HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-09, Page 4• .„,PRPFRsinnw,77--Agisirns_ 'Torr- for Teel; recently in the Commonsugainst sT wood moicEy TO 11‘1111 tele The Lead'er pitches into Sir John tend differently frort Sandfield •••••••••• • efeHE Canada Landed Credit Company have - - Macdonald. Strawe show the direetion of money to invest on unproved Farms thestream, Advantages tO BO lftrONVerS., —The elew York Itocnol Table and - By borrowing of this Company, there is no Citizen are to be combine& possibility of the borrower ever be= ealled on —A. shock of earthqueke suddenly or unexpectedly to par off the debt. fie "Periened pays to the Company in all 10 per cent. per an - at Victoria, 'Vancouver s Island, on the aura -8 per cent being for interest n nd the ex - :16th of Aare. • enses ot manageinent, and 2 per eent, his own —The Elgin Volunteers assemble at St. Thomas on Monday next to enter upon their term of anneal drill. —The reenor is revived that Mr. Carl- ing ma have the Lient-Governorship of the- North-Weet if he likes. —A 'a/font-reel peper starts a report that • Rose willreeign,Zrohn A. take the finances and Gadt an iiiferior position in the Cab - int. —A voting man of limited intelligence who was recovering from along fit of sicke nes.% being told by his physician that he " inieht now venture on a little anima/ food," exclaimed. : "No, yen don't doctor: I've suffered eitough cien your gruel and etiaff, and hang me if I touch any of your hay and oats." —The following intositating toast was • . _ - . „ . , . • • - ' see e . eteee:lee iyndeueivoods for very little m°neYi " ne_ren teeit,ton ,,, _ . ' THE Andra for anybody. Grocerieinhoice and fresh, Tea direct trona China, ' 131ackitta the very best; to be both bright and shiny. Hats that are bats, the finest just from Town. • All kinds of eolorit, some turned up some turned down. , Clothingorthe latest cut, a very imp orttint item, . in tye fashion, • , Then Ities arl abiied as el Ile ,a 1 1 .b eweii suredurep801:(11 Its anderight that man.t John'Harria, don't fdrget hurt, ,you won't regret ;he OW, ' nterest, and whir h caneels the debt in 26 years. .. JOHN money, he pays alto a einking flind, at compound tle:has, however, al weys the privilege of liberat- Season'aelmportation, Goods, of thiit ng. his estate from the inortgege at any tune, on .r.r groin°. six months' notice, whilst the a ompauy ti AS a most attractive, add well brieght stock, of Staple mid Fancy Drys- , FOR SALE CHEAP F0•11. CA. S 11 • eemains bound to the end of the term. of twen- trsix years and the amount he has peel into, the smiting tund, with cotn pound interest, is then altowed settlement- He has the .qrivilego, as he may find it convenient of paying into the sink; mg fund, over and above his regular coatribu- non , any even sum above $100, in reduction or his mortgage, and for which he is allowed 6 per cedt, compound interest. No Commissions charged—no shares required to be taken—no fines to pay, and no -expenses for renewals. Apply to FREDERICK ARMSTRONG, Land Agent, over Messrs Raves store. Market quare, Goderieh. 'gent for the Canada Landed Credit company, Improved Farms tor sale on easy terms. Wild Lands ter sale. • Houses in the Town of Cederich forsale. Apply as above. offered by a . Mr. Stearns, at a festival Gettlench, Nov, 16th, 1868 iw43tt given to the National Division of the Sons of Temperance, at Washington : "Woman circus than strawbertioe and cream; the - LI • pelmet aph•it of the age, she is far more in- timating than wine; we love her, and she (=mot help herself." —more beautiful than flowers, more deli- YOUB LIFE is DANG INSURE IN TRE .23ETNA, tWDr. McTaggart an with true p-o- fessional pride refer to very many who have been cured bv him of diseases of the mast coannlicated and micurable character after they had been given up as hopelessly beyond cure by phyeicians who ranked high in their profession. He htts, frequent- ly placed before the public, the opinions of his petients, mediad hien and the press, which' speak in the highest terms of him. 'and prove him to be exceedingly skilful in the treatment of Consumption as well as all other chronic complaints and also well deserving the confidence a the public. nee A Quebec councilman was throttled 'bv an aldertnan of that city whilein a com- mittee a few evenings since. The aggres- sor has been sued for $5,000 damages. TwO QM:511103:S EAmmy AgswERMD--- Why should mea wear henrds ? Because they are a great protection to the throat Sn't lungs, and add much to- their personal 4111MaTallre. Why should we use 'Bryan's. Pubnome Wars!' Reesuse when used for coughs. colds, tickling - intim throat. Hcameness, &e, they act like a charm Ministers and Lawyers use them, physician's recom- mend them. and singers and public speakers say they are the very best medicine in existence -for the cure of each complaints. Soldby all medicine dealers, at 2.5 ets pzebos. GESIOrg LSD LAROIM..