HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-09, Page 3-e "ea .-...... rel the =en has ever produced, vie ; no InIzo will teat pay Fow have an adequate t; mental and physical ia ale production o1 a gl-zeno at any an.y-caz- ,72 fee toes eerie -A columns itartcy, is sunn persoa ntt ts .7am:cry. tel.*, steect taste,aa etaiftat of tir0 tearited Lee:a:3 of i•aey Lenda szThnvny a f.,a..,nron over ink par::er En the is ! ": rye a feelinn tne :Oa erg who, ocm nib ot our just -Via Las wet: been chareni- in-,- cf. vzces, tit when peeator, it indeed forin, and t total' aopravrty. July Lltiroloa. V lin Wozirth of J-ctly tr,o ry:in-cic,ai cities int Tem ;net era3 given .tos :option, SccrQtars. LI teting the health LI Austria he called to sent by .S.72n.-mtary Lnloy m which a eo 6/laity, releaexa- o•Telo aaaelied the poliey 1.---7..nning of therebeili`ent ancti Mr. Flay, theso -r-ed to characterin tjlEt AUStrian government 31.intor Jay !„rave h;?al,'Ith of Baron Von '""z70 AMericans arid their to /inner. Mr. Hermnialk 1-s. were drank to the inde- orina, to President Grant, tat_..- army and navy fa a2a to the King of At night a tral was given 1 thenaand g,nests. rm.-a Barnes, of men, was noted for his tecially in his family. Otf• .3.&!'nen and his wife were, as his nsnnl custom after .aver Tics offered. There amount of wcmk •ft.t s prayer was short. • rii",k pail, and started Es wife being very cleaf, , but =parietal egcgud- in prayer. On his kr:7:g., he was surprised to Ilk stepped ap to E 'An -s :en,' when she inunte- bil went about her work a haPPzed- _ S.7,:tz...t,r, avowedly a man's rige:2ta, eonit-Ti7rms a review of Mr. J S, 0-ne statement in it seem :•,ro,-117pn nen:se. claims re a..ide.d nothing to tho aaee thoDeeAt, and Ulna -hut- -7 the study of theoleo., havis never prmdraw2 ono enne., even one thought, -,:-.hrizh can be. rnegnised 83 S . . 'us been arrested in Carn- whipning her steptan, to death. Frnpp, the wa-known !ives at UL, ro- 814,931. t at a Nevada ns.n.n.a,7 fnu--- an eighty :7.k at the. cTehntente. nuts of big 5 -'7=1i -berries, vmed to that de,7es te,mt :Ts/ somzeh afore or hind .71L/Eft CIAL. TIONEY MARMET ti7 X7 F. ea a=eeeee, era-iilarielL., July 9, Ise. 11.7,.= ea..= CB Ge.B„..5,,I,SCIZ3 7211 Crip-Oef=ele ea_aavr,_el 4 desareat a arioamoao @ efi. erezoteee teeth paeareee- eee -fx..--ozaeTe tee ear. Teo Tal-aeret - • iiaze teeleielreeet refeeT! for c. " • 4_1 le-e.earea ! a• 411 fee. 65' • 77 cl ;:a 1:arna. Green, ree peere Lea co, Lao), ea -Oa, " tO " elae, eeeka :r Leen, GS CO OS • CO es CS CS oLoteeecl=e-coaratea, etemeca To- eeeereee_-.1 TARIFF. [Fiat !Greta rare peir ifelfle Coe& ZeDebftee'r p. car 73 .35 en- • Co " ee " " 53 " 00 E LEAnns,,n,-1; .:iinni-trcla, July 9, ma 841:89 (a__') 0:85 GrE61 0:601 2:84) COG 9:55 (") 0:90- 0:0 (-6 0:0 0:75 G1:801 113n,t3 (c") 0:00 0:55 0 0:GO 0.14. 0.1G 0:63 fEj 0.10 0:12 (d) 0:60 4:60, re) 4:0' 2:00 2:r'a nton cc; 7:06 0:1211 el) a'A-5 .... 000 01:05 Or2.:5 Ofii.4 .. 4;a1 ,.• 0:,50 a:Lla • ..... i:oo- vitnt'n--in-l'ej f.o.b. per VA ... .. • felasSuet..3. ' • Suly 1 36; &CO m eiSel (r.17) 0:874 Cfr47.71 0:59' aSO cel 0:85' C...Gi) ackl 1160 Of 65 4:Og 4:r 9:122.1 (E-,1 e= OiThr Orl.0 Marice-r.3 J'ar.y 6, 1.8f/9 Noon. • .. ets m C;00 674 0:9a 0:88 ('-t &SO ..... 4-00 (a.; ate0 ........„ ();43 0:5Z 030 0:013 aso 0:6'5 „ 0:613' 0,), 3:0 0:15 0:0•1 0_3 Oda T. • ...Team MOLTED- reuerioefitsar, tot 3, Pallifisi Read, ale ea* 4st. Two =Leo caws, cue r amen i,reosisd trite borua tamed itTen atom, rite POWs 0 -el, 1 red vow* al& AMY pieritio givieg such Asa * wow reeoerry Wel he MOST iiigEGeWILLIER, velaaf NOTICE- oai *ea ive Palefie Arteteen, at L.:_s es -beta rday tati Vies Ir.*: *mows GolentliFfiraionts. Teri* solo taws 41, 4s,uy of 54,:x., o 4.1-eteorteete -ea ler*: • are 5 7 ads . _The Reform Clnb iri London has organized apolitical Committee,numbering fifty members, with a. view to maintain party discipline, adjusting differences,and preventing the division of liberal forces in election contests PE Miss Susan B. Anthony requests 5.1iSS attldSen, who is to read thO Declaration to t,ho Roston City Fathers nekt Monday, to say "all men, women," &e.' -Gerrit Smith, having noticed during a recent visit to the Oswego Orphan AsTlum that all inmates were treated - alike with- out distinction of colour, made tits in- stitution a donation of $2,500. -An emicsrant train, confisting Of a. Inan and wife and four children, each bearing part of the necessary utensils ' for housekeeping. Dossed through Colum - ,bus, Ohio, the other day. They ?fore all barefooted and marched in a, platoon They camped out at night and walked all day. No one can doubt that the family will succeed. 0...AH persons suffering from cancers, wh;ch are entirely cured without the use of the knife, abscess, rupture or hernia, anuerism, enlarged or varicose veins, hip disease, swellings, tumours or any dan- gerous lingering disease, sho'uld not delay in seeing Dr. MeTaggart. Special atten- tion svill be given to female complaints in all their medical and sur,gical bearings. +—ma. Er Sufferers from diseases of the eye, ears„ throat, lttngs, heart, liver, kidneys or any chronic disease, who desire to avail themselves of services of a skilful and ex- perienced physician should not fail to call, upon Dr. lilEcTaggart, the. distinguished - physician to the Hamilton Infirmary. - Remember he will be at the British Hotel, Wednesday, July 21st, and at Kincardine, Rutledge's Hotel, Friday, July 23rd. ; - _ _ NaTUALGIA, Tic-DoLORECX.. is one ot the most painfel affections to which the hamar: family is subject it more commonly occurs in the' nerves of the face. though it is met with in different parts of the head, in the breast hip -joint, and in other parts of the body and limbs. Its attaek is nsttally sudden, and theparoxysm of pakt varies in its duration The pain is agonizing, lancinating. and shooting along the nerves like a shock of electricity. frequently feeling as if red-hot wire were thrast into the parts. and after the pain passes away, a numbaess reINSIDS for awhile. At these times, instead of atteeking seiddenly it commences with a slight heat, ae seine of itching or numbness. which augments in severity mercer Tess rapidly. The pain, increases from timeto time, until itbeeomes almost unbearable. Dr. a. Briggs' Allevantor is a positive remedy. Sold by drueists and eonatry merchants generally. Dr. J. Bri=s & Co., propnetors, 208 Broadway, le. Y., and No. 6 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada. Ha person faints place him inetantly fiat on the floor . or bed on his back, and let him lay quietly for ten minutes or so, it is simply a fainting•fit, and tee blood