HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-20, Page 4n •$, ,0 'W7.. -5, • ,••
hot, Nobly To Evrttiv-B. r
Juil a
fl _Wee relig Canada Lauded ,Crolit Comptiay have
mul!Fe. t money to invest Oa jniptoved Farms
Allii1117,11geff to Borrowers.
poimbility ot-the borrower ever me milted on
I . Ey borrower'. of dna CompanL -there is no
Tenter re. pays to the Company in all 0- per cent. per an .
i'e°11tr341 ATIS78944garanciZibeeningaiftrintereSt and the ex.
ections„ . nterest, and which cancels tne &it in 20 rears
- tie,lias.,;however; alwayathe privilege of liberat:
mrlaty re_ , tog_bis estate from the mortgage M any neje, on
Lr AR: • trail years and the :mecum: hVatteprridinfolg;
'wallet, sowing funds, with compound interest, is 'then
,00.13. anowed tu settlement. He has thc.nrivitege, as
is irmacirra. he- rimy find ittouVenlent. orPaying iuto the sink -
tug Alt?, eovvg and above his regular coatribu-
gif;eueres.,..aratIMeurlit; aisnincorty sum above S100. redaction or =
gage, aa d for which he is allowed 5 per
`ately relieved• afzue eeot, compound interest.
smear, The wonder.; Ice Vora misSions charged -no shares required
rtnes of the. AllernitOr in be taken -no fises to pay,and no expenses for
for they are ae Vapid - r'9 nevials.4 AkiertEir 111/1(3. K ARMSTR°2162
le'ficiali remedy foi suelt a Timid lpe4t, over Alessm Has** more, Market
senses it seems, almost, tn.SVIare,- Goderich-
rnme theratyet the pmprielor\ twnt Olethei. Canada Landed Credit Company,
ay et's3 dr= or hitTanurtati Improved Farms tor sale 011 easy terms.
Le at once relieved with.Briztl • 7931i331 *gib fTur sle" '
sou ousels or e owixo Codermh forsale.
Apply as above
_ Godench. Nova6tb,1559 Watt
rralmitnon List
Goderich lioriaenitural Society, to
stiddenlyot uaexpectedlytolity off the debt. He
Lipiainst money, he pays Wow ainkingf1171 l'reitnatOinhi4UTI
ifl The, trivAestfunerttrutlet, the Company
be h4a tila ffl 871°(1* fa the to
151 LIFE 101.111 Ill DIINGZR
the 1411 day • •
Goderich, on Wednesday t • .
of September next. •
APPLIIS-Dzst ht.,;t-, voila:es otApples nw HE
dal 00, ere:Idls r
eV-inte-tiriges,5 of IETNA,
uot rs tLmniNsuBB .3 °reach 6.'5' CO Zed dell ; a.d
4:211reggtricaT53241of jeiVilvg ritacr3;14 RE.ASONS why over 15000 personsayear,
insure their lives itt the Aunt ; first, it
is exclusively a Life- Company; aecor.dty,
it is purely a. benevaient institution. Those
who contemplate insuring their lives, eau
save a Very large tinouut of money, by in -
miring in this old and reliable Company.
This company commenced doing life business
ia Montreal 19 years two; and is now doing
more busine,ss than all theEuropeanand
Canada companies combined that are doing
business in this country. The ROM is a
stock company, but no profits are sought,
no notes to be assessed, like M month!. com-
panieS, you know exactly how much you pay
• per year when you enter the conniany.
Assets over Z10,090,000, income Over
000 per day. $100,009 in. gold deposited
with the Dondninn Government. The great
advent/sae to the insurer, is the long .experi-
encti of the Board of Directors, who are
stock -holders, and are gentlemen of a life-
time experience, and thoroughly understand
the life, business.- By insuring in the "Etna,
you will get morethatiSavings' Hank interest
for the money you pay out; therefore, we
consider your insurance costs pot nothing, a
SallinZat Ranh', ifyou live, and a Lite Insnr-
once if you die. Beveraisentiemeirwliom I
have called on during the past year, solicit.,
ing their insurance, ieiaarked that they
would wait a whUe, some have have since
d!ed, others havellost their health and eat -
not insure the dale to insure your life is
now, the company to insure- ilia( the sEttut,,
dela Best b. Ncri-ern Spy s I 00 . 2t th•
5D Ls12 Rhoda island emeningl e0; 75 ;
Erd data. nt.-tas Fsztilvm 100; Zed do 75-; szai do
5.1, str.latacT DesortAppless =cell LSO; Za do
75; .3-4do 50, Best plata orarabir,414 yeiiow 52a
a• dein. B...tstr't-stiefCrabisAmtrul5la ; Zaddo
Padt4Z-Bt varlotiesZear5,nameR200:4410
75 tMerle 75a, rt_t-a varieties FAIN:ars. AsTred
; do 75. 3c-ts vartetiViiederrews.nsvnea
co; 7a. Best pbta oZ Pmrsk razaed 1CO;
rid do 75- Srdda
Prians-n, ovt avgcsi, collodion of Plums-
iad.nett., titan vorices.12o0-1,153 z tine
evi 60; Srd da 75. dimt 4 varieties. leartedl, IB of
do 00. Bost Vets of
WaLstain;ten.. nst res:dt-o
b -k12. -daleVerial
6:Ga. nat fess IT,nn 10 25e. Do BrI*Islyivzda25°. Do
Beads Seeillik; do 25e. Victovia do 25e. Da Rel.
