HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-01-06, Page 2THE TOWN ELEOTIONS. THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTImmet oil
re- favour it; but the priests, whoh
Latest frm-m IR, ave more NDIT.bAIAL Several 610 set I The electio Friday, ed River. rms- pistula in A
11"t t:1 bo --for 'Mayor, Reeve, and 's office at po is aamuouls Wear in the AA
ns 31st Dec. �u 1"Ir Lefro power than either oppose Stich a scheme, 'hood of tho anus and rectum,' of 'a received _s'�ft A, W
.4 p. in. s Annexation would weaken their power it 1870 coal
as in like a lion, *6ry obstinate character,-whia will on- meetingibelpi-Raegrogin';a. joir
all thev c;%n to C�,jjjpjieato I terdaY The prin 2 With'high wind an . d heavy snow. for years, uridethiining thu'patients the I
for this town took place yes Present Alessrs A Lefroy, H Gov. Mcdou.&A and Col. Dennis at St. as much as if governed by the Domt i
oipl -.xcite- Gardiner, D F ergus�n, C wife, t Owd, All, the American officiais at P,6mbMa` We triiit t lie titill n,zty "lent was ivith regard to the Mayoralty it 'Kay. -A comultilli t* -health. if,not pr6perl 'a tranger to the time we *-W*--
was read from tyAreatodi - constantly� t
except Mr. Nelson, Deputy Cultector 3 R. R. officials, U. S. check-trink.11 wafe& in Emon
-.1 ise arging it - thin, had notlearnatl
ard Mr. H. D. Cattle F_ GOV. MorAVISH, were discourteous, The Postmaster Was 4 And then steal contents. A �.maro or 146 4 1� come timp expef
being taken for granted that 'Ar Leon' ro esigning his position SUPINENES;50
The pj-e�,ekit. Britis had -not the ghost of acha u Principll ofth��Celltrat School and �otoriously in the interest of the insurgents o0ensiveNuid, and haying,the walls of i6s and paid AcciWinly,
le;lst, Iliete. out nee agaiftst Irih lalid.quetotion much mixed, Svery liard or i aa bere is to additional liftle�fixtuloutii pipes or cans. tue pattic"lav
mail like Xr. Gibbons. There , was of requesting t6 be relieved front Ili% duties ffudsou'�i Bay Officials Unfrieud Y. and tampered with the mails. The Gover- in calloip. - I)r. J Briggs' Pilq Remed time hailft the agtouis
par- 1 -1 n 61 revived in Ireland. v re- �11 in *onDvtion*'1
lirse, soine litt 9 Illetilliretl to ive the stipti- or saill there bad been remarks relative markable forits superior excellenco,iKould twenfy trolla 'gold pjeW.-�
frolu to excitement, but every without bein 7 Cardinal Cullen denounces Ir
to his remaining on American soil ;, but he itF THE GOVEAM Abirguret Apa f
lated three moNliths' not -ice as lie had re BLUNDELISO ENT. be usad w4fils. painful affliction. Miny i pssed of most litirmortiously-peo- thoughtthe people of Minnesota would not 8 -U. S. rent Samana Bay, Hayt4 Daring A-rne starliglIt 4�
ppear, I feel i
who ave tried it,,do not Ipsitate, to say juVnij
n tat Potirtesir if the mid- 0- At,$150,00o per ann 11-m. kilt
F I invsur- r -h"We -
pie -for whom they liked beat in all 7i
�ivcd alit appointment as Priucz*pal f thi'k it internatiot osopber,
or Amedican Wire- Pullers. nts of Canada should itis snperi6r to anythin%Var yet used fca fan some person
10 by I profounp serntiny of -the
WWe give below the result, C_mtral School, Galt. The Trusteps ac- 10 Quebec feasted Cartier and Lagevin, this.disease. Sold Ptly W6
cented b is resit, recticlia over the border. He did'not Vy Druggists and is 1DOt4erabru I Hea eating and tall talk Coutr Dealers. Dr. J Briggs & Co..
-a the ft
if Earl (..-tilville ipublihed -in our extra, issued five r�ationland:xcso'vud tj re- INDIANS-1108TILE-TO THE UNITED STATES. jiloweve'r, hold -the Government the pubL
I ql�t6st Mr J. A. Proprietors, 208 Broadway. from. Marama nor,
-it Britain to, minutes after the Poll closed McKellar, to teach 1r. for tile acts of a few inilividnals. Another 2 New comet discovered, N- Y-, and Willie, wbere the starse&m go, as many fa!sl
Ii it the t;rt I I sponsibl
SIOUX ON THIN W Via PATH- difficulty in qu'ietingtheinsui
sviisi . I N. 6 -K ng St. West.. Toronto. The moon
j -1 1 Cameron's class for one molith. It was -rection was 13 itast illness improved Nap`is,health, you bet I &Ir both as re"Mras
III also resolved to advertise the vacancy the.fjict that the Sheriff of Rea River was MATEMONTAL BLISS xv MiLm.-Aport-
ry. - 14 H"'Quld get
Idea "At Patrick*5 Ward .......... 59 Y&USE&OF THE INSURREGTION. an insurgent, and no legal steps could be 15 sick oftm. land, Maine, paper'bas prepared the f-ol- an-� the doctar.
f 41 taking tha mini'llitin salary t $600. Ap-
ble, swe tile 1,-a
thu 1riti.,h Fitipire is -,,t DIt,vid'§l do aken t6putdown theinsurrection, Ottawa Chtizen advises Globe lowing matrimonial statistics forthat clity .......... 67 -49 phationitto be Santini) _J.eS t) although
t Andrew's tit, .......... 59 n orbefore 20th 0) ev 16 To own up when'caught -,Runaway wives, 94 ;,tanaway husbands, At Goderieliv 4in Ntontiltv., ITW-127jh her ailmen
*e lit tobe inserted 195--, married Persons legally divorced 438! 1,869, by Re%,. W. H. lit, arran -eil hV %Nllich tile '44 ( r, rom, Glube fondlta Ciere were n er more than 150 men tinder tripping ;
litereSt andallialice Jan., and ill,) advertisme 17 But George B. can't s' living in opbn warfare, 1.44.5 -, living in Whitei;�u Ejnil�,gb- the inquest.
InutlIal i ......... 67 18 8 T-- arnis at one time ; and had 'Governor Me- as the point. ' - ?
tile thrice in the twice in the Star, and T.. CLOUD, Minn. Dec. 30. Taviah been well -it it; betieved that he 18 H a7mau, succeeds Dr p7rivate mis
t r Governor McDougall, with Cc turbance. Temple, Rugby. About to ykn
P-l't he soeur,�,I. We la,)pe tit Plivation for 19 The Pope's health is,excellent. 9311 to grow -in he
252 142 6 timds in the Mobe. An ap Dennis could not ba -y" quelled the dis understanding, 1,105 ;mutual- ter of Sir. 1E. mai0a, �bf ae
Majoriky for Bays ....... 110 eug, arrived here this p. lit. at When Govefficir McDouga I learned 'that ly indiffierent, 4,603 ; regarded as - happy) Hotel.
the Dominion Government 20 Fewer marriages in England 1869, 9. Total, 8,803, aid. The pli[y
was receiveol fro", Mr. J. A. Me- four O'clock,from Fort Abercrombie. The
pies Ilt lIliuLsLry the tiffice and IV r. B I
REEVESHIP. declined to -Plied gave Some
Kollar, late of the Onumorcial Acadenly base the Territory while in insu rrection 21 Than for 25 years previous.
