HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-01-06, Page 47 TAR. s. • 404,1411151[21•1144,100,11Pal "yr enetrereeefee.. • P 0 E T R Y. -: and the young man was seized, and baund , so devotedly, rested in his narrow bed. a A Bit uf et, Winer.. . „ . , . _ . , . . . . .. ENI -GM A. - gles., 'Once he faised his voice, calling for ho Ins masfer was. . CALIFORNIA has long been celebrated G4) DEJRICH WOO,LEV'FACTORY, _ witlogreen thongs!, in spite of all his strug- No tele know whence the dog came nor ......-„, . . . . ., :z . . solve me this prolikni and 'tin tact my- natne; help ; but this was rather to apprize his . for 'big. ihings,' aninsnle and vegetable, Mem) •omil! letaers extilain it - ' , friends of their danger than from any Cana'dtan Cheese in England. and the followinw addp to the list :-- °KNOWN AS' ;PIPER'S_ MI -14S--) • nt tuy.firs!, ilk. .4.1 rope -aunt& serviee doth claitn other motive. . —....aa....0-....— -, a e _ _ And riii sireoqd, Its feet tole.. isoiMiti ' Before Juefice•F-.---o-, at San Juan., , rae my rn1,11 tys hre 1,1 an.1 raii%1 harm it thl craft shot up the river, he could only My thi-rd, It ivsittt,.d. would wealo•lt hi.4 tea l He was now placed in a canoe, and as -ny arse is tilr feet th it in Rome yon wii-ii.i ,se Shonhl 1...4ion en ie..iiiin ii'erswarni it ! ga a upoe the brenches of the great trees DEARS/R.-The Manufacturingof Cheese charged with assault and batteey uoon a My sizet, ro w.ar, ,,e the froirt of los wig fellow-eoun try m an . ' Many witnesses' were ' RESPECTFULLY intimates to farmers and others that they areprep . • area to. fill examined ; and, finallf,-Jimmy C-- all orders in , .. . , was called. to the gaud. , s.' ROLL CARD,NC,.. MANUFACTURINC 9 'Mr. C---, state ,whkt pie know about this cese.! • ..e --e. From the Daily Intelligeneer. TAt S 1Nt s, Nevada county, was brought a Hibernian, ram 7:11...es,...v.v.sscor..m4..rait ...m.somertehroar.m.at-wre. Asa, ..ystesTalamonvawmAa.goidissearrai . - Land Office, ,pfev 'Marble Works 13. Land for Sale A REGISTRR of Imprueed Farms asel kt.attuciativ, • - vicironu GODERICH. Market Square Ooderich .March 1. - GODERICH =ELLS. Nty ,vern•b is ptiee,1 in its ....litre And my hi./i.ta sit his hells. so hig, Th3t elinr,h-iliior seareely ean enter ! MY s nth )..0 st the Clot of his toes or sm. • i.xtrenve -,11 1.,0, And niy tentA. 1 de- viv.h le% er,ed tin his nose Or foonO o t;ie .101 •o••reition hangnio over the water, and the blue sky is one of vital imppitance to a large pur- 1 ' and stears. For two hours the journey tion ogthe progressive farmers in the Coun- was confirmed, and then he was placed ty of Hastings,andany informatien respect - upon the shore. He gazed around him, , ing either the home Or foreign trade in that and saw that he was in the midst of an article of consumption, I -imagine will in-. Indian 'village. Elis arrival produced a terest a few of our readers. During the present year I visited Eng- land, spending a few days Wensleydale,in Yorkshire, which is diversified by bill and dela. Vurine a -drive of twenty miles not an acre of Ian% was ploughed, all was in grass, either meado.w or pasha& land. It has long -been famous for itaStilton Cheese which brought a nigh price in the Colliery -district ; the writer of this, however, saw that even there, in the villages, Canadian Cheese had made its Way and was sold to those sturdy sons of the soil when they *ea frashed themselves with bread and cheese to their beer, and frequently elieited the remark that it was good Wensley Cheese. I visited Liverpool, Manchester, Black- burn, Sunderland and Newcastle on Tyne, making it,a,yoina to call at several Cheese Factories :. in each of these places I saw what was exceedingly pleasing to 'a Ca- nadian,nainerous labels decorated the pro= vision ahops with .canadian Cheese,' 'Prime Canadian Cheese,' printed upon theta ; not one with 'American Cheese,' showing the high position Canadian Cheese has gained in the Blinds or stpmachs of Jelin Bull and Sir, you would have been surprised,no doubt, as well as your inform- ant, to asee a label, 'Prime Canadian Cheese,' !Stuck on a wretched looking `Cheshwe Cheese,' and when the grocer was waked if that was Canadian,' he said that it was Cheshire, then why, said I, defame the fame of Canadian: The .reition is easily seen, he palmed Cheshire upon hiscustoinera at the price of -Canadian, for a firm largely engaged in the sale of English Cheese in Manchester informed we that our Cheese %vies selling one penny per pound higher than their best • Cheshire.' . . - Thomasburg Cheese of August mak.e, was seen fir ashop in Manchester which was parchased at Livrpool. for sixty-eight shillings per cwt. • A Cheese • Factory in •, Blaeleburn purchased a lot of Hungerford Cheese from Blackburn & Co., Liverpool, at 66s 6a per cwt. The high character of Canadian Cheese .would be easily maintained by Factories, retaining their eulls or any cheese tainted or injured in its manufacture, and selling these to be consumed at home, and when shipping, the box Iids should be fastened with tin in the same manner as butter fire kins, the cheese would then arrive in bet- ter condition, - and would command a higher price. ;Cheese was seen on Liver- pool dock from Hastings, which would not pay 'freight.' • . The general impression among Cheese Factors was that Factories here held large stocks of Cheese and that when these came forward cheese wOuld recede, but so long as Beam sells for 8d or 9d per lb., cheese will comniand high prices. . I remain, . CANADA. Seymour, Dec. 20th 1869. Now re:14er imi ii lItIr II :1 onl% lee.baa, sense:eel and warriors a ad squaws to began a yanal Mut A tshilhar 014 prooier • ' gather around him. who kettles, .iti hraispi thrmieliont Hama and Bowe . From thi 'rex t-Nmks , if wens said of Fowler! , They soon learned the particulars ; and Inehe issisli•v Ad.