HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1869-09-02, Page 1rl; � 4_'14 4 . . � � � . I . . � I � . . � I � � . . � � - . V - I . . I I , 1. I .. . I -I . - � I � I I . _�, . . . . . . . I I � � I "_ - ,-/ , , - .1 - . .. I . . , - 4.- .. I � - - I . � I .1 . , ;_ - �', I � . I I . .j �,, - � n � - , - , - . - � � , . - . ;, g I . I I . , 0 .#T � . . i . . I . . � - * .� ­. . - � I I . I 1 <57 . x ,/, ,�( , , . i , � 11 - ; . � '_ � -0 � I - - 1. . : � , � . ., I . � )a , 0 " � . . , �� , - . � , "�!;"14 - . I I ., - I .. I � I I 1 1� " . . f - I . I ,C I � I .. . I . t I , I . : � - - .� � C lak ,. I , . I - % , 1. . . . . I � * � . � . I I . , - - _�� W " � . � I . i . . � .. I . � . � ... I . ­� `1 --,-. I I., - - � I . .� �_ " . . I � ,.I. .- . .. I I � I . . . , ­ -:, I ­ I I ­ 11 I- Ir, � . - I t � -1 . . , � . . . I . . 7. -�---' �-, I ­ . I 'I � r. � , �. . . . I I I � I 11.1 . - . . " . . . __ . � . . . . ,-I.. I �.. ­ ­ � '.., �_. . . � I __ � , 7 . . . . . . . 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I . .1, I � � .-- ;: ��` ,_ :=====2;Z;;; — � . 11 ,� - I .t . . ­ - ___ - — �_ I __ . _ . .. ., . 11 ! � -, . . ­ � . � ______ __ .0"_ - ___ __ — - - � __ - __ 1_ , ." %:�. � " �. . . _ .- � I 1. I I I . I " ` t - - pr6sli;ib , �ill _� I %'T I � I , � # %-. � � - I . 0 ' d t ha(Or tast� , le Nuinber i r -_ ,_ .. - .1 � - - ' � I -_ . . . - . -1a, . . , The Grea,test possibi 'Goo , 0 1 . S I . - I I W.T. OWL, Editor indPro�prietor- � 4 T . � . . ; .: . ­ � I . I -1 - ; w � I . : I � . - . . . I ­_ . ­ .1 2 - - � - ___ I � ." � I - , � � . - , I 1. I � . : . � . . . - ;:::�=�m- �_ . �_�� I -, - �, _, � - . . I - — � , , � . . I . - ��4 " I - I . � =;W�- - - -.� - - 1� . '. . . � 1. " , I _. � - I - . . . ­ I . . I . � I 1. ; . I . . L 1. I . - . � 1 14 1 . . . I . . V - � ��, � 'y 1. � " _ �1, I . jV0 .t. XXM_TS110 1L.41 - N;� " � i� �E, ­�Ivdt � . � � - $1-501'EP-11 ,'!kL--qN.L- 1W .A.P-V,-,WCE:, :1 A C,T __ � -PA 4), '14EPT 2130'.' � I .1 I . ; . 010DERICH.,.O�TA!110, . � 4, 4 _ __ 6� pi.,j . I 1 .1 . _. � I . - . , ,, - - , , ��_, _ �; I '. l�:'' - . .: , . $� OW --&.,r 1p.-qI3 0 B­VM_,,--._�n. ! . '. __�--;.­, �,­ - I � L . I .;­� -_ ­ . .* . . I .. ,gl . _ - I - I �_�_ - . . ___ - `o0=eV0r'-1MCV, - . % � _ ,. . i4 - : " � � : . _ .. - .. � - - A ___ - �. 11 1�. -, , LfteoucfL — - I - . , - _ ��, � i6iiiaia Acit - ,,h� Fe6ew , - -Suncisy mwisrega; � � - THE LAST SENSATICM I - I 1. - . V art t - � � I . - I __ - " . . I , I _,� , � I � �.� 0 - , . . - E-Acol cou I, 4,- �..­ 'Cd1Her7 A-cciideri'*., ., - ,� 4 �4­ - . � certsma 13110ne 0 ;Dlirertorlg- - jlt', ,.. '_�'­.' '. .. __:1 _1 _� � � . I rom the . AMOSS THE NUA42k- O'CiA, =C70=' tieciedaven viiicb. --��. onsiness 1314ftirp. z On. . .. - - �_ - . ,_ � � � . =z10014t,w),=;,�nimoy , giness jaiuctorn - 13AMUess miredorDs . F , 40idr4,wago, � 1 - , . I ' . . - � -----------:— *6�_(Avg. -6) Vorrespmdeiv,# qf.ft , . i,r ,:: I � j5 JGOZ(M to ba 108t, -3 t, i �i I - 11 — . - - � . . . . - - ­ -R - . - It filustratc fla — , . . . Jenldns,thia4' ­ . atrang a M24n ___ _____ . �, L -XiTA08. I ia."W6461hree or four - Jan�V= jQudm,aitmcted � _ lo , � - - , - __=___Z=�� - ' - :� 7,. , - 'rb.*btLvesceu I � , beneft of P0rsL'V,CT-'nc0 1nP-3 . , . , _,_ ,,o?*,jV . . � - 13 v. 11. _k. -L4c1D0U_-_U - - "4,_-� �- I . - 7�_ - - ; � isana Germans gZamrw in- one of i he a large crowd to Moa ytsterdy,y, - by bij� ,rus� Cvor dij a Bruce, -One of the cor- I � . . , - . , SULTA,T14?N . I , f1lo tl�at 'ho woda: .1� � . ,do �a ne , WIL-PLto 11 ol��Iwek k, a. in. every daV Will visit 8 k 46" 111 A. �, 3 "'a' '13" 0 0 R TAI LORING RE OVAL ,?."Ima fiy',,,-qn--Vonday- MOfrim- - poratious nt E�ls tity, being in - Val 11 , g, last fidellV' . at of a ' ... W49 . ". . � . - - ' gartens, grod 'j&Thjjy groups ap anuoinicement, . . , I , - tients at any hoar atterwrards, ni5tkt or day- I I ; : gobie *,is Te"bei'ved _h.r�fhat �fS;shork Ais-� b'e a - e�, �1' -C"D �opy in thoir Ipm� A piece of Paper W.19 — - - � ,�ci powar is --of hft on. or -sixtee;, ji4thet- Binotlug '.his velocipecla over ' rilp ATbtchc - 0`1 ��s on MV0 of tho posts in a protnint,1213 . - . . 1111 � i7 ALEX. T I ly- Ul I - -bout' 5 . _� * it. � ' ' �d ' 400 . '1�len 1� ;emplifive pipli 'M XOthei, W Tig: the ag tatil, I - FACTORY. :011 .ZL 3C)v .AL 3W 10 I PALLACIR -*Yco fio&"' atebi Njogan- A fii� fhousandpersor _�(j .., lr-'.C. StLaunox:L M-13 I RE THANKN . .. � I � � ht&'Wl�n: �-, 'Ic- $ ., I cc, so that Sho boyZ couldree at -nn fhex . "I RNs HIS MOSTSINCE - A w tims' to -w terri-fie.�,dQ11iorY 010 .1 . . - 1 -cinity of Clifton Pla I - . -11 .A, . �, - HYS1 . W. . i M."the very flatteringencouragement he hah I WATCMEkKE It I - it " '*st Itimi hopedilie..4um- th ildran, - ivhik *we ts"ifin, somQr- were C - Boy wqnjlted CJA-N, SURGEO�N,&C.;&C., GODF.-merr, C. I ollected in the P 13.40-1y E uqdidrsigned having purchased the klain- 1 4 � ­ accideit I .1 . paqc,�LL Tho ta,7psv -read: " � . - __ - TT'IgAlilf and Sash Factervowned dsince he commenced business in Gode- . � . . - il'o y secewe . ND JBWELI�R, 1�6j�',%�b; -clins pratiA f but 1�j *awaiW tatteroqps. briage,,1pr-=41p0y_ --from. Lo 0- I --- - loi u t9-=0rr,DV 'rain.Z.* . � I vl� iderably �oxagg -0 tv auclplwk, � I od I'll A'arl" At *2 ffe 4 11 . ­ - $ . � , , , i _� P.0 O� . , , and Oe'd rich, not being able to exebute, over ong-hal o I a,. � . . , 10TS Were . I I , D aid Cumming, are epi h I ­.2&�POW ;., y � I 0 e gr4o;, '110 - 61 --. At the,time ImHtt - 13U. TM,OTIAFEALI'i. eupfad,by� - now pi� are heordersbroug t to him lastsetison. OiRvIng .1 � . WEST STR=1 111. , 624 -:certain- fhat, the figures . 1. 4, � ,- or t4ang , ihatper&ct yNodpto6ii�, onalrevaut t.()vRUcW,th09t inCdeafta n hoSt of L � , -11 were at -4 unar vzc Olfice to carrwy the business at manufacturing I eyonj I, � gj,w. A I � . I � , 8 of CentruiSchool. � Gl- 0 313 3T.n 3: ,Spate,rk4.20.-Qr: , ' ' 'Whi0h.4 I can jemlit, The j!ope was Strercliba,tbrow the in wd-iting at tblo - - I - cc third door cast 49 ' I � I . �," I � . "rwK'-rWG8QHtt10 jqplencd W �_ .,ON. COROITPR, , - . C If. I A-111 inora being - thor;s ' .1 - V" , A � I - Z11 -1 I . ,aow seedredtacilitietfo HE Sqb�anber --- I I � Au.-r�k-wni�lh�i�-�i*-Cai"Dl�T.t'es4 .� _ To 0, ;iuiyV.,:x41q04 but'a rIver'fromelifftoAiff abollf4hUbdr0d TArds - - . aWY - . but tliie 0 . . ffil I T , db . ,h re0t,,Ioppositd.t�q' , - aili'ai exact 81A -Aft jl�ridge I � the U .-y , . F`11.21910 Sash, boors,, Blinds, 1 7 reboved tolhe, Stora ' I ' - - det -, _- .T1IQ _. , 4�w <1 11 Onc ft-Oldnaf) . I . (:rr. M. -, ^ � , it' them..,dur, 19 " 0 � - i , aualliau -end1eing I - -LIWG�, M. 3:3. Mouldings, is e&to " ' nib P -arrive I � .4 .LAcMTCrX as!ff � ,- I . - , F ; wW said he, T0379, -1 Only want OLLLGU PE1YSICIANS AND SUr- . and none but Or I supp" --lXwooniit6ftA1ikt4usbd-1oy thissadcal-V u I ; itomai itaxia ,even a,littlelhigh6rth=orttheAmericAnA .. MaN . ­ � I I , I , was plwd ,one,, � idi�g', And his experience. as Cutter x a -bi" X_ Mug - at . I eve. , that.: Blit - bolk Guil. At 3'30,�� the ,velocipi'd liphouse To After thinking ,a Moment, to - IA. Residence, the house form . ' , � 0 't' , an 1'1�' I`c _ .14 "o��,,, !ire the. , deeni. Ort of , of ,e ' ie � k r de 'r'On r "7 h - I ' vo _. y; how N Y 70NA fur e t ye - - P 'i f e, � n , _ � oc�a - v p P. -t 0 e, _T � oc�a wilioR on. haitsfite Vol L oc P W , - . T , . lo. �'E to the berA wm�_ -hoosin. Flooring, -.1to e, �,U��Qxsib1l�t& - belo;� the. P - .P.