Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-06, Page 3o
vcc�a a Nau York cntmtg
Excz hcro;
vo-m 11=10 F
On d"fc-, rnig:ib..
4 v On 3wzra in -UZ-auy I
Mz a
3bt a3v
yat;-4� bz=zest Mit kzat4t,�S;
ffaw- ron- have . vomk0a im tld'%
paya actlaW. Hm"'zi rmya 10 Sal
%-L-=a &Z, yon live, last yca"
M! sto-z-anx Yom M
on Vonr rigkt hmnd
VInnga to dQr
Cam-- b=k, sfi7I tTa�njtla wi�-
Larl E vNngton ta a
ye Imn,2"' 8X
t e, aw
lizow whetLer this Na + 0 r oil
,is now, =d a gu,�rz,,! cammmv�zaj grim&
'Ercaty ts in Carez� liza iftbair
--1 'ca- &T t)ma
n, t�N t1---3 is 3 C) nt
rainfa t�.�o lcbci�
& CT t.
cc=s rer DAZ�. S, -:d by all Medk;bw
=,,i ts P-�Izwent or cc
ez:�:l oft!�a g==!Cst 3t*-,n:==ts ever aamfA-
Wh�ens, wM as sW%
in no th'=Ikinia pztj�
iff3 st—ar--Z erfikar
-,,-n f �L, t�� Cnm 01
,::o L-si� tu-e=�t yers� and Lazo
Ito, 1`1 wMa"O. -
=--n t� fm= tn:a zS3 of fl- Seld
d=!--- ZIDts V-- box.
,F tz72f!--- t!�3 ftczl by W Z- P. Bmk
Godleeich. Am -
6j 18M
Eft ... ........... ::: .. ....
z! ........... aw
& . .........................
.............................. (a low
--I CZ1 f,3 zz- s
--r zt;- 11 -r7r G
k, ta sa To sa aw
L -.0, C-1 cop
55 c*
Ira 49
zv Ica-
GOIDMXCE, Ang. 6, 1869.
. 71'ZC-Z&l -.................... QO�90 a O. -M
...... ::: 0.35, ca O.Ajo
........... 40a og 4.50,
.� ......... 010 ca, %66
.............. 0:W
............ 0:10 �'z 0..,W
...... ... ..... 0:1.5 0-ja
........... �-- WY
t"M i. cc 9.10
---- ----- 14-00 0, 4:W'
-.W 2.-5D
gag. 6:15,
0:W : 0AW
......... .
.......... 0:W 0.60
................ . 24W a IAO
to.L pm bbl
CZotono Artm ry
...... ......
� ------ 0.55
...... ......... 045� Cg
----------- ca
........... 4�Ca 4-.50
It a
0.-32s a *15
.......... cta
Ang. 5,1861 Nocia.
....... 0 8& om
ta7l. I; ---------- 40) i0h 4L -S#
............. . *86
III . ........
%Z a, L:3� 83--, (L'a":Eja A
Z Vk-
wjUr (M "a propffty. 2W
N%ilbiNct eamon lis milipowt
be P" I*
tile P'nuals
IAT 'A jale.,31W If" AWWAW
puja of the am
At U, *-,"d
1;4rrAtw, Qed"imb.
how rum", &4 &4
. . . . . . . . . . . .
"Pill �11
app"OjAIU.Nd Ex
lis 0
or 4P A.
ping -
fait B=t of .2n -L
1.), E Al
laill :T P -n v is CLAUt IS: 0 V Eu- D �R -Tv
Atitr.cogtiii�lfd* � Six I
iinleyville, curea-by using Dr Colby's Zbr AU 11har VaToOM
lo" W" T0*16PIlls. They regatatojile13o�yQls, tioriect the dt -a
som4oung mou iyoutinto the Pill 41-
r� -pre,
imfer toibaWei, hey'arocom sell of nativit JiTredlenta liv k higlt' e reputaq9tit this 4 310 oft 1011111111t. X. STEWART& B 1
cie of them- Yltamea vil- I .1r* -10-11
Uagb%S at the atom 'lid wan. 40"AlliIntratotl-VoIrla.-trId. atf*6 4 the tootof dideaso' Vjd�ft, iniellichaoentjo
0" , , -I e iHA r-:� In U
a, Curiva 411104 n1we, Ina � �! eintia; so Amly 1113190t of th
1111. il 042i"T. I : ` n JA-*-4� Sizored tb cl*
Ram Mtk a lad If - cur 0184
es, ` ' .. I- - - =111 4"
r1yeaftomilat b everylt
14 i heir. e�4raordlnay 9 of VW& aro umly. i3forehoU30olipposteAD jotu KAIPX4 fin t:lg :nz n J' :-Z�%
I =91, nor
6! -VeAMI Vag -14'Quee
drowned, althougrh therd wer" 4
tli(T�91VIL anx
erapp"ear lirol*ttfea, 8010V All deal6m -11ous.- -Inveterate ore to univeralk.
t"l� L BM A at) Ina, I I tki, guy bef Aulk 1& 0 -b -ri if be tol d at U-cs til"m e0l- V.
es of 30offtiou sto ta;;�.Wn -.111 t.hcSL,. Indebted by nott, or Ir k r
him ft th0tiMe it dkpearai they could rea- SavInglathe potnte4rod, i "1 -06 to Alig. ly allopted- 1 0
A V'T-1 Via n D f"D 11 is -the euroof 44 hiti4o'-Vainfui aid-ifinil-, 'us.14j e, where a_
e.i%w ses - everycountryand oll
y Veirdletg1ven 1�rallwho use.UO2jes NupinE HjLxlt 'A ed saAlum. *1 -juse6j. as =11
da Wild no assistam., As It brings the de0lhightningi to wineli She lbifialei oil 14 subje, t.� It th c
.4. AILON, and ption, b4vg been but e0flelent Furgiluvo
Quelled and harmless to tbasod.
It bleaas6 thi sea] -reinovespint a
moderates" 11excetir and 1`0410VOS oil obstrut ilorl"i. cd*ta.,curAdbyIt, IP" The Obvious alea,. _V001A, WOM
F1 fl�. egre he tiched on. sonis,thatitisamore to. 11"R SALE.
14rOnSthouathe g1fthilti, prevents, f io.1mir frout ftl Ing, aiiii uspee she nix, La, t pilm said for ftyqu=t; 014rN;1.
Butthere, laid will ccrtadfil� mal�o it grew vtm ty
is a glorlous essencei mg;'luxurtantia d 0ders,#111chWereag. arraofeellec.
ail j. $Tv
as contatUnation ritatfit ern thim Ally
where I tal.4 iny1ratiaRst power. MAR, atea by the moild. W=T a Im-ful.
