HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-20, Page 2> 0 001
!!MON IndeMoluns.-The
Lj� ,Art WOW
to Do. ofC=X6AigbetwmuAowA8ova '-n dollars, a rAft
r LVADIM-06ron- mud littk 411M VerIzi but she doeg not owe Ikk
-66YOU 'Of the SuIcID3 07 FIM0
iiow ftupers paq be P01804�' 4L0hfl61d00=WI- mut - lying W. sy A *oXK0)r WXOOL PUPIL , t�toshowloritl there istht
sparla 03 w6re.4yantlially saveaminagea. v (;is -d Think Rallwor aUudift
--&ad Mir r6waza be the �dvr; who I -4yan was notified yenter"Y' 'to hol' . -ii
c aud C", the
3�x siae'sud iu il4uest At V6. *89 3radisonstroet - over IT00= 40 1 0, iiowi 7 Val
4iotion Of &too fond. sAd orakir Amsuat 10tk 1$00. to got oil theoutaido of the ab�j _lg to do f a IM14 though not tenst, is tue
Vd ask whose duty itis to see thatfAtwo la, the noted w wIoUdtohiv0nOt%k19tOA0, tic Deatwyer," Thirli for the Cum of,
T*VWW11 rep", M* , ineq� washed by heavy the romains Of Captain 130 I've
W—]r au far fm m helplew People, take the drugs proscribed 1h0C0'Undl=6t*i%doy1,% -t e m- hr N6r burdensom0i w"risotile toil ta pursue;
e e thby rema� 061 back and 9de, $JMCIngs brUiN4
hOure, -when 110whaliathe manwholissnothing todo, thitee v, has n
-'[by-thex% and 4�% told #14 *ardSmAft--7;t:berXpraSellt. The bliolltii i6flast meeting sas;i� for abo4t two SU ea 1! WoirXfl. ftld
ommica Liml. of fewAS loveliness V10
the -vessel Yanialt leader, who it, IS �P
'tr of our A P Clue
suicide sarly 3gtO&I ln!=Uing. by loop rs At
-0 integri noble profession d letter from r4*& ix� couwq� Etnet",
v* � a via t a
The eyes. _f millions f u,, who fair . ibliE the County � requiring- the
1 This Goi thambRug, broken-down ..fellow wero, i*ad and ' Woce of *0 nlaxts -9-0 C
I at. his--greas Sam of � g ftT4 Sns�ttiO win OW -111W 7. longed for V�Iew from incessant employ.
M44 be Ptemvid i i by 08 board. � it was the
.� ........ a. Im. of + awanea�5tizent of the in, divtv Uiti% thin on It 46P Mr. NagV�.who, WiSmorO Lcountga the days with a feeliugofJOY, is
'he, f Aa "a or - n the tsp�'and how& and smiles 'and iS, bl4udly inntq pur for.the year. 1hat tho'poop cabin 844 everY f Pms that The imspect still lightening, as �,,Oetahi*
.14 for.. e gr
Upo A 1 1 - poses Swept- j*,ar, sua that the falailiarlykn hiollateAUGenerarmagle Howslorious I Ue time to Lave dijbiise-isonoorth ingest attainimuts*vc
k leel� gentlemen, :m very d. etterfioi4lto4ert biendeiing, board -haA beeA
. . ........ $ew, Domin I It
journal Auve confident, so wan towns . hip Treasurery. nli%htel� mal and. five of the had been
e4i that they have their velative to i6offloeof ;q and v eae eougno, eolds, fArkling in. the I
the honeir to rOpTdSdTkt,--. DA carpentor tdr Dyer - a wl - - brad and ImT
Alimm. 0 Of iu.."qv Sad Vo have s, few weeks justt� Vend as I pleASer -sffienceWMdesL-qy.
tj of truth, parity Aud in- f3vticol s believed tlist is 1 1 complA11111
being q= ici ilft liglathne.. I?sllem -give received andpead., -X64ed byAlex.' crew were missing, it is asuity, Sud asVarandlic
he sOU 1 9 renew, severeje" 1K 3101
...... %w weptaw0y w oft ly To *wk for savAsemeut or U0 atiny ease; i 'i
+1 attended to sooner or later RkA to
lvpy their 'highest do In h the. vabitt t deiih whil ft com sulous
1ptiotr, and thr3 *IT41 Of ths
........ it Glatt e,1*41 Fx"er. sec. by Donil&;Mo1l1fyrjj, That they iroiii all h 110 0.
w0gli a 1W
bver will, I cut sk Ptain -seven de Nairli a
ment ,, �aa& ne , 1 as , washed. overboard. The ed. III., X., iifuotnegleate& and
its illustrious the, -thou, ori. lat iis he o V
%.,,with it, no, never.- the Council r at Sam f,$1400.00 -for ton Me' in
z* stronzeetsooni" Z.
g ity, and r, best ineaws knorn for the &M 01 UieN
"E'l and rat nev, in gettm* this 6ceived i Go
-aicine isi. and them the in� al.purpoxes ir this presetil ybiir �10ar 'evivors. Ultimately succeeded it
104 fo - 0 - . ly
tua by a iol6mn anc Here the, mt t� the ford- part e twenty ryem, -and Uave never bioei
I a, - tion'. When the Ist
V,A1 twwu Zo Lo Beaides� I am'bov - dr6j� * of the' thipi Ata foun , %ndonedbusi-
togive-atru 'and iates, are, And they, sill has eyery, a ried, - A By -Law in, ai�pcoidafio with__Ihe� , 'i f6recastle- 1ion broke 6ut in 1861-110 sbl
Wasibet. in 4L ea w4traw,,WP. VIV419Mn , correct re- 11' pg4JlSn 1 4 br, at littlel IMPW
oath drow" �Rdre as Abovaiesolutionlrapoang A)mte of 2djghfa� Shelter. under the ii
aserea M- ed with nesipu _S to dO. _tbenebtfrramtUeuse Of= w4byzu
a*.-. thj�� rz �,doitor aquas--4very -rouits indTaited a cOMPAPY"fo"be TJI Othill
3 Uawh� painted reanarks,- 5001L tQ J1XV6 U
i me houorablc bile th-estorm,
, t% tt of W 40ainp oy= ad mean*
erproc -And he�
a, thAtbnert PO as read 2&tsVr boz
)riate'-flie-inedi- As 'd 'AByU*1ar-co1lectinj-,Sch -nothing c
elsewhere there isan eagerness- ti) repa- teaih mills 'in the .4014i) V Brig
�,,,Vhezi dariiiht came Eighty-teighth Rigiment bf the Itisa
N la pet, a�r�efttuedium CourL' that oaldvles�i
em-'itlavotill bA P21" I oil Nslr�� 10 se -col- Vuabated -violence
Va rto need to approE -An Ad And served wfth diatind,1011, Until the I wasoutor my element
eAniARk I %u olath, I I bxve an oath 1i Adt. to passed. a corpse- was'.6bserved WaAhiiig About the a I- And haunted opi ar f 1. "ra X=h last, rMptlon ad
t V0,114 I)a 'M 16hisdewribedfor Other$- as 4r#* C74t i resd And , � the Fall Of dfor e th qnYt enew
azil I sour- now,
stm 'eorganiP4 in
y0an,,ayTV1t down a M1 after�art,of t1evesseL -The I brigade - wat '1 .1 'of 'VeSO&
Wneviilo end otlitr plaM b%= the 13MU
offmauseous, 'M'eflioitiesatirreptitiougvVexe Xoipaby Ale'sander Yhser,'sQeouded:bY vithdrew from or I VJ* ing - -
AiTswuseficl observes, in I& gmOhio U' Act of self aqaflne4otbeir IK3, when. the decessed L with 1r4joruauadtauuud,Apier1= Inarliets. Atthill
-Oleik pominuni� 4
muipletely dogged.
