lis name. 32 Wages—S2 00 each ease. 33 5 French bankers are galley slaves. fession o wich ant an um e mem er. I only witnessed the orr y ng ac ; When called to -see deeeased, 1 foutid her -I was hopelessly insane. Up to this writing , dying frem loss of blood. Dr. Tennant j we reeret te say that no lucid intervals Iesker me to cut down on the bleeding hare been developed, and the woman once artery and tie it.—This peremptorly re- la happy wife and a proud mother, is now I fused to do, an& to4that gentleman, that I a raving maniac, bereft of reason and it was too late. He wished Dr. Cole o r cowering in fright. . IDr McDmigall sent for as they would as- ! This sad affair has caused a deep feeling sist, and I replied I should be happy t in Abingden, and Mr. Marshall has the meet them and retieed.—But, and it is a. • deepest sympathy of the community in his grave 'but,' within an, hour a fine young suaden and diatressing bereav8ment. The lady ceased to exist.—I would not have I boys who participated in this masquerade dared to do such a`very serious operation' which has brought so dire a gloom and withogt at leastone or two medical brethren sorrow upon a once happy household, being in attendance.—If Dr. Tennant con- I realize the situation keenly, and are struck tattered hitusejf warranted in undertaking -with -sfricere sorrow for the results of their such an operationalone, I have nothing to !reckle thoughtlessness. This is but an - do with his censiderations. 1 understand of 1 tither warning, in an already long and 35 And hurle&dewn a precipice. ed this inquest thrungh Spite. If I had had !' I dreary catalogue, against practical jokmg and its inevitable results, and, we truat it 34 A 31-t Cen is train struck hv avalanche the Methodist persuasion say that I demand the honor to belong to such an exalted will be remembera fur some time to come,. 36 Baltimore cures scolding wiyes, 37 By pourine soup down their backs. 38 Ottawa has 6 daily papers. 39 Montieal had 4.975 drunk cases 1869. 40 Serrano may be Kine of Spain. 41 War in Paraguay ended. 42 Lopez flea tu Bolivia. 43 Pertuoese troublesubsided. 44 French Cabinet formed. 45 Cuban supply ship left N. Y. 46 Telegraph operators on strike U. S. 47 Illicit dis...it-rv seized, Elora, Miss Savage is dead. She died frpm loss 43 hieh matle5:•;300 Wyrth whiske v.a. week 1.if•blood or if yeu will bled to death. And ,49 Fenian candidate beaten Lone ford. letters such as this can da no good now. . 50 4 R. C. Cardinals recently dead. Why or %vherefore she died Dr. TenUant 51 King uf Portugal promises reforms. can reply. -1 was nut there to see the op - 52 U. S. mails to France go ci-; eration and_ state no surmises. I wish sincrely that 'Truth,' had held his tongue 53 French postal offer not bt more_elegantly withheld his pen. Please 54 Russiahas seized some Islaials,•r.ratain give space for this in your next issue and 55 Czar would like a holeJapanta Oblige your Obedt. 56 Boiler explos. in 3Iontrealet, on n411. • John H. Gardner, 31.D. 57 Quebec g,tol had 184 inmates lst Jan. EDITOR'S 11. Emaass.--Dr. Tennant is, of 58 Do circuit issued. 3400 writs. course, entitled to a reply if he tvishes, 59 Typhoid fever is raging in Hamiltcn. but we trust such a. painful subject will nut be unnecessarily dwelt upon. society, as the Mathodists I presume they I in that locality, at least. All right think - would. have all . been - in my favor, but I 1 ing people, it! is to be hoped, will dis- am only a member of the church of Eng- courage any amusement which has'for its public opinion'of this vicinity, as a medical victim upon 'iv limn it is tutlicted. A object the inOrtiffeation or fright of the land.—My position, Mr. Editor, in the swer to 'spite, 011 iny part. -1 have done la.test realizatiunof this fantastic in:twittery blightened and 'darkened home is the man. is all I ask you to hada at, as an an - the last 25 years, but never such a deadl and as pitch should speak sileutly vet very many operations on the neck during brilliant one as. this. I hope we will heayr 'eloquently against tile perpetration of such no more of the matter, and the less said uf donbly Wicked "fun" in the future,. it thelsetter. Of all things I hate this to a - self-defence would I have said any thing. w ePa tiLiet rr tdctawas AnGoltr lavi.ret vo eNetlaNt II:Re kilt:taro:h.—of iltlaicle be dragged before the public, and only in tenane-neht agitation in 'Ireland. The re-:, . 60 Buffalo commerce is decreasing. 61 Tessele cleared 1a62„716,390. 62 Do • 1869, 10,534. 0MI0 GLAL-3GQVir. 63 So much for protection. . Glasgow is an extremely prosperous and 64 Seward thinks well ef 3Iexican future'. • busy place. It has grown faster than any 65 Erie canal receipts S700,000 shurt '69 city in Great Britain, having increasett its p.,:pulation front aleout 300,000 in 1861 te 66 So much for protection. ' over 550,000 at the present time. Its 67 0 that people woulal tatoderstanci this. citizens now claiin that it is the largest 68 A dozen ruurdees N. Y.New Year's day town in the United Kingdoin, after Lon- don, having more people than 'Liverpool to -day. It is growing more rapidly than ever, and will soon haveits million. Some 69 Happy, happy day ! 70 And. happy, hapny city : 3 persons dead of T riehi nor at Genoa. Of the -sanguine S.:otch even predict that 72 3 pers,eas poisoned by cosmetics, N.Y. it will yet outstrip the.Biitish metropelis 73 Used to beautify face. itself. Its manufactures are very varied 74. 3 sacrifices to va.nity. land extensive. aa is evident from the pall I ot smoke in which the city is constantly 75 Salt Co. organizedat Peterborough. enveloped. The houses look sombre and 76 Sunday storm all over Can. and States' black 'and all tl.e streets have a begrinied 77 Tobento market very dull. J appearance that does not ad& to their 78 Wheat used for pig feed in U. S. i beauty. Glasgow is famous for its tall 79 Several houses burnt in London. 80 Be sure to date yuur letters 1870. 81 Australia exports kangaroo sausages. 82 We would prefer Carman's XXX. 83 Two Texas onions make peck. 84 Ships drawing 15 ft can't pass.S. Canal 85 Dickens has faith in the Peeple, 86 But no faith in the upper classes. 