HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1869-09-02, Page 4• L. 'W oman of Isierve. Best 3 named YarietieeorFall — rliiitLit .EXHIBITICN. Pears, 5 of each ! 2 00 Ara the Apple Birer (111,) Index, Aug. 9 1 • -1 8 8 9 . Best 3 varieties of - Plumes e • - ceOUTO1 uren County fll ashow. The South Humd 1 50 ron .„.. Ma- ' - We learn from Mont. Anderson, that 0 Agri tur I Society's 2nd Annual Fall Fachibition, Bost' named colleation of ripe Niro., Colo en a widow lady Heine about for theA.41) 186S, will be held in .the *village of Grapes 3 dusters of each, three- and a half -miles south of this village, s Seaforth, on Thursday, ,4 1 grown m openair ' 1 5 0 n week from last Saturday night killed an 301.1t EPT„ & FRIDAY lst OPT„ Best named collection of ripe laimenso wildcat.. For Sint stoCk, ! Domestic manufactures, Dairy Grapes, 3 dusterii of each, The circumstances, RE WO get then], are ' produce, Sc.e., when Me following prizes will Ileawarded grown underglass, 1 50. 0 LITsIDE; DEPAII %WENT. Best plate CralaApples yellow 50 -HORSES. . Best plate Crab Apples, red 50 1 ; • lat Prizee2d Prize. Best 3 named• varieties' of Best Brood Marirand Foal $4 00 63 001- . Peaches, 6 of _each • - 150 3rd do • 200' ' Speciat Prizes fop Foals, for tchieh Special PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Eis must be made. Best named colledion of Dah- as follows : For two or three nights pre- ceding edatenelay, the family noticed that the house clog had kept up a great noise • inst beck id the garden, bet no paiiicular attention was paid to him, until the night in question, u hen, from the de& excessive demonstrations, the lady determined to investigate the cause of the trouble. She went to the place from whence the barking proceeded, and discovered something . jumping from tree to tree, but in the darkness she could not distinguish what it was. She returned to the house for her lantern, and went back to the grove, when she found that the animal -which proved to be a wildcat of the largest species -had engaged the dog in combat, but imme- diately on seeing the light, released itself from the dog and made a spring for Mrs. C., who had, npon starting from the house a second time,armed herseit with a, broken tined pitchfork. When the mciimal sprang, the lady asasu mod a position is flown in military language as "guard against in- fantry," and in alighting, the 'varmint' &amyl himself impaled on the broken tine of the fork, which had entered the creature's throat, and penetrated the base of the skull, wounding the brain incirtally. Med Colyer deserves a pension for her bravery-, and we recommend some of the weaknerved, fastidious ladies of this place that they spend a few days with her, tak- ing lessons. in the art of self defence. - Sad Aooident. Best F1, the get of "Rob Roy," -Special Prize by Jas. johnstone $3 00 $2 00 Best nal, got* "Bay Wallace , " Special Prize by ThentasDinsdale 8300 By Soc.lety for the best Foil, 2 00 1 50 3rd do ! • .100 Best 2 year old. Filly 2 00 1 60 3rd do ; 100 Beat 2"year old Gelding 2 00 1 50 3rd do; ! 100 Best yeariing td or Gelding 2 00 1 50 3rd do i ' 100 Best yearling Filly 2 00 1 50 3rd do ! i , 100 Best pair Draught Horses 4 00 3 00 3rd do ; . 200' Best pair Carriage Horses 4 00 3 00 3rd do : 2 00 CATTLE. . Best thorough bred Durham Mich Cow having raised a calf in 1869 6 00 5 00 3rd do 400 Best 2 4ar oldDurhamHeifer 5 00 4 00' 3rd do 300 Best 1 yearoldThirham.Helfes 4 00 3 00 3rd do 200 Best Durham Heifer Calf _ 2 00 1 00 A wad case of drowning occurred at the (Milwaukee) harbor between the hours of Eve and the Lest evening. It appears that a boy about eleven years of age, named Stillman C. Moore, son of J. H. Moore, of Buffalo, owner of the bark " Maitland" was accompanying the vessel on the trip around the lakes. While lying at one of the docks for freight e he became rest- less, and amused himself by getting into the -small boat, The captain, fearing tbat • be might drown, drew the plug out of the boat and allowed it to fill with water. , Yesterday afternoon, while the captain was absent on leneiness, the boy got into the boat and put back the plug. This done, he got the assistance of several boys to help him bail her out, after -which he rowed down to the harbor. While there be got upon the south pier to avoid col- lision with ari incoming propeller, holding the boat by the painter. The swell of the erasing levet drew the email boat out with a violent jerk throwing him into the water. In falling, his head struck the boat, cutting his nose and mouth. He was drowned before assistance could reach him from the opposite pier. The body was recoveredsoon after the occurreuce, and dozaveyed to the. vessel. The sorrowtul intelligence of the boy's death was immediately telegraphed to his parents, who will no doubt be overwhelm- _ ed with grief on learning the fate of their darling boy. . _ Spain „Most Sell. • The London Times, after recotinting the difficulties attending the retention of Cuba by the Spina& government, says :- Under such circumstances we need not wonder that Prim should have listened to the first proposals of a bargain vrhieh, without compromising the honor of Spain, procueed for her, besides a relief from heavy sacrifices, the gain, of considerable material aavantages. Again and again, firers their places in the Cortes with that dipanishfranksiesswhich characterizes them the present rulers have declared, in the taidet of a eonsciously silent Assembly, that ‘theloss of Cuba was but a question ef time.' The most fanatical member of the Opposition is well aware that all the -exer- tions of Spain can only temporarily crush, but not permanently subdue, the rebel- lions spirit of the colony. It. must take Be -little frantic enthusiasm( to advise the continuance of a conflict in which during the last eight months so many thousands of Spain's best soldiers, and so raany mil- lions of. Spain's scanty doars- have been wasted in vain. Were the mothercountry to be quit of the eolony without the least compensation, Te DMZ= for the happy riddancemight woll be sungin everychurch throughout the Peninsula. But if 3 largo srun-soy only 215,000,0CA or £20,000,000.