HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-23, Page 2moor m 311� Hen, ry U! �e of W m bra We had Lig W11st Nary -Gave I A nito, but aillif ill in *low ut so It The canadidd sank contio�- 2na' DivisloM—Ist JOAO silegoo is.. a arm c badly by a eircular saw in Pik ,vinn, TA111rii, 0. T. b, muoll ijore in a fOO1. f.ofw X Wray- 2nd fromilthere Tbom�Wl � Bra Xbfa how 1jqd i fq)ol jo-doincti than � The mott.imp6rtsuf 61 hi b. you When the icontribution is tAili up in 33carce's Alills, Meddybemps that can ask -your heavenly rather, are not &urchj. bqyi� and girls, throw . fii� money tation mas necessaryi Th operation 4tb Gilbert MeIntyret Mi6hael Prom Julie 1�j 1866. Better be cal PA th; nor even which theirparents have given fl -em. for articlowe olse.wherecopy. fftm oth Mary met 1b it nem' bt 9,1601 in d-rmy *rong. - - lothing� nor heal was performad GODUMen Uxz. The short k day ;all the ii br6adj nor i purpose. The % their - by Dr. J. R. N.'Smithiof PIVIn is I war with - his neighb life -in- th4vorld Ggodneisix mpre im- -money is ip f tile 36 wQ imagine'the be Ild bert present. .-Tho.-teeye , in the 4; ri tin- 2 ]all ag, Ina-thounfortunate-man 113121A& Inn jutiticaj -kin bat of their fatheraii motheri The minutes of last. 1peetiogrwaraead alid, ewith himseV, po,rtsnt. oloonoef dnexsj !S7 VZM-T. action'in the millas of the x Sra Annie Uilra not be at peso ro a. d fo— ........... uing of a re y.,unio Bitiaul-I appr , �vedo .4widph Bell, Neil McXenzia, ilytbinA that i To thomost'irAportant a 'hate justasniiich'tospank rtheit Jy rocorering. 1. FIIVATQISS�.. ­ ­ , n a In. shareholders of the 1loyal CabAixiii Nmk- Matheral, GIM-11wh The heart is the oi 40roas- and honesty—these A ........... X, oil, things'; and not only ire they -the most pjeasure as they' A beforet. Xnd so I I r - John Matheson and several others � xnatle luilitiq. biolon. 9. �f 1C .................. -so p. in. ivat 13 ; * - - ha ................ .......... 6 ita,di ultileni in F ook,O e0ria'. riright,' S�Vaii ea in-valta by and of those affected. by ffio porsonalapplicatWato the Coun4,44 dy happy, -and important, but God ivill surely givi- them ce. heardla Iiind-hearie4giiLcomplain, Marquis of Bath is distinguiened incerly ask him, for them. that ahekad'. nothing -of her own fliat Alic! 1�raift r Alice Fer� %p g�rj�s tiy �niake everybg silo - The I re" to the couraeputsuea 'by, thi� Hen. Kirkbride, I to assist. in 6 if 64 'ka -at lea6t'one oo��yourself, to -r Ifirmtess' bid 13 mard grant. of mone5 pelting pni 011if you's she gave for -what be probably etills 11, ............ .......... gus6n, Abrahan, 00wh:r James. Me-: You Will a P. tn. -ement incident the roa(I on the 12 ania,13 -concessio one reason wby jo people are not Iwilltell, you - wb� .......... I ... spring� is - produced by prer -k My fatm. . . . . . . . . 400pni. D.McDonald. The excit 0 on(il'ondelvaye., ime. people Might ra�si 2� Brien Einium A-TcCaig, T - a n�o A" 6ok"id 11 see tlAi she was WTIat Th I \,o. 4. V as ar - fOl10N6nW1.%,cO0 ants­�were preso ot, 1 1. s 00 'A 0 a or� 0 noss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.ZO p iltillg a red4ioi p6kat ta- a manIg no.%6. k to a bank suspensi6n, the embarragaiiiiint 4 lizaboth Bell,. John lott'joslina �01�bd�w i a&. Y 0. 0. ii-. 171 their Imsta on. 'of charactar. Darin- the iner, Ili, $4.50, Vhoiri naton 4, sm t a as for obstinacy ,% --1. ily- Coal A Church Bil' it produces and the ill feelin,; Miller,- -4,1016t Mad-delt . i i, naa m5nztlrara Wfl-%On chc. 25. Moved by John Johnstoo,4ad. b Those wbo:­b1bw the s ;of others, 1 0 6110 or i the strongfeeling - She gave an hour -of patient 4'Aire to her debate on the 10 it CaUs forth) Thoma -4 John AlineVpapstf, ST a to God forgdodness little- baby sister who was.cuffing tooth. -tbntuo amendment We;1-Vxvmt1 are circumstances obviously�unfavorable to his - Council, 01 -strifamay,014�acotoh btha,9Vatkx.fly2n McIntyre, That t 874 4t. air car Se -1 . of for tha �tirpqse of opening1l ill , a it-tQ you, if ray vilienit was deelateg paint -ca 0. Oalml dispassiointe consideration of the Good Conduct.—Claa� Howell, -rl rank tat part of the their faces. a Ishe'gave a itringatid a crook4pin and a a be accopfed wbicli embraeg t1a nvjouml that inserts will taikirs 'refrain -f'rorn evil you are great deal of advice to the little three- !Won' 1%17 tLli yo b3 snre, that Hodgetts. l-oadon the 12 and -13 concession,, from - Whi eardly - and sincerely, When ivaient) he said that ho "CC t a wettlilesa nieslinan. causes of the trouble. There is a.tenaency stion Of Te-endol att in rl-n1tv a One. it xv�nZd bave no WNI to side-lixie 3 and 4 to sideline 6 and-li speaking I When listaners refrain from. jb to G who ante4 to play at que 6ut to do. -wron!� pray- od to, keep year-old brother conelmalon, in )r July id Tote -for an amendment iiivolvin- a mi't W=111 lie fil't-11 without to jump at d to �h"P 'blamo PETPRS? MUSICAL MONTHLY -­ -.Carried. oved. by Alexibder FraseA; vilhofiring. in your heart, fishing. She gave Ellen, thi. maid, the WPU S, rn'tv, that the contains, amongst other good things, 1k secondea by Donald 1161tityre, That the a you from doing wrong -say to - e.endowment,. nlid by those ytin mw- iav'it down n� upon the individual who happens at 6 k ell, misain-mg-' -Wath( predous hodr to go ond, visit hir sick baby -modera -,nlne. anti that it it 1here is otie 6�jeotj�n to 1w )r keep ;e from doing this wrong,' know -.4 its or -In 6 wor te�ple that is It athome ; for4illeawal 9 -. Rays, the autbor,of folloijing, persons be &ointed t s a wiclow and left amendment# lie would sitand even, if ty Lqt*pts raw D- vrq it 1�4 it is etuspious tiat it moment to be most cohspicuou - Thero fine son. by Will. 8 2 . -they have not time for� nd you will lie kept frin doing it. Who eiLwr in unniber or�v- 110i , on the :gravel rOad; well.doing.'i I I I . . I . V sayin -hirbild with its grandmother *Wle isho -ja.