Paikick ClateF That the water
Shyl*. ill itself a, highly meritpridi 5 C novelcomm
cat6 iiul,�diatdy W prison,. the. Unfortunate _zirvivota the` brigade Utaed the F'Ou'an treeWreases.. thougo Of iceinmases, W
the r I uoinoie also its abuse In,lbe Efiltry wasat. Inducing tbaw
with W. T. Haysi Zsq,� narro, -an sTdant leado Oftle do y h dothrg and thoso biniousbomplainis
denial - The master Supports flit Var, r
the xiding- in the Local remaine4,-' 'ciften stan. Ing v - to their Bxothe'thoo and bWaMeL
man ;ht� unabated heartiness. W- TO;-* Teprehe*WVO for - L f_ - - discaecs Ofthe In
-neither food, E 00.1 iYbI& canouly beQ
th int to'lat lie, know knees in water And -having all-over Ofpl is to me. Itis tra ,ed by. pim-fiftl use Of tW
spectableman is-hdwoulditltsayany� Leedature� req1testing h Fenian circles) and B C d' 0 tchwho - iimi tcido. 13ruggiats,
mord,81taiespere fdfyo1r, -noiwAtertiR�neitd��,�-Wheimihe weather the Union organ'sit)g
thiugbut whaVA trWo� nor do: anythiiig lout by letter -at h enionoi, -what b joini
proved his,.. earnestness I Y Joining Dr, J.BAW
14 mbining of finally 'be, Vo.s"Pz Law
s6ely �Ake- proirwit hei.hWniq oi what prq,! soiqewhatmcaemtea.� OnA - 3, was taken Took here, ye. idlers, ye good-for-=Ughttri -Tantand
ana. you may tous z&Ki for alldiseas�es Oftbo!117W andChwL
What's right, Ad wi Go �maihrtopmabt stwo. was so 0%p6ditiou to I:rblogd.t M And forlyour diseasou sure outo M pr *ribe�
rel MlthiStialefuetgavpm mise receive4'fronithe Goirernment fiirb- t116' Sth --and &me.jloneAtemploynient, veryrieu-itandclileavIP"
jw=lvo C=2W= Adve"'emmts, X *hfkt ber says, *6 dew SUWA verume#* _somozalungpunua, 'PlIeRemedyfor
-r=, M -IS raper- buildleruearest-thp fire &es a feobl6bleat� itarcLto th t of -the, w6uih of U601`ed,: And - Wded M-_ � COV- T*6nerby the BritiohkGo Andstake, offibizalsaixei9inotitingto do, 1 Mr., 4 B d g
th �=,prisonraent of over two
lielp, -but 61i looliifig k6 we the, Wind Mi # River At 'Poll igalliot forecastle with, it Auffered an suditch lug Piles. It giveslainwi-
as if . for Una" I - ;A1beitj,4ia q nal Shelter i�r� years Externa; Bleedft .
it to 6 atilli larb6r, or the copies ofan�corresjouaeudo which-44,0041illn, additio: 31=wasnotefbated tottilleMs time.
14 find -theoldpwiperoomposing -wind' A)uring the adti andheld S, clerkship in the Tax Of- Towmte his existence. to growl and repine,
1A t jF
ving th: to. aid imlikeAhated, he may, have had . whatever 43 the pier0iqg_,4oId east tol& CORM.-Irse Pit. X Vrig -,gXo d6 = Un r, dive tor C. mili
V01, Militi3.. mo - hii mou -of tbl o ot or - illip could Ace at the time of big death. A, mian, Of And -while the world bAU, this proverb true, 13nuions, In-grDwing alls, Ttnder Fed-, to. Wild
%Pit The Band otttha 33rd, 13 A to, bo'blinking Stolidly sa. ever At the Goieriiintrat of. Ontario,, - or sty the escrl&r PiA A darn AMellnever be happy who has NotWs tG bo P,
7ester&y, &I . - -test a good Soldier, Capt.
an' paenaic oward'the aftelracion vv ol fine presence and
layeil a fire. So,. our-couyersstiou� is resumed, n6t nienibem theredl As we "are oids -of be'seen, butt_ if an eloqneut
proatting Na,glq also - Proved himse XF
,V"WLf__Use Dr. X Pial? Allevantor, for
(19th) at. nervous --drea& -that "some, takingwhatever action,, in the matteii Mi., was, seen to the w6stVV%Td- , al) go P 60%bXI1ru;&ft.
the Maitland FalbL The PPAY3 without a Alw4a -bore 0-119h TO- RO"i -&V . St IT. -The
:wii quickly. 6 is, And I
NT-s"AUG. numbering someL by Out 'd0d to ers J, Bewe Allevantor, lor
GOD 1(%, 0% t -by thin ;,pbrase,goey,
20 29, was driven. ou gmay happenP as- ther th The
remnant of Some life-niaY Aiu_ JTAnJolindork, seq;by hoisted, via this- signal of-distrm being Stoopellb -=Soy - rieuds, Dur- 41 hold 3 univ VI
Fraser Christian artnecttyear. W1110110y, IlesAburA, fe. &M IW #U
hand, ia�hia 3Argd ;fttlhe Wit ieryjoe with. the faindim i
TIA11- our
,Tobany B4 to dipend -W4 observed 6 Which ultimately
wage'- leave. What- X At th A ta r -LoNxim-T, Aug
Pa.* ON 8,&T, bef wo participated: ftub-440,
a which was fitted up for a boiiltowed jkenprews1iin of Green ock 0, Nagle
me a, a�nd Us sum of one h re
how -often, ii ed V ask� d a" Sad''twooty dollars provedto beth(
the purpose. 'BeR might- 1k1%lfi0og holding UP A ff Ui d for TOpaking a bridgs � oii the 04ton Littlejohn, bore down. Upon them 0 t1ei I of; Fgir Oaks; Savage Sts- Oxford vrews are -out eveiy day for pr4c-
bi beaten for every delteri4ption' Sold bk Llrbg&tS
'40nr&ar old friend the,,Leader, somf_- ed my medical Om Hills, Antietsfti tice. 'For the P.Astfew days the tide be -
col; it B.D.Tandalso Putneyana
d" aifour horse tehm, GrOugh s r�,qjb, ttl Ane live �"043 of sece -alitidge AV& promptly resciia them. � WMhen, taken tion Glendale, :MAIVOM
Cojws,�UEeDX T,-:Br1ggsC- urative for Coras.3m
a too, -An ti eon IngrowingMiZZ 4Boid py X)rua*t&
tt its . rlvmf every kindness Freaericis6w.g. anI Chancelloriville Mortlake has been bad) Ions
how or other, oce3sionallY forgets thi on b4zra.tho Renfrewshire
-bushroad, bat wewoulil -like to a" the dilutda sugar of leact' "WeU sW:,1csa1t on -ther divisionliiianeeirWillia,mGtah&Wo -UJ,,.-Ar. Vxf�, and towingeoulcL6plybedoneearly inthe xzu"wrs,._,vse br. X Brigge;
anfortuillatbinep, who kare -%4aest-willbie Uld Allemtor Sm
,zliftnots, are we reiGice at read At it it; �awidy all *"Carried. " Ap"d by -D was; thovin the to
purely toryl- Man. who, coulcl t d; it* 31 So UmIt swyrh _ . , OAR R .-QWbeo _AU� 16th. morning -or late 'at night, 'Good judges catorib, EproThroat, Ormich
ir oia bottles, air, ancl tha ft- seconded by Alexatide&-Fraser, That as M 10stall their e0epts lflemfiill-� =19 to -usLl# and z"'ble- isM ty
jhatt as a token that even the twT press, is MY -the eider know the; say� the Ozonians are fanitless��past com-
ever reminded us so ford of. 'r
thOr - venta'amistakes.--pW90 6a zonsequ6nce, of the death'of the township� =cut. -Harvard crew Are much im-.
