HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-23, Page 47
�- � � , 1" -, �Ail : , . AT
. _ I I V10, _SALM.
'Gr'oter a ciiaadfresh, e hi 0
B oking the 4 -At 90 B
4inaly amd mes� wanderfQ1 phenomenon rery best, tabe-,both �r' At preskdoctupleTbY I
ie - choi T aArectlroin. C
I comp�6t t -be firiedt just from To T11170"IM
ot" S. m=.—An iftur ffE,"MARKT. E rJAIM Vanudo .�Larl V. J�� Uoii 1h at: ri hats, '0 %w &R st oetal JAh
0 A 0;
V V T10 fit for any
V==Iiii. at, Indian, Grave Map GORDON
116* All lands Of -66161�3, sPm6 �iti
y %11110 riled up �iome to
beR evantYt Telan-, thl'Ouglk 'Ohich the D**j@VPdF,94@P�; rae.d 4
t0abinA MkM
iiupoirt�aut item, SEAFORTH.
AL% K 8 -6r, he 1, asb� ', ' I ' " k -, . "
413 . �Jhcf
f atest c4i', a very
Kla=vM6 and Mentuek-Y. Riilraadisb Ndrth -S-1 Valt. 0i 1808 w,�17 tf,
or�4144"Coii* no Velf dre 0 M
slinjay aftelmoon. . During a
ssea,; aod that A
or�stam, "MA, "Vidle, it Wn at 414, torrowor 'ever' el= atgnasee, be si nd thecolebratod
on I "FV'aftea on,
owwo nyt regret I e .1
fkpiv ciff the- de.U.
it& Tlej -John o t,f get b JL
severe ttund Then are upoA..%h0 sight, Man, cribpr lins on fia
-ght, the Gap 3Lz el, in @111D per.6ento Tict an-' d*
was suddetaly fined C> TT X:?6 y
snakes, which afid th6 el-,
W&T =4 WE Ut'PUD, ANT01004
.8 40� bill -1 g
which toot: the first pf= at ths provincial 1=WbItion
Thq�y species, Mbnqyj a V
bt 15
and mou 'batter 2D
tie In oryed, and guara
1�9w. iiej, pf�tuysi' ]Parties
;31hown, " '0 , IN" - " � Q,
wem §3= fllin
,,for nearly tou minutes. iflndta'�K!��K,
�re of thocommm ringed. AR R-1 S' -
A �ZA I I xe price will be re
ey w 'je4 10; � 4_ of thik ortl
ft#he� ow d1aney Dr� Goods, 't"tuty minutes,
tred from five ilaches to H THE LIVER LONDON nteelltue urucud
The to Ud& ory-i k, of Staple an
fVito K11;
A very -large, S of elktat �z 0, PO
lfg:hij�, Irorw-thq 411hod-lit stoc and nat-10V themselvcs Of its
ITAS a id ANO-Gtolm. call ILjve achurn Am t=
Jerinkof 441 e on hand t%7o Drilled Ture'P,
Well-; he bu."tilddrilto the MPARY, Is, Single Drills. V Idnds Of
*Voq: the 'ar, of to relion, and N C E C
the most intense excitement. -SIR r 5 --es
ewxo is of nature soon'sp"ad Vo R., Sptenclid 40wit, stsop r.qftifiyo giulniat: C AS IN Wk an Tad-
-�Voi 'ouiia Is, thRn IF 0 R _E P d
anteriest H"beelw in existence Thitirtwo er
BY I jk"Iq� . , , , , . - I . H . Horte vay Ralce
KJP Embracing a -it
rill6we iii.opwomep during that P
re&0fZeople,Jdl:awn thither to witnegs �16 tj ind, �vvW'agd ibbV6 llikxegulav 6ovithbu- -enormous snip over
as, F rdneh
thentivel spectcle. Numerous surmises Thp disbursement of this
the Gap as, crowded witia hund Ing ifitAll DU PU146 SterliU9,
Vf �the,qrtVJJ§ge2.qs f ariod his paid Losses Oxec"Ing aVivi diid a. haMmliM,
were indial-ged in by -t] 3f � ad-iela,. hiriing�, a Vide area -v haswitholit d0uht "contributed to us 0 a h.md nnd -.at up to Or(kr.