flowing on a level will speedily equalize itself through the system. If you are troubled with rheumatism. plearisy. pain in the side or back. cramps it the stom- ach, burns, frost -bites, &e.. procure at once a bottle of the "Canadian Pain Destroyer". whieb is a certain cur for all such complaints. Sold by all Medicine Dealer Car:Tors i In om• changeable climate, coughs, colds and diseases of the throat, lungs and chest will always prevail. Creel consumption will claim its victims. These diseases, if aftended toin thae, can be arrested and mired The remedy is Dr. Blistars Balsam of Wad Cheriy. - ono - „ Aconemae. There was an explosion in Doct Ayer's Laboratory, yesterday, which caused some excitement in tbe vicinity. Ayer's Pillsare manufactured under an eaormons pressure, in cylinders, lAe cannon *high sometimes prove too weak for the compressed' forces, and barge- with terrific violence. Fortunately, the pieces donot fly far. so that no One has ever been hurt by them. The action is more ne ice than powder ; but it makes Pills which all the world aclaterevledge _are Plias. [Daily Journal, Lowell. - - - ej3ie Is health worth having ? If it is protect it -it is aaewel as (-icily lost as virtue, and in many eases as difflcult to reeover. In this climate, and more par- ticularly at this season of the year, people are very apt to taker:o/d and suffer from sore throat. coughs sole - ting of bleed and pulmonary complaints generally. which if not checked immediately lead to serious con- sequences. The question arises -which is the quickest and -most effectual remedy? Bryan's Palmonie Wafers have been before the public for twenty years, and. have always given ,perfect satiaction, and invariable effect permanent cures when taken in season. Sold by all medicine dealers and country stores generally through- out th.e Proeince, at 25cts per box. Every conceivable to& of pain relieved in a few me- ads by Tieing Dr_ BricrS, ' Alievantor according to dir- etions, this is one oethe most reliable medies ever disaovered, it is ;agreeable to use and re 'able beyond quest* Said by druggists. Headache in every form, sick, nervous, billione. im- enediaMly relieved with Dr. J. Brie Allevantor, pleasant arid agreeable to use aud effeetive in effect. efold by drueoeists. and country merchants et 51. Dr. J. Briees & Co., proprietors, No. 6, King St. West, Toronto. Dr J Brier's has established a branch office at No. 6 King Street, West, Toronto. His wonderful remedy for corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, 'rec., the Modern Curative is sold by druggists and emmtry merchants genexally. Neuralgia with all it demands driven out by min Dr. Brigpe' Allevantor. Sold by all dealers in medicia Corns. bunions, ingrowing nails and. other ailments of the feet cured hy theme of Dre Briggs' Allevautor. Catarrh of the most distressing forte cured -by using Dr. Breeze' ALlevantor. Sold by _drug sts at $1 • — ?Ton abbaiSentenit Pulp. for Sale. — erHAT mit:ceder Farm, Lot 16, 6th con. B. D. Col- -a. borne, 74 aeree of land, 60 acres of which are cleared, well watered by a living. creek, and bounded by che River Maitland. Good log borne and frarne berm 84x25. v itti a good orchard on the premises. Sitaatol one mile front the village of Manchester, 11 males from Goderieh and 12 miles from Clinton. - The property -ma desirable in.vestraent being on tbe County Gravel Road and posseseing a superior mill privilege on the River 2Thitiand. Apply to Go IL TROMIAN, AtecMoneer & LandAgent, Godericb. April 24,3809, ' w-18-tf NOTICE. rilIDE undersigned will nay the Highest -a cash price for any quantity ,of neW HEMLOCK. BARK delivered at their .Dock. -at the wharf. JOHN. V. DETLOR, & SoN. w2f-tf. ivzstoiveo BEFRESMENT ROOM% WEST SIDE MelejelerefiQUARE Now Re -opened •inlhe New inilding. TCEI CREAM, SODA WATER. AND arn:Ek peraeme beverages Freit of all kinds in season, pastry, &o, Mrs. Mack will be glad: to see laer old -eastomera sena-New Betiding on the °Metaled. - feederech, May 27th, 1869. - • se:Itt STRAYED HORSE. rumg hate ll-efe marinas of- the subscriber Lot 87, ea North boundary Stephen, on. the 20treillay last, a 13rowahoneal Vara old, letes star= ais forehead. oleos= is rearrested to Prove PeoPertee pay charges andtais him away. JOHN 3feARTHUR, Sear. june,18,1864- w22 et* TENDERS WANTEp DX13E/IS b.;1 eceived until 12 o'cloek noon, on Ifaiday the *fa dayofd'uty,, 180. ist for deepening the draittrunningalong pertions of theUxitamnaRottd, South Street, Elgin Street and Toronto Streets. 2nd lot the gradbig and feemeria a proton of the Tefaittand Rosd from tbe North end of the railway engine house, to the junction or Walnut Stnat. 8rd for the grayel- mg ofa portion of AAA- frora. the Cambrie road •-•-at* Maitland road, 0:east-alum of 13rucm street from VletoriastreettoAbertkreetAthloraguantityoftireher florperate tender& required foram eifrenetwork. Fall inter/stria* and particniars tart be had at ray office over Z. C. Detior's store, corner of North, street and the Slaara- JAMES SetAlfas Street Inspector. I pitedthis 29th day of Jeue, 1869, wffleatd aironur BIUNKUPT • Gather SUFFentaGee-How many thkusand ladles loth etdand yentme have pessedtheoug gteatauflbring from that terribterlemon. Neuralgia, somepaseing sleep - Jess nights, tviatingahout lagreat agonye tart emceed laileftlug relief afterafew hOnrs of misery only to be renewed again in a ehert- time with the unrelenting exertaciatinaiepalue Others have bad te endure thi tortmofor vette at a Hine, both day and night, tint! nearly exIonstedamel almoat wishing let the angel o deathto rolievetheno But -tope derma : a cure has been discovered; a ' rapid,. arid reliable cure, The reneedy.le called Dr, J. Briggs' Allevantor. It can be tested, free all hoarser the day at Noea.King Ste, West, and is sold by all druggiats. Dyepepsia is radicelly cured with. Dr. Briggs' Atte- ranter. Bold by druggist -I and country merchants $1. • S.PlECIAIA NOTIC DYSPEPSIA cured by using Dr Colby's Antl-Costivo .and Tonle Pills. They regulate the Bowels, correct the Liver, clear the Cemplexion, and renovate the system ; tbey are' composed of active ingredients in a highly creteentrated form, and strike at the root of disease, railing almost like magic. Thousends teetify to their extraordinary curative* properties. Sold bv all dealers. lap EAUT Li SPLENDID I is the La verdict given by•all who use Huerr's MIME nAIR Gtoss. It makes dry, harsh, stiff hair soft, glossy and beautiful. It . cleanses the scalp, removes pimples, strengthensthe glands-, prevents the hair fromfalling, and will certainly make it groev strong, luxuriant and beautital, audit is only 25 ets per bottle. Sold everywhere. — Too ER MAT IS 31 and all other-aehes and pains „LI...leave-the body on application of JACOBS'ItilEMIATIC LW, ti). We will warrent it to cureBurns, Frost Bites, Chilblains. Sore Throat, Lame Back or Side. Sprains, &c. Some rff the cures it has effected are almost too woudeeful far belief. Many have been saved by it front impending death, and restored to life -and health No family is nafe a day without it : hundreds of valu- able lives and thous.ands of dollars may bre saved an - nestle. by its nse. As a preventive of contageons dis- eases, nothing ever before invented can eomeare with it We authorize al! dealers to reared the money if it does not give entire setisfaction. - S. J. FOSS & Co. P IRKER & CATTLE A ents, Goderich. w-12-ly . Juev.