Gibbons. Leonard. party seallisomowhat despondetat of the pure A Jersey City woman entered a store
externa ntt
hLre. lie felt he had no authority to proceed 22 $2,500 diamond robbery, N. llv, bat t
St ard .......... state of alliltters at Red River, not 80 much York stud tried for half-all-hiatir to warm her 1
Tills C.04APA OP k)r &g. , Patrick's W 76 2t i further, and resolv( instead 0 ift-p
Rit David's do ........... �3 front the formidableness of the itisurrec -d to return, report the 23 1100 njil "She never did like At Lucknct4 n Plriday, toorning, 114 1
The mgh wo have miserable 1 41 as of steal rails t. U. S. feet at ail iron safe. time
navi-0tors at St Georgre's do .......... Wawanosh Jan. 4th 1870 tion as from several othertauses, ; in fact. and ask further h'structions.
Dec. last, Lucy. younseA dkoght6r,4
52 33 24; 011ivier asked to, form Fx3nch inin. them' kind of stoves,"' she said. broth
itithev are Well wAt- St Andrew's do .......... 52 42 seem to regard the thing itself as t the late, I
itAccount of the Election in Wes Waw- they He met Mr Smith and Vicar -General This- AndreitDonogb. TenZ7 in
bault going lip. The Vicar -Gene will 25 Traupmann's-trial &,mmikficed. -Tile Detroit Free Prew contains
-hart is small matter as only a very limited section rat 012t., and persan
urge the priests to change their course,and 26,Attempt to inurder Tyoon, of Japan., ��lancboly
pro%�iilvnce h:ts blessed us 253 of the inhabiltants are cncerned in it. unnouncement : 'Ws�lhaw
f Mjority for Gibbons 116 will result in'set ling 27 Anglo�Chinese fteaty Si M Wwi txot dang
tb t &ffiPtifitovieum-poo, a chief of the Arizona parents abIllit
breezes at, though David M411%vaiale,-Charles Stuart, Robert ties. The Hudson Bay Company, inclul- the trouble bytbe spring. ludians, is dead. Poor Washawfampatitc- ad I
Witil 137 -Dept. Reeve, EdwinGaunt. Councillors, The difficulty has been with the autbori- flitink their efforts NZ)a abu t8
0-1 extr.i,rdiyiar;jv sjj,:cessfjl, DEPUTY.REBVE. UVe L 28 2 new ports opened to commerce. figre to Wilson. ing G rn9r,%IcTavisb, have beau alto- VERY LATEST, vaumpoo! ThArearetlio W"hawfam0ain-
rton, Esq,, elce a and cllsequen.1
-low p Y,
who Ossessed the good Deceillber i,=Mt, t
t%%eivr"a rith, gether sit pine in tb o matter, and it 30 Christ. ass'n fMrMOl3toraiiiedV36;000. h031tf Wasbawfa�mpantovaumpO.'
ive have Horace Ho t d by accla- 29 Prince Alfred �warmly ree'd Shanghai. tovelimpoos left
le. The Illatioll at the jiumivation. us- ST. PAUL, Jan. 1, 1870. 1
pected that some of the emoloyees'- in ,.).id etinditioll- A SWINDLE. A Pembina letter of the 19th, says Fort TO t.�e Fleptor ed by Dr. Ten
t Patrick',,; Wat .' ffair. Wood gavebandsxmas turkj'y- TV., X bmther,brother-
Il4)Mrl-alid there! S -d instigators of. the whole a Garry advices to the 14th say a Court 31- Nelson&-' roth lip,
emed friend has handed its the The Ot-awa Governments as gathered Martial is trying the prlsGners captured at 32 Employees might follow worse exam following. letter from
-0i national John Pamore, by acclamation. a citizen of the & 111wim 'of may liere stante
is a f:tir prospect of the sin. An este BjxFus.TA.-Thw.
dei)t that we we being soeet St Dtzvid's-� sUbjoined n3te. We Dead not warn any the authority of the It in ascertained Teutonic persuasion, iof EEREAS. THE EL1�=BS4O#VH% To she was under t
lilv wived offj from the party, have done inuch to weaken Schultz's house . that 33'Gov McDougall homeward bound. Wiew. York, has �beenad VM
- drvssed to theroAds Goderich. bave, int.ligirsta6d The time cceupic,
H Howell .............. . TO of our readers of the infamous swindle, as dilatoriness. Voyerziur by their itte ff uds.n Bay Company owned the arms 34, Montreal customs 1869,13,8 E
has been pretty 0807. inspector of that 4ty ELECTED 31E TO.STAT AT AOXNA"1100D they hive thng in 'I ;,01M ation Wns abzpnt
S"vere. btat E Archibald ................ and atnmuniti�n found in the possession Herr Inspector Sir :-Ter ist ein tam THE INHA331TA?n Ilitooditab, - I � On to te
38 lie of that" would engage in such a The priests at the Settlement have been of Schultz and - 35 Excess over 1868 $267,892. WN A"VOVXfty0"t00DjW also tha it ans
party )vhemthey were ar- pad, blase in der Selitiolk (sitlewalk) �n inanuketuring cialthos t4*jg jaWag ByqjAvm 1
unceasingly busy, but it is expected that rested. forges. G. rry, Ev
f-tilure3 00111V "tie W T Seviriour criminal traffic. This is thoe same affair the Grand Vicar Gone' 1 36 U. S. V. consul, Glasgow, der Franklin Ebelin, Street bi?wtathelr eeislou,-=d,k1e#lti U
8 vor mein
that the New York papers have been late- authority from Rome f Quebec h4s Fort Garry is still garrisoned by 400 me'n 37 Reward -7 years hard lbor. , Ahlo"ifdu*4 '10y laudlyw on for havil
)I talk w, iwall-the R',%-;%] Abr-ahatia. Sinith .......... 56 ' vant him"fix quick, at vonst edattenur)nto t�he minuUo- 116 it
'a; St Georqe's. clear away that A rebel flag vras raised - last Friday amidst 38 American 5.20's to be bought upj all; mein vr w nt -der Kinder ---she falls DETERMINED TO MAKE ANDjjZr#,,
40 ly exposing. The weak-unt, Haus lint I and not Ke
