Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-03, Page 2IF I 1111Z OM! TINr TAI'9:-401, ay .(ina) 4 young ;1 ar Three Persons Perish 'fro= Thirst- Mr. Seward at vane wlkaxnw ToXOTMOLARINS JK"rolojacal %u ouverts. 4DINADPUZ TrOut PropaimtIon. Mmarrforalaw. l, wurl�ing at c%.�&sp now brick building, -Tho TorontoTelegralA aYs ' A cue of Falls gtatts ilThw change fit the taAg ng mn �uilglt" I �Jjt IL ig J110 grelieft -thfitliag I ell DUVAD,�� GV3MIM UN -1- 'hwl leno of the b6nes of his Tight leg A correspoudeiXt of --the Salt Lhke Xtta- A, despatch from San Fraii'l000'states depth through use Of arsenic, for cosmetic A correspondent of the JEUmilton 21mft this suring He in I I ; short time hex 1 6 go is qr(4,VhJ WTiflug,from; St. Thomas, Pali Ute tbol tit-Socretary Will. H. So 0 been travelling in the County of _11" V j�. whneased by aliv One genem 'On. J)vla�-,CU J�y SCAITOW. wardarrived purposeti occurred in thiseityr T ia; coutaq,Arizona, Juno 20, gives the fol- k6tvictoria, Vancouverle Island on the agowhich furnishes anotheriustance if Waterloo, and writes to that paper some fforse!.5hoe faIll whero the rrc-En waier is lowing mournful particulars, of the 'Lleath, 20th last., and receive4 an enthusiastic I the pormistont folly of some of the har xem juteresting particula" on a subject, which &Z �Ae3 0 A jigs Crumbled, away ie tho 6 desert. attention. DAY. seen, ibe rock ....... ....... of three persona on th reception. He was escorted to thO St. in partaking of aroonie for tko purpose of a now lattracting considemblo P fect Gn ilie side at, ter fro= an rudi-qUalit depth of ab"ut 6-ty N�� 0� �L­;a ................ ...... =a Georko Hotel a 0 oadent% Brotherj,,%mes Davids(in, *with his vdfo where the principal citizens, beautifying their complexion) and als* of Ile has visited the'ponds, for the prepaga- nearest Gop't 11Jand. Tho circular ap. P :1eaded by the 1� Pearance of i - and son, the latter a boy about twelve'. layor, callea �n him and the insidiously dangerous maturn of the ar- tion of trout, owned �by Messrs. Brown & he Lcrxct-hoe!s n,,w charged, rn V. ra. e en an address of welcome. Mr.1senious acid, Ayounr lady residing on Co., ofGalt, and thoselDf 3fr.,flenry Bow. —2 7 81 W3 Za, ....................... Q11 I F a illangZ() il " t­-� ---I ........... t.4 0 P - sun,-rrer8eve aiat yowtrstea�-with yeara of age, left St. Thomaa on tke 9% of Pr 4 tea 2 1r, 9 70.6 60.12 L3.7 FS �1%0 and is more in ffift ShRl)e 6� . han fan auc, my L-orespo ence f at ek . I "Tuly, intending to travel to St. Georte in bloward visited the Acting 'Governor, and Day street, not fir from Richmond street, man of lVaterloovillage, o1whicb, he writes R . '0 'knierwan fs ni has 4. _�l nil o In w 0 3 28.933 734 79.0 VA 5.3 '. I . ........ ..... .... 4z 1, 1 anything eko. TL company with President Erastus Sno* and was -received in a becoming manner.' He 5 bitbit of using the acid for as follows -_11 M -r. bowman claims to 4 6816 scs all""'Crat, am yushusly obligad to yew for Virm me Eft, has been in thi non, wh2ch eld was merenadedin tile evening, and returned the purpose of improving -the tint of her have b en the first in Canada who bax flue- 5' lcn2ar2y isees r Josepil W. Young, but failed to, con 466 569 (4.2 C.5 S5 6,7 par -IL noi*, 7- f- 6- 445 0.7 TZI 49.0 7A Ja Volitc1tate saymmilettir wait ingrant- w�t with ihom, as these brothren went I his tbanks. in a ispeecir, 01boing with gn ex- complexion, and of in arting. a softness to cessfull) prapagatedepwkled trout, kaving 7.,.: ido t,-,wayd Lun 221 169.1 78.0 W& 75 6.1 0.204 on 00S A a Iskin'.6, and Wcra mr:=I. la a ca g. The I pression, of frendship for Great Britain, the skin, as well as in 4 larilliancy V 125 67.3 "92.6 G1,15 9D IeA .9 ;; - obta done so the pad two years, although the a Fainted projed", A C� V-�nk ro. vivo y -ay mat:,ml yu - no Zont thlitk yowr4elf a ahead, not knowing of their combi, is I rz�,Z-,J Z-, I familythen started alone, thougli unac- I After visitilli the the ports in Puget Sou 9' ON &.4 13.8 1,43.0 F9 V.7 ------ Lfellor. Nadoutyu. h.%,r red -ad forthe eye, whichahe suposeashei'required young fry wag nearly all lost byescaping - - if ZZZ3 r_Cf:3-­ U quainted with ille couutry� and about the - he will proeved to Alask 11! 912 mg gig �i,r, O's C!:=:"� in Lr� a wc:;n, a, and Viffiretura to complatolierpersonal charms. Whother and ascendi4 to an ac- 70.7 55.7 43.197 ofallorsehoe. the str r�2 frcl hAd in view and cident occasioned by Im. owing LIZ,, rv�n rca:jga (,=' C=. il..Wcnz�l tav,� => r=l ta VMel cmdl all tha Greek poetica. in th thefort- ile Nser� o i the nQw' here in b�bout thre �0 &D 0 -weeks. ;?22 $10 57.9 61.$ 4*.3 sho aUalued the end she a freshet of water, 13:1 a57 0_7 70.3 15G,7 61 U (Le"ns"s t'Lctl 15.0 tcr-?s Gf rp& tiv tung., but a grate menny peeple, in read that leads * St. George, their car- wished for #iAt reason to discontinue her 11r. Bowmani undertook- ths propagation ave gI.Val avary �Ycw 16�p hon�ftt'Ge ar� L -k7 �1� L= a as a rr��% t,lt na to "07.10 90 t4W Ri a -,m ana nit u itil. vialuit$ think your filisonsin ilsout riage broke down. Dihations, or whether she of fish mainly as a sourceLofpleasure. XZt- 207 72.0 182.' . 61.4 29 9.0 Lt t3 dangerous iml a7one. T -he bcauty ef the f0i; b rict in lop 410.3 C4.4 f5 7.1, am 1�i,_T=- fa xamb-_ o? tn- elo ieA Chureh, an free tradq. --aw aiih It vv� au�josefd tli,4 the old gen 'a; found us tbe lca-st mwma� but crIvneca, ancl clil i Moms WA37rnqGT0N.r, July 29. -Commodore E. the insiduo ' poison preying on her witlistandilig losses, lie Im between 600 161il? ho 'Is at 'a ceblo) wan unable to fix it 17 2SQ 62.8 54.4 86 44 ..... . w system we are not aware ; bat at all events and Too fisli ; three hundred of which, he -is 73.8 U.5 h6itups seem & 12ko fbe f-6329 this y6ar up, and wilt his son with ona-. horse and a F-'Willi%M19,00mManding theUnitedStatle, wel ht* 19 169 6517 M UIL r5l 110 like i% all rabbidge. You" a no, nothin steamer, 10neidall, -repo do muck beftzr t.Nan evcy., I - alfe suddenly discontinueathe daily prae- thinks, iwill averag# two poun sur,, an Ile Ate� to t7ae'XcefortV paper hQQr­ kes for water. They were within five rts to the 'Navy M942 67.1 74,1 62-5 � 9 f, 7 0 CZ CM -0, CAT;4�m tico of imbibing the acid, and the conse- each, ; among wbich collection aie a few 21 29-101 93.4 04.0 LUX 32 10 0 0 64*1 Departmelitthat on the, in6rning of the TtDYAT, Vicz:,awo Tzm, z.