-Sumstroke.--This accidental infliction, called by the Freneh coop de soleR, is supposed to °cern. more frequently as the country is cleared, bnt. such indeed is not the case. In the same manner Many suppose that crime is on the increase as the country becomes older, but this also is a deception. The truth is both illusions spring from the increased facilities for com- manication. which, like the great sMOSIIONEEN REMEDY lb! consumption, follow In the wake of eivilization. Or. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Where this article is known it is a -work of superero- gation to say one word in its favor, so well is it estab- L stied as an unfailing remedy for Coughs. Cofds, Bron- chitis. Croup, Whoopingbough. Asthma, diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, as well as thet most dread- ful of all diseases, Consumption, which high medic.ed authority bas pronounced to be an incurable disease. Those who 'have used this remedy know ita value those wheithave not. have but to make a single trial to be satisfied that of allothers it is the remedy. . The Rev. Jacob Sechler, well -known and much respected -among the German population of this country, writes as follows ; liaxaven, PA., Feb. 16, 1869, Messrs. S. W. Powle & Son, Boston. Rasa Snas :-Having realized in my family impore tatitbenefits from the aie of your valeable preparation -eV-esters% Balsam of Wild Cherry -it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the publica Some eight years age, one of my daughters seemed to be in a de- cline, apd little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taSen the whole of it there was a great , • improvement in her health. I have, in my individual case, made frequent nse of your valuable medicitre.and havealways been benefitted by it I would, however, caution the puSlic against imposition becense there is a good deal of sparions Wistar's Balsam of wild Cherry afloattbroghontthe country. JACOB SECFILER. None _genuine unless signed " I. Burrs" on the wrapper - Prepared by :SETH. rowLE, 18 Tremont St., Bosten. and for saleby Druggists generahy. Grace%s Celebrated Salve. From Mr. James Carlin, of Amesbury, Mass. . " I was afflicted with a severe felon on ene of my fingers, and teed many remedies without relief. My friends induce me te apply your salve. In two days It extracted the inflammation from my -finger so as to en- ableme to resame my work. I cnn almost -say that the Salve worked like magic. for it effected a cure With- out leaving a scar. I unhesitatinglec pronounce Gaaco's Seevz an excellent emerly and do not doubt it Will be appreciated throughout the land." oNLY-25 CEei-TS A BOX. SETH W. FOWLE & SON, Boston, Proprietors. NORTIEBOP & LYMAN, General Agents, Nerve.astle. Ont. Sold by all Druggists. x5CT. o 47 New abbertisements. ISAA FREDERICK - —4 • W ItCHMA.ER JEWELER, &e.. DEGS.to say to his numerous friends and cintomeis le that heintends to remain in Goderioh, and thathe will be glad to submit the large and varied stock in his shop en West Street, near the post office, to their in- spection. Goderich, June29 1809. • AUCTION SALE V MOLE FARM ON THE -HURON ROAD Two miles from Clinton. • , G. Tit. TRUMAN Ts instructed to sell by PublieAuction at Rattenber- -L 17's HoteIe Clinton, . On WEDNESDAY, AUG. dt, 1869, Ciimmencingat I o'clock, P. M., C.MMINTIMMMO .. 'That valuable Farne known as the Rinnball Farrn, Lot . 16, 13th con., Huron Gravelltoai, Goderich Township, ;-- - i containing 122 acres eflandInereorless. aheut70 ores, • Laporters and dealers in of which are cleared. Withal/remises there areFrante . . andLog Barns, Dwelling House, loge Orchard, two . . %Talent Anon, lxiing on. the Gravel road and situate be- conYenfences. This is a rare ebence te obtain -a con- DRY -GOODS GROCERIg' , never failing creek:emu, thrOughthe farm; vvith other Li, . . • e _ -. e eee• e .„ SEALED TENDERS, THE GEgiTEN-Gusg EESEBT SI4- JAMES 0/JOKE'S , - •-• Colebratqd Female Pills. _ / Prepared -in* a preseriptimi sj Sir J. BAROMETERS% AND THERMO ET 4i it it " ClarkeriV,LP,Phytielan Extragrdint to the Queen. - MADiBiLi ST1NSTED, REGENT ST., LONDON, ENGLAND. . • \ • \ • AIOATED 40.1•1111..,"" "*".21"."""".."1"6"' 1/2.1"1"M"."1".1.."."1".rine'. A11111..0 717, '7C1i. NEW PATENT WILL be received lay the County Sur- " veYor ()nth& part of the 4unicipal Council forthe County of Huron, UNTIL FRIDAY EVENING, -r 9th JULY NEXT, FOR FITTING ilF THE • REGISTRY OTFI CE - AT GODERICH. Plans and specifications ineY be seen it the County Clerk's Olfice in Goderich. tSigned,1 BAT, county Surveyor. County Surveyor's Office, Clinton, 26th June, 1869. f w22 -2t Sole agent for the United tates ani Canadasa% . 77 es P1113;10. rrld'A*24oVII'lie teirki2;eiaN•bef. ;7t. all. awing ert&firieetiehtsiFsinzevasinzeble irtedmine la- ii:i.fallin4 a I the 4 ' . . TO' moderates all eXcess and retrieves ail obstrizi nons. eminent Steam otareat.Entaintoprevei t come_ . And a speedy care Malt he rehed on. bring on 4 he menthjy,patirld with -replant y. fallaisortni9s of to which the female conetitutom es sublet t. It cure of all the* Painful and dinwurous die lases la Pecaliadr,allitedr it -,..wii1; luta she' time; emeters itt mclutsaur Fran'en"'44-4 WA 3rid levet, &:4,-, Erich bottle, price One, Pollar-,liee reit '-: GOV; , ee MARRIED -1.10ES . • Mg ExtrenielF Isow Prteetti. Plans alitte Cherie" Fremes.S5, catili ; White Maple oa Walnut Bea, . :to $29 each imeordinatotinisteallee Srithe vbftlidd frames, 820 Meta MLR tlie celebratea wapaen CiSteril MA. Screw ,id. at:amend t Raea worel Frame with 13oral Diele mei Fe:Wahl Take and Maitre • tee5 ; English Witeie -Bar- from 36 to T' next months, with a full assortment of -the -se note -celebrate/. inetrumento which we shill offer at the follow - 'Every go.tt' er-tnAglit vitlithrerigli jeslitia. Callaway, cell uPtei the ieopla of this 'vicinity $8, atreardirigtotri , lack leealiait CMOS. ititilnInniuni etees eeeteesee • Mill flint eared tul'es SlO English. rind Feendle Aneroid Bermuctere. Thstrunient liTarranted for One Yeat*.. with a. boa • 13 0...