HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-06, Page 3-- I I —7!
=`--y C;2; -Y to be
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AZ:ZtV:n!- 7 Z -t - can bg�
a.\a. r3 ELr�SSII, Wesst,
LD Mt'av cal�-a aa
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T-IC7��-,-CMTQ %e -.F IT's
yrlrs. anl have
its �tzt5=&
can �-- az--.�est,�d
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�==r many
TEL:-, tmth is both
C3 -,:r
to da
re:�a�,'e rzr----�Uc� ever
renRo b -*y --A
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at S11 D--
6. Ki=g St. wer�
�at Ye. 5
2 re=edv
Tqi Modem
orat by asin
cl in =-Lmm
C,�n ALXVaZt0=
the 4th, inst., Mr.
E�aa 31 yeax—z,
71 F. El. Rma�t rlmll-
�=:Lt, Jul -y 6, lsag�
z; ca- Ga=�aus
721 C=i'
�L ema,-mted 77ith rm)mpt-
Tice '�h!j hest
ruize P41a for
,--U, Jtay 611869.,74
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0:24 cat 0:16
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W I 'Aulsom J'Ans
tolliky"t am ioelow thAt M
,V4vct of hie O*W0 a" 46efll,
e �-e the loadewtleed A '
,% "%We*
twook of wititin tw# iso"flis,
kvs&s�� -, * the Ovariw
1W -twos V Mfliff-MOStAt,
2aider a" witht
A off.1114M. Jr
. . . . . . -----
STA MkN t!m
P. -A
ET.. it Ug
7X- m Mir ithe -b tl�rn
their -1b fat
ISAAC FREDM, ICK i"'i P;�*w 0J sit iP"Ite, t4, JolmAn'r, 's Ain �11111pv
still Ab they =091VIII UP lintS
03 iftal0ftlitths Wow- =a vrequoisted-to call and settleat -mm erl
-61t a boolt '4001111t NewYorlio, Flour'SIOS-0112 f6
53- or")vlh ift'41� course of the 11th in f,1,!Xby Ot 11
Portland, '2:0&90l * L :: , all. J11'L E% I
wo 001 0sortris' =Twaitsi Mulch
Boston, wop, is, eed
4, 50 �4, hireVA1100,40 patfiftift'and dangerous di; -ases iuS)FXtreMeIV,%d6W 3?-.r1d6C�-PWitWldteCher Mt6.#6A.oloch,; Whit* -�h' l�'f;Zd ttes W W60L, WIML.
Ith Off*u nd Screw TIROLIC BAZ W*)dta.
153,00 44 3.1 d to-w--hich the r4niali;o6astittinbro is subjei t. It� fr0M$5t#V,AcC -1 g
rc *4 h the 4*e= - Thollij;l1eitru ritlo Fald f6f anycluantityf W
X . 1 aBall cc moderates alleicessand removes all.obstrut slons BilsfaDiab -and Tuba and ID Huglia Whe
tached, 3. STEWART& BRO.
pmptdii� biatj&ths and P4
Mail be held
1�ed 4to -4 French an
avid Franov, -wind 4119, -Alevel.&C'st
charge at T6- & A
r..Oji6, Y6
..to. B 9 HIE
itedi lt�will, �11 d
BEGS to say to eorractre- sterafeiery,citinn(I tA a height his erftiends, and customers )wn in Canicols, $11 ty cierlectl h 'Wil localf
that he intends to rentain in Goderieh, and that anifirld, Ag4titis prepared to AlWULdi eviry laiitrutneiil; fare
in his -RIESE01AL NOTIVES. tamp, oifAi$ot ercirA%l4vdI1- full ailsartment;DT Wf.
er ato -P - i nment qua
will bc glad to submit the large and varied q tolfaa thomwork'correet on
bsdlAt4Y,uet"-U9' Elyba lfauCtt,priciis from 82ulf, to $1.0 ,If. Farilhi-at Fad as
shopL on West Street, near,the rest office, to their in- is- erfelits aceprilingtofinis - fir
ii.ILVatro - -
Th MWI the- stat- of the IN fir
llfaillatvr�i const4ul j6
�,h, June 1:9,1869. w3q
"YSPVA,PSIA is will r
uA4vtIliceliould avolitthentsolvesdr
V Cured, byusing Dr Colby's Aatl�Costive and 411hourst. all&,, ?Il$ �-f'pros - aXdO c > 7%ceitP911TAoz dJ14thiiWvn-5v. du ri -4
ToWc Pills. They regulato tile Bowels, correct the lie"ce
punforafeWd " W,
MUTON � Rl wo,
he system for
ingredients Jn - a highly .519, 1.
concentrated f6m. and strike At ther root of ollsease., arcs- e. Cs, 0 nage, bt go, �iit orker-tiLme, they Liver, clear the Complexion, audLrOmovate t h ie. Faxm for Sae. they am composed of.adive fera
�Ielrvdls iiiiii.
