Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-06, Page 1Law to M
Q 7V
-3,V kca% forunt
`R 7 0, 15
IN A_ VlFl ��R, 'T :V -lrl
Central, It
k*6 NI. M. 3a.
Jq=b'd fo mo viduly VP
t Aflalft!a -C xcl-�M04 fez 1 aon ax d for I
CrEONM M Z Remlence, the I'MISO fOrmerlY -nq -
o0oal 9 talit
W. T. COXilditor Mad Prop;ipto The'qreat6atPossjbJ t "t)x� 4-raa PO4SibJ0LJrUMbPr.f1. IVII-13 t old HXIUO:_-�4
Occupied b7 Mr. S. R C_ 11aldan, 1319111 Street- 102tfortl�.
tmoZ ecxg 73, --r
WAY --AUG.1:61- VOL*-7--JN'0,,, NO 11110d
J-,ViR ANN. IN AD� t A
13VT" ft that C_,v?A ffrdcrmye
.7. IF. Danter, M.
U-%,, A. fl OL-0irfuric vLOTHINC.1
-;Ptiv.qcian, anti '%Wicnl Electrician. ss -
k. Mmi6ininzZ Phvsi;,�iall of the Atlantic, Mutut IusUo KV.f �A _c3 vUM13
18PIUM11111 10 41MG -1000� Xna M-ino:Q oidl F -11M4.
10AJ0 To
N4lvis TOUR Tntb Atd witib. myst!Ttli* UrnotE Ir-garma2d.
Mee and 0- V V
PLea Comp-iny of Albany. M T.
t:2 Residence Park ori -x 9t- DaVI(Ps
A IV442* TAI
�, . 1"� . .. . - , . 1. 1 - 0,
vard'Goilerich. L� . - . - - . ... .1 _; I _. _. . _� I . _ , I . I I I �
R Tlutu4 ALEX. WALL g ly
Mft-Slgan.p . " .. I - !lift .4 Kor 1-4nW =a t�w bmez--s V14 51por -tw
0 he�hik Wo
-itor-in.Chancerr. F&CTOR-y- 101 xxop ADE OL -0=0
S,) K. Conrov Crnwn A ry.fia;Jeoingaueblirageme, _ I
Gtderiah, Canwia We Wedsince, heaommencea Nuiiness--i h: Gittte., I C3P L .)3 ...
a I L 1 4
st. aTice in COurt House. I 4d �tci-exebu't, V , N, I .3P Z-
*,.fRjn_ AN 10 ME 3M i&.
L Ing Mill and- Sastr Faeloiyowned, and oct-c Ikeardershroo4i fa btm�, Is-qtseA$oft having 0� 'If
P"arno0s) -, ; A
r STto IsitforthEs Me elillilva Utould ld�4
TVr q= F;f_M V=po
I AOW Ae J X $12�sedkT han-Ank def;ermlned 10 aell Out �X-x A-1:0zlt my 3=051,1nJ ba
.,-are now l;ioepared In"
kr.p.19TER, ATTOR%M Y. CMN KYA'. - fte, 4 . m lo
a the buqlniss of manufaeta vithout M�_ Andeallmewo
Goderich, Out, W49 tocartyQ rkng tore ittlil,
iiipiadly Donald Cumming .(3� O.Xi 3R]j�j'0)§� e dd
Owffijdby,�4,;�% "WestJ51reetio -what have bccaz trMfacubly dl:nz
plIJ4 Ah ine I
o 0.
Sash, DOOrSBMindiii, Qrrylqon lamess, top, s, Slid e
fer Itq "QV41;2;;4] U.3 '11=017 -
in W UP&it For t vciad mn:o -
qpj lione but� Arst-,6tisitraile;i r thlh liba a. ;wl 3r a 0, -Wo tmd starve a lt�21
CHANCEfty, &c. I . 01SPE'_ - '&� * " �': RU" BAR GAINS
10dr%6. "k -his friend
q HE
0 SY
114M ond e 111"OlAch Ah AT
W IMAOMO ast y�ars, ant ''t"
nm. -e. Xjw,-stou strwt, Godefleh. Andw b nd M
1-7512 IT. Isecondt6no , neinthe Provioce,havin C NSING-CHM t 'aiaj9jsqtZI'
1B I I
CRY. gaarriedon
T. GARR it
Siding, _011110 ii1s.anp?usstjdywll1be%os*p..
it alfilhoili -T81191) DT14 Jol 9% og - "sum R, viad OT� �m cn tbly-l'u u"We'rgi bdC4r,,r4
aA4 sit Mids at
612, and fill Inv rn-vong 11=th
.1 Scott I
iJIciPJLJLE4tjb[i 4.0 eff, welery
PTIllcipallydritm rsaild h t 016 zinaJ 'Por e,ol L ndly Cpn,
40 '4841130 --Qql lltql -Wvau spof) I JOS OV.Er- 00Ays.