% .scat.: \ , ,'11.11us, at t hues, , - 1 publi.ta ixtetiral .ti :ct tire -4, 1 then their yells rent the air, for they were Which, B -t -ns eavs..n his ii -en mating Omni* inoniticipation of a great treat upon the are sillier far. than my lectures. morrow. This was what they wanted. . BIRO. The torture of a human being would only / sharpen their appetites for b/ood, and theY TAKE THE PAPERS. woeld be more willing to march forward — against the pale -faces. Ae Howard was being dragged along thrbugh the village, one of the -old squaws approached and caitched him by the arm. She gazed eagerly into his face, and ut- tered a cry of surprise. But she instantly fled from his presence, and, in the moment after, the young man found himself a prisoner in a dismal dungeon, half -buried in the mud and water which had there ac- cumulated. Here was time for reflection. Could there be any hone for him ? It hardly seemed possible, for the execution of a captive like himself follows the arrest al- most immediately. And what of the poor girl, Wild Bird ? If she was ceught, and the chief had spoken truly, both she • and himself would be burned at the stake to- morrow. Could he expect any assistance front his friends ? Scarcely. They were not strong enough to penetrate the Indian village, and- they were required at bottle to protect their wives and children. A few daring spirits might make an effort to re- lieve him ; but that hope was a faint one, for his prison was situated in the very centre of the encompment. True, it was expected that a large number of settlers would soon arrive, and troops were also looked for ; but these would, doubtless, come too -late: There seemed to be no actual grounds for hope ; and yet that sen - .t tnnent will fill the human heaat, even against, hope. Howard believed that he must die. BY N. P Why don't you take the papers ? They•re the life of our delight ; Except about election time, And then I read for epite, Subscribe ! you cannot lose a cent, Why she'll,'" you be afraid ? For cash thus paid is money lent At interest four -fold paid. Go, then, and tale the papers, And pay ,o-ilay, nor pay delay, And niy word fer it is inferred, - You'll live until ynu're gray. An old neighbor of mine, While dying with a 'sow+, Desired to hear the latest news 'While he wes going off. I took the paper and I read Of some new pills in force : He bought a box.- and is he dead ? No -hearty as a Ilene. I knew two men, as much alike As e'er you saw two stnnips, And Tat phrenologist could find A difference in their bumps. One takes the paper, and his life Is happier than a King's; His ehildren mn both read and write, And talk of men and things. The other took no paper, and While strolling -through the vaned, A tree fell down and broke his crown, and killed very good.' Bad he been- reading of the news, At hoine, like neighbaz Jim, bet a cent that accidant Would not have happened him. Why don't you take the papers ? Nor from the printers sneak Because you borrow from his boy A paper every week. rpr he who takes the papers And pays his bill when dne, Can live in peace with Gnd and man, And with the printer too. • WILD BIRD. Minnesota, now so replete with nature's gems, was yet one vast wilderness, and the prowling savage held universal sway. A few hardy pioneers had gathered on the banks of the Mississippi, near the head\ of Lake Pepin; and here, for a time, they lived in peace. The soil was cultivated to some extent, but hunting and trapping wasthe principal necupation of the settlers. Butad storm -cloud was gathering. A wily chief had proposed marriage with Ea pale- face maiden, and had been rejected.. This angered him, and he swore that he would . a exterminate the invaders. = q•sa,t- Among the most daring of the settlers was a.young man by the name of Howard Burke. He was said to be an orphatiaend it was also given ouk that he owed his \orphanage to the Sioux Indians, who were en &Powerful nation, and were encamp - principally upon thes Minnesota River. e work of building a bleckhouse, or au going on, and all day long had g man toiled. As night came on ered away from the settlement; TiPon the bank of end pr the river,he gazedlistlessly into the water. Suddenly, he felt hand placed upen hip shoulder. aThe touch was gentle, one, but lie'spreng to his feet; end he saw standing before him an Indian maiden, or so- her dresa bespoke her. But her face was that of a white girL She trembled, as if in fright, and glanced back into the dense forest. Tken she spoke a few words in tete Sioux, language; but the expression upon -the face of Howard told her that he did not understand her. Her manner became at onceearnest; and by pantomime, she gave him to undenstaud that they were soon to be attacked -perhaps that very night. e There was !something about the maiden which especialiy interested the young Man; and he took her_by the hand, intending to qneition her further. At finite sbe offeeed no resistance; but suddenly she uttered a wild cry, tore herself away, and, leaping int) the river, she swam for the opposite - shore. -The movement appeared to he a strange one; and Hovrard gazed after her, fearing that she would be borce down by - the current. He vraa soca' convinced. how- ever, that there warelitt/e- dangeeet for she seemedeslmost as much at home on the water as on the land. fo Ira —ha While the young man stood geeing after, the girt, who was now nearly, lott to vieve ha saw a moving shadow upon the ground tear him,' which *as thrown there ay the lest rays of the setting moon. e Instaptly _ turned aroand, atictfound himself con- fronted by a. huge- Indian, whose eery; visage betrayed:hie fieedish natureand 'rage. The savage did..not speak for et fere, molten* but tixed his. eyes. searchingly upon those of Howard-. Then he pointed in the direction in which the" girl had 144, and said,. in broken -English, !‘ You. hey& . mule %1st- - lirds traltreste ands she enlist Hats mist be the cede, think yen that will spare you_r . _ yeeni'tsian'eurted islighte in but .be eepriedie tense, sair Bird, eievott,eall het, until this inoinent."! - The wage appeared not,- , those n uttered Amy Of. joy, , a ou 0 e sen _enealanate tpecieh eatraseepaidaioanarearoad depot in Ontario: Pqty andriftiphAfq-Pc!pe.,,,whoSeinterle." te'• HOvierd'it arniit 'Ohs, iny brether laft all aeand eow his thoughts be,gan to dwell name particularly upon Wild Bird, ane d a4 memories of the past floated through twain. Even in the surrolindinggloom, 14pcied that he could see her sweet, sad eibefore him • and then came terrible *ears even of lust boyhood. There were yells to be heard, shrieks of agony he -air. the red flame cratkled, and ran like water. ile these visions were filling his brain, denly heard a splash near him, as of hing falling in the mud. Then Some moved as if crawling. Could it be uge monster who would devour him? was the case, he might thus escape horrible and lingering death. something touehed his body, and hand was passed over his face. He 'Who is this, and what do you want answer given could scarcely be un - d, but it was as follows :- my pale -faced brother fear me ? d not, for I am his friend. I ani who laid my hand open you as you along. I am an old woman, and I ut little a stiffl will do all 1 -tan. will first answer me some qnes- are they ?' •,you net once live down on the , and were not your parents mar - Pa*: can But tio Wabr "dere In are right ; such was the case.' winkling, the cerds which bound the yieng man were severed, and he rose to hia fe,et. Then the woman continued : 'It tinoth drin pre into lov es Vack to menow. 