curing almost Ili, A711�416ni�' i I - ;, 1. . Por th fl IjO 4LI, -1
-a magic. AIX,ull cases o QA-Ifltl - � Itilour . I 'r - V ty
ary curative Pains in the Packtid Qmb% Fatlini'ba'Aijilt migeablal."*7 tj
Ch _goyil;; v=b, either- 111? -0 d0w 1:
Lot 16. 6th clue. D Cul- Thousauds testify to their extraordin FR05T T1139 Ungettled.andoilialf-eable ;$r .,i I eutil tiat
TEA I fl, lye(ttherwi exerti6n,-Palpaitiba rior are properties., Solollev all dealers. 'L
T '!M=Wland, 60 acres of,whl�h r. orabove WArtes, thbifeel Ot.A ell i" W)i�t it rises, t
cleargd, well watered by a living creek, and bounded In E A T I P U L I SPLENDTD I ! is the. lftw Afercury I
poweir - - 7tv u
---say e '!very
r and (rame EXPIRE HAIR, dday -&I& blaitland. Good lo- house by all who use. lIlilre irtho kercury 6atfijuifi to FA
D lut -imedy, &-ag -bon in suitifilVi lOOkf6r
I,.Io!d, at, yen
It re - V good oreh�W on the premises. G dry, harsh, stiff hair soft� glossy and tjobillaIn jronv'cialt net. anti
one Df Manchester, 11 beautiful. It cleanses, the scalp, xemoves pi!,niles, F faiiiiefilf% It ly-111 iffluldki it Vill blow and
village ffioiiy, or-atil,4194g,liurhfil to Thet oust nel6a. lk� lutl,04t4ilaufeltue� it tile
Situ-, tea mile from the %vh6n the AfdrOOO for The od each l'flillsve -6 td it
miles fr�)m CToderteh and 12 miles from Clinton. e%henstha glands, l?revents the litair from fa ing, Full -�,dtreetloai 1h I e, palaplUt at fit a:stoi7u Is Stu Iliaiv
whim, ilif!igast6tff, ' i 0 Ily 1., eserved -i6qty Uileila ing an the County SIT ffie me rest the -worlit is over. in:11
desirable investment bet and int aut and -b- %
and possessing a superior mill privilege on certainly make it , luxtbrit �jejt 1P a r bg-ofsUOrtouftt'On,,4nd beautiful, and it iaoulyW%Nves�Ztte- Sole agea l'orvil.0 i p Ctjnnilqs 7: When tile mercury Vullux tip ulow� t40 ve,& ra
Apply to U4 u C,
the River Maitland- sold everywhere. '!r'J1jle&r . it 1:
sone of J013 KOSEA
G.- M. TRUEM -% N.
X. tind,six�rxi-Anote stanl�sy &nclosed
Land Agent, Goderich. .1731. Auctioneer U U A T 19 X and all, other aches and pains -'-a
w-13-tf tlxebodyon pplicationcifUco&RHEUMATIC i say authorized �geqt will Wkqre T bottle cqn.-� to 0 t Trutg,
-xpril 24,1869 to
We �111 war= it to enre Bums, Fmat Bites, i,,b, rdt a r n a I a I I
Chilblains. Sure Threat, Lame Back or Side. Sprilus,
I'M BiRl 1) 8V
&c, Some -of the cures it bag affected are almost too: L _NO C& Fir
wonderful for belief. Many have been saxid by "it Sii4Jhites 6&rk4 Female Pills are crtensfrely CouN,
"in Impending death, and restored to life ;id health
,NT ROOMS UNI I TERriATED. thegennine have the-naine of"JOBXOSES" a-
REFRESHMF I No fami[V is safe a day without it; hundreds of valu- OaidcAva&aie. -'A-ll otharg are worth less. IhO fe:r
'contageoug'dis Ay t
maY Tik pt..Ar Jyjait-lat will �Pfo,
Em- PO R1 hef THE
WEST SrOE KARXI�T SQU4RE, able lives and thou ' sands of doll: be savedan NO RTHR I PTAN S C 3�# Vi
--nt-.allvbv its use. Asapr6entiv�of U .4;yer
-or the rhroav aiad Lwm%
-Mltple iffg�ever beforeinvented carraoinnarotithit ;Ne
Now Re -opened' in 1he New Building. "We-a'u6ttharizaall dealers to refund the money if it ajentforCAi)'nd( ----------
.. A6606 -C Wbandua
does not give entire satisfaction. A, Oattle- ano COUP S. J. FOS �Sold to dolertch by Pariter- 33rondill, NOTICE.
Co. j.�: oftabx-
-Coi�, 'ty -flaidiao. z Ba _I M I James collentmedichte euJoym
Jordan ;I
TCE CREAM, SODA WATrR AND OTHER TE11, PARKER & CATTLE Ageets. Goderich. Belfthum., Rogel*,ille ; J. Pickard,1D Qr; J.H.. , -jpro bab! never ore al 616 hfstxfl�r of ottl
I)N the 2rd *day MG9. Josep 1$, Gza
aially of4hich"are timli--, Medl= -an Cor e, uran, w�d Ut Ills 41 ae
Anidail his W11iiiii
JL perauce heverages Frit of all ki ribe, V !into*, I, cord, Lpckno-*; 9 nds in season, Hick
-lad to see her old lDr. WIStaV71114B
aMrs. Muck will be g ale -am of Wild son. Vealeric. w3� ofingf, tiOnfloltnce of In t .d to i'dward oil f1ml; plX1At16
Thiou& 4 long tdc.