Sapatao0ZDc;17cGarahlando25c. Do Smith's
(Means 25c. nYeli.ovf !Tag= Bon= rge. Do
Daaar's..,Pcxpia dati3c.
Be‘t_ s=1 largest Ca*:ctionc'et reser,*
1,113,-c.ad. not ta•,, than 4 variesel 50; Zed do 100;
84 do. 75. Best piato of reaclica, named Bo, ad do
• 25- It e= air..52c. Zed do Best
t/24 or :+,1cf.14-1,17.1,3 ; a3t.
GRAPaS-Dest°mdtargestooliestion off Grapeswown
tradarglass. not iess 1,Tvrt 6 vadetim ono cluster of
each 2159 ;.1 do% 00, Bestauft heaviestdelu*ters
any liaztoty 1 00 ; d50. dr., -t .a.nst izgest cot
IlectianoZAktipes, gmovitinopen air II 55 ;Zed -do e0;
3rde.o15. Resta varipiim dolt 00 ; Zed do 75; 3rd.
da 00. Bent3 Delawares ,25e. - Best 3 da
0011733Z'153a. do Raeford :15°, Bes 15do
5weetiteer033. 5e553 do/m.130e.
PLOWEBS-B.-t and ./irrgestealleetion of DAffas-'
- ..nanrAt. nut ins than% varietiesgt 00; 520.0075 ;150
do 50. Belt 4 vadefl'oinota.,175o 50' ; zord
St& liesteaUcction of Roses- . Btcanis 75° ; 2146°50;
firdilo2.5. Best esir245-102Vorbc2st.natne.not•ress
Vann vote:Zen 1 GO ; 52 0.0- 715; TA do 55. Best
vx.-tetin ; ..10..a 53; ard do 25. Best °affection
efFhlasee not tesa titan 4 Varieties 153; 5n0 do 25
•Mod r-,j1rtroma GL-Liablas, xta=sil„. not lcstult 0
la a
No!l. sue• J114,3tet S
OP- AriTi. vaT1)08
very Iarge Stoe
01 glfd. 11-7-7‘
_ Blacking the very best, to be both bright. and shiny, _•
4.3,4* 4"*.ea- ..7/***•", JeV4.-4. • *..7777 Vet . Ice *.Irr••,,,,fe,.y.,:a!,* •
*W7lfekkOARS*****AKOPtgit*M4/4044"*.a4Ret-Mt*N'Xi**0 T•'...-.*?4,0,7""N‘L';'7,...rtr'''.V..."*A •.(**15,01.•
•Viagra% Dry Goods tor very little money, •
All new and nice. and fit for anihodY,
•Groceries ChOiee altd. fresh, Tea direct troni China,
' Hats that are hate, the finest just from Town,
Clll kinds of colors, some turned up some turned down.
lothing of the latest cut, '4 YU* important item, ‘•
It to .to be a man well dressed, and that -too in the fashiebi
Then call endue, be surenpoo thit right Man,
3bhu Harris, don'tforget bun, youwon'tregret the plan.
nw Ehliettoot,Gosodou. At present ocetedbY
V., B. thnith. **or rartieularsapply
Zablnet Vidrer,---
West Street,
• w Ott
E48 a most altractivei and well bonght lit0014 of Staple;rid Fancy Dry Goods, of thi
Season's Importation, .- •
FOR sAtis-ut, 01-1EAP FOR OAS%
Silly 21st, Ude
ontius, suitlso OHMS%
A.T , wherever it isrepresented•
Bar been in eitieettee Thirty-1*o year*" end
during that period hos.paid LAWS 'Weeding
rive ands half =Mon pounds sterling.
Thodisbursemerit ot tins tummies sum over
,a wide area has without doubt rerntriti uted to
the iestalflisiment otthis Institution, in filo
onfulmwe Fuldio Corporation*, Merchtintes
Householders, tind business men geurnityD
r Jam.
• Platform and Counter ales!
FOB, sAr4u,
• Cioderieh; Sept,29th, 1868y.
G Eire PretrulumS
1 .ft In its Isfyear, 183 , t e
Mato s General Jobbing shop," iii4tfalt=i436;;*-47—i;* - AM
A 20Lb. year 1E56; " g` 4 AQ22r279
.•a SOth year; 1860, -4 ,se 0 e.Sil0.1,3/
.. 13EAFORTift
• One - year later, 1.867, ". Is sf .018,855
_ •
PRE ..........„Th...
subscriber has on hand the celebrated I. The Vire Besot+ now $4:127,464
The Life Resettle Fund xs now' $G,T$2,4GS
STATER TWEET* PATENT CORN ! The colorise,' is represented throuchont Ona
tano and Quebec, by influential Agents., to
whIch took 1110.0,4 rim a ths pito/mil nzuttoon , • Whora.apad.micttir sfstuor imisanecoeameraitysbmgeeoriitIoulanit
laawortkayear; a. na-ThieguarehanurnteMsolumle liarlettodustiezatticertiovan,tteestiyerin i
tweauelltYhsylnolillin'eltei 4 °oratiltrial°1311-undee wanatt-bisfy°1623371themesael.verot: ElAito't.,Y4orrxoSter ;211g1".1151t . Virfewatistie° dn ietrlocrillitePtc.rIT
aoderzelt.Fehatiins. wet
TRH undeisigned -would - beg ,t6 inform -,kr 4quilicktr,
- that his .