Aaditis ottly25-otiIIer Wttle. TO RIEW LAMM,
r.. noselorho
-tb abM1 af0oft ImVe been rad%wy tried" owthatltc themt-thosewbo baya
med Odin imelig
y, for Interimij GivingtothouAcR my.surest ervere, V -:r� , - Z,
Ill,-, on I le cShF re
-ahlag her aclies,aiiapains In
le -41] 1 - I n-
Estornat.. Bleed 14 ItOWntPiles. ailaniMn. vbnost:every sco. notI w that Itcurewtiltelraelghborsagd. friends,
givesiminq(11- X$At
Alterefief and Is a Sweetastuld,-iri dangees hour., V - irlew.0ne; Dollar,
luli%'lie. Soltbyl)mlat lithebady0ilippi� 1 4 li 1,
1 0 i-couti- be inforn *rrfu btever r4s thm-ugh any, faultor negliact6f
re gists. icatiou �Aranniant f -lit Britain to oreve$ tion 0thO 06unt'74110 the TrablIOSMOKY Z$OdIa Arta 0".
_Wd QK Its es ' ortuses,
we wilfwartent it to care Baw, Scrilif one �zla,--T4 cr"t"'k Slo U V1
-upon alain
Seal before Ta'a fly diseases I alint. Sore Th isone &,*e mostdcatractive Its We we�hava thoustaids U.
ule:Uao .41ous poUon is
roat, La X: ov! $16, Opralns,. qQtA cerfifteat ir
_gmetmeso our ri the April Z. IVIK - -10 Z IT�i5s,
D,-,,gT I I Nlra1r, 100. 0 in
ModeraCuratIvaloreornit Ike- BOttioofthe cares Micas -iltooted 06 -to unseen and Aturell; val
are Alm A t MTO, I i;- `� A '011 comp , esofthe. reMarkAbleturosvit
v7i -tenantofthbor4gardsmandeX on tAn" are, known hit
Tender Feet, Ike. W011detAllflor b6lief. 'Vany,fhaveb4i�,� VI)YAt '77ieeII: �Th mines theconetitutl
jaull, 7.�atw Bee the darke t hyttras bow I bn hanwbut suebi
Mild, Sea the rose ofhealth add ti�aaty fronillaft restWd ltvc `2129 -.a -dInV!tegtbesttickof-,etfo.eblu atiddistases, eve el odnotpublish
qgiat'-t -of valu P* -e -j. - I f- Atfla d
, -Maln Y 19 SAW4. day withoutit .- hundreds It 01110 114prMlIce. �Apul cum
,Ilgiiij �. I . I - `," - Role on
Oftem 3ASS& in�, -voldbyl), r6and lWalth: IS It )d4 And wene.
Take thapalest cheelc andbrow,' ka t 4gre-i z9 :Tlv� 0 mstobreedhifec * ntl# h0bodysa2'qd neltha onlonlel or anydelaterious da,
a aam an -
ft J, - U998' Allevantor, for Able I1VO4 &ail thoitsandit of dollars may b I . oughoutt
SoldbyD 9 1 -on somieAhivorawei 524rajil I develop.,itie' Ay, taken withsifetyAry
oforlifuVoted dan comilar 'Pr 'R-t;rvous and S I AM 19-lorms,,el erowthe iibg�preserves them ieylerfk�daltmad ms&ft
easea, nothingovdr b or other of Rib Tb:zUmmn. CEO -Z "2-j -zi
J- Rdgirs' AllovAutor. fbr F4i dyspepsia I Ity vousumptl1oh RIARIMZ4411 dealers ta refund the ofoliby -IfIt' zw'k- and binVU& Pot. ork blitht ft or-MOVIle In the latte;P tuber, e wan so-tsikeIvilbillebeinglintreivvegetole 4� t2 j -
,hr - uwk I -the lungs-ev 'IQ bx can aziso �A:om their use In. anyqWMtjW
pyalimst. %tulenw, llcartbu4 go. Sold by,,11 m4y,ba IN'ted in cdtDF(3r=-d Dr;lm-I, !2!1 �-acJ C-,Ze, c::1
doo not 94C -IfiI46' -ence an the
Isfaction.* Ifyi mes Alt enly, dep
Yes, an tits are crashed at Patpltntia;V, e I'llio; I ZS1 '�heart,,or itunorst f6inied r it Fhowm , Vfielf qp0rAt6 by their powerfidnift
< T E
Wfift6si thes,6 Pill&- 'will efloat �rr �;Ihe4 till live
its ly. dons owthei�sklh, orf6ul ulcer�. Interba-1 *!seem to purify the blood -and stbm It
Pmps.-Use Dr. 1. tpil Forl eve what butrala. nature PARRIlit OATTLE AgOqta: Godorlah, - . . f A Vo p ny. c �LF 4" 1 f 2
=t.edy. �?r Piles of otlid ine4lins fiftg.thffed L and oldionel
r a power
'L*rIfa obEtmetionso
every descritstion, Sold jr riolins ej,=,f the -bodSr. -110.6, the.0-ocit. Into healthy action-removdthe
Onlyzvorneaded-sTitmorn I do not to -Alain )ron. volt nel, afilti. slon stom4o, bowelaf liver or
On - Of A. ottle of W I ther 0
jul realedy"s, so 0 Warsaparilta is ad., I, amd In MA C=I�L
alintitetion laalled 40ti Itoms,of disease bodkI.AA�storingthelir irinegular action It th,
xtho,yresellcou'p def*144g SUP
osoato ill to t1jet onsi iltion.'. by.cokkeethig, wherever they li 'on
0Dr-nSUSa UMJ. WPige 4w for Coins, Thin. Mll I tell 1uw1mtSre#-0sseca -firequently44 them0lintay Is elcazxes .'bu -suelt Indeed r Full directl"s in tfij poniphlet' ai ju4d each a mr. PerBouff AffficteNqA11cA6lIow1ngcpmi- ftuchh �:a:l t'rn eq
1, 6
-origin. ofdismse.
Is-uot tj
flercase�-�;Iuthjjl Or y 00: 1 a gone find--inintedinte relief and at 11 on3 . are given ja the
'Atil to C72
ta.—Ling nails, 4c. Sold 4YVr !at,,, caje, whielt-lboulil be'eareltMyl es r
1199 - pack itervcd, , V
I Matz length cure by, jy b.Wig: UnAte, direct!