87 Fenian row at Longferd election; 88 Troops had to fire on the mob. 89 Motley's House robbed of 85000. -90 Changes iu Italian ministry expected. 91 CEen.Clituicil discussed in French Leg. 92 Serrano shot at in'Spain. 93 Election rows reperted do. 94 Dietat-u-ship abandoned do. chimneys, two of their. being 430 and 46., feet, which is considerably above any tow- er or suire lit Europe. The lofty chim- neys belong to chemical works, and are required to carry off ubn ;xious vapors and gases, which would otherwise settle down upon the city and prove very deleterious to health. • They can be: seen for miles, and are the landmarks of the city. —Cur, Chieagu T ribune. When Coal was Formed. Of the lapse of time in the formation of our coal fields we cannot have the faintest conception ; it is only measured r.by Him with whom a thousand years are as one :day. But the inagnitnde of the time is nut surpassed by the boundlessness of the providential care which laid lip these ter - 95 St Thomas Island sold to U. S. restrial treasures in store for Hts children 97 And prisoner discharged. 96 Caldwell extra.dition case decided, whom He was afterwardstocall inte being. Let me, therefore, dismiss 'this probtless subject aith one illustratien. Mr. Ma - 98 Prince Arthur's ball was on Friday; claren by a happy train of reasoning, fur 99 Everybody charmed -and delighted. 100 Quebec poor suffering severely. 101 Police fines, Hamilton, 1869, $49C0. 102 Mariposa gelds marry at 12. 103 Boston has a one cent store. 104 Michigan has a 6 -legged. pig. 105' Vicksbnroh police wear red uniforme. 106 An English prize boy weighs 739 lbs. 107 King of Wurtetnburg dines for 3 hours. 108 Georgia has sent 100 converts to Utah. 109 Green peas are in seition, Florida. 110 Wiscon. ie to have bald-headed ball. 111 A Kentuckian wed his gra'ma's sister. 112 A 100 -yr old Nashville negress says : 113 " De Lord forgot to call for me.'' 114 5,000 N. Test. dIftributed in Russ. 115 Gov McDougall is in Toronto. 116 Likes the Rossin better than Pembina. 117 Rouchette supplants him. Ott. T Imes 418 Great distress in New York. - 119 Many thousands out of work. 120 French ambassador, London resigned. 121 do do Berlin do. 122 French rioters at aubin liberated, 123 Ftench ministry is to reduce arany. 124 Young Lopez is in New York, 125 Wall St. speculation reviving, 126 Gold room again animated. 127 Port -an -Prince taken by Hayti rebels. 128 Deery-Dion billiard match is on 15th, 129 San Fraricisao is excited over is. -130 V. S. memorial funds progressing. 131 Rawlin.s fund now 850,000, • 132 Stant on fund already b20,000. 133 D. McInnes, Hamilton,leaves own bus, 134 To becotne financial chef of G W R R. 135 Telegraphic strike continues. 136 Ottawa Court House burnt 137 Valuable records lust. 138 Mott* Foreat saw & grist rnill burnt. 139 Hon. M C Cameron's. in Montreal.. 140 Prince A. is to visit PreatGrant. 141 Incendiary caught at Nyoodstock, 142 He was examined and juooed. which I refer the reader to his •Gealegy Life,' arrives at the conclusion that it would require a thousand years to form a bed of coal one yard thick. Now, in the South of Wales coal -field there is 'a thickness uf more than 30 yards, which would have re- quired a period of 30,000 years for its formation. we now assume that the 15,- 000feet of sedimentary materials were de- posited at the average rate of two feet in a cenfury, correspending to the rate of sub- sidence, it would have required 3,807,000 years to produce this coal field. DISTRESS IN THE UNITED STATES. -Be- tween 3,000 and 4,000 working -men have been driven ont of employment withitahe last month in New York through the clos- ing of stone works in the •shipbaddine in- terest—a resulta.t tribute& to the protection piney which has been so pertivaciously advocated by the Tribune,'and persevered in by the government. We find also that at no periopas there been so much dis- tress, and go many personk out of emplo) - ment at Christmas time in .New York, as there hav4.1/4,aen this season. Merchants, foreed by the'inactivity of trade to shorten sail, have in most instances reduced the number of their employees ; and in this way it is estimated., that several thouSand persons have been suddenly deprived of the means of living. -The commercial Papers are recommending; that _clerks and others. who received their dismissal en Christmas day, and who form an army of no small .dimensions, should go to work on the railroads. But it is a sorry change ; for few men who have been toiling for yearsat the desk are equal to undertake the work of a railway laborer. The whirl of New York life has .its attractions, but when they are met with such drawbacke, there seems sotnething far more pleasing in the steady prosperity that awaits in - migrants in, Granada. turn of () Donovan Rossa, the apprehensi- on of a Fenian outbreak, and other excit- ing 'batters, have not led the farmers tict forget their land -tenure grievance. Sit or seven thousand persons canie through:tor- rents of rain to the last meeting at, the Corragh. The deloge neither impedecithe .march of the green -ribboned and earreen- bannereat host, nor damped the ardor of the speech-nialrers. Letters were read from Mr. Cogan and Lord Otho Fitzgerald, M. P.'s for Kildare, expressing sympathy with the objects of the meeting, though the ferinercarefully frein pre- judging the gnestion.' Then the F. P.'s got to work with their usual vigor. The Rey. Mr. Nolan said the 8.000 landlords had a well paid press- to defame the five millions who were their serfi,and call them liars, cut-throats and assassins.