HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-27, Page 5e .a.NOLLALIC4LaiktbihralLIS „ Ileens.—The human hand is no I , 1401 iy forme.d ; it has so fine a sensib-e MONEY TO INVEST, THE MARKE1.GROCERY, lity, end sensibillty governs its motion so the vry ffort o seat of that will; its aetiona are so free, Advantages to Burrowers. Si eeef the will is awer- ns eerreetty, THE Canada Landed Credit Company have Lle Market Square! seems cin possibility of the borrower evepe roff lust ealled on illEr Meg CO a._ ed so instantly, as if tho hand itself were money to invest on improved FarNorth •11•111=ICUM, so powerful, and yot so delicate, that it to possess a quality of instint By borrowing of this Compaq:, there is no • First rate Dry Goods for verylittle money, All new and nice and fit for anybody. Groceries choice and fresh, Tea direct trom China,. Blackine the very best, to be both bright and shiny. Hats that are hats, the finest just from Town, \All kinds of colors, some turned up some turned down. Clothing of the latest cut, a very important item, IT R. A. N. r 317,1 313:31 It is to be a man well dressed, and that too in the fashion, Then call and see, be sure upon the right man, OF ALL KINDS. John Harris, don't forget him, you, won't regret the plan. ue it as we draw our breath, ornectedly to ' itself, the debt. He and we ssnddenly uexpe tion of the feeble and ill -directed etiOrte, Of aum-8 per cent Ling for interest and the ex- its tirst exercise, by which it was perfected. ; enees oi management, end 1 per rent, his own In the hand are twenty-nine bones f cnowey• he pay s into a sinking fund, at compound 1 Isom nterest, and wineti caneels tne debt in 2(i 'ears. A ereenscionsly, and have lost all recollec- pays to thc Compan in all 10 per cent. per un - mobility, and elasticity. On the length, ge of li 4rat- the mechanism of which result, strength lie has, however, al ways the privile streneeth, free literal motion, and perfect mobility Of the thumb, depends the power of the hand, its strength being equal to that of a' l the fingers. Without the fleshy the thumb, the power of the fingers would avail nething; and accordingly:the large ball forn.ed by the muscles of the thumb, is the distinguished character of the human listed. .411M• . W.F.te0N1 A lo Ighter future to those lad ess ind fair or ,14.ind frail, who have suit red pat:en:I\ and um ompla1lz1v day after day. who have sufr •reti p eilIN an pl-LL s coinplaint, sick head- iLad, the nervous headache which has ratR.iI AMf t.,Vt'Lr. 1the w•arv brain until almost crazed thr,ielte:L;fl. paol. llut, now ladies, yon can get a afIr ./ Uns VrIevantor, it will relieve at one,ili11,.a.l.t. si. ft. nervous or billions. A trial wj ill-%. ,•I of its merit s and enable you to be happy .a,rain fins rein,-dean he tested free at No. 6 King btL-eet. Wast, and is sold by all druggists, ig his estate trom -the mortgage at any tune, givine six months' mama, whilst the Company remains bound to the end of the terms of twen- ty•fi; years and the atneunt he has paid into the sins mg fund, with compound interest, is then allowed la settlement. 1 -le has the cirivilege, ns he may find it convenient of paying into the sink - ng fund, over and above his reenter coatribta lion. any even sum above $100. in reduction ot his mortgage. and for wntch he is allowed 5 per Ceilt, compomul interest. No (:onimissitnis charged—no shares required to be taken—no fu4es to pay,and no expenses tor renewals. Applv to FREDERICK ARMSTRONG, Land Agent, over Messrs Kav's store, IVIarket Square, tioderich. gent fot the Canada Landed Credit Company. Improved Farms tor sale on easy terms. Witct Lands for sale. Houses in the Towu of Coderich forsale. Apply as above Goderich, Nov, 16Ih, 1868 w43tt .V:LS raoli 'SING You -tuts, of both sexes, go J, a t.‘ nil; inn ly graves, from general debility and weakness. who might be saved by foitifying theii systems with troll. The Peruvian Syrup is an Iron T„the pr‘pared expressly to supply this vitalizing element. and -is the only preparation of Iron that wil assimilate at once with the blood. • • E T I r. Atrrnoiry a Fin. -1t is a spread- ing • di tea-A:ion, charaetertzed by a redness ot. the skin. tided by a sensation of heat and itching, and mot e r t-sts a constitutional derangement. with swelling of the subcutaneous cellar tissues. Every part of the v is iiahle to erysiplas intlamation, butlit most fr,-./-6,ot appears on the face. legs and feet. Females are more'sublent to it than males. After a glitnt time small yessieles, similar to those produced by biisters, present themselves. They are filled with a thin watery fluid, and are a ere -at source of annoyance uptil 1n.- 1. t'Lr, .1. l3riggsAll.