Widen Machinery is Amnitiiii.OporatipapPt*Orilfq
•• 444
- Emoratmg a • magnmeent assortment .of
Winceys, Alpficae, Frenalt 3ferinoes, Prints, 101aietelS; Shirting's, Closkings, Blankete
Hosiery Gloves/ !small wares: ao., ap,
WINC2, ;tally_ good for the Money; 12/ dente per yard.
• SACTWINJ really good for the money.,10•ots per yard.
-WHITE SHIRTING', really good for thomoney, °Viper yard,
AT.FACA, really good for.tbo 'money, 20 cents per yard.
,,FLANNEL, really geed for the money, 30 eta pee yard
•TANOT.P.141.111i314 really good for the money 26c.
-• CALNAI:MEA:isT ,..E4*.iAL10._;i11/14
All I:ices-from 60 Ms to Otte poi. rad. The stook hrfact, contains a soleodidassortment
of the mi
et, desirable goods for this market.
In larire variety verycheap; a decant great boat 13,50! *The grogerydepartment is constant.
V supplied with, the freshest and choicest articles in the'trade;-- that wiltbe sold at 'the very
loweatrates„ eitfier wholesale or retail. The publie are respectfully requested tome the
. -
Corner WesCgtreet, °aerial.
atartztes / 00; -addlo4a ...., st... , ot Hartford- t
of Art 75n. : 2•-•st cora', ardelawk Best collection ,
etButdn5fla;11.....,1 do 20. Best col/eat:Dna nal gam% • enfant ;
f,n bloom.73.1; linddo 50 t mi.i/O fri. Best col- . R. A, Bucensr,President. '
'cod Sfee sraes15$ . 2zuI do 50; ard do 25. I Ate rto Denstar;rVice
leeltealt2disaarretraniss V° ; 2.2A•do So. Best 401- [ T. 0 ENtallat 8aciltart• . .
sect'satiyArn-..- ; 2cd do. 50, Best Doquet for , ILA. Sr. 0-cium Actuaw. _.
table1:00 ; rkr 5a. Gest irtr'd Beirut 750; 2.11 do : G. W, Exam, H. D‘i. Medical ErIncontri40;
50. Bestea==ts tapes 75e; 2rd. da 50. Best 4 1 Jam -Gowns; Toronto,
Manag.rAeldme=e-Sionoploots 50e; do 2;u1. Best4 Mx- _ . -vitzak lar.,aitint.
'* Innis WO : 7nd do 25'. Best 7 Be-gPIII2s 45e*e." Beg" Agent forlaligHuron Counties.'
IruseVis,755; Lira da50. Best speemen Paselds50e. - (watch, 4112(0,3Am . wa
Best ifor,cenra sntiet Gmecolamo 75o; Zi -4 41025 •ThaNim, yogi ywrepeedetesaya Of this old and ro
Beat =Grew Et:use plintsw,Viwitliteat.** i*"'"00, gege, =Arany ; among the substantial and enterpna-
. - Best BasIVasaGIL..„ L.,- w, ,_ 7.....„4.0,,,,, Ari,nr. ItiLace Company aiandaFretelAent•- It bag. um-
" ------G — ----'' - - . * institorleoflfartford, COnin, theaffhia Life In-
GARD& VErIvr- - "---A - - ea— - ---- ening a fon-und benumb* course„Wou for i an
foes, namedirint le'33 Moat end-41ft, 1 peek of each pmastao mutation.
" 0150 ; ^adola t 430; aq445- It-t,Pectk. 07Yotato°7 ---r....:-- CANADIAN' .6-gre.O..64..sCRS t
tor t'er-wr. =maze ; roldo 50 ; fira dow„ Best2 KM Gzo,BnewmFroitrietor 'VW, Toronto. _
BunimerSipasl, kr tablet 75e ; 7nd (1°'511. G gon, .1,Snmstis,PresidenttintimoBank,Bosanamdlia.
Winter Squaltfor table 75o ; :21a1 do 50r Beet half }max. *matron. 1,..g.ohntwed. .
peek Patty Rose FaMtoes 1 Om: W:tr-4 75- Best 3 it, N., Gnat Drq.,IN, B., Oshawa- " •
- mots of WtoCem* y750; duldo50., Bent 4 rootlet A. B. maw? -0,,,,a,q4 gadesgtymercbAut, Toronto.
widgeletY750; Ziddo564 Beat4hoode Winter Cab z CrApifficer, *so., Official Assinnee.. Toronto. •
lisge* illaule("5" 14.d'rifl' Bed 4 11311" Blentae Messrs Pinusi 4,-Wholesat- -ell -erases, Montreal.
Cabbage.nmied7-507; it12 d59'• .1311.84188/"°/.3 A, /IRMA% Esq.t8upetntendrint Inland Steam Hut -
75c, ; 2nd da ilfk Resta MougIeWtok.e7501 21d de natimt. COBTMEIV 3tontreak
W. Best12Table Tam:len 75%, _.4 da 50, Beat* ceb-w--mr, ......2"8,20,hitodent• cattwi, Elias
Sire& Tornip475e; do 5fi, D,-.,,0. Iving„. ....,„__-/Daffe, :company; Monied.