„...a.... -c atteched, from $1-2 to V-3fi each: according tefluish, • . - „ en the -course of the Omer% Mt th.e271"Ry fireEsEurr t°o Arbr,g8or XI' Fisrrea8r! ,Innagatel'ebale4:541to Kgitikoerust7'atin%tilSep2/initr14 A tffeee.tio'ns. exeriltien, Palpitation ef the fleatt, Hye sries and self and Linibs. Fanelli on slight Whites, these Pills w,Il .efrect a cure whet all other` medule have failed ; add althonel a pewee hil remetly, 40 pot contain iron. eali nel. anti- monN , or anything hurtful to Mei onst !mon. -paFekuallged:rwechtievohntim hoinitilidlehlrethaPrehfule,tiyati jelisnedry:da.eb. FALL/ SHOW-. - JOB UOSES, Ineherter, N.Y. N. IL -V.00 'indent pcaitage stain s enclosed to any authorizeci agent will insure r b'ottle con- . tainingfiftv PiP ,hy return man; South Miran Agricultural Soddy. SIVOIAL OMB. . - Sir James Clarke's Zemale rills are eetenetede Cotreo • on each package, Alt others ore worthless. TERI-SITED, 'The gettnine hare the name of ".JOB Nosier TIRE South Huron Agricultural Beefily's Fall Show I. for 1869, in connection with the Tuokerainith . NORT1TRUP & 1 YUAN, Branch Agricultni al Society. will beheld in the village of Seaforth on Thursday, the lest' day of September, and Filday the first day of October next. The inside ageniforranadr 5 . •Po , - - Newcastle C W °veleta department to be arranged and judged -the Met day. ter Sold 1 n Goclerich bie Parker \ Cattle ana Hand bilis Setting forth the prize list, ceeditions, &e, F. Jordan • Gatilinee ce *Co., Bay( ;Id ; J ames will appear in duo time. A Mowing Match mat a • 13enthum;liottereeille ; .1. Piekerd,1 ceter • J.H. tion with the Sonth Huron Agricultural Society, of Reaping Match, will also come off this year, in °ounce - Combe, _ Plieton, S. enrd, Liteknow; E. 'El ick which -notice will be given of time and Place as soon as son. Deafest a. aed 1 11 °Medicine Dealsirs. w3S possible, If -inure of the owners of stallions travelling • _ _ - __ _ in the South Riding of Huron this seasonawill contri- • , . ItiOTHERS,'" READ THIS !—HOLLO be held in Seaforth. Mr, James Johnston, oivnee af butotowardsgiving prizes forfoalit et the fall show, to WrIlr'S WOR'il.:LOZENGES afeircertaiir anti the Rob Roy, offers to give 55 ; others wishing to 8W/ - scribe will please send the money and their name to' safe remedy forAfreemift.Chalren and Adults . . pear in the prize list. HUGH LOVE, Sen., Sect'y the undersigned as soon as Possible, so that it may ape -As it is a vvelt-known and- melancholy 4act s. R. A. 8., Bine Gee°, Re). that on e great. eanse of death among c h ildren ire wee.ea front Worn* arollee it cannot 1..e toc deeply sin - June 26111. 1869. . . . preseed upon the minds ot parents the neceseite of closely watching their children. By so.doinse,-. nee ereiersta titling -the symptons-and true cause of the disease,thousatuls of children might be 1 saved from eadygmves. Systeroms oe Wonnis : --The follow 111F, area few of the very numerone - _---.0----- , symptoms nnd -diseases witieh are caused by ' Werms : Deranged appetjte,einnciated extrem- ' ities;offeneive :breath, frequent picaing at the 60 NEW PATTERNS, nose, gri n di lig of the teeth during sleep, hardness- \ °film be 37, waft - frequent shiny stools, and ' • OF s( met saes convulsive fits; pain iii the bead -aed . stoma sh, unqiret., steep, .laiptings. trenibling. doughs, indegestion,low spirits, friglittul dreams. . WALL iPAPER3 They are paintsble and sett-admirostered,to Hie and fl gradual wasting eitvayet flesh. . , ehild-L-drive onethe worms thoroughly"' witheut COMPRISING • pain:and cam pletelelettisse the stointieh-there ri--ul..w.- s r -r -y -L4-, ,.' 17 doing away -with' the nacee4tv.ofeeminiater - 1-14g.". nu Castor Oil pr other un pleasenveathartlete-ae" •y n the use of other Worm .ffledtaines. OF Ira- Each box-eontaiee the fac-smille aqua-. tore of Nonrueor ..di lint se,NeweastleDin a no, situ) are the sole proprietors. MILLI PAPERS, „ N. B; -Ask for" .13671mvaes Worm - Lorenies, and take no other.-- Sonld; icitheGrdoianeerric&h deyo„Pasrakver . _ DINING R002I PAPERS, & Cuttlemnd F. Joide field : J ames Bentham, Redfserville; .1. Pickard Exeter ; J. H.Combe, Clinton ; Seeord, Luc . PARLOUR PArEns, know; E. Hickson, Seaforth, and all Mediein Dealsrs. , vet3 e OPENED TO -DAY BED ROOM PAPERS, SITTING ROOM PAPERS OFFICE PAPERS. ALSO{ New Marble Papers, New Oak Papers, together with a large assortment of WINDOW SHADES PLAIN di,: FIGURED, . AT DIOORTIOUSE'S. 10 FROM THE CANIDIAN -PAIN ‘DESTROYEE A Faddy ,141.eibeitte, well a hillavora lily known for the past ten years , never failmg in a single instan.ce tie give pet-inaite.nt relie when ainelY used, and. we have never known a stag le case of dissatisfaction where the (frireetions have been. croperly tollowed,htp on the eontrary all are delighted with its operatarsiraft4 speak in the highest thrms of es Virtue 'a -ad Magma( eireete. THE -CA ATAD.6111T P.A-liv JAE'S '47I? OYER hai won for itself a:reputation, as a b food pu . fi , alterative sterna ch tan le, linen rpa 8st:A in Int tinnily of medical pre pa rattomn 1 . seldom tent to cure Despepsia„ 'lever Complain is indura.s-. Lien, Heartburn, Stek Headache, Kidney Oen/. - plaints, Acid Stomach Phthisie.or Asthma, :o n( restores to egal activity ilie syetem -debi.itatec _by suffaiseg and disease, •"' . • ' • . . Its magical andwanderftil suceesi- curin; .sudden colds,- Sore throat,- Coualts, Diptherm 'pains in the side,bons and back. ileum Igia,tooth ache rheumatic and -other nams in any _part 01 the biody_ arid from whatever cause, litta ,givee i I a place tn every honsehoid nest ,fasi:',supefsedr mg all other'preparatilms of the. kind.; - It -is also an offeetual and prompt .remeiy tor Scalds_, Burns, Bruises, Sprains,. •Chillitaine, Prost Bites, Cratinas M the Stomach, Piarlicea. nolera inorhusnlittlions giolle, Cholera lam in nysenterv,,dee. • Price only 2:j cents Pet bot6ei,- NORTHROP -LYMAN, • Newcastle,,,C. W. • GerieranAgent for Canida. In Collerich Iiii:Parket115 datileand- P. Jordan; Gardiner Ars flif-.7"Bayfield; James Bentham, Rodgertelle; J Pigkerd,-Exeter; J Com be, Clinton; Seeeedeleteknow; E Hickson, lerta..and all Vii4elne 1)eaters. w38_ DISORTION OF PARTNERSHIP. • I four, Partnership berhofore existing between the , undersigned as Wagon -makers in the town of --Coderieh, under thestyie and firm of Hart & Ruther- ford, bes been dissolved this daY by mutual consent. Ail those indebted to the firm please discharge the, - same immediately with Ma, Rutherford (to save ex- pense) who will liquidate ClailM3 against the firm. RICHARD