•vantor is a never reilietiy, Sold by druggists and country --tner- cuants. Dyspepsia is radieallymured with Dr. Briggs' Alle- itantor. Sold by dracrnists and country merchants Si Every concelysible torm of pain relieved in a few rno- ents by using Dr. Bri;__,,,.itts' Allevantor accepting to dir- ctions, this is nne of the most reliable remedies ever discovered, it is itg,reeable to use and reliable beyond questio Sold by druggists. Headache in every form, sick, nervous, billions, im- mediately relieved with Dr. J. Pirfc.tts' Allevantor, pleasant and agreeable to use and etfective in effect. Sold. by druggists and country merchants at $1. Dr. J. Briggs & Co., proprietors, No. O.', Ring St. West, Toronto. Dr I Briggs has- established a branch office at No. 6 Ring Street, West, Toronto. His wonderful remedy for corns, bunions. ingrowing nails. the Modern Curative is sold by druggists and country merchants generally. Neuralgia with an it demands driven ont hy usin Dr. Briggs Allevantor. Sold -by all dealers in medicin Corns. bunions, ingrowing nails and othar ailments of the feet cured by the use of Dr. Briggs' Allevantor. Catarrh of the most distressing form cured by using Dr. Briggs' Allevantor. Sold by druggists at ,S1 }IAMB tiuRST & COOKE AUCTIONEERS, CONISS1ON AGENTS, &O., &O. Crablis Block, (VanEYer_soldstand) KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH ONTARIO. Oeje Sales in town and country punctual- ly attended to Goderich, July1.2th, 1869. ' w24 , IFeed Jeed1 1 erCTS'T AT - Shepherd St. Strachaffs, 20 TONS OF BRAN, SHORTS & WHICH THEY WILL Sell Cheap for Cash. Goderich, June 7th, 1869. w19-41 PLASTER PLASTER! At the Market Grocery. YOUR LIFE Ig1N DANER INSURE IN THE /ETNA, p EASONS why over 13000 peraonsa year, -Lb insure their lives iu the/Etna ; first, it is exclusively a Life Company ; secondly, it is purely a benevolent institution. Those who contemplate insuring their lives, can save a y'ery large amount ef money, by in- suring in this old and reliable ccmpany. This company commenced doing life business in Montreal 19 rfars ago, and is now doieg more business tlian all the European and Canada companies combined that are doing business in this country. The iEtna is a stock company, but no profits are sought, no notes to be assessed like in mutual com- - —0— oweU ht the Plaster Trade. are -now prepared to Subscribers, having received th.?. good willot3fr. tall orders for the same. lairge supplies are being re- ceived rem the s, at Paris. FRESH GROCERIES. We have received a Large lot of Fresh Groceries, suita- ble for the seoson, which will be sold CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST 1 ROBLNSON & YATES. Godericla Dee. 26, 1868. w49 PLATPORM SCAT113. TH E Subscriber havine received the Agenee from the elle nil Scales Ffrorks" Rochester jos the sale of their settles, is prepared to sup- ply all kinds of Platform, Counter, Butchers Wheat or Hopper Sea leg. Hay Scali from 3 to 1,0tolis capacity. Also Store and Mill Trucks. 1 am also ent for the sale of of Fire and Burglar Proof Safest 'Sample Scales to be scen at Robinson & Yates' geocery store, Market Square, with weom orders ean be iett. WM. CAMPS EL L, General Agent. Gollereelt, 8ept. 28th. 1868. , 6 wtf. a UM PROPERTY FOR B.SIA..LeM E undersigned offers for sale lot 6, cor. 3, Goderich t0rtnihip.-88 acres, 55 cleared, frame barn, good feed. The pro perty is only a rn:le, from present sail wells. and .sa the railway runs through it, better salt territory cannot be found: WILLIAM ELLIOT, Goderich, March 24, 1868. s.w 60 tf THE ALBION. panies you know exactly how much you pay per year when you enter the company Assets over $10. ofia,m, income Over $20,; le 8.- lee would likewise call the special attention of fanners to beware of wool teemstersetel agents sealing HO per day, $100,000 in gold deposited their wool for carding. as he has proved it from the experience of foimer years to be a perfect source of annoyance with the Dominion Government. The great _ to them in various ways, that they cannot ee until perhaps too late to guardagainst it, AN Independent Journal of Literatare, Art, Politics, Finance. Field Sports, and News, published every leatiuday Doming, at 39 Park Row. New York. KINAHAN CORNWALLIS, Editor aud Proprietor. • JOHN HARRIS, _very large Stock of Crockery. HAS a most attractive, and well bought stock, 'of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, of this Season's Importation, TWO HONES AND LOT CHURNS CHURNS, CHURNS FOR SALE. AN Elgin Street, Goderiele At „present occupied by V Oh. R. 13. Smith. For particulars apply to D. GORDON, ,Cabinet Maker, West Street. , July 21st, 1868 w 27 tf. Splendid Chinn Sets. , I. 1 CERIE tDr .A.11 x.F., AS THE CHEA.PEST. Platform and Counter Scales of best make ROBINSON & YATES. Goderioh, Sept. 29th, 1868. 