HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-20, Page 31% 7_ :-7 u T� -z y :�IARXDIIV f-17 lea." Z Z% 'd for -7 TARIFF. f rE_ L 7� -3 Ica C4 1% at T,� J11:7 20, 1869. .......... 0:90 .......... kl:S5 0.8-9, .......... 4.sa .......... 0:60 .......... G.G2 .......... 0:80: .......... 0.% .......... O. -Cm 0-.00 .......... 0:10 .......... 4:tv 4:55) 2-00 (cv la -Z-9 .......... 1 2. 6:t* (d,�, 7:M 0. 12' 7') 0:14 0-10- (�') 0-M 0:30 CO t, 0-92 .......... 4:,% . ......... 1:03 IL -@o Lcl.b. per bbl CE--tcn, July 20, IS59. ..... ...... . :S5 ............ (D-80 &.85 - --------- 0:45 0-.50 ........... 0 -so @185 ........... 0:69 ed, (D. 0 43 ............ ............ ........... C:93 0.%- .......... 0:90 ........... ........... 0-41-3 0:52 ............ cno cc!) &.laa ........... 0-69 0-65 - . 0:60 CC, 0 =1 ma SAT IL% R12"N' G to C:= ozi-i a-] cf kook Cf �,t CLOTBIN" W. ILTI L- Prf��c-. aTy2h = b5 �-_C:3 LR�--t E"y'a ca tL� ff rGH ou-Vtop- cra tm 1_�_ W-1- a24 T:11�2a a- o tc� T�* zz=-- L3 c:-, Q =V &7. A- zxaa 111_�_,__ h2_1 tl�3 L—_= d_7=1�v-t r -T L ---a t_—�t�f Cf t,3� t-0 rma �Sn day of xul I lmlaV 2d Ju: S e a -IL pz =Ozy 25 Fe y ay E-2- '9=�-a7 Cc CT -=aa. 'I, V7c1n=by Cia 2:,Ia-Z� rr2ay F0 ED DAN. LIM, :!g Mfa ISO. W47 X As AM OF 1W40 W:,�" VW# 34 rt 1f 5-1-:4 r llb4 V11N ITALPAX. Y -XT 'ACT OF W4- , 44 are 4 WAY 'A� -it .1 t f irkaff- tholl"I -uy %4-'vt� for ths hly, T,,,kww J(,PNX NALVAN. tecw Afftow. ft C. C q K� g GUM- seasea, of - the eye, GIAlt NOT lw�snfierexa ir-ora­ffi— RoEM 0 V E 3�1 fb&�t.t tl'Toat, Inn-gs hezrt, liver; kidneys At 4 & ars P f - !, for, S 410* lor ilay thronia dinzmz, who de3ire to. avail SS OLARKE$ TH:E OLDE LARGE"' 'aaredb all the=elves of Services of 0, Ay� 'er, 14 :) 1-1 skilful.aua ex- DJ6 mm Pius., petlenced phyaicixft tile Pills. They "gulate, the, owidis, correct the adebrated CC not fail ta �aii Liver, clear the Complexion, 4ndvollovato the system' iption ev sit' X. �.00_4_31?0 X bal, t Aw r J 'Oft, a-P!"CT tl, ap nn; �.. w- - -tipm Dr. 31 D, cut&Pi@ST prophfed � I pr, - Ifigredle t mil, Sell of active u �olln Ilalp;?- � in 4 eT--,_,gar% t�a distiigitailica they are compa, tit,; In a highly ra6Wto J1 .!Iade In a ne!At an I n, I I * concentrated rorin-, and. Strike �.at *a root of disease, Clarke, M D.,4PIIIYsiciait D'4 Therep lystea-lux to the Hainilton lialuil-wa fitnn�t. 4ijd nr, t"ny nro Living up ba!jiiki�i zollentin dint �:quj[oviv 11�'p Infirmary. T ral lair ouringalmost like mgglc- tAe Q1t0eU_- o .9 member he will be at the British Hotel) ThOusands testifY to thCIr,-0XtriQr,41IXary bittlittlyll Is derivoil irbia-10 citires, bWv BOOK & STANERY STORI 'properties. . Soldbv all dealers, .3nany of wbichAre truly Dndtecttlo tit once. 2WI, IL-1 ednesdW, J111Y 219t, ' mid at Xinem-dihe, -------- - his owalilabl'im'di'i; l' -un -fulling I thr marvellous. - veterafe rcj1u0,_tcl to. Z= Itutledge-6 Hotel Inland Jon no Gr Frld%y, July 23rd. I 81,LSXMI) I I- is file thosti pain prous- di ffwei� .-cases of Scrof ous dis-. For restorl sty Hair to 'uL1 v"rermi, wJ00L. WIESr or HA.AjawoN - verdict given by allwho upe HOM!A HuringITAin is subjet t. 11 ea8e,�whora the ystem 1,03� core of he remale constitution job . stpac tions_i� se-med Saturate mith. -its natural Vitality and Color. u, wzm'ps t,1 tp r! 'fyo BR"-uT1r a -cc pald for w4yq =-atl I'viool., ve n�,, 8 1. itnlalcesdi��-barsb, tiff bair-soft. glossy 'and Irelli6vaSal cauti . it vlealises.thd =1 , Youloves plm�fjlcg, moderates allexcessano Ildve beett, d aspeody-durc mav be relied join.* 'Ift daVd cure, J. STE WART &- D RO. rz --Complabits are made thatmany d by Its A _dn f4? S�_ S THD SIGNAL OFFIOB I Ids,, rovelita f1behhh, tromral Ing a U issin- which. -I V,,_15 -1 strou liensthe at if. , 1. t grdiv strong. luxurkatiti Aud� COnMPAUSS cannot 9�-tthpirarms, andare thereby pre and Ilicer in 311*0 CrAnousaactlousand beau 1, andi 9 only 95 ot-Opik-Uttlo. TO MARR UsorderF,3vbIohwereag- VMted frotg perf�e IEQ LADIES c I ii�Llilt. once a4ce 11 tl',Q vwiv�l, C75 -tingtllc-�Tdrill. It it is so Its too a MOM- 13ds nttd shimId bz seen to by the proper authoritiesi in Sol everywhere, it will, in a shot tinti), fta lavated I)y th �healthyl �ud -dff isoll2urt'leurv. 4 o u ousioclutalft U f inationviatfi T. J. 2,1009HO SE, �br ngo ofi the m6lit'lity Period with reg0latIl Y.' Vlmvis,v, 1nina In tl ao side or bar. k, cholic, or cramp IA and all otltoricb� -AdVaits: .()no I)ollnr, bme.rq.ti + 00v:� they *era painfully affleting, UVe bdim.,radleally lbr -preserving ...... than Pain Destroyer" will give 'din such great numbers in tLa stomach, t1lo -1 Can,, I B U 31 A T I SIll kite� I)Otf1eprIeL cure Almost eVeTy sea, n- BITORTSdirartftem British Manufacturers, GVCry. ain to preVet t con n- inInIC11atO relief SnId. by all I RJ11vothoboaY0n applicationof-TACOM'RUErMATIO ornment StaWP orGreat 131111 tiorofth000mity -her il edicine dealers, price, description of Lioarin. We will warrant It" aura Bums, VrostBltes, _Ttba nibileEr eei n@edto Baded or .9ray , tbtil ar y 0 Q& rA-- bottle'. bb Informed of Ira vuTties or uses. hair is .0�aderful for belief. UTUYillavl) loon laveil- by it Traw.Pdls -qho? (~1e d2tring enemies of our race, - oft4en, tius--unseen and unfelt riginal coloi & -its 0 THOROP"I B` 'A WE.1-cmin RIqmDv.