WzmkxoLk,�Us�t Dr. X flrig-,-af- &fievautor for ..jeant�usyoylrspi -,;beerup? ecA SeW agent forlho e, use of this SA
8 --(1 Co� ut mes Unjidil,19tatesaw CiOnafts, AW4ny"&.M�4o,,, or JE�r Me bft; to
older. r T, _Vsi-pdaff, r the followb4zomlylaiats,,
jia, Rea&cha. Catarrh., boreTiltoat, l3ro a Also Wv 11 eo Bino.1vorm. .1 .
a the'. Ill -JOB 410SBS, N. Y-� .Pius rapidlyleare:-
nobitis, Pallid, trembling. dying sufferer, z St , e tiv T) In Is vol;a igie;" Bait. -eadi,
Am. Itis agreeable to use. anti regal by 9fro 'CA fat I ill. For LDyAfp&p" or 3.ra
_old Inu -Ik ).A Nor X 00, Bore.Zars, a d other emptiQuo. or W U1 5-2:
'Tfsthe famed 11PEs;mANSkruP." liefi, 111;#,t), eg 0- 1ESEMY
for tin.. s Os ErIf 8, )0 Aria im po-iiiike,itarri used, Ite, t
in to advauthorizeelaq T189le Wrins of Se"flizot( 41seaser. Also lit the xiend XkWorand X -o" of A
1141low In 0. a 0 ol I ant willivisure rbottle-con. boy
-forms, as J1 8110 4 be U n zliodbraildly to 13thill il�
The MiRUVIAN SYRUP is a protected -ablution of more conceiled =tba a
ArGrs2-laiZ-In ?!larch last Iston a tain.�gfittV Pill �,bjreturdniail. ROart Disease I xits k sy, eura �jia,
i5ik-err,0Z* cc - one of the museu� IT I CS IZ43 M m- N EON,. 4;
Rill. lid halhotoxide ot Iron, a vew discovery 1p lxiorliolne
l3cUevillo and other places bmil he-judaij,of vesse4 �XOTTQR- -- - I - - - I I - F, r
and di6Tzj1bnS; For ZAVer and its Tarjous sy=114,
slaraud nervous systems. , , J. F. VAN
-rialviseasear -W,410�nouce, or Apreew Aftickinew -Aullol" j
witli leefor Canadian and Am Pan Rarlwts- this hat strikes attlhe root of disease by: supplying the exNWITelp, IQOVN- ftphilis Ior:V4.7,terear an -10IMSPIR111114PINS Iffitialdisicliale, fillic*:Wead, *Q
At zf;-�
as Tt�fmirzD. The! a immvithe�icrmdqf,�VOBAW 'ar6 alred:llyit, thogo"A I COUO 111114, Vill~ 3reV0rmi*WZ0jd" bleju,
a13% its abuss in the sultry Season"hiduelng these lood with Its vifd prindple or life elemelitt -rron, ISIE
q time is-ye(juired for
in Isb diclowlYtit�:entoreubcise�tocorreetthedise�
ft -Wes orne lurigs, and those billionse ykedlcine�
omplainta Sytim." blown. In ther me' rtrie willturo- Or remolv# the vibsUmetions witich cause%
-tdchi c= only be removed bra Plentiful use or t The glilitibie has. "Pimu'VIAN '90 RTHRUP & I MAN' Znt bag contameA n4 -0jC I e
gm2t- snogawr= pmumy. For sale -by all Dro=lsta. lass. The cofiiplaint. Xeucorrjk or whites, 17te'rifte . For3DyseVLterr,or31PInrr1ke
era VZOeratforts,-. id cases, arpicomw d0Ee=emI1_rrequ1r6d. esjbWt one gd(j PUSTIC OTATE now=G.
P=piaeta five. agentforCanadr, 1)ft For
=M!nl* t 'o lieTed b=lts
0 1 A re' D
ItIsnii wandortli-t invalids loserfatthingli spCeffies' $old in Gindertch br Parker A Cattl It invigorating ioot; , inutii D. .,La#ox of, t1ke j* the W.-
2! '0onthmoi*1jF tp0z- z"rin
J. P. DINSMORE, rropriator. Minicr oc'C6.; RA -Ad Janie$ lons.for R= �A e are Son" :In ourAllramie, sup- JGOAP-441107should be
R .
ed *r
_a A-1
wh2aso, manyworthimmeliclues areadvertisod F.Jordan; G yl - -
Of taken, as requirodItG chat Olga
r If s .' heumation and Gout, WISeu the #Ylitela.
-by,-ze r."
thaert". of variousi. diseases; but' -whlclj� wheli tried Na. 0G.Day st.,xex Tork., such "'Itof
ealciw� 'I , Aused murtilaflons -of e=ineous"nuitters Willi MPM
Tand wantin_g" We have yet 0 Iftilm, howeve4 NouTIM011 LymAm� General Agents. obinbe, "Vinloo-, &,ao�A,.Luaje -.-Y-, lick 4so Zjr�r diapo offe co
M 2�wzwufct Eo
in, tbe blood,, eld Inerzi, to iti-as,
Na prt 1w3k,
son raints,
of theIfirstfailare Dr. Wistaes Ralsain, of"'Wilde Newcastle. Out. onvesm" or1ftfl
berry.- of tbO�Urer, -whenteEing, should betakdnralargtp anafreqq=&do*ajd T6
t0lellrecouabs, colds, and pulmounzy disease. Vol. xxt. o 47:.- EDIEST3' LARGEST ducetheefle-,tof dr&rld r 10d -s
41113:111 ybftido fro
MPO _q the SiMin Ono In the
Ra I - by 11:)`!I
,AND OHEIPEST.' 4X0T119'-qqi Irf AD THIS 1-HOLLo bili -A -a-
1001rAW Pa� great re- r4a-PV*-Ofollka� �ze &;ashoul ltn -1
R;Q; fG-thef strength ondl Ikor of the sy u as itproduclas theidealred tfrodt by sympithy.' VIrMIX
I � �; ARTS
1:11WItionoof DaOL Ayes lectures he stateathat
w . i
alli iu� who- - I idd and go
efit on mankind, Be Xistless, Di*ponI,, Ln C: -
Chemistry confers morepractical ben fbr-WatafAiuChL14r#n'aq4 'Adults jan troubl�llivft iAp- =00 d1geititin and r0lievi the stomach.
could �tes
t -b= any other svience. yet from no other source a or An accasionij, dose thestomaich mind =1 zot C7 "n va:j t!jo 1�;:Lsv
Ilaoire be so rasily obtained. The arts and el�q 'Peirrs, orlanv stlimila
11 1. . -��u �;im tneiancholy laol of the arections j4W
oinjes 'T STA, STORE d Immediate th CROUR,
11111frilof mats
RUMbw -y action, restoret; the Appelfte
ts re.901*tIve 4411, luviglizates the israw
w1deh eltemistry virlinfil teach. if more thOrOUghly and AIN ED agooil,kitellen maid at -the d �,v of de knen
th4t onif #ritiat, cam atT4,61noliff chN g e
Ili V, a 'Ous W ere no serious de tocf�, G-
ge4erallystudled. would sp6edily exercise a most W Hotel. lrou% wornisnione; lfc-innol Ue'to - -,-drept re.c dic 9 ad h in. Hicati Arch: Acrich
beneScent Maence. He freely confesbes t1kat lie I 'R HOSKER. o" Met wte ran in
Webted tothis science for the. virtues 4GOdedeh. An."Surt Ord, WE91! 6F HA3'MTON presRed upon the winds oi, " rdn' "Cliew `*feels tojerubly.vre ds 2S91
Y&,, o1jag,, -of tnesifi-pil
of closcir, watt-hin their 0� 11 be
and advisesthatthe pmedcal application of chemistry is M. W.