&.-T-1no vLs,3 rf 39im; ­i3cnarF��_Ia after ifyou clidutpay-a littlo inero respse milca ofthe Coquay Wash whero there is quence was that she die& a low days there- extra ones,� The large 1�oud for old fish is 122, 803 VJ.-3 4GS-4 4S.5 E5 t,3 20th June, the 3liksdato fl zn -13.4 �o o.,nn Royal Kidaness fhe DUL'40 4CE ER is 4; 10, to r�_"=Tva C a yom werkin mmi. water a little, offtbh road, which the hoy eat 140vta on V4 f�G or, �y remon of a reaction having Occur In diamoter, And attacked at circular, 63 f�et- with in is- faz tnz-3 rn�_7 looked for but L failed to fina. Jae then the ships =4 fortifications .04 12W 71X 77.!� 4615 8b 9.3 t, =a Id 'm ed. Y4ung-laclies-shojild�ake-woridn9by jaiia in the ventre, 14 feet in diameter 210 59.16 01.3 the far Lu�s , `B, t uIr I-- Hindc-Fifin ar 164.2 ss 3,7 t..rprl er starteci for tile Beaver Damwell, twenty a' 'he- Xortl�orn Party under EuOmOt�'ey thisoccurien4e,. and �3 fird irgy and after a desist fivin using cox- depth of water about'31 feet There e VexT.muchim. t es lie off, but , U engagement of twenty-six h hapo 10D FAX MG &S.0 85 3.3 prave hr in $ when he got within V 5f h%;L p"91"urual impayl-Rum. 476 balf a mile of it he must have fallen-off.the hours took possellsi6l, of the town, aua metics for the -Vilivailing purposes of try- two water-couroescoune!20tedwit t ud, 28 W, a 164.0 0.3 59.8 V3 10.0 40 216 mcrabcr of the FamEy has ewr sct ing to ivako �themselves beautiful fdr a straight one About 1801cet, long 3 fast 2R 193 i5s.2 65.7 U.0 63 U AD.670 -7 "�r� decroyea the vessels giagle, and tsniper, flout in that gnm 61 L ni� pire, and fe r Me Honorto whom Ronor is due. lto:we exhausted, as. his body was found so 367 02.1 C9.4 51.0 ED 104 ,�, I. wide� 1.1 deep; another in a parallel direc- 31 M7 0.0 VZO 6218 sa 'ir7 I 4 or,' belonging to the North I -f r,,,0,VV MIR, ever. Ur V1 V 09- twa A . �f+,*" �Mn 11alrae ma"Cnil +A VhA ern party, after 0.0 0 r e n f a I m i n C2 th" 0 -,,- , " - , , , " - , V o I . 1,1611, supplied from a different springy u- re�au ".191 �- - p i .3 fK1 —W.7f,5 i-4—. iseFses so a--divaiy lnfl ucance. There is at ThoSeleclu- iq6oq announced lastriqay, well, w1im- there were two men from- -St. one 9f their own vessseb bl6wn up by 'a serpentine in ittcourse, over 2W feet in t C Do July -9 -M % r) liLs U,5.0 78 2.6 FreSent oxilibifing" at the Cvssml PWA-Ze 1% shelT which entered her po*der-magazine. . The dekth and strange prophesy- of a entire length, .3 feet wide, and 8 to 3 4 18�3 - U by3li�ss Budge, has 1y The forcesof Enomotte & I I and 6ught 4t closed George, clearina it: o4l. They , tied him --possessionof ZOnC % - -ilvi -oc2, - Rvci? -21 1 hu k hought no move About i i3leepinggiiliarelitedbyaKeUtitoI 1UU fte e_3Wujf ildi iEc c si t pL late,, rblc ,ion f 11 - — -- -- - - Mv AUG. 186D. 1 lie 0 750est Bwigetir ......... 9mg0n thestL (I V M 'by th pandt I for a, d4 Reiman, fort 0,11d, Fort F Zr the line Wls§Susan Caroli -paper. inches deep. One of these comprises 11,110 o 3V- 1m. raj, ah al-SoLoce And two nigdits, when, as they Were takiag lot earth.Werl ­ J'and , M $ tendigaiwas, the Penin- me Oodseyi the sleeping 191h(OF inorier to entertain rig 12-nyl 111,ghnew ne difforent clas commeuoea *arly on fneir tall, ex 70=g fty, and the other fish one to, to o Lawat do tT Vlkl ------ c� tofeed, they found the body of won4erj flied at her mot'her's home, some years, old. The spawning, heretofore, has Highest Tamperaturc...­82.30 loth has about 4,000 menand egialif ........ ),V 6L sula. Enomotto Loweit the Duke of E dinb urgh Gil LIS arelval !a PER, tir-Gri l -a: ri �.Z 4 mr,"07a. Wedne8d3Y last-, aud. contin�kecl until 4 Via boy, which they buried. Oath miles from Hickmanj on Wednesday, been -artificial ; bat be bas been arranging Warmcstdgy 30M s comilia "'tb' 'thQVk6do- 8,000. The, earthworks and 0701ock p'.m, Tishop, Lorenzo Young wa g over 14thult. Thellistoryof3lissOodoey Bpawningbedx, to obtain the eggs in. the Upidedday-nist; India. 04 a statement Number efrainy days 21. TheV M, T7. Of MOML-el is at Istst" C the same roadancl foindCtho fathar-;=d rown in well known to the p. t3 tLe rarents and guard�aua -of the forts werO invested, and batteries -�tb natural way. The Galt polids are under up prepar, Depth 'of ralnin inches 3,916. Tim Ernn CArAzTMo C=1 �5 _-C) r_U-s 5n Z, mother lying deadin-their bee.. MtOrY to a regular selge da.11the of her -wonderful -condition having 'been the control and proprietorshipof a patner- 14 m em tj godc.4% Ift mma,-_- apmear-a ia tho form chfl&aa aftendiam' The reeitatious of works held -bYEWIMOttes Party- the pt so of h and the IbUo c,1Pxc1,a, unrn zt -7 2�' 4, --can 0 - I published extensively b e t e -n - -OUO the VJa12 n�.?nnfign- I - . ownas Brown,& Co., and nTgor-f nrnine- OV07 t2s 0. 4T, -1- ship company k 801�thwestorn Ort of LA Vau i * 0 ctr =3 wera very Uin a orates. t zoo Ume or nor death are situated in the who has Worked for yean !is the c.- szC27. - -i bt-,-rs haem TCZ-,_sn to T l;"_CPSr.1 ot US Our Winged Anice, 31iss-Godsey WAs4bolit 26 years of age, We town, andon theVest Bide of Ch!and ,it 4S;7­Kq -to I:= cy Q0 Brooklyn Wavy'Yard as a inachinist has ;�­ mmuT-4=3 ufth th o Tatio:at -0361UCS3. JUt and, had beea asleep, as aescribedt about River. The property consists of a Itit of learned in his le-asuie houn to Speak read ED Em C -f ca4;1t� The New rabu.ne is down o the cdtaz� vj�m- Grand. Army- Associati . c8 ungrateful I - Do we pop-' 14 years. The existence and write Hebrew, - on, a, Republican Are�Republi of this wonderful 0 acres, with i stone house, L ga hUc NQw yOrk 106"1-31 gaYs Mr. Vjaomp3au, teadher lu the Central qganlzatlan� It Says : "We denounce orly noknowlegge - oir public rden and Frehch, Germkn and Za in nity of t-110 sp�eauhtiyo cam, - 9ehcn1.,' and the Ravd. Ori ite pay t benetactofoI vase of coma, or preternatural disposition a smallrehard at the front, and a cedar Italian and Wtained a fharoughkilawleige W. H. Poole as- thimstoret, organizationas inimical tothe hom becombig henors for�%' to olee doubtedby many., but 11101110114 is our gilutitude &slasting has been swamp at the rear of the lot. � The whole of geology and.Iotay. Ontofhissavin"s 7tuni%v 02 Street is �-,Mar- I,- sbt-a in ev, ox,4mination d uri-Agr the f ore- Collstitution and the Union, 110 count;y the fact is indisputable. "Indeed,00an has a ventle slope cast to the bnkof the he has Purchased a likrary of twelve KUX_ able, aud a nttte irztident, flinstra.