in wi-r-tt i n L 0 U izrr** A" at "Ia
ded foils who phame ; besides the pri ts do not favor beating of drums, and music by Father 39 And new 4 per i6ent bonds issued. �-1316 THAN AiM OTHYR HOC* AS.jWrA7jo,. I -"that Slat
in band A O0iCAT'VARdrTO
J S Sinclair ............. 48 by express C. o. D., foun resist Annexation were d. The r]JVX I WOA" A" PPA JACKM
ail -Ver the colliltir ground zu. li�ay. and evervffillig In
cr Robt NfcKay ................. 36 offared to pay for a parcel if it was sent annoxitiouist views, and would. probably Dugast's band. The flag has white in dem, and now -f gits tam dockters bill
ai�(l 'pri 57 -1 lia 40 Uncle -Sam gets economical. in* T4 flifte tamt
ee re been d themselves it pushe and. is adorned with three lilies and trefoil need his attenda;
ve! v v. - In such tinies wir froLal miserably cheated or two pettifogg* fib knd*
Americans and one wonle vlihxm'
Ing wers. an' and Khedive still quo6rrel. fit glutrauteed; riot Ebeseemed to
They paid their money, advolturers 41 Sult
a "I I PRIN-cE ALF E' on American Bryan's Wafers, (�Me great public ch-ge. The Polling-jilaceYnext d 'Were no fearsen
territory are A letter from'Pembina of the 18th,says, 42 Hayti febs. have cornered SaInave. remedy,) haveow irtwenty W)l RM -ply Willi
h-!�tv rille, it D.-Wetind6rstand that and received nut a Parcelof counterfeit evident Robertatin'ti ]Ury Goods
been in usenv
keep as illuch out of debt Mr. Wyatt, Government inspector -of gun- ly pulling the strings and pushing McDougall leaves to day. Cameron- and 43 Postage to Britqin reduced to 6 cts -be said that. the . v W., t11 1011flkoer nd The .1 1
so that, when .�speritv boats, was in town last week, arm greenbacks but aneatpackage of old news. annexation ideas. years. hence it cannot. returning day, wh�n them
pr . wife and Provencher will remain her are n trial. P- WMI
e- We, will feel the filil fi,rce of ij nging papW. and ahavings. We hope so Reuarding the Indians, the tales. re- time. y h W4
me one ?.* accused of atrocities, The ae, been thoroughly 18th inxt., wl-L�n
ad alto merely fabulcns, ore re- tried, and pronounced -(on the authority of I
The Iterations to wilf:41 out for the party who ails for h One thing, 45 By U. S Cubau sympathisers, att-mhed to tne
adkeeps hnivelv to tile WiTiAl: contracts for the necessary a port Peace will now be once in 0 some 44 Spain
c stored in Red River. those whose lives and,livalth they have PRINCIPAt ed the operation
ill their lots ceed,3d with at once The Government X �P#
owever,' is certain ; if anything like An- Grant forbids a Red River raid. preserved) to -be a cure, harmless and T
lip to ist "enil)er athe " Prince Alfied," which are to be pro- letters addressed D. H. Fisher. 1 46 Pres.
hae cast 111exation is attempted, the Indians will rise another medical
with I's uld the lwtjoritv (if thein are do- Stratford,. Dec. 1869. to a man) and the conse -ot 47 Jack Miost anticipated him. eminently salutary preparation, and if
quetlees such a ST.&NLEY. Y THE BOAR liud rbquest of
rising will be dreadful r ill fact the peopl D Op 6j)j6j6X
ill,., well- We have ro-oin for many thou- man as Captain James Thomscift as their You tire a person of o understand that a OOL41-RM 'Cut. He may
could not (to better than appoint such a DEAR SIR�:_C;ivell 48 Fenians don?t like Jack. taken in season will invariablycure colds, Btoes 'If the town of. Go4edpb, & prini-IP41 roiju
s,iber, indiistrious nizLil, influence in your local- ere are in terror at the idea. Council inei pursuant to adjournment, 49 Traupm death* collighs. sore throat, and all BrOnChilil af- Centr-184311001 Salary nAysilth -.4w tiOn qlftt4e �j ilf
an sentenced to -.44 _AW Ulu. j
pe_ TO toter OuMis duties Ift,,,
or wuan will starve in our widst, As to C,)]. Dennis-, fections. One fair trial willconvince the 1ebmriatte kveni�d nun.
N-T.A.ItZo PARLIAMENT. ruianeut conicitander. ity, and one worthv of being entrusted instead of instigat- at Mr. Pollock's Hotel, Bayfield, on Men- 51D Heavy gales on English coast. tiona xitb teattruonials (pit"(d), *W*
strong- rs
THE THIRD 0 Ing t most sk
with a secret which if preserved lie Indians to ti eptioaf Sold by -all Inediente the undersWitedtiij the Wthjftt� mnitt,
The Sussit)n CURLING. -On New Year's day, good prosecuted in good faith with us can oil 'est, and happily successful, endeav adrid prisom dealers, -at 25cts. per box. ttA_* 4� and duly ght, heusedthe rs day the 0-th, at 11 o'clock a. in. All the I Gen Pierro4 out of M Gode .4th Tau..
resu but J
a I cost and P tit a
(in Friday last, in It in your making with litti �y keo them at their homes and'preovue members present. Reeve in the chair. 52 River Elbe blocked with ica
Pall Hke Dr.,
order to let ur le-gislators "tj& hottle, att's t your ease, a handsome income, we beg being hre ad a party of 5o in M Teetotalism forbids a- man touching att.3�- ifissft
'port was had on th ice on P' 'Xill all tS inutes of las6neetin-, read and approved. 53 Prince Imperial -sits in Pri UTION a thinZ alone.'
report of Tavern Inspector read a dlemanded4-0o
P nd 54 Being of the mature age of 14. girls lips, which YOU MAY taste after sign -hela, by D�.