2),A' CHEAP 1.9 FOR -SALE, CHEAP FOR CASH, Embracing a Magnificent assortment of NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS, Winceys, Alpacas) French Merinoes, •Prints, Flanaels, Shirtings, Cloakings, Blankets Hosiery Gloves, small wares. &c., &c., &c. RINCEY, really good for the money, 12/ cents per yard. ; FACTORY, really good for the money, 10 cts per yard. WHITE SHIRTING, really good for the money, 12i cts per yard. ALPACA, really good for the money, 20 cents per yard. FLANNEL, really good for the money, 30 cts per yard . • FANCY FLANNEL, really good for the money 25c. cANAJrTANr.LINVM S All -prices from 50 cts to one dollar per yard. The stock in fact, contains a splendidassortment of the most desirable goods for this market. READY MADE CLOTHING, In large variety very cheap; a decent great coat $3.50. The grocery department is constant- ly siipplied with the freshest and choicest art-ieles in the trade, that will be sold at the very lowest rates, either wholesale or retail. The public are respectfully requested to give the THE undersi ned would be.. to inforni bis numerous customers and JOHN HARRIS. Subscriber a call. .1 that his oolen Machinery is now in Full Operation and in First Class Woqiing Order Goderich, t Sept. 29th 1868. w13 Corner West Street, Goderich. New W AND THAT HE IS MUCH BETTER PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARN1ER,5 WOK( ExPEDrao than last season while startinghis machinery all navel • •-: 7 G-01WRICH WOOLEN FACTORY, Custom Roll Carding, Fulling 01.0.0. Dressing will rec FU Spinning and Igall'Ufacturing) • , • • eive prompt attention. Having now on hand the large&t,. beat and cheapest stock of of home made RESPECT (ILLY intimates to farmers and others that they are prepared to fill • (KNOWN AS PIPER'S -MILLS) 5. IING;-r_AIs asz sows 9 18E38. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY, Has been in existence Thirty-two srears, and during that period has paid !Josses exceeding Five and'a half million pounds sterling, The disbureernent of this enormous sum cever a wide area, has without doubt contributed to the e•tablishment of this Inatitutioa, in the confidence of l'ublic Corporations, Merchants, Householder, and business men generally, wherever it Is represented. In its Ist year, 1836, the Fire Premiums alone amounted to... £9,970 In its 10th year, 1846, te cc cc £47,763 9b 20th year,1856, " c• Cc £222,279 4( 30th year, 1866, C4 I 4' CC .£8?9.332 One year later, 1867, " £818,055 LL CLOTH, TSTEDS, FLANNELS: & JACT all orders in ever'befor, offered to the public in this part a the Proyinetat ha Would t;eSpehtfullY rola V4'00 ' ROLL CARE)INC MANUFACTURINC exchange tlieir wool to call and judge for themselves before rippoiatingthemselyes elerahere„,.., ' , Cloth Dressing, Custom Spinning: Dyeing, Satinetts, advantage to the insurer, is the long experi- Pa' The highest Market Price paid fa any quantity of good Clean Wool. ence of the Board of Directors, who are stock -holders, and are gentlemen of a life- time experience, and thoroughly understand the life business. By insuring in the .‘Etna, you will get more than Saving -a'. Bank interest for the money you pay out, therefore, we consider your insurance costs you nothingra Savins' Bank, if you live, and a Lite Insur F Amended MIMS since May 1, 1869. Sabacription for one year. with any two ofthe large- sized Aaanes steel Engravings, in addition.,„to a sma:1 One of the Prince of Wales free, LOA pre paid by mail, Sbe Dollaraain advance: for six months, Three Dollars, and for three months One Dollar and fifty cents, post- paid ha each, ease in any part of tbe United States. e5'abscriptions will be supplied with extra engravinge Att.-reach. peat -paid, but the prleat,o non-subseribers ar.a be $1 Sabseriptan. after May 1, 1809, without OTS 1323,1324 & 1334, $30 each, Sub -division Park ena•avings, $5 per aniannesstrictWitt advance- ; clergy. LA Lots 2 and 3 in eon A. Lots 116, 149and 150 $40. measnst teachen, $4, -1 . • Township of Wawanosh, North 24 acres 1ot18, con. 1, 100. TowashiporAshfield, Southerly 16 acres ofEast Advertising Irate!. of Sotrtht Int t, cote 4, W. D., $100. - • to 15 eats per • line, single insertiosi 20 cents per linApply e THOMAS WEATHERAem • freemeeelhasi foes' insertfons (7.5.00pU'per line for 1 P• ertreeefer. Goderich. er,Isterittegetnee.anged. TWO eigater line btesinesS Goderich, Dec. 18th 1868. w48tf. ,esres, with a copy of the Allettee tree, $18 per annum - - MRS. .DAYS' HOTEL, Ooderleh Woolen Works, 18th May, 1869. ance if you die. Several gentlemen whom 1 have called on during the past year, solicit - THOMAS LUGAN • East Street, Goderich. w 1 I RST -AS USUAL! ing their insurance, remerked that they , . would wait a while, some have have since . I died/ Tothers have lost their health and car- HE MILLINEB,Y SHOW ROOM IS NOW OPEN AND CONTAINS A! not insure; the time to insure your life is 1 . of Hartford. LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT! ! now the company to insure in is the zEtna, , :Puna. Cloths, Winceys, Flannels;- Blankets, On the shortest notice. Parties wishing to exchange theii wool for good home made goods, will find it to their interest to give us a call, as we are satisfied -we f have the goods you require. Parties coining from a distance with wool to get carded may in nearly every instance rely on getting their wool home with them the same day. ner MIA WORE WARRANTED. Goderich Woolen' Factory, I June 8th, 1869. wil OFFICERS; E. A. BUCKLEY, President. AUSTIN DURHAM, Vice President. T. 0 ENDRES, Secretary, H. A.. T. JOHN. Actuary. G. W Itt-ssal., M. D., Medical Examiner. 