94 orriat their-cleausing sad reaciv
and �irf%:'rsjanding, 00:,�v atid true -cause- V. -.078 appAralt".
tomedleiceithe arts, manuttetures, and 11-"d tu -fie &6 P, iblitigandi ' NOTICE TO DZETORSIP
bteiddlued upou our collages andsellools. oft as-,iblititandi' iftlriIn Thicht be. ig
V111111 i5tar.1 -g nd -
1100, Comma cial earlystav4s. - .1,
t i Acadamy
W ry IS imera"R A016,w Ii�;� Chem". X A. GEORGE RMDALL, 4Co.
ea emiziftbovo
iseaws-whibb -pre, caused by
ins and
or. tflll t3 C�Q at-' f's n. n t C,
W� IX parlits ajzlc�j
eive to the general health. BylttUaskin, MPC' cal. literiing a � jhe� AzentaforCalialla gellera, V4.0 ]a
lz!. T Allevantairproduces perspirationwhich WRAP T. J. MORHOUSE31 ioitrezn�-
very c.T.M.", realb 0 rolf )�t- aaave;ke
Ite-Opewl6ift AlIgNt 30th: 18 '6 SAjcq5o ensive fj Rol lz"Imwa t, Ci:l, -�-L scry-�:mc(3 to 1,:T C. -I i�u IV
is kept In a moist and healthy condition, the 'pores 69ii ill%41tert iritih. in r'�&- 40 it!' -d
open, and *bra this,source, the watery po,,tiori of_the of -I, Bola bodorich bi Pa a e an
atter. rj - r
in 'Ili tient I jmy� 30 -00! Clk J*-Mi-ard IT. IC,)wbl,;t;r1n-' notice that I Suallant; be irespon�:Iblr far*ly Fr.!%�,
fil i. 4�01e(l, JcLn V. &li Vez, 17'.
blood passes olF� with much Impure A
to sc 06donvuls'lvRe 81 a 211 T
the Luelvioir, -B, 111 Sgalortu, And J- oil in -.11A, J121110,
e � the e 3 tonilky October
perspiratory waters are, permitted
coatizbvdththt* skin for a lengtit offf it lease the
I stoaia*.,;h;,'uuq11r#I' I EIM YE L 11, it T'� -C
lit ull-3i= .1 � 11 - 1,
e* 1)6r eleven weeks
h lu Tot*ship of %Vawanosk jul j0th,:(Sl;j), , b,
activity of the side, frequently calls' w.
and coatamluattpgthe� sit 'midin, e t lOttei-SiA i��ble S�m, And 0164� Pugh$.. Indoses. -.11 low splrjtsi,:l �te
IS 1p A -hi gradual *oAting awavol
Qg4 ll� Wav 0
when oc 1 fer other DsZA=x=Tf--;rXusie, vocal and filsiram 1111,eya' nwar
es, 1, .
�poasfble rates for qph,
iL of *:at dang-pero character, and many F=04 Drawing and Fancy work 65,, tat, ',..Tftey ate paintaiiie-arld se I-admi Istered to the,
disorders are thus occasioned, especially of-thilinugs, M,4,% 31, DYGEUT, Teacher. chlldm-defv&-oottfid;�Worinfi ihokouglily-.withoill.
and kidneys. The greater the obstruction Of.the tovjneb�thcid
exh eut action of the skin.- the more.1tilillit single, and
_y to double enti:7, Forwarding. Banuin;,, MinIU&r,,VVVit1SPr,. JZ 47 T,
scriou!Vdis-ease, and when persTfratiozi Is ebedwil lie nowin stock and s�jaat prtgeithajastoulghtiefritac,
skid Vecomes dry and rough, freluentl lig-t'iWor Witor ot'li6r.diapleasarit clitba lie 'Jura soc
chapping aild� v.
I r '. . 'graduate L 0. ColleV llwiejrj�,
clakling-- and czalleat salt rheum. the blood eiroulati it t
_V, �t -,' R i o1i boi, contii(na� the tac-4triail
call -40utGreeitlalidlrem=fj),QL,4Lawl,;*i -
imperfectly; andthetemperatursof thebody rapidtj Clusst (I -a le 13
al lite6ation -is g1voli, torre i6f koliTUR6P & JA*AN for is,�19, 1"V TC
'BY31r RqehtPaL, U -B, to0hillopar Wjlt��Parffes k -
reduced. and sometimes death will ensue. Froa tya tn Newcastleo Tur
Iluman an(L Comparative Spee Who -tire the -Me
above statements win be seen the, vast importance or physiolo ordoingfrommeidakrelybilhaving any ilbscilptloa fli :-,i 'L
Imping the skin clean and healtby� in ordertbat it ftydologyananyglous, orleetureainCtierniatryand --of-musleftnu-shadpromptly And B'�Ask for *43-6 Cz TL-m-Ohy, LZ2
Dr. By- HA RISON; F;
miifyprop�!rW lterform. Its functions. T -Briggs' 33otalpy�4p',I Dft - R Nbl&wap 'M -A 23 �AA 7 T 1- 1. TRIUMM"ET I
Allevantor is thexemedy so!A by Payker and Cattle. audihWenG,o4hei., SdIdinGooetich-dy Paw-cf, fir
ItlemberTle College. .&-Cattle 4nd F.Jordon;- fia - Co. . Bd*- 11`�T"::-�::2! to 1'r Ctn--� C.- 1, *:-,F:! t!is,
,-At Very -10
sy@ Add Sainei Hewitt MADE BY L.