- * is to be got into the bargain; if Cuba which is so earieh worse than useless to suppiy Spain with the means of co:if-rent- ing her most urgent finencial difficulties, and to enable her to live from day to day, till a Government can bp installed capable of giving her resources a, full development, the Spaniards =not be too -thankful. Out of the man Y blows which adverse for- • tnne has dealt to that long-eufferingnation; this severine'''of one of the last links which boundrit to the destinies of its Transat- lantic eoeseions would have done it not only no ceal harm, brit have bema a' most welcome deliverance. The last French campaign in Mexice ought to have made it manifest that there is neither hbnornor profit to gain forth° Powers of the old Continent by meddling with the afthirs of the new. • Those 'who have no open ae- counts. there Ledbetter try no new von - turas. and those who -have °ought to deem eSemselves fortuuate; if allowed. to wind •them tap on the fire bpportweity. TO (.../011c.g....u.,Volv,os ito•LANtel Havino ranch suffering from comiri- tion,and knowing thouoande of dollars are yearly spent by, invalidat travelling for their health, tandem rtiedieinee and physi- Special Prize by M. C. Cameron, Esq., M.P., for the best thorough bred Mil& Cow; of any Age or breed, having had a calf in 1869 810 00 *Pedigree of -the above cattle must be pro- duced. -Age of thorough bred cattle to date from shoW to show. Best Devon or Grade Milch Cow. having raised a ca/f ix! /869 - $3 00 2 00 3rd do ' 100 Best 2 year old Devon or Grade Heifer • 300 200 • 3rd do 100 Best 1 year Old. Devon or 3 00 2 00 Grade Heifer 3rd do '• 100 Best Devon or Grade heifer calf 2 00 1 00 Best 2 year old Steer 300 200 Best 1 year old Steer 2 00 1 00 Best Fatted Ox or Steer 3 00 2 00 3rd do 1 00 Best Fatted Cow or Heifer 3 00 2 00 • 3rd do 1 00 Best yoke of Working Oxen 3 00 2 00 3rd do 1 00 *Age of Devone or their Grades to date • from January to January. - SHF.F.P. -COTSWOLDS AND TEETH GRADES. 3 00 2 00 Bt Aged Ram. . 3rd do 100 Best yearling Ram 3 00 2 00 31.d do 100 Best Ram Lamb 2 00 1 50 3rd do , 100 Best pair of Ewes having raised 3rd do 8 00 21 0000 lambs in 3869 Best pair of yearling Ewes 8 00 2 00 3rd do : 100 Best pair ewe Lambs 2 00 1 50 3rd da 100 LEICESTEDS AND Timm GRADES. Best aged Ram 300 200 3rd do 100 Best yearling Ram 3 00 200 • 3rd do 1 00 Best Ram Lamb 2 oto 150 3rd do , • 100 Best pair of Ewes having raised Lambs in 1865 a 800 200 • 1 00 3rd do , Best pair yearling Ewes 800 200 3rd do ; ' 100 Best pair Ewe Lambe 200 1 50 3rd do . - 100 BestpairfattedEwesorWethers2 00 1 00 Special prize by M.C. Cameron,- Esq.,11/.P., forthe best Ram of any age oribreed 10 00 Best aged Boar la?! PgeiGhted 3 00 Best aged Boar Pig large breed, littered in 1869 •2 00 1 do Best aged BoarO small breed 3 00 2 00 Best Boar Pig omen breed, lit - Best Sew large reed Best Sow small reed • teoecl in 1869i 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 3 04) 2 00 The above Sows must have bad pigs in 18690. or more pigs to be shown with sow. Best Sow pig ldrge breed, lit- tered in 1869 ; ' 200 100 Best Sow pig sMall breed, lit- tered in I:869: 200 PO CrLTR,T. Best pair Game*,Fowla Best pair Barnyard -Fowls 7755 5050 Beit pair LargelBreed Fowls 75 50 Best poir Bantams Best pair black Spanish Fowls- 7755 5500 Best pair Geese 75 50 Beast pairDuck •75 50 Best pair Guinea Fowls Best pair Pea Fewls 7755 558 Best peg Turk* - ROOT CROPS. 75 50 BesttwoesSw. eedish Tar - nips' 84 00 83 00 200 Best holt aerie Potatoes 3 00 2 Oa 3rd do • ; - 100 Best quarter acre Carreto 3 00 2 00 3ril do ! 100 Beak acre Mangel 3 00 2 00 341 do 1_ • 100 Partied" ent•--e...-deigfor any. or all of the above root eat pa will he required to pay an eu- i trandelee of 1.00 additional. ••• " DIPLEKENTS. Rest Iron ".° tree Lrbrnblir- 3 .00 2 be clang, We propose a simplereceipthydthich , Wasgbri patients, may become their owriphysidanse Then,Bestpoll'mloreencirrtiageettriuggy 32 en 2% 0000 Ana if lent too fmrdgenh, •will guarantee ,-"""'Id perfeet mare if roads and regularlas taken- icw....,_ a Plough . gg: 1 ot• Best- Single Buggy according to directions. The ingredient* -""e*da 200 lias not less than 0. varieties 1 00 Best named collection of Roses (Blooms) 1 00 Best solleetion of Verbenas, neared notlesatheal 6 varieties 1 00 Best collection of Phloxes, not less than 4 varieties 1 00 Best named colleetionof Gladi- olus, not less than 5 varieties 1 00 Best and largest collection of • !Annuals, named VEGETABLES. Best 2 kindsof Potatoesnamed, half bushel of each •75 Best four heads of Winter Cab- bage, named • 50 Bast nine Blood Beets 50 B‘st 