Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-10, Page 3r lz�t 4=". ty.a t!zt j* 14 T�� r t z ucz M-w r U;t "Clan iel= ez:it� A. �441', A ;f=L VMr � I - -7N - S, D., 312, am-lz=! "I, Aug. ID. Isa, ...... .......... C, r .................... "Yflm fm -mg- aq--Ica =Lok za C:lk lei JAL 4 ]WIlbiflon -1W TRY. ct: Cat 7 U R AL & ARTS Of Ont'adoy t 41 t2 0-.% TXS �IE24th SEPT. 1889, --14 Vies" to" *"An Anse" a U0 1"reetire cissw 16 Sim At Toro" m asr I* - Wall, as at wift" L o (2;5 w* OL ......... .......... 45a tEt -4:454 ofall %65 Kim 0, TOOK", C5 K WL w-1*06 0.-S& 'T C 0:10 ('C� O:CO V-5.0 cc '1�60 W- .......... .......... A z It X TV 43k - : .......... 2-fuo 021 2:50 6 'W" ­JP#l1v5111aPa­ 4 if 41% Ir .......... 1.�Co Lw bbl C -'=0t—,, AmZ 5, V49. .... ........ A; ........... Iza tCO 4:5a ........... a: vgll Chia ........... 0219 cc�� 0-.10 Ang� 5-, n8'Z'9 Nocnw I....--... C.86 --4 qca� 0:90 ...... ­ ago 0.85 ....... 400 C* 4.50 .......... 0,1 0:50 e.86 ...... Coo otw 0.z -60 0:16- 0.6s do soft of 11 Osuviruo Ping, :V C> Sik AyWx 1-3: JL Cb-=zf,n"c vr. Dr. J. BrZv IN L 934:X*W4CW THE GREIT INNO161811 BENNO I E -A 0 V TJ Y 3 r z forlativul, - ­ P i4ees iftfmv imc. y . Vas, at ftss g q, I at Z&tsdft z am TA111ity in the saur ii fitiroct by lifts Dr CoIltv's Aitti-100"Itive an ToulaPills. They "Plate t1le.b6we .. corrod tile -041ebtat6d Nin'ale Pills. -Aft-W rXXWXXXGF MWI ZOO106 x4abbilk.. 68 tin 'Plit . i I I 14#Lm i- !r 0 'Liver, elear the Compilltion, and xe a e Par ,tboy AM C010i)(lied of alive Ing U Co as: 3 —1 r!; I t Z. X 3 3 1 To d cm C% nt I fo (e, a M i Glorious Ili the stawart Concentrated Artn, ant tisrib, at It ow mild, J V 94 6 let odfur lNuo-vol -of! is so c ,A, vig At the storinaudwavei'. curhigulmost like m it use"Wisite to John Nall -tis' Fect, *e. - t =4m"bd usakta. LAU3111, c.. 'to Isderlyed its cureff, ri Tliou"liall testify a Ivor wa erft at, . . many of WOO An truly liawiittnixtr&t. wid" tktt,,, areghilis 'Alt bus" rmzar� 'TwAt 04'1'4*' Ile ?I .. to 'A I oldre so Universal. Dr. 'T. Rr'�-t A r prollertles. IN)1db14A&W1re 4rs6 marrei I thr, "WAIN willhe MO at lerit. I". U4,44i by Dr Ile*10ims in Me pidace 0lars, Into use. A w- %;v hi., of &,Aom"w ilt Saviftin; the pointed rod; VAUTIFULI I M0111 And vangeraus 41i Owl Where 4he 0 Am And Dtiammsm -Up -Dr. S. 11 AllcraWor, for IS the� Coro all,, ho -40. I are retitie4ell toAJ and atitleat once, _*k Bverdlet glym bri44j; use Ut, seemed ==WN All thi zilizil'tily, all As ltbrin;a the deadlyllAtning oet upak tit *llioh The lbni 11 VAt The QLWS. It makes dry, tignih, Ufrl isle 0,6h).Wititioll 4,31thico.t.* It b* yap,= ya 2 M lk5tl,13 -glos. and Woou WOOL. B lolmm, Vr"Ur=tdP0Md b r .", T beautual. It cleans" #W JIM "moves plul SASLJ, QwIled autl barmless to tlibood, Thelliz*11t Mattel lafK* told fhr au� qatalutv" N FOR rorc.dr. for majot strougthousthe 1; 1, the Alld ispe0ycure marto.relied ono roftilowus no and land ritte hair frowrat in I UsNe and Vxr more aillso. %grew tra ��Uxar it it J..�RTNWAXT& and will certainly nax We" : I it n4jb f who a glorions essftaec� audit I TO tag remedy than Conxg.-Use Er. 1. to beMatiful; o eu r td pmw ILADIES -Ntay 4". P.M. L 2! t 000M. 1111RU. jervwl - other. Those gold eveltywhere htpekuliarly.0 ad- h.wItJ,:inm3ftoi tinivs, tried 14 know Outt it cured tallyamedng inthly "Pticul -*ith rew 1,04 . . . Aill-3 &3Z Z;;51i F', brifig on IJW tril wthoyvat - , hive &-17sa rr. 'T. ur tau"ibeirs in 0 every kROW that It clatrefte tbeir a 'Wal Allevalitor tor HE U M AT I 0A--*JkUzeraeIke* arill patilis One .0ollsir, hernni lJoy UUR(b= in sU knoW*4 9i)E'rilmat, ovairlsJU4, Buell InKtie, prwi C leAvothqbotlykile an am, ON 400sal am that the putill 21111101A 111; d a I R r 7 .` SweeteA d. lit 4= tsio to pr4evrk I Colin. _V301tu is av,h t- 3� oarteable to ut-:,. =1 r�lulec. W(l ty '1100 Aour. irnmetilt S1,6111P Of'Utr tl$F�' of IU virtues or uses. L =W or act 13' - lo us compom"081=6 . -- then. Dulls awst, III ;­ 4. ­ of -FN. MM ­r"At-TAms ftek or ra "Adso oarNaeates; of their HIAIX, Ou" 1 11.4 tit =Mates of our rue. Often, lads allseegi and ofthe . ............... Seel betbreux6fiy disea*s 1, Am,- some of 0XV. , I I puree it hask- efiected..- It tit C -Axylft IS the optim Mo oww,&h cmz mma In A=tsv Avoladerfal. for ter. 1"ny have ; 1150SAtoftbe organism %tudersolne ZqUevEta =d ot-Tmr plams i��atlta, ladip; of -Tuwl4 Seitthe darkest Wras dluf takeg 64tf"#at( dllr-W' xbdtnvftu the attackofenfeeblingor-AWdis I_ by It Thse& PAU-1 Iremadnotpu aue'a Taq,,�, wla3ita�k slid %, vh0*(d notba :0h%==V1 bow I -' r 414% lab* -004 ftsom to I ealtb,' vin? 5 JV essas &&#;ed to And 80964ditywithaptit- it nUl ON! §ee thaxoseof It MIN, 1 40 P7,987 &JR113 Iclonofits Again canto,14 beallity- ) � a)w Fit�e to hnng Pi hrkrr�r. ca t =,=2 tbousu �pTlep ineratsc& a* aflnelh to M41A t' contifning orsal 11 reds of. vallt-; IM04 = gy Its a lia ttra isuftW stason, luditeing able Ives 1114N, N savt1lavi;, rjdge�hut at (141 favorable 1 10 t they may be trAm va safty Vy snytody� '41 1 Use- aflldjl tl-Me theyaAOS fe- on WOM'O" run P develop 4: S. thW Aw sk-prerestive bf dq ' ill i4 J�f Piftervas them werilreak and makes i noT oT(,J iontWbtis�, d1i; ellorlt� other of its hii1sous Ibrms, on time --s. =1 the3a it rft colutor ervolm 1114 to .3, F altzo ItAr tbetbrotAy"ted C*Ithit 1q, nitrawx o Ti pltll 7: 'Zlyn, ]?lent" us dyspepsla I gymusumptiert I a all r all deslers to refund, tile lueboy. fr it back and Wailift. waimill -oitsUgh, tubm, Aq ham am zrIsv,=W*11*6etr, =%"V,=W*y Tagemba ed to 4 1 wcrd'! a t OVA -1. tereift� 15n .;1::: 1;1 X:1. gteAtSHQ"a;;M1tnn,7. Foru0byza IM-1sts, so I Ift s4vvibwoa� joll;rLftlit fle;trt, Hvir ?rlcs ant] 3& 1% the by ihair powerful FIR be a a e exertions pfilpital tumors lbrmed In me ju it Zwx, rMy,0,P= Infinenae Ott ale to imlify the blood and stimulate It lucalAp i6y, fiJ, Yes. all Ills are. ern.suedat le It WhIteS,lbese flits, 4.11 effiewt a ttirc 'whir all 8. J. FOSS4 bysru tions on the sla"Off,4411cer.-I Intervial vI PA�MUI!kk C=LR AgwAx Jailed -, anZt valtholtel a power the obstraction.ofthil in.,11 �, I. I I - . live% ant 1119111111, at the ids e"Im Foil z1vowhAthattanuatura (lodarift . w-12-4- o1heinit-illis bosve at the body. Ila is 84 -Iage ;Ji's tv ,Whmsa of ttlitgmedy,. Jq wt coalfo). froll. catt---nel. Rati. of a of this AstvapoO Voly ever neeiled-SiRENGTIE i JV tkt�-ull6n. .' - TIMM% evan =11-wow"MAX, . Ift 11100tien Oil when to Aotive Is a t1fitthinghurtfill 16, the it - 4 ts"3929'. blkt Wlkiqzb, vdieft frJed hy1tIkdyroUc`rtcQ?kP4b WWI, fzsuj�)osed tj ficalirmore is in'the-4jansphlet.- at jund each ons allilded wl fol wingam- by 66rreoting, wberever uwy axist� siasifs AW&CCO. ftkiiiii[tYalt the country Is 4jftr,�d, but atkult Indeed Full 411reellor MOU A4 A="" origin ofdioesae. Is Uot _Int I 11113d ithmediste and, at - t. Nq L; ii; x,ro faarizi rvant!