Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-30, Page 3'n the C'M7 t: 1=1 Vnf�)Ming his 7j" can---: k;hartZ b-&070 tho Qd� By �71 (-.,,,�ernmont has given t1l3via" that coun- of t10 0:lio, last week eiiolqirc his *25 .4r.md- zclt�-,=^ed that the I VeWll Melnberii Of S2 is;- ULt:ifam on the 14th. the MontreA on,:- tDf Prmee Arthur. " ""uapete. el sltcra,v, be. ani 11=i!�on aliabs, 'et,� zy flar the Toranta �-­4 mfI F,�urtz_-n runs to r�- at th3 -8 sinza Na bank out West ,mbinati,,u for the vault kon,;;.13k wi!h the typhoid -2 r;,.Gv-,re3 lie Could not �1_- f��wer EnF- ish words ara �smntttjng aespatch th= _,an 11, e anEl tha 1"!.aglish td& stsuz� Vj &Mve expe=3 aa_.: F., 3f.4 M-.' -3 in le=;th S311 a=,-,mteI t. 'Ont!e tL3 A-2,zi, �ane Our �_11,1 at tys -nue -f cang'as, jr. A:le-,=tc7 fa- t) Sold by T' mat an -I Lan- �at. L_- acd CL S,:,R TF D­­__Z__-.S:s- Kild, 0 -ZZ; -q* AK-Van"Ir. fz)r hy Dr4ag _n L-_` far 6-d i:y an jr f,�: ]?Llea Cf Jr f4- CC -1-9. Da"_- anl a.B P_,-_�at 1:7ithi wan - far r,-Ifev- M7_tbE!7 !�r= it Pq__2TL__ a2 Fa,:FA--::s. a --I res�Ores Ln a SLI --t time�. -a. fn a be-althy per- vb-,:a give* vttUaUtjy to 7er--. S=p the uced T, and 71 --or 7 3 PUI- tbr=t P x-� 0TW-111-9 x­_aL or tte M-Cst =n ln= t_� Le:d in h4test_-�_ �Ofthl bride's fdther am t -he 23th day ofJjtfl3� mmr2er 'a Rev- Dob�art Vi�a. Ale a of S=d- AdeH(3e daught-ey of Daniel of ti e : Fw_ea fw' fii-a co 7 fib *X�gn q -,T Fk A W for.sai& "A :Ex- MN <:0 :';:z It 11N G -18. OVIl-D kA ]�OtkXV41 .4 0C>ZZCVCXP X3EtC>1V- LE-; -11, E Al 'SIR i4dtS, CLARKE, �s cufad by Using Dr Oolby!�['A�tt.costive ina IrXIAT superforl'iVal. Lot 1'0,':�Oth von, le,D Cui- f:.:. lam mighty, Inthe sabdit D'YOPE -Bowels qlarraot., I borne 4 acres' Go ficrei, 4 .whtjb 4re PING atiailf f4mal(B alterations Irk 'Building sud t3 Tonto Pills. They r qlato the the "3 nn'l 443,4, ratered j�xejuj,-jos tu order ta,elvar out all. Of 1wesout 'stock Flercelywielded by the bravo, cleatorl, wo GODETRICH GRAMAUR 18)4 - ,a - , fption 'py 49ij jj' a 11viag -creek, ai�tcl bounded B ff.�STRWABT &BRO-9 Cry cl). Liver, clear the'Comp e9l(m, anilMnOvelP thd systilin, preiaie4, /ion ff house -4nd frame prescr i r Blaftlanx. c 141 Glorious In the stalwart steamer, they ore composed of, aetIV& h1reolents III a. highly, ,00d I of (" i . 2�vd t oil flie!pkeralses. jU stu obouseopposito ta J151m 11.0pit's tFn shop, I 11� 0 C) 1-1. concentrated form, ana strike 4 1 be roqt of disoa-0, 01arke, JU�,Uj Pitykeian Ex ra6idlnr q - ty'rPSON16ve V Ith, a god& ark-lix EJFA�u mo�cd the b3lanco nof tll�� 9004B tO file pre I Ulan C.1; curing most like magic. '-Sltuaied- one mile Train the� village- of Raii4hester, 11 they.aro givifl — Laughing at the storm and wave. - to fAeQuem LOTBING, Mutt Alifte' -up yusinczs. CLOIH95 0 n street. and as OUTajj�a testify to their extraordinary ourAtive The -sold at lers thtin,cost. F; tyisallosiraliloinvestmentbehi the CoUnty va-made great neat it - efibyraoteor tsllt uccount , d An�ggetat rjill be oLl 1�v Mju!`L�­Lfl_)� �fls will be. . c THIS S()HOOL proltertles. pol0vallilettlerr. pl! I We ba tetions In Pdces w)lich rew b _A those indcl Beauteous in tlie palate pillars, This iuvaluAblomedIcUfte is "arafling ti the a � 211ell ad and pospeAsingasuperigrull pilTilege On cut or made up in the LataSt Stylb 1311 the *ShOrtest J�ettle at once. I I aro �4eqftestcd to eall-and t,:tb, u,"). Saving in the pointed rod, n A U T I F U L I SPI1119DII) I I is':the O.Ure�ot allkliese pilallit and dangerous di. mwes the River 31attTand. Aprly to. native. 'WILL RM-OPMN Bverdiot given b3� all who use HuNVa EurinE,HAjU. . � *1 1 -1 . - A t m)vh1cfi the- r6ruale contstitution to su t I it G.1.11. TRUEMAN, VFW& WOOL. As It brings the deadly lightning! GLOSS. It makes dry, harsh; 9tiffiftir $oft, glossyand Auctioneer 4 L HUCxn IDUNLUP. ON inodeiFates till excess and lFemeves a] lobstraf io atidAgenp, Oor,�rlcb. tpr!Ce paid for a'SyqUa1M11tyOT V7001. Quelled and harmless to the sctd, beautiful.' It -cleanses the Scalp, removes phatilts, , s� -pril 1$4 -1. -if Goderith, Ttqy 10. 16,69, raillo cute. inaIrbe ialied on... A 869� , 4vid juspectik plans tho; glands, prevents the hatr frout. IT. STEWAUT offf M Quf 42, T, and will certainly make It grow strong, luktiflauf MUnday, t%de 9Vh Augiist But there is a glorious ess6nee, beautiful, audit is only25 0ts[P'dtb;ittIM­ f. TOMARRIM LADIES Aees Cherr xa,0� 1869. JL of tinfe-, y X VoOral, 0 .51, rea. Whtm� all pupils, wl �%pplieants for admission rere- Where I take my grandesli power. Sold everywheyb. in p6�euljajly vuited. tt Will, in- a,sh ra, 80 &1!:V3, -lea For lHaesses of- DISSOLUTIOiN-;OFI"IRTINERqF�IP,. 2 cDtf,d to be rite emirst, of in,,truction In- Pring, on the rr.on egli the Tbrest'aud 3�fm&, Z2 �aud log 1 the for ulatrivulation it. Giving to the AAcn my sure6t, "Eaefi bottle,prica One,Do)laril;ears it - oov-'. suoll as COU025, Colds, NVIlooing p H in U M A T 18 & and all other notice and pates c- latillation.,4 of in application Of JACOUS'RAEUX,�jja. to paraul t4olllniversitie% ato fo. lusmng the leave the body ( C6u,gb, Broichi .&stlim! .. to those in- Sweetest ald, in dan,-ees hour, �ramctit Sf4nip drGreat firitain p vo t (56un-. h tile pardsts10 tnZikig to tleet;-no it, to prel'are rjr tile. exmina- Li(j�,ro. WewilltvarrentittoctireBurnr,,Fmst pirfeits. and VoDPUMPUon. P Chilblains, gore Throt, Lame Bnck or Side.prajns, Ile town of under 4lie style and heart tiortor the Bord and to those See I before me fly diseases I &OF Some of-theturcait has effected are almost, too Prbbab% never before in,the whole. Wgoryof pCffaJjday,& %%jId, jitis tills day bei�jl Lijisolvi-d t,y iZt^-7%1bn9 to eter n Loimeivial lite, to acquire a wondergul for belief, litany have been svect -t it Peet Pitts shouid not be taken, bujentdc durzi;g 'Medicine, as allythlugWOU. sowId* and mdeeply *-(milt of tba%ad health of Mr. NO CT a er l ri n See the darkest hydras bow I �rreg upon the confidence Of Mankind, an as this.,qxcell int and owing to the hrin will tt'Weu, SULTAL � -No with Co Int, OF A th letic from impendluf deathland restored t9lifn and health tha F TRS 7 TIVE E 9 - XQ1V TFIR omplainis. Wild. All Secuutits remedyforpulmonaryp =a Book Req,pilig from the cotintry can ob. Notamily is sa a a day without it, hundreds of vain. I See the rose of health add beauty be saved an&' 21ancy, as. tloy are &Uie to bring 0 itriscar- Movst of the �idces besettle,l-by 311. Ili 'Y-'Da1*atbiSJ5th day of July a 1,,w rte. This is the best able liveg and thousand s of dollars may series ofyearsi.��a aino, ��l . %M -3V - Take the palest cheek and brow, Asa preventive of contagebus dis. Fe, bt at afty other trvie they are s fe. X- men ithas risen higher, aff higherin the estims. 111 1869; fivi T.InvIsca, Tcsl�pll 'R. tim-00"the ve�ir t�, ezot�r lie new elsses will be rt&ully by Its use. 0 fbrmcd in 1-1rencti, Latin 'her ror ases, nothing ever before invented 6 tion, as t has become better Jinovm d a, subje�ts. incontsilarowit It !,.p tu all cases o -Nerve Its uniform ad to MWard t!=n a to cure the -vArlou tcmther particulars applien ail Nr authorize all dealers to refund the iftoney if it alus in the fiack'and Limbs, F tiam -on z%!ight characterand ower ion may be n1a,ld to Fly, dyspepsia I fly consumptito I does sati-afaction. the, He4rt, Hyo OfI11611111g91114throat, have made $am, THOROUGH B.- D SUFFOLK BOAR terest J. pjLF.8T0N;. R A., not give entire lexertio , Palpitation 0 -rics atid It kno -1 able protector ag Heatintaster, yes, all ills are crushed at length, J. FOSS& Co. bitMbeso Pills *.H efflict 4 curc wherall III ainst thein, �W.Iiuje a d to in,,liased a thorough bred Sur a iiiriiieribij, 00derleb. July l5th. IS69. w26 -td PARIthR & CATTLI-I Agents Goderich. w -I nilder forgis of disease and to young chil a jtle,� H13 subscrib-iF ba und sale of tualts awl iol 2-17 other-iiienns have fhih�d ; and altbouel a po�wer ' P. Wkelifoiservice. Ptleefor, For I give what huit: an nature at the same time the most efteofnallemed t Tiolk Boar which It. - IuFrt 'Ji COPELANA =edy, do not cotain on. call Del, alltl- be given for incipie $1.00. cooltemge bii9ine-5s, �_T t! r to"I n S'­ JULY.-F-Sau-stroko.-Tbis accidental illfiletion, calla nt�consiimlptlonj an W10, only ever needed -STRENGTH I bv the Frouch coup d� saleil, is supposed to' ocolir more mOnNN, or anvt4lng hurtful to I lie i Mist ution. gerousaffactions of the throat and lungs. a, Staxll6y, April I Son& cotni3any. per G., M.,-, "'D fiequentlyas the country is cleared, but at jund each vision against sudden attacks of u it a d such Indeed ons in'the Plimptil Shatil I tell in wbat,,Teat essence eerved; be kept�on hand in evcrLfVj, -d all 111.futnle cd 4: ta n a t T tI.T n 0 f:. I V is not the cue. In the Sam maimer� matayVisuppose package, imbibb sbnuld -be"caref ady I Contractors. that crime is on the increasia"' the cou,,,it!t becomes 'are sometimes sulAject; to col s ghs Notice t _ , I Sole agent for the Ernited Statesana CanitdaA, � should be provided wiffib this ant' 'Evi J. Noltrars I can thus your spirits cheer up 2 nnf' em. older S bot)i N.Y. .,butthisalsois, J.OB h1()9ZS,'PocbePte illusions spring from the increased factuties for com- Although settled V0'sumptio7i, Is th6ughtin. pallid. trembling, dying sufferer, ­$1.00and six po-4tnge stain en.closed curable, still great numbers or ewes wherb-the dis. Partner and authori'.�a rj.,oue to trj2.f;:ej thr innnication. which, like the great snosuoviaw nEXEMY !ALIfD TENDIMR thercol. E. 110SNE13F, fc., 'Tis the fained " PERUvIA.; Syaup." for consumption. fol low in thewake of ci any authorizeli Rgerlt will ine-ure P bottl6 corL. ease seemed settled have- been complete y4ured, n(b the patient resGed to sound. hed, by the G 11 _R.0 _V1 S The PERUVIAN� SYRUP is a protected solution of t0,1110.9fifty Pill by return mail: ofter -ectoral. So complete Is lts�mastetyF lwlt� be seceived. bt the Trustees f Union chool -Section No.-fi,.Cult Welivanosh until the ]�Ord day SPrGIAI, NOTICF,. over� e borders of the Lungs.sud'T 44L -house, Ueur dile or Iran, new"discovery in lot A, COST FOR 30 D A be-Protoy medicine THE OLDEOPTLYLA the most obstinate of1hem yield tolt.. t . uguF;t next, -for building a 1191V iclitiol. hat strikeS at the root of disease by supplying the Sir -Tamu marizes,ri vinaze Pius are extensively colm- ing else cofild reach them, Under the Ped- Manchester. Plans and speel fictitions may be seen at Gotlexidi.1-A June TURFEITED. The genuine 7&ave t1to aame of "JOB MOSE �f PERFORMING All MALS AND CHEAPEST on e404 paclx4e. toral they subside and disappear. r. Sutherland's Store, 31anchester The tritsteLs do load with its vital principle at-. life ekiiiefit.-Iron. A.11oiliersoreworthlesa. $in&rs and P4b110 ff_04�dftrj find Oea. jvo� liqt bind themselvesto acceptthe lowest tender. The genuine has Psatin-i" Sriue blown in the NORTHRUP & I irMAN, tectio ftom it. "AS SUTLILMIAND, Trustees- PLASTIC ETAT-0 11001TING,, Newcastle, Ci. W.,geners sthm. is always relleved and fte� MhcUy-,�, HENRY FARROW, lass. cured by it. . I TijoAAS ROAR, 1 11. HOOK STATIONERY STORE agent forVanadr 3�2146ncAitie i x0r, cureA by !,ki-n 1869. w25 -td t3- aitle ana CherM Peetoral a] t oses. Pamphlets free. L — rM HE unde.mig.ne(l bos b. -en appointc�3 fox 6oldin'6oderieb bv Parker N 0 al and trequen TIlastlefilate RuoFmg imilezzal anti ire now. F. Jordan; Gai4irjer a 'Co., Bayl Ad ; J amps " o generx9y are its virtues known �We,necd J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. INSOL-VENT ACT OF '1864. prepared to ftxilr4h Ittat.es uIth 07 put it WEST OF HAMliATON I thO certificates (if J. Pickard1b,teter; t&plbl-.,Ih t - on thereof at'se mmeapez Glintop., cord, J.,aeIrnowl E. Hick the Imblic; that Its: 4u ties No. 36 Day St., New York, arner, ol toderlob Maintained. Inthe watter of Joseph States 0 son. Beat forth.', and ,I[ Medicine 0edJors. *W For Roofin it is ly Rt commum do zld OTITHROP & Lym,%N, General Agents, IS THE SIGNAL 01FIFT-011 in Ins.%IvcnL. itars of tl;e Insolvent are --tifltl that he by both BullOrs end ior fts ligLtness. n2A Sold bv all Druggists. Vol. xxi. a 4T. effects 3- 0 re,,. alirability, it bzIng IlLrailly 13:5, pr�iof not te Newcastle. Ont. OLLO AYer'S A9UP Vi, -dean assignment of his tstate 9 MOTHERS, READ TITTS ! Under thealigve Act, to ine, the utidergined' SSIgri rep3lr. It cau b3 on V � it oi,any Wnd d f I ling 1pttliq ft-reguired to foraish me within tle lj-�ZT in the IC3, T. J. MOORHOUSE, W4k-',8 W RINI LOZI�NGES are a certain an For Fever arid A ae, Tnt,6rm1ttA4 0 , & cities and state. date -%; th their claims, specl 3-411 Chill Favor ant fro this New gnemsements MPORTS dirert from. British 31anufactur0s, every safe-redpcfy for Xlroi Dig in ghildren and Adults mttent Feyer, 1'3)umb the s -urityl; 0 1A If any, and the value of, it, Aguef :Periokoal or uous Fqor, &o -dunderoath, Al Ll RO 0 71, description of -Mlt is a wpil-known and rneialkebOly iact, aawdiiideed all the afteotions-whicih arjs�' it one s timi t a t the whole attest SDI IF It�hat olle great cause661cath among children is frorn, malarlous, n2ar8h, Or tht froth Wofms Mone, iteannot te toe dceply im-- Xmisons. D oi�ler;cli- in ithe County or IEurbn,_1 this Go leiielt, 128th IL-ly, ISCI, SALT STOCK FOR SALE, WRITING PAURS9 pressed Upon the in6ds ot parents tb i' nec&sSitv 22nd d , o a. 1869. JOHN H&LUAN. As its isme Implies, It does Care, And.dbes �pot w,25-2vg, of closely watching theirehildren. 81­0401ng- M. ContainingiieltherArs-enlc,Quihine, Bismuth, NOTIV410 B2100 In Demy, Foolseap, Letter and Note Sizes, and offers ,dmlorstanding the symptons and true cause Zinc, nor any other mineral oUQlsonous i4batance HE subscriber offers for sale at a reasonable price them at the lowest possible rates for casIL of the disease, thousandi of children miebt be hatever, it in nowlse inlures any,patient. 1t*qS0TVr1NT_ ACT OF 1864 -- The five Allares, in the lf Com ZAIZ, 4 T Ontario & pany- d froeArly'graves. Symp ros oE, WoRms number and importance of its cures ifith ' e -di& GEORGE AM% Co. :300,000 3ErnVe143i­PeSq gave In the mitter of Edward Penton, an Illsolvet! --The following are a few of the very aumerous re r e now in stock and sold at prices that astonish tile trade. symptomsand diseatin"t which nre-cansed by 0 th pride S, In histo 6411 credito?s of the above named Insol"lent, are LL partleR indebted to tln latQ fain oT ad by the )-I ed ',? gin ts we notified to meet at loylties la the town of Goiter - HOUSES FOR. SALE. THE ARumb:214& Co.. a -a rrquirerd to po) Worms: erafiged kpiletite,emeciated extrem- celvb of the r end cures effected in -Obstinate ich, Oat.. on 3londay the2nd order to save costs.' P4yirwai� tcy bepadu to the vnf2cr- day of August next. for He also offers for sale three houses on lot 222 of the Sj_j:S:Srr JS&TTS3:0. ies, ofrensive breath, frequent PiLsIng 4 the cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. the parpose ofinspecting Insolvent's Solicitor s account signed, Jbn V. D01or & Zlon, t7,�e town of Goderich. noge,griniing oftherteeth during sleep, hardnes 'Unacclimated persons, . either resid mf in, or and for the orderingof the affairs oftheestate generally, of the Para film, V DB�IADM S. LAMONTINE. Special ateention is given to this department. parties oftho be.'y, w;th frequent slilpv sto.ols; and trayelling,throughmIaern tic localities',will be pro- Dated at Goqtriell, this 19th July, A. D.,1869. Goderich, July 27, 1969. w26 -3m ordering from me may rely on having any description sOmel. radis colivulsive 11ts; pain iFi tha head and tected ]a talcingthe AG9 CVRu daily. . JOHN HALDAN. trembling, ver 0�n�4fntq arising fr in -;a I officita Assignee, for C. H of musie.furnislied promptly and ",stoma.,h, unqiT---t iteep, Ihintings; 0 01 1725 doughs, inde esil.,ji,low spintw,'frigbirul dreams, of the 14iver it is an excellent remedy, sit n the Liver into healthy activity. and a gradua wasting awav bt flesh, FAL'Aj SHOW, – 11 YorXilious Disorders andLiver Compldints, It is -95. MMVM�WJS At Very Lowest Prioese -administered to the an M&X They are pahlab,er, and seff excellent remedy, producing many trnly re, opular pieces child -drive otil the Worms thoroughly without markable cures, where other medicines bad felleA. T"n A trge assortment of new and p always Prepared- by DR. J. 0. ATER & Cd�, ractical RESHMENT -R OMIS ty otitand. a find'coml)letely(eleaiiiie�thestoinat.-h-t'here- South 1urq Agricultural Socie . , lty1doing away with the nedesAitv of administer- and A=13*tital VhQM1StSj LPOWW; MUSS.,find 6014 This is the cheapest house in the trade. All round the World; MARXET SQUARB, ngilaslar Oil or other un pleasant cathartics. -as YOUR Profits bared on the xeady monq'l system and not a the uSd of other %Vorm A-Tedicines, PRZOE, *1.00 PER zip TIME. RE south Huron Agricultural Society's,Fall Show credit. . I I . I NOW Re -opened in tho New Build' Tfor 1869, in connection with the Tuckersmith "--1fichboxPontaF' "th ' tac-Rimile 01911- LM NO RT H R IJ P & . LYMAN, Newe"tio, Ont., general- YCZ22 Ins a W. IL Q SHEPARD ................... p� �rjetr Branch Agricultival Society. will beheld In the village tgre Of NORTBROP _& lbyii",Newcastle OntOrIO,p auents for Canada. LEW a. NORTH ......................... . er Of Seafarth on Thursday, the last day of September, T., J. Noor-h—ousei, who are the sole propriei6m. R3- Sold in Godarleb by Parker & CattIq and F. ND OTHER TE14- C. XAGOMBM1 ISTAM ge? and Friday the firstday of October next. The hisid. Jordan. Gardiner & Co.. Bayfleld. James Renthum, cE CREAM, SODA WATER M FRANK SQUIMELT ............ Leader of Bli and take-no'other. Sold in G:ouerich Rndgerville. J. Pickard. Exeter. J. H.' Qombe, Clin- perance b Fruit of all ............... Assistant ud department to be arranged and judged the first day. Goderich, July 13th, 1869. Avg B,­�A*k for Rollolvay's Wor= dr'y01'p'_rk,' kinds in season, I've her z Hand bills seuting forth the prize list, conditions, &a., Cattle and F. Jordon ; 0ardiner & a El. HickSon, Seaforth, and paitry,&c. -will be glad to see id. AVAY, rs, custo l; on the old stand. uilding A Mowing Match and a (3. 1 ers at the Xew B . ton. Seetird, Lack ow. 5I.To ack Bel field ; James Benth4th. Rod;erville; J. Pieka RU ]MStabjj8h�d ()ireW Of AMWjea willappear in due time. rd.. all Medicine L)ea Te-aphig Match, will also come off this year, In cannec C4 xeter; J. H. CiAnties Chalon ; Secord, Lue W-17� Godench, May 27t* 1869. tion with theSouth Huran ligricultural Society, a AC FREDERICK Acl;Fno7,j i ISA ID dged to sypnss in the which notice will be given of time and place as soon as kni�w; E. Hickaoft, Seafortli, and all Medieine Dealers. r,43 Goerich, My 2,5 1869. -W4C>0Xj possi If more of the owners of Stallions travelling eff %Aendor of Its iyard oi Number and ent of its ArUstes, the I, the South Riding of Hnrou this season, Will contri- 'TES robe M F TE 0 THEOUN91VIr the butetowards-giving prizes forfoals z;t the fail show, to be held in Seafortb. Mr. James Johnston, owner of ts Beau- let N PAIN D f _trd=' CANADII the Rob Roy, offers to give $5 ; others wishing to sub- 10NDO-25, E1fGLAND- Mul Uorss ZIA Ponies, scribe will please send the money and their name to XADE BY L. ST1NSTE-0, RECENT ST., X -M P=[ji=ArTm COI=CTION OP the undersigned as soon wossible, so that it may ap. Moth FuL A Family Medicine, well and favorably knom an., Sectly 'Go ou Tun pear in the prize list. GH LOVE, 8 for t1je past tel% yen rs. neverfisling in a sin a S. H. AF S., 91 FMORMTWMD ANIMAM HiUsGreenP.O., 'anent Telip arliewtimel June 926th. 1869 w22 -td instaneek to give perm similar e3tibition ever brought before the used - and *a have never known a single case HE general agent will thronab Zosbiq Callaway, call upolf the people of thisNic!1114 in the course (Of tl'a P9uf?3lC,, Tile thouands who have visited Mr. . Tnext months, with a III asso'rtment o9hese now celebmt4d ins6iments, vh1ch -we slialloffbrat the follow- WATCHMIER, JEWELER, &c.. of dissatis [action where I be c4ections have eo, each; White blapie on Walnut Back, enn -",t nnr Worth's Circus vAthin the past twenty yean, can lug lExtreme1v 1[jovv ]Prices. Plam White Cherry Frames from $6to $8, accovdingto tubes; Black WaInjitCases, Withe/junnortclass tubes$8 ;with titat'linred tubeg 9.10 nud Cloth FWIcd mid BXs=12_ on to the bEh mputation everywhere sustained EGS to say to his numerous friends and customers aroperly tollovKe4j bui on the contrary all are it Wooden Cistern and Vrew hOTICEX imaFicst notira , parlico Ixe-m will estab%iiLent, and to the refined and that he intends to remain in Goderiall, i th L td'$20 each according to finish ; flae Satin Wood. frames, $20 each, with the Celebrate s'_ bY I B ind that lie speak in iL Tabe and Cistern $25 sl 11h.alish Wheel Bar- fall tlzeiT Weal wilb -";e LUblonable character of Its audlipuces, which has will be glad to submit thdiarge and varied stock iu� his hted. with its opnAtianst and e cut atthe end ;-Rose Wood Frame withBonalDiFils find FrankIii so hmadsoin upported It It Is only necessary on012 to A85 each. iieboiding ftifuilsh; with a amt 4 ay, a5 te 1mve V Ut o UT n! r,� cyy n ;0xLt el =3 shop on West Street, near the post office, to their In- highest firms of its Virtue and Magibal.dirceta, ometerA in 11obagailty Frame, wind dial andlevel,ACe.;attached, fr , 0TO0]1HOLDrR5 Of the 00110AC11, Petroleum & - -4 . to Bute that -15 spection. THE CA NA DIAN P Z N D S S TI? 0 yR, f"surtment of English and.?ranchAnerolq Barometerti. .0 Salt Compaity. take nAlco that �211 twu CAB have , er, wo x-,211 alco GMGM_NrJ1?3[4V CO3XP-A_W'Y Goderich. June 129 1869. wag. been mallo by the diMtoirson thanp:dd st-wit of the T"hen &mletca =M u7c= vao], 7. rall has won for itself a repuVition, " a blood puri 'd for One- YeaT above company. paydble as foloim (10) te Iter c=t Et Ir-r-tt., T� trd, C TZ; ad 6; rc a-1 It ej, alterative st -h ionic, unsurpassed in the EVery hisITUMeAtWarrante Were selected fro= the popular arenle schools o6 iia height bove ttide viz: iin VAy 1Q, 186:1 lu lbo M�Gd:e. ve Would al -co enu i16 old -and mew world, -with special reference to histoty of medien I -preparations. It seldomiails from dateor sale. Yin. pr cureda, corre register of evetTzrity and twn in Canada, t'I ys I-41-1ch- water or sea level 6 1 Agentis; prap4red to altitude every instruiliefit for &ach, locality correctl . te the season of ISM and that their Performances to cure Mapepsia, Liver Complain lit, D3- A full assortment ;of Belf Regis steak of FlanelsOm 171-7iliffi N absolutely necqs.,;iiry to have! them war], eqn-ect on the Dials. will be fb=d MOM VARIED, STARTLING and tion, Hea;Iburn, Siek Headache; Kidney Cora- thfinhih.-Farnheat, Partleoddsiron'.11011 Thernioulpfitirs cofistantly on baud at prices frpr $2 tip to $10, according srr-r2 Asthma, ii:ne. btainingoneof these usefulinstrumcitts, wl#ch aecuratel- and irvariiblyforetell the state of the weather from eau D3 It' than anytlaing of the kind hereto- plaints, AcEd Stoma fore W11nessied on this continent. restorpgtovititiin,'#--!Iy�.I!e syigteiri debtjL44tt:t! vI nours7rij by suflering and disease., main for it few -days only. flead office far the pamitalou, In Montreal. Respoctfidif­ General Agenbfqx�Qqpada, 21 1 CID. Cousulting'the Barom er. Firat In the Gal=y of Equestrienne Stars, is the Its magical stud v6onderful suCce" in curing June 14, 18fi9. celebrated sudden eolds; %re throii, Coughs, Diptheria BE, J WI 01. -Li-iijuralgiatooi GeneratRulEs'to be bservrd ir et LITT-34Z 3NEXNNIFo MARKS pains -in ihe.sidejions and 46c I , .1 . . 0, 111POITANT BRANKUPT S. L The Sm2llest and Youngest Equestrienne in ache rheumatic nnd othbr pains in any part , I Ifthe liferenrysfayi;-aboUt2o inches, or aard I- Changeable," without moving mue'#,, either.up rown'. ltd Miamplon Rider of Me World IREIDULE OF DIVIS10A COURTS the' hody And from whtev6rd'ause, bas given it, the*weidlierwilibe unsettledntlobangeable T -he_ great_-Cvarrk,Heac1a04e, Wenrdlg�a, Americ3i, audCM Remedy,, is Whose sprite -like rlding- charms the 2. If theeramFy rises to or above the Aye A 11 Fair,'! fine weather is atland. old place in eVery'household and iii rhal- supersed and _UdlyeCrEal Xtilin eigutures the young- WiTErial THE Ing a -kind,' I S. hould it happen to rain when the Herat ry stands high, it will be -local, and vory little of it. Tantecl tosurpass, any knowndis- �;T-EW.AZT Z� VO MG, 11 other preparationjS of the GoUntV )rompt remey for, If thell-ercury contiaties to rise Slowly- say for aigbtar ten days -and arrives at or above -the line Very to rjes'-TZ. Virm 4� Co., ("T of 11 , also an fletial and I XPIHE DAVEMPOP.T. 'as, Chilblatfist Arl" thin in suininar, look for dronth-if in -winter coatinupd-froiC o9very, for tehistant4neous nto fortke bunettfticit 11XFUA'k11.1T __ ron, Sealds, - Burns, Rionises, Spra.i ather; if the fall be Slow, it will rain ;'If quick, if, will blo1w, and rolief -and i4id �aiire of strienne. 5,. When the 31crearl, 1.01s, it indicatesfoul-ve. The Fascinating.Eque Prost. Bites, Crampp. in t�e lctoacb, Diarhaaa, it i-*crylow, a§evere storin is suret%f9illow. 'Cholera InIat falb � irable AR e'magistrates in Coutt G notera morbus, lifflious Cholic. 3 When, during a fto RANGED by tb the 5lerLury is e��u to rise alittle, then rest assured the worst is over. any. "Conce X'LLE AUSTIEN, T-16 Pf Gen6rail Sessions of the. Psace, as- turn, Oysenter, &ct When the Xlercury movesilmekly, pitheitip, or down. the eather that. f0oft will beofshort4uration, and' form of pain. 12� �oi 'e� Egg Daseuse, and lv20-1ru ut pei-vats T��e ot or-cl 69. Price only 26 cents per bottle. vico,"rsa. r.* I Usti D XNT9)?.TL.4 LLY AND E, XTBI B- prices. '5�he bagt; an In the hatcls el harm sembledat Goderi6h, June �E� I 'r VB - . - - r NORTHgop 6, LYMAN,. tl I- 'S N21LLY IT Or E tO a" E AP Newcastle, 0. W, Alittle of BFIM,* Allevantor app�lcd nr F ROM THE 1ST'DMsIOX COURT-FFF:-Cbn1 Pnising.that part fal English. Lady Rider. riefierij Agent for Canada. 0 hiches wide? She beauti e Nortb Xervoun He6iUd A of the, township of Goderich. to th MI) I& JdE931&E B-ZLIXONT, of the eUt;-jjAe and the. Haron Road, aniii jEj-,.SoIdAu Voderich lav Parker & Catile-and Tj heAditcht" dilute. 0to a teaspoonful in a I OTCOld (xQda!Qh, J=VZ6, Z150 - I? Jordan; Gardiner& Co. Bayfield; James PRE NBW DOMMION CAS11*9TORE. watcrandvako one.to four swallowstj 410 fro; n- le rxmnte of PazlsF. allowance between battle, bathe thelicadlivithlbeAllevitiators and relielim- the same, meets the foid OF n'tham, Rodgerville; J Pickard, Ex6ter; J. H, 9 ti%vazelievesl)�b-' PR1TA-T4 330AR-TUG, the 13th and 14th� conces.;ions, then back tbe�, Glititort; eeord, Lwkngw-,E Aiek Oup 19 tour NEIL. LEVI J- 0311TIM, � I - Black lustras & Awn leas 1pep-sia. uleaaburu,Pblintalion, XcWHY 01 the -sloniach 0 - 11 0 115r, tosod A. t Flatulincy, ' L jity 61 ibe Allevanttir T)ARTIES obt&n alvdg the EfuroD R ad jo its jdnetion wit 7:. rta. F-nd all Medicine De -iters. 'a; &a. A -nnoll quali -The ff=W-3f&a Animal TTaimer and Ndtre di STORE. diluted Und nuffed up ifte noKril, thou gargle ihe _L RS. D& rae will Introdu his beautlf)al trick bum the cut li6e, then West -by the. road -al-' - AT JOE NEW DOMINION C tween cocces$tofis If and� "Voa-, . 1_pped ;�jjcse=t has been deve lowauce be antediately relievc end 9zilcklY zurc Cat 2EC2. Ento though% and'i will ghoeb to the, River Maitland, then Along -itie %ok amnaWinostoele he new -ate immediately tell8vot] with S ---des, _lbigi-fibeTbroat, Cov_gb, _Astlima, and nil Ion- mordefoommandalow U dery, io Consumption EMPORIUM! River blaidanil, 6 Gcderi* A096therL Colored L 3tre ii E r-Driggto A`levan- INION CASH The A few applications 0 AUCTION A L rij MR. r. TOURINAIRZ, w�th thetowushiD DOM STOAR he worm foreas: S The dasbin daring and- thoratighly artistic Prl- tor reqtbe mosisevere New'109te, -m 0111 A 3, lialn.rleuniaUsI4.4c. ThE rcatwIle".90 cfnd amd somexs1rait rider, -'Wrliose 4PP3aranee Otto ixyiea is relieved at once by,,�,arglftig viiih dila.- 2ND Division- Ct)m� e ang Ilevantor 4isd taltilig -a or two after. 6U-xWe of thtt Atitinflej is exe, or the notablo eFAL d k *1 Third: lot- pist ree d9 �ae, hqs� shauhler or limbs, curcit in a W=_jg_ of tb-- iamtL-ement se.�Isoalt Of 180 township of CK0101), ari.d ths-�t' nartiont, of EXA'Mt-," [ON. Vhl.t VALUAB Y; Pi r A R) -Tn TRmith goutb ti4d' I W DO- s�67i=e byup�lyhlg the towjigbip.of AT THF, NE XTNF4��,N _0A811 STOr "llainmud gives c, WiLIANS, a bqa or sc@d, it immediately allays Eu', jae. road'betwe n lot -25 atid ON THE ROAD h r rellavlas Bug PI)JIMIJOUS JD1 the Allovianto Vito ag e F1111 _Wia.Givien m I thex'Picied. T . wo inues; from- C-fitton t t e *11 26. and betvy od§ tor Royal Canadian. am eck. stiftial Affectioni Contracted 'CQ4.14smd Wus2les, 0 klie Intr6ftee the mon."tT.AW Vartion.of Mille% -,East 0 0.11in a wild, bre back.,eli'llestdaR POr- r . tion of SCHO 0 L TE StveWqgs,._1S3jjmg. Suatial, Tumbrk,; #and allsimitar -aeolions. Aplicd freely to all ]Mu diseases, ftaffal'ds -ancT6. 11thatPO %U of sCenes oa &a plains. betvZeen.jojA.5 & t 77 is C. DETLOR & Coe jAorifs- B fl.StOf & side mad between lots and Tae -Allevnitior is a pailtivel w a heafthy.,enoUlon. V) r0l bY PubliP AM` zil F,2" Z*7 INEF. CHASt. Wro1GH'.T9 10 afia I 1-i and South of th6 sixth toncoll- Frosted Feei,,Ccld Runils und i JL r -e Z,. rotj, 'Clint, The Her -miles of Anerleft A Xepmentatwe of 101I. -Of G�Cy SOUt"k of Goderieb,,;Tune 16th, 180. w Faejj�used freely according 16idir0cliom- Its TDwerm a4fb great am= bQ' Japorterg ana dealers in sion,andall thatipor'li 4tLXOk cl�tlon ft 1;46 County of 'Y, IT 2,63 . . I . I Board of Pupl[16 Ins( f �)eafitm nawobr azt, Introducing 1�­Tlm _will meet in. the 0entral "S611001 Mae rstttimg is wnderful. - 04 WU DNE1911 IL 184 concession- earedwuh ihe Alloyanto, -139re and Writ* Eyes x1re on GoderloX T'. ;.�l cured Toelliftehe immOdflitclY relieved, AUur in 1he cotn=mpi Cor,_RT.'�- Comprising all that ftce; v r, U) ftv�DIVISrox lrf, The WQTl1]eH12l,0L1td 3t)gical Irrm TA Cirqlaq Imper-a 0 111 Y GOODS, GROCER -1111 tof il&ridd Tied ttpe� .r pa.rtion-.6.f Znrn�erry weis Regdq & -Thur$'dX. the U heAj evatitor Fivill never he lnbf� forneyare s2et. pads, wM appea V.Lrt at; iedard acts. AO bb wordarfal, mivel aud orikind J oTtion YS0V_AUGU'8T,- betwqeti 16ts 20, P and 21. ll that is n -heneficial realcOF for Bich V em tniuLng n*221 neyei of Zar �1 C Y. 12TH D�& zsltz�eaaalmolllj Audeugp.g ittay case of Pain oT e Maitland - River, he yl th OfWa�ranogjj.east of ih,' pr(prietort 3K3EL; J. H. H�VWXXWS, XXa_7L--X3tVV7_4LX:L3Mq Nextothilays at 10, o'clock a, M. '.&jitilicanti for motba atnce. Ith ver 10ts 32 �triiiieil. those wisliffig Frit edn day and t;..�thjt portion North of the Ri eeM .oUbelikiex- Tin -Tealdni and TmUtUc rid dy to utor. The unrfvall�d Peta fleateswill thenlave an opportul and Easv of the *sidefie b6twben class on V as ursddy�,those third OUss on X3&,, J* 0 L6 DAVIRNPOII&T, and 33.. All that. poW1on_ f -,Morris West tontinued-oliTh wantin Throat and lung Realer Wednesday, ohil-secoDic jmostreliaV 01 -,,h G L on Thur0ay; .0 Ila 13 CdjeE in.ex- The'ti�te i1orn. =d jafftM_ the Mj 0- and 11. -'All- -Kro CAT - - . =Wdiment If k, �ofside. r6ad between Iola. -1 PA R' 1;;tf-A TLE Ispe, orthe sanst all as for the i5pec -P, orcongle., CONN. 1z:finen;n, rlm,, w1tj w4jzauty and humor. irtion. of Hul]Ot w0st, Of Iside Candidates7bethre being adhAtte �tiimm. eiamineV01i ril "lid jn.fte e ea e% that pi ion of f' -.�od itioral ebarw P w-eetl an "J are 10't-0. I E B IECO T 311 381L S buy their goo d'Q. Abit pOrt of Br sibing, r'Or f�lr_tl _r p,n n�, ly tjj I,'. A. �y a larket All `9 Throat Asihmt;F I cbrtiflant� offhePeace', it -E S L: bet acte sigaedjjy._aFcIerzpq#mor at the office of �=c T. 'on the beatterms. God '�j�tdWpshjg n IT, Lenu I ties, nelufid and u.) oti aft1je, Yhroti% H�w RITC It, E -THE ATTE=ON f ZodkOrsMil Y CALL Che,��t Mle HqiZW_tA They buy. All thjj porti6n'O OF of the Lung", and al *36tgh anj Double S=erF&UAerX- largely and esin therefore No. 1. iticlarling that Nvors 101. seeretary.,l bustomets to' in Live,comr their a4meroils Iff2t. US LEZ9 buy qheap. They Are determined togen. at the tly w2"t I pop at ntlixt tj�etovq7V'-: ibai�l d be in -the po 4"as ta L 4TH Dtv-1siON0604T -everappe itud1=00 JU tht luis ship of 1.16viaL All thatportion of Grey 040 it, In casola mceul to, THNR -a7enfly ieliof, ease$ md f op, Lowest ft-sible Rate.0 N.,Ih.fthe.l�Zth�'.0t)�b'La.�ion.- ictimi,10 charpiter. xca21* *1d to its port�on of M.orris� -North. of the 7th, wrILMS .6001hing and curativ, X31. 1131 MABILS, Ole M1 01owa find comic, last of the si46'lrqad� bef-weerr inflis;le"ab, RE _of the cession, and F Adence trait ibis department Ims and -4ve'their tigtomerA the benefit - * - 4 jimple e 11 " rtibn WORTGIG" Lr- OF the I e ast b e 0=20OZ bargains they -have made. lots 10 anji 11,, slid a Mat to] The galsamicv4uos of wildE. vVrgreen as an Uqc1v in the cune of rhe rnbeiry, East Of side fou, 8 rrWE underidguedhavitfg7takenthe above well-knowh township of Tb JL Mills into his own bands is how prepated to Tent Perf BrUih- ft f 1he xbriml,, u3nery., , T The 'boy �ylulterll =d jgon1shYAl; BE -A Pero 41 3E&ST=s betweeb 16ts-20 and 21-' on remouiible tax- jo,some competent on- rentiror ale" de-grev, we V;Llf ag U One year. ET knowt but the pwercf. 16ving, bealing andeurin, 5 URT47 TH D 4hoe diseastisUehl; by'sclOnufle %diples iowCo r'ne d that p'or7 iagrfulienis a mmuinothequedrun VX PIPSIL 0f,e43Va1-,'W.Uoa9 VE&,Rr to the abor7a, I J it ircombiaed with vill -May A IS a0d i, u69." 111 flaO TOZZI!;'_15P A;1­74_?��-.o 1�!I, 2n ux An additfou shipi of Stephen, Usb6 . ap Jliiiiimv to jhe -gait 01; Goderleb. Icently'Abat ttrIbSle 11iMCAS !A, 4SIL added and Will be VS T OPENER heitlifiglurent. Unlit a- ee -rousi L-- C� Oganiz.aton, thera Is Aip, O� Raj bey,.iald county of -tion Qf theowu b la n Idered U It seam pter. 'ifuenonala"s Aejm the:6th and 7th coii�-essljoii&, Of thereac rPulmmiary, Ii.sease recos to 1r21 ne ve6objedL in the. A lot of all VF001 Canadiaill Tweeds at 50 craiulboALanagementul Theset UncoudL Mon3ters axe lepen" n l=T1 t7to V;cL--,t tow ships of Hq NOTICivi allon. The rcletalfic mediwl wo; be Aawnuig ling. neyarerra-eeNcimensiamilial cents.,per yard, arao m -of icvw�;—Compr '6101T � Fislflg� t e 0 W 110slery . ets". per pair Tit DiV CO lefted that 40linsumptirs be urcil, few there ale ,9 11. 11 cm,, I n 'Upon juan;" a and West -Wawa "of lormanCe. B.rownHoll=4 15ctg r j."Brigi? 'Uh 11 A-1 ing SAO fijVivarder- - . I -yard iiQa OfEos� .7� of Asbfield, -an, n6S'fijWii WAR T" Per Toweling, frOmll Cts per ship a that Pot le 'A i lifmal�vmvpw it of the River d led es, rivalled Tfle lemeil 3*W RX ALD Z� adiland, and'West Ot`oide line, bet ween D leaej.oar., and warisrated 19 euroluler=lt HEM, %terna, B!cedhik=J 11chm9piles, In Q0, MOST fiat" vAll be nTex-c-4 for 3,4c, LT r,-j�, Printsi 6 cts LOOK, j3ARX 14olivefeclat Aheir Cc . 9* harf- Dreza GdQ&[, 8 ets lo, Is 132 and 33 North f si!0 'k.-fkt, the' v Doc tavory mannet, withoul 1ho least 068 imve It is to bahoped thi�_Putlle wilt 7TH 1)1*4stoN COURT.� Co rjsi�;,thi town' IP., BOX.. - it is well known hit Ift-an& U' lian 11101M Cn ylczlr� MP heir of tile inflictird wifil Ims Alife"e, many af WIGIn have &WIj informition, atia fivaIt themselves of Staujq, and- tbavpo�ftojrt ship souglit for Teli2f, bir; L -rine follo; tq III -Ir Imig Friday flie IS1 0 the Emp mr to ppr&aaft theirsup- of GoderiCh to the $Ciilth of --the The numbe isincredu2nus vfw"eerag- the P7CM3 ea, on, 121 say it) �L Ira, cutline and -tho Jjuroa a wo stitching Red trying a reatedy. � 'We Ea, se lmfler Ma Le C, -toad bet gatirl gotalloille CM, emedy, I Same joins the AND ween the, 13th and BE URITY RITTLIDERS T - 1h Aid he township of Ouder AND PAINURS ye 161 TO FARM ind� a cure soon eXeL ich, thence along tbe said,concessi pri. road IM d I di iiition to the ad- U 21. in t!,.c uutil'the sae loins 11�9 'Wier. Bayfield, red -by the Lend Mortgage Debentures Dr. 1. B Modern BRECIAL =NTION . . �dl. T riggs u LaUe iluiOn, of -the Canada Landed Credit Company s" sati prigoo of the town -- river 1 Ike ribors have novg n then6e. along the SA meaiis-ofi4fO4t!necLtforTrustoes bjuWoipa1an&other hana the purr-st,miltmils MI(I Joketfilij withrautbat, rporationg, and Among ths56 jor me, In, �ile MIMI` Cal ship'of Ray to of t1idAth andlih, _g the Weat Advantages Are o As d rapid cure of Corus, Baniolis, Jill lat. Thelenderlo a security of anuinber of ESU 0 � - f'.1 t is wled tA *heir concesgons of the toad -of out one 'Estaw, and at-.- :ikin Di-easej;. such&* Ccts,rulo,�s, ScaldsW-71 F, n Z ,:T n gl� - . f . 1 .11 - " OBitep. Biteit oI`InwctF;. So -e. Ups, Bore Nf,10. 0;2E'!C0 Of A rge wmilas. said township, of 118ye. d collectively and' Well Sele :ed, t5tock he uricalleaapital, twithoUt. I& Han&, Eryeipelas %It Rheum. Ring thlit this 0 ther day _U61 matenwo 0ow arrang6- interest being -paid I rly a- tte 4"T fl;:10. VabisenthO tT IS 0R1DERW,­FJ ,b r, annoy, or dig Sir* Fee* Tearro, ClwTbd Fitilb. Sore Np or, fnll' 7 W 37-s t� possess Any 6at the Abote r ever hi,vingtuileek it iresponsiblo to Eca!,j givin.- an wzeptabla en jimitS SIjCj Ojitent Iu6vjdua4th% COMPAU1 ilime. Breasts, -Cauccrous Soreo, White byreliu;gs, cl fboger :E 3: 1-7 N.'ar meat of the boliudarjeW Ifestdo. irt thr0a�116111t him, &iij which tjjey_"e.pTep%i!e unsliot Wou-1 rvgn thetiot witeringthI4 Cornjtbuild 10 ItC Pub;- 2ad., the lender bAl crPaprittor, n Every X=1139 At �110 Odom of tfie- . several � WiSiOn Q;I &&atcr of stay jhT e S foAsbd Rua masiartety' 'Oev"101 ividuaf- WrMwer;. Or 0 lie, has $he Undoubted cotifidimne in its sueeflis, 91111 El TM PVBILIC VIR the Couaty, of Huron, a as to thocia Itis coldpAed orthe mist liftling vid PAI roi.evin.r. ant, new, ft Bind ed to seveii zep%ratecourtsbytbejuRestr4 thalitud7ififtf-p9ed., rut C amilvc. irVU -me - bt curity or delieutue"litch-he lialas is' 'k2 a -Ul�mwx "Og dep$rtMeaf, im genorat ""ioni; of the HerAed bYtht, e V! asoeMbleabe 3rd-2he 00 ANNOT 'EAT id*%ljce knova jo uw­.jnn& elm ng ready, marketabletommoditY.-04[ytr�musterre(l'fr6mhand Ar- U -cars we N1VLSMPX and M49 010thl willremah; for% us a c2 1,cr anim-il fat lato P bi A, Any �ek, S1.0(), adopted this terith day of= ind, st� tht he qr the White �PaUy�4Whlj$t It Bolt xron Nails per, *,KVf 41-45 Ames tiflun r 00uitg- Ab&IL moment Pei b*t *venues 111e. marke Apd thit, the said Divilt sinkiRg Vaud at ille: pral 5tar d) 401, 144 k) B ist al"it, hiake-i the: borrower feettlist dverY Year, his debt fit EleSt (Efiglisl 04 simn wome rarwid, for use- '1;py Car come- into operation froin hes Putty -per 117 curliti it he fftftraris 1he wor"'I m,.in 9quirselPf fal W the be 0. WRTMOR& CO. of villich All 4eoreu� Aamoug4aAdilecurei-tolal -Hingecallid t i u zaltered, pUrsipaut to liber St&tUtfft Door pwircis 51 Pit X a pleAmilt i�l its 41301catual, Vwnj. ALI pr6i, RafD Baint Perf0M=0WTR_i14VrJF i Partin ail, jike notice. ore efleetusithesecurit, a the, lep- ges AS %p -m ani 'hard 11 Gmas 301'ibes f1`0M 90;`6t�' rain noericed at big and makin _r* 0 &#.A ou,; .............. i, $I;., bold by all DmW�us an& Aud -tim.ssmebe 4yeribeA twice in der. Thereth der, 170) Goded0b,.0aj%r;toj, Haffitfit 180, thst neat,tho surif&04144 by, the len -and his mufft T Poe to RRIOGS'k CO. q t460 ia'a-MUS �C­q tb,6 Huron�pd an& Godoetch $tar liews- Is, in eonsooence, more fuidmore established. snd sy er , I Ve Deben- The COMIAayls; now issuing Laud Uo#46 Vk_m papers. ftu�ei; be&riug Seven per cent. interW; WN VU Et 7 r10J3L 10031PRITI ITIthcouponst- Ju F, OrAM4 0 ition A It V Gode I f jv�nfiidy and lat SIX IA)* 0WARVOSTS. Ole '&ndj1-fi00 of ft Iaal"VILLAII WiU LIZARS os-rk of tile vreaty -Old 3t4nd ift Sqlkg)%X� 'AUGUST Rurom DebeaturSO M 910 j"lleaUkrilig six Per 604ti- *1n for two and three years,. .,.. j Tfl Certifielfto �e eoryftft ext=tid fr we I (I from. tits diy, !L. _0 Of thiS tho reeor& wt. Intaeot is, sold T A Ll 7 'FAVDU9!01K:A_ RU4,; ;TILON JAjj$f 40 �ts, hrith, jhe PeACO- dodirleb, June 11t1l, U6 20 WA, Clark of July, I%q -1 W% "ericht 11DOL 4uneil 1869# d4pte am the dan M40 A, ty W, F_ P. 13-m-azz t. EZOTI inly W, 18ea. Z_ WNW .................. ................... ................... ............... EM -,a J=ffz f,7 -- W_ F.. - I`F. Sn=1 aawm, iru:y so, 2869'. ........ . MSG 0, O:ST .......... 0:85- PD 0:C0 4:25 4.75 0:0a- 0.0 0:0 0:66 0 - 75 Gsa 6:15y- O.W 7 fib *X�gn q -,T Fk A W for.sai& "A :Ex- MN <:0 :';:z It 11N G -18. OVIl-D kA ]�OtkXV41 .4 0C>ZZCVCXP X3EtC>1V- LE-; -11, E Al 'SIR i4dtS, CLARKE, �s cufad by Using Dr Oolby!�['A�tt.costive ina IrXIAT superforl'iVal. Lot 1'0,':�Oth von, le,D Cui- f:.:. lam mighty, Inthe sabdit D'YOPE -Bowels qlarraot., I borne 4 acres' Go ficrei, 4 .whtjb 4re PING atiailf f4mal(B alterations Irk 'Building sud t3 Tonto Pills. They r qlato the the "3 nn'l 443,4, ratered j�xejuj,-jos tu order ta,elvar out all. Of 1wesout 'stock Flercelywielded by the bravo, cleatorl, wo GODETRICH GRAMAUR 18)4 - ,a - , fption 'py 49ij jj' a 11viag -creek, ai�tcl bounded B ff.�STRWABT &BRO-9 Cry cl). Liver, clear the'Comp e9l(m, anilMnOvelP thd systilin, preiaie4, /ion ff house -4nd frame prescr i r Blaftlanx. c 141 Glorious In the stalwart steamer, they ore composed of, aetIV& h1reolents III a. highly, ,00d I of (" i . 2�vd t oil flie!pkeralses. jU stu obouseopposito ta J151m 11.0pit's tFn shop, I 11� 0 C) 1-1. concentrated form, ana strike 4 1 be roqt of disoa-0, 01arke, JU�,Uj Pitykeian Ex ra6idlnr q - ty'rPSON16ve V Ith, a god& ark-lix EJFA�u mo�cd the b3lanco nof tll�� 9004B tO file pre I Ulan C.1; curing most like magic. '-Sltuaied- one mile Train the� village- of Raii4hester, 11 they.aro givifl — Laughing at the storm and wave. - to fAeQuem LOTBING, Mutt Alifte' -up yusinczs. CLOIH95 0 n street. and as OUTajj�a testify to their extraordinary ourAtive The -sold at lers thtin,cost. F; tyisallosiraliloinvestmentbehi the CoUnty va-made great neat it - efibyraoteor tsllt uccount , d An�ggetat rjill be oLl 1�v Mju!`L�­Lfl_)� �fls will be. . c THIS S()HOOL proltertles. pol0vallilettlerr. pl! I We ba tetions In Pdces w)lich rew b _A those indcl Beauteous in tlie palate pillars, This iuvaluAblomedIcUfte is "arafling ti the a � 211ell ad and pospeAsingasuperigrull pilTilege On cut or made up in the LataSt Stylb 1311 the *ShOrtest J�ettle at once. I I aro �4eqftestcd to eall-and t,:tb, u,"). Saving in the pointed rod, n A U T I F U L I SPI1119DII) I I is':the O.Ure�ot allkliese pilallit and dangerous di. mwes the River 31attTand. Aprly to. native. 'WILL RM-OPMN Bverdiot given b3� all who use HuNVa EurinE,HAjU. . � *1 1 -1 . - A t m)vh1cfi the- r6ruale contstitution to su t I it G.1.11. TRUEMAN, VFW& WOOL. As It brings the deadly lightning! GLOSS. It makes dry, harsh; 9tiffiftir $oft, glossyand Auctioneer 4 L HUCxn IDUNLUP. ON inodeiFates till excess and lFemeves a] lobstraf io atidAgenp, Oor,�rlcb. tpr!Ce paid for a'SyqUa1M11tyOT V7001. Quelled and harmless to the sctd, beautiful.' It -cleanses the Scalp, removes phatilts, , s� -pril 1$4 -1. -if Goderith, Ttqy 10. 16,69, raillo cute. inaIrbe ialied on... A 869� , 4vid juspectik plans tho; glands, prevents the hatr frout. IT. STEWAUT offf M Quf 42, T, and will certainly make It grow strong, luktiflauf MUnday, t%de 9Vh Augiist But there is a glorious ess6nee, beautiful, audit is only25 0ts[P'dtb;ittIM­ f. TOMARRIM LADIES Aees Cherr xa,0� 1869. JL of tinfe-, y X VoOral, 0 .51, rea. Whtm� all pupils, wl �%pplieants for admission rere- Where I take my grandesli power. Sold everywheyb. in p6�euljajly vuited. tt Will, in- a,sh ra, 80 &1!:V3, -lea For lHaesses of- DISSOLUTIOiN-;OFI"IRTINERqF�IP,. 2 cDtf,d to be rite emirst, of in,,truction In- Pring, on the rr.on egli the Tbrest'aud 3�fm&, Z2 �aud log 1 the for ulatrivulation it. Giving to the AAcn my sure6t, "Eaefi bottle,prica One,Do)laril;ears it - oov-'. suoll as COU025, Colds, NVIlooing p H in U M A T 18 & and all other notice and pates c- latillation.,4 of in application Of JACOUS'RAEUX,�jja. to paraul t4olllniversitie% ato fo. lusmng the leave the body ( C6u,gb, Broichi .&stlim! .. to those in- Sweetest ald, in dan,-ees hour, �ramctit Sf4nip drGreat firitain p vo t (56un-. h tile pardsts10 tnZikig to tleet;-no it, to prel'are rjr tile. exmina- Li(j�,ro. WewilltvarrentittoctireBurnr,,Fmst pirfeits. and VoDPUMPUon. P Chilblains, gore Throt, Lame Bnck or Side.prajns, Ile town of under 4lie style and heart tiortor the Bord and to those See I before me fly diseases I &OF Some of-theturcait has effected are almost, too Prbbab% never before in,the whole. Wgoryof pCffaJjday,& %%jId, jitis tills day bei�jl Lijisolvi-d t,y iZt^-7%1bn9 to eter n Loimeivial lite, to acquire a wondergul for belief, litany have been svect -t it Peet Pitts shouid not be taken, bujentdc durzi;g 'Medicine, as allythlugWOU. sowId* and mdeeply *-(milt of tba%ad health of Mr. NO CT a er l ri n See the darkest hydras bow I �rreg upon the confidence Of Mankind, an as this.,qxcell int and owing to the hrin will tt'Weu, SULTAL � -No with Co Int, OF A th letic from impendluf deathland restored t9lifn and health tha F TRS 7 TIVE E 9 - XQ1V TFIR omplainis. Wild. All Secuutits remedyforpulmonaryp =a Book Req,pilig from the cotintry can ob. Notamily is sa a a day without it, hundreds of vain. I See the rose of health add beauty be saved an&' 21ancy, as. tloy are &Uie to bring 0 itriscar- Movst of the �idces besettle,l-by 311. Ili 'Y-'Da1*atbiSJ5th day of July a 1,,w rte. This is the best able liveg and thousand s of dollars may series ofyearsi.��a aino, ��l . %M -3V - Take the palest cheek and brow, Asa preventive of contagebus dis. Fe, bt at afty other trvie they are s fe. X- men ithas risen higher, aff higherin the estims. 111 1869; fivi T.InvIsca, Tcsl�pll 'R. tim-00"the ve�ir t�, ezot�r lie new elsses will be rt&ully by Its use. 0 fbrmcd in 1-1rencti, Latin 'her ror ases, nothing ever before invented 6 tion, as t has become better Jinovm d a, subje�ts. incontsilarowit It !,.p tu all cases o -Nerve Its uniform ad to MWard t!=n a to cure the -vArlou tcmther particulars applien ail Nr authorize all dealers to refund the iftoney if it alus in the fiack'and Limbs, F tiam -on z%!ight characterand ower ion may be n1a,ld to Fly, dyspepsia I fly consumptito I does sati-afaction. the, He4rt, Hyo OfI11611111g91114throat, have made $am, THOROUGH B.- D SUFFOLK BOAR terest J. pjLF.8T0N;. R A., not give entire lexertio , Palpitation 0 -rics atid It kno -1 able protector ag Heatintaster, yes, all ills are crushed at length, J. FOSS& Co. bitMbeso Pills *.H efflict 4 curc wherall III ainst thein, �W.Iiuje a d to in,,liased a thorough bred Sur a iiiriiieribij, 00derleb. July l5th. IS69. w26 -td PARIthR & CATTLI-I Agents Goderich. w -I nilder forgis of disease and to young chil a jtle,� H13 subscrib-iF ba und sale of tualts awl iol 2-17 other-iiienns have fhih�d ; and altbouel a po�wer ' P. Wkelifoiservice. Ptleefor, For I give what huit: an nature at the same time the most efteofnallemed t Tiolk Boar which It. - IuFrt 'Ji COPELANA =edy, do not cotain on. call Del, alltl- be given for incipie $1.00. cooltemge bii9ine-5s, �_T t! r to"I n S'­ JULY.-F-Sau-stroko.-Tbis accidental illfiletion, calla nt�consiimlptlonj an W10, only ever needed -STRENGTH I bv the Frouch coup d� saleil, is supposed to' ocolir more mOnNN, or anvt4lng hurtful to I lie i Mist ution. gerousaffactions of the throat and lungs. a, Staxll6y, April I Son& cotni3any. per G., M.,-, "'D fiequentlyas the country is cleared, but at jund each vision against sudden attacks of u it a d such Indeed ons in'the Plimptil Shatil I tell in wbat,,Teat essence eerved; be kept�on hand in evcrLfVj, -d all 111.futnle cd 4: ta n a t T tI.T n 0 f:. I V is not the cue. In the Sam maimer� matayVisuppose package, imbibb sbnuld -be"caref ady I Contractors. that crime is on the increasia"' the cou,,,it!t becomes 'are sometimes sulAject; to col s ghs Notice t _ , I Sole agent for the Ernited Statesana CanitdaA, � should be provided wiffib this ant' 'Evi J. Noltrars I can thus your spirits cheer up 2 nnf' em. older S bot)i N.Y. .,butthisalsois, J.OB h1()9ZS,'PocbePte illusions spring from the increased factuties for com- Although settled V0'sumptio7i, Is th6ughtin. pallid. trembling, dying sufferer, ­$1.00and six po-4tnge stain en.closed curable, still great numbers or ewes wherb-the dis. Partner and authori'.�a rj.,oue to trj2.f;:ej thr innnication. which, like the great snosuoviaw nEXEMY !ALIfD TENDIMR thercol. E. 110SNE13F, fc., 'Tis the fained " PERUvIA.; Syaup." for consumption. fol low in thewake of ci any authorizeli Rgerlt will ine-ure P bottl6 corL. ease seemed settled have- been complete y4ured, n(b the patient resGed to sound. hed, by the G 11 _R.0 _V1 S The PERUVIAN� SYRUP is a protected solution of t0,1110.9fifty Pill by return mail: ofter -ectoral. So complete Is lts�mastetyF lwlt� be seceived. bt the Trustees f Union chool -Section No.-fi,.Cult Welivanosh until the ]�Ord day SPrGIAI, NOTICF,. over� e borders of the Lungs.sud'T 44L -house, Ueur dile or Iran, new"discovery in lot A, COST FOR 30 D A be-Protoy medicine THE OLDEOPTLYLA the most obstinate of1hem yield tolt.. t . uguF;t next, -for building a 1191V iclitiol. hat strikeS at the root of disease by supplying the Sir -Tamu marizes,ri vinaze Pius are extensively colm- ing else cofild reach them, Under the Ped- Manchester. Plans and speel fictitions may be seen at Gotlexidi.1-A June TURFEITED. The genuine 7&ave t1to aame of "JOB MOSE �f PERFORMING All MALS AND CHEAPEST on e404 paclx4e. toral they subside and disappear. r. Sutherland's Store, 31anchester The tritsteLs do load with its vital principle at-. life ekiiiefit.-Iron. A.11oiliersoreworthlesa. $in&rs and P4b110 ff_04�dftrj find Oea. jvo� liqt bind themselvesto acceptthe lowest tender. The genuine has Psatin-i" Sriue blown in the NORTHRUP & I irMAN, tectio ftom it. "AS SUTLILMIAND, Trustees- PLASTIC ETAT-0 11001TING,, Newcastle, Ci. W.,geners sthm. is always relleved and fte� MhcUy-,�, HENRY FARROW, lass. cured by it. . I TijoAAS ROAR, 1 11. HOOK STATIONERY STORE agent forVanadr 3�2146ncAitie i x0r, cureA by !,ki-n 1869. w25 -td t3- aitle ana CherM Peetoral a] t oses. Pamphlets free. L — rM HE unde.mig.ne(l bos b. -en appointc�3 fox 6oldin'6oderieb bv Parker N 0 al and trequen TIlastlefilate RuoFmg imilezzal anti ire now. F. Jordan; Gai4irjer a 'Co., Bayl Ad ; J amps " o generx9y are its virtues known �We,necd J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. INSOL-VENT ACT OF '1864. prepared to ftxilr4h Ittat.es uIth 07 put it WEST OF HAMliATON I thO certificates (if J. Pickard1b,teter; t&plbl-.,Ih t - on thereof at'se mmeapez Glintop., cord, J.,aeIrnowl E. Hick the Imblic; that Its: 4u ties No. 36 Day St., New York, arner, ol toderlob Maintained. Inthe watter of Joseph States 0 son. Beat forth.', and ,I[ Medicine 0edJors. *W For Roofin it is ly Rt commum do zld OTITHROP & Lym,%N, General Agents, IS THE SIGNAL 01FIFT-011 in Ins.%IvcnL. itars of tl;e Insolvent are --tifltl that he by both BullOrs end ior fts ligLtness. n2A Sold bv all Druggists. Vol. xxi. a 4T. effects 3- 0 re,,. alirability, it bzIng IlLrailly 13:5, pr�iof not te Newcastle. Ont. OLLO AYer'S A9UP Vi, -dean assignment of his tstate 9 MOTHERS, READ TITTS ! Under thealigve Act, to ine, the utidergined' SSIgri rep3lr. It cau b3 on V � it oi,any Wnd d f I ling 1pttliq ft-reguired to foraish me within tle lj-�ZT in the IC3, T. J. MOORHOUSE, W4k-',8 W RINI LOZI�NGES are a certain an For Fever arid A ae, Tnt,6rm1ttA4 0 , & cities and state. date -%; th their claims, specl 3-411 Chill Favor ant fro this New gnemsements MPORTS dirert from. British 31anufactur0s, every safe-redpcfy for Xlroi Dig in ghildren and Adults mttent Feyer, 1'3)umb the s -urityl; 0 1A If any, and the value of, it, Aguef :Periokoal or uous Fqor, &o -dunderoath, Al Ll RO 0 71, description of -Mlt is a wpil-known and rneialkebOly iact, aawdiiideed all the afteotions-whicih arjs�' it one s timi t a t the whole attest SDI IF It�hat olle great cause661cath among children is frorn, malarlous, n2ar8h, Or tht froth Wofms Mone, iteannot te toe dceply im-- Xmisons. D oi�ler;cli- in ithe County or IEurbn,_1 this Go leiielt, 128th IL-ly, ISCI, SALT STOCK FOR SALE, WRITING PAURS9 pressed Upon the in6ds ot parents tb i' nec&sSitv 22nd d , o a. 1869. JOHN H&LUAN. As its isme Implies, It does Care, And.dbes �pot w,25-2vg, of closely watching theirehildren. 81­0401ng- M. ContainingiieltherArs-enlc,Quihine, Bismuth, NOTIV410 B2100 In Demy, Foolseap, Letter and Note Sizes, and offers ,dmlorstanding the symptons and true cause Zinc, nor any other mineral oUQlsonous i4batance HE subscriber offers for sale at a reasonable price them at the lowest possible rates for casIL of the disease, thousandi of children miebt be hatever, it in nowlse inlures any,patient. 1t*qS0TVr1NT_ ACT OF 1864 -- The five Allares, in the lf Com ZAIZ, 4 T Ontario & pany- d froeArly'graves. Symp ros oE, WoRms number and importance of its cures ifith ' e -di& GEORGE AM% Co. :300,000 3ErnVe143i­PeSq gave In the mitter of Edward Penton, an Illsolvet! --The following are a few of the very aumerous re r e now in stock and sold at prices that astonish tile trade. symptomsand diseatin"t which nre-cansed by 0 th pride S, In histo 6411 credito?s of the above named Insol"lent, are LL partleR indebted to tln latQ fain oT ad by the )-I ed ',? gin ts we notified to meet at loylties la the town of Goiter - HOUSES FOR. SALE. THE ARumb:214& Co.. a -a rrquirerd to po) Worms: erafiged kpiletite,emeciated extrem- celvb of the r end cures effected in -Obstinate ich, Oat.. on 3londay the2nd order to save costs.' P4yirwai� tcy bepadu to the vnf2cr- day of August next. for He also offers for sale three houses on lot 222 of the Sj_j:S:Srr JS&TTS3:0. ies, ofrensive breath, frequent PiLsIng 4 the cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. the parpose ofinspecting Insolvent's Solicitor s account signed, Jbn V. D01or & Zlon, t7,�e town of Goderich. noge,griniing oftherteeth during sleep, hardnes 'Unacclimated persons, . either resid mf in, or and for the orderingof the affairs oftheestate generally, of the Para film, V DB�IADM S. LAMONTINE. Special ateention is given to this department. parties oftho be.'y, w;th frequent slilpv sto.ols; and trayelling,throughmIaern tic localities',will be pro- Dated at Goqtriell, this 19th July, A. D.,1869. Goderich, July 27, 1969. w26 -3m ordering from me may rely on having any description sOmel. radis colivulsive 11ts; pain iFi tha head and tected ]a talcingthe AG9 CVRu daily. . JOHN HALDAN. trembling, ver 0�n�4fntq arising fr in -;a I officita Assignee, for C. H of musie.furnislied promptly and ",stoma.,h, unqiT---t iteep, Ihintings; 0 01 1725 doughs, inde esil.,ji,low spintw,'frigbirul dreams, of the 14iver it is an excellent remedy, sit n the Liver into healthy activity. and a gradua wasting awav bt flesh, FAL'Aj SHOW, – 11 YorXilious Disorders andLiver Compldints, It is -95. MMVM�WJS At Very Lowest Prioese -administered to the an M&X They are pahlab,er, and seff excellent remedy, producing many trnly re, opular pieces child -drive otil the Worms thoroughly without markable cures, where other medicines bad felleA. T"n A trge assortment of new and p always Prepared- by DR. J. 0. ATER & Cd�, ractical RESHMENT -R OMIS ty otitand. a find'coml)letely(eleaiiiie�thestoinat.-h-t'here- South 1urq Agricultural Socie . , lty1doing away with the nedesAitv of administer- and A=13*tital VhQM1StSj LPOWW; MUSS.,find 6014 This is the cheapest house in the trade. All round the World; MARXET SQUARB, ngilaslar Oil or other un pleasant cathartics. -as YOUR Profits bared on the xeady monq'l system and not a the uSd of other %Vorm A-Tedicines, PRZOE, *1.00 PER zip TIME. RE south Huron Agricultural Society's,Fall Show credit. . I I . I NOW Re -opened in tho New Build' Tfor 1869, in connection with the Tuckersmith "--1fichboxPontaF' "th ' tac-Rimile 01911- LM NO RT H R IJ P & . LYMAN, Newe"tio, Ont., general- YCZ22 Ins a W. IL Q SHEPARD ................... p� �rjetr Branch Agricultival Society. will beheld In the village tgre Of NORTBROP _& lbyii",Newcastle OntOrIO,p auents for Canada. LEW a. NORTH ......................... . er Of Seafarth on Thursday, the last day of September, T., J. Noor-h—ousei, who are the sole propriei6m. R3- Sold in Godarleb by Parker & CattIq and F. ND OTHER TE14- C. XAGOMBM1 ISTAM ge? and Friday the firstday of October next. The hisid. Jordan. Gardiner & Co.. Bayfleld. James Renthum, cE CREAM, SODA WATER M FRANK SQUIMELT ............ Leader of Bli and take-no'other. Sold in G:ouerich Rndgerville. J. Pickard. Exeter. J. H.' Qombe, Clin- perance b Fruit of all ............... Assistant ud department to be arranged and judged the first day. Goderich, July 13th, 1869. Avg B,­�A*k for Rollolvay's Wor= dr'y01'p'_rk,' kinds in season, I've her z Hand bills seuting forth the prize list, conditions, &a., Cattle and F. Jordon ; 0ardiner & a El. HickSon, Seaforth, and paitry,&c. -will be glad to see id. AVAY, rs, custo l; on the old stand. uilding A Mowing Match and a (3. 1 ers at the Xew B . ton. Seetird, Lack ow. 5I.To ack Bel field ; James Benth4th. Rod;erville; J. Pieka RU ]MStabjj8h�d ()ireW Of AMWjea willappear in due time. rd.. all Medicine L)ea Te-aphig Match, will also come off this year, In cannec C4 xeter; J. H. CiAnties Chalon ; Secord, Lue W-17� Godench, May 27t* 1869. tion with theSouth Huran ligricultural Society, a AC FREDERICK Acl;Fno7,j i ISA ID dged to sypnss in the which notice will be given of time and place as soon as kni�w; E. Hickaoft, Seafortli, and all Medieine Dealers. r,43 Goerich, My 2,5 1869. -W4C>0Xj possi If more of the owners of Stallions travelling eff %Aendor of Its iyard oi Number and ent of its ArUstes, the I, the South Riding of Hnrou this season, Will contri- 'TES robe M F TE 0 THEOUN91VIr the butetowards-giving prizes forfoals z;t the fail show, to be held in Seafortb. Mr. James Johnston, owner of ts Beau- let N PAIN D f _trd=' CANADII the Rob Roy, offers to give $5 ; others wishing to sub- 10NDO-25, E1fGLAND- Mul Uorss ZIA Ponies, scribe will please send the money and their name to XADE BY L. ST1NSTE-0, RECENT ST., X -M P=[ji=ArTm COI=CTION OP the undersigned as soon wossible, so that it may ap. Moth FuL A Family Medicine, well and favorably knom an., Sectly 'Go ou Tun pear in the prize list. GH LOVE, 8 for t1je past tel% yen rs. neverfisling in a sin a S. H. AF S., 91 FMORMTWMD ANIMAM HiUsGreenP.O., 'anent Telip arliewtimel June 926th. 1869 w22 -td instaneek to give perm similar e3tibition ever brought before the used - and *a have never known a single case HE general agent will thronab Zosbiq Callaway, call upolf the people of thisNic!1114 in the course (Of tl'a P9uf?3lC,, Tile thouands who have visited Mr. . Tnext months, with a III asso'rtment o9hese now celebmt4d ins6iments, vh1ch -we slialloffbrat the follow- WATCHMIER, JEWELER, &c.. of dissatis [action where I be c4ections have eo, each; White blapie on Walnut Back, enn -",t nnr Worth's Circus vAthin the past twenty yean, can lug lExtreme1v 1[jovv ]Prices. Plam White Cherry Frames from $6to $8, accovdingto tubes; Black WaInjitCases, Withe/junnortclass tubes$8 ;with titat'linred tubeg 9.10 nud Cloth FWIcd mid BXs=12_ on to the bEh mputation everywhere sustained EGS to say to his numerous friends and customers aroperly tollovKe4j bui on the contrary all are it Wooden Cistern and Vrew hOTICEX imaFicst notira , parlico Ixe-m will estab%iiLent, and to the refined and that he intends to remain in Goderiall, i th L td'$20 each according to finish ; flae Satin Wood. frames, $20 each, with the Celebrate s'_ bY I B ind that lie speak in iL Tabe and Cistern $25 sl 11h.alish Wheel Bar- fall tlzeiT Weal wilb -";e LUblonable character of Its audlipuces, which has will be glad to submit thdiarge and varied stock iu� his hted. with its opnAtianst and e cut atthe end ;-Rose Wood Frame withBonalDiFils find FrankIii so hmadsoin upported It It Is only necessary on012 to A85 each. iieboiding ftifuilsh; with a amt 4 ay, a5 te 1mve V Ut o UT n! r,� cyy n ;0xLt el =3 shop on West Street, near the post office, to their In- highest firms of its Virtue and Magibal.dirceta, ometerA in 11obagailty Frame, wind dial andlevel,ACe.;attached, fr , 0TO0]1HOLDrR5 Of the 00110AC11, Petroleum & - -4 . to Bute that -15 spection. THE CA NA DIAN P Z N D S S TI? 0 yR, f"surtment of English and.?ranchAnerolq Barometerti. .0 Salt Compaity. take nAlco that �211 twu CAB have , er, wo x-,211 alco GMGM_NrJ1?3[4V CO3XP-A_W'Y Goderich. June 129 1869. wag. been mallo by the diMtoirson thanp:dd st-wit of the T"hen &mletca =M u7c= vao], 7. rall has won for itself a repuVition, " a blood puri 'd for One- YeaT above company. paydble as foloim (10) te Iter c=t Et Ir-r-tt., T� trd, C TZ; ad 6; rc a-1 It ej, alterative st -h ionic, unsurpassed in the EVery hisITUMeAtWarrante Were selected fro= the popular arenle schools o6 iia height bove ttide viz: iin VAy 1Q, 186:1 lu lbo M�Gd:e. ve Would al -co enu i16 old -and mew world, -with special reference to histoty of medien I -preparations. It seldomiails from dateor sale. Yin. pr cureda, corre register of evetTzrity and twn in Canada, t'I ys I-41-1ch- water or sea level 6 1 Agentis; prap4red to altitude every instruiliefit for &ach, locality correctl . te the season of ISM and that their Performances to cure Mapepsia, Liver Complain lit, D3- A full assortment ;of Belf Regis steak of FlanelsOm 171-7iliffi N absolutely necqs.,;iiry to have! them war], eqn-ect on the Dials. will be fb=d MOM VARIED, STARTLING and tion, Hea;Iburn, Siek Headache; Kidney Cora- thfinhih.-Farnheat, Partleoddsiron'.11011 Thernioulpfitirs cofistantly on baud at prices frpr $2 tip to $10, according srr-r2 Asthma, ii:ne. btainingoneof these usefulinstrumcitts, wl#ch aecuratel- and irvariiblyforetell the state of the weather from eau D3 It' than anytlaing of the kind hereto- plaints, AcEd Stoma fore W11nessied on this continent. restorpgtovititiin,'#--!Iy�.I!e syigteiri debtjL44tt:t! vI nours7rij by suflering and disease., main for it few -days only. flead office far the pamitalou, In Montreal. Respoctfidif­ General Agenbfqx�Qqpada, 21 1 CID. Cousulting'the Barom er. Firat In the Gal=y of Equestrienne Stars, is the Its magical stud v6onderful suCce" in curing June 14, 18fi9. celebrated sudden eolds; %re throii, Coughs, Diptheria BE, J WI 01. -Li-iijuralgiatooi GeneratRulEs'to be bservrd ir et LITT-34Z 3NEXNNIFo MARKS pains -in ihe.sidejions and 46c I , .1 . . 0, 111POITANT BRANKUPT S. L The Sm2llest and Youngest Equestrienne in ache rheumatic nnd othbr pains in any part , I Ifthe liferenrysfayi;-aboUt2o inches, or aard I- Changeable," without moving mue'#,, either.up rown'. ltd Miamplon Rider of Me World IREIDULE OF DIVIS10A COURTS the' hody And from whtev6rd'ause, bas given it, the*weidlierwilibe unsettledntlobangeable T -he_ great_-Cvarrk,Heac1a04e, Wenrdlg�a, Americ3i, audCM Remedy,, is Whose sprite -like rlding- charms the 2. If theeramFy rises to or above the Aye A 11 Fair,'! fine weather is atland. old place in eVery'household and iii rhal- supersed and _UdlyeCrEal Xtilin eigutures the young- WiTErial THE Ing a -kind,' I S. hould it happen to rain when the Herat ry stands high, it will be -local, and vory little of it. Tantecl tosurpass, any knowndis- �;T-EW.AZT Z� VO MG, 11 other preparationjS of the GoUntV )rompt remey for, If thell-ercury contiaties to rise Slowly- say for aigbtar ten days -and arrives at or above -the line Very to rjes'-TZ. Virm 4� Co., ("T of 11 , also an fletial and I XPIHE DAVEMPOP.T. 'as, Chilblatfist Arl" thin in suininar, look for dronth-if in -winter coatinupd-froiC o9very, for tehistant4neous nto fortke bunettfticit 11XFUA'k11.1T __ ron, Sealds, - Burns, Rionises, Spra.i ather; if the fall be Slow, it will rain ;'If quick, if, will blo1w, and rolief -and i4id �aiire of strienne. 5,. When the 31crearl, 1.01s, it indicatesfoul-ve. The Fascinating.Eque Prost. Bites, Crampp. in t�e lctoacb, Diarhaaa, it i-*crylow, a§evere storin is suret%f9illow. 'Cholera InIat falb � irable AR e'magistrates in Coutt G notera morbus, lifflious Cholic. 3 When, during a fto RANGED by tb the 5lerLury is e��u to rise alittle, then rest assured the worst is over. any. "Conce X'LLE AUSTIEN, T-16 Pf Gen6rail Sessions of the. Psace, as- turn, Oysenter, &ct When the Xlercury movesilmekly, pitheitip, or down. the eather that. f0oft will beofshort4uration, and' form of pain. 12� �oi 'e� Egg Daseuse, and lv20-1ru ut pei-vats T��e ot or-cl 69. Price only 26 cents per bottle. vico,"rsa. r.* I Usti D XNT9)?.TL.4 LLY AND E, XTBI B- prices. '5�he bagt; an In the hatcls el harm sembledat Goderi6h, June �E� I 'r VB - . - - r NORTHgop 6, LYMAN,. tl I- 'S N21LLY IT Or E tO a" E AP Newcastle, 0. W, Alittle of BFIM,* Allevantor app�lcd nr F ROM THE 1ST'DMsIOX COURT-FFF:-Cbn1 Pnising.that part fal English. Lady Rider. riefierij Agent for Canada. 0 hiches wide? She beauti e Nortb Xervoun He6iUd A of the, township of Goderich. to th MI) I& JdE931&E B-ZLIXONT, of the eUt;-jjAe and the. Haron Road, aniii jEj-,.SoIdAu Voderich lav Parker & Catile-and Tj heAditcht" dilute. 0to a teaspoonful in a I OTCOld (xQda!Qh, J=VZ6, Z150 - I? Jordan; Gardiner& Co. Bayfield; James PRE NBW DOMMION CAS11*9TORE. watcrandvako one.to four swallowstj 410 fro; n- le rxmnte of PazlsF. allowance between battle, bathe thelicadlivithlbeAllevitiators and relielim- the same, meets the foid OF n'tham, Rodgerville; J Pickard, Ex6ter; J. H, 9 ti%vazelievesl)�b-' PR1TA-T4 330AR-TUG, the 13th and 14th� conces.;ions, then back tbe�, Glititort; eeord, Lwkngw-,E Aiek Oup 19 tour NEIL. LEVI J- 0311TIM, � I - Black lustras & Awn leas 1pep-sia. uleaaburu,Pblintalion, XcWHY 01 the -sloniach 0 - 11 0 115r, tosod A. t Flatulincy, ' L jity 61 ibe Allevanttir T)ARTIES obt&n alvdg the EfuroD R ad jo its jdnetion wit 7:. rta. F-nd all Medicine De -iters. 'a; &a. A -nnoll quali -The ff=W-3f&a Animal TTaimer and Ndtre di STORE. diluted Und nuffed up ifte noKril, thou gargle ihe _L RS. D& rae will Introdu his beautlf)al trick bum the cut li6e, then West -by the. road -al-' - AT JOE NEW DOMINION C tween cocces$tofis If and� "Voa-, . 1_pped ;�jjcse=t has been deve lowauce be antediately relievc end 9zilcklY zurc Cat 2EC2. Ento though% and'i will ghoeb to the, River Maitland, then Along -itie %ok amnaWinostoele he new -ate immediately tell8vot] with S ---des, _lbigi-fibeTbroat, Cov_gb, _Astlima, and nil Ion- mordefoommandalow U dery, io Consumption EMPORIUM! River blaidanil, 6 Gcderi* A096therL Colored L 3tre ii E r-Driggto A`levan- INION CASH The A few applications 0 AUCTION A L rij MR. r. TOURINAIRZ, w�th thetowushiD DOM STOAR he worm foreas: S The dasbin daring and- thoratighly artistic Prl- tor reqtbe mosisevere New'109te, -m 0111 A 3, lialn.rleuniaUsI4.4c. ThE rcatwIle".90 cfnd amd somexs1rait rider, -'Wrliose 4PP3aranee Otto ixyiea is relieved at once by,,�,arglftig viiih dila.- 2ND Division- Ct)m� e ang Ilevantor 4isd taltilig -a or two after. 6U-xWe of thtt Atitinflej is exe, or the notablo eFAL d k *1 Third: lot- pist ree d9 �ae, hqs� shauhler or limbs, curcit in a W=_jg_ of tb-- iamtL-ement se.�Isoalt Of 180 township of CK0101), ari.d ths-�t' nartiont, of EXA'Mt-," [ON. Vhl.t VALUAB Y; Pi r A R) -Tn TRmith goutb ti4d' I W DO- s�67i=e byup�lyhlg the towjigbip.of AT THF, NE XTNF4��,N _0A811 STOr "llainmud gives c, WiLIANS, a bqa or sc@d, it immediately allays Eu', jae. road'betwe n lot -25 atid ON THE ROAD h r rellavlas Bug PI)JIMIJOUS JD1 the Allovianto Vito ag e F1111 _Wia.Givien m I thex'Picied. T . wo inues; from- C-fitton t t e *11 26. and betvy od§ tor Royal Canadian. am eck. stiftial Affectioni Contracted 'CQ4.14smd Wus2les, 0 klie Intr6ftee the mon."tT.AW Vartion.of Mille% -,East 0 0.11in a wild, bre back.,eli'llestdaR POr- r . tion of SCHO 0 L TE StveWqgs,._1S3jjmg. Suatial, Tumbrk,; #and allsimitar -aeolions. Aplicd freely to all ]Mu diseases, ftaffal'ds -ancT6. 11thatPO %U of sCenes oa &a plains. betvZeen.jojA.5 & t 77 is C. DETLOR & Coe jAorifs- B fl.StOf & side mad between lots and Tae -Allevnitior is a pailtivel w a heafthy.,enoUlon. V) r0l bY PubliP AM` zil F,2" Z*7 INEF. CHASt. Wro1GH'.T9 10 afia I 1-i and South of th6 sixth toncoll- Frosted Feei,,Ccld Runils und i JL r -e Z,. rotj, 'Clint, The Her -miles of Anerleft A Xepmentatwe of 101I. -Of G�Cy SOUt"k of Goderieb,,;Tune 16th, 180. w Faejj�used freely according 16idir0cliom- Its TDwerm a4fb great am= bQ' Japorterg ana dealers in sion,andall thatipor'li 4tLXOk cl�tlon ft 1;46 County of 'Y, IT 2,63 . . I . I Board of Pupl[16 Ins( f �)eafitm nawobr azt, Introducing 1�­Tlm _will meet in. the 0entral "S611001 Mae rstttimg is wnderful. - 04 WU DNE1911 IL 184 concession- earedwuh ihe Alloyanto, -139re and Writ* Eyes x1re on GoderloX T'. ;.�l cured Toelliftehe immOdflitclY relieved, AUur in 1he cotn=mpi Cor,_RT.'�- Comprising all that ftce; v r, U) ftv�DIVISrox lrf, The WQTl1]eH12l,0L1td 3t)gical Irrm TA Cirqlaq Imper-a 0 111 Y GOODS, GROCER -1111 tof il&ridd Tied ttpe� .r pa.rtion-.6.f Znrn�erry weis Regdq & -Thur$'dX. the U heAj evatitor Fivill never he lnbf� forneyare s2et. pads, wM appea V.Lrt at; iedard acts. AO bb wordarfal, mivel aud orikind J oTtion YS0V_AUGU'8T,- betwqeti 16ts 20, P and 21. ll that is n -heneficial realcOF for Bich V em tniuLng n*221 neyei of Zar �1 C Y. 12TH D�& zsltz�eaaalmolllj Audeugp.g ittay case of Pain oT e Maitland - River, he yl th OfWa�ranogjj.east of ih,' pr(prietort 3K3EL; J. H. H�VWXXWS, XXa_7L--X3tVV7_4LX:L3Mq Nextothilays at 10, o'clock a, M. '.&jitilicanti for motba atnce. Ith ver 10ts 32 �triiiieil. those wisliffig Frit edn day and t;..�thjt portion North of the Ri eeM .oUbelikiex- Tin -Tealdni and TmUtUc rid dy to utor. The unrfvall�d Peta fleateswill thenlave an opportul and Easv of the *sidefie b6twben class on V as ursddy�,those third OUss on X3&,, J* 0 L6 DAVIRNPOII&T, and 33.. All that. poW1on_ f -,Morris West tontinued-oliTh wantin Throat and lung Realer Wednesday, ohil-secoDic jmostreliaV 01 -,,h G L on Thur0ay; .0 Ila 13 CdjeE in.ex- The'ti�te i1orn. =d jafftM_ the Mj 0- and 11. -'All- -Kro CAT - - . =Wdiment If k, �ofside. r6ad between Iola. -1 PA R' 1;;tf-A TLE Ispe, orthe sanst all as for the i5pec -P, orcongle., CONN. 1z:finen;n, rlm,, w1tj w4jzauty and humor. irtion. of Hul]Ot w0st, Of Iside Candidates7bethre being adhAtte �tiimm. eiamineV01i ril "lid jn.fte e ea e% that pi ion of f' -.�od itioral ebarw P w-eetl an "J are 10't-0. I E B IECO T 311 381L S buy their goo d'Q. Abit pOrt of Br sibing, r'Or f�lr_tl _r p,n n�, ly tjj I,'. A. �y a larket All `9 Throat Asihmt;F I cbrtiflant� offhePeace', it -E S L: bet acte sigaedjjy._aFcIerzpq#mor at the office of �=c T. 'on the beatterms. God '�j�tdWpshjg n IT, Lenu I ties, nelufid and u.) oti aft1je, Yhroti% H�w RITC It, E -THE ATTE=ON f ZodkOrsMil Y CALL Che,��t Mle HqiZW_tA They buy. All thjj porti6n'O OF of the Lung", and al *36tgh anj Double S=erF&UAerX- largely and esin therefore No. 1. iticlarling that Nvors 101. seeretary.,l bustomets to' in Live,comr their a4meroils Iff2t. US LEZ9 buy qheap. They Are determined togen. at the tly w2"t I pop at ntlixt tj�etovq7V'-: ibai�l d be in -the po 4"as ta L 4TH Dtv-1siON0604T -everappe itud1=00 JU tht luis ship of 1.16viaL All thatportion of Grey 040 it, In casola mceul to, THNR -a7enfly ieliof, ease$ md f op, Lowest ft-sible Rate.0 N.,Ih.fthe.l�Zth�'.0t)�b'La.�ion.- ictimi,10 charpiter. xca21* *1d to its port�on of M.orris� -North. of the 7th, wrILMS .6001hing and curativ, X31. 1131 MABILS, Ole M1 01owa find comic, last of the si46'lrqad� bef-weerr inflis;le"ab, RE _of the cession, and F Adence trait ibis department Ims and -4ve'their tigtomerA the benefit - * - 4 jimple e 11 " rtibn WORTGIG" Lr- OF the I e ast b e 0=20OZ bargains they -have made. lots 10 anji 11,, slid a Mat to] The galsamicv4uos of wildE. vVrgreen as an Uqc1v in the cune of rhe rnbeiry, East Of side fou, 8 rrWE underidguedhavitfg7takenthe above well-knowh township of Tb JL Mills into his own bands is how prepated to Tent Perf BrUih- ft f 1he xbriml,, u3nery., , T The 'boy �ylulterll =d jgon1shYAl; BE -A Pero 41 3E&ST=s betweeb 16ts-20 and 21-' on remouiible tax- jo,some competent on- rentiror ale" de-grev, we V;Llf ag U One year. ET knowt but the pwercf. 16ving, bealing andeurin, 5 URT47 TH D 4hoe diseastisUehl; by'sclOnufle %diples iowCo r'ne d that p'or7 iagrfulienis a mmuinothequedrun VX PIPSIL 0f,e43Va1-,'W.Uoa9 VE&,Rr to the abor7a, I J it ircombiaed with vill -May A IS a0d i, u69." 111 flaO TOZZI!;'_15P A;1­74_?��-.o 1�!I, 2n ux An additfou shipi of Stephen, Usb6 . ap Jliiiiimv to jhe -gait 01; Goderleb. Icently'Abat ttrIbSle 11iMCAS !A, 4SIL added and Will be VS T OPENER heitlifiglurent. Unlit a- ee -rousi L-- C� Oganiz.aton, thera Is Aip, O� Raj bey,.iald county of -tion Qf theowu b la n Idered U It seam pter. 'ifuenonala"s Aejm the:6th and 7th coii�-essljoii&, Of thereac rPulmmiary, Ii.sease recos to 1r21 ne ve6objedL in the. A lot of all VF001 Canadiaill Tweeds at 50 craiulboALanagementul Theset UncoudL Mon3ters axe lepen" n l=T1 t7to V;cL--,t tow ships of Hq NOTICivi allon. The rcletalfic mediwl wo; be Aawnuig ling. neyarerra-eeNcimensiamilial cents.,per yard, arao m -of icvw�;—Compr '6101T � Fislflg� t e 0 W 110slery . ets". per pair Tit DiV CO lefted that 40linsumptirs be urcil, few there ale ,9 11. 11 cm,, I n 'Upon juan;" a and West -Wawa "of lormanCe. B.rownHoll=4 15ctg r j."Brigi? 'Uh 11 A-1 ing SAO fijVivarder- - . I -yard iiQa OfEos� .7� of Asbfield, -an, n6S'fijWii WAR T" Per Toweling, frOmll Cts per ship a that Pot le 'A i lifmal�vmvpw it of the River d led es, rivalled Tfle lemeil 3*W RX ALD Z� adiland, and'West Ot`oide line, bet ween D leaej.oar., and warisrated 19 euroluler=lt HEM, %terna, B!cedhik=J 11chm9piles, In Q0, MOST fiat" vAll be nTex-c-4 for 3,4c, LT r,-j�, Printsi 6 cts LOOK, j3ARX 14olivefeclat Aheir Cc . 9* harf- Dreza GdQ&[, 8 ets lo, Is 132 and 33 North f si!0 'k.-fkt, the' v Doc tavory mannet, withoul 1ho least 068 imve It is to bahoped thi�_Putlle wilt 7TH 1)1*4stoN COURT.� Co rjsi�;,thi town' IP., BOX.. - it is well known hit Ift-an& U' lian 11101M Cn ylczlr� MP heir of tile inflictird wifil Ims Alife"e, many af WIGIn have &WIj informition, atia fivaIt themselves of Staujq, and- tbavpo�ftojrt ship souglit for Teli2f, bir; L -rine follo; tq III -Ir Imig Friday flie IS1 0 the Emp mr to ppr&aaft theirsup- of GoderiCh to the $Ciilth of --the The numbe isincredu2nus vfw"eerag- the P7CM3 ea, on, 121 say it) �L Ira, cutline and -tho Jjuroa a wo stitching Red trying a reatedy. � 'We Ea, se lmfler Ma Le C, -toad bet gatirl gotalloille CM, emedy, I Same joins the AND ween the, 13th and BE URITY RITTLIDERS T - 1h Aid he township of Ouder AND PAINURS ye 161 TO FARM ind� a cure soon eXeL ich, thence along tbe said,concessi pri. road IM d I di iiition to the ad- U 21. in t!,.c uutil'the sae loins 11�9 'Wier. Bayfield, red -by the Lend Mortgage Debentures Dr. 1. B Modern BRECIAL =NTION . . �dl. T riggs u LaUe iluiOn, of -the Canada Landed Credit Company s" sati prigoo of the town -- river 1 Ike ribors have novg n then6e. along the SA meaiis-ofi4fO4t!necLtforTrustoes bjuWoipa1an&other hana the purr-st,miltmils MI(I Joketfilij withrautbat, rporationg, and Among ths56 jor me, In, �ile MIMI` Cal ship'of Ray to of t1idAth andlih, _g the Weat Advantages Are o As d rapid cure of Corus, Baniolis, Jill lat. Thelenderlo a security of anuinber of ESU 0 � - f'.1 t is wled tA *heir concesgons of the toad -of out one 'Estaw, and at-.- :ikin Di-easej;. such&* Ccts,rulo,�s, ScaldsW-71 F, n Z ,:T n gl� - . f . 1 .11 - " OBitep. Biteit oI`InwctF;. So -e. Ups, Bore Nf,10. 0;2E'!C0 Of A rge wmilas. said township, of 118ye. d collectively and' Well Sele :ed, t5tock he uricalleaapital, twithoUt. I& Han&, Eryeipelas %It Rheum. Ring thlit this 0 ther day _U61 matenwo 0ow arrang6- interest being -paid I rly a- tte 4"T fl;:10. VabisenthO tT IS 0R1DERW,­FJ ,b r, annoy, or dig Sir* Fee* Tearro, ClwTbd Fitilb. Sore Np or, fnll' 7 W 37-s t� possess Any 6at the Abote r ever hi,vingtuileek it iresponsiblo to Eca!,j givin.- an wzeptabla en jimitS SIjCj Ojitent Iu6vjdua4th% COMPAU1 ilime. Breasts, -Cauccrous Soreo, White byreliu;gs, cl fboger :E 3: 1-7 N.'ar meat of the boliudarjeW Ifestdo. irt thr0a�116111t him, &iij which tjjey_"e.pTep%i!e unsliot Wou-1 rvgn thetiot witeringthI4 Cornjtbuild 10 ItC Pub;- 2ad., the lender bAl crPaprittor, n Every X=1139 At �110 Odom of tfie- . several � WiSiOn Q;I &&atcr of stay jhT e S foAsbd Rua masiartety' 'Oev"101 ividuaf- WrMwer;. Or 0 lie, has $he Undoubted cotifidimne in its sueeflis, 91111 El TM PVBILIC VIR the Couaty, of Huron, a as to thocia Itis coldpAed orthe mist liftling vid PAI roi.evin.r. ant, new, ft Bind ed to seveii zep%ratecourtsbytbejuRestr4 thalitud7ififtf-p9ed., rut C amilvc. irVU -me - bt curity or delieutue"litch-he lialas is' 'k2 a -Ul�mwx "Og dep$rtMeaf, im genorat ""ioni; of the HerAed bYtht, e V! asoeMbleabe 3rd-2he 00 ANNOT 'EAT id*%ljce knova jo uw­.jnn& elm ng ready, marketabletommoditY.-04[ytr�musterre(l'fr6mhand Ar- U -cars we N1VLSMPX and M49 010thl willremah; for% us a c2 1,cr anim-il fat lato P bi A, Any �ek, S1.0(), adopted this terith day of= ind, st� tht he qr the White �PaUy�4Whlj$t It Bolt xron Nails per, *,KVf 41-45 Ames tiflun r 00uitg- Ab&IL moment Pei b*t *venues 111e. marke Apd thit, the said Divilt sinkiRg Vaud at ille: pral 5tar d) 401, 144 k) B ist al"it, hiake-i the: borrower feettlist dverY Year, his debt fit EleSt (Efiglisl 04 simn wome rarwid, for use- '1;py Car come- into operation froin hes Putty -per 117 curliti it he fftftraris 1he wor"'I m,.in 9quirselPf fal W the be 0. WRTMOR& CO. of villich All 4eoreu� Aamoug4aAdilecurei-tolal -Hingecallid t i u zaltered, pUrsipaut to liber St&tUtfft Door pwircis 51 Pit X a pleAmilt i�l its 41301catual, Vwnj. ALI pr6i, RafD Baint Perf0M=0WTR_i14VrJF i Partin ail, jike notice. ore efleetusithesecurit, a the, lep- ges AS %p -m ani 'hard 11 Gmas 301'ibes f1`0M 90;`6t�' rain noericed at big and makin _r* 0 &#.A ou,; .............. i, $I;., bold by all DmW�us an& Aud -tim.ssmebe 4yeribeA twice in der. Thereth der, 170) Goded0b,.0aj%r;toj, Haffitfit 180, thst neat,tho surif&04144 by, the len -and his mufft T Poe to RRIOGS'k CO. q t460 ia'a-MUS �C­q tb,6 Huron�pd an& Godoetch $tar liews- Is, in eonsooence, more fuidmore established. snd sy er , I Ve Deben- The COMIAayls; now issuing Laud Uo#46 Vk_m papers. ftu�ei; be&riug Seven per cent. interW; WN VU Et 7 r10J3L 10031PRITI ITIthcouponst- Ju F, OrAM4 0 ition A It V Gode I f jv�nfiidy and lat SIX IA)* 0WARVOSTS. Ole '&ndj1-fi00 of ft Iaal"VILLAII WiU LIZARS os-rk of tile vreaty -Old 3t4nd ift Sqlkg)%X� 'AUGUST Rurom DebeaturSO M 910 j"lleaUkrilig six Per 604ti- *1n for two and three years,. .,.. j Tfl Certifielfto �e eoryftft ext=tid fr we I (I from. tits diy, !L. _0 Of thiS tho reeor& wt. Intaeot is, sold T A Ll 7 'FAVDU9!01K:A_ RU4,; ;TILON JAjj$f 40 �ts, hrith, jhe PeACO- dodirleb, June 11t1l, U6 20 WA, Clark of July, I%q -1 W% "ericht 11DOL 4uneil 1869# d4pte am the dan M40 A, ty W, F_ P. 13-m-azz t. EZOTI inly W, 18ea. Z_ ............. .................. ................... ................... ............... EM -,a J=ffz f,7 -- W_ F.. - I`F. Sn=1 aawm, iru:y so, 2869'. ........ . MSG 0, O:ST .......... 0:85- PD 0:C0 4:25 4.75 0:0a- 0.0 0:0 0:66 0 - 75 Gsa 6:15y- O.W 2:53, Ixg 10.1.5 On 0:15 .......... 0,63 fc�', 0.19 ........... 0:20 (q�, q.W . 4.Uf 60, 4:59F 2.00 (R-"� 2-5a 0:35 oxa L 6.32 4.W ........... 0:5D (Z 0:94 1:00 bVI 29, 1839. .. ......... C:r* (6,' Q;50 ............ (e, 0.85 R e-ga 4,50 .... ..... Jul 04 ESKJ NQ01t.- ............ 9.8$ 15'a 0:4-3 t,_a,, 044 Q_,W (-i� ........... C. IEY.FOU N Do 4* of 4� - U, 11*4� 7 fib *X�gn q -,T Fk A W for.sai& "A :Ex- MN <:0 :';:z It 11N G -18. OVIl-D kA ]�OtkXV41 .4 0C>ZZCVCXP X3EtC>1V- LE-; -11, E Al 'SIR i4dtS, CLARKE, �s cufad by Using Dr Oolby!�['A�tt.costive ina IrXIAT superforl'iVal. Lot 1'0,':�Oth von, le,D Cui- f:.:. lam mighty, Inthe sabdit D'YOPE -Bowels qlarraot., I borne 4 acres' Go ficrei, 4 .whtjb 4re PING atiailf f4mal(B alterations Irk 'Building sud t3 Tonto Pills. They r qlato the the "3 nn'l 443,4, ratered j�xejuj,-jos tu order ta,elvar out all. Of 1wesout 'stock Flercelywielded by the bravo, cleatorl, wo GODETRICH GRAMAUR 18)4 - ,a - , fption 'py 49ij jj' a 11viag -creek, ai�tcl bounded B ff.�STRWABT &BRO-9 Cry cl). Liver, clear the'Comp e9l(m, anilMnOvelP thd systilin, preiaie4, /ion ff house -4nd frame prescr i r Blaftlanx. c 141 Glorious In the stalwart steamer, they ore composed of, aetIV& h1reolents III a. highly, ,00d I of (" i . 2�vd t oil flie!pkeralses. jU stu obouseopposito ta J151m 11.0pit's tFn shop, I 11� 0 C) 1-1. concentrated form, ana strike 4 1 be roqt of disoa-0, 01arke, JU�,Uj Pitykeian Ex ra6idlnr q - ty'rPSON16ve V Ith, a god& ark-lix EJFA�u mo�cd the b3lanco nof tll�� 9004B tO file pre I Ulan C.1; curing most like magic. '-Sltuaied- one mile Train the� village- of Raii4hester, 11 they.aro givifl — Laughing at the storm and wave. - to fAeQuem LOTBING, Mutt Alifte' -up yusinczs. CLOIH95 0 n street. and as OUTajj�a testify to their extraordinary ourAtive The -sold at lers thtin,cost. F; tyisallosiraliloinvestmentbehi the CoUnty va-made great neat it - efibyraoteor tsllt uccount , d An�ggetat rjill be oLl 1�v Mju!`L�­Lfl_)� �fls will be. . c THIS S()HOOL proltertles. pol0vallilettlerr. pl! I We ba tetions In Pdces w)lich rew b _A those indcl Beauteous in tlie palate pillars, This iuvaluAblomedIcUfte is "arafling ti the a � 211ell ad and pospeAsingasuperigrull pilTilege On cut or made up in the LataSt Stylb 1311 the *ShOrtest J�ettle at once. I I aro �4eqftestcd to eall-and t,:tb, u,"). Saving in the pointed rod, n A U T I F U L I SPI1119DII) I I is':the O.Ure�ot allkliese pilallit and dangerous di. mwes the River 31attTand. Aprly to. native. 'WILL RM-OPMN Bverdiot given b3� all who use HuNVa EurinE,HAjU. . � *1 1 -1 . - A t m)vh1cfi the- r6ruale contstitution to su t I it G.1.11. TRUEMAN, VFW& WOOL. As It brings the deadly lightning! GLOSS. It makes dry, harsh; 9tiffiftir $oft, glossyand Auctioneer 4 L HUCxn IDUNLUP. ON inodeiFates till excess and lFemeves a] lobstraf io atidAgenp, Oor,�rlcb. tpr!Ce paid for a'SyqUa1M11tyOT V7001. Quelled and harmless to the sctd, beautiful.' It -cleanses the Scalp, removes phatilts, , s� -pril 1$4 -1. -if Goderith, Ttqy 10. 16,69, raillo cute. inaIrbe ialied on... A 869� , 4vid juspectik plans tho; glands, prevents the hatr frout. IT. STEWAUT offf M Quf 42, T, and will certainly make It grow strong, luktiflauf MUnday, t%de 9Vh Augiist But there is a glorious ess6nee, beautiful, audit is only25 0ts[P'dtb;ittIM­ f. TOMARRIM LADIES Aees Cherr xa,0� 1869. JL of tinfe-, y X VoOral, 0 .51, rea. Whtm� all pupils, wl �%pplieants for admission rere- Where I take my grandesli power. Sold everywheyb. in p6�euljajly vuited. tt Will, in- a,sh ra, 80 &1!:V3, -lea For lHaesses of- DISSOLUTIOiN-;OFI"IRTINERqF�IP,. 2 cDtf,d to be rite emirst, of in,,truction In- Pring, on the rr.on egli the Tbrest'aud 3�fm&, Z2 �aud log 1 the for ulatrivulation it. Giving to the AAcn my sure6t, "Eaefi bottle,prica One,Do)laril;ears it - oov-'. suoll as COU025, Colds, NVIlooing p H in U M A T 18 & and all other notice and pates c- latillation.,4 of in application Of JACOUS'RAEUX,�jja. to paraul t4olllniversitie% ato fo. lusmng the leave the body ( C6u,gb, Broichi .&stlim! .. to those in- Sweetest ald, in dan,-ees hour, �ramctit Sf4nip drGreat firitain p vo t (56un-. h tile pardsts10 tnZikig to tleet;-no it, to prel'are rjr tile. exmina- Li(j�,ro. WewilltvarrentittoctireBurnr,,Fmst pirfeits. and VoDPUMPUon. P Chilblains, gore Throt, Lame Bnck or Side.prajns, Ile town of under 4lie style and heart tiortor the Bord and to those See I before me fly diseases I &OF Some of-theturcait has effected are almost, too Prbbab% never before in,the whole. Wgoryof pCffaJjday,& %%jId, jitis tills day bei�jl Lijisolvi-d t,y iZt^-7%1bn9 to eter n Loimeivial lite, to acquire a wondergul for belief, litany have been svect -t it Peet Pitts shouid not be taken, bujentdc durzi;g 'Medicine, as allythlugWOU. sowId* and mdeeply *-(milt of tba%ad health of Mr. NO CT a er l ri n See the darkest hydras bow I �rreg upon the confidence Of Mankind, an as this.,qxcell int and owing to the hrin will tt'Weu, SULTAL � -No with Co Int, OF A th letic from impendluf deathland restored t9lifn and health tha F TRS 7 TIVE E 9 - XQ1V TFIR omplainis. Wild. All Secuutits remedyforpulmonaryp =a Book Req,pilig from the cotintry can ob. Notamily is sa a a day without it, hundreds of vain. I See the rose of health add beauty be saved an&' 21ancy, as. tloy are &Uie to bring 0 itriscar- Movst of the �idces besettle,l-by 311. Ili 'Y-'Da1*atbiSJ5th day of July a 1,,w rte. This is the best able liveg and thousand s of dollars may series ofyearsi.��a aino, ��l . %M -3V - Take the palest cheek and brow, Asa preventive of contagebus dis. Fe, bt at afty other trvie they are s fe. X- men ithas risen higher, aff higherin the estims. 111 1869; fivi T.InvIsca, Tcsl�pll 'R. tim-00"the ve�ir t�, ezot�r lie new elsses will be rt&ully by Its use. 0 fbrmcd in 1-1rencti, Latin 'her ror ases, nothing ever before invented 6 tion, as t has become better Jinovm d a, subje�ts. incontsilarowit It !,.p tu all cases o -Nerve Its uniform ad to MWard t!=n a to cure the -vArlou tcmther particulars applien ail Nr authorize all dealers to refund the iftoney if it alus in the fiack'and Limbs, F tiam -on z%!ight characterand ower ion may be n1a,ld to Fly, dyspepsia I fly consumptito I does sati-afaction. the, He4rt, Hyo OfI11611111g91114throat, have made $am, THOROUGH B.- D SUFFOLK BOAR terest J. pjLF.8T0N;. R A., not give entire lexertio , Palpitation 0 -rics atid It kno -1 able protector ag Heatintaster, yes, all ills are crushed at length, J. FOSS& Co. bitMbeso Pills *.H efflict 4 curc wherall III ainst thein, �W.Iiuje a d to in,,liased a thorough bred Sur a iiiriiieribij, 00derleb. July l5th. IS69. w26 -td PARIthR & CATTLI-I Agents Goderich. w -I nilder forgis of disease and to young chil a jtle,� H13 subscrib-iF ba und sale of tualts awl iol 2-17 other-iiienns have fhih�d ; and altbouel a po�wer ' P. Wkelifoiservice. Ptleefor, For I give what huit: an nature at the same time the most efteofnallemed t Tiolk Boar which It. - IuFrt 'Ji COPELANA =edy, do not cotain on. call Del, alltl- be given for incipie $1.00. cooltemge bii9ine-5s, �_T t! r to"I n S'­ JULY.-F-Sau-stroko.-Tbis accidental illfiletion, calla nt�consiimlptlonj an W10, only ever needed -STRENGTH I bv the Frouch coup d� saleil, is supposed to' ocolir more mOnNN, or anvt4lng hurtful to I lie i Mist ution. gerousaffactions of the throat and lungs. a, Staxll6y, April I Son& cotni3any. per G., M.,-, "'D fiequentlyas the country is cleared, but at jund each vision against sudden attacks of u it a d such Indeed ons in'the Plimptil Shatil I tell in wbat,,Teat essence eerved; be kept�on hand in evcrLfVj, -d all 111.futnle cd 4: ta n a t T tI.T n 0 f:. I V is not the cue. In the Sam maimer� matayVisuppose package, imbibb sbnuld -be"caref ady I Contractors. that crime is on the increasia"' the cou,,,it!t becomes 'are sometimes sulAject; to col s ghs Notice t _ , I Sole agent for the Ernited Statesana CanitdaA, � should be provided wiffib this ant' 'Evi J. Noltrars I can thus your spirits cheer up 2 nnf' em. older S bot)i N.Y. .,butthisalsois, J.OB h1()9ZS,'PocbePte illusions spring from the increased factuties for com- Although settled V0'sumptio7i, Is th6ughtin. pallid. trembling, dying sufferer, ­$1.00and six po-4tnge stain en.closed curable, still great numbers or ewes wherb-the dis. Partner and authori'.�a rj.,oue to trj2.f;:ej thr innnication. which, like the great snosuoviaw nEXEMY !ALIfD TENDIMR thercol. E. 110SNE13F, fc., 'Tis the fained " PERUvIA.; Syaup." for consumption. fol low in thewake of ci any authorizeli Rgerlt will ine-ure P bottl6 corL. ease seemed settled have- been complete y4ured, n(b the patient resGed to sound. hed, by the G 11 _R.0 _V1 S The PERUVIAN� SYRUP is a protected solution of t0,1110.9fifty Pill by return mail: ofter -ectoral. So complete Is lts�mastetyF lwlt� be seceived. bt the Trustees f Union chool -Section No.-fi,.Cult Welivanosh until the ]�Ord day SPrGIAI, NOTICF,. over� e borders of the Lungs.sud'T 44L -house, Ueur dile or Iran, new"discovery in lot A, COST FOR 30 D A be-Protoy medicine THE OLDEOPTLYLA the most obstinate of1hem yield tolt.. t . uguF;t next, -for building a 1191V iclitiol. hat strikeS at the root of disease by supplying the Sir -Tamu marizes,ri vinaze Pius are extensively colm- ing else cofild reach them, Under the Ped- Manchester. Plans and speel fictitions may be seen at Gotlexidi.1-A June TURFEITED. The genuine 7&ave t1to aame of "JOB MOSE �f PERFORMING All MALS AND CHEAPEST on e404 paclx4e. toral they subside and disappear. r. Sutherland's Store, 31anchester The tritsteLs do load with its vital principle at-. life ekiiiefit.-Iron. A.11oiliersoreworthlesa. $in&rs and P4b110 ff_04�dftrj find Oea. jvo� liqt bind themselvesto acceptthe lowest tender. The genuine has Psatin-i" Sriue blown in the NORTHRUP & I irMAN, tectio ftom it. "AS SUTLILMIAND, Trustees- PLASTIC ETAT-0 11001TING,, Newcastle, Ci. W.,geners sthm. is always relleved and fte� MhcUy-,�, HENRY FARROW, lass. cured by it. . I TijoAAS ROAR, 1 11. HOOK STATIONERY STORE agent forVanadr 3�2146ncAitie i x0r, cureA by !,ki-n 1869. w25 -td t3- aitle ana CherM Peetoral a] t oses. Pamphlets free. L — rM HE unde.mig.ne(l bos b. -en appointc�3 fox 6oldin'6oderieb bv Parker N 0 al and trequen TIlastlefilate RuoFmg imilezzal anti ire now. F. Jordan; Gai4irjer a 'Co., Bayl Ad ; J amps " o generx9y are its virtues known �We,necd J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. INSOL-VENT ACT OF '1864. prepared to ftxilr4h Ittat.es uIth 07 put it WEST OF HAMliATON I thO certificates (if J. Pickard1b,teter; t&plbl-.,Ih t - on thereof at'se mmeapez Glintop., cord, J.,aeIrnowl E. Hick the Imblic; that Its: 4u ties No. 36 Day St., New York, arner, ol toderlob Maintained. Inthe watter of Joseph States 0 son. Beat forth.', and ,I[ Medicine 0edJors. *W For Roofin it is ly Rt commum do zld OTITHROP & Lym,%N, General Agents, IS THE SIGNAL 01FIFT-011 in Ins.%IvcnL. itars of tl;e Insolvent are --tifltl that he by both BullOrs end ior fts ligLtness. n2A Sold bv all Druggists. Vol. xxi. a 4T. effects 3- 0 re,,. alirability, it bzIng IlLrailly 13:5, pr�iof not te Newcastle. Ont. OLLO AYer'S A9UP Vi, -dean assignment of his tstate 9 MOTHERS, READ TITTS ! Under thealigve Act, to ine, the utidergined' SSIgri rep3lr. It cau b3 on V � it oi,any Wnd d f I ling 1pttliq ft-reguired to foraish me within tle lj-�ZT in the IC3, T. J. MOORHOUSE, W4k-',8 W RINI LOZI�NGES are a certain an For Fever arid A ae, Tnt,6rm1ttA4 0 , & cities and state. date -%; th their claims, specl 3-411 Chill Favor ant fro this New gnemsements MPORTS dirert from. British 31anufactur0s, every safe-redpcfy for Xlroi Dig in ghildren and Adults mttent Feyer, 1'3)umb the s -urityl; 0 1A If any, and the value of, it, Aguef :Periokoal or uous Fqor, &o -dunderoath, Al Ll RO 0 71, description of -Mlt is a wpil-known and rneialkebOly iact, aawdiiideed all the afteotions-whicih arjs�' it one s timi t a t the whole attest SDI IF It�hat olle great cause661cath among children is frorn, malarlous, n2ar8h, Or tht froth Wofms Mone, iteannot te toe dceply im-- Xmisons. D oi�ler;cli- in ithe County or IEurbn,_1 this Go leiielt, 128th IL-ly, ISCI, SALT STOCK FOR SALE, WRITING PAURS9 pressed Upon the in6ds ot parents tb i' nec&sSitv 22nd d , o a. 1869. JOHN H&LUAN. As its isme Implies, It does Care, And.dbes �pot w,25-2vg, of closely watching theirehildren. 81­0401ng- M. ContainingiieltherArs-enlc,Quihine, Bismuth, NOTIV410 B2100 In Demy, Foolseap, Letter and Note Sizes, and offers ,dmlorstanding the symptons and true cause Zinc, nor any other mineral oUQlsonous i4batance HE subscriber offers for sale at a reasonable price them at the lowest possible rates for casIL of the disease, thousandi of children miebt be hatever, it in nowlse inlures any,patient. 1t*qS0TVr1NT_ ACT OF 1864 -- The five Allares, in the lf Com ZAIZ, 4 T Ontario & pany- d froeArly'graves. Symp ros oE, WoRms number and importance of its cures ifith ' e -di& GEORGE AM% Co. :300,000 3ErnVe143i­PeSq gave In the mitter of Edward Penton, an Illsolvet! --The following are a few of the very aumerous re r e now in stock and sold at prices that astonish tile trade. symptomsand diseatin"t which nre-cansed by 0 th pride S, In histo 6411 credito?s of the above named Insol"lent, are LL partleR indebted to tln latQ fain oT ad by the )-I ed ',? gin ts we notified to meet at loylties la the town of Goiter - HOUSES FOR. SALE. THE ARumb:214& Co.. a -a rrquirerd to po) Worms: erafiged kpiletite,emeciated extrem- celvb of the r end cures effected in -Obstinate ich, Oat.. on 3londay the2nd order to save costs.' P4yirwai� tcy bepadu to the vnf2cr- day of August next. for He also offers for sale three houses on lot 222 of the Sj_j:S:Srr JS&TTS3:0. ies, ofrensive breath, frequent PiLsIng 4 the cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. the parpose ofinspecting Insolvent's Solicitor s account signed, Jbn V. D01or & Zlon, t7,�e town of Goderich. noge,griniing oftherteeth during sleep, hardnes 'Unacclimated persons, . either resid mf in, or and for the orderingof the affairs oftheestate generally, of the Para film, V DB�IADM S. LAMONTINE. Special ateention is given to this department. parties oftho be.'y, w;th frequent slilpv sto.ols; and trayelling,throughmIaern tic localities',will be pro- Dated at Goqtriell, this 19th July, A. D.,1869. Goderich, July 27, 1969. w26 -3m ordering from me may rely on having any description sOmel. radis colivulsive 11ts; pain iFi tha head and tected ]a talcingthe AG9 CVRu daily. . JOHN HALDAN. trembling, ver 0�n�4fntq arising fr in -;a I officita Assignee, for C. H of musie.furnislied promptly and ",stoma.,h, unqiT---t iteep, Ihintings; 0 01 1725 doughs, inde esil.,ji,low spintw,'frigbirul dreams, of the 14iver it is an excellent remedy, sit n the Liver into healthy activity. and a gradua wasting awav bt flesh, FAL'Aj SHOW, – 11 YorXilious Disorders andLiver Compldints, It is -95. MMVM�WJS At Very Lowest Prioese -administered to the an M&X They are pahlab,er, and seff excellent remedy, producing many trnly re, opular pieces child -drive otil the Worms thoroughly without markable cures, where other medicines bad felleA. T"n A trge assortment of new and p always Prepared- by DR. J. 0. ATER & Cd�, ractical RESHMENT -R OMIS ty otitand. a find'coml)letely(eleaiiiie�thestoinat.-h-t'here- South 1urq Agricultural Socie . , lty1doing away with the nedesAitv of administer- and A=13*tital VhQM1StSj LPOWW; MUSS.,find 6014 This is the cheapest house in the trade. All round the World; MARXET SQUARB, ngilaslar Oil or other un pleasant cathartics. -as YOUR Profits bared on the xeady monq'l system and not a the uSd of other %Vorm A-Tedicines, PRZOE, *1.00 PER zip TIME. RE south Huron Agricultural Society's,Fall Show credit. . I I . I NOW Re -opened in tho New Build' Tfor 1869, in connection with the Tuckersmith "--1fichboxPontaF' "th ' tac-Rimile 01911- LM NO RT H R IJ P & . LYMAN, Newe"tio, Ont., general- YCZ22 Ins a W. IL Q SHEPARD ................... p� �rjetr Branch Agricultival Society. will beheld In the village tgre Of NORTBROP _& lbyii",Newcastle OntOrIO,p auents for Canada. LEW a. NORTH ......................... . er Of Seafarth on Thursday, the last day of September, T., J. Noor-h—ousei, who are the sole propriei6m. R3- Sold in Godarleb by Parker & CattIq and F. ND OTHER TE14- C. XAGOMBM1 ISTAM ge? and Friday the firstday of October next. The hisid. Jordan. Gardiner & Co.. Bayfleld. James Renthum, cE CREAM, SODA WATER M FRANK SQUIMELT ............ Leader of Bli and take-no'other. Sold in G:ouerich Rndgerville. J. Pickard. Exeter. J. H.' Qombe, Clin- perance b Fruit of all ............... Assistant ud department to be arranged and judged the first day. Goderich, July 13th, 1869. Avg B,­�A*k for Rollolvay's Wor= dr'y01'p'_rk,' kinds in season, I've her z Hand bills seuting forth the prize list, conditions, &a., Cattle and F. Jordon ; 0ardiner & a El. HickSon, Seaforth, and paitry,&c. -will be glad to see id. AVAY, rs, custo l; on the old stand. uilding A Mowing Match and a (3. 1 ers at the Xew B . ton. Seetird, Lack ow. 5I.To ack Bel field ; James Benth4th. Rod;erville; J. Pieka RU ]MStabjj8h�d ()ireW Of AMWjea willappear in due time. rd.. all Medicine L)ea Te-aphig Match, will also come off this year, In cannec C4 xeter; J. H. CiAnties Chalon ; Secord, Lue W-17� Godench, May 27t* 1869. tion with theSouth Huran ligricultural Society, a AC FREDERICK Acl;Fno7,j i ISA ID dged to sypnss in the which notice will be given of time and place as soon as kni�w; E. Hickaoft, Seafortli, and all Medieine Dealers. r,43 Goerich, My 2,5 1869. -W4C>0Xj possi If more of the owners of Stallions travelling eff %Aendor of Its iyard oi Number and ent of its ArUstes, the I, the South Riding of Hnrou this season, Will contri- 'TES robe M F TE 0 THEOUN91VIr the butetowards-giving prizes forfoals z;t the fail show, to be held in Seafortb. Mr. James Johnston, owner of ts Beau- let N PAIN D f _trd=' CANADII the Rob Roy, offers to give $5 ; others wishing to sub- 10NDO-25, E1fGLAND- Mul Uorss ZIA Ponies, scribe will please send the money and their name to XADE BY L. ST1NSTE-0, RECENT ST., X -M P=[ji=ArTm COI=CTION OP the undersigned as soon wossible, so that it may ap. Moth FuL A Family Medicine, well and favorably knom an., Sectly 'Go ou Tun pear in the prize list. GH LOVE, 8 for t1je past tel% yen rs. neverfisling in a sin a S. H. AF S., 91 FMORMTWMD ANIMAM HiUsGreenP.O., 'anent Telip arliewtimel June 926th. 1869 w22 -td instaneek to give perm similar e3tibition ever brought before the used - and *a have never known a single case HE general agent will thronab Zosbiq Callaway, call upolf the people of thisNic!1114 in the course (Of tl'a P9uf?3lC,, Tile thouands who have visited Mr. . Tnext months, with a III asso'rtment o9hese now celebmt4d ins6iments, vh1ch -we slialloffbrat the follow- WATCHMIER, JEWELER, &c.. of dissatis [action where I be c4ections have eo, each; White blapie on Walnut Back, enn -",t nnr Worth's Circus vAthin the past twenty yean, can lug lExtreme1v 1[jovv ]Prices. Plam White Cherry Frames from $6to $8, accovdingto tubes; Black WaInjitCases, Withe/junnortclass tubes$8 ;with titat'linred tubeg 9.10 nud Cloth FWIcd mid BXs=12_ on to the bEh mputation everywhere sustained EGS to say to his numerous friends and customers aroperly tollovKe4j bui on the contrary all are it Wooden Cistern and Vrew hOTICEX imaFicst notira , parlico Ixe-m will estab%iiLent, and to the refined and that he intends to remain in Goderiall, i th L td'$20 each according to finish ; flae Satin Wood. frames, $20 each, with the Celebrate s'_ bY I B ind that lie speak in iL Tabe and Cistern $25 sl 11h.alish Wheel Bar- fall tlzeiT Weal wilb -";e LUblonable character of Its audlipuces, which has will be glad to submit thdiarge and varied stock iu� his hted. with its opnAtianst and e cut atthe end ;-Rose Wood Frame withBonalDiFils find FrankIii so hmadsoin upported It It Is only necessary on012 to A85 each. iieboiding ftifuilsh; with a amt 4 ay, a5 te 1mve V Ut o UT n! r,� cyy n ;0xLt el =3 shop on West Street, near the post office, to their In- highest firms of its Virtue and Magibal.dirceta, ometerA in 11obagailty Frame, wind dial andlevel,ACe.;attached, fr , 0TO0]1HOLDrR5 Of the 00110AC11, Petroleum & - -4 . to Bute that -15 spection. THE CA NA DIAN P Z N D S S TI? 0 yR, f"surtment of English and.?ranchAnerolq Barometerti. .0 Salt Compaity. take nAlco that �211 twu CAB have , er, wo x-,211 alco GMGM_NrJ1?3[4V CO3XP-A_W'Y Goderich. June 129 1869. wag. been mallo by the diMtoirson thanp:dd st-wit of the T"hen &mletca =M u7c= vao], 7. rall has won for itself a repuVition, " a blood puri 'd for One- YeaT above company. paydble as foloim (10) te Iter c=t Et Ir-r-tt., T� trd, C TZ; ad 6; rc a-1 It ej, alterative st -h ionic, unsurpassed in the EVery hisITUMeAtWarrante Were selected fro= the popular arenle schools o6 iia height bove ttide viz: iin VAy 1Q, 186:1 lu lbo M�Gd:e. ve Would al -co enu i16 old -and mew world, -with special reference to histoty of medien I -preparations. It seldomiails from dateor sale. Yin. pr cureda, corre register of evetTzrity and twn in Canada, t'I ys I-41-1ch- water or sea level 6 1 Agentis; prap4red to altitude every instruiliefit for &ach, locality correctl . te the season of ISM and that their Performances to cure Mapepsia, Liver Complain lit, D3- A full assortment ;of Belf Regis steak of FlanelsOm 171-7iliffi N absolutely necqs.,;iiry to have! them war], eqn-ect on the Dials. will be fb=d MOM VARIED, STARTLING and tion, Hea;Iburn, Siek Headache; Kidney Cora- thfinhih.-Farnheat, Partleoddsiron'.11011 Thernioulpfitirs cofistantly on baud at prices frpr $2 tip to $10, according srr-r2 Asthma, ii:ne. btainingoneof these usefulinstrumcitts, wl#ch aecuratel- and irvariiblyforetell the state of the weather from eau D3 It' than anytlaing of the kind hereto- plaints, AcEd Stoma fore W11nessied on this continent. restorpgtovititiin,'#--!Iy�.I!e syigteiri debtjL44tt:t! vI nours7rij by suflering and disease., main for it few -days only. flead office far the pamitalou, In Montreal. Respoctfidif­ General Agenbfqx�Qqpada, 21 1 CID. Cousulting'the Barom er. Firat In the Gal=y of Equestrienne Stars, is the Its magical stud v6onderful suCce" in curing June 14, 18fi9. celebrated sudden eolds; %re throii, Coughs, Diptheria BE, J WI 01. -Li-iijuralgiatooi GeneratRulEs'to be bservrd ir et LITT-34Z 3NEXNNIFo MARKS pains -in ihe.sidejions and 46c I , .1 . . 0, 111POITANT BRANKUPT S. L The Sm2llest and Youngest Equestrienne in ache rheumatic nnd othbr pains in any part , I Ifthe liferenrysfayi;-aboUt2o inches, or aard I- Changeable," without moving mue'#,, either.up rown'. ltd Miamplon Rider of Me World IREIDULE OF DIVIS10A COURTS the' hody And from whtev6rd'ause, bas given it, the*weidlierwilibe unsettledntlobangeable T -he_ great_-Cvarrk,Heac1a04e, Wenrdlg�a, Americ3i, audCM Remedy,, is Whose sprite -like rlding- charms the 2. If theeramFy rises to or above the Aye A 11 Fair,'! fine weather is atland. old place in eVery'household and iii rhal- supersed and _UdlyeCrEal Xtilin eigutures the young- WiTErial THE Ing a -kind,' I S. hould it happen to rain when the Herat ry stands high, it will be -local, and vory little of it. Tantecl tosurpass, any knowndis- �;T-EW.AZT Z� VO MG, 11 other preparationjS of the GoUntV )rompt remey for, If thell-ercury contiaties to rise Slowly- say for aigbtar ten days -and arrives at or above -the line Very to rjes'-TZ. Virm 4� Co., ("T of 11 , also an fletial and I XPIHE DAVEMPOP.T. 'as, Chilblatfist Arl" thin in suininar, look for dronth-if in -winter coatinupd-froiC o9very, for tehistant4neous nto fortke bunettfticit 11XFUA'k11.1T __ ron, Sealds, - Burns, Rionises, Spra.i ather; if the fall be Slow, it will rain ;'If quick, if, will blo1w, and rolief -and i4id �aiire of strienne. 5,. When the 31crearl, 1.01s, it indicatesfoul-ve. The Fascinating.Eque Prost. Bites, Crampp. in t�e lctoacb, Diarhaaa, it i-*crylow, a§evere storin is suret%f9illow. 'Cholera InIat falb � irable AR e'magistrates in Coutt G notera morbus, lifflious Cholic. 