1-X.A.IR,11-ler, JOHN GABVINT, Toronto, Manager for Ontario. SPLEN DI D STOCK OF DR ES S GO OD Agent for Lake Hnron.Counties - Goderich, Jan 20th, 1869. w52 liable company ; among the substantial and elaterpris- Suitable for Spring and Summer. The New York Independent says of this old and re tug institutions of Hartford. Conn:, the Etna Life In- surance Company stands prominent. It has. by pur- suina a fair and honorable course, won for itself an envable reputation. CANADIAN REFERENCES: Hon_ GEO. BROWN. Proprietor Globe, Toronto. Hon. J. SIMPSON, President Ontario Bank,Bowmanville. Hon_ L. RMIAUD, M. L. C. Montreal. T. N. GIBBS. Esq.,M. P., Oshawa. a.. as.. oiviyi Aar mkt, Past! ••. T. CIAII,KsoYi, bsq., Official Assignee, Toronto. Messrs. Farsxas &c., Wholesale Merchants, Montreal. A. MILLOY, Esq.. Superintendent Inland Steam Navi- gation Comiany, Montreal. Godericb, April 9th, 1861 l G. CHENEY, Esq:, Superintendent Canada Erpress Company, Montreal. M. H. IRISH:Esq., Manager British and American Ex- press Company, Toronto. J. Looms.. Esq. Publisher, Montreal. Kaaassravs & ELwasas Safe Alanufactarers,Mo itreai Of the Fashions for the season. Also on hand a large and Ladies Call and Examine. C. SUPPLE, MONEY TO 'LEND. d•••••••• THE HURON & ERIE SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. The above Society ts prepared to make 11-regiTAL.1%TC..10$13 ON IMPROVED 1:"x* or) eartqcr ON MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. The cost of effecting_ a Loan will be found much lower than in other Societies of a similar nature. The attention 'ofthe Borrower is called to the fact, that he will receive the full amount of the Loan. without any deduction being made for interest or payments in advance. Advances ma Ly be repaid Monthly or Yearly, extending over a period of from one to fifteen years. • FOR FULL P-ARTICITLARS APPLY TO S. POLLOCK, Agent and Valuator for the Society at Godetch Godeirea.C.W.. 1866. rev13 1B -1r E7ACPTIESS! .„ WHERE DID YOU GET THE FRESH SEA FISH AT M. Mt AT MEE .11.11a Tor E has Haddock, Cod, and Lobsters fresh. Also la.1 smoked Salmon, Kippard Herrings, Yarmouth Bloaters, Finnan Haddies, FRESH OYSTERS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT M.. 23 I INT a- 1-3 .A. ' S , Westside of Market Rquare, Gederich, Jae. 19th 186/. w51 CHEAP LANDS FOR SALE TOWN OF GODERICH Anteurell Club nateset. antil teethe? notice, Market Square. w-23-tf HURON FOUNDRY -..z.:-___:::::• ',.---.: ,,7-1:;11-7:::74 -r•7-''''11(5-'1.-:IIff;921mC. .-.. 4 :..tt.,,...,:_fi,.„,, . v.., 1-411r)E... -.LLV.J.,,LLLaiL,,,,t,,,,..„,,, ' .....,- ..._ , 4ibtISTEA( Mir IN 1G1111 P41 E -W' ;1R'' (1411C.41;S:Hollita_willfil'iltli 2----;'±----1. ,...6--,..c-4,.,„2,„.„.;,:;,411,A.,kli va.f,tirt,,,iii-.• : -g-,-- — R. RUNCIMAN MANUFACTURER OF GRIST & FLOURING MILLS! Maley and Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Seperators, Horse Powers, Drag Saws, IRON AHD WOODEN PLOUGHS ! With Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, r Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, Agmultural Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES of the most improved !midi); Brass Castings made, and Blacksmiths' Work and Repairing done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL NIOULDeBOARD PLOUGHS, as you can get one very 2heap for Cash. Goderich, Nov. 12th, 1867 w39 THE COM MERCIALUNION ASSURANCE GOIWY 19 AND 20J CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. CAPITAL, (Fully Subscribed) - - - £2,500 000 Sterling. INVESTED OVER, $2,000,000.—DEPOSIT .rtiND IN CANADA, 850,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT The distinguisnable principle ot the Company has been the establishment of an equitable classifi- „ cation, charging in alt cases a premium proportionate to the risk, The success which has attended the Companitle operations has been such as ful y to realize the Most sanguine expectations of the Directors, wlio hay e reeolvel to extend the business more widely nad now ofler to the Canadian public. PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by large Subscribed Capital and Invested unds. FroinptSettlementof Claims. The Directors and General Agents, being gentlemen largely en- gaged in commerce, will tike a liberal and business -like view of all questions coming belore them LIFE DEP-ARTMENT. - The Company offers terms to those desiring Life Assurance nnsurpassed by any Life Office. And otber advantages which may be seen in the Company's Prospectus. ' . the Bonus Moderate Preiniums—Perfect Seeurity—Eeonomy of management, tending to Increase oftfr)se on participating scale, among whom 80 per cent of profits are divisible. . Claims paid one month after proof of death. ,, This Conipany has deposited $100,000 (in gold) with the Finance Minance, at Ottawa, as Especial security for it s Canada policies. Morland Watson & Co-. Fit ED COLE. Secretary. General Agents tor,(4anada. Offiee.