des were as follows vrillmSTGNED wtio aivi BErk- cm?,
act their annual Chri:,tma-i si; ion of Rights' was Published%ynd he peacefully ordered to be fyIed. ing the pledge, providing you do an T
tilkle to Dam, by the curlers of Goderich. The 't'o aPprise you that we have inour asses- tbeotStune For1_-__11ft_ Istargent -List Last' v7 (10uncil; thing that � can iutOxieate except a . pretty d% Vellsia in the bosoms of tbtLir faillib stock of perfect facsimiles of the disba'aded-tilem, Petition presented 55 PStvv rd winters in St Thomas. is lig on business giii'tZtebft, %%tij thplitgt made -S V
11 Ina Un ted States treasuiry notes, creetly and with nioderation, but the (tI.TaD & Marsh, on "aoaft0n!8tr"t-
he 1"' 1. Strachan, skipper, R. Hyslop, skipper. awaiting further negotia- tt
T6 this end. legislation, duritic, t previ generally called Greenbacks, from Robert -�11 6a and 8 others praying i Itoff that the partnerxbljiexwx�
9 bet*emtilift Iii
a, moreover, 57 Be ot the Beer -bank, you know. day dlasolved by wutW.,eox9ew4.1, L was skillfuH., P
desire to dispose of confideutially, willinglicss to that effect. ft that Mrs. Flannery's statute labor - b6 re -
eek. wiL most inde,eutly G. NIcKenzie, D. Fermisin, on the
A. Adains, W. Hyslop, which we t'ons with the French, oaud, expregizad 56 Pj�ce Arthur attended Molaon!s party. "Canadian Pain D is highly re- this"
burrici. Tile D Strachari, f,)Jowing liberal terms, pack stopned-ou the w 6ommeuded and is &sure cure fj3r colds,
Tatent Combination' has A. Stritchan, agesrepresell - 0 large pariy of Sloux 11111tted. Letter frou Thomas Keeys re- rheumaism, pains in the side and back, wth s lioll of the
little rt;!is,,u ti, be 1) oud if ' "In the forenoon the usual ilt" I oil tfie'ir way to fight the Americans, I and signing th 68 Montreal retail trade.active. ferelatie to the 601rbtbelaaderii!�M though I Vas
its executive g:lme of 31 Price _a office of Fence -Viower. Resig- 59 Anti-confed Annand visits, Ottawa. tooth-acbe, summer complaints ,%c. Sold say _ ed-iieptO was 6200 in various dultominations sent to Pembina ct'o reporL to Gov. Me- thattlit ilboi,ebusin6itwilll)oe=wfttyblm f �direct and fatLq
abilizv. Btit the Reform party has reason played. In the aftern�aon 21 was $15 nation accepted. all ine Dealrs, t25 cts per Inktitbi1p
t> agreed to be thegame,ardJamesSt 50U 46 3U Dougall., 60 -Reciprocity is his game now. bottle. 9 CORUHM-ft of pubHe tion " Wbat ea
itself (in the talented rachan'g 1000 64 The whole matter is evidently in a fe4r- Moved by IV J Biggins, seconded by 61 Prince Ed. Island ree'd termsof-uHion wish to coulme
DA Woods, That the The Fonians. GodMO4
champions side �rained in both ��ses. Both games 2000 44 50 fill Illuddle. - The want -of tact and judg_ Atb Jau. 1870,
that gave so done so following sums be 5 62 815,000 fire in Woodstock. 09 ters, but I fe
denshurgh is now
wrong f6mumula,
wore well contested aDA, went oil' the Pad Of the Cauadia n Govern- remitted, being Dog Taxes shown to be un,- !,iolred upon as the rallying point for the
battle f�,r ee,,numv and justice. I'lie F -r- each occupied be- 'I'd a 11 (11 for every package thereafter. (53 N,,i Scotch Cla urch in Montreal'
Untario, are in an excellent con- tween 3 and 4 hours--- The score - of the he a notes are the most perfect itni- ']lent 01, tile olio hand, audIghrewdeadcula- fairly chafted,"' Vi7 enianCircles. Thetendezvol4maybes ST
last game stad tations, of the original ever executed 7 -by tiODS013 the plait 64 New'l Presbyterian do Uxbridge. good one, but the attempt to invade will sh;uld be cut
18 to 21, The Ice was iliodern, art. havin'g been djme by the most speculators on the other,, have been the Robert Spacman .... 1.00 65 Temoerance dramas take in Toronio. only hush any- -whispers, of -discontent in dition-:-the invested snrplas being tw of two or three smart Robert Baxter .... * ........... $2.00
an q6 Reiffbilstem trial proceed�slo s- No thanks Iled London ell -ravers 'and are so ex- 2.OD wly-
d &-half million of dollar rather toc, oft fi ir good play. It is con- ski cause of te 6utbrogli. William Eagleson the Dominion, ana rouse that deteliniined D AlcDO
-Ing pros- Mr. Siclyougall and suite left titill morn Thomas Saunderso a INST-A that tuch
teri�tic of !UCTEDBY X
t.j 'freasurer Wood that th templated establishing a club for the por- cellent as to defy by even bank- Thomas Mossop ............. heroism and codraae a hale
e gro IV pose ofhaving. till excellent sportregularly ers, many havilig Ltectiot ing for t. raul. He ni a ........... 1.00 $67 Eugenie is dreadfully sulti-burnt.' Ae Dom () 'charac such is, I �Pie
-)f the Province has itupleule' at the leans to claim bils 3.00 iniou, whose instantanenns an
been,re eenied
ptxitv 68 She didn't wear a shaker, in the East. energetic -he 0 inade oil f
Treasury Department. seat in the House and his portfolio. its, 1 0 .11D)
the Jury fuo, 44.-hli
-irt. Wits enga think the Government did not b t Sho#honees
the want of fiscal talent on his p gd in. lit fact they call He Carried. Moved by George Castle, sec. tion is surelo-prove -victorio BY
onl be known not to be 69 Druqken wives are cured in Japan, like the triumph of the Grea
y -geDuine by your seen's to James McLeod, That the following back Remedy, for vhi�nio rOluP1Rint8-0f'the pitbli
the legislation worth the 450 which each letting the cat out of the bag yo use him well in keeping private all his des- taxes found to be irreguli�rly charged- be
Smith% 1juls. tirself, and YO By being beaten or stabbed.
vnenaber carried home with bial ? We fear even then you are lon&, liver &c- For sals by all Druggists. of the cage ict
tip the respensibifif
n liable to, be mistakep if while che -other side had such rep as, viz 71 Victon-&-dines at 8 p. in. lViedies day, t
mixed %%itb-gnud ones, by the. way, -of �id the parti
the constitnencies tvi'l be doubtful about A grra d tea-meeti was held in the testinr your skill. t Z. B. Osmond ........ But diti-tettes at 2.1 Be#er timn 10.
r. AfyD
If you order a $50 Ougall Bays that one of' the re- Alexander Falconer ........... 5.71 stilts 73 Robbery rife in St. Cath' ines. ler in -first part
eT1 Sarsaparillian, the Crvstaline principle
tile value receive, being equivalent to the twilsbip hall of Clborne on the evening p�ickage %%a will bina ourselves not JohaFerguson.., .... ....... 1. 0.41
of the troubles %Vill be that Wom-
th -he A14POM
of the 20th Dec. town or vicinity, St. Chicago, called to Kontl of Sa _.&ention
_R%lad, 2Wles frarged 'm, *am following: She,
exoenditure. "That however is not the The hall was den;ey t,,It,,y.bo.lv else in your to sell inioll will probably abandon ail trade via 74 Dr. Burns Ua, -jinters laigely into the -A"- ft the -altylit
us giving you the I T _qAddj*ad14v01W He WM four
fault .,f the reformers who sought to leggi, crowded by th Sol Paul , and will open new routes tht-ouli Also that Mis. Flannery's itatute-labor, 75 By Vote at Presbyterian Church. Comp=Rad_qy�s Renovatijig One frOm -MMtOu, 24 rIjle3 frook 00de".-Alinj S
a -honest yeomAtiri, their orie right tta, circulate . 3* 0 b remitted -Carried. Moved by knowlaltilthp Canadian aotal, �fta . - tumok. Hier
1) in that localitv. Ort. Canadian Territory. -He had dra-anged 0 a bttle of the Resolvent contains more' of 2w4rook"Vith a R 'AW0441
I -ate like statesmen, but of the ,,, vernme�t wives, and, of course, the bnxom' �.nd ng an *80.00 pack- ou"!