_g to keep pace xvith the spirit Of Yp manipulation of the Uouod. -of Go Ded- and The
Weller as- Johnny Vnasurer, it, will be nece�� thikt'.t 6 The cornet stone BX1iT=ftL sownMWT.-Goa kis writ provid, -and are rapidly*orldng into th
agm it pleum us exceedingly, that, at as to mg gAlen Dumb Asylum, 4130110ville; was laid with -ai a
English.styli. Thq displ&y greatatrength
ribbon% At the falls the, baud played a b6oWbeaudhed1previo bele tenuponUe j(0*erS.tbAt swesten. the ir,
Iast� t1le Leader has reason or feel3i i0clift- -Tho, city-,6fGonft(31U8t to We successor, Xohn: Murdock and Zolin" great cereloony'. -on It 'was upon. a flower upOn
number of tunes for the entertakment performed by thd -Misollic Fraternity,
j.,_�Caijijd. t swd]rthi an I their pace against the -adverse' tide is
a, good word forihe Salt interest HawIdn4beap,poinwil Auditor its'stimi'yipon tbe tain-drops 04 qC - ,
Pd ta lay gentlemin from.- Ulf, say-$ -the - f whom were present. The! lopid. Tbe teition is geueraRv Asked _10H J!�O=Y NA
of Goderl* but we revret that it should number of ladies , and we Ilave. ho 8004 among RMOIntyre- seconded -by lArga number o ijow the dew-diaps -that re-;
Moved by Donal 2 clr4ei, . -A.� A.- Steven-- "'94tv'r"Ver, -SAGWItheyholdout at the terrific,pace
alt. Halt ldazzet&i, but it our �xam#10 * Sobl; � 46hnktoiaet, - T 41in. iardek�ia, OraudMastek of the correctedfortu
1ster Ut -by-other freih-the sinalleptsprig Of M.058 'with 4ihicli they. start V -Rettins to�dpy
be, led to utter a ane-ir in the con Clinton on th oppoilte. sides e son, Xontreal- was a . 9.5isf0d, !last riars� gro gual by W. P.T. Smut, Zwk.
ev*qWy thww' offduU cam again and to sht �v what a lucrative businetA 000kt�r for thisi year - 10 - re.qu w -d to h -%v its - head in. the- desert,. upon.Q4 ocesii! that. 'is.5 to 2 .0h Word yestera�y. it,was S. 0oaeri4h, Aug. 20,186t.
nection. Tt isa, m4reffilection 0 r PSA� Reedecl hisbona-ready,tobel4ldbefo7 iliecoun- (;VAUd Officivs� ThiMon, X C. 04meroa)
became a boy for the nVuM rocks everys#iinuier mitschann01, Upon to L
itts, iturwix f�undizithe accountgiveil present at Ge -DZGRnMMaU
from the er, it visit to ]Kik- cilatnextmeetv 'XOV
nat we have to differ i g, amed ed �by. cill
fnatcb,clyffi�zis - he Oswego 'Over3r- Pon oa shell that K64ps, in. the
Therewasag , -kham of Ids -GOv61mment. T . ..............
rand. sheotiag instaude-01 the well as UpOntho
Oft iy in by Consul Na Aleiander- rum -i bi. %nild the deep,aa
beina the, very P"fwHou hi6h has been , firemen, who-Verd Oil an iex6firsioli,.joined cassims of ....... ; ...... 75 C
X44�rrs, That .4ranted to- re, warma An ers.
va bandin which the former came out first FA.901: I I . Well' d. cho' th
fqo,, the city 4O'0011facluas V�. mighty sun w -4 horse J*kV% Aaachester, X H., &uing
duRnesis ; but, we mK4, with extreme sOV` the pr6celasion, suil, the whole� has traded3,000 times in,'five yeus, and
Ptoat its article Of best-thankstathe, six9mmput inby printeo, witho herreporls of pim the second concession road, West Of 17, millions of �rezturmas live in its light.- Buying at, ........ ....... 4 discouiA
to the grounds where olty -was song,
erzi prote!w, Iota, 6and 7.—Cartie& Moved byPatrick upoitall he, hft*�%ritt -None ......... ..........
raw, VU 9 iub in. Cbma�and,,Japan. the horiim ofugliveth neverlost a dollarin. his bsrgaizio.� 'Ilie ...... s
hien4: Frederick.' Then , we had hinch and bill fol-
thw 18th. JOt di4 i1c*4 Vla stale0hat Kin "Y of no, 1.'a"Port- Clare, --second 1663ohnSto6,w That #644ima� ALpublic divadr 3 000 liorses is e0fi-
Aeo, is &,cil ed 1)y to himself,, rdaddr. have you -learned average vslue of these C&MM"
of oarmaws X= 1i4t6 'a
washeddawh. IT a glass 'rie lowed, both Of which were wpuattenaed,
down so� low a few luo�as vp that 'our ance [)at it niav be balle&ihe $15 be expended for repair' aide-hu'e 4 this, at le onin, fot ot he= I mated atfifteen dollars. . ......... R ...... or 41 IOU
was edu,
Then ibe, Indian war whoop was executed it tif China. Here Confadus, _Ovr.i. - . . I , , )rd=byInaRortdegrspt�e=ated with 1"M*
wells werq, as ww stateds virtually elbwd-- cl y If no ,be is andon the most Uvorable tems. The h*best
intgrand style by -friend. D-�--Iafwbitwaa let t1id work.111--asiria XQVcdb
.t )�Dohdld 33ichard Oxley., "onductor on, the; -A is estimated that 3 000 Woulen. 2U
&-a. fact ln�. Ix and nu&,s- preiLum Y0r15UAUdtl16I4hedTrioe Iisid for
-We announce gada faif inizoeent hilarity -we warburiea. 'His birthplace,. a czvOi 13, in MdutyTe Secoud6d by -Alexander Fraser, Grand Trouk Twili4y, st, present running A Pxiiswr Lotlaou corres- NdwYorkareibmployedin the'zw W. V. P. MUM
of the most for beth
Join t ure of linen aild ]inislin goods,
gave, the tru% reason Joiiach & state of. 'a See" JW 20 lito The 1110rth� 'That Council d now -Bu aloa6coiuluofttion� Of
tbaL &CtiOU7 have 'ever witnessed. we need hargy &i some mi,to,the.Brantfordand Off pondent newopaperhadmado
His re xungy t Or meet agam. onithe, 14th- of Sqp&mbir.- train -hasbeen. i%ilrosding for 16 years. 'on.: inale and female wahr, a -ad that 500 -are
A the, east, presentative, a ib P
that'R=y 1eid Was Caterer 0,
sfimm. that is to that *0 in thwolty rFor six years. I of t1a tithe I he, - to
Duke of the EmpIrev awalls Carried. 105- made Ift 0 his x -ongagedontollarsaaacuftatfrom 8% GoDnWC)3 WMER'TARI".
iewavith, P, ce.ftaia tell
9 'Weat of which
American 896- laftOpOlifff& SiUQ& wai the WhOJQ'L6f the north and nodl d d 5A week,
to praire, &at everfthin cyof a build-;
aveiaie distance Of 150 e-" ar, an Ting
is. taken Clbrko. fortherehWn
time Up with-the,iTounda'of &,'ducal
thr6agh the sn*eHor1W of our Sailk occasion fibm the bandik ingienrosrs'ari average of mg, an ra
_T a th to Pront to situp
. re.
=Q.r.z,ht: a te
t then
o I y 'Was
99a Of until$ 4. Mi. bud- InoxiaA".-The 1�11d od 4th 8Vk ba.
"just,so-' "Forthetorr ds I elm
ground palace and t&ple tO Confuduej spacious 100 mileap. msl aws as wtzm mu'r Wxu NOT
audQther causes, those w day, to � P
noticed on the� 8116W V P. "r
lvakiijg UP, a 3ittle-althoug)t We SM cent- mea *We' and splendidly wooded. - The lemple is's Eys duty may lie can -
Mt Hqrk *. Xordan, Mr. 311(1 67000 ing, sm Lget. Aftobstawork one asythistontri Of SnYsQulld, *0 fruit
building on - a far -ra0to-1010101*611t Scale 0, miles or put !A jugs And ieaea Up tight, Montreal, w
Yeari I -ftve bitter to the, press Arrived st',2:30 46 M., At ned, 542 43 86 40 IN
tend that: out 10011114dunrg So& the 9 si*bX7
Apsahlo - " Very the - loWe I At Story door 8.1 Ism
Mr. Kerr, Mr. Hemphillp Xr- Ain any Mr. - Markham saw ift '01MM'. �rL%iudsys. Land laying' offi.. With L a s9murder, whil 3aldinj hot, just, as *e put up Xchs- E03 V '10 fA 59 93
f3irehaneawiththei-&mericiiiiii. ]311thow�carm$`t 3�owiqy Sislay, individual ilslf ft , 1. -_ _ Tbrk6 Mur $105.00, Grain M Ver -100.