-020fAl", __ = . raneo brpulisburyeom terest In this patuership Unsif stainers at theL New Building on the old stand. Clierry.
most Of the-raoes or
ell series ofy(Ruris, and amon 1.bcWd1:Wrwr.4Lip bnpim
seem OT 1100114 =11 ff'-T V�ai`tl
10THMILS,'MAD corruptiori,- -Ilgvo bdid bad j)�1dilktterknoWn its unifferva
a well is it estab- as it Ifitalter, J�V-Zftl
r,odeneb, Mav 27th, 1869. w-4tf. When this article is known it is a Work Of suPCrOTO- ed allhira bg md
In their eB
gation to'say one word in its favor, 5 '73ARTIS
I 'LQZENGF arlfiM and mia'b a the. vinious atrectiolif 'Pie.
fished as an unfailing remedy for Coughs. Colds, Sre a certain and 1% And"Wer to cur
=faltuaLfftiolt ad'71Q tpr roatillavernallaitknownsidarob
fe iemedy for, *alinsin Children and.Aaults -Msoirdersy bingsandth.
chitis, Croup, Whooping Cough. Asthma, diseases ofthe rhi ie$or aing jihera;- While aMpted to
ad- -As it is a welt -know avid melanoboly inct a Ide
Threat, Chest and Lungs, as well as th# most dm geaservind to.'Yollng (ibildren, 1; 14
thq?nae great ejilbeofdeath ala'ong children is one -con allon at the a tionethemosteiTectulireakeCl WaTvcart�
tadl 4' fi -Cilent,"nstuiaptitilf 9 -a 41211-
rui of all diseases, Consumption; which high medical clueoly tin- they -*ere, p4lxi� afilicting, 1101 � b 0 %Ant or mq] ,I= tb
_ if A I - , I I I ' us ti6naofthethroati�udlui*s.'AB&Prb- =erg
authority has pronounced to be� an incurable disease. i ' " 4
pressed upon theintifols of parents tho necessitV � cafed tn� ', tu& iM. Ala 0 ev Owns,
Those who have used joill-Ofthe.co - . Aen af;tacks of Croi Uiiir and ant-horlw-11
this remelly'know its valus I ulaftyltifitthO11311TRUG lyn yislon last su4 It ithoild tot=swat the inbe= �Ddofltgvbrtubsoruses. litimil adfu 610da$AW 11E�Igoaee fu
-BY.s0it(Imp, kelit-pik-haud livery E, HOSr
I C E those -he have not. have but to onaVe a single trial to
ilati un4ys�anding t e mptons and true cause JWn Jseone.Vf.VIQ Most. d 4, etimes sub sad ;qou9bs,AU
sore ous pw jftt11tQ 00
be batistied that ofallothers it is the remedy.
ofthe�disQdse,tliousan ot,.thildren, migbi, be endmies orour race, (ftllt, 0
'N T from ilRl`fftraVdi'� Skk]�`IrO , M" Gy W ant I Ogg ettld. V, tion is , thoart th-
The Rev. Jacob Se0blerg aved ORAIS ten Ain Q"*W%P ' 0 e -
tfadjutfteathetattackofenf0bift . tun i Me a dir gvmerqus� curablb;idl1'g=1 TOO= -The followingir6a. few athe very -fiotimied settled, have beeit letely cared,
-respected among the Germ -which fire caused by. bhywths
11 and the p o�601114&
wen known and much litm sr nnd diseases Dllttbe6d�,
I- - 0 -populaion oft," countryl write&as follows: ltseemstobpee jnfo *OILd"llghl mdent r
1011rals: [Yeranied appetite,emr.cilitflid qxi4K 61TU6 -occaslon ' Idt d her �. - so Complete1w ltl(mastq
then' on' so Ih " 6ver Or disorders 70t the 1
�J and ifttivifa
BEAL103) TENIOB31S jlA,-;ovM PA., Feb. 16, 1869. ties a1b.frequcnt`0idk1vlJe�at th =-ofJtAb1(teOuSfd==t' t
oonive b6i on . i!M to It. o
into onavf e Ti in s t ob s tin ate 4D f them, _-11i
oiserieffingfifthe teettir iluting sleap, harduesS, he latterv.= Ithog
the CO-Mity S.1r, Hessm S. %V. rdW18 & Bon, Boston -
ML be received by fr4qfleja $to cies mA7'.'bW=§1 ;dted tatjh6��
orth-t be Y, wall qls, and e1117- deP . tVc �04 -inrels& �66ald f�icll them :flider the V
ERS -Efaving realized, in my family imporw �,Aljltiy W�` or it dwjk�
W eyor on the part of the Moinicipal DRAa 8 : met ineii convulsive 1ti; paca 3 -rorm4- *,the IiV4 go rai, tbeek,subdoli
efits from the use. ofyour Witalble pre -in tho lieDA All#." beart,orAm ers- a#4
v I 19P a C> N� ?A T11 PJJJO its piese Wi0rug5oht61Ythesk[n irtbul'aldet Sijeg --t sleep, fAilliffig-fi, treffibliho
Council for the County of Huron, oTRA, unqu ID
[y neXt -Wistars's Balsam of Vild Cherry-li affords me & CO. oUntil tantlien. paration. T C, DETLOPV dougfisq itildefestwa slow Spirits, 141 it -AtIonfLOU169iii
the 9th of Jul #I�AV� whoui
evening, pleasure to recommend it tor the publip, Some eight oM&NUFACT
i A*b-oitlt o- i6W6 1 wfittlf�'f �&ma;0 -4 1 SeA 60 -aurred by I
Friday and a gra4tial wtil awn oldtith slon"d abOof ni-
ilarhll tkopughly -willoppl� %1ieaV' "" ifld Imatedlate-rolit . andi-lit 1m'0,=a;d*oquent doses.
