Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-08-03, Page 2IF
TINr TAI'9:-401, ay .(ina) 4 young ;1
ar Three Persons Perish 'fro= Thirst- Mr. Seward at vane wlkaxnw ToXOTMOLARINS JK"rolojacal %u
ouverts. 4DINADPUZ TrOut PropaimtIon. Mmarrforalaw.
l, wurl�ing at c%.�&sp now brick building,
-Tho TorontoTelegralA aYs ' A cue of Falls gtatts ilThw change fit the taAg
ng mn
�uilglt" I
�Jjt IL ig J110 grelieft -thfitliag I ell
DUVAD,�� GV3MIM UN -1- 'hwl leno of the b6nes of his Tight leg A correspoudeiXt of --the Salt Lhke Xtta- A, despatch from San Fraii'l000'states depth through use Of arsenic, for cosmetic A correspondent of the JEUmilton 21mft this suring
He in I I ; short time hex 1 6
go is qr(4,VhJ WTiflug,from; St. Thomas, Pali Ute tbol tit-Socretary Will. H. So 0 been travelling in the County of _11" V j�. whneased by aliv One genem 'On.
J)vla�-,CU J�y SCAITOW. wardarrived purposeti occurred in thiseityr T ia;
coutaq,Arizona, Juno 20, gives the fol- k6tvictoria, Vancouverle Island on the agowhich furnishes anotheriustance if Waterloo, and writes to that paper some fforse!.5hoe faIll whero the rrc-En waier is
lowing mournful particulars, of the 'Lleath, 20th last., and receive4 an enthusiastic I the pormistont folly of some of the har xem juteresting particula" on a subject, which &Z �Ae3 0 A jigs Crumbled, away ie tho
6 desert. attention. DAY. seen, ibe rock
....... ....... of three persona on th reception. He was escorted to thO St. in partaking of aroonie for tko purpose of a now lattracting considemblo P fect Gn ilie side
at, ter fro= an rudi-qUalit depth of ab"ut 6-ty
N�� 0� �L;a ................ ...... =a Georko Hotel a 0
oadent% Brotherj,,%mes Davids(in, *with his vdfo where the principal citizens, beautifying their complexion) and als* of Ile has visited the'ponds, for the prepaga- nearest Gop't 11Jand. Tho circular ap.
P :1eaded by the 1� Pearance of i -
and son, the latter a boy about twelve'. layor, callea �n him and the insidiously dangerous maturn of the ar- tion of trout, owned �by Messrs. Brown & he Lcrxct-hoe!s n,,w charged,
rn V. ra. e en an address of welcome. Mr.1senious acid, Ayounr lady residing on Co., ofGalt, and thoselDf 3fr.,flenry Bow. —2 7 81 W3
Za, ....................... Q11 I F a illangZ() il " t-� ---I
........... t.4 0 P - sun,-rrer8eve aiat yowtrstea�-with yeara of age, left St. Thomaa on tke 9% of Pr 4 tea 2 1r, 9 70.6 60.12 L3.7 FS �1%0 and is more in ffift ShRl)e 6� . han
fan auc, my L-orespo ence f at ek . I "Tuly, intending to travel to St. Georte in bloward visited the Acting 'Governor, and Day street, not fir from Richmond street, man of lVaterloovillage, o1whicb, he writes R . '0 'knierwan fs ni has
4. _�l nil o In w 0 3 28.933 734 79.0 VA 5.3 '. I
. ........ ..... .... 4z 1, 1 anything eko. TL
company with President Erastus Sno* and was -received in a becoming manner.' He 5 bitbit of using the acid for as follows -_11 M -r. bowman claims to 4 6816 scs all""'Crat,
am yushusly obligad to yew for Virm me Eft, has been in thi non, wh2ch eld
was merenadedin tile evening, and returned the purpose of improving -the tint of her have b en the first in Canada who bax flue- 5' lcn2ar2y isees
r Josepil W. Young, but failed to, con 466 569 (4.2 C.5 S5 6,7 par -IL
noi*, 7- f-
6- 445 0.7 TZI 49.0 7A
Ja Volitc1tate saymmilettir wait ingrant- w�t with ihom, as these brothren went I his tbanks. in a ispeecir, 01boing with gn ex- complexion, and of in arting. a softness to cessfull) prapagatedepwkled trout, kaving 7.,.: ido t,-,wayd Lun
221 169.1 78.0 W& 75 6.1 0.204 on 00S A a Iskin'.6, and Wcra
mr:=I. la a ca g. The I pression, of frendship for Great Britain, the skin, as well as in 4 larilliancy V 125 67.3 "92.6 G1,15 9D IeA .9 ;; -
obta done so the pad two years, although the a Fainted projed", A C� V-�nk ro. vivo y -ay
mat:,ml yu - no Zont thlitk yowr4elf a ahead, not knowing of their combi, is I
rz�,Z-,J Z-, I familythen started alone, thougli unac- I After visitilli the the ports in Puget Sou 9' ON &.4 13.8 1,43.0 F9 V.7 ------
Lfellor. Nadoutyu. h.%,r red -ad forthe eye, whichahe suposeashei'required young fry wag nearly all lost byescaping - - if
ZZZ3 r_Cf:3- U quainted with ille couutry� and about the - he will proeved to Alask 11! 912 mg gig �i,r, O's
C!:=:"� in Lr� a wc:;n, a, and Viffiretura to complatolierpersonal charms. Whother and ascendi4 to an ac- 70.7 55.7 43.197 ofallorsehoe.
the str
r�2 frcl hAd in view and cident occasioned by Im. owing
LIZ,, rv�n rca:jga (,=' C=. il..Wcnz�l tav,� => r=l ta VMel cmdl all tha Greek poetica. in th thefort- ile Nser� o i the nQw' here in b�bout thre �0 &D
0 -weeks. ;?22 $10 57.9 61.$ 4*.3
sho aUalued the end she a freshet of water, 13:1 a57 0_7 70.3 15G,7 61 U (Le"ns"s t'Lctl 15.0 tcr-?s Gf rp&
tiv tung., but a grate menny peeple, in read that leads * St. George, their car- wished for #iAt reason to discontinue her 11r. Bowmani undertook- ths propagation ave gI.Val avary �Ycw 16�p hon�ftt'Ge
ar� L -k7 �1� L= a as a rr��% t,lt na to "07.10 90 t4W
Ri a -,m ana nit u itil. vialuit$ think your filisonsin ilsout riage broke down. Dihations, or whether she of fish mainly as a sourceLofpleasure. XZt- 207 72.0 182.' . 61.4 29 9.0
Lt t3 dangerous iml a7one. T -he bcauty ef the f0i; b rict in
lop 410.3 C4.4 f5 7.1, am
1�i,_T=- fa xamb-_ o? tn- elo ieA Chureh, an free tradq. --aw aiih It vv� au�josefd tli,4 the old gen 'a; found us tbe lca-st mwma� but crIvneca, ancl clil
i Moms WA37rnqGT0N.r, July 29. -Commodore E. the insiduo ' poison preying on her witlistandilig losses, lie Im between 600 161il?
ho 'Is at 'a ceblo) wan unable to fix it 17 2SQ 62.8 54.4 86 44 ..... .