- doing he should brin- the walls of could be no better illustration of this fid 4 c Evanaeline." The fhonthly is india. i matatute labor ,on xragom.k to In violently angry oncession to the lakehore) from 6 and 7 a your heart) 'Father, save me from. loeiug worked to get bTead for bothl � She could that house down about their ears -even than the torrent of feeling and abuse of pelisible in every mpsio loying,faraily. lilip I J *1 come- X -very' often, if our ; end -of - the - gravel an the - no h I The rilontlis of milli Cab peace- of God wil ution of 60 t1roprietor or ne, Candian which Mr. McDonald his been the victim, 3 -are. fat, be. angry, and the lot have s6eii them' f he brought the c6nstit "U r. A. Vt. 1, GnTsc D be pathniaster� namely John comingfetshion. ace5, 'have, hasten- - ea-Thp Horticultur�l Society of this �We:wateringpi down into y�ur bosom like a aove,ind the generous Mary had not 61erOA. to attend to the ground, und ruined the 110Agent tr, Ag�'Wy. Toronto, Mt. - iq Heniledsy, 'Maurice Dalton Son., Jolih e will be quenehed,an he door and., lo6k after thi0ritchen fire. ccu Adve�tisemvnt-% an(, is Why -U,40 your eyes like friends separated Uad fire in yolir, eyes . I f to hold its &st meeting Sullivali Patrick ame$ ealli. fortunes of himself and every membef f 0 wrt has decided, to clime T -correspond'.blif the hot coioi.in,your o ee will o1a, ed a crisis in the affairs of the bank. Hogan h a Moo while. she was away. .0 to rrc�j% M�'- by distant hey a Michael -th' at all thA Mary -gave. that assembly - course, it was the policy of the old direc- on the 15th of September next. By dding ichael, Dean, John Dow ) ever meet. Wh6nY0016,61 Wt -there is --an"y -nger , But is was not ladys' department it is'llopea that much Niff, -Thomas Hussey, Chailes -Dalton, A -Sho dres'sedherself neatly, �na looked so I llt%, -virtuous resolution toTs and officers to foster this feelingi for Thb Tories dislike the idemoN that A good feeling -or a additional interest;will b �urice Dalton, Jr., Midbabl. Dalton.- tgto betaketColdtofyoureart say bright and kind and obliging that she� gave, After thc Smdke. diverted attention ffoin their own share -C96rried. Moved by 3ohn Johnston, see. return to the - C abinet s Milan . ce. Minis- 1890111 her motherathrill,�f fiewitire whenever t6 your heavenly .he excite- lit has allr- by Patrick Clare, That John Sullivan be ter. she lie youngpleasant face. The Frw Fre-ss of July 15, EUS out ofmy heartil and I firmly Fathari let not in the affair. Now that t bZeyvretlat caught site of tl it account of eve Am wrote a letterto her father who was "Thoughl-be Ron. Donald- McDonald -did passed, away, more"criminating criticism paid eighty-iiine cents on r' Sir.John.A. is going -,J Washiiig- 'Willotbe-ti61i,.bui1,.-wM- xemain. cl She 0::�- The Globe- expresse in charge in taxes.-Carrief to help his abgent-on busiiiiess, inwhicli she gave him il�i meet with a favorable reception st the begins to assert itself. People I perceive i its plessure 1. , Moved by,P. ton to , finish Awe's h�d;O;tiOjIOlj8 -Why I Bocause.GQiVis, re iton That R6bt. ! - 1 1. 0 . � 'h a fra meeting of thesbareholder OfRoyal Cana- baing- able to. copy from our - columns the -,Clare, see. by John Jobw ei city. pvs hoWanted, iiisud Ilk, -upon refico- -hat it is- not the alanwho expoiesphn,an Oleii4eiming's account for pUnk &,Ad nails re. pro athe thoiight of , 114ho ne, -he-thankei his daughter dian Bank yet it *111 ap car, God which- you. place � in your heart 1) artless way that GODERICH, OT.I JULY 23, 1869 t success.Qf plz�ttlkEvaporator. y - t agement ; and a feeling gains, ground tbat ovi rubbiI fro" - J that U action h ad the affed of Wr ofilvert on the public road,- be paid.- In. rem nZ, m -the bay-, �'ja;ldngtb him, is hely. and Strong, and inlisheait.- She gavoffient -attention tiop, a 'by 'hat! grand- pAserving to the stocholders the money Carried. Moved by Alexander Fraserr,* miarkat, Montreal, -jestetilayi � oqw vas �v am , ab to a long firesome stot�,,, the odium which I as been difeetea against 1 .1 -. '' I .� 'ill stand inYoni'll tt. - i guard year d th a ffaits sec. by Donald McIntyre, That- Thomas overed un4erileAth.4".. nother though she .had �,heard it many they had subxcribecl. "For, ha lie virtuesi wbic�i are ypurbeart's best trea4 x they 'had our relations with Britain. Mr. McDonald properly Won to the . JoUnsiQ4, Treasurer, be paid 02.25, money �ate,a- a, new osureg; Tt ti s before. She lagglied just at the of the Bank gone on in thp way 'To tile E liter of the Huron Sigual. pSairdl �',aeal 4nd will. kt6p them from, being ifol line old directors and managers, on whose pro 16st. ty. Win indiscountilig Royal Canadian &._the bost right time, and when it 'jas -end6d, made coiamcnc�d to go, it is quite evident that Sis,-Youseebylhe acco of Gba g There is a grdbd deal of talk just now, DRAn Catholic'.4or -T e'060A ceedings the shareholders at the recent ohn JGhnstoA, Roman ch' in, the Irish tn aivAY- aus a kindwouldh0eeine rapanying bills,;�Carried, Movedb) J s�ion,ggest thouAts that the old lady. happy by good-nightiss. losses -ofso seri b=th he' a, as to the advis- specimens that: we are troubled with that [i6n,orr Woatiesday'l t tfiolight, and ti ar and at hom meeting, set the seal of conclemnation.' se6.-by-Donald'k cIntyre, That this Coon- Block, Sydenl- you can have and "'ert, �i �xequy comes, Thusehad given valukble presents to about as to have reduced the assets to Ca a between t, $20.00 to the Battalion IWO' qua na yet she had not -very ow Point, As tO the 0 Oil Of the ability of a chnge in the relatior plum peat, the Curculio, or plum weevil. e . - into -you 'he essenti4fact in Mr� McDonald'a favor T6 -head six people in one day, a ro rillaart. all otherth6ughtswill, stay, I have seen a arden or two beside pay .-Carried. Moyea by Donald Me:- cent in the 1#orld. Shewgidas good as dispute among the directors flid led to the - pro to (%,nada and Britain, invotv'n- Camadiall is 7that hi� allegations have been verified Rae, Ft. A.jis to sail froni aeb Q`Q --.kor under its t tion. aiad badthoughts will a er, f herself to ac plums are badly tyre, see.. by. Alex. Fras That -.this gold, and she g&V9 00maitango tiental,.eu by Mr. McDonald, the pu'�- Independenca as a matter of enurse. The own in town where the gland on Saturday,. 'be'ArivOn out. careverylittle. But the chargen to the letter. This reduces the merit or n�cil do now adjourn to meet on the -ED - �e-weak, bif-the-thotIghtliA God all these. who were so happy aso meet her hemay authoritie3and some nrTbersof affected, now,gir, T would advise every one en; Rpnexin - , : Ydu­ar ve g is strong---4troili' -&"rdyour inno!ce-nce, -Raformed Church HeRkitger, I I I have demerit of his course to a mere matter of lei, of August -Carrieir' a p d iiiaaewerbgra enoughana the share- -0mill that hasplumsto lookoutfor all-fal JOHN COOKE, the N-orth-we te9tories Issue 1A -to'check your angq� holders -marked their ense of them by the Honse of C inion in no manner -affectin- the integ- strong A RelAtions between jority of the Directors to ous op� C� The 06mmercia sendingthe ma hinted that in tlie eent �of w with the ones at 6nee') pick them all, up, and either Township Clerk, I,g 1, help Canada and the United -States. Their very actionin thia rity of his motives or lessening the culpa- d pride, and selheliness, ; a's 1; The Emperor of Austria Juu been iveakness and -d6niole. your sbrrowsi the Tiglit about your Untecl St�ates, it vould be in possibe to bility of the old Boaxd. boil or bnrn them ses to try as much A XlePtoniamlec. > days. the�, that.