- Uenefi6nee I And, aain, -N'c -turned to ZE�', =d With the wants peace audl!rest. and harmony and is tills acknow- in Ltho ago, iss God§ey was- taken to yes�erday wwphia aVere luighly pleasea Teagoment imPaFtia1,.`1iicIaAing hi its scope Oil river. Four filiesprins will be dre.d volumes, justce. - These mouL -want a distracted , Nashville And other places for exhibition) account in Islip]. L�*;ga�d'tat�Dl,-Btltfz,)-..,Mthepiglio. Ch- m=mw in. whick the, clifldren ac country, that Offices�t Ly be'gaival Why b�th inan and bira aud'beaet I", A feW but we understand many ven of ft e t pod, for young fry, runs - norm quitt n" , Dlyingth pondowith water. Everid she bless the memory of that bo the p�!Ial fur Theclasses, in English grant- does nottheTilibRna goa little f4rtheiaud yeu%, ago the streets of NewYork &net physicians of Nashville looked, upon. t her, who had so wisely trXIM-d 'he an south ; 1i 100 feet long, 8 feet wide; � L Lack" in tha-way-of entrapping tho come down on the Fenian Organizations, I - % s of her heart, repressing of mer Ana geagipphy desorve special - �rQoklill­�SSPQ04117 krouldin were*iii- cas�wfth�suspidq. Tho -history of' 'D drill, an&- feet c ana"covered in by A, board fested with bugs and warms tiie 0 wlilchare'ralciwea. tofirra and that riddled the eyo of vaiiity and selfioliness.- case is, briefly _: NMen about twelve Y�bZvs ed. Tt i e a e a Is thein of their Ice' e, JF threaten to m4e warnpon a neighbo All the vegetation, hung in �great festoons of age she was- taken with a severe ehin look WeR ta ae orig rMg eyx nation, in.,deflance of the Covstitution md eet distant, giving a must a! tbe day wora N inal. esz from the � trees, Swung in the air o roated adoidinglrby the physi4v: t the south end it -a screeu,: hildraa aide,, n every andti 11, hezhaur-_13. by tha a ea-Lh rea6ag her a of t1it Neutrality lz�ws T If the vi6ue I 'drove the whole population from As her fever, which ollowed her chill, is the only pond, completed; the A Vb=rPxvx, Urmmy,—It yoka euffer with the Z Iva$ rapwlecl t1hat the em_Xy on latter. The, following are some and other leading American papers would 1010 WaS� OUCO the cool An# comfortable �Na'lL, wcnnllc� Feet-, Lo. subsided; she fell in a deepleep, in which most racking And tin-teonssaim iu the hfad.lacL, cars --;,r f7z:�-J!, 812ed early to -day, - Weida makingtke,sunny aide Others are, however, inc'ourseofconstruo- - of the, toripi Heaven.�44ght--Tiuth— refuse aid and-p6mfort to this Association, *f the stice condition she kasremain4erer J iw. xeck, stoqldcrs, tims, bark&, coheit., IM, gs, thej�oun4s *ill bedeared up and XOMM�Zslde, bael; bowds, hips, ,rAW7&. l � . _ _0 r. . ant fte� any Fherourr: th, 0 we tldAk it'would tend very much to the refuge of the pedestrian,! and the parlis Anides. or feet, use Dr. T. SrigeS Allevantor and YOU PaLer of Hoae3ty�Ubsrty, ;, eept at intervals. It was her ou m,at made to assume i tasty-Itppearancg, peace dud restand karmonyand justica.r lie' lengai pleasure, resortR but nuisances. fii8t -to awake regularly twi ce, in every -en will find immidiate raHeL in a`1 :eizevab2a eases -v QVIM3 came a conu - r rer tq—aba an ex6alleat one, on. QiLeeu POOPle were always, dodginj those pests in thesouthern doftliefirstpod,willex- -emEdyiftEal Ito Wm watterwbatyourpain arlises from, this z - ItCre fV t homA ; Wit of later yeays she tendnorth east6rly 4 r4eeway fifty feet fttqr�auy and cS' mally, will ezaro erery tim. o and Dyqi�rpBLr, Ebtutcncy, #0 CO -z would fake *I,- 1M7_;abet1&. It 'waa announced that the The -EEarvzstin,.Bng1=d. WAITting; in the car& thei picked them from awok4 oftener, so muchso that many coix- long, three feet wide, � inches deep -stchild, thewe;zkest wo=,ev D=c wBLla glal up amia to at Up, will not kurtibeteeble, each cithers?�bouuets in -chur theoldest man, Applitclfree and freely by tW 11-04001 will opou on the 23rcl of JL all from each siderea it an indication of her Jinal re. - per 193, ra rZC01 of th List ra'TtTt it waa The london Vmw of the 11th sys oillers' books.- - it was like a Plague of c ve and fifteen iuch�s at lower end. At rrietvratNo. 0 Viing stmc-t westxorcuto, emada r 0 ry. Showould remailt live, ten, or the heaa� of this iraceway, water from S and 1298 -'.Broadway, New 'rceg, .963 bv 2=1-er htra alm-ay on. a A'�Igaat- Tho- reaPsOted teacher has, "There hasjust been. completed this week Rgyp Cattle* and people cri d out for a Xoies. perhaps fifteen, mWutesand9r9411aI1Y4rQP second sprillZinters tind Rows through this the'%U straet secured fw kerself a goadnamei and will one of the finest ha harveats,that. have The little European housesparraw under- to sleep again. When aoloop it was utter- sceceedingponds. Beyondthe rms, kgvirg Eau% kc. dzky in front 00f ba 'ga o6 boaA This was in future havo a fun elaS3 room een thered a gce ye= toOk thatoji, and was F . uoceggiy 1. el TACeWaY ill Dr. J 1Wggs'AHcv=torpraduecs WWch. ul, yr intro� ly impossible to arouse her," -Slia never Wma kc -,-a of 111. the" Counties Of Werchister, duced into UnioxL Fark. into a straight Huai will be 'pond o. 21 120 isy4arycenduelvetotho-g;ueralt5etIL Hyittboeldu d M. bla rara'-Jeil ap� and dawn Central equiphained 'of any lwdily paj* thongl� kept it a mois-t and healthy condition, Qa rores feet lon& 12 feet yld&. 