FOR PUYTING A years ago. one of my daugbt�irs eemed to be in a de- -theyare pat,..tta'btdundseri-admi�i,,ttertctto-lbe, 1 alfficted with the following com-4 XrP*hf4v. Is Oran twea by taldriff the
f �10"Y*
to,; gener
recovery wereantertalned. child--:4rive outtlie.worms j9d gen6rall . y WO Its Writicis imowil titit we In
Newitcofon Goarich CourtHouse, "Ineaud"tt" hopes �Ofher r4 Ple ugeOf this Hirss-:2M 01.1411pro ,
X5 . - zmom� �din and completely �leanse. , , -11� 12
I then procured a bottle ofy- excel!fmt;Balsam� 044, 33086 4w XOMO-pd"J, 12dtpubUgh-Wetergpeatesofthetib 'th the neae.0tv,aftlifit ister';
y doing away wi kvU IreaO, Ai"g-wor"# an assum the I)ubliG That before she had USen the whole or it there WW44 a, Xreat g (I astor Oi i or iAhe nu it pleasa nt ea thitirri rap On& or man YIOUlt
As per Speeffications. ars, and other e ti taluc&
improvementli�,her he�ltb. I have, n in* individual es. halbW. 1,_
visible'l dru
-�micede-d1wiffil- As ant Each boXotbritains Ilib - -;, _M:. A 2 6TANDING 1N TUNEs
Ithe use of �1116,Vorrp 15ledicon �6, k?v
is Of A fulo;
Ist. Remove the laths, slatej3, &c., on the case, made Dz-,v use ofyour valuable melifellue.imill moire , �w
have always been befietitted bi it TwOrM newMraii
re of No C15- present roof, amd carefully deposit them however, in RTHII 61- IIVI�W �r , . -"..; , AYWS
'rlo; 1. - : 6=12betions of the MUM
in the yard or square. caution, the phlille against I Le solapropriel(i juld tittvarious
ffi�ositionbacausathere lifia, i who sre�t te Vt ilk-]Ctie
rin tae als, *lid Che 0 dealers in _0s, 1_4randuervoutays Inner— revors,
gooddealofspu UsWis -sB. aliff Of -Y lap rters ind N or -r6wreaaftdXe9"#r1c4 in -a' me , -
i 2nd and h dy Parkes hiihilpf 6 . m- I ut: 7ever,
00jer the rafters WitIl Well seasoned ake no otheN Sold fit Goue!Fic tfqwie f, , -C.�M iw_
as 'thought it long or, or. 33illous IFOVers Cattle and F. 36rdon ; 0ariliner & Co. Buy 14
subduing eseo wbich �srlsa
rd bilitinata makillei ellie -Will caire d"d- SU
None genuine unfan sip I&COB ECH]EXR. field-, Jame Btifilln ut-104i; toptinnea use f two, im wism-MAUC L
rough inch boards of pine, 10 inches afl03tfJ---hOut the country, wiFe laid dose on the joint, and Well -ad 11 L Uuirrs!' on the tin, Rodger%rille4
wrapper- Exeter; J. 11,0.ombe, Ch 1ho complaint., -, X--UeWTJsiV0 or wh"futerlAo.
atoll nailed to the rafters with 3 inch nails. Prepared liy W. . 17OVLE, is Tremont St., aaa . Vlt 31edieme V7mraflon_SjjW4 Zetnale 2*cd#e#, AMICOal, FAM V01t SA.041
MIM. - khow; E.Hickson, 8�iifblfhl iralk
good stout�alates. i*6d An4 lAtIONA i ture& b
3rcL Cover the roof with *43 its'
and for sale by Druggists gegeraby, ain=okil,AG011 6V As ks tiarnoi IWIeN It does C Goderich, May -2,5 16x8 inches, securely &ed with galen- arld'Ibvig6kitifig eff6cL intite
h case
i 'Ablaoin1d, qbP- Wnimeralorpolsonoubisubstancti
. ..... fo'r�e are foundtin out Zinc
ized iron nos, two in eaeh slate, the top Plied wbateter, Wla,nowlse any ratlept. ile .3f noo
5f VilkiXcift clu
ratedSlitVz- causqM by sccumdlaflons:-�A fistlatters numb-Ovividimpommoo-o fts-6urealfitheA is at - wgil kaw 0fruthya
of the upper over 490 itera dwo ere Thule iw a A. the nail holes in the Graec�s Celeb asin the 'biW,.peV1duic A! nvad account, UW4:0nse 4" 3180T .4'Idets-aml
a medicine. iRbt:4 EDEM. Ti.cw jq n mver
er slate to be three inches. From Mr. itnues- Carlin, of Amolsbarryi3l:
low thoackn4loo -eutswV
be properly o I w- afflicted with a severe felon on one Of my lid, Thisiter
Every part of the slating,to and tr;e4 malli remedies without, relief. Xy DRY GOOD nown I oar.p _'is offilled. by
ly -TAgAicine,,,welfand favoriiblyk In tbil ' jj�-_ TWIcal curgs effectod in vbstinatai bonded and the eaves laid double ; cut =iuduce mWfo, apply your salve. Ili-twodalsit as they , , often, dolv -from Ilia ranIft �receivaqt ,,,f
th, I r, Other remedies bad wholly failed. the Slates to the eaves and heading extracted We inflarom tiou &am My finger soas tO ell- 'blood. � This 0AJtSAPA2UZyu Past rtillifig. in a single the systlem. where,
1he mtrongth -and -TI of Ijn" oats and 0�rter flun
In" either rgliXellt int, ot
ablenietifres1raernyworl- - I cull alm-St say that t4oiO Aqn timell storer fOX bd3
courses. -a -worked like magic, for it effeetedlculre� with- ln#apse�tl
- . ' � I � ; Those who.are, Xaggal-Al INS. D"Pm- troveli mll�l theL Saiv -sea of -we dent 8eq. d Iron Gu u siffitle case a, troublidwith lVervous Atp- toocted rukftft,AG frow Mtgtcbesttr, wit re=t.