Cair"/75e; d5° I-11ra c16.25- 1.." 4 ' "M"WV"'. -1r4 Irae 'RIM DIU Manager Thitish and/int Ex -
ate CarrotT5a It Ziddo50; 3rddaM Best 1 Bute•
wig com„,,,, Toronto.
Irmo eizrotrde ; 2-...1da500eldaM. Bent * White 3., . .;"-liubutther., 3fontrea, -
Weiss flarret75a ; *ado 54;3111.dit 25, fisati6Par- ,„,..,,,,„iim, maw safeatanufacturerofinizest
snips 75e ; Int do 50; anids25. Best Peck red ffeed,_,p-as'"""'‘ - .
Caknallc„ trot do 50, srd (1020, Beetpeckysikeir dew .
75e.2addo50,M:d (kW. BestpeekSRvertikiathilone .
75e, Bent0 ens Corn.fortobre use 75e. Middle 50,3rd , ,
de*. Boit 317MeeMelezin 100." Nadde OIL Bail m______—
inarkNelonal 00„ftd. do 75,ardito50 Boit *Green MONEY TO LEND.
malimita, 2u1 do 75„ Srd 459. Be* 4 Wads
Cauliflower 1 00. Ned dat75.8n1 do 50- Bast Di Wed
'. Tomatoes 1 0O,21iddo75.3rild000, Efeet128filify 756 " THE HURON -.8g, ERIE
Wad do 50?. Best0 Egg pitutspurp1075e.2ad. do 5th ' -
. Beat ecilleetIonof Ve4ershleadistinetfoontethar settles _ SAVINGS ANDTRILN soomyy'.
TAMS WORK-ItertTattingi5c,zta do 50. Best • Thettareg6elew3.!5•11 prepared tOlnakei
2isida 1 CO.
Crochet Work 75c., F.arnia 50.- Best Eraleeldiail ta 49aDlifITALTICC$31330.
- kEtudiriric„ Ind do :O. Bent Worsted Work m1101750, '
Nod doW Reseiro-494 Work not mined 75e.Saddo ON DM:WED .
set, Best Brnid 75e Z2411450. Bent Pixel lEllit-
tingT5c. balida50.. Bet -Was Frult75e, Sad do 50.
BestWas Ifiatrims75c,Iladfla 50.: Best PaperFlowers ON MOSTADVANTAGEOUSTERMS. .
75e, 2ast da 51 - The cost of effecting a Loart witt be fopnd
geLlatd..NBRIGUDATIONS Mich. Iovter than in other Societies gfit Miaow'
nature. The -attention ofthe Borrower is called
to the feet, that be will reeeivethe full amount of
ihg bonne without, any deduction being made for
• . • - pia0 itz Aoff
• thilulautieasou While aterthiOlillibickitietritlittliV6a
AND IS PEP TO EXEOUTE, Wdlt 7.02.crtaatitLY,
. • -
allitoille ROIL Oar ding:* .
°Cilb 1'1)1158dt*
S °•aaid. Mamufactulln
PlYrn Tlg r—
beatvirn-reeelve... ..PrOr,n10 OtiOntitin. .'110- g 11, net..
. .. stock Aif of beVII,F,tib-t:tiL., • -
LL•CLOTIL-TWEEDSi n.astititast
8.-Ilavfouldlik*se.ealitheSietial attentio offirmers to beware °Clod teamsters and agents ileditig
their wool for eariting, as be 'has proved it train the 4:paierice of former years to be 0.1304ect, source tit:annoyance
Suleterilier a call.
deriohl flept,;2fith, 186% w113
It is
ESitOT FULLY intimates to farmers and others that Iliey are prepared to fill
-all'or,ciers - - ,; I ' - •
oioth Ortrit:OM *Stitiaettal: -
Fulled .., 016013'i-1 17.14qe3rs,.. 171410.01/ii 111011rets,
On ' the Shertest notice.' • -Parties id:eking, tiezaliange.thor.wooi for good home ramie'
goods, will find it to their interest .to Awaits. a ea.11. an: we are satislecl we have the;
goods you you regalia; Parties coating -from distance With wool to get carded may in
4034 everylniitanee On- getting • their irtri lotto . with tlienr• the same day.
- • = - .
Ooderich 'Woolen Naatory,-
' :Jane 8th, 1869:
: - . •-
Jai.* INT
ever before offere to the public inthis part of /he, Province, "" he would tespe#51,111. hing te
excising° their -wool to ealtend4lidge for themselves -Wm aliPdathig thelmielv411/15° •
to them invariant ways, that they.eannot tee until lev haPs Waldo, to 7t1',11463141t
f Wool.
iniosas: LOGAN,-
. - .F4tOtte0, Ooderich,
• irr The highest Market Price pal(' far any quantity o good Clean W
Goderieh Woolen Works; IlithMiqr, 1859.
THE AITI.f.TaINERY 8. -How: obrii,,Istiow OPE
. ,
AND coiT.kuis
Of thci rations. for the'aett.sou. 'Also. on large and
spLcpi,RID sorocic qv ngEss'Gi
Wama:s• Ma'Ass:si:eezerreggr,,
2 111411sYsteut of one dam Ira =Alta% sister
•sesmsbarsarg. tothe Societrarri will entitle the parson
110InFingt,O nentFe..ti many .11_r_lf
7-A0140es .734,741ratisrire eM11715W2Wr Interest or payments nt advance.