w system we are not aware ; bat at all events and Too fisli ; three hundred of which, he -is 73.8 U.5 h6itups seem & 12ko fbe f-6329 this y6ar
up, and wilt his son with ona-. horse and a F-'Willi%M19,00mManding theUnitedStatle, wel ht* 19 169 6517 M UIL r5l 110
like i% all rabbidge. You" a no, nothin steamer, 10neidall, -repo do muck beftzr t.Nan evcy.,
I - alfe suddenly discontinueathe daily prae- thinks, iwill averag# two poun
sur,, an Ile Ate� to t7ae'XcefortV paper hQQr kes for water. They were within five rts to the 'Navy M942 67.1 74,1 62-5 � 9 f, 7 0 CZ
CM -0, CAT;4�m tico of imbibing the acid, and the conse- each, ; among wbich collection aie a few 21 29-101 93.4 04.0 LUX 32 10 0 0 64*1
Departmelitthat on the, in6rning of the TtDYAT, Vicz:,awo Tzm, z.&.-T-1no vLs,3 rf 39im;
i3cnarF��_Ia after ifyou clidutpay-a littlo inero respse milca ofthe Coquay Wash whero there is quence was that she die& a low days there- extra ones,� The large 1�oud for old fish is 122, 803 VJ.-3 4GS-4 4S.5 E5 t,3
20th June, the 3liksdato fl
zn -13.4 �o o.,nn Royal Kidaness fhe DUL'40 4CE ER
is 4; 10, to
r�_"=Tva C a yom werkin mmi. water a little, offtbh road, which the hoy eat 140vta on V4 f�G
or, �y remon of a reaction having Occur In diamoter,
And attacked at circular, 63 f�et- with in is-
faz tnz-3 rn�_7 looked for but L failed to fina. Jae then the ships =4 fortifications .04 12W 71X 77.!� 4615 8b 9.3 t, =a Id 'm
ed. Y4ung-laclies-shojild�ake-woridn9by jaiia in the ventre, 14 feet in diameter 210 59.16 01.3 the far Lu�s , `B, t uIr I-- Hindc-Fifin
ar 164.2 ss 3,7 t..rprl er
starteci for tile Beaver Damwell, twenty a' 'he- Xortl�orn Party under EuOmOt�'ey thisoccurien4e,. and �3 fird irgy
and after a desist fivin using cox- depth of water about'31 feet There e
VexT.muchim. t es lie off, but , U engagement of twenty-six h hapo 10D FAX MG &S.0 85 3.3 prave
hr in $ when he got within V 5f h%;L p"91"urual impayl-Rum. 476
balf a mile of it he must have fallen-off.the hours took possellsi6l, of the town, aua metics for the -Vilivailing purposes of try- two water-couroescoune!20tedwit t ud, 28 W, a 164.0 0.3 59.8 V3 10.0 40 216 mcrabcr of the FamEy has ewr sct
ing to ivako �themselves beautiful fdr a straight one About 1801cet, long 3 fast 2R 193 i5s.2 65.7 U.0 63 U AD.670 -7 "�r�
decroyea the vessels giagle, and tsniper, flout in that gnm 61 L ni� pire, and fe r Me
Honorto whom Ronor is due. lto:we exhausted, as. his body was found so 367 02.1 C9.4 51.0 ED 104
,�, I. wide� 1.1 deep; another in a parallel direc- 31 M7 0.0 VZO 6218 sa 'ir7 I
4 or,' belonging to the North I -f r,,,0,VV
MIR, ever. Ur V1
V 09-
twa A . �f+,*" �Mn 11alrae ma"Cnil +A VhA ern party, after 0.0 0 r e n f a I m i n C2 th" 0 -,,- , " - , , , " - , V
o I . 1,1611, supplied from a different springy u- re�au ".191 �- -
p i .3 fK1 —W.7f,5 i-4—. iseFses so a--divaiy lnfl ucance. There is at
ThoSeleclu- iq6oq announced lastriqay, well, w1im- there were two men from- -St. one 9f their own vessseb bl6wn up by 'a serpentine in ittcourse, over 2W feet in t C
Do July -9 -M % r) liLs U,5.0 78 2.6 FreSent oxilibifing" at the Cvssml PWA-Ze 1%
shelT which entered her po*der-magazine. . The dekth and strange prophesy- of a entire length, .3 feet wide, and 8 to 3 4 18�3 - U
by3li�ss Budge, has 1y The forcesof Enomotte & I I
and 6ught 4t closed George, clearina it: o4l. They , tied him --possessionof
ZOnC % - -ilvi -oc2, - Rvci? -21 1 hu
k hought no move About i i3leepinggiiliarelitedbyaKeUtitoI
fte e_3Wujf ildi iEc c si t pL late,, rblc
,ion f 11 - — -- -- - -
Mv AUG. 186D. 1 lie 0 750est Bwigetir ......... 9mg0n thestL (I V M 'by th
pandt I for a, d4 Reiman, fort 0,11d, Fort F Zr the line Wls§Susan Caroli -paper. inches deep. One of these comprises 11,110 o 3V- 1m. raj, ah al-SoLoce
And two nigdits, when, as they Were takiag lot earth.Werl J'and , M
$ tendigaiwas, the Penin- me Oodseyi the sleeping 191h(OF inorier to entertain rig 12-nyl 111,ghnew
ne difforent clas commeuoea *arly on fneir tall, ex 70=g fty, and the other fish one to, to o Lawat do
Vlkl ------ c� tofeed, they found the body of won4erj flied at her mot'her's home, some years, old. The spawning, heretofore, has Highest Tamperaturc...82.30 loth
has about 4,000 menand egialif ........ ),V 6L
sula. Enomotto Loweit the Duke of E dinb urgh Gil LIS arelval !a PER, tir-Gri l -a: ri �.Z
4 mr,"07a. Wedne8d3Y last-, aud. contin�kecl until 4 Via boy, which they buried. Oath miles from Hickmanj on Wednesday, been -artificial ; bat be bas been arranging Warmcstdgy 30M
s comilia "'tb' 'thQVk6do- 8,000. The, earthworks and
0701ock p'.m, Tishop, Lorenzo Young wa g over 14thult. Thellistoryof3lissOodoey Bpawningbedx, to obtain the eggs in. the Upidedday-nist; India.
04 a statement Number efrainy days 21.
TheV M, T7. Of MOML-el is at Istst" C the same roadancl foindCtho fathar-;=d rown in well known to the p.
t3 tLe rarents and guard�aua -of the forts werO invested, and batteries -�tb natural way. The Galt polids are under
up prepar, Depth 'of ralnin inches 3,916. Tim Ernn CArAzTMo C=1 �5 _-C) r_U-s 5n Z,
mother lying deadin-their bee.. MtOrY to a regular selge da.11the of her -wonderful -condition having 'been the control and proprietorshipof a patner- 14
m em
tj godc.4% Ift mma,-_- apmear-a ia tho form chfl&aa aftendiam' The reeitatious of works held -bYEWIMOttes Party- the pt so of h and the IbUo c,1Pxc1,a, unrn zt -7 2�' 4, --can
0 - I published extensively b e t e -n - -OUO the
VJa12 n�.?nnfign- I - . ownas Brown,& Co., and
nTgor-f nrnine- OV07 t2s 0. 4T, -1- ship company k
801�thwestorn Ort of LA Vau i * 0 ctr
=3 wera very Uin a orates. t zoo Ume or nor death are situated in the who has Worked for yean !is the c.- szC27. - -i
bt-,-rs haem TCZ-,_sn to T l;"_CPSr.1 ot US
Our Winged Anice, 31iss-Godsey WAs4bolit 26 years of age, We town, andon theVest Bide of Ch!and ,it 4S;7Kq -to I:= cy Q0
Brooklyn Wavy'Yard as a inachinist has ;�
mmuT-4=3 ufth th o Tatio:at -0361UCS3. JUt and, had beea asleep, as aescribedt about River. The property consists of a Itit of learned in his le-asuie houn to Speak read ED Em C -f ca4;1t�
The New is down o the cdtaz� vj�m- Grand. Army- Associati . c8 ungrateful I - Do we pop-' 14 years. The existence and write Hebrew, - on, a, Republican Are�Republi of this wonderful 0 acres, with i stone house, L ga
hUc NQw yOrk 106"1-31 gaYs Mr. Vjaomp3au, teadher lu the Central qganlzatlan� It Says : "We denounce orly noknowlegge - oir public rden and Frehch, Germkn and Za in nity of t-110 sp�eauhtiyo cam, - 9ehcn1.,' and the Ravd. Ori ite pay t benetactofoI vase of coma, or preternatural disposition a smallrehard at the front, and a cedar Italian and Wtained a fharoughkilawleige
W. H. Poole as- thimstoret, organizationas inimical tothe hom becombig henors for�%' to olee doubtedby many., but
11101110114 is our gilutitude &slasting has been swamp at the rear of the lot. � The whole of geology and.Iotay. Ontofhissavin"s
7tuni%v 02 Street is �-,Mar- I,- sbt-a in ev, ox,4mination d uri-Agr the f ore- Collstitution and the Union, 110 count;y the fact is indisputable. "Indeed,00an has a ventle slope cast to the bnkof the he has Purchased a likrary of twelve KUX_
able, aud a nttte irztident, flinstra.- Uenefi6nee I And, aain, -N'c
-turned to ZE�', =d With the wants peace audl!rest. and harmony and is tills acknow- in Ltho ago, iss God§ey was- taken to
yes�erday wwphia aVere luighly pleasea Teagoment imPaFtia1,.`1iicIaAing hi its scope Oil river. Four filiesprins will be dre.d volumes,
justce. - These mouL -want a distracted , Nashville And other places for exhibition) account in Islip].