lanner secure you th-e �I, 9 )1 with the* North I Dr Woods. see. -76 Hotel business poor in Mantra the -active priumplof -:cure, thaixten
theirladS Tt,- agewill in like n- -WeAern Telegraph Co - by George Castle, That 0717 ofthe balldhijUllipmdre
who war to
agaLjwb - mentswe i �v y exclusiv PauY to construct a telegraph line to Fir, a 0 Owing sums De paid to the parties illy one got rich in 25 years. e f. W-` �fu WV444NIA11
every equitable measure. 0 right to circulate in a county, so rt large bottles Of ordinary-Sarsaparilla..0-na Piarnp4rymnae. Thjswtpoft*jj0$+
ijumer, but thii; iltust be 4e- Ifred speculated in mines, -tiS4 spoonful is a.Aose in all --cases of Skin `gro-od'54rdefi with *"`hojftU% AftVitif Ia*& -A,
ernisrosoe knownon Me . #f **K tr4&, 44-*_
Government measm as are the Swanip L.-, nd ladies who' -a little care and an- ferred under present arrangements. Seaforth Expositor .......... _4W 4( Nou tor W
Nearly all the without flattery were most cred: t. Y e'ta the that you see that with Garry next st indicated 78 Prince A
Drainage Act ana Tax Titles Act, provided them, and teivrise you have a mint of money placed .84.75 79 And made $1,000,000 -lucky dog' I diseases. TIN040asp9onfuls three times' There iii"Ll
I -ftow"41, ,
o be Ide 4
f-winer only ()parts thelo,rfor the distriba- from all appearances they W ere V,� hly ap- f011owfug0oelk, viz: a,
beneath v,oir control. If you think prope Colonel Bennis,
r Joseph Erwin, fixingserapers ... 1.50 day will'oure Humors and OvIk=f all
Governor McDougall 1 80 Teader is deserting Sandfield, a Sore$ of It'll loullialf Ifeifer -. 10 She�p. -, it r4lpaj,
preci t�) assist - us in circulating these notes we Find inspector arrived to-dkv, and patrInE kinds -4 litit VT wl*$lk
Re 1 inill bridge ........ 21.75 81 Old stor
Brldleli&tl Bar -room P"amoos.
modi fied'inCammittee runark,a 82 G T Foster, Hamilton, is dead.
and tile latter wass this fair proposition, we nomination. . . 2.OD ug
tion. of 'pap'tt., goveclament parasites ated. The proceeds, it is pnqcr to will make voll will reinain a few days. Use of hall at' . y of rate and sinki 5 ships. THE TRUT WAY TO -S
to be aDphed to 'the fund for will ad any package at the prices John Dawson, Road Comullis. 5.00
above Y �Soon, i1anges the entire Abolloomi amoutItI2
. - 1`11MMIn
charged, upon receipt of one rnor AfeDou- John Johnston, 83 Jim kisk's wife has appearances and -condition the diseased gapprovedtoti,%_
that wie fear Sarldlield can scarcely WE titifv the erection of a coinmodions c A reporter i1alled on Gave do� 5.40 840,owiu This Remad
his o&pring. urch for -third the
4003 1 1
We quite agree with the us price, with tile understanding t gaU, on his arrival here thiu afternoon 'aud William Phillips, do
Tele�iraph that the `L t Eomey Gqnexal should a of the Established church of Scotland. in d its tho-balance that is" -hat you, obtailled'his views on the troubles. ' Flo William Pearson, do 4,20 84 Beecher is -to edit Ch)idian Unian.� body; under itaInfluenep, the most re- X 1001NO,
retire from 01fice for a time for tile benefit After tea our worthy Warden, Root. w ' 'eu two-thirds, 4-80 85 Secretary Stanton is dead. pulsive objects have "bjeh 1%pr4ted froin dd, D�'e. 2�oob"!'J�rj4.
as soon. after receipt of says Reports written from Pembina are Willialu AfeClyindl do 15.00 their mistiry, and invested'ivith
of his health- We think wore-wer, if one, Gibbons Esq., was called to the chair, in possibly can ; we celv u the package as you 86 11100,000subscribed for his family. allthil at -
never again to tlae. point.
welfareof the . country if he so in many respects. They were written Carried. Moved by George Castle,sec. by .�tributea of health afidbeauty. -it, is Jint
he retired, it watild be ci-ndnoive to the which position his remarks were happy and because we know that upon a single trial w Stultsmali.- All manner of false reports W J Biggins, That the following salaries 87 Lord Derby's income was 8500,000.. to Cosmetics, FOR .,.#AT
pun Your honesty fal
by and -artifi4jal appliAnces, to.
ere in circulation alliong the 'Red- R lectors. the Skin and complexion F�00 Tor
vantage t atwe muliit- so. 4#, IN
I a la,
-6reede tot induce the -in to take up arms 89 He expects a rush to depend fbr per,%onal_,'doM'eBnesi,'7 but
The address of ftevda Messrs you call Pay us up and ordermorb, There- half iver be paid, viz 89 See Smith's Andress to e
left the doiaeatic circle. Brown, BarrCamelon (of London; Siever- fore it is tuour mutual dd to b Thomas Simpson ....... .... $21.80 the poll. to Mis ��e. Appiy o
AT HOME coustant friendi. ag�iudt him. Among other ri(henlous re- 8,1,ctin to pb% 19VU
ight, Mr.' Syminc*rton, If You 001101luie to avail Jurors 3.00' 90 Now's the time t pureand heal y blood. Let those a*n
d OY
-a grunal.,lingabout dulness of last, yourself of the opportunity, we offer 9 ..... th
When we ai (teacher) an ports was one- that he had killed two priests Post"00 nnrl .514-61ir, 0 advortise. ed with a Sallow ant -1
_+],-. �l 11?