IMA ftodiervilfe Jorld, X, ENGLAM -Ir J,
If Y& stiffer with t 416 A larip'iiskirtment of n Exetee- j 14.Mkbe oil
I A W0*MZ=UL R=MT.--:A eldd@g tue6ry and[ practice ltaeA;Zj��410, $5 ($12 to, tiaranip-pulr. pje�ia always ROYAL AINO.9111;
mo3t=cicm-andt,orteoustxAqs,in.theh.ead�fa*earit Perj5ghoTaktleyeazi).3�oard8l.T*perw�--t E.111okitatt, �ehforth� iund:iljf Nedielpe 1101) lifilli f"C'S;�Z2101 il�:,-,n
on blind k
eyes, jaw. ncc1Z,suould6r4 at=% bxnds, cliest. luu.-s,' E3'PUPU$htoactmitted�at"anvltiviii, Fortesti- *43 yot�z� t-511 �v g
stomacb,sfile, baak, bowe4j Idp3, thigh% kmees; nionials and itthqriniforntalou sand� for:A uldr or fit the trz!do X-eas vowor, A,
Thfais tboelztapestfio�"
HE feneral nout wui f hro u
Ankles ok leek usl Dr. J. BrijesAttevautor And you � --appVW X IVICOLCURRY, pt -fits Jisrod: the in - . - . . .1i
re4dy,money" syste � T poalliepe;p!fdof ihis vicinity In the- r 4r4e 4i the wi'l ollitri.
land mot IshugCaliasmy, call -v 0
n&x months, wl ZIUMS - Sit tile folio
T with alum. whfahwesh:411over
willfinik-trameakatevelfet ISS, all relievable cases -a3 24hollia-1. credit
1731a arl�es fro:q, 1hi% remedy, if used -"Aucau, Ont"Alo, -j'aly ng VXtreirrilelv. Tjovcr ices. Plaitt Whitt Cherry Framqs.$6,-,eaah; White UMlia on W41unt Ila
and exte care fav fromsoto$8,ae Rj a 1114 --ft W-1111ttCA483. witIt"Amon glass tuWs$8; #M11A1*;nt bored ttl7bes I 1py, ruui�7.gto -gjw$5 . rtfiiw� wi.lvhj�, 6,
T; J. 166:� rhotsev-- 'A.PariSily Medicine wellandta4iorablyknow .1. SlUtiA W931 frallifs; $20,b:lch
11 to $20 each ucco n
not a. I I rmake woml%n or Cistern.-aild Ser
the )1dest in . A d fre0y by the pro. a, single Out Attl Witix J3011OL ifils; and Rrauftlin Tul0and Cistern $2a ; Englis',j WIS I the underwigmed a Woz, as 1�.jjjj timt it In$
Goderich,iTuly 23jb, 19691i� w9 fir the past twli y6fi ra 4'never Allirif -,in.- e
aft Wo. 6 Toronto. Canada. aineters in obagai 4WAn, attachod. from $12 to 435 ewh, I
inStatic 11 f e fun go utd, e rouleters.
et, to krza -permariont, y lt� othe Ila ly faliasgo
by It nii,ke, ,
d 211s; Dail gold ker U
Qttla. used, a 4 we have e
a neverknDwil a single Pas, -tune xiii, 10",,
lor n
-,oil whetrealiti-:directWits have been, Evejrf1rnstt-umeAtVar Anted -0--- 0 e Yesm,
kit!Md 8
0:30- Theret ia a story of an old hunter I
Vrpp:41k tollowed ba- on the zoixtrary all are' pmr0cli, If a correct r ster of overyeltyArld town in Canada, tbet bejgbt viiive"fide CIE
waterdrsealevel- the 0imeral utisprepm to ultittideavery lastruniv 0
who came into, Ohicago one &y, and after
Z it for. e3ch looaft torriRltly Which
lfleakJn cOssarytobtive in Vork -correct an -the Dials., t3-4 fail lasumKinent of Self. R�Wefln-
11i; operatiarta'and 1 e is Absolutely ne
hij,, Cal e1recfSl,, 'nitruionieterguoyatalitlyon Ilan - atp
vaudering about for a while, looking at hosi-viiinii of:�js Virt6a and M4#t. ricesfrollS.$21ir, IoXID, aceitr41ng-to-11tiloh.Tarilheat Piques d mo=otmns --f the -Gkir;eti retralcan, a,,
a., improve- THE -CA4Y it
ca �,TROYER - 24 to43 hourainadvatice,should 11 themselves of the opportunity.
the publiebuildin, and other * , a); % -N �w. -
.4D1A*1PAZ,1V DY Wither fr�jrlj jI3 S,11tConjilany. t -0:1,)t.jee that 2 ten ralas have
AgeutswilIT0- Iven malle by tile dtircuo.-sontha unpaid stark of tlit
mient% got into chat with, one of the in-
-thas won (011961ra rieputiation, as a-! biblod' puri artSin7fora fewqaya o If , it
uly. CA aboverompally. payal3lo, Sts followz (10) Un per cent.
Itabitiints, in the course- of which h3 men- juriel.4,1969, I �-m -. '. .
Ifei�alterattitbAoinsiL.btobje,tinsurpas,-Prlinibe - pa�abjfqujo dayii fr,)m tjjs dst,.�, viz.
IS - . lanjil 0,1869
Itsehlorii.fails -- ', CLO).tm per ventliapablo on or littfaris t lzndiraf
tioneil'to, him be once Eod a chance td jiuy 'iltnu 11L I
Dyipi-osino -Liver ComplainiliP General, Ito' to be -Obse
Ad, IiVgraund that the- city was- to clift. IndiglItz. rvedlu C sifftlax the Baraveter.
builgeon tioft� Heanbtjrn� Sjqk 1160achic, lcfd�ey Qoaamw� Pot-#
for s�tatrbf o d boots. "i"Anc a I -If tbe3MrcvrjIstaV8 about2 Inclics,-orthe wori( 11 Cliab P"Withoutmq'i z Killer t own r-yurderaftlic Boar4i, -
I I why cii&,t pliunts, Abal Stomach Phthislavii 4"sthirta, an tbWwea wjIlb, ase An I- � gellific, mu,*. a pp or.d may it 160.5
yon buy it I" was the ve;y natund- quezf4olt ther IS ttled n mageable
IeMoroz to It ital itetivitt . I
jbe '.Ayst4to tlebot4ted Z, If the 3refeury nses to oral'
T 11,aaweather isAt band,
va the word", Mair,"
of the luterlactor well, I badn!t 1he Vy ialffering a i -d d- - - .1 �: , - , S.
ftould it happen the AfeTelaT standslIfkh, it-wT be Jocahand-very little Of it.
bootajuab then was ther old'zieWs c"re- prwii a its niagkiilana 4 ofiderfut specess in - auring Ift1hafftforcury slo*lr�sayftirllghtortea day"ailardraii iltor Stb9vcAhojj4Of0V�ry
M! a
j;,,DjpIbrria Ila
rel -i-hroat. -Cotigliii ar. too for Intji;-ff inwiatercoutlatie T11 f 11"OR
it � icateston't vvithor; If the
Ply. idden, colds.' So -ok, 00114, - sio Awil a -in "U'anteks-1twili biotrijk# =UXTi
Whs in iht� s0e,lions arifflia e IQ, - fieveres r -sure to th1low. a:
ncbe,rbeiifr�aiii6tindt�Aerpawgin 4ay partof . a t
amm� T�e unAersiguecl is propned, t a _ ell, u ngas a oftry is con to rue;4little,
Slusoj: ji if given it, 7, re rap of dowg� t1towcWr that fullowavill, boufsharl
the, Wohrestasin"d the WOW. 180110t;
gla, '7,7 C);O.T
The g lache, Neural
in or e
FURNISK No. I paratitmil of th6 -kind- su'd Universal Pain Remedy, r-
Zxc]100-9, supersed- is Wa
Vr- AXT qtrAxnTy AT 2=
J I rnpt� remejylor ranted to surpa
-1 in titteehial ingd, pro _ss any4iunwndix- AND
100very, for theinsiantaneillux
Ove ly, 4,1�
lufftur Dwwgh Tr. PrTridor. -nacb` I
A in, t5li�,Zto Bill
relietand rapid cureof
V ;tk " -1 � � 0:
4> WP jR t ]p jr, ClodiMedandDreasamA
ilftous.CholicI.Criolora Intan-
Whita'Al "a' :6, h forra Of pain.