�R.,- lee, T='m iet to let the OaSe. lie ZATA4 Inattfier � Inally airppose liackage� wbich should be cilieftAy I evervied. Jump" are even In *6 anLa Dr. Vbfaea ralsam or er Up I 'ites" ,r zgay L use of thiss RTL ortte�azstfm sitrititlelle I "Uttrintel'outh6L Ilk, -olnes agent for flls,-Unifed Statesaw Canad IttAfm1fos -wil", B"e or *Uowbs- complaints, I, =Irclxe�- All thh-coutittT�bee ndwtold The truth is thr and Pa Ing atfforWt. 614erbu iHIAsIQU$ SprfugfMultheinereS ate JQ1% UQSI� cad, riiiew, Aw rifflid. fiemblifig. dy '0111ilea for_ V Or TA*fleas- so, Bore Zatre, and other. ns or r e Er - iiiialf6ation. which, like the to auk jillfitIriZe, ss:j -1 Ali A, -k na.A, Ay��a le iris ilie ram 'i of AmvjWous diocase.., -0 In 1140hkLit- for consumption. folio* I* ths'vkIrsof-tiviliyati0q. ekIrt WjJJjnXUfe I, bottleacla. atore topoSSW ige stam vi"enclosed eZares he statestitialt �d 0 JLO" Of Appoate, they eadsh7c ftrapradt� d, =1114V to stimulate the stow so I beueft- Ji.fty Pip and *otloa. F0 f at "Out U4 kitMrglo ef! M 2z wh and restore I no PERtIVIAXaMUP is a profelct4 solutigii of esstravia' V= e2tc!z- s-lenee-VI. V lea 1'rotoXidt of, J� iiiocin# 4)r t3emuse I For 3rAver CtL� VA ==tOL 0 ea�� 01�* th., be MDAT10Z:, -, �; - ' -, --� am Its varw" sm - ArM and tOMS, 011][1141101111 AMOMMOCIM, 960k p ifnzoro hatStr 41S�e�iie ;b eSt *tthV the VO4)tate PiUS)%re ell Nli�freiq Coux; T ruR au UYS ARVIVD� lit 11)4-1 F. y ;si� and Dtfew"s Iss Jtint p4ug :nymm, The VOW f'V01f MOM" I it, I a Jka oror toot 44 1 - Use an 411!tz be beae- en-Zfs�w-jl At h ��#jv�X - thou aired -for dielously taken for �ft, e'3 load with its titax prbstiproFor ty tr­JJ;aJ4. HAT imperlor F -;%it can, 1,, 0. co& om ft -a"" 6,bmstlEo�e umusladlWed a. sodolaor raw" th—eo Ganne it e3for a V1 z oft remedf - - _ % - gh along time It to the �eaclkjkw�xrge-`- J110AC lie'11701-thle68- d 'a:n1-4iTVz;nth1t e ot n -Ueaff ofelUm ToOrne, 74 Acres. OF And, 40 acres of *bJeh iti-o' NORTHRUP & I TUAN aled uss or this m lei is care I gequine lia J?imUV#j6- z4ve, v Oxyll in thp 1clesM, wellitatMil br a, living week. 4ucl 1101jud :Jg� W11 Tht 0 the IFor Mgmme-iiery or PLASTIC STATE ROOFING.' f4=edE2!-r-o,t7A-. et and C uJJI 01 dvosee is =28a0MIY Nawasale, , Vi Z; 001a - s. uooq log Wile'- ard ftme . , _ '"'s' lily. oo? tile Rlvel� JW4147141 mww 19M For Urki. U05. vith 4 good alokaj4 0 bUltw A 775fti ft u the T Soft r4 ed-abd ultimatt Sittilf4d one mile n a uxemises. a U1, 1840M.Of the nom. the mid Invigorating effeeL 16* VOU40 of Ita ter,U *,ola-in Gbi4ilvlf UY PoRter N Coiltle'ling [if: liu'left.'Jaw'I IW w -in �.J�Jvt. 31s"gwk Juald Z�-I-Aoal Uld. be Con T AwArp -rulial)-l"her all Ti'll, miles from Goderich and 12 milft from Clfutolu �5- The 4ordau- 0aidiner (z- Co -j- Ityl., . cam am found In our Ab -mp- wt. propertylsa Acitrable Iavep4#jont being an the County 4 1 O� - JIT ?�,Arm t� Astwob v ith 11tt lwlt.t iii ow Pot i L h Vey eoafte)-LVa to theZeUCre healtLll. Ify'IttlictiWo let -Ukftl;� fetir Mind Isk fu1Iwrwf*t*oibuc&1*1- WN ., takell, as Mo' to t4s gewj)le ; J. fit lo Wbft =afttom. tT No. set Day Iiit. WOW TOM GrAvel Rgad and p tuill privibp on, plationi of ex matters 13 R�pt ia a. malst and he3my -A*Pores, 117'eAftilbl?, lt".tkv, "On"unt It S, cord, Ltucknow'. E. Hii* _trV* 4 lver blattl4n, r y be. V atonq do (115APP-ear. thou qwdcb, to J4'as *Uo XAver F 10 and IlIvivifie"" . - W. I _am Highly RemmilrArd '61)en, Mal fm= t '.a expesamttrXilft - ' MUVINIWS tb*Y FOf Reft It is 'blocz y inlar .11issotim t1ta 17 portion fifthe WoT,�Aor'&LVXAJ;� Gcneraf�jg&t%r sonT th" alnil: -At, iveP�Irrjp- 'Ns I P=es 0%. wim muelt impure =tter Vhcu xe*ftstle. Out, sla= be frequent dosasi to prg. en, Itd ftn do should be Atirall(Itti -fusjv*#.� ON fir., I�PVO.Iivt w4t. rt&M.A.o Vhe� revw* to# waters wo permitted, 1a, retuft in witlAput, Goderlq+. me lit bftt% Hllilflrrl� jklot Whir: !P, f -It it- tigiihil*i; tit .1 the rank itlessensthe ip�124. blo" UrIft $;; For suppre" f . ...... ..... A da. Azveut gravel; M by I sympath 0 t� et.-tivityal .1y "ftusIg WitfliseAse. Storer hr me CM Y. d )r ort oyai�m. saltProdwasts"e4astred !13t)X-*tTv) s, ength and As a ZNnswP P.M# take ona or two Inm-to pro. its tkr J-Vhug Thooll"45 am and Li.or ARTI RRIPs 'was Nvoak L6Z90H'8.'Xry certalli 3 "0'P0*- litote digestion —4 Mom the 4msch. if -Aste, P Au -A *mb1Ad,Wft X � J 414� otlter praladles wwisim". tiaorwl V.J? fiie I" auiI =3hy I' sUfe *01iniiiabbildren all#: An occasionst d0ft edtaviJait" the stornq* =A. foi qf ItndL immediate a t�� 4020 boweila into hsAlthr Action, rester" the "Peate-1- itoly fft ­=raUve, md Jnvigoratm the system Hal ilie, ow A A"d Incian (.1 ox-mPtomatic Of' wriahlia". .8 or Zda", or .% ME; oe"'W.0--ed. of t�he bm= aid at yrrA&;artiuershJpoffbe . UU4er%4 Avid -- ortenad. An-Liuvu, CkAvriah AMMD-a lid tbittorke gmat 0 Wke" W sWianir rangentent exipw firms nione7 0f11a1lIftr&NVIId, bait-Ulit-daY biien dissolved ty rotn lboda thistadon W Hotel; in fW 11-jeannot I e Itic di7eply fill- T07rer and 1, Za g, tractialt ot.G good klidLea-ill nod iti" arldftoo of, itif exhilL 2K -m rf tto skta� the lilbra Aaulut5r to of Xl,.r VF&V paraia4s the -neftWiti.,� fee tolssw= etiapplagand Goderiall. hwth yrektod booft the Ant -J.Ylrr L I from it - August 3rd, 1860. tr rtheii�elniiliih. I tWr AMULRC 4011 r411110`00611116 aged oathe erdat�kng - I - - ; Wit& At agalfist and owing to the Ilim will orcidgely watehiiii BYSOA)mg. d*W - . IfOnCl iV DEBTORS# inipm-LaCy. a­-AtTiate-mr, Irne cauft4 *,,ve, .cratura ot, theltedy rapidly -.Pallid:LY- PatedthW25thdikyof July flail un4orstandin't th# A �ons and WON% 974 appar4u& 7 �ba settled by Ur _YMP' , fdjj.W�j�jflhl�* : I — d it le, FWM Me, 1a,.A=J0 4# CO., IVA~ 4L a ',vast lmportattm qf w" orille" ,Jhou Nr� - I G1WRGA RUIdUALL.-, Of, ave4 frora early graVeS. SVKPToXW - �F% 0,4114. rim Ila a. 11r, a- Be .-The foll6vi;ilig area feWoftbe'viery -W AM =UGGIM gthe e-3 in, It a ordertbat it inaft, 4*01gliral Ic "det awrivrow- VMD XWMIM ZO"AW XAM., 17, 0, A. nm -OLDEST, mpt4ou uitil d4w d by Riirl;erand -WQft`lH3fJJ?* LYII.41.-, Ont, pnerat Noapr av% *btch, prie esuped by ILL portka j)eraryged arq)vtiWlems0 op 'A SIP"- to milve -ekt POT" nt if$ I" IA�A,ir 1" the 1.1i it I 'r.-ayou salrzrwifti thet ptp--Opu�- 5,J) . JHJ�41 .14. at' the' 1561114n. Godurith: a And X 44MM, Johiet'. W14" a bon, tk, sur' �� 1h, ishrl"t.v orealb,frequellL Our by Mricer,& C lqy� Aug6t 30th; 18.0.� TIC, ihti'viiih dtkri�* sleep, bardnes:-, i IT., thum. TftostraekLlsna r I . Jr , J(114%, j, jot", lit. Gardiner& Co.. Bayliell of Vie 844 firm. � IN ofth.1,, IW;Y, debt inckw*dbyjmyp-,r*ft inni Lit IW11,4"C eyeN7. I 3mader Y I aft r 4armawltauds.cltest. Iftgs;, I . 1� 11 - 1; - I - I . , SW= -14 e:l�� TxL,14- bowd.1i, Ups tygbtt� k%eis;- - ho laid itid 0 [it quil Ikiye-JIt*qtin rtl , IKAW 0,04,00TIV4, J0 K HAIRV. *A"Wls, Alvf SO.. vW, -Okles Or t�e% U30 br. 1. Brl�-�t&Mlevanfir And pou t rs;, treft"i6g. of I t 41cepi In ME -: � ­� , T , r1i & recluont, �Illny- stools, and be, ullow ftfL! !