Mr. Heary-Rortou, and seTerd. Here aranumerom terics of thetswi, SOMe )oked. caunea-fruit; and may be lept �ny I . . W
wen wrqtgt 'The I�Urlk, atof traveWg Ld i6riot," and'foundith ength 99
'bearki date, cry presents & commingling of..romance few cau boa 4017648ruala- three fir4- ar 106M
it %f 65
does *a provs WO ofihe broAw cengers A*. iiilelbY raiL' iHet-angedawAyineffeett of time, if. r4rly pub up. b Q ttl e iton, 20
othim fHends. Some rawal introduced A, 7 bor of tour. A poli A
94 haispo U��Ol�of and h p, ca -d6y to
, - od at +hisoffico to - - . - - I
all' NJ - any '!ne t
we'pregamehawsomal U& -i
B4O.2300.. T�� Y P L A00.
The, ofs juice may be opei�ed at any I pie
nnnnaVe, hifs retarit to his natiie�,Csni4a. Inaft, hiNed. but to -no purrim.
pnrn3HSt�a trn M. ir wa lk�jcvjm 11,�U aPUuFJ4UjVVVJ WAUWAAV.V_1_t--J -- sp ww=on wm=4 CbLL%& 4MA�%� W46WAA VIOVI —
after s1f6rood abseace, a oeoly'boyhoo&, k wilp�qx J*ht ill the 11iXtil SWI,7 1110: R4 14OU15—jf rrescoTv, Z-gR 28
_tWiMen, 1)aT
-drink of wine that is tot inton- -Kingston,
explasioni-f powder sid#irffi. In thi f eonfacius, eight out of ten:
Ahj7 Mr.' Shiley was bqi -in the fAmbohip of operator evidently, could not he *asaut
clouds detcexidant§ o A'
near Toronto, tE, es such itteen are ex-
ecra wasi visible ope=W 'Why eyellm -iliesbeatinghis-satmame.. -The office -Y
'a ra 01U
the baud serenaded XTi. Brown faun ing.froluXew., tiX -cornerspe ndent into exting. Orliatterstill,
overhung our salt %aterests. the. thor oorm 0 Elevating cum" WTI*
�h; Zenay 1aii8i -iizit P_
in or md gistrateis horeLditary in 4.; cellent'to use -over vpSetables, inistead of
and Mr. -R&w1d.T,, both of whom treated OfVhe-she 1823;,� At the breaking out of the reb o- ion 'c�blunfi� paper,- say;-:— -open
we, uot� mil-,ei it Imown I The fact isdal �ppow :a -other telegrap� and'had the oj idth breAwhe
should theta Taost hindgatioy withhearty thanks the family, asare also the- he ;WM 4" 14 - '(4JeukW ary notwithatang4a for theia send a telegrapl vinega, r,
31' to the covim t to his "Sociau -
ocupi6d Ahe in 140, yeaiA837,1
payii Us oL Children would often prefer
V e, matter is thA tha�Lea(br ments. When, the -rebels I etlo ing, 1asserb th a time WhTn in Glasgo* who in tura telegraphed tOt#9 Af A
- y, on erenever was,
surrounding i6mitry,they 10-443i- clt�v I an, and bV felloW in TSE
reasis, an or r -kine, molas
Tikea. and sle.?' We trust the Pb 0
compliment for konestIr of pvx- 0 C r6jfAJ&0n1b1e w1t1t) even withoukougar, to
engage4i with- the reb4:. -was 'it wai � th
a 04sible t a Sixth: Story -Un
-tGAi_,f_h 0 andaint
itcouvicts, itsen ef itilbu imm, en of - mawn ey. 0 't foot of Much good fruit might be used in this Way 1GODM09,Aug. 20, IN9.
WK 168+81F spend a ) . �ty as. a pre"n the jSL1lOW10ft to
Unjust 16nd corrupt Seduced into the, ribellion; -by' beilig em- ra�,Ai, freedom p lie I t theistairs �iha can7t xget 'in.
pose.- wl&e their wiBhea to ragmiph-ists"' talk if false. Thetelegrant wait. t�a, distance of. four that rot; became it is too 00 1.
Our centsinjoraq awm ito, im to drive if -umber Of hovies par- Oefiiatiou. Ps VMWhed ......
ruleM bat es 41 +1 : -nersitor spaantopick*over. Any frait -worth gat.h.
t. the fact �Of 56
fals f weS, of - a t ousalid douars� hundred milds, and vqaght the: operator 0.
will be 1, not -ba. 16-1 for a rebel cavalry troop,.0 a point S ma
1110if PnJoiablo- conic T&j'cor. erhig,, it ripe' and g6A- y be washed Sp;i#gWhe.#.
fma trader, it wer known -as 16A Hills-" OAL, the route *nt in: enameling, as. if every woman before be blew hisoandle Out V, .............. 4:50 ig 4-.60
1 the j
DIP-! Arts, �nd was"but'a, painted respond repmsentative of 110 d,, or Ulm .....
1jimy families. bearing sage 0 survamov thither young Sislay., vdth his employe 066tiseatheae put i's Agodd &d re; i�alded, an( 0:60
I!,suiparaulm Zed='Nr' 19"ey, which. reqnErea-solue liffiff e�of the h6kaes, lbeffiniabdicapy -rdal svilf. 'It is class. -P 0 ice must 'be made 0.65
at aXj1AnSti011,, ned thoutfie ju
o"amon waft, trEde, a" ZVA Im" thirdL P in charg 0:65 0:66
JL oneofthea boTug I a into i or bottles
,gents of theludep6ndent Order nothing ociuldbe word satisfisotorY.. -0.75 0a 0.80
VM -deUvers'leduft Olt NO capture XVvy the 14al troops, and -ton like geuel�liziug,.6ver the cholera. until Bailey ................
fian 4112it" 310 duty an I 'O�t -
be, fm V 'of QoOdT4�npjjra� Will 3xoperl Aled.
Toronto. . Af_tor being detained �viry, bodr,,is.itipposed to have, it, when who kept i ver' ...... 010 (0� 9:00
Ifeyed to y
in Vi6Wri& Hill on M�
n&. 0
*hna ibeAmericift monopolids tharp TO th with his son
Tel) in jail for about one, mouth, e. reu the Teal trfith is thAt only one ease was re, wanty table,' dffilngL -�6nb da 115:0 a 1.0
A�aothor Burninit StSr- Potatoes
�6mtz in gola for every baml inb�� __.wer0LJried-by'6uA . ArUdL GeneralD6 110.1 jottedund1hat doubtful whether it was at an inn, whispered inh is' � ":jrj, I Tom The local editor i6f the -Detroit P08t say's
23rd of Atijqzt. CbAir to betaken In y 0.1 ciit� GAtuext_tOafiOek _._ . _
1103al t '"A : '0 of geese, a goeaback-
gy " Tea real cholera or not Eggs ..................
from.sisgountryt That laoquestiewwo Frovitho. 13zovideneellulleM of.stonsvilli riddi* ad the must eat for to4Uy;. and to 0:121 !�4 0:06
-4 p -
has of all 0 '84 ard is the thing essential to city -comfort
ather Sewhi himaddgil a- dL"Olrer wowthei senten,41 -8646ilg ",women can we" rted the t tea lad, but Ray, v ton ............ -7-0) 0a M.
bays' uOver been able to get ayer,_ an.4 1�re 7 and felicity. The'!front jard,
i I . e haia
shateA feel delijkW&A the Lea(kr *0111d �to lhdm�li Land for life-- Afte, reac suits - and be, ready for e itreets. as rt."i:far Y and the day bew Hides 4:00 Co, 4:51
Town to many he has already IhRdO in the.-
1031.-�, it appeamn
-'thp.* I I the, d off his - hat and fore yet, tather, 1' with its-ionions aud cabbages,
14SIP0 I 4001';raud Wood ........... 2:00 Od 2-.50
gj-,�TheVdmiaon &hod of 'the, man esa J?Ut 136 -
a" his y -ioe cases be dig-
oing worhL -or m, !to
At, re dandelions'Lmay, in extrZ
ex*iu tho matter shotoril - three convieu again iqvesd-�- .'"Unot �i- mit6h fault on the . . 6.00 .00
of (;dd WM �"^ after *scstic.N was J. . th 0.