-th.9 thought paTticularisl&. MoDaliald's justification, trance for- twi Way t Go d, y�ur Fa 4),udonPost, 1071) On= fr Jer, And possible to prevent them multiplying, I .. I .. I . I I. .. I eveit, though in the heat of the momexit prGtect the long line of asserted that the of God a Come into- oUr-hearts, and 3 finding their stock e- -th it is is continent kjej­,aud`comfort,- aild.-Ves We are -accustomed to sudden revulsions he time being, Tented the= that it would bs, necessaUy in a, case, ink this is the best remedy for this yea4 ji (Fronx the St. *John, X. It-, Morning News.) of feeling in - America., Startling changes the,isharcholder Isum- M -tioulars of which vo Eugenie will pay q, visit to th to abmiclon Ontar;o to the enemy. This Godench. Gantral School Mic as the da age is done, it would be a great . This case, some par the c6ur�v dfilext sum6e` 'and 'travel preciatea for t exposure. If Inor . Fixamination vealready made our-Teaders familiar in FrealM Of of opinion are characteristic of the6untry. rage rgainst the author of the may be p military point loss if o plum crop fail as,it surely Burgistro true in a Ur WiU through our police edurt record,* Butseldoni, even there, basso staAling Mr. McDonald's -statement had' -not been ctrine that isvery Ho -gait PIAZES. apt down, as plains is QAQ A little Bufalo giA lately bit a ter- SUCI go L sudden a:u pteratiou in nationql M aCoordfinee wof view, it is a do if this &st is not k general interest. Henry Morrison From tho New York Thaes. EtLot, the sulquiL6 3�do, causinglit to explode- in her mouth.; sentiment occurreda"sthat lately witnessed M=Omfo for the people of this Mayor's Prize Isabella Torrie, n Div. aj a -revenue to this serti6n of as Howard the patty who I - hAybsentocenswle him andsustain IB First Div., *ITqy MoBwen. itcara&gbothchees. A law nighfs -since the residence -of a . snewal of the direction. The sbrehold- T*Tao wish toL live and die under ciunt.y. W. H. nds charged -by Mr. Beek and Mr. Wil- terri y E In. respect of the prqpwd y Not ajority.ofthe prominent citizim was entered by a Burglay, Recivi!6�ity 1 gs to a - g y re Ider Was:recently pfesOn- and some is tion, Junive Section, Alexander Miller. withl!a�ceny, belon s- treaty :with. CaniAa. ber drs, howevek gladly avilcd themselves DE rittir-e valuable jewelry iu4. �otliar pro lQnj,`ago, the Dowinion was to humbly - -- the chaTges ;N -a to &sn' s the old Dir&0- Very few of us, woUld Second! Div., Elizabeth Walker, Masonic Grand Lodge of Canad4t cUble famil�, that to Mr. Nathaniel- -ted with nine boys and five jirli on: ihe" party stolen ai -away. But, be- on O'ties. cheerfullv tn defen Montreal and QuObec idarried for :a xestorati tfacling fadh Third Div., Simon Fraser. hnson,.. of Stockholm, Kingi -Co-., a-n;l -same morning, tors, one ox two excePt4 1�1r, MOD011441 fdraleb;vinktbe ho*r It' h Canada was to be taught to fe;Tber virtual , _ _ pppears � a paid after rre -had witnessed the destruction of Fourth Div, SHena,.Stotts. At the meeting of the Grand Masonic until; a few months age, been unexcep- -The stea-mer Peruvian 'v=*yed I ­ ly�- . t.- the� United States. She also sliaiing intheir displeasure. It is a alviiitbi n'qqrL qvery,apartment ma John McPherson. ely concluded at vorrebt-in moral -deportment, so 'Suud* dep6ndenoe on. -dangerous matter for a single individual Quebec f him V10're f, our interests here, and fewer still v� ould Lodge of Canada, lat T Traces. o ound, iibb#-and�below y by a nion with $6 mum- ial re passap*� fromLoil it, as -probable, Fifth. Div.,, Mary Jdne7Ball. 'Montreal, the following office bea=rors"Vere h soias, to'cause espec, mark In an erry in. was, to mek for prospdrit. to placehimself in anta"Onism to position f a co wherever, indiaed,l v. rant tone is aceept complacently the harneigh6our. Avery diffe 14s have elepted cembet last afteir attending.the tralhiqj could, be v berf calleagueb, for -er grow, .001) CONDUCT PRIZE any valial�les taineA. It now obs ble Amovement lattly. ori queredpeople. This gmat danS S Grand Msteri A. A. Stevenson, Xon- for a thn6, a-treis the New: so happenedthat ne�- ember' if ' B family: ht ever so much on his side, he wEl eel in the d o ' in th rig Elizabeth AdanL% Cath oppool Ion inaitea Zee, ab apparently dire,,�tly o -at of our intimate connection Ellard, treal, re-elected. anse and commenced teathiiig in Wick- York'Observir'� * ati4 e�ch'.Oity to.- ke -iery . . -find coalition :of interests nia force Susanxiah Acheson, George ap's, bolongid tothat much abuscd."=4 W -a ,11 -,it Iasi of'soci6iyg 'd w ko a conclin-ion � that itte.,vould. wiinstim. which -dn, and in vie of it the Deputy Grand Master, Jame� Sey�&Quri m Queen?s Co. .!there, W10thoui -, any chiir& eve Tualling it will be difficult t with Great Bzit Samuel Reid, James. Miller Percival Mae- St. Catharines, re -el acted. 'op exce u 0 alledtoldiml S.- Imen expected. The public voiee is estion the lis- homeauthoritles tell us tacitlY that we Iddd Janet. . Ward, 6th Div. Louisa.Adams ite a. use," syni onis of, ttxe late t5he is''a iiie-'hearted, g -ex' 1 Jitily, -in-, Zthstaua. somenlay clu ipt haye'. - Grand Junior Warden, Daniel Thomasi first Tbef4oi b...Thirtylives,were. lost �by- neroua I MoDongdas to the =04 sanity appeared. t was first. reut w tha only -.fear calling loudly and unruibtalfeably- for crtion of Mr. o'do, inAtinsas. Men swam the Ehareholdersto are welcome to sever 'the connection and and Win. Wells. 0'. 110 t�llw_ 3,refinec'� and, Sherbrooke) �spected from his uftecourttable looking ance& mind anud Au4 there i;everl' ho awaken the Fairbanks sEilf in 111 job 01 -Too C1 t4t- hari well-bal, had- ever, reciprocity with, ti - 4, adopted to it result- Se+� up for ourselves at ally 1110111ent- GENERAL, 2B.01aMENCY. Grii&-Riistrar, Lieut. Col tate f affairs .; but that tin a 0 m, at - ifferent, knowb" is the apprehension that in some prospect 6fi speedy r"stablisbIneut f therue s First Division, Senior Section, H. D. 0::)- A young w6insa-in M. has- evil hour Staq will, li. a -her affe I to 49mmerciul -relations. between the two ad in arresting �No donbt commercial considerations h1awa, 0. lines, -where be would femain Ad, chigm, ir ations in �6 policy that would, in the a protri abomination �of -her haT4 -at CoUntrieL The Reciprodt B.ank theren d Chaplain, Re e�bludino,-the ils. 