HART. RICHARD RUTHERFORD. • • GoJetich. mune 22, 186e.. ell St.' J. 0. DETIJOR,& Co. NoTICET tween two good markets, Goderich an d Clinton. LITERMS OP SALE -One fourth of thaparchasentoney cash balance in four eqaal annual inetabnents with "utmost onalnpaid prineepaL 'For bother particulars apply to F. A. 11.,;bertson, or at the Office of theAuctioneer, Goderld, Alp fith, 1869. wfflitd . LIST OF Lti.t.I.b.135 . REMAINING in Goderieh Peat (Vika, ard:inly,1869. ArnistrongL Thos Postletivaite Wm Burnett Wm tFatton F 0 8 Butler Dr RogeosHW . Clarkiron F Wee Mr Docbettry R C Sutherland Jl DoicoThos .emith Mlf Xisa Goae L Jamee. Stewart J Mary 1 Madera:MB Miss Sf.afford 31 1 Kennedy 11.1 Rev SIaxford K 'Ketcham a Ta Ioi.T . Helene Dennis Wi sea II . Malidimsoit T 0- Wileonffielm --- a McCullyD 2 Williamson John lIcWilliambIalcOlm Weir Robert Nichole A. 1, WilliainsW Offield Z• ' WitsenF W swanE Wra_ i - " ' , n.23 ABOUT DICKSON, lkisfina.stek. STItwART & YOUNG, Grocers, having Mliellsed ;IL to htessre.Wni. Balmy k ot Tor- onto fortis* benefit of their creators. the ball:zee of iktiestosktogisistine Of Groceriesfilassware,Cordwood,Shingles t wolb...is at private sale at and undtc cost pow. The Waco are in the hands er mr..ismes Taeosse, TowaCterk,who is authorised to collect all moseents due the &au J. Y. S„ MBE, waste 0.44rich. Jaw 2t, 11101", • VIIV.S.TE SOLEMN°, Arrirawialdag toohteis aPrivatelitoarding BMW LI WW1, soderiek -Siertistielt, April 2Itle. w -13.3o. ' I ram he areoleatedahei at AtiP.I. patiocurs, 7F1- 7E1 11/X 7E 7E1, S • woor_r 'AND Cloth Fulled and Dressed 430 TO TIII COLBORNE woor4.14 FACTORY, better known sx BIM Miller's Millet yon eau astral' WoolCarded ant Clotli Pulled and Dressed on. the shortest nab* ; eo helm a disiamee wiU seldora fail their woo borne with them the 'meaty. a* we have pet ear znaelduerY Int dew werklagorder, we wMithezi 'manufacture for farmers *ken tarnished with dout eked w Tull Cloth, wise% Platuudu atut tessuets thesis seem its the middle, we would. also eaU partieniar attention tom steekef Cloths, and Bitakste, also our 'dock of Plumb ait w wit :ad ..aedr, we have large stock a not:1Po* Number Nine. Cottca Warp* pod podium aid thebast stake ot VAXott that eguz be bought, htst 1309. & Brothers. iambi !Ass. 13..41.11.23 nui.Airt U01111110. Any II buy their' :pods in the cheeriest market npeTnhtheye bbejt. terms. largely and can therefore • • • , buy cheap. They are determined tosell at tha Lgivest Po sible Rates and g,ive their "Customers, the:benefit of the bargains they have made. 'TVS T OPENED A lot of all wool; Canadian Tweeds at 50 cents per yard. • - HOsiery, 9 ets. per pair. Towelingt from ets per. yard upwards, Brown Holiands, 16 cis .. .41 Prints-, 6 eta 'Ot o - Dress Goods, 8 es , it . . • It is be hoped the pelslje wilt avail themselves ot this information and finclitheir way to -the Emporium to purchase their Sup- • - SPECIAL' ATI c44led their x c) SEALED TENVERS IITTLI, be received by. the, Coan-tY:Sar-:' veyor on the part of the Mrinicipal: i Council tor the County of Huron, until' Friday evening, the 9th of July nextn , rop.,,PUTTING A New Roof -on' goderieh -Gout' lions,e,; As:per Specifioations: lst. Remove thelaths, slates, &O., on the. present roof, and carefully deposit them. in the yard or nqiiare. .• 2nd. Cover -the rafters, with Well sersoned .Yough inch boards of p.ine, 10 i4ohge Vide, laid clOse.on. the joint, and well, nailed to the rafters with 2 inch 3rd. Cover the roof with.good stont slater. I6x8 incheS, SOCUreV fiXed with galven- - izediron nailOVro in each slate; the top of the Upper over the nait holes in the lower _slate to be three inches. ' Every part of tho eating-ito be peoperly, • , bonded and the °Vex laid double ; out the slates t6 the' eiivei and heading comma! ; : Provide aid- fix" galvenized Iron Gutters to the valleys,. No. ..2q, twenty inches widO; ablo cover the ridges with gal- . • • yernzed ann. - = The:whole Of the slates ib be *OA beddea. in hair mortar. " Two solvent freeluilders be required ai surety for the _fillftlment of the con.tract. ThelmiliScrilier don't bind himself to. ac- ceptthe loweat tender. ? BAY ..ppinty:Surveior. June28th„ 18,09. • w22 -3t ;WESTER* EXCHANGE, ratoicgoir. .Anclrezo 1?ottogh, ire% - Proprietor. • from dateof sale. naming procareds cerreet register of every city and town in Canada, the height /ova ,tirIt SELLING GOODiS ! -water or sea level : 11to Usneral AgCt 11111relnired to altitude every instmaient for each locality aorreet Yr which is absolutely neecssar3-to hare Them werrk corred lel the lials. rev. A aril ,aisortinent of Self Regesterine Thermometers eonstannyon hand at priesS from W up to $ 0, aceceditig to finiele Farnheat Pertles desirous of ' obteining one. of these ueefal instrumento valise accurateie and invarierluTy foretell the state of the, weather from 24 044 hours inarivaneeeihouldavailtimmselees of the orportnnitysigirb Tow presentsetsell. The igentexiill re mean fora fee:dip only, Head offie.4 De the neteinips, ill Siontrsul. Reapecteriba, • - . June 14, 1869; , General Rules fiLbe Obsi3rvcd ir: Consitltittg the Barometer . , t 1. --if the Mercurystays abunt29 inelire. orilie word. s Cheneeable,e without moving much, tither,* or don wi°o'rd -‘, Fair," fine weatlinsisatbsed. • 7, G. BOWES, General Agen.t for Canada, ..SX.. : . tha;:vii.isicalcAttheheidrmeivetirlharlulirypepuelinussetoc,itetrlerlabilioar:ahdiihvatni:thzaheire miry stands high. it will be local. awl v,ey little et it. . i • .. 4 If theeefercury continues to rise slecely-sey for eiget (uteri days--aiet arrivce at or above -the Ube "Val lea.601..iel‘I'v'rlitileentilite,tihdlegrulfsourtreortitirse)rt,orrlanoilci,sk,tifioiter3irlair:srt;crearutilti.:-iiirifoi:eien: to, 71t. fritvlil:renvethreei litot4:_vailvsweviner,owsetos iemrt;ilign,retettho;frottivlorovr. deem. the arcetluir that fellows will be ofaliortzhirat on, ani' I ".." ; • lwveluitetlieerbr itfithneelaf-irlobsotslow, It will raie ; ifeteck, it -will blew: ane rise alittle. thee re,stassured the wood is over. ---r , . vice Verge. „„_ I ir2O-lin. FOR 30 DAYS efeirN lere. 13 -All those indebted by noteor beak =Oast, An reecatriill oat at teSe 11 Torero era n few e .As•yorBoenhoripsetedopthierasbitoaloatoce3oebnf thitrygolesieltsantosutolrpe, STEWAItT & BRO 1-/rAmsismil8, 'Act- "" Hamilton Street, audas they ero giving np Inreinces. arede in a =dime's. te ines.r..vicii teete e 111e goods 'will beeold at less than coet, great satiskeion netni ne:n. ere requestedto canandlettic ut once, NIVOOL; WOOL. fihelighest =elect Price paia for anyquantityof woo - J. STEWART 'Sc. RO. - TAMA Y. f.74.11 SAT:P. .eiday 1, 1869, - 31-15 - Tnnsal_walz..