- But there mioht come a time when these fi • e mil- lions would ask, were they bound to. re- spect an empire that kept them under the mighty hoof of thease 8.000 ? They (tyrant landlords and the cerrupt press) must not forget that the a -ell -being of the five mil- inms involved the welleaeing of -the em- pire. The Rev. P. Tracy was still more energetic. In proposing a resolution, he said, "Let the word • go forth -no more rack rents, no notict.s to quit,no capricious ictions, no tyrant landlords, no tyrant tenants, and no tyrant priests, for he must say there :Tem suchjoce, rrences as u n warran- table alter denunciations.' sant .41111.1, 1144., TWO WEEKS ONLY ! The balance DISCIPLINE. -M RS. Dilkes punishes her children, who, are models of infant virtue, whenever they disobey. Inference: when Jack collies roaring to yoi about n000, and refuses to stop when he is bid, you firA scolil,then raise your hand -bw, dear ma am, just one moment. Jack has been broilin,, in the sun since breakfast time. His Fegs ache, and the gnats have had a nip at him; his hair is in his eyes ; hehas a hole in his trouseri and a stone in shoe ; his (ace is begrimed and his fing are sticky. If your legs ached, h2ir were in your eyes, and your fingers were sticky how do you think you would feel under the circumstances ? ould it not be advisable by washing,brushing and cimbing.,first to ascertain. how many parts are depravity, and how much is dirt ; then, if' need be to correct him, a la Mrs. Dilkes ? ; Mrs. Irwin, a sister to Mrs. Stonewall J aek 0 :las "secured a patent for an- itn- prov t in the construction of houses, whic is claimed, will create a new era i hitecture. Mrs. Irwin proposes six-witi ortlexaconal 3partments, which 143 Toronto had only 2 'drunks,' Saturday- are only much' hanersomer, but really 144 Weather settling all (wet'. cheap than the quadranc,oular. A Wall 145 Sleighing v.ill be good. of 8flf feet built in the hexagonal form 146 Toronto had 3 fires, in 13 hours. inch:Is-4 a third more space than the same 147 Laat Portland ship sold last n -eek. s ace 41 wall builc in the square form,and these liexac,onal .rooins -fit into each other . 148 No vessel now haile from that port. 1without loss or space, the gain in the 149 A bed -ling bites 300 times, -then dies, 150 Ascertained by a German p::losopher. 151 Does tight -lacing make g,irls staid ? , 152 A Ken'ky town, 3000 souls, has no sch. 153 A Mexican made a glass piano. ' 154 "Old Dr Andrews,' Torontv,arrested, 155 For procuring abortion. 156 An Ohio man kicked his wife to death 157 And gut 6 months' itoprisanment. . 158 Only 5 casea before Quebee Sessions. 16J For .31 par annum in atlitance, Dr.J, Briggellarcrat, and Lung Healer is ph:agent of his large and varied sortment of - SILVER WARE, LADIES&GENT SDRESS1Nu-CASES WRITING DESKS, _BOXES, JEW L cAsks,. ,JEWELLERY,! CONCERTINAS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, KN MK KNACKS, &c., &c., &c. A.1" ACTUAL COST A Great Reduction on FAMILY & POCKET BIBLES,' CHURCH SERVICES, PRAYER BOOKS, GIFT BOOKS, AI:B1JMS, _ AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, 'Will be given fur the above period, after which prices will be as heretofore. Par The Pubilc may rely on the above as bona fide, -and that the MI - scriber really means what he says. CALL AND SEE. as- I Terms Cash, arid Cash Only, T. J. BIOORHOUSE. Goderich, Dec. 28th, 1869. R. R. R. "The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner." -Matt., ch.xxi-v. 42. The historical truth of holy tradition finds an apt illustration in the history of Radway's Ready Relief. Whiin thitemervelous remedy was first presented to -the notice of the medie.al Meetly.. in 1s47. notwith- standing the mysterious ittlitence it exhibited in stopping the moet excruciating PAINS, ACHES, A -ND INFIRMITIES, ./a ei.feie moments ir,Iter ittre. Its wonderful power in rising the Bed -ridden, Crip- pled, Rheuinatie, Neuralgie- divestine. the bodice of all suffering from Pain. Inflammation. Weakness, anti other infirmities. curing in a few days the sick- ness and disea.ses of months and years, and for -all ordinary ?eine, aches. either INTERNAL 011 EXTERNAL, All Spasms. Cramps. Inflammations. cungestlons, affording INSTANTANEOUS ease awl eon:fort. it met with the same treatment that the etene whieh the builders, through their ignorance of impor- tance, rejected, but that afterwards became the head of the corner. A CURE FOR EVERT PAIN. We believe that the discovery. combinatinn. and distribution throughout all nations ef tee eaith of this marvelous remedy ie doe as noteh to the inspi- ration and direct will of DIVINE PROVIDENCE as to seienee. When the combination of the ingredients of this ruervelous remedy. knewn as RA 1)1V A Y'S READY BELIEF. was complereittit supplied a want that hnd ever existed. thn t Teti.- er the best approved discoveries in Medical Chem v. or the Materia Medica. or the skill of the most ei-e:nent Phyeicians, could secure to the Hainan cIlLOROFORM. Ether, Morphine. Opium. vriq I allay pain • but an over -dose of either would eause death, and neither of these remediee could be used with eatety by the ItADWAY'S 11:5,ADY 11ELIEP everY much quicker. and is safe allinc-ircumstancos, arid it proves the miraculous usixtptnu;peolsirerra.of PREVENTING SICKNESS, if exposed to contagious or epidemic pestilences. It not only Cut es Pain. but will prevent it. and all kinds of sicknees that are contagions, or malarious, or atmospheric. • 1-liddera Powers broogh.t to Light. As a Pain .Reinedy it excels all remedial agents, and when fleet introditeed the doetors as well tie the people were astonished at its innt-velons curative rowers - for the moment it was applied externally. or I'WENTY DROPS diluted in :enter takeu as a drink, the most violent Pains. Cramps. -wares. Rheumatic, Neurali;ic, dud an unpleasaut feelinge cea.sed. PESTILENCES AND PLAGUER. Whem Asiatic Cholera appeneed. RADIV AY'S READY P.EL1EF was theonit positive cure: it cured thousanee. and saved millions Dom pttack. Then it was that Divine Poo idenee inspired us to send forth this great remedy to evei y nation on the face of th e earth. We weie the -tore -1 with faith of its infal- libility in saving the lives or all people against -the plagues and peetilemee that terieted all medicines and the beeteskill ot physicians. W itiion I. having the assurance of one dellar's return. heyentl our firm faith in the RADWAY's READY RELIEF proving itself a savior to ihe afflicted human race, eu scut lurth on its mission of cure over ONE MILLION DOLL.ARS' WORTH RADWAYI READY tIELIEF t . without one dollar being secured by purchase. and having to wait for remuneration until the same was sold. and all cxpenees for foreign *In ties, freights. coinmiseion agents. advertising bills. were paid. and th's we eontinued to do tor years 1Vherever a cosi- m inity of living eivilized souls existed, there we sent firs t. at our own risk, [ RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, and the marvelous cures it effeeted in ASIATIC ,X) A. 1R,;-.7-- a -"Y. 5 CHOLERA. CHOLERA 3.101i BPS. all BILIOUS ATTACKS. DIARRHEA. DI"ssENTERY, and every other disease peeuliar to the countries and climates where it was used, suggested its use in T. by rphio, iedv eFre, y r Yellow Fever. Scatrlet Fever, , .013ENTsMri. 