- 0 - . hich th i - -, aaf, re . bore . crIT S * 0 or tth.lib. , - ,� to assnr. them 'but 4Y -five eve moral . � and,bev�- itre a great =n. -slmll 1,PGr d b f their _o.e . . it. - gs ?6all and of -the� =ra, ,F� - s , J. F. 0. Ualdan, FIgin Street - ' .Ttru-Iieves . 11 be G merit ....uauaa�e . alialt , --: , ­ - onday -,mo - .. , . � - Occupied by 211r. n effor w . r( . 'y ' � lit. r 'Al, . t.,..Ppiy � ' $e rinks, on the ,,, and and all kinds ot secondto none in the Provinceshavingearriedon pa nage, i, 101 d .b 40101&k� g� Sljoek'likd:j�g� of an loarthquakei. b (alarden a. - - � ad Vn2 . . I I . Wtsch 8 is, 'boui Pont i ,,jnsfl!pg invited tban ald into thl)yara, -an � ri 1'. - -_� - 131r� CA�SSJLEYV, . 430 jl:t.W., busine3sextensiveiyandsuccessfuflktitliamiltOn.!l d -in fu I It a -half an hour Vag is , I C I TL 4c 11-1 1YIq W Wat0his 01poka and. Jewelery - ila=4161iielgliborhoo ,of - I'. -;w h ,aro '11, V" , siuclay ii - - - a nalli*w0no of thf) InTgotreC3, and � - I - 40) . I)rincipallyftrst-classenstomers2ELnd having been I - tresembling - I _ 0 .wpz ,widely dif maldng a a1wrt stick., t9ld the I �� (Of UeGili coft Es=.Ish a - a�n � . , ` ttl�'v � I � a , W'*To "a & I ferent from the bioy6la com . ash and Frames Cuttayin one Of the Principal -aprdity4i � U1049'somewu it promfly. The machine I m tbat tho -A such al Circle and Gothic 8 -, if- . . e §eti�a to the purchailer, and asaili " , - I � ty, We .-- I monly known lid hit the rm il with tho CtIchl, : 8 .Gr They thin ' Edinburgh, Scotland, he earles ly t m , depend- ffitl66k,inoethy�hiro,-Isittl�Wa'boiit ave I , O'N.&c., OXW,overhisDrag frormtheir expe, , at, whie� WiIl give sitfie YS'C A "T;riZ Ontario. SW162 tiarience in Factory I . tp. A work has been done Uy mVelf 6hA6mer1.m4y . I � it degepir " name of^Velbe1podV,_ and iTtIt'1114tY 0 %Vork.th�tUy can give sa .cti, � )n1lei,'Ub16_%er'0_'1V_'.�` - th -hills-AeYOnd ' - #a Wo li bLO,XVJ�Oam j P78tore.'Go'd a,to all Who on I 11 - � , I ­ :61ittio. atfir.,ZB lf=d tho tTmv� - I may fav . ;plan 1: WWI � I . - theplw-. ThebcTsallir`c"' - I I , . , j. F. Danterg X. D. . is .) . t. . 1. � . - - I 1, ­ it .. I . T=Urnid iliumniat" �Qf BW% .. � -S yellirig The wheels were should ave' 11 � - . discerning public that having it well exe utpd 't'Giotautill' ed r- i !Wng, 0, � , '4'- 1 h saw 4one, - _ i �!& A good )a ' � �. 1 -40 d . them vrith a call. , ssort - rIal � JOW61 Y 4' #0 eftully �ev. 4� g4ji firlitiks- _81� , % 1 .ko, WAG- being worked b,T tho handi should V1 N, 13 iibara d- count to the %rade. F .jent � � tridio I -- � idie'r - I I inste C , I oi�� - I of the f6et: . a hisiastablishineneqtiaito'.heli"lqg .13pjabliSh- .ex 0104l; &C., aN-yanlilkalld. � Te'x losion bA 1 r.. .- I meo trials cavh Elpal-Ky I , . 'A 'hting or braw 1 � ; - -Baro - ii - urg.' Twp � ns anaAg � L=4 and 4fter 0 'Z tok . . � _ 11 a Uearly of URGEON, ACCOUCHRUR, Hom(Bopathie 2010 ;feet of Dry inch anda quarter menti a Toronto orMohtreal. � I A�41X WALLA0194, * filitof�Jwa ]D vlip,g, a I about two feet,in diameter, and ­ , . V I _WA " 11 mi _ , ono3gAo I rulaked 4oleilt . I $mauer of faRedfoldtthenaiL Tho'boys We, 9d - - � - lectri6ion. � , I i; - Lull this 41= S oonng on hand. Goddrich, October 3rd. 1863. R4 "Goderleh 00i. 1867. ' - � ... I a�,; nage, .6f d )*j ,4ftight- a,size, thehind one being the � Physacian, and Medical E _ . . . . . I Ohl I I . , , 6n �#J�ib%jown out of the -shaft b�'.the'� ' . - - . 0 of course, grooved to comb again next moming, " EmsminilIg Physician of tfic Itlantio,mutual Insur- . .1 .� -, i suchtftag- i I - r1slug up like. thetwo. B* th were, .1 - I .------ I I — . losion, but -rin t` -t . * 1d6 ofthe when the gato w= openna' ftra ias but 11 of Albany, X. Y. I JAS BUCHANAN, - .. _ . . force. of, the exp ind"i'doo6pt -01 Mons, an i - I nee company __ I ---- . f I . - _ � on - - i � T_ 9 1. � to rim thetopp, and the ins � I - . . , Menfii iii to to altogether ftrecognizable. th Bm'oko of So.dom above. thi quiet '-Od. plclseili '\ 46� t:r OiRce and Residence Park at., St- David -'a DAVID LAWRON,_ I -.- --,-.--,---,., I � - _.' 1� / - .. . , . - . - was cogged. one boy, who after litingadmitt . Ward.croderich. 1 . - mom. numgsom- -3::M '. - ' ' p . � I "I � . '.8a. nth Oalra.w-tbis is carrying,it ,,,roove of the front wheal ' tick and throwing itat tho nall, lyw420 . W1 The gas� ignited the VQal, and for Some , too fir � j1p t1le S . ' - . . hours the I I ' . .. . Fitting into and attachea to this was a �k 11 I I March 4th. 1867. owbli ' r I pft,wAs in flames. At I p. M. a A � the 9 sement troupes' - -ed by evory ,Wue. - " GodencQ6 , - t . Which cidn sinall cog� .wheel & which Wos worL struc it . IV1,ecIleal- - � r , 0 A- man voXmitebredto descend, notwilbstand- , TlEuid tho oversvm- "W"hat : . Oldest [stablishmot � n T , PERS J) t olosale iniquity are still cranks with the Vauds which propelled -the "HOW is this , � I . I : � IF, 1,116 , d occurred,* Ju to this . . . rved I have you limn doing V And, tlho bo.Y4 RGEOX A-" . - � . I � �, ing soviral, ii&or shocks ha � � 1- I, il - I . . � � � I — I OR ROGM, 1� - but -wh�n the, cage returned to baukhe too In ' 4epreh sible. Gymi.iAsts, and ne- byevele. Theaeatwascut downwards I RI`Ta,=..00-,0RP ___1____"__ I . I I instreols -have como to , , looking, u]? vith tc= in Ilia CYCS, F -21d, Fabra=77.1h. 1867. w3vr � � I m-Ak . � . was gorlb, nor could he be rescued b6fore gr - look tipon a betweenthe wheels, to within an indhof Sir, Ihavea pool! old -mother, � -, . I I . - .iT Bee PAPERSE orma�oe a �ath the rope were two 4YOu MR, filther, , . - . . . . M 3 P. m., the folloiying day (Nesday.) when Sa 'ath' perf -_ t 'quilbault's as the rOPO- 13CUE ips, om which and I am -a poor boy ; I li'5ve 210 > L ... I . I . . I ' krcl, L&OW18. . �') I �,, I , . I — � he was loun4- insensible and apparently th rinciple itiduceluent of a iiietropoli. heavy, immovable iron stirri Ar. and I thought I Mould liho to ,get flic I'll, Axr()RVrY_AT_LAWj AND � ff � . -1 � : . . a large iron balancing pole was placed,aud P,%Rnisamr. - A --M . . . � ?,�011IXTIMM place, aud so help her Zil I call ; andt,lfft,B! I I -ancerv, county Cro-1 ; j , � , I '. LARGE VARIETY OF dead s6nte�yards from the bottom of the y,u Mpulga. W9' have not partioulDr- .