Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-03, Page 3��,"_Mngo in the M-1
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CLEARI A10 V E 1L) a 1-3: P—, 7Z 73F l ---
I tun miglity in tho�sdboir Cured by using Dr Colby's A -Costive and
GODERICH GRAMUIR TordePlus. . ntl elebrated F rPHAT superior 7hrusil E4 1b, (ith C�n. H ZK n
Fiercely wielded by the brave) Liver, blear thd Complexion C ebale- Pills. acres c w are G about to maike alteratilms In Building and -�n r
ThOY Xegalate. tile Bowels, correct. the JL home 71acres 'of laud, 60 1! hich % 4
and renovate the system.; cleared, weil, waterdil by a Iiiing crqe mises !a order to 011AArout ullof present Stock B -RI) La.�
S 0 m:11, 0 0 T -J. C(lorious in the stalwart steamer, Pre ared ftom a prdscr?:Ption Of sit. i 11c, and bounded wit STEMLUT to farmei,4,
0,p k , Maitland. Good log house . andframe, of -a th '17"
they are-004050d'of acti�'e Ingredients In a highly ar by the Rjver rhast orig".'It 'or C,
au9bing at tb6 iform, and wave. C0111004tratedforthl, -t the
L and strika a ot of dlsea�e, ALD.,Physicidn Extraordine 4y ][1AVE moted'tho
Curing tamest like insole baiA 34,xM -vith 4�good orchard 4 r! t"u
On the' -premises, balance of their goods to tUc 1wepam-il to 'anc. !&b to Me Qzke4n. Situated one mile front -file 'village of Manchester I'l 11h's. tia shop, Madain-a Imat cull
CLOUS, CLOTBING store house opposite to John R1
-TITTA SCHOOL Thona, 11 9' testify to their extraordnq�y Curative -miles from -Goderich and 12 miles, from Clinton. 'The IGI . amilton strect, and as they are giving up business.
Beauteous in the palace pillars, PrOpOrtl". Bold bv alldeuierg. - 2" propirtylsa -desirable laygestmeiLtbeing on tlie County have ina will be ruld at less thin Cost --A.'t act 1i 1 11; 0 1) Z io r t 12t 0 t! E u, 4; f t L L A 4 This invaluable medicide is nfalling 1-1 t h C, Gravel Road and bosesing a ipterfor mill �privtic As -Test Reductiong in PricesItich r4u. I)c thiel-16302AR those Indebted by note or book accou
Savingin the pointed rod, HA'U'T-I,rULI $TLENDI-1) I I is tile cureotallthose painful ni�d dangerou dit ases the River Maitland. 'Apply to ge on ut or made up in the latest Style, on the shortest . nt, days.
W 11 Z2 MM-OpPaN % BYGAUct giVen, by allwho use Huiea notice. are TeTluesteato call and settle aat once.'
ON As It brings the deadly lightning) dkes , arsh, stiff hair soft, glossy and to which the fenialto constitution is -sublet j. It TRUFM-%X, L I I
b it 1180S. the removes -pimples, moderates all excess and, renioves all obi;trut'&1Qnj- Auctioneer & land Agontj Godericb. HUG]EED'UNLOP. WOOL, WOOL -
h frorafalling, '*'Of cot. Qelled and harmless to the sod 8 5 an asid aspe6dy cure maiv be rehod on. A pril, 1869 V-I�-tf -0oderichjuly-19, ISO. W89 tf 'Thehigbest 1paiketprice! paid for anyquant, T7
3, rove
Mend n -Y, UgUSt once, 0 t a ng luxuriantand BRO. Ent there is a glorious eas TO MARRIED LADIES J. SMWI RT
Ayees Cherry Feetor-al,) may 7. 2869. f T'
Wlion all a% I for atlwi,%iou aro re- ats per be HP
Of iii"truetion, in. Where I talre my grandest power. r 0; is peculiarly vuited. It will, in a shot tinfe, Tbn,,nL,:J,!t on.L
f�,r in ktm!ZWIolt in brinir on f he Wonthlypetiod with regniarr %r. For 3)lseases of the 12hrost wid Lu DISSOLUT110N OF PARTINERRHIP,
Giving to tle R"tcu my sa
urest, %M A T 18 tj
and -all Other achas and pains f:uctt bottle, prier One Dollar, tt ; 0
ov. guah as Coughs, CoIde, Whoo, sOne of �.Q us of, ebodyOna EMIANIC
'k, hosela- Sweetest aid, in dangers hour, rilleationof JAcqns'RH ernment Stamp orGreat Britain to prevey Woun. CT Curb Burns, Frost Bite.�, Fartiftership of theundersigned,harriess-maters to those me Back or Side, Sprains, 'is alld ConsumPtion. HE
We willwarreat it to Cough, Br(Michitis, Ast'lims,., 7
tioa Of r;L'1'N"t" Chilblains. iioraThroat,lla erfei the 'It.
intendin a k 11 0� -1 W W(inire a uresit has effeefed are almost, too -tT1rT0 r*T. ezia ob- THS f Prag upon the confidence of mankind, as thisexcellent mutual c6usent, on ancomit of the bad health Of Mr. Wit saltAW a This is th3 jr,-,r See the rose of health add beauty NO thaldly is &a a a day without it ; hundreds of v,tlu- mancy, as tmy atre sure'lo bri-tig a? Misv�r_ remedy for pultrionaryeoinplaints. -Tli1VugyaI6n Wild. All av,�ouuts against =it owing to the firin will
See I before Too Ili diseases 1 &0- SOefthee . C % T the town Of Ghdr-,rfch lender the stvle and fh7n a 0
wouderfut-for bell Probably- never- before in . the whole hIstor_r of
the-, U�,a i. .:I k i,nit t, a'a rithmetic of. Mny have l3obn saved hy it 27toes Pills sliould not be taken bvfema4 during H by
mid '11 t1le Country See the darkest hydras bow I from impondin detth) andrestored to life-and'healtli Me FIRST TITREE, N01V medicine, has anythingon, so widely aud sp deeply Or 43111(LaY& 4� !Id, has this 4y bee 6ELLIN V 006
te %V (-:�l S Will be able lives FLd thousands of dollars may. b6 savedan- series ofyelirs,_ and anion bst, of the.,xiteds of' bus-ettled by ar�llalliday. Datedthisl5th dayof July
ri Or dly by its use, preventive of contageous dis- ares fe, ff in v2li-Stl*
foraiel in Fre-v Lil: i, id her sukieem Take the plt Check and b.. nu- AS a rzage, but at any other time they niellit has risen higher an higher in their estlma� A- D. 1869.