-385 and 387, St. Paul Street. Montreal. — - ' Surveyor. Inspector of Agencies. H.•MUNRO, Montreal. sw103 . T, C. LIVINGSTON, P. 1... S. . Sr -H. DETL6R, Agent for Goclerien, Luoknow, Kincardine, Southampton and Walkerton 1112 _E C.;1 INT A. JD 7 - Permanent tunding & Savings Society MARKET FEES! :0: WHY is it that Huron is boasted of as being the wealthiest Agritultural County yr in Ontario? S withaeopy army sine ot the follo,wing Steel EngraY- WROXETBAI IS PREPARED TO MAKE WasYntn=. Bairiamin Franklin. Lord Nelson, St. ON the direct road from 8eaforth to A,DVANCES ON PPROVED EAL IS -TATE _ - egtwith esetreopy of the Pa.P0' :— Queen. Vittoria. Peinee Albert, Sir Walter Scott, • Patti% nilon,Genera Have oc ree ear tg o Walkert°n• Every- ligeeaflat7 accola-, ff:e fi"g/TtlA-T-E '—wtsfTtit& e 7 - the Ternperance Society, the Castle of Ischia. Return modatiom tor the travelling-public:2; front Hawking, Dignity and frapixclence,_ Deer Pass. FAVORABLE -TERMS,.;. • 1295 'tie:02* 6 Worenee leightingaee, Columbus!, New World, Drf FIANN.Aa DAYS. ON THE F0„14.--0WING I k Th M be f 6.50 ratie,The Houses- of Parliament. London; Duke o wroxoter. Nov.6. w42 ,Ainotint required to reEleern'each St011 adianced en • •'• _•• • • 5 yea -is.. „ip yeers. years. wemeetere Windeor Castle. Buckingham .Pateces ee, , t -e ••• • •ei $ • ° • If payable haffirea. ay • 1.• . • • ' . 0,, • 1 6'elb . • /3.34 Westenvter Abber .46. , • It peyableSeelay, aa • .--------------------'wa% • • a r•-• • • • • « •-• ir • • eir 26105, Foria or4.1.4,,,,advance„ with an extra copy -The abate& • Y &irking Furid,`A'vkiah part off the PIIRCliMil; at*d I as the Interest , imszinuadyrince. FOr :Ca* rradvsneet, -Loina.at iieop.ortionateal 6' 8 or 12: ears • to the gatter-npe- TO.4, 15eopetai 8,1 ad - 7it Ofth orra.thatatthaeXPiration.ott e terra agreeil 'Upon .the debt is enitelly 4)64 The ful aymeu „is rewur read tW;loan advan d • ire h tr- ear o ce, eee ee , and tio ed fore the end ie e Y a pas e. Ivo LTM in full at any ttrne theltorrower desiresi°11equilablefiri.4&; A2r:PLSPrq,FAL W44.r LY MOD ,1 :111E zEmsw bex otEnglisli.Breatusetand Young Hyson Tea Which you sent *se germ: great satisfaction:. Tote St 11- a e - <HO Vr,Err TAWS, House ofSenate, Ottawa.. ' For213 copes*, $6CI btael tag ' -Er• ierayeaents ins.whaniade nteiestis-alloieid therefor •I! or the insirt age mammal Tea CorePany : 'be " Because farmers purchase pure, genuine and fresh FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS FROM SCOTT RouprtiTSON, Who keeps the largest and best assortment of the above seeds in the County of Huron. The following are all fresh and selected with care Red Clover • Aleike do White Dutch do Timothy Seed, Illinois Do, Canadian Hungarian Grass Mixed Lawn do Skirying's Improved Sharp's do Turple Strap Leaf White Globe Turnip Rape Seed Tares Long Red Mengel Carrot Swedish Turnip do do White Belgian do - Orange do Early York Cabbage Drum Head do per oz. or lb. Flat Dutch do Adams extra early Corn Early Sugar do Scarlet Runners Mohawk Beans China do Butter do far famed Daniel O'Rourke Peas)ter garden Tom Thumb do Crown do field The Fire Reserve Fund is now S4.727,464 The Life Reserve Fund is now e9,282,468 The epmpany is represented throughout One taro and Quebec, by influential Agents, to whom applieation for insurance may be made. G. 14 .0 SM1 1 H, Reselen t Secretary, MONTREAL A, M. ROSS, Agent for Coderich ; B. V Elliott, for Exeter; W. N . Watson, tor Seatorth Goderich.Feb.11.1.868. w4I 1000 bushels of choice Potatoes brought direct from the United States, Early English Flukes) Peach 13lows. Seaforth, 20th April, 1869. SCOTT ROBERTSON VELD 0111°\„ NIDER. BOX. L.A2GIE2 Fak1HON REAL SHCDE NEW MODE OF DRIVING. STRAW CARRIERS. L. e „%.,.„._ New 1:11-'-ri-I-1 ::14_.-- tIERWICK"GEAR. ''' 4111 a., •-s'u;n1xem u,munmal (%.1e 1 '' oaltsrgA 3fSAWVER W" ''-'''''...3#7.E1r/.4E\2Dt:71-1:4tenriff Pkliatillt C 3214140 if 7.l° 11:„ SAWD FOR CIRCULAR(4) el AWCZAEKBZES A ARi0 IP w-12 MO - w -17-12w MSITA.3pr.....XISI3ENAMID 3.13617. MONTREAL TEA COMPANY. 