' b the If d �U
twN but the general 01)inion WAS ft I ebe-1 ." , ;-t
he puzzled specta ! J Wihceye�. Alpq of this Institutioni, in the I t the eRiabilifimbut i raijbils.,
t 'id L Glovet, small -Wor"'. J*ublio
ase arg —Ad 4
iiimzo Mies to p redew 6t' yard.
o, L I L , L
---*0MQ dre jood tor 16 #'FOr
)co f6r the money, edzits pe.rard.. �0191dgts� and d. on 11
ndful scourge.—MempUs Post$ 1A,
mysterious shower was the 'mcu� general nd and for sale.
it . . . I I 1 4 My 36, thel
CHEAP As V.G yard. itsutyeait 18;
Q lox A sHIRTINGi reiV good f6r the monoy, 121 c"el x Hayse ower
�V ", "' L" . alone amountedto
FACA,k0a Y ood fdr.tba'money,-20ents- per yard,-
'es X47,7
r - I � aLL 0ears 1846, 0
1866, is# cc Platfor-ra aud C re6l,JyLgood.f(jr_tbe 6y in its 110d F,0,22,27'i Engine For Sale Cheap.
is the last god thing, saic Mon
Wht wreath is that on r r. oney-25cl, 30th
ed,F rMe-tur
Wird Lvu& SW ne year
-Wi d. .% � 1727,464
she race3. k- Oh, ivy, Ivy loves ruins, you T ald.. - Searortlit. 11410, 1800-
..... ........ FAUCY FLANNEL, re
ally JZo
gr hed T1 iistzed one prince of another at' 0
ohn M. Martin.
INSONYA i" "Iffbilse The Firb Iftexervr, Fund is now %4,
"Wf%los tk Qyo*�', ollar per yard. Th�stotk in fact, contains asplendidassortmaid
41I.Prices from
know.' Tbe Life fteqerre'Vand is now $OMI 468
fa4w in Detr-it hnged fdmself Goderih, Sept. 29Eh, 1868. gopds.for this mawt.'. ounbout0n,
oftbe most desitahlO represbated tbr
ue ee, by influentiai Agents4
to histm-1 post frolw, despon6iicy, at be -
E INQV tiou for insurance may bmadO.
the tender READY. KAD CLOTH - 'ano on"
im- left = arpheu at .f whom appl
great codt 69.50. Thb grocery 4epartmerit is coiliftut-
chban, -a decent that Will N a s6ld at the
arieti Ary i 6de, b
twenty-ei In lar1re v T, PIRLOR
'y R ana choicest art-eles bi t S., Agent Codertub B. V' 3L&NUFAOTUI�Z D 13Y
d w4hth� freshe t to a very
Naiee is concedei ve tho Ai X.
0 L9 AN, 0 -0 0,,�- L
lowesfratesi efthe
kle or retail. :The pablic Are respectfully Oiltteeted
;1E -W.N.Virtson, forSentorth
tbazL-�,t prepanatin for the cure ofeuts- burl's r whole Elliott, fol
w4l Narshall &-Wendell -of llbaff-o
-and cutaneous discav;* and H Wo=dg. sealds, splains. ers and the pubuo
in ptace distant flout medic ifildersigned would beg to infdrm_h1S.nurAeroU0*cust0In ba
VERY Instrument is fully warrant -d
le, and in the nal Co_ is, fail Iron fraino. DV
sad LI-IVq bo ranul Invaluab Goderl the modernimPrOvcmell
lveirh[ it W13 bujobca ivory froAt lip -P.
eat Street, teh.