3 to 4, feet deep, and Gloucester. The rains in Phrk$ and Isoix - to all etlier open. a cX-u,-audfrora this source iye watry poTion ti, Pam, when asleep she was verymeryous at times, for 2 yea_rQI(1tro#. C e WaU stm a",- Q:a v?a�� -Atil the shadi-_; Tke G1derichGrAmmer a"chobl will the early part of theummerexcited 3,lux.; to Bi' 'From thi6j)OMit Mi blood -passes *T. wU,, much impure matter. Nm�z 10 Jersey City) to Bastoni to and rtPpeared to suff � or considerable byh� the perspiratory waters am perm . t zi C,� cf 3y. J. 6' A L� c &,-tf r, cl evcl�no- thmw its over this re-013en on Monday next the %h. irlit,. uriant growth in -the grass, and during the a' southerly direction, willbe another race- iftel o n--th cttlme ii- ZeEse-n-, the Hvivalla, itself, and averyvilibre its enemy 'violent - twitching and Voutctvith the EMU for a Ile V��v eep Activity of to skin, was last three weellm there has be�n almost un- and ours'Tazdahea befoice it. The differ-' musclesnd limbs, and her hands clench- aws . jerking -of her way 6o f,�etlopg, 5 feet wided inchead interruptedsunabiao. The&op is general- it equalives "r-vanita. -The At �Ipper and, and 1$ inches deep at lower and equtaminatingthe WLL-h enjoymentbetWeezi summer iuX.T., edtightlyax if sududug,sevor� pain ;-but end) t�le alad _tQ 'suffers water from two previous springs, And that ftozaers are ains oeeasjo,14 c - y C-0-mmunity of sveaubtma went', 'rue pew?t in the WeAeYau Church ly very hmvy, and owin* to th6faverable, Aua tb the head of which �ill admit the r7y: r RE ree ye4n ago ig *e1T greid—which when awake she did not -appe often ofN dangerbus clim-ater, and rravy LZ6 VEN7a vislons of =. avaace m were sold Monday forenoon to the highest ritb,asb�e�g-atiaiaexceUentoorL- difference of comfortuf ar qrcrilll of the 2=.:s thalt -.12uX. be laid.to the exc4t from& drowsy, -gapin ity Of the Other and The greater the ob3trceftnu urot�Ee rz,-mium on shiPmOats bidder, some of them, runnin lip as W.rh = Only in two or three, isolated: account of our f4tWul litt all . .. or- a 9 lucliuAt-101310: of a fresh one f -the oapac 9 le y- Sp nd persistent efort to cleanse lhalleut aT�ftau lof the i_*Ic, tae more to aim � t7nev aweka Gn1V ta fin4�1 tlaLt� thffy as Q b4l . * posffion4 is any grss now hr Mo. Beyond thi�, in the same direction, w). we, 3py to say tut ever uncut, �aud rows are now iathisountry by th,641asn", of plilegm. She I serious disease, andwhen perspiTZ had bean in by a 6raw 2, syexSat- Urmera arabr&mirig- td think- of thi corn. sand. aud* genorallj� passed into vill be the third �olifl for old fish, 160 skin beetnan firy and rouib, 6equently ckapping awl rrived t7he Roal pew iti dffe� Church ha% found an not `014 are 11MY611gers of cities, leep, 1hr6igh Wolent paro�cyam, which, feet crakling,;=d calleas - w1dc-11 iiag 6K,-_-u.2T2 Ltely a Owner, crops. These ara ro and and keepers of parks, ut � only do -thay. lodg, 20 feet *idef 5 to 6 feet deep. _a1t rLaira.tLe tll�oa oirezqavn,- EOD, a larp ameunt cUran, vh1fti E.Ivcs rX::nTdfy to, 1uhiutes; and ohs e Wat imperfectly, aTid tht tempm-ature clf the Way Tardly -a habitable and s4cia- FC=VZ= Evy-p the rove(l make street -er of Nngliofore- extor. redUCA-And somet meseath wil sue. r,,cm t'�Lo 7 �.29.qd. a the gasaip 4xcapt a few re3erveil for tO'giVe away recent IfAt weath would Inistperb4infie Th the thirasp tree,& would then sleep awhile as calmly ad ing the racewy, will p and for ftaa seats—thisis Ait ought t -a be, their p,�3pearance. The cold Wet gratefuli but they are wortlL - ass througli a lull& bOre statemcuts wili be seen tho V"t impoemace Cf rathr2ES Vaol their W-6ight quititlyas n Infant. 31iss Go& -su�P4 1 keeping the Ekin. clean And Leatb, in CydC_r that 1,. of L3-_01S2kg, in ­a specu- mont&h agahad a damag."Ing L. at for 0 oy was 'Of imgVfeetjong, -.12 feet wide . ec may propefAy peewrm its funct-tem. Dr. J, V140 qeLl!m. endorsenzent off the act of the in gold to fruit -growers in the ountry mealim9ze andher limbs and muscles with bexeslar nurgturing the young _Qx ,Quila;A6ut. 4L The Alfefanfor�,iathorcmcdyfsod hv FoAcravaCatik. la!lva wav 7", ?,- %VaUaL"e4 haa witnened ftustM3 in enlarzing their Is time on the wheat crop, which ma only. suftrers by their. wer`0 well pri46rtioned And 41eveloped,aud Twmty ,rmns �n LE!rg FTrwe F G2. An" eachbox to be 8 feet ong, and to contain orders- NO progres, but th� bloss9ming time just domestication amic I r 000 f.. here axa the c grew 400iWderablyafter.,Iierafflicti6n. much last. ying. n. a"'d Raw 7 1 thcm "D 1 ?_-3 !Le =%t froml�000to 12001atchedfish­ Argee- Belleville and other plavos beglan the lading of Vass -ZS wha?,_ next i could be Pala to the eon a very favorable one.,- 'Wheat which used to Toe fun of w0cla-cuts d6smib. -on the day she died indulged in a 40 feet long will sefarate *-his luild- is naw just fillimg, and'a slight; change of ing tbLeold,dii,4omforts—Aciolphus.-maldfig t1j 0044ey paafor, t1le RaV. W. ]Lr 1?0010, way Eq Irr pr9phl which we give, as r6lat- mev iwreascq, fl4euso_ of ize inereases, is ta 2: -v leading tathe large neent,,:r-il v. _,tdMCM %t &Xm color is visible in the landscape. Ill iome loii to,Augeliiia, wi a. paix of t ingfromthe iracewa; nE;r 4 - , a:C!a*CUE WW =6 Waifing with ed,:f6j "at 16 sultry sc s3n, =M BA=6 anxie�y to bear situations tT _east of the &L-9-itS -a inducing 'Ie is wortla. . She said that the pond. AboUtr 80i feet Soutil dlsWes afthe luu,92 . , and tbzss billicascozar. corn, . is thin, but On strong ed enemies hanging to thk waxed ends of fle4n, wouldbe dtotal ecli a nionatath so on the 11th, of southern VG:ca L=engcs, a F�"fa Ec7ncay faT C-0 rnElt &22ate Wben the honored President the Rev., aiay lands, well farmed. the wheat promises e,, shfi' Weaning a cluaterr extremity of the first p6na willbe vi'216h can onlY he rem. ovel. by a pleliti3al we of Ula Tae 3!