C� W co 1P. IKI cutterin oneof the Pr
,Y3t 'N LN X D.E- Du G,:s
at gtveis�tamtriiA 16 the putch"dr,
Such (;irele akl&t. tjla�S"Jl -by
13 Goiemb, i U"MR COATS,
and Frames Edinburgh,30ollavidi lie varlesel workhas.-be-endan rs-luity- depend
3ireet entrance first door -west of G10;ow t alSecraltiLg t, In,"ey. vuAtome
In publipthat,
They think eXperieneO al paban 119noto PANTS, -"STS,
Zated- JeWeJry P j U','V- 11-lautlit 41.doqi� i�i 1,0 vlaq,aw at -W 13Qd ZOyS tro RebornI&I 4
%Vork. that they-tt, notion to all w1to (1110TIn CAI BE AuA&
In givd 94tiall 411iRyflOn 11011-116 HAMS, -04P9,
may favor themm k1A.-stabijaitmeneqflaitothe? ot 41 at. I,blfsh�
outa JET. t4ordola. U rade* X11pirl. T-;44, _14,lad Wwi I
N, ft. -A libera 4iiii ther f or-ouloorMontregf. wil New%jex-sey ftltle 11eforial &I-Ces
montinT W, AMA
-)i TT�-)RN-r --.&T Srd I
00 feet of Dryrah. and a quarter Onsi s atj=6�lrg, .43 dxty bpyz in chargo.
v _TAW,4OLJCMR1NCffANC1)RY 0offerieh. October 86 is.
20,0 "416h- Cjcv2 i�&T., '10 PAIrTs,
Street, tb1rdL Arincy"bn han d -n
41111. -e Flo
offit . on the South side orwest 3 -1 'A VOOD Y"Uz
door from Court -House Samare. W40 Fill- 0-0; la�JUVIT'LUZ3 4 -v-
-It 0 1 T -T LE AM E Rf SHWTS,
�;A� DUMAN", teoulat of the 4isol�vlite 'd the, fimtitution.
J)'&VID. uwsos, E AND'DRAVYM 15 The s�l
-h it Tho Urs thuig
L WM P -01311180M. X
comeded Vat
in Office-- Goaeoicu- tkarch 4!11.. Vsrm OW55
Orders ArOM MedIcOmen ptine"i'll Age -
on street . _Y ad - I i - linity to c -zig0% 0121 Und
B . Goderich. Ont',UiQ -PAPERS-e Order In the itiodtasbionable
CrabWs bIO&L Kim.-st ROOM 0 at oppoxt
I T;�West,Tra(la Prices, s leatthe Old Stand, Jqextt1)1J W L�Plowln
Pftpiciaq? 'an cAid ally dis� ork
% , nit
Ino-gle A; 1.14q-alerl a a, Agealorfirst-misseewing Maeuthes. fittin�� the EoRfor secd, rOAuting?, bayiqg'
ATTORN ROLIC 01dest tstAh hut, n -T -TIT
D 71ES: ROLI ir.AM9MOF ...aDderich. Jan. 10, .1 ae. The Smaller of Ue, inmcl-ns �aro V.
lhtncerF, &:c. Goderich. Ont. A VERY LAI*r
BARinw-Arms I
w. K.-sovmn. B.A. .XX NEURANT TAILOR ly plagraged ia plaqflng. tma tiQirs-
MAY tSeswau hnii�-rli !a *41611 they
of Papers
teem to f4lm at sat'- Uun. it ip
-Thr6 b1brent �U
-t.A%V, SOt0T_
_kRRIsTMR _%TTnTt*;9YQ_A �Vuetl to it -U -M, e Tra rato 114VIT,07 ftmit
& la;o!veney,Cr nvew , cer, &c.
arm, �ftua thousauds C rect'ht've;7, =d
4 '1 MEONT - 1 ��MHT
Pmr1:0rs,,#11d"g Rooms CLIFF0 07: ortrecs, a. ara lAbw being &mftd.