9 Long Mangles 50 Beat 9 Globe Mangles 50 Best 9 Swedish Turnips 50 Best 9 Long Orange or Red Carrots • - Best 9 early Horn Carrots Best 9 'White Belgian Carrots Best 12 ears of Corn Best 3 Water Melons Best 3 Must Melons Best 4 heads Cauliflowea Best peck Tomatoes DAIRY PRODUCE. Bet 5 of Butter, sufficiently salted for table use ' 1 00 75 Best 5lbsof Butterwithout salil 00 .75 Best keg of Salt Butter, less than.50 lbs 3 00 2 00 • 3rd do 100 Best Cheese, not less than 50 lbsriactory made ' 3 00 2 00 3rd do 100 Best Cheese, not less than 15 lbs, dairy made. 2 00 1 po 3rd do • 50 100 50- 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 • ^ _assaassicaass.sesasse-asessastseaseissi,ssas .,,,i.ssaftsa,,,,a,essaaiesasSaise-asssas•_ssataaassassaissaasaidaistassessalata., 1 50 l'14:1714*.ngla.410144,14.0:/ddfa ' , A rather curious- atco is given as to 1 00 how the greatness and eelt of the La- bouchers was created. he ether of the late I ord Tikantro a ole oryoung clerk, by on innocent stratagegot his wife- in the then first banking house no the world: Being clerk to the Hopes of Amsterdam, he Was sent over on a conilentialeiniesion to the house of Bering 13 London: Being plentifully supplied with at quality which the ,vulgar call "cheek," he aaked the for thio hand of his 1 00 great Mr. Bering daughter in marriage, having first scraped an acqui#ntance with her. • , The millionaire was dumfounded at the youth's aasurance, and when he had re- covered his breath, he asked. him hew he: could think of a daughter Of Baring's mar- rying a penniless clerk. Young Labouchere, nothing daunted, said "But suppose I was a partner in the henser "Oh, replied•Mr. Baring, "-that would be a very different matter," - .. The aspiring youth- posted:off toAmster- dam, and immediately asked the author of " Andstadus" for a shire in the busi- ness.„w hat,said the great man, 'rt you, a , tie young clerk of only two years' standing; to be made a partner of Hope's of Am- sterdam!. Nonsense.” " But," said the young pan, "suppose I could get Miss Baring for a wife'?" • " lathed case," replied Mr. Hope, the thing might be practicable." o . And in that way it was practicable, as, by thus. playing ,the two great men one against the ether, the yoUng clerk got a rich wife andoehare lathe. great •-ba and thus was foanded the noble houe of sun- F 1 TWO HOUSED 04 iof THE LIVER -POOL & LONDON • - FOR•SALE. . AND GLOBE ElginStreet, Goderieh. At presentoccupledbY • D.-GORDON,• ItISUFIANCE COMPANY1 ,Mr. IL B. Smith. For particulars apply to raft gbetehuntinpeerxi e eod haso paidTbir yia-toroasvo s years,exeeaantiQp CablnWeteMat viSketr7re'etf: a 'wide area, has 'without doubt contributed to The and half million pounds sterling, July 21st, 1866 Tito -disbursement et this enorrnona sum over the establishment of this Institution, in the CHURNS CORNS, CHURNS; c_onadence tot Public OorporatiOns, Blew/tants, Hduseholders, and busiares naen •generally, AT 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 • 25 25 M.ANUFACTURES. Best woven home-made Quilt 1 50 1 �o Best 10 yards Domestic Cloth 2 00 1 50 3rd do 1 00 Best 2 yards Flannel 200 1.50 3rd do • 100 Best pair Blankets • 2 00 1 50 3rd do 100 The above 'Cloth, Fltuitiel and Blankets, must be all wool , and home spun, and menu- factured in 1869. Best set of Single Harness 2 00 Best double set of Farm Harness 2 00 Best Gentleman's Saddle 1 50 Best pair Gentleman's Boots 1 00 Best pair Lady's Boots 1 00 - FINE ARTS. -BY AMATEURS. Best Painting inWater Colors 1 00 75 Best Painting in Oil 1 00 75 Best Crayon 1 00 75 Best Pencil Sketch, or Drawing 1 00 76 Best collection of Photographs 1 00 75 - LADIES' WORK. Best loaf of home-made Bread 1 00 Best patched Quilt 1 50' 1 00 Best Quilt, raised or sowed on ground work 1 50 1 00 Best Tatting 1 00 75 Best Crochet Work • 1 00 75 Best Enobroidery in muslin 1 00 75 Best. Embroidery in silk I 00 75 • Best Embroidery in crape and chenille 100 75 Beet Worsted Work, raised 1 00 75 Best Braiding 1 00 75 Best Fancy Knitting' 81 00 75 Best two pair Woolen Socks 1 00 75 Best two pairWoolen Stockinga 1 00 •75 Best pair Woolen Mita 75 Best pair WooleitGloves 75 Best Shirt, gentleman's 1 00 75 Best Wax Fruit •1 00 75 Best Wax Flowers 1 00 75 Best Paper flowera 1 00 75 *SPECIAL PRIZES. A prize of 820, given by Geo. Sproat, Esq., Reeve of Tuckersrnith, to tbe Amateur Band of Music, belonging to the County of Huron, who will- play the best selection of musk, Seaforth, on the seeond dav of the exhibition. Bands intending to compete, to give the 1 00 Secretary notice at least one week previous to the exhibition. Prize of 810 by Jas. Dickson, Esq.; President of the Society, for the best essay on Turnip Culture, embracing the prepar- ation of the ooil, -the sowing, cultivating, storing, and feeding to farm stock, andothe benefit to be derived by the farmers of Huron, froni a systen-of Turnip husban- dry. Prize of $5 by W. T. Cex, Esq., of the Signal office for the best original essay on Fruits and Fruit CRUM* in the County of .4 The above essays ti be open to the whole County. Essays to forwarded postpaid to the Secretary, onzor before the 20th day of 'September next, the Judges not' to award- the prizes unless the- essays merit it. Especial entries must be made by all III - tending. to compete for the two especial prizes given by M. q. Camerom, Esq., M. P. ton. CD CD S.4 M ria Ce STEAKIAGINE-.W.ORKS R. RUNCIM4N