�ew YG,_' C UM --3, led'by tb e VMd- W.'runahon WM visit W And at nd, to malbundantyield. -:Wiliterb of August' (flos is renmkable, because Par- the hatching liouse�20 feet Ion, great sHasno=Zs E=W7. Fo,- gaie by all Btu,-, LCM to eausarevery them sts. no ]Erf OW JaW .'Je_di&t1%L a 04 chigf.oa, aid so ou. All ihat-z� g, 12 feet �y tin V7' ;V LaVO M, t ties assart-that slie could have wide, .0, _,TC 13 i" .he with hatobing troughs. _C �MX Snat niDW a on tlia,ground, and generally well source is losed, -now loit. the and provided hunierous ledgethatthis *as according 'tt The Wane T)ader that invandslosefAith !n xJ1qm0JCcg calcula;- This'isouppliedbya fourth spring. padded, Vut some -farmers complaiii of: adi Bat tv the original qusstidu�ars tion 'anathat thesun woul"evershine spawning will b done naturuny. T - he E-4_- substautbre maiter Thn. whenso manyoini�-ssme2cIntam idyertfscd of Want of pad SPrhRg beaus are fre6 from 'we. ungrat6ful to our featheredffiends I" as that day ; that this would r,,dd. Whatever tIlLs, An Persons suffeling frOm Qmcm blight. Peas are now being harveated in 't so; AS one Who Talka tj�ej� . afternoons indiCat mity ofthe entira�ouda,, itis estimstvd, are roud wcutmz when ided 0api �� we IM78 yet toleap, hl�waVC4 the end 'Of tb0 WOrld, which was will be betweeii: nd rai4a; 2ftmst be which MY ba entlrel cured without te the Valo of Evesham. Oats are notmuph [thr6ig;h Cotral Park eedily ic orthe Dr. WU_�&1313.1?SaM Of V_;�dQheny, 0a J::U:ZM MR, 0� at J110 Town in WorC P a E WF -'2?% it -3 ze'POe3r, IDDLY10, waa� uP 1`674 X me0f the knifeabscosa, ruptnm or hamia, eitershire, but On fhe Cof&_ the Palaces lwo havebuiltIorthemor'"o- thousand.' and p=lm-ocavr diseaft. inanuorimm" aulargea or varkose veins; hip vrloucestersl&e and in Hart- JanceS of r. mor'S at c their original oneof ethe promise is good, Barley is sittlement * U k 1he Jamestown, 03- Napoleon is reported to. have onea The SeVered Tresses. in "-T in Wo iiji ,e wa-v, i3 416tined tit dLwwo, wellin^ tumoum or any dau- a maid that there.was a. Branch ingrop. Mangolds ari Chemistryconfims. morepzaq -ne% rn io,�IiMnd� nowe- so to speak, -Man no 1�va M hlstmy 33 GRS 01 th4 *ONE blooxeii garous. lingering dize3a suits them but notes t bot- but no French mother had once a,. should ndt delay tfie, hot 'weather providea-for our most broad tV1Q little &19 Who nUft M -0 easily btalned. The arts aml rzuaox!cs winged while a steady policemm is WeU we have, ever whieved—ha insesnagD. 3LTqggart,.�, Spe*aial aften- swedes would be benefited by a few July assertion$ this, must to takenunt.gratzo, though perhaps two years, apart, were so -whkh ehemistry we-vCa tcaehaf more thervaghly utd Matland Salt eywere ofton Mistaken �genet7fflY smdiedt wonid speedliy excraise & inasr sa-Varz saViebtis- Tesfth t!on will ba gtren to feina!s, complaints mi showers. Hopat are much blighted ; the ed "�faithfdil gqardiau� of th but still contains an element of tratlL— nearly of a size th bencfli-,ent Muenc?_- He freply confts!�� t"nat tp, I.S cold ocather ha Jima, was greatly agailis ew 'W' lthough thers, is prObably inuch exagger- fortwius. Theelderlbad beautifulgoldell othem, but If a tr �rferemfx below. --N. r, Zma. ation-ig a statem7ee ieceltly Ifiadethat riiiSletsclustering about a face of rare, ,�at h)wed Uy a steame;�, when im alltheirme c4dand so* bearin nytIlin,4, can restore themand to arts, manutictures, and agricuaure f3c� waz n,,44,1 ovam ras sail of a fsa- �&iB� it Chance the rivench unguagelis vill )younger had straighf�, dark bepjointdupon our CQ11CZes andsC1062s. JWn&E. crop, it is the present y spoken by, foLae 3een on tBe Tbraad bo3om I pears- are agood pvp2le fiL eiiht departments, yet it w air; arid the chief b6imty was'in the lov­� Y41e. -Pa-, st I ing am3dk cuba31 Affa T120fallowinzis copied fromth 03)iawZ sunny time. Apples aizi light �ud averagre crop, and plums in the -Tale of tainthat t1fe ation. is farfrombei weet �expression of er, ramirs reaeb, us llatters�&Om` Cuba received contain hornogencous as is- generally suppos miagals 0WReOr C!LkeH=m. But it way passibly b& of th 28th July 1869.�_ Evesham Are- Abund=t- Potatoes ga6d R My suppose . I t* =Ify Treaty!$ in daLger, and *e, hav-a tnla�-, at en®mmoq3 expenv_e, tha HeraNhaa "GON------VertairL:rumors as to irregul- and fre* from "ease at presenVI, teRigence to the 20thinst. GeneralQue a Dr Lagueau,' in a report to the Ajdaryt Everyday the eider heard * her, praism to Var thcre is come Toundcuol, pr these Since yroLared a rapczler,ir arifies in the inaliajament of the Bowan- has . dqttr6yed two important briges undertakeis to irdve that �ths, en spoken Tay *jadidous; hiendor strangers A. Cub, but wcLavo evry � Wth in t"ra Canadian ran" aces Destnoyerl la cases of nrura!p�� i3g, im *A"T:--h M6 we MY P�W630me smaU 1rM, e brmah Of the RQ.Val Canailim Bank 'SwZ= OF 6PIT(M 11f. Sw which inhabit theoil still notain the 10 what a beautiful child ?_ said � a visitor Bruises Ac. Can behad in ever Pu physical pgoillarities, and in niany cases one'day ; what lovely ringlets Vand she P�,r BIPE� sy'd Vy an -defuclue -azy4a Venlanin . vwqd6u. hu turned out to be t Tha SPA PMUOL-00 Thna, June 21,say. cities.' Ali the interven�ing o u is a -eventhe diseases oftheir respective ances. �rs. . md,nxe in tl& a' quttin4 o9communibation een 25 eeus Ta fat'na, hrmr3r,- truth, we raffier like staw a,,, the annual true' 't 'Wsa The Picifie Mail -Stoamshi � Compafiyls Mi. lavishea'upon, her many caresses while IsApmu-IOR meetin 'in Toralito steamerJapan, arrived om China at 8 tors. His observations are based on, tile the younger-Bister was tomparatively un- prevent or, roua-vey 9 ir by the Cuban fore 8U. -a e -Ven if thAY da thab thslae3thore wereonly About The Spanish troops are AaW con, is *ne ofthe grandest aftain,_,.ents ircr aimcd I kyesterdaymorming, briugingi.20D IM13: 22 .#low o?c 00 fined; in results of- the conscription. - He finag that notic-ed. The little 'Due had noticed the 3 lArV 3-9m Of WOMY, wh1uh wUarld theynawprovetobeabout$490W. Th; Chinamen. Thesamerigid, these cities, and aresufferilig s6verely,from the Bretgn ofthe preseutdaystil. ex�ljbij difference ; and wUeii the visitorwas gon id Duau!s 11c:mon!o Wbf�-.a v M t%3 zma search.