farther Pait,� ;1!Li: ';'1 411 4, av N, to eases, nothingfever beforaftiveutedtan comnarovith it In all onges o Nervous- and Spinal P ctions, tion; as it has become better known. Its uniform 7an We athorize all dealers to 'refund the money if it k0nins in -the Back and Lirnb8,. Faticut on t3light chaiactor and ower to ewe the various affectio aJ. t� liroN My, dyspepsia I fly consumption I B. A.,
does not give e I utire satisfaction. exertion, Palpitation efthetleart, Mys trics aid -ofthelungs = throat, have made it known as P', rnes THOROUGft BVED SUFFOLK BOAR
S. J. FOSS& Co. Whites, these Pills w.11 effect a curr when all liable protector against them. While adapted to ISO. w*.V-td Yes, all ills are crushed at lengt3h,
PARKER& CATTLE Agents Goderich. w-12-ly other means hFive failed ; and althouel a power Milder forms of ease and -to young children; it is
For I give what human nature We UE substirlb"rar purchase,l:'i tborough byrd Suf. fal. at thla same time the most effectual remedithatcan h lie will k, ep fos service. Price for a P
fulremedy, do not contain iron. cat, nel. anti TfdlTt Boar whit, called be COPELAND.
by the Fronch Coup do soleil, is supposed it) ocer morb
Only ever needed-srawmn I monv, or anvtbring hurtful to the ( onst often. gerotts affections bf the throat and lungs. - As a pro- tanlev, ArilI; IS69. W10
JULY. ---SQ11-StrOke._ThI$ accidenial billitition, given, for incipient consumption, and the'd4u- each Sow
frequently as the country is cleared, but such Indeed. Full directions in the pamphlet at -und each Vision against sudden attacks of Crolfp, It should
Shall I tell in what great essence Is not the case. In the Same marmer many suppose PaCknge, which holild be carcludy ( aserved. be ke Co:, i - n 2 0 1 e i a,: !-�I, I Y. 2 Pt Lon hand in every fairill ad I deed as all
that crimets on the increasqus, the couutry beaomes Sole agent for the United Statesaw Canadaso are sometimes subject to cO)1T.,u'd'4ugbs, all Notice to 0'"oniractors. IF -d
I can thus your spirits cheer up older, but this also4sa deception.' the truilt is both should be rovided. With this antidote for them. Pallid, trembling, dying sufferer, illusions spring from -the Increased facilities for coni- 30B ATOSHS, Roefiener Althougg settled Consumption is tho t in- inanication. which, like the great. N. B. 1.00 and six POARge stain s, englosed Curelde, still great numbers of cases whekeIre dis. Z&A !7ang�mt aw ly cure -for
Ms the famed " PrRUNIAN SYRUP.' for consumption. f0lIG%%1 in the white of civilization.
U ks to any authofized agent will insure r bottle con. ease seemed seftled, have beengmNete SRALE D TENDERS reof is its mastery he PrOtOmide of Iron, a new dhicovery in medicine 8 and Throat, at F. N E P.
The PERUVIAN SYRUP is a protected solution of ;ainAngfiftv Pil', by return mail-. and the patient re9tored to so&d Cal
ClAemy-.Fectoral. So coniplet's ILLe seceived by the Trustees of Union chool
y I 'on No.15, Ewst Wawaaosh, until the 2rd day
SPECrAL NOTICE. over the disorders of the Lung W fiecti
E 0 U11 STi, LARGiMT Female NUs are eXteL.3JVel?f COVN- tjie most obstinate of them yiela to It. en o ot August next, fdr building a new School home, near
hat strikes at the root of disease by supplying the TH B MOSES" ing C156L 30 DAY I TrUrELT The genuiv e have the -home of"JO could reach them, under the Cherry Xec- ManehfFgter. Plans and speoffications maybe seen at
lodd With its r fe e AND CHEAPEST on�achpaitkage. All others are worthless. toral they subside and disappear. Ir. Sutherland's Store, Manohe§ter The trasteer do'
ita? principle or li kmelat -Iron. Singers and Public l6lpWmrs find not bind themselves tA3 Xecept the lowest , tanden;
te,tkmftOM 'AS SUT I -
'The genuine has PEmuvi" SYRUP" blown in the NORTHRU & I YAN, it. WD
Asthma is always relieved and' open W�Lolly
N e weastle. G . W.,genera HENRY FA Trustees -
agent for Vana'dr it. TEIOAIAS HOAR, i BOOK STORM MR1 - hiti is generall 16,1866. w2,5 -td
'Pamphlets free. cured -b� the Manchester, JuIv
�%old in Goderich bv Parker I Cattle Ana he ' et aZ in sinalrarid trequ 05 Q bas bpcii F. Jordan 'Co., Hn unfiftz nic
rraidincr at BaN ;ld - J since So ne are its virtnes known twe eed lasticSb4 -1-3 t ' '6 OLVEXT A40T OF 1864. Prepnmllo�f;lfnisli part lyjt'� IL -0 11;attuial Vr pta jz:i�
J. P. DrNSMORE,propristor. WESIP OF IIAI�ILTON ard e ri J H T
Benthum, lloggerville ; J. Pick OtP 'Sh the certificates of them here, or do ore L NIZ
NO. 36 Day St., New York. I CDmbtq (1inton, . cord, bucknow; E. Hick assure the public that its qa0ties are y in the Watter ofJ BePy Stokes.Garner, of Goderich
NORTartop & Lyntix, General Agents, son. Saaforth. and n It Medicine Veolsrv. w3IF mailttainei]4 67r Rn
IS THI; SIGNAL OFFIct an Insolvent. 0
Newcastle. Ont. Sold hv all Druggists. dito of the Insolvent are notified that be
Vol. xxr. o47- Ayer's Ag�Le Clare,. rpHEcre. rs by bo!1i rizi ruil Awhit-ts f;)r Rq 1: ard
MOTTIERS, READ TITTS !-110M, _L has made an assignment of his estate and effects
un(lor the above Act, teme. the undersigned assignee.