1148—..„.13"44 pre71.3tf fatrael.Varexbatisi&1it Advances may be re.id Monthly on Yearly,
911"U't icivatoularenti'C'nek ro.,isPos 4g&I'2!' =wailing over* pertod of from one to Inlet%
frontimy unforeseen canna ,
not beatable toh.wo bOl entrance made this day rat* . . • - , .
Ulthe 8xlit'ItItle//1" renilhavialt FOR !Wilk ixaltTidlittAsS APPLY TO
day of e !flit -Rion lief/sea o/cloeit me toreit E. -
*eater fifty cents, yore riow...
Tr6.0 eve
$ ComPv-idarsir=riabeentitia to elem tba7 oci nAgent_and. Valuator fortkei Society at .00thgeh
pleasioni for rao i=e, kind of reads; shows ludas Goawireitxx4 mot ,xwis
1,1011WilieWI4E cdrey-;:ilfor dinrrxt TuatitiOlkisa then
airy one prim for eava 'aarty.
4 Antra:its flowers and vegetables =UMW ittrt
bearelesively and entirely this .growth or giodnetien
sf ibe
6 Na person stun beg udge who fa an eiiitbffirn
* Tit addition to ti2Le stated ineadmis offered tge,
Wriielm auvaerstell in the list, the. 3ttl:tes istillasethe
getr4riostrieliii4 erettonerypramtuniforelelisrideles•
• lithe edit:lee exhibited beak' 'Weeurthe
7 la the i'Wewzo of campetitioninanyortam*
ssetiwy *ay trona-11er worthy -
Zaps will evades tilde dinmetion ail to 'ogee of
the psereiretkey reemmumid,
$ The Jwlave will eernmence theirdrdleeve14
ts. w.„precieeiy, and none buterchibitors tkar se-
w. eor
alatials will he allowed Insile p
vsy priosialiatever during the Jalgeh.
wissetweristete of the Prow. of
* exhibitor's mi4. residents of
ilaNS,Iligaiitwitffa speeliilyprevidea
l• by person infriequ'igrem Section&
et thew 846-1411,111 be flepet-alef any
ewe titer 'might otherwise be eltiiled to,
dab* %Who subject to oriel:mit/of ten
relate of Admiseion.-Tickets for adm
Ittitibithes can be procured from the 'Bee
lonowlig Wet Tickets fur it single ad
- 21.1411 ka diniselotattsaytituedurtia
• Market C
4 sad
whet -
ht, ad-
at the
B -Y"
lento.* MD YOU Oft
AI .
Si. it xmrcit,ix..a.st
Elias taddook, Cod, And Lobsters &tab. Also
smoke Nelms,
Biddle., Nipped,. Hetrbige, Yervietath
rs, Mania
Saltablefor Sprie_g_ena wniuer
• •
1..adies: Con a.n.
°amid, Abril 044.1869..
, • -
Markct Sciwtsb.
w -234f
"k Pio basil -owlse en lignd two Drilled Turnip,
Carrot andBee Seed Drills, Engle Drills, Itindil of
CidOr Presses, Olisesellesses, Lad -
Horse Hay
ditreilviszonlla Ice,and •
• =eon .got?ipte order, ' •
ReaperS and Nitivers,
band and for sale.
tegr A. Goal Mx Horse Power
Engine For Sale‘Cheap. .
SolinlYI. Martin.
WieTAIS41,11Ann MAIL, AT
EI. 33 XIV 0,1--X A.24 Et,
irsotateto of Meeitet R/040D0
Bodedsb, Us. Nth UM
01'010/41004 it INK 111* iitt*
Lel* $ tit sea A. IS 440,
at al est ,I
.1 Stattiowly 14 eerere wiser
sea, 4 I3-. 1144
teWS& 11.11sreemer,
Dadmillt. Dos. e
• 4,31,0Z11
ft -N C1.1111
- a ,
lifidey ani Sain Saw -Mins,. Steam Engines and Boiler%
rashjng :Mach"nest Seperator
. Horse Powers, Drug, Sisxvirs,
, With Cut or Sled HoarilA.Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs,
. ,
Cultivators, *Land ..Itoilers, straw Cutters'
iigtitultnral Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sugar -Kettles, Salt Kettle -Si :Wagon and Pipe Boxes,
of the M0St improvetlitindw Brass, Outings. made, and Biaolremithe Work and Repairing
done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL ,NOULD4BOARD PLOUGHS, as you can
get Ono very ehetio for Cash.. - , , - • • •
• Goderichafoi, 12th,1867• .., ' Ti39-
, ,
• ar *that Hama is boasted. of as ibeing -the•wealthiest hricultural dotmty
in Ontario IEcEL
MSS 61
WOW.' tnieBolat
rzis tram
Grak or Faded Hair Is gni*
• and.witb. the Int appliostion a
use *inert purchase pure, genuine anafrealt • tatntifol giestandilelightfai flagrance
COTT itouirrsoit
itritO keepsthe largeFt andbeit assortment OE the above, node in the .-Connty of Huron.
. ,
The following are all fresh and selected With are.c
White Belgian 4o
Orange do
Bed Clover
White Dutch do
Timothy Seed, Illinos
• Do, -Canadian
Hungarian Grua •
Mixed Lawn do' •
SkirvIng's linprevekSwedish Turnip
Sharp's - do. • do '
Turple Strap Leaf do
White Globe Turnip
Rape Seed
Tares .