provide and fix glalvenize leaving a scar�. I unhesitatingig prolleall - 'an of 06 iffectl0all Fbr-� Y iji�, tm*v -NOTICF-.
ttOrS ant eqr4sp Air rising dity XiOrnitapart eash bal
to the valleys, No. 20, twenty inches GpAcie. S&LVE an excePentiemedy and do not doilbtif gailthr, wSym tom. sp.
sits , :sre atic, of W Wftd ImatedlaNt ofthe law. u is A expAent romedyt lyto
fl. I - retnoletim g, ! , .-- - �idkfio
will baeipprediateiltbroaghout the land." Ito ()&, tl*�-ed-�-! -,l I I 1"torshve West st,
and,coMV13 lqg,evidetlea' -p, p the -Godgrle.b
UiAL ST. I OCKtj6L.E ten calls balve
wide also cover prol , the-7ridges with oNLy2-5QnNT8 A BOX. r=d Iler
SET]E[ W. FOWLE & SON, Boston, Proprietors. ighted with itifop3r -'itleal- fif', say. take uOtlee'that Ufnt reinedy, product r& SaItcouly the,
an exCe VeniZed irn. -oninadebythedlr#-,Ltors;tntlkt)ltap.
to be, well bedded Voar=op 4yinAw, General Agents.' obtbermedicinestio][11198d- th itme, 1664
�(khest I PRiK-P4R1r : 11 1
The whole of the.slates Newcastle,. Out. lagrUble, quirfilis W %bovecomrAnY- lla�ajile " %6iHowsJ10)-teft per Cent (;Oder�cbv"
ared fl- 'a Co., Prac"-
in hamincirtar _-ists. Val.' xtl. 0 47 39Ca.AZI F ST and sold payabli
hill 10 Alays from Thistday. viz.* onmay 20, 2869
freeholders will be requirec Sold 1,y all D= slid e - ts, Lad (1O)tk!u pc�cbtrtrlayable �jn or 7beforc 0o 2nd olr� �LUTIO STATE
Solv�UtL lag h4awt�i�rits.elforeptitoti!on,asa blood p4h;:, a ; - : -
Two urpa-ml INT Ji el, alterative stomach lon'lei un$ I ety for the fulfilinent of the contract rRZrJX, $1.00 rXX aor2zri, Rycfrderfthe�Bbard-
alpreparations. J4; lajl� I . - - 106,9, ; 1.
am lustos"fatedie -seldom ly A�= ZWGGIM LFVM W
-undersigned hss bc �Irplllal fo
0 o, eureDysp-psin, Liver, COMPIA i.4 Ind StatA ry Aiia -W
The subcriber don't bind hims* to ac: OPENED TO -D 4. - . , , T mttl V
cept the lowest tender. iCk Headaehe,i� fas or �UV3
tion, Hewrtlilln" V to ViCl like luate,
P1 I iflats-, koid Stomach-phtfilsicor, a. AU, BAY
County �urveyor. 'For DDobg it is M(rhly Rf COMVDdea
60 NEW ourin, I by bott Suildcra Sad AW1144WN (Or itA figi-lthbW And
ilumbIlityo it Illing
June 28th, 1869. w22 TXRW8 P i orolds� AQorb thWat, Th e 9 aqb etiAt;; itinvifand iA m4ytf
el a,too LU4 Univt"9'FAki:- ikema, is -fitt pa part -61 inOF
at aj�antd tO A and towilquer6ofea witit up ?`;"ficstte,
bas giveif
P0RTVNT BINKRUPT SILKS titO hody 404 frol'a Wi
-a irkla y ..4WVei
roid Aure of
rds 8ul)er*-1*. �1, ea rff, for 11taimtAiat"Wta LL C OOK,
WALL PAPER --ber pre Goderkii,
all 6f'Ibbokind. 4 ArcMte ,
lag a of eir'loo I ilt Is all- - -�TORE. SSRs- STUWART YOUNG, Grocers, having CO, PRISIN11 buy tb d in the orket
a, oi 'Of lain.
_,f,;ned to Mes-,Is_ WuL Runigay & Co-, _of Tor the �fiest tertattv ;C ch -Ptafl af f0m �jojibE7
thdr at NEVER FAIZX.
onto forthe ben--Gt of their Creditors. the balance Of �a morbusi,
Th b 1 - -P yd -
Oak consistilkV Of IN low CAS - - I (I. 6&A *
Call t erefl O I I 11b, Itead.
Graceries,Glassware,i;ordwood-,',;h!A( les largelyatia- `� Eli r
jiA 11 ttool�,.' Brigpl All#vantor apilliod -10 1 4G)WRGZ lare-det0i bay cheap. T OF, williwtuilly
MAN AT'� 111
&a_ will be sold at priate sale at and under cost 1. to a of4pold
lid "10. -
The books aV. it,- the hands of Mr. James IRka, bneo,
J. Y. S. XIRK, tq.16w*. Goic. latuarswallows frelicir-D)-
ypfic.- eartburn,B l)et1Qr A 1ZQav C16 funIV149 Ifafteris
F 3TOR 11
of nedu Ot thest-mcil
alacounts due the fim A-1 ,
Toviracierkwho is anthari-d to collect all jjj�eral A indebted to the late Situ 4)f GWM,*
Inall-tht m HAT,.L-' PAPM5 -bd trifts 6 Golot US% order W anvecostli W'belpade t-:) the untler-
for the ass AT� H 1XION aigfA4 Jo
P.� Jordan G11T mnil quafility 9f the AllepAsitur
1 F4 C lk
DI er;. A $1 IiErplft
cluderiell, Join& 26, W fll]�VG ROOX P Bentham tfiluteA And strull 4elf -of. 1tho said 9 rnL IT"jR,
Low est PoEsib :,,�Qervllie ed up ;hoi uonril, A] SAMUEL H. Ilk
UP Ick 10�1' t V -ella4�3t�n -brilieldilate Reme4r,
ede,_ Ahroni.nealick .116ws
Thi ')te]Y relieve Aut qwelily. ture Goderlelt.