'AA for a after bh6 proper- willinness to great C�meron, Teacher. Gran v. Mr- Montgomery... 4rpugh, PUP plied a proveaaastrous to I enter L-zgey into thi Lenno Ville, 0. F.0gations as to KW reaSonsL added life of exactly, tw6 weelik. 10tell' the keeping ot� th, -treaty be- tho'constituent-s of the jndep�-ndencato Canada Mightv as Wfain Ist MaryMcEwen 2ndElizabethAdam off. h. kor.':so� doing, mixia,'g �nan.- The jooa lady prays every Grand Treasurer, H'y Gr Imcoe, 0;- ad to elicit any nfitisfaetd r9p en America. -and Canada vas annulled ry little ry ly- 33 -h evil inay -befll.,her; nd twc nj�,rh-t is rather that 3rd Catharine Tubma1i,4tft(;hrisiinaXay131 Grand Secre�tary, Thos B. Harris, Jlhatani- 0:5- The incomeof Mrs. (!Olt, the widow day that no s`uo a 411 -1866. Unddrits -provisions lAde atid 7a is at this moment, her i t. in consequence ultimately diimisoeld,`� ay- live and dia - di-, . I= of 5�h Caroline Fraser, 6th Annie TUbmau, of that she in in maiden me 'tledger Te -elected It is #arte'd ;-1—atelybern of the e,.01=tjnZ houss anc 7th Magame McKay, 8t1L Mary Kirkbride, ilton t wasallowed,torettirnathli own req'n t the pisJn u tation fan6y free.' Nov�, -whether the� commerce were flourishing. An =borei-v-e 'GRA', - $400,000 per m. I DISTRICT DEPUTY %D MASTERS. - XCIIO 2 and 1866 the sorcl 9th - E]Meth VanEvery, 10th Rober" qhd again actiftjj�;simuarly, ba, 'years 185 an., with calfshead, human and buckler. For some ye= t R YV. Rro. David Curtisti. WilB011 Dis �losed, and he went. ]home where le was, iff Itis'itaid that nearly one-third of burglar knew the peculiarity of the laays that between I I � .- -in Kasota, M. owing to the ug - pas, the poHey of the government has been Rynolds, I ith Berth-.Tr4iner, 12thSarah tric�, re-elected. trated with illness. On hit; Lare suffering from mind or not he At -�11 - evellU: doternimed they. had -been agmented by over 300 body and dogs legs�911 'buU- Ithe people of Marylaw very I pm rofessing. to )py mothor�s huving Been t, buy off enemies instead Of slaying them- Davis. R W.'Bro. John S. Brooke, London OBStrancre conduct continued, =i the effects of inte�aferauoe. to etW- joke. To -this 'per cent. That a country llenfahy�-Oar�fnfty T-em6vOI frorii the chair 0 P and �liberal dog kill And. tear t leces an 0 be prokiessive, enlightened Henca, commere is and commer" Special Prizes given by the Prijacipal. District, reelected. tendency to k1eitovilia manifested itself. 0:5- A - Louisville policemair,. in this line 011. whicli she hi;4 ieAlif4de d laid 'it cons�idqre(i The best Reading frpm " ther LadY of the R. IV, Bro. David Curtis, Wilson DiA4 ad instanc- d an should have-dt -an endto'a convention interests aye sum to, be the first The first mark a of dishonesty of business, -AiB-uisea himself -sea thief, allher wedding'.appareb.'arld' substituted, Hen, Mr� illey, Minister iof -Customsij trict, re-elebted. was ther-ppeagntation.6f a forged order for d io well that he to suit 'of: underwhioll it, wai -vapidly developiricy ced on a VMt to Prince s cluetiou of war Lake." Matheson, Iffur and, succeede as Allot by from anotlier xoon�, -,a comple abDut to proc Caroline Fras McEwen. R. W. Bro. Th,03. ON seventedu dollars to a party in this city Rmor connects it with whenever the momentan er, Mary a; dommereial activity *as too,strahge 'to� a of a -brother ofAcer.'- ganti"Ies clothes. talcing bif ; Edward Uland, orpe=3 ente:-s i4ta ther deliberation with who fai - he carefully have occurred without the stimalus.0f] 'he admis- ew is Geometryq!Annie Tubman. District, re-elected. in his ther'llacl funds. The Not long ago a� yong. inrriea iaay huge &air of false whiskers, ate t�e piloposedl arrangements for f If this vi R. W. Bro. O� Clotz, Wellington Dis-� order was paid, inia no clue to the manner we re I = 13ame Thompson, trict re-elected. In adjus dthem, to tho.-face- 6f the. some powerful motives. T Blau of the col�ny into the Confedr4t tosee thattYe JuItior, 1st Division, in which h; disposed of it has. yet been - I Illinois, wa-- foundAda:d in her bad, and aping: the co =*ect cue it is easy of Teacher. Bro. I. G. Wilson, Hamilt -a i6koner's jury rande di t f lady, Ofourse lie could not wait to see hopes of inoreasing the revenue '�y the OIL obtained. Subsequently lie -took some je a,� V r A WELcoBmR1-mmy.�AbAgbtcr fature-t those e7=11012S amount that the defence t "t'i lit the 4-enoumanti but thit-pleasure, was: re - "died of convulsions -aidecl y ig toms. d4tiesaud the coercion of 43a4ada laflies voung and-fairor ol(laud imu, lorho Lave mfferta dai I 14 Alexander Iffiller, 2nd Samuel Hick, District. xy produce from his father's place, 'lacing.! served for the famiily -the Ae,:Kt marnifig. 01M x r�ayj WhO 1AVO 03na,,,h would cost ia'hard cash it, rap7n..., into union wity Apidrica. Twelve�hda- aplaing.1 patient -1v and un( C�y WL4C of 3rd'Susannall, Acheson, 4th, John, Morr*, R. IV. Bro. J. x. Kerr, Toronto District. brought it here land. sold it, the -amount -arl ­hpur,�fhegood lady jiuffer6dpatlently-au preva U�f COMPlaint" sick kud- y Ontaria ig MI- Awakening at an 4 bf*ontier7avidlable -for . SmUg- ache, at nearly as bad, I -Its naTons Lev 'I disapp6ring in the same ion of Lake proceeded -to the niirror mlant to the feeHngn Of John BU] - �th John MeGreath, 6ill assie�McCreatb, R. W. Bro. W. McCabe, OAt&H(I Disr realikei manner. Theavigat (an 'invariable red Wile' Aacbc yhieh 1AS rliolly and exclusively there, ia nafionalbonor, and we 7thWm acted. red coil- MOO v - ,Iiog have dleipaW _ Macars, 8th Kate McKenzie, 9ili trict 're -el Finally- his very strange and alte in hands.of 4 'the first. &g -to -(:]�ed-dtarM=athewearybraluuntilaimestcr C0=597 $ -�rqcti�b'withladies�: to, enjoy..& look ather -9 Lvith.thesickenin-pain. butmnW1adimpuc=gtt the whole pow H. W. Delaney, Prince Ed-, lim Catidiaus. ­ In the tipper lakes we'are is- possibly open to Jusu e, zi� t the least cloubt er ��th Euphemia McKay, ntb; R. W.. Bra. duct led,his friends. to decide. to loit I face. 'The first;glanbd.