Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-03, Page 4`e. atM_Asomi•110."" e ••••••-• - „eel, omelet -The rem leether boot probably led e're'earst ore, the erst bunibit, the lint aittatmelat tE.20e. pet, notwithstate4g, corusevere a late pro- peenne unwersat. They are new •1t..'the old are' now World. Tin are toile lace With in the AlnlaCe OS the king, Mel in the egtee ehmelenan. They aro founeia Leneee. perts,and New York. • They 5ourislt os Thaines. grow lee wentleon tbe Hudson. end yield mmentleently on eeellissismppi All ailments of theeetfreeted in the meetrieeraved mad skilful meaner bv Dr, a at Breadwey. N. Y. and Fo. epee Tti;ek West, T07,`Titc• c out e.e .rtade371 Gime- tistie, is sold by Piwker Cattl Prenil - -Of the Goderich be held in the Godelich, o ef Se e _.''''g.4'.`P.,."-Imetot*.ie.reeeree,„ • . . ....eseeeesestame 110T1 CRON& ,051081 filUE KB I -1-E MARKET GROCERY .MoNEY.To Firet tate Dry Goods forv'Sry money, Advantages W BerrONnors. 4 money to utvest on improved germs By borroving of this CompanL theria'-ia no DIVEST1 (Ng Elgin Street, Goderich. At presenteaceng V _Mr. R. B.limith. Ter partieulars apply __— D. GORDON, Cabinet Illaker, West Street, Iv 27 #E edby AT North Sitio Market Square. FrflE Canadu 1,4inded Credit Company haVe` rOlt SALE. • enddenly or unexpectedly to paV ofIthe debt. He Martin's General Jobbilig TWO HOUSES AND All new and nicg and fit for anybody. Groceries choice and fresh, Tea direct from. China, Blacking the very best; to be both bright and shiny, -s Hats that are hats, the finest just froinTown,'. Ail kinds of colors, orals turned up,seme tamed down. Clothing of the latest cut, very important item, man well dtesied, and that too in the lesbian Then call and see, be Sure upon the right man, John Harris, don't forget him, you won't reeret the plan W' IC.) 1LT da; roz- 3Er° 31M 16-11 1") possibility of the borrower ever nur called on SEAFORTH. 0 ALL HINDS. pays to the Companir in all 10 .peir cent. per an. . List icultural Society, to I Shed, in the town of ednesday the 15th day next: • Lelee-* -Best and largest 90 varieties of Apples named, not t:.an 5 of each ; 2nd do 2 00 ; 3rd do 1 01. Rest 6 9.33NE91 varieties of Winter Apples, 5 of eaeh $1 50; Ind do 1 09 : Srd do 73c. Best six named • vari,ties a pail Apples, 5 of eaeh 1 50; tInd do 1 00; aril do 75. Best 1:2 Northern Spy's 1 CO ; end de 75 Sed do 50. Best 12 Inmate Island ilreenhu.; 1 00; hid do 75 ; Sid do 50. B:st daldwm 1 00 ; do 75 ; do see pest pea, Dese,rt Apples, a:need I 00 ; lind do 75 : 3rd do 50 Best plate of Crabh App!es, yellow 50e Zei do B ,st pate.of Crabb A.pples,ret150c ; Sud do 25. PEARS -Beet 6 varieties Pears. nemed$2 00; find do 1 25 ; ead do , ie. Best 3 varieties Fall Pears. named 1 0); end de 7e. Best 3 . a ieties Winter Pears. named 1 CO ; Zad do 75. Best plate of Pears, 'tamed 1 ; 5115 do :5 • 3ril do 50. PLUMS -Best anti larirest collection of Plums. named, /int less than 6 arieties, 12 of each $1 50 ; fint 'do 1 0): do 75. Best 4 varieties, named, 12 of eae; ; ad do 75; Srd do 50. Best pate of Wa.shiugtou not less:than 12, tle. Best do Imperial Gaga not less than Do "Bradshaw do 25c. Do Pond's Seei.ling 2.5c. Do Victoria do 25c. 1)0 flut- ings Nuperiido-25e. Meilau4lian do 25c. Do Smith's Orte.aas 25c. Do Yellow elagnum Boutun 25e. Da Duan'. Porp.e do ere,. PEACH Es- ile,-e'and Largest collection "at Peaches,: 111 acel. not 1.•ss then 4 varietjes 59; end do 1 03e Srd do le Best plate of Peaches, named 55e. 2nd do 25. Best plate of QaPaces 5(k. ; 2nd do 25 Best plate of Nectarines 80e. ; had do 25. ORA Mi -Best and largest eolleetion of Grapes grown under glass. not less than. 6 varieties, one cluster of eech $1 50 : 2n0, .10 et at. Best and eeaviest 2 elustere any carcetv ; 2nd do 59. Best and largest col- lection of Zhespee, growiein open air 1 50 ;2n1 do 1 00; Srd do 75. 'lest 3 varietTeo do 1 00 ; 2nd 00 75; 3rd do 50. Best 3 bunches 'Deleware's 25C Best a do Concord 25c Best 3 do Hartford 25c, Best 3 do Sweetwater 25c Be -4 3 do Iona 25c. FLOWERS -Rest and largest etill.ction of Dahlias named not 1 -ss than!) varieties $1 oa ; end do 75 ; 3r4 do 50. itert 4 vai icties named 75c ; 2n5 do 50 „.• Srd do 25 Best collerti in of Roses , Btooms 75e; _2nd do50; Srd do 25. Best collection of Verbenas. named, not less than 12 vereeeea ; end do 75; Srd do 25. Best 4 varieties 7,5,- md do 50; .3rd do 2.5. Best collection 0:Phloxes not iess than 4 varieties 50e ; Mid do 25 Best coilection of Gladiolus, named, not less than 6 varieties 1 .ta ; end 75 ; ard do 50. Best collection of Asters 75e : evai do 51), Srd do 2.5. Beet collection of Panzies 5th• ; 2n1 .14 25. Best eolleetion of Balsams, pleads it, blame 7,5c ; tael do 50; ltd do 25. Best col- Leetiou of -s,..,(415 spikes .5c , hid 'do 50 t, 3rd do 25. Elest ion of Petunias :50c : 2nd 50 25. Best col- lection of At:mails 75v ; 212.1 do 50. Best Baguet for tabie 1 ; 2115 50. Best hand Baguet 75c ; hul do 59. Best :lox! mils in pots 75c ; end do 50.