%Xef*A and tuition fei­*r c*m weeks' vill. fin A tft=eJZat-a rollet. In all ltelievablo ev oL win eo�kmeuq&,Xonday Odal$er i� PT Witwan?ffh- -July lob, F -W, W.65 30 rightful dreams. -WA va:=pwnqr.3--3 r, its, f. �rq .7� - es intevillAvvi-n-1 e#-q-q31W- 'Win card every time, and ltj , " wily ft b TALL &OW- ta it giiadutl wasting a 0 116yare pallitab wiltnot theweakest w6m3uor 1)XrA1ftiz.Tff.-XuzIq;' vocal ItliedaQ.-tzian. App.*VAfrepand freely by the Pro- 3 work 45.. 1horV1119h;Y'vnt4(1l1!J� I omag. I Te*c1er. ­ v SaUtzoratWi�6 C. Xi6* stz�!et West Toronto oaniila, I imic andcomplote -Ati- (11 4,,, r olUir.lavvay and N'.3 lk*4W4y-J2;aw 'Zor1k, SoM by! hNei 'b 1.11 1400bIerftWy,,fbr*ArdJ =T'lit e4fil d -i tbartick-4* - r I . TOUR U Di[Nd 9, aig (TvAor Oil fir other un pleasant as P IMNAITember. n the Ifft of ojhe�r W-4orm 4V-edjCIftL'A'# B R Grad 11"Ill &)nth Agri ulitiral FAII 1411--v two, L Uconige T. Z *=1015810, J3­7ACh boX contains 411a fao.-Althflevftgna� it for flow, in 0"Row4on" - with usc '34--korwisit CIM904 (tatlin Greelvi And Verean �71' THE:, P It" W3Jr.J:.Bkutau.UL,1Ef T XPORTSdireft ftom British KanubAure*, every 16ft 0fNfllz=*0P & --#ejq4tfup Who Priethe Sole ProffijaWrt'r Ph7d1A1W--7C 1131 It and Compari it 4A. I'Awl Foll 11W fprwair UW toom Tiw pit I Mo in a Aud wifirnsup4 an.1 jucilff,; %Aw W*A 4w llot. - W. 3(emb or Cattle and F.Jorduii U a I AN 4119 solif I* Got Jy WE#; X i H --�-A* Or-, ffd1dWd3PS­ WA 1=114 je A R. IW -T-. FA -ant od iiii, so othW, =rio -Ti A N 0 Public A Vic MoRs. UP Mt rdiner Will IIPI~ in #JAW. JAIne, ion. ZGE X ROYAL 'CAN A )Aawis Ielf, jk&A P fiaQ: 4ilue#Beathain, ikoage"914 �IVADEZY L. -STINSM,- U! ST..- W*NJ) Eniffish(le it XT It &law 111614b, 1* a;*4 c"taw W! U41. rsl 611 vollow, es � la-' rwaosly, rAttev tipa Note ftek ant o0ra- ciffilib ug It M, RNGLJ li4it, with 11W P.A41* 11unin it 1wal r-w-kt). of -them atithe lowest possible rates for cub. r. ete6:J.'H4Vrhibqi� Clinton -"'riI, Lue i orth. r 'a iejnf� 1, YR r N all 11 xCh fb whiell "Our* will %ftft owl hi�f' jklid Jolmw ikjc m-* a- an.1A,ull� *%wiss. win rold�rl a F11 till. In the onstrao of tht, ITlentutteft with a rda"Ift, w otow-Webtatett instruments. witfoll we AlmLU after st the llilkiw- 1W Wd i JP jKlaren J ginst, owswr �recelved tmtrp�ff to. w11 by applyto - - �, - 1-,- 1 14 fw Na -..I tlw un ollow. to 'stwkmdsoldAtprlce$tUisstftlgibfliU*de� - - or nownt k. .11 :lot 3�= room . % - . - - . . . � ft - , White, WAPIO on YAIRIlt HS(r im 410* Gidericli, KAy 2,,5 W-35-tf *01" G. X, TRULWAx; ­ III the &jntl- Rid rapilsis" r teitt- soo!'Opo U- U -Vel Ocala v.,4A ;i I '1� 1, - 11 -­, � , , I :.in and kothe tiolt n '71" 11 A A 0=5 z n f ileadini: 8 do P rainarkal3k cam are Ab am kw" U*n SAtod, blisk them Ife ad conditions all climates 14 4x= Itb y 4 1, _ witheIrt And. by it dIs__J 'hit Oka lie fr it a Most ow XT84 ill"Rikd they she diamond Action %W=t a PIAN rum Do !Olr R Ulf- Wt no) 6%% ot;.orb w1okift: to 0� 'Lite", w27,.1 :!s;$S; with flint.1lared tvi'ves $10 ar-I tb* Now, W EVEN 8TX'KM'r-- 'A tod WWen Mtent stud ftrew the viodfIrvit"d ONYTUDWAY TRE S IT a-, am fit I M *16 - safflish wheel-flar- Past Is Uw Ill W HUG icwik, F. aft- -4 ff DAT �Iug to i ish, With -a h it, A it., unbunkg. l 1 SpeaWsiftntioniagivontothiii4epAdxmut PArtIft in a.-singla eu�: Zw It 4L orderingfrom me maf;eW, on having any dwtip -to gaw neat relic 1611- SEPTEMB19ri tion 1paanevi IWJA� whel� timili June MKIA. Isav Jwff ormusiefdro"f4promligy Sid-- '4r� havip'neVer �kliown a tingle, casp� fii� A% - [action wher vexf� af. ffiat very de;dmma ledilence known as AtTpry- Lowia3t, Prices, from dateofo-r-ade. Fl* procurvils Cu register oforery city xnd town InCausda, tb e -'Thispro tvisbeautiftliyaltm- ait direetkiiis. have 1 the R,:d;M 1,?.opezL4&,, Rat 1Wff 10189tw 417 ntrirY, Itit life water orsealsvel: the fknena I to attitude every hilitrumelittir cub locallty',toneetly, v ated wUr02#g the Ott of Godiedcb,, on tLe Biter IOP410, tollowtibir on: ilia co � 7' _put oftheLake. It coutains3l ' ' w - I ­ - .1 1, tbet -ilt4LISMUtelyliwAmrytoltaretliim rn ontheDials. les% withIlwelli, Iro— fin Iiiind, Aleligh.*04 With Ila ORM06nos and, . speak lit Oraffigusm-, EUbleg, &e.. with large- Garden Vinery & zl� ashext j�rtaq of tts virtue I-Iternipmett"lunkiistantlyou todat so TAM VW01711011. Kill � at 0- Thlois tbeelteape#housein, the trade. and migleate on7lard R, C04% 41AA10.1gone artboaft upernlinstminent,9, lob weuratel- and Invariably foretell the fItate of the weather frotu 6 Q aw" avat 2 t-0 a" hk,�. 111 vosof the oppol alog* e(tilt systeat laud not THZ4CA2VA.01A$PAZ2V DaSTROyrra 24to0boursinadvanceAmilday the - dunitywhich now presentsitself. Tbo AifWtswUI re. been made 44 $be ditwlims on disk werw -saltba Ilowe2ing'Eudep. t1heny. Profits bered on the:' Iready money! jsIril"Irs teoutation,aga blood p1ft main fors, fewdays only. Headom f7t'a Domfillon, in Xontreal. Respectfully. $V=nft=a tavaVgaod arder. credit 4ba" maparky paysiolit an A*— (W) WK per oent tag" 'Obsieried In Cmdthg Go-& G. fAlling spiingi of pure- water on the property. 'The ur J. DOWE3,0 IA"forCans4iii. fir used eik a el, linti*fto stemac* tonic, Una passedinthe I aid Atmxtim fT a jolvata res2clazze e=nQ4 .:�C 15�rRassed T. histosy of medical prepaquons; selflontlalls, Veheiialt: Rdee. to- be i -in complatuz 104igt*. By order of Ite 19ovad. lovan Dy'sim-pain Uvere I IZA%.=O,olrgnle.-The-prof4L*dywHI be put tion,1404riburn,gickHadacha� X eyffbni. 1. If the Vere*vFWaysiabbrI21111larbeir or�he word "Changinble" tout moving.much, either up or down may 1, Iti", aw-72 tip '*or Asthma, sac the at aii up set pfze of", one-third of the purchase plalints,�Actil StornschTlithisi .2 -t TOO maniotebe psa(liktha-dayofsCeand the remainder systclu debuitAtOA S. If tbeNeremyriwto or abova the W rd 11 Fair "fine weatherlsathisla la two vottial anuial 7yer eeuk�ufereat .3. �fkhonldjt happoiato rain when the. standaWsh. 4t will be local,and vM littlefIrit, oatmunpaA Z7xJW..ThepkMoftbe;-pro by sullerlingand disease. 