* B I . - G04000h. C � ­' :! . A VERY . and states . this arraug6ment the Whole w6i ? Soll-itor-In-Ch � Attorney, . . E� on which the rider rested his Apet Y anadaWcst. OT 0 1 1 .1 _.. � e jids since recovered ise nor crttioieed� -as yet, because we ght joa!3 , home, yesterCID& I -drove a nuil In , , tee in Court Itouse. vI4n4 I. � ".. . I shaft. H .goluE, CQ,n j'�,TV4 . I ! I I I I i that onflist,desoandingho distinct heard � , wg, to 11it it � M. C. Cameron. � )�', � f,� . I - Iffer I Muds of Papers, I - V e aia to think it only an ixcePtioual dirown beneath the rope. Beneath the thobar%,and ha'v_ 01 down MW -I . , I I! I.; 4 J� . . . ' , initnovablo iron � . �! cries foijeilp'but this is genei ly con ovor 13incop anal have coin . Any.11817,% ,%T-Ionnuy, CONVEYANCER &a., _ I; , MARTIN AMANNJ Tliree. DI � ir, pr co'. Bat now that - it is -getting as rove were two licav ft) InOrBiWid try .1 11 ­ I neing . . , � - _ W I , � .UIRED sidorcd��4ry improbable. Up to Tuesday .. I'll. n-aln.l , � - EQ Efiu�-aton ct.. GUalloriell, Unt.. 10 t . .. I _' 1�� 11 I 11 . I I co n and as pegular as Subday, we otirrups, on which Ck urge iron balm * ' " I � ,!j I 111 I I -ORK HIS OLD MUMMERS , night only fifteen bodies were ,recovered. as af2mitted to tho Flavor. B -------------=---- 11 � " ,I 'i , �­ i EGSTO Wr The boy % . I - I r . . _ i Cyameron & (.*arrow. -at , r _L11 I Mi P Btlint Ila Ig till able to sell for oojh, at t1to For Balls, Parlors,91011019 R00W 13o.oweiti-burat to cinders, others singed � protoot against it, and do what we polo was plalced, and on'which the rl4or 31any 7cars Lavo raeseil tinco fl=2 ,ana ­ � _ _ fj ":N ��, L ow - - ,sted his feet. By this arrang6ment the - , ast ratest - . - AMUVISIT n . - - 3;�o " a 'abate the nuisancoo wbild calling rL ro U and Wcalflay I ,�,W% tiOL1CIT0Rq IN CIIANonny, 4:0. � - 'rj,� �naa� '4' � bliwk w4 the explosion. the 8cQue around , to ptlipt boy is a pros) rO 8 . B ;,aton otrect, Godarich. , ;1,"ii-,,,,7 , e.- n , � alid DrAW111119 R000189 boin ocowds of bn wholeweightwaB hrownboucathtlioro 0 luau, and at tho tuno of tho W-clacnt at. th(j - L ' I oillco. r6i . I V,'I " - �,;,. . RL KINDS OV FUNITUffloll ,g liail doserl�tion. The having lost , i nuilioritles and tho� oltizeno to aid �732 J. T. GAILPOW. . I A ., I so that there was �Icry little'dangor of tWo I At. 0, CAUMON. �t , 1' $'s � �4,- , , �. ) - poor wox6nj x0mo of them I FCMb0rtonXiRffjao�VV4t110 firab ttif3top .. L ,,-- A— � %* , d � ,,, I _ ils "tho N.orke ---=----- - * i I .- -�.-, - 10 InChino toppling � over. At four O'clock. irIvard , , ,11(jr- . . , � With a C.1it of Ono t1totImna _* _'. - _- � "�� L At his shop on IcIngstou, Litiect, oplfoalto 4ho AM NFj* PATTERNS, 611r000r. i�ur of their faluily, standiog In L , k10 Zt jo. Shado!L*00ciilintne ." � I I I I -od M I ., A-bi"w V, 6 � ;ood ever yet rogtod, nor, till 6 Prof. J onk to, attived,in a, gay buit f3twll fc , I anirfitign, AT-rommy, ontletTon" &O. . I ��,�;. 1 4� 16' Huron I'loitil, (Iodorich. (*1vo Illin R call. , 3took and deolniod lij raltitors and Paper Hang tlio wildest gr1of round the pit, hopin*- 11170111B toreliovotho4frercre. 1-115sue:xEscamil I : 01 H, t -hope itliat their loved ones Inight A 0 - � , , � L 1'. , ��,� P, God0rif,11,001.3, 1808, (100d f .1 against _ )h go rolt upon tho. notion, or -as 'is ur,ually worn by riders tit a 0 _____1_n a. w. viam, upiniN 77pteonle "" V , zwl I Will, . 8, will ' 111ark, W05% mact ontmoo IL I LL� _J� L * �T I. , , 1� i�. I � I -Qud uftcr by IL18 llorsovi)ranc - w0adcrwh, 1030%V , 4' i I r ,� , ;', on to be tiiq vioa beautiful (1003115, LL I opoully 40- porformanco, moutitcalliostiCed rat door %7041 Or UL . . . . . . � ­ C, - --- � W40 :11 L . � ==­�_ I :oued, alive, the hoartbreakfn PC. Fo where Ills laws arc — __ I - 11ouco. I -I __ e E . , tile mathino In -motion. � � -1 . est laud CheeCpest still bo 1?o _� I sobs of th children find the stornor grio no � . I 11 and Ills Babliaths proflaued boyond a falso . , A stiff 11tap 9121 - 'BOUTH ntruolz- j -an 23. 4-4ordan 9 t, " HVnR IjqTnODVOBD 61; We -ino�,jaado ?110 scene agonizing in me ioure, north cot wind wbiah was blow . 0 teIT-ORIVOUAN . 0� . -P ars Attentj an PAPLrns .1 I . - Cv.11o M � Ing at,tllo time made, the trip a little moro ennv I SAPOWN ,.,- Fa I 0ZNRV-AT.&%W,80L Coco &e. I &e., andorich. k i I � IN 00DERICH. I � illo okiroulb. A ..­­___-W04NW­� d bavo - WEA_19�= 411D GLICir-fl- I " cou'voy I . I A7 third � On M446aday morning I wont Arly to ' hazardoms- than it ,othorwiso WO111 : I Nnj,t7%r pubill I � .....0 . '&,On the 9911th'e'redo oMftit 811' . f . FOR SALE AT ' lund tllab altogoth flity Mr, Roobling as a DootGri I, A steadily , 0 (ant., Ong "119 I for tholiberal . - irr been, Tho rider howovor movc IV , 003urltoy in roturnin I - '' � door 06 ni edrart-11audo ftuara. . 1111 ,j "'a"'".1n, Woo W It-- . the spot And, ft ­` . on till lie reachea,tho MINO of the ropoo I . AuEnst" t1l, 2SLOU T llatl�%,111 0 00 10113 Ilwtovei ullon I I form IdookS lublic [jellorally . OUTLER'Se 7 bodijiliad, been recovered and were placed whon he otoppe tho,oicopflon of a CCU A fleroun (Illat,011111113 atilt tile, I ' Bn 'A Hideous Renlinhoonoo, and taking off Ills en # With rylo of bcaety lat In comr.qualec of tho lato firo, tit K11) ruilloved Ilia , '. (Iodorhill,Aprit loill, 28691 W114f in a 1101 lborl;ig @lied for recognition. . . 10inno'B's w0ma" unillega totlic store (brillerly lievilille AND DRINO YQVII WOOL To TILD i I routo 01 tiler I met cart after cart carrying W 1, 0 Ito 1110worsp tho wca , ,�Mt -twd - TOIL ATT010JOY-AP.LAV, 11), aved it three I lasto tho crowd tIms. for V10 I . 1QABnTR 0111c�)_ I , to rest 7, ROLIVITOa A toy Mr. 1100tho M, Gullorich. Outrirlo. WCA Ak-ovi 110.0 113111; of Montreal Where evorythilla i - 'ho dcatil of Mr. Roobling aggests a stopped four timl during the ro- I �9 In Ch3nevrv, &P.. Fcct OV47 ,- . Wing-lub amWoolen Zillst t r ,Away Ono or two coffins and two large vans . In which No was An waffider of tho trip, andinten minutcs ,wodk,WbeMoxcCl1Cnt, V41101cfitt'n�1' .11 11%Wo blw% Uln,'PWR Ot — a fifij 114io will ba found and . in It ngo incident Ica t1lo t,bofagcna of fbo hays havoA1111CC29-Mu MA All Xi'nds of Job Work will be Done wUI3RU YOU WILL 11,130 IVI) loadod W34'empty 0110118 -for the rocoptic - ; I N C311 . Or 3: C 301. of the todios as fliq were brought to 80 r$ -In 1851)�.Whcn bo wits buildinp: from tile thno lie Started, t0ael Awn.- Bavloy and ,rixas ascl - � _�,l K % 13(pylo & R4111101's thu oatno a3 usual. . � r, e; a torribl- American: side limid the ollooris of tho in good c9nd � - - 0 32% SOL11CIT0110- HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH I hand; X x4jV altogo bor thirty Corpses# th Niagara bumpondon bridg a 139VURTI-Ij ' MM) A'HOWN I ' Mob doiles doacript � spectators, Lcis interest wall mQ,111fC8t0d 1cibg liUvrotea i4ldlYp uIld V13f-IrT vhcat � r , L'o. 00dariall. Oot - ion. Here 11o, op -btoko out Alb0fig Ili$ - , I nXhnuvoVY awo V1. R: j;qVll3n. D, A. .� G. N. DAVIS _O._~ and their ' .j cmlo of obolerit imight havobconcXpected. andog�sfirorlrcffingfalst, Ifindthattho _. V. b. 130,1LE3. (Iodcrich 0.91hiluch. It3co, %47 'Illb . To all whom It may, Concern. long Allaf 01686 black maso, which the la rors, Mr. Roobling had an idei that 111 the "941" that mpof � I — i -to , I � . 