L�*;ga�d'tat�Dl,-Btltfz,)-..,Mthepiglio. Ch- m=mw in. whick the, clifldren ac country, that Offices�t Ly be'gaival Why b�th inan and bira aud'beaet I", A feW but we understand many ven of ft e t pod, for young fry, runs - norm quitt n" , Dlyingth pondowith water. Everid she bless the memory of that
bo the p�!Ial fur Theclasses, in English grant- does nottheTilibRna goa little f4rtheiaud yeu%, ago the streets of NewYork &net physicians of Nashville looked, upon. t her, who had so wisely trXIM-d 'he an south ; 1i 100 feet long, 8 feet wide; � L Lack"
in tha-way-of entrapping tho come down on the Fenian Organizations, I - % s of her heart, repressing
of mer Ana geagipphy desorve special - �rQoklill�SSPQ04117 krouldin were*iii- cas�wfth�suspidq. Tho -history of' 'D
drill, an&- feet c ana"covered in by A, board
fested with bugs and warms tiie 0
wlilchare'ralciwea. tofirra and that riddled the eyo of vaiiity and selfioliness.- case is, briefly _: NMen about twelve Y�bZvs ed. Tt i e a e a
thein of their Ice' e, JF threaten to m4e warnpon a neighbo All the vegetation, hung in �great festoons of age she was- taken with a severe ehin
look WeR ta ae orig rMg eyx nation, in.,deflance of the Covstitution md eet distant, giving a must a! tbe day wora N inal. esz from the � trees, Swung in the air o roated adoidinglrby the physi4v: t the south end it -a screeu,:
hildraa aide,, n every andti 11, hezhaur-_13. by tha a ea-Lh rea6ag her a of t1it Neutrality lz�ws T If the vi6ue I 'drove the whole population from As her fever, which ollowed her chill,
is the only pond, completed; the A Vb=rPxvx, Urmmy,—It yoka euffer with the
Z Iva$ rapwlecl t1hat the em_Xy on latter. The, following are some and other leading American papers would 1010 WaS� OUCO the cool An# comfortable �Na'lL, wcnnllc� Feet-, Lo. subsided; she fell in a deepleep, in which most racking And tin-teonssaim iu the hfad.lacL, cars
--;,r f7z:�-J!, 812ed early to -day, - Weida makingtke,sunny aide Others are, however, inc'ourseofconstruo- -
of the, toripi Heaven.�44ght--Tiuth— refuse aid and-p6mfort to this Association, *f the stice condition she kasremain4erer J iw. xeck, stoqldcrs, tims, bark&, coheit., IM, gs,
thej�oun4s *ill bedeared up and XOMM�Zslde, bael; bowds, hips,
,rAW7&. l �
. _ _0 r. .
ant fte� any Fherourr: th, 0 we tldAk it'would tend very much to the refuge of the pedestrian,! and the parlis Anides. or feet, use Dr. T. SrigeS Allevantor and YOU
PaLer of Hoae3ty�Ubsrty, ;, eept at intervals. It was her ou m,at made to assume i tasty-Itppearancg, peace dud restand karmonyand justica.r lie' lengai pleasure, resortR but nuisances. fii8t -to awake regularly twi ce, in every -en will find immidiate raHeL in a`1 :eizevab2a eases -v
QVIM3 came a conu - r rer tq—aba an ex6alleat one, on. QiLeeu POOPle were always, dodginj those pests in thesouthern doftliefirstpod,willex- -emEdyiftEal Ito Wm watterwbatyourpain arlises from, this z - ItCre fV
t homA ; Wit of later yeays she tendnorth east6rly 4 r4eeway fifty feet fttqr�auy and cS' mally, will ezaro erery tim. o and Dyqi�rpBLr, Ebtutcncy, #0
CO -z would fake *I,- 1M7_;abet1&. It 'waa announced that the The -EEarvzstin,.Bng1=d. WAITting; in the car& thei picked them from awok4 oftener, so muchso that many coix- long, three feet wide, � inches deep -stchild, thewe;zkest wo=,ev D=c
wBLla glal up amia to at Up, will not kurtibeteeble,
each cithers?�bouuets in -chur theoldest man, Applitclfree and freely by tW 11-04001 will opou on the 23rcl of JL all from each siderea it an indication of her Jinal re. - per
193, ra rZC01 of th List ra'TtTt it waa The london Vmw of the 11th sys oillers' books.- - it was like a Plague of c ve and fifteen iuch�s at lower end. At rrietvratNo. 0 Viing stmc-t westxorcuto, emada
r 0 ry. Showould remailt live, ten, or the heaa� of this iraceway, water from S and 1298 -'.Broadway, New 'rceg, .963 bv 2=1-er htra alm-ay on. a A'�Igaat- Tho- reaPsOted teacher has, "There hasjust been. completed this week Rgyp Cattle* and people cri d out for a Xoies. perhaps fifteen, mWutesand9r9411aI1Y4rQP second sprillZinters tind Rows through this
the'%U straet secured fw kerself a goadnamei and will one of the finest ha harveats,that. have The little European housesparraw under- to sleep again. When aoloop it was utter- sceceedingponds. Beyondthe rms, kgvirg Eau% kc.
dzky in front 00f
ba 'ga o6 boaA This was in future havo a fun elaS3 room een thered a gce ye= toOk thatoji, and was F . uoceggiy 1. el TACeWaY ill Dr. J 1Wggs'AHcv=torpraduecs WWch.
