Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-10, Page 2r
allerAsweleistasswaSawaaawatessAA•JA. L .:204,410118/1/0
'Chapter No's. 30, Royal Arch Masons, held
Btientet eTe• GODPRICIT lawn, At the- regular Convocetion Bump
blea T,
Ne. 3, -
kw. %Mat:ft
X. 10, INOVISE,„,, 4..oe4
, tiliStOvrwalip. wea er - ttltiosie Wilroxplainthe reason.1 . .
. mese - leo p.
ty necessetir StlCualia ill. such 411; -.P-n9aX-. learn- thate heft/m.0M AliniVity had finish. -
we rna Iona es.
.cotintry unit earitudi those
1,2,ial oneaping yyte,oidneo. , _ " 'Whit Catifttit it -Virclitien Be' °out' et tt ' 'Pow.woll"; a Talnamr !tall.
, .1111Milbillt - 1111110111141114
, ........
tree eurewe eorreseteelent ..- _. - ' • : , ett ork, Augest 2.
- - ---. , - - -'- -At the late. anniterettey celebration Of - - A A ' dual. N: 4FY..1. IA 1 t 000. -,10,0
Stanley Aug. 4th) 1860. the Masens of Austin Nevada the orator ea- Arge lucaudig Iva' 'eh' ''"•' -'"u`"a
, - / - . / , , .
IfitleintiffilkrING 811,•-:
- Seven, blacks will- perfume the Vir-
ginia Legislettike.
• ••
,....e"."1"6"-' . -1111""'"ae.' --"-"E-mdi5i....L.'"'"4•4' —4:•'"`•:.."°_•" -
Legend °fa. Alusiketi I weenie or curis.-It is tie belie ofso-uto vacs-.
Mark Twain tells the followingstory
, re.s metre that toms nee We tee world with tight boot;
istie. that they were tetaliy toltasiosst to se fititaimt,30,8
tattered byddiatouttarWt.upataginienidigteyt: salt,
hbee hivagd 1 efeleriewir,17e?dieFelfillitingireti'reriltergiuser'llienris:S.W11
, Is espuilly certain that there tsars Mention of addrope-
-al the Miami* Hall, Goderial, en FrIdaY Or teial ee Boon t a7 ua ihsoeuraed. upon, flue quart. Temany Rail, to , wereptt w th thi Meat e'41---Iihteued- Ilatt°11 ti never been scared sines he loaded an 614. dist m 4-2.opture, We read clue elair,op...dis.s isu tlie
ta east. evening, Auguatfith, the following , ha *Tana Zia • Cubena and PenilleS. 3111Yer 'Hall pre- •&uunntuttion.4 1 queen Anne's rentaket for hie father ence, , ;At letrigefr aure=e1110;,":eigge.4
eel- Pantone were hen* 1104 -ofilcerie for the 1 3.khellinesr in -6611116°4°n w. ith •:the,c 87.1; eite utt Vt6errnan• auuleasnleocantilAills •••••-"I'mt She sicted regalia:els were adopted that the -Boston to have s one cent evening whereupon he gave the following : Aithough the various aihrasoftlreafe,s1 ere
at a
, d * ot p netted to enter our 104014 ond queetion of Britleti rejeotion of the (llama PaPer- -
„ eeneuing .3ea_eunia year ley it, B. ,c,emp. ,,e.S9 Cattle. off. . a: advatiset4,ii,tdou ito,,
k "th nu 3.
%SO p• in- Thernee Winters Grand Superintendent i ?•• °Pe an 8 i , learn all the • • °N. . Of irieh American Citizens intents an tri • •
a tk.,.,...• • • • • lis ,,t learn me to fishoot hlackberds and. beads , drums-- tiana at Dr xc.isge ccia..238yroadray ti -ttr
ad Ivor_ In the craft in their lab • end -
- le, th lament/4e reel to be learned m the enste• e • - - nuuSrfrreu- a"'"vurl laittne we - that tore nu the youn corn and h ' - Ei . t ' t T to Ca ad,s• $ " 'if
te i` 1 u lion hetweett this 310 the ecree • e g sue I sue No• e lir Siree a Iles a ornia a n
• things, so that Icould be of some use about 1 _
I. You Sea the 01a men was -trying eel 4"ere troublesoullelr.txtirereeurrec eulteirm'IVIA 1/3.1
s n e Y • P•
• • 1 • edness- Th- sent ittletirdness
Yeliew lever le prevailing to ali a - the farm, because I weesn't enongli tos ,casscasa masts
*esta-rslia =lagberstWilsuli ate Izi* Bran ellaPteril No. Se and • , • tl ecletY' ed his work b of Canada is between 4"..ponaS9 =Maya tio-ors, tire
1 a b al -hick in t us respect- creo g re. e creation of every living
aseims „ • taknigi and as a genera Me- a • 'e Waa M 001116 0111A a on aPilliTIVIXtellt Penneola• >do much. My gun was a single hareelled • - t - is
arieing otit of' 1,4e eonfliet lietvreeir, tlie
eeetemess Vithisher attn., Ro,,,FlWaitus.f.teoliamo, our, John Dutton Tecumseh „ tit B ,th
twa countries, or 1.the bidligrent righte
tound little seam tertrunly, Ira eke • s dot sowe
New York papers say evervthing is _Allot gun, and the old man earned an old witImunaving something Sl.ow for it there isAlie
• 'Welland Canal, fite olaee Trunk railway ext.-stn.:tag
1606111.*N.malurs tl'ao felowing poiatcol =corks:- elkapter • , _
weioasi. te a wee: autheexemtalls's odeer- as a, e e end creepineith* ik a be rud. h Oth manly called the d 11 d ' tante prove it. . it}ough mat least, is the
1; t tel to -day has 'leen - a • leS$ a en aceomp us e t nort ao tio • cont u ate. eir eon . queen Annie musket that weighed a ton, 1 over 700 toes, and Lee
ssietteeeeureeepesetelttet a:weenie:1 %heti:lents V. E.. Cote. Tease Fe Toms, Z. u uu ural Y d I rin '11 t
h Al . 0 - • Sy e * *
nutglltY lea made Memel (wl; Alabama claims. That the rapatei s „e. made a teport likethunderelap, andkieked eentteian Pain Destroyer,' whisln for tLa Carn of
Seamen: mplam of 'being detamed
wireetisemetts c-6311,1-3. Tx.facte tr‘Orall°33 • damper. The day wasedark an _ owe,
a3alirits PzEs,fozits stsc•tt. tronta be Oiled without
If* were 1'144 &gaud c.,.-In,ut wet= TraTte nn eeed to • se se Jame* S. Sinclair, 11„ welalle Mason') and* erected for hen, the f th D octet party are with • the over their stud time
finest lodge in -the world, en the united li, kea mule.- The eliimartwanteameteehoot 1 pleurisy, pains in the becloud elle, sprain.% Imbue.
froin eaely dawn ; but the rain kept'irell
and Catlett it r e• era - a _ the musket sometera• ea, hut 1 Was afraid. ausudete'elireildse na.'lhatbieWetreeetdeee ter" %%Malt, '1`11(1
zcortistunataton its owu arra tint it Cubans, Struggling to overthrow the States
teeteeeeere. yosimoslay it 'down as a rule, teat se 44 Hugh__ Gerdiner, , tke paradise Nu. 14, He then ..sansed, lathe
Ira a low desolation,. either in flambee or tire. tagi.vphtich:thawitafitialava:Cie othiSw010x41:11:010facit. The differelJe between a 11, an the . tookher teethe Jur' ad man, And asked. Id
One -day, though, I got her dewn, and owl -
Jr. st 'John lurk, „ Teeasuree. mot stepped tate • who e• a, r.
b t halt done when. on it came- 4„.