I I -t any cona4vable
the frieeoufy �5 eems pet botrie Mid
jjfflMSZM&8S accommodation,- oRio THROP +Iyum.43 OnE WOOLEN FACTO.Hy
table 1% au I the delacies Ne'vrobistle. 0. W. AT T-1114 Kw* -Doml STORE. -VJLI.F zr NxvwA ii,,AiLs.
1)1?4ed wiffi al NION CASH
Goderich, �upst 13rd, U69. W�f
Of the-seasan; and thebarvith the best oetleittl-Agtiltt rdriftlada.": A little of Brip"'I Ailevitirtar splibed to iko Head. WwjlCxrded Anti U10111'FlAied not Jjmfscn1 wi Slit,
FROM Will bixtintily reft Neryou; 1116id Ache, it a Alck
r3 -Fold fri-ifloderlph bv..'Parker, & Oatile and jo 13 Ili A *4 W,11
w20- F� 'inerlik. In. Bavfield;-Jainis -)rn fill w -S.,
brands -of liquora and 0joarAj VA& biitrex Alpacas Ift to .800 Y'd
PiT -11.11 ficadAclie. dilute I
Jordan; 'Gard �;V c*ld tivg t'-jv s,wj viili� tii.w t1w
-atcr ourswallews, inhale from She "WilAy, as lae hav�-
it, fir",
AT' rHE figl" DOMINION 'VAS11 STIO boulle, blithe the R
WMtilfgl!Ilrde�, We Will A70 ?Wf1iif*�1 kkr+ fi.? &M.flr*
C00PIE�,:1G1lnI6Si; 'qeNrdSI1jucLk�9*;4 11teksotiji audlitelylo3owit. One to tour swa;lows relimes ji3j,.. wheft At"llsli-I Willi f -'FAD W,p.j, pit:'] Chilli,
GODERICH GRAIMAIL: DR%; 1�!Pf 5!*." 04 411:1,1wiciiii ation. Acidity cf the tte ite
1xiisla, flearttium,ftilil lwa,l of wof
-a gaulitumar. .1 allsa goalitirr ef the inevailt- int -f) 1-sil-Tr Am
T`2.-rsif:&ian;1 L
We all the ne* shades.
OF -TIM 0010rad Lujf . ditutI,4 &lid 4mufted up thi umfil, Oita Ir& fro
17 f
A T I'll 4, NE W DOXINI -4- DAM I
D S WAS abrout.,and take Ito 4tst-Allowa of thelblulefletned-,
V"ll lipmvhately w5lieve land qr-IrMy kaw Catlin
T- lot in delVy to COUSUllipti011 AM fiUMVIlilitelY T
Third locelve
ifto n Tickling f The Throal, Couia mi; arid ail Im. W Pit ff,ll lthctt
infirmqy, elleved w;tt x
trir curt-;ihe mool *ev.-re Neuralatit, the wvrn famw L &E. 6W11111
W dayandWedne3daythe24thaod2SthofAugustii c.
WILL- RZ OPZN AT THE NEWZONTSIOND 0ASH STORE. ofirical t*lll- r) rul-licn, Are, The thr(Pal wifen MOTO Noy 12, Is",
TWIf4wita areaffleted.with Chfoift X"i0"Otich as
Con$umptipAinAlle, fast and seedld atia itilittli.a.
led.Alj-va:�tonguid taking a swa!iow or two atiew
Asthma- L=gD!seWsotiLUkftt(ls,Caio�rrb,'I)ysp�ia, ds tor -PLO -V44 00=1
ON.—, TION Value Lameride, W &*KoWer itfr1irillip, cured in Sl
"t �x A M1
A run -.60
Zatmdiee� Liver e6splaints6 Xidiley Afkiztious, Spinal
h04 time byapptyiug 3360.0 Alleinutor. AP1,11W to
ffthday, *he 9th August ru turcsof
allkbLcb Atropy & wasting. or any other disease. am
Vnien, all pupib audappjiealits for Admission arare. jbito d; itthe U*oWr at oij a aria net put6ri
A few si'Viesitiolilt at
t -.8tinial.i0clion, Ceildinirled Cords atud Multelef,
A, visit T �11 � _;� �� �; -- � t, � �, �,,2 --� �, : .