4. Iflive Armilii onthmes to rt" slowl forpilght or tea day—and aWlvas At or Above, the IW I pertycark IW Alugicalaud-4ondeiial sucettse- 2a auring It ; -­ I :. - -1 wintereontinuedfrost, Zorii throat.CoUghs, Dipthirpts, Z, Wholt*0 jfemnr3 Wig, it indicates er; If the fall be Wxem with Krt4--- particula-ra at the o!3C4 of' the P1 rig'- IYAT ENT,, I'VA"UTOR. %"tlf 4olds, yely DR. J. Mal ME Tam auctimer, or an qrr.Rzation to AT� A00ill. Is bbw; #ad Im Owns sito Wk, moorsigiatoOtfL Ittalls very law. A severe stom In ant# 0 p4l, ns M the $Rli 1). S. 000DINGS acherhettinatif inadfItIvarpainisis any partel 01. When, dnrizg a storm, theNercury &I Mien rest. wurod. the worat isevis. Biwistet, Goderich. The undersigned in prepitred to 4 rhe gmt vatwil, Headame, 1%, -VU the and from vviiialeyereause, flat foven 1; 1- Vkft the x0retity mllivea quictly. a. the weg' her thttv tAllows will be of Sid *verml Pain Rautedy st plaea In eVery househo(d *M is ras'. Superftd- 1%eves" and Unt RNISH No 10 *11: vittler prepkinatiflax of the kiltd. ranted to surpea any known die- AM It is also an ulkelival sad pr6wplt ire=63y ]or, BRMSH EXCHANGE HOTELS-GODERICHI nr, ANt 4VA2r;= AT TJM oovery, for $aqtkls� His FAvii Sprgios. Vfulblalps, rlIS'. "!, 610th low am 1)"W" relid "d rs* cure of frost 1140. UrampA I*, I:w latt"nsolij Disrhais.1 T -A 0 w 4113 a t 3E31 3r i e t1a, say eoweivable "do rb To a turn, Ilvivientery, Va. FROM TEX AlBOTE W=. ents P PUre Whitt, Alnua #9, inches WIWI. um of P& . , F PrWg4RIy!M -0 11.0 --v MCD 11MERNAZZ M .8".CR JrXTX2 AUCTIONSALE NORTHROP 1,YKAN, 4 NJtI.Y FT giollon 'A* Augost &* 1W. or 34r, Avesm"r mobba an tim Read. (4e"I Asant for Canada, WW - O&W11 roLieve Xe. 4 Vtftd A4W. It a sick .7t .1 . - I I T THN H19W D0141ANLON VASH STORE. A 1111de 3 zg t= OF )TW �i I . . I W Ill TIM '�;(Ioderfvb bv, Nrk-er & Cattle Itud Zak lins & Al 160. -to 80c YA 04111001101k, t`100,01 t Ir -No I.MW x4th NNW. sh.K 'if; 14WIlith) 08rdiRtf & Co- HAV&W JaMalk a*- wisirr,mid v k,olll to row owstrows, inbeh ftloss Nor Fickvira, - NX-0an I.S. basso, bl"Ile Ike hevild widalmAhovisossew, oW r0w isol. wwk W14- AIW NWAW 8"4 $WbWI6 _*Ne WiC'A$lwvuw',ows "Usym P) 6. when ohm" pilsommi trout. Itu IT THE NEW DOMINION 0 STORE. us rn IV - 10 "' old' F0111" tul, &C, if rumbe.',VIlatop-, -*�zwordt Lwknow- X Hickik to * " I M=- AaWdy as dw swinwk ft""U, 1111" simbf" -MAI 1=11 1 11 -L r*00* qMWIA, of the AlItTZA,Nt and an 140dialue -tree in 41 thS UOW ShM83 live to 61ilk, n0iiiia. Wt MOTAU G1 DR, r 001(wed ALUS 4do" OW **Wkd at die to 011T Stadit df C 1111001tom silo dw 04 G. kned Mite I sa 4 * woftw* at tbo A00"3 All Wool. obwk, we hairoi a IwW TRUENAN V111H NEW D039 ION 048H STORE. Wilt issisme6ketely relieve &Wt q&"*Jy oft* Catano, doLey so cfalumKM lJoved w" ;a is insymtte-i bt mr. Thomn pae.:, to sea by iluedow 1%eliffeig. filift T'snint, 434"k, Amoned, aM all t*n. mill W weet woke at aeftise &Inst at Imam Mis an knooedistief nr the 39tituh ExchampHoti* Goderich, ie W, ax:1 EXPOR! -0116- received, 3-Ax-X.w-,Z(­ 111,MS Hamilton Arm ZA. y, NO White'v eked Skir Third lot j On- Wurdsy, August 14th- 186 T-179. lbraft wisim be In derfelt. at, the Kar ft low. At moll, a ?am* viusivilty of Hou"bold IrtnalhWe dayand Annat. AT THE NEW DOIATNION CASH ST0r&L mlioved as 0 a, Tbwwka lof Xxiadles, such as sed AIkv%,U1r.-W 111W400 Tab? Kitchen. TsbI Colik"nipbonin fp*w pWr. bseekthast. AimWilor for lknabF, carod jot a Ithe and also. & 4qU&D t 0 a tee& AN, ATION fswiValue Giv an in' WKAv for Raval adian olissf; DrUse AJW--. A~ so sok sprinw tteesses, &,a doo, I Jan"ice, Lt I flank rw seiW, It invisedu1*4 dfty4aVrRin,*AWfpr" Otoves and Sto-. e Vipm, Crockery, reatto tile aillicitd. am ru a-, ID Z Abessac rapt un$ woo Veek. 111P w& is"d iftivars, *-All sundry other articles� &ilk- ti or say otlor disease. 0 A liew rolkvrs ft# - - sboum it o"s amit, 'ASff. �m9 io�o eg[3Lr a3m TXRW OF SALA C, m solosgi ellalatetheir W have swel, 6 Too"" lovid all obobw Auffnd Oth, 1*0 . 41- , - I I- .. L � "W14 :n" 16*9 too, kild", wr-td boft. that there Is no hope ft T AX & = ME ik- WZS7U-i,'N 3XICHANGE, their medleal And surgical cansers wilL be DE ft&rbl� T. 7tXVJS bell. Allonsonn is a pmMire tvinflost will be given. W Alt Inan "i -- - I . "WA tit 04 L hea"y 1114M 4 efly for ChAh!aiiw� Fralited Feet, C*W Hassle sold removed without the use of the Reu#4 - ]a UTHL =1012SOV7. 11 etroft Cousultation ft**. fro'm sood twis woos' 104i"Allot". 165P0106110, Augut;W�ItM. wr-ta z Want otpupito I OMM (Ior the countr of ass"N.L=1 WAWO *1 Doeinew aw Andrew Dww#hj �r. -Proprkim "I"M Aud d"Ifift4it wosk. will M04 =1 at &,w 1300-M, *" ewtd wult tha Aftwasive-.-Au" wisl Witak !V. fitrr 11J, &111 WOW of 04 A -tissou on, smil; Toosibachit isonwilssiftly r**"". A in tbr r two iduo ve "W and I Amety of Xort L ItA 490 190noz =4 IF or Invis t1r:0v —.5 MvI=-01ASS, soc*mmodstion. . Thii TW' Wd W 6 tkiJ4 eft-fMilkils 41t #W amid 14DERS will U rest. ived njttn asto&q, the 7th ORT G001JO, GROC. 111k ad 40 "M "A &A it is; a 68MAMial rou"dr Sim . $I --s b Ir"I . , a I Is a" tho low f I "'t NwarbovIrlil"t) Nsir ofAugust 10%. for grayeBbig the sKmsM 1P table is supplied witb aU the delvies To r tile W 7"00,44'..J fl� 1 - I - I d6boon, Tot IWWWW to J­,-q.lr�t 11.1 .. vim - *f the wisisaftit X- And the bar with the beat fmathe railway Atialim to the C~s Kiln- sq" inao&EUMK W" Be"e oft a" =1 A fvkv4 an Forpitriletilanapply to 11. "Airz, anow aid Is bmuftof liltuors - d = MER & CATTLF, T Imam EMU -t PARL"' - i ft (3o&*Tllftd dqcfA*zA,Aft *W A A. AAU% A ID Ifily ward, last Itit, qf $be GODER10H GRAMMAR A MAK a be PU ou'u4ilsk. 4;., FULTsY 1) impy'an Vall ArrJOTION ff -t foin Ab t&eir nuworau cad*MM -to buy t1wir mk 14 fifis, by 81 A 49M 00; 'COTICE is bmby given %p kskra- a v —c'? ant that �ths 11 totbre subsisting betv ed Tiniq kiff0ft " 4 "�� t4 WID 4 b$V bay .Aoikow 68 tole* lac as t** uld Jl#1 Sale LARGE 1; T. %I: WILL IRS MN Jol w" T11j" Detler. sks buy 6h lail".Ua(1116-Ar ON thin day dimolved by mutual so T It gy a d amt win i JA 21, t1w the Do Ow X w00%& r Ills tiss said Inacts Wild 15mith. 11 duo am to 1�* ft�w a die frook 200 by!tlw rhoIsin", n4A* rwid ft *111 woks* 1" -4 �j the same Tum" D W Del r, bywbeft of tin Aw wimt 'cam' -VA11111. Monday, thie Oth August a" And ERIM 11 when all papilit anfl, APLIkants for a"hisim an r9- Vning"lill, Will be 00111crich Lo T, ", 6 stub Jj1rAe MOWN 411'011� A 4kit tp shes &M. if .1 = a�=! Parfumei7t Combog Bra el a i the ppopustion of pupils for matriestladolL in 11124eir the -Arxi of Jr C Detlor k Cal, -�J of n4W god b-0 a Overt nod. sa P—mi the; exAnsivatlow Of Datild rA Ooderick, XtIaMdai ofDJ A ID IM Xad give their eastomors tM tam* )f Tom. of- U.46&ow anew" a t took* aw Law SaaW, FsdMw w afforded to those in- 07 SQUARE. 1. ow ~r an 6906tod on as l" so IN 14w Usivevibles &NA I in lb.4100VIE100 Ike vbiww, beemse t4adion $s prepare for the *%auto&- IAMWA " ( -""Off W 1k k" bari'sin they 4" to ill" known nil ANCISS I I =Zsmdoc hw� and to those Witness: WAI D IV D W21 -2m JUDO 214 1W Moser on 000"Nercial uh� to somistre* �A11 69 #me of elk. wm connottew Arithmetic W. IL 11141:113K Apt furak-C pamw;6im apol ft WWI" rispik bdo the Do" 1;�-Njfo� ^POOL avoid at a low rau, 7,tia a IF time beeistairube fthaol� now clai'"aw %Wt momily Fav*w gnu" b T&0m and other vub* 7" fartbw Awiettloo, may be kisailo to ilia evilionsuft UNIffseedsvielassaw la!;�tor, viviek asavvitsvir NMI JU *Use ofso" UW am Wtii-iiii the sto"owy 1111111114taii, aft$, i TM04"Wo-4,1110N J IV WT- -alp, Wwr-`1111 VR �Kftto Ile- At loci. aft&( i4ft"ft IN* Mim A AA 4rm.. WNG SALE4, si� - "W A 4; i 91402 Ve holift CLEA an W011 C111,000"a Ix n 1:=Jl * aw- I ARE O"Wbowo-i4 I DW e -I- 0, mom S1111111. I ---- owl Im I ­ -1 -1 1... -67m dwowm. in Ddwust�kvm It go 4111111110011, bow Won a 0" an q( r"Wii mow l,=frrbvv1 love ;W4 A— Wy,Ow ova a nowntblilp 60 PFUNK SAW a1 weveds am 14 ft 4mw wyof off a ld PW is VW6 vve ft 44y M04 J the *Ass Drew 4oads, 8 &W. gas d(M IN WT-DzRst AR.U7A1KJLA0S% "fl)vvivskess ft UWA 1111111 AMIN 11111assissidaw P 4* AS - -- Itipso ION* *out 4a As It is. -to his AW vw- ft lip, I IN—, out ),U4 TLL�RA Dr. 1. BdW Man -A A Q@J04ft Ss* X6 I 09W on Al, -Op� - 644W too 0 Al S. Ahl =ALOw Of owe T 0110111101". SWAM isortiew "sm p'" boa 9"T -40 1 W41 17 A it 0 .k 4 1111 in, tiie same at tits JewAry lei JAL 4 ]WIlbiflon -1W TRY. 7 U R AL & ARTS Of Ont'adoy t 41 t2 0-.