1 held yottr a head upon my lap when she was 'and her hot. blued streamed over *Made rae sorry when she looked ace with her clear blue eyes, and er. I tried to save her but I couldn't. I tried to save your little sister, but she-vzas carried off by my tribe. Fur the sake of your mother, I will try and save you now, eyen if I do not succeed.' 'You speak of my sister. Do you know anything about her l' _ -yes, everything. She is among us now 'and is called Wild Bird.' ' 'Great heavens ! Aod if she is caught, she must die !' . - Howard eiplained his meaning to the old woman and she became even more anxious till:a before that he should effect his escape at once. It was not a difficult matter for the youne man to.get out of the fort into witrah he ha been thrown ; butte pass through the village wasnotquite so easy.. But fortune appeared to favonr him • at that moment, for a series of yells burst forth from the opposite side of the camp, and every one :rushed in that direction. It became an, easy matter for him new to pass around. the settlement ; and, with the old woman as his guide), he soon reaahed the river's -bank: - - . Then he asked, 'What is the meaning a those shouts, and why ire they continued 'salting ?' - ,,'A traitress haebeen capttired,' was the eepty -•,- and it canted HoWarci's bleed ter run cold, for he felt sure it should be no other then his sister. He declared that he would return, and . die with her ; but tlueold-woman said,4Resh man, be guided *MC. Have r net sucieeded in releasing you !' 'And can.you, do the same by her l' . 4Rest herneeontented ; or, if you move it:. ali, go `further down the stream. Your sister will ;thrown into prison at once. I.•will visit er, atd, in an hoir, she will join you.' 7 hat hour was a- weary one for Howard; he listened the distant yells, and several tinieehinelutIrresolved to Teton to• the taints; ' Preaelatly, however, he saw a dark form creeping towards Mna ; he recognised it.to be that of a female, and he srpeng foriveritto, nisetfier. Ner 'dress was that ottireeitcl won, felet not so the face. le it was Wild Bird? - -- -- - a • . A moment af . t the old woniatt herself aiipsesred, , $ba-*Inted nut a spoe 'where a' -ea,-ture- Waif -COPeekied i and, bidding the brother and Mater. fer it, she.waved them ocher return. - tone Wild Bird sat in to bet -brother's. face. an adieu. and, eta .Duringthetlei the center, et - Then she star andexcIaimed: sotanng.:into fulfilled' the fund -kens of Nit -tete: - 4,- • - • _ _ • The New Th_._a.mes 'runnel. A new tunnel under the river Thames, near the Tower, and for that maser' called •the Tower Subway,' is in process of con- struction. Vi hen it is completed, a small rotunda -like building on Tower Hillaolose to the Lower Mathes street, will. receive the passengers. No tickets will be issued, for the conducter of the omnibus or car- riage below will collect the fares. The passengers will descend a spacious shaft of ten feet in diameter and fifty-six feet deep, by means of a 'lift,' such aa is used in the great hotels. Second-class passengers ge down first, and will remain on the plat- form at' the bottom of the shaft during the half -minute' -or so necessary for the descent of the first class -passengers. The latter will immediately pass into the com- fortable and commodious carriage awaiting them, something between a railway car- riage- and the better kind of omnibus : they will be followed by the second-class passengers,anci the yebiele willimmediately start on its journey. The transit will be niade in about a minute. Artived on the other side, the first-class, passengers, who will be nearest the shaft, will take their places in the 'lift,' and will be brought to the surface in about three-quarters of a minute. The 'lift' will:then descend for the second-class passengers, and when these are brought aboye the ground, the single carriage below will be ready for its return journey. The omnibus is con- structed to carry fourteen passengers. The tube only contains a single line of rads, and as a single carriage will be employe, all risk of collision is out of question. With regard to the whole time of transit, about three minutes will suffice to convey passengers -from their areival at the station to the other side of the river. • A Powerful -War Vessel. The keel of one of the typical first class Britiph war ships of the future has been laid at Portsmouth. She bears the Brig- gestiVe title of the Devastation, and acing ,with her consort the Thunderer, to be shortly commenced, will take precedence of the existing grades pf the British navy. Her length is 285 feet, her extreme bread h 62i feet, main dreft.26 feet, and toias bur- den 4,406, old meistirement, She is to be worked by two engines of 800 horse power, and her estimated speed is -set down at 124 knots per hour. She will be able to carry 1,600 tons aerial, sufficient for a three Weeke cruise. She ia to be con - strutted on the geneine turret principle, without any attemptta unite, by the addi- tion of masts and sails, the eharacteristics uf two distinct varieties of fighting ships. -Being; then, neither i adapted for a cruiser n a guard ship, she is simply a. floating 'battery of enormous -power.- She Will car- ry two turrets, and on each ivill he 'Mount- ed two thirty t in gens, capable of throw ing out 601)pounds weight. Her sides ere to be composed of teak and iron of neerly three feet in thickness, constituting an armor plating which is intended to make her -the most- -impenetrable ship of any, while her armament is claimed as the hewilest yet attempted.'. Owing to :the absence of any ivcaketloft, aacrewf of .',250 men, it is said, will. be aufficieat to Wcirk her. She is te test $1,450,000 in gold-, . _ ; Cloth Dressing, Custom Spinning, .Dyeing( S tinetts, ' ' k-. had a bit of a quarrel Omit some wood ..E I (tiled Cloths, Winceys - Flannel Blankets, 1 I - . Well, youi honor, Berney and Patnck re,..1 tney had been cutting. They were: standing neSr, the wood pile in front of the house, and after jawing a little Barney - picked up a bit ol a silver, and/give Pa t tick a little tap on the head, Italie weal over on to the woodpile -and that,was ull • sea- AUt 'WORH WARRANTED. lhere was about it,' Goderich Woolen Factory, } . Justice F.