Dong Red Wrangel Carnet
: TOrkertblue
. • .
-Dram Head • dot
• pp:oz.-0f lb••
Plat Dutch do
• Adams -extra early Corn
Newly Sugar - do
- eerlet Runners
Mohawk Beans
•Chine, do •
• Butter do far famed• ,
Daniel O'Rourke rattEl 4,,,„ ...den
TothThumk 417' "'
• Crown do field
, . . - • . .
1000 bushels of choice Potatoes.bronaltt direct from, tlat %died States, Farly Englis
FlukePeach Blows: • * .
- ' • . . w-12
19 AND20s 001=114
CAPITAL, (Fully'Sabseribed)• • X2,500‘000 Sterling, -
INVESTED 0vBass2,octopoo.4amosir ieuitD rerVAltatiA.,soci3Ocio
TitechatitilOgehlible PnnellA0 01 the Company tilt3b0en the einahlishroent of itt equitable
maw% chiming in incases a prenntukproportioaate tO the risk,
atostaanguine enemations ofthe Directors, who litt.0 resolved to extend the bastnee. more The success which has attended the vempeuyht oPerations hu been *deb a* ful y to regime ibe I
adizreithiovorb4iintoodbilirgit idlorIbeci Cp1t�1,,!td Invaded
promptsettionmorofaalint, The Director* lad General Agents, tilo(P,Intenuin lirgeten.
MN In emplane, will take a hbaral end new of all q, rts cemist6 Woe I In'
Sattfordli 20thApril 1869.
arzn ragioin fisiaL siltc5
given, to theltdr.
It will cause Hair to grow on Fad Spots.
rt will promote luxuriant gem% .
Ewan *nth lamediatelyclieelted.
o1dbyaUDngg1sts. - Prjoefinefiellar.
.Nanafactured by
Voles* Drti,ggIsts,
05 BarclapOtreet and 40 Park Ply"
' 2'ew4ork, and ,
'2,St High Holborn. Linden. lam
rfl v_xi-xm !AR,
MsrsbaII St Wendell of ithasy*
, _
!LIVERY Thgtrument is fatly warranted. arid be
Au the modern improvements, fall limn fume_ OT
strung bass audbushed ivory Bout keys For
•guarantcothc.s011anocssecond to nom.
Agent ut Gatti
Gedmich, Mame, MO. w214ro
"lopEttiOlotsandio,vaetrivillbesold separately erto
Aji ,gpther, Juke Township Dr funky, Ce.of Mum,
Containing 293 acres --Mere or le us -of superior limd, iu
the Ugliest state of cultivatton and equally suitable for
arable ordain farms. Lot S, knownas 4141einat
ant Tarei,$ is situated °Elks Bayfieid & 8,caro4ile Gra-
vel Read, mum .andingsbeaufifullrlewef Lek° Hume
Riedilesfrom Seafork, *from Mien and 15 Item God.
erih, g.t thrivir'..g towns nu the B. & l, H. i3 11.; itie
only 8 miles from the thriving village of Dayfieln-a
place of groterug importanecoviiere there is a harbor
and aprospect axis becommg tine Gov. Harborlif
bee. pThu' roof consists 10118 acres -more or less-
ofvery superior clay loam sea, about 140 Tleared, en
which ;here as neither stumps or stones, well fenced,
f4ome270ro41( beingpeket ankboardfencejandin 'ugh..
eit state of cultivation ; a never rafts spring loses near
the centre and rims u) the rear, and alongtherearSows
the beautiful river Ba -5i; sheet 5acres of the Mar
fiats is wooden with excellentandvaluable ceder; lea
makiing.33 acres of high table land, is wooded with
hardwood, beech, maple, elmfee., the t Mire farm
ingsurrounded With fence. There is also upon the
Tearer duisfarm amagnineent ttoue guarry,which,
of itself -when Bayteld becomes a eity,r gas -damned
ere long to be -,be 5 rnme of wealth to its Owner, and
ileitis some 10 ff. ore:weir= the surface, it surest°
enhance the value eke land tor Farming Perpiees,
There is a splendid orchard of about SOD 'trees., of the
bestand choicest sarictie* offs= efall kinds grown iv
this section ofeountry,f amens forits production °Multi
There is .very Impend commodionefunneliousewith
every convemenee attached, sissge stable -and two new
frame bum The tennis all thoroughly raufacsdram-
cd, and a great deal of :1 underdraincd. This is really
one of the most desirable fauns in 'Weirteretifanada,eadi
partieular' lysuitedto oldepuntry gentleman pitmans;
Stock, implements and growing erops will be sold to the
purchaser on negotiable' terms. Lot 16 contsLie 115
scree efland, about -55 ender tulfrvation, the reamumlar
wooded, with maple, :beech,_ehn atattentot,cheny
sod *sufficient quantity of hemlock for fencing aed
building piuposes. Boit, clay, a /wing stream, new
frame barn (tank), good large house and khohen Aitio
an eras& of4} acres in extent of selectfrait, * also on
this farm. Rusk miles from Bayiele. Praw pita°.
1,500 down, Inhume ott snortgage at 8 per seal, titles
indisputable. For further paructilatispOy to
- Tarsi, Life, and Fire Insurance Agent.