vnU- 2mmo!lft
rX&LOUR P"ZRS$- -ked S, rd 16t JtLSt T
Tic Do. -IDA,5U r1c;kllng,--f4hiT1tr d A Pit, I'luft,
As I Ali
ft][MiAW01Y r4fliclVed With
TENDERS WANTI >in J glok ewijcvtpptio� Vilfe
'A ilie-Allevalflor, A lkw8MICA110 -falriggla Allevan. d
Aoi Cr
Ncursig::,,ibe wom.form
2 &clock IlGon, on BED MOM rAPMS,
-DERS wilibe received until I SJUIS tcer rl
L- deepening qIffiv..'stue; Givaum an
Ist f0i OF P AWNE
rrnN anadil Ir Alilmtwhelt *ore
-Once bF
a ttb day of JulYr ISM Rud, inflauted ig relieved tit 4iu
ade !,.and Wtug �a swill w
X Friday th 4% Goods it or two after.
aicin-pertionsoftheBrif-vil Road, andgive their CUStOall TT -T SrX :RZCM:;t
thsd=:I-nna'ng� - - ROOM
South Street, Elgi. S] ,.t and T.Wto street.. 2.d SITT.ING -PArERS k1mai us. �h aye -or limbs, tutd In A
, �y 'Ed $0 1
for the, gradig;1d forming a FOrdou of the lWaltland dMosia AT
thk �hori, t
heretofore ixisffng b
'Of firamtha North end;;Ytha rallway"enginallousii, imebyapidyheik Br
Road dfortba,gWel-� OFFICE PAPER$ &signe s it the tov, U ry MF1 11 lariforadad. Lit ivto the Junctio of Walnut -Ruther- tecato, the afflicted. -hoplard & Strachah's,
)faportion Of East from tbeCambriaroad Alievautair Telil"Ves Soft
2mg f6rd;bas been AlAsolvi0bi L,�&jE by. Goderiep"Ttlilp. Uh;IW"
-6 streO please, Ir a ucations Of f
to Mitland raadv�these4AMau, of Bruc -t museles.
thollralwi d18ahArge the Splas
leto toAbertstreet.-ith'foraqmutitltdftiiDber -th -Mr, Swellings, 81rull's oloncirs, and A0 ZiMultr 20 Tone IM114t SU A
Autberfod (to, 8#�ff straint. 11 -
crate er3requb!edfiarthi(Ufrercutwork�. Fall itaine immedlstgly� Vq Zl to Allsidu diseases, it*114rdo;
Sep *'alt4uldsts, -c -1 "
Ld at myofLvc3 over hams rislitheArd. -4iii[ectlonti. Applied fred
iwnfor nuadli3rdcallaricanbela Alliolivultrotertualf j1ekluji slid
rner of, Zia Nr-WeaPers evalilbe is
yense) wb
rML Street in& the New SrA Uff RU T H tsallealthytooldition'. -Tile All
J. C. Detlor's stiargV0
mum, Vlarx TH11 WALt
Square, -
Remedy for Chill4hig Frosted Fec!t, V
' Werich. IN Oftivoles' Air Ab-- 911-
A, restarlillic 0 V
i� - Yes ronto --sorcravidt Dated this 201th day New 00- -PaPers
9151 ip
1, Junia 17ill, 18".
he wonderful and Xl1gk&1 �Godw4r
$OAYAD. I., c�',; -
togf�therLWth alargo aSkortui'b�"f' f cc rapidly 411-111*11i'll- ISTOLE19. yer be is4d, rortkoytto
Itel, war.**
It Val
'Ab ve ied ard Isit i#nlW1Wf
ROM, a gro ands'of-LOariff XmPon 4i"ases 41we"M
ofoup�led by, etor ek*11101119011 rF the boxxis; Votilir pro -*t -*APT~
a all twbI
PLinf & FJGURJ�Dj. beat 0awputy"Vem B"W
ked with
-fit slightly
hoo �*hite tail'cut'idiort and - Mir
T beL.sultably rewarded
T, �O oiaol, to he 0 48trietGod . er'.. 4
MW^ - . 14 lirlgr
N 0 gstichrivermation, !rimt2o'bagIfellet
4GL.L .-CA E * . a
tho., A(WK jAbd most reliew en re 0400 -AW. In "IN Not,
istence for the XPe41
U Thrust A
W W 04*611o, un -r. Slort
BE " - - - —W,—
OF Thn
lobal Worlin 'of crilliMM'
i. aDat, Luagicand
JXPI,L be; received by- the 10011111;
V A veyor on t1le parb a the MUU&Lpd 1474t )afflowict ln�
GDUncil foT t:�e Colj�* of Huroj Joit. Of all'. Wool I
n, A'
taraffinho'l ofth11 K11111114* Or Urisary Orgars' a4,
cents, Va IX
Interligil Intiamratioli 'This kl!-X�,T&
jifrady. to a tom, y W&TER WfIE L F BVEX�NG, lodop of oycry
U=M FRMAX 0 Ots., I* - ptiir;
:AAffre W' Dellogh, 1r;
N witich took vee Awt pvi* At UW
p iniffing sci Pf My at,
view -fui imt yw. 'Mk abom it ail"Imlih
T.I.E ccVilarotrr. rciLdill' 09,wvif&f
_Mateedu) ohurh gut graw b~ ta
C6112m,"O n; vli�alit ToUr 109 worw. 4N4 Sulk
vIbang And zgwz;;� pypartima, ItsAnly4nat "p- -tbAFiQnwiU1iWM1s%l404,
tation to the Wallis of
For. VITTI iabl-o is supplieCl wIth antha� Prinis, ptk rianitindmake 4,84 ludispoiffssflil� twisty ninusebt,
deladies I %a** n ebarxiat triol savol as") tb*ftwhob "#*a
�nity is, every bowbo)d-
t td'babbpe in The rVU74 of %be lictincroloadiselifivef; of the Throml, "I ig
GIESTRY -0 best The 0gualialevirtucabrWildXVVr9mom aftartil the, segzon - iaid the bat wi Will '�i all buislikeltift oft UMA two lillisOrl Tiffraw
Cigars. fujjj6ry�.0 r
AT GIDDMC�L brandS Of tid, 20 It, i d wagw *4" Or
our ever "ryir forlaiii-6i and'lindpheir 10flikil aft W
themselves ff ffm 111 *mko, Cidr P ifisi 4;
liesizea h iPlaW allC to
Colitity, CTerk officO, in w y thess dpows is m1*1 Ulf ya"
een St.