ul, yr intro� ly impossible to arouse her," -Slia never
Wma kc -,-a of 111. the" Counties Of Werchister, duced into UnioxL Fark. into a straight Huai will be 'pond o. 21 120 isy4arycenduelvetotho-g;ueralt5etIL Hyittboeldu
d M. bla rara'-Jeil ap� and dawn Central equiphained 'of any lwdily paj* thongl� kept it a mois-t and healthy condition, Qa rores feet lon& 12 feet yld&. 3 to 4, feet deep,
and Gloucester. The rains in Phrk$ and Isoix - to all etlier open. a cX-u,-audfrora this source iye watry poTion ti,
Pam, when asleep she was verymeryous at times, for 2 yea_rQI(1tro#. C e
WaU stm a",- Q:a v?a�� -Atil the shadi-_; Tke G1derichGrAmmer a"chobl will the early part of theummerexcited 3,lux.; to Bi' 'From thi6j)OMit Mi blood -passes *T. wU,, much impure matter. Nm�z 10 Jersey City) to Bastoni to and rtPpeared to suff
� or considerable byh� the perspiratory waters am perm . t zi C,� cf 3y. J. 6' A L� c &,-tf r,
cl evcl�no- thmw its over this re-013en on Monday next the %h. irlit,. uriant growth in -the grass, and during the a' southerly direction, willbe another race- iftel o
n--th cttlme ii- ZeEse-n-, the Hvivalla, itself, and averyvilibre its enemy 'violent - twitching and Voutctvith the EMU for a Ile V��v
eep Activity of to skin, was last three weellm there has be�n almost un- and ours'Tazdahea befoice it. The differ-' musclesnd limbs, and her hands clench- aws . jerking -of her way 6o f,�etlopg, 5 feet wided inchead
interruptedsunabiao. The&op is general- it equalives
"r-vanita. -The At �Ipper and, and 1$ inches deep at lower and equtaminatingthe WLL-h
enjoymentbetWeezi summer iuX.T., edtightlyax if sududug,sevor� pain ;-but end) t�le alad
_tQ 'suffers water from two previous springs, And that ftozaers are ains oeeasjo,14 c - y
C-0-mmunity of sveaubtma went', 'rue pew?t in the WeAeYau Church ly very hmvy, and owin* to th6faverable, Aua tb the head of which �ill admit the r7y: r RE
ree ye4n ago ig *e1T greid—which when awake she did not -appe often ofN dangerbus clim-ater, and rravy LZ6
VEN7a vislons of =. avaace m were sold Monday forenoon to the highest ritb,asb�e�g-atiaiaexceUentoorL- difference of comfortuf ar qrcrilll of the 2=.:s thalt -.12uX.
be the exc4t from& drowsy, -gapin ity Of the Other and The greater the ob3trceftnu urot�Ee
rz,-mium on shiPmOats bidder, some of them, runnin lip as W.rh = Only in two or three, isolated: account of our f4tWul litt all . .. or- a 9 lucliuAt-101310: of a fresh one f -the oapac
9 le y- Sp nd persistent efort to cleanse lhalleut aT�ftau lof the i_*Ic, tae more to
aim � t7nev aweka Gn1V ta fin4�1 tlaLt� thffy as Q b4l . * posffion4 is any grss now hr Mo. Beyond thi�, in the same direction,
w). we, 3py
to say tut ever uncut, �aud rows are now iathisountry by th,641asn", of plilegm. She I serious disease, andwhen perspiTZ
had bean in by a 6raw 2, syexSat- Urmera arabr&mirig- td think- of thi corn. sand. aud* genorallj� passed into vill be the third �olifl for old fish, 160 skin beetnan firy and rouib, 6equently ckapping awl
rrived t7he Roal pew iti dffe� Church ha% found an not `014 are 11MY611gers of cities, leep, 1hr6igh Wolent paro�cyam, which, feet crakling,;=d calleas - w1dc-11 iiag 6K,-_-u.2T2 Ltely a Owner, crops. These ara ro and and keepers of parks, ut � only do -thay. lodg, 20 feet *idef 5 to 6 feet deep. _a1t rLaira.tLe tll�oa oirezqavn,- EOD, a larp ameunt cUran, vh1fti E.Ivcs rX::nTdfy to,
1uhiutes; and ohs e Wat imperfectly, aTid tht tempm-ature clf the Way Tardly
-a habitable and s4cia- FC=VZ= Evy-p the rove(l make street -er of Nngliofore- extor. redUCA-And somet meseath wil sue. r,,cm t'�Lo 7 �.29.qd.
a the gasaip 4xcapt a few re3erveil for tO'giVe away recent IfAt weath would Inistperb4infie Th the thirasp
tree,& would then sleep awhile as calmly ad ing the racewy, will p
and for ftaa seats—thisis Ait ought t -a be, their p,�3pearance. The cold Wet gratefuli but they are wortlL - ass througli a lull& bOre statemcuts wili be seen tho V"t impoemace Cf rathr2ES Vaol
their W-6ight quititlyas n Infant. 31iss Go& -su�P4 1 keeping the Ekin. clean And Leatb, in CydC_r that 1,.
of L3-_01S2kg, in a specu- mont&h agahad a damag."Ing L. at for 0 oy was 'Of imgVfeetjong, -.12 feet wide . ec may propefAy peewrm its funct-tem. Dr. J, V140 qeLl!m.
endorsenzent off the act of the in gold to fruit -growers in the ountry mealim9ze andher limbs and muscles with bexeslar nurgturing the young _Qx
,Quila;A6ut. 4L The Alfefanfor�,iathorcmcdyfsod hv FoAcravaCatik.
la!lva wav 7", ?,- %VaUaL"e4 haa witnened ftustM3 in enlarzing their Is time on the wheat crop, which ma only. suftrers by their. wer`0 well pri46rtioned And 41eveloped,aud Twmty ,rmns �n LE!rg FTrwe F G2.
An" eachbox to be 8 feet ong, and to contain
orders- NO progres, but th� bloss9ming time just domestication amic I r 000 f.. here axa the c grew 400iWderablyafter.,Iierafflicti6n. much last. ying. n. a"'d Raw 7 1 thcm "D 1 ?_-3 !Le =%t
froml�000to 12001atchedfish Argee- Belleville and other plavos beglan the lading of Vass -ZS
wha?,_ next i could be Pala to the eon a very favorable one.,- 'Wheat which used to Toe fun of w0cla-cuts d6smib. -on the day she died indulged in a 40 feet long will sefarate *-his luild-
is naw just fillimg, and'a slight; change of ing tbLeold,dii,4omforts—Aciolphus.-maldfig t1j
paafor, t1le RaV. W. ]Lr 1?0010, way
Eq Irr
pr9phl which we give, as r6lat- mev iwreascq, fl4euso_ of ize inereases, is ta 2:
-v leading tathe large neent,,:r-il v. _,tdMCM %t &Xm
color is visible in the landscape. Ill iome loii to,Augeliiia, wi a. paix of t ingfromthe iracewa;
4 - , a:C!a*CUE
WW =6 Waifing with ed,:f6j "at 16 sultry sc s3n, =M BA=6 anxie�y to bear situations tT _east of the &L-9-itS -a inducing 'Ie is wortla. . She said that the pond. AboUtr 80i feet Soutil dlsWes afthe luu,92 . , and tbzss billicascozar.
corn, . is thin, but On strong ed enemies hanging to thk waxed ends of fle4n, wouldbe dtotal ecli a nionatath so on the 11th, of southern VG:ca L=engcs, a F�"fa Ec7ncay faT C-0 rnElt &22ate
Wben the honored President the Rev., aiay lands, well farmed. the wheat promises e,, shfi' Weaning a cluaterr extremity of the first p6na willbe vi'216h can onlY he rem. ovel. by a pleliti3al we of Ula
Tae 3!�ew YG,_' C UM --3, led'by tb e VMd- W.'runahon WM visit W And at nd, to malbundantyield. -:Wiliterb of August' (flos is renmkable, because Par- the hatching liouse�20 feet Ion, great sHasno=Zs E=W7. Fo,- gaie by all Btu,-, LCM
to eausarevery them sts.
no ]Erf
JaW .'Je_di&t1%L a 04 chigf.oa, aid so ou. All ihat-z� g, 12 feet �y tin V7' ;V LaVO M,
t ties assart-that slie could have wide, .0, _,TC 13 i" .he with hatobing troughs.