-A brighto- fature to those a 41d 11.athe 6aken by to RE; i chilblains. Sore Threat, Lama, Back dr Nide. Sprains, "BODOM10128 11048033,ill One (if the most ddstirfictive sobn restored, Some of tile olives It had � effected ard alai . ot too 0 A-'V'rf 4�. el DI laMea-voung and rmr or olUand frail, who have suffred WWITI-1-1, PAP R39 ug death, and resto .-rHREV, A1,01V.'1W$_ f Pre; tollant Of the 61ganbulundeinlineMe constitution, Wilk Ike gloss at 'I --d �,-S th a FIRS 2 andinvitesthe attA* of e"e6bling or fatal discasest . I fro di red to litannellealth - I I N onf'a I in ( isear� - r-atiQnt1v and urcomplillig-ky day nftrr day, who have and offers migie safe a day without It: boadroda of vain. �y lz1-0 sl1re to hrsng 00 K I , Moiily, (M th' *Ithoutoxe tin lolon ofits pre§ence. -A freshness Mvcdpatiently xid In Demy, roolsMp, Letter and Note SizeE, .1qS1110"t hl�V Sri ailtin� - bead- able lives and thoasall� 'be saved nn- yzitme, b?g i2t any of Itieent0tobree infee plathroughoutthob is of dollars.; may her ' � I !M odyan arly as halt, the nervous head. tM& le 41 Nervouis and �E th*yon liontefavorable becasion,rulil I'develop air is C, j, $or �cho which has them at the lowest possiblo rates for cash. itsuse, Asapreventivaofconto�reoas'dls ;pinal A dbetfons, Thill ��Jfijq� nually by -in a ApAl 1, 1�0. -III -into one or Othet of Its bideous foribs, al ta2l-ea and tortured theweary brainuntil almost crazed ases, nothing ever before invented Can conivare With it d9l But, timm ladies, 3 on can, get ains in the I;acic and Limj)% Fatignt on.ali er on the With the sickening, pziu. on000 c Wo,authorize all dealers to refund the' Money if, lt� '13 surface or anion -in the latter, tuber- ftbuttloof Dr J it. will relieve tit exertio% FOalpitation ofthe. lleartp HY9 -rlcs ;!no the VItals. ened, falling air checked, ind bald - does not give entire satisfaction .11 effeet a cure wher all MAY b(3 Su denly deposited in the lungs or Bess often- --though not'always, 4mired slek, nervoifs or billions. A trial ins cl.: and sold at prIcesdat aitentsh the trade. S. J. FOSS $a to. Whites, these Pilk w r tilmOrsformed idthe liver, 6r,it stiows eznvince you of Its merits and enable, you to bil PARKER& CATTLE A outs,Godarloh.'_,w-I2­1y other means 11OVe failed aud-alth011el A power 1tq presence by'JeMptious On the Skin, or fonl-ulcer. by its use. Nothing can restorla the -na. r_V LMYPY This remedf eart be tested free at No. 6 S-E_1`J7l:S#r. 1\0ETTS a iedy, - iron, cat' "el- 411t1w ntlops on oom2artof the bar. Heneejh� occa. hair ;where the follicles are 4estroyed, I . , � ft - - - __ tud ren -do not doiltam. N,_1 tbD!1,rd Tlav 1,09. Tl)�i�nli S Q�Trx-T or -a zilvsa kst=_,t� Westland is sold bydl drug4sts. Is'accidental iuffictlon, called, �S!Qnaluseof4 OtUpofthIS arsa juLy.-Sun-strol;o.-Th motiV,oraiwthing hurtful to-thetoobt,1111011. 'I _Vaiql1a is ad Tolmlinsim.and at 110.3 d:A1, J. Special ateention is given to this qepartment. Parties by the French coltyl dz soleil, is supposed to oeelir more ons in the 2)amolllet --at iucd each :v1sablo; even. When toacti7e Sym tZma 6f disease or !ell 'and d6qak�& � in. such Indeed, Ffill direc�i becarefft-lYl JAerved, amear.* Ferofts p the glands atroph edIqJdV;a-d 110�1:er. nli 4"4§12 UIR, Iption 6-equently as the country is el6ared, but Pitch affleted with trio following coin- But such as remain Call 'C4n'll"'S�(ir.-,'.I�1wlu,,i,,itlz,,,,��C,�in, ordering Irmo me may rely on haug any descri tits tereSt'in 1!� 934C>1NTCm4 4C>3P C20Vj. In the :age� which sboilk Canaclas, P ts generil be -ii ofinuslefurnished promptly and is net the case. same maiiiitr�many suppose Sole a United Statesan, find immediate relief; and at al -or ase as the gent for the ifp oure,by o use W this SARsyll-xili. -usefulness by -ibis -appliCation. I stead an-! -Kt:' tlutteriffie Is on the iucre older, but this also lea deception, -counMbec ()Sl�S, Rocbei,-ter, N -y- 2.41: W. fact itles Jor coin- ind six pDARge stfi'T-k If, ene air JOB K With, im �astfsedi A th-v. �-xn Z 11. 1.00 1 busi LQWe,9t P i -a, I am mighty in the sabar At Very rices; illusions spring from the ine losed Tetter -Salt X71,ei(m, Scald Ire g, Ringwojjj�.. of foang. the h nkis . - manication. -hibb, authorized agen kpesf Sore Zars, aztd other lions or o:A b�,, , likethegrea: H05110"WREMEDY- t Will ininlre r bottle con, $06 ill keep it dean and vigorous. bu A large assortment of new and popular pieces always for consumption. follow in the IVA . Of OWU to any forms of $crofal taining sv� � t") vw nmd L -,l (if �1,y- lb zatiM- filtV pill by retu vist era _T':t on hand. Wo Aded by the brave, rn mail'. lousillseas6. Jsloiu�the meutt it w, 0', Fiercely wiL spepsi Its occasional -use Will prevent the hair r more concealed forms, as - - , . �Ai Glorious in the stalwart steamer, Fi to, N, !F4eiIrra01yg!fya1-# 0 001 FIR 90 R C��i 7111% jpL,;drAL NOTICE.