MANUFACTURER - 7 "sasa.s-a-asStiaiyfill • • ',bow ,,DMinamiar orlir ,,0 GRIST- & FLOURI OTAILLS. • Muley and Sash Saw -Mills, Steam ELigim0 and Boilers, • Thrashing Machin.es, ISeperators Horse Powers, Dr aor ws • 45 I • • • IRON- AHD WOODEN P FMB ! With Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Plopgho Gaug gioughs, Cultivators, Land Rollers; Straw,Cutters, • Agritultural Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt I:tittles, 'Wagon and Pipe Boxes, COOKING, • PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, of the most improved kincles Brass Castings made, and acksmithtd Work and Repairing done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL moutp. GARD PLOUGHS, as you can get one very eheap for Cash: • Goderich, Nov. 12th, 1867 w39 - Wimbledon Sweetmeats. -Bull's; eyes. . -• When hearts are- filled with holy af- fections), and loome is happy, then do the young dwell in a charned circle,.14foli only tliknotitroltlY -.41eInvismil Iv011d „Seek to quit, • ancracrosawhichhowdderyi,mpte, tions to error Shine out but feebly..• ,!, - - Ninon de i'Encles defin' eaakias ii"Al; alms which enriches him who receives 'pith - out impoverishing her who gives." Very true, but misses shouldbecareful to choose none but deserving objects on whom to bestow their charities. • • 1 ' A fa, appheations of Dr J Brims' Allevantor cure; the most 'severe nouralraia, the worst forme -of local pain, rheumatism, Sic The throat when sore and in- flamed is relieved at once by gargling with diltited Al- levantor, and taking a swallow , or two after.i Lame sides, back, chest,,shoulder or limbs, Mired in a short time by applying Dr J Briggs' Allovantor. Applied to a burn or scald, It immediately allays all pain, and given red to the afflicted. Sold.; by druggists.. . In these days of pretentious and humbug whaiglittor and brass are received as the truOmetal, it is Certainly refreshing to meet a ulna who is above the conittptible meanness of deceiving thopublie. If every wise - intuit wore,reeelved as truth, it Would appear hat the henaof the same was aphilanthropistawhose sBe object • entite humanity of the thing is il deo ion, !and the Was to benefit Door suffering. burnout", while the great motive -power is the love of the 4- imes.• Hence it is that when a real philantrophis appeals; lo is not L likely to receive that confidence Which he is Justly entitled Being always ready to ay a word Waver in real merit, we take pleasure In sp g of DrJ Briggs' Curative, this justly celebrated remedy, is all that can be desired by those who suffer from corns, burnout, in growing nails, tender feet, to They will haihwith-joy a remedy for this purpdso. Briggs Modern emotive ie sold by druggists and sountry merchants. PILF.S.-, Us° Dr. .T. Briggs' Pilo Remedy forInternal, External. Bleeding and Itching Piles. It give$ immedi- ate relief and Ls reliable. Sold by Druggists. Covass.-liseDr. J. Briggs' Modem CarativeforCorns Bunions, In -growing Nails, Tender Feet, /M. Mild, soothing, softening and healing.. iiold by Druggists. .NEUrtaLerja..-ttso Dr. J. Briggs' A llevantor, for NeurniglasCatarrh, Headache, dig. Sold by Druggists. _ . *RULES OF : a BANDS. 1, No 'Band to cued •' IS in numben,r, and shall consistent -troll 0 anlate'iii1319-im the exception of the Ban aster; Wha may be a professionalinesician, 2, Bach Band: will perform piecerfeif music fielectedbylliemeelves,one \-4 which shall, be a quickstep. No small drums, Bast °Olen P ugh 2 00 1 00 Imilleil and Indassea- Best Double ould. 'Bowl are. horehound, cymbals, or triangles, allowed in theNconi- ingreilients-that are. within the- reach of all, a ea_ 2 00 petition, -, _ . . . he the inalteirt growing wild inedery field, the Bezsaosonnough _ .. 2 00 3. The Bandmaster' of each Band' - Itorehouotl in almost %WY garden," and Best m • oleo -Boo I. 2 00 forward etlireer_ days WOG _ ale date o the, maolasees to be had at any grocery. Beat 1, . g 1 . . !sip handful of horehound and boll. as , ,, -___ ,,_,_,. Beat 2 ! arse Cultivator . 22 0°0° 1- °° 'fIrtreratitiinc11111141-9Btnt thane4"tillabero Pieeena P-eori f. . 2 09 music to be performed. - The directions for makino are to take a .... Strong ateasus can be made. * Take tip, ge 7,,, lign-f.do7.0nonnonno • 2-00! 4. Bands must be forirardby 1,2 o'clock then boil art ekimi. quantity of ratillehi in Too., "L„,,,o7Zr„to=1,4o,"Zo_ ., 0 oft on the day of competition. the same way. Talte a cupful ,of the Elul- :g7.7.: riad-'riare7 ''-"`."T't i ;i7.; . 5. The order of each Band -to perform ; kin atul mix together in, go suite:Ma vessel, -'41" shall:be decided byballot. ' • otoor, Best Hcfrse Hay e- 2. 00 then added a cupful of molsausi dad ---- nee, areeneensne 2 no shaaaii..bTehane idLeaTie. es el flee Judge br,jaiigpa to tg. syrup -the thicker the better. Take :Yu -1;Z f-''''.'"Z'fDrill „2 ' -,Ue ..1:4. Cutter " 00 * a tabiespoolifulor a large swallow three Best o „,„..).. ichine , oo Entries to be made --with, ...and corn - 'lima a day. Be Particular in following Igt4,....4-1-= lu. mt.....,..„.„.._ik 'I° munications on ' this - (object to be, ell/heat-Iona as to making and also as te take •E''' `-'1."Yr f'd =764 60 ,, addressed to the SeeretarY of the Seciatese. •• ind ite an& we will guarantee relief be all . .. - not foe far advanced. The writer Best es° Hdria!iihoet , 1 00 ,-. Rum, tc. lizoin-xxove,.-1, All fitibteriPthins to be fant On or before the 2.51h day of September next. 2, . 