* Best 4 Achineenes Stone plants 50e; tad do 25. Best 4 Glue - blies 59e; end -lo 6 Begonias 50c. Best 4 Fusellias ; end do 50. Best speeimeu Fuschia 50c. Best eollerrion scarlet Geraniums 75c; end do 50 Be•it. 12 Green House plants 1 50; 2nd. dm 1 00. Best Floral D....sign 1 00 Best Rustic Garden Seat 1 00. Best Rustic Vase 100. GABDEN VEGETABLES -Best collection of Pota- toes, named tett less than 4 varieties, 1 peck of each 81 ; ,to 1 00; 3rd do 75. Best peek of Potatoes any variety, name.' 75c end do 50; Srd do 25. Best 3 Sweeter Septa.sh, for table ,75c 2nel do 50, Best 3 Winter &rasa for table 75o; 2n5 do 50- Best half peck Eerie Rees Potatoes 1 1)0; do 75. Best 4 roots of White Celery 75e elni do 50, Best 4 roots of mi. Celery 75e, ; end do 50 Best 4 heads Winter Cab huge, named 75e ; hid do 59. Best 4 heads Summer Cabbage, mantel 75e; 2n1 do 50. Best 4 heads Savoys 75e ; ene do 50 nest 6 Mangle Wurzels 78c; :bid do 60. Best 12 fable Turnips. 75u, ead do 50. Best 6 Swede Turnips 7,ec ; end d6 59. Best 9 Long Orange Carrot 750 ; end do 50 : Srd do 25. Bsst 9 Intermedi- ate Carrot 75-3 ; :Mid do 5,3 ; 3r1 5o25.- Best 9 Early Etna Carrot 75c end do 5)3111 do 25. Best 9 White Beigiaa Carrot.75e 2m1 do 50; Srd do 25. Best 9 Par- SIIIPS 75e : end do 50 : 3rd do 25. Best Peck red Seed Oniens 75e. end ,50, Srd du 25, Be.st peck yellow do 75e, eel do 25. Best peck Silver Skin Onions 75e, Best 9 eare Corn, for table use 75e. end do 50. ltd do 25. Bt 3 Water Melons 1 60, end do 50. Best 3 Mask Sleeps 1 09, end d 75, 3rd do 5,1 Best 3 Green Flesh Makin 1 Ote iind do 75, Srd do 50, Bt 4 heads Cauliflower 500 :2nd do 75. 3r5 do 50 Best 18 Red Tomatoes 1 00, :hid do 75, Met do- 50. Best 12 Salsify 75e Saddo 59. Best'3 Egg Plants- purple 75c, 2nd do 50. Best collection of Vegetablesdistinekfrom ether entries $2 03, and do 100. LADIE'S IVORK-Best Tatting 76e, end de 50. Best Crochet Work. 75c. 2a0 clo150. Best Embroidery in 3Itteria T5e, 2M1 do 50. Best Worsted Work raised 75c, Ltd do 59. Bast Wotsted Work not raised 75e, end do 50. Best Breiding 750 Zed do 50. Best Fancy Knit- ting 753» end do 50: 'Beet TiTax Fruit 75e, 2nd do 50. Best Wax Flosers75e, end do 50. Beet Paper Flowers 75e, 2ad do 5e. RULES AND REGULA.TIONS. I The payment of one. dotter, sell constitute a yearly 'Inenabersiqp to the Society and will entitle the person so.saying to compete in any or all of the departments. (1511 articles for competition must be entered with the Sarretary previous to theday ofexhibition, and re- ceived previons to eleven oVoc.k 5.113., uponthe day of exhibiten. If from any unforeseen casseany member has not bees ablete have his entrance Made the day previons to the eih.ibition, entries wilZbe, permitted on the day -of ezhibitiota b35010 10 (Aztecan. tn., on pay- ment eater cents. CompeUtors mottle eratitled to- more than one peeeninm fords seine kind of artieles shown unless when prizes= offer.eifor different quantities, anti then clay one prize for w.chquantitY. All frolts. flowers and vegetables exhibited must he exclusively and entirely thi growth Or produfilion of ths 5 NO person shall be a judge who is an exhibitor. G ha addition to the stated premiums offered for settees enumerated in the list, the Jadges will havethe powertatawarddiscretonarypremiumsforsuch articles as they rady consider worthy. 7 In the absence of competition in any of the elasses or if the articles exhibited beof an inferior quality, the dawnefLiiet:easets Mee their diseretionne to the value of • the preeinees t ey reeeteamerta- - . 8 ThaJudges wilIcemmence their duties attl o'clock -a. la...precisely, and none butexIdlittors and their as- estmts well be allowed inside the hall previous to, nor any person -whatever during the Judgea adjudications, tEtpt recinabars of the Press. ' Ail exhibitors must be residentg VI' the County of omiess-where specially -provided for. Ita Any person infrinn,g on Seeetons No.'s 4 and 5 of the.se EMes shall be deprived of hiwpreminm what- . ever they might otherwise he entitled to, and in, ad- dition shellbe bject to a penalty oliten dollars. Pric 4dniission.-7,Yekets far admission to the Exhibitioa can be proctiredfrone the Searettly at the following rates z --Tickets for a single ndmissicrn MaketS for ,dmissionat anytimeduring the Rrhibition Zicts 'PETER ADAMSON, ' Secretary. - 3 0 • July 21st, 1809 outn-8 per cent' eing for interest mid the'ex- • HEsulscriber bus Inn hand the e Splendid China Sets. iryeTil:thyseabZittleheth,tneLdTiat,riiThe V.torTir•Intrth% Season's Impcirtation, „ , DRESS GOO ; • .A.ND GLOBE WATER WHEEL PATENT CORN' whichtook the first pelee ct ths last year. This churn ig simple In eociurstrzictigtunf..412n, rice wall 'ha rdrindcd. Fart_t 'money, he payenito a tanking fund, af compauna :ngliis estate trontihe mertgoge af any thee, on menth netie'e:whilstAlnifCamiiPauy liAS a -----------ivewell bought stock; of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Of this THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON • WIT ally even sum above 000, m reduction,- or during that period has "aid Losses exceeding dtv717°Cersenarmr11,t7:67:1;gaiondnulgtwillis:int:::13:11137::: La -ace - NEW AND F.A_SHION'ik.BLE • • •,,,-7.