-to furnish me within two t,
WAy3S -vVoitl LOZENGES area certain and
T. J. WOOTC tmy G -b Va Ul ja Lan 3 :1 A! fw
r Irlever Ague, Intermifte e'ver, and that they ara recinired offlOof. --- ith their claims, specify' THIR's
sale remedy for Woi ins in C It ildren and Adults Feve Fbraittent e er, montbafromthis date ; cities'and t3xmbtarc ro,)faa win, t7W st-te.
rert from British Manufacturers, every
A or
UPORTS Ai Fe a *cad or 3B3 the security they I.Old if any, and the value of it,
e, Ferta if nobe, stating the fact- t1fe whole attestedunder oath, SMAILL & 4RO03K
d indead all the agections
description of --.;As it is 'a well-knowa and meiancholy with the vottelie--s in support otsuch claiing.
that one great catue or death among children is *am ous, mush, or ATaitecta, Ofideriel
from Worms aione, it cannot belue dt eply im- volyto Dated at kioderich. in Ithe Countv of iamn, this
SALT STOCK FOR SALE. WRITINIG PAPARMS4 9 prssed upon the 11111ids of parents, tho necessity 22nd day of June, 1869. JOHN HALDAN
As Its name implies, It does Our dd tot w25 -2w- Offielal As;iinea-
ofolosely watching their children. BYsodomg' W. Oontain either Arsenic, uth, In Demy, Foolseap, Letter and Note Sizes, and offers an, un,1,_,rstan1g the svmptons and true cause T%- Iker ffeo- for sale at a reasonable price them at the lowest possible rates for cash. of the d.,e Zinovitorany over mineral orpois Ce
of children might be Whatever, it In nowise injures at The INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864.
Sings tarioSaItCompany, 4U_1
d firoTa early graves. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS.; number and int ortarce of its cures M- the ague dis- HUMBALL, Co,
3001,000 ]Envelopesq f I �t, and we believe
of C
owing area fewofthe very winierous tricts, are litera f1eyond'account, Edward Penton, an insolvent
he Without a paralle in the history. of A e medicine. In the ra�tter of
symptoms and dkeases which are catise by. 4jur Pride tifted 1 acknow edgmen HE creditors of the above named lnsolvent� an
fiu we 01 Gc
HOUSES FOR SALE. now in steel And sold at prices that a tonish the trade. 'Worms- Dernn,-edappetite,dmRciatedextrefn.�, Tuoifted to meet at my office In the town of Goder- LL partit.4 'i*e.Tcijk_d to -ruo IaL_ 1:.-m
receive of tfig'74,d cal �41s ffectd I.- obs ARX11mb-211 S:VD_ re rcaulred 14) in
He a] , I
so Offers for sale three houses oil 'ot 222 of the ities'. offensive breath, frequent liticKing at thd It on dap�y " �T,
_I, 'to de fD 17
town. OfGoderich, nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, baroness Unacelimated ersons, either resident or s!gne4.JOhn,V. Uatlor h Son, the pnytZc_,-j
0' 0 t** ' " t
nspe In
Oases, and where other reniedies had whoIlly ed. 't t
u o6e 0
11k nd min smatic localities, will be ell rde of the sig fiymL
S. LAMONTINE. es oftho be -'v,, wAh frequent 611my stook, R UUMIJaug throug? te t - f HNtion is given to this department. Parti _d, Special Steen' th
D_ d G %IgNtlt,
Godedch, July 27, 1869. w2mm. Isive flts; pain in KeOlVed by taking the AGVB- CURB dait BLTE
ordering from me may rely on having any description sotinel Ines convu the head and Y. 'On.
-nished promptly�und stom-�toh, unilir-it siecp� fainting$, trembli to
INN n g For Ziver Gonap�Zalnts, arising fro0o tk 5 OM -wll a
of music fur .1 Me Liver it is an excellent remed ez
doughs, mdegesIrl"n JOW Spirits, frightful dreams, yy 8 9
thO Liver into healthy activity.
FALL SHOW.- 'and a gradual gway of JIF _A� 7"
For Billions Disoftlers and Liver Complaints it is
Very Lowest Prices aneXCenent -4
At They are pialatabie and self-adalimstered to the remedy, producing Mau re.
child -drive out the worms thoroughly without markdble cures, where other medicines I d. Pa.
A large assortment of new and popular pieces always r t
�Yai n -and completely eleause the stoin replared by DIL J. 0. Aym,% Co., t cal —SHMENT 'D 001181
on hand. ach-there REFRE
South FUron A Ielftral SOCIety. nand Arytilytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. soict
gn This is the cheapest house iiTtho trade. g away with the nece.441ty of administ all round the world. IWEST SIDE MAKBT SQUARE;
Profits bared on the "ready money'�system. and not a r Oil or other unpleasant cathartics -.-as
TIBeath Huron Agricultural Society's Fall Show credit 11 the ue o(otber Worm Medicines. 01.00 r -UR DOTTZR?
OEr 1,809, in connection with the Tuekersmith P3- Each box contains the tac-qimile signaw L;NOBTHWJP& LYMAN, No ' Now 'Re-ope'ned to the New Building.