6- It- a in. Y oung Esq., were Addreu in confidence j[) ....... &.Uv. - Q
business, If- pri0ea of grain, poor crops stamped on 1118 way lip, and had insulted tho Bis- IA,- eyes
with true Christian H, F18HER, hop and other high petso yellow ancl dullj,', tiimplexion 090' d
nages, whoin he KiDteOrOlogical Abistraetf(>r Decem_" with,Blatchos, Plmpiii,
and impossibility of raising money, peup!e zeal Stratford, Ont. says, he never saw. The Catholiii p
and catbolicity'of spirit. jf'&ll won P. S. -In making tbfkabovb offer ries. 26.30 &a., hair weak and' W R ptive a
froin other quarters tell its we have, com- Id we b ' !a Y`" used all their influe and, George Castle ............ $Z2,00 tee
age- Placed implicit con fidence in y,,ur net.+ against-, him colored, brazill offen T I HARD,
maniiest the spirit displayed in the matter se more than all els ga* e a prac Dr. ftoda .......... Derived from the records of the Gram Inve nails � y
urn to ....... 4. 21.30 in Tau - and ��A
I"late. d% vok
417: Illmos e
Wativeltv speaking, fittle reason to com- use oI honar to keep ourSecrot illiv a! School observatory, Goderich,
pp tical t
ould be hand- We assure you that the as according -1 Lat
a t th iul b
plain. Perhaps chey are right. 4t any rate, of this. charch erection it w notes have been the irssurrection. He w y met W J Biggins ................. 23.90 and resort atbixe o e, sa 0.the
o no rfect copies ...... 22AO
al-milced by expeits to be pe a( gration it halt lie reached the bor
however hard it maybe to catch a impseof somely finished and free of dobt. Wed t pro by a do. James - McLeod ......... 42` 4W N. Long. 81' 42' Wi
aT RBITOVATMG, 118,hed by L
11 a aud bailq,, 1* t -
money, both town and county re steadi- mean to insinuaite that there is at a of the genuine issu der, and inforlited he must not - enter the Win Downing, Assessor ...... at�0_00 He . ight above the level oftlad MqOI�VZNT,
Ivand Surely improving Selecting sea about 173. feet. Vvith the I too,,
a �lf detection.' Territory. When he (lid ante Jurors ............. 3.00 . I
M In tow", he"' spirit of pargimoni r he was met _p6mns$�,1krifA49 and tn
armed honsemen,and
buildings are cous QU8403 Prevailing in -a party of twefity itig;tlteiii '01)iii� 4md *esol
by VWg away
talld, gl�ihg up: new Al
diseased depo
the section. ordered back, no itistilting language being A3.00 C9 1:4 sitgr,'theY will soon ,enjoy,..
ensable to
E_ p ZDA, with he
etiterilmses are startingi and wo cannot but HtjRoN Drvrsiom, SoNs OF TEmPgRAINcEl used. The Gavel= redullent health, Mid -be favored A
hf)pefnlrec-,ardingtbecontingvear. Some The choir of St. Andrews church, Goder- or said he was not, of Alex. McGill, Taverrr1nspJctor$25.00 0-.4 ,suq
crunkers are cout N'O- 120. -At the meeting of the ab prepared �o use force. DAY., 0 �, 11 9'personal charma'as-, n� on the
' ally 8ayiug:-What ich. Ove,on course, Eri 0 vo 1 0 ended'.'
.nw Mum, int
-Miss Emma Andrews presiding at Frida His party Robert Reid, Treasurer ...... $50.00 1.14, zoo, -a 9�5 - Parents when . they �.dijm�ver in
gi,-od is the salt -.manufacture doing for the melodeon with her usual brilli y evening, 31st Dec., the following corj$isted of non-coutbatants, their being. postage and Sttlitiollery ....... 5.00 .94 children evidenceir o
ni ? Well, su pp,,S& that f, tr 6 months i I f allcy, was the result of the usual cluartely electi- ladies, among them, arid, also - gentl THE BD
*1 IV -
eul% Uth hid
iting the country, having no conneotill'i4l
and our cild friend Mr. Carman, addin� On Of officers :-Pastworthy, Gebrue Cox; 1 IS --A* : should at Once give 'the-sufferhij, is the birdlestIO
thd year, or 156 days, 400 Barrels per day 55.00 1 29.6$ 33.9 $40 201 10 81' obo the "resolvaut." .1 , i - nnoee*t- iti vaiiihn,
1'rOWAX46 Undropt Of Onlift
-for7oh ev th, .
are manufactured and sold (which is nut a noblv to the ba -s department -added very P., with the Ddminiun. Them was accord- 2 242 22.6 '24,6 184 10 83 .106: the 3 resolvenfl in *Ktei Ant , Syd
Mull ar much to the pleasure of all present. The Rev-. Charles Fletcher W. A. ingly no alternative but to return Wiliam Plunkett, Clerk .... A $80.00 427 18.2 233 IM 9 77 .300 ildrAn
-raue); this would amount to fo-the - I e rmu i a cont
I melodeon was kiDdly lent by Mr. Carman. James Bisset; Treasurer, John Ba Anibrican.side. Juror's ...... 6._00 4 28.998 33.5 87.3 19.4 10 78 1 from oneto three years Old, ouces,
bring rne% He concedes that the.real- 82.3' 156 X61
6-9409 which at $1.20 would I Th, proceeds amounteA to nearly F- Postage and Stationery. 8.70 -Will sion ex-term'Matc-aff
into the community $74,880, 18100.0() 8: James Young S., F Bisset. A origin of the diffiquities lies 'in -the fact of 6 20501 15.7 21.2 V.2 3 89 TRZ LOND01t,
the dissatisfaction of the Hudson's Ba polljB 9 87 fb r'
an itellt by n, means to be grum- .,. * - <&eRadway'sAlmiauac,
R. S., W A Harrisoia,; Chaplaih, Rev. lVrr ulaks. 1.00% 7� 467 28.5 A2.7 13.9 46ballagnees ft$
ol 8 - 066 1312 34.1 255 7 78- -on . foot Vr" the jah
was set
a iA. C., ritry UW
MrAin a! tw routwo,
with the division of the private 10 447 362 370 23,1 10 $3 .229, Don!t xxiow-
ou-11"BOATS.-We are happy to hear. James Gilrdon S., W Mc0aig 0. S., protits made by the offide ji 231 38.5 41.0 S3.8 equ Vigo t,
bled at. Our prospects fire good and NEw C Fergus(An ; C., Ge,). 1 Swanso Colnpal)y's agency in the Red River Tery- 9 -547 32.7 $6.2 94.i 4 75 A
c-ustantlYimpr-rving; and we can well af-
f tile Compall A ditors"each. '-.$4,00 10 04, .088
421 25.1 -T#n -WES
D r.'
Ia rs 0 ASTI W
the new, to be light-bearted. and to wish ing information, wit -h by a existed for a .579' We have heardof.a., xnj�j_ -who wi p a� It
f.,rd, as the balls rinz exit theold and in that the Government is at present acqnir- W Black. The recent lecture in Eng nd. This has only a�ir ad. Moved. by Di.Wbods, see. br, 843' 119 21.*6 19.8 10 02 a i 7E
at 132
the view of submitt 'Ormiston yielded the Sum of 855.00 time, all has been a soured'of controversy. W. J B ggi", Thaf all. 204 10 s8 'torse, wb",cl had be
each other, as we'now do you, dear read- ing to Parliament-& scheme which A Sums voted Lor itn 14 09 26.5 29.9 314, ew for -a long tim P" of utftw
rd'119 is jo budeposited in th� Postoffice SavinLrs est- 15': 044 35.5 39.5 209 10 go 'y is view Is 1#V$1'*jtb 4ft
y -w- P01:104 It is
ers, yonng and old -a happv, Impp � 'new for gua "nglish officers finallys e, �tl
Thol, x7f flic'od with a chronic; cough, �U' 7
tle old their inter- provetneuta; but net expanded, r.e.uain to 16 28.984 �3.5 88.7 3(X8 10 01 d 040
year and many returns of the season I the Canadian waters, by the construction Tefrito6 without in the least thea 17 29.2fil 30.9 322 29.2 10 bI I'Mis-otherwiso in a poor., vonditioft.; h
redit of thQ places to wWk�oted- a
is 050 28.5 30.9 25.7
in the name of the Division to go to- cousult'ng their agency at lViunipegr. The .040
of light -draught gunboats, which can,be 6y George Castle see. Ili 29.6' 20.6 10 77 ength reffojy or No
lvaids- the erection of -,a Temperance Hall Dominlion know Carried. . Movea ii -d to �jitill-NE'lift ��,Aud clid so I f,, 4- "Tuz
inexpensively worked, yet heavi -only the offiuers in' E.g- 1 -by W J Biggins, That the Co a very tri#�-w Some: -_5 0� 6 lveiel in its 51stvalpfalo,
THR NEW ELEC13Oi4 LAW. ly'armed in llectuYbe al 20 397 23.2 26.0 20.8 10 .78 Suit.