1 ' The g6noral impression is that Any , smyllmt - 11D'istibapilber %yould Pall nioccial affoution - mi,ners,to y' omplishod Ulidg hu burtt'ho carly-gowns'pt"'In . � a und varled 11tee,l: of liveol still Union 'Xivecdo, ,K011 will Ono Of their cOmrAdOst 110 ould ouro -cholerA by A MOdifidAtiOn 0 � - j%ttys & ID11%Voode : I lit I I bil a it was difficult to roco Lv.o ordinary nerve C6014 have see Ilyp What woo sowcij after Ili* 1M of - Z 1,11111 f, othf), 11laill:qn. (full vviath) Plannoin Illaido ft I ba V,VA-AT-bA%V, SOW- . I . "IF, I 11joundersip " of 10 ,hydrorathiotreatment. Therexcra tho fostas wells$ ;enkius.-Tc r - DoneAMIUSTER& ATT004 w-raor,&o. I %,1111611 110 lirill ull,or for t%vo lalintilti front this 4ajo �t keness to humft1Iit.V2%`c;0 ( a It 2101y f1c) __ __� __ , citcre In &jt�Qgv & juaivoncy benvi � -_ . � ad fit prepared to raftivo ardora for the 0111111text H - - --- totiend. O1701G13[GbV6VIC;J may, I � I %Yhoic3ato, prieca, in an tics In exell r 'I'Mijabor Ili largo or sinall qualitiflej, on NiabifiljopAbloWnciff, there one his '91 ty of pat ents, And he began in the . I - may U-Comparativtly irco on I _ _y I W0. lull, 110411:11n,11010 WhItie Ash, Pine,Wliftew6d and Coda - 0 M Ding with Ittle ebildj a 1� Cb1nomi, MUS10. boag"VOP- The firltilMn" �01 -111e) � Mr. A00ANts sewl. . 0 1 . I %yool " Varluera %vilrdlo ",',,No eallcarly) . . r Arn), ohe. I* on I)Wrbod of leaves with his , a I Od tOfOfQ I L_ - � I tile X.111 -and judge for thoinjolvos. . r .. . . 0 Anothor.m t ni ht bad fils oaves in 0- 6 640 ' di facaspiliti-ClAn , hough, much 0 ,yjl A t A I &I _ F suporly. T I - ICE I - NOTIC E 1190 ALSO 41 , fallif n .1 _____ I_ 1�. "i hir I - �-Va4-111---4ciew -11nd Mr. Vr protbgthi# boon =PAO In 'm roof-a6v Jill Over, firally ,_ - � - - A My AND LAW 4 411111101�111 . 4el -A-1 iiitlu � 11 ", W a - rocco 0 Lj 0" III d sconsolatoly abl. 1, - o Ohiness b I AnL! ig ain, 33. JL& NOT Wool Carding, SpInning, Manufacturl 860 vriniam ul, 313 � � ,CEDAR -PINGLES, brulmod Ideoil- v_o 1;' Agai"t t1lo bxrbuous muilo of dgyj,of Inch weatIlorp and tho fineet trar . )VFICB. MUMPS XLW - . LATHS, PINE & . ot Gadarich. Oloth Dressing, Colourixig ddno ins tUror'_ ,I,,.,t_,.-W,u#jr-+*jw-ww- U&­*bt 4�V-f,xeuo indonod , tho. th , in tho i[jr.gsioal 81TO I x , _ ­ ­ i tands, Thm who board the of lo&*�M bo securcd uVer 9TOWU . LI on, a I -��_��,_ -,� lh 'It (ou -no . atol u4si , . badd able . ., tau UY -, f, - in County0f1luron. I am taffy I -u saytht - � U —_ _ - _1_411A�Afruo 2 i6t to I � I ' be wil about innalcal perfor ance of the Japanese per - lit. . onve nalria, 3tonoy [Gilt an Yea% I - ��_:� ,----- , I _t , �.:�-_ paryoular We will Vona oolid .with,witli of P the of modicinal though . lifles to real 031ala I I - - thein it, 91 1100a As romoiblo, I - � 18 i Ic 061A d Im I I th ir sho doctor�, forming trou - a 8% awn , . . APAil(ln.qtbotlioltlll"4'ronotv,ilitbo ofit'work Plans drAWn, till I find EM111111ttil Mailil 9 of 018 VAM- and the bodies war I o �yo in Now York, ivill romom- thorot,ku Imfestca I . fku lb "'a v I - Inabriler, vilth additional Mollified fo I . d a (I , its! successful IS any of : the ..ha r;3tfitjt$j laid � .- .dAll - D c a.- 21 1 CP -1, I 0 i turning out one kinds, Size#, and quantities Of MAtOrw required and .their naftles ritteMn 0 : io lid in 10forybody' itten 011 that ber tbo hill d discord. The Chineso or- , -f a - . . 6 1 W Work, and evorything unaor my porionni matin I for buildinjo, briagby &a.- Ashriok in yon corn Would toll � who was em in FrAnelgeo islikely to yety Maiterlally Injuro a vcr42 __. _� " 01 1.3 molit, lily ongtolnevii ins depend upon every oxortli�01; . chalk. . I n6th. chestrAs in the street& of 9 � - - oraey-at-Iaw, . "I � 91EILL & CROOK, df a moth sultry Satwirday died. 'There �ofi . � - KERAtt A . being used to insuro 0110 satisfaction. . or recognizing her ison, or a wife - -kingerap, . I , Sousitor-in-Chan- - � 0 ,PETRA FISHER. Architect her husband lying among*tho long rowof i,ng strange in the affair, oxpapt the produce similar nolsext and not long ago filf01,06 . P. R WAL C; - � . an ordinance was passed by -'the common _ Tho thres hing mat4dncs havogot -A,ga!ng Cargotivggo,1141 t., IL t4 " - 0 jo 61 to - r � o,,%rj Public. &c. (;a, Goder. ot t%a Peace, Court no . - Senre the Winghain, Blay,1809. W -17 -am gortix unsightly corpiest while the plaitiffive wail heYoism of the man i h � dc ro - . 0 co of 0 0 . - __ i 00100ovenT. 0. Dotter & co.osstoro, smor of I . council, proldbiting such performancem. , I aw. 6 1 Shadow ore the I troot and tile Court noutia vilituo. I wastf throughout told of 9, far widei-sproad griof, al misory. ; Thd -further The first �rosecution under this vrdinanco tho lasb fow days, tnd WD 15YO"nOw f9m0f - . oil Ontario. - - rn C40 f)ID 0 1 9� eadorich, January 20th, 1869. 1 qviato 'human . . Substance fades. q �. I convorsca with one of the miners who hi torylof that shanty is really romarkabloo took place a fortnight agop and flia Bidktifi thing,ftfleato no to wlat the fall whkat I � i rr. 33. StOICOO- URAL M I ___ - had just come ut, and he Said the labor of. . Gr.NT j7oU faTfUTFORD AGP.ICUL7 - �d a, BIRRY & jDa * I . Rciobling cheerfully a6samea ae oz. Oves the followitig account of tho PrOce0d" Will arnonfit tot I think it isboat to Wait ; Awo?t:a. (jaqph Sb===, proprietor). R-Idence, - M � � . . . � I — recovery must 0 very slow (about ono ' so of the interment-, but therawas a Imp; .- - . aXpc ' Id floa& W11 -174P .4 I T � I - M . /"t_w" I . for this tc6t, botterth= tn= la ari-AY.With � - 11 I 11 .- 11101119ft-1 i . . body every throo hours,) as the sides of P -Tho'complaining -tvitnem was a lady - N 11, 0 p uliar horror of -that place and. in the _ of halTows lill , Tour dty. contom"yoraTy, , C4 - , � I - 9M the'mirio had ,fallen in, and they had t -appeirance, who has tried to the - a I S. N_VzL10oXn0on9 I I . i-9 112� 10 Q . etched panic thab-provdilel be could in. respeata1ilo dT0jeZTa#h01;o who 11P21'ej I � &a. 0 - ' ' . g .: Zlif work the -coal' away, In tho rhost cases . ashingtonatmot, - The Toronto I _. ST= ,y, SOLICITOR "'. f 'i t; - A the found the men1ying under tho,sides d I , * clItly 4iShes up_ op , ortq ,a tho f .1 , , ATTCM� approach it. He -then of- i'cc _ , 13A11112a. Coal. nL 11113 Sides d co, no one to u lodging house onW ) , ., a . od of tho0hinet - 'fop urchas9d CABINET in K, in t emeighborho iothc6tre,- ' ' ciint , 5 ()AMP13ELL having latel7 P . "'A 'ERS �004 - - 111 of & ,uried-in coal* others on - who would throw but . _­ . er __Me , . MONEY TO LEND. D.- so � instrument which enables him to 8 � - - o o � I n some I ed $60 to any one so'far she has iaiiea to find lodgerB as ho ko ACCB -polico T-0,; I _;, . , im ... W 0 0 ,.