$s 8. a Thetie3.x selehe .off till about 3- oci p.
etlertslow teem islecomese it is•eouseilas that it
Ed-rarAGiiiffox* ec work was -ak. 011 • , • •
exaction of Spe4sh revenue offieerst and
-thabloody• tyrannyie n partial geed for
native Cubans, ande that se far ASA eau-
witheut - rendering ourselves properly
- - rft B WArussoghe great =Min rimella tarre
aft i zougb, air ee pates. before Adam for enflame
husband of a vixen is that one lives 111 howetoloed her because it- was out in the "IAN -6 t • s
nowbeen in =eraser twentyscata. wage it amine be sat
cold water and the other in hot, .4.0_„.„.„111,, -14 'Pa -You se-ik those tb„at they Ire on TheY hue Ibten them:WY
Xera A.11. sr. tisutmix. Proprietor otthe tlattatuan buwaymr-WAS.,.410110 el!able th.". -rages- do elenee so that no confusion inielit there-
Adsertiatrig „%geocy., Toronto, Ont. isourSoleAr t
,to e to decision. rep 't• gter aeuie front Eve, who Ile knew would - amendable --to .?the nenthrality lawsi
•• 44 .Ite Trainer, 84 8.. , - ' • to vane y tusk° trouble if silt/Was ellowelitoP NV I entleaVer tosuctor and point r 1110-
authorised alsa tkareseive Canadian. Adyertisements" Work Wfittrino a yang a izt art•ciii . b
rf. Vergnion - •
fur zavousitig America:I Adxertisements. an,
11111°-k" 'eje4- of eircutnistemPiese:-. VietWeather) SOftgrannd"' "Aatralnille111.4 feelietemautet.:ItiilteigobeeafCiltrie.thha.lathlek, s S. trWigling PeOPle Pf -gef-6-131S11
tear SaYing-e-our. Bovematnent
h Is en di oraced by 1 al t
to7 tees reeve
taboret ofhis first task fell asleep, aud when sent- •it e • ' ts f "Iti e to Rm.
v have avee.been uoy..,./nra- •fitebblihallareesob, otitidayt he awoke he found. Are in -the lodge with , ea e .
: „ rEt. coleman . . „tie „ „gee Ake 3aelegon, hire; Adam,. tieing senior warden. splac_ ed tePt ikli3eriedelle'eittseniso- 4,48ahlentshterkinfiiiicestrteeaer
see .1toesAoleerteon Organist. areau,r1 g , . et . e Eve aa the piper oftean.ty en the oath erue ties an ppr ),
ei,404chr Bklit°4 ph* Va a g „ and theY received their anstructions from' 'Britain or epha.. ie the Bus- sion of
- , (c- It Brett) 2,,V. a•e-the entries 'Were ee
tutt-t11 teltill nal
•ve- Comps, Thenlia4oidiey stewards S'elf Rake: -NeritY acts; Piaids- the Grand Master -in the Ent which; the 1,enioerat partY ta wiFe °at that dill'
"GODERICIT, ONT AEG. 10} 1869,1 & A- McDonald: • .
" Hazlehurst, -Janitor. 'town s. Bare Ohio Dedge- &-Stevenson'a finish
• Self Rake. Joseph SharMan, Stratford,
‘-s Biettelattexellantli Ohia & BuCkeyeeorideintid,seith joheitton's
'Self Enke. L. D. Sawyer & Co:,
Tfuefollowietne ewe ctonsider, its the fmest ton, Ball's Ohio, Dodge & Steeenson'e
prognemme yet Lined by thelmnd efthee eCete -of Oshewesi
ma- vat. it win -be eeereed „ehreu8h, Olike ivithDick a Self Rake elldthe•Miii7Y
• • t adored. and* shown by
- Goderioh. as aitarbor °Mange:
Mr. lelialaw of Torten° in a lettee to
Hen. D. L. MePhersen. which hoe been
intblaShed, apearof0i)derichE_Lsaharbor
refuge, in the follOwlieg terms :--
" mt.*" -6 - d th y 11 do n ,
erofaafttrtftern°diubsglebteet.thteei'clenfiteiesshi-11-oefeter 'oifieictee .e'des •• - 1471111 °Ia tc44.(if Niagarit' laPitilY eIes ancl winked' wa's afraulutherkick'
she ought, she left her station, tolated llenasuroneria- ho. --14r. John Willuonse • P
her ...Obligation, -Bled let le, len exielled • of-SatithWolde has contributed to the Lon- creee-
Nasonee*ho Bad no bushier/a there,. and donleic Tress.' exPerienee in 'Under-
went around with hitne -leaving Adam to- drainiug.-After- eleicrihing the. ohms/Ober
A subsequent report Says- that threemen
were killed during the riot, ttud that
the dieturbitnee- was causea by an attempt,
to capture - the.("Frenticel guns": .
The Quebeer papers pehlish long and
glowieg :accounts of' the success of the
Citinelus' Bill in honor of the Gitvereer
It is said tbat there is -good foundation
for the repot that the' •Empreut Eugenie
will visit Amen% next year.
enaeks en the stock -an. X ertdaV on each, iges /Pee they harepreserre'd) is; telitee.eateo
side -of -the Queen's Ciown. -.. Well, that less and ethinently salutary preparation. mad
e‘‘' Bohrit, hhe_ciree,clyse.,eshsipet dwottr lsni%-tter' plain
means tereballe and five shies -that% her in ecesee wia levariably.earetotes,ezealre scretbreat„
- • andall Bronchial 'affections One fair, teirii *lc eau-
riesethe most,skeptical, sole ley allizeilleinodealemi
'at Zeta. per box.
- '
three or four thandfullsi MA IiIIIEDe
" So Ifloadedher upthat way, and it *as reee-..-........"... „re.....e.. . .........
. ,
an awful -charge -I had enough sewse to on 5th by' Reir. A, Machid, Mrs w. Mc-
tisemetvhai wt,eanotatostarouteuathos:uti. ggle rl: Iv ealhe ad t 1:leyr
on a good 'many blackbirds ; but every Gregor, Goilerich, tO, Hannah third •
. r
. --otlaonzgohmtere. of Jemes D.. Morris Esq.
look afte jewels. This fellow heti been Of the seil-a Stiff days IlliPermollS to
• 'r
ax on. a, e, o or erne The nx•Pelledj'frOra .'the .17lrand ,'Lecige With watereeana detailing his grave diffinities
PROGZA3lbtE' •.• Sedges were Mows. Win.Aritunkle,,Win sever/A; et ere Isometelmo before. - But, en managing he goes on o nye There
4‘The W. G. &. Be Ce.: propose to bleed without feil,LOIL/Xclay_etoninlAttat :.- p t Ai, f t . f ici -6_1,
No I selection Grand Duchees Offen- ChesneY and Beamilliee ' ' TIlietliteli Hare hearing the' footatele.Of the Grand Vaster wasilenteme remedy, e but thank • fortinie. -
free for cet,250,0011 of,abonns,preclicatieg - 3 T - -. ' ' f• ' - ' *illi
B4. e' ., .., ii.' al. - ` , . - )' , vesterie isemetreugnenineilegapartse pw*, he suddeidytcok his leave, Allier Eve to , one reniedfviiie Shilicient; and that Vas to
NO. 2, quadrille, Conatantinopte, (.;. 3).,.. binders, being. Mounted on the Mechem, go and make aprons,- as she awl- -...tillere get*. of the-euePltie water) Which Bearded 'for
tlieir offer, I believe, on the, supposition . e .
that the Ilaeber of Refuge referred fee' Is :Who bin -1111m grain - ' • t ' 1 - t • k
. ga e ,. 5, , . - , . rt5
. : - No. 4, Folkee Favonte, Downing. ' .. Swa5 so nosilY drawn, a pair ,ofs yery light -had. beeo stolen, e celled for the senior season at a ventu - -The •
their line through Brace tattle flarborof
.• It iebeconunga favorltewater”!g- Toward eundown Ifeteliedupst the hone,
mot+, and.propertT is greatlY 111- and there was the old, mans resting 911 the
g in :value. _ ., porch., ' , '
elm a itu,seeirate st tistician on - "Been. Out itunting;hayb-ye I - CKWERIME 111431121" Iii'AJIKE7
P villa -estimates t at Hay this 44 Yes air" says I. • _ -,,
?wig :precisely 36 pe ant ahead " What did You kill?" ' , - ere, °Ueleeseileitribeehrtile" $44417 W VP k4*18rit 3.'ick.P
rear. hat'soalenlating prettyclose. . 44 Didn't kill anything, sire-didet /shoot Goderich. Aug. 10e186%.