-rke, Al as Freneh Merinoes Prints', Flannels, Shirtines • , - • confidence of Public Corporations, Merchants, Henschel -dere, and business men generally, -Reapers and B1 Piatforro. and Counter Seales of best make E DERicK ARmsiitos- V/INCEY, really geed for the money, 12o.cents pe.r yard. wherever it is represented. - Land Agent, over Messrs Rae's' attire FACTORY, really good for the -motley, 10 eta per yard. on' hand and for sale. lenses 01. managethent,. and 2 per rent, his own Merest, and ch.enneels.111d debt. In 26 years. very large Stock of Crockery. the'prelege:,0f-h erne. • allowed 111settlement, lie has. theserivilege, as can_have: Churn trial. and fitlisfe 5:el:s3c1:.013ca of 1: ea7r7P2.197etas litewise haF1 trio DrEica Turnip, FOR SALE' CHEAP-VOR..CASTI'' INSURANZE•COMPANY JOHN ARRIS3 1234313. Previnetal Enhibitiet; ERAL teeing tun , with coilipound, interest, is then .he,itio,5. find -it convenient- efizeying"hitotlieleuir.. . - • Embracing. a magnificent issortinent of • Ha's been in existence Thirty-two years and !Ursa Hay Hakes, Cider Fresees. •- ing-fund, over and. abbve- Ins tegular coatribu- c his4tortgageoind Tor which. he ls alleyired k per CilEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. D Five and a halfinillion pounds sterling, WOOD'S FIRST PRIZE SELFRAKES$ are on hand and got up to order. - The disbursement of tins enormous sum over ceriiit compound interest. , ineeys, pac atik9ta a wide area has without doubt contributed to o Clomnessions charged. -.no shwa -required Hosiery Gloves, small. wares, rte., &C., Irfe. the ectiblisliment of this Institution, in the to be taken -no fines to pay,andsio expeneeeint ' renewals. ARtly to WRITLSIIIRTINO, teally :good for .the money, 12k ets per yard. In its .131. year, 1836, the Fire Prenuums A Good Six Horse Power Newer& 100 SA_ ro Square, Uoderich. Agent for the Canada Landed Credit Ccinspeny, FACA, really good for the money, 20 cents per yard. FLANNEL, realt good for the money, 30 cts per yard alone anion -Wed to . . . 31r0Veld FOXIXtis tor sale on easy terms. ROBINSON & YATEs. Goderieh, Sept. 29th, 1868. w17 OL, 1111 OIL, AU In its 10th year, 1846, se " 20th yap, 1856, cc cc 30th year, 1S66," One year later, 1867, cc (11 11 1Th. d Lands for sale. FANdY ANNEL, reallygood forthe money25s: Houseis as theTownofOoderieh fo Ar eare. C A NIALDIA, 717-W7MILlS' GodenchNov. 16th. 1868 _ v7431/ All prices from 50. cts to one dollar per yard. T e stink in fact, contains a splen dassortraent . of the most desirable,goods for this market. READY MAD CLOTHING 144' YOUR LIFE IS 1N -D - 0 T FIB undersigned would beg to inform his numerous customers and the public 1 that 'his New Woalen Machinery is now in Full Operation and in First Class Working Order AND THAT HE IS MUCH BETTER • PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S WORK EXPEDITIOUgLY than last season while starting his machinery all new. , Custom Roll Ca-rding, Fulling & Cloth Dressing Spinning and Manufacturing, will receive prompt attention. Having now on hand the largest, best and cheapest stock of of home made FULL CLOTEC, TWEEDS, FLANNELS & WINCEYS, eYer before offerel to the public in this part of the Province, he would respectfully request those „wishing to exchange their wool to call and judge for themselves before appointing themselves elsewhere. P. He would likewise call the special attention of farmers to beware of wool teamsters and agents seeking their Wool for carding. as he has proved it from the experience of former years to be a perfect source of annoyance to to,,n in various watt's, that they cannot ee until perhaps too late to guardagainst it. ga. 'I he highest Market Price paid fg any quantity of good Clean 'Wool. THOMAS LOGAN. East Street, Goderich. w • Galleried} Woolen Works, lith May, 1869. IRST AS USUAL! 