Branch A�*limltulai Society. will behold in the village T. J. Do agents for Canada. weastle. Ont., general
W. 'a. C. 9'r-EPARD ................... Proprietor , OarhOUSI ture0fNORTHRO? & bym&Dr, Newcastle Ontario, I I .
LEVI J. 'NORTH ..... intmager of Seaforth�n Thursday, the last day of September, who are the sole proprietors. 313- Sold in GoderichLby Parker Cattle and F.
and Friday
C. MACOMPEP ....... .... .... *ta'nt e firstilky of October'next. The inside Jordan -AND OT
Godmieh, July 13th, 1869. N. z4s Worm Lokenges, Gardirwi A Co.. Bayfield. James Bentimin cE cREA151, SODI WAT9R HER TE31-
.............. . B, -Ask for Rollow,
Leader of BEnd 410 be arriniged. and judged the first day. and take no other. -Sold in Gonerich dy Parker flodgervide. J. Pickard. Exeter. J. ij. Combs, Plin- potence beverins F .1-41i all ]ads in season,
Hand blue -,iutlug forth the prize list, conditions, &a., try lack
ton. Secord LacknoW. E. Hie son, Seaforth, land be glad to see her old
will appearin. due time. A Math and & Cattle and P. Jordon ; Uardiner & Co. I av all Medicin De IS. I don. the bid stand.
EstabUshed Cixcus of Amelica P. -aping Mafh. ill also come off this year, in connee- field James Bentham, Rodgerville; J. PickaWl' a# I U y
(in with tbegouth Huron Agricultural Society. of -PTCK Exeter; J. H.Cumbe, OIL ton ; Secord, Luc
which uotice'h7ffli be given
Acknowledged to surpws in me ti ISAA_ Pa A ALL CAN
ff time and place as soon as know; E. Efickson, Seafort and all Medieme
Number and Toeft of its possible, k6ore of the 0 w(nm of Stallions travellin 1A
Arflstesq the g. of Hurofi this season, will ealers. v-43 ic—, r�,- D 7
ZA Gde*h, May 2,5 1869. W-35-tif
Splendor of its Wardrobe, the butetoward ' Ag p;gs forfoal ut the fall show, to
in the South Ahlin cong
-aTER -3
thorough trm=g of It's Beau. be held I. S:.1 James Johnston, owner of
tifil Horses and Ponle4 the Rot ers to give $5 : others wishing to sub- CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYElt
scribe v send the money and their name to MADE RY L. STINSTED, A`EG ENT ST., LONDON, ENGLAND.
AND RT-1TlP_TAr.T_,P COLLECTION Op the undersfign as soon as - possible, SOL that it may ap- A Fami I y Medi cine, well a nd favora bl y known
C-10thl, pear in the p list. HUGH LOVE, Sen., Seefy
for the past terk yen ra. never falli ng, in a smglc�
PMFOMMI G WMD' ANMM S.jLA. S., Hills Green P. 0. instance to give permanent 2) 121in
Any alialla- exhibition ever brought before the - Jtme 26th. I+ w22 -td relie vhen timely the comrae'of the
bU Tho thousands who have visited Mr. -----7 used, and we have never known a single case T HE general agent wfll,-througb Joshiia Callawtty, call upon the people of this vicinity In
�EWELER, &C.. which we shall offer -at the follow-
Wl=a Circus vthia the past twenty years, can WATCHMAER,' of dissatislacuon where LILL irections have been White Maple-= WalnutBach,
to the hgh repula tion everywheresustained better humm Cs 1;;Cl Ffo?_
9 estblishment, and to, the refined anj T)EGS to say to his numerous friends and customers i3roperlytollowed,ba- on the eohtrary aR are es $8 ;. with flint bored fulies :S10 WoctlCaraed Zmd
NOIT p:!V :�
_nd _J%7 o 0
rated Wooden Cistern and Urew
hfonab!e cbL-xt2r of its audiences, which hag. JL) that he intends to remain in Goderiah, and that he Jetighled with its operations, -and speak in the
so handsomely supported it. It Is only mecessavy will be glad to submit the large and varied stock in his --- hitern $25 ; English Wheel Bar celdoni VI gptfing -vfoz)l linino vili� to state that thi,3 shop on West Street, near the post offled,to Their in- highest t1irms of tts Virtue and agical effects, eaell, according# finish, with 4 OTOCKH&DERS of the Goderich Fetroleum a M 1-0 oar In claEs
speetton. -that �5 ten. calks have vofirgoyd2r, ve TRE CA PrADIAN PA I N D E 8 TR 0 YER .0 Salt Company. tao notice
Goderich. June!,9 lS69. W39. 1, made by tfie ditectors on the unpaid stodli moffte wben fam, if;lml c*waz; vlrOiei
It as won for itself a reputetion, as a blood purl VC01. abovecompany. payable as foltows(10) kaeront Isatineit,
.Were selected frOM the P01311lar MUIC schools ok 6 ei, alterative stomach'tonic, unsurpassed in the IE very rnstrument"W-arranted for Oftbi Year lie ral4dio. ZpaoicuZAT
-lielght allovla'.rtlde payabItnI0 days from this dal;Q�, viz: onAZ410,1863 in. t
the old and new r.orld, with sliecia], reference to btstoiyofmedicalprepara-tions. It seldorniails from dal��OfsaTe. kavI4 procured a correctreigi4er of pv'ery city and town in Canada the and, -(1o) tea tper cent payable oner befVroths .2ndof
the sloason of IS59,-and tb,,:t their performances E�2 to c tire Dyspepsii, Liver Complaints, lndi,-bq- Fater or sea level; the rieneral Agent is prepared to altitude every instrument; for each. locality leterrect-ly, whicri . August, 1860. all im)], plai6 tivi Plicik, t7k, :xf-
,will be found MORE VARIED, STARTLING and tion, 4ea-lburn, Sick Headache, Kidney. Com- I absolutely necessary to have them work correct on thd Dials. B -3-A fall assortment Of SOf Begist�rmg By order ofthe Boar(L
A'11'P ACTIVE than mythIng of the kind hereto, Parties desito
-of May 1. 13W-72 WArp 3 go 0 a VAD� �as a all th b S t -ML -c y t-,, na
plaints, Acid.Stomach Plothisic or. Asthaaa,.4tiit Thorniumeters constantlyou hand at prices from at up to $10, according to finish, Farnheat.