qui�sf;ed ta be present, In's Course dt IMAM -1101t ia-� zolongas to nece4slak their hem d as litany have tkls� Aflevantnr relkyrs But
Cal a on 43 u. % r gtol
. i- S 7,8 1wellingo, &imins, k4iiiins, Towlem, anti all itis S&LE Or
i no hope, for thim Undivided at- Neck PillOr
thfI 'v I for pas - the. examinations of tetifida -*ill beg , Iven to -AIL female 0 1 OMP141nits Ili all "CHO-0
1114triellIALUOU 1111 bcepthattherei� .1M,
XW.0 ' affeetiew- Applued freely it) all Am discawto, itliffords MORMAGE
tfe3'azo t
000311111- their medicail and iniMfcat be.'wivals- I ailt reliefleall heldi And
It gtobezonie boa to prii1mi-O, for t* Sit- RUM'
cancim will be
M11311114- remavedwithouttilavae of the Gfej and pe"lls JL - Qi lite Allevioler is a Tiat-ilive
on Dowd of flistract!Olu 41106 to tU080 ly otked. Coilsultitica free,�
Reuledy for Cbilb�ainp, 1,70iialell Feet, Coid Han4and
'a UO, with kinstraction feirthe Colaity of Feet, itilled freelyllicooreinglodircelium ltspolaeriu�
Inporters 'slid: degleo
T.- eptaff ftpUs th till vAu olb- -Central --Scllool hoiisa,
THE 'eavi" of Pop"
Huroa-,�yl meet In tho� restoring is wouderful. Mamyews of Deafhco� fare
Godedob c4rV4 wali Shp, AlleValllti-Sire and Wmk Lye;; art,
I a boar at a I rate. Is the best -,on II� its the
pumd ; Tootbaclie immediately relieved. Affuc in Aim A
new claoe3wfilbe -1
ki f-ce japittly Am Pears. Ine wonitlerful slid 16 -pial
GR 'Wedie0ay'k TA4xsdiyAh 1 41
FnENDERS'will. biere"veit uhtK-Sitarday, thetml rl�owii4ihe Alievinborwill newr be Uild, fortilej irt, 1-4 ItaiN Wilig I t.,#t haul
h -and
farthor-part.letiLva applieAlon ni::y be Inads tor DR -Y,.'. MOD RIM,
formed I= Freachi, Latin. pd. other suffiects. For Vivvvty of lfnr�. %r�nfF�� fv.� hit -A
X id"fAtignst, 18ft for traIvelling the sidewalk mo v,,jedlia-dw it ism beriefickl remedy for ilika Is
Ireadm4ster. *01111,the rallway stAtIon Io, the Court House-Sillwo, lft% DAYSW
itsists il"you" brNI I W fine, in Ulu S6111.rlsfii::7111�� W
0 Qftrlch. July 15th. 180V - V*td For partlealairfapply- to .4%AUL1* e t -Appli s- for-
-gericit,2ild dajoA*714,18M', -in; ir
Go 13.T 'al 311"lie v
AIM a& Frilt nV IM"''i jMwit"?,
0� 0 e, An 'zEF&
A., m. e "'i'lliftm ""at"LE
ME A 3n Mt
cio Tafr, =12E�`Wttl A' p
Street Impe r. sn� haveAn onpo f C ATTLE Ilif'.2tA
24F taaru
po' Z 4, A40
rsd4v ties
44 *44-t 14t.,
4 radigy, thos rftt;jjW jubg 11ftlej onellp-julgi
I MOM orl"t Isetawlif", Rik
to one oftliwe W" OW solit. rellialik Re asibes in irz- 311.1 jine, ill
READY" H1 IOTHI& 9' DIR 101 T.8r: I'll
-Farwr8b, , :-� L VC
Notice of-Dimolutioltindfa 04 1 bef6 gad
iiiSetice fir the spcildy y ivaft, i
lit I 'itir Omgb, Craur, Sore &N,
*#. lit
tq mdke� alter4ons In Building. and I a C04 6 P 'DESP-1900MLY PA L THE ATTItNTION 010 �1
bu*y,*tbejP---zo-0& -fWAhe---0b15k#e .41i Pr esed. Throut Aoilinw. 1LA;n1irro, 1h6ralty of Hr vifinig
it, -, , 11lidemid stow, qdmay, lNeolitij
4po :: ,, : M; tj1eiritAimerous cuitomers to rhibil4c Paw ill do
Is 11drebi given VO4JIza d �.atbv.besjtirjj4�,.S,
UY. t H. RIT
or tofore subsis Illowei,L%wokird
ting betwow us, tiddersigned. Fftj Ike 1A 44,V 01 A119WA
J bn- C Detlor, Frances wild Smith andThoinas D W L ill Liver complalet Iii.
NG 4rg4p ylan cati-thefef4re R STOOK
CLIDT131 Cowiriliptily T N
A �. t)o Y"
QL01 &G. !Ztlors as Mass Goods and Seneral Nerellattla, Va* RGE Kithife) VfiaisT Organs. wid all underItile traF.fjjowo*fzY 0.70 CQW-Air I iT
this day dissoIlvell by muffil.0 oollsent-sirfar As Mards htti cheaj,,-,, T�h urdA -- -- : , fievniligirvi -,fill
lu v2. -,St'
be the 4414 Frances Wild Smitli Litt 44jy! 1K,r1fjML
jal,-rwif lulareaSiiiiiial. lbk rftUy @.perjor Remedy Irl-jejfaw of
I blva-mAde grnt ReductiouT in VA01*1fich can All debtal L duo to the
up jo, tho West Style oajha
eut-or =lie add partmershipam forbeFlight ip and tho4e, duo from Should beill tile as stinilly Giv &A
the samaditchargeduytthe sad Toha 0 F)e M -r and lite. ait',la tw of a recent "14, will affolId ininKiliate
-can of itlier, wiiiieraftS afliplig b1saiding And of anal"Cully
Thomas D WDetlor,,by whom thelidelli #41e rhairseirr. rralild, yield %* its woo*ifut
.14 A-I z r -IIII I F,oL rum
"UG D asible- ULV%',
nw onail ii of a 4 . T I
ISO— *3*-tf' widerthelirm OfJ1V1 Vatlor & Co. fif , per
of-jnit� A D 1869.
uWery, CoMba,.BrusheS Iguna ustate wanuts ofmankirld.w4v ifain AWispan"t le; ( Irl; "v S on I
and giveA6ir 6ustritners thol neeeleny. 'Ile% ell boWbolld' `46 riad-%
V&Sadat! Uoderli:h, this. iot MW11. - . 'e -11 111, - a;ww 2 U
jug U )VIle4i 0 tlia V
;a the, cire at the lovallomf dwroo-es of the Tbroal,
MES 'W 819TH. The R nluk I rtace of Wild EvettTerii. al)a I twe V" tis,
PRAN bargains they havi m%de. swain seen I
JDFjTWR. on V- wrfl -i a f�a!� 014,3 IAJO
Lamp s..d Citeid, Which always, in olor awr v&ryiu# frO
Witness. Kl'by W, skil-i D 1, , 2-) i,�* Ust,
it. Sqdljgj� are v6-401 -fara I -,
W21 -2m,
21ot, 186 . xn
the titat of
A the" 4isewA iseldlau
For faro�
:z-,3rS, ST)gWAST & TOONG, -GnceM. having jvcmbmedwi�hvIheruWredieiils -.r raTIA Amrs -,,.I,-3k 4.) V. t�t*� fotom a
71111111 Ift � -- - rl�
AAfP9d 10 Jfe3M. W131, Ramsay & COII�IkOf T01!- FWLY FOU r anlik dille"e jjo��Jiift, ttjj7;� jjSlIW
1 W - - I I :, , L_ L I . 110111vag 1100191 11 "lly, The t
'too. tbie talw4ft, Of - Vuw thbg �",Gl tw%�, 1,
oAW fertile beviefit of their credi Co4um i,.Pa, box been torisideked an Infliction bey9jid
eouslstinx of jEw4no'.
'140dWths $11A ImIt' Ike reac of in"titic 6W -t--.rEfWXdfn
vn4oei; FOUNDinGoderichonWei vra Ili The afftlum -we tv
and c towers i -ilaryDifiessesee
frroftrift618 1ware. us be dowums urult lite fAqentrific. Inediant world, ail:]
row frhm&
thot -In Godarlah, sud tbatho
Bmstfutenda to remulir F "liopiified phrowilirs Lave acknow-
mile stand taider-cost -(;oded , ch� idy 2s, 1%9. wjIllWg �Woubmitthilirge4tudvaiied'atcibkln hit SAW Seen: "llornpittilean 1* 1
Vt Skeek near thii pot oftt;,w IC4.gell Ikit 4? few the!