_C �MX Snat niDW a on tlia,ground, and generally well source is losed, -now loit. the and provided
hunierous ledgethatthis *as according 'tt The Wane T)ader that invandslosefAith !n xJ1qm0JCcg
calcula;- This'isouppliedbya fourth spring.
padded, Vut some -farmers complaiii of: adi Bat tv the original qusstidu�ars tion 'anathat thesun woul"evershine spawning will b done naturuny. T - he
E-4_- substautbre maiter Thn. whenso manyoini�-ssme2cIntam idyertfscd of
Want of pad SPrhRg beaus are fre6 from 'we. ungrat6ful to our featheredffiends I" as that day ; that this would r,,dd. Whatever tIlLs, An Persons suffeling frOm Qmcm blight. Peas are now being harveated in 't so; AS one Who Talka tj�ej� . afternoons indiCat mity ofthe entira�ouda,, itis estimstvd, are roud wcutmz when ided
0api �� we IM78 yet toleap, hl�waVC4
the end 'Of tb0 WOrld, which was will be betweeii: nd
rai4a; 2ftmst be which MY ba entlrel cured without te the Valo of Evesham. Oats are notmuph [thr6ig;h Cotral Park eedily ic orthe Dr. WU_�&1313.1?SaM Of V_;�dQheny, 0a J::U:ZM MR, 0� at J110 Town in WorC P a E
WF -'2?% it -3 ze'POe3r, IDDLY10, waa� uP 1`674 X me0f the knifeabscosa, ruptnm or hamia, eitershire, but On fhe Cof&_ the Palaces lwo havebuiltIorthemor'"o- thousand.' and p=lm-ocavr diseaft.
inanuorimm" aulargea or varkose veins; hip vrloucestersl&e and in Hart- JanceS of r. mor'S at
c their original
oneof ethe promise is good, Barley is sittlement * U k 1he Jamestown, 03- Napoleon is reported to. have onea The SeVered Tresses. in
"-T in Wo iiji
,e wa-v, i3 416tined tit dLwwo, wellin^ tumoum or any dau- a maid that there.was a. Branch
ingrop. Mangolds ari Chemistryconfims. morepzaq -ne% rn io,�IiMnd�
nowe- so to speak, -Man no
1�va M hlstmy 33 GRS 01 th4 *ONE blooxeii garous. lingering dize3a suits them but notes t bot- but no French mother had once
a,. should ndt delay tfie, hot 'weather providea-for our most broad tV1Q little &19 Who nUft M -0 easily btalned. The arts aml rzuaox!cs
winged while a steady policemm is WeU
we have, ever whieved—ha insesnagD. 3LTqggart,.�, Spe*aial aften- swedes would be benefited by a few July assertion$ this, must to takenunt.gratzo, though perhaps two years, apart, were so -whkh ehemistry we-vCa tcaehaf more thervaghly utd Matland Salt
eywere ofton Mistaken �genet7fflY smdiedt wonid speedliy excraise & inasr
sa-Varz saViebtis- Tesfth t!on will ba gtren to feina!s, complaints mi showers. Hopat are much blighted ; the ed "�faithfdil gqardiau� of th but still contains an element of tratlL— nearly of a size th bencfli-,ent Muenc?_- He freply confts!�� t"nat tp, I.S
cold ocather ha Jima, was greatly agailis ew 'W' lthough thers, is prObably inuch exagger- fortwius. Theelderlbad beautifulgoldell
othem, but If a tr �rferemfx below. --N. r, Zma. ation-ig a statem7ee ieceltly Ifiadethat riiiSletsclustering about a face of rare,
,�at h)wed Uy a steame;�, when im alltheirme c4dand so* bearin
nytIlin,4, can restore themand to arts, manutictures, and agricuaure
f3c� waz n,,44,1 ovam ras sail of a fsa- �&iB� it Chance the rivench unguagelis vill )younger had straighf�, dark bepjointdupon our CQ11CZes andsC1062s. JWn&E.
crop, it is the present y spoken by,
foLae 3een on tBe Tbraad bo3om I pears- are agood pvp2le fiL eiiht departments, yet it w air; arid the chief b6imty was'in the lov� Y41e. -Pa-, st I
ing am3dk cuba31 Affa
T120fallowinzis copied fromth 03)iawZ sunny time. Apples aizi light �ud
averagre crop, and plums in the -Tale of tainthat t1fe ation. is farfrombei weet �expression of er,
ramirs reaeb, us
llatters�&Om` Cuba received contain hornogencous as is- generally suppos miagals 0WReOr
C!LkeH=m. But it way passibly b& of th 28th July 1869.�_ Evesham Are- Abund=t- Potatoes ga6d R My suppose . I t* =Ify Treaty!$ in daLger, and *e, hav-a
tnla�-, at en®mmoq3 expenv_e, tha HeraNhaa "GON------VertairL:rumors as to irregul- and fre* from "ease at presenVI, teRigence to the 20thinst. GeneralQue a Dr Lagueau,' in a report to the Ajdaryt Everyday the eider heard * her, praism to Var thcre is come Toundcuol, pr these
Since yroLared a rapczler,ir arifies in the inaliajament of the Bowan- has . dqttr6yed two important briges undertakeis to irdve that �ths, en spoken Tay *jadidous; hiendor strangers A. Cub, but wcLavo evry � Wth in t"ra Canadian
ran" aces Destnoyerl la cases of nrura!p��
i3g, im *A"T:--h M6 we MY P�W630me smaU 1rM, e brmah Of the RQ.Val Canailim Bank 'SwZ= OF 6PIT(M 11f. Sw which inhabit theoil still notain the 10 what a beautiful child ?_ said � a visitor Bruises Ac. Can behad in ever
Pu physical pgoillarities, and in niany cases one'day ; what lovely ringlets Vand she P�,r BIPE� sy'd Vy an -defuclue
-azy4a Venlanin . vwqd6u. hu turned out to be t Tha SPA PMUOL-00 Thna, June 21,say. cities.' Ali the interven�ing o u is a -eventhe diseases oftheir respective ances. �rs. .
md,nxe in tl& a' quttin4 o9communibation een 25 eeus
Ta fat'na, hrmr3r,- truth, we raffier like staw a,,, the annual true' 't 'Wsa The Picifie Mail -Stoamshi � Compafiyls Mi. lavishea'upon, her many caresses while IsApmu-IOR
meetin 'in Toralito steamerJapan, arrived om China at 8 tors. His observations are based on, tile the younger-Bister was tomparatively un- prevent or, roua-vey
9 ir by the Cuban fore
8U. -a e -Ven if thAY da thab thslae3thore wereonly About The Spanish troops are AaW con, is *ne ofthe grandest aftain,_,.ents ircr aimcd
I kyesterdaymorming, briugingi.20D IM13: 22
.#low o?c 00 fined; in results of- the conscription. - He finag that notic-ed. The little 'Due had noticed the
3 lArV 3-9m Of WOMY, wh1uh wUarld theynawprovetobeabout$490W. Th; Chinamen. Thesamerigid, these cities, and aresufferilig s6verely,from the Bretgn ofthe preseutdaystil. ex�ljbij difference ; and wUeii the visitorwas gon id Duau!s 11c:mon!o Wbf�-.a v M t%3 zma
search.- by the e, bs -Upg in the V_-ro�t�n I Tile is prepared to
Cust-Gin, officers &ease and want of supplies. Severa. cour, - reo2ds, t!zL
for smagled --opium., w -;he stele ,softtlly to h6j. . mother's side, Eind
in somevthorway, ,-xideatfeatureabgutititthatthes& thehigh stature and robust frame which TYL
losses as sorties ad beeiv made fror e if no-tattendeA to sooner w lattr lc --d W F
C2F ar n tha natimnl blood and tell us 'ara t- tke, one through and Aaracterised his iturtly pro URNISH 34o, 1 SALTt
,he restat of fraud on 9 N46, as upon the arrival of genitore, and Tooking up pith dlewV eyes, lisped out the
"Ya3callaways Zatomana�,.ermr. R 5t n of the in eaGh instance the tra4ps, were driven -that tho central do - e.