-----, 'You :say Barney June Siii, 1869. hit Patrick on the head with a bit of a silver. What kind of a silvervwas that!? ' Well, your honor, 'Was_ a small thing , -a bit of a chip.' On the shortest notice. Parties wishineto exchang,e their wool for gond honitrniade goods, will find it to their interest to give us a call. as we are satisfied we have the goods you require. Parties coming from a distance viith. eeol -to getj carded may in nearly every instance rely on getting their wool home yith them the same, day. Wr.A.31211-aXEM:=C1 11343? 'But -we want to know how big it was ; give us your idea of about the size of it.' THE- MONTREAL TEA COMPANY 'Well, your honor, (after some hesita- tion,) I think it was about two feet long, 6,110SPITAL STFLEET, MONTREAL. and abont as big round as my wrist l' w11 firlHE continued success of this Company is only attsibutable to the quality and purity of their Teas. Overa hun- Popping the Question. - .1. dred thousand bokes of Tea have been sent to (Varela parts of the Dominion, and upwards of a thoasand — testimonials can be shown, bearing testimony to ahe quality and purity ot the Tea, A great saving can be effected by purchasing direct -from us, conies of 5 and 12 lbs.,end upwards. Every package warranted to give satisfaction. - Lord Justice Clerk Braxfield was a Man Club together and send tor four or five 51b. conies. which will he sent carnage tree to any Railway Stationin the of few words and strong basiness habits. , Dominion. The mouey can be collected on delivery. li3" Try our tresh ground steam Roasted Coffee, itr5 and 10Ib. tinsand upwards, the flavor of which is really In courting his second wife, his procedare excellent. and every package warranted. 113- 20Ibs. Tea mid 5 or 1011is. Coffee, sent to any Railway Station - was -entirely illustrative of the and Coffee delivered five times daily in the city. peciajari. carnage. free. Tea 131JA.CILK rrE A ties of his character-- Calling fin. the lady, he said to her without preliminary re - English Breakfast, Bru en Leaf, strong Tea, 45c. ,50.-; Fine Flavoured New Season do. 55e., 60c. and 65. ; Ve m r . Belt Full Flavoured do 7 c. • Sound Oolong, 45c. : Rick Flavoured do 60c. ; Very fine do du. '75e. ; Japan,Good ' Lizzie, .I am looking for a wife and I 50c., 55g., Fine 60c.. Very Flate 65m, Finest75c. thought you just the penion that' would - suit 'me, Let me have ' or no. the morn,and na -wire abed it. Twankay 60, 55, 65 ; Young Hyson 50, 60, 65, 70e. ; Fine do. 75c, ; Very Fine 55c ; Superfine and Very The lady the next Fine Gunpowder 85e, ; Extra Superfine do. $1. Perhaps he repente , replied in the = Choke $1: precipitancy, , No. 1,30e. ; No. 2, 25c. ; No. 3, 20c. ; No. 4, 9.ee. per lb: affirmative, CCOIE7V9EIE. , . for when the butler gae rning, on am - 14. V' JE A_ 11. 5 S ,r Et, ..i. A. L., count of Mrs. Braxford' epolding propen- • reties, the judge replied fit ' -Lord, limn you have ' le to complain since, and 1 am pleased to inform you that the Tea in every case proved most satisfactory, as welt as being exceed- . TheemilliTsont—reaul isTenae aCrOl my 4pa3rrieyar: since I purchased the gat chest of Tea from your house. I have Mpnorncthreasaled"rn68say - o' ye May be thankfu; y Ne. no Married to 41. ingly cheap. Yours very truly, , . . - F. DENNIE. her.' - 4 t . The late professor -7D. was, prior to his, appointment to his chair' nector of an ac- ademy in Forfarshire. floras particular- ly reserved in his, intercourpe with the fair sex ; but in. prospect of (ititaining a pro- fessorshiP, be ventured to Make ptoposals to a lady. They were walking towether, and the important question was putewith- Manager Canadian ExPress Co. out • pre:iminary sentiment 'er notes of - . warning Of course the lady replied by gentle ' No V. The subject was imme a ately dropped ; but the parties soon di - met aga'iDn'o yeti remember,' at length said the lady, ' a, question which you pnt to me when wet last met ?' - The professor said that he did remem- ber. ' And do you remember my answer, -Mr. D ?' ' 0, yes, said the professor. ' Well, Mr: D., proceeded the lady, _'1' have been led nn consideration, to change my, mind,' . Aa, M. areCshreStOTell _ MIONUMENTS, HEA.DSTCNES, lable at tops, Posts, &c , Tombs, of every downy tion and style of workmanship, furnished on short notice and at the lowest prices. Libe ral reduction made for cash. All orders punctually attended to. Designs of Mor ments, dice may be seen at the shop. odench. Dec. 19. 1865. e47.1 - RENT. HE imdersignedbavinglakentheabovewell-known Mille into his own bands is now prepared to rent em on reasonable terms to some competent „person for one year. F9r particulars apply 'to W3f. PIPER. Goderieh. May 12,1869. ws.1611 • FARBi FOR SALE. „. TWO J1 UlWittal, ACRES. T OTS 2 AND 3 CON. 5TIL TOWNSHIP OF GREY, 11 22 acres cleared, new frame bouse,24x18,4 storeys log barn, new, 21 miles from Ainleyville, vi from Sea - forth, on the gravelroad, one half mile from school, one half mile from saw and grist mill at Ainleyville ; well watered by spring creek, and very valuable tim- ber, both pine and cedar. $7 per acre will be accept- ed and time given if required. Apply to G. M. TRUEMAN, Valuator for the Trust & Loan Company, tioderich Goderich Nov. 12, 1869. w43 llgOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT APPLICA FARM .FOR SALE. .I 1 tion will be •inade te dhe Parliament of the - Dominion of Canada, at the session therebf next After the ekpiration of six months from the date of this T ar 10, CON. 10, W. D. COLI3ORNE, 100 ACRES, notice by Robert Sharman, of the Town ofGoderieh. in the County of Hnroii, fate Bill of Divorce from Matil- Li Si eh ar Ir mu na tn , ' of: n nt h ee rg rl with a commodious .kitchen attached.lilso good barn 90 cleared, good dwelling house frme 22x313, 3869. Tdom Dated at Goderich, the 6th day of October. A, .1) yoMunadtilodaf aBdouriltaneryd: and now called and shed accommodation, good bearirg orchard, well watered by two creeks runningthrough the farm, and w38-tf ' good wells One mile from gravel road, 5 miles from Goderich. For particulars apply on the premises to CAMERON & GARROW. Solicitors for applicant unders'gned, or to Mr. D Fergusoa, grocer. Goderich. ' Cato er nth 1669. C STEWART. w38-tf Farm for Sale. THAT superior Pam, Lot- 16, 6th con.' E. D. Co borne, T4 acres of land, 60 acres of which are cleared, wen watered by a living creek, and bounded by the River Maitland. Geed log house and frame rY GI-1=1•EiEN ur aaswer yes 1 Montreal Tea Company : Montreal, April, 1868.