410esilOt claim gliaredeiPt as erighlal with Eipooitt lipr Aittstalif. The resent or AM. Will eonstitute a year154, member: lifillselfit rine has redelnmended it. in. ristuR The, caw& ceal• a erizeraf 430 for: ship hthedesistsanawineatieetherensonsepayieg tOcempete la anyor allot the departments. 13. -Ali cases witlogoodresults. "As theiogredieme the best 10 o eig of Fell wheat, to parties living -paid their subscriptionsMal only, such are so commen mid so easily obtained, it which; the Soddy frill add $5, for A 2nd 'exliwillibbaedeltiratUteastiGbarbeinPe:bottia fitio4Prlioliettit°ek:allordrhatemile-8 1 tirtifreA,bpartiMiet taakaelyernmw"areathreatha cer'rats 4ttht wheat faking thferze ,the3r42prmee prize. -collet:, misobirearclpGrod* AelleedGraZtrilieginteedrinthuiditebtibthiLgIrallee Alfa' fresherit is the better effect will be "pro- it_ Prilts,Plowers. and Vegetables, exhibited muSt have ewe property °Lae Society-. Sad ten been produeed on the farm or garden of tho exhibitor, *44, beeksidas !IP:Person thisof th, aajascouni *Ito° witia-collixternforatei bullets to be i comae& amongst - the 7. No ComPebtor will be entitled ta mom than one Braudx sociotioi who will please have pritefor butter. cheoge, Mott, fruits, orgrain Cir the edam- north, south, eget' and West -by , Boma person reaoy to take it on their be. same kinds. S. l'ic4 animal Oak be Shown for two Mises publishing the above- receipt.--.4egysto ;mu at the doom of the _xhib.ii .... 1*.aetitheeesvallettle7ext°artelesS"MC°11113eattlflitritedttlagiavta1atbteaSecrar tleartarfe , , to- ti 1 eft, outer- creieeknoon. of lifeduesdayi. tbit nOth. of eeptembee . Vderolifek cia Sentinel., 1: Idea it will be ;Sold Giftha Aroma and: tee .;. . Kee for mpot tioa the In oer the /nom& th f g:0 into the .r.„„A. Depart:neat° berientforw:d tithe Show Room by - * -• "'``""'" .12 o'clock newt untie first &yetis exhibition, land Irh, CritipAg* Rep -lariats says $114t 60 of the'SOCietY.. ....._ - alIfitook and Implements Jobe on the Show' Ground _present prices of coal 'reinforce the presen Beet 2, WEN& Sprgig Wheat el2 go pi 00 La 10 o'clock:. a. M., of tile second day th_ereof. H. debilitatialas of thenationtialitvellgelr Tlda Beet 2 bushels Batley - - • 2 00 I oowJudge8YrUlbe Paltienlarll requested tohave xe- lnetnnnt past hitter, srplsins this for the Beat 2 bushels Large Oats 1 50 1 00 rtn-in -111 thaSta* awl Articles erillbitett benefit of nhystified readtra by baying that Beet 2 bialiehiCommon Oata 1 50 1 eo ikle„...,.._arTbrwsah a4agultlitanniterterelual% 14°1% • the ReputAxaminewithey are making the Beat 2 babel* Line Pe" .1 50 I 55 ii ---d;•--. kland "di- 1141 tei b4 14 tIll the Show , nation "powerful weak.” ' Best 2 buslie...._oln siPill Pees 1 50 I off retrviat rim thrraaroZ- brill% rottoegcRtti'fbit: Best bushel winnow Seed. 1 SO , to second day of the exhibition. Iszto person,auowed Motto for a rejected atiitok-he wood, Best halfbushelFlat Seed e 1.50 , 75 ririeteitilVererelphemtdeggerottelisj=sglitta FiRrst _ ezul she wouldn't , Good places formate mahiinc-Sulphur ' SPriugs. One bumper s.t petting, as the drunkard laid when he ran toot &pelt. Best 4 named varieties of Pall entraneezgatfOneParatit. rawAiagek trteo deal% . T4•V Oat eolordoes. a flogging Apples, 5 of each 200 150 taro -monitories; Braetasseaprise. Witte' ' thew . befi complexion I -It mail Ulu . ard de - '. ` I firt'sw Palsc'HIng LOVE, aosior_._ _ _necretsiii._'• Thg, only organwitheussaopt-the oven Beet anima varieties of Wiii. -.7A108 D1010014 Frellit. of !coati* woman. - 1 ter Pears 5 of oath .:._; 00 I 4?.t. . ,„ aususiiia, we.- ' I DIrtirEastA.-Use Dr. .T. Briggs' Allovtuttor, for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Heartburn, tb, Sold by all Druggists. Piais. -Use Dr. J. Briggs, Pie Remedy, for Piles of every desetiptioa. Sold by' Druggists. Comss.-Use Dr. J. Briggs' Curative for Corns,Bnu ions, ingrowing nails, &e. Sold 'by Druggists Nsinsatopa-Use Dr. J. Briggs, Allevanter for Neuralgia, Headache. Catarrh, SoreThroat, Bronchitia, &e. It ts agreeable to use, and reliable. Soli by Druggista. A clergyman who was gtely eonsang• young widow on the death of herhuthand, spoke in a very serious tone, remarking that he was 'one. of the felt. Such. a jewel •of a Christian! You cannot find his equal, as you well know.' To which the sobbing fair one replied, with almest brokeu heart, I'll bet I vtill 1' ' •GODEItICH WOOLEN•. TORY, (KNOWN .A3 PIPER'S MILLS) ---0 I IN Gl- CP fi'inULL. Y intithates to .farnieri,end ot)ler that t are prepared to fill .RsalroErEts ROLL OAROINC, MAN FA6.7'liftilik Cloth Dressing, -CiMtom, Spinnin.g, il) yips, Fulled Cloths,1 Wineeys,. Flap , wherever ii -as represented. In ,51i year, 1836, the Fire Premiums 49476 ' £47,768 £222,279 .4.73S9.332 £8181059 Martin's General Jo trig npl cc „ 4. 