ILIG117, h Smith
OsFicn. Grabb's ST ek. -r For&
1:1- J:L. .1 IN keiuru14'4hftbk4 14r, the jib I fi-upllon' t Y . 010 whWo ryoducts 09 tbe far,
of w.'kimli t�%k
Ca!,nCnRY 41M Lk'kV OFPICE. cstABB's NEW ived, -.for the. .
f &W -t �p:
" :q by;* THE STEAM. JE
A SM- _ , . , - 1 -he vulueaf V020,50,
wSTO t Fol I
on rqamnable: 60 S -T,"
vt. KII,,1Wta1t, Street Gbdericlt- T
.31 last 12 yearg, begs' eave to say that
'Tr Col and patronag�_' o has roceerlt
N. B -Caaveyancialf', 31-eY lent intmductiob of,didiffinery lie is now.yr# r
ering. Dispaitedand e �tive ntlt;s to real estate cB$h; a%t %rK by FA ntbrA'and 74eklmug
to -two -,Md�-8 =Tdin;; to t'heir 'rtd4Cj-
7, thnt li� IS till atile' tk� feelers with 411 do of 'Ilntheft�hoql the
t rate$$, eWtobe,theinogVbftdtifiadeggiti�� i -t'- edto Sap -felaill
Godericb. Dae. 24 IS66. aw34 Ply M
it fix forr-neun
Ciuk-ers, I
t -Law, KINIft'. 09; rURNITU Th _Ras Bi-scuits'
0" t 4nd.- Cheapest
0' d jan.11460 .46 U.0
P� ZR5'F4VZR1k OF whiall lie Allinki taught oa the tomnion u, ngup-h bi-met
F F W IMMI, w-or"'Y 4
Ai hiwahop 6 Iting tort Stifeet, oppoAtel, e
ftblde.'&c. 1�111 b0 M0re A van %aeoug
the Peace, Court House, G�Woder.. 4e him, a call.:
ric or Hill -on Hotel. Goderich, .0i ihe,�6iiaumak hillpotting thew and 14V0 ZMMaUy _rnad-0 enrawe'n0pbla
Offlee of the Cie *37; Oil. Qr 'I froul
0, 1. .. I - L L pieces. cielley. -Many,- 142D could Lot say
felt Cntirie. sw94 Gildertch, OctA# 1868. 151WI-1
ir letteris V,1WM they rutfrea, now Tcad
for the,liberdl
bip, jU 04%Cr
M &GM when the
POR qTR,&TFOI (CULTURAL q1EM 4uito Iluently" auA gro improy
Ir- 33. _44tolzesi, 9T. MR zPIMMS 1)
tor), Residence. subscriber in "tnjalag�thaakcg .-BUTUR -
.1. patronageso, long bestoweit.upon Mal beas to fit- 96 W -11-V :B1 -QD(T,% BIS' I by iie Box or Barral WILL Turt in ronueeriou. with the Orayad studies. just n0F,
AM. (jos-Vil Sharman. proprie gTo g C�r
Willa '499
form his ininier6us owltmers and the reneraity .' to ;0.4 Trunk P
vaeld Road. that in consequence of the late fte.- bi�apigz n=moved b "is. it 08 return.' P... Jaity cro s m4fo prca*g atmand for
t -i t Awl
ft_A MOt 0.08 Leuvin- doilaribli ever-revenin at
Is is
6'a t XialiArdini, faverbn�*nt 'OreiSeg a the SC116QT601116 11170 teMf10rRrMY
to'South"tou land
budumstothe-etwafomeriyotn[piaby Mr,aooth entift Rbponigilig p
West atr xq-1>
-s. --et, nut aul- o0lon w1me, everything T" Abernothy 41
3;0- in his line VdIt ba found and
,1'sIgEY, SOIACITOR, &e 13 Vrajekars
LTtR1,STrP., &TTO, Wfl(I ffAKH utter, er Ejrgpeude(J. Tbo k,,T-rcos a
B Canton, Oat- S. ff-H A T- Port Sigin, SoUtbamptanI Wad all& mosth '
.6j' , I L %dother vac
AO %TZY TO LEND. Kinda OfJoD Werk wfll be D e Jyster `i1'L4..'L0.0V -
Q perlijittinfr.