t at
:scry it Tllbp' his it rner W' E Var
is explasively's stoulit 4 -ways be. at hand. as g Orter af�.� 6 Lifil GOMM God - e ; r . ich Sep
New ftlenMagbinery Is noW in Full 00falbandIRF! SWQ1 In Q J1, IN TUNEs
B w4D guarqutcc these FlUOP E=d to t0lW-
Two roLLIFg.-nmt� to eat a beartT qn"-r for the HE J$ MU . CH ETTE dug. the br e it N passing AND THAT f .'jWJyfi FICT01tY
quZOOM nccddn. ief tilr 401 iaf, P J
0i 1 r
atthe e%tievzuof awhoteni VV03X -EXPEDITIOUSLY 'I" le Cout
ght of 4' i o an re la PIPER'S MILLS) band j,
wakilig- in tile PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMEM IE 0 , t QMn uc,
tt_*bel sleep. and a Vezry rin "co KNOWN A1%. Rpcnd� to M all ff�o WIMadf, in existenco- ror rheu- 46 n
=d rddi�4, c than last season while Star,ting hii iliachlia07 U ew- ss 7Ua Ju
he -Cana- agoy-,, a AMI
Ing. bruises, &C- befte trYi"g t 0
mos. colds, Fe
DreiisdAg labutre I
ig & Cloth EAKER WANTED-
Gustom Roll Carding, FUIM N. rft
d by all medicine delm at
Bill Be T_J 11, S,
'Spinning an
0, ctsper bottle. elalm W"ker,
d XanUfaCtl;r1491 Ca �a 0,0, 00mbin PUD by the first of JUIT-0 J4 0, to
t they are prepared to fill WA-�Nylaag maur;ouldbe preferred. PPRY
both Y -7-g and old, taid: 4pest Vitt i ii a e s a1a 410111) 14.- SPECT FULLY intiniates to farmers and others that
headrko nellr%l',L% attention. Having n6w Olt bAnd the largest, beat -Cue -6 JSAIAC I'll
Vto M -a akfert slves to wM receive promi)t ock compafiy !10 B 0.
-,let mndey -1-1 .. �e NC
izjYtrJg them unrat to enIGY s ing life at- stock of of home A.iade, st ,, but aid" =d robbingthela OydbMItY. YOuffi, and f)o notes.t4? �4:14* W
panlg§, you n 4 rjr who can 4void looking 113.7- 'k o'
e brain Jscraz�d wittIVAiD. 'Who 'BY FULL OLOTH, TWEEDS, nAXNELS� A UFACIVRI
WIS'a In
win r SIR
29a St
fact tha Id respectfully request th0s8swiliblus to Pei' yjat�r;
9diseasesaec4milauied by pa'n t ever before offerel to. the public in this part of the Pm*"n'eo-hintil)g!thel[tSelVeSelSeIVIlere.L'�: cloth torn Splutfirig )Dyeitfk,� ftiaettS,
ii,gan-termvia.-ar oflieziaty than time? 16,406joaoj incol Dressingi. Cue
a trice, exc n their wool to call and Ju#ze for themselves belbre appoi ove
amdall vi :11 lLtrl with delight th;s never failing remedy He would likevri g e Towaship of Stanley, Va. of Hownp
-0 pain. a perfect 9QuX6Vr VAAOYaAQO ether, in th =1 in
-whiclit is the be -3t, yet known -to relle,. as b BlankOg
Revantor- wl D ana noulalga in 'e"if w0olte, �liistera and 4j�nts seekIng, 660 per day. $100,000 in iii'd
go can the special attention offarillbrg to tells,
Sold by their wool for ear(ling ebasprovedit froni the experience�6ffoimeryoatalto be Otited 010thSt -hans. Dr. J. to them irvarious ways, that they t,ee until perhaps too late tog-mrd-69911st It- adrantse-e expert the highest State of cult1vt1lon Cad eq irere
N. Y� and No Ulm St., vood Clean Wtioh- ence of 'the Board of Dir w Parties wishing I
jCp The highest Market Price paid -fir as-) quantitY -Of 9 0 8 On thA64hortest notice. io exchau&e theiir Wbdl ftr gda-horde made, arableordalry larms. Lul fe- '-C'X0nb
�'Vronto. OW1. give hava,the 211t R�Clynad &
fyZ stock -holders, and are gen Wil of a li ododq Will f1hd it totheir interest to us a caV.-. as -wd are satisfied wa dcommandipgAlienudrul vieu, of .0 4P '.rELOMAS LUGAN. orromClinton 4and W trom Rod-
er gd-04 6a require. I mil-frani.scafo,ib, day a ericlijull thdV111910witson