'a -Sewell's -paper, the Bellee her off -was afraid she voila eanicationaxcisairat 1Gdonauttsits
-sceOzole°:124;tieleill"yetPnel.,,heeiallt??.otee•:he .siouhan aeltietUriaddlstePoete eine' plhig' on the- B"Ing
%sage er, pitches inte lyrr, zing, ienothe.ese-tiriblaaemeef theweliro:diwanonalel:eputo aro; P:se61315f gg staatt
Wall %treat gambling %operations. "Ginned° that gim I" theold man said, e • n
haek out of danger., And the next, neunene 11"144 '41DIAN
1.• heard the earthquake, tt
au beard the, puyingut.,... ........ . . e 100;
W.- P.
'gene about "toe Melee their waY to -the
sCetovreyerrtia'twaritiaolyiliaofgeOrettAbLar Votli:zettetehres
Toronto ask* for tenders ;from
This Com( Exchange Associathtieothreoef oeufaiuss-apilinawg., likeneditibieenebtarneketyieilegetofrimous. tThhatef .043pErtixo-R ".ca'unive - fzeimpr!-
.. one heel, wit teneleg up and. both hands
extrebrainary propositien.. ,We_ -trust the and his jaw turned black and blue and he _
as it es cu n many werene M.ProPar eegelia, She want and to be the -cause o go many t,cOme- 1'1
tee be. inaile at Seuthampeort, .sheltered AthUrt, . respeeta the -Harvester is a succeese and told ',Adam, ',encl. ;when the Grand Waster 'enefoad'entititdrithihigee: laid upwards- ot
port by charary word, or at Invoker, Se--Waltx,IqyingTrapene,-.A.‘Atteme. gave. great satisfactiolie esPeeienr. that retetinetlte the leak he lotted hie- er' I three linters of . „Mile - tile the fi
on. -
eeto rezediey, evandug _mem Tereade looking hopes,. runroug withlwity einid
4x. weidene; Who hia'neglectea to Petty two and a .117f. trer 41;
"It would be absurd to make a Slam
of attfuge so fax ,xtxt.ry isiasa;. yew, cote -in oinhs. tee., A. ,:ertftyl..ile. As toile, etr t;13.1 -11. 'the d!lor-/ and 'fOluid titers'. --alitent: filad laid 3 feW of the two -ineb., end a few
.0t904maxy, tkohingibut,.a rrgood,,,self what was domithere, instead //Jenne trey thee'undentraintuggrounde- so far
fearea on the West ebast 7131ales GOA Sava the neer',
••• • - rakewillsuit the erionsetthett ales. ,Theire p-eing hia etatibe.- Adam enpelied eVeeeded-14 matt salignm-e. expeetetions
vessels peeling out, or ma orlierte •-•
to they Zonal of -the harbor * eefuge at dear edieeee • z' •-• eachlusis ite admirers end advocatea ; rand the craft *as n9t.propey1.7 clothed,. which until the' whole fare/. 20.- dealt with In a
• . . -; it is te lie regretted that today- lued upt they- were making Provisions for.' Tune- similar Manner: . -This-large/A drain at pre-:
Cliantry Ishind, and therefore would ilave
Thare waz- a Ekeetipi. thts heen fine so that each could have finished ling les Eye; he :slaked her what-ehe bekto Bent in operation' oii"nly .farm eons' ists of
to ran South for a I/Orb:nod Refuge- ° on. Satteedle .12(tm eoref, u. war the aete, and more people been present to offer in-exeese for her -unofficial-- ahd- un= two six inch.' tiles$-Piseed Side by tide, with
villielvi3 !tweet hear" 2 it._ .74 wae ame extrerdine :lid Rees t tes .• e a' Ralg did mann% conduct: ----She retitled t t fellow a fourineh above them. expect, 'as noon
Gede_rach. hemg the termiune o t
Grand Trunk, the prosperity not put in an:appearance. for What reason Punnet Iowa big ait a grand tect ,rer toiait :a drain ewith,three
interlaced and linked with 'that, ' the arty se seettiteloWt. hi the eveknow -net en them ere plenty in the been --gieing2 her illEittlittIOlifi and!' she TOWS;id ineh vaiieh Will be -the
e it le worthy of note t a ey were er searching sometime hi °emote where lour inch. The, matte _ wiftuessed at
west and neeth-wese win- are tobe 'No. 6, Grand March, Gmfura- all self rakers. It appears to ke under- they were hide and demanded' of Adam the harvesting and threshing .o the .first
Vournignud. .11-tiguit filipeare.:te four p)?nolgla of se ra tee., helves Waiting ler BYO t* ,tho draft that ihavesineezontimiect the dtainSin
Bruce, except SeatharaPta ,4101, anb.e .:4he ninth. Mallen -8a heie Coolie intopretty general nee, fideirefregunent to labor again; and that ,othme- fields, - anti da not intend to staP
Domisiion, end bele* siteat-ed hoe the most etePhig aboitt -Item& • eTai 'off V het' NIT h .
. 0, sign _, ring her 0 - ..- . "A a levee • otter; t outht- it Wes no. harm to' learn them. outlet of all the''otlieri." The following sze
. , . , -„.„ . , . I,
favorable peeitiou for saving focal as well men -Maid observatiOniOn 'it threit a from. Elora, intentled-heine• on hand with The rend Master then asked Yer what 'exelliPlee of the regUlt Pr On: -3T exPerleneam
-- as American Commereee end olsoe if the lot &pekes' , teS. ....Tine ' - - . that _ bieehut egot delayed 04 the_miiroade ona had become of-Nag/well Eh/maids edidtet hinutiererainine iif regard -to 'Yield' of
harbour were improredlof Ceiiiribatina to i g . - aa7 awn' got - behina tiiire.-,. ; ' the: thst;-:- prize- was .141.0tAitilesathe fellow had taken t away.- grainet-•-!rheordinari, eieltt-of wheat on my
the reeeureee of the Grua 'prank eteeiway round object erriaseathe dise of the solder -anarded to- JosepltShartrian-of-Stristfeed, -*Findlng that gte 'WO -id*. agog. *lust- laree-Wees /9=184 frem. fifteen- to seven-
il beeanse of its salt springi,at ale es, ent3 otb,-„uld cb. is- tbe se -Atter a onr sistem of wit,h thentizet style of reachiaeAlob tot, worthy, end thatshe had caused deento teen. hOsleele Per acre; si•that one/field of
a 4 discount"-
• - „est. Canadafands
ens frinitier is without the least Queen Annie whirlingend Over end in the ueseTirdblualatligfar:Plreutt4 PrFu'3'.-
founaption. - . °th trim*. 1The Inghest
bills, and e est price Amid f
7 air/ an4 the old num spmning around- on 19re
IdallYsliewsel4PerafPreltS rePorts• A met, tales sheulder was set back three inches
,Torento 'erne refnse to- tender. . hadete lay up for three dip: 'Cholera. ' "el itthl 1Fltr GraPIPM
per pc .