- Disepse; Z I I 890 gra r2- This is the cheapest house in the trade. from tuinjug y 'or falling off, and Laughing at the storm and wave- Profits bared on the "ready money') system and not FAU SlffoW,- kels Female Pills are extenszvelY COUNI and the varlons Wcero= ale ons of the muscu. $17 irames 01a7 lar andneryouspystentsi SubSeI1Ibt consequently prevent , baldness. Free credit TERI ByOM Us or'Ventreal And iWerourfal Diteases partnerand. avt1io0Fxd a!onc! to t'ao L'asin- bi�auteous in Me palace pillars, enga0hpacizage. All are cured by it, though a long time is'tiequired for frOM those deleterious Substillites Wlich NORTHRUP 1 YMAN, - subduing thegerolbdtbiate,)naladiesg.anymedicine. make sonto'pteparations dau&roiis and .3. S. C_ A 111N 1; it'. Saving in the pointed rod, 7xi. J. 19-corhouse outh Hilioll 4�16111tllral Society. Newcastle V- 'I c&e J %lal"s ff.,geii6ra Mot long continued use�,ldf this in Wiewil S vtoriso injurious to the hair,., the Vigor can As it brings the deadly lightning Goderich, July 13th, 1669. IV9 agentforCanad., the poinplabiit.:� Xemov-Awa or.Whaps, J. F.D.% ZN7�1 E fL Quelled aad harmless to the sed. % Cattle auv. Weeraflonir, Ind Nemare."D-iseases, Are com- only benefit but not harm it. If wanted ARV WD. HODr-Bl, t:j" Sold InGoderich by Parker motilk, ilion relieved and, ultimatel d b I d Inviggratm— urif& `18T 0 HE South Huron Agricultural Socletra Falll$haw FOordan; Goldiner oz; Co., Bayb.,ld; Jamel; _ g efreof. W14to D�ec­ M2erdly for a Ckderieh, ist June 1, -9- - I - MIKE d;Fxeter; 3.11. riots 10"Pe= ease ate found in our Mm an %'sup - tut there is a glorious essence. X MHUB, T Iville; J.-PlOkOr 671- - M I 'o Combq,', Crtinton. S, cord, bucL"nOw, plied I Alp 1 0 , for 1869, in connection with the Tuckmmith Rogge pafld.A:'-X7141umaffsm an4 Gouf,,wlien. Where I take my grandest power AWTIONJEERS. BranchAgricultaial Society. will behabliathavillag caused- by no I curaulations of ex 'us Inatters HAIR D RES S_ I -M. G R orsealorth on Thursday, the last day -,01-September, so ikediaine OQ49.: .*31 1 p �' _y. n, l3eafOrth- and a It 0 oo, Id to If, as Also, XAver An'th"bl ' d pe, juickly '011 ':'::d I OT 0, 17 nt of N�lrth alzd 14-12 R Giving to the n-Aen my surest, and Fr16y the firstday of October next. The -inside ntsp vJT '-_VongesHon0r;Tnfl4-­� nothing found so desirable. W-R(Adundice, when aA--g Perty of 11r. SamnO mefaw, N9 C—IP3 Sweetest aid, in danger's hour, bills secting forth the prize list, conditions &a yooften do, from-tize rantain Ismail in ire, _.C6ntainilIg neither it does HT1 97 -mm Oaf cfuuitiva, L COMMISSION Eli "IT&I K, &G. = tment to be arranged and judged the firA day. Fjtg, REAV T919 1— OLLO G lai Z 41 a, else can be oil tor,dye, %tfflrif,3� --na will appear in due tim% A blowing Match !�;d *k X6TH as the whildl are clear�!, S e, a d. This RARS":an�Zff toa, gmat re- not Soil� White Calnb " honce 24. r�so a I-"'(, See ! before me fly diseases I Crabb's Block, (VanEvery'sold stand) Reaping Match. will also come off this year, in d6n!46& W,�ys$ �VOKIA LOZENGE ar a e tam and� 15100 ric, ancl yet lasts VOIL Tll�,Ycisa goon 1%, tiou with the Snuth Huron Agricultural Society, of. Children d"n Adults storer 'for the Strength � and vigot offhe' lkiyslem. ng it a rich bn�n 4riZ69 Carl frame r'lleA MZ'0- T,�erp, Is a nVrC7 See the darltest hydras bow GSTON STREET, GODERICH. ii the hair, ' ' glossy falling spring on thefar,,n, cl �0= Gre"Lat-a 'Of 2a=3 M which notice willbe given of time a*d place as sbolfas sari. remedy for- We, -8 in Those w1to ars Xa" 4idand _T,(st9m*,�De&Von­ long o giv-1 OT S -_C_ fha rose of health add beauty 0 N T A R 10. possible. Ifinore of the owners ofstalldons travelling ."As it is a well-Itnowl, and melancholy tact dent, Skq_vW#j -2 n1troubW with Weiiiow 4p- I tre and a gratefulperfunie. =TZ3,07 choke frfiftirees. Tim INIp 1,1:11fIt!ng CT 1�1 Huron this seasonwill. a Ong US fc.11 wheat, flwws ofp2�_s, 6 Zar'C17. 2 V2MS 01 in the South Riding of tall show, to that one groat calibe of deg tit Uln ba= iinistediate. -s of roots -34C i bute towards giving prizes forfoall; at the atie Thho the palest cheek and brow. Sales in town and 00UntrV PlInCtudl- from Worhts nione,.It �anuot be too ticeply lut lad c Xestor4ttva frepdred by.'D L C- A* 4 -Co., oatS and 2 ac;!, ffonl Ointen pndu I I be held in Seaforth. AIr. James Johnston, �, owner of upon the M . Ids ot pare9ts the neceisity WEU on rl, is distauts ndles from Fly! dyspepsia I fly consumption I ly attended to- the Rob Roy, offers to i hing to sub ssed 2 1nYCVbn'NkZ'CsrX give $5 ; others wis'. pre- theirchildren. BYgodoing'. frara Mauelle-stlerityliere t7fael, Yes. an flifs are crushed at length, Goderich, July 12th, 1869. W24 scribe will please send the inoney and their na_me� to otel"Isely. wat6hin the R .1'RE-PA.RXD Zr pa&wc�L AxD AwAL=CAL Qnmzq, 'JCexmns p5rt cash bala=Dct