226...-crm, all other fevers : and in this eines of diseases it cured when all others failed, and PREVENTED Artacke The Wisdom of Providenee in selecting the Inven- tors and -Proprietors of this marvelous remedy to carry out His will. in placing an antidote within the reach ol His people of all nations of the earth -who had sufficient faith to wait for their •• bread cast on the waters to return after many days." who were =tent to spread out before therworld the richness, purity, and miraculous quickness,,,,,fethis remedy, until such time that its wouderfol --5i;sies became a household necessity everywhere-sliews that the in- struments selected for ,this great work have dis- charged their duties in this respecL Through the infallible curative powers of Radvray's Read:, Relief the people of all nations have been rescued from the Pestilence in all forms ; and as regards ordinary PAINS that are common to all, he Ready Relief in a feW minutes will stop ARABIAN OIL FOR HORSES & CATTLE. NEVER FAILING REMEDY. r1,11IS VALUABLE PREPARATION COMBINES 1 all the medicinal virtues of those articles which long experien •e hes moved to poseee the most sete ano effieient pronertiee for tee cure of Flesh Wounds, serams Bruises Gans of all koxis, Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, Si avin. Calloes,Fietule, Sweeney, Intone- .; Portions. Scratches or Grease, Strains, Lameness, Whinow.s, Corns, Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet, Hem Distemper, Swellings, and many other Meatuses e -hi •h horaes and eittle are eubject to. This celebrated lentineei ha. been used for many years, end its curative properties thoroughly teeted, all It et ceneeded to he the ehetipeet and most re - tattle remedy tor all exi.ernal. complaints ever offered ,0 the public -it never fells when timely used an eithfully app ad. • To he had "fall Druggists end country Merchant throughout the Domitlion. Price 25e. per buttle. NORTHRUP & L-YN1AN, Ne ts Ont.. Proprietoi•s Cattle and F Sold in Gocierich dy Jordon ; liardiner Se Co. Ba I • : James Bentham, Rodgerville: J. Piekeld Exeter J. 11 oe, nton- ; Seeord, Luc cow; E. Hicksou, Seaforth, and all Afedicins so43 Dealars. _ _ All Old, Farm_er's Experience. That .the success of farming is in experi, ence. ° That to ask a man's advice is not stoop- ing, but often ef notch benefit. . That -to -keep a place for everything, and everything in its piacea'saves many a step, and is pretty.sure to lead to good tools and to keep them in order. That kindness tostock, like good shelter, is a saving todder. That to fight weeds is to favor grain and do justice to your neighbors.' That in making home agreeable you keep ) our boys out of the city. That it is a good thifig to grow into farming—not to jump into it. . Tliat it is a good thing to keep an evese out -on experiments,. aud note all good:and bad. -' That it is a good rule to sell yopr grain when it is ready. That the first mellow soil in spring is yeair mellowest, and should first be put in. - That all of farming is summed up in the manure heap made on the farm. . whole &jading is very great. The patentee also claims that this mode of building gives a greater degree of strength than any other, and this anode ef build- ing, in the hands of a good architect, is capableof assuming greater artistic beauty than the Equare or quadrangu.ar form. Ile octagon building attracted a good d • l attention BODO years ago, but the hexagonal is claimed to be something en tirely nevi. 159 Teachera and clergy titan oet the Sopoti, 0 aka aud unsurpassed for its eflicary in curing A YOUNG man recently arrived in Rome and presented himself before the Pope. 'Six months ago,' said, he, had a swell- ing in the leg ; the doctors condemned it to amputation, but I applied a piece of one of your old stockings to the swelling, and it inimediately disappeared,' His Holiness, who happened to suffer from a swollen leg himself, was stupefied *at this sudden cure. The Pope's old stockings have ever since been at a high premium. arestaawasou t'OR SALE. ITIHE SOUTH HALF °PLOT NO. 18, Ilef TFIE 1st I con., Wawanosh, 90 acres. only twe miles from Nile village. Apply there to 8, Pullet k, Esqe or to M. C. CA KERON. Goderich eve4 tf TAVERN STAND FOR SALE D. McDOIJGALL, Ts INSTRUCTED BY II. CHING, TO OFFER FOR 1 Sale TIIE GRE lT FEMALE REMEDY. Job Moses' Periodical Pills, • THIS INVALUABLE MFDICINB IS UNFAILING m the rive of ad those pauffel and dangerous diecases to welch the female constitution is eilbjeet. It moderates ail exce-s and removes all obetructions, and a :speedy eure relitel on. To MARRIED tsDIE4 • It is peculiarly suit wik. 111 a short time, bring on the mottihry Oh regularity. . • Tiu:se Pills should Ind Inken by' Femnles daring the FIRST Tit REE MONTHS rf,Pregnaney, tkey are sure to hring 31 isearriuje. but at any other ginte they are v2fr. In all Cases of Ne. vone am} Spinal Affections, Pain in tile Back and lambs, Fat i 1Ur 011 slightexertion. Palpita- tion of the heart, Hysterics. a- d Whites. these Pi.le n el effect a cure when- all other meana have failed ; :Intl altheugh a powerful remedy, de not commit iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitu- ti.ei, Full directiene in the pamphlet around each package, which sho 11,1 he carefully preserved. Jon musES, NEW .ToRtt, MitE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and 1-2e cents for postage, enclosed to -Northrop & Lyman, Newcustle. Ont.,- general !agents Mr the D eutui wie iusare a b 0 ver 50 rdis, os_ret