—A/exanier Hamilton once said to an intimate friend, men give me some credit for genies, all the genins I Imre lies jusb in ibis. when I have sahicet in hind I study it profoundly day and night it h -fore me. ex-phire it in all its bearings— mind becomes pervaded with it, and every one who has used the Can 'dim riqu Destroyer' and speak of Lize magical effect it Ita.s itisubdenticou,gns, colds,pIeurisy rheumatism. cramps, 'well panas of the human body. Sold oyait Metileine Deslersat 25 es per bottle. 'Ppm 1ta. s ron IlagiralWaMMIs Everybodyswho has travelledtOWIroadirat heed timabove announce- ment. ana has prob*dy kaffered (rein eating too hastily thereby sowing*, the s....-1s'ef nespepsia. It isn Com - fart to know that Um Pernvian Syrup wS1 cure the wont eases of DvapepsCs thensanda are ready to testify. Wonders will never cense, and the latest wmulet 15 the successor Dr.,' Brigg* Modern Curative itt epring ailtneratt of Mac feet Corns vanish, bunions (haat,- ppirsr, ingrowing nails ries ont of the flesh, by iming. tins ceehrated, safe, harmless and bona Ns remedy, Thera is no danger andavhen used as directed all pain fmsn such eeases. Try it and suffer nomore. Soldby andiruggists and count* merchants generally. Dr J Brlims Co„proprieters and rMetiCalCilimpadists.VIS Broadway, N. Lund No &King Street,,West; Toronto Canada. N 0 T 10 E. .1MmEIN/111•1•1.. All parties indebted to R.Runctman& Co enyntereit BY NOTE OR BOOK AC- -ajeountare rebynotifted,thatutlessthey CALL MPI PAY UP AT ONCE key will be sued, without farther naice. R. RUNCIMAN, Huron FounclenT, 0 deadet. Ont. Gelerielle29th Dee.. 1868, w49. VALUABLE•FREW FOR eataealeneedeefiers for tete lot 6, con tIoderiche tow:1431p, acres, 5fr cleared, franiebaro, geed land; 'lite pro perty _liOnlY a rule firora preaent salt Tient,. atrid as thierallway rots threagit it, . better silt territory cannot be found. e - WILLIAM, ELLIOT, • Godeticli. , 186% s.w 60,tf :E& MARINE • IN SUIT -IAN -CO. ASSCRANCF ctowssr of =Lan- des; flreami, eneashzd at 1V:52,one-of the oldest, anwl aft offiasin Canada., HOSIAGE •••••••••••••••••• Embraeinee a ihaquiffeent assortrnent ef - NET AND FASHIO-NABLE DRESS GOODS, .:e., Cio W limeys, Alpacas, French Merinoes, Prints, Elleneels, Slartings, akingse.Blauleetti Etneery Gloves,,small wares. ste , Joe &e. s oozy, really goed fcr the money, 124 cents per pled. FACTDRY , really good for the rnoney10-cte per yard ' WHITE SHIRTIliGe really good ter the money, 124 cts per yard. ALPACA, really good for the . money, 20 cents per yard. ELANIAENIlyreaIlygood FLANNEL,fe thremoney30 cts per yard , ally good for the money 20e. C13I.A.W ri.WkLIT)&24-4 of the moat desirable goods for tlxis market: REA.DY MADE CLOTHING; All prices from 50 cts to one dollar per yard. 'The stock in fact, contains a splendid assortment • • e p EASONS why over 15000 personae year, Lb insure their lives in the eStna ; first, it is exclusively a Life Company; secondly, it is purely a benevolent institution. Those who contemplate insuring their lives, can save a very large amount of money, by in stiring in this old and reliable company. This company commenced doing life busIness in Montreal 19 years ago, and is now doing more business than all the European and Canada compauies combined that are doing business in this country. The Atna is te -dock company, but no profits are sought, no notes to be assessed, like itt mutual cone oanies, you know exactly how much you pay per year when you enter the comnany. Assets over $10,000,000, income over $20,- 000 per day. $100,000 in gold deposited with the Dominion Government. The great advantage to the insurer, is the long experi- ence of the Board of Directors, who- -are stock-holdere, and are gentlemen of e life- time experience, and thoroughly uederstand the life hisieess. By insuritrg in the /Etna, you will get more than Savings' Bank interest for the money you pay out, therefore, we consider votir insurance costs you nothing, a 3a.vines' Bank, if you live, and a Life Insur- ance if you die.. Several genttememwhorn1 have called on during the past year, solicit- ing, their insurance, remarked that they would wait a while, some have have since died; others have lost their health and car- not ieiere ; the time to insure your life is now, theiaompany to insnre in is the ..Etna, of Hartford. , OFFICERS; E. . Bucnr.nv, President. AUSTM