herft rec-
Goiderich.. DTIC -2 t 069; the ifif
TU it Isc , oinhined witfi other #0001S 1FIRST PRIZE SEV Mt
n1110 *-a if -ad A" viot lip t -#w
-in beyond
renwaIam t few
ssedicincl, or flis If
oft to
era in the �Xal
RftPois sud be -dawaing V" the,
CoUntr OyQr d.- Will MV Scientific ZleolwL
funee, manyistinguithed PhYPIcists *ad f0t Bak.
for -SAY. qU$Utity Of anOW d, aptiencau. be fWed* few AltertArt
'G0Unty:sUiyeyC1A* 4t e� ledged *at Call0l'
ML06K 15� EUK
186Y. w22 -9t 1;:i'TAZ oi.
'theL Wh" T"61,1 --,V A rt A QV nift T iftriove Uliy11W P& Rewd
clifiton, 26th June, �"rA, W Rome flar
G -UUJSJyM W-uu zagm -.r in OA 1, way.
DETWX f-'alf.
1%, bave
Wit& �ffie54. 0 W-36
who. kiLve 20000- May 10, Iti",
hcen. inflicted witk ill& diffiftsai aistay
settlem, fail gett g .., �z
nt Our
tare, era
samaday. &awe b! vwir ]ON bass"
CL&Xd6d,- and' Cloth
!gas offiliag, ftm 41 Atitabb, Sohn S& Xarth.
4cad—ugoTdar, we-, 'i6loghtiorroliet but liair* duk
manuft JV =' k.
)It.: r Clot% t clay,
AUcTION.S I X- " - - . X ibeiris PRIVkTi 20AIV Df(;.
ALE thtleitaolcka - �7. 1% 1
.1itirriliflied Yn The Attu
Wh4k -Itbo L 1111111leMbI4 _14"s it tb* pf
8� --- - lKing am I
Sjkt�`a7.F&U Show ftett, Vlarm�ela and Bro0dBW*Ol pody.-Wiswoold vay to
i - - OrAm
garonAgricultm �6- Tu�ektrsmlth 4017- rucalarattention 4jeaniftmediryingil
=q,tion with tl la, Qc widdK: we, woU14 A" c!cit"Pa Stock Of those wifoOlifier.goolld, tet4willegrile Remedy, fts he ise"Wood" at 141W. X P)Ntwra"I"
111 001, twoutstock.of4loths. 91,1111finkstif; %14 it, VS*, The 144 W imm"disile- W"tatrast, ;,"kt.
T"forViorsuet" EROC and
cultu, a, Sodiety.,will -beheld ln-thd`�Village 4% a tketrialwor
)lain and W-14 w AU P ADM.
Flannels'all wool, 1
v;__1 -beii: 0. do n, slid A eure $9an epeted. F— $I- 604"ick. A" sla 1".
c fUnme" q�nlo, w4s
the Isict day of �kptelabe
it, , The ftffd�u HOUSE T
thefforstdavef4ktober llei�tho firstdAy, -A61bJ6 TEM0 To"
(I irriday ed d 00v� jb)emn , , i� , , , '. . � � '
- . — 1.
d1pal-W,fatto be itirsiged and judip In -�e
th thepr=iia- CA] t W"]%D,
Hand bills AtEtititfOr Motislas Mauk iia 7 - - . . -1-
ro ero. hud ofJulysJouse"nallifiVOrs
t j,
' '' ; relief
I awcom e stibodd l6rencedyevvircliN6
BeSPOVAteb Wil 2L society,. of -W1
r tit du off this year.1a �611w- Th iaow an N'
As'Ourigisaitwotildlirl erld
k-]!(oouoa,-AgdcultW May IS I rapid ruri of Zeno, Bdabus� wrowing 'Nsur,
wi* tbeftut
�gkuo I*.ftWM sirld Frost
THR 0 swk . *&cuts, fical"
j;_c L
Vit, CliaMed
e B"g"rum
Saby 'L� � - , . ' ", ' , . I V-3644,
%eJuivill, will ocmtri�, AS rect 1'(04 la weirticifoas from tio t5tock
�Onx travelling
ble an elected Kay 5, Un.