fore witnessed on this continent. obtaining one of these useful ihstruments, which apouratelw and invariably foretell the state of the weather from
restores to,; kal activity the system dehL Littiled 24to 48 hours in advance,should avail themselves Ofthe opportunitywhich now prosents�itselt The Agents will re- an be bolwn� t.
disease. main fore. fewdays only. fleadofficetortheDoinjifioniriMb
by suffering and utr&L Respectfully,
Pirst in the Galaxy of Equestrienne Stars, is the -S G 0.- 'A Its magical and vt onderfut 4necess' in curing Jima 14,1869. . Q, BOWESGerteralAgentforesuada. 9.
-oughs, Diptheria
dden colds,. Sore thraut, 0 -------
=TTLE MINNIE MARKS General Rules'to be Obgrved in Consulting the Ba
pains in the sidelions and back. nearaigia,tooth
and, Youngest Equestrienne In
The Sifiil
ache, rheumatic and other pains in any part6i 1. If the Noreur 1:i NIRCPT S
America, and CMId Chainlilba Wder of the W ystays ab*uut2.q inches, orthe word Changeable," without moving =49h, vithernp, or down
SCHEDFLE OF DIVISION-COUTS.,'. the bodytncr from whatever cause, had given it the wetherwill V6 unsettled and changeable 7 Tha great Catarrh, Heaclaho Neurala-M
Uke riding charms the old a place in every, household and is fast'supered- .9. IftheMercuryTisesto orabove the word fine weather Is athand. . 1 = J
M1 -War
the dnMrsal P-4in Re �dy,
young- WITHIN THE ing all otberpireparations of the kind.* 3. ihould it happen to rain when the Mercury-stKnils high, It will be To-eal, and vury littlb-6fit. s4 Tf the Afereury continues to rise slowly-sAy for eight or tea days-andarrives at cy above thellue "Very Tanted to surpass Any ]mown dis- It is also an otleelual and prompt for 111FnIssIg-ned to Llccsys. AV:3. X'M E D.EV E XP.0 R T. Scalds, - 13 iLOS,_ blains, Fair," then in summar, look for drouth-if in winter continued frost. ory, for theinstantaneous
I 00fintv of HuTon' 4r, urns, Braises, Spra Chil COVI . I fertile b2ae�t of Z��nco CT
The Fascinating Equestrienne, t 5. When the Mercars falls;l it indicates foul wgather ; if the fail be slow, it will rain It RRANGED by the i rrost Bites, Cramps in t5e Stomach, Diarlicea, ' it falls very low, a�sevcre storm is sure to Nlow� - e4ef Dond rapia cure of
M'LL A magistrates in. (10urt Lectern morbus, Billions Cholic, Cholera 1n1an- 6. When, during a storm, the Dforcury is seen -thirlie �Ilttle, thenTest assured the wpivis over. any, eonceivable 9p ce, r I e 8. 1 G 1,9 SsWL T 6 C, 0 rd4 6 Vhe highly accomplished chaxming Dantieuse, and of General Sessions of the Peace, as- lum..,Dysenterv, &c. 'herthat follows vnlj�beofshprtamstlon, Rua
7 When the Bid bury moves quiekly, elth4 ap ok down. the wea�
P ce only A cenig per bottle, vie; verm r forru of pain,
v2Mm r�st
sembled at Goderich, June 1869. USED INTERIVALLY AND EIXTER- of. r. Zr�i%:t�3
NOXIVROP 4.,, LYMAN, Prices. 11c bad-s c�z i
.-Cot LLY IT INTE, VER -VAIL$. ewcastle. 0. W. 9A
The beautiful English Iady Rider. FROW IST DIVISION CoUST uprising thot part Read, aeco=ts aveth
I (feneral Agent for, Candda. Alittle-ol'Briggs, AlIrvantor nppfit:d to the T. Y. of the township of Godeiich to the North Pure Whftt-� 9_1 W1 williusiamily relieve Nervoui UeCA Ache, it n sick t212 arn, x!n
ma,50- ch6s '_ ll.doll
X9XE of the cut -line and the Huron Road,.uutil t:rSold in Coderich bv Parker &-Catilte and headache, dilute I to a teaspoonful inhalfarlassofcold Ocdce211, J=e P,
Co. Bayfield; James ASH OR]&
L -_a ratning favorite of raitia. F. Jordan; Gardiner& water, mid take one to four sivallows, Inhale from ihe
the same meets the road allowace between -All ffRE SY DOMIN10i: b,Bentham, R;dgerville;J Piekard�'.Exe
the l3th and 14th conces4ous, then back ; Secord, Lutiknow. E mediatelytollows. Ono wallowii relieves li�p.