itory Of GO41- eri& a. of thea& 6it, there NothingAn OdOcriptive, pensed with, but a*ell-zegulated family of
on has to L gated; -iind 'G6 Royal 'ilemenq- se6und, score of simplicity! 'The Is 0.�WZ� 49 0.15
t Be5 -
0 ten is in.asig
6 1 fromaChica- four twi a, Six- cats and a bi&-terrier,
of the ealipsib, canoutdo- a
gwas vie, arez� a t Monday Meart V rned th4tkq�Vwonderfhl'kua ilm- -loss Chi .36
am,71A In a litue j�g UPLOWLAU women Ow faults of a - fefr,
our contdbipo� �u�t have been 14 their pardon Dni F 5. 0.
to for Miss Luna" that heavenly w�hcmt a*ell-stocked backyard, -*40
f iny inforine(I long Since. XVery U. quentlylt- Sister 'AU V1 g grair,16d t' go' 11sper Wool ................. 0:81 12�� 0.00
bodysiL �Ie,br all instuments, the speotm9ope, than two,.. y
AV Some person has been prompted he Settled down ysganee committed by.oneiperaoin, whocan girlof1hapb1c evening ever- be an anomaly� Thii 4pocity of a little
the variable i6r.R. 4a Gemin -W1 1 0:0
'kindnew to Send. us L 1, axi-d he went to Am She�p 4.00 (o
allacquainted with�thevsnVject knows Gat, a toncealed
19irit of ArbN4% =,about&., ---ii is repesuabv. a Moussud. who vilielin and Sxxufr out W. $91. heraffulgfut 'pen;say eet square, well ...... ftp--* 40
hgffL fou, -All jud v ii, high lumrtl fence is as -
c nd it. all.Alazel And 03A 1,4a 'hv.whoft Lborrdwea IiAt she has on Turkeys 0:50 49. 0. 1
agar, -so DO-XUUU%& thi�. following notice. . It was sent througm We -wen member tra thtMitle, Son yeari he-Aeter 01K re TO 10 caunotanomit I Apples ........ t -------- 1-00 Ga IM.
re # . ft sa- . . -- I - 1; 1 - . Y ever -h! '. -w
to ciintou, ank therefor44 the ta& aboat tie, Goderich ' affloa, alone, is cents in ikativecountryaudtookpuuge6ub6ara, TMtrathiB written fishions. tell not So. _so long. �qaeti ter- toz" ni. - �Besidi*the mal d6g-ke=64
post tion which was caused 'by Ad. sudden, Aship�,bouu& for Itio Jau�kN SOUM 'UJUC, daderi4 Salt, wholesale, fo.b. per %I
h What is Worn, �aa What is :hit. It. is pig -Sly; �go6se-pen,,ohic'ktrL-�oop,'a,'Rd tow-
tRe, ext�mt of the deposit is sheer nousezise. ; stemp on it,., �Uid the - scrawl looks TdX7 outburst of a sta in Comas 1 1868 'the� exto faslit table, there may -by a little judicious
it i -that AS icion, as a '3 a
Auierka� -,But Loll reachinf,, that jcr�; an ' M In 0113,,: Itenuedy; the *otrx* vocaliSti. In
can with Maws in-:, withsblack- which alidne star r 6 exprligive Style iS'.V0pU*j *Orir klu -home, clothes-
Jkgsiu. supposing we mU* 45 if it lis4beeAmwitteit -with -the lustre, of a 6 itoe to be roehester,
vention nake alt cheaperth�aherefQ- Vorago ran WhW7 as G1 'he' - p3c gibe added a wath
yed R, uid Ahe. fourth magnitude and a -dis, no 46� slternstdv� offert 'he shn the- reel w6od'shed, and xmokai-house. Do- Seeforth Mark-ets
pP -Mane represent tween, t fhi Z
XisiWA plinchiil$ i"N di In q, phrais is, god fultionable6., .7. Wore, of t 2 ,
willihatavaillm? li�Gefirsb We tdpy it, merely to W - t — Accounts froih thi hese, ne is alwaystamP16- room
fore Show how appeared in- the . for0les voi16, Ship As i lubW' du a w -h fa, 6ion writer iszot so much. to tell wha
via* charcoaL. OV9 ecL than to or barrels, tooloi hats, Seaforth, Avg, 19, IS69. Nom
W6C0U1C1notJU1ksr,1Ow&fdwjghO "to Still romainbi as'an of -tel 1 od for the PAcific. i The udxt,inpahot -,as *hat ism . g6ofally worn. ..L_TA We *16 V"ue- crop as Tory' promising' 1dr the old 'brooms,
eartSiutUt W ho6l - Fs1l Wheat
plizew, it is reg can go, . - L * - - peratore w, oyoterceii2s, broken crockery. worn .00
q4t. cbaaP enough to epInpetswith a ww- �l VMS jileazt�awsy. on 'Juan Feroande7z the naaeri :of fahiDu magv4noa and, —A: number bf - Walil street o ....... tigs C4 1.
ower stratum A x"ous fellowiM.R 'in -'s, pAraoxys have be4nliue shoes sadvist-olt clothing ihat ae� Spring en
-blistai in gemini to 'which'- -evit. famous domam, are' kept _in -of (I fr6m-8200 0.0dachfor Out
In ihe, Wesley -The jaiia
violaflug tile Usury -laws; cumulates from year to year. -With this Flour per Jbs ....... 2.50 od
thy meAPPOIn =d in the act"A Plw& it lfotice� d6dicato�r =view 16ilMajoe.- L After -a Sojourn. (if thre r-andAntiety. The Style to -day i&difs
it 5VIAU'r Certain that. saia we n0w refer, attaltnecl-. iti-.YM�axtmum as a foundation, the Ashes, siFeepings from 01% . ....... Ca 0:56
mcnopo__ an Xd*odbt Church, OU 7�hla W& iW&Utj in nths� 4ithonly one bompanioni a: sail 'on er;to-morrow, almost, per -
pap SeVenteeii -z�r loads -of butter were the floor, and carbage hom. the table, may
gtailing tha.1 hti and AhorflySisley,"Wao. 'bef it his, - been wornq and the Barley .. ........ 0.80 CO) 0:16
ore 1.
brig tessiAFibrtiiivylastiau&�hasbeen� "OVeLinaightj ITS) a San _�"Acisco` 0 be flung oit of the back window
'hon topre4Wbeth times.
e nowe Wg caWo
ruts pateizits in i9pesUon. Reir. 3ft, Puns 1114ecl�& 14 a carefial spootroscople X.. . else L 4es-_ with potgtcea ........... 0.
OR the -whole, gnat Ticket& afloat. - Airffier dimter follo*6 ifiArn it sies iontetbing
Mgrm-'Ge,]Rilgrinf� Bolcom si Ono, cribedingIOW27]igtorias.,-.aticlim*lemes her �Wtyf 'The nfuso bark will cover- ibe Peas ...... ........... 0;
GOderi& nim hzve� ftse�appbrqiarly. Agoodiinteez as
to dauk ther Lea&r- forits vra=- aniinstion 1byVather-Secebi,-and of t a$ a eatitu oil Am 60 .4)
Cahm out, —There m gre A_ tatsandrotteneggs, whiletheover- Buttei-___
veasou iclAk �r bon'net Pon and a6A 0:121 a 0:16
Unwooriedinvostigatm. oraelesdal V�eik- for three y on one of the dress an Ap POWen
prett ngatench kofathellide
s will act as
an� v ere - f. dal 0,al'-wome14 even the fz�edlnen at - Washington, soc
oulena. 'lie f6un4 i6. 4*utim i6el* Islands'-' Utbe,Phdiftc, Ow. i 1i , 0 to Ireadi.- Vrad
patronage of I peal 1# made to
the �Yal flies who like t6'dr6a -sashienabV, alic ntrib ainfectant, reducing the multiplied
ft"oa,—We iio*e- our' '014 friend malqgous to that Of the. star. !a Corons. 'was taunituaer -it t ity
tt e� a a"
We 3DW-tbeldeva 21i and' L 'I -lb hiA -to 146 rd,to it wom a il". Chathaoi$ a of the ed& t�e 0' a Uniform
iia ray, 86 b as]' ul Winkei WUM;"L SwAj7 -0ochL �Paltry -notions. They, ad 41 Vidglis 35*1 Pounds.
w0rdeflt- Hempkill, agent tor A. S. 1�orWmer, is ft sh�wj tut'it celebrated in Who cAualTo do So,, we fired of being age
brilliant kdrogg ed U in Addition to all this, the water -pipe
song as 1-Tokey. RdkeW, by
-willrem* for- a few days. near '08 terrestial',obiervation oaa `deter� 'is, _4ndthefsewer is -stopped -up, the
2. town! - and CUCiative lt000n J aotgoe why a lea
The Toroaw Teregral* hear Out several 7. and imiyei he � garment that commences -Thereare dighteenlawyeroandtweuty7 tlinton� Aug. 19, IM.