6 HOSPITAL TREET, MONTREAL Theism AT Martin's General Jobbing Shop, SEAFORTIC THE subscriber has oe hand the celebrated WA.TER WHEEL PATENT CliURN wlach took the first prize at ths Provincial Exhibition last year. This churn is simple in eon, tructioni. easily worked . and guaranteed to churn aial wither butter in twenty minutes, or the Klee will be reftuith•d. Parties can have a churn on trial and satisfy themselvee of its cap aZa' He has • likewise on hand two Drilled Turnip, Carrot and Beet Seed Drills, Single Drills, 3 kinds of Horse I4ay Rakes, Cider Presses. Cheese Preeites, Lad- ders, Wagon Racks, and WOOD'S FIRST PRIZE SELF -RAKES are on hand and got Reapers and on band and t"Pi Good Mx Engine For Sale Cheap. John M. Martin. up to order. Mowers, for sale. Horse Power Seaforth, May 10, 18:39. 0149 PARLOR GEN PIANO FORTE, MANUFACTURED Y Marshall& Weadell.of Albany. -LIVERY Instrument is fully warranted and ha _D the modern iroprevements, full iron frame ov strungbass and bushed ivory front keys. For STANDING IN TUNE, we guarantee these Piancies second to none - It, RADCLIFF, Agent at Goderl • ,,ac.f.a- itgr Second hand Pianoes taken in exchange. Goderich, leth June, 1869. w21 -6m yv%-kkati RESTO DRESSig AwiltYle in oneBoLN BY ITS USE Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first application a heautifal gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It Will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Sold by all Druggists. Price One Dollar. Manufactured by S. R. VAN DIME 00. Wholesale Druggists, 35 Barclay Street and 40 Park Place, s New -York, and 266 High Holborn, London. Enz. 4 STOP AND SEE. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. epe EING lot 8 and16,which vvill be sold separately orto gether, in the Township of Stanley, Co. of Huron, containing '293 acres—more or less --of superior land, in the highest state of cultivation and equally • suitable for arable or dairy farms. Lot 8, known as 'Mount Pleas- ant Farm,' is situated on the Hayfield & Seaford? Gra- vel Road, commanding a beautiful view of Lake Huron 12 miles from Seaforth, 9 from Clinton and 15 from God- erich, all thriving towns on the E. & H. R. R. • it is only 3 miles from the thriving village of Hayfield—a place of growing importance. where there as harbor and a prospect of its becoming the Gov. Harbor of Be-. tuee. This farm consists of 178 acres—more or less— ofevery superior clay loam soil, about 140 deems.% on which there is neither sttunps or stones, well fenced, (eome 270 rods beingpicket and,beard fence,)and high- est state of eultivauon ; a never failing spring rases near the centre and runs to the rear, and along the rearflows the beautiful river Hayfield; about 5 acres ,of the river flats is woodea with excellent and valuable cedar; mainin,g 33 acres of high table land, is wooded with hardwood, beech, maple, elm. &c., the entire farm be- ing surrounded with fence. There is also Llama the rear of thisfarm a magnificent stone quarry, wluela, will of itself—when Hayfield beeomesa city, as it Is destined ere long to be—be a mine of wealth to its owner, and as it is some 108. or more trona the surface, it serves to enhance the value of the land for Farming Purposes. There is a splendid orchard of about 300 tree,s, of the best and choicest varieties of fruit of all kinds. grown 1.14 this section of country,f amous for its production offrnit. There is a very lat ge and commodious frame house, with every convenience attached, a large stable and two new frame barns. The 'farm is all thoroughly surface -dram - ed, and a great deal of it underdrained. This is really one of the most desirable farms in Western Canada, and particularly suited to an old country gentleman ot means: Stock, implements and growing crops will be acid to the purchaser Oil reasonable terms. Lot 16 contains 11.05 acres of land, about 65 under cultivation, the reoninder wooded, with maple, beech, elm. ash,huuernMacherry and a sufficient quantity of hemlock for feneange and building purposes. Soil, clay, a living strealia new frame barn (bank), good large house and kitchen &c., an orchard of al acres in extent of select fruit, is also on this farm. It is al miles from Bdcallyfierlarsireldai.nsppulyranPtroteece$3Awzg,2e9onti.l. 1,000, down, balance on mortgage at 8 per cern, tidett indisputable. Fpr furtri,hLeirrep,aarnu JOSHUA CALLAWAY,Jr. Goderich, or on the premises joofzuploi 8,ErtocALLAwAy. October 20 1868. allaHR foilowmg remarks on Testimonials oi most wonderful and extraordinary cures in Canada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They ate stern, un deniable and incontesuble taets, sufficient to convince the most skepnealthafthe Great Medicinal Compoun- arned after for ages uow acces.sible the Great SHOSIIONEES REMEDY for Diseases ot the llimat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive organs, Kidneys, &c., as well as Scrofula, the venous Skin Dissases, Humors, mid all diseases arising from Impurities of the Flood, we boldly state that this great remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person of Wilson Storms of Brig,hton, C. W., of Consumption : or that of