% TXS �IE24th SEPT. 1889, --14 Vies" to" *"An Anse" a U0 1"reetire cissw 16 Sim At Toro" m asr I* - Wall, as at wift" OL `110+14 A i77 his ofall J Kim 0, TOOK", K WL w-1*06 is 'T C W- T. 911WREN-1 A z It X TV 43k - do soft of 11 Osuviruo Ping, :V C> Sik AyWx 1-3: JL Cb-=zf,n"c vr. Dr. J. BrZv IN L 934:X*W4CW THE GREIT INNO161811 BENNO I E -A 0 V TJ Y 3 r z forlativul, - ­ P i4ees iftfmv imc. y . Vas, at ftss g q, I at Z&tsdft z am TA111ity in the saur ii fitiroct by lifts Dr CoIltv's Aitti-100"Itive an ToulaPills. They "Plate t1le.b6we .. corrod tile -041ebtat6d Nin'ale Pills. -Aft-W rXXWXXXGF MWI ZOO106 x4abbilk.. 68 tin 'Plit . i I I 14#Lm i- !r 0 'Liver, elear the Compilltion, and xe a e Par ,tboy AM C010i)(lied of alive Ing U Co as: 3 —1 r!; I t Z. X 3 3 1 To d cm C% nt I fo (e, a M i Glorious Ili the stawart Concentrated Artn, ant tisrib, at It ow mild, J V 94 6 let odfur lNuo-vol -of! is so c ,A, vig At the storinaudwavei'. curhigulmost like m it use"Wisite to John Nall -tis' Fect, *e. - t =4m"bd usakta. LAU3111, c.. 'to Isderlyed its cureff, ri Tliou"liall testify a Ivor wa erft at, . . many of WOO An truly liawiittnixtr&t. wid" tktt,,, areghilis 'Alt bus" rmzar� 'TwAt 04'1'4*' Ile ?I .. to 'A I oldre so Universal. Dr. 'T. Rr'�-t A r prollertles. IN)1db14A&W1re 4rs6 marrei I thr, "WAIN willhe MO at lerit. I". U4,44i by Dr Ile*10ims in Me pidace 0lars, Into use. A w- %;v hi., of &,Aom"w ilt Saviftin; the pointed rod; VAUTIFULI I M0111 And vangeraus 41i Owl Where 4he 0 Am And Dtiammsm -Up -Dr. S. 11 AllcraWor, for IS the� Coro all,, ho -40. I are retitie4ell toAJ and atitleat once, _*k Bverdlet glym bri44j; use Ut, seemed ==WN All thi zilizil'tily, all As ltbrin;a the deadlyllAtning oet upak tit *llioh The lbni 11 VAt The QLWS. It makes dry, tignih, Ufrl isle 0,6h).Wititioll 4,31thico.t.* It b* yap,= ya 2 M lk5tl,13 -glos. and Woou WOOL. B lolmm, Vr"Ur=tdP0Md b r .", T beautual. It cleans" #W JIM "moves plul SASLJ, QwIled autl barmless to tlibood, Thelliz*11t Mattel lafK* told fhr au� qatalutv" N FOR rorc.dr. for majot strougthousthe 1; 1, the Alld ispe0ycure marto.relied ono roftilowus no and land ritte hair frowrat in I UsNe and Vxr more aillso. %grew tra ��Uxar it it J..�RTNWAXT& and will certainly nax We" : I it n4jb f who a glorions essftaec� audit I TO tag remedy than Conxg.-Use Er. 1. to beMatiful; o eu r td pmw ILADIES -Ntay 4". P.M. L 2! t 000M. 1111RU. jervwl - other. Those gold eveltywhere htpekuliarly.0 ad- h.wItJ,:inm3ftoi tinivs, tried 14 know Outt it cured tallyamedng inthly "Pticul -*ith rew 1,04 . . . Aill-3 &3Z Z;;51i F', brifig on IJW tril wthoyvat - , hive &-17sa rr. 'T. ur tau"ibeirs in 0 every kROW that It clatrefte tbeir a 'Wal Allevalitor tor HE U M AT I 0A--*JkUzeraeIke* arill patilis One .0ollsir, hernni lJoy UUR(b= in sU knoW*4 9i)E'rilmat, ovairlsJU4, Buell InKtie, prwi C leAvothqbotlykile an am, ON 400sal am that the putill 21111101A 111; d a I R r 7 .` SweeteA d. lit 4= tsio to pr4evrk I Colin. _V301tu is av,h t- 3� oarteable to ut-:,. =1 r�lulec. W(l ty '1100 Aour. irnmetilt S1,6111P Of'Utr tl$F�' of IU virtues or uses. L =W or act 13' - lo us compom"081=6 . -- then. Dulls awst, III ;­ 4. ­ of -FN. MM ­r"At-TAms ftek or ra "Adso oarNaeates; of their HIAIX, Ou" 1 11.4 tit =Mates of our rue. Often, lads allseegi and ofthe . ............... Seel betbreux6fiy disea*s 1, Am,- some of 0XV. , I I puree it hask- efiected..- It tit C -Axylft IS the optim Mo oww,&h cmz mma In A=tsv Avoladerfal. for ter. 1"ny have ; 1150SAtoftbe organism %tudersolne ZqUevEta =d ot-Tmr plams i��atlta, ladip; of -Tuwl4 Seitthe darkest Wras dluf takeg 64tf"#at( dllr-W' xbdtnvftu the attackofenfeeblingor-AWdis I_ by It Thse& PAU-1 Iremadnotpu aue'a Taq,,�, wla3ita�k slid %, vh0*(d notba :0h%==V1 bow I -' r 414% lab* -004 ftsom to I ealtb,' vin? 5 JV essas &&#;ed to And 80964ditywithaptit- it nUl ON! §ee thaxoseof It MIN, 1 40 P7,987 &JR113 Iclonofits Again canto,14 beallity- ) � a)w Fit�e to hnng Pi hrkrr�r. ca t =,=2 tbousu �pTlep ineratsc& a* aflnelh to M41A t' contifning orsal 11 reds of. vallt-; IM04 = gy Its a lia ttra isuftW stason, luditeing able Ives 1114N, N savt1lavi;, rjdge�hut at (141 favorable 1 10 t they may be trAm va safty Vy snytody� '41 1 Use- aflldjl tl-Me theyaAOS fe- on WOM'O" run P develop 4: S. thW Aw sk-prerestive bf dq ' ill i4 J�f Piftervas them werilreak and makes i noT oT(,J iontWbtis�, d1i; ellorlt� other of its hii1sous Ibrms, on time --s. =1 the3a it rft colutor ervolm 1114 to .3, F altzo ItAr tbetbrotAy"ted C*Ithit 1q, nitrawx o Ti pltll 7: 'Zlyn, ]?lent" us dyspepsla I gymusumptiert I a all r all deslers to refund, tile lueboy. fr it back and Wailift. waimill -oitsUgh, tubm, Aq ham am zrIsv,=W*11*6etr, =%"V,=W*y Tagemba ed to 4 1 wcrd'! a t OVA -1. tereift� 15n .;1::: 1;1 X:1. gteAtSHQ"a;;M1tnn,7. Foru0byza IM-1sts, so I Ift s4vvibwoa� joll;rLftlit fle;trt, Hvir ?rlcs ant] 3& 1% the by ihair powerful FIR be a a e exertions pfilpital tumors lbrmed In me ju it Zwx, rMy,0,P= Infinenae Ott ale to imlify the blood and stimulate It lucalAp i6y, fiJ, Yes. all Ills are. ern.suedat le It WhIteS,lbese flits, 4.11 effiewt a ttirc 'whir all 8. J. FOSS4 bysru tions on the sla"Off,4411cer.-I Intervial vI PA�MUI!kk C=LR AgwAx Jailed -, anZt valtholtel a power the obstraction.ofthil in.,11 �, I. I I - . live% ant 1119111111, at the ids e"Im Foil z1vowhAthattanuatura (lodarift . w-12-4- o1heinit-illis bosve at the body. Ila is 84 -Iage ;Ji's tv ,Whmsa of ttlitgmedy,. Jq wt coalfo). froll. catt---nel. Rati. of a of this AstvapoO Voly ever neeiled-SiRENGTIE i JV tkt�-ull6n. .' - TIMM% evan =11-wow"MAX, . Ift 11100tien Oil when to Aotive Is a t1fitthinghurtfill 16, the it - 4 ts"3929'. blkt Wlkiqzb, vdieft frJed hy1tIkdyroUc`rtcQ?kP4b WWI, fzsuj�)osed tj ficalirmore is in'the-4jansphlet.- at jund each ons allilded wl fol wingam- by 66rreoting, wberever uwy axist� siasifs AW&CCO. ftkiiiii[tYalt the country Is 4jftr,�d, but atkult Indeed Full 411reellor MOU A4 A="" origin ofdioesae. Is Uot _Int I 11113d ithmediste and, at - t. Nq L; ii; x,ro faarizi rvant!�R.,- lee, T='m iet to let the OaSe. lie ZATA4 Inattfier � Inally airppose liackage� wbich should be cilieftAy I evervied. Jump" are even In *6 anLa Dr. Vbfaea ralsam or er Up I 'ites" ,r zgay L use of thiss RTL ortte�azstfm sitrititlelle I "Uttrintel'outh6L Ilk, -olnes agent for flls,-Unifed Statesaw Canad IttAfm1fos -wil", B"e or *Uowbs- complaints, I, =Irclxe�- All thh-coutittT�bee ndwtold The truth is thr and Pa Ing atfforWt. 614erbu iHIAsIQU$ SprfugfMultheinereS ate JQ1% UQSI� cad, riiiew, Aw rifflid. fiemblifig. dy '0111ilea for_ V Or TA*fleas- so, Bore Zatre, and other. ns or r e Er - iiiialf6ation. which, like the to auk jillfitIriZe, ss:j -1 Ali A, -k na.A, Ay��a le iris ilie ram 'i of AmvjWous diocase.., -0 In 1140hkLit- for consumption. folio* I* ths'vkIrsof-tiviliyati0q. ekIrt WjJJjnXUfe I, bottleacla. atore topoSSW ige stam vi"enclosed eZares he statestitialt �d 0 JLO" Of Appoate, they eadsh7c ftrapradt� d, =1114V to stimulate the stow so I beueft- Ji.fty Pip and *otloa. F0 f at "Out U4 kitMrglo ef! M 2z wh and restore I no PERtIVIAXaMUP is a profelct4 solutigii of esstravia' V= e2tc!z- s-lenee-VI. V lea 1'rotoXidt of, J� iiiocin# 4)r t3emuse I For 3rAver CtL� VA ==tOL 0 ea�� 01�* th., be MDAT10Z:, -, �; - ' -, --� am Its varw" sm - ArM and tOMS, 011][1141101111 AMOMMOCIM, 960k p ifnzoro hatStr 41S�e�iie ;b eSt *tthV the VO4)tate PiUS)%re ell Nli�freiq Coux; T ruR au UYS ARVIVD� lit 11)4-1 F. y ;si� and Dtfew"s Iss Jtint p4ug :nymm, The VOW f'V01f MOM" I it, I a Jka oror toot 44 1 - Use an 411!tz be beae- en-Zfs�w-jl At h ��#jv�X - thou aired -for dielously taken for �ft, e'3 load with its titax prbstiproFor ty tr­JJ;aJ4. HAT imperlor F -;%it can, 1,, 0. co& om ft -a"" 6,bmstlEo�e umusladlWed a. sodolaor raw" th—eo Ganne it e3for a V1 z oft remedf - - _ % - gh along time It to the �eaclkjkw�xrge-`- J110AC lie'11701-thle68- d 'a:n1-4iTVz;nth1t e ot n -Ueaff ofelUm ToOrne, 74 Acres. OF And, 40 acres of *bJeh iti-o' NORTHRUP & I TUAN aled uss or this m lei is care I gequine lia J?imUV#j6- z4ve, v Oxyll in thp 1clesM, wellitatMil br a, living week. 4ucl 1101jud :Jg� W11 Tht 0 the IFor Mgmme-iiery or PLASTIC STATE ROOFING.' f4=edE2!-r-o,t7A-. et and C uJJI 01 dvosee is =28a0MIY Nawasale, , Vi Z; 001a - s. uooq log Wile'- ard ftme . , _ '"'s' lily. oo? tile Rlvel� JW4147141 mww 19M For Urki. U05. vith 4 good alokaj4 0 bUltw A 775fti ft u the T Soft r4 ed-abd ultimatt Sittilf4d one mile n a uxemises. a U1, 1840M.Of the nom. the mid Invigorating effeeL 16* VOU40 of Ita ter,U *,ola-in Gbi4ilvlf UY PoRter N Coiltle'ling [if: liu'left.'Jaw'I IW w -in �.J�Jvt. 31s"gwk Juald Z�-I-Aoal Uld. be Con T AwArp -rulial)-l"her all Ti'll, miles from Goderich and 12 milft from Clfutolu �5- The 4ordau- 0aidiner (z- Co -j- Ityl., . cam am found In our Ab -mp- wt. propertylsa Acitrable Iavep4#jont being an the County 4 1 O� - JIT ?�,Arm t� Astwob v ith 11tt lwlt.t iii ow Pot i L h Vey eoafte)-LVa to theZeUCre healtLll. Ify'IttlictiWo let -Ukftl;� fetir Mind Isk fu1Iwrwf*t*oibuc&1*1- WN ., takell, as Mo' to t4s gewj)le ; J. fit lo Wbft =afttom. tT No. set Day Iiit. WOW TOM GrAvel Rgad and p tuill privibp on, plationi of ex matters 13 R�pt ia a. malst and he3my -A*Pores, 117'eAftilbl?, lt".tkv, "On"unt It S, cord, Ltucknow'. E. Hii* _trV* 4 lver blattl4n, r y be. V atonq do (115APP-ear. thou qwdcb, to J4'as *Uo XAver F 10 and IlIvivifie"" . - W. I _am Highly RemmilrArd '61)en, Mal fm= t '.a expesamttrXilft - ' MUVINIWS tb*Y FOf Reft It is 'blocz y inlar .11issotim t1ta 17 portion fifthe WoT,�Aor'&LVXAJ;� Gcneraf�jg&t%r sonT th" alnil: -At, iveP�Irrjp- 'Ns I P=es 0%. wim muelt impure =tter Vhcu xe*ftstle. Out, sla= be frequent dosasi to prg. en, Itd ftn do should be Atirall(Itti -fusjv*#.� ON fir., I�PVO.Iivt w4t. rt&M.A.o Vhe� revw* to# waters wo permitted, 1a, retuft in witlAput, Goderlq+. me lit bftt% Hllilflrrl� jklot Whir: !P, f -It it- tigiihil*i; tit .1 the rank itlessensthe ip�124. blo" UrIft $;; For suppre" f . ...... ..... A da. Azveut gravel; M by I sympath 0 t� et.-tivityal .1y "ftusIg WitfliseAse. Storer hr me CM Y. d )r ort oyai�m. saltProdwasts"e4astred !13t)X-*tTv) s, ength and As a ZNnswP P.M# take ona or two Inm-to pro. its tkr J-Vhug Thooll"45 am and Li.or ARTI RRIPs 'was Nvoak L6Z90H'8.'Xry certalli 3 "0'P0*- litote digestion —4 Mom the 4msch. if -Aste, P Au -A *mb1Ad,Wft X � J 414� otlter praladles wwisim". tiaorwl V.J? fiie I" auiI =3hy I' sUfe *01iniiiabbildren all#: An occasionst d0ft edtaviJait" the stornq* =A. foi qf ItndL immediate a t�� 4020 boweila into hsAlthr Action, rester" the "Peate-1- itoly fft ­=raUve, md Jnvigoratm the system Hal ilie, ow A A"d Incian (.1 ox-mPtomatic Of' wriahlia". .8 or Zda", or .% ME; oe"'W.0--ed. of t�he bm= aid at yrrA&;artiuershJpoffbe . UU4er%4 Avid -- ortenad. An-Liuvu, CkAvriah AMMD-a lid tbittorke gmat 0 Wke" W sWianir rangentent exipw firms nione7 0f11a1lIftr&NVIId, bait-Ulit-daY biien dissolved ty rotn lboda thistadon W Hotel; in fW 11-jeannot I e Itic di7eply fill- T07rer and 1, Za g, tractialt ot.G good klidLea-ill nod iti" arldftoo of, itif exhilL 2K -m rf tto skta� the lilbra Aaulut5r to of Xl,.r VF&V paraia4s the -neftWiti.,� fee tolssw= etiapplagand Goderiall. hwth yrektod booft the Ant -J.Ylrr L I from it - August 3rd, 1860. tr rtheii�elniiliih. I tWr AMULRC 4011 r411110`00611116 aged oathe erdat�kng - I - - ; Wit& At agalfist and owing to the Ilim will orcidgely watehiiii BYSOA)mg. d*W - . IfOnCl iV DEBTORS# inipm-LaCy. a­-AtTiate-mr, Irne cauft4 *,,ve, .cratura ot, theltedy rapidly -.Pallid:LY- PatedthW25thdikyof July flail un4orstandin't th# A �ons and WON% 974 appar4u& 7 �ba settled by Ur _YMP' , fdjj.W�j�jflhl�* : I — d it le, FWM Me, 1a,.A=J0 4# CO., IVA~ 4L a ',vast lmportattm qf w" orille" ,Jhou Nr� - I G1WRGA RUIdUALL.-, Of, ave4 frora early graVeS. SVKPToXW - �F% 0,4114. rim Ila a. 11r, a- Be .-The foll6vi;ilig area feWoftbe'viery -W AM =UGGIM gthe e-3 in, It a ordertbat it inaft, 4*01gliral Ic "det awrivrow- VMD XWMIM ZO"AW XAM., 17, 0, A. nm -OLDEST, mpt4ou uitil d4w d by Riirl;erand -WQft`lH3fJJ?* LYII.41.-, Ont, pnerat Noapr av% *btch, prie esuped by ILL portka j)eraryged arq)vtiWlems0 op 'A SIP"- to milve -ekt POT" nt if$ I" IA�A,ir 1" the 1.1i it I 'r.-ayou salrzrwifti thet ptp--Opu�- 5,J) . JHJ�41 .14. at' the' 1561114n. Godurith: a And X 44MM, Johiet'. W14" a bon, tk, sur' �� 1h, ishrl"t.v orealb,frequellL Our by Mricer,& C lqy� Aug6t 30th; 18.0.� TIC, ihti'viiih dtkri�* sleep, bardnes:-, i IT., thum. TftostraekLlsna r I . Jr , J(114%, j, jot", lit. Gardiner& Co.. Bayliell of Vie 844 firm. � IN ofth.1,, IW;Y, debt inckw*dbyjmyp-,r*ft inni Lit IW11,4"C eyeN7. I 3mader Y I aft r 4armawltauds.cltest. Iftgs;, I . 1� 11 - 1; - I - I . , SW= -14 e:l�� TxL,14- bowd.1i, Ups tygbtt� k%eis;- - ho laid itid 0 [it quil Ikiye-JIt*qtin rtl , IKAW 0,04,00TIV4, J0 K HAIRV. *A"Wls, Alvf SO.. vW, -Okles Or t�e% U30 br. 1. Brl�-�t&Mlevanfir And pou t rs;, treft"i6g. of I t 41cepi In ME -: � ­� , T , r1i & recluont, �Illny- stools, and be, ullow ftfL! !%Xef*A and tuition fei­*r c*m weeks' vill. fin A tft=eJZat-a rollet. In all ltelievablo ev oL win eo�kmeuq&,Xonday Odal$er i� PT Witwan?ffh- -July lob, F -W, W.65 30 rightful dreams. -WA va:=pwnqr.3--3 r, its, f. �rq .7� - es intevillAvvi-n-1 e#-q-q31W- 'Win card every time, and ltj , " wily ft b TALL &OW- ta it giiadutl wasting a 0 116yare pallitab wiltnot theweakest w6m3uor 1)XrA1ftiz.Tff.-XuzIq;' vocal ItliedaQ.-tzian. App.*VAfrepand freely by the Pro- 3 work 45.. 1horV1119h;Y'vnt4(1l1!J� I omag. I Te*c1er. ­ v SaUtzoratWi�6 C. Xi6* stz�!et West Toronto oaniila, I imic andcomplote -Ati- (11 4,,, r olUir.lavvay and N'.3 lk*4W4y-J2;aw 'Zor1k, SoM by! hNei 'b 1.11 1400bIerftWy,,fbr*ArdJ =T'lit e4fil d -i tbartick-4* - r I . TOUR U Di[Nd 9, aig (TvAor Oil fir other un pleasant as P IMNAITember. n the Ifft of ojhe�r W-4orm 4V-edjCIftL'A'# B R Grad 11"Ill &)nth Agri ulitiral FAII 1411--v two, L Uconige T. Z *=1015810, J3­7ACh boX contains 411a fao.-Althflevftgna� it for flow, in 0"Row4on" - with usc '34--korwisit CIM904 (tatlin Greelvi And Verean �71' THE:, P It" W3Jr.J:.Bkutau.UL,1Ef T XPORTSdireft ftom British KanubAure*, every 16ft 0fNfllz=*0P & --#ejq4tfup Who Priethe Sole ProffijaWrt'r Ph7d1A1W--7C 1131 It and Compari it 4A. I'Awl Foll 11W fprwair UW toom Tiw pit I Mo in a Aud wifirnsup4 an.1 jucilff,; %Aw W*A 4w llot. - W. 3(emb or Cattle and F.Jorduii U a I AN 4119 solif I* Got Jy WE#; X i H --�-A* Or-, ffd1dWd3PS­ WA 1=114 je A R. IW -T-. FA -ant od iiii, so othW, =rio -Ti A N 0 Public A Vic MoRs. UP Mt rdiner Will IIPI~ in #JAW. JAIne, ion. ZGE X ROYAL 'CAN A )Aawis Ielf, jk&A P fiaQ: 4ilue#Beathain, ikoage"914 �IVADEZY L. -STINSM,- U! ST..- W*NJ) Eniffish(le it XT It &law 111614b, 1* a;*4 c"taw W! U41. rsl 611 vollow, es � la-' rwaosly, rAttev tipa Note ftek ant o0ra- ciffilib ug It M, RNGLJ li4it, with 11W P.A41* 11unin it 1wal r-w-kt). of -them atithe lowest possible rates for cub. r. ete6:J.'H4Vrhibqi� Clinton -"'riI, Lue i orth. r 'a iejnf� 1, YR r N all 11 xCh fb whiell "Our* will %ftft owl hi�f' jklid Jolmw ikjc m-* a- an.1A,ull� *%wiss. win rold�rl a F11 till. In the onstrao of tht, ITlentutteft with a rda"Ift, w otow-Webtatett instruments. witfoll we AlmLU after st the llilkiw- 1W Wd i JP jKlaren J ginst, owswr �recelved tmtrp�ff to. w11 by applyto - - �, - 1-,- 1 14 fw Na -..I tlw un ollow. to 'stwkmdsoldAtprlce$tUisstftlgibfliU*de� - - or nownt k. .11 :lot 3�= room . % - . - - . . . � ft - , White, WAPIO on YAIRIlt HS(r im 410* Gidericli, KAy 2,,5 W-35-tf *01" G. X, TRULWAx; ­ III the &jntl- Rid rapilsis" r teitt- soo!'Opo U- U -Vel Ocala v.,4A ;i I '1� 1, - 11 -­, � , , I :.in and kothe tiolt n '71" 11 A A 0=5 z n f ileadini: 8 do P rainarkal3k cam are Ab am kw" U*n SAtod, blisk them Ife ad conditions all climates 14 4x= Itb y 4 1, _ witheIrt And. by it dIs__J 'hit Oka lie fr it a Most ow XT84 ill"Rikd they she diamond Action %W=t a PIAN rum Do !Olr R Ulf- Wt no) 6%% ot;.orb w1okift: to 0� 'Lite", w27,.1 :!s;$S; with flint.1lared tvi'ves $10 ar-I tb* Now, W EVEN 8TX'KM'r-- 'A tod WWen Mtent stud ftrew the viodfIrvit"d ONYTUDWAY TRE S IT a-, am fit I M *16 - safflish wheel-flar- Past Is Uw Ill W HUG icwik, F. aft- -4 ff DAT �Iug to i ish, With -a h it, A it., unbunkg. l 1 SpeaWsiftntioniagivontothiii4epAdxmut PArtIft in a.-singla eu�: Zw It 4L orderingfrom me maf;eW, on having any dwtip -to gaw neat relic 1611- SEPTEMB19ri tion 1paanevi IWJA� whel� timili June MKIA. Isav Jwff ormusiefdro"f4promligy Sid-- '4r� havip'neVer �kliown a tingle, casp� fii� A% - [action wher vexf� af. ffiat very de;dmma ledilence known as AtTpry- Lowia3t, Prices, from dateofo-r-ade. Fl* procurvils Cu register oforery city xnd town InCausda, tb e -'Thispro tvisbeautiftliyaltm- ait direetkiiis. have 1 the R,:d;M 1,?.opezL4&,, Rat 1Wff 10189tw 417 ntrirY, Itit life water orsealsvel: the fknena I to attitude every hilitrumelittir cub locallty',toneetly, v ated wUr02#g the Ott of Godiedcb,, on tLe Biter IOP410, tollowtibir on: ilia co � 7' _put oftheLake. It coutains3l ' ' w - I ­ - .1 1, tbet -ilt4LISMUtelyliwAmrytoltaretliim rn ontheDials. les% withIlwelli, Iro— fin Iiiind, Aleligh.*04 With Ila ORM06nos and, . speak lit Oraffigusm-, EUbleg, &e.. with large- Garden Vinery & zl� ashext j�rtaq of tts virtue I-Iternipmett"lunkiistantlyou todat so TAM VW01711011. Kill � at 0- Thlois tbeelteape#housein, the trade. and migleate on7lard R, C04% 41AA10.1gone artboaft upernlinstminent,9, lob weuratel- and Invariably foretell the fItate of the weather frotu 6 Q aw" avat 2 t-0 a" hk,�. 111 vosof the oppol alog* e(tilt systeat laud not THZ4CA2VA.01A$PAZ2V DaSTROyrra 24to0boursinadvanceAmilday the - dunitywhich now presentsitself. Tbo AifWtswUI re. been made 44 $be ditwlims on disk werw -saltba Ilowe2ing'Eudep. t1heny. Profits bered on the:' Iready money! jsIril"Irs teoutation,aga blood p1ft main fors, fewdays only. Headom f7t'a Domfillon, in Xontreal. Respectfully. $V=nft=a tavaVgaod arder. credit 4ba" maparky paysiolit an A*— (W) WK per oent tag" 'Obsieried In Cmdthg Go-& G. fAlling spiingi of pure- water on the property. 'The ur J. DOWE3,0 IA"forCans4iii. fir used eik a el, linti*fto stemac* tonic, Una passedinthe I aid Atmxtim fT a jolvata res2clazze e=nQ4 .:�C 15�rRassed T. histosy of medical prepaquons; selflontlalls, Veheiialt: Rdee. to- be i -in complatuz 104igt*. By order of Ite 19ovad. lovan Dy'sim-pain Uvere I IZA%.=O,olrgnle.-The-prof4L*dywHI be put tion,1404riburn,gickHadacha� X eyffbni. 1. If the Vere*vFWaysiabbrI21111larbeir or�he word "Changinble" tout moving.much, either up or down may 1, Iti", aw-72 tip '*or Asthma, sac the at aii up set pfze of", one-third of the purchase plalints,�Actil StornschTlithisi .2 -t TOO maniotebe psa(liktha-dayofsCeand the remainder systclu debuitAtOA S. If tbeNeremyriwto or abova the W rd 11 Fair "fine weatherlsathisla la two vottial anuial 7yer eeuk�ufereat .3. �fkhonldjt happoiato rain when the. standaWsh. 4t will be local,and vM littlefIrit, oatmunpaA Z7xJW..ThepkMoftbe;-pro by sullerlingand disease. 4. Iflive Armilii onthmes to rt" slowl forpilght or tea day—and aWlvas At or Above, the IW I pertycark IW Alugicalaud-4ondeiial sucettse- 2a auring It ; -­ I :. - -1 wintereontinuedfrost, Zorii throat.CoUghs, Dipthirpts, Z, Wholt*0 jfemnr3 Wig, it indicates er; If the fall be Wxem with Krt4--- particula-ra at the o!3C4 of' the P1 rig'- IYAT ENT,, I'VA"UTOR. %"tlf 4olds, yely DR. J. Mal ME Tam auctimer, or an qrr.Rzation to AT� A00ill. Is bbw; #ad Im Owns sito Wk, moorsigiatoOtfL Ittalls very law. A severe stom In ant# 0 p4l, ns M the $Rli 1). S. 000DINGS acherhettinatif inadfItIvarpainisis any partel 01. When, dnrizg a storm, theNercury &I Mien rest. wurod. the worat isevis. Biwistet, Goderich. The undersigned in prepitred to 4 rhe gmt vatwil, Headame, 1%, -VU the and from vviiialeyereause, flat foven 1; 1- Vkft the x0retity mllivea quictly. a. the weg' her thttv tAllows will be of Sid *verml Pain Rautedy st plaea In eVery househo(d *M is ras'. Superftd- 1%eves" and Unt RNISH No 10 *11: vittler prepkinatiflax of the kiltd. ranted to surpea any known die- AM It is also an ulkelival sad pr6wplt ire=63y ]or, BRMSH EXCHANGE HOTELS-GODERICHI nr, ANt 4VA2r;= AT TJM oovery, for $aqtkls� His FAvii Sprgios. Vfulblalps, rlIS'. "!, 610th low am 1)"W" relid "d rs* cure of frost 1140. UrampA I*, I:w latt"nsolij Disrhais.1 T -A 0 w 4113 a t 3E31 3r i e t1a, say eoweivable "do rb To a turn, Ilvivientery, Va. FROM TEX AlBOTE W=. ents P