tatdai shine "the wife of reaped- nor nothing else, can scare nee the. way !' "3 418 `'45 b141100113 per r. car
d ri,--to,--do citizen of Toronto wee seeredtlutt tune. ' ' , Montreal, so 7.`1-747-2 42-16 10 -FS Sfar.-0.0
a Ynnlig ran and Went, t°8 - • Nawl'Ork, Maur $105..00. drain siverILOCr.i.
intern hom
days 'after tli
again* To
are '64e -chide
-Clitilatillef?, a
— . _ • Ilehs. Ex.93 12 10 04 00 03
husbau followed -met A.ceording to thefollowing "Reasonsfor Portland, Wm, 4( sa
te- ve the young man a Shooting my Landlord,' by an Irishtenant 1332,1ginee. Tat f• VI* Fes (144'
44 ,E5 al
begiegaehts sifts te farmer, Ireland must be a capital place for Point Levi. se 100,60, . 11 tO .41 4,$
'She. eelmed,, and ' a few hunting that obnakionssort ofgame styled. Wet% • :le 13 "Li. •
wife and her parainenr were- capttalists, and the tenants have _law and ' reeisitirlen „nra'tts cross exestie•goe:,644ric3;stissestioirgss es •as4(1,0
Or Further developments logic on their side.:
1. Because he is iny Landlord. lento. Buffalo ruid Portland.
2. Because am descended from Britoil THE edeatmeneei
, -
. a Parisi 'Clothing emer-
Boro end he iisn't and therefo-s he must he!
an in r oper.
aer or two ago on a pic-rdo • te
might to- be raade the Harbor of Refuge notation. Itconed tivilite =this part of the first prize lest year. The secondpnes negleethis duty, and. let in 'one iv Om Hee sixteen acne X might expect two hundred n esaminatien ef his Agana
have 2 Goinnleir, Aug. 3:0,• 1869.
-to- Verity 85 Bess, oi FranoistPwn• TA° had ereds the . Grand 3110.8 r Then ad 'BAY hush" wheat- The firstyear, hy credit* proved very -unsatisfactory .3* Because a/ "aeatrail 111°4 Fall Wheat . SO:00 o:o2
- that OCZa3/011.. * the etibloonery terraqous Juni:144n steer •
ululation teh3se__•• harbor queationTrnerely wbiteh sturtuaia :sum_ miowor' tiidipuriFthe torf,iteilyrayerrs,ohillHaarmilvesteto,mr Cleeorseedfalt.fhfo teodugIefe:ntedv, tluarcretintheg th43(.1inot viouitthe rfetemeltemmi,otesieur,_ inulareci bushels of pram: 00,,, lasult return ,ison .3
our 4:50l_tOt '4,50
a, ' need draining r, harvested andthe She s deputies now owner the "-Ilea amewhera Tr -elude nail Bring Wheat . -1P 0:85 vet 0:00
tlus farm is 'net likely to` have boon pert I,
ttfiraza0Wpiy0C7fisittitiecinmdefinitos itittun:of our ialarmittin inhabitiutz
-. , and the-ex:toe prize Of $3.00 fee the ' self' a'-thirehlg'Irfierd--t -,- -A4ates re.Pent* . of -hisa Leitty .Tit-taillerilimarro:rm'ci etlrOops, ur:, Trite° .4.acrameii„ to. kas .4. numea- ils popnia,' °0:4:1131tea_entlainesionww•:e1.14.ettl4ingtisimagrratet,atonmyttahhyeetiinlaiter °peat ' Is):,..00, if.) -1) 7.:6665
, . . , fA q r., pg•Lce . , . . , „ - - ,. h. w - -• , z - )1:- a ' d -that pie-nic t. - - a - ' -
"One of our t.eruiiiii. iS 'V) be at South- 2:-.wl 2 plait, it was a FeSHOWallell: Xakethat deliveredtlifnelltest Illiele- ft and follYe'went to Work _blte amen an a gee la f h.,
;•tie* n am' ce 1460.; -it now contanus -.22,000 declining so to do ; to 'settle this :dispute . Bpoarley........ .7., . :"...",„; ..: 00:105 a 2::0080
amptOn and the 0theZ 01KilleardiMe. We _ _ lu . . Yonne - * hest outousheway of the team, was /tweed- Mason, in order to get reinstate again. v ue o t us ateii-ttairli Of geein mere that
have never varied *maths& determin- - - . ' ta,„ A. ta to, Glen ece- Co., of Oshawe. After the Nat HO With Zit* ; she got angry ithoutit exceeded -Vie to veit of ediannug te people. • A. qsteneof keen lias been Owl- a amulet frees. behinds hedgeis tlie natural i i-te; ' - " • $75.0 b 4.00
atione"-Lofatetelt Atter*? 3foolterson. . o , , Secretary had annonneed the Plieelist, end end Octramemea raislok can. . A, /11, on .4eldi ,,,H41 as wie," hOre reason t? (=Pea pleted, proteRing 4 against future damage and proper reasening. . Butter ...{: . , ,..,_ 045 a 0:16
better Crops from the same field in future fro lead • t a - te le ,-' ' .
• '''' i short aaaieie from. the President of the account of his' reforintion Was nutted
Bonet i thr echoers were gisen for the te estahlieheedgee ,and ,yeorken t e lower an xt orulerli Yie dede the profit 114*- tw vs'inileS andthey red `.0Ve $40002- a:Catholic. ' . ggs . . .... 0:121s efroe 0;00
Tu. sarcreat 0;.`1809. -, . Thursday eveniag laSt. There were .note Qiieen- iineiego endedthe dayearreeeediega. - d-eirees . and while Eve rived. atect io suiting from. drailinig this field must he 00% • - -
- - " - • • • Nonen's Omens, perfortned here on . • ' Pc' th • f
h enrage ngth- le 5. Oecause he is a Protestant and lam E
HaiP ton - . "•00- (d) S-00
tied. -
- 6. Because he is a Catholic and I am a •
wears happy be say side • •
We eurleanty aome Ilie. torcmto- the stommy , Join himiir the Works of charity uteide, =Intense. Ituria kno7in 'fact that ,
shows little sliapoof sant aline -itchrin '
Great :Vire 1,.)2 ElailadolPf4f likawas.lieveragain tobeadmi tossaist luny fields have suffered to a great extent
is lege' o 1 Protestant. -
...... • • 4
Hi es (green) 000 4:00 4;50
2;00 g 2:50
,.. stateinetts oftersoieiwo listarie_laioie tr4,a lant., otilli , 450704, ,...,:bac itronal _ _.., __ „—..,.. „ . i ,, . rn the-roguear merk ee? Ise iiair _nonce st.onyttio goo finanor -of„.x.oin Aug keg lei Re. . emer, flounces that Her Meenty's - eras's!' nu landlordliae been shot in R.0,4 4,a• aaaias,
. ,
yield tys year cf whe,itirherTey, pas, oats, _our, respectedeetoons. man . D. Gorden; -. ' A telegram' from: phieadeiphhe Tomei; a- s- - 1 • --.01 -' ' . Pews:Icier° sPlydren thla Tennis. a fieldewhich sle.11edefer t convernace of spHY tss'aeoltomumle:‘,41 ansall ita:illfecti,hileerniugaildeisbrieraus:re.ehtiviirttulievi.:1-e mwsheoewukeetilel b-pwl-ret.--ekeigel.116.--1/6—r,P..a.;r:. ,,. ,. ...: 011:**;° -ii ci . 1135;2•11
cahma - - - - . ' ' .- .s.-'-'
1 . tr-- - .. ; inside Mason '
.t. ., . . e ,. Juni of , ' ., •••••••• . ,- * s., ' , *-* _ 301.1• W ,_ „vi.outari oannot. e,,,, ome an fallen dining the., - Present Season. -My salP Armen be turemporaril, _
country, fetid exactly whit Js to lie . the tou.l, .14see ---4A-- 'Intl - -'-• T4P51-5-31a1CAN 741*In'N PaIrLana* - there hy '
Are., hut we do.nott think Quire Is rgason - - t ok tr - * ' tremendous fire in that city, on' theovert. Ties" united sta4.64 an. a .bsi. wsirtutuell-leeideer.eptielneelfe hely mountim .ago__, , =Highness I; ce Aetb, to Zg , h dis
to belie" #tat -041$ hitracet et igdik win ,semebretal raemjier of th,3 'oonipen'y withY ing of thee 4t.11. :Zell S.. bonded wsze. - _ -- . . •- --.... , , - ..- , 040 faria corner . asKln„ o e opening 2./f the Suee canal aa Other& - 001 ..... „, ...