sd�a Za WHO, W4,,a a3 dl;tlnucl Pub the otheritteamerafromtheFleweiy-�g�i lm&with Xevero_l L partments, formerly jn� query�'Iiv�t Nelli0a hair pretty, too, AT "
yatu, . , Gelieral'Queada �. It appears 'dom, and resulted in the sdizure of frout hu a large nu oas an approa4blAZ rain- Cl-lt he, haa ch3nged figurds and fwged $12-000 tO` .515,OW . worth of the, -valuable - niber of Spanish'prisoners, but JeV.cmej Of L e-'%emptif)n oll-acaoillit, 4Lf The in WE PaImm-b WafersWhia big bcen th"aVlehly 2Fsrie,
Vne fu-, N that drug. which he is %olding, a�_ hostages for the of aeano L other-claan;d'her to her 'hosom,
cient height.' boartifu nd deali to ta 1411. singersaud rQUIV sp��-t-as WM SUC)
ameg, and lined In notes which 900nafterthO search commenced or insufli ' L on t�l,,e and exclaimed how* for the last twenty 7crs, aud have nej-ej� IRtu
QX--aL-"y1er c"m ths PrAw sime-6 9CO&' Lad bQen left with him jar � o1ral to the Cht0a;gOL commercial party, who had proper tr�at&nt of Cubans ho ulay fall other bnud, --amang tile Soubh Balgj�.n her Nvuro bork hcr dai. So the -little re wevitt-Enefit fmm the -asefftm F91d:;�TRIJ T HE AD)VU, WELL.
been ii-otMIM of the arrival of j�a steamer, intA the Spanish commanders. e _? heart was comf eitedcalas, 25atoper box.
ksartod IFsh of Yanktelind, ovthehands of Gauls And th ia�] the ProvRices' I 1but the mother was nil DRIVLORI
maV Annes larger an amount than was made their 3Rearaucen tho %Wl and, Among tliem'ai:4 a number � of promingut invaded,by the,Noramms, a largo numl,,cr OPPreMA by ' i "' - I
anx1pus thoughts. -now
thin thky donpon theinvaded. How intended, :for the,puVome of watche4 government offi 01S. Could C -he 1'revent Others fl-om praising her Goderich, August Sri, 15c,4'. Wrl
obtaining WA;1iiuter0stth8 diaembarkatin
wz-all Uncle Tike it- ff a thowand! li�U Which ha bm uEej in - - T46 letters. state that the Cuban forces thelf vouuti:2� U th ak ysq, bad
in in specul- heir for smuggled opium.; The Tit F eir we beautiful child, thus maktug her vain and G DR. ICT.NGGART
sm, of the Chinamen and the overhauling of have prossession of the country from xue-� teoth,small stature autfeelilo oonjtit�tlox. selfish, whilo tho oihe� wa5 Bad dieued by,
or two, of ouo sta :1warb young Huronlans atiora, &verg farmers in I)Irlinatou Z _as to pu everal aderich, August Urd, Florence, infant
he Syracuse Sait, wM su&r c offices were, as minal, ghter of Albert M. and F�ora A.
wervt(�makaaralifou tT . raost thorou& in ertoprincipe,withs point neglect -1 OF THE
Nonopol-iAts? There would be no, V0fricuds could not t1tom direei com- It re tin ired an eC-ort to make th e sacrifice, Polley,
unimiray-7 through ths, in their search. Our Chim on the coast, which gives
row c2emOd Ahlounts which he placed on the Vat adinire the ingenuity &played 4 the �municatiou with the United Awer,'zau ,)uttlleG'Iirlitianmot,,herwas equal to it.. Hamilton hArmary,,
1vi on tiro sensible roine4
ki-kad up About it. Oh, of course not � sotes�wbicb they left 21806d in new c0ners in secretingthe opit It is reported that there ha be etern-aYfuturej taq beauty of
blank for COnceivablemanner, with the im in every ortanteagagements, one ultedios, is the tf) her h art, lVas morejo her than any out-
rei�ewalpurposes. Wellavenot ope t1kat X�hom Veportel'a fUrL the daily newspaper ew mom W
a "I t1is watchful yei of the Custow.hou tast theotherat Sagua, is Grande, in both wardeadta-uh1g. In a ents -the
W-'1ia"s0V, second 66 313111811. Mr. Young, is Supposed �to be Be ofwhich the Spanish troops � attacked the malke such frequenu aflus�)n,3 4' Witerdoes ODERICH .34ONEY XAR4rTIT So who art a*
beautiful golden �eeeo
engineer of tha S2ver-Spray was c!o=1dmr_ irt the S;Ztex.� offluers inight overlook it, Ill one ce a t1he putcht peisongro resIde ? Ii e was terderly sever -
swinging sign.for a wash -house, 4111ch nbauam'f6rce. AtRemedio& the Spaul- as fie a -d ,na lid in paper besid6 the straight �-dorreetedforthel�VAit4byW V.
ably Either, and has h r' 'S malt . 31wk 1 L Sp i
y CHoix d if) a ft a ra ocA. -------- ards Were 4riven off, ith a loss of 150 l inother 1 Dom h 1111
WW� solid to all APPearancei, n b b�a'elc locdcs of the younger sister. Then or, West street. Ar
16y tho machinery, thmugh somo njutxk.# WnmuAx DiVISM 'AT.—Mr. W. brok0n, revealed the fact that it was limg killed, womid-ed and pr-mviters. manypeorly ute, difference 4twfen the two was much
,f COL At Saum G�derfch. Aug. 3, 18G9. e4 jokes at his Z= LO�_�Vat , cnce vna pzt ctra vic
Grande tile litht _11stell expense? Hs Diviuc, Pro. I coin seven, hours, AXERCTAV1=VANQV OXGREMMALKS
W. Farrenr has we vnilerstank, ed OftwO very thin 'boards, the space .ess in xo afflers to the sn&e made or- P19a sqkj 111r:7 avrngemen vlUence", given ihto the hands of sowe gat ............. ............. rt,
mkiUftfl iiieiiml can, -between being Packed with apitan. 310re the Spanish forecoa number�*�hgover.1,500, fiele, caprid6us Spirit tile fif tile At an elrky age little Helen!x dark hair BI' -3r-o rmm. lie is unde t-4 bY Which lis bailff will receive sel gat ...................... .. is cmadarands V;al -bog' lcu to C1 of the dr.n.- was foumlin false bottoms of while that of the Cubans less than aa crowned with a chaplet of snow-white anid, we trust. wKJ soon be atwat again. AiMS for suit at Wingliam forthe situnP caithem pork, in cleats on th b(,ttoms f 1,090 effective h re Weatheri with speci& instmetigaa tilet e buds, as she lay on her coffin �illow. The
finally couipalled'to retreat, with a loss of 1se men and make floem ing at ......... i ................ 4 discout thouse C4 fle aud pf.mEnflit.