; ]a Auction on th, V=Is&,VktMU now d
t,to,ar&giving prim& forjofai T" JAIT soft* Itip"sa. nbigwpnlw� Viegra
but j—Or Of w, sure NMPW,
, n at this W- 11111 -' to A La
Mr. James Jobmto:;,, ehnudr
,ld 12 Seafort14 0 ':P. T., , ;I Snonal Wkiiio�jjwe GOVER109 XILL'S
belb to sak LVV. - -:-1, S�-
05 1=4=:; - `Wj-
tu Bob "-, OXOrs to mofiey AM(! their -M to The 6tt %I of 191y, V, Flies, q
ribe Will V�Ieas# send U I .. - pa""a fA OffW ro gim.
00 that it May ap" ell of. 0% Ac" WM& *6y avi SOOM",
'y VIZ "U'll in up
tMl 500a na?,Ill Mvis, set'.. sect ina The andonbeed
fuiolsfr*� as'
I O'clock ii. Va. WA fam iritoying
PW Coeim"OnCh* *t I
,I *111s a Oft )6 now ps of 0!0 a V 14
Ist p1m. at 1,Neltiramlidi,
w"% trietil"tharvahk, anollhe tni*Afn wow onsia "W sis ViOs"
ba utc 11
bedat"dill and, $epmto *te
30 := Iwo& O'c "Siffisaw tw*$ 'w w -col
im serfirauf4booffiln �46& -11DEr "A%`W
jow %th, 1"% the , darrillentlidDed PrVftil- via 6 A 0TI BAT Itr iur
good working bealibyo6a oft ingrod1*11111111 V Kinal 61 for,000 3`11ar,
f -=.Zll ritlowt,"d 09W All
wims kinilds; t stitteW "I tt.txl a"F114 Fair *16ftlsfrit a" *0
OrRATED, A r L"a pa Kw,, VX. P11.91R.
1 work *UA4, bill'& iNk lant -coeuve had 6L*Akv- It 0 -el
Tile: )p ffi� Mourn
I ppriot bak so" 41M Ow CM
IRK Agirkulturd '45 .041 Oiglapents sa Am isiarkol
inatbill tbP Whi 0 per W
V %.50 roymillift
UV das, mr-oftw 84ftnu A Xeg, $3, elns, jklre W,1
- 1. 4 inside jW. 1(Ab -- ptliee GL� -&if
iftaft; 6 to bxpw�fc Own use
ferpw Lot $7, V., StOWK
re, of tu WN .0,. 1 ouSortapb�Lirt1it un mu d f W- W t a IA *e b" %(wV&" lailacloty in IU world
ropidn of 1, psiat oil VPrA4108 ...... 111111insed
tat* the 1 0 �� JlajorW,J I patty per JUIV.
bonawy oarbelif, ofitibe W* MAY 106tr 9 Uada X#oAtionorl Monipg. Vj�e� lbey UV6 and, puVidallit i".10
'Barn Rim- hn* nw4wolfanv, Off
tbliabove Sleeping. ltVXlVt ere
bas, & star clso kin fireb 11vook b— I fusd -bo Df�pfir HhW, sftd 161� sib it isap
byT. It. (h on pro rJW 50-Ttho *0W
to beefifftf tested, sad halls, DOWW
The hava.
*&A bin SMAY- I naware" to JL
- no, e Urp bolumill, I wr cow I am &air. 1"716th .1800. The 9 th= 00Mb ....... .......
J=deak. I ntw0m*M IssictirOid- aps, to bq Vis T%T th 0= AFAT.r oi 410 X& 36, in aw list r
*"Jr is "kaylvia =- 't & ftirsma. Clinsp
#do utaliol Vy ve come 'I* UTX 1. t
tabie, liming assewas famfly 2 thebe48W91k""oi'- =M;r DL
*21W g*aOS*,1blwk tUftt Lwb.Ww pot isum
"tot" Vamatil"101") asd c4sr Goods t"
7h - spaawf,,
'Godefiehl Ont)Wk� J Invariably carliod offthe %owk"Xim WOt", ""M
ACT C�y 2 t Ma-lu last, riari wha pro 3�4 HAY I Ey compial-VION. rob. 25, nw.
tabse aft tit iaps
0WLVXXT I owdw bM& U10: I - I I , - its W1114,
SUNNI -AtIty of XIOTS loi bbf`ttbhA8f:b&0A3
tb, provincO, is bWar eviolL ITT. -
,AM" OW of zwor& on 4ashloslik Ud 44isioniaw ft: sinit bi IMP
A" a ot"n-W 0 . - L W .... . I. I 7favic4im
Inc A am* ba * X1*dSqWr61
Is, Jk OSSWr, r Aftsir 1.116 Of
tit d I ftot a
4militas Of*& hivielvdist Onts6a a" of;M and 94" MOO" balsom Ot tbd 11.1 X 151", 4- the WXVA let Of
tefills f I...= fie *of IN !@"IN 010%or lrw
066* of w. Tir"Irsa sub Vauft AO� 4kbt laftniry
lissloadis All jWm" INER CO. AVV N(vMV AV
miHos. 9 'i.1 . CX A, TM *TW 090W T
AZU twO H;
T."In 4"" UMAILL
an ond d W14 V vrowaship of *Aroaysj�, June 19,1ftbw
and din =' 0""Uh, itpra 1" Iwo.
X4 I%SM 011c SAIX CASH. TOWH SHAWAN a*&rWk'.1V" :U* 1W.
Silo value tbo 9W
Z1, it No. %alli, bon" ONVOIlL
V107 rwt*6 OWN stu� It
i OW vu -ti
r boo I*= vit C066%rat av,
b4w Jog.% HALVAN. "Ito Iftd. law