'he -gentility speskinge-es regard:fill the ' house on Lo - . .
haieseen for asnambeicof yew: 'Wheat , _ $ 4 . st m 'bout $7.00 .
Weil sop& tkarit ie -pnealsle, from, the , P
. ..
.. g
Sheep ......... D.- 4:00 (n) 0100
health • is -?3°c°18° 'the icca Is °um' if we had TorheYs • V•50 0-60
_ contammg about half an acre. -The peas
=hard. Street wbart • bette A 43 -,-Th • ' •
g -ortgron our rights ; only the grinding laws _ef the
tig e semen by the =filial, half acre ate: aloyr almost totslY rethniclito e 401d country' fro allacks
ternIso ts ' b
_remain Tnoodny They appetw disgust_ e iit.axen eclares is tcebe his. '
, m tytant S
imatatages of Tbe country, the beet we hen* and nearTY murdered. 'Apart fronistorey brick building geo-feet by_150 feet, lluOintglerthe'SPoullari. thlfere tlee-M•ts are a 14-37am---eit Allow eause he has talked of rammg my 4,, „e Salt/ wholesale) f.0.1u Per, bbi
- 4 tainip 4.0 004 ba Is of It I in th 13nited States, hie elided th f 1 h cll t eh th eed
/ a ed with eve bed and 3 -thin The
eolot - • a - Gorlerieli
y_ ever g. nfind dear and undoubted reason for aa -:441- •
, showing ernewo, Petterson's storehouse, a, sue American< goverment of the- a epode v wet audethe few that
Apples 1:00- 0/ 1:00
a, stone entirely apart from
general immortality we would. not 1* an COD g rre - la a - ' ar Y re urn as ea aa e e(Orn roun trip
• and other goodettvehimlet 11.01,0002.,,nott or lewing..„.from,,the Isindoup.spere., = spreng- ", while those on the Arnie' d• • co the
Ithtl were ' y abdut three weeksinOana-
serrvff-ir eireifseS Would steer 'clear of
•in all favorelite eapeciaily *Imp • 10)0,000,teok tweet elven° clock The - The =crony Star (radical org xi) says Indere exceedingly thrifty and, wellload- 4E4 -
like rivers, destroyed the hale thus -in- exhileited vigor -he Wen Spea. hy en- acres.. withregerel trteCturability lar _egrooitt at S reseht- wedtlitig
God h
inblettirain' lag basheenpreeticed,promises _ _ • burning. liquorruzining through Vie streets that,,the .6snerican government having, ea, Thee a sickly vine ap on ten
-tonoiwyieldnucioniduitahundanwetlruestrtermtn,thpearhuusptit stoat terferintentilthe_wortof thefal•emen. A fOreing neutrality, km, how roceKled underdraina, 'all I y the h' re. on ttle Rhin orePt uP rtuden trete illat
.ro,oraregraval:,Tveryis.17_ „itirianza_snal,74.76_,7:Tptil 7:1:4 _w_71114,.0*1110,1E., ,Iseoxurgeetenotunimv:berzofktiwornoatF7halativeeistOe;ettnrie!:0111 •therteuzallmlivigozaro. oust. yTtla willaritterStiginaltas' an& tuft sfitilleti011ifee:rt.sufttihheerity,waceeetu.tgeegelleTtb. billet tea :int ill's In the -
y anle XOrtt°1411(fthwe'sbf; ,odttliP-tr41711,3i4..end
tiro tlitulty i;t4untf adeind
tiff,_ter Yell; Mat the satisfeetion obtained a Promisehtthad .staveaeoirc, foe: montns,
there been, in this iaiored antis/ilia better fa*mialliehinendliewe" tit *Irma, azan,...a la; fain& bricks. 'ThetioTilitinrfetlie ;rt.' l'iYa tbreteci°r11 and deeded hie tenderer to himself, the
prospect forth* potato crop, if the fall Steowely nest tested -77- -'-1"1111;7°W111 f 4c. : , tbe ntssitegto 11)e atle-lt: -71" ww-4zig Q11 dPY -grcurici instead a
math* Asap; Ass to prices, *hi* of ic"chourerti,ZreeeeelPr.arreaL t" bsuemtbus ifiZtrZiribitt,11.76:',Iticr,71 Ictiloswirtonte,ronzeic Thi-ailnerleart4'llav4 yisk ten (Iambi uudeam-i gvi-
warelgutilVughrr anamuciewil aping bridegroom.,,,,
raedhlr W hifonnea that a. gentleman
steed weet. tee beineld sad thitaa„, good mimeserot sodety. 2,4s,weeit ilet The imniense weight of whiskey stared hold their toed, The -whale of the
.arispensici; roes wiete. essZessaa is doer aa bows cold and 14,44,40ter—, ut we lave, the -South end of the building, directly, ofidiba to the 'Unite, -S tea are oortall:Lia.t;;I:r4aLVZ /Patin: fun During a; ecent wow of sPiritualiate,
course, ogr farmers will soon 'begin to look , • klattf°4116. t,ing Whistey down intoellie e _ %nal ti:seperst t e ""e"
r . win Years. ow the the result, and will ' Thifit '
thE Piece efgreired will be 17111b1PYleee—ed :Leith .15)-ioireeilietlillini2i tr111:12eulties:Ufienarned ir:rfigenittal
gft ran compensation. to be pmd to them whet
om In es ulettut, -the ire spreael obstacle of slavery he been mend r
forwarc_ les asszioolly,it izalmeat premature iZ:t" The refegraph wish* the promotors ;
vtis en the autliorities
his being shot.
_ 10. Because he has not talked of raising
my rent ; which show* he takes no in-
terest in the land, and therefore does not
deserve to live to possess it.
i II. Because he has no sous to succeed
hint, and therefore the sooner his race is
extinct the better. _ •
12. Because he has a large .faingy of -
sons ; and. therefere it is time they had, .
turn at holding the property.