1 HE MILLINERY SHOW ROOM IS NOW OPEN AND CONTAINS A LARG-E AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Of the Fashions for the season. Also on hand a lain° and le large variety very cheap; a decent great coat: $3.50. The groeery departmen constant - • ' ly su lied with the freshest and choicest artTqlee in the trade, that will be sold at the very - PP • towest rates, either wholesale or retail. The public are respectfully requested twelve the • - INSURE IN THE ••2ETArAt Subscriber a call, JOHN REASONS vrhy oVer 1.500Q PersooSayear, insure their lives in the ,Xtaaptirst., Goderich, Sept 29th 1868 w13 Corner West Street, Goderich. ** • • • " " "f47,763 Engine For Sale Cheap. ag X222,279 - gg 1L818,055 Martin. .eg-19.382 . Seaferth, M710,111169. SY- o • The Fire Reserve Fund is now 14,727,464 The Llfe Reserve Fund IS now S9,282,468 -- The compapy is represented throughout Ons tano and Quebec, by infinentini Agents, to whom appheation for insurance may be made. G.11 .C. ResulentSecreterv, Mosimeat. A. M. ROSS, Agent for Coderich ; B. V. ' Marshall & Wendell of Mitithy• Elliott, for Exeter ; N . Watson, for Seeforthi "."" V.* TX -71M 1' '1/ PRIOR DEM puwolots, 31,1ANUFACTURED BY is eielusively ti Life Company; secondly, _ it is purely a benevolent institution, 'Those who contempleae insuring their Jives, lean GOIIERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. save a very large amount of money,r,by in- - z miring m this Qia and reliable ceriipepy. (KNOWN AS PD,PER'S BULLS) Thts company onitneneed doinglifabustness - _b____ in Montreal 19 years-ago,;.and lii wive doing more business than all the -European: and a. IINGrLAES aSz SONS, Canada c.ompuies conibined that aradoing stock company, but no pro.fits are sought, busmess in this eountry. . The 2Et98 ,is a RESPECT 0 (ILLY intimates to farmers and others that they are prepared to fill ' : . panies, you knol ekently how 114119h-iol PaY all orders in " . . R 0 LL CAR DI NC MAN -UF' no notes to be assessed, like-romuteer eqro• per year -Av you ,enter the zompany. AVIV C hen Assets over $10,000,000, income Oer:$20,- Cloth Dressing, Custom 4pinnieg, Dyeing, Satinettsr 000 per day, $100,000 in gold deposited Fulled Cloths, Wineeys, Flannels; Malik* with•the Dominion GoVernment. .Tbe great enee-of the Board of bireotors,:.who are. On the shortest notice. Parties wishing to exchange their wool for 00d. home made stoCk-holders, and are gentleinee.pf a life- goods, will find it to their interest to give us a coil. as we are satisfidd we have the time enerience, and thorcloghliiitaderatand 000ds you require. Parties coming from a distance with wool to get*arded may in the life business. By hisuriegi,inlhe ;Etna 6 advantage to the insurer is the long experi- • nearly every iustatice rely on getting their wool home with them the same day. you will get more thanSaviegeBank interest Y ; - for the money you pay •out, therefore, we • se - AU WORK WARRANTED. . eon_eider your insurance cote you Aotbiag, a Savieos' Bank if yea live and a Life Time: • Goderich Woolen Factory, ance ifyou die. Several gentlemen whom I have called on during the past year, solicit- ' ing their insurance,- remarked that they would wait a while, rieme have have since died, others have lost their health and car - not insure; the time to insure your life is now, the company to insure in is the igtna, of Hartford. SPLENDID STOCK. OF DRESS GOODs Suitable for Spring and Summer. Ladies Call -and Examine. C. SUPPLE, Market Square. w-23-tf Goderich, April 9tIr, 1869 HURON FOUNDRY! OFFICERS; E. P.. BUCKLEY, President. AUSTIN DURHAM, Vice Pregdellt. T. 0 ENDIIES, Secretary. H. A. Sr. JOHN, Actuary. G. W RussEL, M. Ti., Medical Examiner. JOHN Genviii, Toronto, Manager for Ontario. W17.111. MA.117:CY, Goderich, Tan 20th, Thee. . Agent for Lake Huron 'Counties. toi E w52 June 8th, 1869. MA Rt:E.T 8 I. HY is it that •Huron is boasted of as being the wealthiest Ageikultural County in Ontario? -11F.; ECHO A.IVSWE • Becauee farmers purchase pure, genuine and -fresh The'New York Independent says of this old and re liable company ; among iihe'substantpil and enterpris- ing institutions of Hartford, Conn., the !Etna Life In- surance Company stands prominent, It has. by pur- suing a fair and honorable course, won for itself an enviable reputation. CANADIAN REFERENCES : Hon. Gzo. BROWN. Prppnetor Globe, Toronto. A Ron. J. Siiipsoir. President Ontario Bank,Bowminville. Who keeps the largest and best assOfitniant of the above seeds in the COanty Hon. L. Rmiarre, C.. MoiatreaL , , . t LD AND GARDEN S ROM SCOT 'E -R0i3ERTSON, •„. 1 , te EDS SOe' . niss, q., . s avva. A. IL MelHasrea, Esq., Arholesale Merelutnt, Toronto. T. CLARKSON, Esq., Official Assignee, Toronto. - Messrs. FUSILIER &C., Wholesale Merchants, Montrealos A. MILLGY, Esq.. Superintendent Inland. Steam Navi- gation Company, Montreal. G. Camara Esq., Superintendent 'Canada , Fa:preas . Company, Montreal. M. R. Inisn. Esq., Manager British and American Ex- press Company, Toionto. J. LovELL. Esq., Publisher, Montreal. KNEFSHAW & EDWARDS SatiatalUlfaCtUrCIS,Mo ttreal., MONEY TO LEND. Red Clover Alsike do • Whits Dutch do Timothy Seed, Illinois' Do, Canadian Hungarian Grass. Mixed Lawn do Skirving's Improved Swedish Turnip Sharp's do , do Turple Strap Leaf do White Globe Thrnip THE HURON & ERIF. Rape Seed Tares . . SAVINGS AND LOAN- SOCIETY. Long Red Manger Carrot ' The following are all fresh and seloecratendg6w,ith care : 1 White Belgian ' ifee Batty York Cabbe,g0 Dram .Head Crown • do field ettoier oz. or , Flat Dutch Adams ,extra eaddri Early Sugar do , Scarlet Runners • Mohawk Beans China do Butter do far famed. Torn Thumb do Daniel O'Rourke Peas) for garden 15 R. RUNCIMAN PLASTER PLASTER! At theIVIarket Grocery. faia-E Subscribers, having racel;cdthagccdwillofXr. ProWell. fit the Piaster -Trade. ar6now prepared to /11131)rdcrs for the mine. lenge supplies are being re- eetvedfroatthe HUN etParise P.TIESH CROCERIES. lirelave rewired a Large let of Preti Groceries, snita - hie forthe SMITH, which will be sold CHEAP AS %THE CHEAPEST , BOBO SON Ji-.VAIPE'S., Goderieln. Dee. 28, ISM w46 - &ME PROPERTY BR Tan* underaigned offers fore:tie-Tot 6, eon. Goderich township.768. acres, 55 cleared, frame barn, good, land. The pro petty, le only a mite iron present. salt, svelte, sofi as tha raiiway tuna through it, better salt tettiterry cannot be found. WILLIAM ELLIOT, Gaited -ch. M, mit 21, 1868, s.w 60 tf RAZUNDAIT & COOKE AUCTIONFIBRS. 0911111t3I91 AGMS, &O„ Crabb's Bieck, (VauEverylioldstand) KINGSTON STREETt GODERI031 ONTARIO. It, Sees in town Sad oeuntry punctuate attended to Goderich, july 12th, rev. w24 • MANUFACTURER OF MST & "'LOU wG..-rouLLsi Miley anti Sash Saw -Mils, Stearo. Enginss and Boilers, Thrashing Machin e-s,.,S 6-p e rators! Florse Powers, Drag Saws, - iRON ABB WOODEN PLOUGHS ! With Cqtat or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, Land motors, Straw Cutters, • Agrroultnral FurriaceS, Potash Kettles, Sugar Kettles, 8184 Kettles,- Wagon and Pipe Boxes, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, of the most iMprevedlandb. Brass Castings made, and Blacksmiths' Work and Repairing done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL MOULD -BOARD PLOUGHS, as you can get one very :heap for Cash. Goderich,Nov. 12'11,1867 ale of Huron. R DRES J6w0tire cntBode 33Y ITS trait Gray Faded Hair kinickly re tort to its youthful colorand beady, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance Is given the Ear. rt will cause Hair to grown Bald spot& rt will promote luxuriantgrowth. z:FALLING HAIR is immeClately checked. Sold by all Druggists. Price One Dollar. Manufactured by S. H. VAN NUR & CO. ifhplesale Druggists, 25 Barclay Street and 40 Park Place, New -Tor k and 266.1ligh Holborn, London. Enc. 'LIVERY Instrument is warrattal end ,!•421 the moderninaprovements. 11-0:1 " • ele•ung bees meilleushed Ivoey trent heys. Ver. STANDING TUNE, we guarantee these Fiances seeend to none. 2,. RADCLIFF, 4fiegtet -GedCel Seetind band Flenocs taken in enchanga Gambia 17thsltine, VALUABLE rAitx FOR SALE. DEING btsznit118,Nrialch will he eied seiterately tete LI gaiter, intim Township of Smnley, Co, cf Plurop„ coutoining 203acres-more or iess--cfseperhie Land, la the highest state or cultivation zed eteuelly stillehle ter arable oidairy farms. Lot 8, knownes ellount Pleas- ant Item/ snuatedtsa the Hoyneid & temaferth Gra- vel Roan, coinmandingabeantifel vies6cf lecke Emma 12 miles from Seaforib, 9 frem Mama 12=115 item Gel- erich, ell thriving towns °lathe & EL IL ; 1118 only enilles limn the lbrivitag image er Baygdf.1-a ofgrowing leapertancea where there in a 11illbCT mad &prospects:dins becznaing Gov. Harbor el Re. _Iwo. Tins Tatra tone:Este of 178 amers-maroe; /us- ; ofverystmeriorelay barn ea, chola 140 -Ceased, en which there is neither stameser seizes, we2 repeal, -_,0ertaell7Orerls Iseinggickei and beard feeetjentranfugh- est stato chliivason ; allover failing spring race near the ontreandinns to the rear, rind taiongtherenrfows the beatrefial river Hayfield ; -about acres er the ma fiats is wooden with excellent made-air:able ezdar ; re. mining e3 acres of high table land, is -weeded with birdmen]; beech, maple, elm &c., the moire farm he- eing surrounded svah fence. There is IAD tpen the rear of ihis farm a magnificent steno quarry,oesele 51 beelff--whea Bayfield becomes a eity,as destined _ -ere bang to ne-be,a,matte ofwean to ite Imre; end -limit „is some 10 ft. ofsfere from the rerfece, eaves to -,!_eeliancethe value of Me land for Frarming -Tereeses, There ma 55)500515 11111111175 of ahem. COO trees, of the hest and choicest varieties offeent nil Riede, tiewa _this section lifeeentivisamousforitspeocluelieneffruit. There is a very laige end commedions-framehouseivenh every convemence eitecreed, a large stale end two new frame bNINIEL hann nli thoteughlyearface-drum- ed,eaul n great dent of it tandindmiled. TVS iereeDy - 0110 ofthe most desirable farms in western Bie-adn, end partieularly suited to Mt olaoconork,gonttemianesmemts: Steck, implements and growing CITOSIArill be Lad to the purchaser on remeoneble terms. Lot 10 contains 315 :acres knicl,, tittont455tEller erdkvatte-e, the remannder wooded, oath temple, eV:letup:erne-Medic ery _ Wet millment quantity of "henaleek for fencing and builihngenrposes. Seal, day, la /wing -mom, new „ frame 133113 *WAX Foca /urge LONCEI Arit kflehm &en, - ant:orchard of441.acres in eatenttreelestfret, bille() en , this farm. It refill miles fr6in 'Hayfield. Feicef3,290. 