usines& b
ieneeI and tfioroq,7h!.y. Ifuderittand' Vith wool to g4t'"cared ina*1tr
Wafers Zj# ft"tj Goderich. line eX y -insuring in t irties. coming from a'distati
_% =d an drettion,
and '13 �itni Lbe ibriving villngeof BaYalda
'wl mry,iustaucP rely- 4DU getting their wool o :with them the. same do. - only a miter. train I
A, has paws in will get m00bar interest tL*IY- .7
Gederie tSavings'Ban mg im
lie I c -sed into a proverb. h Woolen.WQTks, I$th May, U60 e. Piece orgTOW .017A
in �
_d S= TO sbecoMing,theGov. 11arbO413R-
where these ulzirxellous Wafers are for the money you pa 1herefore, w imdoLprosFeer
1 opl=tTortand ecup�e all AQ Tbisihnn -Miare
you rporinace, bereltYiere Is aLrbO
out tr
kozw%they beardaran at costs you potbi R WORIC RE neres
tem Steadily incresed consider your idaurarice ng)
out 14.0 r!vMpy - thadpptamd for tT �upedorvlay loam goll, ct
iiies averagle, savinxs' Bank,jifyou live, and- a Lite Insur- --Goderieh Woolen Factoryi v1j.b thige is, neyber stu -1tone# eft
itt! thousand boac!3- lb Year. Eminent
QVM 01-'iQ haadred once it you die.F. Several ge�ilemdu whom r Juad 9 (6=0,270rod; Pei
tend uon;anever ungspiuigmesr-car
!ssiou without number a estmaten
n p lave called onduring The patt year, solicit-
mlbfl�ztney %now of no ro. acing sue 0 e ongAbeworflovm
4he centre to
fe r= taken in
bZA2nz results as th �ing� their insurance, remarke.d that they the be a] r e.1 utlancres of IUD =ez
e bile, same have ave If$ Twwvo 0 a eel tandvaluable-ecdar;
thi-respectable, stores se land, is rcodel
d and in o" ..*It= - billig 2D rme
to I RST As SUALI LA Woo b c,
b iince : : .1 V. _V 0
th and car - E -.- . - I
would wait a loge sprr d nce. her48 IS also Cf= ;khO
MILLJNLEJ�Y SHOW ROOM IS NOW OPEN AND OONTAS A d!ed,. others have lost their heal
not insure ; the jime to inSUrs your life is W t
i cent stone quarty, whibb. will
renrilfilasfa�.rinn a
0 e%&g vfwealtlito, its now the company to insure in is The -Sh ffi-haxingli Intisprofectit-it is T is it Viat Hal e wealfbiesi -Agricultural County, aw -belasmild
asvirtizeandin many cues as IgWbe
this climate- bmd more par- of aartfOrd. oir to boosted' or_as, bei g lox
33Y ITS UBE it Ls some 10 fL or more fivat The Finface,11 Serv0s:W
ENT I OFFICERS,; season of the year, people are. very apt LARGE-I'AND COMPLETE XXL �10URTM ic-eilie value of1he landfor rorailing PnVrxges-
sgafX=&=sore t)iroat, coughs--spir- F_ A. SucKLET, President. Gmy or raded irkr is quieldy Ilendtil orchard of about, 'Cot trets, 110
(ffb1clod, an1l. amry comprojilit"L gelf"r-Illy'. AusTnt DWWAmi, Vice P-st deut- varieties offirmt oftill hinds. grxivm IN
T. 0 ENj)Rzs, Secretary. :E1 �40 restored to itBToutW color -and benty, ctI6 OrTrul
W n L
1,6t-cKe-cko� bnmedla�telylea4to seriouseen
arlses- wh*% is tba"ickestr 11. A. T. Jons. Actuary.
nestion Also on hani a large and
aof the - Fqe1kions for the season. medical Examiner. witlt the fmt application Teaaa most reate G. W RlisiF.L, M. D., and a every convenience attached. alarge ble mid two nery
TX__u b th(.p I ftiltwentyvears.aild. have TORN GARTINal Toronto, Mobager for ft-tarlo. r4ase pare eumne =4, fresh . 1
bavlabLeu b a effect Becaus fsFmQFs on ftamsbaot.!l.
s and delightfal fragm=ce ea
I -a great deal ofit Und0drinned. This is T BY
cUou and invarialil beautim g19
04-73.1-2 . on Sold* by all ed, nui
-on in Seas is given to the 11hir.