—To the Montreal Tea Company 6 Hospital r treet, Montrbal :•--We notice with pleasure G misti—The Tea I purelased of you it March the large amount of Tea that we have forwarde for you has given great satisfaction, and the flavour of it is very to differentparts of the Dominion, and we are ghat to fine. It is very strange, but since I have been drinking find your business sorr nidly increading. We pnisdume your Tea 1 have beennuite free from heartburn, which your Teas are givinggeudial satisfaction, as out of two would always pain me after breakfast. I attributed large amount forwarded we haveonly had occasion the this to the purity of your Tea, and shall continue return one box, which we understaad, was sent out a customer through a mistake. 7.ours respeetifully. G. CHENEY, FRA.NCIS T. GREENE, 154, St John Street. Montreal. ' And se have I,'. dryly responded the Professor: He Maintianed his bachelorhood to the close of his life. - EXCAVATIONS 6AT ROME. • A commainication from Rome, in the Journal .0ff:cid, says : 'Since Mount Palatine has become the private property of the Emperor -Napoleon, the excavations Montreal Tea Company ; ' •GENSEMEN.—The bolt of EnglishiBreaktestand Young HysoniTea which you song, ote gives great isatistact n. House ofSenate, Ottal You may expect my future orders. ' Yours, &c., SKINNKR. /13.• leware ofPedlars and runners using our name, or offering ourTeas in small packages, Nothing less than a catie sold by this company. • NOTE THE ADDRESS. The Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal ear Silver taken atpar. For Notes and Pos °lice Orders the Compauv will add the premiumi Tie to th Montreal. April -f, 1369 w97.1v THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE On staildish.ed WITH which is now united the Cclonial Life Assurance Company. Head office lar Tv Canada : Montreal, -Standard Company's Bnildinge, No. 47 Great St. James Street. Manager -W. M. Ramsay. Inspector-Ricbard • ACOUMULATM FUND " 820,000,000. AL 11V001o.E. . 3,500,000; The ompany having deposited the sum of 8150,000 with the Reeeiver General,in conformity with The insurance Act passed last Session. Assurinces will continue to be earried ota at ce. • my ate rates and op all different systems in pract ferees :-Dr. McDougall, Dr. McMiching, executed by His Majesty's orders and aka his cosi have. produced- most valuable ri-, • sults for archmology and for the history of , vol. xxi bre. 49. , • aecient Rome. The works, ably directed by Chevalier; Pietro Rosa, member of the Paris Academy of the Fine Arta, have lately brought to light nearly the whole ex- tent of the Palace of the Cmsars, and a description of. them will be included in the supplement which the savant Fable nori purposes isguing to his ,great work on the Palatine edifices. The public' is admitted evtry. Thursday to visit ;the place, net far frointhe•Campo- Vaccine and the Capitol, on the ground formerly known as the Far - nese Gardens, Near a Vast reservoir, of gradnated depths to, suit those fearing to swim, 'hag been. laid: epee a suit of cham- bers, the walls of which are painted. The. mytholoeical subjects, birde, column, vases, ppd. garlands ef floviers, present the most perfect -harmony, great nurity of de- sign, and a marvellous brilliancy of colour, ()none of the end. walls is to bp seen the giant Polyphemus, et the moment he sur- prises Acis and Galatea on the sea shore. The latter is fly*, into the wayea, ,nieunt- heremback; ate swimming and accompanying her. Cont- rary to- traditien, 'the hpge, monster is not representedwith &thighs eye in the middle of the .foteltead; jeatete, en a neighboeing panel, Atiati has not the hundred attribut-. ed to him by the fable, when, by Junes .orderS, he guarde her young rival bound to a rock,. _and whom Mercury, sent by Jupitee; •is. striving to release. In order teavoid the. injuries which the tints might suffer from contact ,with the .aite M. Rosa has had the. pictures coeered 'temporarily with a special varnish; prepared by an_ excellent: chemistt Candida.. A few days ago, in digging the foundation of a house near the. churah • of the Pilgrim's Trinity, sonie traces of painting were also fountkon the old:walk A.• clearance -Was J. CALLOWAY, jr., Agent for Goderich. NEW STAND, NEW GOODS NIEW THE NUMBER ONECROOERY STORE. t 13, r-•]Eiut-usoaiNr IVEED rms. TELL HIS OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOM:PRE V.VAT: JAB AWAYS KEEPS,. MOVING TOR LI ward, enlarging his stock, increasing hhi tacilitiga: and, as far as couipatiblis with:Maintaining the known superior quality of his goods, Lowerinif, his Prices. His business lutving grown year by year, the increased amount he turns over, enables him -to reduce the percentage of profit. The large -patronage he bas received, induces him to believethat he • COMi'ARES FAVORABLY WITH ANY . STORE IN. IRE' tINE. To enable him further to enlarge his business and aecommodate Ids friends he bits rented and fitted up ier th - most convenient manner The Large- griek Store in °Horton's Block Hamilton Street • (DETLOBiS OLD STAND), Where he expects to see the old familiar faces, and Would solicit an inspection from thoze who 1;ave not alread dealt with him. He has on hand -AN UNSURPASSED STOOK OP TEA • THE :BRIGHTEST- SUGAR „EVER -OFFERED, ALL THE . FAVORITE BRANDS OF LIQUOR, ][3:4'srr AIST.r) TbcortrrEII, 'STOP SRL 'UNRIVALLED SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACOO. Ana all the other necessaries of housekeeping. The asiewtment of Crockery, Lamps, &c., it; very extensive and varied. enibracing everything from ornamental China to plain and useful Stoneware, allwhich, from his enlarged tecommodation, is so displayed that every variety can be seen at a glance. r..r• Particular atteation is paid as heretofore, to the Flour and Weed departthent. D. F., for the conVenience of his co,untry cuidomers, has laid in a stock of ' Srr Aa-ili..4 ]bri.V- C111-CODI3S . . 9 made,- and in a room a mosaic pavement Was found, having. at the corners the four Such as Plaiu Dress Goods, C ttons, Flannels, Skirtings, Prints, .steS, &c..which will be found excellentia, vitality and reasonable in price. It". Farm Produce; he usual, taken in exchange- for goods at Cash value season's, with their usual attnhates, and D, F.' ventures Confithintlyto assert thatof all who come to see him • in the centre' Mereury wuving hiesadtleetts . . an& a 7nyiiipli bearing acernucoPia. 