- by the e, bs -Upg in the V_-ro�t�n I Tile is prepared to Cust-Gin, officers &ease and want of supplies. Severa. cour, - reo2ds, t!zL for smagled --opium., w -;he stele ,softtlly to h6j. . mother's side, Eind in somevthorway, ,-xideatfeatureabgutititthatthes& thehigh stature and robust frame which TYL losses as sorties ad beeiv made fror e if no-tattendeA to sooner w lattr lc --d W F C2F ar n tha natimnl blood and tell us 'ara t- tke, one through and Aaracterised his iturtly pro URNISH 34o, 1 SALTt ,he restat of fraud on 9 N46, as upon the arrival of genitore, and Tooking up pith dlewV eyes, lisped out the ptioll, "Ya3callaways Zatomana�,.ermr. R 5t n of the in eaGh instance the tra4ps, were driven -that tho central do - e. sd�a Za WHO, W4,,a a3 dl;tlnucl Pub the otheritteamerafromtheFleweiy-�g�i lm&with Xevero_l L partments, formerly jn� query�'Iiv�t Nelli0a hair pretty, too, AT " yatu, . , Gelieral'Queada �. It appears 'dom, and resulted in the sdizure of frout hu a large nu oas an approa4blAZ rain- Cl-lt he, haa ch3nged figurds and fwged $12-000 tO` .515,OW . worth of the, -valuable - niber of Spanish'prisoners, but JeV.cmej Of L e-'%emptif)n oll-acaoillit, 4Lf The in WE PaImm-b WafersWhia big bcen th"aVlehly 2Fsrie, Vne fu-, N that drug. which he is %olding, a�_ hostages for the of aeano L other-claan;d'her to her 'hosom, cient height.' boartifu nd deali to ta 1411. singersaud rQUIV sp��-t-as WM SUC) ameg, and lined In notes which 900nafterthO search commenced or insufli ' L on t�l,,e and exclaimed how* for the last twenty 7crs, aud have nej-ej� IRtu QX--aL-"y1er c"m ths PrAw sime-6 9CO&' Lad bQen left with him jar � o1ral to the Cht0a;gOL commercial party, who had proper tr�at&nt of Cubans ho ulay fall other bnud, --amang tile Soubh Balgj�.n her Nvuro bork hcr dai. So the -little re wevitt-Enefit fmm the -asefftm F91d:;�TRIJ T HE AD)VU, WELL. been ii-otMIM of the arrival of j�a steamer, intA the Spanish commanders. e _? heart was comf eitedcalas, 25atoper box. ksartod IFsh of Yanktelind, ovthehands of Gauls And th ia�] the ProvRices' I 1but the mother was nil DRIVLORI maV Annes larger an amount than was made their 3Rearaucen tho %Wl and, Among tliem'ai:4 a number � of promingut invaded,by the,Noramms, a largo numl,,cr OPPreMA by ' i "' - I anx1pus thoughts. -now thin thky donpon theinvaded. How intended, :for the,puVome of watche4 government offi 01S. Could C -he 1'revent Others fl-om praising her Goderich, August Sri, 15c,4'. Wrl obtaining WA;1iiuter0stth8 diaembarkatin wz-all Uncle Tike it- ff a thowand! li�U Which ha bm uEej in - - T46 letters. state that the Cuban forces thelf vouuti:2� U th ak ysq, bad in in specul- heir for smuggled opium.; The Tit F eir we beautiful child, thus maktug her vain and G DR. ICT.NGGART sm, of the Chinamen and the overhauling of have prossession of the country from xue-� teoth,small stature autfeelilo oonjtit�tlox. selfish, whilo tho oihe� wa5 Bad dieued by, or two, of ouo sta :1warb young Huronlans atiora, &verg farmers in I)Irlinatou Z _as to pu everal aderich, August Urd, Florence, infant he Syracuse Sait, wM su&r c offices were, as minal, ghter of Albert M. and F�ora A. wervt(�makaaralifou tT . raost thorou& in ertoprincipe,withs point neglect -1 OF THE Nonopol-iAts? There would be no, V0fricuds could not t1tom direei com- It re tin ired an eC-ort to make th e sacrifice, Polley, unimiray-7 through ths, in their search. Our Chim on the coast, which gives row c2emOd Ahlounts which he placed on the Vat adinire the ingenuity &played 4 the �municatiou with the United Awer,'zau ,)uttlleG'Iirlitianmot,,herwas equal to it.. Hamilton hArmary,, 1vi on tiro sensible roine4 ki-kad up About it. Oh, of course not � sotes�wbicb they left 21806d in new c0ners in secretingthe opit It is reported that there ha be etern-aYfuturej taq beauty of blank for COnceivablemanner,­ with the im in every ortanteagagements, one ultedios, is the tf) her h art, lVas morejo her than any out- rei�ewalpurposes. Wellavenot ope t1kat X�hom Veportel'a fUrL the daily newspaper ew mom W a "I t1is watchful yei of the Custow.hou tast theotherat Sagua, is Grande, in both wardeadta-uh1g. In a ents -the W-'1ia"s0V, second 66 313111811. Mr. Young, is Supposed �to be Be ofwhich the Spanish troops � attacked the malke such frequenu aflus�)n,3 4' Witerdoes ODERICH .34ONEY XAR4rTIT So who art a* beautiful golden �eeeo engineer of tha S2ver-Spray was c!o=1dmr_ irt the S;Ztex.� offluers inight overlook it, Ill one ce a t1he putcht peisongro resIde ? Ii e was terderly sever - swinging sign.for a wash -house, 4111ch nbauam'f6rce. AtRemedio& the Spaul- as fie a -d ,na lid in paper besid6 the straight �-dorreetedforthel�VAit4byW V. P ably Either, and has h r' 'S malt . 31wk 1 L Sp i y CHoix d if) a ft a ra ocA. -------- ards Were 4riven off, ith a loss of 150 l inother 1 Dom h 1111 WW� solid to all APPearancei, n b b�a'elc locdcs of the younger sister. Then or, West street. Ar of 16y tho machinery, thmugh somo njutxk.# WnmuAx DiVISM 'AT.—Mr. W. brok0n, revealed the fact that it was limg killed, womid-ed and pr-mviters. manypeorly ute, difference 4twfen the two was much ,f COL At Saum G�derfch. Aug. 3, 18G9. e4 jokes at his Z= LO�_�Vat , cnce vna pzt ctra vic Grande tile litht _11stell expense? Hs Diviuc, Pro. I coin seven, hours, AXERCTAV1=VANQV OXGREMMALKS W. Farrenr has we vnilerstank, ed OftwO very thin 'boards, the space .ess in xo afflers to the sn&e made or- P19a sqkj 111r:7 avrngemen vlUence", given ihto the hands of sowe gat ............. ............. rt, mkiUftfl iiieiiml can, -between being Packed with apitan. 310re the Spanish forecoa number�*�hgover.1,500, fiele, caprid6us Spirit tile fif tile At an elrky age little Helen!x dark hair BI' -3r-o rmm. lie is unde t-4 bY Which lis bailff will receive sel gat ...................... ­.. is cmadarands V;al -bog' lcu to C1 of the dr.n.- was foumlin false bottoms of while that of the Cubans less than aa crowned with a chaplet of snow-white anid, we trust. wKJ soon be atwat again. AiMS for suit at Wingliam forthe situnP caithem pork, in cleats on th b(,ttoms f 1,090 effective h re Weatheri with speci& instmetigaa tilet e buds, as she lay on her coffin �illow. The finally couipalled'to retreat, with a loss of 1se men and make floem ing at ......... i ................ 