MA. 74M, 71 J. N(DRTH, Combe, Clintow lolours The ffuceEgful Ariimnl Trainer and ZIaltre do Alpad�s 15cto"Ove yd, - peppia. AOdxty ot lbe Stomach along the Huron Road to-its'i unction witl� amd aft Medicine 0ealars.' w38 Black lw ARTIESVILEV!
trick 1107se Flaudincy. $za. A small quantity of tto Allevatilor n a 1?0to r-pprc
Vbtrltie, vAll Introduce his bar-atiful the 6t line, then. West by the road al AT YHE NEW DOMINIONTA$11 ilated mid Boaffed up�the riustrit, tbmi ffargle, the P vanba 2p_ zL)NOG " ArONITOR,11 whose insdue. has been developed -SNORE. I
Ento thoughtl =d who by word of commnd albute lowan"ce between concessions 11 and 12,,.' throat. and lake Ito 4 wallows ofthe dilute Remedy, VostiStrc�t, to the River Maitland, then slobt, the-, will fmrovdjaiciv reliev nhd quiehly 130te Camriii, Gederleli. At -!I 'ir f - Q a AFAhnia, ana ail sen -
EMPORIUM! * C Tiekling4dihofhroat, C0119b,
4 ew A dercy to Columintition 'are ImmedhlVb�
I River Maitland to Goderich, together' jL ju, e ila relieved with
with ne. R S 3he Allevuntor. 4:16wupplittations of
The duh l2sirin - and tboroughly artistic *In- thetownshil) ofiOulbor AT�IITPI, NEW DOM 'PAH_8T0RFj* tor cures the most severe Neuralgia, ]be wdrst,ferms
clpzl =d-joma_a71t f1der, hose ttpZfa oflobal paink 11 euniatisir., kc. he Ilivant wlien tsoic
t "Co 'on
this Kde of t1is Atillia-le, 13 One of ble 2ND Divisrox 06URT.-Comp rising t1te r-1. %-If ink aud inilarned is relievedutonce byargling wh1k
Tbird 19t just re Wed, ted AllE,,vagior�,and luldng a- swal ovvfr twodalker.
ma ume
"ants fir the fl and thut portionoot ack,cliet souh2or urlim s, cure in a
at reacuirof ism township -of McKillop -Rfi I NATION White.
r.',,A'A, RF m4late 37 nlleyS all
DOMMON-* OAS �STO glws ,w 3::LLZA X S. thie township of Tuckersmith South A T H R' N'E W VALUB L F A R 14
lable'Errito as E ast 6f the side road between lois 25 and 'OF a tm or Ecald, it im
& 7o=- nstis'.1,7ho hp a619=1 env' restto theeffilitted.
t=sr, vho ag the Young Comanche 26,nd between 35, and 36, All --that ap the Allevantor reliews Suff
A fevi iCatloii
Contracted Cordalind MuEelee,
Ch241$ wM fi=adace the inuaster'BUFFAL0, Full Value Given in. 4�ods torRoyal Cabadian:B111s -
o of.Uullett, East 6f the side road WO 40111 Q*
PACM0,11 in a wMl, tara b=14 eque par- P
baya of o=5 Ca tae 0 between lots5 and 6. that portilin, ()f B CH00 L Swellingis,!8-ftics. Sunins, Tamore, apil all ahn,
10. DETWIL & C orti pgcotjoji%� Applied freely 16 all tkin dL-caEe,% hallbr4s
f *rris, East (if the side roaA b'etWeen'lots rX. iwS;
OMEAS. W33,3EGHT9 lei ILlidalthy.conditinn. The Allevantor is n pt)dlive IS to 11nIS43 RzttcnUr
10'aa7d ll, -And South of the ffixth conces semed3 sted atd I'
27m Hercules of`-A=ee1c?,- a represaintativa of r for Chitiftins, Fro i I ryti RIOUI, xra9=Llr aet, Irttrcdn�� bis geat mm:= bW Ilaporters. anaaea�rsin Sion, and all that portioti of Grey soith of d of Poplie for the Cornity'of Goderitib, une 16th, 1869.' hs_-po*,ner1;,3 --
rtlHE spar isi-onderfuli Many rages of Dealilecs ore th-it concession.' JL urou� will most iii the Central School house,
goderieb, OIL cured withlbe Allevaulo�:-Soro and W.'Ek Vyv; QT6
RT -Comprisin'; allAriat cored ; Tjooihag ately retieved, P. 7"
Sit ftiy DrvISION Cor he imumal
P=ia, %vlU appea; in Mie Ironderfal and llniml -V�q3upl,7e 1,FTM
Wmed 014y ae 110i and
RT GOODS, GRB Lvw� portio4of Turnberr'y,west of the slide road k Thursday
big wandcrfriL I115wel daa orighial jugq�� iic&. virtuesft e At evnntor Will never be IG10, forli:oyore
10. XLI Gyvr-2 r33 2,
between. lots. 20 and 21i -All 1hat poTtion YTg DAYS OYAUGIUST so varied ard wit is a beneficial remrs3y fOr $4 ch a cont2ining of nety ordisitoi 'S it �Seerafi almost iftercidult;U82:; name
J6 MWhr49 or and 1,� Iff Ba J. Mr. MAZATTKINS, o east of ibe Maitland Utyer,- vc�t ttiepropietor 4'ha
Lo o'clock a. mi. Applicants- for
-The =rImMd. Pets JmMna and vareatils rider. 09toth�daih $it 1 -albat viumotbe at gnicetelilivekI with BfI9987 L -I ficluding that portion'North of the River, Inflamau
certlticates�vill thenbave' als, Opportubilty qf being ex-
Alle�aalor. a nu -Q ti)
UB, J. L* BLIVENP03M atId Hatt ' 'thei-sideline between: lots 32 ainbued. thois wishing Fret Class Wednesday And
-The hM'A'r1t3 dmm =d Jester, thambodlinegi; ot sald,33 Continued on Thurqd4yj. those,wan third� cliss on 7Z I 2:r� �z _r --1 r -
Wednesday, aucl sep
r. . " R t 9 Isim Ofthe West: sui motit rerfablee idips In ex-
Allthatportion ofNorrisWeit I br1ggW'ThTPat and, lug Ifealer
of side- rad between lots 10,jind U- A-11, -PARKE
Ldmitted ti� ai�L, examination CATTLE cash bzlauco fI ist Cot
that p6rdon, of Hullet wn of sidi rad . Chniltdates,-b6frelfeing-2 enceforl'besPettlycoreofCough are rec -tificates of -9
A, ro um u In
LES&ZE 3E:F.OVHERSV Ulf, enees. 17hociping
oat Caugh, Crc, up, Suree
buy the ds in the cheapest Market '5 ana 64' All thaf portion of apter sigm iptberla, Vtfi2ulty of B;, attNt.- Brotilatis. to cat sm.,claltles, between lots a ty'a cleraina TS.r Throt(t As; ibris, 1)
LO ir 0 DRUCCIS el
anloupon the best ter 'Mo. 'Go : . . at WA 0 H 33 LZ Tra; towhship notinelti4eidinDivisidn 'SALL- T *R ufthe, Lungs; mad all
-Xo�, 1i All,that portion of�Tuekersioa
largely and ea�n the linDivisiou-No.2.
stoniers to chfrst� inelcabig 'but wo, refdrii all at the .,it icludec $eeretary. Vitt vauialle in Liver ompl nt Iii.