urn mail. NORTHRUP Ze 1 YMAN, • 4 Newcastle, G. W.,genera agent lorCanadr. • tr Sold in Goderieh by Parker' 1 Cattle anu F. Jordan.; Gaidiner oc Co., BaylAd ; James Benthum, ; J. rickard,f. teter ; ;LH.. Combe, Clinton, S. cord, Luc:know; E. Hicks son. 3r.i.furtl.. and g II MedicineVealers. w38 M 'ST M A -1\T ID A (3- • Notwithstanding the great rasps ot Pains. Achim, Ailments. &c , that Radway's 'Ready Relief cure, time and experience prove it to be the 131.:ST SAFEST CURE for FEVER AND AGUE, CHILLS AND FEVER, SCARLET FEVER, ilicoutsi er‘743,z- In the world. There is no Ague Cure. Cholarigne, or preparation of Quinine, Arsenic. or the many forms of Mercury. or. in fact. any retnedial agent that win cure this disease so pesitiveli. so safely; '14 Rachpay's _Vecte?y .Velicf. No, not one. Thousand's:: from over -dosing vvith Quinine, AreenireMereury, bottled in the twiny Ague lh Cures and Pr:vate PI active. ittiy t e penalty of en- gorged liver. fat. epleemiliserdere kidneye. saffron - ordered F kin. and hundreds of at her sty-in:Mims of distress. These agents never cure, but smother the dieeliee, sl'hureas e RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF, . aided by Badway's Pills. not ally Clare the worst caees, but will p'roteet the eystem against attacks of Ague and all other Fc vent.. One 2,5 Cent Bottle of eady Relief 13 - Is better tie a eure r Fevers Chills. Bilious Altacke. A.c., than the Oui Mee Alta t tares. Ague Cures. Chotaeogiies. AC-. 1.3i.:41112I $1 11.1' 1 1:3t1W.IY'S Ready Belief ie good fur hundred, other that these are nee One :Leen! bottle of Rtulvs-nyls Ready Relic; diluted in ene gelion of praof spirits. is .11 give you equal in tela.itity. and stieerea i n petit ty, to 144 bottlee of the eJa cunt i•nur, itememes. Pa:nts. lintbrocations. Panne -ea, feet:N. ell of theee remedied being but pour iinitatioas of Rad- `iv0aVgboltuelreall.3f- Ritati.1.11eYtny's itcady Relic'. for 27. as a Pale Remedy. nail for Familyt Purposes. will lieetire every household freedom against sick- ness. and can he used for thet :vs. that would cuet at least (ee.eli twenti-fve dollars. had yeu to purchase preeerititioner d les every time paia, • sickness, ur accident taka I'a.intul Asttetekes vilatere Radway's Rea,dy Relief WILL AFFORD I : Infiarantatiwi I°:111iniesisKiniaatniea3U8,9of the Bladder, iftilainniati°11 of theCo1317:11611ou of the Lungs, Sore Tiptra:::13,11.taDiiillioicaliolft Bziathe.inrtig, ysterlcs, • Croup, Dyplitherla, Ca -Usti -1i, Influenza, Headache, Toothache, Neoralgia, Rheumatism, Cohl Chills, Ague Chills. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts. where the pain or difficulty exists. w.II. afford ease2a0ndperootin,sfortto. Tenspoouhd water wilt, in a few momenta, Lure C11.1.1111" S, h P. &RS, SOUR ST O.R.S CB, 111A11RTI1 URA'', SICK 11E4 Da CM 1E, . COLIC, quickly cure A oWaiAndltiinnttehernBaot wpealsius, The above dose taken every fifteen minutes will Morbus, AsBairotuics Cch,,toilvcra, And all Painful Discharges. Relief with them. A few dro in water will prevent Travelers should always ca4yiebottle of Radway's sickness or pains from changdof we -ter. BETTER THAN FRENCH BRA.3•13T OB BITTERS ad A STGIULANT. BY PUBLIC AUCTION ON Wednesfly: t1h8e7206th of January The above mentioned Stand, situated on the Gravel Road 2 miles from the village of Bayfield, and 14 miles frum Clinton, 14 miles from Godertch and Seafordi, known as the Canadian Hdtel. The House is two story 30x24 feet, with a large Bal1 Room attached The building is in good repair. A good Well of water and pump in 81D110g, This lot contains acre of Land. A • oodgarden with a choice lot of fruit trees, 5.e „ fee. Terms made known on the day of sale for the above. There wine's° be sold on the same day and place the, following stock, viz: 3 Cows, 1 Heifers an with eau Yearling Heifer : 10 Sheep ; 3 Pigs : 1 sett of Single Harness : 1 Light Waggon I Cutter 1 Saddle and Bridle also Bar -room -1. ixtures. and its Furtiitures &C 'Terms of Sale -All stuns of 84;00 and under eash above that amount12 inonths credit will be given by furnishing approved notes, uetioneer. rinetor. 1). McDOUGALL, Hayfield. 27th. 1809. CANADIAN PAIN DETROYJER . A Family M.edieine, well and favorably known for the past tep. yea rs nester fading in a single mitance to give perinanent retie Rhea timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissaustaction where the directions have been properly tollowed, btu on the eontrary all are delighted with its operations, and speak in tbe highest ttirms of tts Virtoe and Magical effects, THE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has won toritself a reputation, as a blood purl fi el, alterative stomach tonic, unsurpassed in the histoi y of medica I preparations. It seldom tads to cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Incbgt.s. lion, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Kidney Com- plaints, Acid Stomach Phthisic or Asthma, and restor.-s to vital activity the - system debiatated by suflering and disease. - Its magical and a ondertut .succoss in miring sudden colds, Sore throat, Coughs, Dipthcria pains in the side,lions and back, eeuralguatooth ache, rheumatic and other pains in any part ot the body and from whatever-oanse, has given it a place in every household and is fast supersed- ing all other preparit ions of the kind. • It is also an Filet mat mid prompt remedy tor Seattle,' Btirris, Brulaes, Sprains, Chilblains. rrost Mites, Cramps in the Stomach, Diarhcea, Lnolera morbus, Cholic, Cholera Infa ium, Dysentery, &c. Price only 26 cents per bottle. NORTHROP 4. LYMAN, Newcastle. C, W. • General Agent for Canada. IrrSold in Goderich by Parker & Cattle and F. Jordan; Gardiner Ac Co, Hayfield; Jaines Bentham, Rodgers/Ole; J . Pickard, Exeter; J. H. Combe, Clinton; Sword, Lneknew; E Hickson Q.42 farm and all kladieina Dealers. tv38 GO TO THE fiEST. THE BRITISH AMERICAN ANI) BRYANT, STRATTON & ODELL t CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS COLLEGE, VOW the largest, most extensive and complete BUSINESS SCHOOL in the eountro% It has the largest staffof Teachers, and the most practical and best adapted busme:ss forms. and the best arraneed and most commodious apartments. It is under the management of THOROUGH BUSI- NESS MEN, fully alive to all the requirements of the business c:mmunIty • The savantages and facilities afforded 'in this instituti- on are unequalled in the eountry, and no young man should enter on a business career without fully availing himself of its benefits. We were awarded the FIRSTPRIZE INE1JSINPASSWRITING 'at the late Provincial Exhibition at London. As this is the SIXTHeoneecutive year that we have taken this prize, we feel confident that there can be but one op- inion as to where to ga to learn to write. For specimens ot writing, bauk notes, circulars, &c. address. ODELL & TROUT Toronto HI Part a a .;,.1 !