4 discout thouse C4 fle aud pf.mEnflit. Itanta as miserable- 13ayl of(?4D11rttO be held at GriffliCs Bell in boxes, in fake covers, sidex and hottome of atherAistei- lived on to a beautiful, noble sqjhni at ...................... A., S ItOYAT, C"APIAIS J:�-ThoTOwft CQUIVO have detarmined thatTillagO on Wednoo&y the 20th Oct. trunks and boxes, -and, in fact jv Mer�V, while that of the Cubaiis, was " may b0 ? LOUId S"nl go. Theditor towanhood, with'� her bir had crowned is, by the v-�it:a t.liat lovelie�t. 4 an garlands�v �e Bu�ymgat .............................. S7 q 100' to do away with the old, plank side-wlk on ii=f- If such an 'Pryook leig than r2O. The result of theze battles of a reh,,ious newdPapor, which arrangement was made f)"ornerwhere. the owner thought there h . � V� A NO UL OZ ws# altychancO Of smuggling it through. am inopire and a wam,friend ol the Bmiklre of humanity. Orders by mail or tex-graph exKuted withprompt- the north sidefEaststreet and substitute Pftvious tour article on, the subject we d thoOlibaniwith renewed cour. way, decid2dly inclined toward re igion, wreath alyel and they ave no doubb f their r, is our rc::q, aud�oa the most A&v6rabe terms. The Lghcsb ldforbMaudthek4liestprize Viia for gra-vol WAsad. Our Goderich gravie, were mot aware Of it, ability to maii-daiii themselves against the 31kithority. -luarticentissaeofthatalteet, ramium pa L 4% 4Qf �JVt-k',St _ 'I, KOVAL SCKsT1A forces now in the field sgainst them. the editor uttera these words : n, two wl!h kqusrj� inakm a very fairmido-wa' canala is 610r4 to be TaBway F�:' -'en to %ho F. SMART. to fally suggest to the street inspectorand ihg Dvx-*arRio.-0n. Wednesday 31AN-U, IfteTURES.—Wo ]earn with pleasure Alarge supply of arms andammunition, instances, within the spaceof twenty -foul the prepenge of General McLellan, DO W 440o� - Of lad weetc, damn& thatasociety isin courseof formation in including* batteryofartillerZwltb 260meu houM our redoubtable weather clerk I prefen the invigorting and health rester- GoatTZ01I 0 day of Augrtt, �o las C*nncil that by th-3 expenditure of & vrery manwhowag gale a f8her- this city, having forlis O�joct tle one THE MEAIMETS st�_Pohit Auik�rVes, on the our- from the United States, woro successfully r?319,ths changes upon - the four seasons, A nat of the -Dominion to tbstof P embarked ment and deveo rt givilig us a n u smhil"%ft la ihs Pvrchsft of the prepor opposite x1dof Laka Harom ment-olhome wainiflac- landed nou Nuevitas, and are now Al 'ps Ledley of them all.-' There 'tee United States. He will t dimuch to Aug. mk4 in which i Iding ofGeneral QuessdWs form. Thesickness We have a weather clerk, a interest him here, And we tr a VallWhest.....; ....... 1"0 materiaLs a great improemeat might Goderick mt a franockle for IM& Itis Prop�oed to erect a bui you have it. Lucan Commudicial Andemy, -obell of specimens of the ma; ust he will re - be made in this respect. nufactur�rsg is reported, to be abating, and Generals, sort of head book-keeper, who 'orders. the turn home impress Spring Wheat .......... 0:85 A ProPortion of 11144 of three boards. 46 got along Won roductions of the Province its ed with the befi�fthat 0*90 WILL the isgrodinta used by the - 'ties ix si16- 11 be ex - Ques&dsaud jord4n expectgooj, to assume winds, and does. about what hUleafts. oallad 01 gibited—thus. furnishin a is not is Flour ................ 4:50 Cd� -4-501 *n*ugk until the hoary W"terly qu lu do not, nevcr , o:05�'RMXA .4611k, AUgast 30ik- 1669.-, walk magwra. wou d. if all may - visit Halifax tf strangers who the oftensive with a force more thau equal Now, to be candid % the in* eraable Pis" Some -Oats .................. 0.-60 applied to nor praug up. an interesting thstoftheirppopents.. did, like this'stale 'and -irreverent joking. of his e0untryinev w1lah it to be eon. Peas ............... 66 FIVIllardy 40 he was- our hero exhibition of our industrial resources as are free t admit that it resuires the sidered. 0.65 (i� 0: tows as al"o'tely Zkou"n& 'Of dol- had philosophy enough to know that his well as the progress made in skilled 0 Barley ................ 0:75 O.V Is". I labor. attainmentef &-L*h dagree of grace to 0:001 THLZOP-1124:�'w V.11 cfkr Meucf) Wu�!AyOcWber Only —The HeraU throws the rosponsibil#y enabloone to ndure Pork .................. 0:10 f&, chance was to lie down gat in t1l. Branch societies are to be formed in the with patience the —The 9ttawa dtizm mays, it is under- potatoes ........ I:oo 1:25;, term. L fee UC2 CElau w6sk* Twx RAT& --At tke last agooting ofthe skifr Which he did. various r1entres' of of the Reiffoustoin frauds on the adminis- From one huge Wave industry in the sudden changes that oecur in this climate -- stood that Judge,3 Wloch has placed big Butter ...... ... 0:15 tely but theologians towh us that'all thiuga re ar,-3 n town Couiscil it was. JeeWed to Aik the me to anothsr the solitary mariner ash Province, whichsliall be in regular our fttion, as a whole, it bs� oxclumi, sipation, in the'liands of the Govern- E.,o_s Fre"Ch, Draw�ng and Yanry It, .......... 0.0 of smaosmost for this corrent -year at I k s towads h wAed resPondence with the Parent society OntruBted with the power of appointing are ordered by Divine Prov,.denco. The meat. =L JAISI� M. bl-GERT, Tw-kon so moving public servants so as to: a V ton....., G19d ric wich, Singular to relate, Halifax. The society is to i ue a n� anare 9.,w bli- gwd God orders the sunshine, and sno, I Py fiivf�t4" ss im a6w. he succeeded in reaching adely. This is cation contaiiiiiig laterefting info Caro A, faithful -administration of pulalic —The unusually hot weatherin Califer. Hides (green) .... ..... 4:00 4:50 doub � nd ry4tion and wind, and He has not ap 13rmU,g, hijair.y, viln ag, affairs. Antongst this administration, the -pointed a nit during the present season has serious;. Wood .......... I ...... 2.00 2-150 e", so,ention that at the ftri"y ane, of the most oXjMrdin&rV "to trade sxd '"Ruf&cturers.. and th luifth40Tll1gd8Vil to do UU W(�rlr. Please ly injured the rop i any pl a. Beef, per cwt. Wo may a , orapeo a in ace ..... fi-00 7:001 1"t most- Progress =44ein the Prolvincei Usceiver-Geusrv�[, . how Tor. Cl"ooAtin 4'GreeK'i and Vucan�le 1AW46, VOMPO STOr MO" OU IA** Huron. n industrial is III si�l& for the management Xix�ovrhv 'Ceatl I wssal'tvhee 'room talk about & myth'- —Tt is mud that Chickens per pair ... 0:3 21, tiv, 0 is$ Of th# tob*ft 00111DW Msyor Cr&t4 pursuits W* 211dentand that upwards "open 1 #1 a luvap of camphor heat�- :15, Uy.9r. L� L, B i0f two &�o dollars have department, of which Riffenstein was a a and evaporated in a room will drire bat Ducks 0:30 (4 0.35 rhysWnfy Ithad been alr*ady 0:31 Pb UuTran Coyrp&n4jv-,s ......... and thm Xr. W. Kay and wirmOlma 11F It ia expedod that the 33rd Bat. subscribed br a few Mt1golen who have clerk,—but that gentloman (the Roll. Mr. the moxquotoos. Wool.