20th year,1856, 4* SELFORTH. I " 30th year, 1806, cc ist One year later, 1867," •• THE subscriber has on hand the celebrated WATER WiTEEL PATENT CliURN which took the first prize at ths Provincial Exhibition last year. This churn is simple in construction, easily worked, and guaranteed to churn and gather butierin ' twenty minutes, or the price willbe refunded. Partie can have a chum on trial and satisfy themselvesof capabilities. Sas He has likewise on hand two Drilled Tamils, Carrot and Beet Seed Drills, Single Drills, 3 kinds Of • Horse Hay Rakes, Cider Presses, Cheese Presses, Lad- ders, Wagon Racks, and. WOOD'S FIRST PRIZE SELF -RAKES are on hand and got upto order. Reapers and Nowers• on. hand and for sale: to- A. Good Mx Horse Power Engine For Sale Cheap. • John M. mmartin On the shortest notice. Paotiea wishing to exehan wo for good home made goods, will find it to their intereit to givc us a j, we satisfied we have the goods you require.' Parties comb)", from Lance w th, 71,40 to set ,carded may in nearly eveily instance rely on getting,teo wool ho with thein 'the same day. se- ALL W Goderidr Woolen Factory's 1 June 8th, 1869. Seaforth. May 10. 1g6 9. The Fire Reservt. Fund is now g4,727,46.1 The Life Reserve Fund is now 09,262,468 The company is represented throughout Oa. tano and Quebec, by influential Agents, to whom appheation for insurance may be made. . .C. SMITH, Resident SecretarVe MormisAL A, M. ROSS, Agent for Coderich ; • V Elliott, for Exeter ; W..N . Watson, for Seater -lb Godarich. Flab. I 1.18ted. <NAIL 11°I—IDS PAIILOR GEM rORTEs BIANUO'ACTOISED BY Marshall St Wendell of Mbaup EVEAT Instrument is fully warranted and ha the modern improvements, frill iron frame_ ov *sing bass and hushed ivory front keys. For STANDING IN TUNE, wegaar=tee these Planoes emend to 13073.0. Pianos; Melodeons and Organs Tuned; Theltst &cast • psoriconadm 'REST() wll 0 MA RICE11 FEES! WHY le it that Heron is boasted of as being the vea1thist Agricultural County luf in Ontario ? _ .s Because farmers purchase pure, genuyie and f • FIELD AND GAIIDN SEEDS A complete reconciliation haso, been ef- fected between the Sultan and the Viceroy of Egypt. The English and French Consuls, at Alexandria, have congratulated the Viceroy of the termination of his ,.dif- ficulties with the Porte: FROM -r • SCOTT ROBERTSON;. iiWho keeps the largest and best assortment of the above eeds hi* he County of Huron. The following aro all fresh and aelee4d with Red Clover • Alsike do • White Dutch do Timethy Seed, Illinois-- Do, Canadian Hungarian Grass Mixed Lawn do Skirving's Improved Swedish Sharp's do do • Turple Strap Leaf do White Globe Turnip Rape Seed Tares , Long Red Mengel Carrot Turnip gra Ear Dxii adatile tiktfueiarly Coin Ravi& Sugar do Scolet &ingots mokiwk Beant Chi ea do But erdo far famed TDoaretielTOhn'RmbilideoPeas far garden Oro vn do field Le Belgi do g6 do 9 York abbage Head edo• p0105. or lb. Dutch el UR siKti gwo y ty BY ITS 'Erni • Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the lint applicatiOn a beautiful gloss. and delightful fragrance Is given to thellair. rt will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HALE is immediately checked. Sold by all Druggists. Price One Dollar. manufactured by ' S. R. TAN DUMB ds CO. Wholesale liruggists, • 15 Barclay Street and 40 Park Mirk New-lork, and •••••°' 266 High Holborn. London. Eng. R, RADCLIFF, .agent at Godeal sar Second band Pianoes taken in excTaraige, -Goderieli, 17th June, 1860. w21-6111 VIALEIBLE FIRM FOR SALE. DEMO lot8and16,wkichwilisa sold neparately orto _Mt gather, in the Tovvnship of Sinsday. Co• of Huron, -containing 293 acres -more or leas.-efouperior Land, in the.bighest state ofenItivation and equally suitable for arable or dairy farms. Lot 8, known a_s Slount Mass ant Fenn,' 18 situated on the Hayfield & Seaforib Gm - vel Road. eommandinga beautiful vieof Lake Hawn 12aniteafronaBeafortb, Dfiromainton and 161roin Gods "midi, allithrissie.gtowns on the,10. as. L. M. 13.B. a :1 :9 only 6 miles from- the thriving village of Dayfirld-it place of growing importance, rittere there is In inarimr --- ands prospect of its becoming the Gov. Thator of Res- tage. Tins farm counts' is of178 neres-rnore or kis-- of -very superior clay Icrani sod, about 140 cleared.. ea ,vrhicb there as neitherastumpsor stones, -well feaced, yome270rods beingpickei and.slaardfeaceirnadming- est state of cultivation ; a never foiling opting IWO Mal' the centre aud rums to the rear, and ationsasherearilowa the beautiful nvef Boyfield; about decree of the raver eats is wooded with excellentandvaluable -cedar ; res. morning 33 acres of high table land, is wooded with hardwood, beech, maple, elm. &ea, the entire farm be- ing surrounded with fence. 'I'here its nISO ITESI iho rear Oil:astern] a magnifieentstone quarry, whichiswill of itself --when Bayfield becomesa city, as it 7.5 :dual= d ere long to be -be a mm...of essalth to its owner, end San is tome 1011. or more from the surface, it serves to enhance the value of the land for Panning Purposes. There is a splendid orchard of aborts 1:303 Veva-of the heel and choicest varieties offnut otall kinds, growl] is this section of eonntry,f mous forks pwrinetion offruit. There is a very laige and eommodioue framelaouse,witis every convemence tattiehed, u /argo sable and two new fmme. Thu farm is all thonnighly surface-dmtn- hal cd, and a cat deal of it underdtained. Two is really one of the ost desirable forma in Westernermada., end particularly euited to an old country gent/malaria:memo: Stock, jamlements and growing -mops 'will he sold to the pureligeer on reasonable terms. Lot 16 eontains 116 acres ofland, about 65 under vultwation, the re:n=4er wooded, with inaple, beech, chat sisb,buttertata,oberty and a sufficient quantity of hemlock for fencing and buiklma parpcses. Soil, clay, is hviug stream, • new frame ham (bank), good taiga ,houseiand kitchen dm., . an orchard of dineres in extent of edectfralt, la oleo on this farm. It is 81 miles from Bayfield. Price 63,209. 