13. ZA
Uons ax
R -snow covers the grotm4- or the
f?, , ETUR
the saratoa usual I Wheu
Yo U R B 00T, S 'IfT,
-33 'JL
TV. -4c'Douaall M N. DAVIS.' A"BRt1;G-TQUa,W00LT0T#F' X cil NINCY INTIMLY MORNIA ;1 wea"Ier itialement, the colkIt", hum M
of W at oil dou
MD. County i
cwo,,,,v.E% -B.,LYNP arxfvir�juGo srichi la timolop neetwith
It M ak
Goderich. 29thMircU, 1569 S 'Ilia -surnmerthe bu�sr;ge at 11voo'callck
In village or coantr7 pun pf gveryL Mild I '14iaid ttatilt
M. sit.,
ended to. leil Sorlin nfol'bread alwaii on b Mciets for side _16r all poilals -oft 0. T. R ZMCI, After waslAn"Ir, r�rcdojtuva f,74'13 tae" -
d �001
R A,T and
ptnniejS litid al*
Aar, f: points ealit.
and Var1 'T'"ll VM'gUca them, 0--tembIC-d to praycis F
Tan. 12 1869. % I V; M T W_U 4 SON.
libord patroname
to return thank ff
W W=43 fM1VMC
14 undersigned be,
C;7M D SUl1VRYOR, M -04 '0
7-M &Nt TAIN the publili f6r the'' PS ",3§"
A_-4;3�nd Convevanaer. Whicardine.
It -, L 4 tile Aer4rtury uf 107 1 - t -W
W 'brealdast au
-it ndedtwhim. Ele'laStillpre. - _7=o "7""P-vt
NOTICE tic 1 1116 tofordelite 140preb$ us"Y'2i
L W as bare been Atted -no: tpzthoi purOnso,
ake; 4611 the- shoriestaotke, a guboMbet-Wadld.�alfsiiobtaliLtteuttontO'b�6,- 'vithevetyconverdonce. -Rates,verymfionable. 40
mRE i0ot
10 �411autfty Of : I � ,
WNW, L. D. S. 0. a&vBrJedigtoekorWoblan4Unloi1 Twoedt�. ."-The litthe pu.blialssolicited.
P4 _k lag '4 patroutge 'L
Falnqlajig, B1aakel;4,.(fh1lwIdth) FlautielsTlaldx.ft. . - , . . I I ; I � I I - I i - O�� Iler. An hour i's then Aowea tizem: for
a P
dreq;FS, vinuit he will offer for two idontlia: froin lbW date lit T41t:�I'31i= C>' 1_7
18'U PUG E 0 ',%T ,*ejl9 _.aftd. ChM DUO they rettirnfa
9 M
Midleale lirlem,tm, qfty qnialtiffew 16 exphartgo Idt 0, , ' L ' __ . 11 b"'W2 _ L , . , . " I I -
In 110 ovvminj; th, PY IRT& Tselors
'x LUM BER -THM OLD STAND.) "t wh`eh 'Llt'y W'f1)&bt
WORK* and at thO joyrtatCash Price' do �Yolj to 4*11 carb��4 Butin
$31 -N E
, 9e I ..
if �(24 UARS AT
qver'the Post Ofilee,' test st.
W42 ng,: snother 1,6tjr ftir play,
cvql ob at lin -pazt tight. toiro R4 the liipLit. In
a large Btoe% of 4*
-T. FIRST VILM, 1" super -
i;,IMID winUrlhe order GI tht� aay in a,;mcw"t
different., the t4no bviug girtu r*ther to
S U T- H. E A L A If D,
lli7A; 14: V 94 - ir T T f-4. Vs
Y'le - _- I ". - ; . - I
are the ba �ALF3BD0OLLMS,-..,_:_. ST : ,
3)EALEM IM r 1. t'L _ A � � J614F
lick b o L a uron JiQtali AWA d'as" vlau Aronowult, 6 mosr"worK_ -SEMOLy. Mix To werg.
ath -04 -with udditlat4l 4611IV16a! lork
r, ghttles, T, 19, L Acarefulexau&xfien 14o *be tr.
al. Lobe 8't 't of the lngordc4 I - -
work,: � and, my 4� b now,
V-A- MO -n -M at-the� Harbor . and corner West
Gd6rich.,Augi. 24th, 1$58.