'The NONE WILL. DO AWAY DISSATISFIED Pope has jitit" ordered the reiteration of Goderich, Sept. 9th, 1869. , the Church of St. Mary of the Martyrs,the •tei . iw33 , anoient Pantheon of Agrippa. and has ' giren some' magnificent slabs of antique . yellow maridel-for-the 'fitiPair•--OfWelialie--:* ment. Amen the blocks frana the TORONTO ! TEA COMPANY 1 emporium; collected at the Belvidere by . , . . II N. • -the learned- archaeologist Visconti, the e' finest have beendestined by His Holiness , ZiODICIT ALL WHO WISH TOGET GOOD TEAS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE,PRICES, TO GIVE-TE.LEM A.4 it ti$11.00 ;,tchhii.i.it7 :_ewh elitail'colifitSit4.7 gneitiersuloS4td'olia :41 Qr-Jag R, ,. nsItted fot befOre, b.,,a1 •-.F an :''ef .tetliltlianr tritirerrat tit* an_periority w6I bern.at once. Where 15 lbs. is ordered, the saran ts sent paulto the express ageat on delivery, ' . . areeonstitietinglieat 'the Fartiese - alace, --:-.- ' - - • ami es in,the Colittry -. to the sacred edifices of. the NewlViirld,and ; ;" e "a - ' ilisfiaLuBs TRy ,TAEBE ...te i, in honor, of St. Thomas of Cant, rburya, Stipplied by the Toronto Tea ComparirwithTeas at whcaesalepriCes, They.have only tutry thein to see the The inenificence of Pins 1X exten i also ingto be effected, and be sure of getring.gennine good. Teff 'pure as imported,, v a splendid:atter formed of the riohtst.marb- „ ,,:: i- - ,' - '`,.. '''.•" ' oda,* get ap a Clab and. sena, tke names, with the kind and 'quality of Tea each member Wants. .They ire lea alid iWaiii.: Vi,:ltIlti'olorziionsitgates and''.• ;gap 1,- any 8 1Z e of package with each member's naineith theni, and where the total quantit:y entered is -not less other precious Stones ' b t t b t • . WES.. . e o s. 500- 55.0,1.ffie; 704.. tk SOO, and 900: Soueliodg, 60e, 65c, Mc. TOct, mane, Araerica, presents at 'a gift to the fin 0*°;45-C, .60°. arid. .65c. Very FifitOolong, 70c. Orange Pekoe, 700, „Bsc,__ ysorr,._50e1•35e, ‘0e-115 700,75c,L1306, 8.5e.806, and St:. OfittpolvderMM, II0Cand colmes- backetl,ineplain, plain 1 I remem- A quick-witted toper evetit a bar ca and ittt-- r ',Mgt h0148 otithlh--tsavi.ges- were echoing to.fhinh"- . ' • Another oreet-Ikaiierraudf = her SR tliat*-1 -84,PrgOtterilf " robm in Boston and calledlor something- Ithperial, Et0c, an $1,— japati'Vais4lineekited, dtic, 55e,:60. -435c) arid 80. ---"It Wing - behind them, es -they': t tbet%rook, 40.etten thee law -. , ,rs„ oha er grades of Teas thantheabOve, we prefer to confine -ourselves only to Teas whichiwe on to consumers. *•- -iv°345;-_1_17146"s• honse.; buttheeXpeetedsettl nand tenting at idia8:1411dtbid-"!: giVe von tt!.* 4014- Mir ewer and our- wer-; '`77 7 ,t g a ,a1 Waet hor a OrsOlte. Pa ...who_ was weleinV E:, BVS *er "Ulf' -awam' aMong had.arei ed ated-the - ' - I ate -k a ;"'' " Self it tO- you fortwelV -ants/ trail tided- telkr6fi' deing Alatttii4"414buitia4e- bad Mats elomtito, Tea ComPany. All whti bave tried them are load in their praise.' • not& loYe her- ,bfrA-- te„. begfInzeitlie - , - Taittor ,.11, trici taikeee, .blisiness ufider tjtc ...Arm tlt,ii"..-z.6s.lx--iiii_Combimac,„.„,,,.ustavusiiitt-Vtgarthalini thietveritiandtpt-being mixed with ataatninholeseeas ingredients. they go muelA- , cus o r - • 1Wila af Ond of *Lir ou 'chiefs "- cannot base now. She halinfteiiiii,ndet- "nei b (1, t 7 - . dowA•your deciteter.'• qt101Treell atiteLbrO 0 fid . - . I - 43 4 k , „ 939.9 „"914. , 0_ 09ff_e!.4310W ellered Lathe ker'far Bath° tune; -4-4-4;.tice, VIrtujia'SIL-see, gie,30c, and S5c, per lb. . Putni eyota tins 9f and*filid. , , _ „ ea- Y.e.erenteeeinati wat tined _0„. gooe ores kiiret • 11,„ higded 4711 'with igen() , 1.1-4 P'.;04:4:14lec-,301: - - " . 4."'"t '4* u°. 144,a3. =OW 40D. 33ta 111 all old- churchyard, )4 eketland• end our h ro toe a st bo wh a a ukt r tan . - barn 34x25. v ith a good orchard on the premises. Situated one mile from the village of Manchester, 11 miles from Goderich and 12 miles from Clinton. The property is a desirable investment being on.the County Gravel Road aed possessing a superior mil privilege on the River Maitland. Apply to 0.. M. TRUEMAN. Auctioneer & Land Agent. Goderich April 24, 1869 w -13-1:f .er The Las Success, iffiusismia RESTORER DIASSIgg AvOtegii:1878°Iag Gra7 ar Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. it will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIlkisimmediately checked. Sold by all Druggists. Price One DolLsr. Manufactured by S. R. VAN DOZER CO. Wholesale Druggists, 35 Barclay Street and 40 Park Mace, New -York, and 265 Mgh Holborn. London. Enz. 11111: following remarks pn Testimonials ef most w9ndeiful and extthordtpary eines in Canada by the6RhATINDIAN REMEDY. l'hey are stern, deniable and incontesuble filets. sufficient to convince the mostskepheal that the Great Medicinal Compoun. arnedafterfor ages is now accessible the Great SHOSHONEES REMEDY for Diseases ot thle llittrudaimgs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kidneys,„&c,,, as Well ,0.3 Scrofula, axe various Skin Diseases, Humors, and alWiscases arising from impurities ofthe P ood, we holdlystate that this_ gre.at remedy has !SEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person al Wilson Storms of Brighton, C, W., of Consumption ; or that ofyeter C. V. Miller, Earnestown, C.; W., of Con- soufnatiDys°pilaips'ariathiaIngrAaLwbersCeolmVrtilani'atf,Cor thaeriniife.f.713.4 of•Napcuiee, C. W. of Rheumatism, who bee actually been on crutches for years, in spG Ritue oTf 1st avocets.- ment heretofore, and is now well. Scores stanch eases auttmtnehedDbradegwSetosPraecetm. d get a Circtilarth ran.ight bcealmi e nfrOciNestiEE°IfilabRieEheleEpaYellantesil PalnLLS1118, and satisfy y9ur selves. Price qfth,eitettedy in large-pints$1 ;(3- PorSale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medi -eine, Agents forRodench, F. Jordan and Parker 5 WHOLESALE AGENTS! LYMAN, ELLICYPT & I ronorrro. - DUNSPAUGH & WATSON, . WINES& Co., HOLBROOK &STARK. nAmwrozi. T. !MIELE & SON, A.HAMILTON &co • • To Messrs. Clialtnr.m.ars 0 SELL OR RENT I 'TIRE WEST/ULF LOT N UMBER EIGHT, fetirteenth concession pf Huller. on the boundary line between Blyth end Walton Pont Office each way. good hardwrood land; wel watered ; thirty acres clearabcc. Seventy seven acres and a half in all. Well fenced. For further parnwlars apply /o Ammon the premises. B.A.N.SIN LAWSON. may 27111.1867. • *Pi Farm for Sale. -r 01'S 53 and 54, Baykeli-Concelion, In. the Township ei Goderich COntaining ,68 acres, of these over 50 acres clearett ieth good Frame Barn, and Log House, abtfut 21 miles from Chinon. For Zhrms of sale apply at the Division Court office at Goderich, or to Mr. WIGGING TON on the premises. Goderich. Ont.Sept. 21,1868. 