Peter C. V. Miller, Earnestown, C. W., of Ceti- sumption, or that of Ambrose Va- ,afooneee0,1, C.w., of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, C. W. ot Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in spite of all treat- tnentheretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. D:TeCall at the Drug Store and get a Circular 01 unqesuouable certificates on the GREAT SHOS- HONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and satisfy your selves. Price of th,e Remedy in large pints $1 . elm. For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medi eine. Agents for Goderich,'F. Jordan and Parker tl,z. Cattle aveimeEsALE ARGA1NuTLSTtoN. J. WINER& Co., LYN AN, ELLIOTT & DUNSPAUGH & WATSON, COR7TO. T. 13ICK,LE & SON, HOLBROOK & STARK, H AMILTON & en rpHE consumed succese of this Company is only: attributable , to the quality and purity of their Teas. Overa dred thousand boxes of Tea have been sent to difleeent parts of the Dominion,and upwards of a thousand testimonials can be shown, bearing testimony the quality and purity of the Tea; A great saving can be effected by purchasing direct from us, catues of 5 and 12 lbs. ,and upwards. Every package warranted to give satisfacuon. Club together and send tor four or five 51b. catties. whith will be sent carnage tree to any Railway Station in the Dominion. The money ean be collected on delivery. eepr Try our tresh ground steam Roasted coffee, and 101b. tinsand upwards, the flavor of which is realty excellent, and every package warranted. 11:3= 201bs. Tea and 5 or 101bs. Coffee, sent to any Railway Station eernage free. Tea and Coffee delivered five times daily, in the case 131.41k-CiC EnglishBreakfase Broken Leaf, strong Tea, 45e.5 60.; Fine Flavoured New Season do. 65e., 60c. and 65. ; Very Beet Full Flavoured do 75e. ; Sound Oblong, 450. ; RichTlavoured do. 60e. ; Very fine do do. 75c. ; J'apan,Good 50c., 55d., Fine 60c., Very Fine 65e, Fines175c. Tvmnkay 60, 55, 65; Young llyson 0,60, 05, 70c. e Fine do. 75c,; Very Fine 1350 ; Superfine and Very Choice 411 ; Fine Gunpowder85c, ; Eztra Superfiee do. $L • .1 No- Is 30c.; No. 2, 25e. ; No. 3, 20c.; No. 4, 16c. per lb: .A. .A. S r -r _111. 1 A. 1-4, The Montreal Tea Company: ,1 since, and I sun pleased to inforrn you that Me TeEk every case proved most satisfactory, as wen as being exceed- afp uornctrehasale,d18m68a.ny Gaarrfe—It is nearly uyear since I purchaeed' the first chest of Tea from your house. I have ingty cheap. Yowls very truly, Montreal Tea Company; ,-Geeseeemeie—The TeaIpnrehased of you h; -Mardi haggiven great satisfaction, and the ftivour of it is very fine. It is very strangeehnteince I have been drinking ' Y-PuT Tee 1 havebeeh et4te free from heartbnen, which warred -always 'Pain Me Eine breakfast.. A, attributed this, to the ,purity, of your Tea, su4snancentinue „ alelt,t(4-nbItzeurareseectifdlln I -. • -- • - FRAIICIST. GREENE, 54, St JoiMIStregt.Montreal. a • Montreal., A 1, 1868.—To the Montreal Tea Company 6 Hospital le t, Montreal :—We notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we have forwarde for you to different parts of :the Dominien, and we are glad to find peer business so rr eidly increasing. We presume _emir -Teas are giving geemaleatisfaction, as out of two -largeamonntforwarderwe haveonly had oecasion the return one box, which we understand, was sent out through a mistake. I, eel • r - Manager Canadiatteexptess Co. ; G. CHENEY, , CL-ersahaerthertmust oityince. The At.erox.witir may df fr-, PaPer aants per Copylmarterly I lathed:in Ise United Statca - r—eLALSOs--,- - r`` 444- S.10111e. to ',Invest in -Toviiir ikieny : ,,, .: ' -::, '2.4n 7- t -V 6' ' - HC?FLA-0-E-HORTQN-:.ESCIii ,- • -'-,--- ' '- - - - - - -- -.---,-----: - ,•• • • - asytaarthly insgrzinw . - , ...„ .r •„I', .1-7- .. • .,,. r . =i ,i, . trt. r . ....tiket snbecriptiorrp Of-rwbtellI5 Ire raere ena ee. he seance wItlee# Iseeentelege- - ; PoeInierilt-en- tir°17w - ieastioa of tvrentY - Da - - - 'A God ' - ' I'Eh CENT For roither Elk afirefaiut) io firoiemak expectmy tettnieerders. Yours-, az ' 'SKINNER. • - Appraiser to tbe (misty. Goderiebs itv" :swats oirediars anti nuineia taingournamei or offering our Teat, In smallvaekagere Nothing less than Iavited f,cr bachnie z B HDO-N if. HERBERT MASON • a oatie sold by this company, -NOM THE:ADDRESS:- -the THontreel T'eaCoMpany, &Hospital -Street Montreal hPre are e • • tf for tee Apit er, aed a com. - „re yrist,64.- e Secretary and Treasurer, TOr-OUtOf -=: 'Or Silver tairsu-sativat'i •TutNotes SttiiVest OteeQr!lere the Comeauk.wal itch' the Frani= In Tea to tat su'llibiettotioutIze- GtaderinlitSeotkisoffttii.:-z-' '1846- " - nuttiest be the't ' • • 4 • -""-•'•i. " • ' at • = es, - , order. 