%C. 4) 'ine . imaginary stylo � I I . I = = a --a al had fallen, an - who had nerves strong enough to remain make t ' . " I . k.0 I ho . - 3 largest pbotogTapbs mad6 in Gode- -, _ O's = 0,0 , whon, the c'o I d I 6n burnt e bodies off the bridge itito the ' Nia ports. wo boforc) mo the rctu= of 0 found near the mouth of the ; rj; "�Jcvoug;all 0 up. Ono was . g4ra. No one would A6 it. HI next more than a few nights only at a time, rich V 4 Ry OBVDAP. - I Id a crcr C3 111. iii.b 0 - . . .- DAy?ILLD, Count7of . .!9 5. and 19 olvo dil7crout farmcrc� tho . Sri) ATOVONXER DNr.B ' Porcelain fOictures, not the bdst .0 es that okinganxiouslyandmontal­ rthraBhin byt%v � , W09D -TURNERS ? = is 4 = 5 .- farthest shaft llardl injured at ally e was to 111iform,the 4uthoritils and go away lo , . . I Ir Icum a. sales in virlago ;r country punctually at- I = W 0 M 0 tH is he lay in the shMh6,formoa a striwng 11*0v Wheat, 01 busi - = C* ,�: i ly.dam6ralised. 136 slio h" . higbestylola was of Diehl I .: ' inday morning the bodies Were [ Ono ofthol, � .Lj Truro ".79-tyr1i inthe ,ominion, but as good as any made in iflm Me . L 1 -4 1 W I " ended to 0, N W.c ;4 5. contrast to big companions, being extreme- musicians, a gong beaftr arrested, . to th ANID'UNDERT—AXERS, Do - ," &-> - .0 Id sei fire to L o acre, tho lowcDt 10 buoh. to tho - ,'I � V - ju. F3. maxn1lin, Goderic . Also the Now Cabinet Ptctur � I= j *0 LT. ly,whito and well dresse4. The appear- sfill tAre he won ,.the shanty - She saia tho noiae of the 49 band" is like - L&ND which jj threv tirans as large as the Carte, de 0'a : : 0 b I ie obarge,by acre of ,Mid Froof Amborj Treadwell -aS - ' t I eaVIL EMGI-.jZnR1AN-D SURVI71YOR, I fisite,tfor $2.50 per dozen. In returning 0 I 0 2 : .. 0.40 . Q aMe of the few recovered seems to indicate a d di ose of hill unwelcon nothing in the heavens above or the,carth 90 Tho nvoraZa a _. U A6,012tand Conv07meeN I'lille2rd'no' it Hamiltoij S�,, Goderich, M4N S OMO : .. -'. _= that most of them must have � been kiiica 0,2411p),n. � The threat was no availlarid . . q below.- To call it ,barbarous is not to do- 10w a5 15 buo, to the ucro, � — thants,for the patronage of the past, Invite3a : '. .�Z 0 h I . t- . : CD 143 i ke�t his wor 4 , - � . to call and oee the now sizes - for,themstilveir — . .,C4 ko .810 . . W 'n from suffocation, boing much -. swollen in - a But a hemlock sbanty scrite it a,acquately. It is worod than of rrcadwell about 16 bush. to flio afamo 1� - I. � X. NICROLSON9 L 1), & � , . - - I the face, and nearly all bleeding considerm rui6cs little tael ; the Bodies were Only so,vago. She cannot Sleep ; xannot hoax the average of Diehl 21 or 22. Aa I pro, I � I - --- - 5 � � W27 [JEEP constantl7 on -hand foisalb All Arti- W 0 , s .. - 4 8 0 ably at the nose, only a few, at present, be- - Ijeoplbtal�whoutliatA'band7lispe orm- God�Fich, Dec. S. 1860. cles in their line, sucti as - - IS (1) S Z : : 0- rohtd, and tl�o funeral was Still Upon Aicted in 11 provious C, ommunication, tho . . . .0 -t inF much burnt with the explosion. . . The only Safe place in her house is I . . : 0 , 5- i s. He finalIT paid two bravad. inT. ruE3t has hurt tho LIL whcat bblly, both au � Bedsteads, OhQTS, Tables, A § fe : : .S , I.; fto men work at a time at eachend, the - o � i . Lockport to bury fheni where - I 301l 30 W 1W x M VM i 1 CO2 J.'s : : .- WC, ,6 - a hfir in' tl;'o front part,. where, if the doors and quality, forina th02b0v0 . . I , We3t At., V4% , , . � - Sofas, &O., , � - 012 . 1Z , - W. ir 0 0 two Shafts being quite thrie hundred yards ' itidowsure closed, the ,clamor cannot to quantityand I . -�j : : - -.0 -drunk, and w -_ nooms over the Post Omee - . � All Itinda of ,wood -turning done, su6b �a- . 10 15 is " . 0 = g " soparated, but tbey coased work atihe lind ev v. They were howling ictuatea by instances glera 1=5 CtraT"j cnoUgh f0f . M. . . = reach. She said sho was not i I � 11104 = 0,9 A . nearest4ho village on Tuesday; Each *u f If oathe -and bljsp�oniies, Both I 11 � - . I posts, stair bannisters, vockyokesp &o , ago - : '. nationalprejuslice in tile pffoscoution ; She I . 9: 4) . fromb5to0bus.anao-ve. -414,�&-J=1-0 7 1A, BUTHEIRLAND9 DOMINIONAUCTION' r . ;2.p M9 - : Cr 2. 0.9, as he descends is asked vliether lie is ppr- * wk to,LoAport and flied the noxt, dignit- I " 44 - - - wol - - . Always on liand, a cop2pleto , 0101 t.. CS : - twel 0. a n . Ad have prosecuted tholli,,host I D. I " .0 . :� 1.4 * footly *111ing 6 go down, and at first mais , bush, to tbo 4acro 3mve, bcon ilvcullca 09 - I -3 iLER IN . � �-. I a : . V> -A I I Igb# _Tlf�t closed the tragady. With 'all aryintho land if lie fajouiapopudaChInese Barl I - I I DI ; - M A R T . ASSORTMENT OF COPFINS : K W", I M o to descend at _ till ]ter lodgerouvro oypuurlaslowaslo. ituillturnouti, 1_61�1� I ; 1 *5 i� -, ,- - 4-1 � wasAl6ldforthoso who wor is iWents, IVI r. Roobli g;, as a doctor or ong near he h' so __ � � Shjugles, Latlis, I nableterin Dome : 0 0 0 11 r ou . - �,�._ - - Lwber,, &0.1 and a HEARSE to -hire 'on raiwoi 09 - IQ. Le pit. ' The aepth is 3301. . . I I � i . . coalt . I � . . 15womo ;� I 0 L 0 ­_ 41) % , . tile bop ---of ti; I 11 ituated i nd47taker,4as not i,k success. Siven away and horaelf driven to &Btra0- I think, about an avcrazo crOP A3 tO fiu=' . % I a rer W120 'New. Antloji � i114 0 :. ,' � I and Commisbion Room& Goderteb. may 3rd. 1866 ' 4 3 * ... 9 5. � - - F ronch: m6tres, and -the colliory IS 0 . _ _ - tion. . 11 fity, but thoevlor� In general, rAll bo fG9 __ - � ) I )n, cont. r ' and I gla tr tit Z2, OMC09 Oa Waterloo : - ...� k 0 : 4) .,4 at tho1op of a considerable olovatic _. , iiWorii--Dr. TrizAbla's Bel-. - fied that -they had I - t 1, . - - .0s . W .0 . .__:���.� - � . I . I . . !12 - Her wi6esses tegfi _ . I I I . - - . . a, CM P4 15 I 0 . I of_ Dresden and I '. I . - . .1 � 1= d I �, . ' I idid view bolot par.' . in� I . ; t in rearo t rd. - . 10, manding a ap ei 2iaedy', ' heard the gong3, ihouts, . .11 str Q 3 42W"Zow IWO = .4j . 0 c* G 2! ,-I - , . heard the bind ,, . , i , , , . , 1-G, . :803orlber would respectfully announce to � i .2 t .0-4. %. .-, =0 4 fo - the valley of the Zlbia� The -trains dail . Z � - � I . - I . 0071ch. Nov.- I - �, , I I - ___� . 17,� 0 'g �9;6 m, , four hundreds out at the noti , I A I � I z -5—,%3j, ax. FIRia.publiethatholias opened now Auction and . hitherto %niet � . �ca 4 few weeks sinco ind yells, loud enough to 'disturb any �, .60EIX I -A -A& jonittioum, on id ngston street, Goderloh, In 0 1 1 ,gave some _6rld. The Yelling WIT ANI) MMOU190 � 1 I - � . 143 ]@ , tljes�dp ,ttely opeupledby 31r. 11odgi), i0ioro lie CO q4 51. . .station, and the pitand its environs . * coulihiii5 mald PINE LUMBERY * 194 ittlo essful, application of the hay noighborhood in the I I I . _, - 0� suce � I I I _ 1. � . . � . . . I ldrvm of the was not as as badas the gongs. � The oym .11 j, OVFIOTAL ASSIGTI re3peceiii.,ivr:oueitashareorpubHop.atronage. Ho:lfj P 1 �1' 1 4 'I 14 e .. iro.guarded by a company of soldibra and '! a trap to catch t W �&-V_-Astnftllo, - , . p,n&L AGrNT, dot0min afj8trlatattentl( ion, to merit tile 0 police 4gontff. The /King,, -it is said, 116 ffio-worm orcodling*.Trioth, as 9110wnVY I . R0w3h0jdC1,ji!;�4afc,9, - . - . A b in to lotishing and prompt � g , . im,- 00 .