13. And last. • Because -11-r; Bright" hl -
going to give us all the haul next year,and -
shooting the ' landlords off will save the
good maninueletrouble in arranging* the
throughout the six stories. The firemen If a fair piiroltsse *subs ed all rtie'i ica "Ii't 11! W6.'341141" a ileW atir said it was ue few d&
_ _
Aaybie,_ ply of dmining Materiel. theginthe erdse..* d manes hale tilg4Yebruriweed.e 'that time
,to hazna.a ste, *onion het we are ineheurd , of tbeTorentol Grey and -Bruce 11404 4j,redict.their eftoris tii the 'Saving i4 the Inv tinsels/10d withal% en
44, adult. they wm be fide" considering the 'to come to their senses ind stcip at the surrounding propeitycit being thipossible will gIve mother State to the Aefericans •
The fads re giv to
A. I30Y LIFTED Er A JKVB.--Ilie and the Ulmer was notified to hold. PBACI 'AXD °113)114 IRILAND.'118
Co k C ty
ego' prayer meeting., tniehle.:1117 hfxiOrttregrariutdtglur:y41, 7
the beat view of even inch * very dull , themselves further shOot. bonuses., The betipsiditnder the E tengi • t The Ness concludes itseartielii as -Sele the felt:ming incident: • " ynurr lad Tears at a :112
muneeor so we saw passing through 414 trauble th4thn hroln'l gouge' 14s ewe; lows :-,"Co all tltecirceimatanges sal Lake Station, Milne had Very large Persons pr at Were seked to repeett avow important and gretifynee observe -
/4a gest the fen wet see & gresk *17,ival get oneetreak ahead. WO3believeiangicit: This fire "ia the MOst:destr hieh which make Man t for E 6 t
rich luervesi pro/Stints., it us best t•o, tette ixata arlr co y cannot 'trouble t° 60 nnYthing with thowsrehemse. 3fost 1.7molle and remove *great Perplexity from - r oun 'zee were opened on
• - of the whiskey was that on ivhieh dut had th US et filpS3gsh palm, • Vickshure rmes of th lOth
t t iliCiaeat t e matter
y e are t Me ., re a es • • -*
d oftru if the
paSsages o eripture motmg to diligence tie II
uo W PV ?Mg ind be/11111N idt* preeented tohile about
ns, aving remar ed that there was
inthe suet general- leminees irf the Ir the_broaa gorge priimiPle has occurred " th" tit h le • le id; f
• ne is 7. since t e west - eep o o their un gen Genes in gm feet by four ill site winch beettempt
end. mdtost quite a number ef substaniially no crime to be -disposed of-
, • • - • propriate p: apt, had been quoted, when there having been only elle seriouS ()Hence
OA refleethig that; iS
-fire one*. Th primp:0,00m Are the ea, e nOW *ad to r4itn the 2nd inst. Just !la the f
waintry. bf- Oottonereise mama =cora Halters Catherine Wood and John Gib- ill insullsekon/ S'Pahl via bete tine e . youngfel w, say seventeen or eighteen reported bathe county smeethe last aesizes
ai I-
Coal int Salt. -±1T WW1 0011/G
.ing• to previciost stnnouncemmit, -win so. ..... • - -• • .. •Qtduba's • _ threatePlug...- T..lix$ lanai iew the ite hou.i efpuepose- Ho every eene. o enme n rve sn a
• -xnestoretuestroyeet were consicterettto
•' a ataral Wa ' year( (d age sprang up end czied out, in --his lordship said that similar absence
1320 000 030 over reach theprice win W rs! asing
.E1' $$ f • had. bee d • ci re Lim-
• lie.141, 41114$ thejfey along ale°. Te D,dwn ,,he set, 0 v,erooine by his tiinnepli, seri* and iCerry. Lithe four counties in -
open or 'a reception° s n on be entirely gre 004 haying -iron doote
' *tat ita ado is nay( made . the helliger• .
• ,.s
Qin _ lionday1.6thmst,studentsslinkleudesror, and slunters. ere were eighteen hole Meet BIllingsPerieres *Ye- Iiisi"!the'flkwirite vilitic a aw haewnderpepilresste 6cia geeetteedr etelurraiedtorylualtepoleireuleatiitIoneeeniferethetOleinleeng lye
ant ltdro Elootinile' because their (Kull in- to enters is near the, hertinning• of the wail bOwieeit 888/218f triul- 8104 8t8r88 b,ut - 4-, C°borrdo*--;itirialttlinactiabElob -.4d1You' ltret nthpldg,u4 ealliprese ' laugh e one fourth of the whole of eland, pada
P I snien - • -the burned shunt' ss -if Made of ',nem -VIEW WHIM*
keenets at* threatened hilt ennsy v tenn 21 possible.
git. iimottioninakabi. fin Terl :fine, pozitem,we ®lad to learn thetttoresing exp _lief and gre_ 64 al do° r e _ftrusect jowly deliverea kr eter, se.nitennitide tothelse_peetsec_uhrlao, thejeateile lawneterentaneaterlaers
_ -
spectate w I Was -not lessen by ritu rytuy., Treat, foto e Vineland Agricttleit
logo= at 'mimic *mon • Error win slip thrall!! Willie 'truth 100 feet aheve 'the ea tb d tit Jci
. ,. - r - - . - . 4 - . . ,, -,... (0.0
, The burning winekey ran into.. the genera -._. . c„. : currents; The I 'seethed to be :about ' 'rain Osanzies,-In a leo-tures on ana 43rder Semilear life an& FruPertY
Isoliorrai is who wish to any* then oat -
tut we wookl like to ask why it wee that ear old friesd'of "ctvrentsyyears 'agoe the rer rtsthattlf;litiildingseontainedpowd Th m whe ha* list f und o - t he '
er, e au 1 6 u t O 1 fl * '
about five limes. tlist distenee. At las/
au ortibu tura Society the usefulness • 1 . -
d H ' 1 it 1 ...a. • . ..... hints, end everything indicated a returnee
"a %aye 7 the iegem the aged and mer in
eur snug** friendasome short thick ago tailor. on Voltage, Ifeehstge, pa-: se tpetre, ae. These buildings were ereet7 Igant allbrd to Noe -greenwood liao taken 4 rung fa e- Ler 881!IT,Iit'28 the t°13 of a s$f toads in -garden* wise nreauty pawl= • His lordship added that there
eseimei egernsUCh giiposeKi to oppose us m President. Andy. Xohnaton lemur. to be zu ed some fifteen years ego, and were con- Ism fiat lesson in ehollomY: ' . ' •t' ttn- --ei and roue suePendd screntr fire Pe' out. , The ketierer-adyhied
- f his hewn, 10 prosperity.
hit ' i • were some indications that lende.-neatleth's
ajaerea amang aFestaattSree 'the finest 9f 10181181.4-Werk011i' 'first sight tow see a re the &run' • ,A filed of rain wale carry. tilt 'the toads they find into the
indiposeihkess ntiela of
aging frso Isulitter mit which *just " U.• S" Suiakir" r the kind iit the Botintry. , til WiEd0M * rattle/snake bite, . but my, slackening the linf, abating thewind.