„:.3 it se, eau ;stake osoney. Cosigh, Eioucaitis, ilse. bold by Druggists. • Dederick. Oct 4th 1869. w37 4m. 4 161 C;111.1 of 2 nesv wanes $210 ; to t azal'ea. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color.. A dressing which is at 011C2 agreeable, healthy, and :effectual for preserving the hair. .Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick - 1. ened, falling hair Checked, and bald- ness often, though not always, cured bY its Use. Ncithing can Testore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But auch as remain can be saved for., usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi- ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the Iutir from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for -a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful. perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PR.A.cncAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00. NORTTIR"Pk LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., geeran agents for Canada. DI- Sold in Goderich by Parker re Cattle and Jordan. Gardlinre. & Co.. Hayfield. James Freutlium Rodgervine. J. Picker I. F.xeter. .1. H. Oahe, pin ton. el .cord, Lucknow E. Hickson, Seafortle and all Medicine Dealt., w-17 1IXE Ni1KING. ov3144_, .rtrIBE Snbseriber lege to inform the public that lie is still carryiuse on the Axe Matinfaclory iu old etantl on Light liaise Street, Ooderieh. lle emifitlent with the experienee he has. that he can fur- nish a better axe than is sold by any ether meker, - Give him mtred beetre pur diesitie=c1SM, here. ,tdr My Axes me be obteinal et itaoey's nerd ware store, Clint Lorre Dottles-India Rubber bldrppers-lau. rity of the ILE4IIIm - 25 Cents, in .Large _Bottles, oontaining 3 and 4 times the quantity of the 1,5 tie_nt liniments. Paints. Killers, Panimens, made of the common fusel oil alcohol as a basis. and have all lieen started to imitate Rafiway's Ready Relief. Some of these imitations are scented with common hartsbora in imitation of a 4aighly rectified prepara- tion of Ammonia -used ini the genuine Porsons using the genuine Ready Relief will at onee discover the miserable fraud in the imitations. The genuine Ready Relief has India Rubber Stoppers, and every bottle made air -tight. Price of R.adwayge fteady Reiter. per dozen bottles, 8240 mints ; Single Bottles. 25 cents. Sold at Dr. Radway & Co 's Principal Office. No. 4:39 St. Paul Street. Montreal, and by Druggists and general storekeepers everywhere. One agent ba found in every city and town in the world. Put up in di. sections of all languages, Adit fur Enaway's Ready Relieli CHRISTMAS CHEER I THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO RETURN THAN KS 1 to his custOmers and the citizens of Goderich, tor the patroliage theY have favored him with, aud hopes by keeping Meats of the Best Quality in Season Te still receiiet a share of their custom. N. 2, -The subscillier] would direct the attention of the public to his stodk of Christstitats Ment ou haud this week. Ileceinter 1Stir, STEPHEN ANDREWS, Market House, Galeria. 48.tt ton. REDUCTION IN PRICES ! Double portion Steel -old priceiN 00, DeatMel to$1 50 , do do 1 50, , do I 25 Jumped -tees do I 00, do 0 75 JOHN IVIcPHERSON. Goderich. Dec. 9etb, 18e9. w47 Patent Craik Loom for S11^. 9111E SUB.SCRIBER OFFE iS FOR SALE CHEAP 1 fur easli yr on time, a• Worthen's Patent Crank Lootn, whia cost 8100. Loom, ll'arper,..GuuqiNbli_Illieittugr paratus. Reed, and two Shutt10.1.1. all in complete and n good Working order. Address MRS. JEFFERSON. Colborne, 18th Dec , 1869, I. FREDERICK, WATCHMAER, JEW.ELER, Stc.. WEST ST., GODERICIT, Near the Post Office. uEGS MOST ItESPEcTFULLY TO RETURN HIS sineere thanks to the people of Godelich and vicinity for their liberal patronage dming the :Jest 8 years, an 1 now that the holiday season has arrived with all its Soeial enjoyments and amenities, he would state that all wheeevish to purchasiejewelry for presents or otherwise of warranted material and workmanship would do well to buy Been him at rates comparatively cheaper than that asked fur worthless trash. A.1 Jewell), Sold for Golcb Warra:..t9.edt., Cejta Repairing done iisnatalcie FbReEstDEsRtIyeKle of workmanship. Goderich • Dec. 20th, 1868. PHOTOGRA VI -IS FOR SAIL. THkr striei itir J1. .tie i 4.1 .ae Cubit..., 1. • .Y $1.03, Per Dozen. nience with, 34, he es of Idi.d. t•o......j. .7 . n the banlis a tbe 'flyer Mao low'. i., .., .1.• le nlitiS. u ith urchaid al-ri t• i 1 s i i• a. f Rai way Station. Guth- li• '. I L. • c .... - and one bait of la tid edjouting ti.,.. ., 0. .. , .. .. he bad it retie red. This is g4o..: S..11 1 - • ritoiy as the r itlw ay trscl: tady el, Via. 1. . 1 ' Salt Workt now in opeiattoti tot•r, iht . r•• • party for sale. . A nplv to H • PA b Kt, Er i I or to G, M. THU E.M.-: N. I.aiid A 2ent ....