t Vben tak tomol c
broligh- SS GO, UD ne ofthe rai3anada. =0
G particularlystuted eEoldlothe
says of thip 014 Ld're AN D, '-Rll) N- I E DS It wlu Mdgrd
z(le..ilets and CoUntE7 Stores pueraWt SPLENDID STOCK OF DRE Goderleb, Jan 20'tb,)869. V62 AA PJ , Nine implements azt; crops wilt b
ftudnes, at 2ftts; T118 AVew York Independent ?A IFJ E L D cause Mir to -grow on Zdd Spote,
liable company ; among the substantial and eu"rb- Me ron reasonable terms-- L0116 contains 115
ffartford, Cmr�,. acresoflan ebmtg bvatim, the remaluder
the sac- ing�instltutlomi of� the;�fta. Wei 4- lt�, niromotelumrisintgrawthi
a2y tbA �rouijnet. WVPLI
S.,ceEm-iti% needles to Suitable for Spritt and Summer. it 1:,��Itby .dedav, maple, liEeeh,ie h,buttemut,clierry
his 1, !in ent qumilify of lwoii ck for fenc
Sz3r,a= e4 sbuildm9purposes Suit clai, a living new
B, �_ has achieved in 9 surance Company Blinds -o' in tind
emla 3 won, bIllnediately cheCIML
lKeTS-Dr. � - r and houlib e course, FA=G RAIR Is and lbas been uuP=z%&. and Idtchen &a.,
80Nv frame barn (lia
reputation. Sol1bya,1111mggists. Friceftel)ollar. qfa-m mostostl=abla CA.�qADIAN REN. OTT 3ft0311_=MT
city: d firola-
aaw�zjs ampemeohav% an orebard of4jueres in extent ofsplectOS!i., is tit�,p an
lae__% -5i land Hon: Gro. j3nowz;. -PropriRde eld,
co".1a% - natis, without the une. linsrirm.
cla resldeu0utaAoRank.B0WMAUV`1Uq Martufactured by
M 7 more a ah d Ex am'
stt,:imarianessine. . Lad i§ largest and b6it of the above seeds in the Of Htwon. IfiM down, balance on mortfge U16 'Yet ffet��b 9140
q=te apDrecilation and. 4 L. RENAVD, bt L. C., 1104troa.], Who iee�i*Ai . indisplibble., -F031rillartheeparitcularsiOPP
wabad Tl,_d trzey -al± tde T. N� (Imps, Ebq., 11..P4, Oshawa, S. R. TAN 1)U= 00. y 10
3=311 Wholesale 1jre.;mdrireInsura4ceAgeut.
=d C=nftY illerell"at& gsuer-� C. SUPPLE1 A. R, XGUASTER, nq , Whojesale merchant, ToroutD.- all fresh and 9 care TOSRUA -VALLAWA-Yjr.
T. CL&RXSo..q!, Us T[fdr following are
officiat Assiguee,.Tortmto�- plected with.
oderick oron
Wholesale merchantsi: 31011tfeal. -Belgian 35 Barplay Street and 40 Park Plue, the premises oflol S. to
lftvi-v �R64 Clover White 43ALTAWAY.
Market Square. A, 11ftwr. Esq-- SAPSTintendout lulaull SteauL
t* Com] do
pany montreaL. do
Alsik Orane.
teadent Ranaft Ex3irbs New-Tork.Ald-
I York Cabbage
W -23 -if G�C F -q;,' isaperia hite-Datch do Early
9th -1869-. XontreaL , i . . . .. -.. 4. 166pill Holbrn. Londoll..'Eng.
Godericb, April 'In Drum"Hda;d Aid Farm for Sale.
xTif-M.'Esq., Manager BritioU and American Ex- imotyl Seed�,Iliiuois
press Company Toronto. anad* D t
+iiblisher, Montreal. Je ion at (fell
. )�OvELI;. Esq., I Adams extra 15 Corn T (ITS 63 an,
rose K AHAWAADVARD5 AtoXauufaqfAW0.9P1t _U Towa6hip *I
n- a EaATBugar a"do
ix;d 1to do of these ever 50 acre,5 cfehreA 'with oed Frame
Skirvingli Tur
y 1. — 1 Scarlif Runnera
d Swedish Barn, and L= House, �nk
1aT - put wiMs frjvF4
Vljpton,; For!ZbrmS4)f-Bale;Oppl,=ItevvligOI4
d &
V ZILOR M0 E L EN. do Court 01M6 et Goderich', or to IVICMING
,Y Tuplb Stmp L.eaf,
TON on tho4irtmites.