1,690 down, 13115145012 1113 reengage esti per teal, titles indispatable. Forfar -Myr uortietilnrsna-OF 10 soSinrA UALLAWAY,Ir. Lend,"Bife, caul Fire lestuaneolgent. Goderich, or on the premises efint 8, to JOSEPH 0/VW:AWAY. October 20 1E61 reet221. Par= for Sale: _ JOTS DB and IA, Bnyfield Coneeseien, ln the JOTS or Goderich Containing ES *tree, of 4hese over 69 neres 'bleared with gocd Frame Bare, mad Log House, iabout rafts from Chilton. For :arms efsaleepply ;lithe Dangoe Vann office nt ,Soderich, or to Air. WIGUING TON oalthe p_reroises. Godericli, fint.-Sept. 21, ararr - The above Society Is prepared to make 1000 bushels of choice Potatoes brought ditect from the United 1States„ !Early English ..A.."..).T.T.A...M40.,M - Flukes, Peach Blows. ON IMPROVED ' I Witt XJAZ•C)13oataVt‘r, 1 • SCOTT ROBERTSON ON MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. Seafortb,, 20th April 1869. The cosi of effecting a Loan will be found much lower than in other Soeiettes of a similar nature. The attention ofthe Borrower is called to thefact, that he will receive the full amount ol the Loan. without any deduction being made for Interest or payments in advance, Advances timer be repaid Monthly or Yearly, extending over a period of from one to fifteen years. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO 8. POLLOCK, Agent and Valuator for the Society at Godemb Gmleiren.C,19.. 1866. _ rwl3 TO SELL OR RENT ! rrIIE WEgT RALP LOT NUMBER EIGHT, oracesstea of lielletio en the boundary belweeri Blyth sad Wtakee, POO Office each Way. Good hardwood lend, wel weltered ; thirty twins elearance. Seventy seven acres and e, halt VV41 fenced. Fel Maher partteularsepply rhose on the preratses. 114,S1ZIN ,LAWSON. w-12 .c NOER.BOX-_. LARGE12 ECM IM SMIDIE EW tvIODE OF DRIVI G. STRAW CARRIERS. 113-17. EXMIMSSI w30 Nov THE I • AL UNION ASSURANCE CEP CONIERGI . . 19 20; CORNHILL LONDON, ENGI,AND, 0, CAPITAL, (Fully Substribed), - •- - X2,500 • 00G Sterling. INVESTED OVER, $2,000,000.—DEPOSIT FUND IN eANADA,411601009 k FIRE DEPAFLTMENT . ThedistlnguisnaBle principle ot the oompaoy bits heen-the establishment of an equitable elassifi- oatIon,chargIng la all.eases a premttun proportionate to the risk, -- - - - The *access wlifeli has attended the Ceinpanylv operations has been such is tut y to realize- the mostaarignine expectations of the Directors, who have resolved. to extend the business more widely auandavs:w offer tothe.Oanadiatt Public. PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by largo Subscribed Capitai,land'Invested . •, • • , Prompt Settlementef Claims. The Direetormsigannedsileik7rvialestrAgoefutasil 4h:elicit:cc-ging; enotIneimine;beliaortgeettyheemn: gaged m commerce, will take, a liberall LIFE D_ PARTMENT.-‘_ The Company D trent terms to those deeming Life Assurance unsurpassed by env Life Officer Moderate Promiums-PerfectSeenrityz-Bconoiny ot management, tending lo inerease the Benue OtitboSe on participating scale, among whomS0 per cent of profits are el -triable. - Claims paid one meath after proof of death. • This CoMpariyhas (tepee ited e100,000 (in geld) And other advantages whietionar he "'in ethewC°IthnitPileinglaPrircesPeMeinti:isn'ea, at cttawa, Ile -trireme' security fertescanada policies. A " Morland lAirttsln &Co-- , FRNAKCOLE.Secretary. : - -: • • - . enerat Agents tor Canada. Odice. and 387, St. Paul Street,Mon!reaL , ' in. spe' dor of iinci-es, . mayor. H. MD RO, 30.ontreil. swia - T, C. btvtNGsToN, p... L. 8. -T s. iir..33,srLsoit. Agent for Goderieh, Ltleknow,. Xincardi oil, Southampton 'and Walkerton vit.' El Ct IS .4.. 11 anent Building & Savings Society 18 PRILPAUED To, 3rAKE GEtilli APPROVED REAL 'ESTATE ITteed Fee(' I I SITUATE IN WESTERN CANADA; TIE LOkli.110.21214G FAVORABLE TERMS : 3-T:rsir AMOUIL ti""lein ,, 0. lit • • • • :••• o• 4. 7.•••0 5g3re*12.1. 1"se.:3‘21i. 15 16450.""‘ • • • • 51454* 18.4is • -za,s4 Leen aebreportweere rate I forO. 8 or/1year* h r. ph rd & Stritettones, 141 ions or rug -i-11110133 a 11.14111apt inv,ian TIM; " ORA .104 etioiorkiai 1.4* Ths above istabliatillata masa** Making Peed. wheal; says orthe Prinerpet, all wall asthe Interest -1' uf the 1058 10 uuralwapsratiott et dieters* Teed upon, the debt is enirely wird 'est. The fied stemsidot the joss swell, aid rer:PaYamet *awed b,r.rre the end of the ate -year Or Tookr• pwagant. mei he, hi *Oversee, aisrl awed a *Hewed therefor - tit,; tie rat/em- irate's!, it owls** time Weimer 4sairot, isairmaibioteT,,w, 5213.627 tintgf, y awl Ps"6"k6"akes""3"178Zirtet HORTON- est% i.ffinasta *MOS. • • geenellsr; rviriveray, Tams* -It Apptatoer to the Societr. GilitUrsaI , • - WHERE DID YOU GET nig FRESH SEA FISII ? 