thioe It 0 1327 c`=t- the undersigned as soon as possiblej so t at it mak up- and und orstandin valptons and true cause Apply to -hildren might be pear in the prize list. HUGH LOVE, ten., Septy ofthedisense,thO sandi-ol a 33r. T. v. ATIM * CO., 36owelli For I give what human nature S. SyMprows OF WORMS., LOWELL, HAS& S. H. A. S., Rft'11-3P2�0a. -Siaved from earIV grave June 26tb, 1869. -The foil om in - are a pemr bf the very alimerous rraettwz, and :dn�lwl idhMis". it r op r 1 e t are n t I I C V72 -04T Only ever needed—=.MiGTH I FFJ()J1 $1.00, Drtn ps Which fire caused by SOLD 33y ALL DRUr Goderlill, 18tiI.Innp, aEC-0- svmptoms and diReaS, Saluted extrern- -Worms, I)eranged appetite,etn Shall I tell in what great esietice luent PiLi�'png at the *47 I can thus your spirits cheer up 2 -fties, offensive breath, fre( ileep, hardoeEko i 1 9 FLAST10 salmyn", 11,001"Jul 9G. 9 A -jilllingoftheteetb durirfg 4 MI -v , nose �`rejqllent Slinly St1DOi5, find Pallid, trembling. dying sufferer, Of th4 be, y, w;th I mellcolivulsive fits;.pam Ili the h6aid and X W -% 'Tis theXamed " Pw­1uvt" Syr -u?-" s 6 f). " N 4 un'lla-A sievill, i4intings, trembling Tplastizstnte 'Roof vov TLQ PERUvUN SYRUP is a protected� solution of dou-1is, itidegesn-fl,low spifiti, inglittuldreams,', prepared to furnish lbnitl.�& -1-M, CC J=nt1:ftb t: ontheToof atsomuchlit!rSquaro. E3 potomide of Iron, a new discovery in medictno aaa � gradbal wasting a' ' a I Ile' it's nil Theytire palatable For RodfflcP It is 111;104 RU a.d,,,rf-' admin�lrd to the., IE ?a 3 A Vol 9 n girl 0 J"_ � ' batstakes attheroot of disease by supplying the SCRED19LE OF DIVIS101% COURTS child—drive Olit thle worms, thoroughly without' A R V T EMOMETERS. V _0P 9t W tifu aln And 6ompllelel� aleanse the stoinach—there - J. byllothl3nil(lers an .3 Z-btnCn --nd WITHI; inE th tile nacesAitv of administer Ty til land with its riW pn�_,Iple or life d-1 —1— doing a 'Way -1 1 FNGLA-sb' YOUR dumbilitysitbAng p.�if��tly 01-a `rhegqnuineh=l'P4uvu.; STnup" blown in the thartic"g—as BY L. STlNSTEb, Rl@(,4,ENT ST., LONDW , ng�lastor di I orother un pleasant ca MADE getontoircilast. arm Medicings. of Roof. _ne=1yMU fac bt-st ia tD� iC=�"g glass. GountV of 39urolaill u ille use',M otber VV cities ana tf)=�S a% r00fea Viva t4e V —1-ttg Stnl� p- Eaefi.-box contains the lac,:qlmile.slgna� -ARRANGED by the magistrates in Court PtImphlets free. lure of NORTHROI� 4� 1;yM&W.,Ne*chstleOAtariOp ace, as- 'this vicinity in J114 Course of the JM of Geueial' Sessions of the PS who are the --sole �roprietors. rnHE general agent *ill, ibroukh Jo�lma didlaway, C.Cft upon thelpiople of J. P. DIIKSMOI�E,Proprietor. Of.tliegaLnow t.s, whichwesballoffdattbe follow - r Relloways worm LOZ`62190.1 A iiextint)ntki,-With.%-ftdlagscirtilient celebrate Go 10:1,en, Zth 211ay, If"ca. sembled at Goderich,� June 1869. N 3d B,—Aj;k fe .4ns!Tm in _86 iurr treirl Elm lie White 31sple on Wqhlut.Baek, tA# 'I L rNo 36 Der St. New Yark. 1.1 --Goderichdu Parker lr'T�qwl ides. -PWaV7lAte,ClIe=, onvai E andtakenovEner. L ra-ii-6$8,acwrdini,totabeii-.131aclWahitLttases,Nvithel) on glass tubes$8; with flint bored, jt.11tts. 1;10 x, Geneyal,1.11 —00nipriBilIg that part &,Cattle and F. Jordon; _$�aMiner & CO. Bay froi ated Wooden Cistern eud&,rery Nourmol. Ly= Pickard' to $20 each according i9finish ; line Satin Weed fhames,'820 each, with the celebr I � Onglish Wheel Bar- NOTICE, TODEBTORS, out. 1ST Drvisioz COURT. cut atthe end �Rose 1voorlFrame-with Bond Mals -And Frankibl. Tabe and Cistern $25 -, I of the township of Godericb. to the North field; J nme� J30ntham. RMj�erville4 J. of the cut -line and the. Huron Ro -ad, until F ach, eording to HuM, vith a 3 Sc!d by all Druggists. VOL xxt. 0 47. ROM THE Exet'r; J. H.Combes Clluj�okn; Seeord Luc coasters in MoliagauyFraine, windAlld and I" 1,&e., attached, firom$12 to $35 e ad e 2 ove: 11 di A'T.-ma nirometers 151—r-rth a ail Me icine, VW I W -354f -GEORGE R=,AIL. 00. net between -Know; r- - =so $On.$ "A the same meets theroadallows. Dealere� w43 Warrauted for One THOL_�,Ms Op pRoxisxG YouTiis, of both sexes, the 13th and 14thoncessions, then back Every histiume ..Va_ , . - - go down to untimelygroves, from general debility and in Canadq, the height above !ads: L Co�- Eeq,217c42 to Pay t2 alone, the Huron Road to its junction with froindateofsale. and town �h locality corredty�,-whlch PESTROYINIft Having procured a correc regis4rof every pit wealmoss,who might be ,%ved by fortifyiffg their CANAD111 P op�redto d1fitudi) eveqrinstrameut for cat orde rto sate V'G -0a - co - . = . . the Dials. t,'y- A fall asspitnicit of Self RegrIsWrIng Bignell J01MV, tLC the ut line, then West by the- road al- wateroroea level; the r7queral Agen. is absolutely necessaiyto have them chrrect on Part- 4 f ThePeravian Syrup is iin Iron lowauce between corcessio A Family Medicine, well and fav enhatulatpticesfinceS2up to$10,lacebrdingtofillish. of tho'r-ald s5�s with Iran. as 11 and 12, orablyknown Farheat. ies r3t Tonic prepared