RU R -0, N FOE Buttirido4arfamild
White Globe Turnip Qwdericb, OiXot.41, ISO& W?b If.
_E E
VINE 'HU.RON. & R11 Daniel 'O'Rourke Peas for garden
Rape Seed
Tom 'Thumb -do
-fsnq THE -LOAN -SOCIE- Tgrks -
Long Red M gel Carrot. Crown field TO OR T I
p9 1869. an
- CD 15ocietv is. PrepX -
The above
Vnifed State frPE WEST H -q) -F LOT NUMBERIUSET$
%Veda-_-sday 26 _tht direct frqm. ot �P!147 "Ell gris 11 11gatrteeuth conce5siori of HnUiil, 'OD 020
P6tatoes brou,;
1?lukq rW4
Impgov] §;"Fioh 'Blows.
4t1F ON, bonia dary line between Blyth zud weltem, Ew
Thlaysd�y 29 Ely
09-- cliwoii,� YJ -da -,9w, Sa y Office each way. Good bm-dwoodl land. Vel
ard Se 3ba0z%V.=i
wiltered;. thirty ae-res clearance. Sevunly
bj� MOST seven *ores ai3d a hall in elleuced. Fm
6th ]ffafy&'1d, -Tillesdoly -Old, ADVARTAUVOVS
Tie cosi of effecting a'Loan will be found 20th Arril, 1?6,0.
orrower is cilled
ninea of allnu r
entl 611 duth6--B Gooemh, Monday 27th September. hatitire, The Thttp
a QV_ 2-tb,, . faet� tbat,he will receive the flull-amount of 0 WaV=h, 1867.
%imfoir. T WORKS made for follo'viag rems�k. n Testimonials of most
29 T"', lij,�without any deduction being es in Cauada'by
'ntc All Mir. -- T -hey are stem un
dquiableAp peon 11CIS011focignt lovoQ14as
1�eflod -of train one 6 fifteen the;mostskepticalthatilleGrat n -
�ckteiidwg o er It amed afterfortizes is 1LOWneWssibl, t
]D ugadnoii* Tcesday�mti� oe -0 ` - I
SeMa- edneA - CV'
-ntS in advanea. ii !I �� �� - -
20. -N, C !rest or. payTe . Umonthly* La
ay'�, nd U01015er RU be�
MIL ell -Nei w- Marble Vork
RayffeNo WedaNday GIIL W _T TIOTORTA ST., GOM R10H.
0& rf( POLLOOK to� Diseases of thi 'Ills gavem. Llmg&,. Liver, Digestive
as We Los
a 010filla, tqc� vamus
Skm Diseaseg'Hulnor-; and-hil UISV-SIRS arls1119 firOm
UR 49- MILL Pi I Agent and ValuaLor fort tie k5dziety aty Godelrdil-C-W IN& LA Flood,webolalViate thLI this grem
Vjr�olelcl:�. Td&,ild SO- t0n sand
Boilersi tUALLED TMore
was there Vvel
CAR r sneba Aure ds MR; in, �1116 1"Pli 04
W-11tion-statms or
-n 4(h Exeterftda-Y.- - I - tn,e e NEW.'MODEO WER DENN EC
09 chnloa* Toting 23d N ic._w_. ofCommalplim; or
hras. thalofpetels C. V., Kaph'g; e D ratotsg
abovo Courls� eiLoept thl-_ Ist V V1310A.Wiff -k., ]Dirn,, In one JoulPlall4r. Vr that of 20101
opciz at9 -who Lad
open at -017P tr4at-
C �pace.
3.0UGH, Ji wo
ION _g
- U:rra t the,
and tet,
%)rug Store n � ircular oi
Gait,&, Ploughaf Irt the 49; RHO-%.
untlesuonable cernficattsC
iJOJVEE5 11135 and pl],Lg,,a�d -satisfy tour
G Straw Cutteray TAIV� Ll S%lt Littlest W� gron'and P' e Boxes -Ce go r2escriv.