-Fr rearsforeeee n •i1.17;:1 l'n Creet ralr e„.. . - - a • • -, . - beteg I t et7,em 04,-711).--.:1,:"..4 ree'cri form elle-r- im, 60 acres, 65 ie.:oral: efaceieew frame i-nio .3:: i• . ' ne ana ere a euete‘tee, teiee ane tere .55-1';i0 to> S 'P.! S 1 in ZBe of thetnnAil.rsh-,i. ;:,t! for.7:.,.. f,6 -Get 4 treety. 7 e•••' - • partieular.e aleiliete G. el .ffenceice. l'ajilnit".7,1 T.' CI ., therm:nista to Mel. 4 /ea -413n. Ifobereerille pe , 4431 II. 'lira. - t,le) 0 :403. Ayer's ..SarSap4...r.L11, a,- Aler's OheiTY Pectaialy , . PDX PWR. .., ; . t: ... :„5 Mitlit•-•.=. De 1. 27supitgraar coli 0ughof ttecotehir whoopand Ling1428$1 "Thuenetrempedintacintioeitpidosoexya:: , CoUgliani sd.Br000nnsumptiochitie, Asthma:1i, . o'n'ils:(11;mee:riedevIrethae:::turrhumeaLtelt8eLireteneve tht.' Temedyfor publionarycomplaMts. Throngha long eeries of years, and among most of the races a inac:r.ee'se.1010;10-,Er0"•'_.-roitiroliset,e--444„me-, ineclicine,hst anything woneosvidel and sodeeply 7ptobthabelyconnitirderen:oforremathadin the ,was-Yhf!thiele hisextheeryllentof purified and cufefilinn tont' se -it has become'better known. Its mitre= nesixit half risen higher and higher in theirestima- , Loirupoilitilznsiairhaecytiatmbeen_aid. charamee aed power to cure -the various affections . of thelUnESand, throat, have made It known us a re- 81.1dr"ousavracdte:ndatamina'bwYhi"thehter 'Pr -DA -Ill Iiiiraat thbideriee SPrarimstteetittit61:14eisatligaillsenieottudttheffetteetual"limThilregmecehiladadydrethaPnteidietanrs , they Vierg valuta- y affliCtingt have been radical' be given_ for intiplent.tensumption, and the elan- ticuroneodfintheancochung.r. eatiryitueunnuhbeerpsuintilio.altusearoseeit eyvezimdse; vision against sudden attarks of Croilip, it should serous affections of thetbsont and lungs. As a pre- bes inferoosirmiotuad opfoibtsolarttinis oeneeeorrtlasieea.in ost deitnatt' ye' bearekseritynentimoaMsdsainejep.evetrY,tofamil_coILt allassidmcodeugedhas,s aalli eantlienildallintvie"te.°sf Sir. erganizniarat:Zfunfteenfan'eermine'thisblinegrothreefeanefaannsldistItulafeeMe"3151tr 'eurAlebth1O,listillgh 'sgrettleaecittm.embnesruslo4rPeatists.34ellirewitghlettlis" -111. should be provided vnth this Ana:Mt:for them. - without exeitinga suspicion ofitspresence. Agtigi ease seemed settled, have been com_pletely tared, itaeemstobreedinfeetionthroughoutthebodysiott and the patient restored to sound nea= -by the inthtoen,_oonne oaroommeefr oofrasablhres0eousccaslieenimm,raf eidlithyerde4ynttpe oeviserer thrye _pdisectooriaters„of stobecolimunilesteaubd groininteat tat surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tnilani tlie ;nest obstinate of them yield to it. Whennotln cles may -be Mddenly deposited in the lungs or inv'eise could reach them, under the Cherry .Pee - heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it short. tore,/ they subside and disappear. - its presence by eruptions an the,akin,orfoululcsr- lingo, and pubrie $pcalMji,s Sad great pro- Stimus Olt somessat of the 'body, Hence the.licea- testiest from it. zsional use of it -bottle of this KarsaprMillca b auT= _Asthma -is always relieved'and often wholly Irisable, even when no active symptoms of diseatts. cured by it. . - App_ear. Persona afflicted with the followin• gem* Dronehitfs ' is generally cured by taking the Teniaingthts, ogureen,erallw &giallo ofimmthisediestemr.tHsArAannebt cherry Pectoral in .small and frequent doses. .441.: lit. :Anthony's Fire, Reite'or Frysi,perair.t 1206atpugbelisnerairhthYearcertie itreaTteithis or thialeMlnerell,haortIld'oemileoedre ;Teeter, Salt Rheum, Scala Head, Rfatficrorrnt than assare the publie that its vaelities are fully i'mvuulknve_bartifiRft/Disormselli, e: asSoorfesocro:fatr: usanddritimotheaser:eart:448.pzirortioonisini,_sivoi\,.„rjvk awah:,. 4%. ed.wa.;e: A vi et p 0 . more concealed tonna, asfieisihriveura gw, .44.3rvi. 0 ....g... ure And the various Ineerous ec pus or the Einscu-!-; • , / , - It ', lar and nervous systems. 'Vidalia or renereat and itercurial.pfsecsier 'Ali' *ever abd it.gu.e, Intermithent InVer5 •are cured by it, though along time isemerured for ,`f MOE Fever.- Remittent Fever, rump subduingthese obstinate maladiesbyanymedicine. A ASta. Perioaidad or 33iloola" F#17€1r, -4(:0-9 -But long continued use of this medicine will cure I .and itid.eed all the afrectaons vemen -the complaint. Leueorrheees or Whitesillierins „A /COM 1 malarious, Marsh, or mitianiatio I ricerattons, and „Female Diseases, are corn- leloisoils. :monl _aeon relieved and ultimately cured by its, '--..p • and invigorating efflect. elinute Dino; rectsatiligalitilithaseirltArnice?brueintinsuedsclaeinguntel -Bong for each case are found in our Almanac, amp- .caPitinsede d gbaydaseel zit huleuatimonastismor- extranand: eanse"tmi aVittersh en Zwil6kdelivaenr‘annYltline°r:nvieilleerjur°1.2.8)%1118°Ylualisstienbt'SrAnneee :in the blood, zield nnicklz to. it, as also Liver immber asilimuortanee °f itsOlres iri theague die' n„._ ;triits, tire 'Wray beyond account, and we believe 'Cm onTagithis'ezioz°273ier;lanitItigyacrnadeLegimi,Chrenintarlitrin—g, Witiout a tunnel ill the history of dote medicine. --blood. This 841.118.A_PAREGDA. is a great re- Orectintspride s gratified by the achnoWledgments we ire of -the radical cures erected na. obstinate as they often do, from the rankling polsone hi ths storer for the strength and vieeyeef_the system. oas., 1 and Vhers other maladies had whollY Pled' treacelimited persons, either tesident m, or '',151itseitornile:etipiesre essoff wenn: -autrok:ensbasled:awillwithlimuesiLeres'itam-Pesimm-ouseduApte-- nortr4,:hinrubyvgtanetri:oz,,,,anrei.4:0:5;atiezne4tf.ev-itaniedlitipeyElldallay:PtingrCfr -prehension's or Wears, or any of the affections. relief and conviasina ev,idenss ef its rest9Tstm th7e°L*11-14ert:ts4-114meallgathy a%n11"svitayns. ing filara "I'Piditl power upon tzial. . plziffp.ii it ED it y . Forl3gionsDisorders and Meer ComPlabta. it la Dr. 7. CI. ..113/Xl& AIS CO., 'Dowell, Mass.,- aiiPreex4eMedlientl';1*D7td.Y.; . PC -m. Adu:nugAmealleY -., PractrulYtire-cal • markahie cures, 'where other inecines had failed. ‘ , practical. al& 4itstaytica; onene4.48. anandrounAnaletitheeloChrmemists,LOWell: Xs", and Bad , SOLD '13Y -ALL DRUGGISTS .r., v Ails trzaratE. PArirCEI 41" 1!--- - - . - . . . . ._. ' . ,., „El DO:Tif.E. ' Pure Whita Alpaca 0 inches "wid441 . 