-. A u, 14,1,1 r r Godench, N v. 23rd, l8a9. ::4I••'' prt ALFDOZENFROMBACKNEGATIVe " 51 cants, postage tree. One dozen from back negative cents, postage flee, to any address. =' Particular Attention paid to Copy- . ing old Ambrotypes. For iacee or small photographs. The subscriber hi returning thanks for tt.e liheral patroaage hcrett.fore extended to I im, would just say that he haa made such im- provements iti his gallery as wilt merit a con- tinuaece of the same. Da! 1 I Great Reduction 9B Large Photographs. E. L. J 0 LENS() Goderich, Oct. 26, 1869. w44tf. Ontario Carriage Shop, (Ilamilton St., Goderich. R. J. WRITELY, iS still In full operatium and is turning ont superior Carriages, Buggies , Wagons of all kinds, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS 44e. A number of first class Buggies on hand, and for sale cheap foree-ele Priees of all articles In the line that mill compare fro \ably with any in the County lir All work arranted Partieular atter' 'on pald to Wagon and Carriage Re- pairing R. J WHITELY. Gtxlerich. Nov 9th. 1869 w42 STRAY FILLY. ‘,„TRAYED from lot 16, con. 11, rp of " Stephen, a 2 years old,Grey Filly, the property of Mr. John Lewis. Any infor illation relative to the recovery of the Bain - left a,t Exeter post :Ace, will be suitably rewarded W. SAUNDERS. Dec. 28th, 1869. w4C-3t* PRINCIPAL WANTED. DY THE BOARD OF COMMON SCHOOL TRUS- Ur tees. of the town of Goderich, a Prineipal for the Centre! School. Salary nut less than $600 per annum To enter on his duties 1st February uext. Applica- tions with testimonials (prepaid) will be reeeit ed by the undersigned till the ;20th inst. WM. MACKAY, Cetideneh, 4th Jan.. 1870. we0-3t Se. retary. PREPARE for WINTER HUGH PUNLOP, Merchant Tailor, NOW IS you R, CHANCE AV1NG refitted his Shop on VV est street, a•Il• next daor to Bank of Montreal, is uow prepared to supply his numerous customers, ott short notice, with all articles in Ira line. His stock consists of TWEEDS, OVERCOATINGS, CHECKS, in great variety, and will be sold CHEAP for CASH. He hopes to re- ceive a full Aare ot public patronage, as heretofore. 11, DUNLOP. Goderich, Nov. 3, 1869 w39 SR-10GS & STAH-BOLTS WANTED. KOISONIN 9 Prices to Snit the Times ! - Photographs redaeed to $1.00 per Doz., OR 75cts. FES HALF DOZZN. Large Photograph Reduced in ,Proportion. Also win make the largest Photographs made in Goder- ich. ter -3 cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar up:: anis a t HE SUBSCRIBERS IRE PREPARED TO MAKE A contracts for the delivery of a quantity of Elm, Ash, Befell, Pine, and Hemlock, Sawlogs, also, Stave Bolts D. CAMPBELL'S Photograph Gallery. Guderich. Oct. 19th. 1.569, 11,27 CHRISTMAS FRUIT ! Delivered on their premises opposite the railway station Also to undertake the sawing of custom Lugs For particulars appls to Mr 'ellen on the premitses or et the residence of Ilr Jamas Tomlinsoti STANDLY & Co. Goderich, Mrd December, 1869 w49-tf DISSOWTION OF- PARTNERISHIE CREAPEST RAISINS, CURRANTS, AND ALMONDE. In the Province of Ontario. ,PHE UNDF-RSIGNED. WHO HAVE HEE'K CAR- A- rying on business as bias:hers, under the style or Carmel! & Marsh, on Hamilton Street. hereby* give petite that the partnership existing betweeli Diehl is this day dissolved be mutual consent. ROUT. C.ARMAN, FRED. 14 A RS . With reference to tlie above Ile uwelersigned begs to say that the above business will be carried tin by him in all itsdepartments and he wonld respectfully solicit a continuance of public pats:mar, SOBT. CA IiM A N Qtriettell, Jan, 1870. we.° Sun -Dried Malaga only 10 cts per lb. Finest Sun-dried Seedless, 12 cts Finest London Layers, 20 cts per lb, Soft -Shell Almonds, 25 etas per lb • (I.= Just received direct from Importers another bit uf that 60c Gunpowder TEA. Mau for 3 weeks only Best Qualiq Imperial at Wholesale Price, ONLY 75c PER W. C. CRABB. aciderich, 10th Dec., 18a9 w47-tf WASHING MACHINE ! ;.PERFECT CEM. Pric 3 oaly 1$2.00 each TWO FARMS DT SA 17. VOR sate t-wo very valuable' FAR t, is t! Ti. • 32 ship of Godere•h. 5%-ltari14 .1111 ail 3 to '061:P11 SH :W. ;Huta, „Galen. it a tie , November •eath• 11910. FIRST -CLOS F AIM FOR SAL= T" in-ttni toe whip of ( oIts.re. subscriber offeie for sale, on liberal tet ta- being lot b, con_ lo.four milts. front Gab -tide It -•..1 prise...4 100 acres of the le at limy 500, a.l t free of stumps. Frame Hottse and Barn. Splendid- Apple and Pear ureter:el ettal eat, r A mae anti lot irtGoderratevelld Rao us par ; j -s, - tueuL For partieuraretepply ANDREW H ietoria st.160,10-1. t. s Godericb, NOY 1st. 1h6e A RARE C1 -17A1\ C LAKE SHORE AsHERVAII SALE N GOOD WORKING OlIDER. 11 fee'T lil; I ties, 7 Coolers, 1 Steil) Curb and Ernie 3 seer Aloulds, 2 1eorses and Mantes.. 2 Waal 11.a.ziretre Trileighs, 2 Wheel Barrowe, 4-S11(1y...he Pewter Caini.• Mould Stands. 3 15 in a stand. e (-ham Peineeefer ley I Water Pump and many other appetidaie ons meution. In good stand aud e ill t eer;:d for cash. g3a. 2,000 loads leached Ashes, 7 neut. -,4::790arri Enquire of J BARNEe, ut the Ashery. Gocieriel..Nov. 2nd 156e. ,e47. - TO RENT, A TWO eTORY HUUSE. A14141, I 1. arrraar„,, ociaerieh, Dee ISO, 1 tee %A 47 - c) IP X C) 1.I. partieeconeenied are Iterebv notilvsl tl.at anr niornes due to the hearer 451 1145 I' 4 .0 143041 or aro. rweount, are to be paid iiits..111 js-e.ot, :Jo other payments will be considered it and :.e.1 111.ldt. Goderleti, Dee. 2, 1s69. %tie FARM FOR SALE. BEING COMPOsED OF LOT 21, GO:4111.:V Township or Smith,. comity or Pei oa. acres, 100 acres art in a ItiOt state of eultivatton. land is of the best quality end well tem cd ta pest /0,14 tenet. along the front.) Them are tio the premises 3 dwelling house, flume ham '36 by el- feet. gimlet, „ stelae anti shed 106 by 24 feet. well fete•cd orellArd •I 100 hearing trees, ten never d4mg eats e I. go., I pumps. &c. Thie tibe property is situated on a gra:. I road. mid eottneeted 1,y gb..4b.I 10-330 13334i :Aril' It 11111, ' 10 miles) and by a road. eiiiti in be flit huest nt powinee, with the (tee -Arent market. of Hayfield (4 Int lee) and Seaforth (12 miles). F.,- further p t ars apply te D. MeDuugell. Awe toneer. Be:field, or ter FRANCO; MA MIN, uu the premises. w46 -6m44 Bayhe!d 7th Dee. lft611 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. In the matter of Henry Treffn, an Insolvent. DUBL1C NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant to the powers vested in ine, ait Assign. e of the above nAtned Ineolvent ail ray right, title nuti interest in the followiug Linde and premises as As- signee, as aforesaid, WILL BE SOLO RY PUBLII; AUCTION IMIE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER F011 SALE " A .L. little vvonderin the Washing Machtue