ZARS, Ill pf, 0 LeR0vje4vj01a11 pi-Atesl
tiila 96nd i4tyle of worJrfA-nJ�,5bjp, furn'
L and Dealers -In Ifti Is'lied on
BO r"_isr _E
r6V X Uodermli., r. Ju -or & Sbor :1060 and at the lowest prices. Mte.
uIlt rdan -4 Vark
made, a�d Blac�amitlieWor ral !,on 1made for All or4er*
OULD-BOARD PLOUOH pwictually attended to. Designig of Mo
c- Ott. short nooci. Call ahil see4ba, STE
- .1. PT & Co.., 0 $eon at the i5hop.
ments, jW.t 11147.b
7' r
70 k6 7-
E909 URANCE t1110.UZirket Crovety.
-"�40.ed 4erifor-safo TUE FRESH SEA JL HOVVC14 in'tile I Jig -
T P614 FR
To Messrs.
A T tamah we
'�:rn good IX �KFV
40 yjkro thioxilt1r;- bettQ ITAD,'(Fitl It 10.11MOm presen
W61117 i ZIP
eapliCltbe fO TVV _0VZ% FM fX CA*ADA, $5.0tclm� Ha 4Qekj Cok and L'�bsters fidsh. Also,
"man,, X Ippar(I ;gpirings'. Yormoutu
Sloaters, Inqa4 Haddles _W ttuw
W11, "Or, , - : I .. clinwo :P.,o., 7FItESH. CRO
7 County of .']D'F.PA-R MENT 'blo
the est'arAishm6pt qf' eqUitable'efossm 'a
U, ISO& tf, Thidi itipisdal
fit lie to riloll P_ rixoilisALr Unnoxolitarlo :CUB AP AS" THE, -.C1fP' APST I -
h. in a I cage. iir.�4
innehasb�ensuchlaiiftilyto i6alizethe
Vloctorst Who. r OL.vol toL-Aft:ud the- basmeta lnorC widely,
P3A) iliac Uqlo ortliv
PIRRF-MIMURITY Sus=tftd 137, zuzifg,
Goderich, lalt 10th I�M TJ
fifix. T "d 0enetal Ago'atx, biang.,gebtlemell 'largely tii-. - tilatdoringat) winter of ISCO I
Vroaapti%�ioimv r haDireotori
vas taken -wif h wea ess ID e ancles VIlleb
*io Ahis Comj a�, IyAmd V,
TUB A 91119011 tit go t ke a f1bgrAl and lWalil4im-likenew of all quepStofib coming beforo ttkqm . e 1 Im fill
rAni is 6ulj, ikithbuiablq to thf pvLrltyQflJ -upaild
FL "r4�j of a the t,4ry turig 2ny liftrodojkliniii been ient.fibdiflerout 1* e njoXv�snd 1�0 of 1667. e
dred1hoom.d. F DF.,PAFLTME ees, alidqu up tomy bilis, 4od I becalho o .a4
Sp6m. 4WIN-Ow�1 pablislied mry mnmomalo 4can lie hoWlijbtaring testimony tohe
de. TJt
swWdlaw- at W Fak Ro-.1 flug,14ro Amrsi purchasing dirat ber baying recelved the.Agenq
at W Park Row.
nt:rt 110113 uiriaggetherolI4
'16 this wefte,5 wR8 Edo
iboi�i 4si -t rtomus� calfies offi -and 1211ik;w
idup"r4s; -,ZvJrV Vielrigle v4rro#ttrd- la klVe iattihicudyL. ,thgt I cozauotiyalk, but was colifluca to my chair. .THE Su I
3toamte- pro 6o. ",wrwisoll bra;t� t lend for'four-oriivefilbocatdes-,-vOh46h 11besente Vor- about two
years whi mk� J71D
xmiCg� an afterwii� for th�. sale ofibeir &-nZe8) isrep-IrCd -16 Capp
olt&*ff on pofficip0ay whom -sq Pat 6ent of, proft '00-111t,
*caL j.'"-.Tryn'r'rr bund tLeant the flivor lot *$Ieliis re. bdiffereuttit 9'threcitiocters,-anol skjo presoylbe a Cqtr e,,seat to Xft
Aww*4 Term A30 -11111Y 1, 1.9w. 0111kaw pwd eiki wo*ih,.'40�proo ed' -20%; Tet -and 6orl01bij o a Dyzeudv, -butypourait
are S. _e excellent. ilmd V%"fi is year, win wiy two oftbo largo- Itir wmi*,t a 6 city.