garden, as they devour immense quanteties
. of insecte; - lA,toid will swallosv the largest
/specimen a toinato-worm, although
46bletliu es ' " e wilt hiiie , a hard -thee of
it. - 1 , - , • •
fair surface there may lurk amongst the
few e, spirit of lawlessness which. finds its
°apt. manteek ettbe media itee - _ _ '1` • there is thousand& of folks who never think and illowine. the little /Pilferer le he
biome: hut he trusted that the firm and
impartial sdretin' isirsilou of the law, aided
by the keen intelligence of the people
sP • oftheir sins until they are hit hy rattla,-. reietied. la was flouUt to be iaten..-
'041- 16-- iv -grand ,htaten"--6t therse ef OhleagesSeamers betlieen.thateity and ' An Altilifnint Jurtgesf " ' -
bens two *kw to. linY iturT-
opportunity in. social and political distur-
snak• scions and. so bruised niarr.c.a. te
Ir•cussZ oil* MEW Suw.-Welmathe Thneet*CYaistirill longlie're'isnieinint°Iieredwn oar; e oektisireinielggeeet..tifittaf,line,;' and,,You have 18881( IP" 'IOW 4:1.• th - d-• a
sere imm, as
to-daY ?Ix ' fit' Take the humffugg bin • of this world be sea cely recegnised bat tie was. re -
-dor bled eieuthatu Cans,- neetion withhis poet on the Algoma. were sePerate.dee.alY ha' se Plank Partition hienness with. • . • ' r seine ev nelig7 an In nOW WOUld oeunterart the influence of this's
door • e Advertising iz aid& to he a ceitain jug • element. Thi:iican was at Ina - coaxal" • some people ere - - •
use; vy ter. e. r 'was writing a etter., and . s
day "It Saturallt alt"11"1111""t'o°1 There are- three *meek Jima now tow busy with briefs in chancery. immaapruesseda ° with thialtetith that it Woke ' THe'TWElarrkt Zurr Usurp
-The man-eating crocodiles of India
are extremely savage. A eurious ciretiM-
!stun *canned with -regard, to one lately
at Cuttnek. Au elephant belonging to one
of -the Itajabe went into a -tank to -drink,
and in. dousgso put his foot either on or
The first istplegmenent of the sluidow of - ATJA.Dv Atm six SIlLitri CIMDBILIf XII' A
ing the 1(44 tetreteti nalliPae et th& Goderiell battier wait- far hile Th dodo • I
gaea (AWL pansieg for a Moment at the eionei .fteno. onto, their tanibatnna. 71, • Ontirialannahangebare Ivith gloviank
'Of the TRUE ron Twaiirt-Fora Iplevas.-ii. Ten -
There% tans difference between %nor- aieetra - manner in w the nesse paper seys :-About uhie miles be -
le* moos am the sun's disk *scarred at _ _ Iowa: oafs& out, "Judge,- atm ly ati 0 a le close to a troece1116---which at min bit it I - the • • tit " Ithork d f
OM Stall& siia Ma error only 1310,0111* Ouw 001nMem ro.te r• • aa On Marin e new Go o
featir aborts* to five and the partial air Barra Barium Ravisw.-The July tha Tfalr to "Veil r "Tea, I agin plat
"t11,31, hetrOd 30,0; t121181111811hrledlettilebitiesmil)bvselirt- reljerni• Qbe° secnaiedil chtrem n, drit ven
a wi y, e no re-
think it is," said the "lama ' "but -here's run a' Chichester Fortescrue fulfilled hie Xhreat,- very,severely
egeoaedost bolted -for abort aa hoer. The Ito, of thiavaluable British Quarterly - wader-, ex„,- -wary ;•4,,--u-0804 saw Ekonomy la a tiserihg.„,, , iriethien narinf *AM, sary firmly beneath hisefeet tke muds from her house, which was *wept • by the
hank into which and sent addling andoonstabulary into the
minannanane of sublunary things sit the thus es our table, fronithe L. Scott Publis' He opens the book and ;wen". ..,eyee eau), ttnien Plume,*
-"` A141"4 ,11eAl."` :MU re" _standing— ---2--the takt‘esiLv"ereal when he trampled Ins hfe out. how- high water, took letup in a tree with all
_ ere asp „ant put oat, livee have been hat The country ever, his rut Waa -mull/axed refus- her littleonee As theflood broughtalong
he Ili 'z '7414ing 1°14 a ed
plinton. Markets.
Fall NV heat..
Spring the....
Mos, —
Berley . .e
Peas . . ... 0:60 - 0:65
Potatoes.... -......s1;50 g 2:00
Flour 4:00 a 4:50
Batter. . 0:124 ge 0;15
E;gs ... 43:10 rek; 5:1-0
Seafortb. Marker*
Cliuton, 1A070. 50(07194
, 114955 OC', 00:5098
4180 -fit TV:85
Seat:web, Aug. 5, 1809 Nom.
Pell Wheat . . e:86 g 0;90
Spring Wheat. . - 0:80 a 0:85
Flour let hag 4:00 (a) 4:50
OPoatatstees ....... ,...... t:60 g 0:65
0 :48 0:50
rgg's bitttlarnieltIS- •
13arlry 0:81) (k. 0;86
Peas 0:60 0;60
Butte- . — 0:15 b:16
0;09 ee) 0:10
inoreVflUrjertstike Sty proebigpropottir and pay-
tigutodreefinseset, vs, 6, Me, r. PREDEEICK.vas
'Provincial Exhibition !
greeeera etirerraiion was quite re- Co., N.Y. The fellowing ths table of low*
voihaiie. lea, yolk wish tinge ',Weal esiatesit* /14aasefffolk prilt,, pciNatahtigal•
down ape**. airilt, sad, as elequently Henri -Cribb itebbiwole*Bitry, "1"1111 US IVO Ana
41003rittenlir dia mope, *WKS MN. MOW tO .16,,,,M1447" t4gli•n"Pean MaraiSt ' v2.4urnu two Or th
• thorooghlY •
be skilkail two hours earlier than 1141;;;'reLf124,4-
rotret *Toilet, ***/** 443 nom- fIlh• ifeunlion„
• teelaesege084stws west home from work Thew Netetoey of Mane .
blow inoheir Wit" 64' iiealtrrish .4:440%.*44,6?.‘ ,
owl emoultoshee wire nee wade, Mk' I , "
ildk001111"1° A limarress 1194,0Mereat WANES winurizelfer , oused_it
*WO allinaMaalala 1W114:4111i MAbierati$9 Asia, A
have Isoitaltpsd ia ever' lava:- Ilk. Ilk B. elnateimodrier eft ts tew he
eisorStri-Malsrld 41abr-ish .1stras loam ucethwisi of this ettY$ aals
aC411. "raisajerieseionr4eStfcremly narsmit lora.
teeeptiag to ham a yawn bell
pesseares to
queetion is there, 0
eith *slam, the j,
the table, and.risnig
;at, •
1 by.
th and that is ydur oonscierre yen 'may have to pay the erpenses for -the trefoit! of te lekve 13 Peat, an it WU fortY-aight fence rails and drift yrood,sheesught them
the Word in the ch re.elahle• " coal
ewe ,bsok. Teel 0" mated Awn now .Therig in the , magisttates for party .napreedenie et floated to the surfeee. aeoffell, it was caught by the platform be -
Wore on Amervea Asti kiew or As the -mkt who One wes fined 40s, and °elm,' or in A Ifon*Mtn- TE,Telc, - The Montreal low. Ifere the hum mother with either
;Daniel whe rdin elitist.; and the last one is °elan w e morning papers, Waiting for copy at
lo if:, „within:El but spew 4t 004ains$ the t1', and num of the prooesinenists boumbefute be could be enticed, out of and constructed nsore of raft around the
-and.* opponents ha been.. teed by 'the tank, itlien•the died body of the uvr true so that whexione of her childrenilept
bligki Norms. )1LawkgetttistirSost tho Other default fourteen days bzw.L.R,ufeevit., 'tor gazeite says 1--AnoPcssit•or on one of the Pleolous tresetu-as, remained' for twenty-
sh out that "ha 141 beat th best fourhours until Mr Mahon constructed
Orsotgeman ill Belfast whilst another an early hour this morning, fell asleep a boat and taat than all safelY shme*
-tun for, tb,e, teem fies,7.016.the tzteeeimiero. 030. . sate lined in a *ler NUM fer saying_ he with hiS mouthwide open. Anothercom-
bee le einteey ten, higeez. --ve evetsk, - we v-Fea ..e.eaopen meth. te. tee spaper, way, joiczu dispatch from wohingt,0114
kali* 411,that'' ItrnelL311;', Or* °°11484:41re1riesit 1:6144,tarit eall'&11t larges er 4111 a PitatalVeiT GiaNT TAUS' TOR A. &lox -
is the' latx.rtry intake
***SI, :cite
sad itc4 rt4 si be
"a' '
__Dim/Tr ix TUN Striur."--.-A •
writes • " The stone
OS me ;IA
sold a
is how sexy and lodge by the large vivet‘iit inns feelmz the animal attempting to Crawl „my 29 sox There was a laugh Una
'Vele* "Preed°14z141L4e-ehQ". r • 6vil thra&t/ *web* slu * harrlige rio at President Grant'sexpense. He
' •
• oidfrise , ,
1'14' 44,04 is orfttru4hea Iva *ere eggs c tun Felose-Onleriarika,:-Nite must protest f4gfohret, httit 417agedinwieuitsslilt:tatoetanheilulain„. walked, to Waicker's his breakfast, and 4
A.GinowruRAL & ARTS _
2Ist TO THE 24th tEPT. Ip39.;
- Peter met him with. hus usual. promptness,
•h the practice ot ex- terior. • sicking what he would have The presi
ls that 'it *
If you mare -what folks
• tad it atesposed of nue
in •
tout- •
us a a, home
A. ooneaRondent of the Boston Ad- dent said he wis' hed & private rooin, and
say Long Lake, in the Affirm.. his breakfast, at tho earliest inoment.