Old 4 1' tile hands -of Tames J1V S T OPENED tile
authorizedto eallect, All _FOR 'llin"On
09. rf Vdimbis,
for U.- sastpe".
T"! re k,, 1. -V
0;, I.T. Y. S. t1 AD A
Dr. 1. Er; W unlium Pile ItMedy
�A- lot of all wool- CAnWtAu TViedgit 50
per 314r(L 0
G9darkb,,Ta%s26, *29,td MUM i BAIRD ww JIM' RE 11 X1NA0J%%
FF&O. in the m(MI 64tia- tAilw ruld ftVisdow.
flogieryi, Wets. Ver pftr� -
it wet, knawn tlwt 0owalk sipita th;*Pianft 1pave
jWjff, - -
rj[Will'sublaidlift offln forside at A reasouble pd4a, jif
iDn thte (Umlar Landild ClIq1t compituy as a safe Br j*rnjltG*wtvA with ihis ei f Whow 11%ve Mit-efl,lionfol ww1w wit. -I All, J'A0. I t4ROVII
Ta; , ' "s"
mew". -3&4k:43Z� T3l9nnt9 T, I ro
of. 'IV 84 -d by the Land KartfW DebOKW- owe ing, I a cl�s per yard P riclief
r Ic 11jo shawfit doOlitarblir Salt'CompW. Sioughtio tat hu47X,'-, "I. t r It
Corporattione,andpelyjita gippitsillits. Aigiong "ase Prin% 6 -is
own 11011:a is ets -fit
c Ito. WiAtot it. The numbel is farredukids. who we Sao 4jf the .41., PrIlVIIIIII lor
4� $�. riwe of
gigg"M a wilieratole exilitelleft at Abe Present dayj six IV, am;p ii,14ANO
twm advantages are DrMq4iQ4 8 tu Slady. .$.It iI N I* i4ho
140USM-M& AT Wtwoula, jity I*
Ist The kAderUs a seearlty of xnalliber of Rotates. the 9 5R. those wN0 I-aller. r) Till seta Wils 4frile Raajeoy and f irliet- ln)tth. fin", Iq.
Ifew le-prifted in the NtW 11111109- ftlieCtively.lusbadofoitay mie j4tgt�& sad able, of It - is *to, be hoped public wilt Avall. �T 'AND� F TE. R3111 311(tt' NO relief N imailediag P�VK in #.irk 4--s 10 in am �- pIlri of Ow I
- He also oftillor oak three houses' on lot of the siollbetehilwi. jell' T111111. 7 slilivril-tw6w W,ij W sm p,
the MDUHad calPI14 togetha with JM corWrity of his themselves of this idoratialioa 4w flod#Illifir and alcure somirrecAC4. rrinov.
Interestbaing paid replvly to the If itittibut his Ild JU 4W*. libf dw IPAI
Oyer havi seek alter, somo way to %W kmPorium to purehasotheir sup- 4 LAMONTIN311 wi!i h. ft 0 M.q 1, lass.
1's ComWy alone Dr. 1. Br Nova CAMOve, ,*# 64 *44"
CANAM, 1K)D` IATER AI.M oTI19B TZX- jndjylaAj,%.W tq� niponsiblo to pUe& wil"lli atill 616Nwom"re
boy ISM
Frjit of all kinds ft Im"" The zp�mibern have aow on hitua
p*mW, &t. Mm Mack will bo glad to, W :1 11, 14. lintliatit&AW, the1wrest.saililm,
Itaid. the kinder Imstor ASL�,jety. r.Im Orem thombt
sn"0040 at 04 N#W.Bulitlft ox tba oX stand. as, to the eftracter of ally jilliIi"allill bomwer, or of MILLS.
Goderick WAY 21th, IM. w4V. theload ismigage& we a Czrw, 0"WW. T"Wwnw Illaiiiii,
RUNT. ANdtolains, Froleied Alimiali Y',rh 2%
he boldsis a Stock ftm Lh-raoies, #wh a ram, Rilliw", "i& arid FruiR JOr fatpresiI 4 1 faur bmiskum ib "W" Per
r 0 wild
ecalimadity.assily traziekTod frowhalliftO
-rkstable 1k, Lavvyis And
V%Z= for WeW k -d, - that be can conyid it late wjuW at Any j[vli3illzfltit!growiLhiLnUbnowprepared to rent Hank yRysilielaiii balt Rhealu. Ki.igwarm. cliers, ftlits, wi* a 1*1.3 of do A114,4 trit on
A" N, k%"Ikfd
4W Title ftkbw V"d r4 W ihelli on rawmaw form Ifto, *I" compotant Pamil Smile #?ft* lrastemc a IM0091. SOW
y-411'" for 01�6 -y"t-,
X D. CW- makes Us bonviljr vW of Hudows, ut 41111 Illipow, Below All"Issill Club ItAt4".
OVWT TW Ms d" to Aff 70i iW'wo apply to rNow, 4 a"" Woe wa
1`2 xTipaporforraw6: ak M4 ftftzme to khai, in ivvilo of 1WX T,#e rknor. in V& ti1*-C==t0*ePa1P. a 0oually cde or it*
t -wm*, 74 MM QC 11111114- 0 acres Of wl&k us trims isww- . I - - I I I , L f wh* #
a, H*14 Ora* sa bmsdod �-Zpdwis& may I& Ift, W -1w or- pazor
Issalpellal i T" of iW 40111eet go, sow a of do
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*a L kJOL It c4trative. 1104kOw
bwa I as ?=ft lorrmients, Will idt itz"
111114d 1r s` P" PRIVES, '"DEB E A
seat a" W., 446 t110f11C4NN4k7jL
aft"n. 16118 per Keg, 144x*4 WIkits Lmd'pw Keg, $2.00 %a made. LiPled, aset, sad zxh,
,OIL 3.45 IT , la*41im"boddWir"T. It 0 Well tw-
31011" Coall -f4
0 BmA Ghm Star &=a) per WX, 2.50
liwilpe am rivailp ft at (Fingrish? Psi*t 1011 P�W,011011 -9 "*e Ora" Aitilves "it Gliall1woft
AsA 1. 24A Big mom, sailip", so I we *ill on. 30"Is mode -
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CA "aWks. &W-OWV 70=L 0 .3Lm Gross rolia 98 *t& ipwartis kabon. one" Wall
A*Oilo"w a Lead Assisk Prie saw bamil uefths;r sk,vw out fa- 0 4111,11411re fir ism#.
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