371.- 33 I -1%T CA- mar ALivx so, L. has Haddock, Dad, and Lobsters' fresh. Aim I.L smoked Salmon, Irippard Herrings, Yarmouth Bloaters, Finnan /Teddies, FRESH OYSTERS! WHOLESALE AND SET Ap.AT vreataide of:Market /4quaret- * Goderich, Jan. 19th 1888. • 4100 PATTERN - ‘BER'W1Clet EAR., kVERUFFARED ra 'Pim& &AO FOR CIRCIILARC4° a eriw, zrzir oRio STOP AND SEL 'VHF; foflowing remarks on Testimonials of most ,.L wonderful emi extraordinary cures nt Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stern,mt . deniable and incontestible facts, sufficient to convince the most skepnealthat the Great hledicinal Comptem• arned after for ages is now accessible m the Great ' 1 SlIpSTIOnE$ REMEDY for Diseases or the 'Throat, Lungs, Liver, rhgestive Organ, Eidneya &cells well es •Scrotake the various Skin Diseases, limners, mid all dissaees arising from; Impurities oftheRiood, we boldly -state thst this_great _ ..... _ rwaemes tud3rehreasevIranEeaRaBlEpreNagLiEthalItAuLL4hEeD.perstilrboveraet of Dyspepsia and Liver Gomplamt, or -that et .11.6blit' D' / Wilma Stormed Brighton:Co:I; shortnetice and tt, the loWest DY4OCS ' Ube ic:1:1-sso Pos: :Calf TO°112:111:fSet17:1:Serb° e - e e thatofPeter C, V. Miller, Earnestown, C. W., aeon. .. .. _ . 2111[1_1)60n, orthat of Ambrose Wood,erConsecon,-C.I.W.,, lipmmuNTTg 13EF,A1-35:,DDIms lime le:ifuliespiCat°18:3;:nofAVIII:Oirneh;a; tion and Style of ivicencaln314p, went EMI -0/1 2' altc°tualseYleylafeNenaPanon :reilieCielsVfo• might be meunoned had we spe,..ce.. HONEES REMEDY rind PILLS, and Satisfy your ;16114., .,_ ., • Goderreb,Deo. 19, 1800. w47.1y.. mentlieretdfore, und is now well. Scores of such eases unqestionable certificates on the GREAT BRCS. unnetnally attencled tO. ;Designs -of _.1oiefe, :•.:3 -Call et Me Drug Store and get 1st circular oi.:441 -reatfOligt usioe fin v_tisb. An 'tirtlers se , natty be seen at tbe shop. _ . . . 1.ejtrives. FotS. ale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medi eine. Agents:0r ot3LoduesricAhrisF.AJG:INTansandt Parker & L'irnawboaaaorr & cofORONTO. • ; 1 41 • _ __... 1.8 6 C. r • - Price Co Benterlytn faiwepintsSI ,. ,_ , Cattle , , DENSPAUGO 1; WATSON,' DIVISIOn V 01114t s. _ .Loitrivi,...ERI&coom..: / Hiouvrow. A. iiIi2,101CILST&ONSIN,,en * May 271110867. SIAN New liarbre Works VIPTORT..A.- GODEthiaii. net. 1•••••qa 'TIBIEE IrOit ITOLDLIVG DIVISTIPC07M13D.ii Tan coutPxy tw IM1201.7 am 1839. _ „,_ Ist !Division. Gederaeb, Monday 23 Inly onT:srX;;;;E:nl.' st tri alddl : 4,f, 0,81.1tilliiTtlioNxnzeit:e.Y, Tiriltrgrluye:ye a y2. 51'298 , 2 rils, 'L651thh :c :engtazerounoill,:::::,:E4dthA, Ur t a Q°nWai P. fIP s r 71raliltivor"lon; L2tYefirrefel:la:12;a8Oja:a/7.85ePlem"ber Coinity of Srd " Chalon, Tuesday iltth 6 2nd 0 Sealortli, Weanesdayln 44 Lennox,Ontario, 41h f -s Aitileyville, Unfree:Iv:36 c'' ilinhaeteis,cturonidtionnottptvtarybuhltpwlaneadnamI bereatae7 I IS; a „IW C al rk, f ,27::: . - If ,SI Scei aftor,NT grewasaegoilyd/Tizaceeurnber taken two bottles ofthe Sheshoness Remedy end Iwo onF°mrsel", tinutdtawfte°Yerwaarrsd's-w,rsoinighhitsmweeencalTdvreak3e,eanttuyg- '6,khrThe 44 ;bow EvX2:111:11461:.F4errieild:11:1 Inc r3:3.* -4: I; one le: vim I continued to'get worse and Woree, until tho enznmer -open ,at 10 a el. ; the 185 Divisteu waft open .r4 a Rotelmffeft,vibwheypealdvinisgstithedtuureeeds perform -1, ineutaSphamoslivolitsts., , a: Ai , Atthis time Iliad begun to feel tho wealmess fit, my hands; in fact I Was getting almost helpless. I have ..e- ing, at different time% three doctors, and incalielv.es of grit all ri t rie of IS 0 6cd tr] 4 h different kinde -prescribed by friends, bat ern° avail. 4..dwu asyta, dkuennwgithbaa swpeakng efts efo7t,he xantanclek, setthielay 711,3, 6f Baegem, vrieey 0 T1158 is to certify tbatdtuang the winthr, of 3.866 I Ella . A'. - Dungannon, Thursday fl5 " • 1i:evince of °aerie, Feb. Dth,18C8. ' lot Dint/Ion, Gotle7;snW°12:t1 t'esed:Y241:1115:111° caulk, 41;Glthia ...): Toxeter, fistarJtetyratcs: ritiutoobenr. (Signed) = S. BRouGE 44. Wr'oxeter, 'Teesclav .3,0 -. • vonaimmsee - le 0 ' boxes erne pills and I am entirely restored to heallb. w -17-1,2w -istigrr,a,.zax.axgf mom) 3.13437. THE MONTREAL",TEA . COMPANY. 6, HOSPITAL STIEET, IVIONTR.EAL. w51 • ' 4 CHEAP LANDS FOR 8Als, I TOVVN OF CODERICii le MS Ists,an & $80 each, Sub-diiision Park, .1..1 Lots 2,anda 111 0011 A.,?..lots 110, 140arid 160 $40, Township of -Wawanosh, North 24 ages 1°818, con: 1, 100, Towneep ofAelineld, southerly 18 acres ofEast of Southiploptipt000irun. 40,:gAW.rsD,...LiwsastonorvAntE.., eyorRAL,.00dero,, .Doc. 185h 10611. Tr48 tt. ORS. DAYS' HOTEL. WROXETER. - THE continued sacceas of this Compaily is only =rib ble to the relay ruld ptuityoltheir Tens. Overshnn- testimonials can be shown, bearing testimony to the 46e4ly and parity. of the Tea, A. great saving .can he effected by purchasing direct from us, tattles of 5 and laths. And pwardse Every plickage warranted to give satisfaction. tia Club.iogether mid .sitinl tor four or five 5th. catties.