Hoderieli, oron the eternises of lot 8, tO
°emigre° MM.
jn'following rematirs on Testimonials edema;
-wonderful and extraordinary cures= Canada by
theHRBAT INDIAN RE/lEttlf. -They are stenknn
deniable and incontestible facts, 'sufficient to convince
the mostskepticalthatthe Great Medicinal Competut.
aimed after for saes is uow accesrale mthe Great
81106.1101UES ,REMEDY
for Diseases et ,the Throat Imp, Invert Digestive
Organs, Kidneys, &c., as well as Scrofula, the various
Skui Diseases, Humors, and all diseases Arising from
Impurities/anus Blood, we boldly state that this_great saiston
remedy has 17X7R11- MTN EQ.IL0.1,141).
Farm for Sale.
OTS 53 and 54,. BaySeid Coreession, In The
A.1 Township et Lyoderich Containing 68 acts',
of these over Maces cleared with good frame
Barn, and Log Nome about 21 ludas from
Ohnton,, For arms ofissie aptly etthe Weldon
Court oillois at eoderich, or to Ur, WIGGING
TON on the premises.
Godermh, (10.1Setit,21,1968; w3big
1_ fourteenth, imminent, of Holten. on the
boundary kno between 21 Astil WW2, Pint
Wee each way. Good ardwooct tand.--Wel
watered; thirty acres earanee., Seventy -
'seven Xeres and a half In I. Weil fenced. For
tizrtherparuoularsapply t those ontimprem
1day 27th, 1661. m
New. "'far Forks
tiltior:Nann137MENojtiLtialueird:ttfitgth: low'esirt wilco: 11/4dibe'
,or mars tp, urms e en
4:6 .
,o*fwaiiipeeertop,e;::.rantifsdsuci:haverht-eounrceco..7:::,,,,,..::„„„,„:::::::;.,7! Ai
icaeruaty'beellenallsnutertte'terior°4u%hrtrotraglureat- rid reducffott maide for cub. All orders
unefforiettimonsableEscieulleyelantei54 -eptursillhe, au434"sausAgry8Elyelt _ *odertch, Dec. T., , .0.1 will.ly
..,iinmigselareivehes.ithbeeol:elainTiotic:e4e4Dvakaisit5,,,eoltstIvestjaor:cLeana„ 2crPreets;fcluirechn:113:Toe:,_ punettmlly; Itteilddia. te, De_s,Igne of Nfonu.
ments, *CP, may b4 seen at the shop.,
61 ,
.. e:01111:NyklErPetle: 4:,PAgN el:IL:rall:nrit'rei:::r223:6;Re2:11;13:45 ejritioraLt4:::81:::::012ftnialtErOgNTS:ndtPierOs•ntlinlarig: 8ele: 16 -
Mend Deal 51 st ,
STONES, 75 1.5
thatocretero. muter, barnestown, O. W., °Mon. _ tOpit Posts, &est ambs of evet7 deserip
eumaon, clothes taint) 'Mire Wood,of-Couseeen,
.L WHIM & Va..
T.1310K14K & 504-„,
1 8,6 9 .
7 7
wags go4 gozDzsi# DiV1BIONCOVRTSM TER
• ,To Hes**, 14th
latiDiTisions Monday 26 My
:3172'7111-werr:IMON 3-869;
eter, Wedncsday 28
03/Alio-rum. 24+41 ;i4 ..riorth; Thitralay .29
• stu ' of Dgro%01.5rolgray24°Auguelg*
71h 46 Dayfi,sid, Tuesday Brd 4s
EILIP0 5M Exeter, I.Vcitteiday "
• yr.17.12w ••conway r. 0., ist viinstms, Goderich, Monday With Septinnbet
vomar of 3rd if Chalon Tuesday Vth
- s
• 2n4 " teatort Weanma
ay 29 ti
lemcoaude 4fit , An1eyvilie4 Thursday*,
fith • 'Cuter. Saturday tad October
Canada. 6th 1 Puntannon, Tcesday 6th gt
gApor Niteroi' MAW - INMINOmMO
711t Bay 'eta, Wo4Iniamay s•
. gime h to certitytkat. icon thtithisterneg livorirfl 6th Dunaannen. 'rialto:111Y
r113.111ernmatessosee. ""thosse°01h14res°"/hevPine bees"Tultoatliebutablserent rertst"hilerantote DOmmlon, and upwards of a thountad
rod parity ortbetrTeatt Oyer* bun., wittgirlagsliffgilliii,bgattedea ttlit /414 trtit:rFAigag, t
VoTormarg:y eablitertits to thou deanng Lifs'Assinincennsurgissod bran/gush Mos, tiiittMatitag Orn b. shown, barbiaguirtiatx to Om quality and putty otibe Tee. A greCsaying put be erected inglaatilaut its :maned to 6:179 AZ lad &With, Wide/gay lilt Z10041111410
Province ikOntsrio, 9th, • 1st Diviston,flixlerieb, Wedeeedayteth Nevem.
it,n,,,pientsimicrity,„...gooncony otminepostat, wow ,c, tho 8011441 by malaria( &root bosuns, mitt ore 1$ lbs„an4 upwards. ary go warranted *gin salefietton, Irbgib,r4itityw yam wane DO weakness wea mein Sed 11 Clinton. Teurtaley god d.
smokiegialior sad ssisd so four or Are ab.ssetlea, whisk be seta tate le any Badway Station *the 0,/ imartyreerdejsouglituiedicaladrice, setelop 0:h of 'Exoter,Fndey sed
(whose oa perticipeung snit, liniOng whom*, per OM of mete sr* elvo. The massy osa bs oolisstston dear.