DURHAM, Vice President. - T. 0 &inntn, secretqry. H- A. $T. Jous. Aatulary. G- VV Rrsse, M D.;Medical Examiner. Joins Genvns, Toroett, Manager for Ontario. . WM. 111..klELDIr.. Agent for Lake Huron Counties. Goderich, Jan 20th, )809. w52 The New York Independent Says of this old and re liable company ; among the substantial and enterpris- ing institutions of Hartford, Conn., ithe /Etna Life In- surance Company steads prominenti Itjh. by pur- suing a fair and honorable course, won fr itself an enviable reputation.. CANADILN stireattoaCES • Hon. Ono. Snows. Proprietei" Globe, Toronto. Hon. .1. Simpson. President Ontario Bank,Bowmaniille. Hon. L. RMTAIJO,-M. L. C., gontre31 T. N. Grass, Esq., M. P., OsItawa. A. B. McMasren, Esq, Wholesale Merchant, Toronto. T. Crdaansox, hsq., Official Assignee, Toronto. Messrs. FEMITER Whoteetle Merchants, Montreal. A. Miator, Esq.. Superintendent Inland Steam Navi- gation Company, Mentry4 Cimmv, Esq., Superintendent Canada Express Company, Montreal. . M. H. lante Esq., Breneeer British and American Ex- pressCompany, Toronto. , J. Lovem-Esq„ Publisher, Montreal. liMEEMIAW & EDWARDS &sfe•Mannfaettnees. Ho dreaL MONEY TO LEND.° In lame variety very cheap; a decent great cot $3.50. The grocery department -is constant- ly supplied with the freshest and choicest articles in the trade. that will be sold at the eery lowest rates, either whol aisle or retail. The public are respettfully requested to 'OM the Subscriber a eel'. •„ .TORN HARRIg• Corner -West Street, Goderich. G derieh, Sept 29th, !fill& w13 ODERICIII WOOLEN FACTORY (KNOIVN At PIPERS MILLS) • I ARKET, G -ROC North Side Market Square. 3E'x C>tT I. INkT•3:) SOF ALL ICINPS, wry large Stook of - Crockery. ,OPlezi_clid Chinn Sets. • — ,T. IN 431- IL S N $, SPECTli'bittY intimates to farmers :mil others that they are *pared to' fill 141 all orders it2 • OLL CARDINC, MANUFAVI.URINC, • Oloth Dressihg, Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satinetts railed Cloths, Winceysi Flannels, Blankets, On the shortest notice. Parties wishing to ephang,e -their wool for *pa home made goods, will find it to their interest to give ill a call, as we are satisfied we have the goods you require. Parties corning from n'iiistance with wool to get calded may in nearly every instance rely on getting their wool homli with them. the semi `day. s- fer A 41 WORK WARRANTED. Goderich Woolen Factory, - June 8th, 1869: 'w11 THE HURON : & ERI SAITINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. The above Society is prepared to make 11.X5NT.A.1NT4GMEEI • ON IMPROVED WiES:1"233- i'le4CSIC:seawt17., ON MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. The cost of effecting a Loan will* bee found meek lower than'in Differ Societies ot a smiler nature. The attention ofthe Borrower is called to dieted. that he will receive the full amount of the Loan. without any deduction being sneakier Interest or payments in advance. • • • Advancesernair be repaid Monthly or Yearly, extending over a period of Frani one to fifteen years. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO S. POLLOOK, Argent ane Valuator for the Society at Godeich Godenenec.W..1866. rwia. 'DROVIetCYAL INSIMANefecomri-xr of Canada, 1. IletstOnee, Toronto. wet sake relit os Country seeede Penile/tee eearliteriske =mates low rates astray eines first ears otr.ce. tiO RAVE HORTON, Agent' MONEY TO LOAN. at)fi oa good eine 2teMultee payable esins viresiteelerJV from one to twelve year& -No interest wisseace aevaace. 00SLICE HORTONI Agent. -14•46maels, March 31, Isail THE ALBION. A N eidspeediett aeurnel of Literate* 4rk Finenee.FieleSporte, awl News, pubffehea every Saturday ;nominee at ail Park Ran. New York: IMAMS CORNWAbliM Editor aud Proprietor. Lamb:4 2-iv/maims mos 1, 180. flabiteription for tine year. with any two of the large- sissd Aralos steal Engraving; in addition to a =el one of the Pratte of Weenie and prepaid be mails Six Dotterels wit -aims; for six months., Three Dollars. aid for threw awaits One Dollar and lifts mots. Pose- rilk 4451k eala he see Pert of the United States, Imeriiptionit wilt be applied with extra engravings at 0 seek pristimist, but the price to nort-sabontbers *Utbs $5, Slabseriptioa. after May up, without sacraria's, * per mantivi, strictly ha adrance ; clergy - mon and teadriers, St, Advertising lItiteso lisa.