•vible will be sent „carriage treo 10 593' Railway Station in the Inonnuien.,:The money can be collected ondeliverV. • - • - ..113- Try our trash ground steam Roastecleoffee,ih and 101b,linsandripWards, theflavorof which is really excellent, am/every packagewarranted. ler 20Ihs. Tea and -bar plbs. Cotfeel SCSI to anyRsilwav Station carnage. free. Tea and Coffee delivered five timed dailytin-the city. . -, . , hek „direct road from. Seafortit to' Walkerton. Ever,' neeeentrY neeom- Garrvenura-Therealpurehased of you5,larch HAN/TAIL DAYS.. - fine. UM Tory stumge, slime I bavabeendri dreci thousand boxes ofTea. have been sent to dillerent parts o the Dommion,aud upwards of a1housand ]EfILIALCJEK English Breakfast,Broken Leaf, strong ea, 45e., 50. ;I Pine Flavoured New Season Co. 1525., 80e. and 85..; Ver7 Belt Xlevoured do 75c. ; Sound Oolong, 45e. ; EichPlavoured do 80e. ; Very Sine do du. 75c. ; JapainGood e Pine 00c., Very Pine 05c.,‘ Finesti5e. . . 4611•1:M=N- . - •-fitranicay sp, 55, 66; Young ilyson 50,80, 05, 70c.; Fme-do, 75c,; Very Fine ese ;. superfine and ivy Choice at ; Fine Onnliowder85c, ; Extra Superfine do. al. . CO)VJLI 14To. 1,t8c. ; No. 2, 25e. ; No."8, 20e: ;No. 4, 15e. Tern: The Montreal TeasEornpanv Montreal, i8. Geters.-=-It hi neatly* year since pnrcluoied 'the fast chest of'Tea from Tour house, I have purchased "zany since, and am planted to inform you that the Tea in every ease proved most satisfactory,es well se hew exceed- ingly cheap. Yours very truly, , 4.011treal Tea eme.Pazurf- ntorlation tor the travellin, publt lutagivengreatsatIsfaetion &lathe liavonrof it is Tory' Wxoxoter. Nov. 0, w42 thisru'o'uniTetiatbl isharteviiitalygluritylmennAni!tillane:2:70RE—Dremoutl.4727a.hanburni att6o'rl:botectuunmi cas• t°12-er7°.°11-16444hals4.,et. Melt. arse- tete-etre-4: P. DENN1D.. Montreal, Apri1,18138.-To rheitontreal'Tea OoreanY flospitalanet, Montreall--Woutttioe srith pleasure tholarge amount of Tea thatwe have forwarde for you to differentparts of the Dominion, and we are glee ta lindyourhusincesisorroidli inereasing. We erreeme your Tear; are gtvurggeranalrottisfactiou, as oat of two Largeatatrantrorwarded haveonly had ooission the Tettasttraughonaemisbotakwe.hich we understand, was seat out • , s ISILD00, County -of Hastings, I sever expeetedto get better, but simply tried the Medicine 85 11 nort of forlorn hope. This case of mit' e wasnota private one,butknown to all my neighbors and friends ; mid teeny one eillieted as I was, I lave only to saytry the Shoshoness Remedy; I -believe It will etre you. 1Ltny Asur Domonev. 'Sworn to before me etMadoe, County of Hastings, this etb. day of February, 13C9. A. P. 'Wow, 3. I hereby tertify that I have known Mrs. Mary Anil Doughty for the htstfifteert years ; 0)3 15 asuman of probity and trath. I have blown her before, , Shoshonees Remedy. Whatever may be the enli herxecovery, always attributed ,her recovery .to us, in her ease,it has acted almost like the performance of and since her illness. I heliiwe her certjecate to- 1i tree in every particular. 15:1.1131 that while ill herease was declared hopeless ; and I know that elm has, sloe N SIGNAL " proprieties of thus Medicine, one thing is tertain, thee A. F. Woon, J. P. , Warden of the Comity ofIbustings,Provineeof`Ontarlo, ivriBrasztp-sr snr:rzer7 ANL 11,4=z -el 44 EURO zovisi.frzein:nof Caned- a. wa3 ly 13sytiehip WaseAdelt ss eerteled, • DAN: (toil: of the Peace, Huron. Goderich, 13th July', 1E63. - 'WC THEtibli18.1147:6118.- .144 rnTvv LEND ON8IPAEltpOVE" 11,11D• x.„treaTmG- irtirm:::00.002,fail;ftwbgreofonkimpuislia, nr,eoryouts - a al; =VIE aots4dritlitterglidlog our =Me, *rearing ourTeai In small packages Ntithisgleits than , • Rfl»IU .1 ,a,Fieccand., -11.,;'mog Trysoulri ea witiplt 70)1 1110) -VeggriestiaNEER.Istiltactieln.' g an. roar Lame 11.17°1-&-1 A3311sNiOlinigtvirertg:tai;:ecusctsrel—gmc Farmers, Livery Stablb.r..;imermrtsf ....................... z4c,32,0. tet' „atm: KEEPERS AND OTHERS. e- xamin d as to Solarium -110 atCOLEORNEITOTEL,God 13 rig 1-'' "» ana nem' e erse'ildnenr micrtawgi diren, fe.f.:terrejeeene et 0E7, 'E.tfi " ine to -Invest in Town ProPelty B.,,ift-eir3,:aTaDoderia°.s, ordsrsirNsumsmstalc"Ren4"stipank-"L. Fa; liatesThe*I'rtrealaudrcesTigeggrAethemmo.Pltaipansytteet'iviilitereal.the prenu- *tirm. Tscat7to.iytli Gexce:`.rie„nee.,18...pre.pareil_. :Lt.ti!DOricetliori 11147orereetwirenreav:IniseasesneYA 8.1::terelieee:etry37,7 rzff-.A:1:7213n2"-°:Irry;:e:T7::fl, •IVLU AUSI MN. OPTICS•IOW NS alri*ShiMi`,111,CIlf, id:Oita.' Se 18,4 •*W34 - 0/11Zeills, AjP111. 10Sta . TO --••••• •