* bA uro' bad and' the squejAing fiddles "for, ��, Nsun,&nC3, LAND AND GEN . p3yr�elit of goods sold on cominto I LATH & SHINGLES-. � - 0.4, 0 11: - - a ru I worse. -Oro'old 'gentleman ilaid Do could . 310ZZ�zt 8 percent; � � . confillf,noo of all. - . . . � I A 6; I 4, Ad A 4n given 5'60 th6lora (about 475, toward the colmons of the barli nd t i Ic covered � Land-,gli'�l�g-DC-3!ti�ngTc,al-C.9i,�t.o. I . ito tho Do% omee, ire Bought & Sold . . � . . . . 1� I 0 . .0 � t seems ve* 'th the cocoons stand, a oymbal j4qy�p`a jn,En*lfijh4 but in 11 : 04111-ach . 1; � . I �� A-, - 10 Ititato poor, I ,of thojusects which hail Ohinese it N te)F - . sar-a cl�,p 1, M'n.-Wc3t, sizcot,00-si i8hollifurhitt - � , . I � . , ,4 ��. 4 I relief of thodee , rja6_-, worse for 410 Cora- , rra,jj�jjon4blo , gymnasflaa_�� . t , � . ." . ..... - -------- � - (I DtIl0r8aI(!3 tIMt 110 Way DO I * . .. ,,, 0 ' " M improvidefit, but the mincrahere only u0o I UpoWdad boneath thej;o 1jay rOPQ3 as it Ilia- - ., - - 11) � y att dc . .. I : � - .. . .1 �.­, � �_ . % I -# --- - : I Au, , � - I I— -a. , tile open laii1p, so they aro'sitogo 60 to oftot-tilicir.tran . - I . Far t �; an � , I nd bangirig gongs. Ho Spn�jjgs, I 5 , - ORIST, I wltb ,=11. IM subscribor has Dow, recoiled :N I I p 1171 � thoru* , ng pl =d � 868.1 d to, throuRbout 1h, �R.Y.Orq,yll - I , '. I I sformati6,g. Wination of shouts a � I 1 1860111 1 of vlqit.� is willing to accom .ata Agood landlady, Fr,Ahorseg-Thoso thaftraEafoly 11 --ca- - I - SoLlowl * . . - 5, &c. The - since had uh opgortunity .., X.j., but if slia, lives near � ,. I . 1= � ,0 * - � A &_ DRA113GRTS- O`t I * otocted fromthe effects of ga a Chin7cso theatre he i I � ., , I I _'y � javink n � a . .- 0 - 10 � � W � - U.2 I Is when searohin0f for the tigDr.Trimblolagroun at-Newa - . PATENT _11� xmac *ninwr. - T . - � Q11,4,3491 .:,: , - Pfilreo descended 'ibo Pd, � X"l I G � dq It reb, ut, 1869. ___� . a - , . heard t * ' - .cannot obey his gonerous,impulFes,ot Show,prof brus--reigning b6fics. 6 . , ,9 10 bodies smoking, �oigars, but 1' . - I I ljoe le poi inbor of experiments W! I I CWMEL Xetq, � I - . a 0.5, 11111 nerves, viI4 poss; . c -_ - C3 ,rounds expense of bis � 4101ilttemVetv - I I . I - t. I 0 - , � _ Sal in his- ,own -g I Meo for thep,p boai�d-a 2mn1bcrynr1 - . ,y Jib - 1150G,00.,O Feet Fine LAW �,:=' I . doctors ha(ltora tb'om to do so on accou 1 �t n bho course Of ti I . I __ IN -99 D %-1j,93 WITH T= PATI)NT . . I E04- . - . A . I I X 1 na those of his- neighbors-, -in their in- rcu8ou- . - _69_-4t9-Th01fiVd . I rnn.&,;SA0 UO2 Ructioll & commissiont . I . i I 1j: ()Mea V,_,; ot�_,,_- D3j)=tM_cat5 Of the Goverunicnt. I i - .---".- . .. . J I - I I . . . I of the liorrtble smoll below. � . tances the ro: ced " What isalway1345fretearit _". I t, TIM =dl=_VjtOjj ODI MALE � � . 3:x .�L W 3EX Mji' � . I I I - . Among the many distressing cases 0*0 pes had, beau I � � !-- . . CHILDREN = 011unom-The Y07718- Light tjuex_j)jjot0,r�,Vhj�rj, . '-, ) , cO7=1(;= t -IM, GC' - I 1 6 , khargoa. , fl)El> I o T will montion-fl+t 11 : � aff oatm.m. --- ..10H, & CLINT 0 I�Z , . . I - I . , hears of', one dlon _. otrfinksabouts Woe'k proviously, and town Br ubUcan discouracs upon this sub- ? xAn1MAUDnr_'.3G'== ;, Call other Docturionti"neo - I - , , � . "Im I 1D . I . I qrl travelling in the .same or lid already cauglit Ifto numbers, some - " I'D. Sweet musle=�4uering. . I in.-jo; sp'-plap4ow I -, of a poor g � . Btaw n0j.prapaved on 52. PINE & 0 SHINGLESi U11 . I I . loot, aur makes some sensible romarks - , sav to ll-f!uro '2h.TZ= ov,DM-7, it. stablished 2LS LUAU I - . . .1 . A.,,IL T) IV '" riage vdth a friend of mine, w1io had lost f which had changed to the pupa state, Paper-zuffs,-.Now$PD.DO?-Uttlel�i, V of th% Invotitiolk, ...N-- . . � I F. 8 a � � gently ___ , i�iejptofmcdal - � Oro . 0 *The real difficultyj,'It faYsio "is ire . 1� - . ?I t ity in a odeflob . which. Ilia is prepared ­ - X-jL D -atilt a st padhed- their i in I oxtrar h . � 4 , �. j 11 1, . her father,-Jwa- br6theps d others had just,r � 11 A superior eanz Aor-'t v crov., - Qtt=a,DeeiM1r,r Urj3- - -.-r K . - ES of MWeellattaous Pro Wed.; I . . . . . —I : , I -liar whole family being sw t 11 I and were yet larvw. , . 0 loo with -the older pmoil 113*W9 the v Wren, . ------------- orv§atur ay,a I S' I W 2. I I . . - . — d nd in - Otani every ' ,other 0i in, charge, intryivigto keep infants sw&kl A legalconvoyanee---thor,011co 'Tim. � ­i�m-fto day. . - - I 'r, .- TO _04 f. Lori I , AME I Ono should be than fu ... 6 I . op 1 or fQrcingtbcm, to lit bolt I I ,& V nloo no, Q IN LARGEOR SMALL 0AYLORs' 11mbor of insoch; thus caught on On tr ' R;ja��Xy-,- . juy;ya�Wctnoed on Prorrty for Immechate F � � - 1� .. I � - I . . out happened when it I ifacoi o t - single fieful6n kid�iu extrama cages 1P right And The clilld,of tho sea -Tho Lfirbm'buoTj . . . a I . I I ARCIMECT. S. I . ro _ mpt returns ins, a'. . I .1 AT THIMI . ,dpeau Herb Relaody Acold still, when it is agiinst the nature Sal and . . . . Tri at 9111 , I � - ' Is have -been, or so thousandl, proving perfect . -Tho jparspu ut tho =Twlagu - I raltook and other Sales punct0illyattond . � . witil ore - I . - theramustfteec �_ 0 1 � r, � mounted to about , !� so, Wolujive Oftenscon Rluglea4er . I . , ' n.11heuma-� - I I nclusi*ely the TMIUO of 610'rentedy. In of thee il&640 aniiyed by a s()rV1e0- - .9� a ofEalldn 1. - � LoweAt Rates, - f0i Casha ki6i� suffe4rill ;;1—thaotilumptid ehveso, -the annual ,fesit of b. 16. � I clairch al �� . n 8;1, glt� nVin ed throughoutthe count _. i,.whole blockin a '&AN$ =A 12��tl= - a.X,T1tUEMA I � I � , Ifeadapheo Lou of AP-� . ela at Dresden night an 2 for Ono- the number of pears on young I I . 3�� , 9;-� Ion Mart, � . I ome cases - 'The child getstirca Sloight Of ha-Aa—Deenuing �8 Mf 44�, ni. . I l I . F a = - ot fityle. � S Auct A )ly at the offic over J� 0, Pismo %opills tarrh and Noltes, In ! week, t V110, ,were infested With tho-worm contest of *this Aind- - & oface.over'T Q Datbr clys slorN .., *al 94rket Sqtares Goderich Iff A � Of, , . . ­jtt6, Bit& Tpvtjgona t,atry ,,,, Bettled _-,.'..othe as which , 7ja and as- Al of fur, , - . . . pe ., i'd I U I . had attracted many -and want � . ta� . � 0 � yj jl,, - - v, s to be dov . - I 06111.13tore. . . same 94 hen- the ropes of sitting - . xo�l toy to Loan orilteal Vtlteii 1 4 . j I the Head? itta, I , Would,othbrwise have met' the . , : a � ­ teaa ZI th -' Eca . , ma'I I 0. IC40 � � 11 ' Dotior. . plaint. it, sue- 6A been oarefulLy toutit0dW .or nurse of Cuba --Tho land CL_ ,, fiu4 thO Godorlab . W � ES $jffAjtjt '- Blljous,. Livqir. ad istomach COT � - .eep. 1,110 mother Am nurse . -I- - � L%tsj.;% to t44 Trust anikLoartoompany XAM follows. There is groa oroapplied. *Tho4ame) Or, very mearly I ) do 16, wakes ' up. The ,he of tho Ekv(), I I . I 71— I tiia,r4 fail, intever land agues cold IatQ' us - their � 11 ceeds .wh6ft bl, s never kno*n I -,difficulty - I . or .of insecti, had been sub- permitting it t( I - I we � - - '. fting � details; o samof % . . merejulnoterl,inttelieITC-M olu orvatiada. ., I., Agent. - to fnil,. in ' obtair .,,jjn qgip, tries 10 r5und in �'? . � 4DOin PP. � iWeats and chil jt WO - but' this to una,voidablb, *w1nZ Ito a , I ' bbild goti test) , P � I Tho boxyd ol ,eaUc3f10U--+1[hoC.2bf"y8 ou � - . � . , G.M.TIMMAN, . . I PliVaialitna throfighout EuMe� I sguently c ug i1t.tho trap set for them., a headed off ag i - t -2r a, a summerafternoon, - - 11 � . Market 64tiard'C040171011 QWrIOhj%q;o, 180D. � I . wstf - jiecommended .4 I ence -thit the th6yow, but i -, - 0 - I I -orhermedoine �­A I ­ b . . xJ;= I , - � r . .