it, C6mpgtny4.Vro
*T ol c us e4rrmg&.free. Test �Jaq qlij[e� Af�l�ty�oredftv J continued to get worse and WOM, untl f- 10 tons rnpactty,.
n gofA). Wj(hthe Vjuance Minailce$ fit 01tawai as-
suirl rindueed f0try catZhoshottess _Ilk
da pi) ltfts. thaeures 110rforlL fte aud tofeel the
Ithistimol-ballbeg itirigalmost --I Jaw 01111dBurgUM Prooir tritfe41-
Fine Ylovvdilriil Me, Veii -W1_WgS- n 04ewon VoMba s)w DOW and liny cat4 146t- d Wason & *t, dkedLaif; strong Teal, 4
a l5giund J)ol0qgA5e,, 'Rich 71AVoured do Ali# An dd 7
of to* 1740411 001AR. seeriftm 32 C11tftV1Y"It0ftd't0llWtl1�
76&_ , I , - .. ndB in con A. lotA 16, 14
ARE or -tidies. sA
'GO401*1. Ag4no lood WuiedyaM fth
oftile Pills and', An -h
but pri"a to no*- to get bettq1,-�talVXf=PfyArJe&t. 9
'or, T, 01M V IN of -whWAUVA, Wart) ag 10 Lc,but1mo*U tO All My neighbors
174to 01
'Fine S$e 1JUI)iJifte 'and yrry JuldJ frelton told - -berly. 1.6 ictis ofE` uh' Ay" 66 F#nd _eft tneral Agn�
30. Townsbip'ofAhlif Sout AiA IV*& I have
1W 'y u9kxc Ir Sop t. 2��-
Xmir. Aix D0WftT1t;' THOU
'foe Hatinks,
-G- 1809.. A. F. WA�=, c.
E�Survdor, -C Consty if
agwit I&OP"M f"to Por V" L
AwIr go" _or line *r I 6doi�& D��Sth-,XGM J[he 4bye ty that J� UVOMOwit 'Atli. 3EWAsO
pp 4 era I
1, rw*
Ility. for tW lRdfift" Ir"i's.- .9f
bustam .4 I)AYS,- 4110TF t
V Pff No"Wk The ty4iiii traUL her Weate, 40 ll�
1pdrahi�d the 41*iit in evo iifsz��11 V7 thil
XAKI frm r bbvse� have ptirelitzrA many
aaWloryAul well as. being excaed-
IIA680, vivo ft. oft Pslift -ow. atchchasiiinco,
00 "Wwft is afftibut6d her xeclnery to the AT HE�
meot _J*y 1om',rark trWy,,:' lierrecovery. alway
Shoshone j�.Jlemedy., "WImtever pay be Ihe p-c-ular
8W. -To vIl6lifoutrul Tu Oitlift$ riiotlesofthNIJ JXV
)MAidta 4"ost like the perturialm
-ce lDr
A- F. VAim. J. P.
Thm Mantuft or IMPZ�ZY
1ro rAT W AND ]MkV.
12* - oftheDomInJo*,JMd*e am SlAd adc
_409&Di� e g t )fTeathatiWohaveforwalle. lbryoxil
(I the ;;1�11 ble oON JrHE bim &IM W proll="
,W41a -;ASA tw
"Aarad. WZ 11.714i 0111y th.
me ifter broakf" 'o gx
1 attributod. to- f your T%, -4-iftl1cont4nue- r#tUrilone%ox, whicli we' undMUnk MUSCut 1014
FaIWO ..........
rwo Livft tabb
............ . �,
VaTek 00 y I .... ..............
Iron" 0 8 ........ a
'ton 007 4XP6ftXy*U"0r&M 0 Isla ftg - oil Rorses. %*a* 0 fre & W an a r aw"R M VAMA; or oi�qfpz ourrus I� WAA AtUOTAOUNEROTET"104 'xF9 SIONAL ZOn ornmr.
a JMbWAor
'AN &M .
. J D10 1� 'YL-OIR-
a. B. GOR r4L coAnp�ni,*-,uwpJbasu 'and
61tra Uken sAw. V�w N*n and Fo* '0%ft =%be CaQW wA *M Um VPWVUi f* 'TIM t4th:
rsr 17
rl .1..
�41 :54
JI"4 Ugiltiul, Apra I J�kl� , E =
R 0
ounte b
Vt I