expressly to supply this vitalizing a single Ther'nuometer-A c6ustantly to the River Maitland, then along the forth6p6.ittertye;lrg,neVerfatliti�- in obtaining one of these usefulinstruments, which accuratd1 and invari4bly foretell the state of the N -1ves of theqpportunitywhich now presenteitselt ThaA a Avilll!g% tl el=ent, and -is the only preparation of Iron that will !1041 liour should aiilithentse ge River Maitland to Goderich, together instance 16,gLve permanent relie vhen timely orA f. at once with the blood. Head office fJr the.Polninion, in XOntreOL, with the townshij) of Culborne. E PORIUM-1 single case BOWESGQucralAgqnt16rC;mada used, and we have never known 4� C the to of dissatisfaction.where the directi�ns have been bserved in Coilsultbg the -Barometer. NOTI E. 2ND Divisiox Coultlil.—Comlrizntig . ;. � fteral ftes to le� GODMItion WILLS;. Dyspepsia is radically cured with Dr. Beggs! Alle- township of MeMllop, and tha Dortion of 11roperly tolowed, but on th"ontrary all 'a witlioutmeying much, elther up,,Dr down- vantor. Soldby drugg�lsts and country merchants. Ot 4qlighseg�witlh.lts operations., and' speak in the 1. if the fferclarystays,aout29 inches, ortlie word ClIangeabW ITOCKHOLM, US of the Goderldh Petroleum the township of Tqelrersmith, !loath and 'theweatherwiRbeunsetUedandtbang�.mbloI Iro RIET.- agical effieCts, - 2. if the 3ferouryTises to br above - the word 11 Fair fine weather is at limit Salt company. bake notice that 2 ten: ealls have highest thrms of its Viftme and At been made by the . irectors on file unpaid stock of the -7 stand;h1gh, itwill belocal, and very little fM dor. =d1mv, Every c=qeivabIe toral'of pain relieved in a few mo- East of the side road betWeen, lots 25 and 1= CAN,4DIATV 139TROYBE S. Should if happen to rain when the Mercer 3rvi mplany. pl�lyable as follows (10) ten Per cent PARV D_ Allys—and aIrriVes at or above the Bail "very 111 viz: on3layI0,180 into bm Own now ent3 byusin- Dr. Briggs"Allevantor according to ft- 26, and between 35 and 86. All that 4. If the 3farem continues to rise slowly4say foright or tell rom. thi M, ition,asa blood pun pa�0 sialiDdaysf taeul on etiorL% this is one of the most reliable remedies ever has won for itself -s. repatl ) the 2ndof disca7ered, it is agreeable to use and reliable beyond portion of Rullett, East of the side road Fair,", thou inIftalmorlbokfordrouth—If !A whiter continued frost. -blow I Dnd and jiti) ted per4cent-priyable vnor befor( fi ei, alterative stomach tot 6. Wheathe0erdtiryfaUs,it�indle4itesiout%veathei-, it the fall be�slow, it will ra7 Ile, unsurpassed in tile in; if quickI ft will August, 1869, for One year. ques#o Soldby drn_gists� between lots 5 and 6. 1-11 that portion of falls very lov�. a Severe storm is j3ure to follow; VPGly hMpLy of medical preparations. - It seldom laililt it Byorderf the 33044L Venazelto in every forte, sleiz, nervous, billi -psia., Liver Complaints, Indigos- 6. When, daring a storm.-theMercur beofshortiluretion, and X Morris, East of the side road between lots to cure Dyspe y is s4en to rise alittle, then Test assured the worst is over, ous. mat n, HeariburnsSick Headache, Kidney Oors- T.wh@ntho7Wroury=vek%uioklieltlxeru . hertuat flullowsVill I,, . . 1 2 -Im 0 wo mediately relieved ith Dr. J. Briggs' Allevantoril 10 and 1,1,and South of the sixth conceit J. Co "DETLOR CO. sthma, and vice versa. gion and all that,portin of Grey tiouth of plaints, Actil Stomach Plithisloor A� country merchants at $1- Dr restores to vital. activity the system debilft,ited Sold by 11th concession - j. __, & - Iirs;K the igand diiease.� Bit. I ER1093 NUTOR. ppritors, N. 6. King st byBufferii, So VIS 14 0n . __ - r. har Tomato. Its magical atid ondefful sucet!ss in curin 3m) Divisiox COURT,Com suddeii ellds, Sore throat, Coughs, CAMErov— yIsin" all that Diptheria 13 u t office at No- G portionof Tnruberry vies e side rzad laporteizs and dealers i gikioth Briggdhas established a branch pains in t e side,lions andback. neural, T�e gnat C66taT6, Reaaachei Neuralgia, His wouderfal remedy All that portion acb.e,,rhatimatic:ntid6ther�ain.s,in any part�t -101VIO, King- Street, 17est, Toronto. Mc_ the Aledern for cams, bumi between lots 20 and 21. wwto. �Wphmoo inches Wide't. and Universal, Pain Remedy, is war - Ong, M97=9 nalls. rorn %#hatever cAuSe5 has given it ..L� Curative is sold by drupists and country merchants of Wawanosh east of the Maitland River, the body and f kat supersed- Tautea to surpa-SSany knOWU 1151is- iheluding that portion Nortb�of the River, , *a �laee in every houseliold andIs f WT TAH NW DOMINION CASH STORE. for theinStant lot all other prprations of- the kind. covery, aneous usin -a wn an it demands driven ont by andEast of the sideline between lots 32 Neural, 0salso,anullec"alland prompt remeilyl6r. Telief aaq� xapia onve of Dr. BrfW AMvantar- Sold'hy nil dealers in midicin s, 'Sprains, 'Chilblains$ 0 1 and 33. All that portion of Morris West :L30-qVV".0gL3E?63P, Scalds, lfurns,- Broise Biacir-ustres to 80oyd. ivable - Diirhcea o "I tomach, 1-vorm "of C!orns, tunion3,, ingrowring nalls and other ailments of side road between lots 10 andi 1. All - 1rost Bites, CramE% in The I Guoteramorbus, ilhliuACh0Iid,ChOlera:*1a"i' pain.