�'. . . This is no hum ug, as one bottle -the riuor with which the.soldiors arebiiubd a ording vitis!aCtory avid . ry6aperha sbrea ontino- - 11:1111:..__� . , wolo __ . I � .!r ............... — I �, 1 ter, wilon n can, get , ' or baecting bititgotsanip - - . . . . I.. .1 . . - I will prove, not sul -_ Lblio'baok, in order not j to Yht�bO T8110d 011 f 0 . � - . , - . .- . � f , I a I � ­ remedy Mig I Trees -which ,cry, diliturbing th E _)qjan Catilollo (yjlt?,jc�a, I I . . . - _____ ....m__, eagc, by consu. 0 i erjoh, �La lea unable , with therpro�,ress­ b the 40 ftrbli- 'their general destruction. I __ d WelavolichdIdthisseenoovo I . �D - No -8 Colborne 'Ili . 0 - - , L I 0 : No __ ]R' M - ] � . I , Ig 111(3X.S. Proprlotor.'This is th , ray. Grp at room to keep the pu o who e eongre,gption-' Tj�o;now lj� a if . r I jo�jlscgestand besS001311trY HOtOl in Wetiler 2 f - r"a Ivor, Portland, 31().p tho fluest in Now-rmgl�iudj moderate ag any Hvill .E D A - 4 , a! ,ya homes. ull 1 re nough to bo there cai ,yj formerly lost their fruit. were now, U11 or - V I �R, FS ! to �xjj will be�, t a 0 at their 0 , I vioas fortunate o .-,Or Aurso will bo tjealc,atca,on tho 8-th �vf SoTO dx,'ind 0094ges as :_ � I ­. 110 � .-!!L . - I - I I- . ., '. -W m I i is treatments, bearing tolerably faiv and! felt lik-ioliffing the mother , _ncinbcre . on" S,ugaproprjetor. Goodstablingf'or ,� I I � 11 - . . I � I . '� I ; . 99, - thosoldierx passo� � o through) Wh ch t1li, - . P is *110 stupid Ric,,jat-Wv, 131shop, Vac- Du xy Mil ploriqT-W Ce *%wholl , . . ., � 'Godarichl"10 . 1848a , ',' and . . - I . .1 jIOr"1[sn7d,CaffI&Xcs fQr Hitep on " i . � 1. - - _. _� or I . al�e a minuto vidw of every- cr9j )iote extermination -could Who, invearlyevoryinstanco � _ oofforseZ - . . ----" tabled me to t , I )5, 4, 00ml , . -While the erjuse.of tlio Whole trouble, If chilall 41cdh,at5xysa-v1co. Rov. Fatner Uce',:0 . 142, I YOU, WANT GOOD PHOTOGRAP�03 . . ­ . . I I -1 ; . I .1 1�, I 11, �. ,, V r -expected, I - - - 8!jortomi Notsee- . . I . . - "I . I x Ling �- bub'tho scene in one,so sad i so it� of course, bc - no, by being taught � I I � I : . . � � - I . I . � : I . . I I �) I . nc � . __ , - I I i . 11 I . - . . 1. I . __ . , -(; A . . 'heart -rail ing,' so 'hgonizillg) W411- -the nei�hbcirs ontirdl' I - � CIO TO " , - - a LUTMW IORT r neglected, the remedy. be not apoiled At � 1101 ill Preach, And Ri&t Ilov. 3318LO,v . -1 I I I I . - I I . di . I . IV.. - _ I g onojjg� that"thoy of till the falhily must bo plost V - - . I I ; S '_ �, _ . , L I .- � Williams, of Eqstfl� j,jin f,:�,J'Cjat� r,D,%a . - to Tiond"P. " . � I V - .NP I I . '' � . . " V ain,, outspoken anguisil,of the.'baroa*cd ' ' ffhoso hay Topps should be lon heor tmc:xy. - . � q mo#ey I I. . J 0 H N 6 0 �',ffi "�'.�- I)OTIST . I - I , hard -heart-. to pus two or throo times about 1he tvank - 11 , - I . If Y�jj - - . -be a , 6 111 � I I � - - . .. � I - I . around- you, that he must. ul L I I �. 1, � . L 11 I -emu . bleepo P SURGEON � I I � ot or from speaking aloud; ran . L6 - re.91 , Fatit Y�Qur _ Q � -od 'anindeedwho ... ,survey-tho-daOs-. of the tree, and,'Should be SVP),icd-as early' Aimonstrative. they WRI gone= if 610Y A drunt-en man walkin, g aLez;7, fhO zlrb-1 - � roolalli Flet'i - ­ � ­ . .211 . L I I strioni,ji to loparcent. 4 'ou want gQod. ro . I , . W � . . TVOA'Pt � � I . For, me it 'Will -,be Ono ju; tile season astho, yourigfruitix observed �11�eyrly`�Iludhooa) want to go to h N01=48 tliroym ba-�Lzq 26nho ­ ­ ..�, I . " r . ftor'h( . ' it'i - - I I ��_ DAVISON I I I . I . . � - PIP.STRA 11 3 unifiovea. � I jh�j Should be encouiaged to'do 4 at tho n I 0�,)UeWit'h No L t . I I . , Vert, Mt n� tj - I I & WALXFIIL � A . 1, ­ .1 1_ - to inforin t1to Itillinbitah4 01 ; . " oted atthe 111' Bsom or cajy;� vull. I . �. I � � � I aiding coutitir that'ho Ise - . 0 . I I � - . � . jorth An( owot, . � I W301t I � ' BEGS "Ost' ot"lly njeigsoulir� D � . .11 $01initoys, ; Go T0 I I of lifc-lobg Tont mbrauc'o.' I- , to bo affe 0 d that uierc!nfAuts9Ot0Qh11r'61! iwJ gm c -C P , Oct, t6a, 166s, . t 1, I % , �: ' soh Mr, tog store, - -now ION 4,.r � I Dr,. Trimble aPP1105 two bolts of the Uind, not exliceto the mother or uumo US no wM hc4ra to exclaim : T65 ncclnIt bo , 111yoderich I . E. I t. - 1OHNSON, n _ ­ ,ji�� I op,oned D61stid 0 40 Ova; I � � to hear, so I - I I � . . . - � . , � I I I , I . I �t, Bea rth and, IIAS frontred. tile sAistaliefi - - : . . - I -two Or three foot high, andl. the �Otliar Others, so rrclud� Madam ulgan, You -firo fun I - � - 3 sin stre( -M Ono Inoy the little- ones and . . I j A, -V �14j f3arjon, boullitto talce obaif . ;0 are jounia under"both,qua right to all a luoutk Ana M0 ev,er� xij;l;t,� I 0 � 11 I- � 11 a UR t I 8 i ", , , � 1 BOYS,- A604- T1210 I' '' . Meier. Inscot I themseWs of tho beye- O)WO � 6 ,VELOCITIRDI 0 perr -dozen. a.' iir Caftwirig t Will "nthlue to via ' I - I Whigher b4t 40- 9111611 less d0PriV6 I& impossiblo Ata party, viluo, fk yolinglady wag pimya - inolath� -AlL work - I — - � - I I - I I , 81 � -ices by tr,Yiuv - I �jaet_pbotogrqlls $2-6 � l, oftho;xin' Ider t] , —.%, Hkatjlj;� ujnjc 4111 b Q0 . 34forth tho seeo d W-coic,fif OYO I I coj�_ lie thinks, those ul t a] fit -Og the j;ory I , Z � warranW4 to AVO - ' A,boy was temptbd �y somo;011 I )111 i Ili 4 1 ' ozi O..&TL, . I Pj Ili by the 111150'Offt NaTdiiatlO 81irity . _ . ' Hancy - . ,, _ 2! " __;��� -,"V * , .7 - TcOtbOtt"'ate his icend the treq before the frid r4pk,. And theory. . I , a pot�UNT bid ef tnuch, a bya I ON iina r,30- _ t js iorfeateatisfae Ion _ "V� At I CIO 8-11001 1yer4ons W13b to Mrs .9ro ir,t Arawl up V ing, witi . , uspiai% C.O�' .-P. a ! IT, ]3. -Tho Subscriber q �. I I .1 withlittleoprio T( ,slallaxthesla.5wanto at - ; piudir xip6 cherries frona, a tree those found under the lOWQ . ______­A� - - . - I I W, . 00DI-14nd, panions t4 I 8tandcr ljactwl�r excluifficill Zild gavc, 60 ,h,,,!4d1sDA?r?32;j- JAI bZ -, . � . � AM , � � ,... , W11johSroducos I I I -on - - -for tho flngre ,1 41?crlaZ� 'Pt . utcr I Z, V , father I d forbidden hirr�', to ,tiie ground. Ks .. .. . I Roj)ERATB. T)MMO, AS ;vh1ch I& na a fallen fruit , so ri3 I _Q:)-10xj,_,h j6XCSL.-j.1%'). - . wo .