- I I - t4ay eustomem In A XT A, r- tznPnhM pensesoff-11ou itution jclul�nfr fie
l; mAure en Sat 1-3
f" -net Ural- r 'hilce, Oil 0 mA,m cut M J
'Llo'. stmel! g usea 0 shows that thevost ofal, �11 Lvem
13 14 _.&T-KIP111 tk*Je-d01J& -
'41-trimt. id rearof the Vwd C4_ -1 � I ; Xf. , pi - KE's
J?ETUR F1$ T# Per weektor boardand tlath-
ing, fue4 li&oo sislailes =(I %,44ent'.
CAM kitl�v having- lately'purebased
. . . . .. r .11L _.: �� - - � r - , - - . I" 1�
ov. Stfi. issS. 42w&svv Ivr* to - I -
15 140Q h*
�Illow olft
0:�FIOIAL A SSIGN ao, itistrpm _�rUc -Ann to, R&
=4e tb%1. pbQw*_tAPAS Ina a In Gode'�`t ck
0 e ."C- - -,r� - 1 - 'Logest fatook
r)ch VIDRY 'OZZAP. -7: - ;�J: 1;.; . . M
M 0
pill ticturo": x IDIF
cent 7
are L-w-mloss a -ad ru)�C; stro"-.'
........... Ffit
Zey wl&h -Prapa.fta, from Cue cultor
Douli�nWxt,, v NITURE
to6e Any ma a )a
-butp good os'
fru -West, Street. Opp -it A� 0 iti VIOL 400finty, ia
treq+ . I WALLOPS flowe
6inet E-�tccttqp�,- MEM 3. 10f
Via nr
which is threq 5 as, large Z MIET- �,MA M,
tGodeipeL, Alsq.0o. New On 1�11 p
as, th 0 air
every 44rietyoun. a tint hado becolues a t
_Y�Gp ST�. 1.8
nA not WTI to cow,
b ON
;b mind Ae favor of all inwant of FUM ITURE tlXa tI16
slone by mon
D to a, -4 -;h 4 nea for. 4emielvj 1tjZtU1CM,1k
_:RA�TMT 901ACITOR 4; eatJ K =40
6. _ud_ oa� _*ne tv .-
I I 8"� � 11 '0.: -
48,M] IM thaliksfw thajO.strom,10 C.;k1be past,: il .4 aiug care, 1)Y0r;q':kB k0ition,
.: .- -4 o E tes,
'OD TURN, Mb Z Who MiIiV fQV!Dr hill) Wilb a VINIt-Whether in TOO Y
'ta'Outiltty, sthvle or Prive,, Sytry *rtiple! me7at VU11, ill i 5 'T
-office, #Ver a.- 0; ts arluti p aflcB if
Ale �V. Z_� JO4 .+A4 Ahe
4 Goddrielh L r-?, r W."131: led �imnittdus ief�otnlnended. clucIvysmeither
Ir __ & 100? *QVBS
Havit.irmade arrang-ements vith JAC, tieems with bouuWs� Variety, anti afibrf3a
RTAKERDO %mish tuything hera _or Ru. UUC(?:isSng ele t -Mc
Torattlo; can C -ut to CMU1W U
Crs 9, Wift THE PAMM
coutentiou or i:l-wiu.
U011 mc _d
�zjw4DOT f without
9Vffa= A3 =i3
uttlicii WarerminsirTbronWA
W_Z 10�
watt 1%3bL uIctlatf
for peera or peasalif iia. which the
oil 311and" -
-N 3
"Iry F U, ff. 9. -Hob always a tomplete siloortment al
mud other Vocume4tance r : I - .
*1 IONX c
'arc, PATbi.Ts OtLI.,ZVERtt03FfripXed oil �D_Q
retelptaMAdl oft1pa-lavention. UREF liGnstaittlyan,tand1brSale al! ar�i- fions am Eo trivial for the tn&ager way
- - 1i I. � 4; �w M f4w
A- tc�o%:$ I*., , , - 9" 0,F ip 10% ,
im" - 4 0 t_0aUj_kQJM TOEV
I lne"!kuc as US A 12 4a PMUN afta saM
156dadeada', VhMrfi.:T4bI69,'- =1 at f ragTailt mignanette, in L- is pact a wit -
IM =7
ta- ` , . - . , . - nl(*� * V2 dOW URt OMUpieglLe tda�[)'W thO PT&M
of tile lichest. Tbe lear h it of heaven,
-00 �klootk New Aitotle buielt _URMS., fi
-Such i -faq
-0.1 A . -
4 et, fresh air,
VC-r-dure of the
dsts, 'ottir bhnuistivaineckyokes Zip -Y e f forni and richuel S of
I the delicac
Aneirion -,and T. 'I with which bcauteous Nature zup-
-1�dr 'WOU34 vsspodtauy� ZUMUUUUlq LU� -domplete,
WEIR Substh it" g Z
JL the.publiefttlieb-m-olmned -neW. if pit b and� a.