6 AT THE NEW Dj))31010?.i CASH STORE. Black Lustros &Alpacas 150 toSkyd. • AT.. rnE NETY DOMINION' CASII SToRE. Cobred lustros in all the new shades; A T 1 IIE NENV DOMINION. CASH STORE. White Ticked Skirts. Thirtl lot just received, AT THE NEW DMIXION CASH STO1p. Full :Value Given in Goods tor RosTOVanidian. Bills Goderich, June loth, 1869. .1 1 II III 1 1 . ia1 • • . • XL' VI; agata..11:1,*: Azi..1347 PARKER & CATTLE, DRUCCI$T-S, CstA T%sTtlior-ATTE' NTION OF- letreilTuFraljertuTisto:-u LARGE STOCK • _Perfumery, Combs, Bru.shesi &e. IIARKET SQUARE. Goderich, (Tune ast, y161 , , W21-2xis MAW IIARDWA TO FARMERS; AND BUILDERS 1. 214 satoseriber's bave no*' hatfa 4.'1" noRoutiii irn SIJITRE 3.1 oregiaentiltorv$, 14.tri,34.1 cfatillei., 13,,tio 11,0TICE: " It tic .3) t onIC:::,e6,21:17:itel- afi:IrrrIgait11:11.714:1.1ifteat:re:: Irt'r, r. t.cfl-Tnall le!oiel 3 3 ..71.lif::::1:111:41111111i tn, :711..le. 1i1111121141:::.•''47-1 imeatafaeterbot end sale or 1terris .ctail for savviii nmi terest iii ihe partnersaip besinees of 0 .rner.Tereemeoe, .. ' - 37.'1 1144174:71 12' ::::::::;::::::,'e;I:r 4.:::::::3,:111A:c '9:51;n1::::11iPill trali 3! .1tr':tel::c'elf .1-1:16;:fiailez151:enril lb:111:41151::::::4131:;;;3:::'11;15:i :1‘.f:1111:$:.'41:::::: . tS to -e. :tvo 1:: e :zr:.$ avy:i. oci 1 13 ::::::::::13e1,47:5:.:4:t an es 3:::11,0:::::::.:::: eeiE partner reel etitlaaloiel aeme to trete: eit the bueineem :Geamei:Jit.et,p11.13.1itip3S:TNT.:21:11..I.NS13N. & , ,,, . •ARCITI•i3): Y.OB.77,.. .., 043?:. 01 ffiRTIN & ROBERTEOITO PARLOR All7Ne fai;, MANLTF4.0,TOR7.3D BY & Wendel 6.1' 'LIVERY instraracet is frilly werratelari ;rad La tee areacterimpeovemenes, te'ea feeme -etrinig bats nnilibeelael Ivory. fisrat laes re; STANDING' TU% -TE • gu4riEtters thc*F.re Inazzcsis-mr.11 tz6tv. egeetat ricileale fRaSeteena tread Pirita02$ Wren in excamege. Goderich, leeraJtme, tel214.31 FARM FOR SAIL..•'.E„ Et It 1 1N‘ -.__ (C) AT -L- -0? 0,17efit et 'eeeeth And Sentli Road, ilalleanal ' . Mack. towaslap of HeaTeeaCrinatre ref Kamm, pro- perty -of /Ir. Samuel Metier; ameeetepre t't 55.1 r.r7re-4 ii5 of whielicre clearee, mat in a Irigb et,ate c Tereferea- • thea, Timm is a geed loa emace ee'ne4, clone Mane _ barn 4- x01 and frerne arta tee -SO. 47f:rem Ls a tzeeee OYAL..... .0 f fa -KS - It-sa ± c,fatioliinteafrapariltsitgmt.thletri;1,17,,Vi74;n1 tuictutoiriiVre1211,:r.rirc,..,11:,-r g it'll 3714 Iti 1111:: 11°-1421 tt9 31 ''.41e1 ral '1 .01-3tfr r IT° ii 31; 3u1 t s;i1e. l I e8117.1111be, sot 1 °Tr or t .*:Iiri IC2c5 r: I. i :*1.%:fC:3f1' 8a'! - _ from Manchester, where there, rare eliereitasaral eel:eels, , 'T'ereas part cash balancetifi time at 6 ,per ratite 'ArillY to Jigirid .1,,ent-, West Et,, Ve:-Ic-.1:- 1,-2 PIZED, AIMS:MONO, _ - „ , i ---'-- • a ." . A . , tir to theproprieter on tbetieC'mleee, Gorier:V.1a leth Jim-, letee. 'Godericli, May' 2,5 1860, NOTICE. w-36--tt MASTIO STATE Ecorrai. CITOCKliOLDERS of the Goderieh Petrel/emu 4 0 Salt Compeny. take netice that 11 ten ealfre have MO made by the dirtettorson the unpaid :dock of the ebove•company payable as follows (10) tea per cent payable inI0 days froin this dais, viz : On Nay 20, 15e9 4nd (i0) ten per cent payable on or before leo add of August, 180. By order of elm Board. May 1.3.809, fro -72 e ^ • DR. BRIGGS ALLEVIIIT8 • , andeeettairefl Ites hem etelieranted teeeeta • e.t.a tirrelr4osIzIttlet:eiRitc71;t7lareell zlua 17'57 n= PeePared to fOrtiffehentlece weal the areteital t1T pat el e For Roofing it is 'ffizifly Poeunitatnried bab tiseetees nral durability, it hit prov.len:1 mady get out of rep:dr. It can he ;real 0.,a le: it- ea any lima vf Roof. Nearly all the best be:ea= tradieg cities and towns prerwte ineni V•ze L.",Letift ,IstAt.t,„ SUAlLL azooK, Arebit-ects,Goderich Golerieb;nah 314,1sc). un -14.3 NOTIO'B TO pEBTOBS. GEORGE LUAIEALL, & Co. A•LL parlice itelblated to tam late. Cfree a .60a:ere Itumball & Coe areectorirol to roe' kelt:WM, io order to savoceete. Peyeamt to be ree.le al tee arel, • . I „Dca:1281; tif..T, tic E:ivit,InZi 1141.7-1:X:711 ' tlie esal Crm. .30111; ; 10!„-Itifira The great Catarrh, Headache, Neuralgia, and Universal Pain Remedy, is war- ranted to surpass any known dis- covery, for -the instantarieoui reliefenO rapid cure al ,.; any eonceivable • eSAAC MAL': Lier form of pain. Way b. lee,9, ev4e-tele USED INTERNALLY AND EXTBE- ' " NALLY IT NEVER -PAM& G 0 DE RIO II intLLS Alittleof 13riggs' Allevantor applied oe the Head, — __ 0 will lust:Italy relieveeNervoue Head Ache, It a sick e— headaclimnitate i to a teaspoonful inhalfrieensenfeold TO BENT. wincreand take 0115.5 $0 (elm swaVows, =bale rns'in thee THE nnierelereedhavle,aeetabentlesaerewel34:ttoste _. • axle -rich. Aetell Eth, ISe9 1•23-tf ViTANT,ED. . . ANTUD by tie !Stet of.ezey a feererecymen Pakein . a young manwenttlho prefeaeOl-, .e\ Tee7e• t-0" • . I Lacknew bottlre bailie the headtvelitheAllevamor, and relielalie Miles Into les awn Tames neW per:peace to reel inedIately fellows. One Velour etvallows relieves Dy5,.. them c4 re.,==,.31a 1,cztla to Eorzo cs.zorctcrt Flatuleney. lee. A small quataby -of the Allevautar ticariturn,Palpitetion, Acidify or the suantieb Ibr Icz, diluted and *naffed up the noetrie -then garghi me W31. the -masted lake 1 to 4 -swallows orate Ziltiteil Reiner, Goatee)), may if 2 r CD vi4C".1.1" tromeauttely relieve ,suel otiekly mire . Tickling. (the Throat, Cough, Astarrai, and ail tette elerey to Coisumption are immediate1y relieved with , FOR SALE - the Atlevanior„ fon opplicattons ontirigg11, Allevan- _tell Allevantor, and teeing a swallow or. two after. and inflamed it relieved itternee Iffy gargling •vt Eh dole. !, lame side, back, chest, shoelace cr limbs, mired le a , ..„-lit. tv. -Celeflic-7.ze,4 t I. tor cures tho -most iievc re Neuralgia, lite worn forms .";11111E SOUTH HALF te)F eefee' NO, lie, tee fee let oat, ()flood pain. ri teem:ism., 44e, Tee throat when esprel j. Wateanos.h, Ciecar. Ateley to Ca MEET /N. re., 411- tqtkhretoffiplicieteetdions ot the Allevantor relieves Sag ! Feb,123, 18E9. a' ellen. three by -applying Edges' Alievautor. Arplice to a brini or scald, it inamoihately allays ell join, teal gives NOTIC,E. :,tt414rggrleiggl7gg::t1;111=11. 7131. 91.1'RE NOTTCT. that 4 ere9 In2;f1;:syfres,‘7,711-L'Sif,or ' 7 Iffeetions. Applied 'freely to all.slan diseitees, itnifords j. aTIF dat3-Mnr_M-17eee AllY, Pee: Jo !ro le.e' !if me- rkiettieditalytflol Yr Cnhillittlt;114,. -I'Vrhoit teAdilrevale49Crotis ita8: irijsUi'll:11 e iesteint teilefIo all itchitigt -sad *pally restores lb e skin _,...T0wIll,_ !hip afWaesanaorileScr•U IV: IsSe,d '_.1 tlt-e. 1 I e cured with theltliekTutort---Soreaud -Weak Eyes are . ti 4 14 -, --__ -- - 'i Poet, used freekateerilem 4ellirectioes„ Its powlerio * IlLerteed i jr1 ,Lrestoring. ie wondelfttl. AIany cases of Deafness are - ; cured ; Toothache immediately relieved. Agee i a sbn ! :' face rapitity.doappears. .-The wonderful and Hegira! . -.....e......... , vinare ofthe Allevanter will never be old, .ftetheyere Tryser ..