1,000 down, balance on mortgage at 8 per cent, titian indisputable. For farther particulars apply to jOSHUA OALLAWAY,Jr. Irand, Life, und Fire Inintranco Agents- Godericb, or on the premises allot 6, to 3OBB1811 °ALL/MAY. October20 18C9. wilDal. Farm for Sale. 140 ,A , ; I LOre 52 and 54, Bayfield Concession, 0,tee -Township ol Goderich Containing 68 -acres, ot these oyer 50 acres cleared with good Memo Barn, end Log House, about Si lades firom Clinton. For Terms Oise& apply atthe Division Court office at Goderich, or lo 31r. WIGGING TON on the premises. Gedertcb. Ont. Sept. 21,18118. w30 tr. 1000 bushels of choice Potatoes brought direet from the/ Unite States, Early English Flukes, Peach Blows. SCOTT 'ROBERTSON 54 w-12 Seaforth, 20th April, 1869. '14.1amniy 1' said a precocious little boy, who against his will was madeto dock the cradle of his baby brother, 'if the Lord'has any more babies to give away, doret you take 'em.' To SELL OR RENT-! .1111•••••••••• riplIE WEST BoLF LOT NUMBEREralier, feurteemb concession of Hulietis en tho boundary line between Myth end Welton, Fos: Office cacti way. Good hardwood land, wel watered ; thirty acres clearance. Seventy seven acres and a hall in all, Well 'fenced. For turther particulars apply to those on the preintses. IIAN KIN LA WSON. May 2711, 1867. glint New Marble Works STOP AND SEE. .011=1•1111•• BP following remarks on Testimonials of most wonderfuLand extraordinary cures m Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY They aro stereo!' deniable and incontesuble facts, ittecient to convince _ the moat alcepticalthat the Great Medicinal Componn.. • anted miler for_aces 18 140%14 accessible m the Great 8110SIIONEES REMEDY iese. - - - PRINTING. "SIGNAL" NEWSPAPER • ESTABLISHMENT 0 -YL N E OIX. LARCER EINEMM flL LSHOE NE1./s! MODEOF DRIVING. 3 W CARRIERS. . tl MARKETSOARE GODRICH,ONT. for Diseases of theThroat, -Lungs, lever, Digestive Organs, Kidney is die., as well as /Scrofula, the venous Skin Diseases,Humors, and di diseases arising from Impurities ofthe Blood, WO boldly state that this great remedy has NEVER -BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure ns that in tho person of thatofPeter C %T. 'Miller, gamesto, C. W., of 0011. Wilson Storines( Brighton,C. W., of consumption ; or orlon, or t of Ambrose Wood,ofConsecon, of Dyspepsia and Laver Complaint, or that of John Hoseysof Napanee, 0. W. of Rheumatism, who had actually beenbn crutches for Years, in apt° Of all treat - meat heretofore, and is now well. &owe crawl; ewes Drug Store a ,SloPareccan. d get a timelier en migbecaumeanttioinheednhad. unqestionable certificates on the (3R.EAT SRO- HONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and s.ansfy your selves. • Price of the Remedy in large pints$1' tr For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in hie& eine. Agents for Goderich, F. Jordan and, Parker & Cattle WHOLESALE AGENTS t DUNSPATJGB.& WATSON, WI AN, ELLIOTT/la Do.,co - .1.11BAREOORtgcliT' 110AIL% es aug,.."I'l,rupe T.ICELSte SON, A. EII A MT1,TONaa en PLAIN 4,-' AMEN'AL Pius.= IN EvORY -90r4941 ..nroLuDwct BROM ir-17-12w Ferrxusia3r_iixanamr)1267 ,I1ONTREAL TE.4, COMPANY. 'AND To Messrs. CaAariannzara 131i.43, COnw*A.Y P• D., County of Laintox,Oxitario Canada. ' 6, HOSPITAL -MONTREAL. m�li conunned mamas oflhis Ciiinpank is Only attiabittable to the aualItvaM Pere/ orahew dem Oyerattrn dred tlionsand boxes of Tea hb ave een sent to differeat pans th Dementia, and npwards-ar and testionigials can be shown, bearing testimony to lbe tepidity and paritypt ie Tea. A great saving can bac ected by purnhasing direct from nits 'catties ofSand La lbs:stad upwards. Every'indulge warranted to give saiisf awn. 0Mb-together and seed for ferns or five Mb. conies. which Will he Sent triage free sonny Railway Station in the • Dominion. The money- can be collected intdeliverr. - - Var Try Our liesh grotidd innate Roasted Coffee Rt . -Sand Ioni,Iitts • - . RN is SUPPLIED* WITH s. • • FACILITIES FOR EXECUTING No pasoashallitet in a Judge in antdepartment HoRTI.ouvrtirRALPRoDuOm vrhich bele= exhibitor. 16. enepersontaddeelait Best4 named varieties of Win- " w"• 5fr 4 T.F45! 4 Ilan be doOrived of law premium. ver San they • raight otherwise be ler ANT", 5 of 464, 2 00 1 50 en .titlea. AliPettiwic peting for Root Crops 3rd de • _ 00 roncnafesps tha BaseTtaz7 noti4Dipefore- the glut day or.f; I 11. i 111111111 I I I I II I CLASS , •Pli) :upwards, Ste:Savor Of which is really .excellent.end every-paclowvarranted. treezies, Tea and -5 orIOlbi. Coffee, sent to any Radvray Station sernane free. Tea and Coffee daliveredtive times daily tithe city. I. ' • • - iEtIrL4A.'.u1K -rii3E.I.AL,;-,- - . ': • . . ._ . , . RnglishIlretiknist,13token Tog Strong Tea, 40c.,60S ; Pine Flavoured : SevaSetgazin do.65ni, 60e. andel ; Very .11eatleall Flityanired-do776e; i Sound Oolong, 45e.; Bich Flavoureddo (PL; Very fine do do. Ide. ; dapaneaeod we; ! gas, pine COO., Very- Fine .7 ..,, .F17es.t.15c..- . '-- ''.0iSi- 'rxt7E1-A : . i - - : : . a . • 'TtilikaY spat es t- voting spool spoio, 65, 700,-;"' Pate du. 756,,;_ par Fine 850 I Supe.rdilp sand Very China'51t ; Fine: rigptarnier-800, ; Extra Saporta:m.4o. $1,- - ,, - ., -. _ . _ - . . • - T. *.,. : ,No. 1,300.;' No; X SC. -; NU:9, -20e- 'i 110.110.4: i54. Perili:' . ''''• • , -'• . : -A. - - 'Y .0-;.A.:' .1Z"'.S:., .F.L1 , I A..."X...i. ' -,aGoars.,=.1t ia_nearly a year since 'purchased the Irstohest ofTea from Tem house.: -I; haft purchased Many. sine Arial ant pleased to inform yen -that the yi.,,a-oi every case proVedinoetilatisfam,o, th'po well as being exceed., .t: ingly gaps Tours stetY trulirs . - : -I.:- • - . . . 