—airtgleinsertion ; rents per line agar isiiiirtiosa : 15 teat* per its* tor 1 r” mirk with amity of the Alba free, $14 per aromas. I ' AIRS DAYS'-..110frk,IL . ef the following Steel Ertgray• R. , year. sairsereg isailhatiged. Tw 2,,Mee fine business, WHERE DID • YOU, GET T FRESII SEA FISH? . A•T - M. 11%t cat.izt ALM $510 bas Haddoele Cod, ane Lobsters Dear. Also Li smoked. Salmon, Ripped. Herrings, Vaneen.th Bloaters, Finnan ! - FRESH OYSTERS I 1/11C/LOALB Ali» RETAIL,: AT • viLl 11 .E7. C JE) A. • Permanett Savings Society 18 ADVANCES Isi:initFEt kflEPAH$0 TO MAHE ESTATf ,ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE. TERMS : Amount require.] to redeem each .$1100 idyanced in 5 years. 10 yeere. years: . . •M.•• 33it T CVT-T.A.M4E1 S,- Weetside of Market Amara, Galeria, -Ian I9th 1862. - emonwpow.nom. HP LANDS, FOR =, N-- - TOWN OF -CODERICH. --- • OTS 1823,1324 wrest, *so each, Sub -chile -ft Park _Le lets 2 anda in Roil Lot*116e 149.and 160 $40. Toweship Wawattosk, North 24 acrealot18, con. 1, 100. Township ofAslifteld. Southerly 10 acres otEast of -South/ tot t. nu, 4, W. D., 4100. APSY to =•Meta WATT:1E8AL% — L. eurreyor Goderieb. • G*ericli„ Dec. Ititlt,1104. wttitt. itassaassil Club In.siss. auto farther /*lice, * ' Mom Ialithitrercille Walter Seott, W4016111./Louit..Nroiklist. TAIld Nelson. St. Pees. ewe'ewevileawat Hat el, dr. Throe Menittert Of the 'Temperer* . the Cootie of in Ida. Vtaiiium aw nerestedi Kama The ri=shltr• rat So** iriar a ease* to ZIA =ogle. lik with Mt extra copy Area*a kisimmos. aim an extra nal. Pm IAmale woks efts woos. CIO �t_I..As ti pejo, or with Me Milted *Mee lasir Oa tins 4/4 allensto ialleAfee the asairio. sma *- per toot. saef be 46104114 bee IDIOMS! illiektr rallM sairm4 by WA; sad A sapodmice, Deer Pus. Uoi•Arbae Nom World. DrC tit" I katrmi %kg riN the direct Toed Iron Seafortisto %, Walkerton. litvery necessary amis. asoolatioi•c tor ti•ts trivelling white. - HANNAH, DAYS., Wrossier, Nev. 5. 1/07., • via / MONEY TO r • $12.95 8.02 6.50 1.1 payable yerlity. 6 • a • •• 4 • • . • .4 • • • f • • • '2645 16.4b 13.34 Loans at proportionate rate for e,41 e. 8 ot 12 yeers.. • • , The above instalments Mende a Sinking Film!, %veleta nays off the Principal, as well as nier`Intereit uf the tonne so that at the exematien of the teen agmee open, the- debt is entrety wiped Mit. e -The left amount of the loan is•adyanced, arid teepayteent iereqpired before the end, ofethetheleyeet _eteyeat. Payments may be made in atIvanee, and neatest is ellovred1herefer ; or the mottgageentir beeredeere ed intuit at any time the torrower.deairesageequitebleterthae Z4ITENSES STRICTLY1110.71 -- • - • ERATEA For further ittrinatign, apply (preenid) to . •' OR A C E HtifIFTO - /appraiser to the tecietvetsLeerlea: L. Cr OCERIt ellEAP AS THE .CHEA.PEST, tatform and Counter Scales of best make VOX /. YATES.ROBINSON & er, tofinnerelamoi.toniebei iv.. • 1869 • o Goderich 0 MARKET FEES! to: ZSUCk- • rOHN HICES„ Proprietor. nit is tli J iargestand bestCountry Hotel is Wester Oanada,and enar.ges as moderate as any Helm Mitebell. Stege Proprietor. Goodstablingfor 00 Horses Horses and Carriages for flue, ee Sb.ortest Notice. • leree ft TWO MIMES' AND LOT r0E, SALE. ON "gin eteeet, Gaiter/ch. At present occupied by •„Mc. B. R Sinith. For particulars *ply to D. GORDON, 'Cabinet Matter, 'West Street. eitly 21st, 1868 w tf. •.3.8438. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON 5th Division Court, neneen, ••••• Division Courts. POE, THE COUNTY OF .11URON WILL DE HELD IN TEr 1509 1B TOLLOWS: - 1st Division Ceu rt. Goereaecre, • D5enday, 1st February 186 • it C6 *6 elentlay, 29th March, it ct ” Xeaday.,31q May Ita 2nd Division Court, Seeroaeere " • Tnesday. 2611e eanuare, ISO " Wedficedae 'an May as C Friday, t2nd April 4 CC AND GLOBE - INSURANCE COMPANY Ms been in existence Thirty-two years, and during that period has "aid Losses exceeding live and -a half million pounds sterling, The disbureement of tins enormous sum over a wide area, has without doubt contributed to the esteblishment of Deis Institution, in the • confidence of Public Corporations, Merchants, Householders, and business men generally, wherever it isrepreseated. I n• its Jet year, 1836, the Fire Premiums elone amounted to... . £9,970 In ite 10th year, 1846, cc cc ec £47,763 _goo year,1856, " " £822,279 cc 30th year, 18661 ea 15 4C £8e9$82 One year later, 1867, cc ek cc £818,055 5, " Eaturday 29111 Way, Frulay Seth entreaty, 2E5 CC Thum ay, 1st Atril, 6th Division. Court, Deem/mice - Tuesday 2nd F-ebreary. an69 • 41. • tc Frzday, Lilarcb, 45 •SC if Tuesday, let June. VirBY is it that Hui cm is. Vented of as being the wealthiest Agricultural County The Fire Reserve Fund is now 0.727,4641 in Ontario.? •The Life Reserve Fund is now $9,2$2,468 The company is represented throughout On.. taim and Quebec, by influentiat Agents, to whom appheation for insurance may barnacle. G. to .0. SMITH, Resident Secretary, J. HERBERT MASON. Secretary aid