- Ofthe feet Cured by theuss, 9f Dr. Briggs' Allevantor. that portion of Erallet west of side. - road --A-T 111R ',19EW DOMINION CAS11 STORE., -UBBD IN.TERNALLY 4XD EX UR- VEVER Cah=la oftho, Inost distressing form cured by usin between lots 5 and 6. All that portion of cerlis per bottle. Dr. BrIg;s! S61d by druggists at I READY HE CLOTHIRG &C,,- 0 Allevantoir applied to The Head, Allevatat= Goderich township notincluded inDirisiou NoItTHROP 4. LYMAN', -0olored Ustres ilu'911-the me'w'shade'�s A-liffle of 33rlggt . :04-,4edl I DOXIN 0 Vb1imuutly relieve Nervoul "ead Ache, it a rcqk All that portion of -Tuckersmith Newcastle. 0. W.. . .1 .1 1 - - N -SH STORE. beadeelle,,allute t to tiasponuiful Inhalfakla-s 0 u.t included in DivIsion No. 2. (ene- iAT TH�, NE W CA buy their goods in the cheflpeSt, Maiket ralAgeinfor0ansAa. Swallows, uffialo from. the rfu mie ftd inke.one to fouir ri�h bv Parker bottltl, lathe the beadwit LeAllerantoriand r �Wlnn and upon the best terms. n -Sold in Code & Cattle atnA hd 1))�: a -CST MMO:E!T_-�M" 4 . inadiately followl- fte irts. Third lot just receieldl' 4TH DIVISION coup ginprising the town- They buy JOrdap; Gardiner �M Co. Bayfleld;, Jardes "Ticked8k Aplddy or. 1he 510matli atham 'Rodgervilte, J. Pickard, Exeter, J..H, Wh PePI14 Heartburn, LIST, OF IL11 ship of Howick. All tbatportion'of Grey largely and'ean therefore -Flutuleljey,�&c, A F;=U quantity, ufthe A'Llevanter At -rditily, 1869- North of the 12th concession. - All't1lat- C=hbo,'blinton; Seeord, Lcknow- E lheksd ;AT UINION -CASH TOM ilgmd nd suallell'bil the mostril, then garqlo the MLUNING in GoderieliFost0fBOS, buy cheap. They are'determined tosellatihe ,-,L 140a. -a-a all Medicine Dealers: W38. tiTHE NEW DO, eme 7, throat and take I to 4 swallows 'Of the diluted shephad St StfAChOn't, R. portionof Morris North ofthe7theott, Inediately I relieve and quickly cure Fin, Armstrmg L Thcs Postletwalte Win cession, and East of the -side road between ivGodds tor Royal Canafflan 331116 lickling of the Throat, Zou�ll, AsIbIlla and - It riffiValuelGiven 0 TOM F B11, IV_ 811ORTS. Blazloett; Patton P 0 3 - i - - . I detcy to Consualption are immediatel re0lic Rogemliw lots 10 and 11, and all that portion"Of the nible' Rates, pTinh-cwtons LoWeSt _P01;.. DISOUTION.'OF FARTNERMIR --the A1115vantor; A f6ii; ipheations Qf W-nmIc"s I glee W town8b P of Turnberry. East of aid -e -roads re NeurnIgm, I r"Orn fo Q tor cures the most Bevel Smith M Af M83 bctizeen lots 20 and 21. and give tberlr stomers' the benefit of the oflocal pain. 41 OuTalis'ii, &C. WbU, 070 _eqn6r$liIp, beretofore the 3M, 33. - IjU�:p q-t-tiag between v or wo after. Gc--e L J=P3 JNI=Y rX, Stafford 31 5TH Drniiiow COURT.— Comprising the town- bargains they ha;v�e made. 4adarstpel s, Wa�on-makers in the town I Goderich, June 16th, 1809. aw-67 ta Allovantor, and laIM19 a SW biaxford K, Ld6jfhegfyIo andfirm- of Hart & Rather- t 11 britif -dig, this day byinat-al -or-111t. Kenne ships of Stephen. Usbort]le, l=E dy W'Re7 ' _*d that por- "r Chsap for Cgsh. TaylorJ A ra, ell burn or sould, it Irnrac wilsfm a tion of the tovinship of Hay. to the East of in dek tp, a t , M -are i I I I. pi dis c hirg e -the All thos ' -Mr,. I tcsttothehfilicted. Gol molone Dnsaftiallum 4'- teb with lutherfotl o savb ex- long f 'Wagon John -essions 01 the siid A few a )t the rvantor reli-Wes Etiff 31aloolmson T G . - he 6th and 7th con. ti Williamson John Ileata illdtk,: ed Cords sand Mu2leg, Weir Robert Seek, Splaq Affection, Contrie 'M -C anall)._26dlia )T� plyJ all townships of Hay. W RT. JIUST Xleholu A -,%y2t 31� Appileg ftely 19 nII skin 44sm-es, 'Wilson F W 6TH Divrbiox COUnT.— C01111prising, -the town,!- doderich June "A -18) 0 all itching Omeld IT lustant-relieft �,, and rapifflYrestOrr and that portion of East A -lot of all wooll Canadian Tweeas a-60 vinhealtlaycoliffitton. 'Tile Alleywalor 1-1 VM iiip of Asbfield, ID DICIMON, Postmaster, iVer lied Vect, Cold 551'r P. v�12a _AliCa Wea Wawa Reatedy Or Chilblains, FrOl and tiosli, West of flie X cents per Yard. i i3irect, I -P Own- I t_', a ciffil it v, L, P -�3 r. ntll I Poet, used freelvancordlu wils. is M�itland, and West ot side line liftween, Hosiery, gets. per pair. reingis wondfffal, R87nY ct"it's ct DcZMtesli Rye 1i i3l", Wt2k J`�Ycs we 3a North oFaiver. upwAids, lots 32 and Toweling, fiom,9� eta per �iarci, hately rellevea. !Q tho cured i�;oflmbe immet The wouderin]. altd Wgtral V7 I 17� eygw ?TH Divisiox Coup-T.