4 . ' _ F..D.ENNEGi . „ . . • . . . -. MoittataITeiConipetty-: •• .- .,, - -..... - . . -.„ , _ .,i-•. •- • .- Hentreal,Apidt,1868,4-TorheMontres-IVea Co ran' v (biro os,N._,Eitii,rei.i.i,iiirobag* gin* :se keeei, 6 art..spiteietrzt, oterehonetrmea:m7,zeZdeweowitnarelSvaarileZToir'e, to ':::::::iw'r::1:t4.7'0:1::1741.44177:477::::''' l!'12:;:4ntosrls gi t7;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11::;:;;;;; twyline4.40.14eat 15017774,4• ,- cono\'iiigin f':4601115t.fref5inuxtromecles:,17,11eartv;"obeenburitc744, usZcito :.i !am:Ix:mill vatirli:tio v4:6111.07fidii, undinereer;413S-a, w.1;_41::$11:ourte,, A C""*.r:12,i.1 OP4TotT‘ ink4-11:11,:f.g • : -.I 411"13°.,;!31111•,; iff'. A '-. O.42iEJ_IEY, : Co. '''' 541/2-ftliiiiitreetAdontresi' 4, * ' • : ' - - 1.". : Manaii&Can4414nnWPresa Co. . Mom°. County of Hastings, . Province of Qatari°, Peb. Oth„.1608. - T 1W866blehi HISsaeertifduring wasttakebnivith athatweaknew the orth -I:date-0 =ravers, gradually, dada' g the spring or 3867, extended to my 3mees, and on up to my tips, and I became SO weak that I could not walk, but was Confined to ay chair. Por abouttwo years, while this weakness was coming. mune, and afterWardsasoughtmedicaladvice,embloy- ing, at different times,tbree doctors, and medicine:1<a differentkinds, prescribed byfriends, but adze avail I boxes-oftlie pillsand I am entirely restored to health, I corn -blued to get worse and worse nntil the summer, of 1868, When I was induced totrytiegreateheshoness Remedyibyreadibgthe'bures performed, inn nam.Ifislet. Atthis time lbw" begamto feel the weakness no my hands; in fact' Was getting almost helPless; X have takentwo bottles &the Eihoshoness Remedy and two - I nevenexpected.to get better, •but -simply tded the ' matinees a sort offorlom hope. This ease 4,1f mine . anwcad frineetnads.P11;vataatairo%13yllotkane caffiiewa MtliSlins.33eYI val.liaf-rjh, 1 liabsvrsta o nlyto saytry the Ghoshoness Remedy; I believe It MEV AterDOilotcy. r WMSW°OUrein -toY41112efor-t; Inc otliaffoc; 'County of Hastinga, this 9th dayof Febreary:1860. A. F. Wow, J. P.4e. I liereby gertify that I haveknown Mrs Mary Asan ".1k --r airy. P ICE clodeFidi Aug. 23, 1809. - III 1 1 .7111 I mmen:trevalxratTea.Co...sheriieanat otzEtg-,,ilshiteeh. reetaid young upon veervrlito so Houierfamate, Domoig; ":03:3k .nat9ewarey expe;pyakiTsfutpM414011141.4narl. :ow, -r oterui: g oiearri man- litv:":ekage 61:111,Tgroetathinia;:iv4:Li' *oaths' add by this', ettmism — coinvan Roar. kirostr-.04 414 jrNisarerTekELE":..appa_rDBO.. EglorThot;140.4tilontroaloostToeaolleet410414,ecompan .1r#4.4tt the preeitnll in yea to th Ohteri , ntreid, kirii I, • • VICTORIA ST,, GODERIOH, ▪ 1VX,. Johnston 11110NUMENTS, IlEADS2'011/2TES, -Uhl° HI tops, Posts, Svc ,Torabs, of every &mils tion and style of workinauship, furnished on short notice and at the lowest prices. Ube Id t reduction made for cash. All orders punctually attended to. Designs of Monu- ments, Zee., may be seen at the shop. odermh, Dee. 19, 1865. w47 -1y -1869. Division Courts. 0....11•41•• TIMEZ Ffilt IfOIDH7G-DIVISIONICotwanr THE (.c1._.,_•:0r. 1117BOT HT IBM 1st gbviSions &Idea*. Alenday 26 July 4th 40 Wroxeter, Weduesy2.8 sir 2nd Seafortho Tietuaday 29 • s• Sod it . inton3 Friday .t30 sr fith re Dungatmea, Monday 2nd Aligns I d Bayfield, Tuesday Srd " fith 4• Exeter, Wednesday 42h ." Ist Division, Gcrierith, Monday27th &pie .iher Sid ss ClInton, Tuesday 2s2h 2031 " Seatorth. Wedneeday led al 4th CCAiuley-vilie,Thiersd4-20 " Sth 41 Exeter. Sabanday nod October Bth• Dungannon, Teeseayntle Ith • "hayfield, Wednesday eh sr 1st Dzweion,Goderielts We11aeadaye4th Novena. 6th v• Dungannon, Thumb tn cc Hayfield, Friday - 411). Wroxeter, iTueeday $a nod 46 Seatorth, incloesaayo faDc2ember 3rd Chnton, Tnursday 2nd " IF rextereFriday Sal ce, The above Courts. except thel I) ion wil *pea at 10 a in. ;oho 1st preavaeoueet epen ee 11. ra.: Oizned) SBROTIOR, O. CHeron. Certified, • DAN. LIZAR• S,' .0[cl* of the Peace, Enron Vidlerielied3th July, 1669. tv47 Deughtyfor the lastfifteemarears ; she is wernall uf EST probity and. truth. I have IMOVin herbefore, fluting, mid since her Blues& Thaler° laer eertineate to he SHER 1848, ABld true in overypairtiOular. Ilmow thatylilleinhercaSe spa deelared hopeless ; and I knowthat has. aince ,••••=.•=40. herrecovery, lo 133 attributed her =every to the Shoslionees Remedy. 'Whatever may be Ma peculiar- TIRE propnehairottaded c,ouetliingis certain, that HERON SIGN tuber ease,it has acted. almost lik,e the performance of • AL 77 &miracle. „„„,• aneon A.It1Yedded-ennoi)- — ivoarsog000totth&ssuotteeseooeseedse--.-.-mv, PERLISIIEIV--StIfi-172XKLF esp mar= Tionats Notioe.,frurthueT1'selffanitnc;„ =a 4‘ VT: FsriangrmoneruAl:lify.ourv-•.17§; ta,obrgeles. EUSIUt,tiN 7,„ gedby..ce.,,&advmphro A bzitam H E. 3"."T.A...n. prep. Csoclecrich,IltlaAng 181k.• /1- B. -Ruses examined este SOUIIIICE5 delit:Mp tO Dodos Ilungearorall =sea ICEEIttite,:,°11011twBennty'S-D:0Y= Isn7Qtri:eryvwerarytch:f7pry; tae:.;;Xivo: JOB °.::Zra afFil 55r - 4tc"mils°1593TET464 Wr Ele Y.a.") 'ava ittrieis • as hsw se utnestsasseanaroad