line" patent - ell and manufactured by Israel Kinney. of Woodstock. It is the cheapeet machine ever invented can be at ached to any urdinary wash -tub ; can be adjusted by springs tosuit either light or heavy goods : washes as rapidly and efficiently as more ctunbersome and costly machines ; aud three less injury to the clothes ; and deares them nearly as dry. if desired. as a regular Wringer. Thelow prim of 82.00 brings it withal the reach of any family. With it any housekeePer eau de her ovnevea.shing without eithei getting stare hantla ur au aching bauk. Call and See the Machine AT ROBINSV & YATES' Market Urecery. Goderieh, 9.3th Dee., 1869. wee • SEALED TENDERS at the auetion Mart of George A1 Truemati, An the Towp of Guderich. in the County of (Junin On Wednesday,the 23rd day of February, A. D 1870, at the Lour oftwelve o'clock tiocso.Az : All and singular that certain panel ortrace of land and premises situate. lying and being to the village et Hovrick, in the:County of Buren, and Provinee of On tario, tied being composed of -village lot number twenty one, in said tillage. as laid.dowu on a registered plan of dete, nfteeuth May. A D.. one thousand eightbrai- deed and fifty-six, by Wi liam Rat.h. Provinciat Sur- veyor, eaid let fronting on Victoria Street, and colt -- wining by aria resentment one fifth of an aerie Ire the same more or less. For Planter particulars apply to the Assignee, or to J. 11 GORDON, Solicitor, Goderich. WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO THE 20th o! January Lest., for the building ot a two story brick house, commencing early vet spring. The different kinds of work to be tendered for separately or to !ether. Plans, specifications and form ot coup act can be seen at the office of the un- dersigned. SMAILL & CROOK. Architects Goderich, 13th Dec., 1869 s w49 $1O EWAT,D, rTIBE SUBSCRIBER WILL GIVE THE ABOVE RE- -& ward to any person or persons that will give such information as will lead to the e.onviction of the per- son or persons that stole frora hip barn on the 24th net-, a quantity of whe,aL . JOHN SOURBY, . Lot 17, atti eon., Godefich township December 271h. 18!9. w49-Im Agents; Reed Thit 11TE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY of 830 per IV week and expenses. or allow a large commie/don, 0, sell our Hew woutlerful inventions. Address, w VT ate WAONER It CO.. Manilla' Mich, SAMUEL POLIAMIC, Assignee. Goderich 13th December. A. D. 1869. w47-2ad STRAY STEER. clAME non the enelosure ot the undersigned aben tee the begin ll I aa g or November last n three year old steer. The owner is requested to eirove properly, >4y expenees and take away. GEORGE COX, 6th con.iGoderich Tp Goderich, Dee 21,1599. w413 at IN CHANCERY BETWEEN JOHN BROOKS, Plaintiff' and G EORG E NI MEN S Defendant - To the Defendant George Mimi's. Take nut ce that a 'motion will be made irr Chambers, at Osgoode Hell, in the City of - Toronto, on the 8th day ot February nr2o--- that the Bill to this cause may be taken as confessed agaivat you, und nuch order having been made, the Court may grant to the Plaintiff such relief as he may be entitled to on bis own shewing, and you will not receise any further notice tektite futuie proceed:rigs in the cause. Dated the 23id day Of December A. 1). 1864, CAMERON & G ARROW. w49.2vr Plaintiff's Solicitors. CHANCERY S A LE ! OF A Residence. Tannery, and Village Lots, IN Tar VILLAGE OF BLIeeVALt IN CHANCERY. STEW -ART DURSIIANT TO A DE1 L AND FINAL IZ 1 for t ale made by the ...min of Clouser,: tins cause. leering date respectively the Moabite. 1, .lay Octohet 1868, eial the litli day or N.. r11,1,,i WV". there will be ;pia BY PUBLIC AUCTION/ BY C. TAIT SCOrT, UCTIONEER, AT JOHNSION'S HOT1,112 in the village ea Bluevale, the count) of Huron, —"NA' OriTuesday,18th Day ofiantr4ty A. D. 1870, AT 2 o'or,ocK, r. at, • The following valuable eelarge pniperty, being com- posed of Icee number Dae mid 1311, Diniesm ts ;Sur- vey, by A. Buy. Ksq., PeL S. in tile fetid tillage of Bluevale, eontrittithig admea,sureuient iseven-teuths of an...11 aereTohfolaprud Oihrilt7T50yr wws111 Le put up in two < Pa:Martel:No 1 cousistseof rillag4lote umber 124 and 125. Dancates tu the said village of liluevale. (tou- t:doing each one-tiftb of an acre. 14-iese lots aee Mat- ated 012 the 51 est side uf Clyde Street . the said itl- ealageb)ofthBelueintevalreeei, attri,da Ctiii)eAlte osrttlrie,-w.t.eseti;mi, runeer. dry line between the Townships of Dierris and 7 urn - berry... There is on lot number 124.a good frame lesuae stsiriem high, 2ox24, all tiuished lath and pias- ter partitiuns anti walls, OR IA aba 2nd floors. A 'min- ing the house is a frame kitchen, 1 eter3 bigh and 14 feet square, all finished. Under the house a ginn.I same cellar, 7 feet hesk Len number 12:5 adjoining lot number 194. Rims a goud garden plot and has a ntunberef apple and plum trees which bare innqi bear- ing Ater or the years. There is aleo ou tins lot and near the. boluses good wed properly shame p Parcel Net 2, amidst. of village lot numi.er 1E0, Duncan's Surrey, the eseld village of lime -tale cora Minnie three tenth. ()fattest:re more or trietree lee which% stimou-41 on the Maitland iniiit frame Tatineey. 36 f,et lem.rth and '24., fern iii rLidttki, 24 Stories or 22 feet high abeve the :rats. eot A good nater power is obtamea wattle four or tine eusla/ tturmThileleetilf.lUtMililiredelSahaStigle 0111. half °Ube pureliase money oreeseee -(re or purchasers shall pay down dtteleire- 17,1,111)1; aeriothl sil,ottihreepaywtalT,aukstitterareliitaafe:Lf).44.11.. jttoire.411111611,,mits Tile unpaid balance oil earth parcel is to tie ;mesa/led Isy. mortgegt, beanie: tutereet at the rate of Ado puje Meat; per anuitan, of the parcel on parcel:, in respeel,a(741,4* thTe Iblearelaniscea!pezle8 dureved bidding on eachaurtiter100/11.' In other respects the conditierie of sale wirele eeer BtandFurtiligere.°panrtillit.talasrsurnthiaryCuhruotit:tztifIr It.tedha;rauViellt.. of the eillage of Bit/erste. aria abso from ; tioneer the viilage of Wisghatn, John via 188°61),i:tit: eimyb:opf Fit • D, DOY1.1; & SejI'l ER. V111,4, •1 :24411 itore• 0 1 male 1 v• 4 r