--pofilfiod� her -with -the � keon.d;. it wa. ttle of Dr J ]ROggs'Allevantor, it wilt nlieve at arican tonnage. onceall beadadhe, nick, nervous r blillous. A tra empka would ba expended in the ward District. in t&Lunatio Asslum for treatme4t. He '1116ch. outniambered by Am h-a'indeed -a maulThe assumption -that, vhpa ih4coxil, pr6duans viving, o Scotia, the lumbermen 'of the of the R W Bro. Thos. J- WilkilIV0111, St, was accordingly taken to7 fhat InAi6t1o'a- robable,that �ii John A: horror. Was ticiii of her nature re f Nova atent spgrati �D anada, rather than tie DId Mayor�&Prizej the best in Grammari, Distri, fo a Vnit ad been playing Ottawi, the grain raigersofhe ominion ,aefa=a of' Q on the.0th ultimo, whence -he Miedbitil shortly leave rill she imagined that, SAan arme R. W. Bro. J. T. Gentraill,OHawa DiV turued:lon the 5th.after having made in-bfdert I o assist Xr� Rode. in 'revenge1or her � abintositY k -&qu1& te trampled in the two a - her a hdfribl na - the. fish. metillauts bf tha,'40asts Seconal Division, previous urtaue6essful. attempts. Johnsb, b1i negotia � on$ tothemalacreatioll; SheOAggerea to,a a Taous.inps or p==1z;G -row;ia, of both isexul mjt�e, but the astute t1ainkers of England Geo. A. Simmons, trict.� 19 for at, new Reciprocity hould f the - iflconvem, eat dif eel AZWT see t.hat it wouldbe Teacher. R.- W. Bio. H. Gutman, -Montreal Dis., who is 19 yea�s of age, eviaeucat nuidi Tr�aty.7-�- and, alm6st�, broken-hearted con- go dowit to nntbnelygravca, from gencral 40111Y 0 quourg chair, le. William Jonei�,. 2nd.Elizabeth, Camp- R. W. Bror. R. L.' Robinson, Btidfoid But between intimate and remote com MI rol shre*dness aticl intelligence,, -although he irieto�* of the Mbmmoth cludedti) d" clfora.barbe�'. atmem iyho iniglit be Eaved by foitiWug tW T now she: 'thelonited Statqs,� a Pon- wo weUj, on the whole, to get, rid of Cinaiia T. U -y District. is, i4iieially very reticent. He miiiifests bell 3,WDaid amphell, 4th Mai 04ye,,Xeniucl are futting, u]�,a, large ball uCtleie�eslnflb first time -that her reiatios with- systems with Iron. The Feravi- ASYM Is M ROn ere any ere 5th J&YLa Walker. D&Vid. Hsker,, Grand Tyler, Thos Willing, Toronto. -for hi I conduct,,, and w6hIrl be, �jo6m. juiit inside of its inouth, . whi& is. -to a a gentleman's no regret is lo. -ag repared expressly to sapply this T, such coutinvueY can Th I clothes too were. g��i current and irre0stible � desire would Tonto P' that a in Cox Th in 46� consiaered,judgingfroin hispreentactions ba:,b with a grand. outfit was substitti4d7mi,theiristeaa. She Possess them for' 'ho arme - 11raucis Caasidy,. equal, Tth eje officent,were duly installed I aborption into. the lement. and-Istheonlyrrepantiontf-Iren thOWil those amongstus, W 6th Em, a� pe-naA,on tho l5th in The next as certain now tile mietainorphOSiS Was g,aatso=aa, of a�ugqr to Canada wouldba Wm. Smith. evenm(-,,. ufe�ting of Graud� imduotllfrompMteiretimotalices�, a h [iy qnd flou asamiiate at once with the Mee& Th his ball. W.. 'signing h - erself to the system t& their 1wealt] 'ris n burst Lodge �Vih be held in -Toroiito�, on the ened dode was b%lgt ell b_y t�he, adoptio'n, of the, principle, Shnior Section, 8th Hattie Hade criniinal. a case, considering,', Vile goverfiment bAve decid4d'to� complete, arid) TO zeighbour�. But this c econd Wednesday �� jviynex,'- 'connections un(I his former irraproacbPablo- 7But allt3t; and who'., raj-ol�ce MhBarbara Ruthefford;10th-WesleiMc; 1 0 e6lease Father MoMahonfrom, confinemiut si6ationi tried to� don't.6 apparel. in le a ir.,. The f�eliug. tb�-beeipg and character, is. a x6st saddening t 6ile, No, -refer- havinvlo, he adjustment of diffi:qd very he R` gby Riffe. the reply of the �Cauadious On Saturday,Ke *ag 'again brought lbier- �na habit 'apparel the, vjsjb1,$, tokew; of such a consumIna, Once was made to the Imp rities.- the Iew-fanirl6d ser-'eratet tisdou Connell. in'lh]I6 kmiticial ponitelita experiduce-bit erilf autho -TARIM y Third 'Division, -: Miss A. MOTgan;'- qme�of-thd, t remarkable. rifle, scor-, reatly� fiom the expectations for-inbd. GODBRICE 'Wll',T-U!:� ey, it would - be eas fore the'FoIW6 Magjjtra&, br who V4 in a .�hafouudthat 9� ltatii�a, � A. wafehman nabied'Dannis-o'n-- o r Ing -ever known in irelana-40as i0a4s at the; Waddell a -her Thayobjected. to Americ debt. They more Teacher. -, -- . . 8 ote was received by b iM: beip� timelle Put the pantaloons 've an to Maintain ist Elizabeth Tvibman., 2nd. Georgola, B 4u ­%eachille gravel road,:nearl W06astook very, 6, 3d 110- ?In ve annual prize cis cl@. er Jill coramer" relation witil the Irish' Rifle As oeiatioeg that iii his b6lief Johnson- was, insaiii head� iho enedunterec OY artimpediment-that dislikod- American -institutions.., Th !9,11 h afforts to� byercome. In were uotple'lased with- Allier' ' m6 esof -train 015 f, endLy Sherman, 3rd Axthur Smith, 4th Lucy Me, this one particular, a;u(l�redommendinghis wad run over �y the accoffiAation, .5 bbl 10 Mee loan -LTnfta S*M =a that, -such a ulm-e Anniel a -Do Mount'Ranges, wfili t 16 -U-3 6(3 70 F On Intyre, 5th Mary MoQ I dh weapon. Firin being brought to the Aiylum. , islionor la.g. _ gh an ki.1 il-anatalitly. shdrt; thepants irouldntgo overher head. doing business. 'T.he.Tir.tual reply to ItIontreal, 86 '72 0 4 g W" at 500 ancl 7th, of 'sttite, oonoltided to.adourn tim 1.' ang for assistance, covert invitation yow want New York, - nour 6105.00, the� Magi 79 ial 50 03 woulzibevastl�ybenefl"to, us in everY Donogb,.,equal, 6th Wartha wmofbiew- across the line. ­�Anitlherate,, preaching on the 'De- At list, in despair, slid the -b.avoici MazyFoxand 11ary A. -Ada e matter- iathis moftin�,' when ihi deo: atihe;do � he leg 6 --at or, .105.00, - At aU events one canno lor whichallowance--*as mad sl-- - a�ia appqUpg 11 . 112.00, fire, 5) -the - little, inAla, Canada you must take it, firs% an d1iold it Portl=d, ti6i1of--D.,.Whdael1 and -others will-bd- Pravity of the' Av-e;' said --thatz 4C B5 oussed. 6;ery. &,Vf FC')urffi Dividon�wlmffiss and 'a -jrieiib�r opadkuor walk I out 49 2.0 49 ideasi the fivehundr jirdsira�ge, twor taken,' colifte'tobe ptirstAd with' ot man aftervia children Who, 0 Xd rds. anada had thet) i great. jiam;, =,I t -a, jfHt Teacher'. ancl*e *D1o:i2t,c0 i) Batty, -for Ful Point L -M., half feet, and at six.1 -this 'Aijigillar. 0 e, d6oided were to me 3 I-sk my game tc 82 -er who give3 pbl�dty to fliem iulldred yards reference moo, bi.'i3eintiin-fiin,-,41�out,ihe �ether ai iidw,, but'just pleasq o play herself Senicir Section.