21 492 23.9 26.4 20.0 10 76 the- to- irbom p li 1 4
Town. The thanks of the Division were land in Cho transfer. 'lie Admits that the lowed till the 17th 6 10 g2 .4., 4fterwards
_had_ $Olt # he met
ee of January 187Q, for re- 42 28-773 34.1 41.7 23, 1
him ditybij a- or'sobotals
I �Vf - il
d after I st February, ir and ot great s-3 d. Such plans have been given to Robert Gibbous, Esq. , fo English officers erred in not,consulting, turning roll -Carried. 11- 23 '29.318 22.8 30.4 19.6 8 69 A Of
jo, the submitted and are under considerati�n. r_tbe foll
ven by him tow ut this was h WILLIAM- PLUNKETT 24 490 27.4 113.2 17.7 4 77 of Iffe, ina thli-r - 1 .1,11 � J�, I . �J
kind aid gi ardsthearra t air agents to Rea River ; 6 070, �ex
elections, of Cotincillors for. towns 25 511 80.7 35S 241, 5 ?9 h a I him foithis-nr
matter a r which the Wthinlon c ed ofidlial-,
Wgt -- VA$=
V granting.tbegratilitons of the Territory It ge 163
will be We shall anxialtualy look for the result, as ments of the lectu're.; said also to Mayor control. hiaddition t hsd-- no Township Chork. 28 41.2 20.2
On an
9f his.%jrp
a-, member must be i the small expenditure that would he in- Crabbfor so kindl ci this -the pricathood Varna, 27th Dec., 1869. 27 060 28.0 4LO -33,0 -10 94 Ill, b d
ad that even 0 lit
1v viouil
re waathesame t Ole 1) fbe QUV&
elected yearly, insteatt of the rotatory syg-volved in the constructi of Stich vessels "a' If for. Temperance, its Ifternigy'A-U
on his Hall wet fligrful thAt tile 28 109 3-5.1 37.9 33.4 10 83 he h
29 --110,82.8-35.7 !29.9 10 it
lectu res'; change of Governor 82 -250 bw*'d and - considered, ot. �io, 441 Xalu
This Division is would be disastrous to PO 28.M 34.8 - 86.1 30.2 10 79 10 deleputa,
tam adopted for a year or two past. We would, commerciallypay the country one. prospering greatly an(I al-] r
Drink in Moderation. 1, 81 29-218 33.4 36,7 29.0 9 .514 On t'enqu'vy led 'r
think this is ri
rht. 0 its naember- would be crowded back and a diftrent Afeall 29.898 28.4 33' gre4t aehan&, he��
most every week,. adding k their Spiritual power., that the hadf-breeds
g If a bad njan_ is put hundred times o by reassuring the ship. .0 23.1 88. as -told tbat -IDol
in he ca� be dismissie-d on the following public mind, and preventing the possibi i d ; desigtking -lo Condition -Pi4deze-and, Aribixu'
class of settlers be introduce A, Spoich parson once prolched a ng Do Dec
. 1 29.194 24A 29.4 20.0
mern, .41,
Vle ion man ambitidiisof, political power, v against dram-drin 18% - -
efty, aftd.' again, if a good man liia� ty.ofany ofthose sudden pallics whichare so Stavley. would king, a vice very Remody`luid d4uerit,"7� is, rn'
P JAL the wevie
.7 tilvo Vf
0 agencies tostirup the revolution. if "Mean fflumf4it Vt -
When Me0ougall was Stopped, Stultzsnian Ily 'present when the .oeftary lier4ber th 'iee Aia�
rous to trade. Four such boats, artiountof-vapour * amoun me tbrft Of
rat me it is quire easy to Bend him back disast use Ka r .6 teut in his patiiih, and from which, Thie�fiiiiTi beade y'1,ifrdWwt6,h&S eifected
&%YsAle wasnot himselfwho' Z
to*saturatethe aftiosphere at tlideldstinstinop 9 MARIO.. 4ftlie, left,
ve every 0MISIng On stations between Kingston and *Whatev 6 If*
to li� post. B v all means let its ha, DEAR SIC -MAL, -Your Stanley corres- wag present and direct the exempt. er �e do, brethi�en 'said Is expre�;sed by I e'ratM.�*04,patui,eofBltr&,,&�'tl,6,,,�io.ou eA
eel . movement. 00 - � 4
-how "t ef,
-Councillor elected yearly. Goderich, would'e' pondent in your last, issue insurgents were inclined to allolv.� Me he,. 'do it in Tdoderation, , and, aboon W be T column headed "mean amount6frIond" -464--4.2 rthrop&-Ly.Miuii. eiivc
ffectually allay appre- has'Onlitted The ho
hension -f thiee ve im t 4.1 the orti or- i
an allow commercial k,_ "am e6wra In als ougall to Pass to Fort GAi+y ; but 'aftei , inouarate in ctram-drinicing. AjU_o.A
movements with 'Com- aunt)
men to view Fenian nilles Wholly overej Sold
uncement indeed, ye way taka dram and
fainotm When ye tat and 0 wkoll
GOOD 'NNWS- r�garding the abilities Of gathering his f4iiv ipen he db6id6d'toi order -Highest Barometer.. ...... 29.no 413 h
FOR OUR SALT placency. 'ret up' . , -1-1 , . - . .1. � A
il fur.the'pa Eng perhaps' r1i'lie,' .23nd
0ounci j lid Lo t d
him baok to A' allierjust before breakfasthfi unip" .
Styear. Had he prefix- erattaft 4-21 ;o� the 12th.' _96kwOvd-*A(1
o the word manage VIM�MAu , � 1 4
and Sao auitber after, �bnt dinula be�ajwayg dram. Lo e
ed, Nis tch-settlels sent. %vara - that k lie -d
-Dox &lei id hii re- desired put- in their claims t1hat t
LON: they woula If ye are out in� s ' 9 2 sal.