108111.7. moutzecti„-Atra = watly To Messrs. CHAMBE RLAIN S z r1s, Conway P. 0., County of Lennox,Ontario Canada. , Mame, Cotmty of Hastings, Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1868. ersHIS is to certify that during the winter of 1866 I 1 was taken with a weakness of the =cies, which gradually, oaring the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, but was e,onfined to my chair. For about two years, while fles weakness was corning onme, and afterwardsel sought medical advice, employ- ing, at different times. three doctors, and medicines of diffetent kinds, prescribed by friends, but of no avail. I continued toget worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when I was induced to trythe great Shoshoness Remedyjby reading thecures performed, in a pamphlet. Atthis time I had begun to feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was getting almost helpless. 1 have taken two bottles of the Shoshoness Remedy and two boxes ofthe pills and I am,entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlotn live. This case of mine was note private one,butittiovvn to all my neighbers and Mende ; and teeny Otte afflicted as I was, I have only to say try the ShasliontesApRemedy ; I believe it ewilleure you. Y ANN DOUGHTY. Swornto before me atmacloc, County of Hastings, this 9tleday.of Februarys 1869. A." F. W0019, J. P.& c. 1 hereby certify that Flave known Mrs. Meter Ann Donghtyfor the last fifteen Years; she is a woman of probity and truth: I have known her before, riming, and time her illness. her certificate to be traelsi every particelare 1 know that while ill herea.se was declared hopeless ;end I know that she has, since her etzeovtery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoslioneee Remedy- Whatever may be the peculiar propeieties ofthle medicine, one thing is certain, that in her case,it has actedalmost like the performance' of a Miracle. A. F. Wool), J. 1'. Warden of tfiedonntygf Hastings, Province of Ontario, Dominionof Canada, • w331y . , gis4z• Farmers,TArery Stable KEEPER'S AND OTHERS: Brig on ,Your Lane Horses. J. TAU° laV9OLBORNEHOTEL,God (aperient% is pre - N. B.—Horses Ooderleh.10th Aug Farm for Sale. T ors 53 and 54, Bayfield Concession, In the 1.-e Township oi Goderich Containing 68 acres, of these over 50 acres -cleared with good Frame Barn, and Log House, about 2; milee from Clinton. For Terrns of sale apply at the Diviiiqn Court office at Goderich, or 10 Mr. WIGGING TONI on the premises. Goderich, Ont. Sept. 21, 1868. w35 tf. TO SELL OR RENT! TEE WEST HA LF LOT NUMBER EIGHT, feurteeeth concession of Huller!, CM the boundary line between Blyth and Walton, Post Office each way. Good hardwood land, wel wetered ; thirty acres clearance. Seventy seven acres and a halt in alt. Well fenced. Fox turther particulars apply to :hose on the premises. RANKIN LAWSON. May 27th, 1867. efee New Marble Works VICTORIA ST., GODERICH. J ohnston VIONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, lable 11-1 tops, Posts, 85c ,Tombs, of every deserhi. tion and style of workmanship, furnishedeen short notice and at the lowest prices. Libe- ral reduction made for cash. All ordere punctually attended to. Designs of Ittonn- ments, &c., may be seen at the shop. Goderich, Dec. 19, 1865. w47-ly 1869. Division Courts. TristalS FQR HOLDING DIVISION COL ENS IN THE COUNTY OF HURON IN 1869. 1 st Division, 4th cc 2nd 3rd 6th cc 7111 44 ath 1st Division, 3rd se 2nd 4th nth 6th 7th 4C ic t' Goderich, Monday 23 July Wroxeter, Wednesday 9,8 Seaforth, Thursday 29 4. Clinton, Friday 30 " Dungannoan Monday 2nd August Bayfield, Tuesday 3rd " Exeter, Wedneeday 4th a Goderich, Monday 27th September Chnton, Tuesday 2eth " Sealorda, Wednesday 29 a Ainleyvilfe, Thursday 30 " Exeter, Saturday 2nd October Dungannon, Tuesday nth “ Bayfielet, Wednesday 6th 1st Division, Goderich, Weclue.silay 24th Nevem. 6th s• Dungannon, Thursday 25 " Hayfield, Friday 26 44 47tthrl le Wroxeter, iTtleseay '30 sr SeClinton,ai11'T nBru ear s clnaeysd2anyd 1 sl Dc 3elln' 11 e 1 2nd CL Exeter, Friday. 3rd 3rd ccLS 5th cc a The above Courts. except theist DivisEce,will open at 10 a_ m. ; the Ist_Giviston wilt open a t 9 a. m, (Signed) S. BROUGH, J. C. C. Huron, e • _ - Certified, DAN. LIZ &Rs, Clerk of the Peace:Hurt"' Godericb, 13th July, 1869. ESTABLISHED 18 WM" • A 4 THE " EON SIGNAL." PUBLIMIED—SEAri-WEEKLY AND !MEW. ILaracKs :-Se7721.-Weely edition, 62-0 Weekly editon, m13,111.50 - RATES OF ADVERTISING: Firstinsertion 8e -N. Polin° Each subsequent -insertion Ceaa 4° Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths '''''''''''''''' Business Notices net& Perlr: 6 413.4dverttsenientsehnr,qed by aseale efaaeltcaparei No notice taken of unpaificommunicatioas TEEE SICfNAL JOB -0FFICE• toDo r enty-one years ee supplied vett power presses, hand rocs, isa • 86g. dor Rorseeforall diseases. possesses every facility for the rapid an feat oc" to Sonudness. ,w2p _titopnrioeteevaesqowdeasscrianptyioenstaobflisplahmineriant set:Ise Prell 'r - • --t 0 • .1 .10 et