us, qn Yin u titreek - cNodorichi an 7:,�- 77-7-
C 10�Q.Nr i M � MAL
`=M to NUOY)t inox-
myeide, in the*,,
ZXT - or, WHOLESALY. AND ICETAM 'M IM l-, - � T, - " ., -
ASSORTM tiorriffs FIRE & 1vt A RIN L phes. is iottevt
by rHodge, whera 10would, JC4 I -
trond"g. -He is- -C, ZA- bAustrole varietyof lier horticultural =4
Offiara: arprJ. G. Datlixz Cors stor% res eftOMygolk aid allt&M§1416-filra (in XZ,�
aetermined bystrictia tention to, businesg aird-,promft, r�l -a fiord trCusurv,3, are UR *ourcea '01 flke Moz*t
I M, - do dh _: - - I oal Oil Lamps, &e� Am pia i�rati.
-goodsso out0alblit OAt-tonApritt e -GO fiC ..903rilt, 1866 W nl� 0
payment" �_'v NZ Z.
unphoyed pleasVo ; and it is a v4p Z
S eepSkins
a lmw+_, �r permadon U1 ItZ (;ivcr of AD that
e�whatigre$ L tbe; BilglaW, evablished In 1790joneoftL
Ls r.,q 0 t: . - ", � I I - . 4 1�
bUVM$t%Md best MUMS AD -091101111- -me -of 6ght
PhrIn Stock and- othfr Salea: tM1 me m -AY be bivorpt ;V J; ST,,QRY, t1tis --rat-Ificatim of I Lesc a
pumu 11 attended to Ahrousthout-the Rottut�r iJORACK 11ORT-01M, Aire sit swelf, WhiM bC3�12ding the elCgaut share
�4 -A 2 Sign of th Larke
pan oal il 0orp,
to iftg rutt Ist. 14567 0 _44 'ifig fhe�,Xqvhe reffm 0
of PIMU and ln'ut,
Vi" of t-hcjrfi0vvC-",, is an CnjpyMeut Vu
A P Hgadj)jffice, Tomato. Will 4ake, r �lts on
C Goden ct., MA
t k4l
A, and City prop
N 'T EV 4% t x-- risks taken at as low rates:
Ai- I efty. 1 -far, th
4&h. Jwu 140, 1868. 411 t 04 There are few smrer tEEtSOf I'LrJ��`JXMO
J; .4
.,7 RIC Subwrl ..%Von] 11olgAVIO 1108TOXI�Agent. within thau flhe fower-Apef ra
'lie of Auh)0�1144 Brac&# that hvis ovrjbaiV-
�wd nicat-kel-A gardau d C, ere is no
al ring first-class eupaUcu for the leisime hours rip" MIC11-
10A Alpa�tfe R WZY TO LOA
Lq]INA1 ESTATEY ated to kecp it so ur tt, vufAhe Oie viiia.
vftrrhpi;j� "'Wfigggonsp Sleigh
0 r1Dn Od fann 4eenrity ram. le from
0000 twelve:years. Zip Interest
Ityields pliasur4a whhout mfelt., the Wero
1 V E 01&
NOT 'Olt Bo(jk :,j
atrrom 71 to 10`peicvlit� GO, plmqlrc� Bit Belo
'O"'s T *.a savrafice the wom vzgcr we 1wMe.
C() -u WHO TO all W110M. May,
DAVISax ,4VALU !�rhich UsolkGRHAP �09 WHO
they 10RAU
E IMORTO-Vt Asent. Auli'kow un'like this to lx�oof ut our sy0fid-
4 -ALES MADAME TA 1prenticas-ofte to learit vrfooil-work aud
GodartO, Olit, 16M 1969 -Wautedao,fwoodkwotkdr,
'1106 1t*edJ Lamber In large q W"U;qulibJ�W.;' 11116 1 .