* 0 -D"pll, "Um V*101&4*r *iliiis will 1`0 SMOMPOd taken an, interest Renn 'XittYs whers"s tho frying pan fP John I an isAwTim vM Hon. W. IL Sheep ......... ...... 4.00 , of H#Jffax,) took $*little interest Two hundred travellers' narses were 0:00 Vic Viso OW kha* Ow GoTwass"t intend" to an th6 NAMS" " about Saturday th* daysthe sitbocribienrothwsll'ivl'gjawett- In.%ow in the matter thiLt he left Ottawa the ay ny's got it, carting mud and eyster shells registered at St. Lawrence Hall ix Men- Turkeys ............... 0.-50 fib 0:60 English I�Mnehw in, s 3,fr, Reigmstein was brought before th* Apples ............... 1.00 (4r� cluIugtheory and practv,# ik war-hing St to S& i4u to drill. itable - �&a dear little fellow! what tr*d on the 29th' "peadMOW on some harbor on lake t1th 8"ember for their-mmmal constitution and appoint au ' a L i the alley, with the cat for a horm. amove as arxn JW the oftonem should r*- NOwbas will be c9W fsr bearers. fiere is certunly ampl, scope polibo]K"gistrste. From the facility Of —The anti�reut troubles in Grootbush, � Goderich galt, wholessle, Lo.b. per bbl, & VJ* flapi s ar"dmitted at azy, %jmq� poy Uwk� "PPly* fr the beneficial operations of the so. arabakoleniont in thin CA86, aad the len he'll yet make ; but go and get it, We! re $1:20. monlou And Other inforzhati6v sent fnr- a 6rtulw or to find, it owt,arid 40 ,to have 0olawy, And inuot fry some I�KVLC`0 — -- He (Mr, 11AD-) 0dk&rsa" OD"iPa"es with PrOvisiG09,00- socia4i no an ro 0 op riw manna 11 Y reBul the 27th ins, general ell! f Port as&* the P"P*r ut o df mth i rin t by lj�t r_ ral persons wort lag shime aid " tho oo*r of -a bos= &M Irm hoW k"pas for kooping the asuUmn which action box bwa on we of time that itas taken Irewy tak oounwW I with tjo HA or dinner.' "Ve that no an person sly wound Luan, Ontario uly 33, 3W, Ow V"M Of 00darb* dopeasUy if booked oamp. h&T0 So doubt the filtaace or solit d?psrtme4 but by a MOT8111,011t Will Prove by 160 freak 0&t*UWAU at 6&0 mp-i orentual1r, suo0swiftl "d receiv r ivo an inclined to thimk that the Ciinnssx MoDl or SWRASING.—A —A colored woleall in Kentucky save Clinton, Aug. -2, Mfg. 80wadaloun Azecrution of an o0rdw support of 0 the okan" to in the treasury dopkrtment Chinese trial at Silver City, Idaho, derived birtk to fivo children the other dayall of Fall Uheht_... (k, 0194 otke ofMwlal Wn and �'v-Psrtaersbfp %me 800may Would bsve gram Wewbt ths Pea*.—HaWa P`ablic "rT*& y hilgh for honesty or -we interest from whoin. an li * iprin do ....... ...... 0-95 (e4 0-98 must stand Ver os rig TL*9. tho would hayd hsard of other defaloations em witam". Tke Tida Waive describes the —Imitation meorsichann pipes we now 0:45 (d 4:50 WsshhWlon, JWy 96.—Intenigaft" hq OTICI is ber0y liven that t1w rart&efthip hw6,, Barley ................. *80 a 0.8-) Nt0f0r#XWbCfAG4 bstw*ep ut, Uke uudmfgaod mosaved from Bav=& wtua " to Vntwa Ameoti". n4sw. Tho Roogirer-Goneral's notlect of soremonies: "A reaster's haA is hacked madle of stale broad, whioh kardex, and. it Peas ................... 0:60 4 046 looking after his own Offift id tho less, 61- *ff with a knife, a smoor broken, ths oath is said, "oolor" sqW to the &vnxino. I J*hn C D*Ulor, 1 Wild fiw44 abd 7 beaw 1);w sw vasb*" Afteridon, Rue" C"Joe 14sw You& J`slY 30—K .' P.Wd oasab* i tbAA40rA*^r1Y 4 thft writton on yellow paper Vamod, ani tke Potatoes ................ 1. VtUor- AS bre" GoA& "d jieperj MeMMU, W,4 �50 Qk 2 00 d inwived 1,y lnutulo J "a 7"smay " by the orns" to oks repiding me V I A Berlin letter et#Aes thAt the projed Of Flour .................. 4--A0 Uglaa d%tiog q the &�&�t 9XftP4 that me smoke, which is gi 4:50 Frabom VLW 8031th All dehu do* 1w tug p in dwir pefift rep 'r* if ';�Q to bo the *rit h*ld'ng A vui�sr&4 Said partaership — t4 bp Twid. W &ad lbw 4 co 66C This "vid�sal *6*,mL Ele a" WMaxW as it may dischaqed b. P fo from =Wnl, :U -Zkbiti�n- ill that Cit., Hutt,r .................. 0:121 0:15", , w" ben in AN 1131"M XMIXter. of t6 burned oa* blown up to basaen is ander the c6aWderation of Goya Rg 0:1 the same 4i I)Yfthk Wd John C "St"t and Thomw b W vat h" 4d- *hub we Pon in "isle, �Qt he me is novenhelas Actuaffy true ....... .......... 0:10 . V� =. by *MOM the hQ61h hlLaa� - S in ssA asse. T2w Inane and defence onut, "A likoly to be adopted. pmtlemh fts of W "id the UrAsd Nts600, sM boa he a" IAB kwi "=,coup tried to 6114h swors *** witmwo* illed IV* -W be rOsulklml At tht towlk of U*den& "afosommobled that ftedsm saw h1her an 06Zdaolunlw Zf _r in t6 80*6 W 1sworth XWkeft untier IMM of J C Decor & Co as, t1w Vhiu& 410MAIS so &Bi*& bway in Twaft th* 2%k bay. Lt Sidek Mpow3owAw death of the burimid Ave, At Wdemb, this loqh J4J Of J*, A DIM, at robw their M'g bow sedwoM bf Amdwfts� of do 30W Abe. Alier kar'06 the English P""Aw W Mumhy, who Aied in C Dinuft abolot p. 110 vtvy far so" 15ea&rtb, Aug. 2,1849 CVS w SUFM 4" 40 ukhasom 29 - FVAIC .NNaA___ 40 b".8" Away r*oav*d in tk* Val I Wheat ........... . 0:86 O�90 THOM Ah P W DSTLOIL :NNW Jor us;. bak "V* Spring W heat ........... 0*80 0-85 Wn^ wdwl� 81146 -bb" bm OVOdhft dmd bolk d"mm� W. a. SQUIER, *1 �_ t" a* "w VYAM Of Pout lia bog ........... t- 00 C-50 Is WV_ft 04 iqopitm%, Ift, 04to .................. 0A8 (i4 0-50 bow my; be .7 MONEY F 0 nsas t Barify .............. N D. old bo@66 eopotato" ............. 0. if" fawn of the 4"r in sairway aa Pon .... . ... ....... 0 UND In Goderieb _ WedwedAy th, t1st uW, the 100=W owu#r can have by VVt 0"', gwaJift *my *WiV$aj8 to Butw 000 -wry pnw at We us". ...... ...... 0:09 th, t h ga theagric Rercf,crd t he thik cer- d — e �_V a J tet 3 rstamfxal C:!T= 1 C 5� nL, -z C_�- co':%- Wen, F thro C-1 cz�j 4, q V-1, I il, N I T, 41, _G 04o Z v Y_ yri Y9, 1 L L �k U S! -S, 'X A& T31i Tf VIEN fnVo C.*J, X TLC C 4� L On it 1K C 11 .11 10V I -P 71, V LJ N Ira 5T�7-,_ Ll X V, L I. r, F., R XF4 (I L T L TLC! Li E0 3KV 7 T_ ­ -Ilk vfw WY v Tor Pt HLIt PE OS& lAe;­ *I* 1�Armew IT 4W V"4 mu 6e",4.— Sr��-1 hr�cn Aftoroe" &" J ON"& 1_4 _i, "U 2 1: