HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-30, Page 2i it Kom Nola.) OMI( jhl�azigorl Roughs in Quebec hec 170" rifteennutidreachudren -wow in Now, Tor*. I n in TA814,19 6* To it An Impondnt I1lV8Ut10'Tl- rezilan pow in Lower!2ow Ivit, I'vo bit 104-M 6Ak t_� and- tbo"and mahe a fair divislAi, caulle next t- ThoAlmed* (C 0&-st4 of'July 3, lid of thol maststartling affairs courred cannou ballo 49wn tho cliff, ..Uidin that'; morildle he war,stavtke Off to Butnt owing from o obiltotallorary Will Now' York, July 20.-A pliblid MeO 114 f Gar' at the RinkonYtida night, that vartook my The oil rh6oa Wai btold last SAYS 1. On Satur, niglit spoty" 0 Xr, Caprool lip's bcon ipfolding his ain't no'clerin! to see bts folks, and, I war b Al An ound. BUDIVALO uou Lxx,,x. farmors, is �wgt of thd Feni Brothe: a in thio city. A circular tieg of eats, �Ilent _ str4"#9r, be illtoresting to our for-tho I)Ilr,. manstatherod ip oo.bar-r6om 6f the NOW vine to make, tracksior Bastorton-sonta business -2,iiSht,,4t their-boadquartars, 10 w6od for a spree Huron and Ontario canal dhat3 btforo the of my own. Wal evenin' lim, and alter season to join tile or- Yark roweLr, 4. one above thoother to a height of o Oswcgoano, a P010-f1f indwill IriAln, ad. tagor flowed a rtion -of .00 rc3l feLv, 41r ku%tn, iioibo: ittored UPPARTc lotl tfionp 4 1 our, Neciii, of Tiptroe Hall, ilia !916� spoik6rls United in .1 _ were sung, And f(1(3trcOv0r0&w1th 110 -OwcctUt 'r a-gave s - A Califomia tlicatro br,13 oPened 3 -il,rl­wek'04 31' lip a spefl, to lie our brains fur tt"D 'as ............. .......... ganizqtion, . - I W bundTiedeldIxit she :as,. V30 air of a I _n in not to be- bumbugqcd by "an a billuro VC drunkito, file 4-W& had just been tile ciphorin', we begall 'totino lip.. But a- 11111 It tit. foatifig J!Mlmor, announces; v1sill Xvislime I , , lionor of 1rurm roelplt4ti4nglitin(Iredooftltbintotho bab-room, h000 ullcullul for cell I dI gw ...... well known fie nt (if the- Trioll Churj)h, tho Tvar Vat I I a . Flllallv�'On* 4410' Inn They wore.gatbiorfil 231 ,34 ") - - tho dlic9tablishino floor �.tbkro to I for adoptiGn. burden, Bonichow or anotheri wo, couldent, cii line t 31 4her roulidt. o AlitRIVE, all important invention-" n1adbillo n . Clow. tile first being called -f. 1. 4 #N right oett!01110lit, uvUr two sharej, nolio, which, howovor, they regarded as Froin Part, failbol tar rots doan givesSanday So'hool4obilco,1 y4 nallied I e 'we could fix it ; and what with' tile lidior 10, Pulfroda ..... .................. 0,30 It, tit. drying tile hay and corn crops - in Wet great trill mph of tl orhood, The accident occuryed before file hour A t=dblo loviv, town advcrflnea in 4 1 pposed lie wa playin o. 2. 31all ........................... 4 00 11-111, 0 Socioi, given a Venians do not his friends, Oil tondo yq V-ft,�G gnogs, n,,v y of Arts lift M ItOnNVOTaVorlior "flit -con bundred Now I -v ol cipt-rin, %%o Tit , 1"7- anitiflotno t a '-bl' to commoneo.,Englan t,,irloof,iiidUCtriotil3liabitZ." r"I weather. what wissdid appo. ',-a t, I vtm�;Vr, fl'�it le-voler in IVero lied, and thaL %voit Nil, 4, inotl ......... NO Ainucomo otara- mq Inuell botl 0 it W4, t; hppened war' t ln5t lip Ito juintio, and hollors unt : 'I'd 0 diacoven Oland next it Will be not only i i commenced togit rayther cavag prlio of flifY guilloas and thogold:1110dal r immediate 'action' When Off, 0 inton 5 propos Thaw if on the bigheot scato c6ampered, Miligbant 11illatill, Itic to th tboy'vim %L t Dr and Mr. ed to have a In Z;� ;-6 vv, RX -hall Weil pleased with fi, Tho t them. 11 A ladoldir was procured" and tho poll toward tho bottom, whilo' thozo Minnie Warren ia not married to C so thunderin' hoon. upon this vo)II41im, f tile Jtoiaf , Half perfectly wiifi Arms, hub Witt, men to 1180 Thi lo anhanilill fa Vol .$r sn, a uncoatly, cited that diftring th llot hov bin it, it wort, (lit antliorolilp. Publigh ng, sliver, o last inebriate Toutop otretehea upon it, at the bottom Rea to�iard tile Audiencoo CommodoreNutt, She i,3 now at homo �o tine night livur trade if I'd hnowifthat my pardnvr x rel"arl-14 1— 11100 also mouti sooting the grreat crowd of oxciNd friends with ber parento in Middleborough. &P. 11141CL-14 tile os hir tI3InR a apidly revolving fail, �rivan by. hoi weak in Ireland a. Fenian ship lay on pall 0. %;,ir nuthin' butaolcirnod mean ilint-shavill (if tili ;,)a tiny lit, nitro, wat ninviournai iiial, inisort r maroliedabout pushing to the rescue of tile children. the part' tl.,at on ' of lit, or is Attached to the #nick irds, r -o- was formed, hu y The Balgian Government lino given of da P, shiver cia-ilt. t4, in fact, it wornitogo niellitIrn by atearn pow 1 0 thi, coast twonty, days, Bud af torw R Vbr cavoral minutod the codhol � bo-�garoa ftuj h7ter I'd slit by thiefo' aYankoo ! Attilem W It It were rfulla gifild olle, It %Votllll Ilavill 110 need to 41`14(11, 911100 Gerson tul,nod to America, An arned Fcniau _1�g thoir insensible, con!' Roclitifort thoption of leaving that coun- -)I'- rnix all through me, like them lo%%Vr Itj.jIrILe1l, fO lt(4 blica would be filled willrollt lit)% of a 00kci furnace, I the room, carry 0 Al�%, C, ata done a t ithdra%1% aillho hdat whlaJh b(Icly calld-the Legion of St. Patrick, paniom They livoinmed zho Dead Mareli �ooirjption, Everybody i�autcd to holp 5 - Acrned folks -tell oil, Bud tll�lt you Illay lay It dosvii as a rule, that illturvoning) try ordircontinuing the Publication of tho L; Ica C'% 4; if It -began to icol A; fi,% -Very],vurnal ill) tile o4it�u vinns, and firia y rolpai V,'U� 8�sv` ina that book. n fti own value. timil that oly or shaft whiciii hag long had a s mrot existence, i's sang dir es and 1�1 hildron, find all the obildreil Out as if someboolv: � It It would be carried I T ketI3 wtnitt not to sav my right hand flely pVl It 1. lievalule 1110 till V ni oa to agarn in tile rear of the browery 4 jo do to their mothers. Sum , of them 47�,w u -re publicly to am- At the funeral of izoob LitubLort, who d olloko ii,tion, caller tit number or Ire, very oniall, perfect fam''ca' in form �It act s if yu, 80 0 its -blast, Is t1lo Wild rites. The much cor :Avere ulovzo it, And f0tolied hint a lick ItWOeR nol be watltud, and 4i'rusus it among the now organiz;119 mo d t jd,to go to Ireland. arms in was buried at Dayton, Ohio, la5t wee Ininn to 1 fA ire 11 tile ey as that bron't him d -a le allevtIbility." grss or corn sheave bor ard. plea 4 tho extreme golicitudo. "I gFit to Lhd moutl% of Perf(i).rmbeing OV& nol dress, hence own Ir, hiind, and fl&YC forfroodgm. T mon itholit stopping to survey tbo',probaplo 'werol pre2ent hia 11 children, his 25 grand - in cl forliel cut ilit onco br.',' h6sol Irish- * tl Seen f V . . (JIVIIIIAIN, 11irnprictor of tile Canadian tjlo hot bl7agt Is converted -in eight or ton ollho (Pinod the Cuban cause were bar -room, orflorW P-Pleysorionposirleadgetro, obildron, and his 25 groat-grandebildron. r.ith his big- rtra%­ bigger n me some wny, and 31:1 the WaY Out )1u. A. It ST -tiny of the �e patient wai4d,j expecting every mome of the citalArophe, a large number me, 1 �2, vIvertioling A Toronto, Out., Ill out, Stile gelit minutes into fine greet) t ry complinictitary I ol vicinity of tile door at. e5po It is officially intimated that tho -; and as hard ; And by Jingo I -urinageTel'tiorleart 6dvertino to see t io 4corpso' enter, Bu f persona in t1l a side, and his higli boot, ar a reg'lar ff:r r immediate Onto or con- t be c is" Ir.nds in his' leasure knochial 4ilA down.) Up lie 90tty orl,(qk also, to receive Canadian A best quality, fit fo terms. elyipted tile diboult feat of an onit Governor-General and i3overal members of at it gbost-like t1ril nolain li.-lity wrathy ; and say ag' found that the Man w ag i F a Ila for thin [lawr- 'ass contains 75 pef cont not, and ll 8WT,-t Sleevea, "nil h aumption. Gi on r6paiTing to the place of 10 same time, suW,?osintg tile littildw tile Cabinetwill, visit Halifax on the 14th or tiont, of this Passes as Horriblo Attem�t at Assassinaion sintorment' it w me i Ir the onl, der to plit away water ; 90 t#o clapried a, for while lie war alive theY talio a. lectlo butut powi -ing steam, Ica' iDg noleed dead. i Doceased, it is stated, w efore luictudo came over th� rurging, that Ar blow -cum Out into Yn the dry bay with its usual IF was coming down. ot August. y in amne oil#, 0120,3,) and ho the small a war settillt' And ewl a per co4 of water. Corn. is dri A horrible attempt to assassinate Cap- ianiniolustriouo andwell-to-do farmor, 0::5p- It is Cho intontionof the Montroal T-1 -t was then accer- atul, 111o, 'Ito sys , CY my thq forest.' Tile sun t1le same itioalig by impidilIg thd 8110af On A tAila Lattibert, of Castle Lambert, ill court- o -A lied a anch about two miles south anic-strickener9wol. 1 -Lacrosse CjiJib to have a grana tournamcnt 11103 ('vrus Flint, stran�or everythin' war dead still, as if vvaitin to nil I 'Cv, UIV see what we'd do I follAerad himout vertical h(Alo sike or tube, pierced with ty Galway, is reported front Ireland. Ca t. HaYWOO4. aine that* the defective portum of the ntro of the in September in honor of Prince Artbur. Ishimmed on it w ich the hot blast issues. Lambert was returning home from seats proved to be in the, 00 waz cool as all 101c holes, througi All Canada will be invited to compete. v I've culn bach front the spirit readily 'nuff, for I and had reached A 3�19 SwIndle. -tiers, half way from bottom to tuplocaf ad The ericctfGmatch on Saturday, be. Mr. Meclu is very sanguine as to tile brother's, About 10 p. m, The defect could not b, I know'd tho job lied got to 011ln 3specipily'as withili 80 yards of his residence when he have boon h ; but when I seen tb tile observe "pot., The tendency of a twecu the'forouto and Hamilton clabs, ilil,t reave vu ninch, throug 0 d3"n' light GODERICII.- ONT., JULY 3U, 1869- success of his now implenientp d a man lurking in the plantation. In a more fata; tile shadowy'arches of the his scie'lltific evidence shows that towards him and asked him Last ovelling, obout seven o'clock depression at tbat point l7a13 pitich all the resulted in a victory for the Toronto s,lys lie. loanse y it ir safe to -,I) 'long streamin� down harm. - The He walked !s atanniti, tlp quick drying does tile crops no of the most extOnsive swindles thai bai tht:iin, t%ko brothevi forvst, andthe avorlastin' tree at he wanted there, bu t received no an- 0 +1 6 children toward the contra. Fo�tunately, club by one innings and fourteen runs to vvill kinder need tail and grand, and hisperin' with all TRID IRISH CHURCH- fan may be vorked by t so hordes or by wh The question was repeateda second h6re forsome time 4s extreme, ends i7ero more, staunch d QJT0_8iStt3M­C , u P ted in the neighborhood Lf the' the Sparo. as if God war I with I h kin stand by their leves ipeakin' thro gh �,t oree steam, power , and after the first swer. o- man WAS still elonsm2a)trat those seated there from a 1 pyasppiul tip sout of Natur'-by Gladstone remained firm as a rook, n lay has been made, a considerable and third time. i;u.t th Union depot, b&h.,the victim and the vie. braced, savini Vill jest listen to me*. them ill iL silent. Capt Lambert, supposing�hita to tj - A false alarm of fire at the Vzude. th,iiir' veq nigh feelill, reference to that Bill for Dis-establishing saving w6uld be effected on each harvest danger. Litt a bats, liandkerchiefs,scarfs, in Inatto Some Tu -nin,' the very fust thin,, During be deaf, approached to within 12 yards of timisfiirs being �DWod Men, , Hevin,' stminger, I cum a t- nights since -morrow moi r of omill ent. days iiiiec twocolorcol men rrived, b9oks, fans, feathers and juvenile 'fixina' ville Theatre, London, f,%v Id as if I war p'ra,ps doin'wronal variable and wbt seasons oym frotliNoith ?10 . I yu �lp and job opin the badk Q! tlmt (I . dutt last tong I reck- the Irish Church. The peers,. however, the savinswoulcl him, when lie suddenly turned round and in Pittsburg, puirporting toblail of all sorts w�re picked up frointhe db ' very nearly produced a panic, ta�q.;oard in the earlier est bove tile top "Nal, that feelin'di discharged a revolver at hiin. The first a saved to be reclaimed. Beyond some Jiem lodks we*d the House of Lords made a grand display be immense." The assassin then Carolina and to.ok lodgings at a colored itied, and thar yu'll find a re-volver, the on The fust click 0i I shot took no effocP. -treat. The irevere bruises, tile accident was not at- A Cashier of a bank out west Huaven 'gread to luad only three oof the glorious old fogy toryism, hicli struck boarding housibn Webster 8 1 with any serious resultp.-From best, Ya ever fingcred ; and may which is' TrmPnuAz;cs.-Mr. Thus. McMurray. fired four othor shots, each of w tendec v- t day bited a adopted a now combination fr the vault t V, yure, ue. -And nox, kneul s"We time)-tho f list elicit 0' tl'Qm c1cs k goodness, about extinct in this me of tile "United Cana- Capt. Lamboi , Iiine of them in.tbo tomple. ir L airival they exhi Clevelan4Z`lain Dealer. bleas, - small u'roast meat to a starvin' than one of thri Agents considerable amount of gola coin to Goo. th�_ look, and n as taken sick with tile typhoid alov.n, nd receive my blessin.' ' I war war like the n I toed my mark at fifteen . than asion Two others wounded him in the stomach, 411o, 0— fe jest to dn it when all to Once I man ; and who ing, pushing, active modern world. The AlliancP for the total 8111IPP-c and one pierced his coat, broke his watch Denney, a colored hackman, who resides in ver. NV lien he rocovered, he could not able as if I'd bin 'Aftlegliany., stating -that they got it from citin the all- puees, I felt as comfort, whisky a on their dignity to represent of the Liquor Traffic, will deliver a Lee- chain, and indented the watch. After CoxroitT ron TBA DnrNxnns.-In the remember the combination. fire4est liek with my nose again the fonder sittin"fore a bi,, fire with a glass 0 peers stoo lip ture in! Crabb's Ha)l, on Wednesday even- receiving the shot in the head, Capt. Lam- their master during the war. They fur- life of most persons a period arrives when bert fell, and his Assailant, supposing he ther stated that they wanted to., nise the the ptomi'ach no longef digests the ordinary as evor I sc;!n ; and when I cilia, in MY ban We both cracked off on once: a sectional element of British society %nd, tit ugust, to commence:at 8. money, and votild be willing to 'exchange 9=r warn't no')ody th-I.r. -Wal, ens it!' I it a scrtteir on the left aide, and a bit until they saw that their action ing next, 4 A ad a actually done is work, e acted his - or elements of food to 4ake up forthe natural It is saidthat fewer English words are, [thaugh -0 jest below the it was not A collection will be taken up in aid of the e was not a r ticed hand it'for grfoenbacks2vith a colored man daily waste of tile bodily substance. The required in'transmitting a despatch than. that air ain't . his sleeve --nt flyiv escape ; but is infunds of the " Alliance." different parts of Europe, EngliBh tol6- er o' lie ;hurcli,] shoulder. 'Better luck next time " says ha brought the Nation io the verge a! a at murder, and had charged t a chambers colored men. D_ A r having by hi ize and weight of the bod therefore. be- of any other European language, and that mite proper for a memb second land went off. He'd dustry and econZy $3,000 Tess -perceptib inI h -r comes and the hope: next titne fat ad the pill skiffed reroitition that they consented to 44cave of his revolver, which was a small one, so ' which he had loahed out hnd deposited in gin to diminish more or ly. grams are now. often sent to save expense 'tried higher thi:,; time, a] The English Exodus. At this time tea bomes in as a g;edicina to Al imperfectly thA the shots were wanting in world, he'll contrive to do it at a st in 11 as the most expressive phrase goes. and insureilpreciBion., arrest,the waste, toeep the body from raWn-71-0 d o' showin' npa'ter tiay hir, and knocked off my hat ; but je destructive force, and the wounds which -different places, thought this a fine oppor .a hour, 'ste, own flesh and in the same moment I seen-hinr7 turn half fact is that tile peole oi Britain have The London Daily News asks 4re we they inflicted were slight. Capi. Lam- tunity Lfor speculation, told the North failingaway so fast, and thus to enable the 'beatitne, and luitakin' his ci gob er-ohnuk right on his face. The witnessing the beginning of an English Carolina menhe would raise the money and Tim. Enin Cim&L.-This Canal is soo mil2s in length his n so in this here fash'n..' round,. an bert in a short time recovered sufficiently less energetic pojy�rsf digrestion still to d the tells collected upon it for 1801 amounted to I s much as is needed to repair er arret million onaml which is nerly double the th ,pan him, like a fo9l, forgettin' became liberalized enough to feel that an exodus Some prophets of evil havelong -if they would give him a supply,�4 the I didn't forget -what e I I tG walk' to his Ifous6 and take the gold But for all t ho t to to be able -to do, and No amount collected in any previous year : andhile oar .,ot one shot left ; and he borers would I tear neighbors haveso much reason to be pleased at this nd, fast thing, next mornin I u th the d. of ju;tice'is due to 1reland. and the foretold that some day our 1, knock at the hall door, which was opened little time, which they agreed V nr wear anc �W the solid tissues t and let slap, jest act t4elrish peasantry found to it Was art anged that he should meet the andinto the kitchen, and out with the ed.Thisself onhis elby, find the way fs fell and wonder, therefore, that tea should be a rsultitis gratifyin to know that the --alez of the, vtbighas I cum on (his hand good, dignified old peers might as well an Lnd independence, and that by a butler, into whose arm he at the Uniou depotand make the exchange. faTorite on tlie one hand with the poor, " Canadian Pow besiroyer," for the cure of coughs, o1i the co pboard, and thar lav the re- tetchin' in. yu knowi or he'd utgit hev made - prosperity i an exodus would begin. exclaimed -that he was shot. His brother, Accordinj to the appointment, Denney ap. wide, Bpraim, brages. rheumatism, frost�ldtes, chil- volver, as stilre its ever thing war in the warshaky, stop the torrent of Niagara as to w4 was at whose supply of itibstantial food, is scanty, ( - &c., is increasing much faster. Sold by all ar his last deavor to., n they did so, planation of the fact,, Mr. Giles Lambert, of Moor Park, inted place last night blalus world.�And now, strngZ if yu don't sich a bad� shot); but that w t ,batever be the ex once communicated with, and on arriving peared at the appo and on the other *ith the aged and infirm, medicine dezam at 26 cts peg bottle. retard. the spirit of the age. We do no -hose paw . ers the 'dentic-d card anct then I knowd I hed him. the increase of emigration from Liverpool with his qirriage, and having in his pas -it air storv, here is found him calm and collected. Hogivea especiallyf the feeble sex, w lislieve th, rr. If inasingle 'Ole feller,' mys 1, 'I've kinder won tho ing 3ssion $3,000 of his hard earned money, -WriummorA.-Use Dr. J. Briggs, Allevantor for believe 0 It ra-volver, and yu cla-in't .,a agaim that, it,,- that o pppuli is alwaYs TOX e'i is becoming almost alarm find means minute description of.the assassin, w4ich cumulafm I of digestion and whose bodily substance Sold by ....... L41W hand this time, thar ain't no doolgin' it. e voice of the week nearly 7,800 persons can I 4W. which he had been years in he ve together begun to fail. Nor is it sir- ourag Htadache. Catarrh, Sore Threat, Branch , In, z,,r,,ry evidence it yu o under, hev yu any messid- but we d9 believe that th enabled the police afterwards to arrtst a who gave ba z. agreeable to use, and reliable. M T, .......... Apinst e -infirm to set but on a journey tG the western man on suspicion. He. observed that if and there met, 66 other parties, Druggists. )rising that the aged female, who hastare- ........... oa movement Barrett's son werein the. country he would him 6, trunk w p tv argIle ; �n. e rld, it is at least clear tI hicli they said c6ttailled the ly enough of weekly income to'buy What Comumrw m—Ure Dr. J, Briffga'Throat and Lung is d I e, to eav "i� would have been u "I'il Says he, Ithar's a gal 'at Burnt people,, as expressed through their re Healer for all readilv assuntzd, iulv ventunug to inquire as, in an enlightened Christian Is In Progress which needs no special say as he. Medical as'sistanco was = in gold. He paid them the gri�ien- are-caded the common necessaries of life diserhes of the Throat., Lungs, andChest. i -red Clearin'tht I war pretty bad onlast fail- presentativ eut aid to keep, it going. But it it w and placing the trunk in his carriage Very pleas=taud efficacious. Sold overyvvhero. BMW' Kezia Harper, next doo'r to the.meetin'- governTa btful whether this emigration pro obtamed, and the ball extracted drove to . AlIcghanV, and on at WEI should yet spend a portion of her small Tiz--s-Use Dr. J. Briggs'Pile Remedy for Internal, stock if the pist,- 1. nity, possesses in our tlay a force i is very on fO mptlytemple. The constable to whom arrivin a lo6k I'lls in purchasinj her ounce'iof tea. She External, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It gives inamedi- studs 'on Ell, commu in his to takeg to house -guess you mout gin her this hyur touches the classes who are supposed to the duty of resiaqnce, opened the trunk c9:U live quite as rivell on less common tood at relief and is reliable. Sold by Druggists. feelin- in favor pursuing the miscreitut was WA Y companion that. is irresistable. The at his treasure, when instead of. gold he 'le E r k rya Tb Ic at C, locket, if taint outer yure way It is not the agricultural. hem studs need it most. intrusted showed great activity, and at the when she has her- tea along with it, w YU wvilin't Vit�s; tiie tnek )' t, 'She's as good as got it already,' says 1, of dis-establishment wa�'so iitrong that the laborer nor the hereditary pau;,er "of the found nothing but some very large stones Cortia.-Use Dr. T. Briggs' blodem CurativeforComa so I'll tell yu. Each o' them Woodlawn station on the Midland Rail- she feels lighter, at the same time morei --volver stands for the pnttin' it in my pouch. -Sing it as they did towns, whoris hurrying to Liverpool with of briglit appearance. Feeling assured air studs c;n tit tt rcl po of them observed a young man, cheerf all and fitter for her �iyork, because Bunions, In -graving Nails, Tender Feet, &e. B111d, 'Thar's a feller in the next villagre,Nath- idea of the Lords op -his face to the west. - -way one that he b ce. soothing. softening and healing. NoldbyDruggistn. Hie af a ruall that him and me hev clearud it is altogether an ad been victimized ut f his tf kiman, thit they- used to call absurdity. The -the about 25 years of age, preparing to start money, he straightway proceeded to the of the indulgen KrunALoYA.-Use Dr. J. Briggs' Allevantor, for V-Ar-�rr I o ff-. T�re's eleven on 'am altogether, and an Biel -eye'-I ar to flave fou!rht him was the very extreme of other class. Probably 'the most of by the night mail train from Galway, whose mayor's office, told his -story and described Neuralgia. Catarrh, Headache, &c. Sold byDruggids. I reckqn' that's a pretty tol'able -stroke o' 'Straight for Royalassent having been given to this personawho crowded the tea steamers appearance corresponded with the des- *J. BrIgg0aAllevantor, for work for ne man and one weepun., his fail : Yll teli him why I can't cum, 0 which left Liverpool last week, *ere from the appearance of the -men. Detective Me- A.RitnsT or A M.UP CARRIER. -The Que- Dysm PsiA -Use Dr. e didn't oufrhter think I war 'fraid.' Bill, we may look forward to an agitation fcturing cr�ption given by Captain -Lambert. - He dy, assisted by a number ot 610 bee Ghronicle of Honda , . Dyspepsia, Flatuiener, Heartburn, �c. Sold by all Us!;d as I min not extraordinary eon no on 0 a word aggin Y11" says 1, the great cities and the Mann was at once arrested, and gave his name as Crea y says: -"Some Druggists. ent 'If the coon say a in the immediate future for the total abol- towns of England and Germany. Their specilil force, are, diligently at work tracing time ago, the key of one of the bags used fidenev this cool, complacens statem. Kelly, stating tligit he was at Galway and PiLFs.-Use Dr. J. Briggs' Pile Remedy, for Files of -gered me for the moment. ii 11 grease my bouts with his liver. I ing e route the colored gentlemen pursued for carryin.1- the mail matter between this Ca fairly ta, principle of Chur d emigratip: is the resuit of tile great cora- ivas proceeding toMullingar. Onarrivi tb -every description. gold by Uruggists. mean thar arything else F ition of the mrga nc Th6re is little to earn aft0r, leaving their easy victim-=Pittzibur� city and Desebambault suddenly disapear- for Coms. Ban- Cortz;s­uze Dr. J. Brigg `GiZ4 Heavens !' I msped, 'do you at the police -station at Athenry he said Ill 'Carative Wal,' says he, 11 guess th4t's about all.' not be so? and many to, ieep," and ti mail. ed, and notwithstanding that every effort Tons, Ingrowitigg TIA15 &e. old by Druri5t_% to teU me that you have murdered elever bye, then, Ole feller,l says connection. 11lity should it name was Barlett, and that lie was a clerk "I - men 'Good- u a nation serve the Almighty getic earners ar&;puhing to other. markets in the London Post Office, and that his was made to find it, the search turned out 'bless Yu !' And with that I clapped my How ca, uY ineffectual. The Post Office Inspector of Neuralgia, headache, catarrh. sore throat. bronchitis, AGXGrA3N_WX! < 'Nu, stranmer' replied he slowly and with their labor. Probably so far as it has DidaYt Like hiB Broad. � 1, got into the wrong pistol to his head, and blew it. as small as by 2 s. d. I Under the present system a yet gone the movement is a beneficial one; father had been a tenant of Captain Lam , tliis district, Mr. Sheppard, to whom all titspepla. heartburn, palpitation and ail strallar dil senteatlaiiisily ; lyn-hev bert, 'and recently evicted. He had a court ' ents bantsbeil fram -the stffering patient vVithwon- as �red It - had ten derfal rapidity, by the use ofDr. J. 13r1Up'.&lIcvzutcr, t1b C72 C� =v V� Irr ent. i cam -shucks.' _niartial has been held on Se- such matters are refer akin' thatair statem EU 'Goodeaven. " said 1, revolted at this rector receives in many cases as much a� butit will The beneficial just in proportion the latest and arentst discoery of the, Me3u tell ytx tbztl'vefound it necess asitispontanoons. It isanatural move- ticket from Athenry. Next morning he gea4t Henry Hamilton, of Col. Higinbot- d rd W1D k endeavoring to find out age, for rellev- arY And subdulliq inflinintion, no matter from to rub out cc w rty V 0 apprqriated a sum of inu painarices, the 2,11evartr wilriustant- ld-blooded butchery, could you not have ten or fifteen thousand pounds per annu in ment of the population which may be h camp near I - I W (111. Itif used according to dimtiona, It eqtMILes ays' h snt rie-riods 0, my life as brought before Mi!. Lopdell, a magis- am's Volunteers BalKalion in h at diffier m e p 9even human critters who he man's life. even then V el- watched by patriotic statesmen, but should trate, and then before Captain Lambert ney, �69, Sent mout tither- spared r Guelph, onThuradayweek. TheMercury by mail from St; Augus "Stran-er," replied the old slaughteier, while his curate -probably 4 poor, int who positively identified him as the. milli one, end mtores wL%a heiz offered the same ci-vilitY to Ins be neither encouraged nor checked. Many tys,. on the murning of the. 13th, the till, addresied to a party in Desebambault. tlI8 circulation, counteracts all pots After muc� the sufferers to bealtb ind happiness in a short t �escrihable dignity, 'if you want to lectual -fearing man, who has a wife merchants and manufacturers are already who committed the outrage. Acorrespon- �atto cal2late Yu don't call that with ind mean as to hurt a God dent of the Daily Express Who relates the broad whicl.i. was. supplied to the Battalion on thb 28tn of June last. k5oldbPaUer & Cattle� mtaaerjutl Thar�s one wantin' yet to finda critterso cussed and children) or a sweet. heart in view,-. alarmed by it, and though we see little� in abovi facts, states that four times in the not b`e a very desirable quality was trouble Mr Sheppard was led to ille con- YWITTLM Wilvii �conipjeto the dozen, as Yu see ; but," man's feelins by sparin'him alter he'd been it to cause alarm -natb ing which threatens evening the hall doorbell was rung, and a a and it was sometime before a eltuion that the carrier, :young Man The Blood orms Its -red color to minute gl6bules eand 'that won; be lux! whipped in fair fight; I guess you'd better tates on &5 a year. The rector rolls us with an exodus of labor -we can well resh could be obtained. Some of named Frenette, was ilia guilty party. - which float In that fluld.,and contain, inn hedthy per added he CheerfullY, that when the door was opened by a ser- V01C40 not- come to Gyruis Jehoskaphat Flint! ele does the* religion I see that it would beillifitlitelY to the advan- the men not 'baving a proper understand- The Inspector had hirq accordingly arrest- on, a large amount of Iron, willob giveit 0tuality to &-cunim," I guess.' I mentally- -Now, then, 1-cale'late we'd best be in wealth, the curate of the coun t there was no one to be seen except on ing of matters, became finpatient of delay ad last night, and on Saturday lie was re- the blood. The Peruvian Svrup supplics the blood -The old =uuibal said 8 a tage try t6 b'nd some means of van -fourth occasion, when a man was ob- h and vivor of killing people as if he were looldn�'a'ter our fixins, for them's the Ana that in Church and t to hurch giving these enterprising spirits a career at. the -n to ob- manded for further examination by Judge with this vital element, and gives strerigt XWE 4VI -U-T . H§av- spires o' Stockholmshinin' yonder.' t , served runnin rapidly past tile' window. and threatened to proceed to tow ----ographs. Pray his and State is an anomaly which we trust home. as- tain a breakfast. Sergeant lienry Hamil- Doucet till Tuesday next. ' In the young. to the holo ontem. to add And, so speaking, he turned upon — ------ It is believe'd that this person was the jlg zja not take it into his head ton, of No. 10 Company, attempted to man's trunk were found a quantity of sil Twenty years oncrerience in using Brvan's Pul. MILLE A nated. The sassim, who expected to get an opportuni Ito ,Ly fill afl( he we shall live to see entirely abro. L7 his muenla el, and +anished into the cabin. Loss Of the "Blue Jaoket. U in his men for that purposia. Col. ver in wrappers, co&sporlding exactly morric Waters bave proved them to ba !be ment ty of shootin Captain Lambert in the fa effactua.7 retatedi forcoughn, and Irritation of the throat J1Th=`s. one 'vantage I've got with this dissenting bodies in England have done - , , 1 0 - Higinboth%m was called out and ordered with those -insed by the person who had caused liveold. or Imusual enertion of tile voN167fpne viepan," pgrsued tile, Yankee ; 11 kin by The following letter sant t9 the edit= of louse. the Sergeant to his tent, whershe remainm sent the money, as well as the -long lost pbli, and singers win find tbern'ratiI4 beine. ralling- over the banks of the Falls. wonders'during.the past fif yearstowards n rcd tell at fast sight Oa man whether the Times gives further particulars of th a Frotecition of 0ame; ed until tbe-aernoon of Thursday,.when kev.' One of the wrappers boie the name ticial. The entire freedom from all deleterious I g i- ents rendem Bryan's Fultrionic N41afere. or Cc b and ressed the coin."' I'lu a,gwine to kill him some day or ey have bur�ling of the dipper ship Blue J4cket -he was brought before the court-inartial. of the person who add Voice Lozenges, a ob remedy for the letter has beeti received from Mr. If this country is 0 re deliberation, the court found person, and bas enuscil them to be held in highesWern The St. Catharines Jogrnal gives the the evangelization of the world,th XONE partic aris of the fea u Real Sir,- t be saved the serious After maill b at dent which acquked a standing in regard to numbers, Webber, who was in charge. of tile boat ng utterly strip of insubordination, and I whohave used them, Sold layallinedlelne4c,31- ;How's thatI, aske( ose, the life of Mr. ped of wild the prisoner guilty %. XRO I I, not without a h misfortuneof beL ONz Huv.fDitED YFAus AGo.-O Satur- ers at 25 rts per be. A. m _-4. I ­.,k ­fft" :A, 'k fh� Aftf4i,74AYinent +_ broug t to a sudden cl A. I be itrao d . -1 f_.1_.3_ , I_11: ;,A h- 4� 1, A secretshudder and a sught, au-ne Y el an on onday st, while visiting wea.11,11L an a t W11101a wasp XF L, J anial s And pu a atletit, on must, con emu d The f-_r�c-�L-Tal &1 - was g F - Osler) Esq., of Pundas, whil- d turned with regard P' it is that the total disestablish� off the Fa4kiand Islands, An. extract from be more widely drawn to our game laws The finding of the court confirmed by ro� K laga, the victim hviiii at and hence s" C�Ilmti�, whicla way thescale ha rat is it"appea nolose. I Will Ilot iritrude oil, gh eagy's wood, west, of thid town, HARRIC. D. V0 m2zlccl 13, S which I a f,_,icing them. Too Many the Lieut.-C�I, Accordingly on the Bat- C5X8_ngT 3�� V4 LC f 3 f� �- i to�'elf. B k Rock -aboat four I e IN ment of the Church of England is,� oi will. And neeessit"f en Ci noticed the frontal part -of.A �kull appear- %E, jest this my: whenever I meet a BuiTalo-and came down on t morning t should your space by a detailed account of the people regard such laws as offensive, where- talion's assembling at the close of the ing ab?ve the surface of the �ground. On At tbe residence of the bride's father - to rub out bilI10-bY, train in company with soon be, called for. I 4.so. sufferiLgis the crew underwent-­mhow,'worn as they are thoroughly benevolent ail d con- afternoon dT4 awaifing dismissal, the , =1 ==that I'm bo=d two of sons to removing the soil lie found the bones of Goderich Ont., on the 28th dav Of July -valver's sure to gin a What folly it is to talk -of an established out by privations and exposure., half:Of ducive to the greatest good to the greatest priiouer was brought -tip in ehatia, -of a us. T. T67u" the bammero, thfare visit the Falls. After viewing the principal all Indian wnipped in a COVUe Tog, and 1869, bythe Rev. Robert Ure,kem%uder --jest to show that he ighting ol-ganization to u land was.reiched,w Indiscriminate linnting and. sights on the Alni4ican they crosied to the Church and Ig p-; them number. dbark J. A. VilkinsonEsq., P. L. 8,. of'Sarid- click--SQ died before Sergeant, hisstripes stripped off by the C -YE -I -_ laid'in what had onge been a basswoo in, that air 'in- g of the grit who di6d- On6 shooting of game in the breeding s6ason, Sergeant-Muj or. and hb was,,ordered to j oin -Cc== k�awis his dooky 'sPect Canadian side, a-gd while sauntering along hold Protestantism. If itfigrand doctrines, how,, speakin of Vido J20 cy r:0 coffin. Most of the bones, ex- wich Ont. tO Williaminia AdeL a who for 11, hours, 13.efore an _pn being aMdooai ; and lie never makes mistakes, the bank, went into Mr. 0. Jackson's the ship's boy , I and it all season$, can ha-ve but one rearilt: the ranks Qf his Coalp lyt Everlo C9 co hi. embracing, as many believe, the pure prin- 11,111anifte-he says Tiz posed to the atmosph6re, crumbled.todust, Lizars, youngest daughter of Daniel don;t.., Prince Albert Dining Saloon, where they hib death was a, ravina int. I extermination. It is therefore to the. - m butthe skull and jawbon * es remained per- Lizars Esq., aerh of the . Peace fortho The perfect air of. conviction with each took a glastg of beer.' A friend then cipies of the :religion of Christ, cannot I I We prayed that day "on that boat as we . erbst of ail that judicious game la;Ws be THE C0049ST Tmuo'cox REcoit%-A re- feat. Within the coffin ulere found a iom- County of Huron. V CI whic], h, said this w2s the reverse of nitailittain themplves, by pure moral force had itever prayed b�pfore ;" but I wish enacted and put in force. reques markabla exhibit of what impudence and ahawk,.& pair of scissors, wamplam, riuld not help reflecting; mare'particularly to draw Tour attention No dou-b-t these laws are. veiY often vi, - VM bigreeable; and I c, us pistol gI s, but o old man refused, and while there must be -something WrOuc' &I'd they chgek'some'nien are possessed of, was dis- containing.the bones of, -PAC'5740,1I �n, 0 1 �_i if this PrECiO to tfi, act of barbarityof wIfich the master lated tljrou,,b ignorance, but it is a legal earr' I Col 4-A pretty thing his sons war king be walke7d cut to had better faW Martin Luther fought by played early on Thurpolay morning. It some 0 animal, with an iron spoon and ahould h -17e happened to cliek - wh-_u he the bank of the river. As is the case o0he picking up vessel was 9114ty-:-�'.J maxim thaCigniDratice of the law exclises seeois that' 11 c residence of- a South, Water a peachstone in it. - The� metal of the GODERICH MON3,3y XARKET ia ffi-st, and he shoald think it neces- d try the Bi annot VIZA54 33-17 2 with very many, he thonghb he wouli blealone andhe wasabletal exhibit at am aoriy to say I c give the captain no one, and it is a first duty of all good street merchant, on Erie street I was bioken I sbissora'and hatchet Was completely eaten Me Eczaf!es Gy A=�, Nindicate its infallibility !' MY in- the Diet of NVertlKau example of moral a very good character. I forgot to tell. citizens to get a thorough acquaintance i to b . a bu Z�113 Nary to dis- and see bow far he could throw a szone ived zh�epboxes of gold front U y iglar who was fast possessing away with rust, which shows tbat the Corrected for the Signal by V Y. r. Smart, 33rolz aounl,,-manae probably empressea some to the iiver, and for that pnrpose- picked heroism and cdnquest such as the world ,that we & with the laws of their country, so that they you ship valued At 210,000. ' When h.0* may not even unwittingi himself of sdch portable valuables as he bones Must have been -those bf-: a warrio'r or, 'West Street- Goderich, July 39, 186.0. suddenly olge, of the the y transgresathe"m. ild lay his'liandsupon. Hismovenients whotr-5dthe fozest glades one hundred, quietude for my cumpaman one Up and stopped to the � has never witnessed befoo or since. B14050 brokab;ixteditaTionsby observing, inan bank, and threw it. Unfortunately he heard of the gold he went, into a -frightful An act was ll�ssed on the 28th of Fob- but that he years ago.-Hamiltou Ti�w. AM =1AN ===Or. On GRIMM=116 It hZin't no call to Ulrich Zwingle, took upthe sword in the " howe wake not so subdued -7, encauragir:- toue rage, put the boatswaimand two seamenin, rnary, 1868, for tile better protection of Ver Buying at .......................... 74 he didn't zlick at stepped too close and when he -threw the interests of what he beflieved to be the in- ironsand chained 1b6m. down -men, who awak�ive`d tmepf the household, who' in -m, zcwl _a stranger stone. toppled over after -it down the bank, gnme in the Province of Ontario, find on -stantly gave -the alarm, . aud lthus..-frigh- selling at .......................... 73 Canallafanda 00�00 and Via kinder glad onit. for ical truth and he expired were not abl� tn -A mail-a%rrler named Preneme has LVM 0 y. It al�pears that' 9 a distance of 150 to 160 feet fallina, on torests of Bibl to lift a'pound w6ight,whose -the 19th of December cortai aniendinents tened the th�ef awa. 9 at ........... �i# ............ 4 discount selling at ........... �V2 ............ 3 -field. Those facts bones were -sticking through their skin�- in been arrested for robbing tho mail of IN Buyin ytire good kulap*iii your way, although the rocks beneath. The body was re miserab ontbebattle ere maolb to. it. -The provision for the order to f -militate matters the burglir had between Deschambault and St. Avgptin. _1Y w von air t?,rlizzioil green in the ways o' the covered by means. of a rope in a short lesson. Orangeism, and severAl times be threatened the boats- killing of deer remains the same as before, teach us an important lied off hi4 boots and was parambulating ROYAL C&TA:ouu? XN4 Z* Ld Milif time Afterwards, aild when brought to the wain'slife. Wejust,gotatifficientfood',to that is-"Tk e period during which it is pu the halh an passago-ways in his* stocking A Quebec paper explains the motives Buying at .............................. 67 @ Ica: As this estinlat,�) of mT abilities was surface was found to be bruisea and man c.tu never carry out the ideas iuculcate4 in keep us aliye, And that was all wou'. unlawful to hunt, taket, or kill any kind. of ccz 9- feet, Itently, when he was frightened of Deputy Adjutant Gelletal Walker orders by m, -Il or telegraph exectitsd with prompt - a worl . He M -a- ness, and on themost favorable terms. 'The hiUbCGt Th d It te rl is between the first day of 6 premituill paid for bills, and thehl.-hest prico pald for etideniytoo deeply rooced to adnilt. Of led in a most shocking manner. A e the Sermon on the Mount, and we do not �theseislauds we're the nearest place. a& W a ye a to PowelPs vWt to the old worl ' ' '711, 1 let it PnS3, merely inquiring with a fair wind and December of any year, and1the first day of out of the fi 'use, lie did not have tim In reftitt" d portion of the sl�uli was cut cOmPletelY believe that Church and State is calculated Almighty favored us put on his.b�ots, and they were left be- ing on A tour of inspection t all tlio great ,,,,basi,. 'id -4 ,ury.b.ad over prov`e 'The captain S�.ptemb or in tile '�kaz mg - ", _=3 in Eur4ope, for oll; and the litabs were battered almost to to do so in the 'highest degree- That is we arrived here on S�nday. or i4, the succeeding year, hind. Hawdly had, - he got outside the military 301103111Pmellts 37. V. P. SLIART. ati_ a jelly. An inquest was held, and a ns why wie rejoice at the and a passenger -he bad with him went bit 'o' ther wor�s, -'to you may kill deer in Sep- houge than 4e returned to the front door purpose of studying all th 3 improve- strzinger," he replied eMPh veraictfu accordance with the facts re. one of the r"so shore and reported that he had picked, bp t3mber, October and November, but at n . 0 and deiliand�d that his boots be - given him.- ments recently in camp equippage. THE! WARKET5 -61 Tu caalt'sDaet � prophecy to go tut-ned. some wreaked sailori., and,., fro,m what he other -time." . . -1 - I . disent4ralpent I of Ireland. the house refused to give CT E_- 0=-_,1 ic-� and th:�t, air tl�pn 5 a pro�het, The gentlem. Ak Miss Gertrude Mann crehied quite c�uld make out, we had murdered every The -first amendment to the act is one GODE, BICH, July 39, 1869. hall 'Ne them up,'saying they viere a lawful prizq, a sensation in Adrian, Mail.,' on Friday, -won% one on board and set fire to the ship, and. much 4a . touchingthe kill in-, of hares. Bythel F almheat ............ $0.86 0:87 Prize B�aby Sho-w in London. lHow to Xill the Weevil. l a aw wAd hemould turn them over tothe POliae by attenipting to walk twouty-five miles -�say that I wouldn't hev, Wen glad, one When the as it stood, -hares were protected front list taken tha�gold and left har_� Spring Wheat 0:85 0-9a NED H1 in the nionjing. Re. -again ordered tfie in six hours and twenty-threo minutes, on "7 --and reemin until the Isf of Sepfember.- thief ;.w zc 41�� to catch him slippin' The London Telegraph of J�uly 12, says It is astonisbing-to le,*n-the number of doctor came on board he at once ore red inuar - if� ay, I retired to hii bed: 'once Flour ............ 4-25 (a), 4:75 - tew ; you mout as well spect Ginlral the irons to bid takewoff." Another letter me for il , laric atrotting track. She accomplished her us at tjw the tyi ling them is exten&d i A diversion fkom the competitio uses that invaluable article, salt may be more. In alshoft while his slumbers were task easily. oats � ................. 0:60 Ca 0:65 0mut to be Yraid, as th2a weeptm'to tell a has since been received, stating: that 'hO to the Ist of March. ag6inbrolre Wimbledon, and Lord?& w" attempted by i - Peas ...... ­-.� ...... 0:65 (a), 0.66 i on tileir way - The s6cond'amendmelif is that which. lit oar. Hastily he dreised. -In Vatervillel, Maine� two yo Barley ................ 0:V5 (a, 0:89 gricult�re,'every year'r am- 2FAE=RS W= 'And tWona tilat,-_wbat waa itF asked an exhibition of babies at the 1qorfhWa0f_ put to. In ag and thei rest of the crew 'are Ma a for slionting s at th6 ung It has been, parience proves that it is of immense bene- home on, board Her Majesty`ssbi�. .061'a changes and enlarges the tim %;7c::2cz':1 lt371 wich Gardens yesterday. n upss a, an going to the door cautioUisly ladies have composed an . operetta called. Fork .................. 0:10 fal O:Oa L found a labor of considerable difficulty to fit and itis becoming.more And twore clear 4nd save wordscannot iiikpres�,tlle Woodcock and snipe. It was confined to "'The 31instrel's Fropheey;"which is tobe Potatoes .............. 1: 6.Te-' 1:60 b ev@ 'the period. between the list September and 1 _.d was confronted. bk th 50 'Wal,sedn' ies Yn, stran,,;er, I don't populariso'baby shows. in England - ' d if with i;hieh they.have eenn tfeated pqrformed in public. Butter....., "0: 0 0:15 En r17 I � - , an that its free usehas a, direct-tindencynot am the lat March�now thes, birds are declared t Or burdlar, in a Most sort6w- 15 gv- ions spry we, were not half converted by what we. one, on board, ain,� Si�,.-Yo­ yo ob, anner,.. I that hi :08 liflifirl tellini, thoughl ai� so pree: i 1, eadec a boots'lip"re- officers of the -]O'gg" .................. 0 �4 0:10 ait that, air subject, I awar. Its aaw yesterday, we, should ba dispaied only to er the quantity. and quality fill -The general and other,; Increas ent servant, to, be in season between the 12th August ques Ray, V ton. 1:10 ca 0.00i sit talun, j I . fzo MoTimn.o tumed*to 'His t was rilf4id, Spanish'army who were recently arrested iftzc=_� mcan�p_ a J, 1 fa% years now sin' I happened on notwithstanding. the 6tro ns in of -all Products, but to -destroy the insects' r Tp Mi= MATE. and th6 list gay.. lie Hides &eon) .... ...... 4:01) 4:59 r= C -,t ng expressio wilereupo he threaten sor A f fir formentinginsurrecti havwbeonex- o oui. fale,lzr vrao hailed from -,% villagge, onthe favor of absolute free trade uttered on a them. By the 'following from a Th6 next- amendrrCapt provides that notwithst di W.b' , S. IVood ................. 2:00 k'4 2:59 11 iinfestin revenge, I ' e iledto the- Canary Island 34iffilliDip- occasio,to,advocate &,prohibitory firt3t oltasagricithural paper, it -will be Tradevith No.vaSocitial, swan, geese and' duck can be shot at ax)y a. hi ' The vcr,2: =-_rA -was ain �ent away minus is Beef,perowt. �6:00 fq), 7.00 4i, called 'Burnt C%arin,' 'cause recellt A Western paper says that a suit has Chicite porrab time between th9i 15th of Ailgiist and the - n5 of abig dra they'd had-thsr ofice, at, a tinie, .policy on, the American Inotion7 ofexhibit- Plifi.possession ofthe ob tb ...... 0��21'�, -1D n C seen that it will prevent thexavages' 6f the a Halifax. Bepoiler whichare it 'been entered against, Colem4n, W Co, sud we froza tugpther powerfuli and wir inghumanityin, long clothes. A correspondent ofth 15th of"April; but it is ho,ainst the law to P of Ducks ................ householder; whose realitlence hadA .21� Rochester, io7i�4eiture q!f.prosperltv, Wool jwtiik& �,zothor3 all to. once. Wherever -There is-tutone ex4mple of the trip- weevil isays,:-The people.. 1 of- Pictou; are *fast 'use batteries, night lights, or Annken, piints feloniously ente red. - -New ........... 0:30 00 It iz said by tholn who have- tried.it tile -ialue of th tever one did lets - and th6y,have not arrived at the i�;akeningto a Canadian foi the destruettgn -4 wild fowl what, 4mountilig to 16!78,000, forstaugglingCana- Sheep ..� ............. 3: one went, Vother went -, vrim I , I . 1. . any 00 4-00 t fourof doublets. Jn that they never lost any wheat by weevil, lialle. - Large quantities of flour are- 49W ?e r. aalumberfo thatamount. Turkeys .,, ............ -o:50 (a) ,'d ; and if this un hed a dollax� show yet-alld bat ve NBW ZEATAAND. 0:60 ua w, asses, - the prizes are for aftersaMn The wheat should be al.; brought direct from Canada. -This arbiole; The last amondment to the. act.,of last - We mentioned 0 �st tr good far fifty cents� on't, least the four Othef 01 10 it. ROP6 � 6 -ThedreekGovernment"has determin- Apples, ................ 1:09 (0� 1:99 down� river to Nod, Ur- the, respectable. and economical number Wei to at g ill the, field'in -shook tell or ontil the pait, year or I year is that whicli villarges the -time for isgua re Andrew Boot and ;wo ) jjsdd, to !'be ed to suppress all fo-reign -cinbassies,except Goderloill Suit, 'wholesalei, fo.b. per bbl 7 t ona, namely $10 and a silver cup for the twelve days, - when it should 0a, thrashedi a a 0 'ns in the fitr-bearing Animals. Illifi I&W Du,.hfries ji returned to bill home _i)��chaxsd in Aslifax �t cc t 0 i4erably stnutino&, r4a �army and 51;20- 1111031; LoaltUal and'&alihy boy, under 12 fanned and 61W, -Half's pound of 'salt beyondthab-for which it might have, beent tra ta a that of Con provpde5d that they -should be unmolested trip he had '-keu to New Zealand. cc months. with�23 and 22'for tile second is the- qualiItity, generally use& -to O'blishel. imp6rte& The falling off'of thia- tradii- between the first day. of May and the 15th navy. are obe reduced. And 1, tbll we tcUd U.P the then wrote, we have converse ath Clinton Llarkets, 44 amn I. saved him from and third pr1Ze3;,41QAn&a silver cup -for of wbeati If the roomj or granary, in ilmouilting -as it does to ;2,000 bbla. �,, of, bfX_ovember, buttheatnendmentuarrows Kri Scott, andhave been'shown b bat A, French statistician proclaims that ansibl . . Clinton, July 80, 1869. wei up by a Var that looked the most healt1W alld beautiful' girl under which the wheat is'put awaytt is drn by Ilour per month-:muit be be very B, -this time of protection to the 15th Of Oc- gentlomau,5100bimen��of a g, no- in," Lit Romme qui Rie' Huigo has r,.al I liza ta make his do3er' g, thd *11'e -A felt inilalifax by deilarp. The'explail _�Fhiabr 4#0110YMaY 116 taken. t' sof the �cot ther 7w' V' fto- beat ...... ... -94 4naint. 12 months ; R5 f:)r the finest -or heaviest: folio wing the method, ofilaitiu� tober, after 0. ing from two tO twautY-fivO tojra�hs of 6 ni A 11sed theviord "amal-atod"Wis, and the 9 p el ng, <1 0 ....... fie s3,Ted meL­o-.n. boie drowned, child under six month�, and 22 for the in sure to keep, well. Wheat, when put up. tion of this I May say is the UsatIty 00 A fina,-vary e V.4 eta. 0:05 ID.,98 B44 tWes. .. ...... ......... 0.45 og 0:59 w.11leunly cariae. gotturned. second A Pictott towamoiltjlly�. tp 44W the dollars per he -ad of word llirrldiaftonl' in L prize J *5fur the finest orli9xviest iv tbausual way, will always - diminish. in i Same killed, will be in- We hope at #u day e our Oroffi a Juag ; and altogather.strangar child -under 12 months, and P,2fer a second bulk as -it gets old, and. many. �eraonsb6n- quantitiearepirdd � A asgow.. And -convicted of. a breach at Barley ................... 0.80 (0�,) 0.85 kAew GL flicted on any person 11 0 nil sold all Ban - readers a coin t Mr. goott's Ice-drea and fruit"U Theri Are v1so throe s other portions of thecountr ne-balf the fine will be f the -country,. together"�T(#h Peas ................... 0:69 (,-Y,) -0-65 :1k U4 fu7 Dji1cl andJonath- priz-4. prizes for the sider that it will not yield asmuch: or- a Ylwhicil would- .6f tile la*, and o * - I YIN $ impression$ 10 - da troal aud other localities, not potat es.. I-hai. while, thar band piefflesteradle or bassinet. It good flour� as when it wa4,. fro4h from the cert4ifil , v ry,much more than double 1t,. paid * to -tile -person who informs: y in 31oIn a .............. 1:59 !& ZU& an. iltlata2l y a against any other matters that may be of interat. 4 sacreduess.of r, lour tl-,c r:n�ca� 71 be idla"to balnuitathat babyshows field. Be this as it may, the diminishing and you iiTsee-one fruitful cause of 60 such.oftbilder. - antime we May inforin our'r only fragrAntly invadin�g th ............... 4:00 (,&,) 4.50 EjjF,;�J_ nri !Cr=.,tfD angin?' in sliv milli liko a WWlI(I In the me ne' utter .......... I ....... 402L �06 spile* tile could never W, popular among thdraotliers in bulk to. which wheat is subject is dull"" of trUle in JUli&r: The picture .4b. Pre- *.Scott was for soi Eime,,& the dpy, b6t impeding the streets, G 00.i[MiXOX F HE 4,,rT ir.­!-Th e ciipi4 4 when vieW64-fr0mL a 60 itious era t�at 51 4,,J gk-y-ancr ttiat'war the of the babies,, in facei of, the fact that there ventea by salting in the�, manner -abbve is. au unpleasautone* ;tat the "sidence of Win. Scot r4iq., stu ........ ........... b;10 0, 0:10 gue., rgeon, weigh f6rty-fiV X w�epun, fast timalle, a a entries stated.- Voirtfie 'first- eig1ft . or-'te ffaWax stand.;ppint, but. givos rime,to very of health are few but - Imperative owns a TM, rut _-YA4 the n days, P.P. Pr Watbrlooi, who pounds and measuringfive five inches Zeafoith laar1rets 8 ace :1. Pure air. ex -M. I - rlo e t for the e t be- after salting, ill p*&, the enjoyment of' which E, cecq by, _:, I . lit length, was cauAt vrith .a common A-AS.-thab which is uJurious to for 1 0 1��Zyl 1�0 d girt'a, click.' no 4 wheat, -if examined, will dlfflar466 feeling'i wheit seen ;Ath; s, Pictou- 2. Pure, and ruttritious fa�d by t-eyt Spemal , but if exiihin- ian t oc hesd ing a le ofooliveffientl accion I - eaut the Tieceuity That Teegrum to 11ura-ri &gn'll. KEI -E�'­�=Jfya2c] tna3 of Liis voice at thesd ing woaatifig bol6unasomewliat damp., Pf6to' u- .001111- 31 Proper exereise. Trod existor', hoOk and line in thia Don, i on Saturday G-4 lifir is, of grest bi�lnefit ter ual .r number than ed, afew- weekia h4er. it will iu all oasesbe' Ha contin Se rth, auly "U'D 1869 No;pu. tly ting4d with sorrow, z rg, *aklifulnesis in dread of an afo ty. Ani lentsacis, 4. Undisturbed 'sleepi last. dgi unight, "The babies'were, aira-rule, ationg and- found perfedtijary', having kep C-601 aw lvi6inity, : Thicorresiond attack by -the natives.. Itis746f no un trall Wheat 0;90 Mh 901011111tenoo of death ; and linithi of themas were, Plat arer alsol,baco 5. Regul SWIng Wheat ........... . suclu awakiff-lixd the time. the pilople Vf ell '9 0.85 quant occlirrenee for the inmates of investiggation 6 6 Terapidirance. iu all things - ItIsreported that au Scoitl o, rest all night under 0 Flonr Dn bag_... (a .59 'BYLINH-ant, I ultiva- 'ele"antand votizTe. Moral shons0i I Aid wbAt wasto come) thasmiloof innocence, and those who Avant clisibleA4 by, 46se who awAre -of tha value bf � nother branch of ece The & 1� -a 07 1 -the iver-General'i Department oats b%bly dreary and Were asleep -had 11 the heedless th t tice this 0 0 salting �rheat, are as tra,1641th 0snitda. (that VVAO, theta in auticipaiiiin of an zttack�& mattei-of- in 0-49 cc 0:59C aria socisligouditicus shows that Reriffeus4in has !used Govern- p, X�d latlg4- my- the sleep of inaments only- incria"ates. 41f Er,"I.W. tion. of whichwouldpr6ve highlyreMP1108,- fact position� wln'*6h will counterbalance -to 0,83 Qe" 0.86 sotyin% 'What- I the child is tporting -of. 8, Right bodily P. gt extent the bbauty,, of the estate. M 0-69 o ag fatherof the Man,"- and, the L It, prwrves the, wbeatw more car. tive to them.., I' m6an the :03 ogitions. ent funds toi tile amount 4Df lletXly PoLice opmA 304 babies exhibited yesWrilty be a fair tainty- than ad, oiher -9, Cloanlinesit. a gre _PeaS.... ........... Why, tol'think, freall, fish to -a ce. in looked forwara to S10,00D, .60 sunning. -Kontz - 4, Toronto, al e POIL f he Dominion., Aleia cuttite spocilnelit oft '10. Suril*hk But0cours, Butte- 0:1 V he infantile produ6e of E4- 2. The wheat does not loseift volume or cities that part of t by allin thdicountri, whed 6ven the lium- ...... el -by long keeping bleats The Man who -drelk the Crosby r ud, xh6 it still desuned to be the mother W ght. 6if1cr Will beenabled to Idwellunder .......... 0:09 0,16F r.ght, llanj�la t ap�ointed si: 1" 0�fn -vine and fig.!tree bx. safety and AkA the'Of fair llomen-and bmv* men &B Mates more mid better flour,. 'Tiio younj married ladies wore, 40 -t,- Queen Victoria li%'$ jUS Opera House in a lottery, bir. A. H. �Leo In an, Itcioatit mu6h.less labor. Plbrgynan Compinionof the Biih. If. is a a n4it W f Prairie de moke 'the first n e- cloth hp�s- Wun - Not%qg esn.be wan '(10pe thM6 �ip 5.. The wheivt is better for fieted, because th on Thuisda��'lart, from, DrOpBy. -of the MORRY FOUN D. Roeher, 11f, died suddenly r t V;ur hu6ana to 4s t I at, 6111, you Perna it tg�fre done in a UAW$ oracularly ur but lie been thus hono visitors to Niagara Falls are notified heart. -de%l"awt�- itu'preservea in aparfwt state., Theretis; ill y.o reoins 0 Certaiiqly I d th�, ,I, is tain ponVow pelitidian in i at. in It -to prevent lt� from, spefids hij tsvojQ Wiiji-Lme "Plie"he -This vilue of the ;&ol ol, that a Trans' Wasew a duty OUND in 11314crlLh ca vc�alnraay the 14!5t a �ew YO not enqugh $a d fbund in th -yregulationi in, -% lit in day fab lM_ otber.. 'Yes at what 4, price I dear Sutherland digginspa i t Buyers trom, tile United Slates are lalliat, ig -,.but there isi enougli, to, tit 3p ro the dud Of May 'offorty�.Kveper con . in Sell, �on all an the s4pa of ill* it AIL vigorolmly.-Iturat friend, a shrewd woman, itysils herself of low paying 8"), and' $2.25 for lambs iQ IT'Ll. t1ils etazc, k-, -�4�7 J1;:lWWut cleAftw- Wiste. it, to sproatL woo about 271,000. The Present number articlelit �ure Wed On the Canadian side J4 herbuibsudslaultsto repress, tlfelil�-. s of and L oderiAl, Ji�iy 23, IE�3. rim brought over the river. e at I& slb*w. *W iW4rj_era is 200. the Eabteru T� pdw*i W loot 2 WOW& it