Itanta as miserable- 13ayl
of(?4D11rttO be held at GriffliCs Bell in boxes, in fake covers, sidex and hottome of atherAistei- lived on to a beautiful, noble sqjhni at ...................... A., S
ItOYAT, C"APIAIS J:�-ThoTOwft CQUIVO have detarmined thatTillagO on Wednoo&y the 20th Oct. trunks and boxes, -and, in fact jv Mer�V, while that of the Cubaiis, was " may b0 ? LOUId S"nl go. Theditor towanhood, with'� her bir had crowned is, by the v-�it:a t.liat lovelie�t. 4 an garlands�v �e Bu�ymgat .............................. S7 q 100'
to do away with the old, plank side-wlk on ii=f- If such an 'Pryook leig than r2O. The result of theze battles of a reh,,ious newdPapor, which
arrangement was made f)"ornerwhere. the owner thought there h . � V� A NO UL OZ
ws# altychancO Of smuggling it through. am inopire and a wam,friend ol the Bmiklre of humanity. Orders by mail or tex-graph exKuted withprompt-
the north sidefEaststreet and substitute Pftvious tour article on, the subject we d thoOlibaniwith renewed cour. way, decid2dly inclined toward re igion, wreath
alyel and they ave no doubb f their r, is our rc::q, aud�oa the most A&v6rabe terms. The Lghcsb ldforbMaudthek4liestprize Viia for
gra-vol WAsad. Our Goderich gravie, were mot aware Of it, ability to maii-daiii themselves against the 31kithority. -luarticentissaeofthatalteet, ramium pa L 4% 4Qf �JVt-k',St _ 'I,
KOVAL SCKsT1A forces now in the field sgainst them. the editor uttera these words : n, two wl!h kqusrj�
inakm a very fairmido-wa' canala is 610r4 to be TaBway F�:' -'en to %ho F. SMART. to
fally suggest to the street inspectorand ihg Dvx-*arRio.-0n. Wednesday 31AN-U, IfteTURES.—Wo ]earn with pleasure Alarge supply of arms andammunition, instances, within the spaceof twenty -foul the prepenge of General McLellan, DO
W 440o� -
Of lad weetc, damn& thatasociety isin courseof formation in including* batteryofartillerZwltb 260meu houM our redoubtable weather clerk I prefen the invigorting and health rester- GoatTZ01I 0 day of Augrtt,
�o las
C*nncil that by th-3 expenditure of & vrery manwhowag gale a f8her- this city, having forlis O�joct tle one THE MEAIMETS
st�_Pohit Auik�rVes, on the our- from the United States, woro successfully r?319,ths changes upon - the four seasons, A nat of the -Dominion to tbstof
P embarked ment and deveo rt givilig us a n u
smhil"%ft la ihs Pvrchsft of the prepor opposite x1dof Laka Harom ment-olhome wainiflac- landed nou Nuevitas, and are now Al 'ps Ledley of them all.-' There 'tee United States. He will t dimuch to Aug.
mk4 in which i Iding ofGeneral QuessdWs form. Thesickness We have a weather clerk, a interest him here, And we tr a VallWhest.....; ....... 1"0
materiaLs a great improemeat might Goderick mt a franockle for IM& Itis Prop�oed to erect a bui you have it. Lucan Commudicial Andemy,
-obell of specimens of the ma; ust he will re -
be made in this respect. nufactur�rsg is reported, to be abating, and Generals, sort of head book-keeper, who 'orders. the turn home impress Spring Wheat .......... 0:85
A ProPortion of 11144 of three boards. 46 got along Won roductions of the Province its ed with the befi�fthat 0*90 WILL
the isgrodinta used by the - 'ties ix si16- 11 be ex - Ques&dsaud jord4n expectgooj, to assume winds, and does. about what hUleafts. oallad
01 gibited—thus. furnishin a is not is Flour ................ 4:50 Cd� -4-501
*n*ugk until the hoary W"terly qu lu do not, nevcr , o:05�'RMXA .4611k, AUgast 30ik- 1669.-,
walk magwra. wou d. if all may - visit Halifax tf strangers who the oftensive with a force more thau equal Now, to be candid % the in* eraable Pis" Some -Oats .................. 0.-60 applied to nor praug up. an interesting thstoftheirppopents.. did, like this'stale 'and -irreverent joking. of his e0untryinev w1lah it to be eon. Peas ............... 66
FIVIllardy 40 he was- our hero exhibition of our industrial resources as are free t admit that it resuires the sidered. 0.65 (i� 0:
tows as al"o'tely Zkou"n& 'Of dol- had philosophy enough to know that his well as the progress made in skilled 0 Barley ................ 0:75 O.V
Is". I labor. attainmentef &-L*h dagree of grace to 0:001 THLZOP-1124:�'w V.11 cfkr Meucf) Wu�!AyOcWber
Only —The HeraU throws the rosponsibil#y enabloone to ndure Pork .................. 0:10 f&,
chance was to lie down gat in t1l. Branch societies are to be formed in the
with patience the —The 9ttawa dtizm mays, it is under- potatoes ........ I:oo 1:25;, term. L fee UC2 CElau w6sk*
Twx RAT& --At tke last agooting ofthe skifr Which he did. various r1entres' of of the Reiffoustoin frauds on the adminis-
From one huge Wave industry in the sudden changes that oecur in this climate -- stood that Judge,3 Wloch has placed big Butter ...... ... 0:15
tely but theologians towh us that'all thiuga re ar,-3 n
town Couiscil it was. JeeWed to Aik the me to anothsr the solitary mariner ash Province, whichsliall be in regular our fttion, as a whole, it bs� oxclumi, sipation, in the'liands of the Govern- E.,o_s Fre"Ch, Draw�ng and Yanry It, .......... 0.0
of smaosmost for this corrent -year at I k s towads h wAed resPondence with the Parent society OntruBted with the power of appointing are ordered by Divine Prov,.denco. The meat. =L JAISI� M. bl-GERT, Tw-kon
so moving public servants so as to: a V ton.....,
G19d ric wich, Singular to relate, Halifax. The society is to i ue a n� anare 9.,w
bli- gwd God orders the sunshine, and sno, I Py fiivf�t4"
ss im a6w. he succeeded in reaching adely. This is cation contaiiiiiig laterefting info Caro A, faithful -administration of pulalic —The unusually hot weatherin Califer. Hides (green) .... ..... 4:00 4:50 doub � nd
ry4tion and wind, and He has not ap 13rmU,g, hijair.y, viln ag,
affairs. Antongst this administration, the -pointed a nit during the present season has serious;. Wood .......... I ...... 2.00 2-150 e",
so,ention that at the ftri"y ane, of the most oXjMrdin&rV "to trade sxd '"Ruf&cturers.. and th luifth40Tll1gd8Vil to do UU W(�rlr. Please ly injured the rop i any pl a. Beef, per cwt.
Wo may a , orapeo a in ace ..... fi-00 7:001 1"t most- Progress =44ein the Prolvincei Usceiver-Geusrv�[, . how Tor. Cl"ooAtin 4'GreeK'i and Vucan�le 1AW46,
VOMPO STOr MO" OU IA** Huron. n industrial is III
si�l& for the management Xix�ovrhv 'Ceatl I wssal'tvhee 'room talk about & myth'- —Tt is mud that Chickens per pair ... 0:3 21, tiv, 0
is$ Of th# tob*ft 00111DW Msyor Cr&t4 pursuits W* 211dentand that upwards "open 1 #1 a luvap of camphor heat�- :15, Uy.9r. L� L, B
i0f two &�o dollars have department, of which Riffenstein was a a and evaporated in a room will drire bat Ducks 0:30 (4 0.35 rhysWnfy
Ithad been alr*ady 0:31 Pb UuTran Coyrp&n4jv-,s
......... and
thm Xr. W. Kay and wirmOlma 11F It ia expedod that the 33rd Bat. subscribed br a few Mt1golen who have clerk,—but that gentloman (the Roll. Mr. the moxquotoos. Wool.* 0
-D"pll, "Um V*101&4*r *iliiis will 1`0 SMOMPOd taken an, interest Renn 'XittYs whers"s tho frying pan fP John I
an isAwTim vM Hon. W. IL Sheep ......... ...... 4.00
, of H#Jffax,) took $*little interest Two hundred travellers' narses were 0:00 Vic
Viso OW kha* Ow GoTwass"t intend" to an th6 NAMS" " about Saturday th* daysthe sitbocribienrothwsll'ivl'gjawett- In.%ow in the matter thiLt he left Ottawa the ay ny's got it, carting mud and eyster shells registered at St. Lawrence Hall ix Men- Turkeys ............... 0.-50 fib 0:60 English I�Mnehw in,
s 3,fr, Reigmstein was brought before th* Apples ............... 1.00 (4r� cluIugtheory and practv,# ik war-hing St to S& i4u to
drill. itable - �&a dear little fellow! what tr*d on the 29th'
"peadMOW on some harbor on lake t1th 8"ember for their-mmmal constitution and appoint au ' a L i the alley, with the cat for a horm.