—Comprising thetown of the bat porti r4lits), 6, cts Stanley, and t ------- On vayiedurd asit is a benefleial remedY for V3 C C Dress Goods, 8. cts =p of Gbderich to the bouth of the t%em, vel the proprietonchalenges nmY ccso QfVaill jpr, !R- - & CATT LEY lt�ad, cutlina and the AIIron Road. until the It., is. to be hopeA the public will xvail a on. -J-VR -vcd-,Vllh Bago INSOLMT AUT 1664. biflamation that cauncibe at cnu;rone f3TRAMM froniths sudiscriber.lot! h COWS, are he 13di and ------ - li ii wibb%all the delacie# e23tnLofjnnelagt. Two same joins the road between t ibeingelVes- of thiq i3fo matio n4findItheir fable is supp hip of G6der viay,to the -Emporium to.. purchas of the se4soft and, -the liRr *ith, the beat rIga and CTFT Li,Utred,,th-�otlwzsin-all-brindled rA� aid, 1 red their SUP. DRUCCIST30 B I e Tbro 9 14th-concessipujs of"the towni w at and In L 1d02 =M P=01L , , l -thence long the said-.cGuqeS8jotj road T Itcpstccr 2�v6rso th rr- ich ies. jL�Ly CIALL� T.Utl -ATTENTION OF ft, informatian as"aill,'lead until the same joins the River Bavfi'eldlr ISened or e speedy tO ft '21 a r,- -arded� nuuier,�,us bmtora* 7honp%q Cnngb, matiley era rziln�L, aultab:-. rev, the said rivr to Lake Huronj, Cm W21 Xpe i'T, L Dimbermi, D' !tfit6fiy cf Br f ith �11 that lI6rt:on of tbe t0w[V _�:!d G� j;n y st, W2 4� thence alon -nip rialligic, Pain lalhelffid=id Breubt, 0=57, 1;lcCd!P9 I Z., . Z�_C2�7 C: hip o`f_Ha*j' to h lVest of the 6th and11k, LENT1 n9f.,V FREDERICK SPECIAL -1 th atteTVtR6+. An t Mte Liu - Bud pla tiLgeasesc-ftho Thww; Llan, 9 & Ingliam, TU� IgF c1lett, including that watst of trlseObse. Consumpli, ail -township of Hay.- ISAAC Concessions of rho said able ill laver Comp;aInt IL I aditoi-vt Tiiu Remedy is filEo, vatu Urinary Orgtns- null all C VEM -------- — -[�oivcnfdronotifledthat'he his et, Li -a4gq-. Ftato and 'offects Reractlyll ay tf jntdtl�al 'a unden a that IT IS ORDEUED,—Thak the above ars T" 4deauASS 'me`3t of 017 underfie'abovo Ad_tQ)4etlx dgued Assignee, meat of the boundaries limits a4�,Autent and they,=Tel) r �caiW_16 their W ist/tolirnishmewithintwOmOnths use of.,It, in caset a rect I I .- . .1 .1 -the spPurit; of the several Division.Courts thr6lij.11011t, r cwying y their olalmgMP dallilln anti of a;nrenlly, zglief, whilecaScs 01102IS FaIrm. for idAII6 Wns of it, andif mont; stO- eadil- Yle'd to its wmmlerfo th& County of Huron, as revised and extetid-' WIM th Conibo, -Brushes &C, hold -attested lauder oath a in e t the ad to seven separate courtsbythe magistrates' pport ofsachewms.. or-aul tidorlob, iAthe,_CouatyorHurOath1%14W. E in general sessions Of tfie assembled be r peace C A� T j� at, ALARKET' 3QUAP I of JHN-ale Virtues of Wad Evergrecil asan adopted thiTUrith day ot June 1869. The r cases Of The Thwal, by and 03 gree, nra w 21A 18 w2l Willoicuroof the leumproa�ldlt; WALTOEMER2 Arid thai- *the'said, Divsift Courts 811211 '23*2t whLph always, incur VVer-NuTY1.1, bat. �peratiba from- hence f6rth until le corni iftto� i ends and:,custom9ra but faepvrer cf healalcr asl =;:� 1.;GS to gderlali, and tbathe 7alterelipursuitht to, the Stq6tate' ofwhichall ready mide clothirfg 46P knowri is ienhw v�iltba gj�d to submit the IfIrge 41 es concerned shafl take not' ined with oftr ingredients ofeuduaF celap hAndthatthesamebe advertised tw Star Uqs- the Huron fitgnal IETL. OR and Goderich CQ. hpapers.. 1, the sclerfic Tatoica, to dawning uPOI ar �s cc many distinguielted physicl SEOMIT -.Opderieh, ontalip, MAX 6thi - y FOR ------- led it 1 , Qeik of the Pence, t V2. W13001, calpito mpany, as a safe, XFONT or tile cPipalandot the records of this court. J&%Wrn1ld, BI -and Iteking File*, in _RD ceding Well to liv corre !W.A Dr."l- 'BT]99 Te. ­C1 by the 1=4 310r"Pga D -dxtrao. ligm T ARE -1 Is mIJdj yet priesdoull, RIAL ~ntaid IV cure 1I.4crunI3 Huron. 4 i? U Wulled Pile Remedy] 'd be',P to direct 3ttention, to the ad 1ARDW, the nroc satig- Means of ir TW lawign, ta. ona ese -asturiplemlitm m, malincli, Without thelt Jaclory ?s have 1 IiAj� LIZARS,. upon 14ousan h tLiq dise*se, niany f wh9m havo J;jjasareenrityof AnU11dber of Estlitts I W -A a7a Clerk of th%Peace. W micul 'ho of have golle, -tv VLI ir lol�g hpomcs, Ist, ti, d Oronly one F�state, and a Goderiehy loth Xnnei 180. ww2,f lubtr is jaqredu�suo who are ikag_ ,tlim-wlththo cerWnty othis 51le vq� it'll, to preseal ean, tLa=amac, -darlytothoday, Without his gingo ]I 11:11d, or dispossega any AU C T-1 0 _X .,S W610d SAY 40 We VaInZ 411te XLIiCf 16illiMedifite, I admu 31, fl, a comp ORTGAGE _11not in f FAR194 Ira nsibla to cop- A. 'W-0C)I-4 ROB, AND ITO Dr- J. 13119 borrower, or 0 Cc' tho f Pit Noora Cift Al roll ki rig ferrad from hand to EST V Cloth,70ed qid Dr#sse' asmm9dity- easily !r3l ON THX OAD -A-S6ji&r9 nbWL b�od vvithmidoubt, tile t 'itf it into MoAey at, any n hIcnV&gd Ifer the imtreiale fc� d �to W tkoso certain parcels of land remedy crev du C= C LL ure f �Corns, T.wLiblit .1 -Wawanosh, in the in and,* Id i siftow, Juglowing -P g-o"itua, "eih Ma �otapfiny�-rwlfflst It containing twohmadreA, Aeresmore. TWO MHO, U30 r, mches cuts, Bnxib�%, a C:a � , DrIeSS belagcompo North. half of Lot Sam, better�known 48 Ben'ffteils Millff-You can 710t $,Our -We. 0 iinv of Huron, StpIdlet0d �coneessfon of the Said . q� L '--, . I - . ''I I - I ser6 Lip, boic Nule. �(Upped L:3 4t:1. TL t every yUsr_hL%. &bt Is HT . 