11730 11. FARM. FOR SALE. SUBSCRIBER OFFERS ftin SALE. 'LOT 10th con., township of Ashfield, -ED, .4 wail, from the Northern Gravel Road, containinv 80 acres well watered. There is 60 acres cleared under culties, riot], 25free from stumps. Log house and log harnan, orchard of assorted fruit trees Terms one half balance in font years. TIMOTHY GRIFFIN, Belfast P, 0, October 14th, 1889. w313-2ni* ' FOR SALE. rrmraT EXCELLENT ,LOT OF WILD LANDS, L known as lot 33, con, 6th, East Wawanosh, con - tabling. 100 ems of excellent land, well watered. There is a large, creek running through the north end. anda sinall one -through the south end, also, several never -failing springs ; it ts half a mile from Short's Saw Mill, and 5 iiiiles from Myth, for sale very cheap, apply to ER. ARMSTRONG, Goderich. Goderthh, Sept. „7, 1869. • w AME into the enclosure of the subscriber on or about the first of September -last a Steer As' ing 2 iyeariotd, spotted red and white, the top ofone eareut offi and -a split in the other The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take lim away. - Colborne. part ot_lst and thul eon. near _Maitlandville. NEEL MOQUARIK. December 7th, 1869, w47 3ta Farmers, y Stable KEEPERSILiv7OrTHERS. Bring on all Your Lame Rorses. OLBORgEHOTEL,God rsxpene ce orlecttr Elo ret.lsvfeonrta311°dIle yeares erT. KAiy,Lrepared0Rtf:D N B.—Horses examineds.s to Soundness Goderich. 10th Aug 186a. 1 8 6 9. DIVISION COURTS TIMES FOR HOIDINGIDIVISIoN COURT/3,1N THE COUNT-YOE HURON IN 1869. ist Division, Goderich, Wednesday 240 Novem, 6111 Dungannon. Tbiasday 25 a " Hayfield, Friday 26 " Wroxeter, Thursday SO se gnd seatonh. 'Wednescicky 1st December 3rd Clihton, Thursday 2nd if ith 4 Exeter, Friday 3rd The aboveVairtsexceptOMISt Division will -pen at 10 a m ; the 1st Division -will open at 9 a sn (Signed) S BROIIGH, J. C. C.Huron. Certified DAN. LIZARS, Clerk ofthe Peace, Huron. Goderich, 13th July,1869. w47 ROOM .PAPERS ROOM PAPERS. -A VERY LAREE VARIETY 0I7 Three Different ,RALs. vf Papers REQUIRED For Halls; PariorsoillningHooins and Drawing Hems, ° AIL NEW PATTERNS, Gwast4;tibelega:emdolslIrutieZ riailreasr Bang The Best and. Cheapest PAPERS E vER INTRODUCED IN' GODERICII. FOR SALE AT BUTILER°S. Gooda.Aorinstii.1869; - ESTANISHED 1848. 111,1-1.E_ " HURON SIGNAL. Coatray P, na, County ,of liennO;Ordario • Canada. MAiwy, Comity of Hastings, Province of Ontario, Feb. itth, 1868. TTHIS.ds tote • ythatidurthgthe winter of 1866 I vkinTlizi.tK PUBLISHED -SEMI-WEEKLY AND immix .reagion of ale- Sha Becaine eedi -*here aniongtilierantitifierislvais a Small terlier-: teriking reeAa li;vteePertf the eneesPect#1g - _ ' flEtA. 1"r11- TREE1,11PiriPIE`' thaeterenolpo tatathlkti,Turinglittis4;ne.oid8;in'beearliedxtelktoeMed4°:°Ivludeil.1 'bows* ces.g, ' itiviit all. dosi„ e had h-mserf d the. landlord handed hitir thecreeker with the mrgfiee'iteg S-114:6K)-3beehic.Twhieh *erein"' ' ' ' ' • - - - - - ' some 471iy -.24.17.11Mberbf-stolell bonds and - w ei AT -THE pitEssi ys Rh& ye7eaksess of the aneim :which - 1-4-NdwareetzlirlItliefotliSyNniVilerso r' . ' -"in* frecittentad.tho''bomort,44***o- ,of)*4toili1or 'd t ref' h • th tio fmt d'd " remark - • ...geenieney:a tem 0,9e, . e_ • The 0/ok of Angestttit eaex•---11.vett aa, Jean' Thar : .14 iroitusiimmon •11 gar eat customer*. or .nia: mahout- wavers. While- Ina wsskness ;C -01)1,141g _ t no Ire w en e _ - . - pointed_ at r- ariona banke.,erka- .br-ekerav ,aa tlie Toronte :Tea ar'e. FrePared to - suPPIY -itroa_t9 Tea- --COIll_littnyla orento. to.admit-thlit'the i°n.grira-..11E-ladiftextm. -otterwar- t tiindoes:thrasooeugitetotittedith,Otinnela,geeedi.eonninesitloYi iaried t*re44Ces and -benine• enall#911#ed fl/Iletat.PrOOMmOved OtIteet therV814. f1)62iifYOU:*-agt 'a,a24kir families in the mun leitibs wita teas anatowees, • Tea Ne g°0das-thqVie4 tor _ OF ADVERTII311414 or &tar. foolityturitcans. she stonicir jokore„ _ _ _ d _ ail collateralseeorit7fori.04%. -te-thearnennt Imiush:quantitiatinalulividasisllisfreffidra, stritIm. a' 7(mi:find 4300...,05iisIsewliere.othersagsin. dec. taring at Iliferentidnaei Prescribed bYfriends, lin 1 fno avail. _ came- t .no gems no . yonee em ea bottle htotherst &la hasalresuIzbetra ;,fiktere le& :visitor attenreitatct _ titiact dear., tin get „lotiof remeat, "611.116.1tanfilliolt'nf-Aellim The finad Was 2.04'"7.41era -the rderdnantiVardirga acli!hls is lei Ifenstitekeio eenatescris as good. as aeay,,,,seate thew for I h I coatithied gra getworse and wome. . • hsfeesastriost, Our laws ..wiedeinis- her 44- tixe - fife' , Plc". . death; she must be She will to- 'd 'but :t sax er wring ymimportaint tru.,,ibot, to lira , . a - .1- - 4 a partially disCaoyeeeda-enarridak- Weakdast, ;:e9e'eeele, any railroad station. in Ontario,. Ry thlit-; staiebilfsiirreely„, "1. a HebiedY bY'reifill18tIVOlrek-Ferforthect7all?sPalamilliPTilleests.1Eachaabseqziltien't lit**Se. MO.* - an an* rapt:4041r "at ree eraiiker, stranger -77.7 laut otorituicie,"004:Ah-e.itino.ot:;:vrith,oe,__ meatiseny•ane taxelia eapereelae-0,-..ply, ss if . Atthirs' time b ste fe 1 th • e e weakness in in ''''' 'Seta* 5 erataat ocarimeareward •-the eamefree -: PaY111-0G•torPeribi,in other atoms -The reason,' • orgtee *hen 1 WS& induced totrythe tiSh - -P7irstinserfo PLC per tin _ mit omit liforerthen . - e mayinentlinithat:theToiontolei -11 'mesa vle h 1,„Avught'froitt rhecosirierky peeseauyea Taranto, w6 out -of -inany.qatwa- maw, iv,0„praptiattie km49. fat:t liras atm. gaimostleviess. la' 16 Notices ofBirths, Mauls_ doehtleao„ntakeaatfftirt -escsm - /ensile willsisOceed LoOk aroand-yOu.: thhiaffeetionate insinial bee slept' -Ott hie leearatt .117 . _ Theeeeseele filled with my warrsorix and gra- e ode- to:enticed!' ins 'of Ile ralatio.es. wAget-eat-h- tIze:11- On siinatir - fOited-14feserities- '-anct f"e4P' taatiagolsiLliZzibolisstillileibirritneteritge.,..:•-bereire_7.Are,, et0:410:::iiitiottancift,..(411„ fr6r4/4y_.7...t' lu-tEata_:71ini-,7;t4•411maentif;loelge*--x'h°4t,i.clis44::4: Tas, -;1„"atuf-,11,11:17,104,tet tob3C-.04,1-,0,7(1T,14.4:TIttob liata7-1tvltietiletzl'ir)iied146161sfaretts:*1- ..tv-Lildvittorr41143t;1114-Titiru'lrAn'"g44139°24V-ltrzAlts; 44lb' 71:91)Fella.-Yt17147:br:Ifrailla18.614. v4-111°-4' F44.--Wr8-45°'.1).14"I' 1:'133-amt'n MI" a b oth ' tW 1 -1' •-• • - - ' asedenamerliareadt4thaectoDr,,I.In'T:4-. 94° - . - ,0011e nix1411efliorilt had pissed --but An - - _ _ - - 1.--461.1k _VOliraeOct 04Wpar eTereiateaTearejaaananY'havo-' -3)ntightyfrir IhitlIYelaSt.5fteen 'Years- 7:heig WOT91799 er -heel* eeteertle* beeause he - • tie get liwaY . case he were -arrested. Te A otiokailtqllehillglowl`rtemi•Aud,9tate.h. •••liiiiepuieiteiyeenteileala oelitle-anenst...akrole - Yeata *adiekin:instnottand istorire. . ,TIS., itvri„ tdwestehorrve041,0yrpi-o" tt101.1117.4` ilaett„.740weh0„.4.1.,,eil,;11.0ntiPn4loileh. -W-dinlisPatbY0--estun-a- tion - - - a an- bo and ia , „ ..„ nit orthe m entirely reStored to heal h lose) •-:-..lbliosithig-ettiaatitIfilimitownrirl'iniii-arit iikka 4 feeee tweeetties.ortes -Shsshouesie Bemedyind „ ''' ' 32ets• Perlin °four eitiseaszAt4 thelargebuffinath•-theyarri doing • 164,6 ‘Ti.. 24.4.4.,? • ' Xnersr exiiaeted to gst bette t si 1 - otroot,, on sat urdo, ..borrovie4 maift no emeaeoaraseas.eleabesa evideneersar the people Are 7 ..ib-oi,,,ath;t6 ,ve -moved frordyairtr---v. ; , InediebthaS ri." sort offorloin hope- :This eseentamine„ ..„ • - wellsatisirfdadth:what they atwehasefromthaut- Wa ' tie 'Alt en 1?. Lug ever"' "9111:4•Al}Ltf'114 fg InY ilelibb° 1 'suadvertlileaent"larlailb7"esie • ' o, niaatset - Et TanF tried the _ leastite.Assaythg that- any business evhiet ,•-•13ahaiv-, aanolbui;r10. "Igsne4e4,"1,...^ l'exP°°6 t° andlries_dS; aqd.to. July one afflicted as / was; beer: :50 totioe' taken orithpsideom Moil/are - ' '.•AnnsawcraeilAtirATIREk7, emetue you, .3fsny Douaray. . only by yittite Shoduniess „Remedy; X believe it tidaded County -of }listings, _ _ ' Iliseenk epithet.; were sonterdung ream ibeet the *slim at Howard cola bear,said a iverfu/ Iskur,whieh A, Tell WO*. the wow; Tun. /11 %WS he hasheen 1st:toned in. In Galicia, -organized,. han4a melt sestry-tectini -bat emery time the little Wander -about thanouritrynnirryipg All th brokethronOtha wimleeeietd. et. &Is they eati,andsendthentoir tavq: &qui bit 0110$150, 14, ono time holm. MICINgyptto be Goleta - how_ seterallyithat,hei Was alloiroaki tin:ashes& by &gang of Aterinhitt fait entittto the 4. and no -down 07er -take-14 rovettge-bY eke 10eret.he logdiired metro them, . fiedale* bid be InfAtted so-0,40min alati The- oeutth&Aditor whoi war ' " - - - celtentquattriatAAnivho trivesttherein bavere 7 • ahd So ept standing. - atm ittlike the. t.t alo Coin ay _au; _ wet 1._ apes .of love -14 turned thoroegiersatiatted. atethereeeat Baia - • - - - - - pewee is•siss-T !arable ehaktie_d•ce et ece Tn7-. give, 7. bt_asiff'16:71143.:ii:aturn:.. * ler-rek..CeanieneiTtimefie:7.ahattrvelb:nied_ Ts. 7•871135CP:liev:i with pi' ever presses, 11.and w w4v, tar,. ;-; . . -d-eed.;,,aisoth Pe-hkedatTeirlauelthi-. analinceber :11elleve unng"l' GILA"' 4°13 137117°E •an.ltlre 3,algfoOtiott.Mallyl4,0, ars -man *tithed-3nel) `cens,p1.•isetiart4,- .1-.00f999 orders . tirgereseithaiZtedehiluetlitStthepartennaki.e:er TAW ma neat a,fientiall'ar erarY descrIP- 2846...-41141811 thither ilICTH Olf at 10 dB)- . W11 _ P, Wenn, O. It` HOD of arid feirey printing at prices itb°4t;anclisslivecl. on; , , iVerdea oi.th6COnitiollia..*t4#16.,rxevieceof Onto*, t • ' - ga_gaeee,,,, „ traw:decin ciarverYotheartiopeceularss ...an_laknikonwothawviatwt asibleelluttetriQcitsein'ee - Iiliotkohoesile 3VP*10 tho Peculiar proses' and nosses.sen every fauility for the - tiettoftbis &lime one mg is certain I at a . _ Doettieen.oteanadee _ • ersate - „ as - TOUNS ea ow unv es s aliment • _ , , .r# -e • 14,,fr W.T. 30X, Editor 1.-50PECR. ANN , $2.011,A3' END 0 " Business D 1.1r. win, BE AT 110NIE - 11 aptoll &clock, a. ca. delete at any honr nfterwards, C . Stranuo plITSICIAN,SURGEON,Ac la, rt. Met. ,DHYSICIAN, SURGEON. & aadResthenceihird door ea •43,. MeNITC T,..ICLINTIATEC%1LEGE .GEONS.t. E Restderth istseapiedby Mr. S. F. Hai 13rt, ASS NeGM DHYSICIAN, SURGEON,&c Store,Goderich, Ontario. J. V. Dante ,,Quitugov, A.CCOITCH 3../Phyalcian, and Vedic -id •, Examining Phytheiat of the -ace Companyof Albany, N. Y. - 13- OtRee and eiesidence Ward,Godench. Tiet-CDCARD110011E. PRIM .1 -lb Accuricheur. Manchester. labriatrylth. ILYI. MI SURGE Roma over the Pest Goderielt. 'November 2Ith,16150. Iwo IA IIDARRISTER AND ATM • ffolicitor-in•Chancerv.-- Goderich.CanaciaWest. Office BkIlings"ISTEtonnr.AGod7143:' 0crlRel.NE.COYll Cameron AB DA -MISTERS, soworro .1410 Office, Kingston street, PA. C. Casonton. w52 rteiglassde lap ARRISTER; ATTOR • Godench, C. W. .0 lithek, Wein street entrance ES House. slot= it A TroRimsewm.aw,sou is, Notary Priblic,Convevace Ont., Office,sen the south aid -atiorfromConts-liouse &mare. inane 0,1 BeRTSTucEiety AZTONNEVA Crabb's Ningst;ri *tie' t Moyle /r. 4..aB sneer Aa.swflode PAR. wrrone, 161FAltRIVERIrYsl.TrolibrNZI1 JO chore Cksncerts& Insolesi 711Coneyto Loma. -Conne. Mr...trawibeldiuts's Semre.zto xisr rigascatty AND -Levir 11.4f buildings, Rtessnel, tweet !gated. Roderic). cerarFeraLehween'ffic'217are;1311P4ttliiar1171117WerelaneinFurfiri:A'Na.ofii:341trlieeteIC:1171.33:1Etiavetliroll _ 7 FOR STRATUM „ra.A klosep'S.SharraX14-1 :11 Rfta. TTO ARRwER.8.0,- /Itelenvca canoe,monot.Nny strong .110S IDEAL ESTATE AND INSLI .11, 6, Arcade Building, Buffs/4 Jsars C4S14134NG. Attornerat - Nov.13111,1859. . if. 'it/Lentil T Kerma, eTcrunteme, 1..4 Huron. Gales= adlagear ended to. IA04 tura ENGINEER Alga: Agentand 0onvepeicer.,.] JOELN EMMA .013719I-Als munstrcT, Ls= AND: Ifoney S p • stre-West Street. oppot-v . ABoarr.3 P'..11t1APgagia..1 .6,3,7trich.igarn,156* 18 11$1`rit 0-609;eoverzr.c, bet: ,E) PATENT SOLICITOR . MAN *T114:"13AttliBiaCTWS 131d8lEartal :06113eartdother Ire ,*rCOPIWGEnai AM3 THE 4641DrlyWingar43:117.CIFtelL133LBAC-CranSi "40:611 reeciPter10101Clati Ottawa. -WA_ tuber 1.868 111E leAft FIHE A/9 INSURANCE' cArrrAL, 02,opo TOMS Z.srepany wu specie. .1. House of Commons. by t tone,flateCbancelierof the El ebighestelass 'teTirgEs SA -1 FREDERICK Al LOD AG -ENT, lisrowiiii4=. 04 --MOINE-St "rt. Ageolort.hor Wsza...trks3 r: Crown Land PAten Collected, alder:4.9d- 1-st, 1863 MRS. DAY the direct road, Walkerton. Bee 11101.1.atiOn408ttetriv011 `,e'a Wroxelier.l.Tev.E. WESTERN EMMA. ssgs. ANDREW V NO vIRSTeCT-AAS-$ a --tableiesupplied the -WWII e nas.ortinuortima. r-