Llpolloo, �je would advise, 41 wkw wants pios, to mine iireiatizathe awe-inspiring speotaol� I % ooiiii;xibil al- '-irith being i5retty - tasteful aiia touvertient w t. happy father of the family. may look for -
shown a disposition;= 11 *Orj oa� t odoctorsins cotliarin Vall Wheat .... ......... ":95 1.0
sued, "' the 1144 fa . 10" shti#- UOV wii A
li in apl-ug Ave al- to dog days with teomplacency. -That ON
highest order, andeff
teporis to come dowulmawUyon sesicrox, we.him �IalDwlea HOWL. Iti d fire lar , Ong Up 'In reitah So- AS long aa it - is - --Several e4rgoes of new -wheat h b Springg do ....... ....
iWa-doetbalieve,there it -m- tiafters in eonu6caon' with. - music And it 11as"faken, many years- for the light of -from this lueslity, he, next b lit aesi"Ie 'to* WeaAr _ it.- 'Ther Inventarymigli. agreatlyextenitiA oats ...... .......... 0:53 ca) to
y reason; for burning stAi to, r"'- out -viortal . I it ndividufmy which, can be ready pawed A�wni the Welland 101inal. - withoutab allArawingupon theimagination.
that London; but uW,`QrtuRXte1YBritak having themsc!-veaa i Rarley 0!80 a OA
1. .................
al instram6uts woconsider Mr., H, thb -�A little �q 'k was
urwvbg thit Sesiorm is less, Mora than inuaic vision perlip o. even n6w; yonder "k r Court from �vhi& i wellf expressed by dreasing as y Y named fae som killed Gose who haveamewto thelaek-yards in
1110- -re"UtaRve, at the by the kick of!; horz6 stMerriton oil Mon- portions of the city very well know. Peas ...... ........ 0:80 00
puce, of the sizain0ammU. Thelait a first 01164 m0n; -ling an Ami g npam6ng Aestars hw - rived, his i6clootiou, was ziot y -:affiex way.. some Potatoes ....... go
.1hiz, War 31 pleasepsman day evening last, -------------
passed Alm -tid*6roe-thanall, iesuitedin. V L na- - ;rp'ay 0 r ing handsome Rour ....... &.0
Atiock on Sestorth. by -the WegraA hito a iew -form � of materid- ex-; f disca di
8-1- diewesi Jbit have __ been or twice t
w1affum'- Ooir"Mondew*. istence, andAts dependent worldt--have, Llowy 3"Is CO. in k Da.,J. Bmme AimvxxTop. iipped 0:15
-dud pecl tan r. Again once Teh rh records the death
p�t the headi -will
-ibliss-they have been i pair n, f K i h.-Wyard,&
heat - f
beep d(solyid in vopo yyeaft moit he dirdcfiDn� Of'Cauaft L w6rp ru n An 4) fixo6th mat, o Xr os4 bistantly relove nervous
-1 motlee that the conupondeni; of Us Stw,'-* Started on in 7 J(" L , ' 11495. ...... too
&MIL ent" 18, U01 -A headache, dilute I to 6teaspoonfal. in'lialf
c1schwil" JAiAb%;*i pass before evenvii the soft wings of R& was put ashore in India rveiynearly-616olete. Jn Prominent Citk011 Of fAiat'PIA06 ag&a 35
1192 rhk*e. Who lar tim way, sincis Wn but this time SgIS00foolawatersaittake Onet'o four Now -we
= tMttlg,.
,olt-sat womer, wig denm here, bas, Ix 1'"the"t thelidin where h6 engag Years -as a yeark .
K yanked fmiz the don gaviill be bbirne, �* us ; foi ms�iy ed foiae#eral 19nh*d, the Queen sAts the veryex6ellent -the
sviallowsl iribale from the bottle, bathe
of imiquity into, ike, dock. * She iried to giveassing st Dr slosq, of this Tillsire, lor bwom-;� matillsbinin -1 among i p erVgat for aa R41ish mitsionary., Space oxyinplp "of *$a] il they
, state. however I I its eera-wm the s ang Ur drowea unti. Xft 2tUtrusentem.
iM Insolvent' I would, thattm Prin- -At Prescott on the 16th insitt. head, and a cars immediately follows. OAe
briay tft= WOUldiet low. ie courXet by mortal eye oveii when the willmot-permit, the Of aro- V& least rtially worn, out. The "min Alexander Patrio� reicued Miss GO&
but th* ufgiofInsoly4neylxauhmoriLbleosa.a*Cllu . _ . . . . to four swallowsrelie�esdyspepsla heart -
wee 041000NfUlf hOWSTOr, iU IWViUg& 5dbythelasolftnt Is mody wd open, 0(mrar" flat power ustijousiraveywa, adveutura in Provii1ceff of irales has- been heard taTe- FarnjqA �kom drowning in j"he St.. law-
�11411 'blotted it Out this ill 1pitation, acidity of the
mw tresbLex1mvillain who Ant OMTDY* t: � __� L - bums, dinach,
Vaw1fe,=dtbeAt1V0UA the ftiftence forever, the eo 'retiiiib�6me. Suflep it. to mark that4he rarely. buys A, mateii-A that rence. . - - . .1 -W
XiilM . � L flatulency$
P ke. Sold -bV druggists.
sawTr of dovinciist his P-Pertyt` cutc Victoria Rali, GWeAC&
of eimAding himft f I fid is not Go . only fin whose. saythat, pursuing the ;ioutaof 11 Ye� An- win not I mer for the children, and ney, on 0
whielt henever lul e 'd!e which * mr -the the Empress --James f the.4inamm
The Bask-wheaft this fe- u V�mjyl& e=n t 11 in Re bat linockea about
I . . I - blamweha#4 bometo, watch. 11he adnt11Ariuer_,L even Buiellie - in extiavagaut veterAns�died the*thor day At Brockville, Voulan, Boiad GUM
3r -hAY4 'ap in the Same
visit saottiers, W6 vva� the -title of 'Ruirluel- pk*dsu be�i�bmy with: Wtwo piorla coutiaeribly and. his lot, -has -varied Parb; 'pean i costume At
Axiwww- E41w wants the rword et# IDE 1$38,* elffled Bri -'Ima jiom that of Ptincefoi beggar. RefivaI4 difibrent'Court -beills. T6 -cite ex one Wicht only -
I'm froul GO livell, town. of plioliarmmiswindlei. IMW mom 44. aniples, Nzw Yomr, Aug
your excellemy, wheriPrebeen *fits Wh4baza carrespowsm"t -0 =d.fouvAthimtolii�,ma&i&,AIUW,4e'a'baLiiiri��g-one of t6parts-of bero, - two of the most admirea'ouits at $6 Abegprw�niiautbraslied a lieuvio- aSt 17, -The ease of
ritutifift-ttiouby-Tespondfag suainwas b er" in- the lent gentleman in St. Catlmrineslait, Ron- Bailey against O'Mah itua others*
for ths, last six mou" Thers?s ce, re,
livis TO U N& TAW If CO., Of T 12M 11 031t. 2X W#n AS With of extre 6 t 'U- * ' oej�fjeoepfion Were Ainade OV GUY
me: _dnoity;, 64 _Soathdru States &.feW'Wee _M UGUST 20.