Treaserer, Toronto Goderieh, 16th Oct., 1866 • ° 1 • - •• • w38sw14 0 A. INT s vir s Because farmers purchase pure, genuine and fresh FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS FRON SCOTT ROBERTSON, Who keeps the largest and best assortment of the above seeds in the County of Huron. The following are all fresh and selwroecruatentdeg6wBietlhgicaanre : Early 'York Cabbagded: DFlrilatin DHutecahd per 43. z. or lb. Adams exutaririarteerasddrlid-oCorn MS Earlycoahral ewtSkuRgBeans China do Butter dolar famed Daniel O'Rourke Peas ter garden ToroomwaThumb do do field Red Clover '" • e Alsike de White Dutch do Timothy Seed, Illinois Do, Canadian Hungarian Grass Mixed Lawn de . • SsIthiarvrpla Imdpreed S__weddisoh Turnip —Turple Strap Leaf do White Globe Turnip Tame Rape Seed Long Red Mengel Carrot 1000 bushels of choice -Potatoes brought dtrect from the United States, Early English Flukes, Peach Blows. SCOTT ROBERTSON, Seafortla 20th April, 1869. 0 THE• undersigned would. beg to inform his-,numereus customers and the Fillip that hjs New Woolen Machinery is no W in Full Operation and in First Mug Working °Ater - C.V11.3 5N 7.-` s C'YL NI ID E BOX. LARGER FANIENG NEL Z,DIPE EWMODEOFDRIVINQ STRAW CARRIERS. AND TUAT HE IS MUCH BETTER PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S WORK EXPEDITIOUSLY than la,siseasen while startinghis machineryall new. ' Custom Roll -Caztlings. Fu!ling 8c Cloth Dressing _ Spinning and Manufacturing, . will receive- prorot attention. Having now on hand the largest, best and cheapest •••, stock of of home made . FULL CLOTH, -TWEEDS/ FLANNELS, & WINCE,YS.: • ever before,offerelto thepublieintles part of the Province,-sliewould respectfully request these vesting ete - exchange theireword to callandjudgi for themselves before-, appointing themselves elsewhere. e: P. tEl„— He wonldlikinvise thespecial attention of farmers to beware Of wed teamsters and agents seeking. theirwool for carding. as he hasproked it from the experience of former years to be a perfect source of aanoyante to them in various ways, that they fauna see until perhaps too late to guardageinst it. i3-2' The highest Market Price paid Dr any quantity of good Clean Wool. Goderich Woolen Werke, letb May, 1869, THOMAS Lug+ADT. East Street, Goderich. w 1 FIRST AS USUAL! TER MILLINEitY -SHO ROOM IS NOW OPEN AND CONTAINS A AIME AND 'COMPUTE ASSORTMENT Of -the Pasbions for the season-. Also- on han3 a Tame and ' • • $fLENP1.13USTOCK OF -DRESS '000 Suitable for Spring and Smiler. Goderiek April 9th, 1869. )(am i • .ST.JP1LE, '- Market Square. W-23-tf .11 STEAVITir1011%,./E-wonfcs Wei UNCIM ' MANUFACTURER OP • GRIST &FLOURING --NEW PATTERN'- `filERWICkv:CEAR. R vizetp tta:t ativ.jcp ch 4711/1P—OFFERED TO TIte PUBLIC- CritcuLARci° 1:11JS:1417.13w, w -1'-12w hiosiTnnan A, M. ROSS, Agent for Cederich •; B. ir Elliott, for Exeter; N. Watson, forSeatorth dr hFbll 1868 w4I THE COMARGIAL ASSURANCE COW! 19 MTD 2O CORNMIT,1 LONDON, ENGLAND. CAPITAL, (Fully Subscribed) - - X2,500 000 Sterling. INVESTED OVER, $2,000,000 —DEPOSIT r OW IN CANADA, $501000 FIRE DEPARTMENT The• 4- clislingniisrisble principle ot the Company. has been the establishment of an equitable chasm& cetion,eha rein g al 1 caeea a premium propertionate to the risk, , • The success which hasattended the Company/5 operetions has been such as filly to realize the mosts.inpine expectations of the Directors, wlio -have resolved to extend the business more widely and move °free to the Canadian public. • , 'PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by large Subscribed -Capital and Investid. unds. -„ • t- • • Prompt Settlementof Olaijit The Directors and General. Agents; being gentlemen largely en- gaged in commerce, will OM a liberal and imsenesseike view of all queetions coming beforeehem. " LIFE DEPARTMENT. The Company offers terms to those desiring Life Assurance nusurpaased-byfing Life Office. Moderate Pretniume—Perfect Security—Economy of raanagement, tending lo increase the Bonus (Whose en particiPating seal.% among. whomSoper cent of profits are divisible. ' Claims paid one mOnth afierproof of death. - And other advantages which may be seen in the Companrs Prospectus. Company has deposited 4400,000 On gold) -*Ulan+ Finance 1V1inaiMe, At Ottawa, as special security for sCanada polimer. . • . Noland Watson & Co.. • . FRED COLE. Secretary. General Agents tor Canada. 'Oifide.-4385 and 387, St. Paul Street. Montreal. Suiveyor. Inspector of.Agencies. 11.1VIUNROrMontreid, • . sW1O3 T, 0. LIVINGSTON, ' s:.34.pga-tort, Agent for Ooclerfeb, Lucknow, Kincardine, Southampton and Walkerton. 3EMV.43,331....xi/S•Mi:Mla 3.807. MONTREAL TEA COMPANY. 