-Ist Emili Shermaul. fe The winner o4th gStZy, 2a (lahalf at. 'cursingaul, those propbuaded Torputo, 'Wr 'n �a�ived -at Qn -b brother if cis Afficks eqlaal,-' -prize, 'Wr-.. Lloyd, D. LIA, swearm h V,pataiiiarepches on a- large section of po'blic, 'n g. Were RM 2 is Ct OS L-4irFra�i overhis commenc ha2114 JohaDquogh. Liu�y CainjbaI4 Mr. 1 a ecL a usuall- esfeetforamest-V intertained �aucl put in force6 With the larain mtes are niado &n consect,&ie hullht.; e -at ricqi� which d For 0= own Sid Kateainpb4 4th- Clam CURIbi5is ISCOE A curious discov- Xonda�` the Ifesto M65saeastonish- full coneurrenca-of E6glaud steps ere to Tonto, B-affdo yj t the fast range, two other na, Stotts, 6th Al. Bates. �eachrange.� A dless W& bafDril, We thMTC the time has, not Tet Sile D sneec tosay-tii0i has just been,niad a Itas Vght fo4j-:Qee'ta;bin and 5&stteiag�' a af Pompef. In a 'bi. a time- be- ucan, 2n&� ery athehougehold. sqm taken dilculated to ia se the 'DoW114 n Come -got cauaffia, lRdeandenw. We Junior Sectiom-14 ohii Do gantlemeW Uisxrx. 06rtes an Robitnedn, house�in�ebiirse.of-exc,;ivz�tiofi, �passengers. Sir raitcisis,gueWof Pre -- -,WW AGODERICH MOXEY MURRET for6the lywouldadmittoberLapartment tL iied witIr the hero of the day.,, 1but, at the .'0UnL wiei..Ohal.�eau. L' 'andAo he dignity Ishmart woulc Trainer,, 3rd Calinda Cressmailp 4th.. virtttalljr into the Tuok, hvwht I call -the, Louis I di clased- with an itoh,&O­r,��bn 4e�; Jane McPhemon. am' any-one6fLditheroax,--fok fear that ske IAis has been done -Correctidtor4lie V,,zd by W. ri. 1?. F "Poell, Doputy Adjutant Out of "Aln . - I Inj �Crht Make, -a m ixtakeibut final ly ore more milt, 13ral T; ing of a gre-el country, secondjist ce each fell behindi substi ighty-6 - Oa great nation-. in an thef , two centri* for bill's eyes. 11, a batch of oi 0 fertfle tating ing Svhic Miss Georgina, Logan,- in nearly'bighteen hundred General, jah -by' me& have bien played to their - we lael the, te-alIgn-zetakers, five useclRigby2srifle, yexiA #go, and or pushed i6peii tLha The two ga ZailZCEX,0f ME0431 Wealth, Tout Goderich, July -28, TOcher. Europe. If iff said. hw p Adieturous, than rest md the losers could now e*hat over7dp overe urpbsis visiting 2MUCIA'S 1MCHANGE :on GEE M-DAW tha jnaterj�l at=ina esgenfud to, a. twoB)ifield,one a;Melford, one P. Whit- . -00M 110� was door, and soonvoiWinced the sorely trou- f6re:Seell "shovel Ist NellieGrant, 2acl Mar encampments,. in b1ta maid, that she hid"Aft -forsaken her 'but reshuille the -cards. und. -try their luck .......................... 174 -*J. BA 3rcl- -'the'UtUr d even the larage iron .*ith which �tte E�g stence. Letusthere- worth, afid one a Shicibr, Buying ]Edward Schronder -ah V 5th t they had beexthatly.jdd, in, ow� Th, �oj4er t&,p5st;--hiffiself as � to 'the 1 modern ;estate but was, yapone of- the angels of another adventure �adq 4& Sit -a making four billla eeS in the.iggrega; a,- tip- a different &111n. ................ Is I MLVM o= time =a endeavor tor take -Kitty Watson, 6thEmmjjk�ifiel4. aves, ro'but slightly o, the lo :we' i�gr-bakecl by the ea;rth. The Uis results were -thtd,,donbly, ft&- o ent, style MPo3j,a,JrSa1Ve3 UOT�)Jy aMa jXftjQti0aUy the to at.? hai4ng bww­protOcted,, bgipsiom. in the Buying at ............... .......... 4 &W=t SU -factoi-r. thelligheBiAcore-46 regis red oa- Ibs: Ban Bates. .2n& inK ­ . gi Q I rating - the do sdiinz at .......................... Z by �a�ish Shot, An(, ibilities of independent uatiomli Manto*, - -3rd - Minnie Black,' Quantity" of col or-. ' ;Stat� Of Delawa-re.hare beo�` detected in ty Seymour he Most j&eosbful 1. .. P0tTi4e&Voresta-' LOYAL CANADIAN hev, 5thJ61" There:ape. nabikeesinarks on the loaves,' Wrriage-lu'Righ I�Afa. falne3& ofgnie, Shan =AVe. Ath George, Fassmor 0`1111=Yai w6apon used being-illat wideh takes ts' attqmps�tb lAdu4'1inds6ine young firls. ine inches ........................ name from the head of ons:6 mment Dub� 'The o�j a dt is slippbsad it 6 be ransloin. us Whism. -Trainer Teacher. , they, are circular, About. - n - .. I IL * Thbiaemats, in. the *ieinity --of`CAo,a Orers b7m, ilr tolegraph execated vith Tmmp!� -Now diameteri - rather flat, anCIL indented in the TheuaUy,monoj�nouz b inesgofhe in Th�� derhaan-tavein k6spersof.'Pitts, foiegt -whk 'of firm h p�6ienia feature n, The hfg:h�st peft2fie waspleasantly're mess, und *n the most tworable ten An*abia, ist cGregor sideff,' I . gemlum ld for VIIIE6 andthehi.-hest pO ceutra, and are'slightlyxilsedat the i4erson Mar 0 ro. -This I -Alfted Papst,. 2nd Mary N -attractio�; The -term �Petrifiecl by 'an eVe]lt pr ub eg lines . r 9 to orkinearneetto'Inture A 1-Y?kZTX AND oxr. reat dwra Mixiton 4th Sophia whit-� aqaar;�dwaed-by etilit lievfd yefter -erist'he ino3t welcome 'ofour Sra E '"Unprecedented Rise in :WIL h 'S is f6r�Ae. =4 perhaps, seem . nusnarning C. lock, river. - * -segm6nt -tent of -t 6, tin ay w that T px V 5th Ellen 6131iefly,,6th� 3 Olin, Yites. fr�tam 416.'centre into 6i;ht , f,,� They the rigidinforcen annot fail tOL eke a an :immense isen- wi r a deep br6.'Yvn colour, and hard 'T -=ake the law �hell it U at& t: there Are neither Amen-,= exdiange3. its is most -,of he -object )di 6us, ajad satiollinaristocr�tidticlas. 1tw*snotb- o tjq-6a inor-leav aP-' *g leaB thartmaiTiit aof the illustrious T1�E XA-R=8 junior 033 Sectiom.,-Ist James Iffimilt -he j!iaaaments to 11 I Albert Emily EUej4 z AALLMY I!LOODED-QRO1tS OJ $shop. weia Ato 2Rc pearance, re­ hO31thy the1lustratiom ital, and but- very light, xr-the ure i&rapea 1 )utwardl.*: No So onei Oil -Y, an . - i, - -Clalir, -we din Count Lebn fou d 53 silver co in get, up fresh and vigoroul- 4th James Smith, Sth Jarilea MiXinnort. 01 CRES, swzi;,z AwLy. na 501 Le A took near Dry resembling1vood'... andin inyxiiids of placbs Gqunieir July Z, 1869. 'to Louisa Fin - I in th f buriec -and miu -Vitll, a. gieat'quantityof 1� a'fo since, in -which- are dattated, 0 * saild. Baron de Oney, ofFtpad6e, -we Mlis tion, has *6 lie ny Abbitzer, of N6 52 -Houston straet.- Fall7heat ............ SO -.86 ed Chi( y fine, ono, both in, variety -circumstances WARD S0900L 1W "bjiV, - lail pre�arja dab :11la1r1d6ad her tenth One,of mosti. in . arkfible'� ren -Jne� . L I Art about -t exceL Ce Of Re Matter and th& beauty the h being- over- pj:� faetliigh. is, The parties 4TIvei atilheici, WO Spring 0.85 00 SL patriors Wird -Schoolj, xUN %Tj't 'a grdo, tl mogfi courate'searchL the 4:25 �ye, moist diclock avail4a themselves.oflth0 first. Flour ...... 