3 When, during a fto RANGED by tb the 5lerLury is e��u to rise alittle, then rest assured the worst is over. any. "Conce X'LLE AUSTIEN, T-16 Pf Gen6rail Sessions of the. Psace, as- turn, Oysenter, &ct When the Xlercury movesilmekly, pitheitip, or down. the eather that. f0oft will beofshort4uration, and' form of pain. 12� �oi 'e� Egg Daseuse, and lv20-1ru ut pei-vats T��e ot or-cl 69. Price only 26 cents per bottle. vico,"rsa. r.* I Usti D XNT9)?.TL.4 LLY AND E, XTBI B- prices. '5�he bagt; an In the hatcls el harm sembledat Goderi6h, June �E� I 'r VB - . - - r NORTHgop 6, LYMAN,. tl I- 'S N21LLY IT Or E tO a" E AP Newcastle, 0. W, Alittle of BFIM,* Allevantor app�lcd nr F ROM THE 1ST'DMsIOX COURT-FFF:-Cbn1 Pnising.that part fal English. Lady Rider. riefierij Agent for Canada. 0 hiches wide? She beauti e Nortb Xervoun He6iUd A of the, township of Goderich. to th MI) I& JdE931&E B-ZLIXONT, of the eUt;-jjAe and the. Haron Road, aniii jEj-,.SoIdAu Voderich lav Parker & Catile-and Tj heAditcht" dilute. 0to a teaspoonful in a I OTCOld (xQda!Qh, J=VZ6, Z150 - I? Jordan; Gardiner& Co. Bayfield; James PRE NBW DOMMION CAS11*9TORE. watcrandvako one.to four swallowstj 410 fro; n- le rxmnte of PazlsF. allowance between battle, bathe thelicadlivithlbeAllevitiators and relielim- the same, meets the foid OF n'tham, Rodgerville; J Pickard, Ex6ter; J. H, 9 ti%vazelievesl)�b-' PR1TA-T4 330AR-TUG, the 13th and 14th� conces.;ions, then back tbe�, Glititort; eeord, Lwkngw-,E Aiek Oup 19 tour NEIL. LEVI J- 0311TIM, � I - Black lustras & Awn leas 1pep-sia. uleaaburu,Pblintalion, XcWHY 01 the -sloniach 0 - 11 0 115r, tosod A. t Flatulincy, ' L jity 61 ibe Allevanttir T)ARTIES obt&n alvdg the EfuroD R ad jo its jdnetion wit 7:. rta. F-nd all Medicine De -iters. 'a; &a. A -nnoll quali -The ff=W-3f&a Animal TTaimer and Ndtre di STORE. diluted Und nuffed up ifte noKril, thou gargle ihe _L RS. D& rae will Introdu his beautlf)al trick bum the cut li6e, then West -by the. road -al-' - AT JOE NEW DOMINION C tween cocces$tofis If and� "Voa-, . 1_pped ;�jjcse=t has been deve lowauce be antediately relievc end 9zilcklY zurc Cat 2EC2. Ento though% and'i will ghoeb to the, River Maitland, then Along -itie %ok amnaWinostoele he new -ate immediately tell8vot] with S ---des, _lbigi-fibeTbroat, Cov_gb, _Astlima, and nil Ion- mordefoommandalow U dery, io Consumption EMPORIUM! River blaidanil, 6 Gcderi* A096therL Colored L 3tre ii E r-Driggto A`levan- INION CASH The A few applications 0 AUCTION A L rij MR. r. TOURINAIRZ, w�th thetowushiD DOM STOAR he worm foreas: S The dasbin daring and- thoratighly artistic Prl- tor reqtbe mosisevere New'109te, -m 0111 A 3, lialn.rleuniaUsI4.4c. ThE rcatwIle".90 cfnd amd somexs1rait rider, -'Wrliose 4PP3aranee Otto ixyiea is relieved at once by,,�,arglftig viiih dila.- 2ND Division- Ct)m� e ang Ilevantor 4isd taltilig -a or two after. 6U-xWe of thtt Atitinflej is exe, or the notablo eFAL d k *1 Third: lot- pist ree d9 �ae, hqs� shauhler or limbs, curcit in a W=_jg_ of tb-- iamtL-ement se.�Isoalt Of 180 township of CK0101), ari.d ths-�t' nartiont, of EXA'Mt-," [ON. Vhl.t VALUAB Y; Pi r A R) -Tn TRmith goutb ti4d' I W DO- s�67i=e byup�lyhlg the towjigbip.of AT THF, NE XTNF4��,N _0A811 STOr "llainmud gives c, WiLIANS, a bqa or sc@d, it immediately allays Eu', jae. road'betwe n lot -25 atid ON THE ROAD h r rellavlas Bug PI)JIMIJOUS JD1 the Allovianto Vito ag e F1111 _Wia.Givien m I thex'Picied. T . wo inues; from- C-fitton t t e *11 26. and betvy od§ tor Royal Canadian. am eck. stiftial Affectioni Contracted 'CQ4.14smd Wus2les, 0 klie Intr6ftee the mon."tT.AW Vartion.of Mille% -,East 0 0.11in a wild, bre back.,eli'llestdaR POr- r . tion of SCHO 0 L TE StveWqgs,._1S3jjmg. Suatial, Tumbrk,; #and allsimitar -aeolions. Aplicd freely to all ]Mu diseases, ftaffal'ds -ancT6. 11thatPO %U of sCenes oa &a plains. betvZeen.jojA.5 & t 77 is C. DETLOR & Coe jAorifs- B fl.StOf & side mad between lots and Tae -Allevnitior is a pailtivel w a heafthy.,enoUlon. V) r0l bY PubliP AM` zil F,2" Z*7 INEF. CHASt. Wro1GH'.T9 10 afia I 1-i and South of th6 sixth toncoll- Frosted Feei,,Ccld Runils und i JL r -e Z,. rotj, 'Clint, The Her -miles of Anerleft A Xepmentatwe of 101I. -Of G�Cy SOUt"k of Goderieb,,;Tune 16th, 180. w Faejj�used freely according 16idir0cliom- Its TDwerm a4fb great am= bQ' Japorterg ana dealers in sion,andall thatipor'li 4tLXOk cl�tlon ft 1;46 County of 'Y, IT 2,63 . . I . I Board of Pupl[16 Ins( f �)eafitm nawobr azt, Introducing 1�­Tlm _will meet in. the 0entral "S611001 Mae rstttimg is wnderful. - 04 WU DNE1911 IL 184 concession- earedwuh ihe Alloyanto, -139re and Writ* Eyes x1re on GoderloX T'. ;.�l cured Toelliftehe immOdflitclY relieved, AUur in 1he cotn=mpi Cor,_RT.'�- Comprising all that ftce; v r, U) ftv�DIVISrox lrf, The WQTl1]eH12l,0L1td 3t)gical Irrm TA Cirqlaq Imper-a 0 111 Y GOODS, GROCER -1111 tof il&ridd Tied ttpe� .r pa.rtion-.6.f Znrn�erry weis Regdq & -Thur$'dX. the U heAj evatitor Fivill never he lnbf� forneyare s2et. pads, wM appea V.Lrt at; iedard acts. AO bb wordarfal, mivel aud orikind J oTtion YS0V_AUGU'8T,- betwqeti 16ts 20, P and 21. ll that is n -heneficial realcOF for Bich V em tniuLng n*221 neyei of Zar �1 C Y. 12TH D�& zsltz�eaaalmolllj Audeugp.g ittay case of Pain oT e Maitland - River, he yl th OfWa�ranogjj.east of ih,' pr(prietort 3K3EL; J. H. H�VWXXWS, XXa_7L--X3tVV7_4LX:L3Mq Nextothilays at 10, o'clock a, M. '.&jitilicanti for motba atnce. Ith ver 10ts 32 �triiiieil. those wisliffig Frit edn day and t;..�thjt portion North of the Ri eeM .oUbelikiex- Tin -Tealdni and TmUtUc rid dy to utor. The unrfvall�d Peta fleateswill thenlave an opportul and Easv of the *sidefie b6twben class on V as ursddy�,those third OUss on X3&,, J* 0 L6 DAVIRNPOII&T, and 33.. All that. poW1on_ f -,Morris West tontinued-oliTh wantin Throat and lung Realer Wednesday, ohil-secoDic jmostreliaV 01 -,,h G L on Thur0ay; .0 Ila 13 CdjeE in.ex- The'ti�te i1orn. =d jafftM_ the Mj 0- and 11. -'All- -Kro CAT - - . =Wdiment If k, �ofside. r6ad between Iola. -1 PA R' 1;;tf-A TLE Ispe, orthe sanst all as for the i5pec -P, orcongle., CONN. 1z:finen;n, rlm,, w1tj w4jzauty and humor. irtion. of Hul]Ot w0st, Of Iside Candidates7bethre being adhAtte �tiimm. eiamineV01i ril "lid jn.fte e ea e% that pi ion of f' -.�od itioral ebarw P w-eetl an "J are 10't-0. I E B IECO T 311 381L S buy their goo d'Q. Abit pOrt of Br sibing, r'Or f�lr_tl _r p,n n�, ly tjj I,'. A. �y a larket All `9 Throat Asihmt;F I cbrtiflant� offhePeace', it -E S L: bet acte sigaedjjy._aFcIerzpq#mor at the office of �=c T. 'on the beatterms. God '�j�tdWpshjg n IT, Lenu I ties, nelufid and u.) oti aft1je, Yhroti% H�w RITC It, E -THE ATTE=ON f ZodkOrsMil Y CALL Che,��t Mle HqiZW_tA They buy. All thjj porti6n'O OF of the Lung", and al *36tgh anj Double S=erF&UAerX- largely and esin therefore No. 1. iticlarling that Nvors 101. seeretary.,l bustomets to' in Live,comr their a4meroils Iff2t. US LEZ9 buy qheap. They Are determined togen. at the tly w2"t I pop at ntlixt tj�etovq7V'-: ibai�l d be in -the po 4"as ta L 4TH Dtv-1siON0604T -everappe itud1=00 JU tht luis ship of 1.16viaL All thatportion of Grey 040 it, In casola mceul to, THNR -a7enfly ieliof, ease$ md f op, Lowest ft-sible Rate.0 N.,Ih.fthe.l�Zth�'.0t)�b'La.�ion.- ictimi,10 charpiter. xca21* *1d to its port�on of M.orris� -North. of the 7th, wrILMS .6001hing and curativ, X31. 1131 MABILS, Ole M1 01owa find comic, last of the si46'lrqad� bef-weerr inflis;le"ab, RE _of the cession, and F Adence trait ibis department Ims and -4ve'their tigtomerA the benefit - * - 4 jimple e 11 " rtibn WORTGIG" Lr- OF the I e ast b e 0=20OZ bargains they -have made. lots 10 anji 11,, slid a Mat to] The galsamicv4uos of wildE. vVrgreen as an Uqc1v in the cune of rhe rnbeiry, East Of side fou, 8 rrWE underidguedhavitfg7takenthe above well-knowh township of Tb JL Mills into his own bands is how prepated to Tent Perf BrUih- ft f 1he xbriml,, u3nery., , T The 'boy �ylulterll =d jgon1shYAl; BE -A Pero 41 3E&ST=s betweeb 16ts-20 and 21-' on remouiible tax- jo,some competent on- rentiror ale" de-grev, we V;Llf ag U One year. ET knowt but the pwercf. 16ving, bealing andeurin, 5 URT47 TH D 4hoe diseastisUehl; by'sclOnufle %diples iowCo r'ne d that p'or7 iagrfulienis a mmuinothequedrun VX PIPSIL 0f,e43Va1-,'W.Uoa9 VE&,Rr to the abor7a, I J it ircombiaed with vill -May A IS a0d i, u69." 111 flaO TOZZI!;'_15P A;1­74_?��-.o 1�!I, 2n ux An additfou shipi of Stephen, Usb6 . ap Jliiiiimv to jhe -gait 01; Goderleb. Icently'Abat ttrIbSle 11iMCAS !A, 4SIL added and Will be VS T OPENER heitlifiglurent. Unlit a- ee -rousi L-- C� Oganiz.aton, thera Is Aip, O� Raj bey,.iald county of -tion Qf theowu b la n Idered U It seam pter. 'ifuenonala"s Aejm the:6th and 7th coii�-essljoii&, Of thereac rPulmmiary, Ii.sease recos to 1r21 ne ve6objedL in the. A lot of all VF001 Canadiaill Tweeds at 50 craiulboALanagementul Theset UncoudL Mon3ters axe lepen" n l=T1 t7to V;cL--,t tow ships of Hq NOTICivi allon. The rcletalfic mediwl wo; be Aawnuig ling. neyarerra-eeNcimensiamilial cents.,per yard, arao m -of icvw�;—Compr '6101T � Fislflg� t e 0 W 110slery . ets". per pair Tit DiV CO lefted that 40linsumptirs be urcil, few there ale ,9 11. 11 cm,, I n 'Upon juan;" a and West -Wawa "of lormanCe. B.rownHoll=4 15ctg r j."Brigi? 'Uh 11 A-1 ing SAO fijVivarder- - . I -yard iiQa OfEos� .7� of Asbfield, -an, n6S'fijWii WAR T" Per Toweling, frOmll Cts per ship a that Pot le 'A i lifmal�vmvpw it of the River d led es, rivalled Tfle lemeil 3*W RX ALD Z� adiland, and'West Ot`oide line, bet ween D leaej.oar., and warisrated 19 euroluler=lt HEM, %terna, B!cedhik=J 11chm9piles, In Q0, MOST fiat" vAll be nTex-c-4 for 3,4c, LT r,-j�, Printsi 6 cts LOOK, j3ARX 14olivefeclat Aheir Cc . 9* harf- Dreza GdQ&[, 8 ets lo, Is 132 and 33 North f si!0 'k.-fkt, the' v Doc tavory mannet, withoul 1ho least 068 imve It is to bahoped thi�_Putlle wilt 7TH 1)1*4stoN COURT.� Co rjsi�;,thi town' IP., BOX.. - it is well known hit Ift-an& U' lian 11101M Cn ylczlr� MP heir of tile inflictird wifil Ims Alife"e, many af WIGIn have &WIj informition, atia fivaIt themselves of Staujq, and- tbavpo�ftojrt ship souglit for Teli2f, bir; L -rine follo; tq III -Ir Imig Friday flie IS1 0 the Emp mr to ppr&aaft theirsup- of GoderiCh to the $Ciilth of --the The numbe isincredu2nus vfw"eerag- the P7CM3 ea, on, 121 say it) �L Ira, cutline and -tho Jjuroa a wo stitching Red trying a reatedy. � 'We Ea, se lmfler Ma Le C, -toad bet gatirl gotalloille CM, emedy, I Same joins the AND ween the, 13th and BE URITY RITTLIDERS T - 1h Aid he township of Ouder AND PAINURS ye 161 TO FARM ind� a cure soon eXeL ich, thence along tbe said,concessi pri. road IM d I di iiition to the ad- U 21. in t!,.c uutil'the sae loins 11�9 'Wier. Bayfield, red -by the Lend Mortgage Debentures Dr. 1. B Modern BRECIAL =NTION . . �dl. T riggs u LaUe iluiOn, of -the Canada Landed Credit Company s" sati prigoo of the town -- river 1 Ike ribors have novg n then6e. along the SA meaiis-ofi4fO4t!necLtforTrustoes bjuWoipa1an&other hana the purr-st,miltmils MI(I Joketfilij withrautbat, rporationg, and Among ths56 jor me, In, �ile MIMI` Cal ship'of Ray to of t1idAth andlih, _g the Weat Advantages Are o As d rapid cure of Corus, Baniolis, Jill lat. Thelenderlo a security of anuinber of ESU 0 � - f'.1 t is wled tA *heir concesgons of the toad -of out one 'Estaw, and at-.- :ikin Di-easej;. such&* Ccts,rulo,�s, ScaldsW-71 F, n Z ,:T n gl� - . f . 1 .11 - " OBitep. Biteit oI`InwctF;. So -e. Ups, Bore Nf,10. 0;2E'!C0 Of A rge wmilas. said township, of 118ye. d collectively and' Well Sele :ed, t5tock he uricalleaapital, twithoUt. I& Han&, Eryeipelas %It Rheum. Ring thlit this 0 ther day _U61 matenwo 0ow arrang6- interest being -paid I rly a- tte 4"T fl;:10. VabisenthO tT IS 0R1DERW,­FJ ,b r, annoy, or dig Sir* Fee* Tearro, ClwTbd Fitilb. Sore Np or, fnll' 7 W 37-s t� possess Any 6at the Abote r ever hi,vingtuileek it iresponsiblo to Eca!,j givin.- an wzeptabla en jimitS SIjCj Ojitent Iu6vjdua4th% COMPAU1 ilime. Breasts, -Cauccrous Soreo, White byreliu;gs, cl fboger :E 3: 1-7 N.'ar meat of the boliudarjeW Ifestdo. irt thr0a�116111t him, &iij which tjjey_"e.pTep%i!e unsliot Wou-1 rvgn thetiot witeringthI4 Cornjtbuild 10 ItC Pub;- 2ad., the lender bAl crPaprittor, n Every X=1139 At �110 Odom of tfie- . several � WiSiOn Q;I &&atcr of stay jhT e S foAsbd Rua masiartety' 'Oev"101 ividuaf- WrMwer;. Or 0 lie, has $he Undoubted cotifidimne in its sueeflis, 91111 El TM PVBILIC VIR the Couaty, of Huron, a as to thocia Itis coldpAed orthe mist liftling vid PAI roi.evin.r. ant, new, ft Bind ed to seveii zep%ratecourtsbytbejuRestr4 thalitud7ififtf-p9ed., rut C amilvc. irVU -me - bt curity or delieutue"litch-he lialas is' 'k2 a -Ul�mwx "Og dep$rtMeaf, im genorat ""ioni; of the HerAed bYtht, e V! asoeMbleabe 3rd-2he 00 ANNOT 'EAT id*%ljce knova jo uw­.jnn& elm ng ready, marketabletommoditY.-04[ytr�musterre(l'fr6mhand Ar- U -cars we N1VLSMPX and M49 010thl willremah; for% us a c2 1,cr anim-il fat lato P bi A, Any �ek, S1.0(), adopted this terith day of= ind, st� tht he qr the White �PaUy�4Whlj$t It Bolt xron Nails per, *,KVf 41-45 Ames tiflun r 00uitg- Ab&IL moment Pei b*t *venues 111e. marke Apd thit, the said Divilt sinkiRg Vaud at ille: pral 5tar d) 401, 144 k) B ist al"it, hiake-i the: borrower feettlist dverY Year, his debt fit EleSt (Efiglisl 04 simn wome rarwid, for use- '1;py Car come- into operation froin hes Putty -per 117 curliti it he fftftraris 1he wor"'I m,.in 9quirselPf fal W the be 0. WRTMOR& CO. of villich All 4eoreu� Aamoug4aAdilecurei-tolal -Hingecallid t i u zaltered, pUrsipaut to liber St&tUtfft Door pwircis 51 Pit X a pleAmilt i�l its 41301catual, Vwnj. ALI pr6i, RafD Baint Perf0M=0WTR_i14VrJF i Partin ail, jike notice. ore efleetusithesecurit, a the, lep- ges AS %p -m ani 'hard 11 Gmas 301'ibes f1`0M 90;`6t�' rain noericed at big and makin _r* 0 &#.A ou,; .............. i, $I;., bold by all DmW�us an& Aud -tim.ssmebe 4yeribeA twice in der. Thereth der, 170) Goded0b,.0aj%r;toj, Haffitfit 180, thst neat,tho surif&04144 by, the len -and his mufft T Poe to RRIOGS'k CO. q t460 ia'a-MUS �C­q tb,6 Huron�pd an& Godoetch $tar liews- Is, in eonsooence, more fuidmore established. snd sy er , I Ve Deben- The COMIAayls; now issuing Laud Uo#46 Vk_m papers. ftu�ei; be&riug Seven per cent. interW; WN VU Et 7 r10J3L 10031PRITI ITIthcouponst- Ju F, OrAM4 0 ition A It V Gode I f jv�nfiidy and lat SIX IA)* 0WARVOSTS. Ole '&ndj1-fi00 of ft Iaal"VILLAII WiU LIZARS os-rk of tile vreaty -Old 3t4nd ift Sqlkg)%X� 'AUGUST Rurom DebeaturSO M 910 j"lleaUkrilig six Per 604ti- *1n for two and three years,. .,.. j Tfl Certifielfto �e eoryftft ext=tid fr we I (I from. tits diy, !L. _0 Of thiS tho reeor& wt. Intaeot is, sold T A Ll 7 'FAVDU9!01K:A_ RU4,; ;TILON JAjj$f 40 �ts, hrith, jhe PeACO- dodirleb, June 11t1l, U6 20 WA, Clark of July, I%q -1 W% "ericht 11DOL 4uneil 1869# d4pte am the dan M40 A,