-„ .. to vaned and its it is a beneficial reined - fin' iil eh s ....---- - . vandy of diseas-s it sernIS &hum lucre ulcus uarce them, yetthe preAster eliallenges spy nee el Pala er Infiatheuen that be eaceiceuvedwitil Beggs, , • "Jr. tr. Brlgge Throat and Lung Realer Is one aftbe safsst Hui mem reliable Re a edict in ex- istence for the speedy curet-Aro:nth% ceMit,L;fluenz3, Brunchuis. Hearsenc.s. Wheoplue Cough, ismer, sore Threat Aschraa, binilent, ifitheliity a Er *dung : Maisie, Pain in -the SideandDrea0, gainer, llice.due ' --Sifilie Lungs,. mid alleisessesof( lie Thome, Lungs min ': °gine. ineinmeg mat worst of nisease. Consumption; , Tids Iternedy is s,lso valuable hi Liver Complaint lu- ' liammatton °filly Kidneys. br Urinary Organd. and all Internal hifiatanunion. Thiareally s.,penor Remcdy should he in Me postessicnof every fanal ; Ile lite -roily , , 084 of it, in same of a recent cold, will rd napandiate - _ . STOLEN OIL STRATED• /diet, wbileeeses ofiong -standing and of apparenSy , hicerenie eharamer, reedit. yield to its wantici ten ..,_ - looming and curative properties. Its universal -titian.; Ova' ins grounds bf St. -,`-fl' 74'e ll--esid • is !rntt Immix lobe wants onnankinomtke itin iudispentat1e • .1.'; 44.'7 Illiie4i3V M7. P. 7W %7Tz_1-,-) t3 i Arge kera ri_w, • eeeeEsity iii every household. .. %int a iingittivilitp. r 7 Vii 7-0 ,%,,-eL fee tenni, iii -I ii;,,'i The Dals.amie vinues of Wild Evergreen4se to nem ' hoofs atightiv losnie.1vit.4 v.,nic . t,.'i . tut ,11,..k. kfi,4 ill the ewe of. the numerous' 4Seases of the Throat, greY &Abu mal, also weeteee a I -re. ,!.*.iiez.-d '01 wig. -,?'-. Ilungg ate! Ches.!, which always in our ever etiryiee 1111157e wile *Veep. Acy pers.nt eiv•ng slat, inc,rii.atisa - elionne. prevail la a. groat r or &less ttearee, are well as will bur to her recovery *Ill Le twit.* igy rf..,,, Ittviiit. known hut tbepewer of relieving, heahns endeanug MRS, A M montx:.r.r.s. Napier btriNit iiiptilieL„ these -diseases is enliann d, when hYscientific isincielse thaiarich Juac 21 -ad 3-6459. 10-111!X • - it is conibined with other Agrees's:IA oickeet num ea .-_- - • . healing agent. Huta recently, thin termite sh.ease eousumptim, liwilieen tensidered stabil:slim beyond _ umlillItigs CBURIO Gitlin !, II the reach of medicine. or the healing en, Hut anew . era:in-the etwagenient efPuissenary Demme seems to A7' he. dawning upon the aciontrfic medical 'world. end smes many slistinguiched &gybes have echnow- M iti , (Ivrea! , ..... let1ged Mat eaniumpttencim be tured, few there are a il 6 whoattemptiocontrovertilmirophden. Price $1. JOUUI•g Slip, AT Shephard Sr= Strachan's. 20 TONS OY MN, SILRT6 4. Willcs fiat mill, Sell fihnap for Ca83.1* Voderich, NI, 180.,„ Dr. J. trigge Unrivalled Pile Remedy Is mile, yet effisaeleas, and warranted to turf istowite, EXterrutl, Bleediugand Itclung lo the woe imuniet, whhoutylielatutuaplemetesseratien. belt eitwakeitill ekteda°w!suitillikt 6,1111"..sesssindi unau"Ity wisrlwitoet"i° ouSht tor reliei, bait hare Estee to their hing holm* without*. Tee windier is teeredelous *leg are drag. giug out a zu seroule -existence at the present day, AIM PAINTERS. mzarttsget21.5treir.644.Ja•miledr' Wc:;;;ItitaildT ammo itialwal not be in vain, ne rad it immediate and *cure soon effected, Price Dr_ J. 13riggsf Mom Curative. tg without doubt, the Melt. sim1400. 'at ati"( ellit*". otis remedy eves discovered for the imatediats robot s , ock and sapid eure of Corns, thintans, hscrowing Nails, rge and.- Well Selgfeted --St ........, Frosted Fem. and she! alined' Waited' oW 015in thgeaws. ruches Cuts, Bermes, bolds end F Ihses. Dare onuses's, flora Ups, Sera blow, arepipard _._ . Sand. Ervsimeles, „ . , . dere Fee" Feiters.-Citlestitr=litreNwinlit'appies tn°1110thei of Hardware, &e.-, whiehtinay are prepared te ofCer " . . Fluessig, Oilicerotis dotes White SWellfikag; ”esed • • Scurvy, Pilot, t eln;,,hist Irommde, Ate, • Sege Proprietor, medium tide Oeirogend to the pub. " ATPRIUES WHICII CANNOT 11E8 EAT 'ibe.=edz..'iies-* as-Tw-,"" Futsp_ppAss :aceommodatmn. Tye • /waft aid peat relievire tree ge senitZi. Ties Cieverve, frogs she SEAFORTH. Tint subscriber has oa hand the eel -brawl W/CrEit WHEEL P&TENT whift tie in* prim at ths Pr.A in6 loot year. This doom ga ir.ogodreeti,•r. se -el Ireftled. Aid ittiallittliwitt144401furti Ault vittli.,r Little', '1i y miaow, brae erre ea ut 1 &ere* ttgktire or trhvi sod mist} tigt oowireg. of zp; Irr Ile Iles likewise on harp! tor, Thirittt gaie Leg Hew ugly Maas, Cigier Preeeee, Chow Preggout. dero, Wagon itsietis, sad *Ooll'S FOIST Pilaf SELF-IIIM are on heed lUgd gut ar, le or**. barn and Mom, on Iliad and for aale. lar Gm sh Roe Power *memo*, mom for yews as moot tarns For Sale (lop. table 114 SUPPiled Waal allphe &lames Beat Scrap Iron Nails- per Keg,113.45 *games" White Loki par rtar, lirstortee. Lore. swe,mmit ewer awe& Au G. of the season = tne the bar with the beat Bes t (Bughs- h) Paint 011 per,galkm .•90 Bztst Glass (Star Dread) per pilyi to. kimpe had theirdat. It ei Veil tome ' brands of lintn;ra and. -Cigars, 20 w D H. . INSOLVENT' -ACT: or not_ and ready made ifotbing department,' thematter of ReberacTioatt, Wieighifie;31 d her 1r P tt lb - tqpi as cheap as anywhere olie erns 8sythes froda 90 eta. sp.** arn oor mges an ot u rint 1.a. .04 C. DkiT. LOR, & C ping "Credit= Of the Insoltrent &emended -Mai be solvent. - fromaundetndliskttlithteihrksared416rett!wittActAisdrmired.th*,toti:ftualshaluagravsl!tritylEdirle:rt:Igilibtabili'midwAoseensain36 °Miglitreet4:914: fieleee Oistairses ow else ism* 011164 **Midi Joe sea 'This liodoest Seim 11(.41Eartity., -fitrW ummihmi ibe wel Nay 10, tow Turpentata (pars) per gaike,.... .70 ,Seithe Booths .371, its roseleg, Pain easseetossant mop* mad " • -1' - ao ar XIISOLVLBT or 18641- -Bak* Spades, Sheaels, Manure and Hay Forks, and other Goose mention, ratess WHICH PREY COMPET1110/1. Reraeinier the Old *ad, morket Sql3ro, Godtrlek, Sipa et tio urge `Goderiob; Onta.rios Iffairo 1800 thategrthb°01deacittmlYthe'eretathaettAftedT4'16 nuderittanaalairnedmmthiut-the "naltadmisitn0100eriek""44flaritheasColtadatrme'ef‘ Ittiro314,thislith day ofJune, lafflr, II. GARDINER-4k 23w2t (Mein' Astionte. ,10iar ftwart, , Clodertek, Swat 41lakt.3411* n it it. rt v • to lierehiums & oak. sPlilosedemT. 74. Y-• eta= Attlikalagtz 1101itige "414 T eke Emit el Or ass Ifni he for to 1 te larva let eit +11. gitemembr sitioego Fechati rut fosok, of Tuettuadaver 66604 be s,ssos. airszsAril sej4:4 • tot ti , • t asti 1, «1 hes 5-atet, -awl art. tun. ..- 410, tior nmirif I . otos it ,„, 14000'. iT!' "-• Joitr1/4 OW.3 111 .• ••••a• • 1•444.--"- • • 4.•