7- JLJ'li -Sokturday;a off iory well. 1 maddraignod to prepared o Welva orders for
marr all ntod a 64 -0-
:UP r6pat T
gd-Gitifri , Me othep blac`�Atn� ng
-;,CALt �_Mq �q, ON4
0itayidtirtn6ed On pfp1k-rtj, &;k I ie4 tit
BDMA� " _ 4-� 0AAT A LY -NM FOB U131URS
Vote Ash, roawhitewbod akfiedar Iq PASHOP.8,
rM 4 suffert ptrod;2hetiffts-
Ala, salonad prompt rdtards'Madilt -Streel man stoodit-AlcF.-2y
to� bridgge� Rewae pocrand �a(joaed, At
41 ce. istiosi, t1attirrh ,*ad Nol"s in _at q
us aillyattenda . Vi
a*, ODI k al 01631� IWAWButdi-*thoirt fitirthOr noti, ji*Patit� -,Headache. -loserr,of -Ap-' Goderich -1
F. pelloo mad g TUTUS,, 4& leb.miy I"' 156S. V,49 1
1!�-d to toy this,Raraedy,. in illoter" and Nylon Stile, h
advi, - -i *aaehaig a task
4%. Auction Mart, Li ra some ii;;kM Push, lie Idghed "If I IR�w
I V% --, Bili Vert a I I 4ellvaredon the 4pening QJrnxr1pti#u- ?A; ev
re, bQenc _11 'cold
ars raill _iab-o uppy. icou."illien,
_7 wal _.Usrkat�qua it sue cit"to any iddicular SJ tl
_649123r� Ing bills , " itted up 'the atom ad these i 'Won
oft tillailin.00nas possible.
gutoll, rod �ds *hi!*u ;Othl ;, it Was , , �Jevb'r- ndi.M 10 $..;r the varl. SAL[) ff,& Yrx touted and f
d- 9MON I . -k *, , -,.,all I Plan# drawi�! WIs and. i - them ot a fairrrice, atid buy nit food Aua
eri&.011t. g4eawarld- chills lately accliplea it
4G -Jaak, Asei�, And qW=MtltU[* by A. F. Bie'll, for it,
-L, -Sat Aaa4exioh2 M-Dea.. JMi w4g. is- tabils Ii �or buildings,* bridges, Ac.. � 1,:,nu U zlvo just AV Many Rua
Jigil for k no Jim- a One bpitte -pMoModicine above buSineal I itta now prepued tu furnish io, M 'Mys-, M -L
ea. 0. M.T ponotsuir en on vArt. go 101toox1p "M the cwucr, Yho
*,tWt1JTP3 of - Impravota Farmsond Wild 64
A A, au
er -wit AFRONS Amilies; with
LMIrkst1quatell Ca"bob tog Mdame T%Y74 zdlmincea to ov-cricar j,.is weris,
00,14-tiall, March 1'. IS01. an* by. consult _04 ,,
bi at na
6 �, WWrna Hotel G�dotlob badies una e PTOVISIOM wMdomeatrAha-, favor.' 'And'Mlat,
Crocenes a
er of Morib
Ofteover.T. M De 're ' "Only
621 1viill bb attenaWst their 04* hoille1ii WWI is thatt" asked thoutherea" MY,
L . 1.0,
T 10*11901
THU LAROAMR9 totend tbii�line till 1conlekstek. IV1.1rh
M, lie
FM ed to go on a abort,fTrand.1 Th
V CM I'lour =d
ZX . 'hund, 7%0 old Man Wc*
1OHN HIM k*proonstantly - - 4 pan I,
.-PHOTOGRAPHS St Proprietor, Thils-Is th AIM -IF 011L �rl2ongtbat the Young &�Rv be,, t�
INSUR ANCE COX IF YV9 WANT GOOD A� shat* of your patronage will be, t1is,
MNI)YAttended to- snap,�,a
tArg0t4nd, b60001fntry III Westak. nt �P,
SMWEQ)N ': - DWIST Iya flie baifi
A4 1, - 0, _ -
0010 lodw _ 1 1 - I - L
"IT Y,2,0W,0M_8TM=G_
,H theyoun Jost
L _G'0Nj MAT24M.' rail ha vrc�-
E A J 0 Iota
Aally cited, wthe. Brift Lfqv4rs� ruktry
nactimpiny *a* It - P for& *elublibltailtibt "i. excite t thr-lu in, rald
'�f;,at�ch im
Ifosse ofColaldolla.Wthe, U01I.Wr. Y04L lft# g B=re 'In Ito 22 utpo'�, Townillul R 10O."so rewmcd, ke
Mlauce r* - suriurroundlug 06TUIttt, t"t"116 r exisfi$
JAW, (late tw r VentjaOfM6,QT4r Xr- Hk3m"'s DM9 StM, whenthoewser of ilie brie
- =ftfset Ba&iertb stildbasi�rodniedtb.L lat4iIft
& ts -ugUalargexiumber.