SWY anw=t of whiskeythm, and planty baR doamotbargentlemaAafthessweity� who bari; k the matter of the Fenian fundo . came up THUSDAY h N IN% A
comarstill faintly burns iiiihe throu& to' Canada by e of a fashionable drew -maker. I daYllliht-
mftvd thla wolf,in sbee andr6aghodit- � asy work -room
oftmbutzomovaytabekad. . __ _p'% northwestern to, we Toronto - this I eyen- I L isiw the other day four Or five drewes that mdu wer6i placed at work in a .4*dn1 term �)Jr the Saperior Court
Perhaps: the riodw ot the SAw will alwo r000lleat tha 61cuing-sky. Now, Ste He Starts for A -A
g". eir non, on mof
is vj�oty dun there. I teJ you. =rut ofaverwas"i4ims. savizianyinil" ft1hum am Account for the - great In& on G=t Vt'iyi ground before -Judge ReC. IOU to .71_
star, of 1575, ini, anc doubt an ovation awaits were be' remoaaled, and toshoW th U at Lead= last
=*iGGodedebr, ft eannaitfoR wft a Oft -W), Bak
T"ry8beelum Ws111soft15kerd�f0V1-" d - in t the modern Monday. A sEav's of P*Pul=
wha suddenly shone�ortlx in Cissi Is fit hiangtive township.-ifflaft4" antilIX .101 mentloji ths oerta, by
oats the Injunction restraining the r&
in stilt ftwk in the mehioryd the tshW ope
iss#eirof that .4 1 . LLL i
Zwof tk* vivaz& nafflastetz, ft .601M rmpwt^ *ft & brightuen which made it Tisible at ',of *oc(,wAA m%d6 out of the oia- -3&otii�i-aaawwoommittedtoBrook- eeiver from paying over t1io funds in his
-1 jisteanis in, yon )MOW# On was an bowrabis tkW, sad we examt mutgt Vander Obsrge4with J A X R 13 'T AV ILO 399
XQOU&Y, now we comprehend the, lower ea flowering Adeve� and - the new, _villejall, last -Sataidayt' mar- pmseision to any Person except by an L
WM)dl*, Of light of'ODion4 ; and watch wi I'm u Sona. cowau]
suniw V 44- to oft my frionds tlist M miesped fton tM elaklia of ihs law. wkm th- ioteu. T4C= AT SIRA. zoatsleaves out m: the goods takeu out deriiS her infant child. 'Orderef the court
nft = dewring of Us Nom!z &W
PZZ stop�lngwith, Istkala ear -very =I&I�06u. sideainteres .andalso, to Bet wi.alp
Ulr* A, %009 UAW. t this firs w" evelf ulght, Ofthe Oki#. b Mampi9n 100mique *f great Britain a"
soom, oA-*e Torraos. _A0OmmOU`cXU8rY- ird Brantford the ordeiappoluted it receiver 0
a revealed:w 6 ar Quervation. The has arrived At .1 :t t L - it behalf Arne
Boone. bas this Se W.UhaWed out17 little can- - dost (Trewm�g Q6 Pzince Of Well
The Boak - RLTo YOU ever b+ before ardenci* with1he mx=A mats steward of 4WXAhOUY. It was urged that the
aries and raised 16 of them. Medal, Studdea with 1o8di=ou*)w
ive haa& offhs�bi4* is, of sisted. by his attractive 3W,51OAL 4)LIO
court pre-TiOUSIT t A L=stio, and f Ur
for a yearair me. Aberc from. Quebec. for XbercI66q. Quenc* 11L, August 9.-A solemn and, -Auiittl�iowaTuan.'waxfo=d-,aesa
rkb�-Iqc* Canned Inetat Mr-Josims H044 IUY- loon, wagoolidition. titan ever, ana that iii Titoupio
Tim 0MW16.T-7$ar% a lie picked up at seav on the, � 6th *Prewiveseene 46w'urred on our Streets a field nesx�CaimesviUe one day this weeX
Aeld on Koafty, tbo 3nd of AugUst at 2 7'w intellectud -.t certain The Zen *eri: leaders am ready -and wMI119 to PA.V
cotioUdy iM *f _L
1%now-rin lwyowww, 1,4 oflunatics is July, � They - hrA .4bandoned their daiingtko aclipm. A funeral procession: He wax SIVOR"in Y
eclock. p. = all the members preiiouL the, X*Vor& out
Weeks "-W-- he 1 The NAM , mate atft WAS passing to: the cametery auA W bundle 91 Zlothes *itli, him, ipAl 4114 illtiregt Six months after 3rX. j.
malic asylums th Ira- -vexed 0611pa J 8PA=XAS....ZUiiiaeft MgoW.
Aariw=4. u nifloh of theIrish Repablie. 3ft,,G. p.. -BAXiolr ............ Dirsoi4r.
he Beek-willYm retigm-to Oftfodh Roftautbathair, tiuutw ofIkd nee - una Wh -pinted and, VS.InSkdr*nd -four hands were, early reached Sixty 1 the ricogni
Ich has Wely. been street, near Alain ioupl� of fashionable wad&gs are
106 = gi when totality ensu
fs"kwak it I d tails rdill, theabandon- - eid- As the light fad4 U come off at St. egazrines in ife*dsys The'cibiefpoint relied'u
dkdwp y" t, read- "a approve, & powim Arom laa before Parlia0leat, - -4 man sismod Thefollo Ve been farniShed the pro'Odis ijo-Wfed in the Streek PMY?r in pon by O'Mahou _T Tielkets25oonts. Ragerveagdau &)owit.
Wpomer-W6 air,, I tWAk W& NO jl(*eph dew Te% odeof,01ndh ban was that the 1)onds were
IP ff" XeCow= and Hugh . 144fivy iped fwrA the Central =cut of the amionis , I a k issued for a legil
0 Aesfor* for me if I kno Aaylam, with tvio othir pstiea* none of by . GeMarViviignIWAbers Of *0 OftW*Of up;aud as the light X9=, will figan. GOD SATZ THE QUM.
vice *ss offend puVose aud that the -bolidlidderx.had
MoGrecor -for aid to build a odrart on Za, . J .
lbo pboe is of *=bdj looked uponsai lupatios by the W-fAzed ship burst -forth, it moved 021� while those for- -it is saia the goatiquien af Gd semi. no standmg in a6urt. Xli.6 deelidon. has GOdarick August 1.9th. 1869. w3D
diadb* Ign1saveh sidellsw approo4ing the gravel 0 On lot inia The gister� Cap- tg*itbogsnv�wAtiW sifuneral dirge.
tL officer, though cotif to n- been reserred.
al Harm Mum re,
Altagether, it was a Nano a
dt,Quabeq for AWoeu ot 40011, fOr- Wit
there. JIM UU You What I 21insoiL& Thoolerkwssbak%ateate therem priminallu i Peter Zeli� �r
r re-d000rato the interior of The
,Veod,: IT so fw &. 0"harines - was the 106der of the fagitiveii, and is dw Sth JAine, with a cargo of timUcir. Her- Church, at a omt of 920,001).
3144M To"Pit Pwa for the z kof 148 R i on gottea by thMe Witnessing it. DARSON1 DR Alff -Take a
VqUUd8fSqgST_tOApGUna0fp1JmS Make
I Write = 111110 J**W%4 fellow$, a" VdW as being of an extrameumy 'adver crew mastemd fiftoes-4 all t -Prince
t93=61Y a"i"ve wowiL yoa bet �ot lots 4 and b in the 81h om zi.Law to -4 Axillur is expeo4d to arrive
mind. ROODUIdde, things winds were expe. iRIM&Y 6�117A=M Cina.-LOA wook shortly
4 No. 7 for lovyllag a certals =4 in 44ch Kh furts;ut., - Whan S. after the 4migmat - train on the Grkt at Halifax On manday' next. The them
W*% VOK W# dioclargaL an 'city 4bu_t*aY=iUUt%-_Leth_em.
hat menin general can per- evening, the i tr1glieu
Vite beyond w W. X was ex. n Nvestern. oming West bad lefl; 'ra* ont., council hsvipaaea an address.to, hiniand
ftaguaw wwd sookon ior whod X)401111 framed AWT, " his clawmeas was eyenexo9aded brew fnVa to yowd $4WD towarat his reception. put &-an intojus and 01sy p oil
Y by his vcr�qiaj. He was & good shoe" About- a o0doA all *9 ships a German emi$rapts wolmAn. gave bhth- jrhils it is boilfiig hot.