6 HOSPITAL STREET, MONTREAL. • MEM continued success of this Company is only attributable to the quality and mirky oftheir Teas- -Ovate hun- 4rod. ttouran@, bexesof Tea have been sent to dingrent parts of the Dominion, and upwards of a thousand testimonials mut be shown, bearing testuneny to the quality and purity the Tea. A great saving_can be oSected bypnrchasing direct from us, cattiest of 5 and 1.2 lbs. ,and towards. Every package warranted to give satisfaction. •Chib together and send for four orfivc 6113.0aides. which will be -sent carnage zee many Railway Station lathe • Dothinion. The money can he collected ondeliverv. - ° itja, Try tresh ground steam Boasted Coffee, in 5 and 10Ib, tinsand upwards, the navorinif which is really exectient.eind every package warranted. S: %lbs. Tea and 5 or 101b.s. Coffee, sent y Railway Station carriage free. Tea and Cage deliveredlive times daily the ody. . • ' 113T1't4A-.C.11r - • Engleh BreakfestBroken Leaf, strong Tea, „SO r Tine Flavoured New Season do.55r., flOc. and135. •-,Verry . Full Flavoured do 15c. ; Soiled Oolong, .444e"; Rich. Flavoured no 60c. ; Very fine do do. edepta.,Greee e 50c., brv., 00c„ very Fine 55e., kinestobe., • 1' ' -*1.1]MA. • Tvmrikay. 6, 46, 55; Yetlen• 'Wee 50, 50. 5r, -75e-1 Fine die 15; ; FerY Fine S5c ri Superfine , Very Chace $1 ; Fme GtinposvderS5c, ; Extra Superfinedo. 0. _ • • No, 1,30o. rliTo. 2, 25c. ; ; NO. 4, 15C. per lb; The4Montrea1•Tea Company t - • Montreal,18ES. 0ists —11 is -nearly ayear since I purchased, the first chest of Tea from vont hoese.. I have purchased minty ' since, and 1am pleasedto inform you that the Tea in every case proved most eatisfactornas well as heing exceed.. fatty cheap. Tours very train - DENNIS littiery auci Etash Saw -Mills* Steire. Engin and,Bouers, Thrashing :14achin es; Sepioratots, Iforiet*Qvrers, pray *taws, IRON ARV!' WOODEN PLOUGHS ON IMPB,OTAD duttivatorey Land Rtilkies, straw With Pin OT Steel lioards, Drill Plougliik„ 9!vtie vices* s PZ1 °ENT! arklihRettilriliffineaSs Pow* Kottits. SOW' Zeit* SO; ElOttingir .-..,A10110r— • Sone to Invest in Ton ?molly J. B. 0010011., Barrister. 40.,Goilettob, GoderiehoSent.13,18ft awS4 e 0011)1/1e, IrAMOMt AND BOX conn,Lmcnr_4141,64/ptird,„,d ot yon it, much .,Lile capital :street, Montreal :—Wenctie0 with »leisure lifolitreal Tea COntranYt • , Montreal, April.1808.—To the Xentreal Tea Company haitcri;Wgrestaatiegaction. and the flavour (ileitis very IA amount of Teitethat we Item forwarde for you line, It LI very strange, but since 1 havebeeedrInklig and your business so re veal; inerneasirig. we pgresume to different parts of the DC itio and w are lad to your Tea 1 bays been quite tree from heutburn, wbi eamount forwarded had oc i Teruxtuniur Tone bo rwarded we haveonly cal on the Teas are giving geheialsatisfaction, as out of two wined always palm Um Otte breakfast. I attribubxl, . which WS understand, wee snit out th to the purity of your To., and ishalleentlune 1 throughs taisita'ke, I :rouMnitifullY. 7--• CIS T. GREENE, • 54-, St John *ed. Mantosal. of tios scot lasprovsol boast aft* Cagier triad*, and BlsePosisbe Weyt get ow very ihiap for Ceih. dooe oa short natio% Call said ass S EMI MOULD4BOAR•D PIAVGI1S, oyes sae Goderleh, Not. 12th, Mel - v31, • • , G. CHENEY, pfanagercexisdianExpress Co. Tea*C2ralri IbOZY 1(43110lb Break twit and Yoneg IlysonTe.a which - Souse orSenate, Cilalre.i I yell Sent "le JOVell great mitigaction. SKINNEE. y expiat AttgreOrderS• Ervin, ice., '•karate °Medlars mid =tiers using our name, or offering our Tess Manual package Nothing lea than a sold by tide tompely. , WY= AT/DSOS.- The Montreal Tea Company, 41Hospital Street, Montreal arr &florists@ Apar. Tor Notes sadrost Oleo Ordare theOomPatrY.Will add the rib:dam. in Tel to tit . Xeitresit APril 166, The last 7th Division Court, HAYFIELD, es.day,2rd eke ere TECO Cc 66 gg Saturday. 270e March, so CC CC gg Wednesday, 2tat1 Jueen 10tIS (hereafter 3rd) DiviSion Court, CeariTors, Monday 2.5th January ILEGO. • is 46 Thursday, 25th Watch Li 55 CC Tueerlay, 25th Dlay, ter llth(herealter.404Division .Cenet, .11IIILBYVILLE9 Werinesday,27 ,Thnurety,11E0. Thursday 27th Mey. " Wnoxeerg Tuesday, 23rd Lamb, lEE'0 CC SC ,CC 6c 56 . CC The several Courts will open at ID o'eleak a. m., Goderich, 7th -December, 1E68. (Signed) S. BROUG J. C. C. Eturen. v•W•••••••66•6 I certify the above to bo truo vopy aif •filed tti this o ce. DAN. LIZ &RS, Olerk of Cie Peace:Huron. Offlce of the Clerk of the Peace, Godericb, 8th Dec., 1 368. laT VALIABLE TON FOR SALE. S C ue eats B EINGlet8one16,whiehevaltemed eceesateey este ; gether, in the Townsbei cf Stanley, tea. of Limn?, containing 