L &
MASKET 0 rA1&#&J0
ISAILUM ILD Oatmeal, ro in �to baiket
EUOR, 00 T%i Of from them m luany as -wc
ArontM ch AU Mr. *Z11 =1�t -wM- ontA, Floug
'.0oded )&� ' 40 Ill t
9 of 06 $11111106 U West Gd&Aob. all =d preseiating them totbeyou
AU J;, 14ke rot tke
4,1,_ LOS IV mat,
YOUNS the ssodild weekefliv =0 sm., old fiiherwauFaid I fuAl Inv -omw
tolilyapel- re I
_Phft &A i of lot S Ill, 3: 1& 1 from the fish you bayie iaugl;,� to tUK-It
heoti. Asbi��Id MY
gu ,
M, Yt)U WLCJJeVCrynu see otbers c1milIg willitt
4Cx0M:",t0JM 031"* TJ* r 0-01�L IF &TOW Dr., T"'M f*,P"ff=d term time fruit!em
14� lloiiev to tands AND
Yon need, to waste no
14 ap
Ang ooto
to 13 _q ,
-WO�ATZY To LEND. Farm for Sale.- ftattIrd Dr. Wbiting, DWHA, D4 GRORGH 411801M Very xWonableterow. Apply 49 COAL OIL LAXP 6 whL "t a lino ffor
bo, Dr.
in. Crown rmA Pstentatakenout. Debtit- IP 4> -31Z AAA_ tj D. FERMSON.
J� t Moves U 1867. L wnn-
-a* tke 0" a VIM,&
*r Appw,
a* B19434 00 0 1 ese
wbo have wuled in C R0
IM 12v life
A= T 01 jortot 68 to*
ae Z lGo4arioll Vrob.2ad. 1" o. *w4& till U'.
&PL and ft" IMIST or Oodirl or," , ece"
A �Am 445 to have mode 't ivory #I
.. ................ with a Malsaw ginniaginthe %ark of eublylitiv;-' the
F AS em, towuft 'qlXE�5E"
MtkNEY, TO LEND. MM-Rt"k; of w4aliv gal
U ]I A If C.I 'PlIfat. The Wd0Ut$aMeQlGlYJgLr-P r -
P*red avid 0 isearly free I Ulf
Oro Yxum . th-to ly, staid the foot tin loads are kund to
as How"
64W"by k AT be a4voiraM -led to the kLa 0111-
L Jy solup
awd It a fhallps barn MU, A
ftnulio% nw, 11sAte wit Life Imnates
TVT. quoUty of. land GWOM; GODFIM9. UT I -MIM 403MIM!, ture,
;4n,"ry I#&. UN &Abk sod w WAWsw 01 *wi*t 100, Pfidml sea F14"Wok 31"XMD ON 1911AVOY"16IM11113111t.
wit in Joyas$ Oaps. 4e., ft. vit b"n roaiiriuW. 0010 - am ZENT 039 X ATOA0.Zt,
Re Jimis liaWkkat of giviair tiAwh4tw* itt 024.4 ffLd"ali" for ask of the PAah".tAW
7AAM JMIL SALK, ls� 0010 _Koy,s Block.eornerrCoartljoww JJp- The PhAs -0, Raw
Agrh=w Awy *4 t stanto of APIMMia
nj*tb WK. L SAM8 N�sre aud We*-,' St.. Godetich, C- W. aTisiamdSitesis, inievii OW
dha we- ocki-Irate Lh..
cWTO RP.XT-Xj4 III, W is"
a A=W�w t1l re- at oto, PjLdoq
ii )tTw=0'aum wak Jis= 40014M "Vw.. chlid"q and 1." osess Qww* blook
iAlac (41*061*2 F d 1013N JULDMT, five finhdredth smnivls�f
840 . I - .1 ftw&
ft*oftf, P" ftrtbw I Godam 4xialich, rall Sept-il a 3%ew refornied Ommit wit 1w
rot, 2, low
Majiuls b at
C_ 11 Owl fa
1560"Cla a lit, Raw on the dth of Juk at
Rmff."9111 . 1"- 866. W31V
NOT. iftli, 1W.
-754 r.