One of the mest iind popalar st= tQ bay eheap. They we determined, t6.8
tteiramation t;flhp Kidneyq, or Urinary Rad 211
low 4TH DvisloN GoVAT.-COMpriiin7atthe -town-' Bayfield, itk9mation. TWA yealy s.iperjor Remcily
Internal It M.Hn shovild I I has evar appemd baf= a rallrxil aud�em lu tlw HEIR"
-ottioti of. Grey' ship of Mie1c. A111 Chatp
1gorth ofthe 12th coucessioif;,. . All: , h-
Lv.. EL d �t at.
sible .,ellef, while vaties uflailg_ tianding and f argrently
IV crful
portion of Morris WorthL. -of the1th aoia-� character, readfl. ield to its 1;,e,. ',Ise D.
39=031 19,3ELLS, incur'
hIng grid-cumve. Prop
The fa= dlo�m raid comfesingen evies. Itsuniverva aaepI WIA 0
fmatAindimake itim
Nast of the side rbad betweer
ample evideneET that tMs department bas not JA cei;E�Iou, and *kn% 0
and give their customers the benea of the 0 REWT
ion of,the, A
bar hay lots 10 and 1-1, and all that. porii in everF hottwhold.
eins they e ma oads,
'of aide T TV., in lite, Coe i ImeMm Eversyece Iwo^ W1
kASTFriS XMLM tottiSkip of Tarnber-rjr, East- ftidtirglgnti aboVe.Well-kridwn The Iwitardic virli
I - :,A-, )f the �Ltunntrmi% 6sea%ft of the 1%rca
'd toy vauRwra. aud AsWulshlxg betw ots 20 and 21, :tq -potent Iterion. uid .40he14 Whicl� Alwitys, ill our ever TWV irl;�
bito-bis townbands is ndwItrepailea to orfw4ery� 9pinbs BrU&eg, C., -.1
�tarms 3. A T
The rond=1 eed I Lungs a
-ate,proytillit- *m*tcror4lem-degrpe, are -imll
ng the town- acrobait%, for on& year. 5TIE 14VINION CQUPT.-�- Comprisi -Sbr. particulm, apply to
tMEL alK31n to Cle d2ovemoaninotbequestr1kri
WZaML-a-u0n, t1mra is addcd, Vaid will ba 6xhibfted Shi S.Of Stephen. Usbarfi6 and Lt: Por- iscombined %ith othertrigredients Aorequ& _MJU().QS in
Ooirich, lut,218't, AnkageAL Until tMerdly, thl" leffit�:r d"e'e'v
Pxof. M62aimalills AWInd 33eu* tioa of the township of jliy i6 the Rat nf, hea . Te
aM momt onsideritil an LnEfelion bey -O=*7
-a pp -med in the Butanew
we the Teac I ofjuedi dent ill the 141magemen't dpWinallary Diieagc Seems tv b��r tv -I the:js iim, Ito beell c
all wool Canadian T eckat 50 the 6tk and 7th- icon . sei�ns o The:Z=a r=e qt2fqri and IndepeA A lot of toWnghipg Of objectalof iVecialint5rext6 -cents peryar(L e' , , f
1e wDr. ni!
'know- r
ew 1hereAro ED
slzlej maoy dietiagiiiElied phyxicmx hirve sit
-Comprising,the town-.
Hosiery, 9 etit. per pair. RT. ariptien ew be cured, f
The Sacred Bull,
ILdgett thatCanst]
ntlielropiniou. 0 Towe ing, fronig eta W110
113)cn,T a'almaX )Pea ht Per yar& up*rdsi phip of Asbfield, and,that portion tit East:
mew BrownHollands 15oto W -est Nyawanosly, 'West�of the'River� THE widersigned, wi Day, th hW
y -.6f new,
Dr. 1. Brigge Un&alled M9 Winedy
e Utweert, cas P'MCO
land,'aiad F RESILOCK BARX -t(teuver4d-as their l-eijou i4 wrranted lo curp Tternotl,
P;i t% . , 1 0 an4fur
lot* 82 and 33 _tho� *9
und lrist of Aide litl
North Of HA I WARE
re oods, 8 CfA Blet 1whinspilcF, lbe inora
- i� , , �iog. if- will be ofItmod fAr I
will Awail th [hout the lout unp1m
It ia to be hoped thO.'&b 7TO DIVISXOI�( itumilik lutxm 0Em9an4 bere RaLang, im etown -It Is well XUQTM 11ILL 1-11,
elvel Of bis inf0rfnMtj0J1'Snd findplietr tin this diamstiL, mity of whom have,
ship of StAttley, L' th, �oa of eeniuM61011 W
tkitc at porti
v2l--tf.7 ' - - h bAve gone in InAr lojig hf!ft" FrIday the 13th 4ky 0! way to the.Empolium to pwahwe ther sop- towniship of Goderieb� totthe, 6outkof th - Liz. inwhu are drai -
IMSerable lexisterm at the vretient AT and I Or a rextedy. Wr wouid W 7, u i A e r 1) 3 P. iru of Totwos C
FOR. IyIngli
4huse *,ao sa E e� 4
joing the.roadbeiween th# 131�h 96d
sAme T gl�,T,nd gets Itiale erre In'340tur, *VW&
14thonce $10 0 1 I AND Th 44a fig 1111alediatf.