45111911 Fnml, YZ UK, a f, 'Stodk Dlsc�oes. t =3kelftll-, Z,ItU� Cs tj bimp in courbe Of ooL8011NE WOOM FALTO. 0-� , I, Township, audihe West hall of Lot Number Twent liL her twenty-owy in, Wn. xwgwor� Uicerso -is 6yery day Ilal*-Ov G. A Large -an Cked, a =ib y- t HE� vrysipe*v� Salt Rile C11O a from deVt ­ACJUOMW� WjD61 Carded 'and Cloth Falled and, Driissed on. the plesb.9orc Nip0e%, 3&bIleAuctiOn. . . . 1. 1 a F4eXteyilClwXed sectltitT 14 the len one, III tile se.-oad concession of the.inild Township, or Sinstra "ld 3r, fngz�g=%S:11 qm( m()ncy w6utnuratillg to erg Shortest notire parties coming fre- v1d" 1, a shall be required to reAize 'the lys Hotet 0 xeltby Cituctrow der. end, his K011174 Somuch thereof 1 Selddih fAil- getting their 'wool home vall. them- -the wliolltheyare-preparea to�oflbr likvy, Wes "uz*a Wo"k, ice, principal tatemel by.tlie lft(ler6- Wv6 Pat ut mk4,,bbaery- in liTst4wis madtoldtaPillib-1 �,PT SAIA# orcitad-ov e.14nuary, 7T flK07RF`,' MCP � established, Ion WEDNEMAY praprietorf t t n -1 Me e a I F and interest Welt. Land Xort9896 Wl"' ture or 31ortgAgaearing date tlae fi 1 69, in. 4.511 We - for. farmem. a working order, we. VM Also analfgaturb "Mm louroesp, Iliad IL T, 140 h Cmaral - I "g, inothous4indefghthuiLdredoAdmbct]r-fourjmdibrAo at I O'clock, 4?. lck its ihe undoubted r reii"big �v L4.n*w M, rest, with couponit at- When furnialidd Witheleau gickod wool, VOICIoth, int Out - b bet*een one RICHARD OLIVER, oUthe ftt puk i L ;P3 T9QMP$0Nl of the secand pad, ThAt villitAble F4rm. itown as the Bumbvill Farm, Lot SatinettFlatueliand l3road, *1 Ta A Own Cal"Ye. Ira payable Ist ,4 nad Ist -ftaY- lot =ins Of la etteltion. &-Flln knomi to W-l"WL had one, GEOR( r , I" wi* 14 41�Ra, FTrWALT 'Jlut yeti teno nd 1 16, loth eon.* Enron r&*al,Roal,'GqdedchTb*nsldV, iii-thb-taiddle. we WquIdaI&cs11,parb tot[ CANt N0 T M1anfM-y4",*4AW"t C'5rnw I-Mbs Ive, Be be offerd for sale by VIIIIIII auction, bylMr,, ,Tlty oritit in;redien Z igj-. a, I 1 *1,0 XU o f t wi J1 JL-- bet SWRAIJ, Ifin 13JF CoiWititag 122.40rdii Of landmoreorless. rbout7oaere lotlu PRI quid Bltinketl� also odr IItWk Of ,,,,beftjr*n*de. AgPd.W1,Saol twenty yearx be",nX Sir per cent in, AWDUEW HENDERSON, Auctioneer, at hisAuction, iYeLltiva a'4ne Lead. -per 1. W *rirday. vitil kiown i 04 oletavd. Wh ).00 - it is unto of otra auO Wiled Boeing Dix Young street, in tbo city OfToroato, oul ofirldchare, Flannels all woolo I 'c4tton. to substalwellaTe Um D -efflillug H01180, IsXge' di I ronX415 A -d 01-inurm UL Vam wi Or twO, Ai6ok'Of Fikunefs on 1%TUMI box, This,X04ent a; TWO, and I Irb =goodpAttarlasialithebestiftlIk. - attlVAillic-'rOw- tersstfortWOSTI(Itbr0l - the d1T t it -0 of cotton thitt, ;t kou@6116W yomdy ilt 1be wor' Curl y�11,4 -WIL -61div laterestiA ialowed fro riday the 13th day of A11911A., 18691. p�r 016111 star per Bat (Elniblh) pl�fnt oil 4i A I tO This 'is arm abimee-to,obtainacou Ltili 0 tht IM rure rom 90 atit. upwirds filraft ILI AT, XOOX, ierliftfftvinbelugott thsGiaYaroadAncoituatebe other patty per Injis swica100, 14 Ei"GledhW BrAthMl, Door Riages and rwK Iia',, at *k,3 T-V,�Ief f, 4 tplied rnve54ccnwsrA$L toodmirUts, 'Goderichimd0flutow "Tv% of , -e waits Net. under Ute irast powArg for'846 Conti;lwl In W sidd. twellatwas ave ut, a .. - 'y "' �Tft 'heri 8194 Grw 80vthes f by SU w24 ne fourth of the par, money 11XdeUt=QfXortpge. TBILIL%T)y SA.0 - Aptrail , - - �Saythi Nercilats 96"M117. in four aqw ftata3meats. with imd o0wilry aft tb* NorW bW*f Lot 21, In- 4=lhbolar" T IG(191 & _ due ju firi 06 Ord concession, (prel 'per DPL J, OR Co., --------- laterowt an taxpeld 00 to md J�o. 6 t. flurf t6c about So acrei; am cleaved And ou tbeWad bill(fLot rVpLi te F: A. Robot: F�rkg, Ana ofher Oft& Ud N.Y.. *n, or V=K. - I� 2A, WOO. Notice to (Yontral0t0�rgo h Rokeor, SpaaeI4 Shovels, Xalluie� 204, C()HVJV ITON* a -good sprilig creek 4 th4a The sall is of a � 4&T Main NOTI I - bbeeek. ma4pla Tuly ftb� ISS PAIMS W1110 through tho lotis-them ars some bowk, =4* 0 ly E 81gli Of& JAI* PWOOk US ON L ONALED TZ"?, concession about 2 miles train gizvol rmd.. ill IM vap liar, fhq iq'hes ,I 81L IL arunleft 8611 fbwlut tweive, =IW ftcA the Tow of Godwi* there, will be -Aved by the T" Z"tWXWW0#k,"ttItu frd,dy M ereCt4ed oritko wSWIM a *&Mbax40by24x u of:u�,w lMtjpMberwtU 094104 at itrept, v, 4e, 1, a. , w, 1W log W �ow _bam 50 by 30. mad *US base 20 by go fw- Fine QHW", Aylu fft August next for baming a b6swilat Werms and Cenditionit of ilikVillbattiWeliAmm at twtrwa=W _4 willeb"llff "orWb iiiii &sA s*i xedwill; W1 by Public 10TANIM & WaAZ JVA Tb, Auction, at his XatIeltestor. do tbetime of s4o. Mr. ijutherland's FJOAM For fnirthor platlenUft jq*Ttili NO.' mvlaery onderich, on Saturday the 11th 1)00Tj,_&t the W". Owen TIX=tM �01311 Gode (in day of age Termte. SON D&W 1ftA day JJ IM a 0. X, TRURKW, Auctlaftee. -on G kiwi RIN THOMAS BOAR, v*W V%td allxurkb, Twy gal, U* It'swWw, July 16, Mo. 4 A y =