This Compaqybal $1 ,900 (in gold) with t mum Min** at %WSJ manage inati 4.t.:iffiroativinassitiond,tluiecrial dt1071ftotilid Or Lash
Chants pile ose mouth. afterproof *Meat.
si000nty for Heusi's& polka*.•
pit Trx ir•Sh grimed Mem Iteastsd iosi Ltd irdiVbfelnd 0Pw.tdef the *Mr WhiCh reellY di teed kW% prostribeA WA' N, lest Of 11,0 IWO, The stave com=test theist Dimino
Aod advent whkb rati ba mole the Contrirs Proopectus. (It airspolnia am land Waif MI= froree"ticrTiritt. ay:" WW1' , lo any fission ontinugurt worpi§liYi 401471 Until th6 manna open * au; mutes will open
aid)" COLN. Desagary. _
oinas,-246 *ad ftt7, fih, r ,w Stmt. lioatresh
sittlit=s0.44• lit --"t". 4tICAM(1.1 1 -
. OWNS '• •.„, ...• JAW, i * 1J. . .
LH. DIIITLORI Asset foratekekoe, 14taksow, ifchseaabsetileattuunpto* Mid ;Willantes
rind lirlalateti„,.. -sti • r.kberoletWeil
Ilia, table No.. Tory Oa, otk,
zrgareerriItgreVorwy"wiliZt, "*„415. gorl
714,34. ; swig ,; . , span
431-1EtIOJECN* TEA. .
Tweaks', /04ent:gieratteltrk_024,4478e. Ihs. ** fasii way vas ago
diadeSfit ; mee 40. ft.
• 421.1 IX `Cs,A. Alth. 3ro ASK i *All% 2110,ierlyn
Permaaellt .8G..st•Society' tugsrwrt.,114
poabalet tie AMA* from row' Mari. 241.614liortasoilltY
Om, ears ate
Nosirsd,. Aprit,1616,-To disNiMtanalTsitOenrolay
Aug go Ina ist *my ass. proved stow ettlefaxery, as welter bet_if !weed.
.- 1.7„ trise7rattplathfilat 11104..- ilksivlagleressoraitts:otivatikvide oterVaairailits Douthasitbet.7:71:1141/4 mayfly. srsitorusaonto
J.:7r 14 '7,4.441.`4."4. 4,01*,
44*.teet 1'4,4444; 444",
lc, .04 "4•-••*,- -• 4. :44*.elptre :
• e
4141114431di:fflitifiritai.2"tallill il1411:4,rettliGrh:tinet:Wikeirifil6.141;'t ti1/471"6:was"4,41"haVi"Talie
wint?),:boust: tof:Pwitutillfrig:iteuimiriillitsitrin411r4fluilTediatirifrnsinititilrfirmitiErylitrovi
oely to suynythe.gporlemon Banodr 1 Whoa it
1411:1111".th:Itays7ks:Vtrulatiewarr:717.21;16r diTkinown'otru'
Mid sloe her illness, X Wiwi her eertillcate to be
1 bartllortb"Irslittftlatlistiv a*mobrilt
was declared hovels. ; end I know that ohs has, since
her tecovetykst41 attribUtal kw moray iv the
Is timer tea boon to ott the Wflaffitliff 14 my Ina) , 13.BROUGM
• tenon auusum.. Out roptilbes)117weletice ofthis med. Wbaltbeteldnetray Akil0A. rforxittlt.
e cartartrat7
a r
iimonarraomebviarstormze=whieh in4.0=4inereigos, astiprcat itzt iriptelarastiheisd.temttatusiteswida.baloansatidnty =ilksPr'ertilmotuille wisoftwerely
milmest C3arlidia4 lb"' - FOS AND OTHERS.
I imiests ausitigr, Farmers, Livery Stable
•Kowa oilmen% °news.
whisk you mitt isa envglevie tosinfliftedee4 BA* ina II YOU LIM &MK
wpm at wean package& Rabbi law latsa r TicirLOR st oiXil=r4110111/416s$
J.C.-C. F. Una.
Clerk of do Peso, Heron
Goderieh, 111th July, 1600. we7
4 .4
Prousuip-armanr AND mann -
TIMMS 1-640g-Wokimiditiott, $4,60
Wooktfi edition, ally $1.50
First lasertiet;
Notices of Baths, Harriages, and .1111:N6614.
Nadi wubeequent insertion
.1,41 •,of`awlehagodd by A agillicatfine 0 siitgedt4'ner17.1711"
Bunion Notices
7 &kik imettr•ews Pser MI SIGNAL JOB orno
v5040001itis wartqa is prepared to Doctorate:mesas. sit Asians inwwWwit whit never preewa,„ head Mee
1.10:701.10.ictiral sat Ma ratiaaVia Jo Tat toit I 4,--iforsta exerabied as te lisentiales
Godicielt.Btlh Aug lake• I =
Drlot se *very *catty fo:Aluasperdmcitartlier
•etlY lit Pt" I latatillibaleat