f the township of Goder. 'A IMO -
s nal 19 -A ielr,.thence. along ihe tiaid-coi2cea5ion joAd Centel, 'rncetl.�
_SPF iradersIgned begs to directat nd 1LCureAOOntJT L
ACIAti 13a;ified, XbOUt ZO it,�rl .jkl �L ae jo� Tantagesffered Dy Tne DaRCLQ
ATTINnOX until thasan pil the 'Nver ;rearr,'AU014 y a settle Tilelf(Alfil is of 4 1111tv iol:4� k,
sit ureuir I.;Om
thetiSe along the said rivirid Lakeiltirft� of the Camid other Dr. J. B re$tmC13�tforTrnW0# III X
tollet with rporations;Rrid'
mleauxtofthl - 'lid hu 0* on hand WL6uUtjJoubt,,the puresl�=ildas� W XwAt efllwl- alltbat p6rtioi3i of Caitallsw;
her private V�= j, at of the. Oth sit ed lot sip of�qqu the, We advantages rts: ofitimmlitor rEsta 1W and mpl:l mre tf Corlif, Vmw*wl*� Inmwitlg N690, 4�ut IN—: El 4 T,^ -
*a t;w t
n ij� a �Jay. st; The lenderlag a4e�0117 -t - _'_ M ( �y r 6
ilts, Brdmi, Prop, 1W " - - rn bo loy 26� ,-)I I
the, a An 'of A 193eiW 64 thl, est -
is adied to, Cteir concessions of 61iQ Estat _d Also:
the uncalled capital, toge La -Stock .4 Scre Lqw, Sor- 1% Ckorwd nne, r- n: ic j,
ofh16 3h9linent has th, inaterM and supe-flor attriteltlans to' thk-d#;-4itb#a rge - Ivring tnfl t
III 0uDvRxD,7-ThaA the abov* Arvang, �beiug Vald
oy, or dispossess AtLY A)rg.yjxlgjknweptableented&MM*UL sot Ube=. Rim wer b4vit4to-seek SfWr,- asiblo, to pegcrX.Ct-Te4JW*h�S_�rr Cob X M;r *G� ineat of the boundarle'a � linlita -and. extent
(Wr For fimflier SO^ Vilte 6 EVVIT Noinifug st lea d0d4 T. 24 0 Divifion ()UUjt.4.tbro�gh0Ut law
wliloh they im *�Vaved to -fiftrwy, "Bel
if via -several of nar0w, I 4"Ibm wdandti,
FVBVIC PRCE &tLd extead- �1�4. the lender hino Anxi OrAvethoug t a thit,40ont.postAilotlowgub-
401 1 Ivii6wervi-of *0 county a Xonj, v aft in Still 'TIM L91 :df=
31"ded byth* e, snf� mew, V41Lt Bud ;a the4eiiaotex of W244 the land mortgW
ions oft a eite wemb 3rd. The Security Or d6beutllft.whic kisc WC
Para sby d. am Pon
lQuing rrV1Tvpx Squivill's Iedbe: CAN 0 19 1; Fj A "11" or"
en A44 ready alade elotwng departaint. it Jutte 1869. A rP� �,w jam k WESTERIN "RAN rketableobtamed! , . . , , . . . - . . . I r i will remwis AW Nfi
f es thoen 0 conirtirt, Into *OAe7 At 114Y
'pteatbilil nt handt to that- 4e,�aqa At - rd. 11160t, and, (a
U Thellait "Jimes!" White Xe
Di*isloa Courts Shall. anoment
tut -tile Baia Bpat per Xeg,:SMS
t th. 'The Fund Of bust U or
4 40 Beat t1laa, Star B per boi�, 2.50
into operatictit twom lieueeforth. Uiltil makes thaboiriiVrer .1bel-that OV*7 TOO, J -di -debt, -is *at (HngHs'h)J?dnC0j perg
4W Saint perfo red put'04tit to thO Ststu% 'of wlich a In Amou
matmDay Lit, tudwourell to blihOti 001106'6f
jo f 0- DBTLOR & CO arn 3)aor 111n�,itn� otW Hiu�. Putty per 1b .. . ...... hall.tsk# not, m*om idebt-;-Is a" a 9PTV* are elttd se old
conoemed-3 In atbium.urtl V.-_ t�c Viih Gram Bay" from 4. town,
g and mom�efoctai . , 'Witlitingto, ges *969
ee der. -There is io - money Avu 97
S=A_y.XCW6 0048rich, Out tut thw fAme, be a4vertised Wi in yj oft were Saythe Snatlis .... *0 .. ..... . &HOP - war Still- X869. 4,1o*iier rnabisitecurity Turpenune.(Pura) per k4los'. qkt, most 1he sum tillvi6it.-od. by U
t on ifty"a sua Goderioh -Ray Florio, nud nthc�r tome is Ampplic-d -W -7, an the dAw�tr,*
XQrtPV By a*A of the WUMA.: and flie b&r with %h#
t6ft *twg seven percent RJ"y To*. 1b*
Will rx-h tat GoderioN WHI111 001 KPI&JIr
Julvfortsuiias veution$ br"& of liou" -*Va 110 I-jfjILu7 and 10
Verk 011he 41,Moifor tied; offl!", VIM t1a, 414
twenty Team 10"FIRAND
MOT DebeirWres: All6`111110, lined be%rial'idl:p4r, Mitt III, Ru be.*oorriketly extraoted fr4m t0relt, f0t tWb And tbl" YOM. TXW.M!LTF-
Isjmt4 frim ttis, 4W a TAFF n411 VW
flu ou ineu p4m toy Tull of this tcoirlta dek 11ro, U'Att AW! but
N DAN'. LIZAM) P A@*. 20 Verk of the P"Oe, Agmt,&O..
Goderich. ITIL" 11414
w24 -2t
186 9.
450de6O It, i In dry b
I Clea
the 91 'd
rtain y mak 3 grow
and t -la rily
wbi h q�qe