.7%"k (To our re- said passed, sawred 7sy Gsf-. Cast* see. b. t Stal.lor, & Weaver. He made from z, and tw6 hours, dkrward a fins, bon w A= meen pounds. _131wi6t milex of the Now York
Y*-Nmw- Y044 Mr- in were, 4sken i Y-Ava SMABATE TXNMpZ WILL Bjg VjK2ffJW XT
W. J. B4;gim *4 " lbo paid Mr. Fft- 11V"A"10
W Mr. TaLwaArx nau'ples" sp ot bma a ba Upon the xrrival o the train at Detroit stroets are in the filthiest condition ima- _The t%ttle in some PUU 01 flu
a owl UW thetepoWwaircief at 9 oWock stowed
cook of ---- Carried OM he wou of them not Uving been raglsi4 Imye been &ttg&0d frer' Or the f61109 wing- art1w1for the use of the volasiom
He to- IngiUSS11111 4. At mulnight 1� Oh*" the obl�ginx bagg man on the gina.We, some ith an eirtht umBa%jalion, whiuris, mpt Godeli& 1w
on aseavut, the door -d to, 31 4k . :r I ,wi
a or put
W Toporter-_06013 doit. moyod by I'misa Wooc* sec. by Jwm Setbar A W0Odft wavingluschine of M. C. R. It., who ocios tka& to eleam6d thoroughly for several years,
;La WCRM Wo wivA had inci� tea, severe ple) o cipidemkof a vontagions tharacter. The 016tdays, comwmicing oA uth tiepimber not
gir heavy sea running. During the the wants of *a %be of a similar type to 11v,*rr=tobed*1i,w iRC=pias=hqwdWW
r*wm r1l *,To% ]NOR a Jousir it with & Gtrii� ;rautton their t is saik ULat further wningemefits diewleit sdaU od
XcLoodthiANY. o`mtri'"Aft, Vidt which he made &dm and M
atr theal, 040., Uft" as raqairod.
jut betom P%ht the ship sprang aleak; and. the wow arriy�d here interpre4ing foi the withdrawal of the British troops that which 'r6o%W thpoutbreak. of ri*- I B 21bl
is liz- $* lat a culvert ovw the crack at U4 21 in AM kis mind J I& xt B" ,d U,
wad aim -oat Oo*t;aa* eugapd at the was app�Z� of the fad. He at Onft ftt we being made, SAW that in 1870there, will d. �.wn 316.10 Ud SW it
Gi* A tars, zU pounds to be M *ff ft -
so ht"Ut mprovwg . p "d it iBspreading
ti. Www tim Uk sou, 86anky, if Ow sesse, am be acces" -pum;* Narly on the morping of the 6th about naking mother and " `114 oom- be luary & red! 1i CWVAa�, except at Hiall tbroulli'the 0ountry., =rr"d INUUm in qu&rW%
thwe was little "Yo" to be c%t itp by UW OwUaetw as WAY W
WwAwwwr� dme fw $16 ar kej4 bet zA im a Wow sion of lik swoulp4j" to secape. All liando *we asZed to lake the fare6op- forWAa as could be exPoOtOd mdw the fax.
W" "Pson wi 9i R is staied; behre h6 fio the XVA Off Q# WdP, Thar V010d there- He s1w proaarad a mn'- T who I&Wy gaye an
01110116 WAS 'XGGftVM-PjgM the skins of Q0 3,d Vftgd&,, per hWw* list.
obsum bNo #9WL__0s12i* JftV* b7 W. I. W40 godfather .. # W. or COAM pffirlb, Tea, 11
W" agiat extroordhwy, fogs hove ti, the wow again. renewing inter and to t"'s ahA dwtoamU1iuwforab=ndsa1&- iyou p1tv .0argeneedle. Take.16pound satlier,04twetLa iagar, VA" Flour, Pepper,
no with v
andisa"Or *& *W6 wg6 bx Jasess XOTA" *4 be t&* azargoi_* at the p= In ordeir to had." 15it 01= In honor of the tialrA to a iiouna of - Di keese, -pot POA46006�,
W ** Bdwa stary) in us pe is 801i 10 Mkk6 A Utfis-, boil the C4_A'T0i6, Milk per quat
I Is, Now *&Jmm pa, h the abild . watosasa Isiu, but at the same tim sad put the p1mMiU *hila 7b* Uw-t toadar will, notweessaily besft*66tt
11" st T. 1w**wAv*W" &tmr ma in WeTreask mavy; and ImA daim as lask. All thet' *6 ofbh* AWAA, VA I Aa'm a most oonspimous place Saw to ASYM-V
-Alld in Esnor of f., 01CW1 4homobheir Q*dKYtO be AAW or amplesentand swuft 1111he
m Mand"In 4"W beft &_z G-Wrion, A" R"Waa pal�- =- 0004im"d to iuoe"o in tw it is hot " bodit Untilthe Plains lookclear; give, fmd"Nalm"t or C"tr%(,t
It AW#Udk Y. I=& ai heil a f-ar PUNNAftr k**', ;i1flo *0 XWP 1111� to 16ber, lm*n **#*a ku an armo take them V`Ut tO OeO4 and so on, uutil all CAPT, JAMZSTHOXPWX,
U13 for Qm or 'few aoakw Asp Cbsir-Rot
W. noxxim 4s Sol lot fm on.
I", topla*W!"s ow Abon4A �sxtio #" done. Put them
ol. stau on tlw At] st me,
w4w, *Osd to M d&A w above
a Pee & should
*9 Tue RA1041
Cis& ed isei;�, Ids V%, is Ask 3W^a3WLv0
A ie.W t =118
silofvolv was 001 ftm suip"Y oqe�� iL
son ft"* 4W 0* ft=W,_W#
The Xew Y*&
304� � 7� I-, RMEMMINT RMIK
--&*rem knows a gen..- in Port KVh on the 29thjulr, the wife
"WhKAii0we "VA Who' -sr�i "Apm azid re- a Mr. IL s, Stafford, -How. kcapa of . a W=r EMS XARtn bQrARX,
W%* fn= ""MY *0 a%* eass" of dawhter.
Sit aiv` wliat an expensive
Now b4pmed Jill tim New Bdft
pft- I lose ifkan ninety -
we to be arectoed
At 00(lacwt On the _Mh hA Minnie P-"" b"a" Frmt of all kinds in "00s,
Of4 X^dspseft' this year, C Paik7. &,*. Mft. Mack will 'be SW to we bw OW
X%rtkla, b2ftnt asag Mer Sir e"110104111 at the Now Ballftgon UwoWsb"
k%"h to -Saoommo- George Hilt*14 s0d 3 MOUtha avA 3 nodewit, K,,r tria. isat W-44
days -
�3 r �v
roll E
cz c
Lnw, f-,7
jpwr,j;�,I. --
SM& Pon A9600
1P -A- T
: co'TQTAil�
VTVZ� ri:lal
;C&Utv W.-1;gt1T i. kl cled
I in
Assodaflft�, 401
07 *HE
. 216tiro THE24t,hl,
Pr, 461MA !A
wy rZ) TW
Sale by I i
C,. 3 L T R'U.
asnR. tu-mW*d
A U, M
Awtim *t " *Co room
21�41 rl;2
sita 0.3 13WE, ac "I. _-, -
.79111&cvt ir v* 1 -CIA-
oimuov for a pTi
lu like rVOYMCC
z or -, ati.,)n
cto at ti CIE, 5 CL
at or zwe %I) iL IbC
0 K TuorAkf
ligo'd a.
so a dwwr