& IA. 30 '� - . .. IIARGE0 )r,, Snuith, seafortit; Dr. $have, , , t 1. fromthe ed� wo 11avo beeirless sacc639- )L strange suicide has been committtAby j�oj?la f, . I � . 11, . I . . , ,ij,al­ . - 4:31l TL . . � . I , _ �. - � � � � 1� I . I . ItzralsoEs;- ttorro. (3110,11ist, sttatioril- ouOh. 1 : ` - * fo,rinoly stat , ___-"_____� 11 � j F. R t I . I . I , andkessed " trials of this Tomedyl but we' A blacksmith living in the Rue fiaintca rai lit get 1110 WL010 Land by fiFkffi,g,,,j. ,' ,� � ,nIj SI%Z,1;D1D , 016th Funed Arstford �,X, r I whiflugi Berlin; ]V mid, :olie.4f ful it, sevoral - I . ; I �, h-, Str �tford 17, - 'You need not be afraid.' 0 e to VW,t a jrjend, j�; g J%X� obscrvant 11111MM4. L%Ud O&M ' . � , , '. JflTV% VA . I -istin 0 had gon youn - � -� - U 0=,B1Ry . , - ii lj� Chatham. - '. -, - - at it undor'.myIng ciraum� Rust�que.. . . I I mprorpa Psms and Wlyd .i 1?310TOGBAP . . . I , 06'Zoligg. , - I . . nowAns, I L h6raiia uotol, olinton. , tb h14 douipanibris t 'for if our,fithor ' should intend to rope and t1ile latter,in tho.course ofcouver-gation fut oply! rg tl,� tho t0a q_ 6 I th o , ITC.r. xnh� tFOISTER Of I � I . Ift..0. .V 1, - hapi maylearil, the cause , . . - Z ", I 0 . . 1�13_ I . � 11 . T11 . � . � L Ails -ad for $11160. I weak of . itia out that you took t lem, he is oldnd stances, and ver ppli6a hby Dr- haypened .to Open so drawer yLiell etin- Avivew at 10c rarle, 31r. xm--flqnd,f,anwC�,j - � . . . W04- - � ! , - � � . . � � J, a. N.,j9USXAN1 I of new CiLmorat, and COLBORNE WOOLEN FACTORY]i I Deoeinborq,10 W7 I , , . ie would not hurt you.'. of the partial failtITO ; s3 A 67. blark *Jib & spt#aatd lot I ­ - . - I ; - I - that I 11 I I t � sppeafis x-imi.lor or easier, tafijed several xazorx.�'Aro tboyr,00aV B_-HpW90aY, if' riir,MCL; t9 havlo V.1161 1 0040 fah, Ksrc� 1. IS � . es and Furnitaro all . U can ot your - - '. I . � , I IThatis fhe very, reasonj roplioal the T.riujbjc,. nothing . � . _q i ­ lj�li Stock orsegetiv L � bett" ItnOWA M TIM �kIIIQAS XfII1- j LL � . , - It is, nded with more uniferWy said thoot4r. 'Zifeellent, 'WAs thO To- amid 01mrs M14 laugliter, Iffifit he kojr:�,I 1 � L IF � Dram& on the _1K am 4 1 . completef , I WaOiCarded sad.Voth Pulled fAr 1"in . boy, 'why I would not -t,oabh tb r . jjn�to, be atte tfry 0efitleftl4n, L V�Y. 'This seems to U A niclo one," said , V11t W do fiRe tair wivc-4, -'s 110 � ASHIRE - - x, idiphatuOUril tu colift)l frout a diounof Vill - � . wk, Me X0 WiL -it', . . . ,� � �, - hurb M01 Yet favora ,sulW-("Oul Aund here is tho proof-' 11103 - - . THIK LANC � Igo, -g artalk JDVV011111116" 110use it their woo lionia with thm the I I . Ulm true, My foithor would nOt !he bialikstultli, atiT1fikthey�Q0u74gC,t,0nUV3u -L�71� - If= L Alt D_ LIM . . I -xule dily, an wt,hiifa put our MuhlU*, In first obsi TION - � L V I - I my diiiol�edionce, I know would hlxr� Ry - po�ttic(�zir.ro,soi',iiorsixpo�oe _kttliogo,momomen%ai)abefoicbiifficn(I dIdu 5 - .. ,00ijoiwith GooaGarden, S . , per � 400tkunin ftvetl p ture for firlaw I I . 11 OTADVARX& , 1, rs - ra � tholn. , wool, . I CIO #- � I - 09, I, PH � a � � I we will 41W nuoulfac at woula, be wo 0 fA7 me - re it across Ills throat � . �� r I C ,j buildings. TWOV v1sou furntallod V f, ther, and th - ' . '' , a pitce, in London- 1 �Quld-jutorfbrc,lw d w I � z I ; . , 0 W U - 'O G:� lt-�t iul clean picked e. - . � as ,Only Tho 0 te-azo Th%� n4qR iL I I . I I . . - - , I ,SURANOEXOMP'N - �SL*6bk 40 out nares. or s5oo each in . il"Eh� . OANT 1, than anything,els ' ' - ! i TI,it Ire. 11�*- - barm ,With jitioll � -11r,:�"I I gstinott, Flilaaeloati(I Broad Wanketawl Utz aiue�bje js A luedgihe las Ion . forq that the b194 IN � Ail*, two p44 I ,& 9 a 1, I , - I . ac,a- Mf)tai3ingloial�tgilvr%-)a4l,21��zala"=)I��_�,,; . - 11 �. . in the widdl 'We would g4af"jo 03n p an enti IL . ­ I t , ',AL4 I Op `� z � � . I .A, bo�.wjjo growittlylvithsuchprinoplej n butltls only *Ia& itijpreparation- inAllo far- stoppeAi).V thovlezteline. Deat'li on -91 0 Co. . 11 I 0 Cloths. sud 331liuketji� a1w our s k I , . ka . tllil� 1010=13600� at to ourstock )i I of th I o1v I I - i!3 , Ot - Z Slow ralnnhl�,, ill 'Uhic,"o nml ,-�:�;,rlJ W STER1=0- bo. a Mau ' ' tho,jvst, iienso - ­ , _. I - 4, 1 In- - I - . lan Syrup. that its full VOM17 iuujjeaia;Qy,- ThOlillotiffiiiAtI1040-t U 11 * , . CAPITAL$ 21.190(yl I . Flannels all,w6oll, vilitin And, cbeek, wo'bavo sL -large I -n _V1 -1 ­� � p. luftwobor f1m place, Awk It Flatinelson Xuinb6r Wino. Cotton Some� to � livait-41 TOWA-',1`10111314 will, a( -ti61ar1()r)nO( 1uCnW%1vNtvf,1u,;tV 0§j0h, usu 41­ iK 0ourt a6me Sqdsre , 1 I W�rd. I mra for reoV1 t displayfs a To.,, , tu ! pi�ruv .11 I I � - . . I t to 11911t, Its, OT�ct 'n known, . � . jj4CVnrAny WU QW-1ally cited, is the 13riti& giZiton ww"t, axill I WA gOD(1?4#Cru.audth(sbeobilmkoot6Uotit,bAt- , .. . . . : j_l1;G0RDO9,, I ­� d r dtgea"O b" been brough - I . - - eant , t I I I , , . I ;hat would tender him truBtworthy . n 01 I - - - Z*A - � boul t. I � ­ . I - . . � . . . . Olt " . . I ' - ; , pala'au(I 4clollItY Is umt salutary, . . - Ir 00 C,f ur,14TA011A. by CIO Ron. W I 13arristere &c.,GOderibli - � . . 91'3'Oi4y,V3 Tad,it� r,jancilibrof the X1643"ITICOAX An WN40i ,G&khf out. ' oVery tnal. .,- 4 1 � , 4. � , V f � V. L. JQIHNSTOXI� � . J. & E. Gledhill & B . - ; ­ --- -sw,$t , .0, . . . I - , 1`: tlw &01,jX"0f,WqyeAS,1M4. I I . rothers. . G,Aerjch,4, optil.3,18M . � I 1; I . . . . . s_%AuEjj,1121,1g1,1lR - � 9th, 1861p. 2. W - . . .1 I I - � � � - _, , 6� , w4litf., � - - � 3t,,7 2 1 - , - ,17'sia -.1 I I � . , , , : I �. .. ; - - I I . . I I : I . - � I - . . Exiciii " "11TOY. I . I . . . . � � .- - A . - � . - - I � I I . . . I I . . I I ____ . , . . . � . . , . . . I .. �. . I � � I . . - - . . . . . . r � I . . � � � . � , � - . , I . . j I I � W . . . I ; � ­ I � . , I . � . . I . - I - A , I I . I . , . � , I . I � � - . I : I I � . � . . I � ­ I . .- . . .� - � . .,- % lo L. I I . � . . . . . . _. � I _. P __ I � . . - I .1 . . I I . ­ I .1 .- - 1. 11 I . t � . , ,�� T I � - - . , !, I . . � � I � : I I - *A- * - � 41� , . � . � 11 : . . . . . � . I . . , .. I- I - I . . 1� � . I . � . 1�_ � � I I I . :_ 0 � I . I al- . I 1 I , � � 4 1 11 i . - . I a � I . . I . r - . . I - � I . . .. - I . . � I � . I 4 . I . I . . . - 1. . V tI - - t --- P, _- I Iq lv-o� 1, , - , I 47­,*�'/ �rji - �. 1�/ �i ­,�� ?im!77 � I - ! , , , q- f �,- !-�. �- - � If _1)1_/1x , W, VT I '" I'll ft. 1�tl�11, �,,�l 11111 I �,"' � - ! . � I I I I I . I . . I . _ �. . I . . , I I - . . , I I --- - � I . . I � '40 . �� � - . I I ­ 1. I . . � . - . . . � I � r I � . - , . � � I � . � . � , ­ - . . . ., , � I - : . � .- I . . ;�� I I . I 1. . - ­ - � -- - . . I t I � I I - ­ - I -, ­ 1 - 1_1 11 . * I � � , - --­­ - I I ­ - . � I _ 'O A , � . � , . - I ­ � .� . - -, . , , ­ "Y' " - , " . I � .-, I _ �_- ��,__ �6­ 1 1. I - . I . � ­­ � ­ I-, r ­­ I P, C' G P . I � . . I r , - . - � I . .� . .. .. � , - .. I I . - - . - I � . � . I . � I I . . I . ­.. 11111111111111111111111111111