4.75 -WiU 1on th, Teacher, - d. lit Years of a iflS to . detect the latest Inn 40.65 =,I Talus of R3 Mustratibnt.- It -wor ,#enderson county',iyas, 'and. thfirtj-e4 2y 323 j - 4Z 'd 'Sornth intoxicated interesb- the t9th inst., byonc ill1the lowiluffs Oak . v ................. 0.60, 0, r .'%Y. y, U jiffl ft. - of the V)10,4n; the be�zimilng of the ver 000a OQaact Pupili.�-Lucy� d era vas � 16 laild J he' ?e aaand �h i st rainstorm ever witneWil pregen1blyhat -roili reason or your, cow- New Jersey -newspapers a vize own t mallestbasio crowd of prisoners-, th importune Justice as .............. 0:65 0 1). h �ffd -ds UP their peache& -and which could A5 .80 George 11aWq'1 the �State' . Prom tiboz vuld be done 110. 'gi rof orchir to ;k Riell thin ordea an ori& Barley * .............. g �tjty. 'Ti�� RomAxo% Smit rt- t4li science- tells you-sh -them. The count Moran, Willip DoddV111is Wal.; po Dodge "'to inarij You -ma Gm' by OdAve X ion until after'. da man imer shap bo-propulythelim. a at an�e ar oftimbor. 0 cc Edward o"clack, p, b The fruit is ille asion� FuMpt�, aut1tor ad his oww',destiny; or -the u istvFenty-mineyeirs-of-vige, andthecounj�- ............ . 0:10 (d� 0.00 ker.: trunk trunk is trunk rid iven in t �sivqjy-�abunaxnt, some; -trees, being: -illy a trunk is- WO, as I of I-TH19 PW(A-1q0X 6FA Poo,&YOiWG 31AN,-' Tuej�d*y5itorniqg there %noop, in- destiny of others, anid, ell, 41loo -OXCe0 largest -of these ess.AwAs t0wenty summers. Potdoes 0:55 00 iitii 1 he- Heis Ali& econcl 1;00k, Ut '90eqdn'. ptea4wg-ixt Aeluge. �-Du4.ng 'preae --loaded -with it-that-the:peaches, "look 'ap#t by ;the .-The Butter ........ 10.15 0:15 coo so Wpm eAvmuchl nt1ie*A­1aok at natlire, de, dapp6r, nattiman. and when stepping whicla was' every�ere Ao, - dpsovedly LIA -as thick as gm-pes upon,a liunch."I , �sj�6imjjns a tela feet in length'an 'Eggs .............. wos -about me 0 0. affect became visi earithounpl, She never postpones. - When Ilia time krA1- intorthajustice�i,.private.room, was. exceed - GO 'pd a :hvq for the bil"jen Aheyp .neL_�lFiVf ftheimgpgar JCienq�_�StMW&rtj popular -by reaxon o Moran, rise of Hwi4erwn,rivar,-wbi0h rea recolved-0 p4aia-letter ha�acliameteref,welyein(;'hOs�. Thooak 41�y, 0:10 0# 4). 'h -lynervous;,she, on the. eanftary, is jtm- Vtot, ttLa, varlety, beauty anil thrill-- 2n(I lValter An irews, 3r& Eliza Login height . "yond. GILL tile tb4�1gajjj to fall-, ibei $#,your letter. of yest - fhe btecb,the 61h, , u�, 4nd others axe, dis, . was remarkably cool ald ides(gree of its the reoollocti all. "Vook �00molonom9i. er npohsf, amd tinct y TO uT I -­ 1. . .. .. ­ I d i sing self-possessed. The court expressed gi-eat -00 ith 101dist he,shining worlds.ne'Te'r wVofF hood 'Aj; ingrhuuter efits, incidents,, fle, artistie, �Flore=6,Coi, 4th Sarah r The - �rxpid ward.` tis fide. ther ptainp 6f false 2:50 �iiafina Apeolmen-cau a colare& 0i ?'tlle Palm, t($ne '01 ...Michael D��, Agn6a answerw" b - to, the' anxiety last the! veremody ilionlil got, be Beef, perewt. .... 6:00 cc! :00 -he heZtbl which; the *iters rose W04 sa*, great their mirip. 6f their Aeftings; The, Comets ZiS & 1641 he original still of the style, And h Your letter' the sycamore 0:10 -lst-ffina Margaret take farmers along4hw Hen ley even, orritle As tb�y are� koe ir al�4 f, � Chickensperpair 40:12�, 'Purpose- conducted with jill the solemnity befittiII-9 morality. 2nd Section. the prese d' All 1he tints ore Robertson, 3rd Lucy I 'Prite, slid bori it stamp pf,any .............. Ig 0:35 completely Tly r the rtdtil -4tnd: color is well Zu a pointmenta"; and eziips�;& 4are iaways I occasion Rua -Mr. Weil Wyjmt, wliq 'Pon; its face' Ducu 0:30 u ., a t 6 Oliinl �mot&W;'from tholight: 11aples hbe present in.the court,,was Wool "0:80 a Trueman 4trhawl: Eorho`QA�L 5th y p.c happendd 'to _Eli7,i witnessed yaiterday',ind to -day,' 114 6 minute -There &a -'.ko1Zqs -Morrison, -N. yelloi-. brown or even Sheep ............. Aj�i. -,M�Kay, Efit He'X*r- oarr i d0wa the, *Wef. ot immense � auw a in'smy, of the n1ovements, -of Am unir� Fustice !Jodie 0a -ThelUmiltonTintes and Campbell, Ok YM9 d by; -panis&U GISPLI lile oa� tbe -he pe ucid, by.the 6:60 ave been prsaotormina& 4 �11 L. titles of whostand a aht inan of the di ryo, which., h an -which h ace7bz& , stiliguisbed Turkeys ..... .... Spwtatpr complain of gro" PartiAlitY -bay tin., to got as the b a iu PO Ti a. �11i$�� ilif t t� t kf�4 (lity of� Tolronto, last- Saturday, jaigage of"ibum" ous of St. Vlair de Orley. Apple* .09 Ga 10 h Y iL a.�Iot George BeI4 2nd Du in 8 S4turd*.Y a] y WabsolutefiatraIlleC oienmer, Sible.: 0 a Acton, ing been exhibited in the distribution of Third Section Thomwas of U'TOS Of,00rli, 04 -to sif& r dWj%-X from M e Robert Rund=rt 3rd John Thorpei- 4th the -stars migbtinvolvo,16 �fo f Areseritto A few. minutes sufficed toie tho %not,umd 1', Goderich-Ut,,wh9losge, p invitations from Oswego entrusted. to ss, Kay. Ily Xwept Away_, While the- 'destruction -of innum lystenas,- pro- �tyle.-Of avj-umem�t olis strikin4K, if -no Oge an exp 0 Hai ry Kay, M M� 'Sth Mary &r&liteM 3 erable i then the count broke from the embracesf ft,20. curious plienomehon.�., premises in a of thatcity- The Sullivan.- truction to fences if, I Without P"Mce, prastination in theoprstions, 4 mattiren' �cob*lqeing.- Vlft�tonXaxketis. Mr. Bryalit,:suClIed the a cueZ Ir*After the Ist Bcok- The 000v1=t& of niamy, h4ju#w hi the t- mightresiAt. in f I aminaL most urkdignifiecl- preelpitaner) IPA'rillg the W, _ -n %runzxt Tiwj thus, x4tes th .-TitabeH& Shwmany William Ilak ever re a a -and, the blotting * out of the'euman DROWXXID AV ST. MARY& leisure. - City Council and Board of Tra4w of 0swe- Reid Dasli#1 NoXf, US Whitel amaideut- 0001lrtO&- in Bt. MADAM, J%ily, 21,-Xucfl excitement countem to follow him At bar I pal linton 'July 22 rwe; . Man; however, Wzig a free agank U._ ertained concer I Itl h*A determined uponsty). UK the visit Fanny William 0114ils GM -Z Freydi fo , war* polled to a Sat rdayevaninglaAkwbereby Thari�,-. haTi Very little could e� aic n- Fall Wheat-... 0-90 City iM seat their aftT, or on such in- the performance of his duty', on u at Irst, ing 1ho family of -the Mustrious imint, but. 'Sprin�- do 0:$5 i 3farm WUH6 Hunt, Cls here and of th* Proos, Anwistion. to th$A tra, Nxiri:4 Th;zz A promisin ad I.Vdwir�d been many arrefstp' made -porstryrafts"coulc1bewnst ot the and bodoe� so too fteanontly, to S young. MU'rAm �f parties Mr. Bryant *ug of arnis 0a law, stud�#% is lif ladolid, Barcelona and Cordova, gested that h" 0:50 ,a qla Dicbcn, Robert Logaii, Xtvk Dais. lost 41 by t8 .. .... . ......... The dr4ffa drawn by I -wed to be 'fonionting insurrections. was a barber'api)]o rampant) &bar of soap g, for P blic men of - borttilnoall6wed. $O� it lot 410 lifre been bathing in th ...... 