1.'981:Imes—more cc less—efsepercier Tate, M • the highest state tultivation equals cnitet2o fez ye5A. RESTO )vew0ty1e oneBoifte_ BY ITS USE Gray or Faded Nair' is quickly restored to its youthfal colorand beauty, and -with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. It will came Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING-NAIR is immedltely checked. Sold by all Druggists. Price One Dollar. Manufactured by S. IL VAN DU= Co. Wholesale Druggists, 35 13arclay Street and 4,t1 Park Place, New -York, and. t66 High Holborn, London. Buz. • arable or flaky Janne. Lei et, Jemmies 'Meant Elms - ant Fenn,/ us seemed enitie Dayilefd &Siefeelei ,Gre- vel Readecommentlisigabeatelfial viewef Leke Dineen 12 miles from seeforte, 0 from Meson me.115 tram Coil- erich, thriving towns en the 13. &Lie. B. B. ; fees only miles from The -thriving ef place of growingiesportaneeeevbero itere Is a kM.T.,.31:1T mule prospect *fits becoming -tee Gov. Earbar time. This farm calm/sae of 1713 imets—raere or less— of very superior etay Mem' tee, elm= 140 eieeade en erhieb eiere wither stinapsor atones, well faecal, esameee0rods beingpmem ar.dbeard feeceeatelmlitge- est state ot cultivates' ; a Bevel. ralimg swing rites tear the eentre cud num tone rear, and elengthereerfews the beautiful river Bunch); fallout Samos of the ewer flats is wooden with excellent unit-a/gable eerier ; re. maiming e3 acres of thigh table Lend; weaeed wth hardwood, beech, meek, &c., the mitire re= be- teg suvronnded weal fence. There is else tiphn tee rear of thisfarm 311n,rutificent stone gaarry, which, 'will of itself—when Sayfield becomes a cay,es ries eesimed ere long to be—be a 3nmc ef wealth m its "owner, me as it:S Et:uncle ft. or fame from the einfece, eervea to enhance the value tette land for Fata-dng r•L__Ii•zser. There Ise splendid orchard of about l.;50 trees, ef tLe bestand -choicest varieties offreetofall grease is this -section of counifvf traces forks pierlemein teeeet. There is a very laig,o end commeeionsfranielmeneveli every convemence attached. u/arge stable =awe new cframd, ane eihaarours.eatT4hearync istmelletrzeoraintatici.ly2reasemsaetse-re.reesey ef the most Zettealele farms in Westerneneeen, arid particularly weed Men elf] COM -ATI, gent2e=111m=eansz Stock, implements ead ,erirceeig ercros Se -a to 'ea purchaser on reasonable toms. Let 10 cantakin 2E5 acres eland, idiom 55 undeementattita, the remesue,er • gica°alleednrec' wfethntne'ltianP!e'nt33ygeeehftj'ieic—'skthiTfceTe'VerrYaetl bleeding earpeeee. 1$031, clay. a hying eireene new frame bent Coen geed large bailee lane kite:en Atc., an orchard fedi tieree in eetentefselectfraieLSECSOta Imo down, balance en moregnee ate per cent., titles luilusaspfatesn irs:oic.22:::ebsufiefrree7m:Edeaurye:511dnztr:24.1y1:ia_tei:ccee:reeeent.. JUSRUA CALLAWAY,Tr. Goilefich, or tin tee premises eflot S. to JOBEFle CAT•TAWAy, October 20 ism .Farm for Sale. OTS 63 and 54, Bayfield Concession, In Ina Toweship ot Goaerich Cottartaing ES leave of these ever 60 acres elearee with geed Race Barn, and Lon Renee, ebom 2e -males from • Clinton- For 2Terres eiesealeapplyat tee Diteelen Court office Goderich, or to Ale. WIGH,ING TON ()tithe prereisee. ' Goeerech, Ont.Sept. 21,1E68. , ev25 tee TO SELL OR RENT! :FEE WEST HALF LOTIVITAIBEit BIGHT, I• feurteeeth concession of HuRen, tie boundary he between lyth end Waltele, Peel • Ofila eaeli way. Good herdweed lane, wel vrateree ; thirty act -es ejearaece. Seventy seven acres and a hall Imola Well feneed. Fat • turther partecultereapply to aboie ora the primates. RenbilKIN LAWSON. Mayt7th,186e. Selo ST4P AND SEL ---. •l'Iiilli =follow ing remarks en Testimonials ei roost .1„ wonderful arid extraordimnyoores m Canada by _ New• Marble-14Am -deniable and incontestible lams, sufficient eo_convieee the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stem, in VICTORLI. ST. GODERICH. ' the most skemicaltbatehe Great. Medicinal Compoun- : arned after for imes is now aceeseible mem Great SHOSHONEES REMEDY for Diseeses ot the 'Ilene Lmigs, Lever, Digestive Organs, leidneys, &e., as well es Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases, Humors, and an diseases arbing from Impurities ofthe Stood, we boldly state Ma this great remedylias NEVER BEEN EfelTALLED. Where was them ever such a cure as that in the person. _Me •WiLion Stoems lerigliton,C., W., of Coneumption ter thatef Peter C. V. Miller, JEurnestowie C. W., °lean- snraptiop,orthat Of Ambrose Wood,ofoonsecon,D.W., -of Dyspepsia aid laver Comptanit, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, C. W. of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in spite *fail treat- ment heretofore,and is now well. -Scores ofanclacases might be raeutioned had eve space. Call at the Drug Store end get e Circular at unqeetionable certificates on the GFLEAT SECS. MCNEES REMEDY' and FILLS, end eatisfy year selves. Price of the Remedy in large pints.