Commiksioner Wells, -in the interesting &TY. extra Christ- marks would h drinking. the morning; Via�b.r ofra�y dais S.
avebesiitmorecorrect� He
mas Num berif this MagWna. only arAV smells like on'R Id be spared froull bloodshed-Aint We Nipub
ecL he shott ya Inay'just brace Youroel' wi" anith6r D OF
report, a summary of which we give in our �t
Of the, -Patent combination snow In ln6bex u0i.
without on (,ol. Dennis to adviie w"-,'Jhj raM_-;andpjt XAZ
here on Friday last p --rather late. a fraction of interest in;th well- heon bud -some, 1;'Aeir,�takl iiie after eaut
review nf 1969, Proposes to admit Salt, Lt -tis a he sent A lunc D
i beincr of the township. only 6xhibiting friendly a ttlers to see*hat 6uld he of')1161�
e very blameab )Wtatioet,
edtor the Sjja,4�4 X
-raisod: 150 Men - rmi4ed. Commence,
freeOf filitY, into the United States. Stich without exception, the best Phristmas. world- Axcord a which i4 no sa W bht dinna The King of - Bavaria kindly pe
erfuLabilfty to6lowhis owntrum 11191Y961. 'Detthiji
annual we have this season h the and readinexi to draw his p Th�y were ci ifif bojajij4ys digO�Aui
an enactment would be of priceless a4van ad Pets and armed 50 of them. 1.%, -4- &4w 4)ing 4 Doct. J C A er to have a c6py take.o.'t. of,
AV.: y
%*�aiad thf.y-were or _V
old the Ston can 8 rm"%hee dessert. is brought thry, bothe varian,triiwri APIN of
L84-, and grac- a one q westion a which belongs W
onhance the ititertats, of those in efully told gJA
the and It pasage. j hiliv utsjd i lit
Reeve of Stanley, end wanthis almwar:� �eu awik'
I regard him merely as
tagpeto'Groderich, white it won1d greativ 'Pleasure of perusing! The stories are �dll plej who av from a peo- ad 106118, living on- far c n s I f ane j"t af(jije Rauch's -celebrated colossal statub'of
-&�bird.of ordered to h
Ao ask the
necessary ghostly elem a of it. Cof '1)6finii, who had: ':�'-I'MA 10 ;a f t -and perhap's and staildi� at the . entrafift otth� 4, W�� ral "'6145
enf W i
13tates who have. been paying dearty for rs
f. ent Vpon undowthig boast-' tok -hW .4t.
Printing press, inuea a p aria. or;it-mg,�atw��L,
Ro�r does it, It rodilamati6ii in the course of the -,rataca at Munich. The Doe
into several to th jill of a very e nt 'frilmAllis f6rijij view 6f thij sUta'�f so Cas in IT U
r-tseally monolvAy in the hrticle, ed B#-- -AR&Wp j.ir11rie06wSyi. t ze,, and has-�resente jb 161 the
deserip i I I & - , " =. Ig lit ......... 7
good mannie - ent, that' the Collector
Re6ting this year -.on thro" -in "I or tefeg�W ex
dinp6 the above Was. we tiop. The illustrations are, as Of Stanley iii c; affAirs. The irl-t�w6ks'publj6h,44 bf%a. f, and 8 S0949*Aiftl�fiu i b - il - Mal Q-tr of'- owell,'wherig'it--4tiatis Ahe
Itten-our a witiv e a ways wid,54. with
"fis Wit -p,
usual excellent. Vor sale by T, J. rights.. Most, "I tair requesi bolizes th6,tziumpt
diffailent, Rolls w , wouldj;�jfi, Afore tea,audaft�r Park.and thb=dst,`11�v . I ii?
Ant-horky heia- leading Mew York papeM Tor blljs,�i*ftbeh 0
one of"'ch is 4�art'fiod 6y been, c9jwplie 0 lea, A b jghostj�r -th-e VWO
the PeopW Jo4l;irnd of Hjudite-a says the- Clerk to-coatain; all I d vilth'by. themei, -G aptures 4-b'"014r.
etween tea and supper, and freedom a'd,meaicine w Hei
Ots'namealtaxes, Aleut if it bad. 99ne Rtio ope� after Supper, is 4r� ii;6 iiride o- -fore
.7 re uirOd by 4 ation. Kuow-� no -mare- thani I LliWelll; MW , most
tatute, the other two,
"Commissioner Wells roconuutmilK in Ilk tl and g'itiid'; Out let in mong, 60in
04 snuday t 2 I -or a 66n- e, caution ye: 26 Ayer's- Medidii IhA&Wjf J,
6- n& just. fle stapd.. having no certificato, Zif Any kind, lilt '061 Dennis arranged tw
fta bettire dram -d 'atefully remembered bytUun-
his repnt that the At on, &-dt' ard barometer it A�e Gram, dateji , W -
mar School' (and r 44 9 - . I �> 1, " �
-enti ty"40vew- � -
- _r .- - )On 17 " r. . 270-.*" 11 . - -
trary ql�,:cen = ,on 'i
neriesm didy tn. Aiel: Ulf&- 46 brpthr�in. lao.to be -al*ayls in I gr Nor b 6
thin� without even Vein&r Md- he u
tebt. law i an - ve stirt for bed an& iininbered van 76
Re -to.ais -are
-��bo reduced '626 , I ; � _
which 4 now 194- per, 100, The -st
;olnsatt "in r ordered his' -followers. - 'ihk. Ju vill multitude, wh6 b
ll jtvtjol,,f�jr to
9fe- 28. At 41 -
TIT o Ia ictinj -r
h" Tlever Uen ku(Mi stou. Joiliftal", 0
44* IqA hatf these ftures. t is to 9q, a
% �30-, in rf. G&,qrik6r'Sf0f1.6ugA1 being offth6ir guard 4401� - - 1-1 - - - -
bulk.alld24u incte$ ' ' 10hen. -ye?re raady ;0 p( them- f ffli ind' 4ten
on salt -in ba b.444 when�hystrat�,gy,th.�,,-,§�)Pporren�Of op kiO 'It. 67 per--
tha. at 'bapi.when ye wake in:the, night: tctal�- it diseases.
A rousia, geqtleujlifi,� agad-,,o likei 'pr o4ers, _qmw Chri'stia
t -mbilgii'
-spectfully.. Forsaltia-bi iftilf W&4, t
Zh� re sfte,41 to f2dr-awlow drit6-�4lr,tWa ia,uo mor�'than'�
1111111h ar_�_ And" 3 A*Tl Ittly. oufthq
41y. -ireache(L _thisi11* br--! JAPAN Advicekfr3nC-' jpiin,,Otat�
gar - 'b thren let me:
no figor dvan v we &raat 'josa� ioA�, 4witittly-, do, ; but 1
is g
which iiii-packed itil, earl y- �-Q Z
td, �auit6n; _y i6t� ln,44o, drink: ifiore than Vve,
Ii. finemont.
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OA &ihwa-A � 0 d;
the lowei. b" As- 1
par the h u an jefi
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