0:80 Uft, OUtSi to Visit 'is t;et reported, though they Wares #0 belis a 841!&ral $eneMlAaid colonels of the army zolichant, ad, ant ensanguined razor Afth# lanceupowthe future are pretty surata. be 'ti tWindrivinx .......... 40:60 06 ().6C; the Proyi at fth# river and the supPoe, on 10 MMO C =0 t book 100208 owl' 0056P06 In 4ioltonorad. X%ke-now your banker. Do be ittitok his h6A on the- rock1r: Uttom. *ere� ng' tbo-'number. The, Govern- Aeld :o -it Potottoes. 0:65 0swer on ths satao comal 0 datri- Mi= 2=1 Iai T'ho, 1111110 t - f lathor. this may bo, e to JKr Ist 8044011. 'not IWY YOU WM40O0nOMiZF) presently, fQr,,.,W -an tlat rL he, was swimming lmldly mefit- authorities are aking great pre- w4av :�mstaacefhat the count Flour 400 Q,) 4:50 ly� of wilick wo , h A V hirge.' Sev" irowned korm and yrei4fitly yodi 1 C&INW], of Toronto, by the Searetar:Y of lot N4rmaa McGoire, 2nd HAry, Aim s �40; Will *be banlimpt.'. Bear ina -44�m--the istriral' and'.]& oompanions cal4tionS to prevent an outbreak. The Save theimme of hismather, the Countess 13utttr. o ................ 0:121 n 0. the Rencler- ffAter.L He decree of Ej­Mmb do Chappeaullougge. That cow& were teen RQ&wW &x* mind the important Uc�, Uvght aW Or �Of Jn4tiea'Horrera de lone, as 1, Uggs ...... f-14 Thi ....... 0 -day. Thadamaose, tue, farm the hi#ery of nations, rulers and, private 0 "y Iliclioteemod haALboan WiandrjL,%n French 4overli- The manwtg* stindsuly reoor4eclon the *8 OSWW Committee. Nelvor, 3rd PoterFox,ickrAlylloDonald. re by hwail bw been Oeseed to wDdJo*rto=I17U 2nA, &dim -14 Christy Ann NurrY, intiTfttA Will -of 401- individuals that, 'AL at least tbrft ca$' moint has ordored sU Spanish onVira,�rs books Lif the c L o1qirt, witb, An the titles in Seaforth Maririve - in the corrimudity.' ThoWy W#A r*WY#re4 sw to Tkdon, and twem'y six Arev, #n 2nd 1OW4 Isto 't I Matisook 3rd Gew. FatWii, Urs, and, in �m., C=, , ters *1 out of 11yaj,pr*aently too �t out about Toren oo, a portion of ths rwi- Sunday afternoon. away from thefiontier. 4& Relent 994W6S1M001i07ItiXdY'0U4 on pisaft Wng oommmied witIL the Promaand mad am frM Okinp -A xbarp. fight 000tlrredyesterdayatTrini- AW*xD11xujeLocx.-A clock which Seaforth, Tulv23, 18CO Nuo, Fir" B"k. off frout the mum XtvtW q- - 16 rot fidl Xtont of has just bee kar* 20 oom" to taiser)"At _VP011 the =0=0dite )f *701 Voi)lm W ReA4 Aout 100 itaot from here, be -CO I for the, Cathedral ......... *.. osa I 11B, a 610 not I gratifyint*1aw'of ths'prtipects. twftAtb*oiiOAntk*Iitj0s anti xbma of inviwiam iatmAod for other huk&. The -T thpletec Spring Wheat ......... 0:80 (a,� 00 out in Pike 40d we, wnvais, contains 90,0* wheols, and r is si thA awrm. waters. at* slowly receding heat a" he Northwest. FoTAOM , . r eato be in' the" !-- of D haity disp4yod in tke Duke of t , surrictionists, Presum. Flour po bag....., 4.00 0) 40 I ssftjCk$r� to_day, thMh it is $IjU raininS JtL repressatatim'k oxtqW, e jury sammored-, �20 other thitigs,. the OR 1), inta- der his to th Urw4ofDOAC 'Joe. Nin6of thefatter inaicitet, among mart from wb" has been .......... na JOE" i; Tait. the is noiiw Uvorabli. tar= ireitigate the couse ofthe 11-lisAiSs8ter Sa AererAl of t�e former WerOL day of tke weele the month, the 7earthe mbip"w� event whicb� weinaa6a. ia -* ...... the gresit"t has led The insurraWouisu we, . )n of time, "Arle �0:80 been clrirnff J"T Korall , and zi�m ef tits zed O;Ihe qqutu Potatye; 0,65 a Ap 9 1p �4*w York ' mr A shioe- the battle �Qvttys- the oolim of the planets, 'the photo of the I I .............. 0:60 A. Y, Jobis Bci;tw t Wty 40ne" "d QoAtSL by a justice of'14 Ststo - Pies$ ...... . 0:60 0.60, or obmelftlin, by bild- It r�ea& �jhuj -It Gandemen of inoon, the time at everY capital in the f kw Dt the leaders ali eicap6a. 3 -1 16 Iflwy a vark b" whiah t1W 004m 4i-Yett -an eallad - -A. dee 'the tuoyesible fi*U for ne hundroil I utte- 10:15 ASOCAW4.-It is JMWA I *#NZ P forAttmopwWo *41 a k1a from here to -da 4�1 plot has been discovered here, 0. for itsptjoet a as" As dwWk Into ja obaostm *ad Wdplftmt Q& more U= common im: A* X14n! r aim via bavo a it Xxi 1WPP*y.:0 )z Uving th ination of, yeaa;�, * be -days, &ci Perbaps the n_ ThM&L I& in asuall, portanot son -Sao PrinisAd Rivers. mo%turions p New imparttiv* 4tuty io leafn how tho" art Of the mischanisin is that Junk. uArx. into YAF]k mh& vu tbeir death. z I deamd it- wb the vAditional days in l"p MO N EY FOU N D 0amelo, $ ich given it, y is a fine opoditert of handwriting the o JA JIM it u doo wit, y 4AW 0 AmuAnd the oommon- yearx, and vilich oonsequontly in Wled ij P01444 ix "h1r, wwIth of -]E demu& its and we will &de#A Pig ryeight dayo. The main mum 101=0ey which tMfiwntr caubare by iWin itotion only enoe in four yam. The CIO]* is wou 4 , 6 an Joh to "I i#`twZ:,fZ in diameter, aricl the MLL. sworst wooi of wb 4y"Pa"mor Zwio V* mom rAske a WO leg, f it produou a total Aw�ee& ix 7 shot, 2 of G 00 qeCtly toil 'Was Lomn on, quaL A. McLellan cc Al grain Xce en cover - lea asu 0511 Ot "be on this Ilk L �3 fal 11 W-:=�:7, 231:1 tY LqMZ:��13 1=a I 'a -2 z�31!y 2,141%0 rn:ls? 1,7Zac,,]yzZx,nCd k)y t%3 Traw, Glorloin!3 In t��o 4c1—,X.a-t 1,=,-ZL1rvg ra+,17--o EtczZ ca-- a t7avc AS It 1,71U�3 �n* to b—clT I rq.,J�t",2rfai fly CC-= us -nio f—,— al P­Vvnri 13 he �cf LrC:J, a n zw (:!,c mr� I , Mt "t,:kC3 -Zt fz�z rcat Cf zza—­ a b�vl I 03a N7421 2 tS V!<:J C 7 �"tye C2��- f3 lam r-=y:LC-,3 Erce. No. �3 Dc� Va;40r, no =S1 rc�4 ts cr- n f-�-1�upb!o V�- nd by C:YnE:y re�a3vca win CL =at to v C�t —d C T t7. 13e_ Z,=] narg V,�t7c�-:7% xznt, lzc�,Z IZA 1:-at2mc, rns:% A Nc-arn-IS3 v-14VI �cm it f!==�23 �,--:r f� '73 E X AM I N�A 8 C.ral .0 011 L TEA Tzmc�p T,:n =t, in t' -o Ica DAYS GY AU( rent, t �,nl cl-, ya ct %0 r. W�u V-1al 1-0- ca t;�"-Nng i"El; CL' -13 DR. ;LCL%, Juty" ICLEAR OIL IG to EMIG ri-szt JCLOITTS� 01-10TE, cat C7 =:=' rnz) f;l co Z--t:;t Ell� iff rcmuvj G OVA e'14,1 C1 Lr-', Zn z- I DIS S, 3 U110 N 01" IAB - IT Vt 74Ppr-Mn , tL:`-4i C Notitce to Coul SEVA-YU D T�iE i� -, c-, ';vc a ty t' --o :Itff W f- =2 Z n NO . 0, r = 'I X 7-o E-2:1 4 E I --Vu V,- 'Ic-, C:-^ A;7"-�n Mc C:! ft= -n - INSOLVEN7, AC. in C? (21S CZ-3T­­ V-i�s,--= 7 L -T7 L- 0 d ::2 1: 2 V --7a r C 2,