amove as arxn JW the oftonem should r*- NOwbas will be c9W fsr bearers. fiere is certunly ampl, scope polibo]K"gistrste. From the facility Of —The anti�reut troubles in Grootbush, � Goderich galt, wholessle, Lo.b. per bbl,
& VJ* flapi s ar"dmitted at azy, %jmq� poy Uwk�
"PPly* fr the beneficial operations of the so. arabakoleniont in thin CA86, aad the len he'll yet make ; but go and get it, We! re $1:20. monlou And Other inforzhati6v sent fnr- a 6rtulw or
to find, it owt,arid 40 ,to have 0olawy, And inuot fry some I�KVLC`0 — --
He (Mr, 11AD-) 0dk&rsa" OD"iPa"es with PrOvisiG09,00- socia4i no an ro 0 op riw manna 11 Y reBul the 27th ins, general ell!
Port as&* the P"P*r ut o df mth i rin t by lj�t r_ ral persons wort
shime aid " tho oo*r of -a bos= &M Irm hoW k"pas for kooping the asuUmn which action box bwa on we of time that itas taken Irewy tak oounwW I with tjo HA or dinner.' "Ve
that no an person sly wound Luan, Ontario uly 33, 3W,
Ow V"M Of 00darb* dopeasUy if booked oamp. h&T0 So doubt the filtaace or solit d?psrtme4 but by a
MOT8111,011t Will Prove
by 160 freak 0&t*UWAU at 6&0 mp-i orentual1r, suo0swiftl "d receiv r ivo an inclined to thimk that the Ciinnssx MoDl or SWRASING.—A —A colored woleall in Kentucky save Clinton, Aug. -2, Mfg.
80wadaloun Azecrution of an o0rdw support of 0 the okan" to in the treasury dopkrtment Chinese trial at Silver City, Idaho, derived birtk to fivo children the other dayall of Fall Uheht_... (k, 0194 otke ofMwlal Wn and �'v-Psrtaersbfp
%me 800may Would bsve gram Wewbt ths Pea*.—HaWa P`ablic "rT*& y hilgh for honesty or -we interest from whoin. an li * iprin do ....... ...... 0-95 (e4 0-98
must stand Ver os rig TL*9.
tho would hayd hsard of other defaloations em witam". Tke Tida Waive describes the —Imitation meorsichann pipes we now 0:45 (d 4:50
WsshhWlon, JWy 96.—Intenigaft" hq OTICI is ber0y liven that t1w rart&efthip hw6,,
Barley ................. *80 a 0.8-) Nt0f0r#XWbCfAG4 bstw*ep ut, Uke uudmfgaod
mosaved from Bav=& wtua " to Vntwa Ameoti". n4sw. Tho Roogirer-Goneral's notlect of soremonies: "A reaster's haA is hacked madle of stale broad, whioh kardex, and. it Peas ................... 0:60
4 046
looking after his own Offift id tho less, 61- *ff with a knife, a smoor broken, ths oath is said, "oolor" sqW to the &vnxino. I J*hn C D*Ulor, 1 Wild fiw44 abd 7 beaw 1);w
sw vasb*" Afteridon, Rue" C"Joe 14sw You& J`slY 30—K .' P.Wd oasab* i tbAA40rA*^r1Y 4 thft writton on yellow paper Vamod, ani tke Potatoes ................ 1. VtUor- AS bre" GoA& "d jieperj MeMMU, W,4
�50 Qk 2 00 d inwived 1,y lnutulo
"a 7"smay " by the orns" to oks repiding me V
I A Berlin letter et#Aes thAt the projed Of Flour .................. 4--A0
Uglaa d%tiog q the &�&�t 9XftP4 that me smoke, which is gi 4:50 Frabom VLW 8031th All dehu do* 1w tug
p in dwir pefift rep 'r* if ';�Q to bo the *rit h*ld'ng A vui�sr&4 Said partaership — t4 bp Twid. W &ad lbw 4 co
66C This "vid�sal *6*,mL Ele a" WMaxW as it may dischaqed b. P fo from
=Wnl, :U -Zkbiti�n- ill that Cit., Hutt,r .................. 0:121 0:15", ,
w" ben in AN 1131"M XMIXter. of t6 burned oa* blown up to basaen is ander the c6aWderation of Goya Rg 0:1 the same 4i I)Yfthk Wd John C "St"t and
Thomw b W vat
h" 4d- *hub we Pon in "isle, �Qt he me is novenhelas Actuaffy true ....... .......... 0:10 . V� =. by *MOM the hQ61h
hlLaa� - S in ssA asse. T2w Inane and defence onut, "A likoly to be adopted. pmtlemh fts of W "id
the UrAsd Nts600, sM boa he a" IAB kwi "=,coup tried to 6114h swors *** witmwo* illed IV* -W be rOsulklml At tht towlk of U*den&
"afosommobled that ftedsm saw h1her an 06Zdaolunlw Zf _r in t6 80*6 W 1sworth XWkeft untier IMM of J C Decor & Co
as, t1w Vhiu& 410MAIS so &Bi*& bway in Twaft th* 2%k bay. Lt Sidek Mpow3owAw death of the
burimid Ave, At Wdemb, this loqh
J4J Of J*, A DIM,
at robw their M'g bow sedwoM bf Amdwfts� of do 30W Abe. Alier kar'06 the English P""Aw W Mumhy, who Aied in C Dinuft
abolot p. 110 vtvy far so" 15ea&rtb, Aug. 2,1849 CVS w SUFM
4" 40 ukhasom 29 - FVAIC
.NNaA___ 40 b".8" Away r*oav*d in tk* Val I Wheat ........... . 0:86 O�90 THOM Ah P W DSTLOIL
:NNW Jor us;. bak "V* Spring W heat ........... 0*80 0-85
Wn^ wdwl� 81146 -bb" bm OVOdhft dmd bolk d"mm� W. a. SQUIER,
*1 �_ t" a* "w VYAM Of Pout lia bog ........... t- 00 C-50
Is WV_ft
04 iqopitm%, Ift, 04to .................. 0A8 (i4 0-50
bow my; be .7 MONEY F 0
nsas t Barify .............. N D.
old bo@66
eopotato" .............
if" fawn of the 4"r in sairway aa Pon .... . ... ....... 0 UND In Goderieb _ WedwedAy th, t1st uW,
the 100=W owu#r can have by VVt
0"', gwaJift *my *WiV$aj8 to Butw
000 -wry pnw at We us".
...... ...... 0:09
t he
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rstamfxal C:!T=
1 C 5�
nL, -z C_�-
Wen, F
thro C-1 cz�j
V-1, I il, N I T,
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'X A& T31i
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it 1K C 11 .11 10V I
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