PUre Whitt, Alnua #9, inches WIWI. um of P& . , F PrWg4RIy!M -0 11.0 --v MCD 11MERNAZZ M .8".CR JrXTX2 AUCTIONSALE NORTHROP 1,YKAN, 4 NJtI.Y FT giollon 'A* Augost &* 1W. or 34r, Avesm"r mobba an tim Read. (4e"I Asant for Canada, WW - O&W11 roLieve Xe. 4 Vtftd A4W. It a sick .7t .1 . - I I T THN H19W D0141ANLON VASH STORE. A 1111de 3 zg t= OF )TW �i I . . I W Ill TIM '�;(Ioderfvb bv, Nrk-er & Cattle Itud Zak lins & Al 160. -to 80c YA 04111001101k, t`100,01 t Ir -No I.MW x4th NNW. sh.K 'if; 14WIlith) 08rdiRtf & Co- HAV&W JaMalk a*- wisirr,mid v k,olll to row owstrows, inbeh ftloss Nor Fickvira, - NX-0an I.S. basso, bl"Ile Ike hevild widalmAhovisossew, oW r0w isol. wwk W14- AIW NWAW 8"4 $WbWI6 _*Ne WiC'A$lwvuw',ows "Usym P) 6. when ohm" pilsommi trout. Itu IT THE NEW DOMINION 0 STORE. us rn IV - 10 "' old' F0111" tul, &C, if rumbe.',VIlatop-, -*�zwordt Lwknow- X Hickik to * " I M=- AaWdy as dw swinwk ft""U, 1111" simbf" -MAI 1=11 1 11 -L r*00* qMWIA, of the AlItTZA,Nt and an 140dialue -tree in 41 thS UOW ShM83 live to 61ilk, n0iiiia. Wt MOTAU G1 DR, r 001(wed ALUS 4do" OW **Wkd at die to 011T Stadit df C 1111001tom silo dw 04 G. kned Mite I sa 4 * woftw* at tbo A00"3 All Wool. obwk, we hairoi a IwW TRUENAN V111H NEW D039 ION 048H STORE. Wilt issisme6ketely relieve &Wt q&"*Jy oft* Catano, doLey so cfalumKM lJoved w" ;a is insymtte-i bt mr. Thomn pae.:, to sea by iluedow 1%eliffeig. filift T'snint, 434"k, Amoned, aM all t*n. mill W weet woke at aeftise &Inst at Imam Mis an knooedistief nr the 39tituh ExchampHoti* Goderich, ie W, ax:1 EXPOR! -0116- received, 3-Ax-X.w-,Z(­ 111,MS Hamilton Arm ZA. y, NO White'v eked Skir Third lot j On- Wurdsy, August 14th- 186 T-179. lbraft wisim be In derfelt. at, the Kar ft low. At moll, a ?am* viusivilty of Hou"bold IrtnalhWe dayand Annat. AT THE NEW DOIATNION CASH ST0r&L mlioved as 0 a, Tbwwka lof Xxiadles, such as sed AIkv%,U1r.-W 111W400 Tab? Kitchen. TsbI Colik"nipbonin fp*w pWr. bseekthast. AimWilor for lknabF, carod jot a Ithe and also. & 4qU&D t 0 a tee& AN, ATION fswiValue Giv an in' WKAv for Raval adian olissf; DrUse AJW--. A~ so sok sprinw tteesses, &,a doo, I Jan"ice, Lt I flank rw seiW, It invisedu1*4 dfty4aVrRin,*AWfpr" Otoves and Sto-. e Vipm, Crockery, reatto tile aillicitd. am ru a-, ID Z Abessac rapt un$ woo Veek. 111P w& is"d iftivars, *-All sundry other articles� &ilk- ti or say otlor disease. 0 A liew rolkvrs ft# - - sboum it o"s amit, 'ASff. �m9 io�o eg[3Lr a3m TXRW OF SALA C, m solosgi ellalatetheir W have swel, 6 Too"" lovid all obobw Auffnd Oth, 1*0 . 41- , - I I- .. L � "W14 :n" 16*9 too, kild", wr-td boft. that there Is no hope ft T AX & = ME ik- WZS7U-i,'N 3XICHANGE, their medleal And surgical cansers wilL be DE ft&rbl� T. 7tXVJS bell. Allonsonn is a pmMire tvinflost will be given. W Alt Inan "i -- - I . "WA tit 04 L hea"y 1114M 4 efly for ChAh!aiiw� Fralited Feet, C*W Hassle sold removed without the use of the Reu#4 - ]a UTHL =1012SOV7. 11 etroft Cousultation ft**. fro'm sood twis woos' 104i"Allot". 165P0106110, Augut;W�ItM. wr-ta z Want otpupito I OMM (Ior the countr of ass"N.L=1 WAWO *1 Doeinew aw Andrew Dww#hj �r. -Proprkim "I"M Aud d"Ifift4it wosk. will M04 =1 at &,w 1300-M, *" ewtd wult tha Aftwasive-.-Au" wisl Witak !V. fitrr 11J, &111 WOW of 04 A -tissou on, smil; Toosibachit isonwilssiftly r**"". A in tbr r two iduo ve "W and I Amety of Xort L ItA 490 190noz =4 IF or Invis t1r:0v —.5 MvI=-01ASS, soc*mmodstion. . Thii TW' Wd W 6 tkiJ4 eft-fMilkils 41t #W amid 14DERS will U rest. ived njttn asto&q, the 7th ORT G001JO, GROC. 111k ad 40 "M "A &A it is; a 68MAMial rou"dr Sim . $I --s b Ir"I . , a I Is a" tho low f I "'t NwarbovIrlil"t) Nsir ofAugust 10%. for grayeBbig the sKmsM 1P table is supplied witb aU the delvies To r tile W 7"00,44'..J fl� 1 - I - I d6boon, Tot IWWWW to J­,-q.lr�t 11.1 .. vim - *f the wisisaftit X- And the bar with the beat fmathe railway Atialim to the C~s Kiln- sq" inao&EUMK W" Be"e oft a" =1 A fvkv4 an Forpitriletilanapply to 11. "Airz, anow aid Is bmuftof liltuors - d = MER & CATTLF, T Imam EMU -t PARL"' - i ft (3o&*Tllftd dqcfA*zA,Aft *W A A. AAU% A ID Ifily ward, last Itit, qf $be GODER10H GRAMMAR A MAK a be PU ou'u4ilsk. 4;., FULTsY 1) impy'an Vall ArrJOTION ff -t foin Ab t&eir nuworau cad*MM -to buy t1wir mk 14 fifis, by 81 A 49M 00; 'COTICE is bmby given %p kskra- a v —c'? ant that �ths 11 totbre subsisting betv ed Tiniq kiff0ft " 4 "�� t4 WID 4 b$V bay .Aoikow 68 tole* lac as t** uld Jl#1 Sale LARGE 1; T. %I: WILL IRS MN Jol w" T11j" Detler. sks buy 6h lail".Ua(1116-Ar ON thin day dimolved by mutual so T It gy a d amt win i JA 21, t1w the Do Ow X w00%& r Ills tiss said Inacts Wild 15mith. 11 duo am to 1�* ft�w a die frook 200 by!tlw rhoIsin", n4A* rwid ft *111 woks* 1" -4 �j the same Tum" D W Del r, bywbeft of tin Aw wimt 'cam' -VA11111. Monday, thie Oth August a" And ERIM 11 when all papilit anfl, APLIkants for a"hisim an r9- Vning"lill, Will be 00111crich Lo T, ", 6 stub Jj1rAe MOWN 411'011� A 4kit tp shes &M. if .1 = a�=! Parfumei7t Combog Bra el a i the ppopustion of pupils for matriestladolL in 11124eir the -Arxi of Jr C Detlor k Cal, -�J of n4W god b-0 a Overt nod. sa P—mi the; exAnsivatlow Of Datild rA Ooderick, XtIaMdai ofDJ A ID IM Xad give their eastomors tM tam* )f Tom. of- U.46&ow anew" a t took* aw Law SaaW, FsdMw w afforded to those in- 07 SQUARE. 1. ow ~r an 6906tod on as l" so IN 14w Usivevibles &NA I in lb.4100VIE100 Ike vbiww, beemse t4adion $s prepare for the *%auto&- IAMWA " ( -""Off W 1k k" bari'sin they 4" to ill" known nil ANCISS I I =Zsmdoc hw� and to those Witness: WAI D IV D W21 -2m JUDO 214 1W Moser on 000"Nercial uh� to somistre* �A11 69 #me of elk. wm connottew Arithmetic W. IL 11141:113K Apt furak-C pamw;6im apol ft WWI" rispik bdo the Do" 1;�-Njfo� ^POOL avoid at a low rau, 7,tia a IF time beeistairube fthaol� now clai'"aw %Wt momily Fav*w gnu" b T&0m and other vub* 7" fartbw Awiettloo, may be kisailo to ilia evilionsuft UNIffseedsvielassaw la!;�tor, viviek asavvitsvir NMI JU *Use ofso" UW am Wtii-iiii the sto"owy 1111111114taii, aft$, i TM04"Wo-4,1110N J IV WT- -alp, Wwr-`1111 VR �Kftto Ile- At loci. aft&( i4ft"ft IN* Mim A AA 4rm.. WNG SALE4, si� - "W A 4; i 91402 Ve holift CLEA an W011 C111,000"a Ix n 1:=Jl * aw- I ARE O"Wbowo-i4 I DW e -I- 0, mom S1111111. I ---- owl Im I ­ -1 -1 1... -67m dwowm. in Ddwust�kvm It go 4111111110011, bow Won a 0" an q( r"Wii mow l,=frrbvv1 love ;W4 A— Wy,Ow ova a nowntblilp 60 PFUNK SAW a1 weveds am 14 ft 4mw wyof off a ld PW is VW6 vve ft 44y M04 J the *Ass Drew 4oads, 8 &W. gas d(M IN WT-DzRst AR.U7A1KJLA0S% "fl)vvivskess ft UWA 1111111 AMIN 11111assissidaw P 4* AS - -- Itipso ION* *out 4a As It is. -to his AW vw- ft lip, I IN—, out ),U4 TLL�RA Dr. 1. BdW Man -A A Q@J04ft Ss* X6 I 09W on Al, -Op� - 644W too 0 Al S. Ahl =ALOw Of owe T 0110111101". SWAM isortiew "sm p'" boa 9"T -40 1 W41 17 A it 0 .k 4 1111 JAL 4 t 41 t2 F- !E", 7 `110+14 A i77 J MW 7! �V w-1*06 is ALL.- 4. 7 6 'W" ­JP#l1v5111aPa­ 4 if + z A, l