New York :—" Peavey s, TS- Pak saiike Could given° PriTate rocun ;
lage w ore ates passed throttek the t•here WM the restaurant, and anything he
anti-glaveryoagitation, the war of the re- might order would be served tbihre, were -
an the suffrage campaign, and open the prealent walked ant. A. gentle-
' apple oe Wu/cord, the uti.13 leafing by, who had beard the refusal
y. A fluidly bre eight with tarn* astonishment, at once &skull
a few years to 1$ong LA., Pete if be blew who that was I Peter seicl
• .-41,12iiisekaronfacede.”eeree to; he didn't. '"Why, that'sPresident Grant."
i4rk "king flg till' h.rti.:1,0Wiehadenfehs:rialuilipriut, vii:Ptekeeteeroottl'gee4if ;the; emauboll"tii,or°11:11:ralerilt_Pt
gee saieliteiriesthat 601ilannli iltaasteei,,ttowithpakyteowitccbishisiziestywh:etibeshe.. weesene, shavone-4
'leant dokbt, •
have Wife 1 why in th& men of gaaciaess did
them .you not make the washerwoman netstereli
litlaehotet, 1311:erriek,Y shittwalsrisr cesnr-'Wg:sYsymostY
jet tie wife, 'I there& it a anew -wane :of
410warickauthooas,vst aiaehomity_ismortonlys000garaisiocesis.iatsry.yearviyirsguecsarattlioolusappisfthivivit::::istwatopniozalist..e_stockeywhly:
lead. Ate* who full Pf rim* and erotism
first Jamits1 of wig* Paige- haill 3,10 the aisa
a for- Vie balloon—everibedr laoits little to hire,
• And he loofa iiatiP to areiybody.
Persons lap/ding to exhibit will please take' lidless
that the Entries of A,rtieles the trAPeetive einem
must be made with the Sec lazy, at Toronto., an or be*
fore the undermentiened dates, wits
Runes, Cattle, Sheep, Sulu, Poultry, ou 'or beiore
Boolittr, and Aber Farms Products,
Agricultural Implements; Xachnicry sea mows&
tuxigrticuSr.neralllturalY. °Produu *rbectar6"IstrYdalies' Workjkillud, *herrn; late
foccor before Eatyrday, September 11.
Pwelmists soul Bleak roans foe maying the entries
burl Societies and Xecbaniee Institutos tirrougtout
uthoeoru;:svineetrbe.obtalued ottlse BaerstOries orsil
Tomato, Slay 29, INC, 8841729-ta7.
unix, resslred by the Camay nareeier ate_
Y part of tire Lwow ceased for sive coestr
Heron, •
'lin V' A. JR, JEN 40.
with clean And causeways,' the
London `and Roads
'1668etiou frosit.sexionwswielHe Wit otrokaNt:otattearitogiwzguiTalroadlci.tot.5 -t;-) sotio09°SeelliE
IA 11011 Coma, sr Beree, viz:
Sootiest /ft. 2. Prom 33e0illtyntY 1'01'1Ru-1440 Fmk'
etetortit,1114 67411miatioas: of tue Gravel Woad, Worth a
mimarmisittagirmallxilrol:14.,b0M64.18111:41"Tiainvitlerrele* 1:::„.03:4411fregsiiteirmatri:eireidiSNol,77altarAlailirdlilDomiiildeBallibq:
rent. These kit two sectiorut to be repaired id*
to watts* -. both of these sectkoso tti be maim( will'
frormaionata• tibuit LoiktisittutortedisciagebOrtb. modefftworgiataltimmeor-itie
ben *Wes to tee BrWss at 1341.16.
%aim t a state the pi,* per rord *MAT eatic fest,
kr slaw As& ewes Gem( delivered oaths; toed, meg
1 =rod mid aroma. m. war go be Seals
ea the lealt °erase slat.
- Paarrodl,
comet:. sor,Aximerws teesemayt iliarrs,yor.
t itzteel et: ii:iiii .:
• .
bragoodwa --A is
t: •T:
Vag t. c
n.,12,74.-.12. ---
140 re:lc-fa:4 "ie-re.i'n'ci-",
*;•1127-manca':11 rcc_-•:,-.
Clet late
17,4',.:co so v..c.fy
Lama 'Co rc
ofna Lmilaii+-.1.7,1 *7. Vat.'
rt -
*non„y di=
7,77:1C1C'2_=.▪ 17...f-7,7t7C:.1111.•`d,
cc -C3,
er,s_,ec.L•csd cc:21c
Iuttryccc_tlz.,▪ .".1ve -to tn.:, cc
Ic-c:-.113 a
.---•zsc-n cf.' win
pcce-iri'mtv,.? u::,f1:73 C.
c.c..n.-1Cycz •••km
tolincys. a•s_c.•
amcic417.eces..,-, s_L-1W:cca 7
.C•iin be:0=s Cc17
laKrsieg 0.72 z.z.-
fts-V1=i3e3C7 7-t.41.1.-= site
Arcrerlaz te =7';•7
A Tkl,117:71S.17t2,
AV118'7.1. E'
Anre3 C7'fa.2, F_S-3
-Tr:17n C7,1 -
0 6.17c
Ci3 NC••7
TRE Jura
"ttie by Pu
e' G. 3_1,
4, ticaTkOSELII.,
Ztv:a.:= a Lzs
tN urisua
er SEPT •
the ti:dge
al -ea res -a
CD C.;.'2, rze.2"43i
'1-10 3173 t:IT:17.11
6;c2i1lersos, F,W..•;ep,4•,,C„,,
threlitml wackl
stud Tim fze-r_:ing
AlAtikg CZ:Li:3 a ES. -..:70
'Terme ofeerize -
se an vp lir: cl$67;ax,
• wotylv bc
fa two WOO& .
011 Aufiumf
lar'es.•te wick
Is Ec..-stz.:5-14-.....1i.-y
OA Saturday,
1$0,m, a large cr.:au:71
rompriskng part 1-'7
Ceetre Telles. Muni eac.r
41114,, A vas -zits a*.si
Sofa, F4.-,,nr2 Mel resists,
ttat-es *us]
Goseriek sweet
Atuirsao .a32,24:-172;, a.7?
2:" table is supra
el the seam ; attl
brands ef %wets 1.12
Monday! th
Irecn all
' quested 5.3 Lc p!Nc_s•ra`l,
the I'Lisensiwe suLl
tat laaw b•-ac,er•,4, Fa&
Arad* iveift0Eit VW*: .
• of teat board of WAS.
%teatime s* et/4v ca C
timroust secsilistAnce •
aad Peck Seepints r"‘ -p
eatiebse boar3
thee or saw yoir • e-7..7.:„1, ta,
fcroat4, Prou-i's
Umber perticaircetr.:,:'
CO4deboTtittr" 11.4•;?,
'DEIN G Oast te
!temp* *mos" t•D
1 Lase male row,
ot 4660 at 11,
titeleTicil- Jul!, if
Essus rfE"1-47
etimetvdt v Sown.
Aev. fr.• tits Wares w
tison-C.c•si. avower's* 0
kv„ vill ilk sole oi
noes, re- boobs er•
csuisoil tore Oen,
commit Pei arm,
tirsiertel Just* 1
Ira*? SID*.
New &opera_
CF. !la W • *V*
Nistiaterp o• tee Nes