$1 11:3- For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Meat eine. Age:wirer Goderich, F.. Joulan and l'arker & Tea.ttutiamia &sAV lloOrid.LESALE AGENTS! 611131 Igo & Co. SPARK. I BAnwrom LYMAN, ELLIOTT & } "mono. DUNSPAUGG & AVATSOrt, A. • 11 MELTON& To Measrs. Conway P. 0., LeniCofoux7Ontearit-o Canada. l"FmDpinilleechdOgnicitarlitY10°,fFlisseb.ting80th,156s-- Si I • A. M J olinstAola kiONITMENTS, HEADSTONES, lable a tops, Posts, -&c ,Tembe, cvemy descrip. tionnand style a worimiatislaip, furnished on short notice and at the lowest prlets. 1,1be- r al reduefi'on made for nash. AM order,,s punctually attended. to. Deingne of Menu. 'metals, Arc., may be seen at the ehop- Goderzch, Dee.1.9. 180. w47,1y :PLASTER PLASTER! At the Market Grocery! yenstneabstrebers, eaviegtereivaltaseacaniainate Hewell, thePlaeteeTteee., ata. now taeznired to Ell seders for the earn°. Leeeeeeneelles ere /gee; M- edved fromtheMille aPeeze. • FRESH GROCERIES. We base received A Large It of Fresh Orates:es, iteta. ble forthe ecesen, wbich will ba sold CHEAP AS /In CHEAPEST! ROBINSON Af TATES. Goilerich, De% 20, 1903. grLniSevasistekt%neertolifYthatliaoteatmesauriligs follfetwinhe !meter 4)leief lev8hieli66 i gradually, during the spring of 1857, extended to invPLATFORM SCALE3. knees and ""1'to my hips, and I became so weair wee that foonld notwalk, but was confined to my chair. THE Subscriber bating received ttdArzenv5 Forebouttwo eears, while this wealaitee WAS tinning from the Klity Scales Werke" 17.0eifer• mune, and afterwards:Leo ught medicaltelvimennoloy- ine, at different Penes, &nee decters, and. Mae -Ines of for Ihe sale athear ecales, is prepared le mele' erentkbele, Prescribed by frietuis, brit of no Kit!r.' F 111 all 1411°8 et Eafforint Counters ulie'cluri` -rr 0 _ I continued toget worseand worse, until/he zu V heat or Hopper Seale& Hay F_a clem s ... 2 tse ef 180, when I was induced totrythentSlioshoness 10 tons capacity. Also Store tud eida T'u' k.Itemedvlbyre.adingtheenres performed, in a Pamphlet. i t am also Ag ent for the select of: At this time I had begun to feel the weakness in my, , bandit; in fact I was getting almost helpless. - I ban Fire and Burglar Proof Mame! taken two bottles ofthe eilleshonesseetemede and two — boxes ofthe pills ma.' am entirely ift. obame red• to e . arn* Scales to be teen at Iiebieseli — - As Yee I neverexpected to get better, but simply tried the groorrystore. MarketSquare w.th weenu (Were inedidne as a sort of forlorn hope. '11.18 case of mine can be fejt. W.M.dAMPRLif Ee was riots private otre,but known to all my neighbors f3enerie Arai-, Z2141rie/Lids" and i'a "7 43neafflieted *8 I w144) I Id" God eh Sent. 2Stb.• ISM. iwif• ir to lay try the etosbouess Retnedy ; I believe It erl 3 '. mire you. Manx Ann Dorourr. Sworn to before me at Madoe, County of Eastiags, this9th dayof February. Ifif.9. A. F. Wtsni,J, 11.11,e. I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann Doughty for the last fifteen years ; she le a worean of awebity and truth. 1 base Icemen axe before, emir g, and since her Oiliest!. I bellexe her certificate to be true he every partimeari ---I know that ohlie ill bercese was declarvihopeleso,f and I blow that ebe hate Niece her recovery, always. ettrllinted her recovery es, the elioshoneetsBiemedere Wbetever may be tbe peculiar proprieties ofthis mead*, ene 1' mi -el.. tertain, teat ireher ease, it has acydelmost eke the performance at *miracle. A. F. liseeme J. le Warderi of the Cennty of eltudings,PmvitaeeofOntarie, Dontinionof Canada. w33 V • . 11414c, ESTABLISHED 1848. T HE "liUJON SIGNAL' PUBLISIILD,"9.EMZ•17EreElY .AND MriaTtl!iftS '.;.:Fenel-Wre.7:717cdalon, t2,541.1,1fPr Irecify cdif.fm, g1.35 Farmers, Livery Stable RATES OF ADVERTISING: rirattesertien KEEPERS AND OTIIRES. Each subscquent insciVen ..... • 201- ..••=16.6.•••06, ree7 Notieee efRirths,Maielsgee, zee Dater.- e Br* on all Tour Lame Ibises' Austh-ertisemeLtEseca IT sa'..e efeegreaPerf2 Business Netiets leer-. ..,..1•Fm•wwwww No natiee ham cfurpecesereerenicetices •TAYLAD., at COLBORNSHOTEL,God VIZ SIGNAL JOB orni vess — %Jib, erich, attcrtwents-cp,e Yeats is surv:cil web power el% tee, Lee tecei elerieneetsPrep.u'ed to Doctor sofierickliorsesforall nuieluan. rim) possesses Eve f^e-Tty for t e rzr,:(1. 6n- rie-,r2 . B.-drorses exas to 80undness of every Ycse'n' UT .10thAtigamined w23 Itpin2" esaollon as any - 1